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-human are more than 99.

9% identical
-genome tells u why some people develop different diseases, how nerve cells /other
cells have same genome give you different types, cancer due to change in
genome(mutation or once in a while error)
-information can flow the other way in the central dogma: if only DNA -> proteins
you cant have specialization, so some proteins must go back and bind to DNA and
-now it is possible to sequence genomes very quickly-> but not that you can
-study the structure(arrangement of A,T,G,C), function(all the info as what to build),
evolution(how genomes change over time) and mapping
-genomic data science/bioinformatics/statistical genomics is the intersection of
biology, statistics and computer science
-design experiment-> align to reference genome->preprocessing and
normalization(how you college data might have bias)
-population genomics: what makes a group of people have certain traits etc(looking
at whole population and see how they differ)

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