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Nayeli Moran

Are all revolutions the same? No but they're definitely similar. General Sisi and
Napoleon are both leaders of two big revolutions. Thier revolutions are similar in many
ways but in other ways the complete opposite. Napoleon was sent to military school in
france at age nine. Graduated at age 16 and became a lieutenant. He was promoted to
captain, the commander, then general. At age 26 he commanded th entire french army.
After fighting in many paces he came back to france ended the french revolution and
named himself emperor of france. General Sisis graduated from the egyptian military
academy. He became the youngest member of the supreme council of armed forces
and then became the chief of the egyptians armed forces. After an uprising on
Muhammad Morris in 2003 General Sisi ousted president Muhammad Morris. He
installed an interim government and stayed as minister. He resigned from the military
and ran for president. General Sisi became president in june of 2014. El Sisi is in some
ways a bonapartist figure but in some ways is not. General Sisi and Napoleon took over
the same way, Kept fear in their enemies eyes but had different views when it came to
Napoleon and El Sisi took over their countries the same way. When Napoleon
came back to france he was asked by many parties to rule france, but he refused to
only be apart of one.Every fraction came to me, confined their planes to me for support:
I refused to be a man of one fraction. Instead he join together, stopped the revolution,
took over france and made himself dictator. Although napoleon was a dictator he was

loved by his people for saving France. Similar to Napoleon General Sisis saved the
egyptian revolution after the uprising against Muhammad through a military coup.
Egyptian military officers removed the country's first democratically elected president
Mohamed Morsi, on wednesday suspended the constitution and installed an interim
government presided over by senior jurist. The people of egypt loved General Sisi so
he ran and won the presidential election. Both Napoleon and General Sisi went to
military school took they were both very loved by their people but most importantly they
both took over their countries revolutions the same.
Both Napoleon and General Sisi are alike in the way that they controlled their
problems and enemies. Napoleon feared the san culottes because during the revolution
they were very reckless so he made sure to have them under control. In order to keep
them under control he made passbooks for the San culottes In 1803, the workers
passbook, was re- established. The consulate thus revived an old regime technique for
controlling the movement of workers from one job to another. The livret was not merely
a record of the holder and his profession. Napoleon did this so that he had control over
the san culottes and so that they wouldn't have any time to uprise against Napoleon.
Just like Napoleon took care of the san culottes General Sisi took care of the islamist.
General Sisi took care of the The attack of the third mass killing of islamic
demonstrators since the military ousted Mr. Morsi six weeks ago, followed a series of
government threats. This is important because it shows that General Sisi was going to
do whatever he had to do to stay in control. If meant killing people so that they didnt
uprise he was going to do it.
Napoleon made the catholic and roman religion a big part of france because he
thought is was the only religion for true happiness in a society Catholic and roman

religion persuaded that catholicism is the only religion which can procure true happiness
for a well ordered society, and strengthen the basis of a good government, I assure you
that I will apply myself at all times and by every means to its protection and defence.
This is important because it shows that Napoleon really cared about religion and was
going to make it a part of France. In this quote he made it seem like it was the best thing
for france which is how he really felt and what he did. Although Napoleon though it was
good to have religion apart of the country Sisi didnt and he did everything in his power
to get rid of the muslim brotherhood With the arrest of Mr badie, most of the
brotherhood's top leaders are in prison, along with former president Mohamed Morsi.
Many of the second- or third top leaders are dead are missing, Mr Haddad said and
those still at large are living on the run. They change locations every 24 hours, avoid
showing their faces at demonstrations or public places, and stay off cell phones for fear
that they might be tracked. This is important because it shows that General Sisi really
didn't care about religion and didn't want it to have anything to do with france's political
side. And if that meant hunting down everyone against him he was going to do so.
Because of their different strategies when it comes to religion General Sisi is not a
bonapartist leader.

In conclusion General Sisi and Napoleon are very similar. They both went to
military school, quickly got very high positions in the military, took over their country
during a time of chaos, and were very loved by their people. but didnt have the same
views when it came to religion and there for General sisi is not a bonapartist figure.

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