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Menampilkan kalender

Kadangkala ketika kita bekerja, mencari kalender meja ataupun dinding sangat susah, mungkin anda
belum punya atau memang belum tersedia, dengan program Autolisp adalah solusinya.
[sourcecode language='cpp']
;modified for international versions of AutoCAD (^v^) CAD Studio sro
(defun CALENDAR (/ mn dy cd cel ar crx cry qu
d c y m ox oy xcl ycl am nd cc loc m0 y0)
; Initial settings and definition of constants.
(setvar CMDECHO 0)
(setvar BLIPMODE 0)
(setvar OSMODE 0)
dy (31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
cd (1 4 4 0 2 5 0 3 6 1 4 6))
(setq cel 1.5 ; Cell size
ar 0.8333 ; Aspect Ratio [to fit into A-size sheet]
crx 0.0 ; lower-left hand Corner Reference
cry 0.0
qu 1) ; QUadrant [0=centered, 1=lower right]
(command _.Style TXA romant 0.75 ) ; for characters
(command _.Style TXB romans 0.75 ) ; for numbers
(setq d (rtos (getvar CDATE) 2 0) ; get system date,
c (atoi (substr d 1 2)) ; century,
y (atoi (substr d 3 2)) ; year and
m (atoi (substr d 5 2)) ; month
xcl cel ; Cell size X
ycl (* ar xcl) ; Cell size Y
am (strcat (nth (1- m) mn) (substr d 1 4)) ; set month string,
nd (nth (1- m) dy) ; number of days &
cc (+ (nth (1- m) cd) (- 19 c))) ; month code.
(princ Generating calendar for ) (princ am)
(princ , please wait . .)
; CALDRAW returns the day-of-the-week and location of the last date.
(setq loc (caldraw qu 0 crx cry xcl ycl m y am nd cc))
; To generate mini calendars for the previous and next months.
(if (or (zerop (car loc)) (> (car loc) 2))
(if (< (cadr loc) (+ crx (* xcl 5.0)))
(setq ox (+ crx (* xcl 5.0))
oy (+ cry (* ycl 0.05)))

(setq ox crx
oy (+ cry (* ycl 4.05))))
(if (< (caddr loc) (+ cry ycl))
(setq ox (+ crx (* xcl 5.0))
oy (+ cry (* ycl 0.05)))
(setq ox (+ crx (* xcl (+ (car loc) 1)))
oy (+ cry (* ycl 4.05)))))
(setq xcl (/ xcl 7.0) ; Cell size - X
ycl (* ar xcl)) ; Cell size - Y
; For the previous month:
(if (= m 1) ; wrap around if January
(setq m0 12 y0 (1- y))
(setq m0 (1- m) y0 y))
(setq am (nth (1- m0) mn) ; set month string,
nd (nth (1- m0) dy) ; number of days and
cc (+ (- 19 c) (nth (1- m0) cd))) ; month code.
(if (minusp y0) (setq y0 99 cc (1+ cc))) ; change of century
(CALDRAW 0 1 ox oy xcl ycl m0 y0 am nd cc)
; For the next month:
(setq ox (+ ox (* xcl 7.0)))
(if (= m 12) ; wrap around if December
(setq m0 1 y0 (1+ y))
(setq m0 (1+ m) y0 y))
(setq am (nth (1- m0) mn) ; set month string,
nd (nth (1- m0) dy) ; number of days and
cc (+ (nth (1- m0) cd) (- 19 c))) ; month code.
(if (> y0 99) (setq y0 0 cc (1- cc))) ; change of century
(CALDRAW 0 1 ox oy xcl ycl m0 y0 am nd cc)
(command _.Zoom _E)
(princ . complete.n Save the drawing and use PRPLOT or PLOT.n)
(princ nCALENDAR from As Computing Expertise (609) 772-1309n)
; This function actually generates the calendar.
(defun CALDRAW (qflg dflg xo yo xcl ycl mn yr am nd cc
/ WK dw cfx cfy ta re te x y ht i)
(if (and (= mn 2) (zerop (rem yr 4))) (setq nd 29)) ; leap year corrections
(if (and (zerop (rem yr 4)) (or (= mn 1) (= mn 2)))
(setq cc (1- cc)))
; Compute the day of the week for the 1st; 1=Sun, 0,7=Sat.
(setq dw (rem (+ yr (/ yr 4) 1 cc) 7))
(if (zerop dw) (setq dw 7))

(if (zerop qflg)

(setq cfx 0.0 cfy 0.0 ta _M)
(setq cfx (* 0.45 xcl) cfy (* 0.45 ycl) ta R))
(setq re (+ xo (* 7.0 xcl)) ; define right edge and
te (+ yo (* 5.5 ycl)) ; top edge of frames
x (+ xo (* 3.5 xcl))) ; To write month,
(command _.Text _S TXA) (command) ; reset Text .Style.
(command _.Text _C (list x (* te 1.01)) (* xcl 0.3333) 0 am)
; Draw the calender frames.
(if (zerop dflg)(progn ; only for the main calendar
(setq x xo y yo)
(repeat 8 ; draw verticals
(command _.Line (list x yo) (list x te) )
(setq x (+ x xcl)))
(repeat 6 ; draw horizontals
(command _.Line (list xo y) (list re y) )
(setq y (+ y ycl)))
(command _.Line (list xo te) (list re te) ) ; draw top edge
(setq x (+ xo (* 0.5 xcl)) ; set values for writing
y (- te (* 0.25 ycl)) ; the days of the week
ht (* ycl 0.25)
i 0)
(repeat 7 ; write days
(command _.Text _M (list x y) ht 0 (nth i WK))
(setq x (+ x xcl)
i (1+ i))))); IF ZEROP DFLG
(command _.Text _S TXB) (command) ; set Text .Style and
(setq x (+ xo (* (- dw 1.5) xcl) cfx) ; starting point X
y (- (+ yo (* 4.5 ycl)) cfy) ; starting point Y
ht (* ycl 0.5) ; text height and
i 0) ; date
(repeat nd ; To write the dates
(setq x (+ x xcl)
i (1+ i))
(if (> x re) ; To go to next row
(setq x (+ xo (* 0.5 xcl) cfx)
y (- y ycl)))
(if (< y yo) ; To go to top row
(setq y (- (+ yo (* 4.5 ycl)) cfy)))
(command "_.Text" ta (list x y) ht "0" (itoa i)))
; Return the day-of-the-week and the location of the last date.
(setq dw (rem (+ (1- dw) nd) 7))
(list dw x y))

; Execute the program automatically, upon loading.


Membuat barcode
Barcode sangat berguna untuk mengindentifikasi hasil produk, tetapi tidak sederhana membuat tulisan
barcode, dengan program ini, adalah pemecahannya.
[sourcecode language='cpp']
;AutoCAD bar code utility
;unknown origin, globalization by
(defun makebarsupc (txt)
(setq txt (getcodeupc txt)
cnt 1)
(repeat 7
(setq digit (substr txt cnt 1))
((and (= codetype 1)
(= digit 0)
((and (= codetype 1)
(= digit 1)
((= digit 1) (moveover))
((= digit 0) (putline))
(setq cnt (1+ cnt))
(defun getcodeupc (txt)
((= txt 0) (setq txt 0001101))
((= txt 1) (setq txt 0011001))
((= txt 2) (setq txt 0010011))
((= txt 3) (setq txt 0111101))
((= txt 4) (setq txt 0100011))
((= txt 5) (setq txt 0110001))
((= txt 6) (setq txt 0101111))
((= txt 7) (setq txt 0111011))
((= txt 8) (setq txt 0110111))

((= txt 9) (setq txt 0001011))

(defun moveover ()
(setq sp (polar sp a1 wid))
(defun putline ()
(command _pline sp _w wid wid (polar sp a2 ht) )
(defun getchecknum ()
(if(= num1 num2)(setq checknum 0)(progn
(setq pt1 (+ (atoi (substr num1 2 1))
(atoi (substr num1 4 1))
(atoi (substr num2 1 1))
(atoi (substr num2 3 1))
(atoi (substr num2 5 1))
(setq pt2 (+ (atoi (substr num1 1 1))
(atoi (substr num1 3 1))
(atoi (substr num1 5 1))
(atoi (substr num2 2 1))
(atoi (substr num2 4 1))
(setq pt1 (itoa(+ pt2 (* 3 pt1))))
(setq checknum (itoa(- 10 (atoi(substr pt1 (strlen pt1) 1)))))
(defun c:barcode ()
(setvar blipmode 0)
(setvar cmdecho 0)
(setq syschr 0)
(setq ht1 (* 0.5 (getvar dimscale))
ht2 (* 0.45 (getvar dimscale))
wid (* 0.0125 (getvar dimscale))
ht ht1)
(initget 1)
(setq sp (getpoint nBar Code Start Point: ))
(initget 1)
(setq a1 (getangle sp nAngle for Bar Code: )
a2 (+ a1 (* 0.5 pi)))
(setq num1 100000
num2 100000)

(while (>= num1 100000)

(initget 7)
(setq num1 (getreal nFirst Number(five digits): ))
(while (>= num2 100000)
(initget 7)
(setq num2 (getreal nSecond Number(five digits): ))
(repeat 8
(command _text _j _r (polar (polar sp (+ a2 pi) (* 3 wid)) (+ pi a1)
(* 2 wid)
(* 6 wid) a1 syschr
(setq codetype 1)
(makebarsupc syschr)
(setq txpt1 (polar (polar sp (+ a2 pi) (* 3 wid)) a1 (* 2 wid)))
(setq sp (polar sp a2 (* 4 wid))
ht ht2
num1 (rtos num1 2 0)
numcnt 1)
(while (< (strlen num1) 5)
(setq num1 (strcat "0" num1))
(repeat 5
(makebarsupc (substr num1 numcnt 1))
(setq numcnt (1+ numcnt))
(setq sp (polar sp (+ pi a2) (* 4 wid))
ht ht1)
(setq txpt2 (polar (polar sp (+ a2 pi) (* 3 wid)) (+ pi a1) wid))
(setq txpt3 (polar (polar sp (+ a2 pi) (* 3 wid)) a1 wid))
(setq sp (polar sp a2 (* 4 wid))

ht ht2
codetype 2
num2 (rtos num2 2 0)
numcnt 1)
(while (< (strlen num2) 5)
(setq num2 (strcat "0" num2))
(repeat 5
(makebarsupc (substr num2 numcnt 1))
(setq numcnt (1+ numcnt))
(setq ht ht1
sp (polar sp (+ pi a2) (* 4 wid)))
(setq txpt4 (polar (polar sp (+ a2 pi) (* 3 wid)) (+ pi a1) wid))
(makebarsupc checknum)
(command "_text" "_j" "_f" txpt1 txpt2 (* 6 wid) num1)
(command "_text" "_j" "_f" txpt3 txpt4 (* 6 wid) num2)
(command "_text" (polar (polar sp (+ a2 pi) (* 3 wid)) a1 (* 2 wid)) (* 6 wid) a1

Mendengarkan musik
Ketika anda bekerja di depan monitor selama berjam-jam, ini akan membuat diri anda menjadi bosan dan
jenuh, konsentrasi akan semakin berkurang, hasil pekerjaan menjadi tidak karuan, ketelitian gambar
taruhannya, sebaiknya anda mulai alihkan kejenuhan anda untuk mendengarkan musik, kesayangan
Rubahlah variabel file , dimana kumpulan lagu-lagu kesayangan anda disimpan, selamat mencoba.
[sourcecode language='cpp']
; pwva is stand for Play Winamp Via Autolisp
Design by : Adesu
Homepage :
Create : 07 February 2007
Program no.: 0527/02/2007
Edit by : Adesu 08/02/2007 1).
19/02/2007 2).

(defun c:pwva (/ file file_name fn lst opt opt1 opt2 winamp)

(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/)
(setq opt
(getstring nSelect your music favourite[Dangdut,Instrument,Keroncong,Pop,West]: ))) ;1).
(cond ((or (= opt )(= opt D))
(setq opt2
(getstring nSelect your music Dangdut favourite[Campuran,Ike Nurjanah,Rhoma,Uut permatasari]: ))) ;
((or (= opt2 )(= opt2 C))(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Dangdut/Campuran/))
((= opt2 I)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Dangdut/Ike Nurjanah/))
((= opt2 R)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Dangdut/Rhoma/))
((= opt2 U)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Dangdut/Uut Permatasari/))
; cond
((= opt I)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Instrument/))
((= opt K)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Keroncong/))
((= opt P)
(setq opt1
(getstring nSelect your music Pop favourite[Dlloyd,Panbers]
: )))
((or (= opt1 )(= opt1 P))(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Pop/Panbers/))
((= opt1 D)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/Pop/Dlloyd/))
; cond
((= opt W)(setq file D:/YBI/General/Music/West/Elvis Presley/))
; cond 1).
(setq lst (cddr (vl-directory-files file)))
(foreach x lst
(setq file_name (strcat file x))
(setq fn (append fn (list file_name)))
(setq fn (vl-string-trim () (vl-princ-to-string fn)))
(setq winamp C:/Program Files/Winamp/winamp.exe)
(startapp winamp fn)
; progn
(alert nInvalid,there is not selected file)

; if

Autocad bisa bicara

Bila anda mau menjalankan program ini, terlebih dahulu hubungkan earphone ke tempat colokan atau
jack, atau hidupkan aktif speaker.
[sourcecode language='cpp']
; cas is stand for Create Autocad Speak
Design by : Adesu
Homepage :
Create : 15 February 2007
Program no.: 0534/02/2007
Edit by :
Idea from : Terry Cadd
(defun c:cas (/ def speak sapi)
(setq def Hello Boss,how are you,I am fine and thanks)
(setq speak (getstring t (strcat nType word <" def "> : )))
(= speak )
(setq speak def)
; if
(setq sapi (vlax-create-object Sapi.SpVoice))
(vlax-invoke sapi Speak speak 0)
(vlax-release-object sapi)
; progn
; if
; defun

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