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Index I ENTER THE SITE I Books Reviews I Hollywood: Films' Reviews, TV Shows, Profiles of Celebrities and Interviews with movie stars I Letters to the editor I Readers:
Concerns, Opinions & Letters I Supernatural world of Maximillien de Lafayette I

RIYA-MARJANA: Extraterrestrial Tablet, Alien Grays and the Anunnaki Woman Who Loved Me

Published by UFOs & Supernatural Magazine, and De Lafayette World Media. THE ORIGINAL EXPLOSIVE SCRIPT. The
2000 edition/book was taken off the market. Riya-Marjana created a fury in some circles, and high places. Here is the
UNCENSORED copy!!! In Script form. There is no other script or book under the sun that describes in detail, the horrors and
atrocities committed by the Alien Grays in America, like Riya-Marjana. Based upon factual and dramatized events,
international bestselling author Maximillien de Lafayette depicts the frightening world of alien abduction, collaboration and
conspiracies of governments officials, officers and scientists who worked with the atrocious aliens, betrayed our trust and
violated the Constitution of the United States. You will never put it down. De Lafayette World Media.


Just Published, a new book by Maximillien de Lafayette:

Just Published, a new book by Maximillien de Lafayette: How to Become an Enlightened Psychic, Medium and
Metaphysical Master: Handbook of Curriculum, Lessons, Training, Supernatural Techniques and Powers, Foreseeing the
future and psychic readings

Product Description
Published by Times Square Press, and WJNA, New York. Handbook of Curriculum, Lessons, Training, Supernatural Techniques and
Powers. Paperback available at
The book includes:
How to become a perfect psychic
How to become a perfect medium
How to become a perfect healer
How to become expert in remote viewing and locating missing persons
How to find the healthiest spots and luckiest areas on Earth, and take advantage of it!
Foreseeing the future and rewinding time
Esoteric techniques that allows initiated ones to halt or send away problems and mishaps to another time and another place
How to enter that parallel dimension and leave there all your troubles
How to Use Your Mind Power to do the Impossible
How to Read Peoples' Vibes and Thoughts, and Know Who They Really Are Just by Looking at Them (See their Aura, Sense their
Vibes, Feel their Energy)
How to read Shashat; the screen of the unknown
Rizmanah; Discover the calendar of your bad luck and good luck
Learn how to remove your bad luck

Learn how to create a good luck

Daily chart/calendar of your good hours and bad hours in your life
What to do and not to do during these hours and these days
Importance of your name in shaping good luck
Esoteric techniques you could use to positively influence or improve your future and business by protecting yourself against evildoers
Instructions and Techniques for Commanding Spirits and Communicating with Angels and Entities
Learn how to talk to entities, spirits, souls, presences
Learn how to befriend spirits.
Learn how to set-up a spirits sance
Magical writing against powerful people who could be a threat to you
Practical and simplified techniques to create a mediumship sance and communicate with the dead, spirits, angels, demons, departed
pets, and entities from the after-life
Magical Talismans To Succeed In Life, Protect Yourself From Others And Summon Spirits
Ulema Techniques and Tarot Deck to See Your Future. (The world's most powerful secret techniques for foreseeing your future on
Earth and in other dimensions
13 Anunnaki Ulema Techniques To Live Longer, Happier, Healthier, Wealthier
Ulema Baaniradu: How to Acquire a Healing Touch
How to Move Objects at Distance Using Your Mind
This book is unique and extremely useful for many reasons.
Mainly because it provides both the beginner and experienced practitioner with the necessary guidance, training, methods and
techniques to communicate with various kinds and categories of entities, to foresee future events, and above all how to effectively
develop extraordinary supernatural powers.
Authors website:



Selections of his writings from his book: The Essential
Maximillien de Lafayette. Part 1


Izrahi-ghafra is an Anunnaki-Ulemite term related to various states of

metamorphosis of the mind-body of a deceased in the after-life. A student asked:
Do we become immortal if we follow the teachings of the Anunnaki Ulema?
The answer is:
On Earth, humans cannot reach immortality. Afterlife, the Tahirin (Purified ones) will reach
But we have to understand what immortality is? Is it an eternal existence?
What kind of existence? Is it physical or spiritual?
Mental or organic? Terrestrial or extraterrestrial?
Nothing in the universe lasts for ever, not even the universe itself. Eventually, the universe will cease
to exist once it has reached the limitations of its expansion.
Note: Contemporary leading scientists in the field of cosmology and quantum physics agree with the honorable
Ulema. They have publicly stated, that soon or later, the universe will cease to exist. Those who believe in
Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, Vishnu, Jehovah, and Allah dont.)

It is very important to keep in mind, that so many extraterrestrial beings came to Earth, thousands
of years ago. We are aware of 46 different alien races who have visited planet Earth.
Some of these alien races created early forms of human beings. I say forms, because at the time
these living creatures were created by the aliens, they lacked mental faculties. Some looked like us,

but not exactly.

We know from the manuscripts of Melkart and the Society of the Fish which was established by the early Phoenicians who lived on the Island of
Arwad, that the primitive human beings were called Intelligent animals because they acted and lived like animals, but were more intelligent than
the beasts of the Earth.
These beings were created by extraterrestrials who came from a lower dimension, even though, they were highly advanced. The extraterrestrials did
not install a Conduit in the brain cells of the primitive beings.
Without a Conduit, no living creature can ascend to the Madkhal or Baab. Consequently, a passage to the Fourth dimension is virtually impossible
without a Conduit.
These primitive creatures did not reach immortality, because they did not go through the Baab. Because they did not have a mind, but brains
membranes, they were unable to continue to live afterlife.
In the afterlife, you continue to live only with your mind.
Your mind is the source of energy that keeps you alive.
The primitive creatures did not have a mind, although their brain was wired like an electronic machine. Their brain was not developed at all, and as
a result, their race became extinct.
They perished, not because of famine, wars, or fall of asteroids on Earth, but because of the deterioration of the cells of their brains.
You will not find these primitive creatures on other planets, or in parallel dimensions.
Humans who were Dha-kiliyan (Genetically) created by the Anunnaki will eventually reach immortality, as long as the universe remains in
The early living-forms of humans, primitive creatures, intelligent animals, and monstrous robotic human-like species vanished from the face of the
earth some 65,000-61,000 years ago.
When the Igigi came to planet Earth, some 65,000 years ago, they captured many of those primitive half human, half animal creatures who were
living in Australia, Madagascar, Brazil, Indonesia, Central Africa and some regions of Europe, and transformed them Dha-kiliyan (Genetically) into
an upgraded form of humans. Still, they looked like robotic animals. A few years later, they died out.

Some 65,000-60,000 years ago, three extraterrestrial races Dha-kiliyan (Genetically) created a new human race.
They were the Lyrans, the Nordics, and the Anunnaki. The newly created human race had a mind (Not to be confused with soul), brains cells and a
dormant Conduit.
Because a Conduit was installed in their brains, our ancestors were destined to reach immortality. Today, we are the offspring and descendants of
the intelligent human race created by these three extraterrestrial races.
Yes, you can say, the Anunnaki made us immortals.

3. Experiences dead people encounter in the next dimension Balu-ram-haba

Balu-ram-haba is composed of three words:
a-Balu, which means power; transition; contact.
b-Ram, which means people. In this case, entities; other life-forms.
c-Haba, which means beyond; other dimension.
Possibly, from Balu-ram-haba, derived the Hebrew word Olam ha-ba. This Anakh term or expression pertains to circumstances in the world beyond,
and/or experiences, the departed humans might encounter in the next dimension, following their death. Balu-ram-haba occurs in the form of mental
projections, which could contain scary entities and other life-forms.
Note: Some scholars believe that the projection of these macabre and scary entities are created by the subconscious of the wicked person. Other scholars believe that the
holographic imageries are produced by the Double housing the mind.
The Torah speaks of several noteworthy people being "gathered to their people." See, for example, Gen. 25:8 Abraham 25:17 Ishmael 35:29 Isaac 49:33 Jacob, Deut. 32:50
Moses II Kings 22:20 (King Josiah). This gathering is described as a separate event from the physical death of the body or the burial. Certain sins are punished by the sinner
being "cut off from his people." See, for example, Gen. 17:14 and Ex. 31:14. This punishment is referred to as Kareit (Kah-Rehyt) (literally, cutting off, but usually
translated as spiritual excision), and it means that the soul loses its portion in the world to come. Later portions of the Tanakh peak more clearly of life after death and the
world to come. See Dan. 12:2, Neh. 9:5.

4. The mental or astral projection of the dead human body leaving Earth (Eido-Rah)
I. Definition: Eido-Rah is Anunnaki/Ulemite term for the non-physical substance of a human beings body.
In other words, the mental or astral projection of the body leaving Earth. Eido-Rah manifests to human beings, and particularly to the
parents of the deceased person during a period of less than 40 days, following the death of a relative. From Eido-Rah, derived the Greek word
Eidolon (A phantom).
II. The primordial source of energy:
According to the scribes of the Book of Ramadosh: After we die, the primordial source of energy in our body leaves our body.
This energy is a substance made out of Fikr closely connected and attached to a copy of ourselves preserved in the Fourth Dimension,
which is not very far away from us, and from Earth. As soon as this energy leaves the physical body, the mind of the deceased becomes
confused instantly. The mind does not realize that the body is dead. At this particular stage, the mind is unable to realize right away that it
has entered a new dimension.
Although this new dimension is identical to the one we live in and what we call Earth, it is also very different because time, space and distance
no longer exist. And also because, it exists at a different vibrational level. Everything becomes meta-linear.
Because the mind is confused, it tries to return to Earth. The first places, the mind (Or the new form-substance of the deceased one) searches
for, and/or tries to return to, are always the familiar places on Earth, such as home, office, recreation center, church, mosque, synagogue,
temple, etcbut the most sought place is usually home. So, the deceased person returns home for a very short period. This does not happen
all the time; only when the deceased person is totally confused and disoriented.
First, the deceased tries to contact relatives and close parents. When the deceased begins to realize that parents and relatives are not responding,
the deceased tries again to send messages telepathically.
Some messages if intensified can take on ectoplasmic forms, or appear as a shadow usually on smooth substances such as mirror and glass.
Some deceased people will keep on trying to contact their beloved ones left behind for a period of 39 days and 11 hours. After this time, the
deceased dissipates, and no further attempts to establish contact with the living are possible.
In another passage from the Book of Ramadosh, we read (Verbatim): Although, it is impossible to reach the deceased one as soon as he/she
leaves the body, and/or during the 39 days and 11 hours period following his death, sometimes, if we are lucky, and/or were extremely
attached to the person we lost, a short contact with him or with her is still possible if we pay attention to unusual things happening around us.
Those unusual things are difficult to notice, unless we pay a great attention to; they happen only once, sometimes twice, but this is very rare
The book provides techniques and methods pertaining to all forms and means of such contact.

5. Lost Souls, Trapped Souls, and Dead People who live in a sphere between Earth and the afterlife (Dybukur)
I. Definition:In Anakh literature, Dybukur is an entity that lives in a sphere between Earth and the afterlife. It is also a reference made to Lost Souls,
and/or Trapped Souls, in ancient Middle Eastern civilizations. It is most certain, that the Anunnakis depiction of Dybukur has influenced the writings of
the early Hebrew scribes. From the Anunnakis word Dybukur, derived the Hebrew word Dybbuk, which is the name of a vicious possessing spirit.
II. Dybukurs essence: Dybukurs essence is very complicated, because the Anunnaki did not create Souls in the human body, but a primordial energy
called Fikr. And this energy can last for thousands of years if trapped in a zone called Bilaya, which means the Doomed Zone. The Dybukur was
trapped because he/she/it could not reach the Baab. Simply put, a Dybukur is an entity without soul that continues to exist with any kind of awareness or
understanding of its situation. There are instances, where a Dybukur can cause a serious threat to humans. In new age ufology, it is referred to as a Walkin.
6. The first stage of the afterlife during the 40 day period following death (Hattari)
I. Definition: Hattari is the first stage of the afterlife during the 40 day period following death. In that stage, a new life-form develops in the mind of
deceased people.
II. Description: A brief description of Hattari was given by a lady (Who apparently was an Ulema) to her beloved son. Here is an excerpt from the Book
of Ramadosh, and from the Book On the Road to Ultimate Knowledge: The Anunnaki-Ulema Extraterrestrial Tao, co-authored by Dr. Ilil Arbel, and
Maximillien de Lafayette: The scene is between Germain Lumiere, an Ulema from France who has just lost his mother. (Note: Germain was my pseudonym
in the book.) Explanation from the book: It appeared later on, that his mother was an Ulema too, but she has never told him that, for unknown reasons.
Two days after she passed away in Paris, his mother appeared to him (In this case me) during her funeral, as she has promised him. The young Ulema asked

his mother lots of question about the after-life, and what is she doing there. Herewith, a brief excerpt from their conversation (With my mother): Location:
Cemetery of Pre-Lachaise, Paris, France. Time: In the afternoon, during the funeral of Countess., mother of Germain. Personages: 1-The deceased
mother appears as a spirit and talks to her son Germain, while her physical body is in the coffin. 2-Germain in tears talking to his dead mother for the last
time. 3-Sylvie: She is Germains sister (Of course, a pseudonym. I did not want to reveal the name and identity of my sister.) Excerpt below: Germain is
telling us what they talked about at the funeral. I returned to Mama, who was looking sadly at Sylvie. Its really too bad I cant talk to her, Mama said to
me, but some day, of course, she will know, like everyone else. Ah, well, lets go to the more secluded areas. We dont want people to think you are talking to
yourself. We wandered around the cemetery. Pre Lachaise, is one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world, full of trees, impressive statues, and old
tombstones. Shady lanes provided privacy, and we could talk freely. So tell me about your experience in the afterlife, Mama, I said.I have not been there
very long, you know, but time and space play a different role there, and also, my training allows me to know what it is really like and what will happen next,
said Mama. You will also know, when the time comes. Doesnt everyone know? No, many of the dead dont realize that they are dead. They dont seem
to see the border between life and afterlife. These people can be very anxious. They sometimes try to get back to Earth, meet their loved ones, and they are
very upset when the living cannot see them. So what happens to them? The guides, spirits of higher dimensions, help them realize that they are dead.
Sometimes, if persons have a real need to go back to Earth to accomplish something, the guides are saddened by their pain, and allow them to go back,
manifest, and complete their task. Once they do that, they can come back, much happier and calmer. It only happens once, of course, but after that they are
ready to adjust to the afterlife. What is it like, over there? Were you scared when you passed on? There is nothing frightening about the afterlife, said
Mama. It is very much like earth, but peaceful, much more beautiful, and there is no strife or violence of any kind. To the departed, who have shed their
bodies and are occupying a new body, it is as physical as the earth is to the living. Everyone is healthy, there is no disease, no pain, no violence. There are
cities with streets and buildings, gardens and parks, countryside all seems normal, like a poetic interpretation of life. What you see here is visual
projections. You see millions of real people, coming and going in huge waves. There is much to do, since the place you come to first is no more than a quick
stop. You only stay here for twenty to thirty days, some times forty days, and then move on. Do they know where they are going? It depends. Most people
cannot see what is ahead of them, only what is behind them. But they always move on to a higher phase. So naturally they are a bit scared of the
unknown. Yes, some of them experience anxiety. That is what the twenty to thirty days period is for, deciding what needs and things to be done. And they
are helped by the guides, or by people who chose to stay longer in this place. So you can stay there longer? Yes, there are various options, of course. One
option is to go to the place you have created when you built your Minzar and planned a place of rest and happiness. Many people choose to go there for a
while it is up to them how long they would stay there. Time is not really a very important issue where we are. It seems to me that time has stopped. You
can stay there forever if you like it very much. The place created with the Minzar must be very appealing to most people, I should say, I said. Its custom
made for your own happiness. Yes, and the person already has friends, a place to stay, things to do, anything he or she likes best. Its a good option. But
eventually, I would say one should try to evolve into the higher dimensions. You dont know what you miss unless you see it. When I built the Minzar,
Rabbi Mordechai told me that I could not stay in the place I created for too long, since the energy would dissipate and the living body will call me back. But I
suppose its different when one is dead. Yes, since this is now part of the depot of knowledge located in your brain, which was created by the Minzar
experience. It is your Spatial Memory, my son. So you plan to move on after the thirty days? Yes. It is as it should be, and I want to evolve into the
higher dimensions. But as I promised, I will come back for you and be your guide when it is your time to follow me. Think about it as a short, though
necessary separation, but temporary all the same. What it all comes down to, Germain, is that there is no death. And the afterlife offers so many
opportunities for new growth, new knowledge. There is nothing to fear. Will you see Papa? Will I see him when I go there? Of course we will. Do not
worry and do not mourn me, Germain. I will try not to, Mama. I promise. Well, my son, I will be leaving now. No need to say goodbye. Rather, au
revoir. I closed my eyes, not wishing to see her leave, and felt something brush my cheek as if she kissed me. When I opened my eyes, there was no sign of
her. She was gone. I went home and helped Sylvie attend to the visitors; I have never felt so numb.
III. Gilgoolim: Gilgoolim is the non-physical state of a deceased person, at the end of the 40 days period. At that time, the deceased person must decide
whether to stay in the lower level of the Fourth dimension, or head toward a higher level of knowledge, following an extensive orientation
program/guidance. From Gilgoolim, derived the Kabalistic/Hebrew word Gilgoolem referring to the cycle of rebirths, meaning the revolution of souls; the
whirling of the soul after death, which finds-no rest until it reaches its final destination. But in the Jewish literature and teachings, the final destination is
the land of Palestine, the Promised land.

7. Sensations dead people feel, when they enter the first stage, and/or the zone of the after-life
I. Definition: Laridu is the sensations dead people feel, when they enter the first stage, and/or the zone of the after-life. These feelings are usually
associated with people they feared or disliked on Earth. As stated in the Book Ilmu Al Donia and the Book of Ramadosh, the Anunnaki told the Ulema about
the different feelings of people who have just passed away, and entered the sphere of the afterlife. Their feelings are usually reproduced by their cellular
memory. But this memory will fade away after 40 days.
II. The 40 day period: During the 40 day period in the world beyond, the dead become confused, and in many instances, do not realize that they are
dead. Thus, many of them will try to return to Earth, to places they lived at, and to talk to their loved ones. Some, encounter people they did not like while
they were still alive. This fear makes them believe that they are still on Earth, but are displaced, for reasons they cannot understand. Ulema Micah stated
that fear and attachment to physical objects, even after death, keep the departed ones in a state of confusion, and create in their mind, the need to touch
physical objects they can see, but cant move. Laridu includes all sorts of feelings the dead did not free his or her mind from. Same thing applies to dead pet
who try to reach their owners and friends.

8. The projection of the images of the bodies of people who have passed away
Lakur-bashar-shabah Mah.Ga.Ri
I. Definition: Lakur-bashar-shabah Mah.Ga.Ri is the projection of the images of the bodies of people who have passed away. Yet, at a certain time
interval, in an adjacent parallel dimension, the continuity of their physical existence is as real as the one they had while they were still alive on Earth.
II. Etymology: Worth mentioning here that:
1-Bashar is an Anunnaki word for humans. Bashar was one of the primordial words, the Anunnaki geneticists used to refer to their genetic creatures.
These creatures were the prototype of the first human beings. More precisely, the first quasi-human creatures. In addition to Bashar, other names
were used, such Adama, Ada-mah, Naffar, etc.
2- The word Shabah means ghost or phantom in Arabic. It is still used in the Arabic language, and particularly in the Arabic Sihr (Arabic Magic)
literature. In its Anunnaki-Ulemite original context, Shabah meant the etheric energy diffused by your physical body. It could be seen as a real entity
in the next dimension, the one that follows the Third Dimension which is Earth. On Earth, Shabbah resembles Latabi, but only after the event of one
death has occurred.

9. Map of the Afterlife Anunnakis Marda-kharta

Being part of the Anunnakis tradition, and walking their path, mean enlightenment at two levels: Mental and ethical said Master Li, my Honorable

People and places in the afterlife:
He added, verbatim:
The mental part develops in you, extraordinary faculties and abilities.
The ethical part acquaints you with a cosmic truth; a permanent truth that opens your eyes on a way of life, and a code that guarantee access to the
metaphysical knowledge.
The metaphysical knowledge makes you understand what place you are currently occupying now on the landscape of the universe, what is was written
on your life page when you were born, even before you were born on Earth, and above all, what your destiny and place are going to be in the after-life.
I said even before you were born on Earth, because you have more than one physical existence.
This means that you co-exist, you have co-existed, and you shall co-exist simultaneously in different planes, and in multiple dimensions.
Yes, it is possible to learn about what is going to happen to you, when you leave this Earth, and after you enter the next dimension.
The Mounawariin (The enlightened ones) knew upfront what is going to happen to them after death. And they have learned the Rouya (Visions and
Scriptures) that will guide them in their passage to the other life.
In fact, they began to prepare themselves, - right here on Earth because once you enter a dimension that exists in the after-life, you will become
confused and disoriented unless you learn the Rouya. Can you learn the Rouya? Of course you can, because the Rouya is part of your study.
It is like visiting a new country, a very big country, where streets are very large and very long and lead to different places, many bus stations, strange
shops, all the signs in the streets and on the shops windows are written in a foreign language you dont understand. You look around you, and
everything appears strange and stranger.
You cant ask for directions, because the people there dont speak a different language. You are totally lost.
The same thing will happen to you when you enter the dimension of the after-life.
In that dimension, people speak different languages.
The streets look different because their layout is so different. The streets lead to multiple destinations, some are physical, others are mental.
By mental I mean that streets change according to your personal feelings, comprehension, and what you are looking for, or looking at.
And things speed up differently on other dimensions, because time and space cease to exist.
Everything you see on Earth, everything you assimilate on Earth is seen and understood according to your understanding and measurement of time on
And humans understand time by measuring distance(s).
In another dimension or layer(s) of the universe, you see people walking in the streets, and you begin to ask yourself, why are they walking like this or
like that? Their speed will confuse you.
In fact, people in that dimension dont walk normally. Some float. In some parts of that dimension, there is no gravity, the kind of gravity we feel and
understand on Earth.
Instead of walking fast to arrive early to your chosen destination, you will be able to bring that destination to you.
You make distance work for you.
In fact, you can stay put. You dont have to walk fast at all, because the lack of time will shorten distances. And this will have a major impact on your
In other parts, the things you see are reflected, just like what normally you see in a mirror.
Thus, if you are not adequately prepared to enter a no-time/no-space zone, you will be totally lost.
Learning the Anunnakis metaphysical truth on Earth allows you to walk freely in the other world.
Also it allows you to get acquainted with the languages of the other world.
And the most important thing about all this, is the fact that the metaphysical truth will help you locate and find your loved ones, friends, and even your
pets in the next dimension.
Is the Anunnakis metaphysical truth similar to the Third Eye?
No, it is not. The Third Eye opens your eyes on the reality and illusion of this world.
The Thid Eye is limited to our physical world, here on Earth.
Its powers and wisdom do not transcend the physical perimeter of planet Earth.
The Anunnakis metaphysical truth is like a map of a new country you wish to visit for the first time.
Even though, you do not speak the foreign language of that country, you will not find any difficulty finding your way around or talking to the people of
that dimension in their native tongue, because the map, first shows you all the locations you want to visit, and secondly, it translates the foreign
language for you.
So, you point at one place on the map, and you will immediately understand what people are talking about, you will be able to read all the signs in that
foreign language, because the map will serve as a guide, as a translator, and as a dear companion.
You might ask now, where do I find this map? Is it real, or just the product of my imagination? Is it physical or mental?
The answer is very simple. It is real and physical. Many Masters saw it here on Earth. And reading the map here on Earth is a major part of preparing
yourself to enter a different dimension after you die.
But only those who are pure in heart, and wish to constantly progress and elevate themselves to a higher level in the after-life will have access to the
map. By the way, we call the map in Anakh Falak-Kharta. Falak means the universe, and Kharta means a map.
Probably you are asking yourself now, or possibly, one day you will ask me: Master, if the Anunnakis map of the after-life really works in the afterlife, then, why cant I use it here on Earth to make my life a little bit better, to locate friends I have not seen for many years, and I dont know where
they are now?
Why cant I use the Anunnakis map here on Earth to learn all the different languages on Earth? Why I have to die first to learn all this? And why all
these subjects are so mysterious and no direct and simple answers are given to me?
Well, I have heard all these questions many many times before. When I was a student like you, dont you think I have asked my teachers the very same
questions? Of course I did. And do you know what my teachers have told me?
I will tell you what they have said to me.
They explained to all the students, that in order to find the Anunnakis map, and to learn how to use the map, each one of us must become familiar
a- Abgaru
b- Afik-rTanawar
c- Eido-Rah

d- Gomari
Once you have learned a, b, c, d, the Anunnakis map will reveal itself to you.

10. Physical manifestation of a dead person, before entering another dimension

Kusir and Lalladu
I. Introduction:
Quite often, students and readers alike, ask me questions about what does happen to a person, at the moment, the Soul or the Mind leaves her/his body?
Does the Soul hang around for a while, or it goes straight to hell or heaven? A more stimulating and unexpected question in that context came from a
skeptic currently residing in Madrid, who never believed in anything Anunnaki. He asked me, word for word: I know what will happen to me when I die.
My soul leaves my body, and goes to heaven, because I am a good Catholic. Now, you tell me what happens to an Anunnaki when he dies. I am particularly
interested in what happens to the body and soul of this or that Anunnaki you claim is living here among us? Does he go to heaven? Long time ago, while I
was at the Ulema Mahad (School), I heard a novice from Burma asking my Ulema teacher, similar questions, perhaps more colorful. The student asked the
honorable Master: Does your Anunnaki teacher who visits with you on Earth die like all of us? And if he dies on earth, like all of us, does he leave his dead
body on earth to be cremated? Or the Anunnaki will come to earth to take his body? Quite interesting questions indeed. I have never heard any spiritual
channeler, or a so-called Psychic Extraterrestrial Medium discussing these subjects, and/or explaining what exactly does happen to the body of an
extraterrestrial, and especially an Anunnaki, when she/he dies on Earth, despite their phantasmagoric and far-fetched theories, visions, jargons and
warnings about the Anunnaki! Did the Ulema address these issues? Of course they did. Honorable Master Sorenstein said, that in the Ulemite and Anakh
literature, there are two important words or terms that refer to these situations. These two words are: Kusir and Lalladu.
II. Kusir and Lalladu:
a. Meaning of Kusir: Also Kiaba as it appeared in the Book of Ramadosh. Kusir is a term for the physical manifestation of a dead person, before
entering another dimension, and/or during the 40 day period following his/her death. The Anunnaki-Ulema said that there are two categories of Kusir:
Kusir-Ra: A physical projection of a dead human being who died from a natural cause. This apparition occurs when the etheric-plasmic body of a deceased
person (Any age, any gender) has retained enough particles-energy to manifest its previous physical form. Usually, it appears before relatives and loved
ones. Pets also can re-appear before their owners; however, their physical projection is not always complete. Quite often some parts of their bodies are
Kusir-Ji: A physical projection of a deceased killed by acts of violence, suicide, and similar tragic means. The apparition occurs via an
ectoplasmic/holographic projection, and/or particles condensation. But it lasts briefly, for the energy contained in the apparition or the projection is not
strong enough to last for more than 5 seconds. Usually, entities and/or human shapes that reappear through Kusir-Ji reflect au aura of sadness and
confusion. In this state of mind, the deceased is not fully convinced that he/she is in fact dead.

*** *** ***

On resurrection and reincarnation

1. There is no reincarnation of bodies or souls on Earth.

2. But in other dimensions, a process of purification and learning in the form of mind transmigration occurs and re-occurs indefinitely.
3. When the Anunnaki created us on this Earth, they mixed in a mold, an earthly element called Turab with part of their essence (DNA).

a-Mold means container, an incubator or a similar tool.
b-Turab means dirt, sands, carbon, fossils, etc
It is not necessarily clay as we know it today, and as it was alleged or explained by some authors.
The enlightened teachers have said, that Turab or the clay mentioned in the Sumerian texts could also be sea shells. This was mentioned in ancient
Phoenicians texts, epics and terracotta.
c-Part of their essence means DNA or an extract from their genes that were not contaminated on Earth.
4. Because the mix did not contain what humans call Soul, the soul never entered our bodies.
5. There is another non-physical element called Mind that substitutes for the soul. (Buddhism shares this concept.)
6. The Mind does not reincarnate and/or return to Earth. No reason to.
7. The Mind evolves in our lives according to the Anunnakis blueprint, and in virtue of a constant learning on Earth. This is one of the biggest
differences between the Anunnaki-Ulemas Mind and humans concept of soul.
8. The Mind (Soul to others) does not evolve or acquire more knowledge and wisdom by returning to Earth, and reincarnating in other human bodies,
because neither the human body, nor Earths teachings surpass the level and standards of the teachings of the Anunnaki, and the amount of
knowledge to be gained in higher dimensions. 9. Thus, your Mind (Soul) should go somewhere else to acquire more elevated knowledge and purify
itself. The corrupt and contaminated environment of Earth and human beings societies do not allow the Mind (Soul) to reach a higher level of
10. Earth is the lowest habitat in the universe.
11. And humans are the lowest living thinking creatures in the universe. Returning to Earth as a reincarnated soul will defeat all purposes.
12. Instead, the Mind (Soul) searches for a purified level of existence, increases its mental (Spiritual to others) qualities, and evolves where the
ultimate purification and intelligence (Spirituality to others) exist. Earth is not such a place! And humans are not those pure and ultimately developed
beings to help your soul to reach perfection and ultimate goodness.
13. There is no logic to the idea of the reincarnation of the soul and its return to Earth. You have been here before, and you have seen how people treat
you. You heard so many contradicting ideas and teachings about the truth, the human salvation, the true prophets, the elaborate speeches of your
preachers and teachers, and so on. You have heard them once, twice, and zillion of timesit is more than enough.

14. If you return again to Earth, you will hear over and over again the same old stories.
15. Perhaps new streets were paved, and new names given to new companies, and new car are designed, but do all these things help your soul? Dont
you think if your soul goes somewhere else, where there are no greed, no wars, no killings, no violence, no hatred, no fanaticism, no racism, no
mistreating animals, and no betrayalit would be far better and more beneficial to your soul?
16. Why Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Einstein, and the prophets of God did not return to Earth? This, you will figure it out on your own!
17. The Mind (Soul to others) is not stagnant. It evolves, and continues to evolve and progress for hundreds of thousands of years after death on planet
Ard (Earth); the deterioration of the physical body, that is.
18. But in order to evolve, the Mind (Soul) must reach a higher sphere of knowledge and goodness. And that sphere begins with the Fifth dimension.
*** *** ***

Apparition of Dead Pets.

Communication with our Dead Pets Gensi-uzuru
I. Introduction:
The Ulema are very fond of animals. Extensive passages in the Book of Ramadosh speak about the important role animals play in the life of humans,
especially at emotional and therapeutic levels. The Ulema believe that pets understand very well their human-friends (Instead of using the word owners).
And also, pets communicate with those who show them love and affection. This loving relationship between pets and their human-friends does not end
when pets die.
II. Is it possible to communicate with our dead pets?
Although the Anunnaki-Ulema do not believe in any possibility of contacting deceased people or animals, they have explained to us that contacting our
departed ones is possible for a very short time, and only during the 40 days period following their death. In other words, we can contact our deceased
parents and dear ones, or more accurately enter in contact with them if:
a-They contact us short after their death;
b-They must initiate the contact;
c-This should happen during a 40 day period following their departure;
d-Their contact (Physical or non-physical) must be noticed by us. This means that we should and must pay an extra attention to something quite
irregular or unusual happening around us, because our departed pets will try to send us messages, and in many instances, they do.
e-We must expect their messages, and strongly believe in those messages.
The Ulema said that humans cannot contact their dead pets. But pets can contact us via different ways that we can sense if we have developed a strong
bond with them. Pets know who love them and those who dont, because pets feel, understand, sense and see our aura. All our feelings and thoughts are
imprinted in our aura, and the aura is easily visible to pets, particularly, cats, dogs, parrots, lionesses, pigs, and horses. This belief is shared by authors,
people of science and therapists in the West, despite major difference between Westerners and Ulema in defining the nature and limits of pets-humans after
death contact. For instance, in the United States, pets lovers and several groups of therapists and psychics think that a pet can reappear as a ghost, and a
ghost could be luminous or even appear as it did in life. You don't necessarily know when you see an animal if it's a ghost or not, said Warren, a researcher
in the field. It's much easier to identify a loved one who's passed and come back. Don't forget them because they're gone, said Jungles, who owns three
cats. Keep their toys and blankets around. They (ghosts) will go where they're happiest. Warren agrees. Recreate an environment conducive to the pet's
life, he said. Use your imagination and treat it like it's alive. In other words, you should create or re-create conditions ideal for their re-appearance, their
return, even though, for a very short moment.
III. When your departed loved pet returns to see you: I remember very vividly what the loving and Honorable Ulema Li has said to a novice who
rushed to him in tears, and begged him to bring back to life, his dog who had died that morning. This happened some sixty years ago. (More exactly 57 years
ago). Here is the story.
My loving teacher asked the little Murad (Name of the novice):
When did your dog die?
Murad: This morning Master, please bring him back to me!
Master Li: I cant do that son, but how about if I let you see him one more time?
Murad: Oh Master, I will do anything for you, anything.
Master Li: You know son, you dog is not dead. He is somewhere else now and he is very happy.
Murad: Master, I buried him this morning under the tree. He is dead, he is dead!
Master Li: Ok then, l will let you see him one more time, but do not touch him, do you understand? Just look at him, you can talk to him, but do not touch
him. If you touch him, Poof, he will disappear.
By then, many students were alerted to what was going on and rushed to sit on the floor at the feet of the Master, excited and curious, they kept looking at
the Master and I could hear them saying Master, please one more miracle, because they were accustomed to see the Master doing extraordinary things. An
indescribable deep silence threw its heavy coat over the little students and we were waiting. And all of a sudden, Murad screamed: Ahhhhhe is scratching
my legshe is licking my right foothe is hereI feel himWhere is Master? Where is he, please tell meI want to see him. None of the students
including myself saw or felt anything. Only Murad. Then, a thin layer of white dust began to take shape. And suddenly the dust was transformed into a
substance like fluffy white cotton, and finally the face of a small dog began to appear, and seconds later, his whole body became visible to all of us. Murad
got so excited and so happyand not remembering what the Master has told him, rushed to hug his dog. And this was a grave mistake. Because as soon as
he touched the face of his dog, the dog vanished in thin air. What Murad did upset everybody, and we hated him for that! Obviously Murad is in state of
shock now. He did not know what to do or what to say. He dropped on the ground, and almost fell in a coma. The dog never returned again.With an austere
serenity, the Master was watching everything, and everybody. Then, almost in a perfect synchronization, the students shouted: Master! What happened?
And very calmly, the Master said: You never touch the body of the dead before he rises to a higher dimension. None of us understood what he meant. We

kept on asking more and more questions, but the Master in a firm voice said: The Dirasa did not start yet! (Dirasa means the lesson or the study.) Two
months later, the Master nicely surprised us with a lesson on Gensi-uzuru. Obviously, he did not forget how interested we were in learning more about what
has happened to Murads dog. Everybody was excited beyond belief. And this is what the Master had to say:
IV. Kiraat on Gensi-uzuru:
The Anunnaki love their pets very much. They treat them with love and respect. They dont consider them animals, but friends who just look different.
You too, all of you, should love and care for you pets.
Your pets feel with you, and know if you love them or you dont.
Your pets can even protect your health.
When your pets die, they dont forget you. Like all of us, they remember their good friends.
And believe me when I tell you, they will try to come back, because they want so much to be with you again. Unfortunately, this is not possible.
However, and because of the great love you had for your pets, they will keep on trying and trying.
Pets are like humans; after they die, they dont understand what is happening to them. They become very confused.
But this happens to your pets during two weeks only. The two weeks after they have died. After these two weeks, their essence is no longer trapped in
the thin sphere separating Earth (More exactly, previous life) from the next dimension. So after two weeks, they are gone for good.
For humans, it is 40 days. After 40 days, we are no longer here. We enter the next dimension, and we never come back.
So, during these two weeks (Two weeks after they die), your pets can return to see you for a very very short moment. It could last up to 4 seconds.
Now, it is up to you to feel their presence. It is not difficult if you pay attention.
I am going to explain to you.
First, what they do is this: Because they are no longer in a physical substance, (Physical form), and because they dont know what is happening to
them, they approach you very slowly. They are confused, but they recognize you.
They still remember where they were before.
They remember your home, you, and the toys they played with; the ones you gave them.
So, they come toward you slowly slowly, and gently will lean against your legs, or touch your legs like a whisper, like a childs caress.
Unfortunately, very very very few people notice that. And sadly enough, your pets desperate efforts to contact you and let you know that they here
around you are almost never felt.
So, they dissipate, because they run out of energy.
Remember, they cant last for more than 4 seconds.
But they dont give up. They will try one more time. Only one more time. After that, they are gone for ever.
Now listen to me carefully. While you are not aware of their invisible existence around you, things are still happening, and you can be part of it.
You can still make some small arrangements, and mentally and emotionally prepare yourself to feel them when they return. And you will succeed. So
what you have to do is this:
Go fetch their toys. All of them if possible. Put them in their favorite area, where they used to play with their toys or preferred to lay down.
Sit on the floor around the toys. Remember, you cant call your dead pets.
You cant communicate with them. But they will communicate with you and will return to see you for the last time.
Bring their food and water bowls, and put them next to their toys, as if they were still alive.
Dont ask why, just do it.
Stay there for sometime. Twenty minutes should suffice. You can leave the room, but it is imperative that every ten minutes you go back, and sit there
for few more minutes.
Keep on doing this for two days. Is it time consuming? Not really, if you want to see your pets again.
And before you know it, they will come back, and they will rub against you, and you are going to feel it, and you will never ever forget that feeling.
This would be their last farewell to you

Maximillien de Lafayette World Part 2


Selections of his writings from his book: The Essential

Maximillien de Lafayette. Part 2
Abbreviation of Yahweh (The Name of GOD)

Jah, Yah
I. Definition: Jah Yah is an abbreviation of Jehovah. It is derived from the Anakh word Ha-yah,
which means life. In Hebrew, it means to be, come to pass.
II. In the Kabalah: Kabbalah Sephirot stated, In the Kabala, Jah is the divine name of the
Sephirah Hochmah; also the masculine manifestation, and/or male aspect of the hermaphrodite
conception of Yahweh. Thus it becomes the supreme and ultimate Divine Name. It is the Jah, which
is the name-title of the Creator, the chief of the angels, Cherubiim, Supreme Beings, the Gods, and/or
Extraterrestrial Anunnaki-Nephilim.
III. In Anakh/Ulemite literature: In Anakh/Ulemite literature, Jah also means, the galactic
source of all living beings. In other words, the primordial cosmic life-being in the whole universe, and
its multiple dimensions. Yah Jah is also one of the creators of the Anunnaki. The world is not a
divine creation that happened in six days, as described in the Bible, and the Scriptures. Our world
was created outside the landscape and perimeter of the physically measurable cosmos. What we see
on Earth, in our skies, heavens, planets, and galaxies, stars, and far beyond what we can see,
originated in another dimension, and this other dimension also originated from another one. Some of
the copies of the universe, including ours, our Earth, and ourselves were created according to nonphysical blueprints of many Supreme Architects, who existed in other planes, billions of years, before Gods name and existence were invented by humans,
whether in their imagination, in caves, in temples, or in epics. Ulema Stanbouli confirmed this point. Ulema Naphtali said verbatim, Humans were not
created in the image of God. We were created genetically from Turab, an Earths substance and the DNA of an advanced extraterrestrial race called Annaki
or Al Annakh (Anunnaki). And the Annaki were fashioned according to Jahs specific formula. Parts of this formula are:
a-Rouhiyya, meaning etheric;
b-Sham-kiya, meaning cosmic (Cosmic dust and cosmic molecules);
c-Birza, which means mental projection. The Jah, plural or singular, male of female, or non male and non female were the architects and geneticists of
the formula of life, the cosmos, and time-space concept.
Note: The Ulema have never called extraterrestrials Aliens, EBE, or creatures from outer space. Ulema Mordechai ben Zvi said verbatim, I find it
amusing when I hear people calling them aliens. In fact we humans, are the aliens. And after all, what do we mean by aliens? Aliens to whom, and to
what? And by what standards and criteria are they aliens? They have existed for millions of years on Earth, they were the original inhabitants of this
planet. We came much much later to co-inhabit Earth with them. And as such, we are the aliens. Jah created them. And they created us. And as
humans, we also create things, including ideas and products, and the creation process in any shape or form continues ad infinitum. Creation begets

Do Anunnaki believe in God?

I. Anunnakis god is not the same God we worship on Earth: The grand leader of the Anunnaki (Called the creator of energy), and other
Anunnaki kings and commanders of the first three expeditions to Earth were worshiped by the early human races as gods. The Anunnaki do not believe in a
God in the same way we do, even though they were the ones who created and originated the early forms of all our religions on Earth. However, those
Anunnaki who brought religion to Earth were of a lower class of the Anakh (Anunnaki). The god (Yah-Weh) they brought to Earth and planted in the mind
of primitive humans, was a vengeful and terrifying god; a fact the Gnostics and early scholars of the Coptic Church in Egypt were fully aware of. Their
doctrines show their disdain for such a god, and consequently, they called him the Creator of Evil and Darkness.
II. The Gnostics: Earth was not created by the God of the Church, but rather by an evil demi-god: Later on in history, the Gnostics began to
spread the word that Earth was not created by the God of the Church, but rather by an evil demi-god. The more advanced human beings who interacted with
the Anunnaki shared similar beliefs. Today, if humans would learn about all this, the religious aspect of our beliefs would be most difficult to reconcile.
Members of an early Anunnaki expedition to Phoenicia taught the Phoenicians how to develop their language, and revealed to them the secret powerful
names and attributes of Baalshalimroot, and the Divine Source of Creation. They instructed them not to use these words for ill purposes. Particularly, the
word Baalazamhour-Il is never to be pronounced or written. Later on in history, the Habiru (Hebrew) religiously observed this instruction, and thus,
pronouncing the name of God became forbidden in Jewish tradition. However, the Anunnaki did reveal to the Phoenicians and Sumerians seven positive
and powerful names/attributes of the Grand Leader (Call him God in terrestrial terms). If well used, these words can bring prosperity, good health, and
salvation in moments of difficulty and despair. The prophet Mohammad learned these seven words from an early Christian ascetic, a Sahara hermit called
Raheb Bouhayra. Today, Muslims all over the world are aware of these seven words or names. They call them in written Arabic Asma Al Lah Al Sabha Al
Housna, meaning the seven lovely names of God. These names do not have numerical value or secret meanings as many scholars claim, simply because they
were not originally written in a geometrical form, and did not correspond to a true god.
(Note: None of these words appeared on the alleged hieroglyphic measuring tape that the Americans found at the UFO crash site in Roswell. The symbols and geometrical
signs Americans found in Roswell were biochemical symbols.)

III. The early names of the Hebrew God were of an extraterrestrial origin: It is true that the ancient Sumerian texts and records mentioned
names of some of the Anunnaki leaders such as Utu, Ningishzida, Ninki, Marduk, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, but the greatest name of all was Baalshalimroot, also
referred to as Baalshalimroot-Ankgh. He was not depicted by the Anunnaki as a god. Terah, the father of Abraham, mistakenly worshiped
Baalshalimroot-Ankgh as God. Early Semites made the same mistake when they worshiped the leaders of the Anunnaki as gods, later to be called Bene
Ha-Elohim, meaning the children of the gods. The Anunnaki never introduced themselves as gods. The Jewish words El Elyon and Yahweh (Jehovah)
were taken directly from the Anunnakis written language. The original word was Yahweh-El Ankh and El Elyon was Il Ilayon-imroot. Some scholars
equated the Anunnaki with the Nephilim. This is not totally correct. The lower class of the Anunnaki are the Nephilim, although many historians call them
sometimes Ana-KIm or Elohim. Elohim was interpreted by the early human race including the Hebrew as GOD or My Lord. Elohim is the plural of Eli.
And Eli became god in many Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic. It has the same meaning in Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Akkadian and
Arabic. And it was frequently used in reference to God. Even Jesus Christ used it. On the cross, Jesus said in Aramaic: Eli, Eli, Lama Shabaktani, meaning:
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? The higher class of the Anunnaki (Rafaath) is ruled by Baalshalimroot, and his followers or subjects are
called the Shtaroout-Hxall Ain, meaning the inhabitants of the house of knowledge, (Mistakenly, the Aramaic and Hebrew texts refer to as: House of God)

or those who see clearly. At one point in ancient times, the Anunnaki told the Phoenicians that there is no god (One God) ruling over the entire universe.
However, the high priest of Melkart (Chief god in Tyre, Carthage and many regions in the Near and Middle East) instructed the temples priests to mislead
the people, and spread the word that the Anunnaki were celestial gods visiting Earth and were constantly working with the Phoenician gods. In the early
tales about Kadmos (Kadmus), the Phoenician prince who lived around 2,000 B.C. according to Herodotus of Halicarnassus (482-B.C.-426 B.C.), the
concept of one god instead of many gods began to surface. It was based upon the belief that the Anunnaki followed one supreme leader who created the
entire human race. But even then, the term god did not mean the God we worship today. Kadmos was the first Phoenician scholar and thinker who knew
that God did not create mankind, and that the universe was not created by the supreme god or gods of the Phoenicians, the neighboring Near Eastern
civilizations or the Anunnaki. Kadmos was and still is one of the brightest minds in the history of humanity; he was recognized by the ancient Greeks
(Hellenes) as the creator of the Alphabet. Kadmos founded the legendary city of Thebes and built the first acropolis in ancient Greece. The Greeks called him
Kadmos, and to honor him, they called the city of Thebes Kademeia (From Kadmos) after him. Many words and letters from the Phoenician alphabet
derived from the Anunnaki language (Anakh). Kadmos wrote down its final format according to the instructions of the Anunnaki. So, he knew what he was
talking about; he knew from the Anunnaki that there is no such thing as one god (Judeo-Christian God) who created Adam, Eve, and all of us, because he
was one of their students.

On Teleportation (Barka-kirama)
I. Definition: Barka-kirama is a blessing or an enlightenment (Tanwir) technique that develops teleportation. It is composed of two words:
a-Barka, which means blessing.
b-Kirama, which means good deeds.
II. In ancient Middle Eastern literature: Barka-kirama is a very important and a primordial Anunnakis expression, because it is closely and directly
related to Tay Al Ard, and Tay Al Makan, which mean teleportation. Tay Al Ard is an Ulemite/Arabic word. It is a metaphysical experience that produces a
teleportation phenomenon; a secret esoteric practice of the Ulema and Allamah.
From Barka, derived:
a-The Hebrew words Barak and Baraka (Blessings).
b-The Arabic Baraka and Brakaat (Blessings).
From Kirama, derived:
a-The Persian Keramat (Good deeds).
b-The Arabic Kiramat (Honorable deeds).
III. The concept: At one time, Barka-kirama, Tay Al Ard, and Tay Al Makan, were an arcane mixture of elements and esoteric substances used by
Quelthulian ritualists in their trance-visions, and teleportation experiences and experiments. The Ulema claim that they have learned its secret and how its
works from the Rou-hi-yin who are supreme beings from the Fifth dimension. When Islam became a major religion in the Near East, and the Middle East,
Tay Al Ard was banned by Prophet Muhammad, who called its practitioners Min Ahl Al Nar, meaning verbatim: Those who are from fire. Fire meant hell,
or the kingdom of Al Shaytan (Satan, the devil).The Arabic pre-Islamic word Ulema was replaced by the Arabic Islamic word Allamah or Al Hallama.
However, the Ulema and the Allamah were very different from each other in many ways. The Ulema remained the custodians of the Anunnakis secret
knowledge and esoteric powers, while the Allamah were considered as the Alamin, the learned ones and leading figures of letters, literature, science and
religion. Nevertheless, many Muslim teachers and spiritualists remain Ulema at heart. Many of them - secretly of course - joined the circle of the nonMuslim Ulema to learn the ultimate knowledge acquired from non-terrestrial beings. The Suphists were the first to join the Non-Muslim Ulema. Worth
mentioning, that around, 850 A.D., Ulema and Allamah were semantically overlapping each other. And both words came to mean or express the same thing
in the eye of Arab scholars, and in the Islamic world. Many Soufiyyin (Sufis) by joining the Ulema, learned some of the secrets of TayAl-Ard. They called it:
Tay Al Makan, meaning the folding of space. It is composed of two Arabic words:
a-Tay, which means folding or to fold.
b-Al Makan, which means the Space; the location; the place.)
The Sufis replaced the word Al Makan with the word Al Ard. The general meaning of Tay Al Ard or Tay Al Makan is to traverse the earth without moving. Al
Munawarin claim that instead of physically moving from one place to another, an enlightened person can bring to himself, to where he is standing, the place
he wanted to reach. In other words, the earth of the place to reach has been displaced under the enlightened ones feet. Ironically, this pre-Islamic concept is
now fully accepted by Muslim clerks, Cheiks and teachers of the Islamic Sharia and Fukh, grouped together under the umbrella of Al Allamah. Ulema or
Allamah Qadhi, previously one of the leading figures of Allameh Tabatabaei explained Tay Al Ard as the termination of matter itself in the original location,
and its re-appearance, manifestation, and re-creation in its final location, the place one wished to reach. The Iranian Dehkhoda dictionary defined Tay Al
Ard as: An aspect of Keramat Kiramat (Extraordinary deeds of saints and holy people) in which instead of going toward a destination by taking a step
forward, the earth turns itself toward the traverser rapidly, in a blink of an eye, regardless of how far the destination is." Ulema Ibn Al Nadim bin Ishaq alNadim (a.k.a. Al Warrak died on September 17, 995. He wrote the Kitab al-Fihrist.) explained this phenomenon by citing verses from the Quran, taken from
Chapter Al Naml; Verse: 27:38: Solomon said to his men: O Chiefs, which of you can bring me the throne of Queen of Sheba before she and her envoys
come to me in submission? Verse 27: 39: "Said an 'Ifrit of Al Jinns: I will bring it to thee before thou rise from thy council. In fact, I have full power for this
purpose, and may be trusted.Verse 27:40: Said one who had knowledge of the Book: I will bring it to thee within a blink of any eye! Then when the sage
Solomon saw it placed right before him, he said: This was done by the authority of God all mighty, my Lord. Some Middle Eastern sages and teachers of
religious esoteric dogmas suggested that according to these verses, the Ulema Asif ibn Al Birkhia teleported the throne of Queen of Sheba almost
instantaneously, in a blink of an eye. This was confirmed in a Hadith (Dialogue, a chat, or a discourse) by Jaafar Al Sadiq. Allamah have explained this
teleportation phenomenon very differently. They claimed that the teleportation occurred because Ulema Asif ibn Birkhia used one of the secret Asma Al
Allah Al Saba Al Husma. (One of the seven secret names of God.) The knowledge and use of one of the secret holy and lovely names of God allowed Ulema
Asif ibn Birkhia to teleport the throne. The Ulema, students of the Anunnaki, briefly explained this phenomenon. Ulema Cheik Al Kabir said (Verbatim):
Time is represented with 2 lines not perfectly aligned; one for you, the other for what is not you. Also space is represented with two circles; one for you, the
other for what is not you. If you manage to place yourself between one of the two lines and one of the two circles without touching the other line and the
other circle, you will conquer time-space. The Taj Baba explains Tay Al Ard as the elapse of time and distances in the vicinity, and to reach far distant
places in a flick of an eye. It also means the transport for others to get there, and to call far distant things to become close at hands through the Karamat. It
is a tradition and ritual practice related to Aulia Allah (Friends and favourites of God) that allow them to reach any place in the world instantly. The
distance-time and places are wrapped up in a flick of second, and cross all that at once.

IV. The Tay Al Ard, self-teleportation and concept of the Alkiramat Keramat:
Alkiramat Keramat is a Farsi (Iranian) and Arabic term meaning holy deeds that allow teleportation. Literally (Folding up of the earth) is the name for
thaumaturgical teleportation in the mystical aspect of Islamic religious, esoteric, metaphysical and philosophical traditions. In 2004, in a report to the

United States Air Force (Dubbed: AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034), Dr. Eric W. Davis recommended the study of teleportation, which he defined as The
conveyance of persons or inanimate objects by psychic means. Being an allegedly esoteric knowledge by nature, it is not known exactly how it takes place,
but theories and explanations abound. The most prevalent theory has to do with the concept of consciousness and will. The person wishes to be some place,
and he is then simply there an instant later. This view can perhaps be understood from the perspective of Western philosophical idealism where esse est
percipi: If space does not have an objective reality, and reality itself is thought of as observer- -based and a subjective entity, then ideas such as moving in
space without actually physically moving are no longer unchartered possibilities. In addition, the jinn are believed to possess this knowledge of
transportation, however in a limited amount, according to the Allamah. Famous Sheikhs, Imams, and prominent figures such as Abusaeid Abolkheir or
Rumi or Ak-Khidr, were believed to possess kiramat, and writings from medieval Islam are full of stories and reports of certain individuals possessing such
a trait. For example, Idries Shah and Robert Graves mention the case where senior members of the Azimia order were reputed to appear, like many of the
ancient Sheikhs at different places at one and the same time. Many other examples can be found in Attar's Tadhkirat Al-Awliya (Biographies of the Saints)
or the works of Ibn Arabi, as well as other similar chronicles. However, no one for sure knew the number and identity of all those who possess such
knowledge, since according to Hujviri, those who hold such knowledge do not know one another, and are not aware of the other's state of excellence, and
are hidden from themselves and from mankind. One of the most discussed phenomena of this supposedly esoteric knowledge is the event of traveling
without actually moving. Islamic texts and records from the mystics are full of such accounts from various eras.

2. On Foreseeing the Future and Rewinding Time.

An Anunnaki Ulema tried to explain to his students, in simple language, how foreseeing the future is possible. During the session (Q&A), he was
interrupted many times by his novices. These interruptions were frequent, and could distract you from the track of thoughts and explanations of the
Masters track of thought and explanation. But quite often, the Master returns to where he started, and brings the discussion back on the right track. So, the
reader must be patient and willing to go along with these interruptions, because even though they deviated from the original path of the Masters Kiraat,
they provided an added dimension to his teaching. In this Kiraat, the Master used as an example, a train, as a tool or vehicle to enter the zone of the future.

Excerpts from a Q&A session between an Ulema and his new students.
I. Why mediums, psychics and channelers cant predict the future? The Ulema said, that in order to foresee your future, you have to get there,
and that is the problem, humans are facing. The so-called psychics and mediums will never be able to predict anything, as long as they are sitting where they
are, in time and space, such as Walla Walla, New Jersey, Amsterdam, and in the year 1945, 1995, 2005, and so on, because they will be limited by time and
space. They must escape from the bondage of the time and space that they live in. What he meant by that, is as long as they try to foresee the future from the
present time that they live in, they will never be able to jump in time to predict what is going to happen in the near future, and the distant future. The
enlightened Anunnaki Ulema Master added: These mediums are really confused, and/or only pretending to be able to see the future. Here they are sitting
in their apartment or stores in New York, Iowa or Wisconsin, and telling you I am going to tell you what is going to happen to you in the future. That is
their biggest mistake. So, when they tell you here is what is going to happen in 2007, 2009the market is going to crash, this or that president is going to be
assassinated, this might happen or not, and if part of their so-called predictions happen, it is pure coincidence. This is similar to answering a multiple choice
paper in your driving test, or your college exam. The correct answer is already there, as one of the three. Three answers are given in the test, two are wrong,
and one is right. Your chances are one out of three that you picked the right one. In fact, you did not know the right answer, you just picked it, because that
is the only way you could answer a question. This is not predicting the future. Now, if the test did not give you three answers to choose from, and you had to
come up with the right answer on your own, then your answer might be an indication that you know what in fact is going to happen. And even if your answer
is the correct one, this does not mean that you are a psychic or a medium. Because guessing or coincidence are not a sign of a psychic ability.
II. The future is not defined and/or measured by time and space: The enlightened master then added that you must be transported, or
transposed into the future, sit in the realm of the future, and then come back to the present. Well, this seems to be a possibility, if we know how to do it. But
how can we do it? How can we reach a destination in the future and begin to see what is going on, and afterward, return to Earth, to the present, and talk
about it? The enlightened Master explained in a few words. He said verbatim, Stay where you are, physically, you cant do a thing. Your brain will transport
you to the realm of the future. And there is a pertinent technique explained in the Book of Ramadosh. Without visiting the future, you cant understand it,
you cant see it, and you cant witness events that will occur in the future. The future which is part of your past and present, contains everything that has
happened, is currently happening, and is going to happen any time. And he concluded his explanation by saying, If you stay in the present, you will not be
able to see the future, simply because you are not yet in the zone of the future; a zone free of time and space. Things that are happening in the future do exist
in the future without being defined and measured by distance, space, time, and speed. When these events are explained to us, or told about in our Earth
languages, these future events become physical occurrences defined by duration, distance, space and time. On Earth, everything is measured by time, space,
distance, speed, size and weight. In parallel dimensions, and in the sphere of the future, the future escapes any physical measurement, because it is not
defined by time and space.
III. How do the Anunnaki Ulema transport you in the future and rewind time? How the Masters, the Mounawiriin, and the Anunnaki Ulema
transpose you from the present to the future? Answer: Our brain cannot understand the concept of time-space-future. It is a very difficult concept to grasp.
One of the Masters said verbatim, Let me make it easy on you, I will give you an example. You are boarding a train with friends, and the train will make
many stops. Some of your friends will get out of the train at station a, others at station b, and others at station c, so on. You stay on the train. You do not exit
at station a, b, or c. You stay inside the train, until the train reaches the last destination. Thats the last stop of the station. By staying inside the train and not
getting out of the train at any stop until the last one, you have seen much more than all of your friends did. Note: The Master is interrupted by a question
from a novice. Question: Basically you stopped along the way at each train station, but you did not get off the train until the last stop, or final destination of
the train. So all you saw on your journey, because you did not get off and explore is various train stations for a few minutes. Answer of the Master: Thats
correct, but it does not matter whether you have stayed inside the train, or got off and saw what was going on at each station. You have assumed that the
person who stayed inside the train, and did not get off the train, and did not explore what was going on at each station, has a limited knowledge or no
knowledge at all of what happened at each station. This is how human beings reason and rationalize things. But this is the wrong way to explain things,
because you are thinking geographically, and in linear time. Dont tell yourself that because you didnt get off the train, therefore, you have missed lots of
things and did not see what was going on at each stop. On a linear chronology of time-distance-space, it is true. Now think like this: You have reached the
last stop, the final destination of the train. At this last station, you can rewind your journey on the train backward. And there is a technique to rewind
yourself and the time you have spent on the train, a technique you can learn from the Anunnaki Ulema. It is neither the right time, nor the right place to talk
about this technique. Instead, focus on what I am about to tell you. In your mind, try to remember all the stations, and all the stops the train made. It is a
very simple exercise. What you are doing now is rewinding your trip backward. And you are going to be amazed, that this simple exercise will make your
mind remember everything or at least many things you have seen briefly at each station. But in fact, your brain is going to reveal much more than that. Your
brain or more precisely your symmetric mind has a much bigger memory. A symmetric mind is the original copy of your physical brain. And it is part of your
double or astral body. The symmetric mind records and stores everything you saw. And if your Conduit is active or open, it will remind you of everything
you have seen, felt or learned. Do not get confused with the concept of the symmetric mind. Forget it for now. But remember, or try to accept the idea, that
while you are not aware of the existence of a symmetric mind that you have had since you were born, your symmetric mind is a magnificent recording
device, and a very powerful camera. Your symmetric mind has gathered information from every stop, almost everything you have not seen or heard. Who is
rewinding back your journey on the train? Is it your memory? You mind? Yourself ? Or something else? None of the above. It is your symmetric mind. Once
again, dont worry about your symmetric mind. Lets go back to the last stop of the train. You are there now. Good. Lets now equate this last station with a
date, a time frame, a year, a certain time, any time you want. For example, lets choose the year 2021. This year represents the 7th station the final stop of
the train. If you go back in time, (in fact we are going back into the future), we will return to the 1st station. And lets call this first station, the year 2015.
Note: Once again, the Master was interrupted by a novice who asked this question: Why did you choose 7 stops? Why not 5 stops? The Master answered the

question and continued his explanation. He said that it is just an example; it does not matter whether we choose 7 stops or 5 stops. It does not make any
difference at all. You can also assign any year to any station, as long as you do it chronologically. He continued by saying: Lets go back now to the 7th
station, and continue to regress to the 6th station, the 5th station, and so on.
Note: Once again, the Master was interrupted by a novice who asked this question: As we regress, do we record down what we are doing? Do we write down the number of
the station and corresponding year?

The Honorable Master answered the question and continued his explanation. He said, no, you do not. Your mind is going to take care of this. But before he
had finished his answer, a student asked the Master this question: Are we seeing the stations as a film? How are we seeing this regression and station by
station? Is it like a movie? Are we zooming ourselves into the future like a time machine? The Master answered the question and continued his explanation.
He said, no, it is not like that. If the Conduit is active, a huge reading screen will be displayed within the mind. And the brain will instantly read what it is
displayed and written on the screen. The screen is not to be understood as a physical screen like the one we see in movie theaters. It is a mental projection of
everything the Conduit has stored inside our brain. The screen can be seen through introspection. To understand this, think about your memory; how you
remember things, and how you see them in your mind. You dont have to tell yourself, I have to project everything I saw or knew before my eyes, on a huge
screen, and look at the screen to see if I can find what I want to remember, and that particular event that happened a long time ago, but I cant remember
everything about it. Your brain does it for you, and you dont need to know how your brain does it, to remember things, and that event you were interested
in. The same thing applies here with your Conduit and the screen it projects before you eyes. In fact, it does not project events on a screen before your eyes,
but right inside your brain. Do we zoom ourselves into the future like a time machine? No. Then, a student asked: If he didnt need a spaceship, a Merkaba,
or something, nothing then is required to zoom into the future? The Master answered: A spaceship is needed if you want to physically enter another
dimension, or visit a parallel world, where time-space memory remains intact, and all information is preserved. Nothing is lost in the future, not even in the
Black Holes. Spatial memory and time memory are not lost, because they constitute cosmic information. And information and data are never lost in the
universe. Yes, a spaceship is needed to explore the universe. But it is not required if you want to see the future and/or zoom in a zone where all events from
the past, present and future are recorded and preserved. In our case, your Conduit or symmetric brain is your spaceship. Do you want to go to Jupiter or to
Mars? Well then you need a spaceship. But this becomes a physical means. When you zoom into the future using your Conduit, this zooming or travel is
mental. And the area you reach is also mental. But if your brain remains attached to where you are (Sitting in a physical place), you cant go to the future.
Humans see the future through distance, time, and space. We call this the Wheel of the universe. And we must be outside the wheel of time to see the
future. A student asked: So, we are seeing time as a wheel? And by doing so, could we see the future? The Master replied: There are two wheels. The wheel
of the universe, which is called the Macro wheel, and a smaller wheel called the Micro wheel, which represents us, human beings, here on earth, and our
time cycle here on earth. It is a wheel within the universe. Humans cant see the Macro wheel, but it does exist on a large scale. As long as, we are on the
inside of the Micro wheel, we will never be able to see the future. The future belongs to the Macro wheel. In the Macro wheel, everything is stored, the past,
the present and the future. You can physically reach the Macro wheel, either by using a spaceship that can bend or alter time-space, or by using your
Conduit. The Anunnaki Ulema and the enlightened masters can easily reach the Macro wheel physically and mentally by getting outside the Micro wheel,
while others (the rest of us), only mentally. Another student asked this question: And how do we get outside the wheel? The Master replied: There is a
technique only known to the enlightened ones (Tahiriin, masters, some Rouhaniyiin, and the Anunnaki Ulema). This technique is part of the secret
teachings of the Anunnaki Ulema. It is never revealed to outsiders. They teach it only to their students in the Mahad. It is one of their most powerful
faculties. The Ulema would say, we dont predict the future, we dont see the future, we read the future. A student asked: Is it because the future is already
there? The Master replied: Yes, the future is already there. The future is already Maktoub (what is written). And the Anunnaki Ulema can read anything that
is Maktoub. In the Maktoub, you will find everything and anything that is closely related to your fate and future. And there is nothing you can do to change
it or alter it. Your future has been decided upon, the day, the hour, you were born. However, you can modify the results, outcomes and consequences of
events to occur in your future. We shall talk about this in another Kiraat. Lets go back now to what we were talking about: How to see a projected future
that is occurring in the present.

IV. A projected future occurring in the present.

Let me give you an example. There are two movie theaters in town. People went to a movie theater at 6:00 PM. Lets call this theater Theater A. The film
ends for example at 8:00 PM at theater A. The projectionist is projecting the film on the big screen from the end, meaning backward. At Theater B, people
are watching the same movie. But at theater B, the projectionist is projecting the film from the beginning, like projectionists do all the time. Also at theater
B, the film ends at 8:00 PM. Both viewers will spend two hours at either theater, but here we have something very special and irregular, because the people
who are watching the film at two different theaters are not seeing the same frames (Scenes from the film) chronologically. Those who are seeing the film
from the end are already ahead of those who are watching the film from the beginning; yet, both have spent the same amount of time at the movies theaters.
But at a certain point, they will arrive at the same time where they will be seeing the same frame, whether the film is projected from the beginning or from
the end. This is very possible, if the time of projecting the film in theater A, and theater B is synchronized. Otherwise, it will not happen. And this moment is
very crucial, because it determines the time-space that separates the past from the future. But dont get confused now with this very specific moment,
because you are going to understand it as I keep talking to you. Those who watched the film beginning from the end, already knew the end of the film, which
could be compared to the future of the film. Those who watched the film from the very beginning are not there yet, as they have not yet reached the end of
the film, which we have called the future of the film, because the end of the film is going to happen in the future, even though this future is less than two
hours away.
Anunnaki Ulema Mordachai said, lets call the people who are at theater A, Anunnaki or Anunnaki Ulema. And those who went to theater B, lets call them
human beings. These two theaters can be located anywhere, Paris, Boston, Budapest, the location is irrelevant, only TIME is a major factor here. Now, the
Anunnaki or Anunnaki Ulema at theater A, ask the projectionist to fast-forward/project the film very very fast, as fast as he can, and if he can do it in
seconds, it would be much better. And then, they ask the projectionist to re-project the film from the beginning to the end equally as fast. This means, that
they have rapidly seen the whole film from the end to the beginning, and from the beginning to the end. They saw the future of the film (the End), and
revisited the end of the film (in their future) in the same seating. Think about it for a few seconds. There is also a third scenario, more fascinating than the
previous one. The Anunnaki and the Anunnaki Ulema do not need to go to theater B and rewind the film (Equated with time-Space) backward to reach the
future and revisit the beginning and the end of the film (Equated with time-Distance), because they are already there, at the end of the film, which can be
equated with the FUTURE, a zone where the past, present and future co-exist concurrently, separately, continuously, and instantly. They are already
THERE, because time for them is not a line of distance, space, and speed, and how much it would take to reach the end of the line. Being outside the line
(Outside the Wheel of Time), the Anunnaki can see everything that is happening inside and outside the wheel. Once you are outside the wheel, time and
distance cease to exist separately. And when this happens, you are immediately within the future. And since the future is a continuation of the present, and
the present is a continuation of the past, you are now simultaneously in the past, the present and the future at the same time. At first, it is very difficult for
our mind to understand this concept. The more you think about time as measured by distance, and vice versa, the more you distance yourself for a readable
future you can foresee, read, and understand.

Maximillien de Lafayette World Part 3



Selections of his writings from his book: The Essential
Maximillien de Lafayette. P 3
Brain: The Supersymetric Mind:
Study of the influence of the Anunnakis programming of our brain and fate.
I. Introduction: Honorable Ulema Sorenstein once said, in many cases, some people are
responsible for their own bad luck and failure in life. It all depends on what you put in your
Araya/Conduit brain zones. He added: Even though, the human mind was created the way the
Anunnaki wanted it, and even though, your brain had been programmed and fashioned 65,000 years
ago, and upgraded and reconditioned by the Anunnaki some 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, you can still
bring important changes to your mind, and make it work for you like a charm. He continued:
Everything depends on:
1-How to store your ideas and thoughts in your brain;
2-Which idea, thought, or vision will you consciously allow to enter your brain;
3-How to control the vibrations of your ideas, visions, and thoughts;
4-How to scan your ideas, visions, and thoughts that are stored on the Araya net;
5-How to stabilize the vibrations of your mind;
6-How to get rid of bad thoughts and symptoms of a weak personality that prevent you from
succeeding in life and getting a good job;
7-How to prevent the vibrations of a bad thought from deteriorating or killing the vibrations of
good thoughts, etc
And something else you should remember, you are not the slave of the genetic creation of the Anunnaki who created all of us.
Note: Ulema Sorenstein is a modern American Ulema, originally from Latvia. He lived in Lower Manhattan area in New York City, and he is 135 year old.
You look at him, and you dont give him more than 37. Many people have seen him in different places, simultaneously. I will comment later on what he
meant by: a-Responsible for their own bad luck and failure, b- Araya/Conduit; c- Brain zones. But first, lets listen to his Anunnaki-Ulema Kiraat on
success and failure in life, and in business.
II. Kiraat
Many of you came to me and asked me why some people are luckier than others?
Or why Elizabeth is making more money than Patricia?
Or why this person is more successful than another person, knowing well that he is a spiritual and a good man, and also very intelligent, while the
other person is less spiritual and not so bright?
Does intelligence or morality has anything to do with success in life, and/or the way our brain was wired by the Anunnaki, at the time they created us?
My answer to you is this: Intelligence is very important but does not always guarantee success in life. Many great inventors died penniless.
Morality is very important in life, but many spiritual people were murdered because of their moral principles.
Morality and intelligence have nothing to do with your success in life (Your life on this Earth.)
The high standard of morality and intelligence of a person does not change luck, decrease or increase your luck and success in your life.
I guess, you are concerned with social success, financial success, or something like that. Well, lets talk about your financial success and success in your
I will take an example from your modern city, from your modern life, from your modern society where you live, so you will understand me perfectly.
In 1989, Melissa, Peggy, and Esther graduated from NYU with a doctorate degree in education.
They have identical credentials, and three of them are of the same age.
They are healthy, and intelligent, and want to succeed in life.
Usually, when you are not an entrepreneur, you look for a job. Melissa, Peggy, and Esther are not entrepreneurs. Their greatest asset is their academic
advanced degree. Very good.
In the modern world of science, education, technology, and knowledge, education is extremely important, and a degree should help a lot.
A few years later, lets say 1999 for example, you learned that Melissa became the Secretary of Education; Peggy is a high school teacher in San Diego;
and Esther is working as a telemarketer in Brooklyn.
Now, we start to wonder, how come Melissa got a very prestigious and a high profile job in Washington, while Peggy and Esther did not?
After all, if credentials are required, all of them have the same qualifications and same credentials. So what is going on here?
Why Peggy is working as a school teacher, and not as a superintendent or director of the school in San Diego, or as an education commissioner?
And why Esther is working as a telemarketer getting $10 or $15 an hour?
What did happen to these three highly educated and lovely ladies?
Image makers, public relations advisors, headhunters, human resources directors, and even psychologists will avalanche you with all sorts of reasons,
ranging from personality, contact, luck, political or social affiliations, ambition, job search strategies, networking, location, and even because the way a
resume was written.
All these reasons and explanations have some merits. But they do not explain why Esther could not get a better job, or at least a better pay, taking into
consideration the doctorate degree she has earned. After all, such a high academic degree requires a sound and developed mind, knowledge,
determination, perseverance, and analytical approach to things in life. All these qualities should have served and helped Esther in finding a better job.
Well, the Ulema have a different explanation.
Although, the Ulema recognize the validity, practicality, and importance of the explanations given by those experts in the field, the Ulema believe that
what you call Luck, success and prosperity are already fashioned, and written on the front page of the book of your life.
What was already decided upon vis--vis your success in life can be found (And sometime changed and totally transformed by your own will) in the
Araya Zones of your brain. A brain that was genetically created by the Anunnaki. And I am going to explain to you what I mean by Araya, brains zone,

Conduits activation, and your genetic brain.

Now, you have to remember that everything in the world emits vibrations.
And all sorts of vibrations occupy a place in the world.
Some vibrations are detectable, some are not.
Some vibrations, modern science recognizes, detects, and registers, and some are not yet known to science and mental health empiric efforts.
The same thing is happening right now in your brain.
The word world means everything that surrounds you, including distant planets, galaxies and extra-dimensions.
The world also means the infinitesimal zones in the Araya which is in your brain.
The Araya is the domain, the realm, the landscape where 73 different zones of your brain are found.
Each zone of the Araya functions differently, because it was created, engineered and programmed differently by the Anunnaki, at the time the
prototypes and final models of the human race were created.
And yes, the $10 per hour Esther is getting as a telemarketer in Brooklyn has a lot to do with the Araya, and one region of her Araya.
I am getting there. Be very patient with me. If you are not patient and you rush to a speedy answer, you will miss the boat, and you will become very
At the end of the Kiraat, everything will become clear to you.
Now, lets go back to the vibrations. Every thought, each idea you have in your brain, has a vibration. And each vibration occupies a spot in your Araya,
called Jaba.
Lets simply things and call Araya now a net.
This net has many holes, called Jabas.
Each Jaba (A hole, so to speak) stores one idea.
And each idea or thought in the Jaba of the net produces a vibration.
For example, if the net has 70,000 Jabas, your brain will be able to store 70,000 ideas and thoughts.
This means, that your Araya hosts 70,000 vibrations. And that is full capacity.
Some people who are more creative than you could have 300,000 ideas and thoughts stored in 300,000 Jabas (Holes or locations) in your Araya
The good thoughts and good ideas in your Araya do not expand. They stay well balanced and well synchronized where they are (Inside the Jaba of the
There, they are safe and protected.
Only bad thoughts, and bad ideas, such as fear, low self-esteem, stubbornness, hate, indecisiveness, laziness, tendency toward violence, badmouthing
people, envy, jealousy, betrayal, so on, emit vibrations that overflow the perimeter (Circumference) of the Jaba (Hole or location) that stores your
thought or idea.
This phenomenon (Overflow) takes over the adjacent Jaba(s) containing a good idea or a good thought.
Because the negative energy inside your mind is usually stronger than the positive energy of a good thought, the Jaba on the net (Location) containing
a good thought or a good idea shrinks, gets contaminated, and stops to emit positive and creative energy.
This, kills the good thoughts and good ideas in your Araya.
If this continues, all good and creative ideas and thoughts in your brain will be damaged and neutralized by your bad thoughts and ideas.
This will stop your creativity.
In other words, many cells in your brains or Arayas, and their creative mental faculties stored in the Jaba become dysfunctional; atrophied or dead.
In this case, you are responsible for causing this deterioration. Nobody has forced you to think about bad thoughts or bad ideas. It is your own doing.
You might say, I have no control over all this.
Things happen. Ideas come and go.
And I will tell you, you are wrong, because you can control your ideas and your thoughts, and make them work for you in a very healthy, positive and
productive way.
I will explain to you how you can do that very shortly.
The most destructive thoughts that prevent you from succeeding in life are:
a-Low self-esteem;
b-Fear (Fear of anything);
c-Unwillingness to accept new ideas;
e-Constantly contradicting others because you have developed a complex of inferiority, and not because of a complex of superiority;
Note: a to f are not categorically part of the Anunnakis primordial (Original) makeup of the genetic creation of your mind. Your upbringing, way or life, and personal
vision of the world and your immediate environment could have caused this.

Lets go back to Esther situation, and see whether the Anunnaki are responsible for a lack of a great success in her life, considering the very
advanced academic degree she earned, or whether Esthers own actions, thoughts, personality, or her bad luck prevented her from getting a
better job.

And above all, lets see what the Ulema recommend.

In life, we have to simplify things to understand them. So, lets approach Esthers situation in a very simple manner.

It is more likely that a, b, d, and f, have created the unpleasant condition of Esther.

The symptoms a, b, d, and f, emanate negative and destructive vibrations in the Araya, causing the Jaba(s) to shrink.

And when the Jaba(s) shrink, the human being ceased to become creative and resourceful.

The vibrations of a, b, d, and f overflow the Jaba. And you already know what happens when the overflow occurs and invades other Jabas.

The lack of creative thinking and resourcefulness blended with negativity and low self-esteem will prevent any person from getting the kind of
job or occupation, she/he deserved.

And this is exactly what happened to Esther.

In the Jaba(s), the Anunnaki have installed and implanted sequences of ideas, thoughts and faculties that shape the future and the human
cosmography of all humans.

The symptoms a, b, d, and f, were never the primordial ingredients of the Araya or the Jaba.

This is very good, because it shows that the human race is not enslaved by the genetic makeup/design of the human race, by the Anunnaki.

Many writers, and conspiracy theories advocates in the Western hemisphere, and particularly in the United States, so erroneously have claimed
that the Anunnaki are controlling the world; the Anunnaki are our masters; the human race is enslaved by the Anunnaki; the governments of the
world are controlled by the Anunnaki.

This is untrue.

But what is true is that the brain as designed by the Anunnaki cannot escape or go beyond the genetic specifications of the Anunnaki.

However, the Anunnaki have no absolute control over our brain, (Araya, and Jabas), since they have allowed us to activate the Conduit in our

And since all of us have more than one single brain, wonderful things can be accomplished, and our freedom will always be protected.

The Ulema believe that the human brain is in fact a Supersymetric Brain.

And I will explain this to you.

Because once you fully understand how your Supersymetric Brain functions, you will be able to make miracles, and heal yourself from many

But you should never ever claim, that the Anunnaki-Ulemas healing and therapy methods do replace or substitute for any traditional, and
scientific means and methods of treatment, and diagnosis, as applied in traditional medicine, and/or in other legitimate mental health practices.

III. The Supersymetric Mind: Ma bira-rach.

a. A brief note on supersymetry: According to the theory of supersymetry, also known as SUSY, all particles in the known universe have their counterpart, also called super-partner(s). Basically, this is the view of quantum physics scientists and theorists. In the Anunnaki-Ulema context, supersymetry is
either the similar or the opposite of YOU. In a limited sense, it is the other super-partner of you, and what constitutes you at all levels; organically, bioorganically, chemically, genetically, etherically, atomically, mentally and physically. The most important and predominant part of your mind-body
supersymetry is your mind, because everything starts in your mind. In this context, your mind is a Supersymetric Mind.
b. What is a Supersymetric Mind?
You were brought up to believe that every person in the world has a brain; one single brain.
Nobody seems to contradict this. And I do not contradict this either.
However, this single brain is not the only brain you have, at least in this dimension.
All of us, enlightened or not have two brains; the first brain is the one we are aware of, and familiar with, from studying anatomy, medicine and other
disciplines, and the other mind, is the one that co-existed, and currently co-exists side-by-side your brain, and outside your body.
It is called the supersymetric mind. In Anakh, it is called Ma bira-rach.
For now, lets compare Ma bira-rach to your Double.
As you already know, the Double means the etheric image of your physical body.
Ma bira-rach is the etheric image of your brains.
But we call it supersymetric, because the particles constituting the physical and etheric mind can de detected and scanned scientifically.
In the Western hemisphere, and particularly in the United States, the theory of supersymetry has received a warm welcome in the scientific
Scanning the physical brain has become a scientific reality. But scanning the etheric brain has never been done in the West.
The Anunnaki-Ulema (Mounawariin) know how to scan both the physical and etheric substance of your brains. And I have to remind you here, that
you should never ever attempt to scan your mind or others mind using any means or methods that constitute and illegal medical practice. Leave it to
physicians, medical technicians, and those who are authorized by the law to do so.
Two methods have been used by the Anunnaki-Ulema. To scan the brains (Mind). One is purely scientific; the other is metascientific, which is totally
incomprehensible and unrealistic to Western scientists.
The Anunnaki-Ulemas scientific method consists of implanting on the surface of the tissues of your brains mobile microscopic devices that move
around and scan the Jaba(s) of you brains.
The devices detect tumors, deterioration of the cells, and repair the damaged cells.
In the United States, some have compared these devices to the very small metallic objects, an extraterrestrial race (Greys) has implanted inside the
bodies of abductees. This is totally incorrect.
According to some legitimate physicians (involved with some sort of ufology in the United States,) who have treated those abductees, these devices are
of an alien substance and origin.
The main function of these alien devices is to monitor the abductees, and to serve as receiver-emitter of aliens messages.
I will not comment on their claims.
But one thing I will tell you for sure: The Anunnaki-Ulema implants are not tracking devices.
Because once, the cell damages are repaired, the implants disintegrate, lose their mass, and the human body flushed them out, the normal way.
The Anunnaki-Ulema scientific mind (Brains) scanning occurs in that manner.
The scanning is a physical and a real operation.
This idea might seem strange and absurd to many scientists in the West.
However, we have learned that many military scientists, psychiatrists, and surgeons, in the West are exploring these techniques.
My prediction is that in the very near future, the United States of America will be using these devices implants techniques in hospitals and medical

As to the second Anunnaki-Ulema etheric mind scanning techniques, well, these techniques are taught to our students, and do not require a surgical
You can scan the mind, and bring comfort to your mind and your body by either activating the Conduit or superposing the Araya (Net of the mind) of
your physical mind and the Araya of your supersymetric mind (Your other mind that exists as a bulk of separate particles in an etheric substance.)
Using this second technique, you will be able to neutralize the vibrations of the cells storing bad thoughts and bad ideas, such as bitterness, negativity,
lack of energy, laziness, indecisiveness, and fear.
This second technique is called Ma bi-idawa.

1-Ma bi idawa is outlined and explained in the book The Revised, Indexed and Complete Book of the Anunnaki Ulema Final Warning: Humanity destiny, UFOs threat,
and the extraterrestrials final solution, and in the book Anunnaki Self Healing.

2-The Anunnaki-Ulema scientific mind (Brains) scanning via devices implants in the human body is not science fiction literature. Allegedly, surgeons and psychiatrists
who worked on the CIA Mind Control Program in the fifties, sixties, and early seventies have attempted to develop and implement quasi-similar techniques on
volunteers, and retarded patients.

3-Most recently, a vast literature and avalanches of scientific papers on this subject appear in the American scientific community, and many physicians, scientists,
and futurists advanced mind-boggling theories on these implants techniques, on a theoretical level. Nevertheless, what was theory in the past is nowadays a
pragmatic application and standard procedures in many scientific fields.

4. Levels of the Mind Iama

I. Definition and introduction: Iama is a term referring to the concept of the different Levels of the Mind. According to many authors and thinkers,
the human brain is a depot of all knowledge we have acquired so far. This is not totally correct, according to the Book of Ramadosh. Ulema Oppenheimer
said verbatim, as is and unedited: The physical brain, or in other words, the brain of a human being living here on Earth is one of the multiple layers of an
infinite series of knowledge and experience acquired by a person in and outside the barrier of time and space. Meaning that every single human being,
regardless of the level of his or her intelligence and social status has an infinite number of other brains Minds fully operational in different and multiple
spheres, times and spaces. And this includes the landscape of our Solar System, and other universes systems. This is the cause and effect of the creation of
the Universe and Man.
II. All humans have more than one brain: Man cannot be separated from the universe, because he is a vital and primordial part of its molecules. In
other words, a person can be very intelligent and extremely important in this life, and in the same time, he can be a total ignorant and unimportant in other
life that co-exists simultaneously somewhere else in the universe. He added here on Earth you might be an amateur musician, and in other world you are a
conductor of symphonic orchestra, or even equal to Mozart. In each dimension, and this includes stars and planets, you as a human being you live a separate
life, and you have a totally independent brain. Some Masters are fully capable of synchronizing both, and even more

*** *** ***

The Duplicate Image of Ourselves or Reproduction of our Being in other Dimensions Ishra
Ishra is the name or term for the new image or duplicate of the original existence of a life-form, in another universe. All living forms, including humans and
animals have many duplicates of themselves throughout the universe. In each dimension, physical and non-physical, we find identical, symmetrical and
alive copy of all of us. This copy is not a visual reproduction or a holographic projection, but real in every single detail. This could be explained by the fact
that multiple universes are so created. And this creation which goes on ad infinitum encompasses anything and everything that exists and/or has exited
anywhere. Each time, a new universe is created, whether it is parallel or in another dimension, the creation process includes every single molecule that has
created a previous universe, or has been a part of it.
6. Bringing Youth to Your Face Hatori-shabah: Hatori-shabahrefers to various phases of youth brought to a person via the practice of the
Anunnaki-Ulema Daemat-Afnah technique. It is closely related to Daemat-Afnah, which is a term for longevity, and halting the process of aging. It is
composed of two words:
a-Daemat, which means longevity.
b-Afnah, which means many things, including health, fecundity, and longevity.
According to the Anunnaki-Ulema, we are not programmed to age. By practicing the Daemat-Afnah, a person will regain his/her youth, and his/her face will
look 37 year old.
You have to practice the technique for at least one full year. You will not see any improvement or any result before 12 months. I will explain to you
what is going to happen step by step.
For the first 6 months. You will not notice any change on your face.
At the end of the seventh month, you will begin to feel that some of your facial muscles are getting stronger. A strange and a new sensation you have
never felt before in your whole life.
Your face will look cleaner and firmer.
Some of the wrinkles under your eyes will disappear. In rare instances, they would not.
Not all the wrinkles will disappear if you stop practicing.
At the end of 12 months, you will notice that you eyes have gained vitality. They will look sharper.
Your eyes will glitter with a sign of good health.
At the end of 12 months, you will notice that your faces skin is healthier, and almost 90% of your wrinkles (large and small) have diminished.
The dermatologic results have no side effect.
A certain incomprehensible inner strength will energize your whole body.
After 13 months of practice, the face you had when you were 37 starts to reappear gradually. You will not believe what you are seeing.
This change is usually accompanied by sizeable increase in physical dynamism and mental vitality.
Your face is younger, almost 100%.

Only your face gets younger, not your neck, body or any other part of your body.
Your grey hair will stay grey.
If you are bold, you will stay bold.
You will keep your new face for a very very long time, as long as you keep a good diet, and you eat well.

Maximillien de Lafayette World Part 4



Selections of his writings from his book: The Essential
Maximillien de Lafayette. Part 4
The Ability of Observing Entities Fluctuation (Idartari)
I. Definition: Idartari is a term for the act of observing Entities Fluctuation. Anunnaki Ulema Al
Baker explained (As is and unedited): Fluctuation is a signal that something or some living form is
around you, but with your limited physical senses and faculties, you are unable to see it in its real
II. Pets and children ability to see non-physical entities:
Pets like cats and dogs can see non-physical entities. But this is not limited only to animals. Children
when they are little can also sense and see these entities, and in fact, they do enjoy watching these
entities and conversing with them. Parents should not discourage or punish their children when they
tell them stories about ghosts and unseen friends. We can learn a lot from pets and children, just
by watching how they react in the presence of these entities, and by taking notes. At the beginning,
this would not make any sense to many of us, but we take notes, if we are patient, and we start to
compare these notes following several events, our mind will open up, and a part of our Conduit will
be activated. These entities are not the product of the imagination of a child. They do exist in multiple
etheric and even plasmic form. But our eyes, more precisely our brain is unable to perceive them.
Unfortunately, children lose this wonderful faculty as they grow up. Animals dont. And he added,
It is so beneficial to have pets at home. The time will come and you will realize that a presence of a
pet in your home is in fact a blessing.
*** *** ***

Folding-Unfolding the Earth Hiraaba-safri

Most people think, time goes straight from yesterday to tomorrow, through today, in one line, but they are wrong, and great thinkers understand the
malleability of time and space. Sufis, Gnostics, pre-Islamic, Islamic, and Jewish scholars, all wrote about it. The Jewish Kabbalists, in particular, engaged
themselves in the study of Tay Al Ard, but had a different name for it, in Hebrew. They called it Kefitzat Haderach, meaning, word by word, the jumping of
the road, but translated as the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another or travel with unnatural speed. It was widely documented by them.
Einstein discussed it in a number of his papers, and it was a component of his General Relativity Theory, relating to the warping of space-time enabled by
the effects of gravity. But how does the earth jump? The Ulema explained: There are many explanations. None of them complete, since mysteries are
sometimes only partially understood. Look at it this way. Newtonian physics, which did not allow such occurrences, were replaced long ago. Such things as
wormholes, dark matter, and space-time fluidity allow much more flexibility in investigating teleportation. It is complicated. For example, quantum physics
has proven that particles, such as photons and atoms, can appear instantaneously at a new place without traveling through space in any visible manner.
Perhaps this phenomenon is possible by encoding information about an object, transmitting the information to another place, and creating a copy of the
original in the new location. In this solution, the earth does not jump, but in both explanations the physical phenomenon is similar, as it is based on the
disintegration of the atoms, those of the earth or those of the person, and their reassembly at the place of destination. I see no true conflict here. In Western
science it is now assumed that space does not have an objective reality, and reality itself is thought of as observer-based and subjective entity. If so, then
ideas such as traveling in space without actually physically moving are no longer so strange. In this way, Tay Al Ard (Folding-Unforlding the Earth) is
viewed as the manipulation of reality by the person who wishes to travel from point one to point two in an environment that is subject to the travelers will.

*** *** ***

Short Mental Projection of the Self : The KA

Ka, is a short mental projection of the Self. In Anakh, the Self is interpreted in numerous ways.
For instance:

a- Ka is one of the many holographic images of ones thoughts. Meaning, that all thoughts, ideas and feelings can materialize quasi-physically. Ideas
and inner feelings have frequencies and particular colors, visible to the enlightened ones. Seeing these holographic images is a process that can be
learned and mastered, following an Ulemas orientation program.

b- Ka is the materialized form/shape of ones original copy, meaning the primordial substance and/or structure of a physical body. At first, a person
is conceived as a non-physical substance, a sort of an idea, a creations blueprint.

c- Following various stages, Ka takes definition in a human-body shape, according to a prescribed design. This design contains everything that will
play major role in ones life, encompassing health, wealth, success, failure, luck, intelligence, etc.

d- Ka is also is the mirrored image of ones double.

*** *** ***

The Conduit
Interpretation of Messages Sent to the Conduit Haridu, Haridu-ilmu
I. Definition: Haridu, Haridu-ilmu is the interpretation of messages sent to the Conduit in an Anunnakis or a humans brain cell. Also, it applies to
missing or misinterpreting a message by the Conduit.
II. HariduConduit Equation:
First of all, you have to remember that your mind (Your brain) has nothing to do with your Conduit. Even though, your brain is functioning
wonderfully and you are doing great things in your life, not all the cells in your brain have been used.
There are so many regions in our brain that have not been explored yet by science.
In those many unexplored regions of the brain, are so many cells yet to be discovered, located and localized. And above all, we need to learn how they
In that mysterious undiscovered region of the brain, the Conduit exists. It could be in the right or left side of your brain, or just adjacent to line
dividing the two parts.
In the Conduit, there are so many cells, each one with a very defined and particular extraordinary faculty/power that needs to be activated.
For instance, one cell triggers the faculty of reading others thoughts, another cell (Or cells) is responsible for the faculty of teleportation, so on.
If those cells are not activated, you will not be able to do all those wonderful things.
So, you have to consider the Conduit as a bank where so many cells are deposited.
And there are hundreds of thousands of cells deposited in the Conduit.
Each cell has a precise function and an invisible location.
This means that the Conduit can do so many things, if cells are activated. It would be impossible in one lifespan to develop and activate all the cells.
Three or four fully activated cells is more than enough. With four activated cells you can do four great miracles by earths standards.
But for the cell to produce this extraordinary power, the cell must be able first to understand what you want to do.
For instance, you cannot tell or command your cell go ahead and make me fly or let me learn a new language in one hour.
You should first learn how to send your command to your cell. There is a technique for this.
Your Ulema teacher knows how to put you on the right track.
Lets assume you have sent a message (A thought, a wish) to your cell. Whats next? Well, the message enters your Conduit. Your conduit acting as a
supervisor, and as the main receiver reads your message and directs your message to the appropriate cell.
Your Conduit knows which cell is activated and designed to comply with your request.
Instantly, the cell receives the Conduit transfer (Meaning your message.)
Then what? The cell reads your message.
If your message was sent correctly, then the cell will accept it and give it a code. So, if in the future you ask again your Conduit to do the same thing
you have asked in the past, the cell will execute your request in a fraction of a second.
In other words, each request is coded, and stored in your cell.
Only coded messages are stored in your Conduit.
How would you know if you have or have not sent a message correctly to your Conduit? You will know right away. It is very simple. If you have not
been trained, you wouldnt know where and how to start in the first place.
This is the reason why your Conduit did not catch your message(s).
You asked Does this mean that my Conduit is not receiving clear messages from me? And the answer is yes! Your Conduit received something, a
thought, a feeling, a wish, a request, call it whatever you want, but your message was not clear to your Conduit, because you did not send your message
according to the rules.
What are these rules?
They are explained below. But continue to read this first.
And then you asked: And how can I send clear messages my Conduit can catch and understand?
You have to use the Transmission of Mind technique. Practice this technique before you send messages to your Conduit. For example, in the past,
the SOS (Morse Code) was used by ships, planes, military troops and others. The person who has sent the message (Morse) knew the Code; he/she
knew how to tap it.
Each word had a codeone dot, two dots, three dots, one dash, two dashes, three dashes, one dit, two dits, one space, two spaces, three spaces, etc.
There is a sequence of pulses and marks.
And the person who received the message knew how what these dots, and dashes meant.
This is how and why he/she was able to read the message or decipher it, if it was a secret message.
Your Conduit works exactly in the same way.
Your Ulema teacher will tell you exactly what dots and sequences to use.
If your Conduit is hundred percent awake, meaning open (After training completion), the Conduit will immediately interpret and translate and
understand your dots, dashes and sequences.
Consider those dashes and dots a Password, a logging-in information, a key to open the contact with your Conduit, just like the password you use to
open your computer or have access to some websites.
In the Book of Ramadosh, you will find several passages referring to the brain waves and mind frequencies, and some techniques used to direct
thoughts and mind energies.
Your Conduit has its own mode.
As long as your Conduit is not activated, it remains free of your control. Once your Conduit is activated, you become the stimulus and the manager of
your Conduit.
The Conduit works partially when it is not activated.
And partially means reacting by not acting.
The Conduit functions all the time regardless of your state of awareness, enlightenment or readiness.
But it will not give you data and information.

Everything the Conduit finds or retrieves is always instantly deposited/stored in its compound, but not yet interpreted or understood, until the
Conduit is activated or open.
You will not find whats in there, until the Conduit is fully activated.
Consider it for now as a depot of knowledge; a sort of a personal bank account where your daily balance is constantly increasing, however, you are not
allowed to have access to your bank account.
So, nothing is lost.
Your Conduit collects and stores information all the time, and from various sources, times, and spheres.
*** *** ***

The Anunnaki Ulema Supernatural and Mind Power Techniques: Entering a Parallel Dimension
ARAWADI: The supernatural power or faculty that allows initiated ones to halt or send away problems and mishaps to another time
and another place
What is Arawadi? And how does it work? Arawadi is an Anunnaki/Ulemite word which means the following: The supernatural power or faculty that
allows initiated ones to halt or send away problems and mishaps to another time and another place.
Entering a parallel dimension: A very complex concept that touches metaphysics, esoterism and quantum physics. Ulema Stephanos Lambrakis said
that it is very possible to get rid of current problems by transposing them into a different time frame. He added that all of us live in two separate
dimensions so close to us. One we know and we call it our physical reality, the other is the adjacent dimension that surrounds our physical world, and we
call the 4th dimension. Enlightened ones visit that dimension quite frequently. It is a matter of a deep concentration, and perseverance.
It is possible to enter that parallel dimension and leave there all your troubles? In fact, it is possible to enter that parallel dimension and leave
there all your troubles, and return to your physical world free of worries and problems said Ulema Kanaza. Ulema Micah Naphtali Irza said: To explain
this concept is not an easy task. In essence, it works like this:
Techniques from the Secret Doctrine of Anunnaki-Ulema:
1-You are facing problems; all sorts of problems, financial, emotional, physical.
2-You are overwhelmed by all this, and it seems there is no way out.
3-But there is.
4-First, you bring together all these problems and you dumped them in one bag.
5-Be patient. Use a bit of imagination. Just tell yourself that you have a bag. And you want to dump in this bag all the troubles, back luck and horrible
things happening to you.
6-You have to convince your mind that indeed you are holding a bag in your hand.
7-If you dont, it would not work.
8-Now, hold strong on this bag.
9-Place the bag on the floor.
10-Go back to your mind, and tell your mind you want to get rid of this damned bag.
11-Stay calm. Dont rush things.
12-Lay down, flat on your back.
13-Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
14-Do not open your eyes yet. Keep breathing slowly and deeply.
15-Spread you arms and your legs.
16-Give a name to your right foot. Any name you wish.
17-Give a name to your left foot. Same story; any name you want.
18-Call you right foot by its name and tell your right foot to command your left foot to go to sleep.
19-Call your left foot and tell your left foot that it is going to sleep now.
20-Call your right foot now and tell your right foot to go to sleep immediately.
21-Now, you will begin to feel something strange. Stay calm.
22-Repeat the same procedures if nothing happens within two minutes.
23-Now, you give a name to your body and you call your body by its name, and you command your body to go to sleep.
24-Repeat this 4 times.
25-Now, you tell yourself: I am floating.
26-You repeat this 5 times.
27-You wait. Dont move. Any way, you are not going to move at all, because you are already sleeping, or you are in a state of trance.
28-You start to feel as if some heavy weight is entering your head. That is good. Stay calm.
29-All of a sudden, you feel that you are floating.
30-Tell yourself you want to go somewhere else.
31-Tell yourself you want to go somewhere far, very far.
32-Tell yourself to take you to the sea.
33-You are there now. And you begin to see the sea.
34-Lower yourself, you are still floating too high.
35-Come closer to the surface of the sea.
36-Open the bag.
37-Dont worry. You did not forget the bag, because your mind knew you will need it. So your mind brought the bag with you.
38-Open the bag. Spit on the bag.
39-Dump everything in the sea.
40-Go up in the air now.
41-Tell yourself you have dumped all your troubles in the sea.
42-Ask your mind to repeat to your body that you have dumped all your troubles in the sea.
43-Tell your body to take you back home.

44-Come back home now.

45-Enter your room and tell your body to wake up.
46-Your eyes are open now.
47-Immeditely look at the bag.
48-What you are about to see will amaze you.
49-Do not doubt what you have just seen.
50-Get rid of the bag.
51-Take a shower.
52-Think briefly about the sea you have visited in your journey.
53-Wait until tomorrow.
Good news are coming your way

*** *** ***

The Double, the Astral Body, The State of Oneness and the Enlightenment
Understanding the concept and its terminology: The Double is a western term used to represent your other body that exists in the astral
dimension. The other body is a replica of your physical body. The truth is, your physical body is a physical projection and a replica of your original body
that existed before you were born. It is not so easy to explain this notion using ordinary words. Ulema teachers have their own terminology, but I will try to
simplify the matter as much as I can. If you were born in the West, and you have developed an interest in spiritual subjects, you probably have already read
about the astral body. In the United States of America, there is an immense interest in the occult, metaphysics and Eastern religions. Consequently, a vast
literature on the subject is available to the readers. But for some reason, the nature and attributes of Astral Double were described very differently from
the way spiritualists and Ulema described them in their Eastern teachings, readings (Kiraah), and manuscripts.
Before you were born, and before your body took shape, YOU (as a human being) have existed somewhere as an idea.
What is this idea?
We will give you an example. Before a product is mass produced, inventors and artists design and create a model or a prototype of each product. And
everything begins with the drawing board.
On this board, shape, form, dimensions, colors and specifications of the product are defined and illustrated. It started with an idea.
The idea became a project and the project found its existence on the drawing board. In fact, everything in life started with an idea, continued with a
sketch before it reached its final form, and eventually the market.
Your physical body is a perfect product. And this product came from an idea like everything that has been created. Nothing comes from nothing.
Who came up with this idea?
This depends on your religious beliefs. If you believe in the Judeo-Christian tradition, then, your God is the originator of this idea. He created the first
draft of your physical body on his drawing board. Most certainly, God had to think about how your body should look like. On the Judeo-Christian
drawing board of the creation of mankind, God decided how the physical body should come to life.
You are much more important than a commercial product or a commodity like a car, or a soda bottle.
The designers, artists and engineers at the automobile factory and plant spent many hours designing the model of the car, and the manufacturers of
the soda bottle spent some good time going through various designs of the shapes and looks of bottles before they chose the most suitable design for
their product.
Now, if you think that you are more important than a car or a bottle, then, it is logical to assume that somebody has spent some time designing you,
otherwise, you will surface as a non-studied and not well-researched product.
If you look at your body very carefully, you will find out that your body is an extremely complicated machine and your brain consists of a very intricate
wiring system that requires an engineer or at least a first class designer.
In summary, you did not come right away without a plan, without a well-thought design, and without an idea that created the design and execution of
your physical body.
At the very beginning and early stage of the creation of your physical body, the Divine or Superior architect-engineer conceived your physical looks
as a picture in the astral world. And the astral world for now call it: The World of Ideas; a non-physical world. In a non-physical world, everything is
non-physical, it is astral, it is ethereal.
When the ethereal image or idea becomes reality and adopts physical properties like eyes, legs, feet and bones, this idea or your prototype becomes a
physical body and enters the physical world via the womb of your mother. Yet, it remains deeply and directly connected to the draft of the first copy of
your physical body.
And since the first draft of your non-physical body and your recently acquired physical body (or about to be developed in the womb of your mother)
are still connected to each other, both bodies (The Idea or Draft and your physical body) co-exist. The physical body is inside your mother, and the
non-physical body called double or first body exists outside the physical world. So, the other copy, or more precisely the first copy OF YOU is called
your Double. And where is this non-physical world? It is in the mind of your creator and on his/her drawing board.
Then whats next? What is happening now to the two bodies; the physical and non-physical at the time we are conceived?
On the relation between the physical body and the non-physical body at the time we were born:
1. As soon as you begin to develop as a small physical body, inside the womb of your mother, the original format of your physical body as created by
the Anunnaki begins to feed your brains cells and program your intellect.
2. In other words, your brain begins to receive all the information and characteristics that will create and define your personality, temper, character,
persona and nature.
3. During the very first 40 days, everything the Anunnaki, your creator, wanted you to be or to become start to go inside your brain and in the
physiology of your body.
4. During this very critical intellectual and physical formation stage, the other aspect of you, your Double, enters a dimension very close to your
mother, and once your mother delivers you, your double, the non-physical body, will leave the surroundings of your mother and follow you.
5. From this moment, your Double will stay with you until you die.
6. You will have plenty of opportunities to talk to your double, and ask him to guide you in your life.
7. Of course, this could be done, once you have purified your thoughts.

9. An evil person will never be able to zoom into his/her body and acquire wisdom, guidance, and supernatural faculties, otherwise the whole world
will be ruled, and controlled by vicious and destructive powerful people.
What is the Double of us? Or simply Our Double, or Copy of Ourselves? What is the Double of us? Is it a sort of an angel protecting us
or it is what the Hindu say an auric presence? How the Anunnaki explain this?
1. The Double is a western term frequently used to represent your other body that exists in the astral dimension.
2. Your physical body is a physical projection and a replica of your original body that existed before you were born.
3. The original body is called the double. So what we have here is two things:
a- A body that existed before you were born.
4. This body is not 100% physical. It is a conglomeration of the properties and specs of your physical body that will exist as soon as you were born.
5. It is very important to understand, that while you are still a child, your physical body is in reality, the body of a child.
6. However, and even though, you are still a child, the other form of the body that surrounds you while you are still a child is much older than your
child body.
7. It is much older and more complete because it already contains everything (Physical and mental) that will define and shape up your physical body
that will keep on changing as you grow up.
b-The physical body you have; the one you and others see.
8. This physical body is the one you have, and will continue to change as you grow older.
9. Your physical body will continue to change throughout the ages.
10. You get taller, bigger, healthier, stronger, and weaker, you lose your hair, you get wrinkles, etc.
11. But during all these physical changes, your double remain unaffected, however, it continues to change as your physical body continues to change.
12. This is why, it is called the double. It is the double of everything your physical body has.
13. Before you were born, and before your physical body took shape, YOU (as a human being) have existed somewhere as an idea.
14. The idea has preceded the creation of your DNA.
15. The idea has created your DNA.
16. Who came up with this idea?
17. This depends on your religious beliefs. If you believe in the Judeo-Christian tradition, then, your God is the originator of this idea. He created you
his way. The Anunnaki-Ulema version of your creation is quite different.
18. The Anunnaki-Ulema state that you, as an astral body, as a Double, and as a physical body were created by a formula used by the Anunnaki, long
before humans heard the word or concept God.
19. This formula was created by the Anunnaki in a non-human sphere. Because at that time, humans did not exist yet.
20. At the very beginning and at the early stage of the creation of your physical body, the Anunnaki (One person or multiple persons) conceived your
physical looks as a picture or as blueprints in the astral world.
21. The astral world is the World of Ideas; a non-physical world.
22. In a non-physical world, everything is non-physical, it is astral, and ethereal.
23. These attributes: non-physical, astral, and ethereal, one day will become physical, when your mother delivers you to the physical world.
24. When the ethereal image or idea becomes reality and adopts physical properties like eyes, legs, feet and bones, you physical body separates itself
from the astral body (Your Double). Yet, your physical body remains deeply and directly connected to the draft of the first copy of your physical body.
26. Since the first draft of your non-physical body and your recently acquired physical body (or about to be developed in the womb of your mother) are still
connected to each other, both bodies (The Idea or Draft and your physical body) co-exist. One in the astral, the other, right here on Earth.
The Double and ones religion: Does my Double decide before I was born whether I am going to be a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew or an Atheist?
1. No.
2. All humans retain their freedom when it comes to certain attitudes and decisions they will adopt and make, and personal preferences, they will
choose in their lives on Earth. But this is not the complete explanation.
3. In this particular case, religion was never a part of the creation scenario as decided upon by the Anunnaki.
4. Religion is the product of the human mind, and the humans beliefs system which was created by the early priests of all religions, visionaries, and so
called prophets and Messengers of God. Religion was never considered or anticipated by the Anunnaki at any time.
6. The very early human beings considered the Anunnaki as celestial gods, because they descended from above.
7. The early human beings considered above as the realm of the gods, because they were not familiar with cosmology and astronomy.
8. Thus, everything that has descended on planet Earth, was considered godly by your ancestors.
9. Consequently, the scribes and the priests began to formulate teaching and principles on the gods and the heavens.
10. Later on, the early priests discovered that religion was a mighty power, and served well their beliefs, and status in the community, and vis--vis the
kings and rulers.
11. So as you see, religion was fabricated by humans to rule humans. Your double has no ethnicity, no gender, and no religion.
On the Double interaction with babies and children: Does my double interact with me while I am still a baby?
1. Yes, it does in many ways.
2. Your double interacts with you in a most fascinating way, noticeable only to you, and not to others, including your parents.
3. Many children have seen their double. And many of them spoke to their double, and played with their double.
4. In many instances, children called their double my friend, or a friend who came to visit me.
Unfortunately, many parents discouraged their small children from talking to their imaginary friends, or fantasizing about the visits of their
imaginary friends. This is very common. But we have to be very careful here.
5. Imaginary friend or friends does not always mean Your Double. Many times, and quite often, other non-physical entities visit children and talk to

6. And strangely enough, the children love to talk and play with these non-physical entities. Children consider them as real friends.
7. In fact, later in their lives, many geniuses have admitted that part of their astonishing creativity and prolific work originated from the time they
spoke to their unseen and imaginary friends.
8. Also, many of them confessed that they have missed those friends, because they never returned.
9. Ulema children are encouraged to talk about their imaginary friends. These are very precious moments in their early lives.
Why these moments are so precious in our lives?
1. They are precious moments, because during this stage, the infant and later on, the small child, is given the opportunity of learning important things,
and acquiring extraordinary faculties that could and would transform them into brilliant people, when they grow up.
2. Your Double could dissipate for ever. Of course, in the future, your Double might appear to you, again and again, on certain occasions.
3. But, because you have lost touch with your Double, and because you do not remember the beautiful and friendly visits of your Double and
imaginary friends, your mind and common sense will automatically dismiss the sudden apparition of your Double (Should it happens again) as a
4. And people will rush to tell you: You are seeing things! Others will say: You are hallucinating.
5. Therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists explain the phenomenon (Apparition of your double) as a trick of the mind, hallucination, fantasy,
mental disturbance, you name it
6. But, it is not a trick or a hallucination at all. It just happened that your Double is paying you a visit. Instead of questioning your sanity, you must
rejoice and welcome your friend.
7. In fact, your Double is the most truthful, caring and best friend you ever had, simply because it is YOU! The purest form and format of You.
8. Now, you have to understand, that your double appears to you for many reasons. It is never accidental. It is never triggered by insanity or a mental
anomaly. You are doing just fine. Open your mind, take a deep breath, go with the flow, relax, and wait and see what it is going to happen next.
9. Your double always watches over you. He cares about you.
10. Its presence is a sign of friendship, sometimes necessary and indispensable for solving your problems and finding a way to get out of troubles.
11. You should welcome your Double and listen to.
Can we communicate with our Astral Body? The initiated ones can; it is a matter of learning, practice and patience. However, you have to
remember, that the living cannot contact the dead. By reaching the sphere of your Double or Astral Body, you are reaching yourself, not a dead substance, a
departed entity or a spirit. Untrained persons cannot contact their Double, but can be trained and taught by the Ulema. And the training has nothing to do
with magic, spiritism or religious trances and state of ecstasy. It is purely mental, intellectual, and scientific. Here, we will be talking about two situations:
a-First situation: Your Double materializes before you on its own: Sometimes, the Astral Body materializes before you eyes, even though you did
not try to contact it. This apparition has many meanings, and could be interpreted differently according to the circumstances. Sometimes, your Double
appears to you to warn you against an imminent danger. Sometimes, to guide you in a moment of despair and difficulties. Some other times, when you see
yourself as a fragile ectoplasmic thin substance like a fog for instance, your Double apparition is telling you, that a very important event is going to happen
and it could change the course of your life. In rare instances, this apparition could mean that your days are numbered. Short after Lord Byron saw his
Double he passed way.
b-Second Situation: When you initiate the contact with your Double: Now, you are trying to contact your Double. You initiate the contact. If you
are not one of the enlightened persons, you would not know what to do, and where to start. Like everything in the universe, including speeches and
lectureseverything begins with an introduction and ends with an epilogue. This is the right path. In contacting your Double, you must have an
introduction that comes in the form of an entry or entrance into the Al-Madkhal.
Al Madkhal is a state of mind that leads you toward the Baab: In the Ulema vocabulary, Al Madkhal means verbatim: Entrance and/or where you
step in. Baab is a spatial place that exists around the physical dimension of our world. In the Anunnaki-Ulema vocabulary, Baab means verbatim: Door.
And from and through this door you enter the other dimension where your Astral Body (Your Double) exists. In the West, ufologists, and even space
scientists nickname Baab stargate. It is not totally correct, because to them, stargate is a gate through which spaceships can travel through the infinity of
space and conquer space-time, thus reducing the enormous distances between stars and planets, and reaching destinations in the universe at a speed
greater than the speed of sound and light. For the Ulema, the Baab can be used as a spatial stargate, and a mental means to reach the non-physical world as
well; no spaceships are needed to communicate with your Double.
Learning from our Double and acquiring supernatural faculties: What do we get from zooming into our Double?

1. The initiated and enlightened ones can zoom into their other bodies, and acquire Anunnakis supernatural faculties.
2. I have used the words supernatural faculties instead of supernatural powers, because the enlightened and initiated ones are peaceful, and do not
use physical power, brutal force or any aggressive means to reach their objectives.
3. The use of violence against humans and animals, even aggressive thoughts and harmful intentions annihilate all chances to acquire Anunnakis
extraordinary faculties.
4. Your Double can easily read your thoughts.
5. If your thoughts are malicious, your Double will prevent you from zooming yourself into its ethereal molecules.
6. Therefore, you have to control your temper, remain calm, and show serenity in your thoughts, intentions and actions.
7. You Double is very delicate, even though it can accomplish the toughest missions and penetrate the thickest barriers. Any indication of violence or
ill intention triggers a pulse that blocks your passage to the ethereal sphere of your Double.
8. Once you enter your Double, you will be able to use it in so many beautiful and effective ways as:
a-A protective shield against danger,
b-An effective apparatus to protect yourself in hostile and dangerous situations,
c-A tool to develop your abilities to learn many languages, and enhance your artistic creativity,
d-A stimulus to increase the capacity of your memory,
e-Instrument to heal wounds and internal injuries. No, you will not become a surgeon, but you will be able to stop internal bleeding, and eliminate
f-A vehicle to visit distant places and even enter restricted areas for good causes. In brief, the possibilities are endless.
9. Once you are in a perfect harmony with your Double, and your physical organism is elevated to a higher vibrational level through your union with
your Double, you will be able to walk through solid substances such as walls, sheets of glasses and metal.
10. You become effective in controlling metal and de-fragmenting molecules of any substance. This will allow you to transmute, change and alter the
properties of any object known to mankind.
11. But if you use these supernatural faculties to hurt others, or for personal and selfish gain, you will loose them for good, and you will be
accountable for such malicious use in the other dimension. And this could delay your entrance through the Baab.

Ulema Albakri dematerializing and walking through a wall: During one of the readings, I saw with my own eyes, the honorable Ulema Al Bakri
dematerializing and walking through a wall. Many of the students, including myself thought it was an illusion, a trick performed by the teacher. We became
suspicious. We were wrong, because when we began to search for him inside the room, and check the thickness of the wall, we heard him calling us from
outside the room. He was standing under a pomegranate tree in the garden. And in a blink of an eye, he materialized inside the room, as if he has never left
us. We became speechless. One student asked him: How long it would take me to do this? Can I do what you did? And the honorable Ulema replied: Only if
you free your mind, and clean your thoughts. To cross over to the other side, you need to establish a direct rapport with your Double, and invite others to
your heart
The physical body is built on the double body: This is how Buddha and Apollonius of Tayana were seen at two places at the same time. The physical
body is built on the double body which is enmeshed in the physical like the fibers of a mango in the mango pulp. In a trained seer, the astral body is so
coherent that he can project the double out of the physical at a distance. This is how Buddha and Apollonius of Tayana were seen at two places at the same
time. The real centres for hearing, seeing, smelling are in the astral body. These are used for astral perceptions. In clairvoyance, the image first falls on the
astral eye and is then transmitted to the astral brain, then to the physical brain, and then the physical eye. (Source: Book of Rama-Dosh/Teosofia)
Materialization and dematerialization: The Ulemas ability to materialize and dematerialize is a gift they received from the Anunnaki. And it can be
taught to the initiated. These phenomena are not an Ulemas monopoly. These extraordinary phenomena were known to the ancients who were not
contaminated or corrupted by greed. The Bible referred to them in many passages, and in their articles and books, eminent scholars wrote about these
phenomena at length. The Sumerian writings talk about the PALA, the kings coat and SU.GAR.RA a term which literally means that which makes you go
far into the universe. This was stated by Z. Sitchin in his book The Twelfth Planet.
In the Book of Daniel 3:25, there is an episode in which three young Jews were thrown in a burning oven and nothing happened to them. But an Elohim was
also in the oven and, the moment they were about to be thrown in, he made the flames harmless in terms of thermal energy. The king Nebucadenzzar saw
the Elohim materializing and said: Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.
The incomplete materialization during Belshazzars feast in Daniel 5:5: Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the
wall, near the lamp stand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote.
2. On contacting the dead through your Double:
Can we contact our departed parents through our double? And is it dangerous to contact the dead?

1. No such contact is possible. However, few enlightened ones have succeeded in contacting the Mind of the deceased only during the first 40 days of
the departure of the dead.

2. During the 40 days period, a contact could occur, if the deceased have not yet entered his Double.

3. Once the deceased has entered his Double, it becomes very difficult to sense the frequencies of the Mind.

4. It is very difficult but not impossible, especially if the deceased has a noble Mind, and that Mind either initiated a contact or was still on the
perimeters of the physical and non physical dimensions.

5. Once the Mind enters the Fifth dimension, contacting the dead becomes impossibility.

6. The Anunnaki-Ulema are capable of contacting other Minds and non-physical entities in other dimensions, multiple universes, and parallel
dimensions through the Miraya (Anunnaki cosmic monitor, also called mirror.)

7. A Double can contact another Double in the after-life, even if both of them live in different dimensions.

8. Sometimes, your Double tries to contact you while you are still alive. And because you are still alive on Earth, and your Double exists in a nonphysical dimension, the contact occurs in many ways, forms and means. Poets call this contact inspiration. Psychics call it channeling. Spiritists call it
communication with the dead. The truth is this:

a-No psychic, no spiritist, no living creature on this Earth can communicate with the dead.

b-You cannot command your Double to appear before you. Only the enlightened ones can.

c-Your Double can initiate a contact through telepathy, projection of thoughts, and ethereal apparition on smooth surfaces like mirror, glass, and
limpid waters.

d-The Anunnaki can compose and de-compose the molecules and cells of the human body, and alter the first elements of your creation (In other
words: DNA). This, allows them to project, materialize, teleport and duplicate so many Doubles, including yours.

e-When the Anunnaki created you, they have also created an original copy of yourself and stored it in their archives. This copy was stored and
recorded as your blueprint.

f-The Anunnaki can project your blueprint on a holographic screen right before your eyes.

g-This projection allows you to see and read your past, present and future life illustrated in sequences.

h-Attempt to contact your Double could be harmful, if you are not initiated. It could cause:

(a) mental perturbation;

(b) psychological confusion;

(c) psychosomatic disequilibrium.

3. You Astral Body/Double Entry into Another Dimension (Kabari Idikhal)
I. Definition: It refers to the act or process of entering another dimension. It is composed of two words:
a-Kabari, which means dimension; a sphere of existence.
b-Idikhal, which means entering.
II. The phenomenon process:
On Earth, in this limited physical dimension, our supernatural powers are limited. They are governed by the laws of physics that define and regulate
the nature, substance and functions of our planet.
However, the mind can escape from the earthy bondage and earths physical frontiers, and enter different dimensions.
The ultimate guide for that journey is the astral body. In the past, we called it the double. In this particular situation, it is wiser to call it your guide,
because during your journey to the other world - not afterlife yet - your physical body will remain on earth, and there is no body per se to refer to.
No physical substance can enter non-physical sphere.
No human voice can reach the ear of non-physical entities.
No human voice or any sound produced on Earth is heard in other dimensions.
However, your guide (Your Double) carries within itself everything that constitutes your physical body, including memory, thoughts and introspection.
But not physical sensations and corporal feelings.
While your physical body is still quite alive but dormant in the physical surroundings (It could be your home, your office, your car, etc.), your Double
retains all the faculties your brain and body received at the moment of your birth.
Of course, your knowledge will increase considerably throughout the ages as you enter school, universities, and as you begin to learn from your
teachers and tutors. We call this kind of knowledge Earths Knowledge.

What you did not know is, that your Conduit which is located in the cells of your brains contains an enormous amount of knowledge you did not tap
in yet, because you were not aware of its existence, or because you have never believed in the existence of your Conduit.
The Conduit consists of ultra-microscopically small tissues and membranes in your brains cells. They are infinitesimally small, no microscopes can
detect them.
This Conduit contains and retains everything your creator put in you, in your body, and in your mind. Only Al Mounawarin (Enlightened Ones) can
tap into the Conduit.
Note: The Anunnaki have similar Conduit.

Once the Conduit is activated by your teacher, you, (the student) become Mounawar (Enlightened). - Note: Mounawar is the singular of Mounawarin. Without an activated Conduit you cannot communicate with your Double.
And the way you communicate with your Conduit is via telepathy.
Telepathy is not reading others minds. Telepathy is not channeling. Telepathy is one of the tools you must use to be on the same vibrational level or
frequency of your Double.
Your double is made out of electromagneticectoplasma substance. It has electricity, magnetism, plasma and ethereal energy called Rouh.
The Rouh is the non-physical image projection of what you are if you were separated from your body.
For now, forget everything about your body. Do not worry about it. No harm is going to happen to your body. It will stay where it is, only your Other
Self will change.
Once, your Conduit is activated - better to say open your mind begins to see new thingsno, you are not hallucinating at all you are only
experiencing and seeing new things, called Rouyah (Visions).
The very first thing you will see is absolutely nothing. It is like if you were looking at an empty world without buildings, cars, trees and people.
For a few seconds, you will be confused. Your mind is still working. But your mind cannot understand yet this emptiness.
In fact, it is not emptiness at all.
There is no such thing as emptiness or empty space or nothingness in the world.
Everything is part of something else.
Because your mind is seeing something very new, or because your mind is seeing nothing at all, for now, that is, your mind cannot explain to you what
Is This? What are you experiencing? Where are you?
In this state, you will be confused, but it is not going to last long.
Your brain is reprogramming itself.
Note: The Honorable teacher did not use the word Programming, but that is the most a propos word I can use to explain to you what he meant. The word he used is
Takarub, which means getting closer to.

In a short time, your mind will be self-reprogrammed, because it is in the process of acquiring a Memory. In this memory, are stored all the
knowledge and data that allow your mind to understand what you are seeing.
Almost 85% of your Other-Self is made out of memory in the astral world, contrary to what other schools of thoughts and religions claim.
I will recapitulate:
a-Your Conduit is open now.
b-Your mind has found a rich memory full of information.
c-The vision of nothingness or emptiness vanishes.
d-Now you begin to see new things, objects, pictures, presences, etc.

Maximillien de Lafayette World Part 5



Selections of his writings from his book: The Essential

Maximillien de Lafayette. Part 5
On parallel dimensions, multiple dimensions
and stargates to other worlds

The Fourth Dimension Chabkaradi

Is the Fourth Dimension the world beyond?

1. Not totally.

2. It is just the beginning of the world beyond.

3. As you progress in the after-life, you will discover new dimensions and new forms of life.

4. Human beings live simultaneously in two dimensions. One, which you are aware of, you sense it
and you see it, the other, you could reach it and understand it through:

a- Your mind,

b- Communicating with your Double,

c- Mental introspection,

d- A pure diet,

e- Projection of thoughts,

f- A physical-mental retreat that opens your Conduit.

Chabkaradi is the name of the Fourth sphere on the cosmic net. So what is Chabkaraki?
1-The 4th dimension is where the mind navigates freely.
2-Your physical body cannot enter the 4th dimension.
3-However, the righteous Ulema can physically enter the 4th dimension for a very short time.
4-Short time means less than 40 days.
5-Any living Ulema who stays for more than 40 days in the 4th dimension will disintegrate, and will never be able to return to earth again.
6-In the 4th dimension, there is a real reflection of everything that exists on earth.
7-A real reflection means an identical presence in substance and properties of all physical things on earth. But they exist at a different vibrational level.
8-A vibrational level is what constitutes the substance of any object or matter in the universe, including thoughts, intentions, and events that did not
happen yet.
9-The vibrations on earth can be detected, but not all of them.
10-The mind vibrations and waves frequencies can be detected on earth. But the vibrations that have created the mind in the first place are
undetectable by humans.
11-If for some unknown reasons, you were able to enter the 4th dimension, and if you were not guided by a higher presence such as supreme entities,
highly advanced nonterrestrial beings, etc., your body will be exposed to tremendous physical and non-physical pressures.
This could cause loss of memory and blindness. It did happen, and we are mentioning it here for additional learning, but it is not useful to elaborate
further on this situation.
12-Now, if you were brought to the 4th dimension by non-terrestrial benevolent beings, your journey will be very pleasant and enlightening. This could
happen in two ways, and only two ways:
a-Via a galactic multi-dimensional Markabah. This spaceship does not travel or traverse distances and dimensions. It jumps from one time pocket to
another time pocket on the map of the universe. In front of the spaceship, time and space as two separate dimensions cease to exist. They cancel each
This allows the spaceship to reach higher spheres at an incredible speed way beyond the comprehension of human beings. Behind the spaceship, time
and space open and close up as soon as the spaceship exits from the time-space tunnel that allowed the spaceship to reach the 4th dimension, or the
parallel one.
b-Via Tay Al Ard technique or the projection of mind. Only Ulema and the enlightened ones who learned these techniques from non-terrestrial beings
can do that.
13-The 4th dimension is incomprehensible, because it has a semi start-line, but not a finish-line.
14-Beyond the 4th dimension exists the 5th dimension which is the realm of the purified entities. No physical substances exist in the 5th dimension,
only their codes.
15-Yet, in the 4th dimension, many physical forms retain their physical properties.
16-Humans will spend many many years in the 4th dimension before they reach a higher one.
17-Many humans (Minds or Souls) could get lost around the perimeter of the 4th dimension.
18-Humans who just arrive in spirit or in mind to the 4th dimension have two choices and decisions to make within 40 days:
a-To stay in the 4th dimension and evolve or
b-To return to earth.

19-Those who decide to stay in the 4th dimension will be taken to an area similar to the Anunnakis Miraya Hall.
20-They will receive orientation and guidance from supreme beings who come to visit and lecture from much higher dimensions.
21-Those who began to progress and evolve spiritually in the 4th dimension will be acknowledged. Their spiritual progress will elevate their mental
vibrations, thus allowing them to see loved ones, and to enjoy the company of delightful higher beings.
22-It could take a person thousands of years (in terrestrial term) to evolve.
23-Time does not exist in higher dimensions, not even the perception of time.
23-Some evolve rapidly and elevate themselves to the 5th dimension, the sphere of absolute beauty and happiness.
24-Almost all human beings reach the 5th dimension, except those who caused so much damage, pains and sufferings to others. No, they will not burn
in fire.
25-There is no hell in the world beyond, but the mental-spiritual pain is as atrocious as the physical pain
26-And in that dimension, the visions are real, although, they are mental.
27-It is through the Mental that the deceased suffers, and or rejoices.

AbraaAbru: Entering the 4th Dimension and Returning From the World Beyond
One particular subject that has preoccupied and dazzled the students of the Ulema is the Fourth dimension. As we all know, none of the illustrious figures of
mankinds history, including mighty Roman emperors, prophets, Popes, and inventors has ever returned to Earth to tell us what is going on after death,
what is the Fourth dimension, and how dead people live in the world beyond. There is another topic that has challenged the intellect of novices and adepts,
and made their heads spin in all directions, said a biographer of the Ulema, and this topic is what does happen to the mind and psyche of people who
entered the Fourth dimension, and returned to earth? he added.
I. First and foremost: Is it possible to visit the world beyond? The Ulema biographer seems to suggest, that it is very possible to leave Earth, enter
the dimension of the after-life, and return to our physical world. Is it really possible? Only the honorable Ulema and very avant-garde quantum physics
theorists could answer this question, said an enlightened one. Assuming that it is possible to enter the world beyond and return to Earth, what effects such
an extraordinary experience would have on us, on our beliefs systems, and the way we see and understand our physical world, an Ulema asked his student.
The student did not know what to say. Evidently!
II. The Ulema can enter the after-life dimension, and other parallel dimensions, and return to earth through a multitude of ways and
means. In their Kiraats, the Ulema told their students, that the honorable teachers can easily enter the after-life dimension, the sphere of the world
beyond, and other parallel dimensions, and return to earth through a multitude of ways and means, to name a few:
1-Tay Al Ard technique;
2-Entry and exit through Baabs;
3-Elevation of the mind toward the Madkhal;
4-Transposing time-space technique;
5-Syncromizing the two lines of space and time;
6-Molecules decomposition and de-fragmentation process;
7-Splitting time in two, etc
III. What would happen to us when we return to Earth after exiting the 4th dimension? My teachers did elaborate on the subject, however I do
not remember everything the honorable Ulema have said in their Kiraat. This happened some fifty years ago. Below is a summary of their Kiraat and
Dirasaat in a non particular order:
1-Upon returning to Earth, you will return much much younger than your parents.
2-It took you a few seconds to enter and exit the fourth dimension.
Outside the physical perimeter, time stops. This is why it would not take you long to enter the world beyond and return to earth in a blink of an eye.
3-Your parents are still alive, they havent changed at all. They are still the same, physically and mentally, but you have changed physically and
4-Would they recognize you? No, but they will feel something unusual about you and toward you.
5-They would not recognize you instantly, because you would appear to them as a physical memory of your body.
6-This is why we advise those who experienced this phenomenon (Called Tara-Wouh) to recollect their thoughts, and anchor themselves into physical
projection, before they meet again with friends and relatives. In other words, a short retreat is a must.
7-Would you have the same feelings (Those you had before your experience) toward friends, relatives and parents? Perhaps not. It depends on your
8-Upon your return to earth, would you still see the world the same way you did before you entered in the 4th dimension? No.
9-You will see the world very differently. An object is no longer singular. Now it extends. You will see it backward and forward in time.
10-Part of your mind enters the space-time foam.
11-Consequently, and for a limited period of time, all objects will appear before your eyes in their past and present properties, the way they came to
exist before they took their final physical form.
12-These objects will appear and exist in opposite directions of time and space.
13-This applies to everything you see and you touch, and when you look at your friends, relatives, and parents, you will see them in the same way.
14-During this experience (Entering and exiting the parallel dimension or the world beyond), unusual events happen, such as:
A-Time is split in two.
B-Time does not move in one direction.
C-Time becomes irregular, as if it should have not existed in the first place, or at all.
D-Time will behave strangely. It becomes chaotic.
E-When time is split in two, it changes into two waves, and each wave will cancel the other when they meet or bump into each other.
IV. What is the nature of this phenomenon? The Ulema have realized that not all of their students understood the nature of this phenomenon. Many
students have asked obvious questions such as: a-Is it mental? Spiritual? Physical? Scientific? Or simply a state of mind? b-Do we enter the 4th dimension
with our body, or simply by using our imagination? c-Who takes us there? Our mind or our body? d-If it is our mind who takes us there, then what happens
to our body? Do we leave our body on earth? Alone? Is it protected? As you can see, all sorts of questions were asked. And it was not always too easy for the
Ulema to answer these questions. Sometimes, the Ulema would not answer the students questions, instead they would explain the situation metaphorically.
And the complicated metaphors were not always understood by the students. An Ulema commented: Because this phenomenon is of a very complicated

scientific nature, not all students will fully understand how it works.

V. Yes! We can split time in two: Years later, I asked a professor of quantum physics whether it was possible to split time in two as the Ulema have
told me fifty years ago, and he assured me that theoretically it is possible. He added that splitting time in two time-space dimensions could create two
separate universes. Well? This is exactly what the Ulema have suggested thousands of years ago.
VI. Excerpts from a Kiraat I gave some twenty years ago: I will try to explain this theory in a very simple language.
1-The 4th dimension is where the mind navigates freely.
2-Your physical body cannot enter the 4th dimension.
3-However, the righteous Ulema can physically enter the 4th dimension for a very short time.
4-Short time means less than 40 days.
5-Any living Ulema who stays for more than 40 days in the 4th dimension will disintegrate, and will never be able to return to earth again.
6-In the 4th dimension, there is a real reflection of everything that exists on earth.
7-A real reflection means an identical presence in substance and properties of all physical things on earth. But they exist at a different vibrational level.
8-A vibrational level is what constitutes the substance of any object or matter in the universe, including thoughts, intentions, and events that did not
happen yet.
9-The vibrations on earth can be detected, but not all of them.
10-The mind vibrations and waves frequencies can be detected on earth. But the vibrations that have created the mind in the first place are
undetectable by humans.
11-If for some unknown reasons, you were able to enter the 4th dimension, and if you were not guided by a higher presence (Supreme entities, highly
advanced non terrestrial beings, etc.) your body will be exposed to tremendous physical and non-physical pressures.
This could cause loss of memory and blindness. It did happen, and we are mentioning it here for additional learning, but it is not useful to elaborate
further on this situation.
12-Now, if you were brought to the 4th dimension by non-terrestrial benevolent beings, your journey will be very pleasant and enlightening. This could
happen in two ways, and only two ways:
a-Via a galactic multi-dimensional Markabah. This spaceship does not travel or traverse distances and dimensions. It jumps from one time pocket to
another time pocket on the map of the universe. In front of the spaceship, time and space as two separate dimensions cease to exist. They cancel each
This allows the spaceship to reach higher spheres at an incredible speed way beyond the comprehension of human beings.
Behind the spaceship, time and space open and close up as soon as the spaceship exits from the time-space tunnel that allowed the spaceship to reach
the 4th dimension, or the parallel one.
b-Via Tay Al Ard technique or the projection of mind. Only Ulema and the enlightened ones who learned these techniques from non-terrestrial beings
can do that.
13-The 4th dimension is incomprehensible, because it has a semi start-line, but not a finish-line.
14-Beyond the 4th dimension exists the 5th dimension which is the realm of the purified entities. No physical substances exist in the 5th dimension,
only their codes.
15-Yet, in the 4th dimension, many physical forms retain their physical properties.
16-Humans will spend many many years in the 4th dimension before they reach a higher one.
17-Many humans (Minds or Souls) could get lost around the perimeter of the 4th dimension.
18-Humans who just arrive in spirit or in mind to the 4th dimension have two choices and decisions to make within 40 days:
a-To stay in the 4th dimension and evolve or
b-To return to earth.
19-Those who decide to stay in the 4th dimension will be taken to an area similar to the Anunnakis Miraya Hall.
20-They will receive orientation and guidance from supreme beings who come to visit and lecture from much higher dimensions.
21-Those who began to progress and evolve spiritually in the 4th dimension will be acknowledged.
22-Their spiritual progress will elevate their mental vibrations, thus allowing them to see loved ones, and to enjoy the company of delightful higher
23-It could take a person thousands of years (in terrestrial term) to evolve.
24-But time does not exist in higher dimensions, not even the perception of time.
25-Some evolve rapidly and elevate themselves to the 5th dimension, the sphere of absolute beauty and happiness.
26-Almost all human beings reach the 5th dimension, except those who caused so much damage, pains and sufferings to others. No, they will not burn
in fire.
27-There is no hell in the world beyond, but the mental-spiritual pain is as atrocious as the physical pain. And in that dimension, the visions are real,
although, they are mental.
28-It is through the Mental that the deceased suffers, and or rejoices.

Images in another dimension: Lariba, Marda-iruch:

I. Definition: Lariba is the animated pictures and images of usually immobile objects, you see when you enter another dimension.
II. Explanation:
In some dimensions, objects that usually lack motion on Earth, move freely on their own, as if they have a motion motor inside them.
Many of the objects you see here on Earth do not move. Objects like stones, chairs, mountains, etc.
In an extra dimension, all objects extend the place they occupy.
They are not limited by their superficies and borders.
On Earth, we understand and define all sorts of things by calculating time and space.
Usually time is calculated by measuring distances.
Humans understand distances by measuring time.
And this, is not totally correct. Especially when we try to define speed.

In other spheres of existence, these objects have an extra dimension.

It is a very complicated matter for the human mind.
These objects, in addition to their structural properties have images of their own.
These images are part of the physical place they usually occupy.
In other spheres, you can move these huge objects, like mountains for instance, by moving their images.
The Anunnaki can move extremely heavy objects, like for example, 1,500 tons stones or temples without touching them physically, or using any
physical means, such as cranes or winches.
They do this by creating an animated picture of the heavy object, transposing the image on a matrix, and moving the matrix from one place to another.
It is not a teleportation.
It is rather a transposition of the physical properties of an object.
The Anunnaki can even move a whole city from one country to another country, simply by moving the holographic image of the city.
The Anunnaki can easily create a holographic image of anything that exists in the world.
So when I said Objects move freely on their own, as if they have a motion motor inside them, I meant, that an image of these objects has been
created, and transported to another spot.
This image once transported to another spot becomes reality.
It is like duplicating an object and moving it somewhere else.
Now, you might ask: Then what happens to the real object the Anunnaki duplicated as an image and moved it somewhere else?
Is it still there, or just vanished?
It did not vanish.
It has been transported.
And now, the object has become an image.
But this image is real, and can take a physical form.
Your mind cannot understand this phenomenon, because you are still thinking about matter, time, space and distance.

*** *** ***

The Fifth Dimension

1. The Fifth dimension is just the beginning, because there are seven dimensions.
2. Six dimensions constitute the world of the after-life for humans. Only three are known to humans.
3. The Seventh dimension is reserved to the Khalek (Creator of the human race).
4. No human (Mind or soul of humans) can reach and enter the Seventh dimension.
5. I mentioned seven dimensions only, because these are the world beyond for the humans.
6. We start on Earth, because we were created by the Anunnaki on Earth. And from Earth, we go higher. And higher means the other six dimensions.
7. The world of humans (Physical and non-physical) is made out of these dimensions that constitute the beginning, the end and the entire human
8. Other living entities on other planets and stars have different universes, different places for their after-life and the world beyond.
9. They evolve differently.
10. They have different Khalek (Different Creator, or different God).
11. For each universe, there is a different Khalek. The Greek philosophers and sages of ancient civilizations on Earth were not stupid. They mentioned
it in their writings and secret doctrines, but they did not figure it right.
12. In the Anunnakis metaphysics, there are no pagan gods, but a continuum of intelligence and creation. A sort of All that Is.
13. Humans do not reincarnate in the after-life.
14. Humans through their Mind (Soul to others) move from one dimension to another dimension, and this could take hundreds of thousands of years.
15. First, humans (Mind of the humans) must reach the perfect state of purification.
16. Next, humans (Mind of Humans) must acquire the Soudk (The ultimate knowledge and truth).
17. This is usually acquired in the Fifth dimension, not in the Fourth dimension.
18. In the Fifth dimension, humans who are no longer humans but divine beings, retain many of the earthly properties they acquired on Earth (The
Good ones), and receive extraordinary faculties and capabilities.
The Fifth Dimension is a wonderful place, where all of you reach the state of quasi-perfection: There, fantastic phenomena occur, such as:aBending time, b-Bending space, c-Mental teleportation to the entire six dimensions, d-Reversing Spatial Memory, e-Creating new living creatures, f-Taking
part in the creation of new universes; g-Shifting spaces frontiers; h-Superposing parallel dimensions; i-Inhabiting simultaneously multiple universes; jIdentifying all the Baabs and Madkals, k-Influencing destinies; l-Creating entities blueprints; m-Accelerating time; n-Reversing time; o-Halting time and
distances dilatation, p-And of course interacting with living creatures in all the dimensions and Earth as well.This is how the purified and noble Mind (Soul
to others), evolves, transmigrates and reincarnates in the world beyond. Reincarnation in the after-life is simply acquiring extraordinary knowledge and
faculties, always according to the blueprint and ever-evolving nature of humans as created by the Anunnaki.
On the collective minds transmigration phenomenon:
1. Another fascinating aspect of the Minds reincarnation in the after-life is the collective Minds transmigration phenomenon, where all Minds
through the Conduit tap into the cosmic depot of ultimate knowledge; an infinite registry of supernatural powers and a cosmic library of all what there
is in the universe.
2. Fortunately to humans, they can benefit enormously from the pure Minds (Souls, Spirits of the departed loved ones, to others) and the positive
energies of the after lifes dimensions though guided contacts.
3. You are not alone on Earth, in the universe, and in the after-life.
4. There are noble entities who are watching over you.
5. Some are unreachable; others are so close to you.
6. There is hope for all of you, only if you try to free yourselves from greed, hatred, envy and violence.
7. One way to start this to talk to you Double, or to your Mind.
8. If this notion is hard to swallow, never mind, call your Double Conscience, if this makes you feel better.
*** *** ***

The Kama Zone (Kamea) Dimension: Also referred to as the Manifestation Square, meaning a zone where different forms of appearances,
including beings and higher entities manifest themselves for multiple reasons. The Manifestation Square is indeed a physical area on Earth. Some Ulema
suggested that this Square serves as a platform for the Baab (See Baab). The Earth is full of these Squares. However, they are not permanent, meaning they
appear on Earth, each time a cosmic molecule or Bubble collides with another Bubble. This happens cosmically. However, the Manifestation Squares
materialize on Earth, when two distinct yet very close dimension membranes bump into each other. Ulema Stanbouli added, The whole universe was
created in this way. From Kama, derived the Hebrew word Kamea, which means a magic square. In esoterica and occult studies, Kama or Kamea are a
place, or a zone used by Kabalists and occultists to communicate with non-human entities in order to accomplish magical acts. Kamah means the
underground, thus referring to the habitat of lower entities, such as Afrit, Djinns, a category of the Ezraelim, even lost spirits. From Kamah, derived the
Sumerian word Kimah, which means, a cemetery; a grave.
The Kalem Zone-Dimension: Lines or graphs referred to as the invisible borders of multiple adjacent zones of existences, also called multiple
dimensions, and/or parallel universes. These lines serve also as a path or a passage that lead to a higher sphere of knowledge. From Kalem, derived the
Hebrew word Kailem, which literally means, vessels or vehicles; the vases for the source of the Waters of Life, used in the Ten Sephiroth, and considered as
the primeval nuclei of all Cosmic Forces. Some Kabalists and occulists stated that these lines or vessels appear in our world, through twenty two canals,
which are represented by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, thus making with the Ten Sephiroth thirty-two paths of wisdom. The world of
humans is linked to the afterlife through twenty two Kalem (Graphs). Some of these graphs or lines are directly attached to the Conduit implanted in the
human brain, thus a trained adept can enter and exist other dimensions by placing himself or herself on one of the tracks of these lines.
*** *** ***

Stargates: Entrance to other worlds

How many stargates exist across the planet?
1. First, it is extremely important to understand or to try to understand the major characteristics, properties and enormous differences between:
a- Gateway(s);
b- Baab(s);
c- Time-pocket(s);
d- Space pocket(s);
e- Mad-khal(s);
f- Mikh-Raaj(s);
g- Stargate(s);
h-Space diving lines;
i- Time dividing lines;
j- Intersections of multiple layers of the universe, etc
2. Even though all of the above are separately grouped under Stargates. There are 70 Gateways-Stargates across/around planet Earth. Not all of
them serve the same purpose. Not all of them function, open and close in the very same manner.
Are there specific times when they can be used or are they always open?
1. Stargates/Gateways/Baabs function, open, and close according to a Matrix that establishes:
a- Specific times;
b- Specific entrances and exists called respectively Mad-khal(s) and Mikh-Raaj(s);
c- Mass, matter and anti-matter.
2. Stargates, Gateways, and Baabs are not always open, because a permanent opening will create cosmic catastrophes.
3. A permanent opening will suck up everything that exists in its perimeter, like the black holes.
4. A permanent or quasi-permanent opening will de-fragment, disintegrate, and annihilate molecules, space boundaries, particles, atoms, matter
and mass, including dark energy, and God Particle.
5. Should these de-fragmentations, disintegrations, and annihilations occur, the universe will cease to exist.
I. Ba'ab: Definition and introduction: Baab Bab is a term for an Anunnakis stargate; an entrance and exit to multiple worlds, stars, planets, and
galaxies. In Anakh, Baab means a door; a door to other dimensions. The Anunnaki deploy Baab split-time-space technology to travel to any region of the
universe in a fraction of a minute. In contemporary science fiction literature, quantum physics, and ufology, it could be compared to the Stargate
technology. This technology allows the Anunnaki to bend time and space and travel to various dimensions, levels and types of the cosmos, such as:

1-The multi-dimensional world,

2-The parallel world,
3-The future world,
4-The galatico-plasma world,
5-The past dimension,
6-The future dimension,
7-The multiverse zones,
8-The space-memory zone,
9-The Akhashic sphere.

This also allows them to send and receive instant knowledge and messages from and to the beginning of the universe, the beginning of time, and the beginning of m
Many extraterrestrial civilizations are familiar with the concept and its pragmatic application. In plain English, beyond and around Earth, and the world we know, t
II. Etymology: From Baab Bab, derived:
a-The Sumerian word Babu. (The plural is: Babani and Babati).
b-The Arabic word Bab. (The plural is: Abwaab.)
Some ancient Near Eastern and Middle Eastern civilizations incorporated the word Bab in their most important symbols and national entity vocabularies,
such as the word of Babylon, which means the gate of God. Babylon is composed of two words:

a-Bab (Gate),
b-Ylon or Eli, or El (God).
Zahi asbut bab-rab-sunnu ana izziqipi uzaqip.
From the Annals of Sardanapalus. Translated verbatim: 700, men about their great gate on crosses, I crucified. King Esur (Assur, Ashur) said: usashira
gimir babani. Translated verbatim: I put around all the gates. And: mihrit babi-sin. Translated verbatim: Before their gates. From the Annals of
Sardanapalus: Zabi tilai in babatte Babati sa er-su ana ziqipi lu uzaqipi. Translated verbatim: Men alive at the gates of his city on crosses I impaled.
And from the slabs of Sennacherib: Mihrit babati. Translated verbatim: Before the gates.
III. Baabs and Madkhaal: There is a huge cosmic Baab/stargate over Chicago. But this one is quite unique, because it is called a Madkhaal, which
means in Anakh, an entrance, rather than a stargate. Not all stargates are identical, nor do they function in the same manner. There are stargates that lead
to another (singular) world, an incomprehensible world of bent time-space. And there are stargates that lead you into parallel dimensions adjacent to our
world. The one over Chicago leads you towards a dimension where time and space are no longer linear. In this dimension, the laws of physics as they are
known to us on earth no longer apply. The Madkhaal is located above Grand Central Station in downtown Chicago. It is oval and vibrates like a rubber band,
very similar to a multiverse membrane, found in the perimeter of the eleven dimensions mentioned in contemporary quantum physics. It is neither visible
to the naked eye nor can it be detected by any apparatus on Earth. Also worth mentioning here, is the subject of the Anomaly of Stargates. Stargates do
vary in size, function, purpose and mobility, just like the extraterrestrial underwater plasma corridors, used to navigate our seas and oceans. The stargate in
New York City, which is located over Madison Square Garden, is twice the size of that over Central Station in downtown Chicago. Travel to and from the
Chicago stargate is possible at particular times, however travel through the Madison Square Garden Baab is a one way street. Since the Baabs are at least
900ft 1,700ft above ground, it is not possible to jump into a Baab. At the time of the return of the Anunnaki, an electromagnetic fog will suck up the
people with light to medium contamination, as set forth by the Anunnakis return protocol.
IV. The American Baab and the Giant Gray:Some ufologists have claimed that the extraterrestrial Grays (Intraterrestrial Aliens) showed American
military scientists how to enter a Baab (Stargate). A most unusual claim about the American Baab stated that in 2006, while an American spaceship tried to
enter a Baab, a giant Gray exited the spacecraft, because it needed a sudden repair. The alien was sucked up into the galactic vacuum and the craft
exploded. This event was recorded on a film and was sent to NASA and MIT. Both the Russians and the Americans have tried to develop a space technology
in order to penetrate these gates. The Anunnaki are fully aware of their progress. There is nothing to fear, as long as our military scientists and the Pentagon
realize, that the offer they got from the intraterrestrial Grays, living here on Earth, is not as benevolent, as they have thought in the past. Any Grays
technology given to humans of any nation will lead to disaster, for the Grays agenda and intentions are macabre and malicious.
V. Metaphysical, religious and mythological stargates: Question: Did the religious scriptures mention stargates? Answer: Yes. Numerous Bible and
Talmudic scholars agree that the sky, and the earth contain spiritual entities and presences behind celestial 'gates'. The Anunnaki-Ulema call these gates
Madkhal. And there is nothing spiritual in these gates. They are simply an opening on multiple spheres of existences, and different layers of space-time. He
added, religious scriptures are colorful and metaphoric, and sometime poetic. As long as we understand the literature of religions as fables and stories
crafted by inspirational scribes, the truth is not tarnished. And as long as we understand that God does not position his angels to guard the doors of heavens,
and does not appoint prophets and apostles as the keys holders of the paradise, no harm will come from the fabrication of Biblical tales. The Bible tells us
that they are spirits who try to enter and exit these gates. The Anunnaki-Ulema have explained to us, that these spirits are lower entities they have created
thousands of years ago, and do not belong to any religious literature. The early Judaic scholars warned the Hebrew people not to communicate with these
spirits who are trying to escape darkness. (Deut. 18:11) But the Anunnaki-Ulema stated that Earth is the realm of darkness, not what lies beyond.
VI. The Amalantrah Working: Question: Did Aleister Crowley open a vortex-gate as he has claimed? Answer: In March 1918, Aleister
Crowley has claimed that he succeeded in creating a vortex-gate that links our physical world to a non-physical world. He called it the bridge, and the
process was coined the Amalantrah Working. Crowley stated that while the gate (Vortex) was open, an entity manifested itself. Crowley named the entity
Lam. Later on, he drew a facial portrait of Lam. And lam became a permanent fixture on the landscape of modern ufology. Numerous new age ufology
enthusiasts rushed to describe Lam as a Gray! Some thirty years later, the legendary scientist Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Church of
Scientology began to work on their Babalon Working, in a desperate attempt to reopen the gate, allegedly created by Aleister Crowley. Their fans are
convinced that Parsons and Hubbard succeeded in opening the gate, and in allowing entities from a different world to enter and exit the gateway. Some have
claimed that an open gate would allow extraterrestrial beings, and particularly the Grays to abduct humans. Nonsense!
VII. Our universe has some extra dimensions: To quote CERNs own published documentation (A public domain statement): "Some theories
suggest that, beyond the three spatial dimensions we experience, our Universe has some extra dimensions. These have finite size, so they are curved onto
themselves, for instance in the shape of a circle (although, for more than one extra-dimension, more complicated geometries are possible). To really detect
the extra dimension one needs to probe it with particles with a very high energy. In quantum mechanics, the larger the energy of the particle, the smaller its
effective size is. So to detect a small dimension, one needs particles of very high energy. The extra dimensions are actually so small that even our largest
particle accelerators have not produced particles of enough energy to see them. However, in some theories, the sizes of the extra dimensions are just large
enough for particles in the LHC at CERN to be able to detect them. There are theories that suggest that the matter particles we are made of cannot
propagate on the extra dimensions. In these theories, the only way to detect the extra dimensions is by using gravitational interactions. The strength of
gravity in the 5-dimensional (or higher-dimensional) description is much more intense than in four dimensions, hence we predict the possibility of creating
black holes in collisions in the LHC. These events would be spectacular, with the black hole decaying almost immediately into a shower of many particles,
and would allow us to test the properties of quantum gravity in accelerators. In any of these two possible scenarios, the detection of the existence of extra
dimensions would be an unprecedented discovery, and an astonishing insight into the nature of the Universe!
How terrifying is this project/program? Ulema Kanazawa said, Thats fine. I have nothing against CERN, however, once this ambitious project
becomes a reality, world powers, and especially the super military powers will get CERN findings by the horns. And if CERN results fall in the wrong hands,
kiss our world goodbye.
Note on the CIAs Star Gate Program: Many still believe that the CIAs Star Gate Program rotates around extraterrestrials portals, wormholes, and
galactic tunnels that open up to allow American astronauts and military space crafts, and vehicles to travel to the edge of the universe. These assumptions
are not accurate. However, the CIA did work on a project pertaining to space-time intergalactic travel, with the cooperation of the United States Air Force,
NASA, NSA, and MIT. This project is explained under the entry Space-Time Travel. The CIAs Star Gate was one of a number of "remote viewing
programs" conducted under a variety of code names, including Sun Streak, Grill Frame, and Center Lane by DIA and INSCOM, and SCANATE by CIA.

Maximillien de Lafayette World Part 6



Selections of his writings from his book: The Essential
Maximillien de Lafayette. Part 6
Projecting and interpreting sequences and passages from an individuals life in one particular
dimension; one space-time sphere at the time.
Is it a tool to go back in time or jump into the future?
1. Definition and introduction:
A rectangular glass table, that resonates, when metallic cards are placed on its surface. The word
glass is hereby used for lack of proper terminology. The material is transparent like glass, but the
substance is very different, and cannot be described, using our Earths vocabularies. The metallic
cards represent thin and encoded boards. The word metallic is hereby used, for lack of proper
terminology. Each card contains sequences of numbers and dots, perforated on one side of each card.
Misinformed researchers nicknamed the cards Galactic Tarot. It is incorrect. The cards project and
interpret sequences and passages from an individuals life in one particular dimension; one spacetime sphere at the time. Duplicate, and/or multiple projections of different lives in different
dimensions are also possible. However, the projection of any of a persons multiple lives existing in
separate universes has no bearing or any effect on the current existence in the third dimension.
Alteration of past events in a different dimension does not categorically alter current events in the
third dimension.
However, the results and direct consequences of such alteration could and would change the course of life, and events to occur in the present and the
near future of an individual, if the persons Conduit (Brain cell Conduit) is activated.
On Earth, a person could be an illustrious writer, while in a second or a parallel dimension; the very same person is totally illiterate. People live
different lives in different dimensions.
On Earth, a person for instance is a distinguished judge, while in another dimension; the very same person is an outlaw.
Removing, altering and/or erasing a crime committed by a person in another dimension does not categorically clean, and/or delete the Galactic
Record of that person on the Conscience-Cosmic-Net. That person is still held liable for his/her action, and will be punished for his/her crime.
For instance, on Earth (Third dimension), you are 40 year old, while in the same time, you could be 60 year old, or not even born, in another
dimension (Universe).
In some dimensions, Alexander the Great is still on his way to ancient Persia, and Jesus is not yet crucified.
The sequences constitute the code.
The code is the key to a wide variety of information and data about individuals.
In other words, each card could be interpreted as a microchip.
The microchip stores every single event (Past, present and future) in the life of a person, including, duplications of similar or different occurrences on
other planes.
Other planes mean a separate form of existence in a parallel dimension.
Resonate means responding to the placement of the card upon the surface of the glass table.
Responding means, reading and/or deciphering the code (Key to information) of the data and information stored in each card.
2. Synopsis of mode of operation:
La abrida Bzira-irdu, functions like Miraya, Minzar, and Mnaizar.
However, the use of the La-abrida is limited to reading past, present, and future events in the life of one single person.
When a card is placed on the top of the glass table, the card changes properties, shape and form.
The metallic structural substance of the card becomes translucent, and merges with the glass surface.
To the naked eye, it appears as if the card was totally absorbed by the glass surface. However, the size of the card remains intact.
The shape of the card becomes circular, but retains its original size, meaning, each card occupies the same space, before the shape was changed.
Thus, the form of the card becomes either circular or conical.
Almost instantly, conic pages open up on the glass surface of the table. Usually, three to four pages, aligned horizontally.
Each page has a distinct color, ranging from light green to almost transparent blue.
Words, geometric symbols, dots, and numbers appear on each page. They are the data and information pertaining to the existence of one person in
multiple spheres (Separate existences in multiple life-form universes.)
This means, that individuals (Humans and animals alike) do live separately and independently as 4 distinct living persons in 4 distinct dimensions, or
Contemporary quantum physics theorists totally accept this reality. Many books and articles discussed this incomprehensible phenomenon.
The multiple and separate existences (In our case, 4) are called in quantum physics membranes, or simply branes.
Each membrane represents a separate world, called dimension in contemporary quantum physics. In other words, that dimension refers to another
So far, quantum physics theorists have accepted the notion that, there are 11 dimensions in our universe.
On the glass surface of the La abrida Bzira-irdu, the adept will be able to see (In miniature) four different dimensions.
Each one of them, containing a duplicate (Identical or totally different) of himself or herself, his or her total life, habitat, physical appearance,
preoccupations, and environment.
In other words, the adept is watching simultaneously his/her other four existences/lives in four separate universes.
And this concept has become a major part of the modern study and research of cosmology, and quantum physics, usually discussed under various
theories, such as the Multiverse, the M Theory, the String Theory, the Membranes Theory, so on.

3. The beginning of everything: Multiple existences and Gods Particle. Ulema Haroon Bakri bin Rached Al Ansari, and Ulema Mordechai ben Zvi
provided the following explanation. Herewith reproduced verbatim, word for word, and unedited. Taken from their Kiraat (Readings), Kiramat Ketab (Book
of the good deeds), Hadith (Speech; dialogue) and Rouya (Visions; insight):
Time is not linear. Thus, the landscape of so called time and space is not the same in other worlds.
In multiple universes, the past, the present, and the future are all contained in one particle.
This particle is the Cell of Everything.
This means, everything that has existed before, and shall exist afterward. It is the origin of the creation.
The particle is the beginning of everything that is everlasting. Quantum physics theorists call this cell or particle the Gods Particle.
In this cell, you will find all the Bubbles (Term used by modern cosmologists) that collided together to create all the universes, galaxies, and planets
in the cosmos.
Who created the Gods Particle? Who created the universe? Who created time? Who created God?
Is there one single Creator who created everything in the universe, including humans and non-humans?
The Gods particle was at the beginning of everything. And everything was not in existence. Thus, before the particle, time did not exist, space did not
exist, the past did not exist, the future did not exist, humans did not exist, and religions did not exist; in brief nothing existed.
The Universe was not created by one single creator. The universe was not created by a Big Bang.
The universe emerged from itself, from within.
And when, the nothingness of existence of all forms and substances suddenly collided with itself, the whole universe exploded into billions and billions
of stars, galaxies, planets, and layers of dimensions.
In some universes, the coagulation of time with the landscape of space created time.
When time was created by the collision of universes (Bubbles), galaxies and universes took shape and place in the cosmos.
On some planets, and in some galaxies, photosynthesis, metabolism, followed by micro-biological evolution created multiple life-forms everywhere.
Some of these life-forms produced all kinds and shapes of organic and botanic substances, stones, mountains, gases, waters, atmospheres. In some
dimensions, different intelligent life forms were created.
We call this intelligent life-form Kir-Ra-Ibra, meaning the faculty of reasoning and creating.
The primordial intelligent life-form belonged to very advanced galactic races inhabiting billions of stars and planets.
Billions of years later, the human race was genetically created by some of these very advanced intelligent life-forms, such as the Anunnaki, Igigi, and
When pre-humans, proto-humans, and quasi-human began to populate the Earth, time did not exist at that point in history.
Later, much later, when the Lyrans, Igigi, and the Anunnaki commenced to experiment with the archaic human species (They were 47 different
categories), they installed in the brain of the human beings, some form of intelligence.
Some early humans were fortunate to receive the Conduit, the invisible cell in the brain that produces all sorts of human activities and thoughts.
When the early human beings began to reason, the notion of time was conceived.
Thus, Time became the invention of humans.
Time exists on Earth, not on other dimensions.
4. La-abrida Bzira-irdu: Is it a tool to go back in time or jump into the future? Is it physical or ethereal?
No. Because, if you want to go back in time, and/or visit the future, you have to depart from this dimension (Earth), where you currently live.
Once, you are outside the perimeter of the third dimension (Earth), time bends on itself.
Space bends on itself.
And you are caught in the middle.
However, you can escape this dilemma, and realign yourself, following the cadence/rhythm of all dimensions beyond the third one.
How, will you accomplish this? We will elaborate on this, when we study the Parallel Synchronization.
Since time does not exist, the enlightened ones (Many of you are enlightened) will be able to watch themselves living separately in different worlds.
This is what La abrida Bzira-irdu does.
It allows you to see not to revisit the past or jump into the future, unless your Conduit is fully activated.
Once you are outside the physical realm (Earth), you immediately connect with the beginning of everything in the universe.
You become part of Gods Particle.
However, and as we have explained before, revisiting the so-called past is possible if you use the Gomatirach Minzari.
But bear in mind, you are not visiting, but transposing yourself, unless your Conduit is fully activated.
5. Can I use the La-abrida to ameliorate my life, and change my destiny? Yes, said Ulema Kanazawa. He added, verbatim: However, you
cannot alter the laws of cause and effect; something similar to what you call Karma, but in reality, it is quite different from Karma, because there is no place
for reincarnation in the world of the Anunnaki. There are Anunnakis norms that remain universal wherever you go, although they are norms per se, but not
necessary cosmic laws.
On Earth, you are accountable for all your actions.
The same applies in all the dimensions, realms, and spheres of time, and space.
However, in a different form of existence, or dimension, the nature and understanding of certain moral and ethical laws might change considerably.
Such change has a paramount effect on the level of enlightenment and happiness you wish to reach.
On Earth, we have what we call the human law, the natural law, and dogma establishing acceptable behavior in societies and communities.
These laws quite often change in virtue of our understanding of what is right, and what is wrong. They also change, as time changes, as our form of
government changes, as a majoritys power and influence change, regionally and nationally.
Nothing is truthfully permanent on Earth.
In the galactic perimeter of advanced and spiritual communities, values do not change. They are permanent and universal, and they govern the
general conduct of life-forms and intelligent entities, in the entire universe.
If you enter a particular dimension, far away from Earth, or too close to Earth, you might encounter social rules that are in sharp contrast with laws on
This could confuse your mind, and prevent you from understanding and/or recognizing what is right, and what is wrong.
If this should happen to you, you will not be able to ameliorate your life, and change your destiny, when you return to Earth, and/or to the present.
Something else you should take into consideration.

What kind of destiny, success, happiness, prosperity and advancement are you talking about?
Are they those your are aiming at, upon returning to Earth, or those you are seeking after death? Or, possibly those that exist in a dimension close to
The Anunnaki-Ulema can simultaneously live in two or three different dimensions, and coordinate their actions via the Conduit.
We call this, the Universal Conduit.
Humans have not yet reached a level of morality and spirituality that allows them to live and relive in separate dimensions at the same time.
Although, some humans might be invited to visit another dimension and acquire a great deal of knowledge, wisdom, and even supernatural powers,
upon their return to Earth, they will instantly forget whatever they have learned, heard and seen, unless they are spiritually developed, and guided by
the enlightened ones.
Thus, in order to ameliorate you destiny, prosper in your endeavors, and preserve a good health, you must be able to differentiate between what is
right and what is wrong, at a galactic level.
You must become acquainted with the universal truth; the galactic harmony of things.
Truth in the outer cosmos is quite different from the truth you find on Earth.
Only your activated Conduit will allow you to do so.
There also certain measures and requirements you must consider and comply with, before you leave Earth and enter another dimension, and/or timespace sphere.
For instance, selecting the correct time to revisit the past, and/or another dimension is paramount.
What Baab (Door or entrance to the other world) shall you enter?
How shall you adapt, correct or adjust your vision in a new dimension?
How would you differentiate between an astral travel, imagination, fantasy of your mind, and reality?
Even in highly developed dimensions, and in many different time/space spheres, you will encounter fantasy, tricks of the mind, hallucinations, and
fake apparitions.
Many of the other dimensions (Plans) and time-space spheres are similar to Earth, even though the structural composition and their properties are
enormously different.
All these encounters, images and feelings will prevent your mind from understanding what you are seeing. You will be totally confused.
For example, and lets assume for now, that you have managed to go back in time, and visit with people and societies from the 18th century.
First, how would you know, that the people you will see there are indeed from the 18th century, and not people just like you, visiting the past for the
first time?
Second, how would you guide yourself, direct yourself, and reach your destination, without getting lost?
Bear in mind, that in a different dimension, you will not have enough time to find your way around, if you dont have the map of the afterlife, and
parallel dimensions.
Third, you will not be able to last long over there, because your mind and your body will run out of energy.
Besides, do you know how to charge and/or recharge yourself?
You will be facing incomprehensible situations similar to ectoplasmic apparitions.
Quite often, these ectoplasmic apparitions/projections (Complete or partial) dissipate because the entity has rapidly consumed its apparition and
manifestation energy.
Once you have completed your orientation program, and the master has activated your Conduit, your trip to the past or to another dimension will be
successful and very beneficial.
6. Revisiting your childhood in another dimension, in another time:
Copy of your childhood is still real and vivid in another dimension.
This image is still there. It is your image when you were a child.
It is physical and real.
Even the toys and candies you loved are still there, and they are real too.
You can even touch those toys and play with them if you want.
You can grab your favorite candies from the jar and eat one.
Everything you see and taste is real.
You are not hallucinating, and your mind is not playing tricks on you.
How can you be so sure?
It is simple, and very convincing, because upon meeting people you knew while you were child, you will be able to tell them how did they live and what
they did when they were young like you, in the same town, around the same corner, and even describe to them the kind of games you played with them
in the streets, in the school yard, and on the streets sidewalks.
You will be able to tell them what they did on that particular Sunday day, after the church service.
But you will see it and enjoy it only once, because you might not be able to return once again to that dimension.
Sometime, it is so easy to enter the extra-dimension of your youth, without training.
Sometime, it happens, just like that, because you have escaped the gravity of time on Earth.
It is a sudden opening into your past.
A past you have lived here on Earth, and was duplicated somewhere else.
Now, you are revising that somewhere else, and nobody is going to recognize it, except you.
You will recognize all the people you will be seeing and meeting in that somewhere elsewhere dimension. But, they will not recognize you.
Even though, you give them very particular and personal details about their lives, their habits, the place where they grew up, the name of that school
teacher they like, of that math teacher they hated.
Still, they will not believe that you are the one you claim or pretend to be; a friend from their youth, a real friend from your past, or their past; a past
you really shared with them.
But remember, there is always one person who will believe you. And he is always around you.
Perhaps, it is the other copy of yourself, or your guardian angel?
You will have the chance to meet that other copy of yourself in some other time, and somewhere elsein another dimension.
The name of the store you are revisiting now in that dimension has not changed. Perhaps, only the name of the proprietor did.
Because the former owner was already too old, and he passed away some twenty years ago.
You used to come to that store, sit on the stool, and talk to Mr. Ted, the old owner of the store.

Mr. Ted passed away long time ago, will tell you the man standing behind the counter in the store.
But the truth is, Mr. Ted is somewhere else now, exactly as you are somewhere else, in other dimension.
Something very strange will happen to you in that dimension. You could see yourself as a child riding that beautiful old carousel. Or perhaps chasing
an old car.
Those images are real. Because you will recognize them in their most intimate details.
Some other people will agree with you when you describe to them the carousel you loved, the kind of cars people drove in that small town, and the
name of those teachers you have mentioned.
Yet, they will never believe you when you tell them, that you grew up here, how you used to chase that old Impala Chevrolet of Mr. Evans, and those
treasured comics books you bought from Mrs. Adams, who used to own the little bookstore around the corner.
It is up to you to believe what you are seeing or to totally reject it.
But if you reject it, you will never be able to revisit your youth, and other worlds, small towns, and cities you lived in before.
You begin to ask yourself, how did you get there? How did you get here in the other dimension?
You start to question your sanity.
But you know deep down, you are not dreaming, and you are not hallucinating, because the people you see are real, and they walk and they talk like
real people.
Only their hairdo has changed, the fashion of their clothes is old, old enough to send you back in time.
The cars you see are old too, they are 1930s model.
And the calligraphy style of the names of the shops on windows and doors is old too.
So what are you going to do in that strange place?
You put your hands in your pockets, and you will find dimes and nickels. Because that was all what you needed to buy an ice cream or a candy.
Then you begin to wonder why people do not believe you.
You have told them true stories about people they knew, stories about you and your parents, and about everything you saw and you did when you were
a child in that town.
It is very likely, you will meet your parents before they were married.
You will recognize your mother, or at least your mother to be.
You call her by her name, her maiden name and her married name. You will scare her, and she will think you are insane.
How would you or could you convince her you are her child?
How would you convince her that she was the mother who fed you, who clothed you and took you to the movie house Rex with your sisters, and kept
on telling you to keep quiet while watching the movie, because you talked too much.
You tell her all this, yet, she will not believe you.
But just before you leave her, she feels something she cant explain.
These encounters and deja vu experiences happened to many people before.
If you anchor them in your mind, in your Conduit, you will be able to return and visit with them once again, but it will happen in a different
A dimension, where your mother is no longer your mother, but possibly your date, or just another woman?
Confusing? You bet.
But this is what constitutes the fabric of time and space in other dimensions. A time and a space that cease to exist in that dimension.
A dimension not very far from where you currently live.
7. The invisible quantum line dividing two space-time dimensions:
The invisible thin quantum line dividing two times capsules, both located on the same plane, is usually the outer limit of two dimensions.
These two time-space dimensions are usually found in isolated areas, such as distant valleys, fields, and spots on Earth, rarely visited by the public.
The two time-capsules represent two different time intervals and all past events that occurred separately in each one of them.
Even sounds from past eras can be heard separately, coming from each one of them.
You cant see the diving line. It is not visible to the naked eye.
If you cross that line, you leave the time you are living in, and you enter a different time-space.
This is the time and space where you can change the past, but rarely does it happen, unless in previous times, you were part of the past, and/or have
witnessed these events from the past.
For instance, you are in 1974, on one time-capsule section of the land (Field, desert, spot).
You cross the line separating 1974 and another year, perhaps hundreds of years. You cross the line and you enter another time without knowing it.
Once in, you become part of the past, and a real person from the past.
You are as real as all the physical things you see before your eyes.
The events or scenes you will see are usually memorable, meaningful, historical, or important events known to you. You are very familiar with what
you are currently seeing.
They appear from nowhere, and since you have become part of the past, these events become factual.
Part of your mind will tell you that you know a lot about these events, because you have read about these events, but you cant remember where and
Another part of your mind convinces you that you are seeing the true events as they have happened, or you are seeing the events for the first time.
This is a moment of confusion for you. But eventually you will sort it out.
Is it a mirage? A hallucination? A fantasy? Or the real thing? Well, if you have stepped in the true time-capsule sphere, then, what you are seeing is
real, and what you are feeling is not psychosomatic but truly physical.
Many people have reported that some of their friends have vanished walking this dividing line. And the missing persons were never found, because
they have entered another dimension, never to return again.
In the Anunnakis Donia (Spheres; world), there is no hallucination, coincidence, fantasy, or psychosomatic effects. Everything is tested and real.
If for some reasons, the Baab (Door; stargate) of time-space opens up before you, and you were instantly transported or absorbed into its
dimension, you instantly become an inseparable part of that dimension.
You will relive the events and time of that dimension.
If at the time, when you were transported, a battle was going on, you become one of those men who are fighting in this battle. Each scene that appears
before your eyes will blend you in its fabric and time-reality, and you will not be able to escape its boundaries.
How real are these events? They are real 100%.

Are you really seeing a real battle? Affirmative.

What if for some reasons you took part in this battle, is there a possibility that you could get killed? Really killed? Absolutely.
Because in that dimension, you are not a spectator, or a visitor, but a real person transposed and transported to a real battle field.
It is hard, even impossible for humans to understand this mystery. But it is happening for real in another dimension.
Yes, you could die in that dimension, but you are still alive in another one, because all of us live simultaneously in different dimensions.
Probably now you are asking whether the person who died in that battle is in fact the same person who is still alive in 1978 or 1979 or even in the
And my answer is yes. You are all these persons in all these capsule-time spheres.
You are the same person, but the properties of your body are different, as dictated by each dimension respectively.
Another time-scene might open before you, for example, an old city market or bazaar. The shoppers, the stores, the goods, and everything you see is
You look at yourself and you realize that you are wearing clothes of the era. Yet, part of your mind that has retained space-time memory will tell you
that you are living real events and real time, but you are just visiting another time and space in history.
Then, if this is the scenario, can you go back to where you came from? Yes, you can.
One way to do it is by using the Gomatirach-minzari, and similar techniques.
(Note: See Gomatirach-minzari, on page 83 in the book Ramadosh Book; 13 Anunnaki-Ulema Mind Power Techniques to Live Longer, Happier, Healthier, Wealthier.)

8: Q&A: At the end of Master Kanazawa Kiraat (Reading/Lecture), a young student asked the Master: Master, it is possible to bring with me, something
from that dimension I have visited, so when I tell my friends about it they would believe me? Of course you can, replied the Master. And this is how
many ancient artifacts were brought back to the present. Some ended in the basements of museums, others dissipated in the doubtful minds of humans who
could live only once. Another young student asked Honorable Master Kanazawa: Master, you told us that sometimes, we enter a different dimension
without knowing how to do it. You said, it happens just like that. Why? And if this happens just like that, then our Conduit does not need to be activated
to visit other worlds? The perplexed student paused for a short moment, and asked again: Master, when we get there, do we go to different levels in the
same dimension, or is it one single dimension we see all the time? And how many different worlds can we visit in a single trip to the past or to other
dimensions? The Honorable Master replied (As is, verbatim, word for word, and unedited):
Everything depends on how your brain is wired.
If your Conduit has been activated, then, you will know and understand what is happening to you, and all the things you will see in the other
world(s) will be assimilated gradually by your brain.
To understand what it is actually happening there, and how you got there, you have to visualize your mind as a tall building with many floors.
Inside the building, there is an elevator that goes all the way to the highest floor.
There is only one single elevator for all the people who enter the building.
Each floor represents one layer of that dimension (The other world).
This does not mean that the dimension you have entered has sub-divisions or additional dimensions. Simply put, the dimension is divided into
multiple spheres, called layers. Each sphere gathers different kinds of people, eras, knowledge, events, memories, sensations, cars, shops, streets, so
One floor could be the past universe and past time of the 18th century. Another floor could be the 12th century. And another floor could be the future.
But for now, do not worry about all these centuries and the future.
Instead, lets go back to the place on Earth, from which you entered another dimension.
There are two kinds of entrances to another world.
The first one occurs through the activation of your Conduit. And you know already how this happens.
The second kind of entrance to another world is the accidental one, which is the current situation you are in.
Usually, the coincidental or accidental entrance to another world occurs from spots and areas on Earth, that are not heavily visited or frequented.
So, lets assume that you are in a distant field, a valley, a prairie, whatever. And you are just walking in that field.
For reasons, your mind cannot understand yet, time-space pockets open up before you.
Some scientists call these pockets vortices.
In our Anakh language, we call them Baabs (Doors, entrances, time tunnels, etc.)
When the Baab accidentally opens up, a huge but narrow tunnel appears before you.
This tunnel takes the form of a spiral-wind; a sort of an atmospheric turbulence.
You will see it.
You will feel its electro-magnetic field, and before you know it, you are sucked up by its current.
Once inside the tunnel, your will start to feel as if your body is shrinking.
Sometime, just the opposite.
You will feel as if your body is stretching out intensely.
Everything depends on the intensity of the tunnels vacuum power. In all cases, you will be transported immediately, to another dimension that
resembles the building I told you about before.
The vacuum power, the tunnels magnetic field, and the opening of the Baab, all these phenomena are caused by atmospheric anomalies conditioned
and created by the collision of time-space plates.
For now, consider these time-space plates as the tectonic plates of the Earth, that have caused the Earth to shift so many times throughout the
centuries, and to change the superficies, shapes, and locations of continents, oceans, mountains, so on.
The time-space plates, although invisible to the naked eye, exist at the entrance and borders of all dimensions existing in the universe.
You can consider them as the landmark(s) of multiple universes.
When the plates collide, or bump into each other, a time/space-vacuum tunnel opens up immediately.
In this very particular time/space-vacuum tunnel, all things, physical and non-physical lose their original and primordial properties.
This means, that your body entering this vacuum is no longer the same body you had on Earth.
The molecules change.
Your Nahpsiya (DNA in modern scientific language) is altered.
The weight and size of your body change instantly.
In brief, what you retain in you, is only a spatial memory, a sort of a small recollection of things and events that happened to you on Earth.
Now, you are inside the tunnel.
Your body zooms inside the tunnel at the speed of light.
This incomprehensible speed allows you to travel to the edge of the universe. And this travel includes all the dimensions and other worlds that have

existed and/or shall exist in the future.

You might land in a world that has existed in the past. Once you land there, you will not be able to understand everything you see. But you will realize
very clearly, that you are now in a different and a real world.
Now, we go back to the tall building I told you about before.
It is very important to remember that building, because we are going to use it as a representation of the other world you are facing now.
Very good. Now you are right in front of the tall building.
If you stay in the street, outside the building, you will see only one dimension.
This dimension could be Egypt in the 3rd century B.C., or Paris in the 18th century. It does not matter.
Now, you decide to enter the building. You go straight to the elevator and you push the second floor button.
Very good. The door of the elevator opens up, you step out, and you enter the second floor.
Although this second floor is still in the same building, the time-space has changed.
This means, that you are entering another era, another century of Egypt or Paris.
The place (Country, in this case) does not change.
You are still in Egypt or in Paris, depending where you have landed first. Egypt is still Egypt. And Paris is still Paris. But the time (Century, in this
case) has changed.
You will get used to it, when you progress in your study.
Lets assume that you have decided now to take the elevator to the 1oth floor.
What are you going to see on the 1oth floor?
Certainly, neither Egypt or Paris, or anything else you saw on other floors. It is going to be another country.
What is happening here is this:
You are not entering a dimension that represents other worlds from outer space, or beyond the solar system, or beyond the metaphysical world. You
are still on Earth, but in different time-space intervals, eras, centuries, and possibly locations that no longer exist.
This is exactly what the building represents.
And this is exactly what we call going back in time.

*** *** ***

Ar. Hal: Is it going back in time?

Ar.Hal is the Anunnaki branching out and changing individuality in multiple universes. 1-Origin: Derived from the Anakh word Aa. RHal.Ra 2-Numerical
value: 888. 3-Meaning: This is a very difficult phenomenon to comprehend. To understand the concept, the closest metaphor in human terms would be that
if you wish you could do something differently, change the past, change a life decision, like perhaps, going back in time to a point before you have made a
bad decision. Or, if you think that you could do some good if you could change an entire event. In the Anunnakis case, they have the solutions for these
dilemmas. An Anunnaki can split himself/herself in two, or more if necessary, and move on to a universe that is very much like the one they live on Ashta.Ri
(Ne.Be.Ru). There are so many universes, and some of them do not resemble Nibiru at all. If an Anunnaki wishes to branch out and move on, he/she must
study the matter very carefully and make the right selection. And the branching, or splitting, results in exact copies of the person of the Anunnaki, both
physically and mentally. At the moment of separation, each separate individual copy of an Anunnaki grows, mentally, in a different direction, follows his or
her own free will and decisions, and eventually the two are not exactly alike. So what do they do, first of all? The old one stays where he/she is and follows
his/her old patterns as he/she wishes. The new one might land one minute, or a month, or a year, before the decision he/she wants to change or avoid. Lets
take this scenario for instance; Some 30,000 years ago in his life-span; an Anunnaki male was living a nice life with his wife and family. But he felt that he
did not accomplish much, and suddenly he wanted to be more active in the development of the universe; a change caused by witnessing a horrendous event
such as a certain group of beings in his galaxy destroying an entire civilization, and killing millions of the inhabitants, in order to take over their planet for
various purposes. It happened while an Anunnaki was on a trip, and he actually saw the destruction and actions of war while he was traveling. It was quite
traumatic, and he thought, at that moment, that he must be active in preventing such events from occurring again, ever. So, he went back in time to be in a
spot to prevent these fateful events from happening again. There, in that new dimension, the Anunnaki leaves his former self (A copy of himself) as a
guardian and a protector. The other copy (Perhaps one of the original ones) is still on Ashta.Ri. 4-Code/Use according to mythology and esoterism: There is
no connection to mythology and esoterim. The Branching Out phenomenon occurred in one of the designated locals of the Anunnaki Hall of Records, also
called in terrestrial term Akashic Records. 5-Benefits: The possibility of visiting other worlds, dimensions and civilizations.

Bringing Good Luck to your Life

I. Our life and destiny are governed by the general rules of the universe. a-Ousoul; the universes rules and rhythms of the Micro
Wheel and Macro Wheel:You life is governed by the rhythm of the Micro Wheel and Macro Wheel; simply put, the world you live in and others who are
part of your life, business, relationships and/or will be in the present and future. Everything is connected. The most amazing part of this scenario is found in
the Rizmanah; your lifes calendar that I have told you about in the two previous parts of this series. Let me explain the whole process in simple terms. There
are Ousoul (General Rules) that apply to all of us, in other words, there are directions, destinations, development and rules all human beings follow, simply
because they constitute the normal order of life and the universe.
b-Shashat; the screen of the unknown: Complying with Ousoul creates synchronization and harmony in everything we do; but, there is a catch. If we
do so, without further exploring the hidden, we remain programmed robots. To comply with the general rules of the universe and our life is one thing and to
be in synchronization with the universe and events occurring in our life is something else. To succeed, we must know what is going on behind Shashat
(Screen) of the unknown that awaits us. Because the Shashat hides our future, and this future begins today, we must find out when is the best time to do or
not to do things. This is extremely important, because in everything we do, part of luck and fortune plays a major role in our success and/or failure.
c-Rizmanah; the calendar or our bad/good luck: On the landscape of our present and future resides our luck, the bad luck and the good luck. We
can change our luck, but we cant alter future events. To do so, we must learn what the Rizmanah has for us, meaning, which hour of the day is a good or bad
hour, and which day of the week is a good day or a bad day, and which week of the month is a good week or bad week, and which month of the year is a good
month or a bad month. Good hour means a lucky hour. A bad hour means an unlucky hour, and so on, for the day, the week and the month. All, are
governed by the Ousoul (General Rules of the Universe).
II. Our good luck and bad luck are influenced by timing. And timing means: a-Things we do: The things we do at a particular time of the day, the
week and the month. b-Events: Events that happen to us during a particular hour and day of the week or the month. For example, there are certain hours
of the days that are suitable for signing contracts, and some other hours are bad for signing contracts. There are particular days of the week which are
excellent for taking important decisions, and there are some days of the week we should not take such decisions. The Rizmanah shows us, to a certain
degree, what should and should not be done during particular hours, and what to be done or avoided on very specific days.
III. Removing our bad luck: The major concern is getting rid of our bad luck. And the 46 million Dollar question is: Can we? And if yes, how? The

answer is: Yes, we can our bad luck into a good luck, and we cant change events predestined to occur in the future for zillions of reasons, we do not need to
talk about for the time being. The good news is the fact that consulting the calendar of our life will reveal to us the right timing for doing or not doing things.
The truth is, we are not changing our luck, but rather learning about vibrations and energy that directly affect what we are doing. For example, some hours
of the days produce a negative current, circulate a bad energy that prevent us from succeeding. And here, we have two choices:
First choice: Blocking this bad energy, if we can.
Second choice: Using the Imtinah, meaning not to perform or do certain activity/decision during this very particular hour.
IV. Creating good luck: a- Can we create a good luck? Can we create a good luck, and use some Anunnaki Ulema techniques to bring success to our
endeavors? The answer is: Yes, we can, and there are some techniques that are extremely useful to accomplish this. But first of all, we must see what there is
for us in the Rizmanah. So, lets have a look at the Rizmanah. b-Revelations of the Rizmanah: It is extremely important to understand and to remember
that the Rizmanah is the calendar of the Ousoul (General Rules of the Universe), and the Rizmanah acts independently of what you think and what you do.
The Rizmanah rules apply to all of us in this physical dimension. It is not personalized. It is not hand-made or tailored made to meet your needs and fulfill
your desires. Thus, you should simultaneously and constantly work with your personal calendar, which specifically and directly links you to your personal
good or bad luck. So, you have to consult both, the calendar of the Ousoul and your personal calendar.

Daily charts of the Ousoul Rizmanah general effect.

The good hours and bad hours in your life
V. Symbols: B+: Positive, good hour. N-: Negative, bad hour. Nx: Neutral hour. D/: Delicate hour

Explanation of the chart of Monday: Generalities: Cosmic energy: Intense. Energy quality/category: Negative. Energy highest level/intensity: 10
AM 4PM. Negatively affects employees (9 to 5). Source of this energy: 90% people and 10% cosmos.
The Hours:
1:01 AM - 2:00 AM: Neutral to negative. According to the Rouhaniyiin, this is a time where and when cosmic energy intensified outside big cities. Source
of this energy: Cosmos.
2:01 AM 3:00 AM: Ibid.
3:01 AM - 4:00 AM: Neutral. Source of this energy: Cosmos. According to the Rouhaniyiin, this is a time where and when cosmic energy is quasidormant. Its neutrality is neither positive nor negative, meaning that it requires an extra unnecessary effort to accomplish a task or complete something that
usually can be done with less effort and in a shorter period of time. Dont work hard if you dont have tobut work intelligently. Intelligence saves you time
and eliminates frustration.
4:01 AM 6:00 AM: Neutral. Source of this energy: Cosmos.
6:01 AM 9:00 AM: Delicate. Source of this energy: People and cosmos. Around 6:40 AM, people start to emit vibes caused by what they are doing
during that time.
9:01 AM - 4:00: Bad energy. Source of this energy: People.
4:01 PM 8:00 PM: Delicate. Source of this energy: Our own energy.
8:01 PM 12:00 PM: Neutral. Source of this energy: Our own energy.
11:01 PM - 12:00 PM: Negative. Source of this energy: Cosmos.
12.01 Midnight-1:00 AM: Good hour.

Particularities of the chart of Monday: Monday is not a good day for middle to low level employees; their bosses attitude could be very frustrating. It
is an intense business day around the globe. On Monday, bosses and employers diffuse strong vibes that vary from unpleasant to disturbing; it goes with the
territory. It is most noticeable in these businesses: Casino, gambling, catering, food, beverage, restaurants, entertainment, insurance, art, galleries, and so
on. Ironically, Monday is a good day for booksellers, and for writers. The state of mind of employees on Monday is not very serene. And it is expected to hear
from employees, unpleasant remarks on what has happened at their workplace. For some reasons incomprehensible to our mind, Monday has a negative
effect on the psyche of many people. Do not submit proposals on Monday. Do not invest on Monday. Take your time; compare the charts of the days of the
week. On this day, pets seem to be calmer. Monday is a good day for real estate business, and for looking for a new apartment, if done between 4:00 PM and
5:00 PM. Do not buy gold and hard currency on Monday. Do not trade, sale or buy stocks and shares on Monday. Do not buy meat, fish and produce for
your restaurant on Monday.
Explanation of the chart of Tuesday: Generalities: The cosmic negative energy is weak on Tuesday. However, it gets intensified between 1:01 PM 4:00 PM. Nevertheless, there are some few hours that are excellent for planning and looking for a new job.
The Hours:
1:01 AM - 6:00 AM: Unproductive hours.
6:01 AM 7:00 AM: Neutral hours. This is when luck is in the balance.

9:01 AM - 10:00 AM: Good timing for planning the activities of the week, if you have not done it yet.
11:00 AM and 1:00 PM: Excellent hours for writing proposals and grants.
11:01 AM - 12:00 AM: Positive/favorable hours for sending job applications and resumes.
12:01 AM 1:00 PM: Perfect for meeting new people, exploring new ideas, working on drafts, charts, illustrations, and artistic projects.
1:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Strong bad energy intensified during these hours. Not good for new businesses, starting new contacts, calling investors, and setting
up meetings.
10:01 PM Midnight: Negative hours. Stay put.

Generalities: Energy is equally divided between positive and negative currents.
The Hours:
8:01 PM 10:00 PM: Great hours to take care of family business, and to discuss domestic finances, projects and plans. But not recommended to receive
guests at home.
10:01 PM 4:00 AM: Bad hours.
10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Very good hours. Most suitable for telemarketing, conferences, presentations, signing contracts, meeting with agents and
distributors, sales, and public relations.
3:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Negative hour.

Generalities: Good energy flows on Thursday. A perfect day for personal development.
The Hours:
2:01 AM 5:00 AM: Bad hours. Travels could be risky.
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Good hours for starting a new enterprise, investing in a new business, remodeling, selling, and real estate.
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Suitable hours for conducting interviews, hiring, applying for loans, looking for new schools for your children, and asking for
3:00 PM 10:00 PM: Excellent timing to evaluate the results of your projects and decisions, to make new decisions, to explore other possibilities, to
renegotiate deals, to submit offers, to write new proposals and for planning.
8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Excellent timing for selling and/or displaying your art, paintings and books. Galleries displaying artwork will do great business
between these hours. Receptions will get good results.
These hours are also highly recommended for spiritual work, esoteric exercises and exploring the world of the occult.
2:00 AM 5:00 AM: Negative hours; serious confrontations and very unpleasant encounters could happen during these hours.

Generalities:On Friday, mixed positive and negative underground currents merge and create unpredictable vibrations that circulate during delicate hours
throughout the day.
The Hours:
8:00 AM 11:00 AM: Good hours to submit reports, proposals, and to decide on plan of action. It is a good timing to reconsider projects and ideas
submitted to partners and associates overseas.
10:00 AM 11:00 AM: Favorable to discuss matters with your boss, associates and potential investors.
1:01 - 3:00 PM: Intense and delicate hours to bad and critical hours; meaning that heated debates, unpleasant arguments and the emergence of mild
negative vibes will develop during these hours.
3:01 PM -4:00 PM: Bad hours for criticism and argumentations. Avoid lengthy discussions with your superiors, even if you are a senior executive.
7:01 PM - 8:00 PM: Suitable time for short social activities at home.
8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for socializing, meeting new people, making contacts, going out, and so on. However, you must re-energize your
Khateyn Tarika before you go out.
11:01 PM - 12:00 PM (Midnight): Delicate hours because of new acquaintances you could make, and for being in places where you would not feel very

comfortable; this would be caused by others negative vibes. Do not stay long at that place.
1:01 AM 5:00 AM: Negative energy will re-emerge during these hours. Watch your diet. Control your spontaneity.

Generalities: 8:00 AM 11:00 AM: Strong mixed cosmic energy circulates on Saturday.It is a good day to spend with your loved ones.

The Hours:
11:01 AM 1:00 PM: Positive hours to spend with your family.
2:01 PM 4:00 PM: Positive energy dominates these two hours. Suitable for gardening, shopping, sightseeing, outdoor activities, taking the children to
parks, visits to galleries, having good time with your pets.
8:01 PM 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for socializing, meeting new people, making contacts, going out, and so on. However, you must re-energize your
Khateyn Tarika before you go out.
11:01 PM 12:00 PM (Midnight): Delicate hours because of new acquaintances you could make, and for being in places where you would not feel very
comfortable; this would be caused by others negative vibes. Do not stay long at that place.
1:01 AM 5:00 AM: Negative energy will re-emerge during these hours. Watch your diet. Control your spontaneity.
2:00 PM 4:00 PM: Tricky hours. Stubborn people must avoid taking decisions and making delicate decisions during these two hours, especially in
matters they are not very familiar with. Mix Ignorance and stubbornness, and you get the perfect formula for catastrophic results.

Generalities: Strong mixed cosmic energy circulates on Sunday. It is a good day to spend with your loved ones, and pets.
The Hours:
1 AM - 5 AM: These are bad hours for almost everything, except, perhaps, for casinos business, and some shady activities. Whether you are a small or bigtime entrepreneur, do not make final decision (s) during these hours. A very strong cosmic negative energy circulates during these treacherous hours. Avoid
travel (Long distances).
8:01 AM 11:00 AM: Strong mixed cosmic energy circulates during these hours.
11:01 AM 4:00 PM: Positive hours. Positively open to any of your activities. Most suitable for familys affairs.
8:01 PM 9:00 PM: Good to delicate.
9:01 PM 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for staying at home, relaxing, and having chats with your spouse or companion.

Summary of your Best Days and Best Hours According to Ousoul Rizmanah
Employees (9 to 5), for: Bad hours and bad days: Monday: 10 AM 4PM.
Booksellers: Good days/good hours: Monday in general is a good day for sales, placing orders, displaying books, etc.
Writers: Good days/good hours: Monday is a good day in general. Suitable for writing, researching, indexing, but not very favorable for contacting literary
agents, and publishers.
Investment: Good days/good hours: Monday in general.
Real estate business: Good days/good hours: Monday is a good day in general. Suitable for contacting customers, finding and posting new listings, but
not extremely good for open house business.
Apartment, Looking for a New: Good days/good hours: Monday, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM.
Gold, Buying: Bad days/bad hours: Monday in general.
Currency, Buying Hard: Bad days/bad hours: Monday in general.
Stocks and Shares (trading, selling or buying): Bad days/bad hours: Monday in general.
Restaurants: Bad days/bad hours: Monday in general. Bad day for buying meat, fish and produce.
Planning: Good days/good hours: Tuesday, 9:01 AM - 10:00 AM. Good timing for planning the activities of the week. Good days/good hours: Thursday, 3
PM - 10 PM: Perfect hours for general planning. Good days/good hours: Friday, 8:00 AM 11:00 AM: Good hours to decide on a plan of action. BadDelicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM: Tricky hours. Stubborn people must avoid taking decisions and making delicate decisions
during these two hours, especially in matters they are not very familiar with. Mix Ignorance and stubbornness, and you get the perfect formula for

catastrophic results.
Proposals and Grants, for Writing/Submitting: Good days/good hours: Tuesday, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM: Excellent hours for writing proposals and
grants. Good days/good hours: Friday, 8:00 AM 11:00 AM: Good hours to submit reports, proposals. Good days/good hours: Thursday, 3 PM - 10 PM:
Perfect hours to write new proposals. Bad days/bad hours: Monday in general, is a bad day to write and submit proposals.
Job Applications: Good days/good hours: Tuesday, 11:01 AM - 12:00 AM: Positive/favorable hours for sending job applications and resumes.
Meeting New People: Good days/good hours: Tuesday, 12:01 AM 1:00 PM: Perfect for meeting new people. Note: See Socializing.
Ideas, New: Good days/good hours: Tuesday, 12:01 AM 1:00 PM. Very favorable for exploring new ideas. Good days/good hours: Friday, 8:00 AM
11:00 AM: It is a good timing to reconsider projects and ideas submitted to partners and associates overseas.
Artistic Projects: Good days/good hours: Tuesday, 12:01 AM 1:00 PM. Excellent timing for working on drafts, charts, illustrations, and artistic
Business, New: Bad days/bad hours: Tuesday, 1:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Not good for new businesses.
Contracts: Bad days/bad hours: Tuesday, 1:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Not good for starting new contacts. Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00
PM: Most suitable for signing contracts.
Investors/Investment: Bad days/bad hours: Tuesday, 1:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Not good for calling investors. Friday, 10:00 AM 11:00 AM: Favorable to
discuss matters with your boss, associates and potential investors.
Meetings: Bad days/bad hours: Tuesday, 1:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Not good for setting up meetings.
Familys Business: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 8:01 PM 10:00 PM: Great hours to take care of family business.
Domestic Finances: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 8:01 PM 10:00 PM: Great hours to discuss domestic finances.
Guests: Bad days/bad hours: Wednesday, 8:01 PM 10:00 PM: Not recommended to receive guests at home.
Telemarketing: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Most suitable for telemarketing.
Conferences: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Most suitable for conferences.
Presentations: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Most suitable for presentations.
Meeting with Agents and Distributors: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Most suitable for meeting with agents and
Sales: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Most suitable for sales. Thursday, 8 PM - 10 PM: Excellent timing for selling.
Public Relations: Good days/good hours: Wednesday, 10:01 AM 3:00 PM: Most suitable for public relations.
Travel: Bad days/bad hours: Thursday, 2:01 AM 5:00 AM: Travels could be risky. Bad days/bad hours: Sunday, 1 AM - 5 AM: Avoid travel (Long
Business, Starting a New: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Business, Investing in a New: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Remodeling: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Selling on your Own: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Real Estate: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Interviews: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Perfect for conducting interviews.
Hiring: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Suitable hours for hiring.
Loans, Applying for: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Schools for Children: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Looking for new schools for your children.
Donations, Asking for: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Evaluation and Decisions: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 3:00 PM 10:00 PM: Excellent timing to evaluate the results of your projects and
decisions, to make new decisions.
Possibilities: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 3:00 PM 10:00 PM: Great hours to explore other possibilities.
Deals: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 3:00 PM 10:00 PM: Great hours to renegotiate deals.
Offers: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 3:00 PM 10:00 PM: Perfect timing to submit offers.
Art: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Perfect hours for displaying and selling your art, paintings and books.
Books: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Perfect hours for displaying and selling your books.

Galleries: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Galleries displaying artwork will do great business between these hours.
Receptions: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Receptions will get good results.
Spiritual Work: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Highly recommended for spiritual work.
Occult: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Good timing for exploring the occult world.
Esoterism: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 8:00 PM 10:00 PM: Good timing for esoteric exercises.
Encounters: Bad days/bad hours: Thursday, 2:00 AM 5:00 AM: Serious confrontations and very unpleasant encounters could happen during these
hours. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for socializing. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Good
timing for meeting new people. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Good hours for making contacts.
Partners, Associates: Good days/good hours: Friday, 8:00 AM 11:00 AM: It is a good timing to reconsider projects and ideas submitted to partners
and associates overseas. Friday, 10:00 AM 11:00 AM: Favorable to discuss matters with your boss, associates and potential investors.
Overseas: Good days/good hours: Friday, 8:00 AM 11:00 AM: It is a good timing to reconsider projects and ideas submitted to partners and associates
Boss, Your: Good days/good hours: Friday, 10:01 AM 11:00 AM: Favorable to discuss matters with your boss, associates and potential investors.
Arguments, Debates: Bad days/bad hours: Friday, 1:01 - 3:00 PM: Intense and delicate hours to bad and critical hours; mean that heated debates,
unpleasant arguments and the emergence of mild negative vibes will develop during these hours. Bad days/bad hours: Friday, 3:01 PM -4:00 PM: Bad
hours for criticism and argumentations. Avoid lengthy discussions with your superiors, even if you are a senior executive.
Criticism: Bad days/bad hours: Friday, 3:01 PM - 4:00 PM: Bad hours for criticism and argumentations. Avoid lengthy discussions with your superiors,
even if you are a senior executive.
Social Activities: Good days/good hours: Friday, 7:01 PM - 8:00 PM: Suitable time for short social activities at home. Good days/good hours: Friday,
8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for socializing, meeting new people, making contacts, going out, and so on. However, you must re-energize your
Khateyn Tarika before you go out. Bad days/bad hours: Friday, 11:01 PM - 12:00 PM (Midnight): Delicate hours because of new acquaintances you could
make, and for being in places where you would not feel very comfortable; this would be caused by others negative vibes. Do not stay long at that place. Bad
days/bad hours: Friday, 1:01 AM 5:00 AM: Negative energy will re-emerge during these hours. Control your spontaneity. Good days/good hours:
Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for socializing. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Good timing for meeting new people.
Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Good hours for making contacts. Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 11:01 PM - 12:00
PM (Midnight): Delicate hours/days because of new acquaintances you could make, and for being in places where you would not feel very comfortable; this
would be caused by others negative vibes. Do not stay long at that place. Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 1:01 AM 5:00 AM: Negative
energy will re-emerge during these hours. Watch your spontaneity while socializing.
Home, at: Good days/good hours: Friday, 7:01 PM - 8:00 PM: Suitable time for short social activities at home. Good days/good hours: Sunday, 9:01 PM
11:00 PM: Excellent hours for staying at home, and having chats with your spouse or companion.
Socializing: Good days/good hours: Friday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for socializing, meeting new people, making contacts, going out, and so
on. However, you must re-energize your Khateyn Tarika before you go out.
Bad days/bad hours: Friday, 11:01 PM - 12:00 PM (Midnight): Delicate hours because of new acquaintances you could make, and for being in places where
you would not feel very comfortable; this would be caused by others negative vibes. Do not stay long at that place. Bad days/bad hours: Friday, 1:01 AM
5:00 AM: Negative energy will re-emerge during these hours. Control your spontaneity. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Excellent
hours for socializing. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Good timing for meeting new people. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01
PM - 11:00 PM: Good hours for making contacts. Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 11:01 PM - 12:00 PM (Midnight): Delicate hours/days
because of new acquaintances you could make, and for being in places where you would not feel very comfortable; this would be caused by others negative
vibes. Do not stay long at that place. Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 1:01 AM 5:00 AM: Negative energy will re-emerge during these
hours. Watch your spontaneity while socializing.
Children, Schools for: Good days/good hours: Thursday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Looking for new schools for your children.
Family: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 11:01 AM 1:00 PM: Positive hours to spend with your family. Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM
4:00 PM. Taking the children to parks. Saturday is a good day to spend with your loved ones. Good days/good hours: Sunday, 11:01 AM 4:00 PM: Most
suitable for familys affairs. Good days/good hours: Sunday, 9:01 PM 11:00 PM: Excellent hours for staying at home, and having chats with your spouse
or companion.
Gardening: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM 4:00 PM.
Shopping: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM 4:00 PM.
Sightseeing: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM 4:00 PM.
Outdoor activities: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM 4:00 PM.
Visits to galleries: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM 4:00 PM.
Pets: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 2:01 PM 4:00 PM. Having good time with your pets.
Contacts: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Good hours for making contacts. Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 11:01
PM - 12:00 PM (Midnight): Delicate hours/days because of new acquaintances you could make, and for being in places where you would not feel very
comfortable; this would be caused by others negative vibes. Do not stay long at that place. Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 1:01 AM 5:00
AM: Negative energy will re-emerge during these hours. Watch your spontaneity while socializing.
Going out: Good days/good hours: Saturday, 8:01 PM - 11:00 PM: Going out, however, you must re-energize your Khateyn Tarika before you go out.
Decisions, Making: Bad-Delicate days/bad-delicate hours: Saturday, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM: Tricky hours. Stubborn people must avoid taking decisions

and making delicate decisions during these two hours, especially in matters they are not very familiar with. Mix Ignorance and stubbornness, and you get
the perfect formula for catastrophic results. Bad days/bad hours: Sunday, 1 AM - 5 AM.
Everything, for Almost: Bad days/bad hours: Sunday, 1 AM - 5 AM: These are bad hours for almost everything, except, perhaps, for casinos business,
and some shady activities. Whether you are a small or big-time entrepreneur, do not make final decision (s) during these hours. A very strong cosmic
negative energy circulates during these treacherous hours. Good days/good hours: Sunday, 11:01 AM 4:00 PM: Positive hours. Positively open to any of
your activities.

Index I ENTER THE SITE I Books Reviews I Hollywood: Films' Reviews, TV Shows, Profiles of Celebrities and Interviews with movie stars I Letters to the editor I Readers:
Concerns, Opinions & Letters I Supernatural world of Maximillien de Lafayette I

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