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Schema di lavoro dellanno scolastico 2015-2016

Signor Michael Santoro Livingston High School
Testo principale:
Cozzarelli, Julia. Sentieri: Attraverso L'italia Contemporanea. 1st ed. Boston: Vista
Higher Learning, 2011. Print.
Naturally, other resources will be included as fit.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Benvenuti in Italiano 2 CP! This outline will serve as our guide for Italian 2 CP and is
rooted in the Italian 2 CP curriculum of the Livingston Public Schools. As the school year
progresses and I learn more about your interests, strengths and weaknesses, and
learning styles, this syllabus may change in content and pace.
This goal of this course is to communicate effectively at the Novice-High level. The
continuum below was adapted from the national standards by the Jefferson County Public
Schools in rubric form:

You will be working to become proficient in the novice-high level this year. What are
some key differences you notice between novice-mid and novice high?

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Function & Structure:



Please keep these important factors in mind as you progress in the Italian language:

Il primo trimestre (da settembre a novembre): Buon appetito! (Enjoy your meal!)

5A: La spesa (Grocery Shopping)

Scopi comunicativi: to talk about food and discuss grocery shopping
Punto culturale: Mercato o supermercato? (Market or supermarket?)
Punti grammaticali:
il passato prossimo con essere (the past tense with essere)
i pronomi diretti (direct object pronouns)
la struttura partitiva e le altre espressioni di quantit (partitive structure and
other expressions of quantity)

5B: A tavola (Dining)

Scopi comunicativi: to talk about meals and place settings and describe flavors
Punto culturale: I pasti in famiglia (family meals)

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Punti grammaticali:
i pronomi indiretti (indirect object pronouns)
avverbi (adverbs)
Il secondo trimestre (da novembre a gennaio): La salute e il benessere (Health
and Well-being)
6A: La routine del mattino (The Morning & Daily Routine)
Scopi comunicativi: to talk about morning routines and discuss personal hygiene
Punto culturale: Farsi belli la mattina (Getting ready in the morning / for the
Punti grammaticali:
i verbi riflessivi (reflexive verbs)
i verbi reciproci (reciprocal verbs)
Ci e ne (the adverb ci and the pronoun ne)
6B: Dal dottore (At the doctors office, health, and well-being)
Scopi comunicativi: to talk about health, remedies, and well-being
Punto culturale: Il sistema sanitario italiano (the Italian healthcare
Punti grammaticali:
limperfetto (the imperfect past tense)
limperfetto o il passato prossimo? (the imperfect or past tense?)
*il trapassato prossimo (the perfect past tense / the pluperfect)
*only if time permits since imperfetto vs. passato prossimo is dense

Il terzo trimestre (da gennaio ad aprile): Casa dolce casa (Home Sweet Home)
7A: A casa (At Home)
Scopi comunicativi: to describe your home and talk about future actions and
Punto culturale: le case italiane (Italian homes)

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Punti grammaticali:
il futuro (the future tense)
i pronomi doppi (double object pronouns)
7B: Le faccende (Household Chores)
Scopi comunicativi: to talk about household chores and appliances
Punto culturale: luso degli elettrodomestici in Italia (the use of appliances of Italy)
Punti grammaticali:
gli imperativi (imperatives / commands)
le espressioni del tempo (time expressions)

Il quarto trimestre (da aprile a giugno): S, viaggiare! (Yes to traveling!)

8A: Il trasporto (Transportation)
Scopi comunicativi: to talk about cars, driving, and public transportation
Punto culturale: i mezzi di trasporto in Italia (means of transportation in Italy)
Punti grammaticali:
i comparativi di uguaglianza (comparatives of equality)
i comparativi di ineguaglizanza (comparatives of inequality)
i superlativi (superlatives)
8B: In vacanza (Travel, Vacations, and Tourism)
Scopi comunicativi: to talk about travel, vacations, and tourism
Punto culturale: viaggiare in Italia (traveling in Italy)
Punti grammaticali:
il condizionale presente (the present conditional tense)
il condizionale passato (the past conditional tense)
i verbi modali nel condizionale (modal verbs in the conditional tense)

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