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(2015/16 Edition)

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Who wants to be ordinary? Why settle for being part of the crowd when you
can rise to the top? Only a small percentage of people are overachievers.
They have worked hard to make it happen, it isnt due to luck.
Sure, some people are smarter than average and that helps. Yet it is what
they do with it that matters. Some people go to private schools and have
families that expose them to new cultures and events. Yet it is about who
you are that determines if you are an overachiever.
Chris Gardner was homeless. His wife left him and he had to spend the
night in a public toilet with his son when he got kicked out from the house
simply because he couldnt pay the rent.
He had an internship job but the company is not paying their interns for 6
months until they finally choose one to join their company. He had to
juggle between work, meeting clients, hitting sales target, raising his son
and had to fight for his spot in a shelter for the homeless every single day.
He fought through the struggles and he finally made it to be the only intern
chosen by Dean Witter Reynolds, a stock brokering company. A few years
later, he founded his own stock brokering company, Gardner Rich & Co and
today, he is a multi-millionaire. His inspiring story inspired movie
producers to make a movie depicting his life The Pursuit of Happyness.
It doesnt matter how you got your start in the world or where you are now.
It only really matters what you would like to do from this point forward.
What is an Overachiever?
What is an overachiever? It is someone that excels at something in
particular. Their skills and abilities are above and beyond the norm of
human creativity, thought patterns, or behaviors. Some people overachieve
in one or two areas of life but to be an actual overachiever, a person has to
excel over all above and beyond what is typical.

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To take the equation a step further, it is more powerful when a person is an

overachiever at a very young age. For example, music prodigies who can
play music before they go to kindergarten. There are some children able to
talk in complete sentences by the time they are 2 rather than engaging in
toddler babble. Most of the time, though, overachievers are far more subtle
than that in our society.
Academically, an overachiever is someone who seems to excel in all areas of
study. Maybe they completed high school in less than four years and went
to college early. They may have been the valedictorian at school and they
seemed to always have the right answers on their homework and test
In college, they may have been on the accelerated track. Often,
overachievers take the hardest college courses to challenge themselves.
They are in advanced English and math courses. They often complete
degrees in medicine, law, or technology. Not only that, they usually get
good grades in all the subjects.
An overachiever in their career status may be one who is able to make a ton
of money. It could be every single endeavor they touch seems to make a ton
of money. They may be creative and develop new products or services that
change the world.
An overachiever is always thinking so they often come up with ways to do
work tasks more efficiently. They think outside of the box. Instead of seeing
problems and barriers, they see potential solutions.
This is how Li Ka-Shing, one of the richest men in Asia made it so big in his
career. He a chairman of two major companies and through them, he has
the worlds largest operator of container terminals, worlds largest health
retailers, worlds largest beauty retailers, oil companies and property
development companies. He is still running all these at the age of 87!

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However, they arent content to just go to work, do their duties, and go

home. They strive for more to provide them with personal satisfaction from
their career. Many overachievers in their careers also give back to society. It
is because of this reason, Li builds universities in China because he always
believes in education.
If they have earned lots of money they may donate it generously to a variety
of worthy causes. A person can also be an overachiever with their friends
and family. The parent that is always able to show up for every school
They are also the ones that can help to organize events or even coach the
various teams. They also go out of their way to help other kids and parents.
Such overachievers have friendships that develop and linger. These are long
term, deep connections. They will do just about anything for those friends
and it isnt taken for granted. They always seem to be the one to lend a
hand, to listen when times get tough, or even to give a loan when money
gets tight.
Successful Overachievers to Look up to
Throughout history, there have been some amazing overachievers to look
up to. They can offer you a grand example of how they have gone above and
beyond the average person in what they achieved.
They never gave up on their dreams and they never stopped trying. What
should be so inspiring about such successful overachievers is they did make
mistakes along the way. Yet they used those experiences as lessons and
continued to strive for more.
Too often, people get discouraged so they stop before they reach their goal.
Overachievers press forward no matter what. Thomas Edison was very
humble about his intelligence and his dedication. One of his famous quotes
Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration reminds us that hard work
leads to personal satisfaction.
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Edison had more than 1,000 patents when he died at the age of 84. He was
a driving force behind many technology developments. They include the
phonograph, early cameras, light bulbs, and one of the first laboratories for
testing to be conducted.
The Wright Brothers, Wilbur and Orville, changed transportation for the
world with the introduction of the airplane. Yet these two boys were very
clever and innovative from a young age. They were always tinkering with
things, pushing the limits, and expanding their horizons.
When they presented the idea of the Wright Flyer, people thought they had
lost their minds! The world may not have been ready for airplanes, but the
Wright Brothers were sold on the idea.
Steve Jobs is well known for his introduction of Apple products. Most of us
cant imagine a world without them! His mind has always been one that
was designed for programming and for pushing the bar higher and higher.
He did what people thought was impossible and made it look easy!
Yet he was one of the most down to Earth people you will ever meet. He was
also a generous man, helping employees, society, and listening to what
people needed. He had that personalized touch that made him accessible
and likeable.
Why do you want to be an Overachiever?
The question you need to ask yourself is WHY do you want to be an
overachiever? Do you want to impress others? Make lots of money? Do you
feel you need to contribute something important to society? Identify your
reasons and use them to help you move forward.
The path isnt going to always be easy. There will be barriers and challenges
along the way. Yet it is how you get around such issues and what you learn
along the way that will help you to shine and stand apart from the crowd.
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How to make it Happen!

While all overachievers had different goals, ideas, and methods they all had
several things in common. They shared a personal drive and motivation.
They didnt stop when others told them they couldnt make something
happen. In fact, they often used that negativity to fuel them further.
If your desire is truly to be an overachiever, you should be proud of that
determination and that goal. Now you need the right habits to make it
happen. In the next chapter, we will discuss what those habits are and how
you can implement them into your overall goals.

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Your desire to become an overachiever isnt enough to make it happen! Yet

it can definitely be a move in the right direction. In this chapter, we will go
through various habit, traits, and characteristics of overachievers.
Hopefully, you identify several of them as elements you already have in
For others, you may need to modify your behaviors to implement them. At
first, this can take plenty of discipline and structure. Over time though, they
will become behaviors you take part in automatically.
With that in mind, be honest when it comes to taking inventory of your
strengths and weaknesses regarding the habits of an overachiever. The
more you work on your shortcomings the better you will be prepared to
Hard Worker
While some overachievers may make it all look easy, there is plenty behind
the scenes you dont get a chance to notice. You need to be a hard worker
who is self-motivated and not easily discouraged. Donald Trump is a great
example of this! At the age of almost 70, he is running for president even
though he has his business empire running on full power. His daily
schedule is probably packed with events, meetings and speaking
As an overachiever, you can decide to do something positive or negative.
Case in point some of the biggest criminals out there are overachievers.
They easily could have built a magnificent company. Instead, they werent
ethical in how they used their skills. Eventually, it will usually catch up with
someone. If you have to cheat to generate sales, you are definitely in the
wrong business.

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You need to have a competitive side to you. This can drive you to do your
very best. It can also drive you to push beyond those invisible barriers.
Rather than the ceiling being the limit, you want to see what is beyond that.
If you hate losing and you push yourself then you are very competitive. If
not, you need to work at this!
Virgin Atlantic knew they were able provide a range of much greater
services at lower prices. They made it and they are now one of the most
profit making airliners on earth.
Learn from Mistakes
You can either allow mistakes to define you and break you or to make you
stronger. If your mindset is one that a mistake is a learning opportunity
then you can benefit from it. So many overachievers have numerous
failures behind them. Yet they didnt let it stand in their way of success.
They didnt doubt themselves even when the outcome was less than
Self Improvement
Overachievers dont seem to notice the shortcoming of others very much.
Why? They are too busy focusing on their own self improvement. Now, you
need to make sure you celebrate your successes and your efforts.
Be hard on yourself when you need to but always look for the good in what
you have done. Overachievers arent accepting of good enough as they
want to be better, offer something better, and find overall solutions. Strive
for excellence in all you do, feeling that giving less than 100% isnt being
loyal to yourself.

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If you want to overachieve, you cant do it in isolation. You need to make
connections and you need to swap ideas. You need to promote what you are
passionate about. By the same token, you need to listen to what others have
to say. What they offer could be the missing link you are after.
Develop personal and business contacts that are strong. Being honest,
dedicated, and showing integrity helps to ensure this happens. When it
comes to networking, dont just make contact when that other party can
serve a purpose for you. They wont be happy with it and often severe ties.
Nick Vujicic wanted so much to be a motivational speaker despite he was
born without limbs. He knew his target audience was mostly Americans
and he made the decision to move to the US from Australia. Today, he is
not only invited to speak in the US but he travels the whole earth to impact
the modern generations through his life.
Reward Yourself
It shouldnt be all work and no play when it comes to being an overachiever.
Set your goals and offer a rewards system. What will you treat yourself to
when you hit a milestone? Doing so will keep you motivated and it will
prevent you from burning out. You can go for a luxurious holiday or buy
something you have always wanted to have. This will keep you motivated as
you always have something to look forward to.
Grateful and Appreciative
Overachievers arent self-centered. In fact, they are often very humble
about their successes. Some are even embarrassed when the spotlight is on
them. You will need to be grateful for opportunities and for your success.
You will also need to be appreciative of doors that open for you and people
who help pave that path for you.

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Yu Panglin, a Chinese real estate and hotel tycoon decided to donate his
remaining $470 million to his charity foundation as he did not want to
leave anything for his two sons. He knew how hard it is to live in poverty as
he was growing up and because of this, he is giving his best to help those
who suffer.
Standing Strong
When the going gets tough, you may find your supporters are dropping like
flies! You cant let that cause you to give up or to have self-doubt. You may
need to revamp your strategy and perform testing. Never stop saying what
if or give up on your vision. In the end, only the tough gets going.
Be Real and Show Integrity
It doesnt matter what you will achieve in life if you cant be proud of it.
How you are successful and what you did to get there does matter. An
overachiever is ethical and doesnt harm others for personal gain. You need
to be real, to be trustworthy, and to show integrity personally and
It should never be all about you, especially when success comes. You should
strive to be an advocate for your employees, your business, and for your
customers. You should strive to be an advocate for your community and
give back where you can. Use your prestige and abilities to do good for
mankind and make the world a better place.
Positive Mindset
Overachievers have the attitude anything can be accomplished. They may
not have all the answers yet but they still have a smile on their face. They
are patient, kind, and driven. They dont let toxic thoughts that are negative

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get the best of them. Just like Ray Radbury once said, Jump off the cliff
and build your wings on the way down.
Plans and concepts arent written in stone, they are written in pencil! This
gives them the opportunity to bend, to twist, to revamp, and to come out on
top through all of it. We all know people who are stubborn and see
everything as black or white. Overachievers see black, white, and many
shades of gray.
Time Management
Overachievers know how to manage their time. Sure, they are busy but we
all get 24 hours a day to work with and that is all. They prioritize what
needs to get done each day. They make sure some time daily is spent on
activities that help them achieve their goals. No wonder the busiest people
on earth have the time to do everything.
Effective Communication
Being able to effectively communicate is an essential skill that far too many
people lack. Not only do you need to be able to share ideas with others, you
need to be a good listener. You also need to be able to make others feel at
ease around you.
If you arent good at communication this is definitely something to work on
to become an overachiever. Make sure you dont overlook the benefits of
positive body language too.
Take Action
Anyone can talk or write down ideas. It is the overachiever that takes what
they say and what they write down and makes it happen! They take action

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and that is the difference. Sometimes, it is small steps but they all add up to
helping them realize their overall goals in the end.
The path to success is to take massive, determined action, said Anthony
Continual Learning
Nothing is worse that someone who things they know it all! Overachievers
continue to learn. They have a desire to find out more about topics that
interest them. Most overachievers are also avid readers. Make it a point to
continue to learn new things and to ask questions.
You cant change the world if you accept everything at face value.
Overachievers are often curious about how things work. They often have a
vision of how they can make something new or how they can make
something better. This is what often lays the ground work for their
objectives and goals.
Non Judgmental
Overachievers realize they dont always think the way everyone else does.
They appreciate it when people give them a great deal of freedom to explore
and to be who they are. As a result, they do the same with others. They
arent judgmental when it comes to the paths others are on.
They may offer advice here and there or a helpful hand. This doesnt mean
they are trying to change people. It simply means they may have learned
enough that they know a better way to accomplish something. Even if the
person doesnt take the advice they still dont judge them.

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You have decided you want to be an overachiever. You have assessed where
you need to work to obtain the skills, traits, and characteristics to make it
happen. However, you dont want to must be spinning your wheels. Where
are you headed? How long will it take you to get there?
In order to answer those questions, you need to think about what it is that
you would like to achieve. You cant set a goal and reach it if you dont know
what you want to get out of your efforts. Your ultimate goal should be very
Often, such goals are going to take a considerable amount of time to
achieve. Break it down into smaller pieces called milestones. This will help
you to see how far you have come and what you still need to do. Some
milestones you will linger at longer than others but stay focused and
Goal Clarity
Your goal cant be all over the place. It cant be a tree that branches every
direction. Those are your milestones. Goal clarity is very important so you
dont lose sight of that big picture. Your objective needs to be very clear to
you and to anyone else that may be part of the process.
All goals should be:

Action Oriented
Express the outcome you are looking for

For example, you cannot just be saying to yourself, I want to lose weight.
It is either vague or unachievable. However, if you know you are going to
lose 5kg in the next 3 months, you are going to be able to track and monitor
your weight loss progress.

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How Do You Know What You Want to Achieve?

There are quite a few ways to know what you would like to achieve. Let your
life lead the way and guide you. What are you passionate about? What
would you like to see improved upon? What calls to you? Continued
learning will inspire you. New people you meet with inspire you.
Ask yourself if what you are doing makes you happy. Doesnt it offer you
personal satisfaction and doesnt it help your career? What about your
family and friends? If it isnt something you would tell your mom about or
let the whole world know about it is either unethical or you arent thinking
big enough!
For example, do you want to make $5,000 a month? Do you want to travel
this Christmas? Do you want to have a closer relationship with your spouse
or father?
It can change over time, as you learn and as you grow. There is nothing
wrong with your final goal being different from what you thought it would
be when you started out. As you explore, there may be new passions that
emerge. You can be successful in more than one thing so you dont have to
pick just one.
However, you should be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Try to
prioritize and complete a goal you have already set. Write down new goals
and then you can work on them. If you have too many irons in the fire so to
speak, nothing gets ironed out!
Making Changes
What you wish to achieve today may change 3 months, 6 months, or a year
from now, that doesnt mean you have failed or that you arent following
through. If you are heading in a direction and realize it isnt full what you
would like to do then change it. You dont need to feel guilty for doing so.

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In fact, if you continue to head in a direction you no longer feel passionate

about, you arent going to be motivated. Any time you are doing tasks to
help you achieve it you will have resentment. Over time the business world,
your knowledge, and even your family dynamics may change.
As a result, what you strive to achieve can change. This is especially true of
those goals which are longer than a year to complete.

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The best laid plans dont matter.

How much passion you have about something doesnt count..
Your intelligence can be a waste..
You take ACTION!
If you want to be an overachiever, you MUST take action. We touched on
this briefly in a previous chapter. That is the big difference that sets people
apart. Dont say someday, say today! Dont say you could but __________
stands in your way. Identify how you will get beyond such a barrier.
You Need a Vision and a Strategy
What do you see when you close your eyes and think about achieving your
goal? Think about the sounds and the smells. Think about success and what
reaching that goal means for you and for others. The more you envision it,
the more you will work to turn that vision into reality.
You need a strategy to help you get all of the pieces in place. There are
several models out there to consider. It is a good idea to model after
someone who is consistently successful. After all, if it has helped them to be
an overachiever it can for you as well. The SMART format is one many
overachievers rely on.
SMART Format
Use the SMART format to help you be successful and achieve your goals.

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A goal needs to be very specific for you to achieve it. Add as many details
about it as you can. This will narrow it down and give you some parameters
to work within. How are you going to measure your success? That should be
part of your plan too.
Is the goal one you can achieve? If you cant do it on your own what will you
do to get the help of others? Is the goal realistic? Not to the general public
but to you? Remember, overachievers are willing to reach for what others
view as being impossible. Finally, what is your timeframe for reaching your
goal? Dont just say some day assign it a specific time. Then assign
specific timeframes to your milestones.
Align with your Values
If your goals conflict with your core values you arent going to get very far.
That internal conflict is going to consume your time and your energy. Dont
lose sight of the balance for these to if you want to be happy and really have
a shot of reaching your goals.
Share your Goals with Others
When your share your goals with others, it makes them real. It also gives
you some accountability as they are going to expect you to succeed. They
are going to ask you along the way how that project is coming along. You
want to be able to smile and tell them what you are doing to make it
Identify and Defeat Challenges
Any goal worth pursuing is going to have some challenges along the way. Be
ready for them and dont let them get you down. Try to identify those
challenges and to have a couple of back up plans in place in case you need
to implement them.

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Complete Action Steps Daily

Some of the time you spend each day should be specifically carved out to
work on your goal. Try to complete at least one action step each day to help
you reach that goal. Prioritize your action steps and try to take care of them
early in the day so they dont get pushed back.
Reward Yourself
Dont forget to create a great reward system for yourself. When you
accomplish milestones and the actual goal, it is time to celebrate. Your
rewards need to have personal value to you. A reward can be traveling to a
place you would like to go, buying a new car, or even hosting an event.
Everyone has a different value system in place when it comes to rewards.
Therefore, what works for one overachiever isnt going to work for you. This
is one part of the plan where you need to put thought into it and customize
your own reward system. Never feel guilty for getting those rewards either
you earned them!

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As mentioned in the introduction chapter, some people are overachievers at

something. Perhaps they excel at sports or they can do unbelievable math
quickly in their head. Yet a person who is actually an overachiever is able to
do so in many areas.
They keep their life balanced, full, and they arent arrogant. It is very
important to overachieve and excel in every area of your life. Hopefully,
your goal isnt just to have a business or to make lots of money.
If you are married you should strive to be a very good spouse. If you have
kids you should strive to be a very good father. Helping your friends and
community should also be part of the equation.
High Standards and Personal Satisfaction
A true overachiever has high standards for himself or herself. They dont
just do what is easy and then be done. They continually strive to make
themselves a better person. They see where the world can be better and
they contribute time and money to it as they can.
They see others trying to make their way in society or in a career and give
them a boost. Sharing the information you have is an amazing generosity
that cant be replaced. If you arent well rounded and have a good heart
chances are you will limit yourself.
When that happens, you arent going to reach a level of personal
satisfaction. Something will always be lacking. Your own high standards
you hold for yourself will prevent you from really enjoying life and feeling
good about your choices. Even if you dont admit it, the guilt will get to you
and eat away at you.
When you know you have done all you can to be a good person personally
and professionally you will be proud of who you are and what you have

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Finding the Balance

In order to make it all work, you must find your balance. You cant work all
the time or your personal relationships will suffer. Likewise, you cant have
fun all the time or your professional endeavors wont be accomplished and
your goals wont be completed.
Successfully carving out time for you, for the various elements in your life,
and prioritizing will help you to be an overachiever in all areas of your life.
If you implement the traits, characteristics, and mindset shared in an
earlier chapter you can use those behaviors to help you do well in all areas
of your life.
Take a good look at what you are doing right now. If your priorities and
time division seem to be very out of balance then you need to make some
changes. Donald Trump is well known for his business sense, but he is also
a great family man.
His children have all said in interviews they were always able to go into
their dads office or to call him. He would always make time for them. He
would introduce them to whoever was in the office with him at the time. It
could be a famous person, business partner, or even a politician but he
would make it known his children came first.
It didnt make him look like a terrible businessman. In fact, many respected
him for such decisions. You really can overachieve in all areas but you have
to create a plan that encompasses all of it.

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One lesson in life we all share is the realization that it isnt what we know
but who we know! The right connections get you invited to the events where
you can meet more people. They get you exposed to the needs of your
community and society as a whole.
Meeting the right people is going to inspire you to continue down the path
you are on. Other overachievers can help you to see how to balance work
and play. They can help you to see their kindness and how they give back to
others. They can also help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Being able to share your thoughts and ideas with people who really get it is
important. You dont need negativity when you are reaching for the
unknown. Other people you can trust and share experiences with make a
Meeting the right people can help you to grow your ideas too. Perhaps you
need funding to conduct research. You may be able to partner with
someone that can bring to the equation an element you are missing to
complete your goals. Creating mutual relationships and even partnerships
is a boost you can use.
How to Meet them
Dont be shy about reaching out to those you are inspired by. Ask to set up a
time to talk to them or to interview them. Share with them what it is about
them that really got your attention. If you know someone who knows the
person you would like to connect with, ask them if they will make an
That can help you to get your foot in the door faster than a cold call
approach. Pay attention to when social events will be hosted. You may have
to pay to get a table or a seat at the event. Yet it is an evening for you to
mingle and to meet new people.
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Dont pass up such opportunities; they are a good investment in your future
development and achievements. You may not think of yourself as an
entertainer, but become one. Host events yourself and send out invites to
those you have met. You will be surprised at how many of them do show up.
Be Confident in What You Offer
How you carry yourself and what you offer is important. You cant be
arrogant but you cant be a wallflower. You need to take the initiative to
make those contacts. Shake hands firmly, make eye contact, and smile. Be
warm and inviting so others will be comfortable around you.
At the end of the night, they may not remember all you talked about but
they will remember how you made them feel. Be sincere in what you say
and who you say it to you. If your character and integrity are questionable,
they wont trust you.
It takes time for friendships and business connections to grow. Lay a strong
foundation so they feel you are someone they want to be around again. If
you come off like a used car salesman they will avoid you at all costs.
If your self-confidence needs a boost, you have to work on that before you
start to network and meet new people. Become comfortable in your own
skin and with who you are. Learn to enjoy your own company if you expect
others to be able to do so.
Nurture Relationships
We can all agree technology is amazing with what it delivers, but the
personal touch is gone in many regards. Do what you can to nurture
relationships you have in place and those you wish to build.
Take the time to pick up the phone to call them and connect. Invite them to
have lunch with you or a cup of coffee. Send a birthday card or a thank you
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note. Otherwise they become a casual acquaintance and you need some
strong bonds to work with.
While you can communicate with text, email, and social media, dont let
that be the only connection you have with them. Those other options
provide a personal touch that is seriously lacking in society today.
They will remember you reached out to them above and beyond what
everyone else has been doing. Dont make the mistake of waiting for others
to be the one to take the initiative.
Remove the Negative
This can be a tough one, but it has to be done. Remove negative people and
unethical people from your circle as much as you can. You need to surround
yourself with positive individuals who are driven. You also want to
surround yourself with people willing to reach out to help others rather
than only focusing on their own agenda.
It can be emotionally hard to remove the negative people from your life, but
they are draining your energy. They can raise self-doubt for you. If they are
family it can be harder because you still need to be around them at times.
Yet you can limit the interactions with them.
Others you can move from your close circle to acquaintances. There will be
those that are just too toxic to keep around at all. With that in mind, you
will need to sever all ties with them.
As you are around more positive people with similar mindsets, you will
realize this is in your personal best interest mentally and professionally. Yet
it can make you feel guilty too.
However, you dont have to justify removing people from your life that
havent been honest or good. There will be people that only want you
around when you can offer something to them.
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Stop giving them your time, money, or other resources and see who is still
there. It may be a sad realization but an eye opening experience that allows
you to move on to better relationships.
The Influence of Good and Bad Companies
As you are exposed to more business people and their operations, you will
be able to distinguish between good and bad companies. There will be
lessons for you regarding how to operate a success business and see it grow.
You will also see how the wrong methods of operation can destroy a
business and it wont last.
Such information allows you to put forth best practices when you have your
own business. It also helps you to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that
can create hardships for you.
You Can be One of the Right People
As you strive to make these connections, you will find it is all falling into
place. You may be in awe of some of the people you meet along the way.
What you will find is in time you are actually one of the right people!
Thats right! Everyone else is trying to meet you and to talk to you! This can
be a great ego booster, but dont let it go to your head. In fact, most
overachievers are very down to Earth people to talk to. They are generous
with their time and with their resources.
They realize others may be unsure when they approach so they strive to
break the ice with a joke or invite that puts them at ease. Even with a busy
schedule, dont lose sight of the fact other people are watching what you are
doing. Be a good role model for them and inspire them.
If you have a chance to mentor them or to help them do so. It can be the
turning point for them personally or professionally that impacts the rest of
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their life. It also shows you arent self-centered but instead very generous
with your time.

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Getting to the top is a tough and challenging climb! Once you make it, how
will you stay there? Talent can only take you so far. Your character and your
integrity need to be able to carry you on after that. You need to continue
moving forward.
What You Do Means More than What You Say
When you are an overachiever, you will have those that follow you and that
are inspired by you. However, when you dont follow through with what you
say they are going to start to disappear.
If you dont show ethical behaviors and treat people well you arent going to
keep your overachiever status. Anyone can be a fast talker, but the
difference is you taking action. If you cant follow through with something,
make sure you express your apologies and a way to make it up.
Reschedule what you can if possible when the unexpected comes up. Be
someone people can trust and rely on in your personal life and
professionally. Know your schedule and dont over commit.
Dont Get Too Comfortable
Continually strive forward and give 100%. If you get too comfortable where
you are you will get left behind and not remain an overachiever. You have
to continue to find inspiration. If you love what you do and you are being
honest about who you are then you will feel good in your own skin. It wont
be work; it will just be what you do.
Dont Let It Go to Your Head
Sadly, some overachievers become jerks! They let it go to their heads and
they lose sight of what they were after. They burn bridges personally and
professionally and they think they are better than others. Nobody is
impressed with that type of behavior.

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Dont Get Burned Out

Take time for you! Get the rest you need for your mind and your body. If
you are working too much and taking on too much you will get burned out.
You will lose interest in what you are doing. Wearing yourself too think
means your relationships and your professional elements suffer.
If you start to feel burned out and on edge, take some time off. Relax, go on
a vacation, and spend time with a hobby you really enjoy. It is also a time to
evaluate your schedule and see what needs to be revamped so you dont get
burned out again.
Hopefully you realize you cant do it all on your own. Let go of some of the
control and you will find you do much better. Delegate tasks that are eating
away at your time. Hire some assistants you can trust to do what you need
when you need it.
Rely on others to help you stay focused and to have the time you need for
the tasks requiring your attention. Pick your team of individuals very
carefully. You need to know they are on board completely.

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This chapter is very important! You have decided you want to be an

overachiever. When you fall short of your goals, you feel that you have
failed. This can shatter your self-esteem. Learning how to deal with it so it
doesnt prevent you from moving forward is very important.
What Did You Achieve?
Rather than focusing on what you didnt achieve think about what you did
get done. There may be legitimate reasons why you cant achieve your goal.
Maybe along the way you realized it wasnt the path you should have been
on. It can take learning and trying to find that out.
Sometimes, you enjoy discovering something you never intended to that is
much better than the goal you had set. We really cant foresee all the
variables along the route we take until they are upon us. That is why our
goals and plans always seem to be changing shape and direction over time.
Be Ready for Unforeseen Hurdles
Even the best laid out plans can experience unforeseen hurdles. Even with a
Plan B and Plan C in place things may not work out the way you wanted
them to. While you do need to think positive, you also need to be ready for
unforeseen hurdles.
Overachievers arent deterred by a few problems along the way. Instead,
they use them to help them grow and to expand their knowledge. Those
hurdles can turn out to be the biggest building blocks and winning
outcomes for you. They can be hidden gems if you dont let them get the
best of you.

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Dont Give Up
If you give up, you will never realize your full potential. You have failed if
you dont give it your all. Dont become discouraged when things fall short
of what you had envisioned. Dont be too hard on yourself.
Instead, create a plan that helps you to continue doing your very best. If you
can honestly look in the mirror day after day and say you have done your
best in all aspects you have nothing to feel bad about.
Becoming impatient is what often causes people to give up. They dont want
to put in the time it takes to make the results materialize. Yet the fact of the
matter is the time is going to pass anyway.
When that timeframe is up, you can have yourself far closer to the goal or
you can still be in the starting block. The decision influences if you are an
overachiever or a procrastinator.
Dont Worry About Others
Sadly, we worry far too much about what others think about us. When we
underachieve, we feel like we let others down. Yet if you really tried and you
worked hard then you should hold your head high.
Those who know you will see what you put into it.
Those that wanted to see you fail from the start will find something in it to
smile about. Yet those critics really shouldnt have an influence over you
and what you do next.
They are too busy hoping others will fail to focus on trying to do something
wonderful themselves. Unfortunately, there are people like that sprinkled
all over the Earth and you have to learn to deal with them.
It is what you think about what you have done that matters. Most people
will only see the end result. If you succeed they think it was luck. If you fail
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they think it was poor decision making. They dont see all the hard work
and determination behind the scenes that goes into either result.
The Best You Can At Any Point in Time
Hindsight is 20/20 and it zaps your energy. Dont continually look back and
wish you had done this or that differently. If you did the best you could at
that point in time and it didnt work out then it is over. Replaying the
events and wishing for something different in decision making will never
change reality.
Keep Setting Goals and Striving
Even if you have to do with baby steps, continue to move forward. Set goals
and strive to make them happen. Wipe the slate clean when you start a new
goal. Dont let the past results stop you from seeing what is out there.
If your self-confidence is shaken, set some small goals you can achieve
quickly. They will help you to boost it. Dont let fear hold you back. That
happens far too often and it will eliminate wonderful opportunities for you.
Each new endeavor or variation of it is a fresh start.
Keep in mind if something didnt work previously, it make work out in the
future. You may need to learn something new or wait for technology to
catch up for that to happen so dont give up!

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It isnt the number of years we live but the way in which we live those years
that is important. A life that is personally and professionally fulfilling is
what you should strive for. Dont settle for less than that. Be caring, be
honest, and give when you can to others.
If you want to be an overachiever, you have to work hard and you have to
have a good heart. Ask yourself why you want to be an overachiever. Those
reasons need to ensure you are happy.
Dont do it for your family as parents always want their kids to be beyond
special. Dont do it for money or for fame. Dont do it to impress anyone.
Those reasons are exhausting and you still wont find your true place in this
Hard work is something you are motivated to be a part of because it is
meaningful to you. The direction you take has to be something you are good
at and that you enjoy. Keep it all in balance and prospective.
Never forget where you came from, where you are at, and where you are
headed. Dont think you are better than others but dont feel intimidated by
people either.
Learn from other overachievers and their actions as well as their traits and
Find others you look up to and ask them questions or ask them to mentor
you. It is surprising how many of them are more than willing to give back.
By the same token, you will one day be in that same position. Take the time
to give back to others in their time of need.
Balance is important when you are an overachiever. If you have lots of
money due to your business sense, but your family and personal

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connections dont get your time or attention, then it isnt working. You need
to strive for being a very good person in all you do. Be well rounded, ethical,
and have good character.
It isnt always easy to make the right decision. When you are an
overachiever, you do realize there are shortcuts you could take to victory.
Yet they cast dark shadows over who you are and your integrity.
It is better to do things the right way and take longer than to shortchange
others in order to accomplish your goals in less time. Learn to rely on other
people to inspire you, to help you accomplish tasks, and to offer you
Share your goals with others to make them more concrete. Write them
down too and assign time frames so they dont get away from you. Having a
set time on the calendar will keep you on your toes. Work each day on some
of the tasks that need to be done for you to complete milestones.
Each milestone will get you closer to your goal. If you dont have the traits
and characteristics of an overachiever, you can get them. You dont have to
be born with them and it isnt about luck. It isnt about the family you were
born into or where you live either.
Work hard to improve your weak areas so you are a stronger person inside
and out overall. Know what you would like to achieve and how you will
achieve it. Some goals are easier to get to than others.
Some take more work and more time but that doesnt mean you cant
achieve them. Think about what you want to accomplish right now and in
the next year. Think about what you want to accomplish in the next 5 years
and the next 10 years.
It all takes planning, learning, and trying. Life is about trial and error so
dont expect perfection. Be ready for some tough defeats and for some

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amazing victories. Celebrate your successes and dont be too hard on

yourself for the defeats.
Learn from the experiences and the path you took no matter the outcome.
Some of the best overachievers in the world we have to look up to had far
more failures than successes.
What makes them so amazing is they were always determined. They didnt
let the hardships or even the negativity of others stand in their way. Being
an overachiever involves meeting the right people.
Use your connections to get in touch with people who think in a similar
fashion as you do. Surround yourself with people you enjoy and who are
honest. Try to remove the negative people from your life as much as
Take the time to stay connected to people and to continue relationships you
have created. They arent going to deepen or continue on their own. Your
character plays a vital role in becoming an overachiever. Be someone that
other people can look up to.
Be someone others would like to be around. If you dont like who you are,
change it. You cant expect others to respect you and to appreciate you if
you dont feel the same way about yourself.
Remain humble in all you do and all you accomplish. Dont lose sight of the
fact that you have worked hard to be where you are. Yet you have to
remember you didnt get there all on your own either. Be mindful of those
that helped you to get there, no matter how small their role was.
Stay true to who you are and what you are all about. Think about the legacy
you wish to leave behind for your loved ones and even for society. It is a
good feeling when you know you have lived a full life that is full of amazing
experiences and that you helped others along the way.

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No matter how old you are, continue to learn. Dont take the world at face
value. Question what is before you and see what that leads to. Follow your
passions and your desires. The direction you take will often be led by them.
Take the time to really enjoy your life and to feel good about what you have
done and what you will do in the future. Being an overachiever is a choice,
it isnt easy, but it is very much worth it.
Most people will admire and respect you for it. There will be doubters and
there will be haters. They dont matter in the overall scheme of things.
Work on being the best person you can be in all aspects of your life. That is
what will bring you self-fulfillment, love, and success!

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