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Newsletter Summer 2015:

Ontarios Wind Energy Realities

If you read this, you will be in a better position to protect your family, friends and self.
77 of the Largest Wind Turbines in North America are soon to be built throughout our municipalities. People are already
suffering new health issues in West Lincoln since 5 large HAF Wind Turbines went into operation 1 year ago. We suggest
you take time to do some learning about large Wind Turbines. Here are some facts;
Large Wind Turbines Produce Two Main Types of Noise:
Noise Which Can be Heard: (20 Hz+) An issue close to Wind Turbines (Within 1,500m), from the swooshing of blades to
a noise which sounds like a jet hovering over a home. Measured in dB(A): A Weighting removes Infrasound & Low
Frequency Noise from results. Mitigation: Keep windows closed & create noise inside your home to drown out the noise.
Noise Which Cannot Be Heard: (0-20 Hz) As lower frequency noise travels greater distances given the same input
power, Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise has been known to be a problem 8.4 km away from the Turbine. Though it
cannot be heard, it may be noticed as a subtle vibration which may feel like pressure in ears, may appear to be in walls
and furniture and pulsates like an alarm clock in time with Wind Turbine rotation. May invoke a secondary noise such as
a plate rattling. Mitigation: None. Putting a pillow over your head only drowns out higher frequency noise and makes
the vibration more apparent. Closing Windows provides a better environment for amplification. The good news is
according to a NASA study, not all homes will permit harmful infrasound and not all people are sensitive to it.
Bill Palmer:
The Ear Detects Infrasound: Dr Alec Salt:
Some will Experience Health Issues:
Many people in many countries worldwide living around large Industrial Wind Turbines report a consistent set of
health issues and relate them to Industrial Wind Turbines; Sleep disturbance, Headache (& migraines), Tinnitus, Ear
pressure (often painful), Balance problems/dizziness, Vertigo, Nausea, Visual blurring, Irritability, Problems with
concentration and memory, Increased Blood Pressure and more. (My family in West Lincoln have most of these.)
An Australian wind farm host says he Would Never Do it Again due to Unbearable Sleep-Destroying Noise
Electrical Pollution/Stray Voltage also an issue:
We are aware of 41 homes in Ontario where families were forced to leave because they could not live in them.
Wind Power is Very Expensive and Unnecessary: (Ontario sells excess power at a loss to Quebec, New York & Michigan)
Wind and Solar Power are responsible for about 4% of all Electricity produced in 2014, but cost us 20% of the average
commodity cost. (Despite the Ontario Energy Board forecast of 7%.)
Wind generated only 30% of its nameplate power capacity and approx. 80% of that 30% was at times Ontario didnt
need it. (It was surplus) Generation has cost Ontario over $1B/year and with addition of more IWTs, we are predicted to
lose us $2B in 2015
Ontario refuses to comply with requests from Andre Marin (Auditor General) in 2011 for a comprehensive evaluation on
the impact of the billion-dollar commitment to renewable energy on such things as future electricity prices, net job
creation or losses and greenhouse gas emissions.
The Green Energy Act Prime Enabler and Legislative Steamroller: In preparation of the Green Energy Act in 2009 for
quick passage by the Legislature, the Attorney General's Lawyers made changes to 23 pieces of Legislation so Wind
Proponents would not be obstructed in any way, and/or many Ministries would have their purposes changed because
our protections (rights) were systematically stripped away. E.g.: the Ministry of Natural Resources was/is supposed to

Newsletter Summer 2015:

Ontarios Wind Energy Realities
protect Endangered Species and Species at Risk; however, should a Bald Eagle's Nest, or Barn Owls, or Blanding's Turtles
obstruct a Wind Project's plans, a permit will be signed for their relocation or elimination.
Ontario Wasting Billions on Unreliable Energy Causing Electricity Costs to Rise & Jobs to Fall: 2700 Ontario Businesses
closed in 2014. In 2015 weve already lost Target (1700 jobs) & Kellogg. More have reduced staff, postponed expansion
or have plans to close or relocate out of Ontario. Who will move to Ontario with its increasing electricity rates?
We Taxpayers already paid for Scrubbers on Coal Plant Stacks which reduced SO2, NOx, Particulate, Mercury, Acid and
other emissions by 90% and produced Gypsum. (Reducing CO2 too) Their
emissions were no worse than Gas Fired Plants which are required for every MW of Wind Power (which we also paid for
and had 2 moved at a cost of over $1B.) We also paid for the Big Becky Tunnel (bigger than the Chunnel) to put more
water through the Niagara Falls Hydroelectric Generating Station. Water is the cheapest, cleanest, most efficient
renewable energy source we have to generate electricity. Niagara River water flows right past Big Becky (wasted) to
favour Wind Power expenses, which we are paying for on our exorbitant Electricity Bills; highest in North America.
Furthermore, Gas Plants run less efficiently when production is continually ramped up and down as is required with
inconsistent production of Wind Power. We simply do not know when wind will blow. And, when the wind blows too
hard, the Wind Turbines will be shut down.
Ontarios Ministry of Environment and Climate Change is Not Doing Enough to Protect Us:

Professionals worldwide have measured infrasound bearing certain pulsating characteristics (Referred to as a Wind
Turbine Signature) inside the homes of people who have reported specific health issues.
o Yet, our MoE&CC does NOT consider Infrasound in any of its permitting or enforcement guidelines.
Professionals worldwide have predicted & measured infrasound inside homes noting it can be louder than outside.
o Yet, our MoE&CC does NOT model or measure inside homes as part of permitting or enforcement.
Not everyone will react badly and have health effects once the Wind Turbines are operating. However, it is
estimated that up to 20% of the population will experience something new to them.

Here in West Lincoln:

10,000 people live within 2km of soon to be built 3 MW Turbines. Everyone should have a Medical Base-line
Assessment NOW so there is something to compare with later if you do react to IWT Emissions, including Infrasound
and Low Frequency Sound vibrations you might feel but not hear. Learn what possible health effects you should be
aware of once the IWTs start operating, and connect the dots to the probable cause.
The Caistor Centre 5 Wind Turbines have been operating for a year. Several families have been affected by them.
One family is 4.7 km away from the closest IWT and has been SERIOUSLY affected. Others are wondering what is
wrong, but havent connected the dots yet. (Difficult to do when you cant hear, see or smell the contaminant.)
o Yet, our MoE&CC does NOT follow up reports from outside 1,500m away from the nearest Wind Turbine.
(Again, demonstrating a narrow, outdated focus on only Audible Noise.)
We have been told the MoE&CC Trusts the proponents to provide accurate information and also that large Wind
Turbines cant hurt us until they start operating which are just 2 enablers as to why we now have Wind Turbines.

Other Governments and Professionals are Opening Their Eyes to the Problems with Industrial Wind Power:

Scotland stopping Wind Subsidies

Englands Energy Calls for Stop to Onshore Wind Farm Construction

Wisconsin Wind Turbines Declared Health Hazard

Australias Senate has Formed a Committee on Wind Turbines
Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise from Wind Farms Linked to Health Issues

There is much more. Now is the time to learn and help. Contact us at

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