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For conclusion of this experiment, it can be concluded that as the time of reaction
increases the conversion of the reaction also increases as well.From the result, for flowrate 100
mL/min and 300 mL/min, the conversion factor increases as the time of reaction increases. Based
on the results, it shows that for flowrate 100 mL/min is the highest conversion, X at average
residence time, _avg of 7.4213 min is 56.546%. By differentiate both flowrates, it show that
flowrate 100mL/min had the higher conversion, X. For flowrate 300 mL/min, it had the lower
Residence Time, that is 2.4685 and lower conversion. The reaction rate for 100mL/min is
0.001322 M/Min and while for 300mL/min is


M/Min . The rate of reaction

increases as the flowrate increase (lower residence time). Hence, the conversion are also
increase. The recommendation for this experiment is the reactor need to run for several minutes
first before the reading at time 0 min was taken to allow the reactant to pass through the reactor
first and the value of conductivity need to be stable (constant reading of residence time) before
changing the value of flowrate when doing experiment. Before conducting the experiment, the
proper examination on the machine must be done to avoid any machine part not working such as
boiler does not heat up. The PFR reactor need to be maintain regularly to get more accurate
result on temperature and flow rate.

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