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Exemplos de Travel Guides

Po de Acar, Rio de Janeiro

Useful Information

Address: Av. Pasteur, 520, Urca, Rio de Janeiro

Phone: (21) 2546-8400


Prices: Adults 53 reais ; below 6 years old free; 6 to 21 years old 26 reais

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, 8 am - 7:50 pm

Po de Acar (Sugar Loaf), the rocky peak that was named after the shape of its outline,offers an uninterrupted view over
Rio since its inauguration, in 1912. From a height of 395 meters, you can admire Guanabara Bay and the coastline, with
Copacabana to the south and Corcovado to the west. When the sun goes down, the panorama is magic. You can reach the summit
by cable car (with a change at Morro da Urca).
Estrutura do Guide:
Capa (contendo o ttulo do trabalho, a cidade e o nome da dupla)
Segunda folha contendo as imagens e os textos (Travel Guide)
Deve conter no seu Travel Guide (Informaes necessrias):
Imagens e texto sobre o local escolhido (breve histrico, o porqu de visitar o local, curiosidades etc)
Endereo (Address);
Telefone (Phone Number);
Site (Website) se tiver;
Preos (Prices);
Horrio de Funcionamento (Opening Hours);
Recomendaes (uso de should e shouldnt) ;
Mapas (Map)

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