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Question #2 (Medicine and Farming)

In the "Applied Perspective" section of the chapter on page 165 (10th

edition) and pages 162-163 (9th edition), there is an article entitled
"Niche Marketing for Local Commercial Fishermen." Question #2 asks:
"What ideas do you have to help small farmers and fishermen maintain
their subsistence strategy?" and "What suggestions do you have to
protect the environment for farmers and fishers?" Answer these
questions in your Question #2 response.
Please go to: and
watch minutes 2:20-9:50 for the Netsilik Clip.

Chapter 8
Question #1 (Culture and the Environment)
How do people use culture to help them adapt to their environment?
Name some examples of this, being careful to explain the relationship
between the livelihood of the people and their use of the
environment's natural resources. Pages 183-188 (10th edition) and
pages 179-184 (9th edition) will help you.
Question #2 (Redistribution)
The book mentions several forms of resource redistribution such as
through "Big Men," Bridewealth payment, and the "potlatch" in chapter
8 (pages 195-200, 10th edition) or (pages 192-195, 9th edition) which
are not forms of market exchange. Why do certain cultures involve the
use of redistribution practices instead of generalized reciprocity? Can
you think of any examples of redistribution practices done in our own
culture/society? Be sure to remember that forms of reciprocity do not
involve standardized currency or bartering. For additional examples of
this, please be certain to watch this week's film called "Economics"
from the "Films" tab under the link heading for "Cultural Anthropology:
Our Diverse World." Enjoy!

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