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INSTALL EXE - Installation loader
UNPAK EXE - Program to unpak the .PAK files
ACLOCK CPP - File for OWL example program
ACLOCK H - File for OWL example program
ACLOCK PRJ - File for OWL example program
ACLOCK RC - File for OWL example program
BITMAP H - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO1 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO2 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO3 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO4 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO5 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO6 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO7 BMP - File for OWL example program
CUCKOO8 BMP - File for OWL example program
FACE_BMP BMP - File for OWL example program

CALC CPP - Hex calculator example program
CALC ICO - Icon for hex calculator example program
CALC PRJ - Project file for CALC example program
CALC RC - Resource file for hex calculator example program

ABSTARRY H - Header file for classlibs
ARRAY H - Header file for classlibs
ARRAYS H - Header file for classlibs
ASSOC H - Header file for classlibs
BAG H - Header file for classlibs
BAGS H - Header file for classlibs
BTREE H - Header file for classlibs
CHECKS H - Header file for classlibs
CLSDEFS H - Header file for classlibs
CLSTYPES H - Header file for classlibs
COLLECT H - Header file for classlibs
CONTAIN H - Header file for classlibs
DBLLIST H - Header file for classlibs
DEQUE H - Header file for classlibs
DEQUES H - Header file for classlibs
DICT H - Header file for classlibs
DLISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs
HASHTBL H - Header file for classlibs
LDATE H - Header file for classlibs
LIST H - Header file for classlibs
LISTIMP H - Header file for classlibs
LTIME H - Header file for classlibs
MEMMGR H - Header file for classlibs
OBJECT H - Header file for classlibs
PRIORTYQ H - Header file for classlibs
QUEUE H - Header file for classlibs
QUEUES H - Header file for classlibs
RESOURCE H - Header file for classlibs
SET H - Header file for classlibs
SETS H - Header file for classlibs
SHDDEL H - Header file for classlibs
SORTABLE H - Header file for classlibs
SORTARRY H - Header file for classlibs
STACK H - Header file for classlibs
STACKS H - Header file for classlibs
STDTEMPL H - Header file for classlibs
STRNG H - Header file for classlibs
TIMER H - Header file for classlibs
VECTIMP H - Header file for classlibs

ABSTARRY CPP - Abstract array class definitions
ARRAY CPP - Source file for classlibs
ASSOC CPP - Association class (used by dictionary class)
BABSTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs
BDICT CPP - Source file for Classlibs
BIDS DEF - Source file for classlibs
BSORTARY CPP - Source file for classlibs
BTREE CPP - Tree class definitions
BTREEINN CPP - Tree class definitions
BTREELFN CPP - Tree class definitions
CLASMAIN CPP - Source file for classlibs
COLLECT CPP - Ordered collection class definitions
CONTAIN CPP - Container class definitions
DBLLIST CPP - Doubly linked list class definitions
DEQUE CPP - Source file for classlibs
DICT CPP - Dictinary class definitiions
HASHTBL CPP - Hash table class definitions
LDATE CPP - Date class definitions
LIST CPP - List class definitions
LTIME CPP - Time class definitions
MEMMGR CPP - Memory class definitions
OBJECT CPP - Base class for other objects
SORTARRY CPP - Sorted array class definitions
STACK CPP - Source file for classlibs
STRNG CPP - String class definitions
TCLASS DEF - Class definitions
TIMER CPP - Timer class definitions
TMPLINST CPP - Timer class definitions

DEBUG CA2 - Split File of DEBUG.PAK

ANSI DOC - Ansi 'C' standards documentation
ASMDEBUG TDW - Assembly language and numeric processor debugging
BRIEF TEM - Editor Macros file for Brief emulation
CMACROS TEM - Editor Macros file for C emulation
DBGBOARD TDW - Information about compatibility and configurations of
Debugging Boards
DEFAULTS TEM - Sample Editor Macros file
DOSEDIT TEM - Editor Macros file for Dosedit emulation
EPSILON TEM - Editor Macros file for Epsilon emulation
HDWDEBUG TDW - How to use 386 hardware debugging features
HELPME! DOC - Answers to commonly asked questions
HELPME! TDW - Answers to commonly asked TDW questions
MANUAL TCW - Corrections to the manuals
CLASSLIB TCW - Online documentation for classlibs
MANUAL TDW - Configuring TDW using TDWINST.EXE
SAMPLES TCW - Samples documentation
UTIL DOC - On-line documentation for utilities
UTILS TDW - Information about various TDW utilities
WIN31 DOC - Documentation to convert to Windows 3.1
WINMEM DOC - On-line documentation for windows specific memory manager
WINPEN DOC - Documentation for Pen Windows
WINSPCTR DOC - Documentation for Winspector

FILEINFO INI - List of files and sizes

FILELIST DOC - List & description of files
ARTY CPP - Source file for Gdidemo example program
ARTY H - Header file for Gdidemo example program
ARTYPRIV H - Header file for Gdidemo example program
BACKGRND BMP - Bitmap for Gdidemo example program
BITBLT CPP - Source file for Gdidemo example program
BITBLT H - Header file for Gdidemo example program
DEMOBASE H - Header file for Gdidemo example program
FONT CPP - Source file for Gdidemo example program
FONT H - Header file for Gdidemo example program
GDIDEMO CPP - Source file for Gdidemo example program
GDIDEMO PRJ - Project file for Gdidemo example program
GDIDEMO RC - Resource file for Gdidemo example program
LINE CPP - Source file for Gdidemo example program
LINE H - Header file for Gdidemo example program
MONOSHIP BMP - Bitmap for Gdidemo example program
SHIP BMP - Bitmap for Gdidemo example program

INCLUDE PAK - Turbo C++ Header files

_DEFS H - Definition of _FAR, _Cdecl, _CType, _ClassType
_NFILE H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
_NULL H - Definition of NULL
ALLOC H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
ASSERT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
BCD H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
BIOS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
BWCC H - Custom controls dynamic library Header file
CDERR H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
COLORDLG H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
COMMDLG H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
COMPLEX H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
CONIO H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
CONSTREA H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
CPL H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
CTYPE H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
CUSTCNTL H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DDE H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DDEML H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DIR H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DIRECT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DIRENT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DLGS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DOS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
DRIVINIT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
ERRNO H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
FCNTL H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
FLOAT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
FSTREAM H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
GENERIC H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
IO H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
IOMANIP H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
IOSTREAM H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
LIMITS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
LOCALE H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
LOCKING H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
LZEXPAND H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
MALLOC H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
MATH H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
MEM H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
MEMORY H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
MMSYSTEM H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
MMSYSTEM INC - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
NEW H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
OLE H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
PENWIN H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
PENWOEM H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
PRINT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
PROCESS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
SEARCH H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
SETJMP H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
SHARE H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
SHELLAPI H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
SIGNAL H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STAT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STDARG H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STDDEF H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STDIO H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STDIOSTR H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STDLIB H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STRESS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STRING H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
STRSTREA H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
TIME H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
TIMEB H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
TOOLHELP H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
TOOLHELP INC - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
TYPES H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
UTIME H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
VALUES H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
VARARGS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
VER H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
WFEXT H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
WIN30 H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file (for Windows 3.0 development)
WINDOWS H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
WINDOWS INC - Turbo C++ RTL Header file
WINDOWSX H - Turbo C++ RTL Header file

APPDICT H - Header file for application dictionary needed for DLLs
APPLICAT H - Definition of TApplication class
BBUTTON H - Header file for TBButton custom button.
BCHKBOX H - Header file for TBCheckBox custom control.
BDIVIDER H - Header file for TBDivider custom control.
BGRPBOX H - Header file for TBGroupBox custom control.
BRADIO H - Header file for TBRadioButton custom button.
BSTATBMP H - Header file for TBStaticBmp custom button.
BSTATIC H - Header file for TBStatic custom button.
BUTTON H - Definition of TButton class
BWINDOW H - Header file for TBWindow class
CHECKBOX H - Definition of TCheckbox class
COMBOBOX H - Definition of TComboBox class
CONTROL H - Definition of TControl class
DIALOG H - Definition of TDialog class
EDIT H - Definition of TEdit class
EDITACC RC - Definitions of accelerator resources for TEditWindow class
EDITMENU RC - Menu resources for TEditWindow class
EDITWND H - Definition of TEditWindow class
FILEACC RC - Resource file for accelerators for TFileWindow class
FILEDIAL DLG - Dialog resources for TFileDialog class
FILEDIAL H - Definition of TFileDialog class
FILEMENU RC - Menu resource definitions for TFileWindow class
FILEWND H - Definition of TFileWindow class
GROUPBOX H - Definition of TGroupBox class
INPUTDIA DLG - Dialog resources for TInputDialog class
INPUTDIA H - Definition of TInputDialog class
LISTBOX H - Definition of TListBox class
MDI H - Definition of TMDIWindow and related classes
MODULE H - Declaration of TModule class
OBJSTRM H - Header file for streamable object classes
OWL H - Header file for basic ObjectWindows functionality
OWLDEFS H - Header file for basic ObjectWindows definitions
OWLRC H - Definition of constants used in ObjectWindow resource
RADIOBUT H - Definition of TRadioButton class
SAFEPOOL H - Header file for the SafetyPool class
SCROLLBA H - Definition of TScrollBar class
SCROLLER H - Definition of TScroller class
STATIC H - Definition of TStatic class
STDWNDS DLG - Dialog resources for TFileWindow and TEditWindow classes
TCOLLECT H - Header file internal collection classes used by Streamable
WINDOBJ H - Definition of TWindowsObject class
WINDOW H - Definition of TWindow class

BITBNAPP C - Demo app using bitmapped button DLL
BITBNAPP RES - Bitmapped button application resources
BITBTN C - Demo bitmapped button dll with custom control API
BITBTN DEF - Bitmapped button dll linker definitions file
BITBTN PRJ - Bitmapped button DLL IDE Project file
BITBTN RES - Bitmapped button dll resources
BITBTNCO H - Bitmapped button dll resource #defines
BTNBNAPP PRJ - Bitmapped button application IDE project file
RWCDEMO DEF - BCC Demo linker definitions file
RWCDEMO H - BCC Demo app .h file
RWCDEMO PRJ - Project file for building demo app with "standard" windows
RWCDEMO RC - Demo resources using "standard" controls
RWCDEMO RES - Demo resources using "standard" controls
RWCDEMOB PRJ - Project file for building demo app with Borland Custom
RWCDEMOB RC - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls
RWCDEMOB RES - Demo resources using Borland Windows Custom Controls
RWCDEMOC H - Demo .h file for resource id's
RWCDLG CPP - BCC Demo app dialogs
RWCDLG H - BCC Demo app dialogs .h file
RWCWND CPP - BCC Demo app windows
RWCWND H - BCC Demo dialogs .h file
RWDEMO CUR - Demo cursor file
RWDEMO ICO - BCC demo icon
STATBAR BMP - Demo status line bitmap
STATLINE BMP - Demo status line bitmap

TCINSTAL LZ - Installation program

README - General information last minute changes to documentation

BWCC DLL - Custom controls dynamic library file

BLACKKNG BMP - Bitmap for Checkers example program
BLACKMAN BMP - Bitmap for Checkers example program
BOARD CPP - Source file for Checkers example program
BOARD H - Header file for Checkers example program
CHECKERS CPP - Source file for Checkers example program
CHECKERS H - Header file for Checkers example program
CHECKERS ICO - Icon for Checkers example program
CHECKERS PRJ - Project file for Checkers example program
CHECKERS RC - Resource file for Checkers example program
HAND CUR - Cursor for Checkers example program
HANDPC CUR - Cursor for Checkers example program
INFO CPP - Source file for Checkers example program
INFO H - Header file for Checkers example program
REDKING BMP - Bitmap for Checkers example program
REDMAN BMP - Bitmap for Checkers example program

CHELP C - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP HLP - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP HPJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP RC - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELP RTF - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELPM H - Windows 3.1 example file
CHELPR H - Windows 3.1 example file

BBISHOP BMP - File for OWL example program
BKBRUSH BMP - File for OWL example program
BKING BMP - File for OWL example program
BKNGT BMP - File for OWL example program
BMASK BMP - File for OWL example program
BOARD CPP - File for OWL example program
BPAWN BMP - File for OWL example program
BQUEEN BMP - File for OWL example program
BROOK BMP - File for OWL example program
CHESS ICO - File for OWL example program
COLORS CPP - File for OWL example program
COLORS H - File for OWL example program
DISPLAY CPP - File for OWL example program
DRAG CPP - File for OWL example program
EDIT CPP - File for OWL example program
EDIT H - File for OWL example program
EVALU CPP - File for OWL example program
EXTERNS H - File for OWL example program
INFO CPP - File for OWL example program
INFO H - File for OWL example program
KMASK BMP - File for OWL example program
KTMASK BMP - File for OWL example program
MOVGEN CPP - File for OWL example program
OPENING LIB - File for OWL example program
PMASK BMP - File for OWL example program
PVALUE CPP - File for OWL example program
PVALUE H - File for OWL example program
QMASK BMP - File for OWL example program
RMASK BMP - File for OWL example program
SAVEREST CPP - File for OWL example program
SEARCH CPP - File for OWL example program
SMALL CPP - File for OWL example program
TALK CPP - File for OWL example program
TIMELIB CPP - File for OWL example program
WBISHOP BMP - File for OWL example program
WCDEFS H - File for OWL example program
WCHESS CPP - File for OWL example program
WCHESS DEF - File for OWL example program
WCHESS H - File for OWL example program
WCHESS PRJ - File for OWL example program
WCHESS PRJ - File for OWL example program
WCHESS RC - File for OWL example program
WKING BMP - File for OWL example program
WKNGT BMP - File for OWL example program
WPAWN BMP - File for OWL example program
WQUEEN BMP - File for OWL example program
WROOK BMP - File for OWL example program

BIDSDBL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs
TCLASDBL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs

CMDLG C - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG H - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLG RC - Windows 3.1 example file
CMDLGR H - Windows 3.1 example file

BITMAP CPP - Windows sample app - source
BITMAP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
BITMAP H - Windows sample app - Header file
BITMAP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
BITMAP RC - Windows sample app - resource file
BULLET BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CHKBOFF BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CHKBON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CODEC BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
CONTINUE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
DDECLNT C - Windows sample app - source
DDECLNT H - Windows sample app - Header file
DDESRVR C - Windows sample app - source
DDESRVR H - Windows sample app - Header file
DLLDEMO CPP - Windows sample app - source
DLLDEMO DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
DLLDEMO ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
DLLDEMO PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
DLLDEMO RC - Windows sample app - resource file
DLLDEMO1 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file
DLLDEMO2 BMP - Windows sample app - bitmap file
DLLSHELL CPP - Windows sample app - source
DONE BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
FFIND C - Windows sample app - Source
FFIND DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
FFIND H - Windows sample app - Header file
FFIND ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
FFIND PRJ - Windows sample app - Project file
FFIND RC - Windows sample app - resource file
HDUMP C - Windows sample app - source
HDUMP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
HDUMP H - Windows sample app - Header file
HDUMP ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
HDUMP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
HDUMP RC - Windows sample app - resource file
HELP CUR - Help compiler example file
HELPEX C - Help compiler example source file
HELPEX DEF - Help compiler example module definition file
HELPEX DLG - Help compiler example dialog file
HELPEX H - Help compiler example Header file
HELPEX HPJ - Help compiler example file
HELPEX PRJ - Project file for help compiler examples
HELPEX RC - Help compiler example resource file
HELPEX RTF - Help compiler example file
HELPICON BMP - Help compiler example bitmap file
HELPIDS H - Help compiler example Header file
KEYS RTF - Help compiler example file
MSGPROC C - Windows sample app - source
MSGPROC H - Windows sample app - Header file
MSGWND C - Windows sample app - source
MSGWND DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
MSGWND H - Windows sample app - Header file
MSGWND ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
MSGWND PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
MSGWND RC - Windows sample app - resource file
MYFUNCS CPP - C++ example file
MYFUNCS H - C++ example Header file
MYMAIN CPP - C++ example file
TERMS RTF - Help compiler example bitmap file
TODO DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
TODO PRJ - Windows sample app - Project file
TODODEFS H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODODLGS CPP - Windows sample app - Source
TODODLGS H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOLIST CPP - Windows sample app - Source
TODOLIST H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOWIN CPP - Windows sample app - Source
TODOWIN H - Windows sample app - Header file
TODOWIN RC - Windows sample app - Resource file
TSTAPP C - Windows sample app - source
TSTAPP DEF - Windows sample app - module definition file
TSTAPP H - Windows sample app - Header file
TSTAPP ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
TSTAPP PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
TSTAPP RC - Windows sample app - resource file
WHELLO CPP - Windows sample app - Source
WHELLO DEF - Windows sample app - Module definition file
WHELLO ICO - Windows sample app - icon file
WHELLO PRJ - Windows sample app - project file
WHELLO RC - Windows sample app - resource file

FILEAPP CPP - Example program of TFileWindow
FILEAPP PRJ - Project file for FILEAPP example program
FILEAPP RC - Resource file for FILEAPP example program

BSCRLAPP CPP - Bitmap scroller example
BSCRLAPP PRJ - Project file for BSCRLAPP example program
BSCRLAPP RC - Resource file for BSCRLAPP example program
BTNTEST CPP - BTNTEST documentation demo program
BTNTEST PRJ - Project file for BTNTEST example program
CALLDLL CPP - Example showing use of OWL in DLL
CALLDLL H - Header file for CALLDLL example
CALLDLL PRJ - Project file for CALLDLL example program
CALLDLL RC - Resource file for CALLDLL example
CBOXTEST CPP - CBOXTEST documentation demo program
CBOXTEST PRJ - Project file for CBOXTEST example program
CBXTTEST CPP - Example demonstrating use of combobox transfer mechanism
CBXTTEST PRJ - Project file for CBXTTEST example program
CCTLTEST CPP - Custom control example
CCTLTEST H - Header file for custom control example
CCTLTEST PRJ - Project file for CCTLTEST example program
CCTLTEST RC - Resource file for custom control example
CDLGDLL CPP - Source file for DLL for USECDLL example program.
CDLGDLL DEF - Module definition file for DLL for USECDLL example
CDLGDLL H - Header file for DLL for USECDLL example program.
CDLGDLL PRJ - Project file for CDLGDLL example program
CDLGDLL RC - Resource file for DLL for USECDLL example program.
COLORDLG CPP - Implementation of TColorControl for CCTLTEST example
COLORDLG DLG - Dialog used in CCTLTEST example program.
COLORDLG H - Header for CCTLTEST example program.
COLORDLG RCH - Header file for resources for CCTLTEST example program
CURSAPP CPP - Example program demonstrating changing cursor of main
CURSAPP PRJ - Project file for CURSAPP example program
DCTLTEST CPP - Drawable control example
DCTLTEST H - Header file for drawable control example
DCTLTEST PRJ - Project file for DCTLTEST example program
DCTLTEST RC - Resource file for drawable control example
DIALTEST CPP - DIALTEST documentation demo program
DIALTEST H - Header file for DIALTEST example program
DIALTEST PRJ - Project file for DIALTEST example program
DIALTEST RC - Resource file for DIALTEST documentation demo program
DLLHELLO CPP - Source for DLL portion of CALLDLL example
DLLHELLO DEF - Module definition file for DLLHELLO example DLL
DLLHELLO H - Header file for DLL portion of CALLDLL example
DLLHELLO PRJ - Project file for DLLHELLO example program
EDITAPP CPP - TEditWindow example program
EDITAPP PRJ - Project file for EDITAPP example program
EDITAPP RC - Resources for TFileWindow and TEditWindow classes
EDITTEST CPP - EDITTEST documentation demo program
EDITTEST PRJ - Project file for EDITTEST example program
EWNDTEST CPP - EWNDTEST documentation demo program
EWNDTEST H - Header file for EWNDTEST example program
EWNDTEST PRJ - Project file for EWNDTEST example program
EWNDTEST RC - Resource file for EWNDTEST documentation demo program
GBOXTEST CPP - Example of group box functionality
GBOXTEST PRJ - Project file for GBOXTEST example program
HELLOAPP CPP - Hello Windows example program
HELLOAPP PRJ - Project file for HELLOAPP example program
INSTTEST CPP - Example of first and additional instances
INSTTEST PRJ - Project file for INSTTEST example program
LBOXTEST CPP - LBOXTEST documentation demo program
LBOXTEST PRJ - Project file for LBOXTEST example program
LBXTTEST CPP - Example demonstrating use of listbox transfer mechanism
LBXTTEST PRJ - Project file for LBXTTEST example program
MDIAPP CPP - MDI example program
MDIAPP PRJ - Project file for MDIAPP example program
MDIAPP RC - Resources for MDIAPP example program
MDITEST CPP - MDITEST documentation demo program
MDITEST H - Header file for MDITEST example program
MDITEST PRJ - Project file for MDITEST example program
MDITEST RC - Resource file for MDITEST documentation demo program
MLBXTTST CPP - Source file for MLBXTTST example program
MLBXTTST PRJ - Project file for MLBXTTST example program
NOTITEST CPP - Source file for NOTITEST example program
NOTITEST H - Header file for NOTITEST example program
NOTITEST PRJ - Project file for NOTITEST example program
NOTITEST RC - Resource file for NOTITEST example program
PALTEST CPP - PALTEST documentation demo program
PALTEST DLG - Dialog resource file for PALTEST example program
PALTEST H - Header file for PALTEST example program
PALTEST PRJ - Project file for PALTEST example program
PALTEST RC - Resource file for PALTEST example program
POPUP CPP - Source file for POPUP example program
POPUP PRJ - Project file for POPUP example program
POPUP RC - Resource file for POPUP example program
SBARTEST CPP - SBARTEST documentation demo program
SBARTEST PRJ - Project file for SBARTEST example program
SCRIBAPP CPP - Scribble application example program
SCRIBAPP PRJ - Project file for SCRIBAPP example program
SCROLAPP CPP - Scroller example program
SCROLAPP PRJ - Project file for SCROLAPP example program
STATTEST CPP - STATTEST documentation demo program
STATTEST PRJ - Project file for STATTEST example program
TRANTEST CPP - Example showing transfer of data from controls
TRANTEST H - Header file for TRANTEST example program
TRANTEST PRJ - Project file for TRANTEST example program
TRANTEST RC - Resources for TRANTEST example program
USECDLL CPP - Source file for USECDLL example program.
USECDLL H - Header file for USECDLL example program.
USECDLL PRJ - Project file for USECDLL example program
USECDLL RC - Resource file for USECDLL example program.
USECDLL2 CPP - Source file for USECDLL2 example program
USECDLL2 H - Header file for USECDLL2 example program
USECDLL2 PRJ - Project file for USECDLL2 example program
USECDLL2 RC - Resource file for USECDLL2 example program
VDLGAPP CPP - Dialog example program
VDLGAPP PRJ - Project file for VDLGAPP example program
VDLGAPP RC - Resources for dialog example program

BOARD BMP - File for OWL example program
BOARD2 BMP - File for OWL example program
CRITTER ICO - File for OWL example program
CRITTER2 ICO - File for OWL example programz
DEAD BMP - File for OWL example program
DEAD2 BMP - File for OWL example program
GAMEOVE2 BMP - File for OWL example program
GAMEOVER BMP - File for OWL example program
LIVE BMP - File for OWL example program
LIVE2 BMP - File for OWL example program
MALET CUR - File for OWL example program
MALET2 CUR - File for OWL example program
MALETDO2 CUR - File for OWL example program
MALETDOW CUR - File for OWL example program
SWAT CPP - File for OWL example program
SWAT H - File for OWL example program
SWAT PRJ - File for OWL example program
SWAT RC - File for OWL example program
SWAT2 RC - File for OWL example program



CLIOLE C - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE H - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLE RC - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLEER C - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLEER H - Windows 3.1 example file
CLIOLERC H - Windows 3.1 example file


COMPRESS EXE - Dos version of LZ compression utility
MCISTRWH HLP - Win 3.1 media control interface help file
PENAPIWH HLP - Win 3.1 pen api help file
SHED EXE - Program to manage HotSpots within Dialogs(MS)
SHED HLP - Helpfile for HotSpots within Dialogs(MS)
TOOLHELP DLL - Win 3.1 toolhelp file
WIN31MWH HLP - Win 3.1 multimedia help file

BIDSDBS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs
TCLASDBS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs

DIRECTRY CPP - Directory class example file
FILEDATA CPP - FileData class example file
LOOKUP CPP - Lookup table example file
LOOKUP PRJ - Project file for LOOKUP.CPP
QUEUETST CPP - Queue class example file
REVERSE CPP - String class example file
REVERSE PRJ - Project file for REVERSE.CPP
STRNGMAX CPP - String class example file
TESTDIR CPP - Directory example file

C0DC OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows DLL
C0WC OBJ - Compact model startup code - Windows EXE
CWC LIB - Compact model run-time library - Windows
MATHWC LIB - Compact model windows math library

DDECLI CPP - File for OWL example program
DDECLI H - File for OWL example program
DDECLI PRJ - File for OWL example program
DDECLI RC - File for OWL example program
DDECLIR H - File for OWL example program
DDESVR CPP - File for OWL example program
DDESVR H - File for OWL example program
DDESVR PRJ - File for OWL example program

DDECLNT C - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT DOC - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT H - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT ICO - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
DDECLNT RC - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR C - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR H - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR ICO - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
DDESRVR RC - Windows 3.1 example file

MFILEAPP CPP - MDI TFileWindow example program
MFILEAPP H - Header file for MFILEAPP example program
MFILEAPP PRJ - Project file for MFILEAPP example program
MFILEAPP RC - Resources for MFILEAPP example program

MLIB PAK - Medium model libraries

C0DM OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows DLL
C0WM OBJ - Medium model startup code - Windows EXE
CWM LIB - Medium model run-time library - Windows
MATHWM LIB - Medium model windows math library

DOCUMENT CPP - File for OWL example program
OBJECT CPP - File for OWL example program
OLESRVR CPP - File for OWL example program
OLESRVR H - File for OWL example program
OLESRVR PRJ - File for OWL example program
OLESRVR RC - File for OWL example program
SERVER CPP - File for OWL example program

BWCC-OWL DOC - BWCC classes documentation
OWL31 DOC - Windows 3.1 documentation for OWL
HELPME! DOC - List of helpful hints on common problems
OWL DOC - ObjectWindows documentation
OWLDLL DOC - ObjectWindows Dynamic Link Library documentation

RW CA2 - Split File of RW.PAK

BWCCAPI RW - Borland Custom Control API documentation
BWCCSTYL RW - Borland custom control style guidelines
CUSTCNTL RW - custom control api documentation
MANUAL RW - manual corrections



BIDSDLL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs
TCLASDLL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs

BIDSL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs
TCLASSL PRJ - Project file for building classlibs

CURSOR CPP - Cursor demo program
CURSOR H - Header file for cursor demo program
CURSOR ICO - Icon for cursor demo program
CURSOR PRJ - Project file for cursor demo program
CURSOR RC - Resource file for cursor demo program

OLECLNT CPP - File for OWL example program
OLECLNT H - File for OWL example program
OLECLNT PRJ - File for OWL example program
OLECLNT RC - File for OWL example program
OLECLNTE CPP - File for OWL example program
OLECLNTE H - File for OWL example program
OLECLNTR H - File for OWL example program

OWLPEN CPP - File for OWL example program
OWLPEN H - File for OWL example program
OWLPEN PRJ - File for OWL example program
OWLPEN RC - File for OWL example program

IDS H - File for OWL example program
MYCOMBO CPP - File for OWL example program
MYCOMBO H - File for OWL example program
PRINTER CPP - File for OWL example program
PRINTER H - File for OWL example program
RULER CPP - File for OWL example program
RULER PRJ - File for OWL example program
RULER RC - File for OWL example program

ELLIPSE CUR - Cursor for Paint example program
ELLIPSE ICO - Icon for Paint example program
FELLIPSE CUR - Cursor for Paint example program
FELLIPSE ICO - Icon for Paint example program
FILL CUR - Cursor for Paint example program
FILL ICO - Icon for Paint example program
FRECT CUR - Cursor for Paint example program
FRECT ICO - Icon for Paint example program
OWLPAINT ICO - Icon for Paint example program
PAINT CPP - Source file for Paint example program
PAINT PRJ - Project file for Paint example program
PAINT RC - Resource file for Paint example program
PEN CUR - Cursor for Paint example program
PEN ICO - Icon for Paint example program
RECT CUR - Cursor for Paint example program
RECT ICO - Icon for Paint example program

DDECLIEN CPP - Source of PROGTALK example program
DDECLIEN H - Header file for PROGTALK example program
PROGTALK CPP - Source of PROGTALK example program
PROGTALK H - Header file for PROGTALK example program
PROGTALK PRJ - Project file for PROGTALK example program
PROGTALK RC - Resource file for PROGTALK example program

RW CA1 -
LOADBWCC EXE - Loads bwcc.dll for custom apps
WORKED1 DLL - Menu editor
WORKED2 DLL - Icon, cursor, bitmap, and font editors
WORKED3 DLL - Dialog editor
WORKED4 DLL - Stringtable editor
WORKED5 DLL - Accelerator table editor
WORKHELP HLP - Help file
WORKLIB1 DLL - Resource compiler, resource data base
WORKLIB2 DLL - Custom controls
WORKSHOP EXE - Main program

OWLSCRN CPP - File for OWL example program
OWLSCRN DEF - File for OWL example program
OWLSCRN H - File for OWL example program
OWLSCRN PRJ - File for OWL example program
OWLSCRN RC - File for OWL example program
TSCRNSAV CPP - File for OWL example program
TSCRNSAV H - File for OWL example program

SHELLAPI CPP - File for OWL example program
SHELLAPI PRJ - File for OWL example program

SLIB PAK - Small model libraries

C0DS OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows DLL
C0WS OBJ - Small model startup code - Windows EXE
CWS LIB - Small model run-time library - Windows
MATHWS LIB - Small model windows math library

SOUNDER C - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER H - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER RC - Windows 3.1 example file
SOUNDER WAV - Windows 3.1 example file

HELPWIND CPP - HELPWIND implemenation for STEP1-STEP10 documentation demo
HELPWIND H - Header file for help system of STEP1-STEP10 documentation
demo program
STEP1 CPP - STEP1 documentation demo program
STEP1 PRJ - Project file for STEP1 example program
STEP10 CPP - step10 documentation demo program
STEP10 PRJ - Project file for STEP10 example program
STEP2 CPP - STEP2 documentation demo program
STEP2 PRJ - Project file for STEP2 example program
STEP3 CPP - STEP3 documentation demo program
STEP3 PRJ - Project file for STEP3 example program
STEP4 CPP - STEP4 documentation demo program
STEP4 PRJ - Project file for STEP4 example program
STEP5 CPP - STEP5 documentation demo program
STEP5 PRJ - Project file for STEP5 example program
STEP6 CPP - STEP6 documentation demo program
STEP6 PRJ - Project file for STEP6 example program
STEP7 CPP - STEP7 documentation demo program
STEP7 PRJ - Project file for STEP7 example program
STEP8 CPP - STEP8 documentation demo program
STEP8 PRJ - Project file for STEP8 example program
STEP9 CPP - STEP9 documentation demo program
STEP9 PRJ - Project file for STEP9 example program
STEPS DEF - Module definition file for STEPS example programs
STEPS H - Header file for STEPS example programs
STEPS RC - Resource file for STEPS example programs

SYSINFO CPP - Sysinfo demo program
SYSINFO H - Header file for sysinfo demo program
SYSINFO PRJ - Project file for sysinfo demo program
SYSINFO RC - Resource file for sysinfo demo program

BORTE FON - Font file for TCW.EXE
BRCWIN DLL - Temporary file for brcwin.dll
TCOLORCC DLL - Custom color control
TCW EXE - Turbo C++ for Windows
TEMC EXE - Turbo editor Macro Compiler

TCWHELP HLP - Turbo C++ help file for windows apps

BWCC LIB - Custom controls library file
CRTLDLL LIB - Import library for BC30RTL.DLL
FILES C - Source file for fies open configuration
FILES2 C - Source file for fies open configuration
IMPORT LIB - Windows imports library

BIDSS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs
TCLASSS PRJ - Project file for building classlibs

DRAGDROP CPP - File for OWL example program
DRAGDROP PRJ - File for OWL example program
DRAGDROP RC - File for OWL example program

LLIB PAK - Large model libraries

C0DL OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows DLL
C0WL OBJ - Large model startup code - Windows EXE
CWL LIB - Large model run-time library - Windows
MATHWL LIB - Large model windows math library

OWLHELP CPP - File for OWL example program
OWLHELP H - File for OWL example program
OWLHELP HLP - File for OWL example program
OWLHELP HPJ - File for OWL example program
OWLHELP PRJ - File for OWL example program
OWLHELP RC - File for OWL example program
OWLHELP RTF - File for OWL example program
OWLHELPM H - File for OWL example program
OWLHELPR H - File for OWL example program

RW CA3 - Split File of RW.PAK

SOUNDPLY CPP - File for OWL example program
SOUNDPLY H - File for OWL example program
SOUNDPLY PRJ - File for OWL example program
SOUNDPLY RC - File for OWL example program
SOUNDPLY WAV - File for OWL example program

TDDEMO C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
TDDEMO EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
TDDEMO PRJ - Makefile to Build Sample TDDEMO.C Program
TDDEMOB C - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
TDDEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
TDDEMOB PRJ - Makefile to Build Sample TDDEMOB.C Program
TDODEMO CPP - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
TDODEMO DEF - Definition file used to Build TDODEMO.CPP Program
TDODEMO EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
TDODEMO H - Header file used to Build Sample TDODEMO Programs
TDODEMO ICO - Icon file used to attached to Sample TDODEMO Programs
TDODEMO PRJ - Makefile to Build Sample TDODEMO.CPP Program
TDODEMO RC - Resource file used to Build TDODEMO.CPP Programs
TDODEMOB CPP - C Program to Demonstrate Debugger Features of TDW
TDODEMOB EXE - Executable file For C Program to run in TDW
TDODEMOB H - Header file used to Build Sample TDODEMOB.CPP Program
TDODEMOB PRJ - Makefile to Build Sample TDODEMOB.CPP Program

TRUETYPE C - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE DLG - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE H - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE ICO - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
TRUETYPE RC - Windows 3.1 example file

FONT DLG - File for OWL example program
TTFONT CPP - File for OWL example program
TTFONT H - File for OWL example program
TTFONT ICO - File for OWL example program
TTFONT PRJ - File for OWL example program
TTFONT RC - File for OWL example program

Program to process Winspctr's log files
HC31 ERR -
Win 3.1 help compiler error list
HC31 EXE -
Win 3.1 help compiler
Batch file to call Win 3.1 help compiler
Utility to convert windows LIB files to DEF files
Windows 3.1 help file program
Program to catch and record UAE's and GP faults within
WINSPCTR HLP - Winspector help file
WINSTUB EXE - Windows stub program

WIN31BIN CA2 - Split File of WIN31BIN.PAK

MARS DLL - Pen windows character recognition dll
MARS MOB - Pen windows character recognition file
DIB DRV - device independent bitmap driver
EXPAND EXE - LZ technology expansion program
MSMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows)
PENWIN DLL - pen windows dll
PENWIN INI - Pen Windows configuration file
REGLOAD EXE - registration database support
STRESS DLL - stress testing dll
VGAP DRV - VGA driver(pen windows)
YESMOUSE DRV - mouse driver(pen windows)

DUAL8514 DLL - Super VGA support for TDW & TCW with 8514 video card
TDVESA DLL - Super VGA support for TDW & TCW with VESA video card
Super VGA support for TDW & TCW with STB video card
Program to test for VESA video card
Borland .MAP to .SYM program
Borland .EXE to .MAP program
Borland .EXE to .SYM program
Super VGA support for TDW & TCW with ATI video card
Borlands run-time library DLL for Windows
Borland help icon
Ansii to Ascii conversion utility
Program to create a program group
ObjectWindows DLL
Patch program
Patch file for EMM386
Borlands class browser for window apps
Library file for C++ classes
DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows
Super VGA support for TDW & TCW with TSENG based video
ULTRA DLL - Super VGA support for TDW & TCW with ULTRA video card

TCLASDBL LIB - Library file for C++ classes
TCLASDBS LIB - Library file for C++ classes
TCLASDLL LIB - Library file for C++ classes
TCLASSL LIB - Library file for C++ classes
TCLASSS LIB - Library file for C++ classes

CMDLGAP CPP - File for OWL example program
CMDLGAP H - File for OWL example program
CMDLGAP PRJ - File for OWL example program
CMDLGAP RC - File for OWL example program
CMDLGAPR H - File for OWL example program

TDDEBUG 386 - Device driver for 80386/80486 processors
TDSTRIP EXE - Utillity to strip debug information from .EXE files
TDUMP EXE - Dumps debug info from .EXE/.OBJ files
TDW EXE - Turbo Debugger for Windows
TDWHELP TDH - Turbo Debugger help file
TDWINST EXE - Turbo Debugger installation program

DRAGDROP C - Windows 3.1 example file
DRAGDROP DEF - Windows 3.1 example file
DRAGDROP PRJ - Windows 3.1 example file
DRAGDROP RC - Windows 3.1 example file

OWL DEF - Module definition file for ObjectWindows programs
OWL LIB - Import library for ObjectWindows DLL
OWLDLL DEF - Module definition file for creating ObjectWindows DLL
OWLWL LIB - Large model ObjectWindows library
OWLWM LIB - Medium model ObjectWindows library
OWLWS LIB - Small model ObjectWindows library

TCREM EXE - Installation deleter

TCW CA2 - Split File of TCW.PAK
TTT CPP - Source file for TTT example program
TTT H - Header file for TTT example program
TTT ICO - Icon for TTT example program
TTT PRJ - Project file for TTT example program
TTT RC - Resource file for TTT example program

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