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Lecia a opta Lesson Eight



1. Construcia to be going to urmat de infinitivul verbului care este

conjugat arat:
a. intenia de a svri n viitor aciunea respectiv
They are going to have a party. Ei intenioneaz s organizeze o petrecere.
Im going to eat an apple. Intenionez s mnnc un mr.
We are going to buy a new car. Intenionm s cumprm o main nou.
Andy is going to live in Paris a whole year. Andy intenioneaz s locuiasc
la Paris un an ntreg.
b. viitorul aciunii exprimate n prezent
She is going to have a baby. O s aib un copil.
Its going to rain. O s plou.
He is going to change his job. O s-i schimbe slujba.
Sarah is going to study Chinese. Sarah o s nvee chineza.
2. The Preposition


V aducei aminte cu siguran c prepoziiile sunt acele cuvinte care leag

diferite pri de vorbire ntre ele. n limba englez, prepoziiile cel mai des
folosite sunt: at = la, in = n, on = pe, for = pentru, from = din, de la, to = la,
ctre, above = deasupra, under = sub, near = lng, by = lng.
I go to school. Merg la(ctre) coal.
He comes home from his office. El se ntoarce acas de la birou.
This is for you. Asta este pentru tine.
We go on a trip to the Moon. Mergem ntr-o excursie pe(ctre) Lun.
The picture is above the desk. Tabloul este deasupra pupitrului.
The carpet is under the bed. Covorul este sub pat.
The cat sleeps near the window. Pisica doarme lng fereastr.
We sit by the fire. Stm lng foc.
They are at school. Ei sunt la coal.
She is at home. Ea este acas.
The book is in the bag. Cartea este n geant.

General concepts

Noiuni generale

The Time


a minute
an hour
a quarter of an hour
half an hour
What time is it?
Its three oclock sharp.
Its five (minutes) past two.
Its a quarter past four.
Its half past nine.
Its ten to six.
Its a quarter to seven.
Its midday.
Its midnight.
What time is the party?
From eight to eleven p.m.

un minut
o or
un sfert de or
o jumtate de or
Ct este ceasul?
Este ora trei fix.
Este dou i cinci minute.
Este patru i un sfert.
Este nou i jumtate.
Este ase fr zece.
Este apte fr un sfert.
Este miezul zilei.
Este miezul nopii.
La ce or este petrecerea?
De la opt la unsprezece seara.

Direction and position

Direcia i poziia

near to
on top of
far away from
straight ahead
in the centre
in front of
next to
at the bottom
at the top
in the neighbourhood
at the beginning
at the end
on the other side
to the right
to the left

aproape de
est/estic, de est
vest/vestic, de vest
nord/nordic, de nord
sud/sudic, de sud
departe de
drept nainte
n centru
n faa
n spatele
n imediata apropiere, alturi
n partea inferioar
n partea superioar
n vecintate
la nceput
la sfrit
pe cealalt parte
spre dreapta
spre stnga

Summer is going to come soon. It is coming next month. Its time for us to
make plans for the holidays.
Vara o s vin curnd. O s vin luna viitoare. Este timpul s ne facem
planuri de vacan.

Looking for Summer Visnd la var

Jim Patrick: Hi, Minnie. I hear youre going to spend your summer holidays
in Romania. (Bun, Minnie. Aflu c o s-i petreci vacana de var n
Minnie Jones: Yes, I am. Im going there in August because I want to see
my sister and her family. (Da, aa e. n august o s plec acolo pentru c
vreau s o vd pe sora mea i familia ei.)
Jim Patrick: That sounds nice. Are you going to stay there long? (Sun
dragu. i o s stai mult acolo?)
Minnie Jones: Yes. I want to travel around while Im there, so Im going to
stay there for a whole month. (Da. Vreau s cltoresc prin mprejurimi ct
timp o s fiu acolo, aa c o s stau o lun ntreag.)
Jim Patrick: Great. What are you going to do there? (Grozav. Ce o s faci
Minnie Jones: Im going to visit Maramure to see again the places of my
childhood. I also want to go to the mountains and also to the sea-side and
visit my friends from Constanta. (O s vizitez Maramureul ca s vd din
nou locurile copilriei mele. Vreau s merg la munte, dar i la mare s-i vd
pe prietenii mei din Constana.)
Jim Patrick: Youre so lucky. Are you going to take a ship and sail on the
Black Sea? (Eti aa norocoas. O s navighezi cu vasul pe Marea
Minnie Jones: I dont know but I really want to do it. (Nu tiu, dar vreau
foarte mult s o fac.)
Jim Patrick: What about Al? Is he going to join you on this trip to your
native country? (Dar Al? O s vin cu tine n cltoria ctre ara ta natal?)
Minnie Jones: Unfortunately, he is going to stay home this time. He has to
work in August. (Din pcate, o s stea acas de data asta. Trebuie s
lucreze n August.)
Jim Patrick: Anyway, I envy you, Minnie and I look forward to our summer
holidays in Romania next year. Im going there with Paula to visit her
family. Please, take photos of the places you visit there. (Oricum, te
invidiez, Minnie i abia atept vacana noastr de var n Romnia, anul
viitor. O s m duc acolo cu Paula n vizit la familia ei. Te rog s faci poze
cu locurile pe care le vizitezi acolo.)
Minnie Jones: Well, Im going to take my video camera because I want to
show everyone what Romania is like when I get back. (Ei bine, o sa-mi iau

camera video pentru c vreau s le art tuturor aa cum este Romnia cnd
m ntorc.)
Jim Patrick: Thats a great idea. Have fun! (Este o idee foarte bun. S te
summer holidays = vacana de var
to stay = a sta
long = mult(timp); lung
to travel = a cltori
around = prin mprejurimi, mprejur
whole = ntreg, ntreag
to visit = a vizita
place = loc
childhood = copilrie
to the mountains = la munte
to the sea-side = la mare
to take = a lua
to sail = a naviga
to join = a se altura
trip = excursie
native = natal,
anyway = oricum
to envy = a invidia
to look forward = a atepta cu nerbdare
to take photos = a face poze
to show = a arta
to get back = a se ntoarce
everyone = toat lumea
sharp = fix
half = jumtate
quarter = sfert

Always remember!

Amintete-i ntotdeauna!

A minute is sixty seconds. Un minut are 60 de secunde.

An hour is sixty minutes and three thousand six hundred seconds. O or
are 60 de minute sau 3.600 de secunde.
A quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes and nine hundred seconds. Un sfert
de or are 15 minute sau 900 de secunde.
Half an hour is thirty minutes and one thousand eight hundred seconds.
O jumtate de or are 30 de minute sau o mie 800 de secunde.

What time is it? Ct este ceasul?

Its three oclock sharp. Este ora trei fix.

Its five minutes past two. Este dou i cinci minute.
Its a quarter past four. Este patru i un sfert.
Its half past nine. Este nou i jumtate.
Its ten to six. Este ase fr zece.
Its a quarter to seven. Este apte fr un sfert.
Its midday. Este miezul zilei.
Its midnight. Este miezul nopii.
What time is the meeting? La ce or este ntlnirea?
At four oclock sharp. La ora patru fix.

Dont forget

Nu uita

I go to school. Merg la coal.

She is at home. Ea este acas.
The book is in the bag. Cartea este n geant.
He comes home from his office. El se ntoarce acas de la birou.
The picture is above the desk. Tabloul este deasupra pupitrului.
The carpet is under the bed. Covorul este sub pat.
The cat sleeps near the window. Pisica doarme lng fereastr.
We sit by the fire. Stm lng foc.
This is for you. Asta este pentru tine.

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