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News from Mrs.

September 21-25

Important Dates:

September 15-Dedicated
Dads Breakfast at OES6:45am
September 24-AEEC
Pep Rally/Family Math &
Science Night 5:30-7:30pm
September 29-2nd Grade
Field trip to the Jule Collins
Smith Museum 9-11:00am
October 4-AEEC Picnic on
playground 4:00-6:00pm
October 8-End of 1st Nine
October 9-Try-Athlon!
October 15-Teacher Conferences
October 16-FALL BREAK

Read 20 minutes each night

and complete one page
in Math HW packet.

Big Cheese
TaJavian Hughley
Star Student
Essence Torbert
Math News
GO MATH Chapter 2
Numbers to 1,000

Wolf! Wolf!
By John Rocco
P. 136-15
remarkable believe

We will continue with Chapter 2

learning to read and write 3-digit
numbers in word form, standard form, Phonics: Long u and short u
and expanded form. Students will
Grammar: Singular and Plural
also identify 10 more, 10 less and 100
more, 100 less than a given number as
well as counting on by tens and hundreds. Math words: hundreds, tens,
The Mouse and the
ones, pattern, more, fewer, less than,
more than We will continue taking
timed addition fluency tests on Tuesday
each week. Keep practicing addition facts
at home. You can print your own practice
sheets by going to

Monday-Read weekly story.

Wednesday-Study VocabuAEEC Math &
lary words/cards.
Thursday-Study for ReadScience Night!
ing weekly test and comThursday,
September 24th
pete Spelling Practice

A Note from Mrs. Danley...

Dear Parents,
We will begin the last few weeks of the 1st grading period. Report Cards
will go out the week of Oct. 12-15th. We will set up a parent conference and
pass out the Report cards at the conference. Parent Conference Day is Thursday, October 15th. This is a NO school day for students. We will also be out on
Friday, Oct. 16th for Fall Break.
Please continue to send in box tops. Here are some tips for collecting for

-No need to count them for us, we have to recount them!

-No need to put names on the bags, kids are not rewarded individually. PLEASE PUT YOUR
CHILD'S TEACHER AND GRADE ON THE BAG....awards will be given this way! (or collection
sheets if parents use these!)
-No need to cut them out exactly. If they are small, it is easier if you don't cut it down to size.
You can just rip them off the packages
-Each box top must have the expiration date and the small little code to be eligible to be counted. HUNDREDS of expired Box Tops have been thrown away during our counting parties so it
is important to check the date and turn them in as soon as you can!
-BONUS box tops are counted separately and we have to pull them off collection sheets, but
BONUS Box Tops is what we have found add up so super fast!
-Collection sheets DO make our job easier.
-Box Tops must be intact. If they are ripped all the way through and taped back together, they
are no longer valid.
-Our counting day consists of going through all the box tops, one at a time, checking the expiration date and the code.
Mrs. Danley :)


by Beverly Cleary

Author Study:
Steven Kellogg

Social Studies

Constitution Day

September 17th
Students celebrated
Constitution Day last
week by learning about
the Constitution of the
United States. This week we will
focus on the first 54 words called
the Preamble. We will read books
about the Constitution learn about
the meaning of the words. Students will learn about the rights
and responsibilities of all Americans and write about the importance of laws in our country.
They will make a mini book about
our government and talk
about the role
of the government.

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