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South Asia Unit Test

Write the letter of the definition next to the appropriate vocabulary word
___1. Dialect

a. enlightenment

___2. Nirvana

b. servants

___3. Purdah

c. duties

___4. Sudra

d. describes the four castes

___5. Dharma

e. seclusion

___6. Varna

f. Indian soldier serving under the British

___7. Sect

g. outcasts

___8. Sepoy

h. every deed in this life effects a persons fate

___9. Untouchable

i. regional language

___10. Karma

j. religious groups.

Multiple Choice
Select the best answer for each multiple choice question.
___1. Which statement is NOT true of the monsoon cycle?
a.The wet monsoon arrives in late May or early June
b. Cool air masses begin to move through the region in October
c. Rain falls for three or four months during the monsoon cycle
d. In March, temperatures can reach 120 F
___2. Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism because he
a. wanted to end misery and suffering
b felt that Hinduism had become corrupt
c. disliked the caste system
d. wanted people to renounce their wealth and live like beggars
___3. How did Buddhism spread so quickly throughout Asia?
a. Asians were eager for a new religion
b. Buddhist missionaries carried the Buddhas teaching to all parts of Asia
c. Wars between Asia and Indian led to the spread of religion
d. Travel between Asia and India was very easy

___4. Which action illustrates the ideas of Mohandas K. Gandhi's policy of civil disobedience?
a. blowing up an airplane to call attention to injustice.
b. voting in a national election.
c. accepting a jail sentence for participating in an illegal peaceful protest.
d. kidnapping a government official and demanding ransom
___5 . Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Mutiny?
a. the British East India Company went bankrupt.
b. the British stopped trying to convert Indians to Christianity.
c. British officials became more sensitive to the needs of Indians.
d. the British government tightened its control over India.
___6. Which of the following conditions hurts South Asias economy?
a. Overdeveloped land
b. Excess food supply
c. Overpopulation
d. Constant political stability
___7. Why is the region of Kashmir a source of conflict among nations of South Asia?
a. It is the only region dominated by Sikhs.
b. It is an extremely poor region that often faces natural disasters.
c. Its people are predominantly Islamic, though controlled by India.
d. Its people are predominantly Hindu, surrounded by an Islamic nation.
___8. Who was able to unite the Indians in their goal to gain independence?
a. Gandhi
b. Ho Chi Minh
c. Siddharta Gautama
d. Buddha
___9. An example of cultural diversity in South Asia is the
a. variety of mineral source
b. wet and dry monsoons
c. four main physical regions
d. variety of religious beliefs
___10. Which of the following is a true statement of the population of South Asia?
a. India has a relatively low population density
b. The population of South Asia has surpassed 1 billion
c. Pakistan has a larger population than India
d. Nepal is sparsely populated with large unsettled areas along its sea coast.

Describe each concept (who, what, where and when) and explain its significance as an issue in
South Asia.
___1. Kashmir

___2.The Caste System


___4. Overpopulation

1. Country controlled by the British until Gandhi helped it get its independence.
Place 8 on the appropriate place on the map.
2. Country that was created for Muslims after the British granted South Asia
Place 9 on the appropriate place on the map.
3. Country that is home to Mt. Everest and Buddhism. _________________________
Place 10 on the appropriate place on the map.

Answer ONE of the following questions. Make sure that you write a clear thesis statement and
at least TWO reasons to back up your claim. EXPLAIN your reasons completely.
1. How did the Amritsar Massacre affect the movement for Indian independence?
2. How did nationalism in India lead to a call for independence?

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