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7 ~ Sri Lanka Tourist Attractions RI L AN A - L K ay Ceylon Tea Sit Lanka Tourism 1 Gale nd Cob 1 Saka esse Sri Lanka | ‘Tea (Camelia ices, «native of China) Refreshing PRIN eect Cony he hn the world ith experimental plantings in Peradeniya Bornicl The colous aroma, flavour and “mouth thei hand dart over the bushes, picking the feel” of tea depend on the altitude tender tps and dhowing them int te lage ‘ab tchich tes grote, cs well Goa Tuskers or plastic sacks carted om their backs The newly picked leaves are then cst to processing and grading. factories or processing Saale (nt the hl mi senting in) sho nlc the b : i flavour and quality, a8 the visitor ean discover oe se indcon the pe wich pds he " : 7 famous Ceylon Teal. The newly picked leaves The Tea County vinaly psoo are withered fora few hours, then rll orlese the Hill Counarya glorious verdant swathe of hills and ‘mountains sex slghy souh of he islands centre the ces and le for about tre hous, the bight pestle oxidising and rang coppey brown Thelenes then rod ns hoichmber emerging Teer ren les are covered with neal pruned buses which come right down othe roadside, einer ea eg ln ions tgs, depending onthe sof th paces, ‘Women, draped in vivid saris resemble butefies as

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