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What does the term White Australia mean?

A period of Australian history in which official and unofficial policy

favoured British immigrants

The Chinese Immigration Act of 1855 sought to:

Limit the number of Chinese passengers on a vessel coming to Australia

to one for every ten tons

The Pacific Island Labourers Act 1884 was passed to:

Limit and categorise the number of Pacific Islanders allowed into

Australia because they threatened the local workforce, as they worked
so cheaply
The Dictation Test for prospective immigrants into Australia was
administered 805 times in 190203 with 46 people passing, and
554 times in 19041909 with 6 people passing. After 1909, and
until 1958, nobody passed it. Why was this?
It was administered in a language in which the prospective immigrant
had no chance of passing

Why was the Dictation Test applied to prospective immigrants

as part of the White Australia policy?
Overt discrimination against Asian and some European migrants
appeared racist, so the Dictation Test was administered in the name of
seeking literate migrants

Attitudes to the immigration of people from Southern Europe

improved after World War II because:

There was an extreme labour shortage in the booming post-war


The 1958 Migration Act stated what?

Introduced a simpler system of entry permits and abolished the

dictation test

The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 provides:

That racial discrimination is unlawful whenever it impairs a persons

enjoyment of his or her human rights and fundamental freedoms

Multiculturalism in present-day Australia can be defined as:

A policy which accepts and respects the right of all Australians to
express and share their individual cultural heritage within an overriding
commitment to Australia and to the basic structures and values of
Australian democracy
The Commonwealth Racial Hatred Act 1995:
Aims to strike a balance between two valued rights: the right to
communicate freely and the right to live free from racial vilification
The definition of an asylum seeker is:
A person who has left his or her country of origin and has applied for
refugee status in another country, and whose application is still pending
Which of the following is the only Western country that puts its
asylum seekers into mandatory detention who arrive in the
country without valid documentation?

Which one of these countries does not have a Bill of Rights to

enshrine human rights into the law of the country?

The Migrant Amendment Act 2001 was introduced to:

Make it more difficult for asylum seekers to seek asylum in Australia

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