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Time : 2 Hours] ICET - 2004 PAP (BASED ON STUDENTS MEMOR [Ma Eras yaaa i Questions : 751 [Marks 75 Note : In questions numbered 11020, a question is fol- Jowed by dasa in the form of two statements la- bellied as 1 and H. You must decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to an- swer ihe question Using the data make an ap- ‘propriate choice from (1) to (4) as per the fol- lowing guidelines 2) Mark choice (1) If the statements ¥ alone is sufficient to answer the question; b) Mark choice (2) ifthe statements Il alone is sufficient to answer the question; €) Mark choice (3) If both the statements I and TL are sufficient to answer the question bu neither statement alone is not sufficg 4) Mark choice (4) If both the statemy II together are not sufficient to a question and additional data is requit For given integers a and b, can w ers x and y such that ax + by = Ti b= 120 ta=28GbS Let a and 5 be positive real 6. What is the value of (a ~ Datb=5 Te is a prime number dividing both and b The L.C.M. of and b is 24 C /hat is the value of a? + b+ e?—3abe % ) Se Danb We=0 1. What is the present age of A ? C) 1) Father of A was born on the 25th anniversary of India's Independence 11) A was bor on the 25th birthday of his father rom For ral numbersaa,is[* oh d e42 1p 48,>0 mata=t OC) 13. What is the set A? o) ) A-B= (1,23) IDB= 4,5} 14. integer a divisible by 367 ) 1) ais a muliple of 18 Ua is a multiple of 12 1S. Let f(x) be a polynomial. Is "r" a root of f(3)? 1) ris root of ffx) «) 1) (x= 0) is a factor of ffx) 16. A bag contains balls of which some are white, some are green, some are red and some art blue, What is the fraction of green balls ? 1) 12 of the balls are red It) 1/4 of the balls are white and 1/5 of the balls are blue 17. WHI, +M=1e, +g, ©) D) n isa positive real number In is an integer greater than 7 n?+3n?42n 18, Is 7 an integer ? o) 1) nisan integer Tn is a positive rational number 19. For real number a, bis a> b? ©) Dae>b m)b>0 20. What is the area of the circular field? (__) 1) The total cost of fencing around the field is Rs.10,000 11) The cost of fencing per meter is Rs.100. PROBLEM SOLVING In a code, each letter in English alphabet is shifted forward to five place cyclically, that is ABE BEG UZ VA, Wo »Z=> E, The reverse of this process fs used for decoding, Based on this coding and decoding processes answer questions 2] t0 30. 21, The code for MATHS is DREYMZ 2)RFYMX 3)RFYMS 4)REXMY, 22. The code for BUSSINESS is IGZXXNTIXX 2GZXX 3)GZXXNSIXX A)GZYY 23. What is the code word for IC WNHKZ 2 S)NHIX 24, What is the code wo! 1) JCFS San i 1) East 2) West 4) North Which word is coded as BANGALORE %(_ ) DWVIBYGIMZ 2)XJIQZIZN IXUQVIYM _4XI1OZE 30. Which word is coded as CONVENER? NXIIQYIZN 2XIFQZ 3)XIIQVIYM _4)XI102 ‘31. What is the least positive int § + n+ 67 isa perfect cube a) 2 2435 32. The mirror reflection of clock sitoyy2:30 hrs. ‘What is the actual time ? cy 1) 09:40 hrs {Rs 3) 10°30 hrs. hrs. 33. Ifthe last day /ednesday, the day on which the ts is Cy) between Fand By D and second to the right of 2) For B aE js 40 meters South-West of B and C is 40 | ters South — East of B. Then C is in which | 3) South 36. Aand Bare children of C.B is the mother of D and E is maternal grandmother of D. What is, the relation of E to C o) 1) Husband 2) Sister 3) Wife 4) Brother 37. ‘The present ages of a father and son aren the ratio §:2. If after ten years the ratio becomes 2:1, the present age of the son, in years, is. 1)28 220 ( aD 40 38. A cam run a kilometer in 3 min. 10 sec and B in 3 min. 20 see, By what distance cai) beat Br ¢ 1) 50 mts, 2).40 mts. 3) 30 mts 4) 10 mis. 39. a* baa" + bab (CII c? 2FVMBDIS Ip 12 219 4)FVMBDG 3)13 ‘Which Word Is coded as NEXT ? CT) | 40 fre RP —3px] + C) DIZsP 2)1Z80 0,2) DAZSN AIZTO 3)(1,2,-2) Note : Inquestions numbered 41 10 55 asequence of numbers or letters that follow a definite pat- tern are given. Each question has a blank space. This has to be filled by the correct answer from ‘the four given options to complete the sequence without breaking the pattern 4M, 2,9, 28pnnny 126 ©) 147 S563) 65 B17, 55,129 pny 433 ©) 1249 2)250___3)252__ 4) 251 B26 12, 20 pron AZ CD 126 2928 3) 304) 32 44.05, 0.55, 0.65,0 og 2082 3) 409s «) 9 oF c) 2,3) 3)G,5)_ 421) 14126 _2)2126 _3)3126 _4) 7126 ' 47. 26, 138, \58,... 86 oo Dia Die DE 4) oe (4, 15), (6, 35), (8, 63), snsers (12, 143) 1) (10, 93) 2) (10, 99) _3) (10, 98) 4) (1 ‘on various items monthly income ACK, GIL, ILO, MOR given to be Rs. 36,000. Basing )BDG _2)CEH _3)DFI ‘on these, answer question Nos. 71 to 75 y+? diagram show monthly expendi- . 2A4, 3ES, 416, 1)5M7_2)5N7 71. The amount spent monthly ou food and oth- c) IRs. 5,300 2) Rs. 10,680 3Rs.t 4) Rs, 10,600 72. The ratio of amounts spent moathly on hous- ing to clothing is q) 120: 18_2)27:23 32:17 4)22:17 65) : Pick the Odd thing out "73. ‘The amount spent kjpRibily on transport is 1) Rs. 3,200 2yRs.3,400 . ( ) 3.13-17.4.7-19 3) Rs, 4,300 4) Rs. 5,200 |. 74, The amount of spent of education in one full yeas q) T)Rs. 56,400 2) Rs. 54,600 3) Rs. 48,000 4) Rs. 56,800 75, The amount spent monthly on clothing and | 88 The arithmetic mean of 20 observation housing is c) "a by By an error, one observation is regist 1) Rs. 11,500 2) Rs.14,100 15 instead of 15. The corrected a1 3) Rs.11.400 4) Rs.12,400 mean is. Ee) Hos 218s 4 Pe tear Cite 89. The median of the cores 47,5 Questions : 75] [Marks : 75 N61s 261 36 76. sin'O + cos +3 ‘@cos')—1~... ( ) | “90. ‘The mode ofthe scores2,3,3, 35 Hi 2-1 30 42 D728 £3)6.2 3_C) 2 91. The range of the ol is 20. 18, 37, 42. 77. If 90* <0 < 180° and tand=" then cos 0 = 3,12, 15, 26, is 163242 Sy 5S 5 Da IDO Aa 78. ITA + B= 45" then (I~ tan A) > tan By y2 1 30 42 79, From the point, midway between two towers, the angles of elevation of their tops are found. to be 60" and 43°. The ratio of the heights of the towers is ? ©) D2 Dive Div3 4 OF 80. The number of three digit natural number which leave remainder 46 when di is? 1) 20 21g DIT yt 81, Ifa, bye are real and 243 is a rog equation ax? + bx +e 0, then the of the equation is 1 7°: The probability that A solves a problem is 5 1 and that of Bis —. Then the probability that 8213434 x 3 the fx 10-1 2D Leay Neon If ged (@, b)=1 nat the problem is not solved by themis ( ) 3 r 5 2 yd i + D3 DF 5 OF 96. If two six faced unbaised dice are thrown si- multaneously, then the probability of getting, thesum 9 on their upper faces is oD 5 1 1 1 D5g 2G 7 OF on, ttx=antnen {rft-aay YPC) 11.0 2/09 30.99 4)0. 98. Three numbers in the ratio 2:3: 4 sum 270, Their LCM. #8 sows «y O14) 100 quare field is 7200 sq.m., then fs diagonal (in meters) is...( 3130 4) 140 1 120_2)360_3)240__4)270 a7. Kinetic mean of the first N natural | 99- The average age of three girls is 20 years and | c) their ages are in the ratio 3: 5: 7. The age (in N Nel years) of the youngest girl is Co )> 2 — oe Oe dy ONe n6 212 34 48 112, The catalogue price of an article is 20% above | 100, Tf a = 735 = then its cost price. The percentage of discounyshat _ can be given to get a profit of 14% {729 x {O0.07I5 x JO.000729 = o) D7 D6 5 ‘4 y : ; ; 113, Ifeach edge for a cube is increas = = = then the increase in the percentat nD — y= Aa Pe > 10 2 10° 10° ) face area 1) 100% 2) 125% 101. If x= 37-7 and y= f43—J13 then( ) | 7g Rs,150 has to be shared by y sey z7) away that A gets Rs. 30 ——_Dxxy Dx>y deny Axrzy gets twice as much as C gets, tha 102. If a and b are positive integers such that C (in Rupees) is .. a'—bt isa prime number, then a~b’ 2)30 a+b Qa-b 3)ab 43. 103. The L.C.M. of two numbers are 14 times their ged. The sum of L.C.M. and ged is 600. If one number is 280, then the other is «) 1) 100 2) 90 3)80__ 4) 50 104. The ged and L.C.M, of two numbers are 12 and 252 respectively. If one number is 36, then the other is «) 1442932 3264) 84 105. Three positive integers are in the ratio 3:5:7. If their ged is 20, then their sum is... ( ) 1)200__ 2) 300 3)500__ 4) 700 28000 3)20000__ 4) 30000(_) travelling with a speed of 36 km per osses a platform of 220 meters long in conds. The length of the tr: meters) 106. 0.42 3= 2)180__3)200___4) 220 Uf. A, Band C are three workers. The workdone 43 419 ag by C in 3 days can be finished by A in 2-daye, Dig 250 Dee ‘The work done by B in'S days can be com pleted by Cin 4 days, If A can complete a work in 16 weeks, the number of weeks required by Bro complete the same is = ©) 2529393304) 40 119, A train moving at 40 kmph takes 45 minutes to travel from X to Y. If the speed is reduced by 4 kmph in its return journey from Y to X, the extra time (in minutes) taken in the re- turn is a) 7 é Ds 36 34 7 109. 1f25% of xis equal to 50% of ysthen (_) | 120. Ifthe perimeter of AABC is 32 cms and D, E, i Fare the mid points of the sides of ABC then aed) the perimeter of ADEF (fm ems) is wwe (-) f pens is the same as the 64216 38 44 107. 1572356 108, The greatest of the 19 1 4 Dg D5 ge Of | 121. The circumference of a circular park, the ares Co covered by which is 441 sq-meters, (in 4) 167,% meters) is taining 800 coins 10% are Rs. 5 12x 221 3)42vn 4) 42m CD are Rs. 2 coins and the rest are | 122. The volumes of two cylinders with same base ins. The total value of tl money (in curve are in the ratio 3 : 2, If the height of the ) in the bag is o) smaller cylinder is Sem, then the height of tke 1)9$60/- 2) 960/- 3) 1020-4) 1120 other (im ems) is © Hs 210 3) 412 The inner and outer ra f a circular track are 21 meters and 28 meters respectively. The cost of levelling the track at Rs.10 per square metre (in Rupees) is... co) 1) 15400 2) 10780_3) 8780 4) 7700 "Tia. Signal lights at three different road junctions change after every 48 seconds, 60 seconds and 96 seconds. If all the three signal lights simul- taneously change at 6 hours 10 minutes, then the next change simultaneously is at) 1) 6 hours 14 minutes 2) 6 hours 15 minutes 3) 6 hours 18 minutes 4) 6 hours 20 minutes 725. Ina class of 25 students, 12 have taken eco- nomics, 8 have taken economics but no poli- tics. Then the number of'students who have taken politics but not economics is ( n4 28 a7 93 126. The tautology, among the following, is... (_) 1) pvp) 2) pat=p) 3 P=4 4 pve 127, ~(p>4)= 7) paca 2~pnq 3)PAg 4) pana 128, In the set L of all straight lines in a fine a Rb >a | b. Then R is 1) Reflexive 1. Af zaT® 47 is defined by I for x20 we{ titeg Fi =I forx<0 1) one-one 3) neither one-one nor 4) not a function 6 If f(x) = 3x +5 and acres. then g(x) =( ) x-5 130, BL livided by (x~ 4) the ren tor of g(x) = (x?) - 9 3 3xt2_ 4)xead ) and (PH +2is CD 2x+2 3) 4) (x3) 12) 133. 1f2x Zy =5 and 3utdy = —3then 3xty =( ) N2 241 30 41 134. Ifthe system ax + by = 1 and unique sol then Da=b Ya=b-13) aed 136. Ifthe roots ofxttaxt1 ‘a! lies im the interval DR) D2 137, Ifocand 8 are th a root is 2)xt-x+ 4yxt=2x+2=0 fn of the first p terms of an arithmetic p}pgression whose n® term is 3n -1, is. ) Lops dL op- yore) 2) 3GP-D Nv 3) dpGp+) 4) 4pGP-D 140, Dok =351, then n= oo 7 123 2)243)25 4) 26 141, The first term and common ratio of a geamet- ric progression are respectively Sand 3. If the sum of first n term of this is 605 then n= 324 33 6 () In a geometric progression the first term is 3 and the fourth term is the square of its second term, The seventh term of the progression is 1)2187_2)-2187 42023) 142. 33.2000 147, In AABC if ZA= 5, then the orthocenter of the triangle lies at the point ©) DA 2B ac 4)P, the midpoint of AC 148, The distance between the lines 3x + 4y +1 =0 and 6x + 8y-1~Ois ©) Hor 202 303 404 149, If ab the point of intersection of the lines, x,y xy Vand +2 =1 ji qty 7 and +47! lies on ¢ Vax + by=0 2)ay +bx=0 1) Sx42y+ 3) 2x ~S5y + ‘Questions : 50} O \ Read the following pessige and answer 24) ancient Indian sage who was called ugl serby. The, sa; irbed till the man ran out of wor e man.” If an offering is not ‘aceated, wh ‘belong to? "The man replied, "It befongs, who offered it, "The sage said, "I ¢ cept Pyar offering “and walked away leaving, the e sage Was internally driven So ldng/as we blame outside sources, our miseries will continue and we will feel helpless, Unless we accept esponsibility for our feelings and behaviour, we cannot change. The first stop is to ask Why did I get upset ? Why am Tangry ? 4 Why am I depressed ? Then we start getting the claes to over Happiness is a result of positive self-estee ‘people what makes them happy. You will of answer. Most of them would include ial ‘ut that is not really true. Happiness i and not having. One can have everying dyer not be happy. The reverse is also Happiness in internal. Happingi is like a butterfly. You run after it, jrkeeps fying away.If you stand still it comes and si shoulder. The Indian sa r by shocked by 1) Indulging inf cougter ion ©) i by the use of his logic sd by forceful argument his gaze inward We should accept responsibility for our )\behaviour and feeling }S3._Positive self-esteem is ©) 1) A result of happiness Nv 2) One of the causes of happiness 3) Aresult of change __4) A cause of change 154, The author suggests that C) 1) One must have everything in life to be happy 2) By having everything in life one is unhappy 3) One may not have anything in life and yet be happy 4) One must have nothing to be h 155. Happiness is compared with a butterfly because. 1) One feels happy to havera butterfly () 2) A butterfly flutters happily 3) One does not chase butterfly to have it 4) The butterfly comes to you if you do not 5° after it Read the passage answer (Q, 156-160) With the recent growth of mass media technology advertising has begun to play a significant, role in te national economy. Thousands of people are working promote the sale of each new product or te ost sale of product already in the market. Infact, adverts ‘as an industry now enjoys a respectable status and i [The avowed purpose of advertising is to inform pt the audience and to influence. It to buy a particular product. The customer is made aware of goods and services available, their merits, uses and value. ‘Advertising thus Kelps him in choosing what he actually needs of what he should have to add to his comfort and improve his standard of living. But the sale of product does not depend on advertisment alone. The quality of product must be good and its price within reach of those for whom its intended. 1f exaggerated elainms are made ‘or the price too high, advertising, howsoever powerful, will not prove effective. 156. The main function of advertising is to ( 1) Help in buying a product 2) Improve the standard of living 3) Promote employment 4) Make the profession more respectable 157. Advertising has begun to play an important role as result of the ©) 1) Modernisation of society 2) Increase in new products 3) Development of mass media d 4) Expanding population 158. The word ‘boost’ means ©) 1) Increase 2) Help 3) Manage 4) Decrease 189, Advertising proves effective when @ |) Advert’sements are well designed 2) Quality of the product is good and the'pi reasonable 3) Price is low 4) Quality of the product is go reasonable 160. Which of the state passage 1) Thousands of industry 2) Advertisement the right produt 3) Increasin advert io ndQkelp people to choose Cc) der ofiAdustries leads to more rather reticent about expending ing more than three quarters of kills lesses, Setting dusk on a hunt, the arelinfront, tensely scanning ahead, the cubs lay AUIW behind, and the males bring up the rear, walking slowly, their massive heads nodding with each HP & if they were bored with the whole matter, But slothfulness may have survival value. With Hionesses bbusy hunting, the males function as guardes for thee protecting them particularly from hyenas, Lions pl remarkably sophisticated cooperative hu techniques. Sighting prey, lionesses usually f stalk closer until one is within striking di startled herd may scatter or bolt to one side hidden lioness. Sometimes. lionesse may backtrack and then circle far a from the opposite side, a technique ni human warfare. 161, Where in does the 4arvi of the malé lions lie ? o) \) They surviya(ecautefhey walk slowly nodding thei hgads 2) They arfApe ings forefront of the hunting activity\add hengp they survive ‘their cubs and protect them ‘enthusiastic about hunting and fais are described as slothful and because «) #éy are in the forefront of the hunting activity jand move lethargically ) They are not the forefront bat are very alert and watchful about their prey 3) They are in the rear, walk, slowly, move about. as if bored . 4) They are not watchful in protecting their cubs 163, Where do the cubs position themselves in the hunting activity? «) 1) Behind the lions who guard them 2) Behind the lionesses moving about playfully 3) Between the lions and the hyenas 4) Between the tensely scanning lionesses and their possible prey ‘The hunting technique of the lions 1) Resembles the modes of human welfare 2)Does not bear any resemblance to the techniques of human welfare 3) Follows a co-operative mode not known to. humans 4) Follows as sophisticated technique without’ ——_ paral 165, The word ‘practise’ in the passage is a/an 1) Noun. 2) Adverb- ( 3) Gerund 4) Verb 164. c) d Choose the Correct meaning for the word : 166, Rudimentary «) 1) Rude nature 2) Elementary 3) Ruthless 24) Strong 167. Assimilate Cc) pyAbsorb 2) Recall Imitate at 168. Corporeal c>) 1) Spiritual 2)A peny officer 3) Capital D Material 169. Aisle 7 C) 1 Island 2) Footpath Passage 4) Pavement 170. Upbraid C) 1) Hairo 2yScod 3) Embroidery __“ 4) Unwind Tit. Lessee T) 1) Butternsitk 2) Yoghurt 3) Ligh hearted Lease - hilder Fill in the blanks choosing the correct word : 172. Over indulgence .. character as well as physical stamina c) Arete 2) stimulates 3) enhances 4) maintains V73._A selsmograph detects nnn ©) I climatic changes 2) glandular deficjegcy Pyeartinquakes 4) heart ailments Tia. ‘The police have decided (0 wovon the Be following a bomb seare. I) eradicate 7M evacuate 3) eject dex ‘Human Resource Management mind rather than a set of tec Aaninide 3) evolution Choose the correct 176, VAT stands for 1) Video Audio Termit Prvalue Added TH) 3) Very Attractive Tari 175. Ol 179. USP is 1) Unique Selling Proposal 2) Unique Sales Proposition Pi Unique Selling Proposition 7A) Unique Sales Perspective 760. Bank rate is the _A)Rate of interest at which the Rl commercial banks 2)Rate of interest at which oar aks finance their customers 3) Rate of interest charged for b its 4) Interest rate fixed bythe Finapeg Ministry for the issue of loans "Linux" is 181. 182. Tiggrated System Digital Network Integrated Services Digital Network 1 4) Integrated Systems Deployment Network Lx __InterServices Digital Network MIS stands for 1) Management Information Scheme 2) Message Information System 3) Message Information Scheme Management Information System 185.7 TRIP is an abbreviation for _/AT Trade Related Intellectual Property 2) Trade Regulated Intrinsic Property 3) Trade Regulated Intellectual Property 4) Trade Related Intellectual ‘Choose the correct Answer : 186, "You have put a sopke in my wheel" meass 1) "You have encourage me” c) 2) "You have been rude to me" 3) "You do not want me te drive" #)"You have ereated obstacles for me" 187-7” "Shall we advance the meeting by a day? cy d 1) An-order 2) Astatement ) A suggestion __4) A declaration 188.” "Arun called on Yusuff yesterday” means 1) Arun phoned Yusutf «) AB Anon visited Yusuf 3) Arun invited Yusuff 4) Arun shouted at Yusuff assignment 7 am Keeping may fingers crossed. catemi means that 189, John : When are you taking up your new ©) 1) She has decide not to take up the assignment. 2) She is folding her hands. prepositi 3) Politcions are time conscious and henee decjgy their decisions, thus ruining demoe busy to serve the nati Vy Fill in the blanks with appropriate phy ivahyer 4 moment" means The organisation has little money at the moment. 2) The organisation has a lot of money, 3) The organisation is on a spending spree. 4) Cash in flowing into the organisation “Hundreds of theft cases are noticed every week and that is just the tip of the iceberg” This sentence means 1) Many more thefts are known and reported, 2) Many more thefts are brought to light c) cy }) Many more occure but are not reported. ) I is so freezing to notice that hundreds of thefts take place every week. (92. "Time serving politicians ruin democracy” ( ) 1) Politicians are not punctual and therefore they ruin democracy. A) Politicians change their views to suit that be and therefore they ruin dem: 196. opponent 1) thro 3) have to My patience 1) wear out Dice 1) must stop 3) se is decide otek up te assignment | 19S Mas a 4 She hs ot yt taken derision si) foi TB "the organisation strapped foreaahaTe | TE gee 0p eis arguarents Cito 2) bread saree 3) snow (os [24] 93] 92 [Gos w3 | 1237 133 [ 13 INGED)) 16)3 | 72 22 [23] 234 ae Ss [303 [24 3n3 [ 3za] 331 [aay ) 3a | 363 | 372 ana | aay 433.) oR) | 403 | apt sia [521] 33) KK OZ “wA_| soa [32 61)4 623] 63)3 GAD 65) 1 66)4 67)1 m4 | 733) Bal Bor 75)3_ | 763 [ 71 81)1 sya ai] ays {asi | a2 | 83 913 [9292 $43 954 | 96)2 [974 1012 102)3 104) 4 105) 2, 106) 2 107)3, ina | naar yaya [sys | ney | 2 2 pfs | i2sy4 [er | 21 | 3 | 1342 | 1352 [1303 | D4 faxy4{ 144y3 | 145)4 | 1463 | 1474 isp | 1544 | 155)3_| 1560 [ 1573 163).1 164) 3 165) 4 166) 2 167)1 173)3 | _174)2 | 175)1_| 176)2° | 1773 Oe a 3gij1_ | 182)3 | 193)2 [1844 | 185y1- | 186)4 | 187)3 | 188)2 191)3 ina = 194)3 | 195y4_[196)4 | 1973 | 198)2 | t99t Lt 200) 4°}

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