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Since the dawn of time, humans have striven to uncover the underpinnings of life. We went from traveling on
land in a car to venturing into space within a rocket in less than 100 years. We manipulated the building
blocks of matter themselves, generated black holes, and have taken note of instantaneous moments in time
to discover new elements. Now we have reached another pinnacle. One of monumental standard that only
our families before us have dreamed of. To all those reading this... I give you the Equation for the Perfect
Grilled Cheese.

Chemists at the Royal Society of Chemistry have come up with what the believe to be the Equation for the
Perfect Grilled Cheese. So here is the key is as stated by Ruth, a chemist at Royal Society of Chemistry,
We found that the cheese on toast that was grilled furthest from heat source melted the most consistently,
and came out best in the texture and taste tests. Finally, here are the steps to take to make the perfect grilled
1)Melt 50 grams (.11 pounds) of a sliced hard cheese( Eg Cheddar)
on a slice of white bread thats 10 millimeters (0.4 in) thick under a grill.
2) The cheese and toast should remain a distance of 18 centimeters (8 inches) from a heat source.
3) Heat at 115 degrees Celsius (239 F) for 4 minutes.
The factors that were said to constitute the perfect grilled cheese were 1) consistency of the temperature of
the melted cheese across the slice 2) the texture of the cheese and 3) the taste. So why did the Royal Society
of Chemistry even do this experiment? There is no better way to say it other than how Ruth herself did,
...We hope that the tests we carried out to determine our formula demonstrates the approach scientists take
to designing experiments for their research.

The Perfect Pain Killer and Treatment for


Just when you think hot peppers couldnt get any better, scientists from Illinois and Brazil, have given us one
more reason to love them. In a recent study, the characteristics of Capsaicin and TRPV-1 were reviewed in
great depth to see if their biological interaction is the key to creating the perfect analgesic.
Capsaicin is a secondary metabolite an outside component of metabolism- that is used in bear mace,
pepper spray, and food flavoring. Along with this, its biological use has over 900 patents associated with it.
For most of us though, it is the main oomf in most hot sauces that triggers the burning sensation in your
body and the uncontrollable sweating that follows.
TRVP-1 is an ion channel present on sensory neurons that interacts with Capsaicin to give you that burning
sensation all over. The real beauty about TRPV- 1 and this interaction is that it has been shown to have clinical
use to stop or reduce pain from chronic injury, limit the amount of inflammation caused by certain diseases,
and act as a stable analgesic with no limiting side effects.
Why is this important? Lets take a look at Morphine as one of the more popular analgesics we have in
modern science today.
The problem with morphine is that when a patient takes it to reduce pain, is has to be in a limited quantity or
else the patient will experience extreme withdrawal when taken off of it. This means that there will be pain in
the patient that cannot be treated because of the addiction issue associated with high usage. However, if you
were to treat a patient with a drug that reduces the affects of pain, such as TVRP1, the worry about addiction
as a side effect is gone and the ability to eliminate pain in children and adults alike becomes much more likely.
WAIT! It gets better. The interaction between Capsaicin and TRPV-1 also has implications in reducing
the number of affects associated with diabetes, hearing loss, and urinary tract infection.
As excited as I am for its use for clinical therapeutic purposes, all the drugs that act on this interaction cause
hyperthermia- overheating in the body.



As the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes approaches it only seemed fitting to make some
predictions of what the world would be like if apes really rule the world. But not just any
apes, I want to get a little more specific and look at what might happen Just as a
disclaimer, I make all my presumptions based on my own research and the first hand
experiences of a friend of mine who worked with great apes all over Africa for over a
year of her life. Here is what a planet ruled by bonobos might look like:

1) Make Love, Not War
Are you wearing my onsie? You ate my last popsicle? You drank the last beer?
Most domestic disputes are solved by rubbing genitalia or by release of sexual
tension. This is well documented, and noted to be the most prominent behavior
found in this species of great ape. No more war, just more love.

2) We dont care if Fortune Favors the Bold!
From now on, no more gambling or exploitation of resources. Okay this may be a
stretch, but Bonobos in comparison with both humans and other chimpanzees,
have a tendency to not take risks when it comes to food, territory disputes, and
other economic aspects of living. They prefer stability as opposed to change for
most of the factors associated with the above.

3) Jealousy is a Stinky Cologne
Promiscuity and different sexuality exists in almost all forms within the
communities of bonbos. It is accepted by both the alpha female and alpha male,
so in this case, if you are jealous of one of your favorite people in the world
talking to someone else, deal with it.

4) Effective Governance
As opposed to other great apes it is said that the bonobos are female dominated
society. However, recent research females are only dominant when it comes to
food priority. Keep in mind that food priority is essential to all parts of life. What
Im trying to say is ladies first, always.

These are just a few possibilities that I discussed with my friend and are in no way
predictable about what happens when bonobos actually take over the worldWhich
they will.

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