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Created by Tamara Anderson

Form 9: Learning Guide

Module Name: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis
Course Name: High School Biology
Learning Goals/Outcomes

completion of this module, you will be able to:

Explain the discovery of the structure of DNA.
Describe the process of transcription and translation.
Predict how changes in DNA affect RNA and the proteins
Explain DNA technology and how it could be misused or abused.

Learning Resources
Required Resources
The Secret of Life Discovery of DNA YouTube video by VCU Life
CrashCourse biology video #11- DNA, Hot Pockets & the Longest
Word Ever
What is a mutation? From Learn.Genetics website
DNA Technology and Applications and Legal and Ethical
Considerations form website
Module 6 PowerPoint presentations
Additional Resources
Module 6 vocabulary Quizlet

Learning Activities
Activities for This Lesson
Timeline of the discoveries that led to structure of DNA
Transcribe & Translate a Gene Virtual Lab (Learn.Genetics)
Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Created by Tamara Anderson

Glencoe DNA and Genes Virtual Lab

Brochure explaining a type of DNA technology and its ethical

Discussion Questions
Not everyone believes that Watson and Crick should have been
the only people to receive the Nobel Prize. Do you agree or
disagree? Use evidence to support your opinion.
Do you know of any mutations that affect you or someone you
What are some of the ethical and legal concerns about using
DNA technology?
Check your understanding
Can you explain how Watson and Crick used other scientists
research to help them build a 3D model of DNA?
What are the stages of protein synthesis?
How do mutations occur?
What are the different types of mutations?
How can DNA technology be used responsibly?

Lesson Evaluation: Graded Assessments

Discovery of the structure of DNA timeline

Brochure explaining a type of DNA technology and its uses

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Created by Tamara Anderson

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

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