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EDWARD M. KENNEDY United States Senate WASHINGTON, OC 20510-2101 June 17, 2003 ‘Mr. David R. Amos 153 Alvin Avenue Milton, MA 02186 Dear Mr. Amos: Senator Kennedy has asked me to acknowledge and thank you for your correspondence regarding your legal issues. As a United States Senator on the Judiciary committee, it would be inappropriate for him to intervene in matters before the courts or those pertaining to a State’s judicial process. You may wish to refer to the Massachusetts Bar Association for lawyer referral services at (617) 338-0500 or the Legal Aid Society nearest you. Thope this information will be of assistance to you, The Senator extends his best wishes Sincerely Barbara Souliotis State Administrative Assistant 2400 John F. Kennedy Federal Building Government Center Boston, Massachusetts 02203 JOHN EDWARDS: PALEIGH OFFICE hetoltencetd ‘a0 Cexvun Por Ornet Byusne "00 Faerevice Seer Ma asso NC 27002 United States Senate Epcos inion WASHINGTON, DC 20810-3306 October 23, 2003 Mr, David R, Amos 153 Alvin Ave, Milton, Massachusetts 02186 Dear Mr. Amos: This is in response to your request for assistance with your legal situation. As you know, | am an attorney by profession and firmly believe that every individual accused of a crime should be given his or her fair day in court Our judicial system has been designed to be as free of political influence as possible, 50 that decisions are made on the basis of facts and evidence alone. As a United States Senator, | therefore do not involve myself in matters which fall to the courts and the judicial system to decide, and I am unable to help you in this matter. Thope this information will be of help to you Yours sincerely, John Edwards JE:v Joseph M. Birkenstock legal counsel for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Wesley Clark 476 Russell Senate Office Building 60 Rogers Street Unit #1 Washington, D.C. 20510-3204 Manchester, NH 03103 Phone: (202) 224-4451 Tel. (603) 623-8000 Fax: (202) 228-0282 Sir, Madam, T see no need to explain to you lawyer/political people why I have sent you this letter at this time. If Mr. Birkenstock wishes to pretend that he is in the dark, just ask the General's Buzz Tsar of the so-called “grassroots” campaign that “drafted” him. T could only smile when the General mentioned the Einstein stuff in New Hampshire. Doesn't he know he shouldn't tell secrets? Rhodes Scholar types such as the General, Glen Fine, Michael Fredrickson and Hilary's hubby are to full of themselves to even consider the possibility that a man without a formal education may be just as witty, wise and informed as they are. I thought the latest revelations about the speed of light and the breaking of that barrier were only discussed under Chatham House Rules. ‘If Ms. Rodham Clinton wants to know what is up perhaps she should ask the U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn that refuses her mail for no legal reason. Better yet she call Allan Dershowitz and Bob Barr to hear two interesting opinions of the same matter. Both lawyers are playing dumb with me. It is too funny how two men who have lots to say to everybody else refrain from saying anything to me. This is a classic example of low people in high places playing *See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” game. As far as ethics is concerned, in my opinion no school can improve upon a natural born ethical conscience. I would match a lawyer's ethics against that of my son's any day of the week. By the time he was three years old he had proved to me that he was the best man I had ever met. Although my son has always been wise beyond his years he is also quite smart. His future will determine as to whether or not he will benefit from the teachings of a strange father about life outside the margins marked by the Masters of War and Money. I truly hope men such as he will grow to be will have an influence in the protection of the rights of all free men. Politicians dropped the ball a very long time ago and lawyers work very hard to protect the interests of the people who control the wealth of all without any regard to the laws or ethics or the rights of the hard working overtaxed ordinary people that created it. Lawyers are a brotherhood of whores as are most politicians. At present I am looking for just one honest person to stand with me out of the 535 now warming seats in Washington. I have no false hopes. Thus far over 200 state politicians have failed the ethical stress test just like the legion of lawyers employed by the government did, both state and federal. All government employees and. politicians should review and obey Rule Nine of the Code of Ethics. All lawyers have already been well schooled on the Rules of Professional Conduct and yet failed the very simple test of a feeble-minded court jester. Please find enclosed an exact copy of a letter and all attached documents that was sent to every U.S. Attorney in the USA over one month ago. Do with it what you will. ‘The dumb ones that did not take the full six months to respond to me like H. Marshall Jarrett did, likely under the advice of his neighbor and mentor Michael E, Shaheen, claim that it was a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Even a layman can see that it was not. Their inept attempt at double-talking does prove the fact that I did what I said I did though. The fact that the Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys sent to me someone else's personal correspondence is too funny for words. He should complain of the very Office that is supposed to protect his privacy. Clearly they do not understand the Privacy Act or the Fourth Amendment. T do not expect a response from you but from this point onwards you can never claim that you did not know the truth. Your concern should be what I will do with the proof of your newfound knowledge. The copy of the tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it maybe properly investigated. Be careful that you do not violate the rights of the people recorded upon it. They have every right to complain of the government after I have made every effort to protect their rights within the government. Please surprise me and stand with me in my allegations. I must that for all the bones that many have picked with Hillary's hubby's ‘administration, no one should ever deny the fact that many an ordinary layman did prosper under it and many others have suffered under the one that followed. If I could vote I would not have voted for Bill Clinton but at least I am ethical enough to give the devil his due. If Bill ever invited me to dinner I would come because I do like to joke and smoke but I don't think Hillary would like to hear what I would wish to discuss with Bill. I wholeheartedly agreed with his plan to get the country out of debt and the thoughts about health care are long over due. I have always found it interesting that a country as fortunate os the USA has so many poor folks. What I think that Hillary won't like is my opinion of how feminists have ruined many families. I will confuse her though because like some Indians of old, I believe all politicians should be mothers. I just don't think they should be radical feminists or lesbians. Instead of hating men they should look out for our children both girls and boys. But if we sup sometime I will bring my long spoon. Although Bill and I may have some fun debating, I don't trust him because both Hillary and I know he can be a sneaky devil that twists his words. Rhodes Scholar/ lawyer/ president versus uneducated/ layman/ alien may make for an interesting evening. I would do it for fun ond attend under Chatham House Rules. CYA a vo Cya'tl in Court ~~ / ich MW h it Dated October 31, 2003 David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave, Milton, MA. 02186 U.S. Postal Service" Delivery Confirmation Receipt Fst Delvey anratn es mst eo aiog se ocean m Teseph MA Bir kuwsteck CO Roseus 5t bt wf Mawclurstiv MA 03/03 POSTAL CUSTOMER: eee feng hs ect frets: eae Access internat web ste at Somevopscan Sea tert crc pose we) —Priocity tail "Service lpestcias Mat pre! Treclage Seniesa ro ty 22 ea DEE CONF MATION LUMBER: 0303 0830 9000 O14 U.S, Postal Service" Delivery Confirmation Receipt a_Pestage and Detvery Comatio fs must spall etre mang 12 netstat cpio by mae : Bm Sewadov Nillavy Clim ETO Rassall Siwate CCE 515 Washers tow OC roShoF¥5t POSTAL CUSTOMER: ep seis Fr inquires acess ne eb teat wuspscon real Peo 222-1811 eo oe jOsTALUSE ONL) Priority Mail”Service (rirst-ciass Mail parcet acicage Services parcel ‘son 82 ay 2002 (Gee evra Postar wre DEVRY CONPNEATION NLIMBER- 0303 Gaa0 0000 0190 ‘Sent by U.S. Mail and Fax November 23" 2003 Senator Daniel Inouye Delegate Eni Faleomavaega 722 Hart Senate Office Building 2422 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-1102 Washington, D.C. 20515-5201 ‘Senator Mark Pryor Senator Joseph Biden, Jr. 217 Russell Senate Office Building 201 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C, 20510-0403 Washington, D.C. 20510-0802 Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton Senator Bill Nelson 2136 Rayburn House Office Building 716 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515-5100 Washington, D.C. 20510-0905 Re; Corruption Sirs, Welcome to my “Unholy War of Words" with the "Brotherhood of the Bar”. Nobody should ever say that I mushroomed you lawyer/politicians. I have no doubt you have heard my name a time or two in the past few days. Now I merely prove that you are well aware of my concerns as of this date. You really should look into my matters and consider conducting yourselves Professionally according to the rules that all lawyers must obey. You should also act Ethically as politicians according to Rule 9 of the Code of Ethics hereto attached for your review. In fact demand that you do or T will be do to sue you too. If you wish to know what will be arriving at your of fice by snail mail simply pick up the phone and call the U. S Attorney that acts on behalf of the USA in the District you represent. You will be receiving exactly the same material that they have had the opportunity to review for almost two months. As Democrats you should stand with me against Mr. Bush. T listened to some of Senator Tom Harkin's statements yesterday and acquired arespect for him as a man who honors his father. Mr. Harkin proved to me that he understands the need to care for the needs and pride of others less fortunate than us. Similar to Mr. Harkin, my father also pulled himself up from a poor start in life. He also joined the Air Force and after he was the sole survivor of a plane crash, he too received his education from a Catholic University. He definitely much appreciated their assistance, as do T. However, that does not excuse a Catholic lawyer from stealing funds from my Clan's interests and giving it to his Church. Nor does it give a Catholic U.S. Attorney the right to remove Cardinal Law's name from my complaint. Nor does it give every lawyer attempting to litigate the matter any right to ignore the law and all the rules. Whereas I do have respect for Mr. Harkin because of his statements yesterday, I have included a letter sent a while ‘ago to the acting Dean of the Catholic University Law School. It should enlighten Mr. Harkin as to why I can not afford to trust him because he is a lawyer and a politician, although I sincerely wish that were otherwise. He may feel free to make me change my mind. He may share the letter with anyone he wishes. It is filed in the website mentioned in the enclosed letter for public view. Many politicians at the federal level have made well aware of these matters for quite some time and have chosen to ignore me. Now I will ignore them. I will be watching and listening. ‘The reason for the SEC to quickly settle with Putnam Investments is simply to protect wealthy crooks. The scandal within the Brookline Savings Bank of which Putnam Investments was the largest shareholder is far more interesting and serious than market timing. Look how much Mr. Chapman made of of his shares after I had made him undeniably aware of my concerns. Then lets talk about a malicious profit made by an untrustworthy dude and the federal cover-up. Many States had their retirement funds in Putnam and profited at my Clan's expense. Nobody has even attempted to try to explain the Bank Account that remained opened for years after everybody knew Aunt Elaine had died. ‘The recent events during the course of the past week should only further serve to place more black marks in historical record of the 108" Congress. The War for Iraqi Freedom is the worst of all. That is because some many decent people died not to free the Iraqi people but to aid Mr. Bush in his attempt to bring about New World Order. The cover up of the SEC matter and the sneaky fast moves relating to the Energy Bill and the Medicare matter are absolutely shameful but they only involve money. The War is beyond obscene and waged in the name of Freedom. I sincerely hope that a great scandal falls upon all who stand with Mr. Bush and all his greedy friends. May I suggest that you all start upholding the Constitution that you swore you would. Torture is never OK. Mr. Dershowitz and I are from different planets. Watch me bring him to my world to argue human rights and civil rights. It is absolutely ridiculous that the Justice System has forced me to give the evidence of their incompetence and malice to the mob. They cannot stop me now. I have already insured that it will be done no matter what happens to me. As I told the Secret Service Agents acting on False Allegations made against me, the DHS can now do with me what they wish. They will only succeed making another martyr for freedom. If you don't believe me, call them. Why not ask the Executive Office of the U.S. Attorneys why they sent me another man’s private papers? Please find enclosed an exact copy of a letter sent to every U.S. Attorney in the USA just prior to the malicious side show held before Judge Borenstein in Norfolk Superior Court on September 29'*. I suspect the recent developments about the SEC and the FBI in Beantown have caused him to delay his judgments of long delayed motions that he had no jurisdiction to hear. He need not be advised as to whether or not to dismiss Prima Facia complaints that belong in federal court. ‘The irrefutable evidence supporting the allegations were filed and served with the complaints. He knew the truth when he read what remained of the dockets. The clerks’ actions in all courts were evil. ‘The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. At the very least I have now made you a witness to my pursuit of Justice. Tam making my best effort to make certain that Mr. Bush is long remembered by future generations as a WarMonger and a puppet for the porky pigs of the Big Bod Bankers and their Buddies in Big Business. Thus far you are all just mentioned as players on his world stage. You pick the part you wish play in my book. Heroes are always nice but it is the wickedness of the well-known villains that promote the sale of the book. Tf you doubt me, then explain to me the success of such rags as the National Enquirer. Then perhaps you should check my work stored at the following address: http:// There is no middle ground for you to stand on. Either you are with me or against me in my battle with corruption. I am suing him as an individual in a federal court. The. ‘appropriate six month wait and three days for the mail has now past without an ‘answer from him or his lawyer, Mr. Gonzales, Gya'll in Court® Gh KK (pe ae David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. 02186 ETHICS MANUAL CODE OF ETHICS FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICE Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring}, That itis the sense of the Congress that the following Code of Ethics should be adhered to by all Government employees, including officeholders: CODE OF ETHICS FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICE Any person in Government service should: 1, Put loyalty to the highest moral principals and to country above loyalty to Government Persons, party, or department 2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion 2. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay: giving to the performance of his duties his earnest effort and best thought. 4, Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of vetting tasks accomplished. $. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept for himself or his family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties. 6. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty 7. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of his governmental duties 8. Never use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit. 9. Expose corruption wherever discovered. 10, Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust. (Passed July 11, 1958.) 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