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Beautiful Endangered Species that need our help.

Mountain Gorilla population is declining due to hunting, habitat destruction, and

disease More than 100,000 people live in the areas where the mountain gorillas
were found. Scientists estimated theyre 600 of these gorillas left. Mountain
gorillas have two groups that live in National Parks, one of the group is located in
the Virunga Mountains, Rwanda and Uganda. The other group is located in
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda.

Mountain Gorilla- Gorilla beringei beringei

Only about 30 thousand of the Howells Spectacular

Thelypody remain today but drops annually due to
unnecessary grass mowing. They are all located in
Oregons northeast. Researchers states that
Thelypody seem to thrive on sites that is moist and
high spring. It grows to approx. 60 cm also with

branches arising from near the base and

arrowhead shaped leaves. The reasons they are
declining is habitat loss due to urban and
agricultural development, habitat degradation,
consumption by livestock, mowing, and
competition with other plants.
Howell's Spectacular Thelypody-Thelypodium howellii

Chinese giant salamander-Andrias


The largest salamander in the

world is critically endangered due
to human consumption. Theyre
considered to be both a luxury
food item as well as an important
source of traditional medicines in
China. Over-exploitation for food,
habitat loss, water pollution, and
interbreeding with escaped
farmed salamanders are causing
the extinction of these
amphibians. They live in cool,
streams and mountain lakes.

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