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Ofrecimientos, sugerencias, peticiones) poder

Can I help? Puedo ayudarle?

We can eat in a restaurant, if you want. Podemos comer en un
restaurante si quieres.
Could you help me with this box? Me puede ayudar con esta caja?
(con verbos de percepcin)
You can see it everywhere. Se puede ver por todas partes.
She could hear them clearly. Los oa claramente.
I can smell something burning. Huele a quemado.
She could still taste the garlic. Le quedaba en la boca el
sabor a ajo.
(incredulidad, perplejidad)
I cant believe it. No lo puedo creer.
Whatever can they be doing? Qu estarn haciendo?
Where can she have put it? Dnde lo habr puesto?
permiso poder
Can I open the window? Puedo abrir la ventana?
You cant go swimming today. Hoy no puedes ir a nadar.
Conocimientos, habilidades (saber)
They cant read or write. No saben leer ni escribir.
Can you swim? Sabes nadar?
He couldnt answer the question. No supo contestar a la pregunta.
Posibilidad (can)
We can catch a bus from here. / Podemos coger un autobs aqu.
She can be very forgetful. / A veces es muy olvidadiza.
Could you come? / podrias venir?
Will you be able to come? /podrias venir?
You can do it / tu puedes
I couldnt do it / no pude hacerlo, (can, pasado)
He couldnt do it/ no pudo hacerlo, (can, pasado)
What do you mean? Que quieres decir?
why dont we go? / Porque no vamos?
I believe so. Creo que s.

I was really taken aback. Me sorprendi mucho.

What about his car? Y su coche?
qu te parece si?
How about going swimming? Qu te parece si vamos a nadar?
Deberas aprender a escuchar a los dems. You should learn to
listen to other people.
Quiero aprender a conducir. I want to learn to drive.
to go abroad. ir al extranjero
How absurd! Qu disparate!
You look absurd in that hat. Te ves ridculo con ese sombrero.
How are you? Cmo ests?
How can that be? Como puede ser?
Tell me how to spell it. Dime cmo se escribe.
How old are you? Cuntos aos tienes?
How fast were you going? A qu velocidad ibas?
How cold it is! Qu fro hace!
How youve grown! Cmo has crecido!
How many letters did you write? Cuntas cartas escribiste?
How much is it? Cunto es?
hows that?
y eso?
Hell come, wont he? Vendr, verdad?
I hope it wont rain. Espero que no llueva.
She/he/ Im wont go. No quiere(ro) ir.
I Will you help me? Puedes ayudarme?

Would you like some? Quieres un poco?


Some en oraciones

Ive got some money. Tengo (algo de) dinero.

Have you got any children? Tienes hijos?

Any interrogativas y

I dont want any sweets. No quiero caramelos.

Someday/ algun dia
Someone, anyone, somebody, anybody/ alguien, la diferencia es la
misma que hay entre some y any
Somohow / de alguna manera / Somehow we had got completely
lost. De alguna manera nos habamos perdido completamente.
to have somewhere to go tener algn lugar adonde ir
something else otra cosa
something to eat algo de comer
Did you see anybody else? Viste a alguien ms?
anyone else cualquier otra persona
everyone/everything else todos los/todo lo dems
nobody else nadie ms
Anything else? Algo ms?
somewhere else a/en otra parte
What else? Qu ms?
Stop that, or else! Deja de hacer eso, o vers!
Sometime / En algn momento
Can I see you sometime today? Podemos hablar hoy en algn
sometime or other / un da de estos
Sometimes / a veces

Someway / de alguna manera

Algo, un tanto
I have a somewhat different question. Tengo una pregunta un tanto
Im sorry Im late. Siento llegar tarde.
Im so sorry! Lo siento mucho!
Hes very sorry for what hes done. Est muy arrepentido por lo que
ha hecho.
Youll be sorry! Te arrepentirs!
Im sorry for waking you up last night. Siento haberte despertado
Were sorry about the mess. Perdonad el desorden.
better late than never / ms vale tarde que nunca
Id better be going now. Ser mejor que me vaya ahora.
I like him better than before. Me gusta ms que antes.
To know how to swim / saber nadar
Let me know if Avsame si
Well, you know, its difficult to explain. Bueno, pues, es difcil de
you never know / nunca se sabe
Not that I know of. Que yo sepa, no.
the best dinner Ive ever had la mejor cena que he comido en mi
Which one do you like best? Cul te gusta ms?
Were the best of friends. Somos excelentes amigos.
to want the best for you/he/she / querer lo mejor para alguien
Beyond / mas alla de
Its beyond me. No lo puedo entender.

Do you want to go? Quieres ir?
Would you like something to eat? / Quieres comer algo?
He said he would come at five. Dijo que vendra a las cinco.
Would you like a drink? Quieres tomar algo?
Would you come this way? Quiere venir por aqu?
to say yes / decir que s
that is to say / es decir
Did you tell him? Se lo dijiste?
to tell the truth / decir la verdad
Tell me all about it. Cuntamelo todo.
Promise you wont tell. Promete que no lo contars.
Its hard to tell. Es difcil de saber.
I told you (so) ya te lo dije
you never can tell nunca se sabe

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