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What does Raj Yoga in Birth Chart Signify?

Astrology says that Raj yoga is a yoga which provides the fortune of a king to the native who has this
yoga in his kundli (birth chart). Every person wants a happy life but happiness is not in everyones
fate in equal amount. A persons joy and sorrow can be assessed determined by the positions of
planets and yogas in his or her kundli.
The term Raj Yoga has two parts viz. Raj and Yoga. Raj yoga in astrological terminology means that
a yoga which provides happiness like a king has. In this article we will discuss what Raj yoga is and
what it gives a native.

Raj Yoga
Raj yoga is not a very special yoga. Raj yoga is formed by the combination of auspicious planets in a
kundli. To judge the planet according to the Ascendant it is required to observe the auspiciousness
and inauspiciousness of planets, significator, insignificator, prime significator of combining planets.
Besides these the natural auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of planets should also be taken in to
consideration. For Raj yoga exalted planets are required in Kendra house, exalted Venus in the fate
line, and relationships between navamsha and dashamsha is vital.
Planet in debilitated sign do not mean that they will provide malefic result as the lord of the seventh
house will aspect the same house if a planet is stationed in a debilitated sign. The result of this
development will also depend on the relationships of other planets.
Raj yoga is not formed by any special planet in a kundli but all planets are equally responsible for its
formation. Astrology says that Moon in its various placements has a huge impact upon the yoga. A
debilitated Moon can become a barrier for a planet combination that provides positive results.
If the triangle or Kendra houses have the aspect of Venus or Jupiter then Raj yoga gives its full
results, and the native gets happiness which can be compared with the happiness of a king.
Thus it is observed that there are a number of combinations of Raj Yoga with various degrees of
results. It is not a good idea to assume that just the existence of this Yoga in the kundali will make
the person like a king. There are many other positive and negative factors that can play a role in how
the persons lifestyle will be.
Various types of Raj Yoga in a kundli.

Vipreet Raj Yoga

A vipreet rajyoga is formed if the lord of the Trikha house is in the Trikha house or is in the position of
making combination or aspect any situation. For example if the lord of the eighth house is in the
byaya house or in the sixth house and if the lord of the sixth house is in the eighth house, if the lord
of the byaya house is in the sixth or eighth house then the aspect combination of the lords of the
trikha house or a good relationship between them is said to be an excellent yoga which gives immense
joy and prosperity to the native. The native is blessed with king sized happiness. Astrology considers
that inauspicious planets lose their malefic nature if they are in inauspicious house.

Kendra Trikon Raj yoga

When a kundli has the combination of the Ascendant with the lord of the Kendra or triangle house
then this Raj yoga is formed. In the Kendra and triangle houses goddess Laxmi is the epitome of
triangle and god Vishnu is the epitome of the Kendra house. This yoga provides an amazing fortune to
its native. This Raj yoga gives wealth, fame and prosperity to the native.

Neechbhang Raj Yoga

When in a kundli a sign has debilitated planet and its house has the lord of the sign in an exalted sign
or its position is in Kendra from the ascendant house then in this circumstance this Raj Yoga is
formed. As for instance if a debilitated Jupiter is in the Capricorn sign but there is an exalted Saturn as
the lord of the Capricorn then it is broken and therefore called Neechbhang Raj Yoga.

Rajya Poojit Raj Yoga

This Raj Yoga is usually seen in female. If a lady has this Raj yoga in her kundli then it means her
husband will be a respected and affluent person in the society. This yoga is formed during her birth
time when the seventh house is occupied by auspicious planet, equally auspicious planet, planet
related with auspicious planet or if any auspicious planet aspect the seventh house.

Why Predictions Go Wrong In spite of Correct Birth Chart

These days it is observed that even expert astrologiers fail to give accurate predictions for even
correctly cast computerized birth charts (janma kundli) and to save face they claim that the birth
chart was not correctly cast and this needs to be rectified. But this is not the reality.
Our first discussion will be on astrologys calculative outlook which is solely based on logic. To be an
expert in mathematical matters, only intelligence is required. The person may not have moral or
spiritual quality as these are not prime qualities required in calculative astrology.

You might have seen or heard that nowadays there are many modern astrologers who in one hand
smoke a cigarette and hold astrological book in their other hand. Some are so confident about their
astrological skill that they take alcohol too. Now it will be simply a wastage of time, money and
feelings if one expects to know about his or her future from these so called astrologers.
Although science helps in raising our standard of living, and also to discover new helpful devices, in
astrology science is relevant in calculating simple patterns of planets, nakshatras, houses and yogas in
a birth chart, beyond this it is the human intuition and the grasping of predictive astrology principles
that will ascertain whether an astrologer will be able to correctly interpret a chart or not.
Excessive post mortem of mathematics is not very good for prediction and calculation in astrology. For
example according to calculative astrology if a planet moves from the center of the bhava to the
junctioin (Bhava sandhi), then it will give the results of the next bhava even though it is located in its
own bhava in the kundali.
Suppose a native has Aries Ascendant and Jupiter is the significator of the 9th house, if the planet is in
8th house then it will provide result for both the 8th and 9th houses. The 9th house has Mula,
Purvasadha and Uttrasadha nakshatras and Jupiter is stationed in the Jyestha nakshatra then how
come the nakshatra will transit in to the Sagittarius sign or Jupiter will occupy the Sagittarius sign?
This is really a ridiculous and illogic thing to imagine. But some so called proficient astrologers are
using this system and thats why predictions go wrong even correct birth chart are handed to them.

Astrological Remedies-3 Rahu, Ketu and Kalsarp Yoga

Astrology provides remedies for inauspicious planetary positions. By using these rememdies, you can
avoid bad results of planets like Rahu, Ketu and combinations like Kalsarp Yoga.

Remedies for Rahu

Rahu is also considered an inauspicious planet like Saturn. Rahu may cause many problems for the
person who has it in an inauspicious position in the kundali. The best remedial way to calm Rahu is to
donate iron weapons, blue clothes, blankets, iron sheets, sesame seeds, mustard oil, electrical
equipments, coconut and radish. The person suffering from ill-effects of Rahu can donate red coloured
cereals to workers. The best way to pacify the planet is to donate the gemstone related with it.

Some other Remedies for Rahu

The affected person can keep fast on Saturdays to lessen the malefic effects of Rahu. He should

donate rice to the poor and Brahmins.

During the affected period he should help people who are suffering from leprosy. He also should help
poor people in their daughters marriage.

Another remedy to calm Rahu is to donate a pillow which one has slept on, the next morning.

Remedies for Rahu Dasha

Drinking alcohol and taking tobacco may prove bad during Rahu Dasha. So, one must avoid these
things in this period. If a person is affected by Rahu Dasha he should move out from his joint family
and should live separately.

Remedies for Ketu

In Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu have been considered a part of the same body. Ketu is an
inauspicious planet and it creates problem for the person who has this planet in his kundli. To reduce
the bad results from Ketu, charity is the best remedy. The things the person suffering from ill-effects
of Ketu should donate are: goat, calf, blankets, iron weapons, sesame, grey coloured materials, etc.

To calm Ketu, the person can donate gemstones of this planet too. If he is suffering from problems
from the childrens as a bad result of Ketu he should donate blankets in any temple.

Remedies for Ketu Dasha

Fasting is a very effective remedy during Ketu Dasha. Keeping fasts on Tuesdays and Saturdays will
prove beneficial in pacifying this Dasha. Feeding Brahmins and dogs with rice is also a good remedy.
The person influenced by Ketu should serve elder people and ascetics and avoid telling his secrets to
others. Through these ways Ketu will calm down and stop being malefic for the person.

Remedies for Kalsarp Yoga

Kalsarp yoga is formed by the position of the planets in respect to Rahu and Ketu. Due to this
inauspicious youga, though you get success in your life but there may be sudden and severe setbacks
and hardships..

To get out of this Dosha the person should follow the remedial methods for Rahu and Ketu and must
chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra as well as the Sarpa mantra. He should strengthen the benefic
effects of the lords of the first, fifth and ninth houses by performing their remedies.

Astrological Remedies 1 - Moon, Mars and Mercury

Jyotish UpcharVedic astrology says that there is a direct impact of planets on our lives. If planets in a
kundli are found to be weak or are in debilitated then they have a malefic impact on ones life. So, to
restrict the bad results generated by weak planetary positions one should follow the remedial methods
related to them.

Remedies for Sun

If Sun is in debilitated or in an afflicted position then the person should make donations to calm down
its negative impact. Some effective donations includes a cow along with its calf, jaggery, gold, copper,
and wheat.

Donation of Suns gemstones is also beneficial. It has been mentioned in Vedic literature that donation
proves to be most effective when it is made at the right time to the right person.

The above stated things should be donated on Sundays during noon time and a person of age between
forty to fifty years should perform this act.

The negative impact of Sun can be reduced by feeding cow with a mixture of wheat and jaggery. The
affected person should keep fasts on Sundays and serve poor people sweets made of wheat.

If a persons kundli contains debilitated Sun then he should serve his father and elder people as the
Sun god likes such acts. Praying to the Sun god at early hours is also beneficial.

What should not be done in Suns debilitated position:

If any person is suffering due to Sun debilitated position in his kundli he should not take wheat and
jaggery. Wearing things made of copper will also give you negative results, so, avoid wearing them.

Remedies for Moon

If Moon is in debilitated and or weak in your kundli, and you are suffering its inauspicious influence,
there are some astrological remedies by which the negative impact can be reduced. Donation is
considered the most sacred remedial method in every religious text. So, perform it wuth a pure heart
to minimize the evil influence of Moon on your life.

Some effective donations for Moon are white clothes, milk, silver, rice, etc. the influenced person
should offer water to thirsty people. Donation of Moons gemstones is also very good.

Some important facts that should be kept in mind while making the donations for Moon are: The days
should be Mondays and the time should be evening hours. Donations should be given to women as it
is considered good. If your Moon sign is weak then keep fast on Mondays. Feed a cow with wheatbread and crows with rice mixed with sugar. Serve milk dessert to poor people and Brahmins.

The negative tendency of Moon can be reduced by taking care of your mother and other elderly female

Things that should not be done if you have debilitated Moon

If position of Moon is debilitated in your kundli, then avoid taking milk everyday. Stop wearing white
clothes, and perfumes. You can also donate gems related to Moon.

Remedies for Manglik Dosha

Astrology provides some remedial methods to pacify Mars from enforcing its malefic influence on you.
An affected person should donate red ox, red clothes, gold, red pulses, and sweet bread. He/she can
donate gemstone of this planet to calm it. This donation should be performed on Tuesdays at

The affected person should keep fast on Tuesdays and feed Brahmins or poor. He should meditate ten
to fifteen minutes regularly. There is shortage of patience in Mars stricken people. To develop patience
and tolerance he should take care of his younger brothers and sisters.

Things that should not be done if Mars is debilitated

If Mars is in debilitated position in your Kundli, then try not to lose your temper and self-control. Avoid
hurry and do not indulge in materialism.

Remedies for Mercury

Indian astrology recommens some remedies to reduce the malefic impact of Mercury,. Donation of
gold, green cloth, pulses, vegetables and green things is effective. Donating green bangles and clothes
to eunuchs are considered best to calm Mercury. The act of donation should be performed on
Wednesday afternoons.

Some other important remedies to calm down Mercury are to feed green grass and leaves to cows,
serve milk desserts to Brahmins, etc. The affected person should keep fast on Wednesdays and give
water to a Tulsi plant regularly except for Sundays.

Mercury affected person should take special care of their daughter, sister, and maternal aunties as
Mercury cools down by these acts

Astrological Remedies 2 -Jupiter, Venus and Saturn

Every planet has its own power and is the lord of its house in the kundali. If a persons kundli contains
any weak or debilitated planet then he may face many difficulties in his life. To reduce the malefic
results from the planets, astrology provides remedial methods.

Let us discuss about some remedies that can be used if Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are in debilitated
state in ones kundli.

Remedies for Jupiter

Jupiter is the teacher of all planets. Astrology has remedial ways to calm Jupiter if its afflicted,
amongst which donation has a special place. Donation of sugar, bananas, yellow clothes, kesar, salt,
turmeric, yellow flowers and food is considered good.

The affected person should donate gemstone of Jupiter through which the negative influence of this
planet can be reduced. According to vedic astrology recommendations Thursday mornings are best for
donating the above stated things. The donations should lbe given to Brahmins, or any religious

Some more astrological remedies for Jupiter

The affected person should keep fast on Thursdays. He should feed banana and yellow sweets to poor
people and birds, especially crows. He can serve curd rice to Brahmins and poor people. He should
water a banyan tree on all days except Sundays and Thursdays.

Jupiter resides in teachers and religious persons, so to reduce the bad impact of this planet one should
serve his teacher with respect.

He should not eat banana and avoid keeping banana in his bedroom because it may increase Jupiters
negative influence on the person.

Remedies for Venus

Venus is the brightest planet and it represents the emotion of love. If a person is influenced from the

bad impact of this planet he should donate a white horse. To calm down the malefic tendency of Venus
donation of colored cloth, silk cloth, ghee, perfume, sugar, food, oil, sandal wood, and camphor will
prove beneficial.

The affected person should donate gemstone of Venus. Donations relating to Venus should be made
on Friday evenings and for best results, the things should be given to a young girl.

Some more astrological remedies for Venus

If a person is suffering from negative results from Venus he/she should keep fast on Fridays. He can
also feed poor people and Brahmins with ghee rice, sweets and desserts and also to the crows. He
should keep one half of his food and feed this to a cow to get the blessings of Venus.

Items related to Venus like perfume, ghee, perfumed oil should not be used by the affected person.
He/she should not take time in selecting dresses.

Remedies for Saturn

A person affected by the negative influence of Saturn may face increased misfortune during Dhaiyya,
kantak and sadhe-saati periods of Saturn. These doshas create many problems and difficulties in a
persons life. Astrology provides some remedies that can be used as measures to avoid negativities
generated by Saturn. Amongst the remedies donation and worshipping are important.

The affected person who has debilitated Saturn in his kundli should donate a black cow. Besides this
he should give black cloth, black sesame, leather shoes, salt, mustard oil, iron, cultivable land, utensil
and vegetable as donation.

Saturn can be pleased if the affected person donates a gemstone related to this planet and the above
stated things on Saturday evenings to an aged poor person.

Some more astrological remedies for Saturn

The Saturn stricken person should keep fast on Saturdays and Fridays.

He/she should keep one half of his food and give it to the crows along with salted and mustard bread.
He should serve beggars with curd rice mixed with salt in an iron bowl.

Rice cooked with sesame should be served to Brahmins to receive the blessings of this planet.

People who are suffering from bad Saturn should chant Hanuman Chalisa, Mahamrittyunjaya mantra
and read Shanistrotam for an auspicious Saturn.

To resist Saturns malefic nature the affected person should respect poor and aged people and behave
gently with his workers. He should also keep peacock feathers to please Saturn.

Things that should not be done if a person has debilitated Saturn in his kundli
If Saturn is in a debilitated state in ones kundli he/she should not behave rudely with workers and

He should avoid taking food items made of salt, mustard oil and sesame. Alcohol can also evoke
negative results from Saturn.

The person should not shave on Saturdays and avoid sleeping on the floor.

The Saturn stricken person should wear a finger ring made of black horses nail or boat iron rings. But
he can wear the things only if they are prescribed by a astrologer and sanctified by the same.

Sadhe saati person or other dosha stricken person should follow these remedies by which good results
from Saturn can be gained.

Vedic Remedies in Astrology

Vedic astrology has three parts in which the third part is called Remedial Astrology. The second part is
called Predictive Astrology, popularly used to predict the future of a person. But precautions taken
against inauspicious planetary results, come under the sphere of Remedial Astrology. Lets begin with
some remedies prescribed by astrologers.

Gemstone remedies
Every planet has a gem and a sub-gem. Astrologers suggest gems and sub-gems to receive benefic
influence from the planet of that gem. Original and high quality gems works wonders. But in these
days top-class gems are rare and only the luckiest person can get them. It is very difficult to achieve
original gems today.

Today markets are crowded with imitation gems and common people are unable to identify the right
gems and wear them. The fake gems are ineffective and cannot give you any benefits and this creates

a question mark on the credibility of astrology as well as on wearing gems.

If you use a fake gem, gem-therapy and its related remedies like color-therapy and stone-therapy
become ineffective. Even if a person acquired the real gem, it will have an impact only during its
period in the Vimshottari Mahadasha or sub-period. Gems manufactured in a laboratory do not have
any impact, so be very careful while buying gems.

Yantra Remedies
The finished product of the inscription of Mantras of gods and goddesses on metals like steel, copper
etc is called Yantra. Yantra is also called the structure of Mantra. They are energized on a specific
moment using mantras of the deity involved. After this, the Mantra of the deity is chanted a specific
number of times sitting in front of the Yantra. In this way the Yantra gets activated and then can be
installed in the prayer room. It must be worshipped daily with incense sticks and candles to get good
results out of it. You can also keep purified small Yantra in the shape of a pendant or may even tie it
to your arms.

A person should be religious and honest as Yantra works well if regularly worshipped with a pure
heart. Its non-effective for atheists.

Fast Remedies
The importance of fasting has been observed from ancient times. Fast can be performed both for a
desire and without desire. Here I will discuss desirous fast. Girls keep fasts for sixteen and twenty two
weeks to get married and attain wealth respectively.

For marriage Jupiter, and for accumulating wealth Venus is worshipped. If one keep his/her fast upto
sixteen weeks and or twenty-two weeks then special rituals are performed in the last week of the fast.
A person must keep the fast for the day, and break it within of the sunrise the next day. In this way in
a purified manner fasting can give the person good results.

Chanting Remedies
To calm planets and get benefits from them mantras related to the planets should be recited.
Recitations can be categorized into Vedic, Ancient, Material, Trantrik and Saabar recitational branches.
There are separate norms, numbers, to recite a mantra and for special mantras there are special

Example: basil garlands are used for Vaishnav mantras, Rudraksha garland for Shiv mantras, and

Lotus seeds garland are used for Laxmi mantra recitation. To get desires results, the person must
chant the mantras for the prescribed number of days and prescribed number of times. Only then the
mantra will yield effect.

Yajna Remedies
Yajna is a religious way of remedy to fulfill ones desire. From the Vedas we get to know that Yajnas
were performed in ancient times and were very important in the daily lives of our ancestors. Some
important Yajnas that were performed to fulfill desires in the Vedic period were: Rajasuya Yajna,
Ashwamedha Yajna, and Mahamrityunjaya Yajna.

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