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Dual Adc Comp

Bot Lane - Ezreal + Blitz/Cait + Leona/Trist + Lulu

Mid Lane - Varus/Corki/Graves
Jungle - Nunu/Jarvan/Warwick
Top Lane - Yorick/Shen/Jarvan/Nidalee
The idea behind this is a dual adc with Nunu. Nunu just runs
into a lane blood boils the adc and damages the turret considerably.
Nunu is really important for this team and any attack speed buffs
as well are important (e.g. ez essence flux or nid heal). Yorick
would be a good choice though, so that we have yet another adc in effect.

Protect the Kog Comp

Bot Lane
Mid Lane
Top Lane
Jungle -

- Kog + Any cc heavy support (Leona is the best)

- Orianna/Morgana/Ryze
- Kennen/Kayle/Ryze
Any Tanky Jungle (Shen/Amumu/Malph/Singed/Nasus)

The dual ap gives the opponents something to focus on, while giving
kog time to do a number on the enemies. The incredible amount of cc
gives a brilliant team fight set.

Dive comp
Bot Lane
Mid Lane
Top Lane
Jungle -

- Graves + Leona/Mf + Sona/Varus + Lulu (N.B: i don t have mf)

- Diana/Evelynn/Akali
- Zed/Riven/Renekton/Wukong
Olaf/Lee Sin/Nocturne/Voli

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