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First Certificate Level Errors

1. Id rather to do / Id rather do

Modal verb +rather + infinitive without to

2. Wich /Which

Dont forget the H

3. I believe all need is that / I believe all we need is that

Need the subject

4. In the one hand / On the one hand

Expression Use ON

5. We used to met / We used to meet

Used is in past, the next verb is in infinitive

6. A public transport / the public transport or just public

Public is uncountable, you use A for single countable nouns

7. I will be quickly / I will be quick

You use an adjective which describes the person or a thing.

8. In the television / On the television


9. Dear Sir Manager / Dear Sir

One person only please

10. I watch TV all the days / I watch TV every day

Cada dia not all day

11. I write you this letter / Im writing you this letter

You are writing the letter there and then (NOW) so present continuous

Writting letters in most exams are very important and if you

have some good endings and beginnings ready then it will
make your life easier.
Beginning a Letter
Thanks very Much for your letter.
Hi George,
This just a quick note to say,
Dear Ben
It was great to get your,
Hows it going we havent spoken for a while
Dear Sir/Madam,
I apologize for the delay in replying,

I have received you letter dated June the 3rd

I am writing this letter to inform you of,
Here enclosed in this letter are the reasons why,

Finishing a Letter
Lots of Love
Dont forget to write soon,
Best wishes,

See you soon,

Well thats all for now I will speak to you later..
Write back soon..
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Sorry to be so slow getting back to you

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