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School Phone

Week of:

October 5, 2015

E-mail Address:

Homework for the Week:


Word Sort
Math WS
Due Friday
Read 10-15 min.


Math WS
Read 10-15 min.



Blind Sort
Math WS
Read 10-15 min.

Writing Sort
Math WS
Read 10-15 min.

Breaking News!


Deadline for Scholastic book order deadline is Tuesday, October 13 .

for being our mystery reader. Pictures are posted.
Thank you Mrs. Buerstatte
Due to short week and field trip next w eek, there will not be a weekly word sort next week.

No new sight words as it will be a review w eek. Practice reading and spelling the first 25 words we learned. A list will go home.
Students will be having a different weekly reading sheet next week. It will not have the nightly fluency check, but will have
comprehension questions. You child can return it as soon as it is done that week.
Parent Partner Reading starts O ctober 19 Students will need to bring books to school for this. Information and a book bag w ill
be coming home Monday. GOOD FIT BOOKS from home as well as the library work great! Stay tuned.
October 12-No School

16-Field Trip to Spring Valley Nature Center-Students must have a cold lunch that day. No hot lunches are served.
October 21 and 22 Parent Teacher Conferences
October 23 -No school

Language Arts:

We read a fantasy story called Jack and Rick and discussed retelling using First, Next, Last

We practiced word families

Writers Workshop-We are making Rule posters as our Explanatory writing piece

We finished our Readers Theatre skits. Look for them under the Podcast tab on the website. So cute!

Handwriting-We practiced our lower case o and s They both start with a magic c. Remind your child to always start
their letters at the top and check their pencil grip.

Read at home even when there is no weekend homework. Tumblebooks? Raz-Kids? Books from the library?

We continued to practice the counting on strategy.

We using circle drawings to be introduced to subtraction and subtraction equations.

Continue to practice facts at home as much as possible.

Social Studies/Science

We completed our study on school helpers by creating a class podcast. It is on my website under the Pictures tab

We started a chapter on Living and NonLiving

We created Terrariums and await the arrival of our bugs/worms to put inside! Yep! These will go home! : )


We used Wixie to create a School Helpers podcast. Students enjoyed recording and listening to themselves.

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