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Rebuke and Retribution

Superintendent: Sis Dawn Williams
The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Praise & Worship.Team 3
Hymn of Praise....Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.........#12
Intercessory Prayer .....................................Earl Biggs
Nominating Committee, New Members; Gulf States, KentuckyTennessee Conference
Next Week

Nominating Committee, New Members, South Atlantic Conference

Elder Teresa Ferreira

Childrens Story......Simone Shepherd

Offering..Canadian Native MinistriesElder Gene Bernardo
Scripture....Luke 12:16-21....................Rico Gultom
Special Music.............................................. .Mens Group

Dr. Nilton Amorin

From the Transient to the Eternal
Hymn of Consecration. Until Then...#632
Benediction...........Elder Clara Baptiste

Sunset Today: 6:20 p.m. Next Friday: 5:12 p.m.

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to

As Daylight Savings Time ends, please

be sure to turn your clocks/watches back
one hour before you go to
bed for the evening.




8. Womens Ministry breakfast will resume this

Sunday, November 1 at 9 a.m. sharp.

1. Inviting ALL to an Hour of Power, Bible

Studies and testimonies every Wednesday
night at 7:00 p.m.
2. Youth Bible Study Group for youth
ages 15 - 25+ continues every at
Thursday 7 pm @ 785 Nadine
Avenue (Ferreiras home). All are
invited; bring your friends to grow in knowing Christ.
3. Following the potluck lunch today, at 2:00
p.m. everyone is invited to hear Pastor
Amorim's presentation entitled "The Delay
of Christ's Coming.
4. Adventurers Club Meeting today starting at 4:00
p.m. After the club meeting children will be rehearsing for the
Christmas Concert at Westmount Gardens long term care in
December. Parents please pick up your children at 6:00 p.m.
this Sabbath and after future club meetings leading up to the
5. Early Teens Bible Study Group for youth
ages 11-14 meets Tuesday at 7 pm @ 910
Bluegrass Dr. London, N6H 5X3 (George &
Anna Perez home). Teens are using the
Amazing Facts curriculum Most Important
Questions. Free books are gifted to every participant. Parents are
welcome, as you give a ride, to come and fellowship.
6. Pathfinders are participating in the
Induction service today at the North
London Church, at 800 Fleet Street.
Regular Club meeting is tomorrow morning
10 am.
7. The ABC Book mobile will be at the
London Church on Thursday, November
12th between 8:00-9:00 p.m. Please call
1800-765-6955 to place an order no
later than two days prior to the scheduled date.

9. Revival and the Second

Coming of Jesus
Week of Prayer 7 pm @
the Church Sunday, November 8 - I
Knew You Were Coming
Kirmane Allen
Monday, November 9 - You Alone are Worthy Teresa Ferreira
Tuesday, November 10 - How then shall we wait? Cameron Munro
Wednesday, November 11 - Your Sons and Daughters will prophesy
-Clara Baptiste & Simone Biggs
Thursday, November 12 - Christ in You the Hope of Glory - Bob
Friday, November 13 - Greatest Terror - Greatest Hope - Gene
Bernardo & pastor Alex
If you would like to host at your home, please invite friends and
neighbours and join millions of Adventists in praying for the soon
Coming of Jesus.
10. The Living Truth congregation,
meeting at the Oakridge
Presbyterian Church, 970 Oxford St.
West. Will be hosting evangelistic
series with pastor Alex Golovenko.
Meetings begin 7 pm.
Millennial Fever, end-time
(November 7 opening Sabbath
Gods Game Plan, Biblical outline of Salvation Strategy
(November 8, Sunday)
Spiritual Warfare tactics (November 10, Tuesday)
Worship Wars, why belief in Creation matters
(November 11, Wednesday)
Three Angels Message, the Remnant and its Mission
(November 14, Saturday)
Glorious Appearing, Hastening the New beginning (November
15, Sunday)
Invite your friends and family for a week of Biblical Apologetics.
Invitational flyers are available.

11. Spoken Word & Open Mic Night: North London church invites
you to an evening of worship; 6pm on November 7th at 800
Fleet Street. Poets, artists, musicians, and singers are all
invited to express their love of God through their talents. If
you would like to participate please contact Sis. Kemi Ola
at or 226-700-0243.
12. Pastors Liz & Orlando Pule from
Ottawa will be here in London on
November 21, celebrating Cultural
Diversity Sabbath with us. The
Parade of Nations is planned for 11
am, and the Multicultural Music and
Food fair at 6 pm will be hosted at
the Glen Cairn Elementary School at
53 Frontenac Road, London. Our church facility will be closed
as the Sabbath School and worship hour will take place at
Glen Cairn School. Plan to invite friends, family, community
members. Bring your best ethnic food, wear your ethnic
garb, REPRESENT! We are a great multitude that no one
could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language,
standing before Gods throne!
10. Mission trip to Nicaragua plans are
changed and the trip duration
shortened from February 1 to16, 2016.
The cost, including airfare tickets from
London to Managua, food on site, local
transportation costs, and donation for mission, is $2500 Canadian per
person. Construction work is planned. If you are interested, please sign
up at the announcement board, or speak with pastor Alex.
11. December 5 our church will be closed as we
will join the Living Truth Seventh-day Adventist
Congregation in celebration of their official
recognition. On that day the Company status will
be given to our church plant by the sisterhood of
churches in Ontario. The Sabbath School and Worship Celebration will
take place at 970 Oxford St. West, London at the Oakridge
Presbyterian Church.

Birthday Wishes for Oct 10-Nov 7

Oct 10 Santiago Perez
Oct 11 Natalia Bartosz
Oct 11 Shaquille Sealy
Oct 14 Dennis Plyley
Oct 17 Clayton Roemer
Oct 18 Max Mantiri

Oct18Kirmane Allen Jr.

Oct 24 Ernie Eccles
Oct 25 Susan Stevens
Oct 27 Jana Topper
Oct 28 Etta Eccles
Oct 30 Nyamouch Rial

Oct 31 Jason McQuire

Nov 1 Raul Anzora Jr.
Nov 2 Justin Dowdell
Nov 3 Sandra Dicker
Nov 7 Connie Wilbee

Countercultural Evangeliving

This whole week kids in public schools experienced saturation with

Halloween culture in classrooms. Even in Catholic schools teachers would greet
kids with Halloweek. Today, on October 31st millions of people, young and old
dress up to participate in a festival that is demonic. Young children are drawn in
with sweets and trick-o-treating; older folks have more concealed parties.
This tradition is cultural, and perpetuated by the anglo-saxon culture as it
originated from Celtic Druids Samhain feast. Irish and Scottish immigrants
introduced it to the North America, and since 1844 it has become a national
festival. Yet as English and American culture dominates global trends, it is
spreading over the globe, and as church tolerates, or even accepts it, the
dangers of spiritism go unnoticed. Back in the 9th century pope Gregory IV
moved the All Saints Day from May 13 to November 1 to accommodate this
popular trend.
Even within our church, the Seventh-day Adventist movement, with our
commitment to be faithful to the Bible, there are some families who either out of
ignorance, or conforming to the external pressure of the culture, permit their
children to participate in the fun activities, or even decorate their abodes for the
occasion. Leviticus 20:6 makes it very clear that practices derived from the
occult have no place among Gods people. God says that those who flirt
(stronger words is used in KJV) with spiritism, those who dabble in the occult,
will be cut off from Gods people, are rejected by God, and God will set His face
against such.
We live in the world that denies existence of personal evil, demons, devil,
and think that this is just a fun game. Yet it is contrary to the Bible, where
existence of personal satan and demons is revealed for us to be aware of.
Numerous warnings were given not to participate in occult. In the Law
Halloween is classified as abomination! (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) in the words
of Ellen White There are many who shrink with horror from the thought of
consulting spirit mediums, but who are attracted by more pleasing forms of
Spiritism. (Evangelism, p. 606) Beware!
The Christian mission has been always to overcome, to conquer the culture
of this world, the prince of this world, and in this way we are to be different,
peculiar. It is precisely on this day, October 31, that Martin Luther nailed his 95
thesis of protest to the Church doors in Wittenberg, Germany, protesting worldly
corruption of the church. We must remember our protestant heritage. God is
reforming his church in every generation, calling his faithful people to come out of
the culture, to step out of Babylon of spiritual confusion, not to conform, but to
be transformed. Set your mind on the Word of God. Read the book of Romans
with the family tonight, and reflect on the teachings that stirred Luther to preach
righteousness by faith 5000 years ago.
Every festival has a purpose to communicate certain values. Biblical festivals
communicated the Plan of Salvation, Sabbath communicates our faith in Creator and
our worship to the One Who Created. This is the First Angels message to worship
God on His terms. The Second Angel calls out to step out of the worldly cultural
ways. And the Third Angel calls not to participate, and warns that any participation
will be punished, rejected by God. (Revelation 14:6-12). The Three Angels Message
has been our Mission and the purpose for our existence as a movement. Train your
children to know Gods purpose, and not to be deceived by this world.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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