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(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 1 (Individual)

Listen to the audio and complete the dialogue with the missing

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 1 (Individual)

Listen to the audio and complete the dialogue with the missing

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 2 (Individual)

Choose 1 word from each pair of words in the box. Write it in the
Bingo box in any order. Use each word only once. When all 8 of your
words are chosen say BINGO!

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 2 (Individual)

Choose 1 word from each pair of words in the box. Write it in the
Bingo box in any order. Use each word only once. When all 8 of your
words are chosen say BINGO!

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 3 (Groups of 4)

Two pairs will compete. Each pair needs 1 marker.

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 4 (Groups of 2)

Write 3 information questions to add to the list below.
What else do you want to know about where your partner lives?

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 4 (Groups of 2)
Write 3 information questions to add to the list below.
What else do you want to know about where your partner lives?

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 5 (Groups of 2)

Read the lines, paying attention to the stress and pronunciation of the nouns, adverbs
and adjectives in the song. Alternate sentences to create your song.

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 5 (Groups of 2)

Read the lines, paying attention to the stress and pronunciation of the
nouns, adverbs and adjectives in the song. Alternate sentences to create
your song.

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 6 (Groups of 3)

Give 4 questions to each student. Ask the questions to each student and
ask for reasons for their answer. Write the total number of people in the boxes below
for each category.

(E4) UNIT C2: Activity 6 (Groups of 3)
Give 4 questions to each student. Ask the questions to each student and
ask for reasons for their answer. Write the total number of people in the
boxes below for each category.

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