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Lesson Title: The Recess Queen (Bullying/Characters)

Name: Amber Monasterio

I. Readiness

K.RL.1: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
K.W.3.1: Use words and pictures to provide logical reasons for suggesting that others
follow a particular course of action.


In this lesson students will learn how to describe characters from a book.


After reading The Recess Queen, students will tell the class about one way to prevent
Given a graphic organizer, students will be able to draw a picture of one of the characters
Given a graphic organizer, students will be able to write three characteristics that describe
one of the characters in the book.
Language Objective: given time for discussion with peers, students will identify emotions
and describe characteristics of a character from a book


Students will be seated at their assigned spots on the carpet during lesson presentation.
There description words will be placed on their carpet spots before the lesson begins.
Teacher will be in a chair in front of the students.
Students worksheets will be on their desk before the lesson begins.
Students will be seated in their assigned desks during independent practice
Teacher will be monitoring students work and providing assistance when needed.
Students will have the ability to earn a doe joe for following instruction; the teacher may
also take away a doe joe if needed. (announce this to students at the beginning of the
Class may earn a puffball in their jar for good behavior, with the goal of filling the jar for
a reward at the end of the year. (announce this to students at the beginning of the lesson)
Students will raise their hand when they want to answer a question. Teacher will call on a
variety of different students.


Anticipatory Set- 5 minutes

Purpose- 2 minutes
Lesson Presentation- 5 minutes

Guided Practice- 5 minutes

Closure- 3 minutes
Independent Practice- 10 minutes


Describing words for each student

Poster Paper / Marker
The Recess Queen By: Alexis ONeil
Puffballs and Jar

Anticipatory Set:

Have students sit at their seat on the carpet. Their description word should be
placed on their spot with their name on it. Please take a seat in your assigned spot on
the carpet. There should be a card with your name on it in your spot. Take your card and
hold it silently in your lap. If someone elses card is in your spot, raise your hand to let
me know. On the other side of your card will be a word that describes a characteristic
about you. I am going to call on each of you to hold up your card for me to read to the
class. I will read the word and tell everyone why I have described you with that one


Today we are going to be learning about different characters in a book. We are going to
describe the characters in the book using our descriptive words like the ones on your
cards. Descriptive words help us understand what kind of person someone is and how
they act. If we are able to describe the characters in this book, then we will understand
why they do the things they do.

II. Instruction
Lesson Presentation:

The teacher will read The Recess Queen to the class. Students will be in their
assigned seats on the rug. Once the story is finished, the teacher will ask questions
about the story so that students will understand the theme or moral.
o What type of person was Mean Jean in this story?
o What type of person was Katie Sue?
o What do you think the problem was in the story?
o What happened at the end of the story?
o What do you think this story is trying to teach us?

Guided Practice:

Review describing vocabulary words and characteristic vocabulary words. Review 3

of the describing words on the board. (caring, selfish, and helpful) Place the picture
of that descriptive word beneath the word on the board. Next, create a poster

describing one of the characters together. Draw pictures to illustrate each

characteristic. Can someone tell me the name of one of the characters in this book?
Write down the name of the first character on the poster. Can someone tell me the
other characters name? Write down the name of the second character on the poster.
Write down one descriptive word about Katie Sue on the poster, and explain what
that descriptive word means. Can someone tell me another descriptive word that
describes Katie Sue? Call on students and brainstorm describing words that describe
Katie Sue. Write down the different describing words on the poster board, and
discuss what each of the words mean. Guide students to the correct answer if they
are struggling to come up with descriptive words. Next, discuss other possible
descriptive words to describe someone who is different than Katie Sue. Write down
three additional descriptive words discussed with the class so they have a variety of
descriptive words that they have reviewed.

Ask students if they can explain the purpose of the lesson they just learned.
Think, Pair, & Share: Have students turn to their partner on the carpet to come up
with one idea about how to prevent bullying. Call on a few students to share their
ideas. Can someone tell me how they would feel if they were being bullied? How about if
someone was being nice to you and wanted to play with you? What are some of the
characteristics of a bully and some characteristics of a friend? Can someone tell me
the type of person Mean Jean was? Can someone tell me the type of person Katie Sue
was? Can someone tell me if Mean Jean changed by the end of the story? If so, why?
Lets try to keep bullying out of our classroom and continue to have great days ahead of
us! It is important that we are respectful of each other and never tease or make fun of one
Teacher will assess students understanding of characteristics when listening to their
think, pair, & share discussions.

Independent Practice/Extending the Learning:

Now that we have learned about describing characters, I am going to see if you are able
to describe the other character on your own- Mean Jean. When I dismiss you, you will go
grab a paper of your choice to your seat. When you get to your desk get out a pencil and
write your name on your paper. You will then write down three describing words that
describe Mean Jean. What was she like and how did she act? Do your best to sound out
the words on your own, but if you need help spelling a describing word then you may
raise your hand and we can sound it out together. Once you are done writing three
describing words you can then start to draw a picture of Mean Jean. If you have
questions you may raise your hand. Ask for questions. If there are no questions,
dismiss students by row on carpet. Walk around the room and monitor the students
work. Answer questions about directions if needed.


Enrichment- Tell these students to write more than three describing words or one of their
own describing words that is not already on the poster.
English Language Learners:
o Review of descriptive vocabulary words will be written on the board with a
picture to demonstrate what each word means
o Teacher will draw pictures or images to demonstrate the characteristics generated
from the students during guided practice
o Think, Pair, Share will provide an opportunity for students to discuss
characteristics and practice their language skills.
o Allow students to choose which graphic organizer they would like to record their
picture and characteristics
o If needed, re-explain directions to student and concepts before independent
Remediation- Go directly to those students and explain the concept again. You may need
to rephrase the instructions.

III. Evaluation
Self-Answer Questions
1. How many students achieved the objective? For those that did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. How could I better address the needs of diverse students (ACEI standard 3.2)?
7. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Garners Multiple Intelligences
8. What strategies have I included that are designed to encourage elementary students
development of critical thinking and problem solving (ACEI standard 3.3)?
9. Does each child grasp the concept of describing characters?
10. Did I phrase my questions in a way the students could easily understand?
11. Were the students excited about the story? Did they understand the moral?
Formative Assessment:

Asking for characteristics about the two characters.

Asking questions after the read aloud.

Assessing the think, pair, & share discussions.

Summative Assessment:

The graphic organizer will be graded based upon whether the student was able to
successfully draw one of the characters and name three characteristics. Rubric is

Character Description Rubric

3. Excellent


o Drew a picture
of a character
in a scene
from the book
o Wrote at least

2. Good
o Drew only a
character or a

1. Needs
o Did not draw a
picture of a

o Wrote at least
1 or 2

o Did not write


+1 extra credit point if they write more than three characteristics.

Total: 6 points

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