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Kavita Singh

Case Study on
Ana Rohlfs

By Kavita Singh
Ana Rohlfs is a very active girl. She is sensitive and loving. Ana attends
Maybury childcare, a facility that is owned by her grandma and directed by her mother

Kavita Singh
Dani Rohlfs. I chose to observe Ana for my case study because she is the directors
Ana was born March 22nd 2011. Dani had Hellp Syndrome during the last
trimester of her pregnancy with Ana. Hellp Syndrome is a life threatening obstetric
complication that led to Dani having an emergency caesarean. There were no
complications after the birth. Ana lives with her Mother, Father and baby brother
Graham. She is the oldest sibling in the household. She also has local maternal and
paternal grandparents that she spends a good amount of time with. Ana attends the
childcare facility full time and is typical in development. She has been attending
Maybury since she was three months old. She is currently in the toddler two class.
Cognitive: Ana has excellent cognitive skills. She has concept of time, for
example, she knows what it means when she is told that she can play with the blocks
after lunch. Ana also understands relationships between objects. While playing with
sorting toys she is able to match items of the same shape or color. While observing Ana
I have noticed that her play has become more complex. She is slowly starting to
sequence playing with toys. She will get the barn and put it on the table, she will then
get the farm animals and soft toys from a different area to play with in the farm. In a few
years she will be able to sequence her daily routine getting up in the morning, taking a
bath and going to bed. Ana knows names of many colors and is able to identify them
when asked. She is able to point to objects when asked where it is. She is also keen to
play make believe. She likes to play mommy with the dolls.
Social Emotional: Ana is progressing wonderfully in her social and emotional
development. She has a great relationship with all the children in the class. Ana is also

Kavita Singh
able to put on and take her coat, hat and gloves on and off independently. This was
observed when she was getting ready for outside time and when she comes in from
outside time. Ana imitates the behavior of adults. She visits the infant room to see her
brother sometimes and she imitates her mothers behavior with her brother. Ana is also
aware of other peoples feelings. She tries to comfort children that are crying frequently.
Ana is fond of dancing; her favorite part in circle is when the teachers call out each
students name to dance while everyone chants their name. Ana jumps and dances all
over the room.
Physical: Ana is able and has the know how to walk around objects rather than
stepping over them. Ana is currently going through toilet training and has been
successful. Her mother has asked the teachers to listen for her asking to go to the
bathroom. Ana is able to turn doorknobs now and always tries to open the class door
and is always unsuccessful (there are child safety locks on the door knobs). When
outdoors Anas favorite things to do are play in the sand box and play basketball. She is
very active in the sand box and is always careful to not get taken out for misbehaving.
Whilst playing basketball she always gets one of the other children to join her. She also
loves riding the cars, she chases and like being chased by the other children on the
riding toys. Ana is fully capable of running around and joining in on all the outdoor
activities and indoor physical activities.
Language and Literacy: Ana has exceptional language and literacy skills for her
age. During reading time, Ana attentively listens to the stories/books. She is also one
of the first to answer questions on the books. Ana is fluent in her ABCs and numbers to
10. She recognizes the letters and numbers. When numbers or letters are pointed out

Kavita Singh
she can name them and she can also point out numbers and letters when asked. Ana
mostly understands instructions given to her by the teachers. Anas pronunciation of
words is a lot clearer than her classmates and she can make sentences in a clearer way
than other peers. Ana likes specific nursery rhymes and songs that she would like to
have sung during circle. Each child is given the option to pick one. She always picks
Itsy Bitsy Spider or Baby Bumble Bee. She is singing the loudest during her songs.
Ana is also quick to learn new words. She repeats what the teachers say and uses the
Conclusion and Summary: Ana is a bright asset to her class. She is friendly and
loves playing with her friends. As an older sister she does not show any signs of
jealousy and loves her brother. Ana has met all her key development indicators. Her
cognitive skills will exceed with continuous learning of sorting and learning cause and
effect. Ana is incredibly active for a two year old. This will help in muscle development
and growth. Social emotional development is ongoing, she still has separation anxiety,
but that is slowly going away since I have been observing her. She is more aware of
herself and I think this is a great milestone to have reached. Ana excels in language
and literacy, I think being at the childcare facility since she was three months old has
helped her learn and also her mother being the director has given her some
homeschooling. Continuing with vocabulary building and encouraging sentence making
will help her build on her development. Overall I feel that Ana is developing normally for
her age if not excelling.

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