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Martha Graham afirma: Dansul reprezinta cantecul trupului,

fie cel de bucurie, fie cel de tristete.

Dansul pentru mine inseamna libertate, un mod prin care ies din rutina zilnica,
e precum un drog, odata ce devii dependent de el nu mai vrei sa te eliberezi.
Este o arta vie, spre deosebire de pictura care este o arta moarta. Instrumentul
dansatorului este el insusi, corpul sau are rolul principal si nu se rezuma la
simple miscari in acordurile muzicii, inseamna traire, exprimarea sentimentelor
sau explorarea lor, este pur si simplu o forma de eliberare.
De cate ori dansez simt ca scriu o poveste noua, o noua pagina in carte vietii m
fiecare dans e diferit, corpul meu se modeleaza pe ritmul muzicii, in functie de
mea de spirit din acel moment.
Este arta prin care vorbesc eu, ma exprim. Asta s-a intamplat dupa multe ore de
in care am pus multa pasiune. Acum se intampla ca atunci cand aud primele note a
le unei
melodii sa simt ca corpul meu, pasii mei se misca singuri, creeaza propria coreg
tensiunile, grijile dispar.
Am inceput cursurile de dans intr-o vacanta de vara, pentru ca aveam prea mult t
imp liber,
aveam nevoie atunci de o activitate. Dupa prima lectie mi s-a parut cumplit de
greu si am
vrut sa renunt. Bine ca nu am facut-o! Nu mi-am inchipuit ca primii bani casti
gati vor fi din dans,
Am participat la o sarbatoare in orasul meu, impreuna cu colegii mei si am fost
Lucrul acesta a reprezentat o satisfactie pentru mine, dar cel mai mult m-a imp
entuziasmul oamenilor care ne priveau.
Dansul este o activitate foarte relaxanta, o pasiune pentru trup si suflet, este
un hobby
care imi aduce multe momente minunate. Simt ca zbor atunci cand dansez, atunci
nu exista limite, traiesc!

Martha Graham says: Dance is song of our body, either the joy or the sadness.
Dancing for me is freedom, a way out of the daily routine, it's like a drug,
once you become addicted to it do not want to free yourself. It is a living art,
unlike painting is a dead art. Tool dancer is himself, his body has the lead
role and is not limited to simple movements in music arrangements, means living
or exploring their feelings, is simply a form of liberation.
Whenever I dance I feel like writing a new story, a new page in the book of my l
every dance is different, my body is modeled on the music, depending on my mood
the time. It is art through I speak, I express myself. That happened after many
of work, we put a lot of passion. Now it happens that when they hear the first
of a song to feel like my body, my feet move themselves, create their own chore
tensions, worries disappear.
I started dance classes in a summer holiday, because I had too much free time an
d I needed

an activity. After the first lesson seemed terribly hard and I wanted to quit.
Good thing I didn t! I never imagined that the first money earned will be dancing,
I attended a celebration in my city, along with my classmates and I were paid.
This has been a satisfaction for me, but I was most impressed by the enthusiasm
of people who were watching us.
Dance is a very relaxing activity, a passion for body and soul, is a hobby that
me many wonderful moments. I feel like one when you dance, then there are no lim
its, I live!

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