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Name: Laura Moya-Mendez

Lesson #: 1

Lesson Title: Entrepreneur (Jobs I Can Do)

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Economics

Standard and
Objective (1)
Revised Blooms
level of
thinking/type of
knowledge (1)
Objective (2)
Rationale (1)
Knowledge and
Skills (1)
Key Terms and
Vocabulary (1)

students for the
lesson) (2)
Objective as
stated for
students (helps
students set their
own goals for the
lesson) (1)
Teacher Input
(provides the
content to
students in a
manner) (3)

Topic: Entrepreneurship

3.E.2 Understand entrepreneurship in a market economy.

3.E.2.2 Give examples of entrepreneurship in various regions of our state.
Synthesis: Students will be using the idea of an entrepreneur to create their own
business to be an entrepreneur themselves. They will be designing their own job.
Comprehension: Students will be understanding, summarizing, demonstrating, and
discussing throughout the lesson.
Independently, students will create a flier selling a job they can do and must have it
completed and be able to explain their job.
This material is being taught in order to get students to understand that there are
entrepreneurs all around them.
Students can be entrepreneurs themselves, and they should know how to survive in a
market economy.
Students need to understand what a good and service are. Students should also
understand what customers are and how these two go together. Students should also
have an idea of what an entrepreneur is.
Content and Strategies
Instructional Strategies
How many of you know what an entrepreneur is? Can
someone give tell me what they think this is? Can
someone give an example? Students and teacher will
discuss what an entrepreneur is and students will give
examples. Teacher will clear up any confusion on this
topic if students are unclear.
Today we will learn about jobs you can do to become your own entrepreneur and by the
end of the lesson you will create a flier showing off what you think your best job is and

Okay class, I am trying to think of some jobs I can do

as an entrepreneur. Im thinking of what goods or
services I have to offer, so I can be an entrepreneur.
Teacher lists ideas on the board. Examples include:
Baking cookies to sell at bake sale, teaching ideas to
students for pay, and buy groceries for old people that
cant themselves. I think what I would be best at is
buying groceries for old people that cant themselves.
What do you think my good or service would be?
Students will answer what they think. A good answer
would be buying groceries for old people. Who would
Revised for spring, 2012


be my consumer or customer? Students will answer

what they think. A good answer would be old people.
Teacher will then bullet point ideas for a flier to
advertise buying groceries for old people that cannot.
Okay class, lets try to think of some goods or services
we can offer together!
If students do not understand goods and services to be an
entrepreneur, the teacher would go into a more detailed
review of these terms and giving more examples of each.
Guided Practice
What are some examples of things you can do by
Modeling and aiding
yourself to make money? Lets think of some goods and together
practice with the
services! Students give ideas as teacher writes them on
content; helps
the board. Now that we have some goods and services,
students make
who would our possible consumers be? Students would
sense of the
answer ideas as the teacher writes them on the board.
content provided
Some ideas would include: mow the grass for parents,
in Teacher Input)
sweep for parents, and make lemonade for people to
enjoy. I want you to discuss with a partner the best jobs
you can do.
Now I want you all to try this on your own. First, I want you to complete the Jobs I
Can Do to Make Money work sheet. Students will complete the worksheet. Now, you
will complete a flier in which you will pick one job to advertise. On this flier, include
activities to help what you will be doing, who your consumer will be, how much money you will charge,
students use and and whatever else you may want to add. Students will complete the flier and share with
the class if time permits. The teacher will check for understanding by working with
what they have
students and aiding when support is needed.
learned) (2)
From todays lesson, can someone tell me what an entrepreneur is? What a good or
(provides a
service is? What a consumer is? Can someone give me an example of how you can
wrap-up for the
be entrepreneur? Students will answer with varied answers showing that they
lesson) (1)
understand the content fully.
Evaluation (How
will you assess
learning so that
you can
determine if they
met the objective
of the lesson?)
Plans for
needed for
students) (1)
Materials used in
the lesson;

Teacher will informally check for understanding by asking questions throughout the
Individually, students will make a flier displaying a job they can do on their own to earn
money showing that they can be an entrepreneur. Students will receive a completion
grade for this assignment.
Students who understand the material clearly and finish the flier quickly will need to
complete another flier for a different job.
Students who do not understand the material clearly and are having trouble
completing their work will be aided more and given extra attention as needed.
Revised for spring, 2012

Resources used in
developing the
lesson (1)
21st Century
Skills (must be
in three lessons)
Awareness (must
be in two lessons)
Teaching (must
be in three

Construction paper

There is no aspect of global awareness addressed in this lesson because it is a lesson

based on entrepreneurship.
The lesson does have a couple aspects of powerful teaching. The students are
actively involved in the participation of jobs they can do to make money. The
students are also actively making their own flier for their job and selling

Overall alignment in the lesson (2):

The behavioral objective must be aligned to the lesson objectives (NCES/CCSS).
The instructional activities must help students meet the behavioral objective and be successful on the
lesson assessment.
The lesson assessment must provide enough reliable and valid data so the teacher can determine if
each student has met the lesson objectives or not.
Add any instructional materials needed for the lesson here (worksheets, assessments, PowerPoints,
slides from SmartBoard programs, etc.) (2)

Revised for spring, 2012

Jobs I Can Do to Earn Money

Job #1 _________________________________. I will be

providing a ________________ to ______________________.


I think I can be successful because

Job #2 _________________________________. I will be
providing a ________________ to ______________________.


I think I can be successful because

Job #3 _________________________________. I will be
providing a ________________ to ______________________.


I think I can be successful because

Revised for spring, 2012

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