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Friptur de vita la gratar

Porii 6

6 buc cu os de carne de vit

Sare kosher si piper negru proaspat mcinat
4-6 linguri de ulei de msline
6 linguri ( unt ) unt sarat, tiat in 6 buci

Mod de preparare:
1) Se scoate carnea de vit din frigider cu cel puin 30 de minunte nainte de a se
pune pe grtar. Bucile de carne se asezoneaz cu sare i piper pe ambele pri.
2) Se aprinde focul in komado folosindu-se metoda dvs preferat. Dup 10 min se
pune grtarul de gril pe poziie, se nchide capacul, apoi se deschide ventilatorul
superior si cel inferior. Cnd temperatura a ajuns intre 315 370 C , se ajusteaz
deschiderea ventilatoarelor pentru a se menine o temperatur
constant. Este recomandat s inei capacul grilului nchis pe tot timpul
3) Bucile de carne se ung cu o pensul pe ambele pri cu ulei, dup care carnea se
pune pe grtar.Se inchide capacul i se las carnea pe grtar timp de 3min.Pentru
a ntoarce friptura se folosesc spatula mai mari sau cleti a nu se folosi furculi
deoarece prin inepare cu furculia se pierde sucul din carne), se rotesc bucile de
friptur la 90. Acest lucru v va da acele frumoase dungi de grill. Se las alte 3
min dup care se ntorc iar la 90. Dup ce bucile de carne au fost intoarse pe
toate prile , se mai las inc 5 min pentru a avea o friptur n snge. ( 57C pe
un termometru de citit instant )
4) Dup ce este gata, fritura se va aeza pe o farfurie cald. Se pune cte o bucat
de unt pe fiecare bucat de friptur i se las timp de 5 -10 min nainte de servire
ca s se ntreptrund toate aromele .

The perfect steak

Servs 6

6 T-bone steaks , inches thick ( about 10 ounces each )

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 or 6 tablespoon olive oil
6 tablespoon ( stick ) salted butter, cut into 1- tablespoon pats

How to prepare
1) At least 30 minutes before u plant to grill, remove the steaks from the refrigerator.
Season them generously on both sides with salt and pepper.
2) Light a fire in the kamado grill using your favorite method. After about 10 minutes,
place the grill rack in position, close the dome, and open the upper and lower
dampers all the way. When the temperature reaches between 300 -350C, adjust
the dampers to maintain the temperature in that range. Remember, even when
grilling, the dome should be closed as much as possible.
3) Brush the steaks on both sides with the oil. Place the steak on the grill rack, close
the dome, and cook for about 3 minutes. Using tongs or a wide spatula ( never a
fork , please you will lose precious juices through the puncture marks ), rotate
each steak 90. This will give you those beautiful crisscross grill marks that will
impress your friends and neighbors and add flavor. Cook another 2 to 3 minutes,
then flip the steaks. Cook until well marked and done to your liking, another 5
minutes for medium rare ( 55C on an instant read thermometer .
4) Transfer the steaks to a warm platter. Put a pat of butter on each steak and let the
steaks rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. You should get plenty of oohs and

Pulp de miel cu cartofi copi

Porii 8

4 cei de usturoi tocai

can rozmarin proaspt
can frunze proaspete de oregano
can frunze proaspete de ment
2 linguri zahr
2 linguri semine de coriandru
1 lingur fulgi de ardei rou
Sare kosher i piper negru proaspt mcinat
3 kg pulp miel
2 kg cartofi medii, tiai n buci de 1cm grosime
1 lamie mai mare tiat n buci de 1 cm grosime
1 cpn usturoi , tiat n jumtate
4 crengue de rozmarin proaspt
Ulei de msline
Jeleu de ment pentru servire ( opional )

Mod de preparare:
1) Cu o zi nainte s afumai pulpa de miel, combinai intr-un robot de buctrie
usturoiul tocat, rozmarinul, oregano, frunzele de ment, zaharul, coriadru, fulgii de
ardei rou, i o bun cantitate de sare si piper proaspt mcinat pn se
transform ntr-o past. Pulpa de miel se cresteaz sub form de cruce peste tot
pentru a las pasta de condimente s ptrund n carne. Dup ce ai terminat de
crestat, ungei pulpa de miel cu pasta de condimente, dup care o nfurai in
folie de plastic i trebuie lasat peste noapte n frigider.
2) Scoatei pulpa de miel din frigider, spalai-o, dup care trebuie s o uscai i
trebuie lsat timp de o or pentru a iei ardeiul iute . Asezonai pulpa de miel cu
sare i piper proaspt mcinat.
3) ntre timp aranjai rondelel de cartofi ntr-o tav n straturi. Deasupra stratului de
cartofi punei feliile de lmie, cpna de usturoi tiat pe jumtate i
crenguele de rozmarin. Asezonai cu sare i piper negru i stropii cu ulei de
4) Aprindei focul n kamado grill folosind metoda dvs favorit. Dup 10 min, nchidei
capacul i deschidei la maxim ventilatorul superior i pe cel inferior. Cnd
temperatura ajunge la 150C, introducei bucile de lemn n jurul focului i putei
aduga orice dorii dvs pentru afumare, mpreuna cu grtarul pentru grill. nchidei
capacul, lsai temperatura s revin la 120C, i ateptati s se acumuleze un pic
de fum. Ajustai deschiderea ventilatoarelor pentru a menine n interiorul grillului
o temperatur constant.
5) Introducei tava cu cartofi sub grtarul de grill i poziionai pulpa de miel
deasupra cartofilor pe grtar, sau dac avei extensie de grill, punei pulpa de miel
pe partea superioar a extensiei de grill i cartofii pe grtar exact sub pulpa de
miel.nchidei capacul i afumai pentru 2 - 3ore, lsnd sucul de la pulpa de

miel s picure pe cartofi, pna cnd temperature interioar a pulpei de miel n

zona cea mai groasa ajunge n jur de 40C.
6) Scoatei pulpa de miel pe o suprafat unde se poate tia, invelii-o in folie de
aluminiu i lasai-o s se odihneasc pentru cel puin 20 de minute. Verificai
gradul de coacere al cartofilor, i dac mai este nevoie lsaii s se coac
bine.Tiai pulpa de miel in buci subiri i servii cu cartofi i buci de lmie i
jeleu de ment dac preferai.

Astoria Greek Easter Leg of Lamb with Roasted


Serves -8

4 cloves garlic, minced

cup fresh rosemary leaves
cup fresh oregano leaves
cup fresh mint leaves
2 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 ( 6-pound ) leg of lamb
4 pounds medium Yukon Gold potatoes, sliced inch tick
1 head garlic, split in half
4 small sprigs fresh rosmary
Olive oil
Mint jelly for serving ( optional )

How to prepare:
1) The day before you intend to smoke the lamb, combine the minced garlic,
rosemary, oregano, and mint leaves, sugar, coriander, red pepper flakes, and a
good amount of salt and black pepper in a food processor and pulse until it forms a
paste. Score the fat around the leg in a crisscross pattern to allow the paste to
penetrate the meat. Rub all of the paste into the leg. Wrap the leg tightly with
plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
2) Remove the lamb from the refrigerator, rinse and paste off, pat dry, and let the
chill come off it for about 1 hour. Season the lamb with salt and black pepper.
3) In the meantime , arrange the potato slices in layers in a large cast iron skillet or
sheet pan in as even a layer as u can get. Place the lemon slices on top along with
the split head of garlic and rosemary sprigs. Season generously with salt and black
pepper and give it a drizzle of olive oil.
4) Light a fire in the kamado grill using your favorite method. After about 10 minutes,
close the dome and open the upper and lower dampers all the way. When the
temperature reaches 150C , place the wood chunks around the fire and add any
accessories necessary for smoking on your particular grill, along with the grill rack.
Close the dome, let the temperature build back to between 90- 120C, and wait for
a little smoke to accumulate. Adjust the dampers to maintain the temperature in
this range.
5) Place the pan potatoes under the grill grate and position the lamb directly above
the potatoes, or, if u have a grill extender, place the lamb on the extender and the

potatoes on the grill grate directly under the lamb. Close the dome and smoke for
2 -3 hours, letting the juice from the meat drip down onto the potatoes, until the
internal temperature of the lamb at the thickest point reaches 40C.
6) Transfer the lamb to a cutting board, tent with aluminum foil, and let it rest for at
least 20 minutes. Check the doneness of the potatoes and, if needed, let them
continue to cook. Slice the lamb thinly and serve with the potatoes and a lemon
slice and mint jelly if desired.

Iepure nbuit - n stil Italian

Porii 4

1 iepure ( in jur de 2 kg ) , tiat n buci

Sare kosher i piper negru proaspt mcinat
can ulei de msline
1 can ceap tocat
2 tulpini de elin apio tiat n rondele
4 cei de usturoi , tocai
can vin alb sec
1 lingur oet balsamic
2 cni sup de legume nesrat sau cu coninut sczut de sodiu
1 can roii tocate
1 linguri rozmarin uscat
1 linguri cimbru uscat
linguri oregano uscat
cana ptrunjel proaspt tocat

Metod de preparare
1) Aprindei focul in kamado folosind metoda dvs preferat. Dup 10 minute ,
poziionai grtarul , nchidei capacul si deschii la maxim ventilatorul superior si
pe cel inferior. Cnd temperatura ajunge in jur de 200C, reglai deschiderea
ventilatoarelor aftfel nct sa pstrai o temperatur constant n interiorul
2) Asezonai bucile de iepure cu o cantitate generoas de sare i piper proaspt
rnit.Punei bucile de carne pe grtar, nchidei capacul, lsai-l s se prjeasc
cte 3 min pe fiecare parte, dup care scoatei iepurele pe o tav.
3) Punei o crati pe grtar n care adaugai uleiul de masline, inchidei capacul si
lasai uleiul sa se incing timp de 2 min dup care adaugai ceapa tocat si
elina,nchidei capacul grillului, i lsai sa se gteasc timp de 2 min, dup care
adaugai usturoiul. Punei iepurele inapoi in crati, adaugai vinul i oetul,
nchidei capacul grillului, lasai-l sa se gateasc pn atinge punctul de fierbere
( ar trebui sa dureze in jur de 5 minute ), i lasai-l sa fiarb timp de 2minute.
Adaugai supa de legume i roiile , precum i ierburile uscate. Acoperii cratia cu
un capac, nchidei capacul grillului, reglai deschiztura ventilatoarelor astfel
mct sa menineti n interiorul grillului o temperature constant in jur de 170190C i lsai s fiarb in jur de 1 1 ore.
4) ndeprtai cratia din grill i adugai ptrunjelul proaspt. Gustai sosul s vedei
dac are suficient sare i piper i mai adaugai dac considerai c mai este

nevoie. Acoperii cratia i lsai-l timp de 20 de min s se ntreptrund toate

aromele dup care putei servi iepurele cu sos i legume

Italian Style Braised Rabbit

Servs 4

1 dressed rabbit ( about 2 pounds ), thawed if is necessary and cut into serving
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
cup olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
2 ribs celery, diced
4 cloves garlic, chopped
cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 cups unsalted or low sodium broth
1 cup diced tomatoes ( caned is fine )
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 teaspoon dried thyme
teaspoon dried oregano
cup chopped fresh parsley

How to prepare
1) Light a fire in the kamado grill using your favorite method. After about 10 minutes,
place the grill rack in position, close the dome, and open the upper and lower
dumpers all the way. When the temperature reaches 200C, adjust the dampers to
maintain the temperature.
2) Season the rabbit pieces generously with salt and pepper. Place the rabbit on the
grill, close the dome, and sear until nicely browned, about 3 minutes per side.
Transfer to a platter.
3) Place a Dutch oven on the grill, add the olive oil, close the dome, and let the oil
heat for about 2 minutes, then stir in the garlic. Place the rabbit back in the pot,
add the wine and vinegar, close the dome, bring to a boil ( which should take
about 5 min ), and let boil for 2 min. Pour in the broth and tomatoes and stir in the
dried herbs. Cover the pot, close the dome, adjust the dampers to maintain a
temperature of 170 - 190C, and braise until the rabbit is fork tender, 1 to 1
4) Remove the pot from the kamado and stir in the fresh parsley. Taste the broth for
salt and pepper, and adjust as needed. Lest rest, covered, for at least 20 min to let
the flavors develop. Serve the rabbit topped with the braising liquid and

Midii cu arpagic, roii i busuioc

Porii 4


2 linguri ulei de msline

3 linguri arpagic tocat
1 ligur usturoi tocat
1 kg midii ( cca 60 buc ), curate
can vin Riesling
can suc de lmie proaspt
can sup de pui cu un coninut sczut de sodiu
can roii tocate sau o conserv de roii tocate
can ( bucat ) de unt nesrat tiat in bucele mici
Sare kosher i piper negru proaspt mcinat
3 linguri de busuioc proaspt tocat marunt

Metoda de preparare:
1) Punei pe foc o tigaie de marime medie in care adaugai uleiul de msline. Lsai
uleiul de msline pn incepe s sfrie, dup care adaugai arpagicul si usturoiul
i lsatile pe foc pn se inmoaie, mestecnd de mai multe ori n tigaie,
aproximativ 3 min. Punei aceast mixtur cnd este gata intr-o tigaie adnc de
unic folosin din aluminiu.
2) Aprindei focul in kamado folosind metoda dvs favorit. Dup 10 minute, punei
grtarul de grill nuntru i inchidei capacul grillului i deschidei larg ventilatorul
superior si pe cel inferior. Cnd temperatura ajunge la 200C , reglai ventilatoarele
pentru a menine in interiorul grillului o temperatur constant.
3) Adugai midiile , vinul, sucul de lamiae, supa de pui i roiile n tigaia adanc de
unic folosin. Acoperii tigaia cu folie de aluminiu , punei-o pe gratarul de grill i
nchidei capacul grillului. Fierbei pn midiile se deschid, cca 10 minute.
4) Luai tigaia din grill i aruncai midiile care nu s-au deschis. Adaugai untul n tigaie
, mestecai bine pna se incorporeaz tot untul in sos. Asezonai cu sare si piper
proaspt mcinat, presrai busuiocul proaspt tocat i mestecai. mprii midiile
cu sos n 4 castroane i servii-le imediat.

Mussels with Shallots, Tomatoes and Basil

Servs 4

2 tablespoon olive oil

3 tablespoon finely chopped shallots
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
2 pounds mussels ( about 60 ), debearded
cut Riesling wine
fresh lemon juice
cup low-sodium chicken broth
cup diced plum tomatoes or drained tomatoes canned diced tomatoes ( if you
are using canned and really like tomatoes, if wont hurt to use a whole 14.5 ounce
can, drained )
cup ( stick ) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces.
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoon thinly sliced fresh basil

How to prepare
1) In a medium skillet over medium heat, heat the oil until it begins to shimmer. Add
shallots and garlic and cook, stirring several times, until soft, about 3 min. Pour
this mixture into a deep disposable aluminum- foil pa.
2) Light a fire in the kamado grill using your favorite method. After about 10 min,
place the grill rack in position, close the dome, and open the upper and lower
dampers all the way. When temperature reaches 200C, adjust the dumpers to
maintain the temperature.
3) Add the mussels, wine, lemon juice, broth, and tomatoes to the pan. Cover with
aluminum foil, place on the grill, and close the dome. Steam until the mussels
have opened, about 10min.
4) Remove the pan from the grill and discard any mussels that have not opened. Add
the butter to the pan, stirring to blend it with the broth. Season to taste with salt
and pepper, sprinkle in the basil, and toss. Divide the mussels and broth among 4
bowls and serve immediately.

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