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The Windsor Express Article

Self Improvement

S. Michael Windsor
S. Michael Windsor is a writer/editor for
Article 1: A History Of New Year's Resolutions
Article 2: Accountability
Article 3: Actively Listening To Your Child
Article 4: Addictive Bad Habits
Article 5: Adolescents In Sober Living
Article 6: Avoiding Bad Habits
Article 7: Avoiding Depression Relapses Can Attain A Life That's Living Sober
Article 8: Bad Habits Can Be Expensive
Article 9: Bad Habits In Relationships
Article 10: Bad Habits In Sports
Article 11: Bad Habits In The Workplace
Article 12: Bad Habits Related To Health
Article 13: Bad Study Habits
Article 14: "Because" Just Isn't The Answer
Article 15: Building You Child's Self Esteem
Article 16: Celebrate Your Child's Uniqueness
Article 17: Characteristics Of How Sober Living Should Be
Article 18: Chart Your Child's Accomplishments With A Chore Chart
Article 19: Celebrate Your Child's Uniqueness
Article 20: Chores Can Help Your Child Learn About Teamwork And A Strong
Work Ethic
Article 21: Clear Expectations Make Discipline Easier
Article 22: Connect With Your Child But Don't Overdo It
Article 23: Consistency Is Key To Successful Discipline
Article 24: Constructing Your Child's Healthy Sense Of Self Esteem
Article 25: Control Your Anger, Don't Let It Control You
Article 26: Dangerous Bad Habits
Article 27: Do As I Say And As I Do
Article 28: Emotional Bad Habits
Article 29: Encourage Your Child To Feel Important
Article 30: Encouraging Play Encourages A Child's Development
Article 31: Expect Only The Best From Your Child
Article 32: Financial Bad Habits
Article 33: Follow Through Is The Key To Successful Discipline
Article 34: Get Involved In Your Child's Activities, Hobbies And School
Article 35: Become A More Organized Person
Article 36: Handling Conflict About Rules Enforcement At Home
Article 37: Harsh Discipline: Does It Do More Harm Than Good?
Article 38: Help Your Child Kick The Thumb Sucking Habit
Article 39: Hobbies Are Healthy
Article 40: How Good Habits Can Turn Into Bad Habits
Article 41: How To Break Bad Habits
Article 42: How To Keep Your Resolution To Lose Weight
Article 43: How To Live A Sober Life
Article 44: Illegal Bad Habits
Article 45: Inconsiderate Bad Habits
Article 46: Interrupt Your Child's Interruption Habit
Article 47: Irritating Bad Habits
Article 48: Kids And Bad Habits
Article 49: Learn From Your Mistakes And So Will Your Child
Article 50: Living A Sober Life
Article 51: Make Quality Time With Your Child Count
Article 52: Make Your Goals Attainable
Article 53: Medical Treatments For Bad Habits
Article 54: The Process Of Negotiating The Rules With Your Child
Article 55: New Year's Resolutions For Couples
Article 56: Our Ever-changing Role As A Parent
Article 57: Physical Punishment Is Ineffective And Harmful
Article 58: Picking Up Bad Habits From Others
Article 59: Popular Resolutions & Solutions
Article 60: Positive Discipline Without Hurting Your Child
Article 61: Positive Praise For Your Child's Pride
Article 62: Present A Unified Parental Front When Disciplining Your Child
Article 63: Productive And Positive Potty Training
Article 64: Protect Your Child's Emotional Well-being
Article 65: Providing A Safe And Secure Home For Your Child
Article 66: Research About Bad Habits
Article 67: Self Help Books About Bad Habits
Article 68: Selfless Resolutions
Article 69: Sober Living And The 12-step Program
Article 70: Sober Living Facts
Article 71: Sober Living Homes The Door To Life
Article 72: Sober Living Made For Women
Article 73: Social Bad Habits
Article 74: New Year's Resolution: Stop Procrastinating!
Article 75: Successful Two-way Communications With Your Child
Article 76: Support Groups For People With Bad Habits
Article 77: Tactics For Tackling A Toddler's Temper Tantrum
Article 78: Take The Bite Out Of Your Toddler's Biting Problem
Article 79: Teach Children To Respect By Treating Them With Respect
Article 80: Teach Your Child To Give Respect And They'll Gain Respect In
Article 81: The Astrology Of Bad Habits
Article 82: The Detrimental Effects Of Verbal Abuse And How To Stop The Cycle
Article 83: The Family That Eats Together Stays Healthy Together
Article 84: The Importance Of A Regular Routine To Your Child
Article 85: The Importance Of Crystal-clear Rules For Your Child
Article 86: The Keys To Effective Discipline
Article 87: The Positive Influence Of Being Involved In Your Child's Education
Article 88: The Truth About Lying
Article 89: The Whys Of Whining
Article 90: Things That You Need To Know On Sober Living
Article 91: Time Outs Help Reinforce Positive Behavior And Discourage
Article 92: Training The Fussy Eater
Article 93: When Are Bad Habits Helpful?
Article 94: You Can't Spoil A Child Through Love
Article 95: Downloading Individual Hypnosis Software
Article 96: Group Hypnosis And Weight Loss
Article 97: Group Hypnosis For Athletes
Article 98: Group Hypnosis For Drug Addicts
Article 99: Group Hypnosis For Post Traumatic Stress
Article 100: Group Hypnosis For Smokers
Article 101: How To Find A Good Individual Hypnotist.
Article 102: Individual Hypnosis Can Combat Stress And Anxiety
Article 103: Individual Hypnosis May Help You Overcome Shyness
Article 104: Is Individual Hypnosis Dangerous?
Article 105: Myths And Truths About Group, Stage And Individual Hypnosis
Article 106: See What Individual Hypnosis Can Do.
Article 107: The Common Uses Of Group Hypnosis For Group Therapy.
Article 108: The Most Effective Weight Loss Process Is Through Group
Article 109: Individual Hypnosis Can Spell The Difference Between Imagination
And Reality
Article 110: What Group Hypnosis Can Do For Smokers.
Article 111: What Individual Hypnosis Can Do For You.
Article 112: What Is Group Hypnosis?
Article 113: You Can Quit Smoking Through Individual Hypnosis
Article 114: You Can Relieve Social Anxiety With Individual Hypnosis
Article 115: Laws Of Attraction Part Iii The Alpha Male Mentality
Article 116: Basic Law Of Attraction Concepts
Article 117: Laws Of Attraction Part Iv
Article 118: Some Fascinating Books On The Law Of Attraction
Article 119: Laws Of Attraction Part V
Article 120: Laws Of Attraction Part Xiv
Article 121: Laws Of Attraction Part Xi
Article 122: Laws Of Attraction Part X
Article 123: Famous Law Of Attraction Personalities
Article 124: Laws Of Attraction Part Xii
Article 125: Laws Of Attraction Part Xiii
Article 126: Getting Started
Article 127: Gratitude And The Law Of Attraction
Article 128: How To Practice The Laws Of Attraction
Article 129: Laws Of Attraction Part Xv
Article 130: The Laws Of Attraction Part I
Article 131: Laws Of Attraction Part Viii
Article 132: Laws Of Attraction Part Ix
Article 133: Making The Law Of Attraction Work For You
Article 134: Laws Of Attraction Part Vii
Article 135: Positive Thinking
Article 136: Problems People Have With The Law Of Attraction
Article 137: Laws Of Attraction Part Ii
Article 138: Spiritual Or Religious?
Article 139: The First Step To A Better Life
Article 140: The Law Of Attraction And Physics
Article 141: The Law Of Attraction And Relationships
Article 142: The Law Of Attraction And Your Body
Article 143: The Law Of Attraction - We Are What We Think
Article 144: The Law Of Attraction
Article 145: The Laws Of Attraction And Finances
Article 146: The Secret
Article 147: Three Steps
Article 148: Laws Of Attraction Part Vi
Article 149: Affordable Life Coach Training
Article 150: Becoming A Life Coach
Article 151: Bushido Life Coaching
Article 152: Choosing A Life Coach School
Article 153: Coaching For Life
Article 154: Coaching In Another Level
Article 155: Coaching In Life For Honor
Article 156: Coaching Lives By The Big Guy Up There
Article 157: Driving Your Life On Its Way To Its Purpose
Article 158: Earn Money: Help Lives By Life Coaching
Article 159: Faith: The Invisible Life Coach
Article 160: Get Back In The Race: Get A Life Coach
Article 161: How To Become A Certified Life Coach
Article 162: How To Look For A Life Coach
Article 163: Life Coach: Do You Need One?
Article 164: Life Coach 101: How To Be A Life Coach
Article 165: Life Coach Objective
Article 166: Life Coach Specialization
Article 167: Life Coaches Come In Small Packages
Article 168: Life Coaching And Business – A Match Made In Heaven
Article 169: Life Coaching For Those Buried In Debt
Article 170: Life Coaching Is Not Giving Advices
Article 171: Life Coaching On The Importance Of Happiness
Article 172: Life Coaching Problems Of The Heart
Article 173: Life Coaching Through Experience
Article 174: My Enemy Is My Friend: The Unwanted Life Coach
Article 175: Spotting A Qualified Life Coach
Article 176: Starting Your Life Coach Career
Article 177: Taking A Big Step: Coaching A Life
Article 178: The Importance Of Life Coaching Executives
Article 179: The Life Coach Therapy
Article 180: The Life Coaching Miracle
Article 181: Twilight And Life Coaching
Article 182: Why Life Coaching Is Getting Great Press
Article 183: Can 8-minute Meditation Give You A Quiet Mind And Change Your
Life Forever?
Article 184: A Subconsciously Complex World
Article 185: Abundance And Prosperity Reiki
Article 186: Achieving Happiness Through Meditation
Article 187: Adapting To Change By Meditation
Article 188: Advent Meditation Can Be Done Through Prayers
Article 189: Alternative Technologies Subliminals And Their Growing Popularity
Article 190: Alternative Technologies Subliminals
Article 191: Alternative Technology: Subliminals
Article 192: Angel Guide And Healing Meditation
Article 193: The Anugraha Reiki
Article 194: The Background Of Meditation
Article 195: Be In Charge Of Your Life Now!
Article 196: Benefits Of Meditation
Article 197: Rediscovering The Benefits Of Meditation
Article 198: Your Best Life Awaits You, Be Involved In Scripture Meditation Now
Article 199: Black Or White Manipulation
Article 200: Cd And Book Edition On Dummy Meditation
Article 201: The Brahma Satya Reiki
Article 202: Breathing And Meditation
Article 203: Buddhism Meditation And The Search For Life's Meaning
Article 204: Different Buddhist Meditation Techniques
Article 205: Buddhist Meditation
Article 206: Buddhist Meditation: Bringing Your Mind Tranquility And Insight
Article 207: Insight Meditation: A Step-by-step Course On How To Meditate
Article 208: Celtic Reiki, Drawing Energy From Nature
Article 209: Chakra Meditation Basics
Article 210: Chakra Meditation: A Beginners Guide To This Great Meditation
Article 211: Changing Your Man Through Subliminal Messages
Article 212: The I Chong: Mediations From The Joint
Article 213: Christian Meditation: Knowing About God's Word And Obeying It
Article 214: The Purpose Of Christian Meditation In Achieving The True
Christmas Spirit
Article 215: Overview On Meditation And Its Importance To Communion
Article 216: Controlling Anger By Meditation
Article 217: Creating New Experiences Through Meditation
Article 218: The Postures Of Meditation: The Daily Guide To Success
Article 219: For People Working Through Grief: On Daily Meditation
Article 220: Deep Meditation Music For Troubled Individuals
Article 221: Overview Of Rene Descartes Meditation On First Philosophy
Article 222: Different And Helpful Things To Know About Meditation
Article 223: Different Forms Of Meditation
Article 224: "Do Subliminals Work?" And Other Frequently Asked Questions
Article 225: Discovering Dragon Reiki
Article 226: Easy Meditation Techniques
Article 227: Egyptian Reiki
Article 228: At Knit's End: A Meditation Knit Book For Woman Who Knit Too
Article 229: Feiki Reiki
Article 230: Finding Relief With Meditation
Article 231: Guided Meditation: Let Someone Guides You In The Right Path
Article 232: Guided Meditation: Six Simple Steps On Stress Reduction
Article 233: Benefits Of Healing Meditation
Article 234: Healing Your Past With Meditation
Article 235: Healing Meditation Using The Chakras System
Article 236: How Meditation Can Help You Stop Smoking
Article 237: How Karate Can Help With Meditation
Article 238: How Meditation Helps Insomnia
Article 239: How To Relieve Stress By Meditation
Article 240: Improve Your Grades For Free!
Article 241: Insight Meditation: Let The Power Of Your Mind Make A Big
Article 242: Introduction To Meditation
Article 243: The Three Faculties Of Jewish Meditation Behind The Understanding
Of Torah
Article 244: The Essence Of Breathing In Zen Meditation
Article 245: Just Suits You Right
Article 246: Kundalini Reiki For Free
Article 247: What You Need To Know About Kundalini Reiki
Article 248: Learn More About The Benefits Of Meditation
Article 249: The Spiritual Awareness Through Shamanic Reiki
Article 250: Making The Most Out Of Meditation
Article 251: Learning About Maori Reiki
Article 252: The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius: A Great Book Of Philosophy
Article 253: Medicine Reiki, A Perfect Union Of East And West
Article 254: Meditation And Dealing With Fear And Phobia
Article 255: Meditation And Pain
Article 256: Basic Meditation Exercises
Article 257: Useful Meditation Instructions At Home
Article 258: Using Meditation Tapes
Article 259: Meditation To Improve Concentration
Article 260: Meditation To Reduce Stress
Article 261: Meditation And Relaxation
Article 262: No More Sitting On The Floor Thanks To Meditation Chairs
Article 263: Meditation Cushions
Article 264: Meditation-explanations About It
Article 265: Meditation Facts
Article 266: Meditation Methods
Article 267: Music That You Can Listen To While Meditating
Article 268: Shopping For Meditation Supplies
Article 269: The Art Of Meditation: How You Can Completely Relax Through
Article 270: Meditation Can Help
Article 271: Meditation Is Something All Of You Should Know More About
Article 272: The Benefits Of Meditation
Article 273: Meditation Through Prayer
Article 274: Meditation Using Your Body And Brain
Article 275: Relaxation And Meditation Exercises
Article 276: Art Of Visualization And Meditation
Article 277: Audio Meditation Materials
Article 278: Finding The Truth Within The Pages Of A Meditation Book
Article 279: Meditation Cd: Introducing You To The World Of Meditation
Article 280: Meditation Cds Continuously Spread The Teachings Of Buddha
Article 281: How Various Meditation Forms Help You Find The Right Meditation
Article 282: Meditation Chair: A Useful Tool For Meditation
Article 283: Comfortable And Cool Meditation With Stylish Meditation Cushion
Article 284: Meditation Technique For A Beginner
Article 285: Anapana Meditation For Your Child
Article 286: Meditation For Dummy
Article 287: Meditation Music: What Kind Of Music You Should Play When
Article 288: A Quick Review On Meditations On First Philosophy
Article 289: Meditation 101: Pillow, Pillow Which Is The Softest Of Them All
Article 290: The Philosophy And Benefits Behind Meditation Practice
Article 291: Meditation Retreat: Some Common Healing Places In California
Article 292: Create A Great Meditation Room Through Different Meditation
Article 293: Meditation Technique For Different Environments
Article 294: The Meditation Timer, The Guide To A Scheduled Meditation Period
Article 295: The Melchizedek Method Reiki
Article 296: Mephisto Subliminals: Making Life Easier
Article 297: Message From The Heavens: Celestial Reiki
Article 298: Methods Of Meditation To Improve Your Health
Article 299: Methods Of Meditation To Relax You
Article 300: The Battle Between Mindfulness And Active Meditation
Article 301: Opting For A Different Approach
Article 302: Overcoming Obstacles With Meditation
Article 303: Reiki And Anemia
Article 304: Reiki Energy
Article 305: The Beauty In Reiki Healing
Article 306: Reiki Music
Article 307: What Is Reiki Nur Ilahi
Article 308: Reiki Symbols Revealed
Article 309: The Role Reiki Symbols Play
Article 310: Reiki Therapy
Article 311: Reiki Training
Article 312: Understanding Reiki
Article 313: Russian Spies, Language And Subliminals
Article 314: Silent Subliminal Messages Can Be Customized
Article 315: Silent Subliminals: How Effective Are They?
Article 316: Silent Subliminals: Too Good To Be True?
Article 317: The Types Of Spiritual Meditation
Article 318: Stop Smoking Through Meditation
Article 319: Subliminals For Hair Loss
Article 320: Suggestions And Affirmations That Target The Unconscious: Do
Subliminals Work?
Article 321: Techniques That You Might Not Know About-meditation
Article 322: The Basics Of Ultrasonic Subliminals
Article 323: The Origins Of Meditation
Article 324: The Power Of Subliminal Messages
Article 325: The Power Of The Unconscious: Do Subliminals Work?
Article 326: Things To Know About Meditation That Might Help You
Article 327: Understanding Transcendental Meditation
Article 328: What Is Transcendental Meditation
Article 329: Getting In Touch With Oneself By Transcendental Meditation
Article 330: Ultrasonic Subliminals: Do They Really Work?
Article 331: Ultrasonic Subliminals And How They Work
Article 332: Using Meditation Through Music
Article 333: Variations Of Meditation According To Religions
Article 334: Walking Meditation As A Modern Way To A Healthier Life
Article 335: Learning About Reiki
Article 336: Beginners Explore The World Of Yoga Meditation
Article 337: Things You Should Know About Zen Meditation
Article 338: "Life With Woody" 10 Inspirational Quotes Than Can Improve
Article 339: "What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 Questions You Should Ask To
Yourself: A Preparation To Self-improvement
Article 340: "A Piece Of Blarney Stone" 10 Ways To Empower Your
Article 341: "Who's The Boss?" 10 Ways To Start Taking Control (Time
Management, Goal Setting, Record Tracking)
Article 342: Abusive Relationship 03
Article 343: Abusive Relationships 15
Article 344: Put Some Additional Self Improvement Link To Your Site
Article 345: Common Characteristics Of Addictive Behaviors
Article 346: What Are Aggressive Behaviors?
Article 347: Controlling Aggressive Behaviors
Article 348: The Facts About Alcohol Addiction
Article 349: Alcohol Addiction
Article 350: Alcohol Treatment Centers
Article 351: Classic Alcoholic Behaviors
Article 352: Alcoholics Anonymous
Article 353: An Overview Of Happiness
Article 354: Analyze Self In Society For Self Identity
Article 355: All About Anger Control
Article 356: Anger Management 24
Article 357: Anger Management
Article 358: Anger Management Children 04
Article 359: Applying For A Loan? The Importance Of Dressing For Success
Article 360: Aptitude Test 04
Article 361: Happy As You Want To Be
Article 362: An Introduction To Behavior Modification.
Article 363: Benefits Of Meditation 03
Article 364: Benefits Of Meditation 04
Article 365: Benefits Of Meditation
Article 366: Benefits Of Time Management 14
Article 367: Benefits Of Time Management 19
Article 368: Both Sides Of Self Identity In Society
Article 369: Brain Teasers
Article 370: What Innovation Can Do To Your Life
Article 371: How To Bring Up Your Children Properly
Article 372: Build Your Self Esteem, A Starter Guide To Self Improvement
Article 373: Business Meetings: The Importance Of Dressing For Success
Article 374: Circumstances Beyond Your Control
Article 375: Clearly Seeing Self And Identity In Society
Article 376: Why Coaching Is The Way To Go In Team Management
Article 377: Common Mistakes Made By Those Looking To Dress For Success
Article 378: Competency Of Self Identity In Society
Article 379: Components Of Self Identity
Article 380: Is Computer Addiction Affecting Your Life?
Article 381: Confidence In Self Identity
Article 382: Helping Your Consumers To Gain More Profits
Article 383: Creative Thinking Techniques 16
Article 384: Dealing With Sorrow - Depression Management
Article 385: How To Deal With People To Get What You Want
Article 386: Decisions In Self Identity Of Self
Article 387: Defensive Driving Course 03
Article 388: Definition Of Success
Article 389: How To Determine What You Want In Life
Article 390: The Road To Intuition
Article 391: Development Of Self Identity Through Society
Article 392: Discover Self Identity
Article 393: Why Pay For Home Improvement When You Can Do It Yourself?
Article 394: Impossible Is Just A Word
Article 395: Dress For Success Tips For Men
Article 396: Dress For Success Tips For Teens
Article 397: Dress For Success Tips For Women
Article 398: Dressing For Success
Article 399: Dressing For Success: Going Beyond The Clothing
Article 400: Dressing For Success: How You Can Use The Internet To Your
Article 401: Dressing For Success: Should You Hire A Fashion Consultant?
Article 402: Dressing For Success: The Importance Of Examining The Occasion
Article 403: Dressing For Success: Tips For When You Shop
Article 404: Dressing For Success When Working From Home
Article 405: Dressing For Success: Why You Should Shop Online
Article 406: Dressing For Success With Storefront Retailers
Article 407: Dressing Or Success At The Office: The Importance Of Following All
Dress Codes
Article 408: Drug Abuse
Article 409: Effective Conscious In Self Identity
Article 410: Effectiveness In Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 411: Focus On Your Mental And Emotional Side To Gain Self
Article 412: Endorphins The Happy Hormone
Article 413: Enhancing The Human Brain
Article 414: Enjoy Your Life: Change Your Point Of View
Article 415: Environment In Society And Self Identity
Article 416: Establishing Convictions For Self Identity
Article 417: More Than One Way To Skin A Cat: Adventures In Creative Thinking
Article 418: Evils Of The Self Identity
Article 419: Facing Your Fears
Article 420: Feelings For Self Identity
Article 421: Self Improvement Advice Free Of Charge.
Article 422: Fronting Problems For Self Identity In Society
Article 423: Fruits Of The Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 424: Gaining Of Self Identity In Society
Article 425: Get Rid Of Procrastination, Now!
Article 426: Getting To Know Fears And Phobias
Article 427: Giving And Taking
Article 428: Giving Your All
Article 429: Spiritual Growth: The Spiritual Challenge Of Modern Times
Article 430: Guide To Meditation 04
Article 431: Guided Meditation 04
Article 432: Does A Law On Human Attraction Exist?
Article 433: Have A College Scholarship Interview? The Importance Of Dressing
For Success
Article 434: To Go Or Not To Go Herbal, That Is The Question...
Article 435: 5000 Year-old Medical Secret Unearthed!
Article 436: Genuine Happiness Comes From Within
Article 437: How To Create A Website
Article 438: How To Dress For Success On A Budget
Article 439: How To Improve Communication Skills 03
Article 440: How To Make A Cover Letter 04
Article 441: How To Make A Quilt 04
Article 442: How To Make Gift Baskets 19
Article 443: How To Organize 22
Article 444: How To Start Up A Small Business 03
Article 445: How To Make Others Like You
Article 446: How To Use Affirmation Properly
Article 447: Self-hypnosis Towards Self Improvement
Article 448: Identifying Self In Society
Article 449: Ideology Of Self Identity
Article 450: Important ****** Important ****** Important ****** Important ***
Article 451: Improve Your Listening Skills & Be A Great Conversation Partner!
Article 452: Links To Try Out And Be On Your Way To Self-improvement
Article 453: How To Motivate Yourself Forever
Article 454: What Are Some Of The Self Improvement Products Available
Article 455: Women Workshops – What You Want To See What's Inside And
How It Works
Article 456: Instances In Which You Should Dress For Success
Article 457: Is Your Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?
Article 458: Isolation In Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 459: "The Way To Wellness" It's Time To Start A Healthy Life: Your 7
Days Program
Article 460: Job Interviews: The Importance Of Dressing For Success
Article 461: Job-loving Tips For Employers And Employees
Article 462: Joy Through Good Health!
Article 463: Learn How To Read 04
Article 464: Learning A Foreign Language 03
Article 465: Learn To Set Goals
Article 466: Learn To Solve Your Problems
Article 467: Life And Self Identity
Article 468: Living Your Passion
Article 469: How To Become An Ideal Leader
Article 470: Managing For Self And Society Identity
Article 471: Meditation Pillow 04
Article 472: Meditation Retreat 19
Article 473: Meditation Techniques 04
Article 474: Do Yoda Proud: Meditation 101
Article 475: Mental Talk And Self Identity
Article 476: Motivation For Self Identity
Article 477: Motivation, The Heart Of Self Improvement
Article 478: New Age In Self Identity
Article 479: Observational Learning For Self Identity
Article 480: Your Recommended Daily Allowance For Relaxation
Article 481: Opens Doors For Self Identity In Society
Article 482: Optimistic Views Of Self Identity
Article 483: Five Tips For Overcoming Social Anxiety
Article 484: Performance In Self Identity
Article 485: Personal Trainer 23
Article 486: The Powers Of A Positive Attitude
Article 487: Practices For Self Identity And Self
Article 488: Pros And Cons Of Dressing For Success
Article 489: Psychological Self-improvement: Ways To Overcome Fear
Article 490: Recognition Of Self Identity
Article 491: Reduce Stress And Be Happy
Article 492: Rehab Centers
Article 493: Relaxation In Self Identity
Article 494: Reprogramming In Self Identity Of Self
Article 495: Resources You Can Use To Help You Dress For Success
Article 496: Learning The Rewards Of Reading
Article 497: Discover The Secret To Fast Learning
Article 498: Sections Of Self Identity Of The Self And Society
Article 499: Self Esteem Improvement; Start Now Before It Is Too Late
Article 500: Self Identity And Posing Challenges
Article 501: Self Identity Development
Article 502: Self Identity Methods
Article 503: Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 504: Self Identity Of The Self And Society
Article 505: Self Improvement Advice: Meditation
Article 506: The Essential Keys To Self Improvement And Motivation
Article 507: What Have You Got To Lose By Reading One More Self
Improvement Article?
Article 508: Highly Recommended Self Improvement Books
Article 509: How To Maintain Your Self Improvement Course
Article 510: Self Improvement Guide Worth Reading
Article 511: How Self-improvement Program Works
Article 512: Self-improvement Seminar For Good Leaders
Article 513: Eliminating Your Addiction With Self-help Tapes
Article 514: Why You Should Get Your Own Self Improvement Video?
Article 515: Following Your Self Improvement Worksheets By Heart
Article 516: Self Improvement And Success Go Hand In Hand
Article 517: Power Through The People
Article 518: Self Improvement And Success
Article 519: Shape Self In Society For Self Identity
Article 520: Social Self And Identity In Society
Article 521: Society And Self Identity
Article 522: Society In Self Identity Of Self
Article 523: Solutions For Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 524: Spiritual Meditation
Article 525: "The Game Of Life" Start Your Own Coaching: 7 Days Program
Article 526: Self-improvement Statistics Guide In Decision-making.
Article 527: Strategies To Maximize Time
Article 528: Stressed For Self Identity
Article 529: Striving For Self Identity In Society
Article 530: Accelerate Your Learning Powers Using Subliminal Learning
Article 531: Take It Easy And Enjoy Life
Article 532: The Only Way To True Happiness God
Article 533: The Relationship Factor
Article 534: The Scents For Self Identity From Society Stress
Article 535: Setting Your Goals - Easier Said, Easily Done
Article 536: The Benefits Of Dressing For Success
Article 537: The Importance Of Dressing For Success On Business Trips
Article 538: Creating Effective And Efficient Relationships
Article 539: Tips For Dressing For Success In The Workplace
Article 540: Tips On Getting Organized
Article 541: Tips To Keep Memory In Tiptop Condition
Article 542: True Worth In Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 543: Understanding Self Identity Of Self In Society
Article 544: Creative Notions
Article 545: Unlock Your Self Improvement Power
Article 546: Menu For An Upbeat Life
Article 547: How To Use Creativity To Improve Your Life
Article 548: The Key To A Better Life
Article 549: What Is Depression: Some New Light On The Old Blues?
Article 550: Why Is It Important To Improve Your Self?
Article 551: Why You Should Dress For Success When Applying For Jobs
Article 552: Why Should You Set Goals?
Article 553: Your 7 Days Program To Positive Thinking
Article 554: Your 7 Days Program To Self-improvement
Article 555: Your 7 Days Program To Stress Management
Article 556: Life Mapping: A Vision Of Success
Article 557: 101 Helpful Affirmations
Article 558: 3 Simple Tools For Time Management
Article 559: 5 Reasons Why You Should Learn And Practice Proper Time
Article 560: 8 Simple Steps To Improve Your Time Management
Article 561: A Deeper Understand And Akashic Records
Article 562: A Double-sided Coin
Article 563: A Guide To Learning Chinese Online
Article 564: About A Personal Development Home Based Business
Article 565: About Jin "learn Chinese"
Article 566: Accepting To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 567: Acquire Power Through Self Development.
Article 568: Adopting Anger Management Skills That Work
Article 569: Advantages Of Time Management
Article 570: Given As Free Plr. Rewrite Completely Before Using.
Article 571: Akashic Record And Readers
Article 572: Akashic Record Consultants
Article 573: Akashic Record Types
Article 574: Akashic Records And Life
Article 575: Akashic Records Skeptics
Article 576: Akashic Records Workshop
Article 577: All About Amnesia
Article 578: Alzheimers
Article 579: An Organized Office
Article 580: Anger Management Activities Are Recommended
Article 581: Anger Management For Kids
Article 582: Anger Management For Teen Children
Article 583: Anger Management For Teens & Success
Article 584: Anger Management In Children
Article 585: Anger Management Information
Article 586: Anger Management Therapy
Article 587: Anger Management Tips To Use In Stressful Situations
Article 588: Aphasia's Speech And Language Problems Targeted For Speech
Article 589: Are There Anger Management Books Available
Article 590: Attending An Anger Management Seminar
Article 591: Baby Steps To Getting Organized
Article 592: Bad Reasons Not To Learn Chinese
Article 593: Be Happy Now (453 Words)
Article 594: Begin A Personal Development Entrepreneur Business
Article 595: Beginner Chinese Calligraphy
Article 596: Being Bilingual In America And Learning Chinese
Article 597: Benefiting From Anger Management Groups
Article 598: Benefits Of An Akashic Reading
Article 599: Benefits Of Using Business Development Adobe Documents
Article 600: Books And Other Tools To Help You Learn Spanish
Article 601: Boosting Self-esteem With Affirmations (477 Words)
Article 602: Brain Food
Article 603: Building Courage To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 604: Business People Learn Spanish For Work
Article 605: Calendar Time Management For Working Students: A Necessity
Article 606: Changing Habits To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 607: Chinese Calligraphy As An Art Form
Article 608: Chinese Calligraphy As Tattoos
Article 609: Tips For An Effective Time Management Skill For A College Student
Article 610: College Students And Time Management
Article 611: College Students, Strengthen Your Time Management Skills
Article 612: College Students" Time For Study And New Friends: Balance Them
Out Nicely
Article 613: Time Management Tips For College Students
Article 614: Balance Your Act: College Student Tips For Time Management
Article 615: College Time Management- Access To A Good Career
Article 616: Committing To Your Goals (558 Words)
Article 617: Common Barriers To Personal Growth And Development
Article 618: Competence Leading To Improve Personal Life
Article 619: Conditions For Speech Therapy: Autism
Article 620: Conditions For Speech Therapy: Laryngectomy
Article 621: Connecting Aging And Memory
Article 622: Create Your Day (430 Words)
Article 623: Dealing With Others.
Article 624: Delineating Speech And Language Therapy
Article 625: Discovering Intentions To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 626: Discovering Values That Improve Your Personal Life
Article 627: Do You Need A Life Coach For Personal Development?
Article 628: Early Learning To Listen Sounds And Speech Therapy
Article 629: Easily Learn To Play Electric Guitar
Article 630: Easy To Create Adobe Business Development Documents
Article 631: Eating Right To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 632: Effective Anger Management Help
Article 633: Effective Time Management Training
Article 634: Effective Time Management For College Students Freshmen
Article 635: Empowerment In Action (494 Words)
Article 636: Everyday Simplicity (446 Words)
Article 637: Exclusive Friendships.
Article 638: Experiential Learning On Time Management Skills
Article 639: Failure Doesn't Exist (492 Words)
Article 640: Famous Files Of Akashic Records
Article 641: Faq About The Akashic Records
Article 642: Fear And Reason.
Article 643: Finding Balance
Article 644: Finding Help From An Internet Personal Development Business
Article 645: Finding Personal Development Coaching Resources In Essex
Article 646: Finding The Right Personal Trainer For Business Development
Article 647: Finding Time To Organize
Article 648: Five Ways To Get More Done
Article 649: Free Time Management Tips
Article 650: Getting The Most Out Of Today To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 651: Learn To Play Guitar Note
Article 652: Given As Free Plr. Rewrite Completely Before Using.
Article 653: Healthy Body Healthy Mind!
Article 654: Helpful Time Management Tools
Article 655: Herbs To Improve Your Memory
Article 656: Herbs Improving Your Personal Life
How To Improve Personal Life With Herbs
Article 657: History Of Akashic Records
Article 658: How Do Science And Memory Connect?
Article 659: How Hobbies Improve Your Personal Life
Article 660: How People Learn Spanish In Conversational Classes
Article 661: How Personal Development Training Assists Management
Article 662: How To Attract Money (529 Words)
Article 663: How To Begin A Personal Development Plan
Article 664: How To Conquer Your Fears (529 Words)
Article 665: How To Create A Personal Leadership Development Plan
Article 666: How To Develop A Positive Attitude (508 Words)
Article 667: How To Develop Your Personal Career Development Profile
Article 668: How To Expect The Best (459 Words)
Article 669: How To Find The Best Personal Development Coach
Article 670: How To Improve Personal Life
Article 671: How To Improve Your Personal Life Avoiding Procrastination
Article 672: How To Improve Your Personal Life With Exercise And More
Article 673: How To Learn Chinese In China
Article 674: How To Learn Spanish By Getting The Most Out Of Classes
Article 675: How To Learn Spanish Verbs
Article 676: How To Learn Spanish With A Tutor
Article 677: How To Make Wise Decisions (525 Words)
Article 678: How To Memorize
Article 679: How You Can Improve Your Personal Life
Article 680: How You Can Learn Spanish Better Through The Arts
Article 681: How And Why You Should Play Time Management Games
Article 682: How To Buy Time Management Software
Article 683: How To Find Time Management Games
Article 684: How To Teach Your Children About Time Management
Article 685: Playing Guitar The Easy Way
Article 686: Learn On How To Perfectly Practice The Piano
Article 687: How To Teach Children To Learn Play The Piano
Article 688: I Want To Learn Chinese
Article 689: I'll Do It Later
Article 690: Identifying Obstacles To Effective Time Management
Article 691: Importance Of Good Clothing.
Article 692: Importance Of Play In Speech Therapy
Article 693: Importance Of Time Management
Article 694: Important Information On Time Management
Article 695: Improve Memory To Help Your Career Skills
Article 696: Improve Your Personal Life In Awareness
Article 697: Improve Your Personal Life With Exercise
Article 698: Improve Your Personal Life With Vitamins
Article 699: Improve Your Personal Life With Yoga
Article 700: Improving Memory Using Memory Exercises
Article 701: Improving Memory Using Mnemonic Tools
Article 702: Improving The Quality Of Your Personal Life
Article 703: Initial Steps To Getting Organized
Article 704: Is It Good For Small Children To Learn Spanish?
Article 705: It's Easy To Learn Chinese Characters!
Article 706: It's Easy To Learn Chinese Characters!
Article 707: Identifying Your Big Rocks And Managing College Student Activities
Article 708: Effective Time Management For College Students Using Calendar
Article 709: Keys That Unlock The Doors To Personal Life Improvement
Article 710: Knowing Yoga Will Help Me In Improving My Personal Life
Article 711: Laws Of Magnetic Action.
Article 712: Laws Of Magnetic Development.
Article 713: Learn Chinese Calligraphy
Article 714: Learn Chinese Free
Article 715: Learn Chinese
Article 716: Learn How To Write Chinese.
Article 717: Learn Spanish Language Secrets
Article 718: Learn Spanish Phrases For Your Trip Abroad
Article 719: Learn Spanish Through Immersion Studies
Article 720: Learn To Corel Draw
Article 721: Learn To Draw A Bunny
Article 722: Learn To Draw A Dragon
Article 723: Learn To Draw A Flame
Article 724: Learn To Draw A Rose
Article 725: Learn To Draw And Paint
Article 726: Learn To Draw Animals
Article 727: Learn To Draw Anime Characters
Article 728: Learn To Draw Caricatures
Article 729: Learn To Draw Cars
Article 730: Learn To Draw Cartoons
Article 731: Learn To Draw Comics
Article 732: Learn To Draw Disney Characters
Article 733: Learn To Draw Dogs
Article 734: Learn To Draw Eyes
Article 735: Learn To Draw Faces
Article 736: Learn To Draw Fairies
Article 737: Learn To Draw Flowers
Article 738: Learn To Draw Graffiti Letters
Article 739: Learn To Draw Japanese Animation
Article 740: Learn To Draw Manga
Article 741: Learn To Draw People
Article 742: Learn To Draw Sailor Moon
Article 743: Learn To Draw The Human Figure
Article 744: Learn To Draw Tinkerbell
Article 745: Learn To Read Chinese
Article 746: Learn To Speak Chinese
Article 747: Learning Healthy Anger Management Strategies
Article 748: Learning More About Akashic Records
Article 749: Learning Spanish: What To Look Forward To
Article 750: Given As Free Plr. Rewrite Completely Before Using.
Article 751: Learning Tools To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 752: Five Steps In Learning To Play The Piano
Article 753: Various Ways To Learn How To Play An Acoustic Guitar
Article 754: Advantages Of Learning To Master A Guitar
Article 755: Learn To Play Guitar With Amp Through Instruction Books
Article 756: Elements On Learning And Mastering A Guitar Article 757: Learn
Bass Guitar Playing
Article 758: Learn Blues Piano
Article 759: Learning To Play The Chords
Article 760: Learn Guitar Online - Its The Easierst Way
Article 761: Guitar Mania: Playing It Left Handed
Article 762: Learn How To Play Bass Guitar
Article 763: Learn How To Play The Guitar Even If You're Left Handed
Article 764: How To Play The Piano: Learn The Chords
Article 765: Learn How To Play The Piano
Article 766: Learn How To Play The Piano Through Dvd
Article 767: Before Playing The Piano, Buy One First
Article 768: How To Learn Piano By Using A Cd
Article 769: Make Your Life Easy: How To Save While You Learn To Play A
Article 770: Learn The Piano Notes
Article 771: Learning To Play The Piano Online: Pros And Cons
Article 772: Why Learn Piano Playing
Article 773: Characteristics A Lead Guitarist Needs
Article 774: Before Fingering, Learn The Notes On The Piano First Article 775:
Learn The Steps On Playing The Piano Effectively
Article 776: Learn To Play Electric Guitar In Minutes
Article 777: Learn To Play Guitar Through Guide Books
Article 778: Learn To Play Classical Guitar On Dvd
Article 779: Learn To Play Guitar Through A Dvd
Article 780: Learn To Play Guitar: Helpful Tips For Left-handers
Article 781: Learn To Play Guitar Through Freeware
Article 782: Basic Guitar Lessons For Free
Article 783: Learning To Play Piano By Ear
Article 784: How To Learn To Play Piano
Article 785: Learn To Play Piano Through Software
Article 786: Learn To Play The Piano With A Mac Software
Article 787: Taking Easy Lessons With An Acoustic Guitar
Article 788: Play The Guitar-fast, Easy And Efficiently
Article 789: Online Lessons For Guitar Playing Article 790: Learning To Play The
Piano: Secrets Revealed
Article 791: Learn To Read Piano Music With A Piano Teacher
Article 792: Listing Your Way To Efficiency
Article 793: Living In Reality To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 794: The Importance Of Planning For Long Term Goals In Order To
Ensure Better Time Management
Article 795: Looking At The Entire Picture To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 796: Love And Faith.
Article 797: Things That Students Should Know About Time Management
Article 798: Mandarin Chinese
Article 799: Memory And Your Health
Article 800: Mental Attitude
Article 801: Mental Health And Improving Your Personal Life
Article 802: Given As Free Plr. Rewrite Completely Before Using.
Article 803: Non-traditional Students And Traditional Time Management Tips
Article 804: Nursing And Time Management
Article 805: One-man Power.
Article 806: Organize To Remember
Article 807: Organize Your Memories
Article 808: Organize Your Money
Article 809: Given As Free Plr. Rewrite Completely Before Using.
Article 810: Organizing Pitfalls
Article 811: Organizing Your E-mail
Article 812: Organizing Your Garage
Article 813: Organizing Your Papers
Article 814: Personal Growth And Development Systems
Article 815: Personal Life Improvement Through Meditation
Article 816: Personal Life Improving To Grow
Article 817: Personal Magnetism.
Article 818: Personal Time Management Software
Article 819: Personal Time Management
Article 820: Personal Time Management
Article 821: Personal Trainer Ideas For Business Development
Article 822: Personal Time Management Tips
Article 823: Phenomena Explained By The Akashic Records
Article 824: Physical Tone.
Article 825: Planning To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 826: Play Levels Of Social Interaction In Speech And Language Therapy
Article 827: Play Piano By Ear - A Great Skill
Article 828: Play Piano In A Flash – Is It Possible?
Article 829: Learn To Play Piano Online
Article 830: Learn To Play The Piano On The Computer
Article 831: Positive Reflections Will Help Improve Your Personal Life
Article 832: Practicing Healthy To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 833: Preparing For Old Age.
Article 834: Proper Rest To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 835: Reasons To Learn Spanish
Article 836: Recover Diminishing Memory
Article 837: 61 Steps To Reduce Tension
Article 838: Reduce The Stress
Article 839: Reducing Stress To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 840: Relationships And Improving Personal Life
Article 841: Religious References To The Akashic Records
Article 842: Research On Memory Loss
Article 843: Rest And Sleep.
Article 844: Roles Of Speech Therapist In Laryngectomy Management
Article 845: Salutations-why Important.
Article 846: Seeking The Truth To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 847: Pointers For Self Discipline For Student Study And Time
Article 848: Should Spanish Be Required In Schools?
Article 849: Scepticism
Article 850: Socializing Will Help Improve Your Personal Life
Article 851: Some Simple Efficiency Changes At Work
Article 852: Spanish Basics: How To Describe A Person's Face
Article 853: Learning Spanish: The Job World
Article 854: Specific Accounts Of Akashic Records
Article 855: Speech And Language Problems Presented By Crouzon Syndrome
Article 856: Speech Therapy: An Overview On Fluency Disorders
Article 857: Speech Therapy: An Overview
Article 858: Speech Therapy: Prolam-gm Approach
Article 859: Speech Therapy Activities For Aphasia
Article 860: Speech Therapy Assessment Tips For Fluency Disorders
Article 861: Speech Therapy Diagnosis: Autism
Article 862: Speech Therapy Fluency Shaping: A Different Approach
Article 863: Speech Therapy For Intermediate Stuttering
Article 864: Speech Therapy For The Hearing Impaired
Article 865: Speech Therapy Of Hearing Impaired Children At The Verbal Level
Article 866: Speech Therapy Voice Training For The Laryngectomee
Article 867: Start Organizing
Article 868: Start Today
Article 869: Steps To Contentment
Article 870: Stop Smoking To Improve Personal Life
Article 871: Strategies That Help Improve Your Personal Life
Article 872: Time Management Tips For A Better Scheduled Student
Article 873: The Accurate And Effective Way For Student Time Management
Article 874: Success Percentage Of Students With Good Time Management
Article 875: Time Management Tips: Enjoying Your Student Life
Article 876: Successful Time Management Techniques
Article 877: Suspending Bad Qualities To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 878: Sympathy, Knowledge And Poise.
Article 879: Take Early Action To Retain Your Mental Health
Article 880: Taking Responsibility To Improve Overall Personal Life
Article 881: Taming The Paper Monster
Article 882: Teaching Hearing Impaired Children At The Nonverbal Level
Article 883: Teaching Time Management Skills
Article 884: Teaching Your Disabled Students About Time Management
Article 885: Ten In Ten
Article 886: There Are Numerous Examples Of The Akashic Records In
Article 887: The Akashic Records
Article 888: The Art Of Conversation.
Article 889: The Aura Of Organizing
Article 890: The Dangers Of Memory Loss
Article 891: The Entrance Into Society.
Article 892: The Equipment That Improves Your Personal Life
Article 893: The Formula To Creating Goals That Help You Improve Your
Personal Life
Article 894: Should We Learn Spanish Because The Hispanic Population Is
Article 895: The Importance Of Personal And Social Development In Business
Article 896: The Importance Of Personal Career Development For Students
Article 897: The Importance Of Personal Development Seminars
Article 898: The Memory Of The Mind
Article 899: The Nature Of The Akashic Records
Article 900: The Pareto Analysis And Time Management
Article 901: The Path To Personal And Professional Development
Article 902: The Posec Method Of Time Management
Article 903: The Role Of Speech Therapy In Traumatic Brain Injury
Article 904: The Stress Of Alzheimers
Article 905: The Study Of Memory Improvement
Article 906: The Thieves Of Personal Development
Article 907: The Words Evade Me
Article 908: The Danger Of Not Managing Your Time At The Office
Article 909: The Importance Of Personal Time Management
Article 910: The Importance Of Teaching Your Children About Time Management
Article 911: The Importance Of Time Management For Students
Article 912: The Importance Of Time Management In The Workplace
Article 913: The Importance Of Time Management
Article 914: The Pros And Cons Of Time Management Training In The Workplace
Article 915: Therapy Procedures For Speech Disorders
Article 916: Think Of The Benefits
Article 917: Three Ways To Balance Your Life (619 Words)
Article 918: Time Management 101 - The Basics
Article 919: Time Management - About Time Boxing
Article 920: Time Management Activities
Article 921: Time Management Courses
Article 922: Time Management - The Importance Of Delegating Tasks
Article 923: Time Management For Nurses
Article 924: Time Management For Parents
Article 925: Time Management For Students
Article 926: Time Management Games
Article 927: Time Management - Goal Setting
Article 928: Time Management In The Workplace
Article 929: Time Management Overview
Article 930: Time Management Skills And The Brain
Article 931: Time Management Strategies
Article 932: Time Management Techniques In Business
Article 933: Time Management Tips And Tricks
Article 934: Time Management Tools
Article 935: Time Management Training
Article 936: Time Management – Viewing Time As A Non-renewable Resource
Article 937: Time Management And Parents
Article 938: Time Management Games For Kids
Article 939: Time Management In The Workplace: How To See Success
Article 940: Time Management Software In The Workplace: Is It Worth The
Article 941: Time Management Tips For Students
Article 942: Time Management: Tips To Help You See Success
Article 943: Time Management Training: What It Entails
Article 944: Teaching Yourself With Easy Ways To Manage Your Time
Article 945: Time Management And Students Go Hand In Hand
Article 946: 7 Important Time Management Activities For High School Students
Article 947: Important Things To Remember With Time Management For College
Article 948: Time Management Is Synonymous With What College Is All About
Article 949: Make Time Management Effective
Article 950: Time Management For Working College Students
Article 951: Time Management For College Athletes
Article 952: Must-have Time Management Tips For College Students
Article 953: Fess Up! Ideal Time Management Habits For College Students
Article 954: Time Management Tips For High School Students
Article 955: Effective Time Management For Nursing Students
Article 956: Time Management Skills For A Successful Student Life
Article 957: Mistakes Students Make In Their Time Management Skills
Article 958: Appropriate Time Management For Student Athletes
Article 959: Tips For Effective Time Management
Article 960: Time Management For University Students: Essential Tool For
Article 961: Time Management In College Is Way Different From That In High
Article 962: Time Management Techniques List For Adult Students
Article 963: Time Management Of Adult Students: Preparing For College
Article 964: Time Management Simulations For High School Students : Learn By
Article 965: Time Management Skills Is Crucial For Secondary Stage Students
Article 966: Why Students Need Time Management Skills
Article 967: Student Life Is Time Management Life
Article 968: Effective Time Management For Students
Article 969: How Time Management Can Be Taught To Students Using Graphic
Article 970: Time Management For Student Nurses
Article 971: Time Management Tips For Graduate Students
Article 972: To Improve What? Oh Yes, Memory!
Article 973: Toys As Materials For Speech Therapy
Article 974: Understanding How To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 975: Using Declan's Flashcards To Learn Chinese
Article 976: Using The Mind To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 977: Using The News Media To Learn Spanish Better
Article 978: Using Your Mp3 Player To Learn Chinese
Article 979: Various Ways To Improve Memory
Article 980: Vitamins To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 981: Waking Up To Improve Personal Life
Article 982: What About Anger Management Classes
Article 983: What Are Some Anger Management Techniques?
Article 984: What Are The Akashic Records?
Article 985: What Can I Do For Memory Improvement?
Article 986: What Goes In Must Find A Way Out
Article 987: What Is A Personal Development Consultant?
Article 988: What Is Anger Management Certification
Article 989: What Is Anger Management?
Article 990: What Is Personal Development Coaching?
Article 991: What Is Personal Development?
Article 992: What Is Your Personal Development Growth I.q.?
Article 993: What To Learn In The Chinese Language
Article 994: What To Look For In A Spanish-speaking Partner
Article 995: What To Look For In A Spanish-speaking Partner
Article 996: What To Do With Employees Who Don't Properly Manage Their Time
Article 997: A Beginners Pick: Choosing The Best Guitar For Learning
Article 998: When Trying To Improve Your Personal Life Doctors Are Important
Article 999: Where To Find A Friend To Help You Learn Spanish
Article 1000: Where To Find Anger Management Support Groups In Connecticut
Article 1001: Where To Find Free Anger Management Advice
Article 1002: Where To Learn Chinese Online...
Article 1003: Where To Learn Spanish
Article 1004: Who Was Edgar Cayse?
Article 1005: Who Was Helena Patrovena Blavatsky?
Article 1006: Who Was Rudolph Steiner?
Article 1007: Why Anger Management Worksheets For Kids Work
Article 1008: Why Children May Benefit From Anger Management Worksheets
Article 1009: Why Is Time Management So Important?
Article 1010: Why Learn Chinese?
Article 1011: Why Not Watch An Anger Management Movie?
Article 1012: Why Some People Don't Want To Learn Spanish
Article 1013: Why Take An Anger Management Course
Article 1014: Why Would You 'memorise'?
Article 1015: Why You Need A Success Mindset (637 Words)
Article 1016: Wisdom And Healing Of The Akashic Records
Article 1017: Wishing To Learn Chinese
Article 1018: Working Through Anger Management Lesson Plans
Article 1019: Working To Improve Your Personal Life
Article 1020: Working With Others Will Help Improve Your Personal Life.
Article 1021: Yoga In Improving Personal Life
Time marches forward, inexorably. Seasons have come and gone, conveniently and comfortingly arranged
in their pattern of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Man discerned this pattern and marked the seasons
as they passed. Each repetition of the pattern became the year. Just how this collection of days and months
was recorded changed over time. The first calendars were not particularly efficient ones. Sages struggled
across the millennia, attempting to create a calendar that was accurate. With the advent of the Julian
calendar we finally found an efficient way to mark time. With a few further tweaks we finally settled on the
Gregorian calendar.

The beginning of the New Year was first observed in the spring in ancient times. The choice of spring makes
perfect sense with it's implications of brand new beginnings. This was a time when the earth grew warm
again. Flowers bloomed and crops were planted. Young men's thoughts turned to romance, and everyone
was inspired to make an effort that the New Year would be better than the old one.

Although our current New Year comes in the cold of winter rather than the newness of spring, we still attach
significance to it being a new beginning. We ring out the old year, epitomized by the decrepit Old Father
Time. We ring in the New Year, symbolized by a brand new baby in diapers. It's a time for starting over and
casting off the past.

Beginning anew gives us a clean slate. We like to make resolutions because in doing so it absolves us of
our failures at least enough to give us hope. We understand from an instinct deep inside that moving forward
with renewed resolve will help us to achieve the things we have pledged for our new year. Resolutions are a
sign of our hope, without which we could never achieve our goals.

Even though we sometimes fail to reach the goals set forth in our Resolutions we are buoyed by our sense
of possibilities, and goals become more focused thanks to the time and effort we devote to them at the end
of each year. Famous men and women have made some astute observances in regard to New Years Eve
and the wisdom of promising to make life better. Mark Twain said in his special brand of wry wit: "New
Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can
begin paving hell with them as usual." He also offered this pithy comment: "Yesterday, everybody smoked
his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community.
Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient
shortcomings considerably shorter than ever."

Benjamin Franklin in his infinite wisdom said, "Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what
you resolve." Franklin is right - we must have the follow through. Making our resolutions is only half the
battle. Oscar Wilde, perhaps sensing the eternal optimism of resolution-making wrote, "Good resolutions are
simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account," but Helen Keller, optimist
extraordinaire, gave us all a vote of confidence when she said, "We can do anything we want to if we stick to
it long enough."

Will this be the fresh new start we've been looking for? Are we prepared for a brand new beginning and do
we have the resolve to see that permanent changes happen for us this New Year? Can we envision our
coming spring, summer, autumn, and winter reflecting the success of our resolutions? In another circling of
the sun, another calendar year, we will see all too clearly if we are making the same resolutions yet again or
if we are looking back with a sense of satisfaction over our accomplishments.
Why do so many New Year's Resolutions fail? Often it's because we allow ourselves to begin breaking the
rules in little ways, building up to bigger and better cheating, until the resolution is completely shot. We
become discouraged, making it harder to get back in the resolution saddle. If you fear your own weakness
will deter you from your goal, consider making yourself accountable to a second party.

When we know that we must answer to someone else we are more aware of the choices we are making.
Whether accountability works because of embarrassment or fear of appearing weak, it can sometimes
provide the motivation it will take to keep us on track. The good thing about having someone to follow our
progress is that we automatically find ourselves blessed with a cheerleader who will be on our side and who
will care about our success. When we are challenged the hardest is when we need our support system the
most. Those to whom we agree to be accountable will be right there with us through thick and thin,
admonishing with love and concern.

We must be very careful when choosing our accountability partner. Sometimes it's good to pick someone
who is trying to reach the same goal we are. Having a diet buddy or a walking buddy can provide not only
the encouragement we need but also someone to share the ups and downs with us. It's common for
husbands and wives, sisters, best friends, or co-workers to set out working together toward a goal.

Sometimes this buddy system can backfire if either party becomes resentful over being 'policed', even when
they agreed upon it in the first place. Those involved should have a clear understanding of the boundaries
for the accountability. No one should be given the right to ride you relentlessly to the point you give up, nor
should they have the right to discuss your progress, or lack of it, in public or with other people. Agree on the
ways the support is to be given and always insist on tactfulness.

In instances where accountability with a relative or someone close is not apt to work out, it's better to
become accountable to someone you don't know. Some people prefer to go to public meetings where they
are encouraged by professional leaders. There is nothing personal in this business relationship. There are
organizations for dieters in which one weighs in each week, and there are personal trainers who keep tabs
on the progress of those who have committed to an exercise routine. Programs of all sorts provide sponsors
who will offer just as much support as a relative or friend, but who will not be governed by relationship

Do yourself a favor by not trying to reach difficult goals alone. With all the different kinds of support systems
from which to choose, you don't ever have to feel isolated while working toward your goal. Determine which
system is best for you and take full advantage of it. But remember, it's still up to you. If you are overwhelmed
by temptation to cheat, be open about it. Ask for extra support and encouragement when you feel you need
it. Remember above all else that you chose this person or group. Don't allow yourself to become angry or
resentful for doing what you agreed upon. Appreciate them for their part in helping you to reach your goal.
Communicating with our children can be a difficult task at times. We feel like they're not listening to us; they
feel like we're not listening to them. Good listening and communications skills are essential to successful
parenting. Your child's feelings, views and opinions have worth, and you should make sure you take the
time to sit down and listen openly and discuss them honestly.

It seems to be a natural tendency to react rather than to respond. We pass judgment based on our own
feelings and experiences. However, responding means being receptive to our child's feelings and emotions
and allowing them to express themselves openly and honestly without fear of repercussion from us. By
reacting, we send our child the message that their feelings and opinions are invalid. But by responding and
asking questions about why the child feels that way, it opens a dialog that allows them to discuss their
feelings further, and allows you a better understanding of where they're coming from. Responding also
gives you an opportunity to work out a solution or a plan of action with your child that perhaps they would not
have come up with on their own. Your child will also appreciate the fact that maybe you do indeed
understand how they feel.

It's crucial in these situations to give your child your full and undivided attention. Put down your newspaper,
stop doing dishes, or turn off the television so you can hear the full situation and make eye contact with your
child. Keep calm, be inquisitive, and afterwards offer potential solutions to the problem.

Don't discourage your child from feeling upset, angry, or frustrated. Our initial instinct may be to say or do
something to steer our child away from it, but this can be a detrimental tactic. Again, listen to your child, ask
questions to find out why they are feeling that way, and then offer potential solutions to alleviate the bad

Just as we do, our children have feelings and experience difficult situations. By actively listening and
participating with our child as they talk about it, it demonstrates to them that we do care, we want to help and
we have similar experiences of our own that they can draw from. Remember, respond - don't react.
The question is: "Are addictions actually bad habits?" According to the habit model of addiction, they are.
This theory of addiction states that the only reason to say there is a difference is to persecute "addicts."

People with bad habits of smoking often feel much persecuted. While smoking is not illegal (at least not
yet), it is shunned by society as a whole. At first, you could smoke anywhere. Expecting fathers smoked in
the maternity waiting rooms. Then, you could smoke in buildings, but only in a designated smoking room.

Then there came the designated smoking area outside the building. Now restaurants, bars, and whole cities
are going smoke-free. It seems that a lot of people have given up their bad habits. However, they do not
seem to remember how badly they were addicted before. The truth is that in a way, they are still addicted
and always will be. That is how addiction works.

In an effort to save others from the ill effects of their second hand smoke, many people have switched their
bad habits to smokeless tobacco. Just because the tobacco is not smoked, though, it does not mean the
nicotine is not addictive. It is said to be just as hard a bad habit to break as cigarettes. People quitting it use
patches and nicotine gum or Zyban, too.

Sleeping pills are bad habits to get into as well. They can be so addictive that you need a higher and higher
dosage to fall asleep. Eventually, they will not help at all. Some people overdose in an attempt to reach a
dose that will put them to sleep. It usually takes intervention by a doctor and/or a sleep clinic to straighten
you out.

Alcohol can be a bad habit if you drink to excess. For some people with certain physical conditions, it can
be risky anyway. It can be dangerous if mixed with particular medications. However, if a person is addicted
to alcohol, they will not be concerned with that. Neither will they be concerned about their jobs or their
relationships. It will all be about the next drink.

Drugs pose a variety of bad habits. There are so many illegal drugs that they are too numerous to count.
They have different affects and cause different levels of addiction. Some have fast and devastating results.
Others do little damage in the short run. Yet, they are all bad habits.

There are club drugs, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and hallucinogens. All these drugs can be nasty.
There are also legal drugs that people get into bad habits with by starting with an injury or other medical
condition. These can be pain pills like percocet, or muscle relaxants. They are also very addictive bad

If you have an addictive bad habit, you probably need some form of help to get over it. In fact, once you
have a serious addiction, experiencing the sights, smells, or sounds of your addiction will start your brain in
that addictive mode again. It is no wonder that people struggle for years with addictive bad habits.
Teenagers are most likely to be affected by addiction because of their curious age. When an adolescent
accepts rehabilitation and has been in the process of recovery for more than 30 days, some may choose to
go on with their lives and start anew while others portray fear which is basically caught by sober living
homes. Homes like these freely embrace the person who is in dire need of some place to rest his or her
head for rehabilitation to continue.

Adolescents and the outside world

With regards to the outside world, adolescents become more doubtful especially because it is where it all
began. Think, after weeks of rehabilitation, would the adolescent choose to go back to a miserable life or
start all over by going in sober living homes. With the proper supervision of parents and with the acceptance
of the adolescent's own understanding, he or she may be going inside the facility and stay for a longer
period of time.

Homes for adolescents

Sober homes need not be expensive. All it takes is for someone to recognize that complete recovery is more
important than thinking about how to pay additional bills. One may choose to be in a society where girls and
boys mix or otherwise choose to be in a home that is exclusively for female. It is in the client's preference if
he or she will be adapting the real environment or something that's close to reality.

Choosing the best transitional program for your adolescent

Placing your child in a transitional program based in a sober home should be thought of. This process will
work effectively especially if the adolescent knows how to follow certain instructions and complies with the
standards and rules of the place. The facility must know how to honor the client's need for effective
treatment withstanding from the wilderness and vagueness of the situation. They need to uphold the
teenager's integrity in order to strengthen the integrity of the person.

Choosing the right program

Upon choosing the most appropriate program for the adolescent, one determine things that"ll greatly affect
your individual's behavior. Remember, every individual is unique in his own attitude and behavior. Thus, one
must know:

• Program's structure – Determination if the program that is chosen can provide sufficient structure in order
to support the student's transitional phase in going back to the real world. Will the program fit the person or
will it leave everything to stagnate. You have to remember that adolescents don't have the capability to seek
placement in the transitional ideas thus, may not demonstrate knowledge and skills in order to remain sober
and avoid relapses.

• Program's goal – the program must have a goal otherwise it will just be another activity aiming at nothing.
The program must have the capacity to impart knowledge that will lead to recovery and increased coping
mechanisms. These must be integrated in a way that even if the person meets daily difficulties will still be
able to maintain stability with decisions and behavior. No relapses.

• Family inclusion – the program must always involve the presence of the people who are close to the life of
the individual in order to pursue the treatment even outside the sober living environment. Consider marking
enabling a disagreeable conversation. It is wise to let the parents and loved ones know how it all started and
how it's suppose to end if given proper authority.
Would it not be nice if you could avoid bad habits instead of having to quit them after starting? No one will
avoid all bad habits. There are just too many to stay away from them all. Yet, you can reduce the number
of bad habits you have to conquer.

There are certain bad habits that you can avoid altogether. Your body has no need for nicotine or tar from
cigarettes. So, if you do not take that first cigarette, you will never have to face the daunting task of giving
them up. It is well worth any social discomfort you might feel to dodge that bullet.

Other bad habits are a matter of degree. Your body needs food. Many people realize that they will gain a
lot of weight if they do not take action. However, you cannot just stop eating altogether. You could for
awhile, but that would not be healthy either. Instead you must find a way to limit yourself.

To avoid the bad habits involved in letting yourself become overweight, you need to think differently. You
can do this by thinking of food as a special treat that you only get at certain times. You can eat like a thin
person-picking out the best part and leaving the rest. There are a host of different thinking patterns you can
take on to avoid getting fat.

Not exercising is another of the bad habits that will make you gain weight. You may know that you need to
get up and move around. You may have every intention to do so. The energy does not seem to be there
when you need it. To avoid this bad habit, start slowly. What you may not realize is that the energy will
increase as your exercise increases.

Bad habits of personal hygiene can be avoided by developing a positive routine. If you fear going out in
public smelling bad, you can make it a habit to shower every morning. Shower more than once a day if the
situation calls for it. Brush your teeth and comb your hair. If you are just starting out on your own, you could
even make a list. After all, you are probably past those teen years when everyone else made sure you were

Relationships are difficult enough without developing bad habits. If you are getting married, make a point of
discussing all the possible trouble areas first. You can do this with a pre-marriage counselor or on your own.
Either way, it is good to learn how you each can contribute to keeping away the bad habits of jealousy or

Many bad habits can be avoided if you will only consider the needs of yourself and of others equally. Putting
yourself first at all times makes you selfish and hard to abide. Putting others first all the time just makes you
a doormat.

For every bad habit, there is a way to avoid it. The trouble is that no one can be vigilant enough to control
that many behaviors. What is more, many bad habits start before people are old enough to think much
about it. If you want to, though, you can pass up some of them.
The moment an addict has already completed the program that are laid out for him inside rehabilitation
centers, he must result to continuous rehabilitation. Depression is a kind of mental illness that harnesses low
self-esteem and constant crying from patients. Some of the depression occurrences are because of the
person's connection with precipitating substances like alcohol.

Once you have come out of the rehabilitation center and recovered from your depression, you can avoid
relapses. Avoiding depression relapses is an effective tool in order to attain living in sobriety.

However, depression relapses are common especially when the underlying cause is not resolved. Here are
some advices on how relapses can be avoided. You"ll just need a steady heart, good friends, determination,
resources of knowledge, and faith.

1. Be educated.

Know your disorder or most efficiently, know yourself and what caused the illness. You can do this by doing
a bit of research. Depression is not something to be scared of. Depression is caused by chemical
imbalances in your brain wherein time may come when your mind will be playing tricks on your whole
personality. Once you see depression as a kind of disease that needs to be treated and avoided, you"ll
finally realize that controlling it is overall possible.

2. Despise relapses

You should not let relapses cross your path. You have already experienced a difficult stage in your life which
you wouldn't want to be reminded of. Always control your mood. Pay attention to the reasons why you are
experiencing relapses or why you have experienced the illness in the first place. You must not let your sad
and depressive emotions overcome you because this will cause your downfall. Count the events that tend to
trigger your feeling depressed. If you are experiencing some relapses, you have to do something about it
and fast.

3. Never go alone

Don't isolate yourself. Remember the time when your therapist told you that being isolated causes the
person to become more and more depressed? Therefore, you should never rely in being alone in one corner
trying to ponder and making thoughts crowd your mind. Use communication with friends and family or
relatives; if you are worried about relapses, you have to be careful in showing signs of it. Try to let your
friends be with you for a while and air out what you feel. This will make you feel better.

4. Stop any negative thinking

Whatever happens negative thinking should never collide with your thoughts. It will only cause the downfall
of your personality and may cause a relapse. Always think positive. If things don't go your way, then accept
it as a challenge. Never tell yourself that you"re no one. Don't produce patterns of negative ideas and
thoughts run inside your mind. This will trigger relapses.

5. Learn to cope

If you have anti-depressant drugs, use it when you are feeling down. Don't stop the medication just because
you feel that everything's alright. If ever you have felt that the drug no longer works or has irritating effects
on you, talk to your doctor about it.

For you to attain sober living, you have to follow these advices to be able to avoid depression relapses. You
must always surround yourself with things that are positive and make your support system strong.
Bad habits can be very expensive to maintain. Never mind that they are annoying to others. Do not think
about the pain you cause yourself, if you do not want to. Just remember that your bad habits are hitting you
where it hurts-in your wallet.

Smoking has always been a bad habit to have. In past times, people smoked more cigarettes, but cigarettes
were cheaper. Now, many people have cut down on the number of cigarettes they smoke per day. Yet,
those few are more expensive now than the many were back then. That's accounting for inflation, too.

This is because lawmakers have seen fit to put large taxes on cigarettes. In many areas, the taxes are set
to go up even higher. Some states are planning hikes of $10 per carton. If that will not stop you from
smoking, what will?

Alcohol, too, is a bad habit that is subject to sin tax. It depends on how expensive your taste in alcohol is
whether it will cost you more or less. Usually, most people will go to drinking less expensive alcohol as their
dependency grows. However, it is not unusual for someone to go to a bar on a Friday night and spend their
paycheck on alcohol.

Many people get into bad habits of taking prescription drugs when they have an injury, such as a back injury.
They may be given muscle relaxants and strong pain relievers to get them through the first painful days.
This is a reasonable medical response to their condition.

Yet, the medication helps them feel so good that they will want to get more. They may go back to the doctor
to get more. If the doctor will not agree, they may go to different doctors to get different prescriptions. All
these doctor visits and prescriptions usually come with a price tag. Then, when that no longer works, they
will go to get their pain relief medications on the streets. It will cost even more to keep up their bad habits.

Of course, people who have bad habits with illegal drugs probably have some of the most expensive bad
habits of all. Whether it is cocaine, heroin, marijuana, or methamphetamine, there are no cheap drugs. At
least, there will not be an unlimited supply of cheap drugs. If a person truly has a bad habit with one of
these drugs, they will always want more until they quit. The cost can get to be astronomical.

Gambling can lead people into financial hardship. Some people have such bad habits with gambling that
they lose their houses and everything else they own. They may be in staggering debt on top of that. Now
that there is online gambling, they cannot even get away from their bad habits by staying home.

Shopaholics spend money like there is no tomorrow. This bad habit can destroy a budget. It can take
money away from things that need to be paid, like a mortgage or car payment.

It is clear that these bad habits are costly in the short run. Many of them are also costly over time, as health
issues settle in. The cost of cigarettes is high, for example, but the cost of lung cancer is very much higher.
Ridding yourself of these bad habits can only help your finances to get better.
People often come to relationships with bad habits when it comes to getting along with another person.
They may have every intention of making a relationship work, but ingrained trends stop them from truly
connecting. There are many such bad habits.

Jealousy plagues many otherwise good relationships. A boyfriend might always suspect his girlfriend of
going around with other men. Or, it could be more subtle. A woman may suspect that her husband is
constantly looking for another female to take her place. In either case, the jealous person may have nothing
real to worry about. This is when it gets to be nothing more than a bad habit.

Selective hearing is another problem that becomes a bad habit in relationships. People do not pay attention
to each other's needs. One person will try to explain something that is important to them, and the other will
say, "yes, yes," but will not really hear.

Then, when the first person says something the second person is interested in, suddenly they are in the
conversation completely. This fosters feelings of hostility, and is one of the relationship bad habits that can
wear a couple down over time.

People can develop bad habits in long relationships if they lean too much on the other person. They can
depend so much on the other person that they lose the ability to take care of themselves. A person in a
relationship may become irresponsible at work because of it. They may feel that they are taken care of
anyway, so it does not matter. These bad habits can take over every aspect of their lives.

Some couples fall into bad habits in their fighting. All healthy couples will disagree from time to time. Where
bad habits come in is the way the arguments are conducted. One partner may have the bad habit of yelling
at the top of her lungs.

Another partner may throw dishes instead. Still another may bring up old arguments to try to hurt the other
person. All these are bad habits in relationships because they are not productive forms of disagreement.

Many people in relationships get into the bad habits of nagging their partners. This has often been
portrayed as a women's fault. However, men do it too. Sometimes, both parties in the relationship will nag
each other. That makes for a very unhealthy relationship.

Blaming comes with its own price. This is a bad habit that erodes a relationship if it goes on too long. One
person may be taking all the blame. In this case, that person's self esteem can get to a very low point.

Other times, people can blame each other. If this happens, the usual result is a disconnect between the two
partners. They do not want to be involved with someone who does not accept responsibility.

If you want to have a healthy relationship, you need to purge yourself of your bad habits. The sooner you
learn what you and your partner need to stay together, the better your bond will be.
Sports are fun to watch and to play, as long as you curb your bad habits. To be successful at any sport, you
need to develop the behavior patterns that will lead to winning. A part of this is avoiding certain bad habits.

Taking care of the body should be of utmost importance to anyone who wants to play sports seriously.
Smoking and drinking are bad habits that do not mix well with sports. Smoking cuts a person's breathing
capabilities. It makes the person gasp for air after a short practice run.

Drinking alcohol is another bad habit for athletes. It dehydrates the body and slows coordination. However,
drinking other fluids is necessary. Some sports players have the bad habits of not keeping themselves
hydrated. This should not happen, since there are usually plenty of water and electrolyte-rich drinks
available at the event.

Sports players are often entrenched in their bad habits of not getting enough sleep. They are wound up
after practices or games and do not feel like going to bed early. They get up to start their training on an
early schedule. If they push themselves too hard, they will find that these bad habits will end up taking them
out of the game.

An athlete should never start to play without some sort of stretching or warm-up exercises. Yet, bad habits
often prevail. People begin doing their sport without the slightest thought to getting ready. This is important
even for a professional athlete. It often happens, though, that an amateur athlete will be more careless
about. They do not make it their business to do everything right.

Sometimes people who play sports occasionally think they can be athletes without much practice. They
have the bad habit of doing nothing for weeks or months on end. Then, they jump in and do strenuous
sports activities. They believe that they do not need to keep practiced and in shape. This can result in injury
and exhaustion.

Not using proper safety equipment is a bad habit in sports. In professional sports, this equipment is
required. If an NFL football player were to make it onto the field without his protective gear, he would be
fined heavily.

In amateur games, people are not so careful about using safety equipment. They may play golf in slick
dress shoes instead of golf shoes. This may cause them an injury if they slip and fall. A bicyclist may have
the bad habit of not using a helmet if she is an amateur. This can be a dangerous mistake.

One bad habit people have in sports is not being team players. If a person tries to take all the glory, the
team comes to resent him and will not back him up the way they should. If the person works with the team,
the team will be a cohesive unit that can accomplish great things.

Sports can be fun activities or a great way to make a living. Either way, the way you conduct yourself will
make all the difference in how you enjoy the game. So, suit up and leave your bad habits on the bench.
Everyone suffers when someone on the job has bad habits in the workplace. Bad habits can make for an
environment that is unfriendly, unproductive, or even unsafe. You can only correct your bad habits in the
workplace if you recognize them.

One of the most noticeable bad habits in the workplace is tardiness. Some people just have a habit of being
late to everything. They are late to arrive, late back from break, and late back from lunch. This not only puts
them in jeopardy of losing their jobs. It can affect the productivity of the whole crew or office.

Absenteeism is another bad habit that people can fall into easily. A new trend is to make all accumulated
days off the same. Sick days, personal days, and vacation days are lumped together. You just have a set
number of days off and it is up to you how you take them.

The trouble with this system is that too many people have bad habits about using the days off. They get
used to taking off whenever they feel like it. Before they know it, all their days off are gone. Then, when
they really have an emergency or illness, they have to miss work without pay. In the meantime, their
workload is being handled by someone else.

People often have bad habits in the workplace when it comes to paperwork. They do not do proper
accounting on their expense reports. They do not keep the receipts that are needed by their company.
They fail to keep mileage records on their company cars accurately. This makes the company's accounting
department have to work harder.

Many workers have an aversion to doing paperwork at all. They have bad habits of not filling out jobsite
reports as needed. If they do special business reports as requested, they may have bad habits about not
turning them in on time.

Clean work spaces can help people get more work done. However, many people have bad habits when it
comes to keeping their desks and offices neat. They may have a certain kind of organization if they have
stacks of papers on their desks. Yet, if their desk is full of half empty pop cans and crumpled up fast food
bags, it cannot help anything.

People often get into the bad habit of losing things. They may lose important paperwork. The paperwork
may be critical contracts for a major deal the company is involved with. If your bad habits take over, you can
cost the company everything.

People in other kinds of jobs can get into the habit of losing tools. They do not pay enough attention when
they lay down their tools. When they get ready to clean up for the day, they have no recollection of where
they put a particular tool, if they remember using it at all. This is a bad habit that amounts to laziness in

If you want to make an impression at work, get a grip on your bad habits. The way you work will be a result
of the habits you bring to the table. It is the good habits that make you succeed.
Bad habits can often damage your health. They can make you feel unwell. They can have long-term affects
on your physical condition. If you want to live a long life and healthy life, there may be some bad habits you
need to overcome.

Many of the bad habits that make you feel poorly are related to eating. A growing number of people in the
US are obese. This is mainly due to the fact that they have developed the bad habit of overeating.

This can lead to numerous conditions and diseases. Heart disease, diabetes, bone and joint distress, and
many other physical conditions can result. Even some forms of cancer occur more often in obese people.
What is more, very obese people are often bedridden and cannot care for themselves.

Some people do not have the habit of overeating in general. They just eat the wrong things when they do
eat. They may eat fast food at every meal. This can literally make you sick. The high quantities of fats,
sugars, and starches in fast foods make them very unhealthy.

Other foods can be bad habits to eat as well. Other fried foods cause health problems. Foods that are low
in fiber lack a substance the body needs to function well. It is a bad habit to avoid this. Foods high in sugar
are bad habits, if not addictions. They affect the metabolism in drastic ways, causing an imbalance in
energy and insulin.

People have trouble knowing what kinds of electrolytes they need. Some people have bad habits when it
comes to salt. They will salt all the food on their plate as soon as they sit down. They will not taste any of it
first. Too much salt can lead to hypertension.

Even if you eat right, you will be weak if you do not exercise. Living a sedentary lifestyle is a bad habit. You
may not have much choice about how much movement is allowed at your job. That does not mean that you
cannot get out and get your heart beating before or after work.

In fact, if you do not have time to exercise outside of work, you probably have another bad habit in the health
area. Overworking is a cause for several illnesses. High blood pressure, heart disease, and others can
plague you if you do not stop and take time to relax at home.

A discussion of bad health habits would not be complete without reference to smoking, drinking, and drugs.
Each of these has dire health risks that are known by most people. If you smoke, you might get lung cancer.
You might also get COPD, another breathing disorder. If you drink, you might have liver failure. Drugs can
do all kinds of damage, including damage to your brain.

Others care about your health, as you should care, too. It may be difficult, but kicking your bad habits and
making yourself healthy again is a worthy goal to aspire to. Why not start today?
If you are in high school or college, you know that you will not get the best grades if you have bad study
habits. Unless you are a naturally gifted student, it takes some effort to get the grade point average you
need to continue in your academic career. Even if you are gifted, bad habits can hurt your scores.

Of course, the worst of the bad habits of studying is not studying at all. Some people plan to go through
school without cracking open a book. It is rare for this to be an adequate response to academia. Most
people need to study.

Some people do not go to class. This is another bad habit. The teacher or professor may give you
information that if not in any of the literature. To get it, it is best to go to class. You might be able to get it
second hand from someone who did go to class, but there is nothing like hearing it for yourself.

Sometimes students go to class, but they go unprepared. Some do not buy the proper literature or lab
materials. They try to get by with sharing or looking on others' work. This is a bad habit, as they will not get
the personal experience that they would with their own literature and materials.

You can buy the right literature and lab materials, but if you do not have the right equipment and supplies.
You will suffer if you do not have the right supplies to go along with it. If you make it a habit to show up
without paper, pen, pencil, or even a laptop computer if needed, you will not be able to do your work.

There are certain physical bad habits that make studying harder. Studying without eating is like trying to
drive a car without fuel-it does not work very well. Studying without sleep is unproductive. Studying with a
hangover is very distracting.

Many students will go to class to be entertained. This seems almost reasonable because many professors
have great senses of humor. However serious learning should be taking place as well. If you find yourself
not taking notes, you will know you are slipping into bad habits. If you get to class and you have not read
the assignment, you will be ill prepared.

Cramming for tests is a time honored tradition. Yet, if you want to retain the material beyond the end of the
semester, it is a bad habit to start. Doing daily work will help you to understand the material that is being put
into your brain. It will help you assimilate it in a way that will help you to remember it in the long haul.

If you are a motivated student, your bad habits may be just as unproductive, in the short run at least. You
may find yourself straying in your research. You find your subjects fascinating, but you find other
information interesting as well. Before you know it, you have spent hours on the internet researching
something you do not need for your school work at all. It may increase your knowledge overall, but it will not
help today.

You can rid yourself of your bad habits when you are studying or preparing to study. Some people choose
not to. However, you might find it beneficial.
Children are inquisitive by nature. When they are younger, it's usually because they want to better
understand something. When they are older, it's because they want to better understand why you think
something is important and why they should also feel the same way. Regardless of their age, it's imperative
that when setting forth the rules and expectations in your home, your child understands there is no room for
questioning the rules you set forth and the consequences of breaking the rules.

Younger children usually do not understand a lengthy explanation of why it's important that they be home
from their friend's home at a certain time or why they aren't allowed to play ball in the house. But the one
thing they do strive to do most of the time is to make their parents proud and happy. So when a young child
asks "Why?" or "Why not?" when they are told they can't play with something or someone or why they have
to obey a rule you've set forth, simply explain to them that "because it makes me happy when you follow the
house rules and do what I have asked of you." You should avoid using the term, "Because I said so," as
that only adds to the child's frustration and confusion.

Older children, adolescents and teenagers alike will probably require more from your explanation. When
they question "Why?" or "Why not?" it's best to directly, honestly and clearly state your reasoning. "I asked
you to be home by 10 p.m. because we have to be at the dentist's office first thing in the morning for your
check-up and we can't be late." It is also a great opportunity for you to reiterate the consequences of
breaking the rule. "If you are not home by 10 p.m., you'll be grounded from going to your friend's house for
a week." Be consistent, be firm, and be clear.

Though your child may challenge you by asking your reasoning why a rule has been put in place, it also
shows their growth as an individual thinker. So try not to get angry or frustrated when they do so; realize it's
their way of understanding their world around them.
It's often been said that children learn what they live. So if you're looking for a place to start helping your
child build positive self esteem and self value, then you should show them your positive sense of self and
strong self esteem. Be positive when you speak about yourself and highlight your strengths. This will teach
your child that it's okay to be proud of their talents, skills and abilities.

Your child also benefits greatly from honest and positive praise. Find something about them to praise each
day. You could even give your child a task you know they can complete and then praise them for a job well
done after they're finished. Show your child that positive acts merit positive praise.

When your child's feeling sad, angry or depressed, communicate openly, honestly and patiently with them.
Listen to them without judging or criticizing. They may not fully understand why they feel the way they do,
so the opportunity to communicate with you about it may be what's needed to help them sort through a
difficult situation. Suggest positive behaviors and options as solutions, and make sure to leave that door of
communication open so they know the next time they feel badly, they can come to you for help and know
that you won't judge or punish them for how they're feeling.

Teach your child the importance of setting goals and developing a plan to meet that goal and complete that
task. Small projects are the best to start off with in the beginning. Ensure that it's an appropriate task for
your child, and not too complex. Don't only give praise at the end of the project, but praise their
accomplishments during the project as well.

Most importantly, tell your child "I love you" each and every day - many times throughout the day, in fact.
When they've behaved badly, remind yourself that it's not them you don't like, only their behavior. Tuck
short, sweet notes in their lunchboxes or coat pockets, or even send them a card in the mail. Soon, they'll
learn to say "I love you" just as easily and honestly in return.
Just like a snowflake or a fingerprint, every child is unique in their own special way. Every child has a unique
way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others are outgoing; some
are active, while others are calm; some are fretful, while others are easy-going. As a loving and nurturing
parent, it's your job to encourage them to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their individual qualities.
Allow your child to express themselves through their interests. They may find a creative outlet in theatre,
dancing or art, or they may be exceptionally talented in the sciences. Encourage them to embrace what
they like to do, what interests them, and what makes them happy. Help them realize that they don't need to
worry about being 'like everyone else.' Teach your child to make positive choices, and praise them for good
deeds, behaviors and positive traits they possess. Encourage them to become actively involved in their
community, and introduce them to activities that promote a sense of cooperation and accomplishment. Be
firm yet fair when handing down discipline for misdeeds or misbehaviors, and make certain the rules and
consequences for breaking the rules are clearly defined. Show a cooperative, loving and united front with
your spouse when it comes to discipline. Accept and celebrate your child's uniqueness. Remember that
your child is an individual. Allow your child to have his or her own personal preferences and feelings, which
may be different from your own. And finally, encourage your child to be true to themselves by doing the
same. Show your child how to make positive choices with the choices you make, and that nobody is perfect
and you too make mistakes. Show your child that mistakes can be a great learning experience, and that
they should not be ashamed or embarrassed about making them. .
Evaluation of sober living homes is important for the documentation of their services and how effective their
programs are. Studies that has documented the characteristics of the person's social environment is related
in the consumption of the alcohol and substances which are all associated with the person's dependence. It
has also stated that the client must show certain positive changes that are all associated with the outcome of
the treatment.

Sober living homes intentionally provide individuals an environment that is drug and alcohol free that"ll help
establish or maintain the individual's sobriety. Aftercare placements that are used for clients who are
completing treatment residentially however, there are no tracking measures of functioning over a period of

What are the different characteristics of a sober living home in order to uphold the different policies that are
expected of them?

1. The facility must provide a structured, effective and safe treatment for drug addiction, alcoholism and
eating disorders wherein clients will receive care from individualized mode of treatment which will help the
clients and residents overcome the addiction while living in a facility that's well equipped and improvised.

2. Environment must spell peacefulness and serenity in order for fast recovery and rehabilitation to be
continued. The place must also be accessible for the benefit of the resident's loved ones to visit. It should be
away from influences that can be harmful for the individual or may tempt the person who are in it to account
for submission to their past lives. The place must make the residents feel that they"re just inside their homes
and not just another rehabilitation center.

3. The staff working inside the institution must be supportive and must be able to guide the client through the
procedures of effective recovery. They must be knowledgeable in the event that relapse may take place.
Working staff must be able to communicate with the residents effectively and in a very therapeutic manner
without harshness or intimidation.

4. Activities must also be done in order to create a more fun environment like surfing, exercising, sailing,
excursions and the like. This will ease the person's stress and boredom in the process. These activities must
also be fruitful enough to bring back the dignity and integrity of the person.

5. Treatment options must be laid out in the simplest way possible in order for the residents to refrain from
any relapses or mild episodes of their past life. If detoxification is needed, then it is provided with the
physician's agreement.

6. Care for the recognition of different genders is also important in order to facilitate a more equal level of
support and instructions. It will identify the gender's individual and more appropriate need to be able to allow
a more educated and fair treatment.

7. Programs must be acceptable and are acclaimed by people in authority. The facility must make sure that
the programs are conducted for the easy modifiability and strict compliance of the structure's standards.

Innovative programs must be designed according to the needs of the individual and not just the facility.
Sober living facilities must ensure the client's individuality and not merely looking at the disorder's pattern.
The facility should comply with multidisciplinary functioning that is the main reason why sober living homes
are out in the first place.
It can be very frustrating to ask your child over and over again to complete their chores without them ever
getting done. If this describes your house to a tee, consider designing a chore chart. Chores might include
taking out the garbage, doing the dishes, cleaning their room, yard work or putting laundry in the laundry
room. Each chore has to be done just once or twice a week. Anything more is unrealistic. After your child
completes each chore, they can put a check mark on the chore chart. At the end of each week, it's very
inspiring for both parent and child to look at the chore chart and easily see that each designated job was
completed. Just like our 'to do' lists, your child will find great satisfaction in being able to check off each
chore as it's completed and take pride knowing they accomplished a set task or list of tasks. Once you've
sat down with your child and discussed and designed a chore chart, it's time to discuss the rewards for
accomplishing each task listed. Perhaps at your home you decide you will give a set sum for each task
accomplished. If you should decide to grant your child some sort of monetary allowance, make sure it's age
appropriate and granted on a regular basis. A good rule of thumb is 50 cents per year of age. So your 8
year old child would earn $4.00 per week if each chore on the list has been completed. If it has not been,
they do not receive their allowance. This is a great opportunity for you to teach your children the value of
both earning and saving money, and also giving back. Perhaps the child can divide their allowance into
thirds: 1/3 to spend, 1/3 to save, and 1/3 to use to help those less fortunate than themselves. You might
also want to consider designing a 'bank book' for each portion of the allowance and tuck each into three
separate coffee cans or money jars, and that way you and your child will be able to keep track of how much
has been saved, how much has been spent, and how much of their allowance has gone to help someone
else. Should you decide to use non-monetary incentives as chores payment, be sure you set clear
parameters for your child. Be sure they understand that two hours each weekend of their favorite video
game or going to see a movie with mom or dad is only earned by completing the chore list successfully each
week. You might want to consider writing these on a slip of paper as 'currency' for the child to keep in their
'privilege bank' and they can cash it in with you when they'd like. Regardless of the method you choose,
keep in mind this can be a valuable tool for both you and your child.
Just like a snowflake or a fingerprint, every child is unique in their own special way. Every child has a unique
way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others are outgoing; some
are active, while others are calm; some are fretful, while others are easy-going. As a loving and nurturing
parent, it's your job to encourage them to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their individual qualities.
Allow your child to express themselves through their interests. They may find a creative outlet in theatre,
dancing or art, or they may be exceptionally talented in the sciences. Encourage them to embrace what
they like to do, what interests them, and what makes them happy. Help them realize that they don't need to
worry about being 'like everyone else.' Teach your child to make positive choices, and praise them for good
deeds, behaviors and positive traits they possess. Encourage them to become actively involved in their
community, and introduce them to activities that promote a sense of cooperation and accomplishment. Be
firm yet fair when handing down discipline for misdeeds or misbehaviors, and make certain the rules and
consequences for breaking the rules are clearly defined. Show a cooperative, loving and united front with
your spouse when it comes to discipline. Accept and celebrate your child's uniqueness. Remember that
your child is an individual. Allow your child to have his or her own personal preferences and feelings, which
may be different from your own. And finally, encourage your child to be true to themselves by doing the
same. Show your child how to make positive choices with the choices you make, and that nobody is perfect
and you too make mistakes. Show your child that mistakes can be a great learning experience, and that
they should not be ashamed or embarrassed about making them. .
Chores can help develop a sense of responsibility and self worth in your child. It should be understood by
all family members they are expected and necessary to a household running successfully and efficiently.
They can help create a sense of unity and family and is a great place for your child to learn about teamwork.
Parents should take special care to handle the delegation of chores to children so they don't become a
source of frustration or create arguments. Allow your child to have an active say in the delegation of chores.
Give them choices. We all have household chores that we don't like to do, but if it's a chore the child enjoys
doing then there's less likelihood it will create a battle in the end. The child will most likely appreciate having
the chance to be heard and having a choice. It's imperative that you set parameters early on for the
successful completion of a chore. They may not perform up to snuff when they first start performing the
chore, but show them where improvement is needed and praise them for a strong effort. Also make sure the
child understands there will be repercussions if they only put forth a minimal effort. Ensure the child
understands the need for the chore's effective and efficient completion. Set consequences for substandard
completion as a team. Make sure they see that if they don't perform their chores, it affects the other
members of the team. Spouses must work together and be a strong example for their children by completing
their own chores each day. And don't allow a child to undermine your authority by battling with you over a
designated chore. Stand your ground and don't give in, and emphasize the consequence and negative
effect an uncompleted chore has on the family. And keep an open mind when a child wants to discuss their
thoughts or express their opinions about chores. Make sure the conversation stays positive and on target.
Sometimes it can be very challenging to communicate anything with your child. Setting clear expectations
regarding what's acceptable behavior and what isn't imperative to successfully teaching your child right from
wrong. If the parameters are muddled or the child learns that in one situation the rules hold true yet in
another situation the same rule does not, it makes for confusion and frustration on both sides.

Sit down with your child well in advance and line out the expectations and consequences of misbehaving or
a misdeed. Make it clear that in no uncertain terms is there any room for negotiation at the time of the
infraction, and that should such a behavior occur you intend to be firm in your discipline. Rules regarding
your child's safety, health or well-being should have no room for negotiation when being set or enforced.
Other rules can be openly and honestly discussed with your child and an agreed upon action should be
forged that both parents and child can agree upon. If necessary, make a contract between parent and child.
Lay it all out in black and white, in language your child can clearly understand. For younger children, you
might want to develop a good behavior chart within the contract, and for each week that goes by without any
infractions being noted, a favorite or special activity might be earned. The connection between good deeds
and special time with mom and/or dad might be just the currency they understand.

But all children need to understand that disciplining them is your way of teaching them what's acceptable
behavior and what isn't. It may seem as though children fight rules and regulations, but they truly know that
such parameters are meant for their well-being, health, safety, and enable them to grow into a mature
person capable of making wise decisions.
We all want to connect and be involved with our child. Children of involved parents generally feel more
confident, assured and have a higher level of self esteem. They excel in school and do well in
extracurricular activities and with their hobbies.

But is there such a thing as too much involvement? It's imperative when you're becoming involved with your
school-aged child's activities and academics that you recognize the line of what being too involved can be.

Remember, you're becoming involved in your child's life. It's important that you don't intrude too much upon
it. Children need their space and privacy and they need to be able to develop their own skills, talents and
abilities. In our eagerness to help our child succeed, it's tempting to want to step in and start doing things
for them because you feel they are doing it incorrectly or inadequately. But remember, you had to learn too,
and this is their chance to learn on their own.

Be there to encourage and support your child, and offer praise at a job well done. But also remember to
step back and allow your child to learn from their own mistakes, and to develop their own way of doing
things. We all know from our own life experiences that there's always more than just one way to do
something, and just because your child is doing it differently than you would doesn't make it wrong. Who
knows, it could present a terrific opportunity for you to learn from your child as well.

In addition, try not to become too overbearing or nosy when it comes to their social life. Be available for
them should they need to talk and encourage them to share their troubles with you so you can help them
sort through a problem. But if they say they don't want to talk about it or they just need some time to figure
things out for themselves, respect that need by letting them know you're available whenever they need you.
This is an important part of growing up and allowing a child to figure his own way through things is an
integral part of that process.
Consistency is key to successfully teaching your child right from wrong when disciplining them. It keeps
small misdeeds and bad behaviors from later becoming bigger misdeeds and worse behaviors. You have to
stand firm and mean it when you say, "Turn off the television now"or "no dessert after dinner because you
didn't touch your dinner." Consistency teaches your child there are defined consequences for misdeeds and
inappropriate or unacceptable actions or behaviors. Inconsistency when disciplining makes you directly
responsible for your children's misbehavior and doesn't teach them how to be responsible for their actions.
It's also that each partner is consistent with the discipline. If one parent is too strict and the other is too
lenient, the child will key into that and try to manipulate the situation to his or her advantage. Parents must
agree on disciplinary action in advance and make a commitment to one another to be consistent in
implementing and following through with the consequences. This can be especially difficult if the child's
parents are separated or divorced. Though you may not be together anymore, it's imperative that you
parent on common ground. Openly and honestly discuss these parameters with your former spouse and
your child in advance, so that if discipline is needed, the consequences of such misbehavior are well
understood in advance. Any disagreements between parents should be discussed out of the child's earshot.
Consistency is about being strong and standing firm, even when doing so is extremely difficult or exhausting.
It can sometimes be hard to come home after a hard day at work only to find a hard night of parenting in
front of you. Your child will consistently test the boundaries and 'push the envelope' with you to see if
there's any play in those consequences. By standing firm you are showing there is not and that you expect
them to do nothing less than take responsibility for their actions.
Your child's self esteem is their mental foundation. A self-assured child is confident, secure, happy, well-
adjusted and successful. They can solve problems that come their way, and it thrives under a loving parent's
nurturing care. What are some good ways to built self esteem in your child? Most importantly, accept your
child for who they are, and help them do the same. Teach your child that nobody is perfect, and that
everyone makes mistakes. Show them how to learn and grow from their mistakes, and let them know that
you also make mistakes. Children with high self esteem are able to take lessons from mistakes and apply
them down the road. A child with low self esteem become frustrated and resort to self-depreciating
behavior, such as calling themselves 'stupid' and vowing to 'never try that again.' Help your child discover
their abilities and talents, and encourage outlets for them to build on and improve them. Praise a child not
only for improvements in abilities and skills, but also for the traits they naturally possess. Encourage your
child to make positive choices. Open an honest dialog with your child and discuss the possibilities with
them. Children who learn skills for making positive choices when they are younger are well-prepared for the
tougher choices they have to make when they are older. Ensure that you spend lots of quality time with your
child, at least once a week. Whether you are shooting baskets or going out to grab a hamburger, take time
to talk and keep in touch. If you find it difficult to squeeze in quality time during a hectic week, take the time
to talk about things during the drive to school or while they are helping you put the groceries away.
Anger can be a paralyzing and debilitating condition. But it can be a terrifying and degrading experience for
your child if you're taking your anger out on them. Physical and verbal abuse of a child can have lasting and
lethal implications, so it's crucial that as a parent, you do whatever necessary to get your anger in check.

As a parent, you have a wonderful opportunity to undo the wrongs that were done to you as a child if you
had an angry and abusive parent or parents. It can be very curative and demonstrate you where your
troubles lie are and inspire you to fix them. Perhaps your past is filled with unresolved hurt and anger. If so,
take the necessary steps to heal yourself. If you don't, you could unwillingly and unthinkingly harm your
child. Studies have shown that children whose mothers often express anger are more likely to be difficult to
discipline. Identify problems from your past and honestly look at current situations that are angering you.
Maybe you aren't fulfilled at work; perhaps your spouse and you are having relationship troubles, maybe you
have other personal issues or unfulfilled goals that are bothering you. If all your child ever sees is your angry
face and hears an angry voice, that's what they'll most likely grow into as well.

It's important to 'pick your battles' when parenting. Accidents and nuisances don't warrant the energy and
agony it takes to get angry. But misbehaviors such as a child hurting themselves, others or property
demand a firm, quick and appropriate response from you. You will probably have to continually remind
yourself that the small stuff isn't worth getting worked up over. And remind yourself also that you're the one
in control of your anger; don't let your anger control you. Put yourself in time out, take a deep breath, walk
away, do whatever you have to in order to get a grip on yourself before addressing the situation if you feel
your anger coming on strong.
Some bad habits are just annoying, but others are actually dangerous. It is these dangerous bad habits that
can really get you in trouble. Some people like to take risks. Others do not think about how their bad habits
could affect them.

Bad habits can be nothing more than not paying attention to your physical condition. If you are taking
sedating drugs, it would be a bad habit if you continually worked in this condition. If you work two jobs, it
can be a dangerous habit to work when you are sleepy. You would need to find a safe way to get enough
sleep to work.

Many people have bad habits around electricity. They may use frayed extension cords without thinking.
This is a bad habit that can lead to electrocution or fire. Using ladders, especially metal ladders, around
power lines is another bad habit that is dangerous.

Some people have dangerous bad habits that are just unnecessary by any stretch of the imagination.
People, often younger people, like to stand on moving cars and 'surf." This is reckless behavior at the least.
At the most, it can be deadly.

Many bad habits have to do with driving a car. People often forget how potentially dangerous driving can be
if it is not done with caution. They drive so often that they become accustomed to taking the wheel without
thinking. This leads to a number of dangerous situations.

Some people have bad habits of grooming themselves when driving. Women might put on make-up while
driving. They believe that they can apply mascara and watch the road at the same time. It may work out for
a long time, and then eventually there comes that time when they are not concentrating on the road enough
and an accident happens.

The same can happen when men shave while driving. Or, it can happen when men or women groom their
hair. Other bad habits include the way people use their cell phones when they drive. Sometimes people are
so keyed in on their cell phones that they do not see the car in front of them.

Driving through high flood waters can be a very bad habit. People think they can get through the water and
make it to the other side. If it happens often enough, they may get braver and braver. However, if they go
too far, their vehicle could be swept away. It could lead to a very dangerous situation.

Drinking and driving is the ultimate in bad habits. If you do this, you are not only putting yourself at risk.
You do not even know who else you might be endangering. It could be an infant, an elderly person, or a
single parent. It could be someone just like you. You could kill them or make their lives a lasting misery.
This is not a bad habit that you can let stand.

If you engage in dangerous bad habits, you have to ask yourself why you do it. There must be something
you can do to curb your desire to put yourself and others at risk. Find out what that is, and do it.
Children learn to imitate at a very young age. It's how they learn to behave, care for themselves, develop
new skills, and communicate with others. From their earliest moments they watch you closely and pattern
their own behavior and beliefs after yours. Your examples become permanent images, which will shape their
attitudes and actions for the rest of their life. It's important to be responsible, consistent and loving with your
child. This also holds true for the relationship you have with your spouse, your parents, and other family
members and friends that are also a part of your child's life. Own up to mistakes when you make them, and
communicate open and honestly with all family members. It's also important to take good care of yourself.
When we're focusing on what's best for our child it's easy to neglect our own needs. Your child and your
family are counting on you physically and emotionally, so it's imperative that you teach your child by
example that taking care of yourself helps you to take care of them and the rest of your family. This shows
your child that not only do you love them and the rest of the family, but you love yourself as well. This is an
important step in teaching your child about self esteem. This may involve getting a sitter and treating
yourself out to dinner and a movie, or doing another favorite activity on your own. This teaches your child
that you are not only their parent, but your own person with your interests and needs, and also gives them a
chance to show you how well they can do without you with them for a while. It's also important to nurture
your relationship with your spouse. Let your child see you communicate in a positive and healthy manner
with one another, and show love and affection for one another so your child can begin to learn early on what
a healthy marriage should be like. You'll soon see your child patterning many of his behaviors after your
own. So make sure that what you say and do around your child will help build a strong sense of security
and self esteem.
The question of whether moods constitute bad habits is an interesting one. Many mood disorders have
been identified. These and other psychological problems are seen by some as strictly bad habits.

In fact, it has been shown that continuing to dwell in your present mood perpetuates it. When you decide to
pretend you are happy, studies show that you may actually improve your mood in time. This is not a hard
and fast rule, but there is some indication that people do have some control over their moods.

Moodiness, for example, may be more than bad habits for many. It may be bipolar disorder or some other
psychiatric problem. However, for some it may just be that they are giving in to every feeling that comes
along. They have the bad habits of not trying to have any control over their whims.

Being pessimistic is one of the bad habits that can also be seen as a symptom of depression. Yet, for many,
it is just a habit of thought. They may tell themselves that pessimism is a win-win way of thinking.

If things go right, you win. If things go wrong, you were correct, so you win. These people can improve their
moodiness by looking at the positive side of things in the beginning.

Being in a worrying mood is similar to being pessimistic. The difference between the two bad habits is that
when you worry, you become obsessed and dread upcoming events. If you have the bad habit of worrying,
you can slowly train yourself out of it, especially if you have the right kind of help.

Codependency is not exactly a mood, but it is an emotional state. It is a set of bad habits that encourages a
loved one to do harmful behavior. You do not want your son to be an alcoholic, for example.

However, you constantly make excuses for his behavior to others. If you want him to get better, you have to
stand up and decide to stop with your bad habits. You have to hold him accountable for his actions.

If you have hypochondria, you have an emotionally painful bad habit. Certainly, a person with hypochondria
needs psychological help. However, the treatment that person will receive will probably center on helping
them change their bad habits of thought. They will learn new ways to think about illness and their own
bodies. This will give them some control over their emotions.

If you do a lot of attention seeking, you have bad habits that you can learn to abandon. This could relate
back to something in your past. Perhaps, you were ignored as a child because there was some other
needier person in the home. You learned bad habits of getting attention by annoying means. Taming this
bad habit requires acknowledgement of it, and possibly professional help.

Bad habits that relate to emotional states are often hard to break. Sometimes you need help to overcome
them if you cannot do it on your own. The sooner you stop doing your emotional bad habits, the happier
your life will be.
It's imperative for a child's healthy development to feel important and worthy. Healthy self-esteem is a
child's armor against the challenges of the world. Kids who feel good about themselves seem to have an
easier time handling conflicts and resisting negative pressures. They tend to smile more readily and enjoy
life. These kids are realistic and generally optimistic. It's also been shown that children who feel important
are well-rounded, respectful, and excel in academics, extracurricular activities and hobbies and develop
healthy relationships with their peers. In contrast, for children who do not feel important or cherished have
low self-esteem, and challenges can become sources of major anxiety and frustration. Children who think
poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solving problems, and may become passive, withdrawn, or
depressed. You are the biggest influence in your child feeling important, valued and worthy. Remember to
praise your child for a job well done, and also for putting for a valiant effort. Praise the good traits they
naturally possess, and help them find ways to learn from their mistakes and failures. Be honest and sincere
in your praise. Help them realize that you also suffer from self doubt and can make mistakes from time to
time, but that you know that you are important, valued and loved. When you nurture your own self -esteem
and importance, your child will learn to do the same, so be sure to lead by example and steer clear of self-
depreciating yourself or engaging in activities that lower your self-worth or importance. Your child may have
inaccurate or irrational beliefs about themselves, their abilities or their traits. Accentuate the positive about
your child, and encourage your child to set realistic expectations and standards for themselves. Help them
identify traits or skills they'd like to improve and help them come up with a game plan for accomplishing that
goal. Encourage your child to become involved in cooperative activities that foster a sense of teamwork and
accomplishment. Through these and other positive, affirming activities, your child is sure to develop a
strong sense of self importance, value and worth which will carry into their adult years.
We've all heard the term, "Oh, that's child's play." It implies something is easy, frivolous and unimportant in
the overall scheme of things. But to a child, child's play is essential to their mental, social, emotional, and
physical development. We all know that children like to play. But what we may not know is the importance
of play in a child's life. Play is essential to every area of a child's growth and development. Play provides a
means for energy to be put to use. It strengthens and refines small and large motor skills, and it builds
stamina and strength. Sensory learning develops mostly through play. Play is significant to physical
development in that without it the body could not grow and develop normally. Children possess a natural
curiosity. They, explore, learn and make sense out of their environment by playing. Parents and educators
alike can support this learning activity by ensuring age-appropriate toys, materials and environments are
available to the child. Play enables children to know things about the world and to discover information
essential to learning. Through play children learn basic concepts such as colors, counting, how to build
things, and how to solve problems. Thinking and reasoning skills are at work every time a child engages in
some type of play. Children learn to relate to one another, negotiate roles, share, and obey rules through
play. They also learn how to belong to a group and how to be part of a team. A child obtains and retains
friends through play. Play fulfills many needs including a sense of accomplishment, successfully giving and
receiving attention, and the need for self-esteem. It helps them develop a strong sense of self, and is
emotionally satisfying to them. They learn about fairness, and through pretending learn appropriate ways of
expressing emotion such as anger, fear, frustration, stress and discover ways of dealing with these feelings.
So encourage your child's play. Color pictures, make finger paintings, build buildings and imaginary cities
with blocks, and built a tent in the middle of the living room and go camping! And as we all know, childhood
is fleeting, so let them enjoy being a kid while they are one!
Expect the best from your child. If you expect the best behavior and performance you're your child, it's often
what you will get. Children pick up on our beliefs about them, form a self-concept that matches that belief,
and perform accordingly. If we expect them to be lazy, they'll be lazy, which will confirm our expectations for
them, and the cycle toward failure is started. If, on the other hand, we expect our kids to be successful,
productive, creative, and responsible and honestly believe it to be true, then our children can't help but rise
to the occasion and confirm our best opinions of them with their positive actions. So expect nothing but the
best from your children and watch them fulfill your expectations. Praise your child often when they perform
a good deed or accomplish a new task. Set simple, clear and consistent rules so your child knows exactly
what is expected and the consequences of misbehaving or breaking the rules. Maintain a consistent daily
routine for your child as much as possible, and make sure your child gets lots of physical activity and time to
play and socialize with their friends. Encourage your child to learn how to make appropriate choices, and
encourage your child to do things for themselves. Allow your child to talk about strong feelings, which will
help them work through their anger and frustration. Above all, be a positive role model for your child, as
their strongest educator is your example. Take care of yourself, and expect the best from yourself. Make
appropriate choices and be firm yet fair when disciplining your child. Make sure to spend lots of quality time
with your child, and encourage them to become involved in activities that foster cooperation and a sense of
accomplishment. If you have great expectations of your child, you'll be greatly pleased in the end.
It is easy to get into bad habits with financial matters. Few people have enough money to simply buy what
they want without a thought. Most people have to plan their purchases and stay vigilant to keep themselves

Many people have bad habits of getting too far in debt with credit cards. The cards are easy to get. You
can get a handful of Visas and Master Cards, an American Express Card, a Discovery Card, and several
cards from retail stores without much effort. You do not have to have much income to get this many cards,

None of the card companies seem to consider that you might have to pay payments to the other cards. You
may think you have all these cards just for emergencies. However, if you get into bad habits with them, you
can end up spending them to their limits. You may reach a point where you cannot even make the minimum
monthly payments.

You might be tempted to borrow money from relatives at a time like this, but that would be just another of
type of bad habits. Relatives may want to help you for a time. They may allow you to get into the bad habit
of going to them each time you need money. Yet, there will come a day when the money will run out, or the
situation will get old. The relative will not only discontinue the loans. They might stop speaking to you as

When it comes to friends, both borrowing and lending money are bad habits. It puts a strain on the
relationship that many friends cannot handle. One friend might forget how much was borrowed. Yet, there
may be animosity if a written contract is suggested. You can rarely win when you get into this bad habit.

Many people get into trouble financially because the have the bad habit of not sitting down to make a
budget. They have a general idea of where the money should go. They may think they have it all in their
brains. It never quite comes together, though, unless you put it on paper (or on a spreadsheet on a
computer). Only then will you know you have everything included.

Most utility companies have a certain grace period before they will cut off service. Some people count on
this grace period and get into bad habits when it comes to paying their utility bills. If you do this you put
yourself in jeopardy of losing your lights or water. You also destroy your credit rating.

Some financial bad habits have to do with the way people manage their checking accounts. One thing
people often do is to throw away paperwork they get when making transactions. Of course, there is a time
to throw it away. Yet, until it is recorded into your account, you need to keep deposit, ATM, and debit slips
to verify that the correct amount was taken out.

Some people even have the bad habits of not reconciling their checking accounts. If they want to do internet
banking with a software program like Microsoft Money or Quicken, they can make it very easy on
themselves. It is important to be sure that your account has in it what you think it should. For one thing,
there is no better way to catch fraud. Taking charge of your money habits can make your life less stressful
and more productive.
Let's face it. There are just some days when it would just seem easier to let your child have his way than
feeling like you're fighting a losing battle when trying to discipline them. They beg, plead, cry, barter and
scream - anything to get out of doing the time for their crime. However, don't lose your strength and your
will during this time. It's times like these when consistent disciplinary action is imperative to teaching your
child positive and acceptable behaviors. There is no room for negotiation when it comes to bad behaviors
and there should be no room for exceptions when it comes time for punishing misdeeds or bad behavior.

Hopefully before any misdeeds occur, you've sat down with your child and discussed the consequences of
misdeeds and inappropriate behavior or decisions. Be concise and consistent when discussing these
consequences so that when the time to implement them comes, you can follow through with ease. Children
are classically testing the boundaries and limits set on them on a continual basis, and the temptation to
'bend the rules' just once or twice can be overwhelming when they're really trying your patience. But be firm
yet fair. Emphasize that this was the understood consequence for this particular misdeed or inappropriate
action, and that now is not the time to negotiate. Afterwards, take time out to discuss the situation with your
child, and if it seems that perhaps a consequence that worked at first isn't working anymore, rethink that
punishment and negotiate with your child. Of course, parameters that are set for their well-being or safety
should never be negotiated. But in other instances, it may be time to develop a new consequence based on
your child's age, temperament or maturity level.

It's also imperative that your spouse and any other adult caregivers are all on the same page and following
through on punishments with the same level of consistency and clarity. Should you determine that what was
once working isn't working anymore and develop a new parameter, be sure all adult caregivers are brought
into the loop so that follow through remains consistent and clear.
It's probably no secret that children who have involved parents are more happy, healthy, and well-adjusted
and excel at their educational and extracurricular pursuits. It can increase their cognitive development,
keeps them motivated, strengthens the parent-child relationship, and has a direct positive influence on their
overall academic achievement. In turn, it can also help parents achieve a positive outlook on their
parenting, increase their own self confidence and self esteem, and will most likely feel more satisfied with
their child's educational experience at school.

But where do you get involved? With today's busy schedules between home, work, and school, it may feel
that the average family has very little quality time to offer. However, different options and levels of
commitment are available to fit every parent's availability, and with some careful planning and dedication,
you can make it a positive experience for both yourself and your child.

First of all, discover what your child is most passionate about. Maybe you've thought about volunteering for
the school bake sale to raise money, but your child is actually more actively involved in her local Girl Scouts
troop. If that's the case, then get together with the other Girl Scout parents and see what you can
contribute to help the troop. Maybe you could organize a bake sale to benefit their next summer outing.

It's also important to consider what skills, talents and abilities you can bring to the table. Maybe your child's
school is in desperate need of your help organizing a fundraiser, but your skills in sewing and designing
might better serve the school if you were to help in making the costumes for the school play. Remember,
you want this to be a positive experience for both of you, and if your child senses that you're not happy with
what you've chosen to become involved in, then they likely will not be happy as well.

But the bottom line is get involved and stay involved. Children of involved parents are less likely to get into
mischief, have emotional problems, or have problems in school. You benefit by connecting with and staying
connected to your child. It's a win-win situation for you both.
Sure, you've thought about becoming a more organized person, especially right after that huge pile of paper
on your desk avalanches down and flies all over the floor. You were meaning to get it, you really were. You
kept putting it off because, well, because you saw something shiny every time you thought about doing it
and became distracted. Now your New Year's Resolution is to get organized. How do you become a more
organized person? * Write things down. Making lists will allow you to better keep track of what you need to
do for the day, the week, the month. * Go digital. We have an incredible number of gadgets at our disposal
these days. From cell phones with alarms, calendars, digital to-do-lists or appointment reminders, you really
don't have any excuse for not keeping track of things. Even your computer can help you keep track of things
as well. There are programs to help you keep track of meetings, appointments, grocery lists and help you
get organized with projects. * Post Its. Yes, those little sticky squares of colored paper you see on
everyone's computer monitor at work can help you as well. Use them as you need to but if your computer
monitor or desk begins to molt when someone walks by-you've gone too far. * Send yourself email
reminders. * Call yourself. No, you're not talking to yourself and if you are then perhaps you may wish to
set a different New Year's Resolution like seeking some therapy. If you're away from home or driving, you
might not have a pen and paper handy to take a note. Call your home and leave yourself a message. Of
course if you're driving make sure you're using a hands-free phone to ensure your safety. Also, calling
yourself to leave a message won't do you any good unless you check your messages. * Pay your bills
online and/or use a bill paying service. If you're allergic to paper in that you get mail and then neglect to
open it until you're on a first name basis with the collection agency in your town you may wish to consider
using a bill paying service. There are many reputable ones out there. Your bills are sent to them, scanned
and then you're sent an email notice that they are ready for viewing. You can then pay them, file them, or
set up reoccurring payment schedules for them. At the end of the year these services will give you the
chance to purchase a cd with all of your bills and payments and filings. One cd with an entire year's
financial doings-how more organized is that? * Folders. You can better organize your paperwork by making
files with labels and then actually using them. Set time aside in your day to file bills, if you're not receiving
them electronically, and in this manner you'll be able to get a better handle on all the paper that comes into
your house so it doesn't pile up and cause dangerous avalanches. A New Year's Resolution to get
organized is a lofty goal indeed but it's one that's well within your reach. Using these seven easy to follow
tips will give you the boost you need to finally get a handle on your life.
Some parents may worry that setting strict rules may distance them from their children. But this simply isn't
the case. Though they may gripe and complain and get upset when you become the enforcer, they realize
deep down that this shows you care. These parameters you set forth and enforce make your child feel
loved, safe, and secure.

It's never easy developing and introducing rules. Parents may tend to avoid setting rules because they fear
confrontation and unpleasantness. But the uncomfortable stuff isn't necessarily a reflection on your
relationship with your child, it's just the nature of adolescence - breaking rules and pushing limits is a part of
growing up. We tend to want to be our child's friend sometimes, and when we're laying down the law that
just isn't possible. Our primary role is to protect, nurture and provide for our children.

When kids break rules, parents often overreact with harsh, disproportionate and unenforceable punishment,
which undermines the effectiveness of setting rules. Instead, when you first tell your child about a new rule,
discuss the consequences of breaking that rule - what the punishment will be and how it will be carried out.
Consequences must go hand in hand with limits so that your child knows what the cost of breaking the rules
will be. The punishments you set should be reasonable and related to the violation. For example, if you
catch your son and his friends smoking, you might "ground" him by restricting his social activities for two

Punishments should only involve penalties you discussed before the rule was broken. Also, never issue
empty threats. It's understandable that you'll be angry when house rules are broken, and sharing your
feelings of anger, disappointment, or sadness can have a powerfully motivating effect on your child. Since
we're all more inclined to say things we don't mean when we're upset, it's sometimes best to give ourselves
a time-out period to cool off before we say something we don't mean.

Make the ground rules crystal clear to your child. It's imperative that you are consistent and follow through
with a defined disciplinary action after each infraction, and that your child understands the reasons why.
Recent studies suggest that low-income parents tend to endorse much harsher discipline, partially because
they hold stronger beliefs about the value of spanking and experience higher levels of stress. However,
parents who work in high-stress jobs or are stay-at-home parents who are feeling frustrated or isolated are
also at risk. It's imperative that parents recognize their tendency to punish a child too severely and take the
needed steps to make sure the punishment is appropriate for their child's age, temperament and maturity
level. The study's finding showed that parents from lower income levels or work high pressure jobs are
more stressed, and they react more emotionally to their child's behavior, and thus use harsher discipline. A
parent in this situation may benefit from outside assistance and learning about alternative disciplinary
strategies that are more appropriate and less harsh. It's also important for a parent to realize that children
thrive on praise. Parents in such a situation may always jump to discipline but fail to praise their child for
their good deeds, behaviors and traits. Children instinctively want to please their parents and make them
proud. By encouraging positive behavior, the parent will most likely discourage the behavior that has driven
them in the past to punish too harshly. In order to encourage positive behavior deserving of praise, parents
might want to consider giving their child a task they know they're able to accomplish, and praise their efforts
along the way. Parents need to also consistently praise their children for the positive traits they possess.
Their child might be good at math in school, helpful to their little brother or sister, or is good at drawing
pictures. Praise these good traits and the child is likely to respond by acting appropriately and behaving
positively in order to gain more praise. In the end, it's important to remember that a child is just that - a
child. A parent should make a concerted effort to make sure the discipline is appropriate and take care of
themselves physically, mentally and emotionally so they can optimally provide for their child's physical and
emotional well-being.
Thumb sucking is a concern many parents have. Toddlers suck their thumbs because it's comforting and
calming. It's probably something they did before they were born and revert back to it when they are nervous,
agitated, scared or ill. They may also use it to lull themselves back to sleep in the middle of the night.

Parents shouldn't concern themselves unless it continues after the age their permanent teeth begin to
appear, around six years old. Experts say that it's the intensity of the thumb sucking and the tongue's thrust
that deforms teeth and makes braces necessary later. Children who rest their thumb passively in their mouth
are less likely to have difficulty than children who suck aggressively. If you're concerned, closely monitor
your child and analyze his technique. If they appears to be sucking vigorously, you may want to begin
curbing their habit earlier.

Punishing or nagging your child to stop won't help because it's usually an automatic response. Attempting to
curb it by putting an elastic bandage on his thumb or another method will seem like unjust punishment,
especially since they indulge in the habit for comfort and security.

Try to wait it out. Children usually give up thumb-sucking when they've found other ways to calm and
comfort themselves. Consider offering them other alternatives to comfort themselves such as a soft blanket
or lullaby toy

The key is to notice when and where they are likely to suck their thumbs and offer an alternative. If it
happens while they are tired, try giving more naps. If they suck their thumb frequently while watching
television, try to distract them with a toy that will keep their hands occupied.

Older children may need gentle reminders to curtail thumb sucking while in public, and praise should be
given freely when the child finds and uses an acceptable alternative. Your child's pediatric dentist can offer
other suggestions for helping your child kick the thumb sucking habit.
Hobbies benefit children in many ways. It gives a child an opportunity to express themselves, and it allows
them to discover themselves and build self-esteem. They are also great educational tools. A child interested
in rock collecting learns about geology and science, and a child in writing stories learns about sentence
structure and proper grammar. Hobbies teach children to set and achieve goals, solve problems and make
decisions. They can also set the course for what your child becomes later in life as they often turn into
lifelong interests or careers. Children who have hobbies are usually following in their parents footsteps, so
set a good example by pursuing your own hobby. Your child will need space for their hobby, so find an area
designated specifically for his hobby so he can work on it. Realize that hobbies can sometimes be quite
messy, so be at the ready for messes as they come with the territory.

Be available to your child to provide guidance, support and encouragement. This is a great time to teach
your child strong work habits, such as following directions closely, setting goals, and proper planning and
organization. Show them that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, especially when they begin to become
frustrated with their progress. It's also a good time to teach them about personal responsibility and show
them how important it is to properly care for their work area and their 'tools of the trade.'

Children will be more encouraged to work on their hobbies if activities like watching television or playing
video games are limited. It's been noted by experts that by age 15, the average child has spent more time
watching television than sitting in a classroom. Again, here's where setting a good example is crucial.
Instead of watching that four-hour football game on Saturday, turn the TV off and work on your own hobby.
Your child may want to join in or work on their own as a result.

Hobbies are rewarding and enriching parts of our lives, so encourage your child to explore his own interests
and find a hobby of their very own.
It is not uncommon for good habits to morph into bad habits. This often happens when good habits are
taken to an extreme. This is why people should be aware of their behavior, even when it might seem

People who want things to be the very best can seem to be very upbeat people. At least that is true until
they go too far. When their leadership becomes nit-picking perfectionism, their good habits have turned into
bad habits. Once it has reached such a point, it is hard to salvage the situation.

Sometimes people make their neatness into bad habits. They start out nice enough. They just want to keep
things tidy and clean. They are perfectly willing to do some work to keep it that way. Then, they go
overboard. They begin stressing over every tiny smudge or speck of dust. Besides this, they expect you to
be as obsessive as they are.

There are two of these situations that are fairly similar. People turn good savings practices into bad habits.
The first is when a person starts saving money for emergencies or for the future. They start a savings
account, or an investment account. Then they begin to put money into it.

If they develop bad habits, they can get carried away with their savings and become a miser. They can be
that person who will not buy their children new school clothes because the money has to go into savings.
They can be the one who will drive a car that breaks down every week. They cannot bear spending money
that could go to savings.

A similar situation happens when people start buying in bulk. At first they tell themselves they are just
stocking up. However, the stocking up may not stop at a reasonable level. If it has become a bad habit,
their entire basement, garage, attic, and all their closets may be filled with extra food and cleaning supplies.
They have so much that it will go bad before they can possibly eat it all.

You may wonder how being concerned about others can possibly lead to bad habits. A person who is this
thoughtful is generous in spirit and cares only for the well-being of those around her. The bad habit may
come in when the person puts others' needs too far above her own. This can lead to all sorts of
psychological problems for her.

Perhaps you have heard that there is never a dumb question. People are generally encouraged to ask
questions at school and at work. However, it becomes a bad habit when people ask questions aimlessly to
no purpose. They will sometimes ask so many questions that no work can be accomplished at all.
Sometimes it is better to try to figure something out on your own.

This just goes to show that extremes are usually bad habits waiting to happen. Be a considerate person,
yes, but do not do it at the expense of your own well-being. Indeed, you should maintain a savings account.
Just make sure your family has what it needs. Do not let your good habits turn into bad habits and make
your life difficult.
There are hundreds of bad habits and hundreds of ways to break them. if you need help, there are books,
support groups, and counselors to help you. Mostly you can take a common sense approach and get the
job done.

If bragging is one of your bad habits, you could either be insecure or overly proud. It usually makes the
other person feel bad, or they resent you. You can get a handle on this bad habit if you stop for a few
seconds before you talk. Give yourself time to think about others and how this will sound to them. Think
about whether you are telling it to them, or to yourself.

Another one of these bad habits is name dropping. Again, you may be insecure. Most people will not take it
in a friendly way. Try to tell your same stories but without the names to stop yourself from doing this. You
might say, "My friend Brad" instead of 'my friend Brad Pitt," or something like that.

Cursing is one of those bad habits that can start at an early age. You may curse so much that you are
unaware that you are doing it much of the time. The first thing to do is to pay attention. Whenever you say
inappropriate words, put money in a jar. Even if it is your coffee money, put it in there. Also, you might want
to think about anger management classes if your cursing is done in a hostile way.

If you have the bad habit of chewing with your mouth open, there may be a physical cause. It is disgusting
at the dinner table and might make you look bad at a dinner meeting. Perhaps all you need is a nasal
decongestant. Maybe if you can breathe through your nose, you will close your mouth.

You may be a whiner. This is one of those bad habits that annoy people from the time you are a child until
you are old or until you quit it. It comes out in the sound of your voice and the expression on your face.
However, it is rooted in a negative, doom and gloom attitude. Look on the positive side of things, and you
will find yourself whining less.

Gossips are notorious for starting trouble in any group to which they belong. These people often find their
lives so boring that they cannot find anything else to talk about. Their only topic of discussion is other
people's business. These people can break this bad habit by finding new interests to think and therefore
talk about.

Nail biting is a bad habit for people of all ages. It damages the fingertips and nails. It is not a very sanitary
practice. People do it out of nervousness, and most of them would like to quit. In past times, people would
wear gloves, but people do not wear them much anymore. You can buy nail polish that tastes bad, though.
That seems to help at times.

You can find a way to overcome any addiction or bad habit. Some of them are trivial in the scheme of
things. Others are deadly serious. If you find the right help for your situation, you can stop your bad habits.
What's the most popular New Year's Resolution of all? It's the resolution to lose weight, of course!

What's the one New Year's Resolution that is most likely to be broken? Again, it's the resolution to lose

There are dozens of diets available to help you reach your weight loss goal. There are low carb diets, low fat
diets, high fiber diets, and liquid meal replacement diets. There are diets in which food is mailed to you each
week and diets where you go to meetings each week for tips and encouragement. There are diets in which
you combine certain foods each day and diets in which you eat only one type of food per day. No matter
what our individual preferences are, there is a diet available that will work with them. The choice is all yours.

But what can we do to stop submarining our sincere desire to shed pounds? Before we ever start we must
examine our methods and motives. Why do we want to lose weight? Sometimes we want to lose weight in
order to feel better, and sometimes we want to look better. These are both sound reasons, although health
certainly takes a priority over looks. Know your motivation. Understand yourself.

How much weight do you need to lose to reach your goal? Ten pounds? Twenty? Fifty or more? Figure out
before you ever start what your ultimate goal is. If you have a lot to lose, create smaller goals so that you will
feel successful and be motivated to keep up the good work along the way. Lose your first fifteen or twenty
pounds and then allow for maintenance for a couple weeks. You won't be going off your diet, simply
practicing the hardest part of any diet. After you have maintained your loss, go back on your diet until you
lose another specific block of weight and then do the same thing again. You will need a realistic idea of what
it will take to maintain your weight loss. Practicing this technique will prepare you for the end of the diet. You
won't be catapulted into the non-diet world with a shock, unable to handle the new choices you will suddenly

Before you ever start on your weight loss journey, choose the activities you will incorporate into your life to
take the place of boredom eating. This is your chance to fulfill other resolutions by learning to dance or paint
or skate.

When you do begin your diet, make sure it is one that is approved by your doctor. Each one of us has
unique physical and nutritional needs. Embarking on a diet that will undermine a condition or existing illness
won't result in reaching our goal. Be informed and be prepared. Know why you are dieting and what your
specific goals are. Don't be a statistic again this year. Lose your weight successfully so that you never have
to make a futile resolution again!
There are different ways of being sober. You can go inside a sober living or just do-it-yourself. It is one of the
greatest challenges a person will experience especially those that are experiencing addiction during their
past life. Although, once attained sobriety can be the most self-affirming and empowering thing an addict
can do for the betterment of his life.

Sober here doesn't refer to being intoxicated with booze or any kind of substance which has the capacity to
alter a person's entire personality. Millions of Americans are experiencing being sober because of the
indulgence in substances which can greatly affect behavior, attitude and outlook in life. Before deciding on
being sober, one must first himself in the different factors that may come his way. He will need the help of
himself and the utmost desire to become sober, supportive family and friends can greatly help patience and
a lot of faith.

A person can attain sobriety through the following tips:

Trigger the desire

You can't attain being sober without the need of staying at that point. You can make other people convince
you to become sober; that"ll be difficult and exhausting. It's your life, therefore it's your choice to become
whatever and whoever you are. Just remember this – you never wanted to get back with your hazardous
and pathetic addicted life therefore you wanted to be someone who has worth and dignity. Being sober will
not make you homeless, depressed and all those negative things that addiction offers. This is the best time
to decide on your sober life.

Get help

No man is an island. Therefore, it is important that you have someone behind you to give support. Upon
realizing that desperation and awareness has overwhelmed your life, find someone who's willing to make
you sober. This can be anyone within your community that has the knowledge and capability to address your
problem. If you choose to be inside a sober living environment, you must conclude that it can provide all of
the necessities in life just to be sober. Point is, whoever it is that you've chosen, he or she must stand by
your side and will not let you fall in case all else fails.

Entrust yourself

Talk to someone who can enlighten your spiritual aspect like a spiritual leader or a rabbi who has distinct
reputation for confidentiality. Clergies may not be licensed but are very much qualified to counsel your
addiction and pertain to matters of forgiveness and spiritual healing. If you know someone who has been
successful in making his life sober, you can go on and ask for advice.

Create sobriety within yourself

How can you create a sober environment without practicing it within you? You can ask the people in your
home to give you some time to be sober and even ask your friends if you can take a moment off from their
presence. They will understand. While in the presence of sobriety, try not to think of your past life and try to
build a new life without the presence of any of it. Stay away from people or events that may trigger a

Living a sober life is difficult but all the way possible if only you will recognize the importance of it in your
recovery and to defeat relapses and slight episode manifestations.
Some bad habits are not only illegal. They push the envelope of what can be considered merely bad habits.
However, in a way they are bad habits. They are definitely bad, and they happen frequently enough to call
them habits.

Serious fighting can be illegal bad habits. This is the kind of fighting that leads to assault arrests and
convictions. People do not think before they act. Or, if they do, they only think angry, destructive thoughts.
This fighting can cause injury or even death.

Some fighting happens in bars. Barroom fights are bad habits. Too many people are intoxicated. There are
not enough reasonable people in the room to calm things down. There are also often shortages in bars.

There may be a shortage of available men, or of available women. There may not be enough places to sit.
This causes animosity, which leads to fighting. Just being in a bar where fights are known to occur is
sometimes a bad habit.

Some people, both men and women, have bad habits of domestic violence. They do not think twice about
hitting their partner in the face on the way in the door. They have no compunctions about throwing their
spouse on the floor, even if she is pregnant. Are these bad habits? Yes, they are the most extreme forms
of bad habits.

There are illegal money transactions that are bad habits. There are many forms of illegal gambling. There
are restrictions in every state about where gambling can take place. The kind of gambling is also regulated.
Abiding by these rules will keep you out of jail. It will also keep you from losing money in a betting scam.

Shoplifting is an illegal bad habit that young people get hooked into before they even think about it. One day
they are going to the store and trying on clothing to purchase. The next day, they are going to the store to
see what they can stuff under their coats. This can give a young person a very bad start in life. It can also
give them bad habits that are hard to break.

Sometimes, people who deal with other people's money decide to borrow a little for an emergency. They
find out how easy it is, and they do it again and again. Eventually it becomes the bad habit known as
embezzlement. This can land them in jail for years and cause them to pay restitution for the rest of their
lives. It can also put the people they took the money from in a terrible situation.

Arson is not always a malicious act. It is not always a well thought out scheme to collect insurance money.
Some arsonists simply have a bad habit of starting fires. They are obsessed with flames and torch buildings
for their twisted pleasure. It is a bad habit that can cause incredible destruction.

Bad habits are more than just picking your nose. There are bad habits that can destroy property and ruin
lives. It is these behaviors that society must work on.
Some bad habits are just plain inconsiderate. The person does their behaviors without a thought to the
person he is affecting. A little attention to the feelings of others would stop many of these bad habits in their

Many people have inconsiderate bad habits in the kitchen. You will find them drinking from the milk jug or
juice carton. They do not consider that someone else might not like to drink after them. They are in the
habit of doing it, so they do not think about it.

Someone might have the bad habit of opening two liter bottles of pop and leaving the caps off. This is
inconsiderate to the person buying the soda because the soda goes flat. No one will drink it. It is also a bad
habit to open carbonated drink cans and drink a few swallows only. Many people will do this and then right
away open another.

The refrigerator is a source of trouble in some homes. People have certain bad habits there, too. They
might take food out of the refrigerator and leave it on the counter to spoil. They may simply stand in front
with the door open, staring as all the cold rushes out.

If you have an older refrigerator, they may have bad habits about not filling ice cube trays, and leaving them
in the freezing compartment empty. Some people have bad habits of freeloading. They will clean your
refrigerator out of food in no time at all if you do not watch them. They will take food when they have been
offered none, and when they are offered some, they will take more.

Sometimes people staying with you, or living with you as roommates, will do some cooking. If they have bad
habits and do not clean up their messes, you will not appreciate the food they cook no matter how good it is.
After awhile, you will just wish they would stop cooking altogether.

Other bad habits have to do with the bathroom. Sometimes, people hog the bathroom. They will not leave
time for anyone else to get in to use it. You may need to go to work the same time as they do. If they do not
let you get in to get ready, they will be on time and you will be the one who is late. That is very

Men have been told forever, it seems that their bad habits of leaving the toilet seat up are inconsiderate.
They do not realize that a woman, not expecting the seat to be up, can actually get injured by falling in too
hard. It is not a pleasant subject, and it is not a pleasant thing to happen.

Other bad habits involve vehicles. You might be in the habit of leaving your car windows down. If you are
accustomed to this, you will be ready to put them up if you know rain is coming. However, if you leave
someone else's windows down, they may not be prepared. Also, it is a bad habit to borrow a car and not put
gas in it.

If you think of other people every day, you will be less likely to engage in inconsiderate bad habits. You will
find that you are appreciated more if you find ways to control your behaviors and curb your bad habits.
Trying to teach your child not to interrupt can sometimes be an exercise in frustration. Telling them there's
a time to interrupt (in case of a fire) and a time to not interrupt (boredom) isn't enough. But putting these
principles into practice is easier said than done, especially for a very verbal or high-energy kid. That's why
now is a good time to revisit some basic lessons about good manners and teaching your child to wait their
turn to speak.

First of all, set a reasonable expectation. School-aged children have a difficult time holding their thoughts for
more than a few minutes. Indicate to her as best as you can that you'll be with them as soon as possible
and then stay true to your word.

Develop some ideas for them to occupy themselves with while you're on the phone or otherwise unavailable.
Keep a box full of puzzles, crayons, colorful markers or other quiet toys nearby that they can only use when
you have to make a call. Set snacks and drinks on an accessible level so they don't have to interrupt you for

When you need to make a call or have an important conversation with a visitor, head off trouble by saying
you're about to phone someone or have a conversation and estimate how long you expect to talk. Ask them
if they need anything before you make your call or have your conversation with your company. Then do your
best to adhere to that time schedule, and excuse yourself from the conversation long enough to check on
them. Let them know you'll be a bit longer if that's the case and see if they need anything before returning to
your conversation.

Reading is a great tool to teach manners. Find several books on the subject then read them together.
Discuss afterwards what your child learned from the story and how they'll handle a similar situation in their
life the next time it occurs.

And as always, children learn what they live. Your child is very unlikely to learn not to interrupt if they hears
you, your spouse, or their siblings constantly interrupting each other. Your actions have a strong influence
on your child, so be a good example and ask permission to speak before speaking, and apologize when you
inadvertently interrupt.
Some bad habits can irritate the people around you. These habits can grate on peoples' nerves until they
feel like physically stopping you themselves. Some of them are nervous habits and others are thoughtless

Some bad habits have to do with shopping. You can really irritate someone if you have the bad habit of
following their car to a parking space and waiting with your car close behind. This makes them feel rushed,
and it may make it hard for them to get out. By the time the leave they will be very irritated.

You might display bad habits when you get in line to check out at the store. If you cut in line, everyone
behind you will be annoyed with you. You make them later, and you give the impression that you are more
important than they are.

Sometimes people have bad habits when it comes to what line they choose. They may get in the express
line where you are only supposed to have 15 items. They may get in that line with 30. Some people will get
in the express line with a whole cartful. It irritates people who want to use the express line for just one or
two items and have to wait for you.

There are many nervous bad habits that irritate. Some people crack their knuckles. This sound can in turn
get on other peoples' nerves. It is worse for the one listening because they do not know when the next
crack of the knuckles will happen.

Rhythmic behaviors are also bad habits to get into if they are not related to the arts. These are behaviors
such as tapping a pencil, tapping your feet, or drumming your fingers on a desk. These behaviors often
occur when a person is in a stressful situation.

They can be detrimental to you or others. If you tap your pencil when taking a test, it can distract others and
keep them from doing well on the exam. If you drum your fingers on your boss's desk, it will make you look
bad. You might lose yourself a promotion.

People can irritate with other noise-producing bad habits. Grinding your teeth can irritate others. Clicking
your teeth can do it also. Smacking your lips can annoy. Any extraneous noise that you make repetitively
with your body can be an irritating bad habit.

Other sound-related bad habits annoy, too. Popping your chewing gum can drive other people to nearly
mad with exasperation. If you regularly leave your faucets dripping it is an irritation that they must take care
of themselves if you will not. They may find themselves following you around, shutting off faucets. They will
not be happy.

Another bad habit is letting your dogs bark at the top of their lungs all night long every night. Sometimes
there is a reason and it cannot be helped. However, there is usually a solution to this problem that will be
better for the dogs. At the same time, it will make the neighbors' nights more restful.

It is usually hard to break irritating habits. Often, people are not even quite aware that they are doing these
behaviors. Yet, if they try, they can make themselves alert to their irritating bad habits. They can do
wonders for the nerves of those around them if they can stop.
Kids go through periods of having bad habits. Some of their bad habits are worrisome and some are just
really annoying. Parents agonize over what to do about their children's unacceptable behaviors. There are
a few things they should know.

1. What you see as bad habits may actually be natural stages of child development. If your very young
child is examining the lint between his toes regularly, you might think it is a bad habit. It might be, though,
that the child simply finds toe lint interesting. The child will outgrow the fascination and the bad habit will

2. So-called bad habits may be ways for the child to soothe themselves. At times when they would
ordinarily feel like screaming and crying, they may suck on their clothes instead. This makes them feel calm
and secure.

3. Children may use bad habits to feel a sense of control over their environment. If they are dropped off at
a daycare center for the first time, they may start having odd behaviors. This could be, for instance, rubbing
the material of their clothing. As time goes by, if the daycare center continues to feel threatening to them,
rubbing the clothing material could become a bad habit.

4. Kids sometimes do things adults see as bad habits that they do not understand. Sometimes, the kids are
simply solving a problem. If their hands are cold, they may put them between their legs to warm them up.
Adults often misinterpret this and overreact. If they knew the problem was cold hands, they might have a
different solution to offer.

5. Shaming and punishment are the worst things you can do. If a child is doing the bad habits in an effort to
soothe herself, making her feel bad is counterproductive. It will give her more to self-soothe about. This is
why parents often become frustrated when trying to deal with a child's bad habits.

6. Substituting more pleasant behaviors for the annoying or destructive bad habits can work better. You
can teach your child to be aware of when they are doing a bad habit. Then, you can teach them another
behavior to do instead. When they do, reward them.

7. Incentives work to help some older children get over bad habits. This is especially true if they are old
enough to think in the long term of at least a few weeks. You can offer them a reward every day that they do
not do their bad habits. By the time they have quit, they will have a large reward waiting.

8. Usually, the best thing you can do is to wait for the bad habits to go away all on their own. As long as
you do not reinforce the bad habits by doing them yourself, the kids should grow out of them. Once they get
older, their school mates will make it more attractive to them to stop doing their bad habits. Kids like to fit in.

The most important thing to remember about your child's bad habits is that you should not be too alarmed.
Only when they are destructive or dangerous is it essential for you to stop them immediately. Otherwise, be
understanding and gentle when dealing with your kid's bad habits.
Everyone makes mistakes. Granted, some mistakes are more significant than others and harder to get over,
but they are a part of life. How individuals deal with those mistakes is significant to their self-esteem.
Children who are taught from an early age to admit to their mistakes understand that it's not a crime to make
one, and they seem to have the ability to cope much better with them. They recognize that a mistake was
made and admit the error. Most importantly, these children also develop a strategy to change the mistake
and not do the same thing again.

The process of making and learning from mistakes is an extremely valuable life skill for everyone because
learning involves risking. Every time children risk, they will not always succeed. But they tried something
new and most likely learned from it as a result.

Children with low self-esteem deal with making a mistake quite differently. More often than not, these
children use the experience to devalue themselves. Instead of looking at the error as an opportunity to learn,
these children interpret the experience as a reason to quit and never try again. They view it as a devaluing
and humiliating experience. You can help your child cope with mistakes by first making sure they
understand that everyone makes mistakes, even you. Own up to your own mistakes to teach them there's
no shame in making them. Make sure they understand that it's okay to make mistakes. This presents a
great opportunity to tell your child what you've learned to do differently the next time. Then, offer strategies
to turn mistakes into learning opportunities. In the process, you can provide your child with an opportunity to
enhance their self-esteem and accept responsibility for the mistakes they make. Help your child to realize
that the mistake is the problem, and not them. Then help them develop a positive plan for the next time
around, and what they'll do differently the next time to avoid making the same mistake again.
For an addiction, rehabilitation is the only way to be able to be in the presence of being sober. In terms of
someone who is living and staying sober is a long, long way to go. It involves a lot of factors namely the
spirit, body and mind. Sober living enables the character to repair or rebuild the damages that were made
while in the process of experiencing old habits. It is of utmost importance that in the process of becoming
sober, the person is revitalized to build healthier and new habits.

One should take into consideration the time wasted while in the influence of different kinds of substances. All
actions must be directed towards construction of a healthier and more stable existence. If you or someone
you know belongs to those who just went out of recovery and needs a place to stay and be rejuvenated,
sober living can be a fine selection.

Sober living makes you take care of yourself

Primarily, you have to focus on what's best for your own body and mind. It has suffered so much from the
effects of your drug-taking days. In order to achieve this, you must do the normal and healthy things that a
person should do namely: regular exercise, eating of nutritious food and getting sufficient rest and sleep.
Once you have accomplished all three, you will realize that it will greatly affect your mood and make you
think more of the positive side.

According to nutritionists, the best serving of diet is the one that contains quality serving of vegetables and
grain; it should be low in fats, additives, sugar, caffeine and red meat. Exercise can be of any kind for as
long as the person is engaging effectively and regularly. First, start your exercise in a gentle way then when
you can already take the whole process, you can choose to be more strenuous.

You learn some, you do some

Generally, there are greater chances that anyone who has undergone drug abuse or alcoholism may have
suffered so much in ways unimaginable. In this degree, you tend to understand that your old habits have
caged you in a life that seeks to be polluted and otherwise freed. Once you have understood that your old
habits must go, you must be stern about it. Otherwise your efforts will all go down the drain. Set goals that
are reachable and expect nothing but the best things. By learning the consequences, you can realize the
real reason why you have taken those prohibited drugs in the first place.

In order for your changing process to become effective, you have to depart from you old miserable self and
try something out of the ordinary and safe. Set goals that are attainable and is within your capabilities. Sign
up for class or try to enroll in meditation classes in order to help yourself be sensitive and aware of modifying
your way of life. Face the truths that were secluded by your old habits and be honest with yourself.
Management of oneself can be done through non-chemical, non-destructive processes. Take one step at a

Set your highest priority

What is your highest priority in all of these? It's making sure that you are living a sober life. Always think
before you act most especially if the stakes are high. Have faith in the path that you have chosen and
always believe that you are capable of starting a new phase in your life.
In today's busy world, work, household chores and social activities all put a strain on your time with your
child. But as you well know, it's imperative that you spend quality time together. It helps strengthen the bond
between parent and child, and lets your child know you can be trusted and counted on. Children who spend
quality time with their parents often do better in school, and excel in extracurricular activities, hobbies or
sports. And though it can be 'scheduled' to a degree, it's something that happens when you least expect it.
Therefore it's important that you do spend as much time as possible with your child in a relaxed atmosphere
and do things together that you both enjoy.

But you're asking yourself, "Where am I going to find the time? My schedule's crazy enough as it is!" Well,
for something as important as your child, you need to start digging around in that crazy schedule and find
the time. Prioritizing is the key.

Here's some helpful suggestions on how to make the most of your time and find quality time where you least
expect it.

Look at your household chore list and decide which ones can be left undone or be done imperfectly in order
to make more family time. You might also want to consider leaving certain things until after your child has
gone to bed to make the most of your time together.

Turn some of your everyday routines together count. Sing some favorite silly songs on the way to daycare,
or make that drive to and from school a great opportunity to discuss what's happening in your child's life.

If you have more than one child, realize that each of them needs your individual attention. You may really
have to juggle things around to make this happen, but try to be flexible and creative when spending time
with each of your kids. And no matter what, don't skip those individual times with each child. By doing so
you show them they're lower down on the priority list than the dry cleaning or the grocery shopping.

Children thrive on stability and routines, so plan your quality times so that they can take place regularly.
Maybe you can walk the dog together on weekend morning, take a shopping excursion together, have a
scheduled night each week for a sit-down dinner together, or make a trip to the park.
It's such an easy thing to do. We sit down each year and dash off a wish list of all the ways we want our
lives to change. We step hopefully into each new year that comes around, eager to improve our lives for the
better. And yet, some weeks down the road we find ourselves derailed from our well-intentioned tracks. We
give up on our goals, terribly disappointed, only to make the same list next year and suffer the same
disappointment yet again. How can we make effective changes in our lives? How can we make that new
year, that new leaf, count for something?

First of all, we must think through what it is we hope to accomplish. Do we know exactly what it is we want,
or do we make resolutions that are just too vague to be implemented? Rather than resolve to be 'happier
this year" make a list of the specific, positive changes you can make that will bring you happiness. Decide
instead to take that origami class you have been interested in for so long, or resolve to brush up your
resume and make a schedule for pavement pounding. In the same vein, don't decide you will simply handle
money matters differently this year - decide on specific ways to do this: I resolve to reconcile my bank
statement every month. I resolve to stop using my credit card until it is paid in full. I resolve to follow the
budget I have prepared. List specifics and mark them off as you accomplish them.

Look at your list once more before you get started. Are these things that rely on the actions or feelings of
others? The only person you can rely on to make changes is yourself. Depending on the whims of others will
bring disappointment since we cannot guarantee their actions. Look to the ways you can change yourself
and discover ways you can cope with the actions of others. These are your resolutions, not someone else's.
Only resolve what is in your power to change.

Take stock of what you want to achieve. How doable is each resolution? If the changes you want to make
are extreme ones, they don't necessarily have to be unreachable. Consider making step-by-step resolutions
on a smaller scale so that you have a roadmap for making dreams come true. This year resolve to get out of
debt by making a budget and paying off debt. Next year, resolve to put a certain amount of money into
savings every payday. The year after, you can resolve to find a house to buy!

Foremost, believe in your resolutions and make a commitment to seeing them to completion. Make your first
resolution this year to draw up sensible and achievable ones. Resolve to make this year different.
Can bad habits be cured through medical treatments? Some say yes; they have succeeded in overcoming
their addictions through science. There are many medical treatments for smokers and others who want to
block their cravings.

For smokers, there is a variety of nicotine replacement options. Nicotine patches are probably the most
popular for bad smoking habits. They can be adhered to the skin and forgotten until the end of the day. Or,
if you are a person who suffers morning cravings, you can wear the patch all night. In any case, you do not
have to be constantly thinking about your smoking.

Nicotine gum is also used by many people with these bad habits. It is handy for those who like to do
something with their mouths. It cuts their urge to smoke at the same time. You just chew it for awhile, and
then place it in between your cheek and gum. The nicotine will enter your bloodstream. Nicotine lozenges
work much the same way.

You can get nicotine nasal sprays and nicotine inhalers through your doctor by prescription. The spray
delivers an instant burst of nicotine to the system. The inhaler gives users an experience somewhat like
smoking. It helps to wean you from your bad habits.

The downside of nicotine replacement is that you cannot cheat when you are using it. If you smoke when
you are wearing a nicotine patch, for instance, you can trigger an episode of very high blood pressure at the
very least. Your health will be in danger if you keep your bad habits up.

Many people now use prescription medications for relieving the destruction of these bad habits. Zyban has
been used for several years now as a stop-smoking aid. This medication is also an anti-depressant. It
helps to eliminate the urge to smoke.

It does not hurt your health (any more than smoking ever did) to smoke or use nicotine patches while using
Zyban. However, many people report that they just do not feel like smoking any more.

Chantrix, or varenicline, is a newer medication for those who wish to quit smoking. It eases withdrawal
symptoms and makes smoking less pleasurable afterwards. It has been shown to be even more effective
than Zyban. It also has been show to help with alcohol addiction. This is helpful since many people drink
and smoke in the same situations.

Addictive gambling is another of the bad habits that afflicts many adults. Gamblers seem to have cognitive
distortions that prompt them to keep gambling until their money is gone. There may be some physical basis
for this. There is now a new medication being studied that is supposed to curb those urges.

For some serious bad habits of opiate addiction, methadone has been used for over thirty years. It controls
withdrawal symptoms that come on after quitting heroin, morphine, or similar drugs. It has a well-
documented history of success.

While drug treatments of bad habits have their problems, there are some advantages, too. It seems that
many of the treatments have helped people to stop addictive behaviors. This is not automatic, but comes
with the medication along with a determined effort.
We all know as parents that discussing and negotiating the rules with our children is never easy. Children
are all very different, and what might need to be a rule for one, may not even be an issue for another. That
being said, there are many parameters that we set as parents that are the hard and fast rules - those with no
'wiggle room.' Those are the rules set forth to protect our child's health, safety and well-being. These rules
and their consequences should be very clearly defined and it should be understood by all involved that they
are there for a very important reason and that they are 'all or nothing.'

Rules that keep our children safe are of the utmost importance. These could include everything from
teaching youngsters not to touch the hot stove to teaching your school aged child the importance of obeying
the laws while riding their bicycle. Children need to understand these rules are to be followed to the letter
and there is no room for negotiation here.

For adolescents and teenagers, such rules should include expectations about drinking, the use of illegal
drugs, or safe defensive driving. These rules are also imperative to a child's health, well-being and safety.
There should be no room for experimentation or relaxing the rules in specific social situations.

There are rules that can be fairly and equitably negotiated with your children as well. Rules regarding how
many hours per week can be spent on video game playing, what time a child is expected home for dinner,
what time each night homework is to be completed, or how late a teenager is allowed to stay out on
weekend nights are all rules that can be discussed openly and honestly between you and your child. These
should also be consistent, however. Don't' allow 11 p.m. one weekend night and then tell your teenager
9:30 the following weekend night when going out with the same group of friends. If your teenager broke the
11 p.m. curfew the weekend before, the consequence of losing the privilege of going out that weekend
should be strictly enforced. Don't bend the rule just because your teenager seems genuinely sorry and
promises never to do it again. Consequences should be consistent, fair, and always followed through.
Virtually everyone makes New Year's Resolutions. We make them anew every year, promising ourselves to
lose weight, get fit, tighten the financial belt... but how often do we make resolutions as a couple? What sort
of New Year commitments can a married couple make that will bring them closer together?

While it's good for both parties of a marriage to want to improve themselves, it's also a good thing to
determine some areas in which they can work together as a team. This will require mutual consent and
desire. Whatever you choose should be New Year's Resolutions and should not be approached as serious
stop-gaps for failing marriage. Make your resolutions challenging and fun. Consider them enhancements to
your marriage rather than serious therapy.

If jobs, outside commitments, and family obligations keep you running at fever pitch to the point that you
rarely have time to spend together, resolve to schedule a time to make it happen. When you do schedule
that time, honor it as a priority. Decide ahead of time what this togetherness will include. Will you resolve to
go out to a movie twice a month, just the two of you, employing a babysitter to watch the kids? Will you
include a leisurely dinner in the plans? Consider making a list of choices and resolve to narrow that list down
a few days before the together time is set. Give yourselves enough time to enjoy the anticipation of your
date. Don't let anything short of a family emergency come between you and your special time.

Resolve to lighten up. Life is serious and you do a good job taking care of all the responsibilities and
demands that come your way. Give yourselves permission to laugh once in a while like you did when you
were dating. Don't be afraid to carry on a bit of nonsense now and again, and rediscover how to play with
each other. Relearn the art of flirting and teasing. This alone will pump some life-blood back into a marriage
that has gone routine. When there's a twinkle in the eye as you look at each other you will create the same
kind of sparks that were there in the old days.

If you want to add a meaningful facet to your lives, consider taking on a service project together. Deliver
Meals on Wheels occasionally, or work in the local soup kitchen. Give blood on a regular basis. Assist with a
community playground cleanup or refurbishment. Volunteer to help put together care packages for members
of the military. Work the polls on election days. There are many organizations that need volunteer help
desperately, and the two of you will find it doubly rewarding when you give in abundance together.
We watch our children grow right before our very eyes. It seems like yesterday they were a baby learning to
crawl, walk, and feed themselves, and now they're in school, involved in activities, making friends, and
learning to be more and more independent. Parents before us have said that from the time they're born, we
are constantly learning to let go. As a result, our parenting strategies have to change. As our child grows,
develops, learns, and matures, so does our parenting role.

As your child has grown, you undoubtedly have discovered they have their own unique personality and
temperament. You've probably unconsciously redeveloped your parenting skills around the individual needs
of your child. And no two children are exactly alike, and therefore, neither should your parenting style.
Some children may need more guidance and feel more unsure of themselves, so we've become used to
having to guide, lead, show and encourage that child consistently through their childhood while still trying to
encourage independence and give praise in order to build their self esteem and confidence level. Yet
another child may be very intrinsically motivated and very willful and not need a great deal of guidance or
leadership from you. While you encourage their independence, it's also important that you also encourage
their ability to ask for help when needed and continue to praise good deeds, actions, and traits.

The most important tools we have in order to successfully adjust our parenting skills are our eyes and our
ears. We have to see what's going on with our child and we have to hear what they are telling us. It's
important that we encourage our child to be their own individual while still being available to them at
whatever level or degree they need us to be. Sometimes it's situation-specific as well. A child may not need
us to be as directly involved with their schooling to ensure their overall academic success, but they may
need us to be more involved in their social life as they may be feeling a bit shaky or scared when it comes to
making new friends or meeting new people.

So the bottom line is this: as your child grows and changes, so should your parenting skills. Keep your
eyes and ears open and communicate honestly and openly with your child, and you'll both mature gracefully.
Effective discipline does not involve physical punishment of children. Recent studies have shown a direct
link between physical punishment and several negative developmental outcomes for children including
physical injury, increased aggression, antisocial behavior, difficulty adjusting as an adult and a higher
tolerance towards violence. Research has also shown that physical punishment poses a risk to the safety
and development of children. It is crucial for parents to gain an awareness of other approaches to discipline
because it is all too simple for physical punishment to turn into child abuse and result in severe physical
injury, detrimental emotional damage and even death. Each year thousands of children continue to die as a
result of physical abuse. Children have a right to be protected from physical abuse, and laws in every state
demand severe punishment for those found guilty of physically harming a child. Most parents do not want to
use physical punishment as a form of discipline. A child that lives in an abusive environment is likely to grow
up and either be abusive themselves or have severe social, emotional, physical and cognitive delays in
development. Parents' disciplinary methods serve as strong models to children that teach them how to deal
with life's day-to-day challenges. It is important for parents to model appropriate behavior and to establish
expectations as well as limits. Children have a right to live in a safe, secure and nurturing environment, and
their dignity must be respected. Parents must consistently use fair and logical consequences whenever
children fail to follow rules. They must keep in mind that a child is not a miniature adult, but only a child and
that discipline must be age appropriate and fit the child's temperament and maturity. Adults who recognize
they have a problem with physically abusing their children should immediately seek professional help and
ensure their children are taken to a safe environment to avoid harming them further.
You may feel that you have evaded the bad habits that many people have. That is, you feel that way until
you catch yourself picking up the bad habits of others around you. The other person may pass on their
habits intentionally or not, but they affect you all the same.

You can pick up bad habits from others in the way they eat. If you spend enough time around a person, you
will often begin to eat the same way. It is just easier to make one meal and split it. It is easier to go to one
restaurant instead of stopping at two. If that restaurant happens to have only greasy foods, you will end up
eating things you would not otherwise eat. You are picking up your companion's bad habits.

Smoking cigarettes is another bad habit you can easily pick up from other people. You sit in the room with
your companion evening after evening as they puff away. You gradually either get very sick from it, or you
get used to it. You may even come to enjoy it. That is when you are in danger of picking up the bad habit.

Fighting is a bad habit that many couples get into in a relationship. Your spouse may start a fight. You may
have no intention of getting into the argument. You may get up to walk away from it. However, your spouse
may not let you go. A fight ensues and pretty soon, you are both in it. This may go on over and over until it
becomes a bad habit.

In the workplace, carelessness seems to be contagious. If one crew member is irresponsible with the heavy
equipment, his attitude can contaminate the attitudes of the other workers. Before you know it, they all have
bad habits at work.

Also, if one employee gets in the bad habit of telling everything he knows, the habit can spread. If one tells
information about his pay, soon they all will. If one tells private company business, the gossip mill will start
churning. The bad habits can get out of control.

If you have the bad habit of practicing one-upmanship, you can lead others to pick up the bad habit from
you. A person tells something they did, and suddenly you are telling the better thing you did. Some people
will fall into the trap of following your lead and trying to one-up you. This can go on ad infinitum.

Pessimistic people have the bad habit of looking on the negative side of everything. This can rub off on
anyone who spends a good deal of time with them. You can only hear about the worst things in life so long
before it has an affect on you. You may be next to predict bad times ahead.

Of course, you cannot blame the other person for your choice. That is all up to you. If you want to avoid the
bad habits of others, you can do it if you stay strong. Remember that you do not have to always conform to
those around you.
We humans are such creatures of habit. We make (and all too often break) the same resolutions each and
every year. Sometimes we succeed in keeping them, but the incentive is often at an all-time low as
resolution time comes around again.

The two most prevalent resolutions are to lose weight and to become physically fit. Women are more likely
to make the first resolution, while men are somewhat more interested in creating a six pack than minimize
their poundage. While being toned is important to women, it's the overall size that is most at issue for them.

Men will begin their New Year's Resolutions early by hinting and receiving workout equipment as a holiday
gift from a spouse. That all-in-one gym will be assembled in the den or corner of the bedroom where he will
work out religiously. Sometimes he loses his religion within a few months, but sometimes he sticks with it
and reaches his goals. You'll know the status of the resolution by the amount of laundry that is draped upon
the equipment.

Women are more likely to resolve to sign up for diet clubs or to spend money on diet systems, some of
which send the proper foods directly to their front doors. They will pay to attend meetings more often than
men will. Both sexes will join gyms but more women than men will take exercise classes such as aerobics or

Another popular resolution is to quit smoking. There are many systems available to assist in quitting
smoking, from medical assistance to hypnosis. It takes a determination and great will-power but it can be
done. There are support groups available as well, but the best support can sometimes come from family and
friends. Tell them what you want to achieve and let them know what you need from them.

Financial fitness is a big goal for most people, and they see the New Year as the perfect time for turning
over a new leaf. Many will resolve to pay down debts that have crept up, and others who are more solvent
will resolve to save up for a large investment such as buying a new home. One can find financial advisors in
their local bank, but those who know what they need to do simply tighten the belt and do it. For those who
are in debt and are not sure how to straighten things out there are credit counseling agencies that can be
found in most communities. They will assess the financial situation and make suggestions for budgeting the
income in a way that will allow the debt to be paid down little by little. It takes a commitment to follow their
suggestions, but the reward comes when the person finally has control of his own money.

Getting organized is a high priority for many resolution makers. This can include developing a filing system
for runaway paperwork, for decluttering the house, or even cleaning out the garage and creating special
places for everything that is left. This takes a plan, but once the goal is set and the steps for reaching it are
decided upon, it takes nothing more than determination to see it through.

We make resolutions because we want to improve our lives. We want to look better, to feel better, and to
have peace of mind as opposed to chaos. Commit yourself in a serious way to the resolutions you make,
whether it is these or others that answer your needs. Make a sound plan and follow through, and you will
discover the freedom of not having to make these same resolutions again next year.
Children always seem to find a way to 'push our buttons' at times and really try our patience. It's easy to feel
irritated, sad, angry, annoyed, confused and hurt. It's at these times when our parenting skills are really
tested, and that it's imperative we maintain a kind but firm stance when it comes to doling out the discipline.
And let's face it - none of us ever want to hurt our child with physical or verbal abuse. We want to teach our
child that such things are wrong, and punishing a misdeed or inappropriate action by yelling or hitting is
hypocritical at best.

Our goal when disciplining our children is to teach them to be responsible, cooperative, kind and respectful.
The best way to teach this is to always remain consistent, follow through with the same punishment for the
same misdeed, and to discuss the discipline with your child openly and honestly afterwards.

Always keep in mind that the age, maturity level, and temperament of your child should always be
considered when enforcing a set disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions should be discussed and
understood in advance so that children know what they have coming when they've misbehaved and can
give pause and hopefully choose an appropriate route to avoid it. And most importantly, remember that it's
not the child you dislike; it's his or her chosen behavior, action or misdeed.

If you need to, give yourself a brief 'time out' before responding with appropriate discipline. Sometimes we
need a short cooling off period before dealing with our children's misdeeds in order to avoid a misdeed of
our own. Yelling and hitting should never be an option.

Keep an open mind as a parent, and be willing to learn with and from your child. We all make mistakes and
it's important to realize that not every form of discipline works with every child. Children are just as unique as
adults are, and forms of discipline should be tailored to fit the individual needs of both parent and child. But
with a little forethought, patience, firmness, love and understanding, the discipline can have a positive
outcome for all involved.
Praising a child correctly is important to the development of positive behaviors. It's a great way to encourage
constructive future behavior. When you give praise you are giving your child a feeling of positive feedback,
which increases their sense of confidence, self esteem and abilities. When you praise your child, you are
pointing out the way they've acted, an action they've taken, or simply who they are. When your child looks
good, tell him so. When your child does anything that pleases you, let him know. You should also praise a
child's effort to do well, even if it doesn't come out so good in the end. You should find something each day
about your child to praise. Be on the lookout constantly for behaviors or actions deserving of praise, but
don't be over the top about it. Be sincere and honest in your praise. Wait for unexpected or previously
unnoticed good behavior and praise your child for it. And when you see such action or behaviors, praise
immediately so the child will know exactly what behavior or action was deemed praiseworthy. It's also very
important to look your child square in the eye when you praise him, and reinforce the positive behavior,
action or trait being praised with a gesture such as a warm smile, a hug, scruff of the hair, or caress his face
while you tell him. Be exact, and state precisely what action, behavior or trait you find praiseworthy. And
most importantly, never directly follow praise with criticism or negative comments. Let your child know what
they did right and reward them for it before you let them know what they did wrong and punish for
misbehaving or a misdeed. So be sure to admire and congratulate your child and celebrate the good person
they are growing into by praising their positive actions, behaviors and traits daily. You'll be building a strong
sense of self in your child and you'll grow closer as a result.
Disciplining your child is never easy. You probably know from experience and mistakes how important it is
to be consistent, firm and to always follow through with designated disciplinary consequences. But when
there are two parents involved, it's crucial they are both on the same page and apply discipline consistently
regardless of marital status.

Parents should agree on how to discipline their children. To become reliable to children, both parents must
be consistent in dealing with similar situations. In a situation where the parents are separated or divorced,
disagreeing with each other over upbringing can create a confusing situation for children. They should make
a concerted effort to keep their child's best interests at heart and sit down with their child and line out the
rules and expectations and the consequences for violating those rules. Both should agree that the intended
discipline is fair, and apply it consistently in a firm yet fair manner in each home.

In addition, if there are disagreements regarding discipline or other parenting issues, they are best resolved
when the child is not present. If the child senses discord, they may attempt to manipulate the situation to
their advantage.

When teaching good behavior, parents should "practice what they preach." Children learn values and beliefs
more by examples adults set than by verbal instructions. Screaming at a child to be quiet or paddling a child
for hitting is hypocritical and ineffective. Decide what is important and what parental response to use to
teach your child. It would be more effective to calmly tell your child to be quiet or use 'time-out" when a child
is physically aggressive.

And remember what works now may not work later down the road. Situations may dictate a different
approach, and time and maturity may demand a child's rule be modified or abolished altogether. Sometimes
your common sense will help you decide when bedtime rules should be modified or table manners relaxed.
Some rules will be the same, others will be modified or abolished, and new ones will be introduced. But
regardless of the situation, parents should always present a unified front and work together and not against
each other in providing effective discipline for their child.
Your child's showing all the signs of being ready to potty train. That's great! But now, where do you start?
Explain to your toddler that going potty is a normal process of life and everyone does it, even animals. Talk
with them about the toilet, a special place where they can potty just like the big kids. Tell him how the potty
works and let him try flushing himself. Explain that they will be wearing underwear and not diapers. Find
some educational and entertaining videos of their favorite characters learning to go potty. Be sure to involve
other family members in the process and emphasize the importance of consistency during this process.
Make a special trip to the store and purchase new underwear with your toddler. Let them have a voice in
what you get. The underwear will have much more significance if your toddler helped choose them.
Overalls, pants with lots of buttons, snaps or zips, tight or restrictive clothing and oversized shirts will all be
an obstacle to your child during this process. Put these kinds of clothes away for the time being. Decide
whether or not you're going to use pull-ups, training pants or regular underwear and try to stick with this
decision so your child has consistency and isn't confused. Think about whether or not you want to use
rewards or not. Figure out a strategy on how to handle potty issues when you're away from home. If your
child is in child care, ask your provider for their advice and make sure there aren't any hard and fast rules
the center or caregiver has in place that may be an issue. Let them know that you're going to start and enlist
their help with the process. Praise your child for each successful trip to the potty, and comfort them when
accidents happen and try to remain patient and calm when they do. Avoid using candy or other treats as
reinforcement. Let them know that it will take a while to get the hang of using the potty, and encourage and
praise each attempt they make. With consistency, encouragement and praise, they'll soon be completely
In our effort to balance very full and hectic lives with our families and our jobs, we may have been neglecting
an all-important facet of our child's life: their emotional well-being. The first three years of a child's life is a
critical time for a child, and the trauma of changing child care providers or having a 'part-time' parent float in
and out of their life can be very traumatic and destabilizing for them. It's imperative that parents, educators,
involved adults and care providers make a concerted joint effort to ensure that a child's emotional needs are
met on a daily basis, just as their physical needs are. The effects of not meeting a child's emotional needs,
especially during the first three years of life, can have devastating consequences. Violent, disruptive or
defiant behaviors can result.

The first three years of life are critical in a number of ways. This is when bonding and emotional separation
takes place. If there are interruptions in either of these processes, misbehaviors from the child can result.
This can later have an affect on their relationships later in life and hinder them in developing their own
healthy relationships as adolescents or adults.

During the first three years of life, the brain goes through its most rapid development ever, the likes of which
will never been experienced again. By the time they are three years old, a child's brain is already 'hardwired'
from the experiences they've had to that point. It's imperative that these be loving, supportive, safe, positive
experiences so the brain will be conditioned to expect positive things. If they've been frightening, hurtful,
abusive, or dangerous, then the brain is conditioned to expect negative occurrences.

Therefore it's critical that parents, caregivers and other involved adults make a concerted effort to make sure
the child's emotional needs are met in a positive, constructive and healthy manner. Parents should ensure
that the child's care providers are stable and consistent, and don't move them around to different childcare
providers during this important phase. Ensure a child feels safe and secure with structured and consistent
schedules and routines. Be sure to spend as much quality time with your child at this time as possible,
regardless of your otherwise busy and hectic lifestyle. A child can sense that such a schedule is stressful to
you and it can become a frightening or confusing element for them. Therefore it's important to take time out
to reassure them that you're never too busy for them.

Remember that your child's emotional well-being is just as important as their physical, so do your part to
ensure your child knows he's growing up safe, secure, treasured and loved.
Accidents in the home are the primary cause of death in U.S. children. By taking a few simple precautions,
these injuries can be avoided, making your home safe for your child and the children who visit it.

In your kitchen, you should be sure to install safety latches on cabinets and drawers. This helps keep them
out of the everyday household chemicals you use to clean your home and dishware with, and also keeps
them from grabbing sharp objects like scissors or knives from inside the drawers. Use the back burners
when cooking on the stovetop, and keep the handles of your pots and pans turned out of a curious child's
reach while cooking.

Safety latches should be installed on cabinets and drawers in your bathrooms as well to keep them out of
unsafe household cleaning products and medicines. Be sure to unplug any electrical appliance such as a
blow dryer or curling iron directly after use and put out of a child's reach. Teach them early that electricity
and water do not mix and that no electrical appliances of any kind should ever be immersed in or placed
under running water. Toilet locks should also be used in homes that have small children to keep lids down.
Young children are 'top heavy' and can easily fall into a toilet if they lean in to play in it. Since a young child
can drown in less than just an inch of water, it is imperative to closely supervise them in the bathroom at all

Around your house, be sure to secure furniture such as bookshelves and heavy furniture that could tip easily
to the wall using brackets. Use doorknob covers to keep them out of rooms with potential hazards and to
keep them from leaving the house unsupervised. Make sure your window blinds do not have looped cords
on them as they can present a strangulation hazard to a young child. And always cover your electrical
outlets with protective covers to keep small fingers from them and small objects from being inserted into

Check your house over carefully for other potential hazards and address them immediately. With these
precautions and some common sense, your household will be your child's haven.
Bad habits plague many people in one form or another. We want to know what causes us to fall into bad
habits. Questions arise about how are the best ways to quit. New research gives new answers and
confirms some of the old ones.

Some research has been done to find out what motivates people to quit bad habits. It turns out that the
emotional reasons seem to be the most telling of all. If a person does not have the desire to change, then
that person is likely not to have any success with quitting.

Knowledge is only helpful if you use it to influence your emotional well-being. For example, if you work to
set up a social network to help you when you quit smoking, you have used your mind to influence your
emotions. Penalties help drive people to quit bad habits by playing on their emotions and their intelligence

Other research inquires into the effects of habitual activities on the brain. Researchers studied the brain
responses in rats. The rats were sent through mazes at the end of which was chocolate. Their basal
ganglia (where habitual behavior is learned in the brain) responded to all the information in the maze when
they were learning the maze.

After awhile, this area of the brain only responded to the beginning and end of the maze. This would be like
the response you have when you have developed bad habits. You are focused on the reward.

Then, the chocolate was removed. At that point, the basal ganglia again began to respond to every part of
the maze again. When this happens, it is like quitting bad habits and living moment to moment.

When the chocolate was reintroduced, the area in the brain came alive during the beginning and the end, as
before. Finally, the brain is cued to become alert to your addiction again when the desired object or bad
habits resurface.

Another study evaluated the ability of people to replace old habits with new ones. This was done by testing
using memorization and word tests. The researchers tried to see if subjects could learn new associations
after learning similar ones first.

The conclusions of the test were interesting. First of all, the habits learned first were more automatic and
below the conscious level. Second, stress caused people to revert to old habits.

Third, aging that affected the memory seemed to leave the subjects with more susceptibility to older habits.
All this information can be used by people who struggle against bad habits.

One study took a look at the way people think about risky behavior. Surveys were given out in two different
parts of Canada to find out what these people thought were the most dangerous. In the majority of cases,
people thought that bad habits like smoking, overeating, and other health habits were more risky than non-
habitual behaviors.

It is important to study how we think and feel about, and react to bad habits. The more we know, the better
chance people have of learning how to overcome them. With good research being done, bad habits may be
easier to break in the long run.
Bad habits can take over your life. They can make you fail at work, school, and relationships. It is important
to address these issues. Self help books are great for this. Here are a few.

The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back: Overcoming the Behavior Patterns That Keep You From
Getting Ahead is a book by Waldroop and Butler. This book focuses on bad habits in the workplace. It
explains how you can understand your own bad habits and learn new ways to relate to people. They
suggest that doing this will help you to advance and prosper in your career.

James Claiborn, Ph.D. and Cherry Pedrick, R.N. have collaborated on a book about all habits. It is called
The Habit Change Workbook: How to Break Bad Habits and Form Good Ones. This book follows a
cognitive-behavioral approach to bad habits. It uses psychological principles to get to the root of bad habits.
Then, it goes into great detailed steps of how to break them. It also tells about a group of people who have
bad habits and explains how each one is conquering theirs.

What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do: Bad Habits and Addictions is a short book on the subject by
Henry Cloud and John Townsend. It offers a religious perspective to those who feel overcome by their
failings. It gives advice on how to find ways out of habits and addictions.

One book is a rather heavy read on the subject of addictions. However, it does offer some sound
psychological advice. It is titled Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad
Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward. The authors, James O. Prochaska, John Norcross, and
Carlo DiClemente, work together to put together a system of coping with undesirable behaviors. It involves
six steps, which are discussed in full.

If you have children you want to help, there is a book for you, too. It is called Good Kids, Bad Habits: The
RealAge Guide to Raising Healthy Children. In it, Jennifer Tratchenberg discusses the kinds of habits
children have as they are growing up. She gives insight into how these habits can follow them into later life.
Then, the author helps parents set up a program that is designed specifically for their child. This will help
the children to break bad habits.

Of course, what subject would be complete without an "Idiot's Guide?" Suzanne LeVert has come up with
the Complete Idiot's Guide to Breaking Bad Habits. This book is a tremendous introduction on the subject of
bad habits. At the same time, it does it with a sense of humor and warmth. Reading this book may not
break your bad habit. However, it may put you in the right frame of mind to do it.

Self help books for breaking bad habits are very useful tools. They help those habituated to understand
their problem behaviors and find ways to banish them. It always helps to have a second opinion. Reading
these books on bad habits will give you advice that you would never think of on your own.
For all the resolutions we make each year that revolve around our own wants and needs, many of us include
on our lists a determination to reach out to others in a selfless way, to give comfort and support to others so
that their lives might have a little better quality. Sometimes this is personal, and involves taking time with a
family member who is elderly and lonely. We often go full-throttle with our lives and forget the physical or
emotional needs of others. In the season of giving it's easy to get a renewed sense of what we can do for
them and we understand a little clearer the difference even the smallest gestures will make.

Many volunteers who go to hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities during the holidays realize
all too quickly as well that the needs of patients and residents are a reality the entire year. While holiday
visits and home-baked goodies make for meaningful holidays, we come to understand that they need visits
and socializations afterwards as well. What can we do when we are struck by a desire to contribute of
ourselves during the year?

Ask for volunteer opportunities and you will be inundated with suggestions. The elderly in nursing homes
need someone to visit with them and make small talk. Many are eager to reminisce about days past, and
there are never enough people who are interested in hearing these wonderful stories. A rich heritage lives in
the hearts of our elderly, and by not listening we are losing valuable bits and pieces of our past.

There are programs for bringing in pets to nursing homes, allowing the residents the pleasure of petting and
loving the animals and getting love in return. Cats and dogs are the favorites, but usually any pet is
welcome. Pets can foster a sense of wellbeing in the residents, and time spent with furry friends has been
shown to lower blood pressure and increase sociability.

For the elderly who don't live in nursing homes, we can resolve to visit them more often. We can take books
and magazines and read to them, and listen to their stories as well. We can bring foods we have made,
once we have determined that they are approved of by their doctors. We can volunteer to deliver meals to
elderly through Meals on Wheels. It's hard for us to understand just how much it can mean to a shut-in to
have someone routinely coming by with a cheerful smile. Isolation is difficult for those who can't get out and
about, and it leads to depression. The simplest of gestures can make a world of difference.

There are excellent programs for helping these same shut-ins get to their medical appointments. If it weren't
for volunteers who were willing to drive them to their appointments, many would simply not go.

Give of yourself and you will be rewarded many times over. Remember always to offer with gentleness and
never patronize. You have the precious opportunity to make an elderly person feel whole again. What a
lovely gift, one that gives and gives back at the same time.
Conveyed by AA, the 12-step program is often used by sober living homes to suggest effective recovery.
One of the major purposes of this program is to let each individual achieve awakening spiritually and allow
him or her to life a normal life even after a serious bout with alcohol and substance abuse. It is in compulsion
that the person relates his or her condition without engaging in any kind of addiction.

Through the use of the 12-step program to change the lives of the clients, there have been major changes
that have happened and most of it is through productivity. Alcoholism has been effectively eradicated
because of the effectiveness of the program.

In terms of modification, the 12-step program had been proven to be useful as the key for recovery from
various compulsions and addictions. Majority of the people working with such situations believe that
compulsion and substance dependence may be caused by emotional, mental and spiritual incapacities.

Those who have used the 12-step program have stood their ground in addressing the effectiveness of the
12-step program to be incorporated in rehabilitation centers and halfway houses. Below is the summarized
12-step program in order to justify its modifiable effectiveness.


An alcoholic or an addict must therefore admit that he or she is powerless over the main reason why he or
she was brought to be rehabilitated. If the person's condition is caused by alcohol then the statement will
have to bear that reason. Furthermore, the individual must accept his or her vulnerability and the
unmanageable status he or she has put himself or herself into.


To assume that people are not all powerful and are actually only tiny bits of sand must be reiterated. Addicts
must keep within their hearts and minds that they are completely ruled by a higher power (and that is not the
president). In order to restore the individual's sanity one must devote himself or herself to the greater Power.

Decision making

The addict must make a pact to make all decisions to glorify God Almighty and will direct all his or her
actions based on His teachings. When there are doubts about making difficult decisions, it must all be
surrendered in order to make the higher Power make the solution in respond to the predicament.


One of the most difficult aspects of the 12-step program is to rerun the events in our minds and share it to
someone you barely even know. Although, without the fearless inventory of oneself, fearlessly searching for
answers, effective recovery will not be possible because the problem is still hidden and kept within the
depths of the person's inner being. It will decompose and react severely in a negative way.


One way to forgive others is to forgive oneself. This is true. Once the person admits himself to the Father
Almighty, things will get lighter. One must accept, in the name of the higher Power that he or she has done
something wrong and is willing to repent.

Ask for Strength and Forgiveness In order for the process to become successful, forgiveness must be made.
The will to move on must be strengthened because of the faith that things will get better out the efforts of
Divine Intervention.

People who are under the 12-step program which is done in sober living homes tend to have a more
strengthened faith.
Sober living is oftentimes mistaken as some kind of rehabilitation center or a recovery support home. Sober
living environments has expanded because of people's need to have a place that is supportive and safe for
people who would want a getaway after a recovery. In other words, sober living are houses meant for those
who just came out of the rehabilitation center and is not yet ready to face the outside world.

Sober living is a place for support and not for rehab or recovery. Although, it is not only intended for those
who just came out of recovery or rehab but also for those who needs some quiet time to ease their minds of

Sober living homes do not provide the services which are offered by rehabilitation centers or shelters. They
are more affordable compared to those centers. These places are also drug and alcohol free which gives the
person who wanted to stay a more positive and quiet mind to think of things going through his or her life.
Sober houses tend to promote an individualized recovery through an environment that allows the people
residing in it develop programs which are self-reliant and supporting.

Majority of sober homes are owned by privately and are most likely operated by individuals through small
partnership. Assurance of top quality is maintained and achieved through membership in sober coalitions or
networks. These networks and coalitions are proved to be self-regulated and self-governed through
inspections and reviews.

Members of the networks are required to exemplify standards which are outstanding in terms of safety,
management and health guidelines. These homes tend to maintain a drug and alcohol free environment with
resident maintained and initiated support activities.

There is no such thing as sober homes which offer treatment or detoxification although, there are numerous
referrals in the listing of detoxification outpatient treatments and hospitals. This doesn't mean that one will
not see or encounter certain situations like arriving in the middle of the night and not find someone sweating
or shaking within the first 24 to 48 hours of arrival in the place.

Many would rather prefer to be kept in sober homes because of the person's capacity to retrieve oneself
from simple problems. Although, personality disorders or mental diseases are not really under the agenda.

Typically, sober homes are those that are built as a duplex, multiunit complex or a single family residence
that is strategically located in a quiet part of a residential neighborhood. Residents inside the sober house
are required to follow all house rules religiously. Any violation made by the residents can result to
consequences like minor or major financial fines, essay writing of details and oath of a better behavior and it
can also result to ejection from the home.

One of the most important rules inside a sober house is the avoidance of alcohol drugs even outside its
premises. Some of these prohibited items are daily medicines, mouthwash, after-shave, and food items that
contain caffeine like vanilla. To ensure that this rule is done, sober homes do surprise alcohol and drug
testing. If found out that the person is intoxicated with the said items, immediate action is made which can
even lead to expulsion from the house.

Sober living homes also prohibit any acts of violence, harassment, fighting, absences which are unexcused
and violation of the curfew hours.
Instead of a rehabilitated person dragging his life around town trying to figure out things, some prefer to
choose to be inside sober living. This is because of the effective programs of the place that is regarded to be
very welcoming and is very realistic. It is said that sober living homes have the right kind of environment that
a newly recovered person needs in order to be able to participate more effectively to the outside life.

There are numerous reasons and programs that are offered by sober living which are exclusively offered to
clients who just undergone a rehabilitated life. Although, before committing to a certain sober home, one
must be very particular of the reason why he or she is there. Compliance of rules and regulations are strictly
implemented inside the vicinity for the residents to feel that continuous recovery is still made.

Opening the door to life

Initially, clients who are accepted in sober homes must be required to be rehabilitated for at least 30 days or
more. Sober homes are exclusively for alcoholics and addicts who both have similar goals of the
maintenance of sobriety in their lives. This will make every resident feel that the process is intended for the
entire group and not just for the individual. There are a few requirements that sober homes want in their
residents namely:

• Residents are required to submit drug testing which is random. Their rooms are checked for any alcohol,
paraphernalia or drug presence. These guidelines are made in order to ensure that substances will no
longer take place inside the person's life. This is also made to assure that relapses will be less likely to occur
because precipitating factors are not made available. Maintenance of safety is also addressed by these

• One is required to continue school or otherwise get a job in order to pursue gradual introduction to the
outside environment. In this requirement, it ensures that the entire residents are responding to a more
constructive and reproductive means which will be more profitable focus of time. Improvement of life is
possible though class attendance and work habits which will also test their abilities on how to effectively
cope with life's stressors.


It is in the midst of the night when bad, bad things happen. That is why; sober living homes are trying to
impose curfew hours for their residents to become more aware of their surroundings and in order to be away
from influences of liquor and illegal substances during weeknights. Normally, curfew time starts at nine in the
evening. To ensure that curfew hours are strictly followed, a roll call is made with every resident.

Rights and Privileges

Privileges are given to some of the residents living inside the home. Some are allowed to go home during
weekends during Friday nights and be back by Sunday. This will allow residents who are eligible to go home
and be with their loved ones. But some are not allowed of this privilege mainly because going home is
prohibited based on factors like history of relapses or situation inside the home which may make the
residents remember the negative feelings. Sometimes, it is in the resident's home where he or she has
encountered the substances.

It is best to reiterate that not all sober living homes are practicing this kind of privileges based on their
There are distinct characteristics of women that sober living houses must take note of especially when
pertaining to needs and services. The feminine sides are more accurate and have the tendency to demand
for more. The basis for sober living environment and characteristics must be appropriate for the continuity of
care for newly recovered women patients.

What should a woman's sober living manifest?

The health care facility must manifest the sides of women than in random. Treatment measures should
always be on the level of supervision and of clinical expertise. The personnel is always on the constant
watch to be able to cultivate the regime that is quite prominent in women. Counseling must always be
provided for those who need someone to talk to and air out their problems. Group discussions must render
variety of knowledge and give out activities for the betterment of every women group staying inside the


A women's sober house is the quiet reflection of sisterhood which is knit and caring. This sisterhood is
appropriate in order to maintain a good environment between the whole groups. The core of the facility
states that women must have the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of everyday living even without
any help coming from her physician and has the ability to battle out any underlying problem. The moment
strong relations are build between the women living in one sober home, their bond becomes strong and
uses it to overcome difficulties in life which, on the other hand, gives sufficient support to the each individual.

Programs for women

Programs are made in order to provide women living in sober homes the opportunity to make decisions in
life as healthy as possible. Appropriate decisions are rendered because of the goal of making life anew and
not just a fragment of the past difficulties.

Women's environment

Some would wonder how a women's environment in a sober home differs from those which are mixed.
Technically speaking, sober living for women is made to be able to cope with the needs of the people. They
are built in faces of apartments, dormitories or neighborhood homes. Sharing a strong bond of sisterhood
within the community enables women to derive their strength and use it in continuous recovery to be able to
face the outside world with ease and a wider positive aspect.

Female residents use their sense of camaraderie in order to learn from one another and give sufficient
support for the aim of early sobriety. Even so, the place for women is safe and secure which is most
appropriate to continue the journey of paving the way to complete recovery. Residents are encouraged to
attend meetings and always keep in touch with the people facilitating the house. This will provide the utmost
support system in fighting the temptation of alcohol and drugs amongst the society.

Women are not excluded in being addicted to substances. In fact, they are more prone to these kinds of
situations compared to men. They tend to elicit other kinds of addictions and sometimes one overlaps with
the other.

The environment of women's sober living is expected to be warmer and supportive in order to seek success
in the recovery or attaining balance in life. Skills regarding life's everyday challenges are given and wherein
women can easily identify the right thing to do. Responsibilities must always be imposed and never be
compromised to be able to attain proper functioning.
Having bad habits in social situations can make you a very unpopular person. You may not even know how
others feel about your social blunders. However, if you are acting in ways that are not considered
appropriate, people will notice.

Many bad habits can be noticed when people go out to a restaurant together. It can be a very unpleasant
experience if people have certain bad habits. For instance, chewing with an open mouth can be disgusting
to the person watching. When a person does this, it is a thoughtless gesture.

Some people have the bad habits of eating other peoples' food. They will just reach over and take a bite of
something on their neighbor's plate. They do not consider the fact that the person might want to be asked
first. They do not take into account that the person might find it repulsive to share food with someone who
has already used their fork.

Loudness in a restaurant is a bad habit that is sometimes appropriate and sometimes is not. In some
settings, loudness is the order of the day. In quiet restaurants, though, a person needs to leave the volume
turned to a low level. They need to try to fit in with the ambience of the restaurant.

Have you ever heard someone belch, and then say "not bad manners, just good food"? Well, it is bad
manners, and bad habits, too. Nobody wants to hear that, and it is not excused by an attempt at humor.
Some people seem to do this every time they feel the urge without thought to how others feel.

One of the sickening bad habits people have at restaurants is blowing their noses in a cloth napkin. It is not
appropriate to blow their nose at the table in the first place. When they use a cloth napkin, the waiter cannot
just throw it away. It has to be handled in order to be washed and reused. It is an inconsiderate bad habit.

Some parents have bad habits when it comes to their children's public behavior. Some will let their children
run through the restaurant doing as they please. They will not say a word when their children misbehave.
This can spoil an otherwise nice evening.

Other parents are so harsh and critical with their children that it also destroys any chance of anyone having
a good time. These are bad habits just as letting the kids be destructive are. Ideally, parents can find a
middle ground.

There are also bad habits that affect the way people feel about themselves. If you are a know-it-all, a
person might feel inferior to you at first. Eventually, though, it will get old and they will resent you. If you are
tactless, you can hurt peoples' feelings without thinking. You do it just because you are in the habit of 'telling
the truth."

There are bad habits that affect the way you communicate with others in the social setting. Monopolizing
the conversation may make you feel good, but others will feel unappreciated. Interrupting can be a bad
habit that prevents you from developing closeness with acquaintances.

Correct your bad habits in social situations and you will find that people are friendlier with you. You will see
that good habits will get you much more good attention than bad habits.
You may have heard of the Procrastinator's Society. They're going to hold a meeting soon, but just haven't
gotten around to it. Does that ring a bell with you? Are you a World Class Procrastination? If it were an
Olympic event, would you be bringing home the gold? If so, then perhaps you may want to consider making
that one of your New Year's Resolutions for 2008. To stop putting things off and avoiding things that you
don't want to do is a lofty goal indeed and I'm about to give you some ideas on just how to improve in that
area. Take an Inventory of what needs to be done. Sometimes we avoid even bringing to the forefront of
our brains what we have to do, and if we don't think about it, we can't do it. So THINK about what needs to
be done. Make it a priority in your head. How Do You Procrastinate? Are you of the mindset that if I ignore it,
it will magically go away? Here's a news flash for you: WRONG! It won't go away. Those dirty dishes in the
sink that are now covered in a pretty green hairy-looking fur? Nope, they won't do themselves and they
won't disappear either. Ignoring things never makes them better. Do you try to do everything BUT what you
SHOULD be doing? Once you recognize how you procrastinate, you'll better be able to put a stop to it.
Often we don't even realize that we are procrastinating until it's too late and we've missed a deadline.
Create a Productive Environment. Turn the TV off, unplug the phone, close your door and concentrate. It's
difficult to put your mind to something and get it done if there are distractions around. Lessen the
distractions and you'll see a drop in your procrastination. I work better under pressure. So in order to fulfill
that self-fulfilling prophecy, you wait until the very last minute, right before that term paper is due, or that
report is due at work and then you pull an all-nighter to make it happen. This is not a healthy habit as it
increases your stress level. Break Down the Job. You have a job to do and it looks enormous. You could
never, ever complete a job that big, so why even start? If that's your mindset, then you probably won't finish
the job. In order to combat this kind of thinking, break the job or task down into small, manageable chunks.
Change Your Attitude. Often times we don't begin something we have to do because we tell ourselves how
difficult it's going to be, or how disgusting the job is and how much we're going to hate doing it. By giving
ourselves reverse-pep talks we give ourselves permission to avoid beginning the task at hand. When you
hear yourself doing this, change your attitude. . Ask Someone for Help. If you have a big job to do, then
ask a friend or a coworker to help you be accountable for working on it. Let them check up on you every so
often to see that you're making progress and soon you'll find that the job is completed. The Buddy System
isn't just for deep sea divers anymore! Keep What Needs to be Accomplished in Plain Sight. If something is
hidden, you are less likely to think about it and it's even more unlikely that you'll ever finish it, much less start
it. Keep what needs to be done where you can see it. A visual reminder is always a good thing. Once you
know how you procrastinate, you will be better able to catch yourself before it gets out of hand.
One of the most frustrating challenges we face as parents is communicating effectively with our child.
Though we strive to open an honest two-way line of communication with our child, we become frustrated
when it appears their attention isn't solely on us or the conversation at hand. Yet we seem to find it's
perfectly acceptable to discuss things with them while reading the paper, folding clothes, or working on the
computer and then are often left wondering when the lines of communication broke. Children are by nature
easily distracted and not always responsive to their environment. It is the responsibility of the parent to
emphasize positive patterns of communication and ensure the child learns that ignoring communication is
not acceptable. Early prevention, in the form of educating your child about the proper forms of
communication, is the key to ensuring that the non-verbal agreement does not take hold. Teach your child
by example. Remain completely and totally focused on them and the conversation at hand. Turn off the
television; allow calls to go to the voicemail, or go in a room where there are no distractions. Talk to your
child, and explain to them in age-appropriate terms how they are communicating and why their method
doesn't work. Show your child how to communicate effectively, even when the questions are hard. Make
yourself an active listener. Let them voice their opinion or side of the story and ask questions to ensure you
understand their viewpoint. Be constant in the manner in which you communicate with you child. Send the
same message with each and every interaction. Allow your child to see that you will call their attention to
those times that the unwanted behavior rears its ugly head. Kids will be kids and they will sometimes be
distractive and non-communicative. You are the expert in knowing your child's behavior and can best judge
the improvement in their communications. The best way to ensure healthy communication patterns is to
model positive communication skills.
There are support groups all over the world for people with bad habits. These groups provide a framework
by which the person with bad habits can get better. They are available to anyone who wants to attend.

Alcoholics Anonymous is the gold standard for support groups. There people with bad habits relating to
alcohol can meet and discuss their bad habits. They can talk about their experiences and share their hopes.
They can gain strength by spending time with people whose goal is also to banish their bad habits.

Alcoholics Anonymous practices the Twelve-Step program for those whose bad habits have brought them to
seek help. The system is designed to guide alcoholics through their despair and into sobriety. It is a
rigorous program, but it is worth the work if you come out on the other side without your bad habits.

Another group the uses the Twelve-Step program for gaining control over bad habits is Overeaters
Anonymous. Contrary to what the name implies, it is not just for people who eat too much. The largest
number of members of any one group is those who overeat. However, it is also for those with bulimia or
anorexia. It is for anyone who is "powerless over food."

This group holds meetings as AA does. It also uses tests and other tools to help people evaluate the extent
of their bad habits and depression. The Twelve-Step program leads them to work on their bad habits from
perspectives that are physical, emotional, and spiritual. It has helped many people to gain control over their
eating disorders.

Yet another group is based on the Twelve-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is Narcotics
Anonymous. It is for people with bad habits with all kinds of drugs. You can be involved in the program no
matter what kind(s) of drugs you used.

It does not matter if you used a few times or you used constantly for years. The important thing is what you
want to do about it. Narcotics Anonymous provides you with a way to deal with these destructive bad habits
in your life if you will do the work.

There are all kinds of smoking cessation support groups to help people quit their bad habits with smoking.
There are groups at medical centers. There are groups at colleges. Some groups meet at community

There are even smoking cessation groups that meet online. The websites give quite a bit of helpful
information about your bad habits. They often will have a blog where people can compare notes about how
their recovery from nicotine is going. Then, there are live chat support groups.

There are not support groups for all the bad habits that people have. No one is going to go around
smacking your hand and saying,"Do not drum your fingers!" At least, they will not do it as a support group.
Yet, for many serious bad habits, there is help. In some cases, you will have to drive across town. In other
cases, it is as near as your computer.
Even the best behaved toddler has an occasional temper tantrum. A tantrum can range from whining and
crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. They're equally common in boys and girls and
usually occur from age 1 to age 3. Some children may experience regular tantrums, whereas for other
children, tantrums may be rare. Some kids are more prone to throwing a temper tantrum than others.
Toddlers are trying to master the world and when they aren't able to accomplish a task, they often use one
of the only tools at their disposal for venting frustration - a tantrum. There are several basic causes of
tantrums that are familiar to parents everywhere: The child is seeking attention or is tired, hungry, or
uncomfortable. In addition, tantrums are often the result of children's frustration with the world. Frustration is
an unavoidable part of kids' lives as they learn how people, objects, and their own bodies work. Tantrums
are common during the second year of life, a time when children are acquiring language. Toddlers generally
understand more than they can express. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease. Keep off-
limits objects out of sight and out of reach, which will make struggles less likely to develop over them.
Distract your child. Take advantage of your little one's short attention span by offering a replacement for the
coveted object or beginning a new activity to replace the frustrating or forbidden one. And choose your
battles: consider the request carefully when your child wants something. Is it outrageous? Maybe it isn't.
Accommodate when possible to avoid an outburst. Make sure your child isn't acting up simply because he
or she isn't getting enough attention. To a child, negative attention (a parent's response to a tantrum) is
better than no attention at all. Try to establish a habit of catching your child being good ('time in"), which
means rewarding your little one with attention and praise for positive behavior. This will teach them that
acting appropriately makes mommy and daddy happy and proud, and they'll be anxious to do it again and
again. .
The majority of toddlers engage in some biting between their first and third birthdays. Probably the most
common reason is that it is one of the few ways of communicating that's effective for them, before verbal
skills are developed. However, not all children bite. Some choose other forms of communication, such as
grabbing, shoving, or punching. Another reason toddlers bite is to express frustration, a feeling which is very
common with toddlers, because both their communication skills and their motor skills are so limited. To a
young toddler it can be funny to see mommy suddenly bolt upright or for a playmate to start crying. Toddlers
may also bite because they're teething or because they put everything in their mouths anyway, so why not
someone's arm? It could even be something as simple as hunger. But how do you teach your child not to
bite? Make it perfectly clear that the biting is hurtful and wrong and point out to your child how much pain
their biting has caused. Express that biting is wrong and unacceptable and that neither mommy or daddy
like it. If you discover that your child is biting out of frustration, try giving them an alternative to express to
people they are having a difficult time. Though language is a difficult task at this age, most toddlers can be
taught words that are appropriate for such a situation. For instance, "You need to tell mommy or daddy that
you need help and not bite us," or "Show mommy what you need, but don't bite. You'll hurt her if you bite
and I know you don't want to hurt mommy, do you?" Experts agree that parents should try not to give biting
so much attention that it becomes an attention-getter. This is true of all behavior that you don't want to see
repeated. Firmly tell the child again that there is no biting allowed, that it is wrong, and that it hurts people.
In order to teach or child to treat others with respect and dignity, they must also be treated that way. And
childhood is a time for children to learn about the world, including how to get along with others. Parents play
an essential role in teaching children how to form healthy relationships and grow into socially adept
individuals. This social competence allows children to be cooperative and generous, express their feelings,
and empathize with others.

The most effective way to teach children this lesson is by modeling the behavior you want to encourage.
Every time you say "please" or lend a helping hand, you are showing your children how you would like them
to act. Ask for your children's help with daily tasks, and accept their offers of help. Praise your child's good
behavior and traits often, and help them realize how good it feels inside to do a good deed or be generous
with another person. Socially competent children are ones who have a strong sense of self worth and
importance. When a child feels good about themselves, it's easy for them to treat others in a positive,
helpful manner. Encourage acts of generosity through sharing and cooperation. Let your child know when
it's someone else's turn with a toy or on the swing and praise their ability to recognize this on their own.
Thank them for being polite and respectful and for sharing and cooperating. Children know from their own
experiences that words can hurt, and that name-calling, teasing, or excluding others affects how people feel.
Children want to be treated fairly, but they don't always understand how to treat others the same way. One
way to teach fairness is to explain a rule to your child, pointing out that it applies to him as well as to others.
One of the most important things you can teach your child is respect and the best way to teach respect is to
show respect. When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how
important it is.

Keep in mind the saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Respect is an attitude. Being respectful helps a child succeed in life. If children don't have respect for peers,
authority, or themselves, it's almost impossible for them to succeed. A respectful child takes care of
belongings and responsibilities, and a respectful child gets along with peers.

Schools teach children about respect, but parents have the most influence on how respectful children
become. Until children show respect at home, it's unlikely they will show it anywhere else.

How can you show respect to your child? If you do something wrong, admit it and apologize. Don't
embarrass, insult or make fun of your child. Compliment them and let your child make choices and take
responsibility. Listen to your child's side of the story before making a decision on an issue or problem. Be
polite and use "please" and 'thank you" when asking them to do things. Knock before entering your child's
room. Keep promises. Show your child that you mean what you say. And give your child your full attention.

And most important, teach your children that respect is earned. Make sure that you are leading by example
and modeling respectful behavior. Be a law-abiding citizen. Show concern for your environment, animals
and other people. Openly and honestly discuss exampled of witnessed disrespect.

In addition, teach your child to respect themselves. Self-respect is one of the most important forms of
respect. Once we respect ourselves, it is easier to respect others. Help them set and achieve goals.
Encourage honesty and teach them that people make mistakes, and that they are the best way to learn.

Most importantly, praise your child often for good deeds, behaviors or traits, and tell them you love them at
least several times each day. You're sure to raise a child capable of giving and gaining respect.
Astrology is a complex subject, and when it comes to bad habits it is no different. There are many details to
consider about any person when discussing their astrological sign. Birth date is just one of them. However,
it is fun to dabble in astrology and find out the general rules for the astrology of bad habits.

Capricorns are said to be persistent, hard workers. Perhaps this is why they are thought to be workaholics.
They are driven to get the job done no matter how long it takes.

In fact, they may not stop with the job at hand, but go on to other jobs instead of going home and relaxing at
the end of the day. They can help curb these bad habits by keeping a gratitude journal.

Aquarius is a sign given to independent people. In many ways this is a good thing. However, they have the
bad habits of shutting people out of their lives. They do like novelty, though. Close relationships that involve
a creative aspect are for them.

Alcoholism is one of the major bad habits of people born under the Pisces sign. The usual treatments for
alcoholism apply to them, just as they do for anyone else. Bad habits like this are hard to overcome.

Aries is a sign of selfish people. The best way for them to combat this is to care for another living being.
Taurus people thrive on clutter. All they need is a little direction in how to get organized. These are both
fairly innocuous bad habits.

If you live with a Gemini, then you probably find yourself talking to the air at times. A Gemini has bad habits
when it comes to paying attention to people talking to them. If you do not talk to them, they will eventually
beg you to do so.

Cancer peoples' sugar addictions can only be aided by substituting sweets like dried fruits, for example.
Their bad habits are based on oral gratification. Leos are all full of themselves. They will keep up their bad
habits of bragging on themselves until they learn to be different. They can do this by practicing
complimenting people.

Virgos have more habits that can be good or bad habits. It depends upon how you look at them. Virgos are
bent on perfection. Nothing is ever good enough for them. If you encourage them to lighten up and have
some fun, they can reduce these bad habits.

Libras love to look at pretty things. It would be nice if they would spend their time taking walks in the garden,
or going to fine arts museums. However, many Libras go to another extreme. They become shopaholics to
gratify the urge to be around beautiful things. These are costly bad habits to have.

Scorpio people can have the bad habits of getting very angry and holding onto that anger for a long time.
Doing relaxing things like getting a massage will help them ease away their anger. Finally, there are the
Sagittarians. These people have the bad habits of going overboard with honesty. They just need to learn a
little compassion and tact.

While these descriptions might not apply to you, a detailed analysis of your horoscope may reveal
something more telling. Or, you may not believe them at all. In any case, find your bad habits by whatever
means it takes and eradicate them.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

That's just not true. Name-calling hurts -- especially when the person doing it is a parent, a teacher, or a
coach. Yelling and screaming might have been the way you were brought up and you might think it worked
for you, so why wouldn't it work for your kids? But did it? Remember how it made you feel. You probably felt
belittled, devalued, and insignificant. You certainly don't want your own children to feel that way. It may
cause emotional trauma that can result in long-term hurt. Among other things, verbal abuse can undermine
your child's self-esteem, damage his ability to trust and form relationships, and chip away at his academic
and social skills. Name-calling, swearing, insulting, threatening bodily harm, blaming or using sarcasm are
all forms of verbal abuse.

What are the signs that a child is suffering from verbal abuse? They may have a very negative self-image.
They may commit acts that are self-destructive, such as cutting, hitting or scratching themselves, as well as
other reckless and dangerous activities. They may exhibit physical aggression, be delinquent in school, or
display interpersonal problems. They may hit other children, frequently fight with classmates at school, or
be cruel to animals. They may also exhibit delays in their social, physical, academic or emotional

Recent research suggests that children who suffer from verbal abuse are highly likely to become victims of
abuse later in life, become abusive themselves, or become depressed and self-destructive later in life

It's normal for most parents at one time or another to feel frustrated and angry with their children. They may
lash out verbally in these instances and say things they later regret. It's when these instances become more
and more frequent that there is cause for concern. If this describes you, it's imperative that you seek
professional help to learn more positive, meaningful and constructive forms of discipline, and for help in
learning methods to control your anger. Remember to give yourself a time out if you feel an outburst coming
on. Try to refrain from saying mean, sarcastic or belittling things to your child. Remember, your child learns
what he lives. Don't be a bad example and teach him bad behavior early on.

Remember that your child is a precious gift and should be treated with love, kindness, respect and
tenderness. If you exhibit these to your child on a daily basis, they will learn what they live and grow to do
the same as adults.
Recent studies have shown that not only do children like to sit down at the dinner table and eat a meal with
their parents, but they are more likely to eat a well-balanced, nutritious meal when they do. But with the
hectic lives we seem to lead these days, getting the family all together in the same place at the same time
can be a difficult chore. Between work schedules, after-school activities, errands, and the like, it seems we
have less and less time. But with a few simple ideas and some planning, meal time can be an enjoyable
and treasured family time. Designate no less than one night per week to have a sit-down meal with your
family. Sunday nights are usually a good choice for this because you have more time to relax and the
weekend chores have been completed. Involve your children in the meal planning and preparation. This
gives them a strong sense of self and the foundation for a lifetime of healthy meal planning and preparation.
Make sure the television is off, and make it a rule that all phone calls go to voice mail or the answering
machine during the meal. Take this time to visit with one another and enjoy one another's company. This is
a great time to reconnect and find out what events happened this week. Take your time eating, and teach
your children how to do the same in the process. Eating slowly is a healthy habit. Don't jump up and start
clearing dishes and putting things away until everyone is done eating and talking. On those days that you
can't sit down as a family, try to make a habit of sitting down and chatting with them while they are eating,
instead of rushing around catching up on the chores. This shows them you're interested and that you care
and want to be and involved and important part of their every day life.
Regular schedules provide the day with a structure that orders a young child's world. Although predictability
can be tiresome for adults, children thrive on repetition and routine. Schedules begin from the first days of
life. Babies, especially, need regular sleep and meal programs and even routines leading up to those
activities. As they gets older, when a child knows what is going to happen and who is going to be there, it
allows them to think and feel more independently, and feel more safe and secure. A disrupted routine can
set a child off and cause them to feel insecure and irritable. Dinnertime is a great place to start setting a
routine. Sitting together at the dinner table gives children the opportunity to share their day and talk about
their feelings. This is also a great time to include some responsibility in your child's routine, such as helping
to set or clear the table. And regardless of how exhausted you or your children may be, don't be tempted to
skip winding down from the day. This is part of a nighttime ritual and allows both child and parent to
decompress after a busy day. It also helps bedtime go more smoothly. This is usually the time of day when
parent and child can spend some quality time together, so fight the urge to start the laundry or do the dishes
until after the child has gone to bed. If this isn't possible, consider trading off these duties with your spouse
each night to ensure your child has quality time with each parent on a regular basis. Take the time to find
out what wind-down strategy works best for your child. Some children are actually energized instead of
relaxed by a warm bath, so if that's the case with your child, bath time should be saved for a different time of
day. Whatever routine you settle on, make it quiet, relaxing, and tranquil for everyone. And though routines
are essential, there should be some room to be flexible as well. You might be out late at night on a family
outing, have unexpected company show up that may result in a skipped meal or nap in the car while running
errands in the evening. In these instances, it's important for you to keep your cool. If you express
frustration or anger about disrupting the routine, your child will as well. Prepare children for such
unexpected events and show them that though it can happen from time to time, the routine will return the
next day.
The world is a far more scary and complicated place than it was when you were a child. As a result, it's
imperative that you set adequate yet fair boundaries with your child. It's a very important role in your
parenting responsibilities. Children must make difficult decisions each day, and if they don't have clear, firm
boundaries set, they may not always make the wisest choice. Limits teach children proper restraint in social
and individual activities and provide children with necessary structure and security to assist in healthy
development. Setting limits also provide children with guidance before they have an opportunity to get into
trouble, thus making them more successful with everyday life. A child's age and developmental level needs
to be considered when setting limits. All children have a need for independence and individualization;
however, they also need structure, security and parental involvement. It goes without saying that the needs
of a 2-year old vary greatly than those of a teenager. A toddler has a strong desire to explore and
investigate, but parameters need to be set to ensure their safety while doing so. Teenagers need to be able
to be an individual and be independent, but with strong parental guidance and influence, are more likely to
make smart choices in difficult situations. Limits should be discussed and set prior to the situation. Though
situations arise that weren't planned on, daily situations should have set limits and expectations. A teenager
who breaks curfew may have the privilege of going out with friends revoked until they learn respect for the
rules. A child who misbehaves while playing with a friend may need to be separated from the fun until they
can learn to properly behave. Children respond in a positive manner in an environment in which they know
what to expect and what is excepted of them. A child will be more respectful towards rules and more willing
to abide by them if the rules are clear and consistent. Additionally, it's crucial that once a limit is set that
they caregiver stick to it. A child is less likely to try and manipulate a caregiver into changing the limits when
their experience has been that there's no bending on the limits. And remember, you are the one who sets
the limits and lays down the law. There's no need to argue with your child. Be firm and consistent and they
are less likely to challenge the rules and will accept the consequences.
Disciplining a child is one of the most important, yet difficult, roles of being a parent. Effective discipline
teaches a child to be self-disciplined later in life. It helps your child grow up to be happy and well-adjusted.
Effective and positive discipline teaches and guides children, and helps them to feel safe, secure, and
valued. Discipline should be based on a child's age, development and temperament. A parent's goals by
disciplining their child is to protect them from danger, to help them learn self-control and self-discipline and
to develop a sense of responsibility. Children should be respectful of their parent's authority. If they're
disciplined harshly or unfairly, especially if it includes shouting or humiliating, will make it difficult if not
impossible for a child to respect and trust their parent. Parents must be consistent in their discipline.
Discipline that's not consistent is confusing to children, no matter how old they are. If parents are
inconsistent in the way they discipline their children, children may find it hard to respect them. It can also
indirectly encourage misbehaving and result in confusion and frustration for the child. Discipline must also
be fair. Parents must make sure that the punishment fits the crime and doesn't punish too severely or is too
lax. The consequences of their actions should be related to their behavior. In order to discourage bad
behavior, give your child choices about what to do. He will appreciate the chance to make decisions. Make
sure rules that protect the safety, health and well-being of your child are given top priority. If your child is
irritable, tired or upset, be understanding and try to help calm them. It's important to keep in mind that bad
behavior can sometimes be circumstantial. Encourage positive behavior in your child by spending quality
time alone with your child each day. Give your child hugs, cuddles or a gentle pat on the back, and give
praise when praise is due. If your child is angry or sad, try to understand why. Teach your child good
behavior by setting a good example and behaving properly and appropriately yourself.
It has been shown many times over in research studies that a parent who is involved in their child's
education has a positive impact. It's reflected in improved grades and test scores, strong attendance, a
higher rate of homework completion, higher graduation rates, improved attitudes and behaviors in the child,
as well as the child being more likely to become involved in positive extra-curricular activities. Send out the
message early in your child's education that your home is an involved and active supporter of their learning.
Probably the most important element of a positive learning environment at home is structure. But what is too
little or too much? If we're too lenient or expect too little, your child may become disorganized or
unmotivated. If we're too rigid and strict, it can cause undue pressure or cause your child to feel unable to
deliver on your expectations. So what's the best way to meet in the middle and create a positive learning
environment for your child at home? Help your child develop a work area where they can study and focus
without being interrupted. Children usually do better when they have a private study area away from
interruption. If your child prefers doing their work at the kitchen table, make sure other family members
understand the kitchen is off-limits during study time. Make sure your child has plenty of supplies and
reference materials available and that the area has plenty of light. Regardless of its location, ensure the
area is quiet and that your child can study and work uninterrupted. Agree on a regular time for studying. To
help your child make homework a habit, schedule a set time each day for homework. Perhaps breaking
study time up into smaller increments would work better for your child than one solid period. Work with your
child to find out what works best for them. In addition, be sure your child has a sufficient break between the
time they arrive home from school before they sit down to work in order to 'decompress' from their school
day. Help your child develop a method of keeping track of homework assignments. This can be a difficult
chore for some students. Developing a successful way of keeping track of assignments then scratching
them off as completed helps them develop a productive method for accomplishing tasks later in life. Develop
a positive line of communication with your child's teacher. Teachers are usually very willing and excited to
work with an involved parent to help the child's overall success in school. Whether it's notes sent back and
forth in your child's backpack or an e-mail correspondence, make sure your teacher knows your open for
suggestions as how to better assist them in the homework and study process at home.
Honesty and dishonesty are learned in the home. Parents are often concerned when their child or
adolescent lies. Young children often make up stories and tell tall tales. This is normal activity because they
enjoy hearing stories and making up stories for fun. These young children may blur the distinction between
reality and fantasy. This is probably more a result of an active imagination than an attempt to deliberately lie
about something. An older child or adolescent may tell a lie to be self-serving, such as denying
responsibility or to try and get out of a chore or task. Parents should respond to isolated instances of lying by
talking with the youngster about the importance of truthfulness, honesty and trust. Some adolescents
discover that lying may be considered acceptable in certain situations such as not telling a boyfriend or
girlfriend the real reasons for breaking up because they don't want to hurt their feelings. Other adolescents
may lie to protect their privacy or to help them feel psychologically separate and independent from their
parents. Parents are the most important role models for their children. When a child or adolescent lies,
parents should take some time to have a serious talk and discuss the difference between make believe and
reality, and lying and telling the truth. They should open an honest line of communication to find out exactly
why the child chose to tell a lie, and to discuss alternatives to lying. A parent should lead by example and
never lie, and when they are caught in a lie, express remorse and regret for making a conscious decision to
tell a lie. Clear, understandable consequences for lying should be discussed with the child early on.
However, some forms of lying are cause for concern, and might indicate an underlying emotional problem.
Some children, who know the difference between truthfulness and lying, tell elaborate stories which appear
believable. Children or adolescents usually relate these stories with enthusiasm because they receive a lot
of attention as they tell the lie. Other children or adolescents, who otherwise seem responsible, fall into a
pattern of repetitive lying. They often feel that lying is the easiest way to deal with the demands of parents,
teachers and friends. These children are usually not trying to be bad or malicious but the repetitive pattern of
lying becomes a bad habit. A serious repetitive pattern of lying should be cause for concern. Consult a
professional adolescent or child psychologist to find out whether help is needed.
"Moooooooooooom!" It's irritating, it's frustrating and it gets on your last nerve. Though it's obnoxious and
unacceptable, it's actually an effective for your child to get your attention. It's whining. But, like other bad
habits, you can nip it in the bud early with a few simple strategies to teach your child there are other
appropriate, effective forms of communicating with you. First, try limiting the situations that trigger it. Avoid
extra errands when the kids are hungry. Don't let them get involved in a frustrating game or project prior to
bedtime. Pay attention when your child is talking, as sometimes whining is a reaction when a child feels you
aren't giving them your full attention. Praise them for not whining and talking in a normal and understandable
voice that allows you to fully understand what they are saying to you. When the whining begins, don't
overreact. Keep your response simple, calm and neutral. Ask your child to repeat the request in a normal
tone. When giving in seems inevitable, don't delay. If you must finish the grocery shopping so you can put
dinner on the table, for instance, and your child starts whining for a snack, offer something healthy right
away. Once a limit has been set, parents should follow through. It's imperative that both parents are on
board with this limit and fully follow through when the whining rule has been violated. If you have an older
child that's developing a whining habit, suggest they come up with a solution to their perceived boredom or
other voiced problem. If you suggest possible alternatives, it might just prolong the child's whining.
Sometimes whining can be the result of trauma and trouble in their life. A divorce, serious family illness or
problems at school may be at the root. Additional positive attention and quality one-on-one time may be just
the medicine your child needs at a time like this. Your pediatrician can also suggest alternatives to curb
whining should the positive attention and disciplinary actions be ineffective.
Sober living is referred to as transitional housing that are intended for alcoholics and addicts who have
already completed drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. Most likely, these people are inpatients. Sober
living can also be equated to a home group that provides support within its four corners with only one goal
and that is to stay sober away from alcohol or drugs.

Sober homes are numerous in proportion. It is much cheaper than rehabilitation centers, although, it
provides services that are valuable tool for transitional stage in order to prepare to be exposed to the outside

In a statement, sober homes are structures made that are also referred to halfway houses which are solely
designed for the complete recovery of alcoholics and addicts which just came out of the program for
rehabilitation for the reintegration of the patient in the society. Because of the nature of alcohol and drug
dependency, the person tends to lose grip on what are healthy and what are bad. Behaviors and coping
mechanisms are greatly affected which can make the person's way of dealing with life's stressors quite low.

Hazardous and dangerous behavioral patterns can break a person's normal defense mechanism thus,
increasing the effects of the symptoms of the disease. Alcohol and drug programs done in sober living
houses are primarily focused on reprogramming of the person's body and the brain to be able to search for
the healthy lifestyle that can integrate continued recovery and sobriety. This process is considered to be
continuous through the person's life and it will take on the person's being to pave the way for recovery.

There are numerous sober living homes that provide sufficient management to the person. Therefore, it is
important that the person be educated regarding the facts of the sober living facility even before committing
to the place. Majority of sober homes require addiction recovery for about 30 days or more before they will
accept the addict inside their vicinity. There are several reasons why sober homes are advisable for those
who are in need to intense sobriety. One of which is that it is a partial gateway into living a life where society
is always involved.

Sober homes are made exclusively for the alcoholics and the addicts or anyone that has the similar self-
supporting goals in order to maintain the sobriety needed. Homes like these have the capacity to provident
their residents with support that makes the recovery more effective, adaptable, meaningful and acceptable.
It is also said that sober homes have several members in order to provide the sufficient support that the
person needs.

Generally, residents are required to submit randomly drug tests in order to prove their cleanliness of the
substance within their system. Rooms are also checked for alcohol, paraphernalia and drugs. When caught
will result to grave consequences or the client could be kicked out of the center. These processes are in line
with the strict policies of the sober homes in order to provide a more effective way of completely
rehabilitating the person. Furthermore, safety is also addressed.

Residents inside sober homes are often required to continue their schooling or get a job. This is pinpointed
in order to attain gradual acceptance of constructive activities which can be the best way to spend their time.
With this, recovering alcoholics and addicts can start to feel and experience what it feels like to be
associated with the outside population. Improvement is also stressed by sober living.
Disciplining a young child using the time out method can be very effective, and will work with children as
young as 18-24 months old. By using this method of discipline parents are giving the child time to sit quietly
and alone after misbehaving, without becoming angry or agitated with the child.

Designate an appropriate area in the house where the child is isolated from interacting with others. It can be
a corner in their bedroom, a space on the kitchen floor or a special chair that's labeled specifically for time
outs. The length should be age appropriate. A good rule of thumb is generally one minute per year of age.
A kitchen timer is helpful in counting down your child's punishment time. Time out for toddlers is used to
give them a chance to regroup and calm down. It's doubtful they will sit completely still, and they should not
be forced to try. All children should be asked in a firm but pleasant tone to complete a designated task or
stop an undesired behavior. If their behavior persists, they should be verbally directed to behave once
again, with eye contact being made and the time out spot pointed out. If after this warning the behavior still
persists, they should be escorted to the time out location and told exactly why they are being sent there.
Maintain a calm but firm tone with them. Once they've quietly served their time in the time out location it's
important to discuss with the child why they were sent there and that if the behavior occurs again, they will
again be sent to time out. Older children should then agree to do what you told him to do or cease
misbehaving. Children who leave their time out location before their time is up must be made aware that
privileges will be lost as a result.

It's likely that your time out method will have to be modified to fit the temperament of your child and your
own parenting style. And remember to reinforce positive behavior with praises, hugs and smiles. Time out
can successfully be used outside the home such a grocery stores, restaurants, or shopping centers. It's
important to emphasize to the child that time out will be enforced should they misbehave while there. Be
consistent and place the child in time out should they misbehave in the store. If you don't, they'll get the
message early on that you're inconsistent and will be more likely to test your boundaries.
Toddlers can be fussy eaters who refuses to try a new food at least half of the time. Approximately half of all
toddlers fit this description, so it is no wonder that food issues are a source of stress for parents.
Establishing healthy eating patterns is important to avoid problems such as obesity and eating disorders
later in life. Various strategies can help your child accept a wider range of foods. It may be necessary to
offer a food to your child as many as 10 different times before they choose to eat it. The problem is, many
parents get frustrated and give up before the fourth or fifth try. Try to make foods fun. Colorful foods like
carrot sticks, raisins, apples, grapes, cheese sticks and crackers can all be fun and healthy choices for your
growing toddler. Explain to them that eating good food is important so they'll grow big and strong, and how
it will help them run faster and play longer.

Children learn behaviors from their parents. If you restrict yourself to a narrow range of foods, your child will
take notice and mimic your caution. Don't limit your child's food variety to only those foods you prefer. It may
be that your child's tastes are different to yours, and perhaps you are simply serving them foods they don't
happen to like. Try to set a good example and try a variety of foods in front of your child. It could motivate
them to do the same.

If your child seems healthy and energetic, then they are eating enough. If you are still concerned, keep an
eye on how much food they actually eat over the day. Children tend to graze constantly, rather than restrict
their eating to three meals per day like adults. You may be surprised how those little handfuls and snacks
add up. For further reassurance, check your child's growth and weight charts, or check with your child's
pediatrician. Try not to worry, and remember, that unless a child is ill, they will eat. Children are very good
at judging their hunger and fullness signals. Try to stay relaxed about mealtime and offer your child a wide
variety of foods, and most importantly, remember to set a good example by trying a wide variety of foods
yourself. You may discover you and your toddler share a new found favorite food!
Some bad habits can actually turn out to be helpful. They may cause trouble most of the time. Yet, there
are those instances when they seem to fit the situation perfectly. Since most people have at least some bad
habits, it is probably good that they have a helpful side.

Some people have bad habits with regards to pointing out others mistakes. They are constantly telling their
friends or family members what they are doing wrong. It gets annoying and frustrating for the person being
picked on. Quite a bit of resentment can build up over this.

However, there may come a time when the person will actually point out bad habits you have not been
aware of before. They may stop you from making a huge mistake. You may not be inclined to fall at their
feet and thank them, but you may be glad you heard their criticism nonetheless.

Procrastination is usually one of the most common bad habits. People put off doing what they know they
need to do. They plan to do it, just not today. Procrastination can prove to be helpful if the situation
changes. If you were planning to water your garden you might procrastinate and put it off until tomorrow. If
it rains unexpectedly that night, you have saved both effort and water.

If you complain too much, people will tell you that you have too many bad habits. It does create a negative
environment when someone is constantly seeing the worst in everything. However, sometimes the only
times you can get anything done are when you complain.

Some bosses manage by the theory that the person that complains the loudest is the person who needs the
most attention. In other words, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. When you complain in this situation,
you accomplish something.

Working too hard is generally a bad habit. It is bad for your relationships and it is bad for your health. You
feel that you will not succeed unless you put in overtime. Mostly, this is not true. Yet, there are times when
the extra work can pay off. This is true especially if you allow yourself to indulge this bad habit for only the
duration of a short project.

If you are too stubborn, you will be accused of bad habits like demanding to have things the way you see fit.
You will not give in until you are satisfied that things are going as they should. This is usually a bad habit.
Sometimes, though, it takes the form of tenacity. This is a positive attribute that makes it possible for you to
hold on through the hardest of times.

Breaking the law almost always involves bad habits. Theft, drug peddling and use, violence, and many
more bad habits come into play. On the other hand, some of the world's greatest heroes have broken the
laws of their own countries.

They did it in civil disobedience of laws they deemed unjust or inhumane. The world would be a different
place if these people had been afraid of having these "bad habits." That is why not all habits can be strictly
labeled bad or good. It has to go by the situation.
Though we all worry about spoiling our child, rest assured that you cannot spoil your child with love. Love
doesn't spoil children. Love is imperative to a child's healthy development, and it's just not possible to love
your child too much. They need caring adults to spend time with them, play with them, teach them, protect
them, and enjoy life with them. It's a parent's job to provide love, safety and encouragement. The process of
growing up provides children with lots of challenges. Try to listen openly and understand their situation and
communicate honestly with them when they have difficulties and letdowns in their life. Set appropriate limits
with your child and then adhere to them. Establishing limits with your child gives them a sense of safety and
security. Sometimes parents do not set limits because they don't want to fight with their children. They don't
want to cause bad feelings. They may beg a child to comply. Or they may make a rule and fail to enforce it.
They may nag without ever enforcing the rules. None of these helps children. When your child fails to
adhere or comply with the boundaries you've set for them, be firm yet kind in your response. This lets them
know that you're serious about the rule but dedicated to helping and loving them. Bear in mind though that
each child is different and what works for one child may not work for another. For example, one child may
respond well to the direct approach of telling them a specific time to be home, where another child may need
a gentle reminder that it's now time to come home. Develop a firm but kind manner of making and
enforcing your household's rules and expectations. There's no need to fear our children, and there should
be no need to instill a sense of fear in our children in order to get them to comply.
You have surely seen a magician hypnotize someone into doing something like act as a chicken. If you think
the volunteer is faking it, think again because this can actually happen through hypnosis. You don't have to
volunteer on a show or see a hypnotist to see if it works because you can download an individual hypnosis
program straight into your computer.

To be able to download the program, naturally you need a computer and an internet connection. When you
have both, you can now search online about self-hypnosis then choose from the various sites.

When you find these sites, you have two options. First, bookmark the site so you can visit it again in the
future. Second, just download it into the hard drive of the computer.

To further understand what happens during self-hypnosis, you can print the page and then read it on your
own time. Don't forget to highlight important portions so you understand what is happening in the 30 minute
or one hour session.

The advantage of self-hypnosis is that you can do this on your own time. You don't have to wait until your
next appointment to get what this technique can deliver. You just have to be sure that the program is
compatible with the operating system in your computer but fortunately, most sites make sure they have
different versions of the program ready for download.

The disadvantage though of self hypnosis is the fact that no one can tell how well you are progressing. This
is something you have to gauge on your own and if you get a positive comment from your friends or co-
workers so much the better.

But remember that self-hypnosis is not for everyone just like individual hypnosis does not have the same
effect on each person. When this happens, find out if you did anything wrong and then try it again. If the
problem is not you, there are always other downloadable programs you can get off the web.

If the problem is you, it is probably because you don't believe in it or are skeptic about what individual
hypnosis can do for you. You must have the right mindset and attitude to get the most out of it otherwise this
will not work.

Once you have mastered self hypnosis, you can try helping others who have the same problem. If they are
not comfortable with it, you can recommend the program you downloaded and hope it has the same positive
effect or even better for them.

The most amazing thing about individual hypnosis is the fact that it is something you cannot touch or see but
is inside our subconscious mind. By tapping into it, we get to reprogram how we feel or think.

Being able to reap the benefits of self hypnosis is good because you don't have to spend time and money
getting the same thing from an experienced hypnotist. Since one session is not enough, do it as often as you
want so that you will become a better person.

So for those who have tried counseling and still do not notice any improvements, why don't you give
individual hypnosis a shot. Work first with an expert and if you ready to do this on your own, download the
program into your computer.
There is indeed a link between group hypnosis and weight loss.

Medical breakthroughs have been discovered with the use of group hypnosis therapy among smokers which
have led to studies associating hypnosis on the treatment of obese patients hoping to lose weight the natural

Similar to therapy sessions for smokers, group hypnosis therapy for weight loss treatments have also found
conclusive positive results based on studies conducted all throughout the world.

Aside from the fact of group hypnosis being a treatment program and effectively causing results for obese
and overweight patients, it also holds the promise of treatments ranging from alcohol abuse, drug addiction,
substance abuse, pain and anger management, and even simple individual but annoying habits of nail
biting, thumb sucking and bed wetting among younger patients.

Studies have revealed group hypnosis as one of the most effective and natural way of treating overweight
patients through weight loss.

An article from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, on a study conducted on hypnotherapy is
weight loss treatment indicated that hypnosis is 30 times more likely to succeed among patients subjected to
weight loss programs.

The study investigated the results of hypnotherapy in weight loss management programs incorporating a
range of focus in decision making, ideomotor exploration, ego-strengthening and motivation among the
subjects of the study.

A two-year research of 109 overweight patients, who underwent behavioral treatment using hypnosis
therapy for weight management also yielded positive results, and post treatment follow-up for two years
significantly resulted to sustained weight loss.

A breakdown of the research indicated that at the end of the initial timeline for a 9-week program, a
comparative size of those who underwent hypnosis and those who did not resulted to significant weight loss
all across.

But during the eighth-month and 2nd year follow-up program, subjects that have undergone hypnosis for the
weight loss management program continued to yield sustained weight reduction, compared to the subjects
who undertook behavioral treatment only, which only resulted to a lesser number and volume of weight

Meanwhile, a consolidated research of no less than 18 researches spearheaded by the University of

Connecticut revealed that of all the subjects who underwent hypnotherapy sessions, 90% of them have
significantly lost weight and sustained it even after two years of post treatment consultation and follow-up.
These studies compared the findings of 18 researches on guided imagery, cognitive behavioral therapy,
relaxation training, goal setting and self monitoring as among the focused programs in the group hypnosis
therapy intervention process.

Subjects in these studies that underwent hypnosis lost significant weight, more than the 90 percent of
subjects who lost theirs through a non-hypnosis process.

The group hypnosis subjects even continued to sustain and maintain their weight loss two years after the
treatment ended.

Another study, which incorporated weight loss among overweight non-smoking and smoking adult women,
also yielded positive results for weight loss programs using hypnosis and non-hypnosis methods.

Although both programs resulted to an almost equal weight reduction among subjects and decreasing their
body mass index or BMI, the follow-up study revealed that hypnosis accounted for most of the subjects
being able to sustain their weight reduction over an extended period of time compared to subjects that have
only been subjected to behavioral treatment.

Generally, this accounts for a greater amount of weight lost by those who underwent group hypnosis even
after active treatment sessions have ended.
Group hypnosis and weight loss can also account many success stories and this is how the human mind
can achieve good results the natural way.
You have practiced long and hard for the big game and it just days away. While a part of you thinks you can
win, there is some doubt and if that is feeling among the other members of your team, your coach should lift
your spirits by making you guys participate in group hypnosis.

Group hypnosis is a technique used in the sports community as a way to sharpen your mental focus, relax
your body, stimulate healing, control your emotions during training and eventually visualize success.

If you ask athletes, coaches and sports psychologists what it can do, they will probably say it in 4 words
namely, "getting into the zone."

During the session, the subconscious is tapped so you will be able to accomplish the task at hand. This
means everyone will be relaxed and be fixed on a trance for several minutes to an hour so they are able to
think like winners and then become winners.

History has shown that hypnosis can do to help an athlete in a sport. In 1978, England's cricket captain Mike
Brearley consulted a medical hypnotherapist. A few years before that, the Russian team hired more than 11
hypnotists to make sure their team did well in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics.

But you don't have to be a world class athlete to use group hypnosis. Varsity teams can also use it to win a
championship. It may not be a big deal to the rest of the country or the world but for you, it is already
something if you are able to accomplish this feat.

When you hire a specialist, he or she already knows why they were called in and that is to boost your moral
and help you win. Once your group is relaxed, the specialist will tell you to visualize the venue of the
tournament and the actual game itself.

Play by plan you will put in your head everything that the team is supposed to do. You know for a fact that
there may be a few errors in the actual game but you don't think about that since you know that in the end,
you can still win.

After the session, everyone will feel ready and wish like today was the day. Although that may not be the
case, it's a good sign to see in everyone's eyes.

In the end, group hypnosis is like any other equipment you use during practice. It is a means to an end since
it helps you focus and visualize so you can become a champion. It is better than taking steroids which is
banned in most competitions.

If you can't get a hypnotist to conduct the session, you can also buy CD's and other recordings and then use
it on your own time. Some teams do this daily until the day of the tournament so you don't lose focus of what
each member is supposed to do on that special day.

After the group hypnosis session and sacrifices coming in day in and day out of practice, it is all up to you
and your team to make what you realized a reality. If you are able to withstand the pressure and the tactics
used by the opponent there is no doubt that in the end, you will win.
Being addicted to drugs is one habit that is hard to break. Fortunately there are rehabilitation centers that
can help treat addicts and one technique to help those with this problem is called group hypnosis.

Group hypnosis is not that different from individual hypnosis because the specialist will guide the addicts to
the same stages of hypnosis. There is a period of preparation to be able to get the addicts ready, induction
and deepening to put them in a trance, circulation to impart in their subconscious to stop using illegal drugs
and termination so they will be able to wake up from the session and go home.

Naturally, those who decided to undergo group hypnosis may not feel like getting high at that moment and
this could continue for the next 6 months or for foreseeable future because the suggestion will make them
respond properly when the situation presents itself.

The only challenge is that this since this is done with a group of individuals, the specialist must use
generalize hypnotic suggestions to ensure that everyone is on the same page and everyone will benefit from
the session.

Another term for group hypnosis is medical hypnosis. Studies have shown that it is just as effective in
treating those with nicotine addition because this technique bypasses the critical conscious of the addict
thus paving the way for the treatment to become a success.

In one clinical trial where 10 addicts participated, all of the people involved stopped taking any sort of street
drugs for 6 months after the treatment ended. Two years later, only 7 of the 10 subjects continued to remain
clean while the remainder returned to partial use of these illegal substances.

Such results show that group hypnosis can really help drug dependents. It may not happen overnight but
with continuous sessions, it is possible for people to remain drug free for 2 years or even more.

But people have to remember that not all drug addicts can try group hypnosis and be free of this addition.
There are certain factors that make it work such as the willingness of the respondents to try out hypnosis
without any reservations and their determination to stop becoming an addict.

Perhaps the first step is summing up the courage to admit that you have the problem and then enter a
rehabilitation center. From there, you can try the various techniques which are available and if nothing
seems to work, ask about group hypnosis.

If a specialist is on staff that can perform group hypnosis, cooperate with them so they know how they will be
able to help you. Answer their questions truthfully so that the power of suggestion will be most useful when
you are in a trance.

Group hypnosis is effective and it can help not only drug addicts but also smokers, people who are stressed,
people who suffer from anxiety disorders and more. You just have to be open to the idea that it can work.

One session of group hypnosis won't cut it to help you give p this addiction so you will have to attend several
more. This is because most addicts or patients will only begin to experience the difference after a few days
or weeks after they have started this kind of therapy.
In the Vietnam War, a lot of veterans came home with scars that was known as Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder or PTSD. You won't see this in their bodies but it is a battle raging in their minds which is why many
killed others or committed suicide after coming home. This is why the government later on helped our
heroes cope with what happened using various techniques including group hypnosis.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, post traumatic stress disorder does not develop only for
those who were exposed to war but by a traumatic event. This means witnessing a murder, a car accident,
rape, torture, living through a natural disaster or abuse is classified under this disorder.

Group hypnosis is just one of many techniques that are used on patients suffering from PTSD. What
happens during the session is that the specialist will try to help you overcome what happen so your life will
be normal once again.

To do that, you have to be open to what group hypnosis can do for you. Unlike addictions, this is hard
because a traumatic event will most likely let you shut out everyone who is trying to help you. This makes it
also a challenge for the specialist because they first have to figure out what happened to you and the other
members in the group.

Naturally this will take some time for the specialist to interview everyone in the group. Such a case is not
only for those who fought in Vietnam but also for those who came back from action in Iraq or Afghanistan.

When everyone is ready, only then will the specialist tell everyone to feel comfortable and relax. The
breathing will slow down and there will be no body movement. When this is achieved, the specialist will now
go deeper until the power of hypnotic suggestion will help relieve the horrors of what they had seen in the

After imparting the hypnotic suggestions in the subconscious of the soldiers, the session moves to its final
stage known as the termination. Here, the group returns to reality. Some will remember everything that was
said throughout the session but others will say differently.

The only time that people who undergo group hypnosis can say they are cured is when they don't have
nightmares about happened. This means they are able to leave the past behind and try to live their normal

But that is going to take some time because most people who decide to undergo group hypnosis will have to
come back to attend several more sessions before they are able to see any positive results.

Group hypnosis can be used to treat other problems such as anxiety disorders and addictions. It is also
used by athletes to condition them for an upcoming game. If you want to try group hypnosis, you have to
understand what its limits are and have a positive attitude even before you go to the clinic. That way, you
mind is set with what you want to achieve during the session.

So if you have a loved one who has suffered a traumatic event, consider getting them into counseling or
even group hypnosis. Their lives changed forever after what happened but this does not have to be for the
long term.
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health but there are still people who love to smoke a cigarette.
If you are trying to quit and you have tried different means to do it, perhaps you need help by joining a bunch
of people who will undergo group hypnosis.

Group hypnosis is hypnosis in numbers because there are a lot of you that want to change their actual
behavior. This technique involves leaving your conscious mind and making the change to your subconscious

In order for this technique to succeed, you must have the willingness to give it a try and also the desire to
quit smoking for good.

This begins by preparing yourself for the session on your own and with the help of the specialist. How
people started smoking is different for each person because some did it out of peer pressure and got
hooked, others found it as a way to relieve pressure and there are those who found confidence after lighting
a cigarette.

It does not matter to the specialist how it started. Such questions give that person an idea how to approach
your addiction and how it can be stopped which moves to the second stage of hypnosis known as induction.

You have the option to sit down on a chair or lie down on the floor. You will then be instructed to block
everything from your mind and just focus your attention on an object or the voice of the hypnotist. If you
move or open your eyes, this means you are not ready to proceed further so only when everyone is at ease
will the specialist move on to the next stage of group hypnosis called the deepening.

The deepening is an extension of induction. It prepares you for the hypnotic suggestions that will be
implanted in your subconscious so you will quit smoking. The word to be used varies and this is repeated
several times over. If the word has no profound effect, this is substituted with another one.

The last stage of group hypnosis is called termination. Here, you will wake up from the trance like nothing
ever happened. Naturally, you will go home and if you lose the desire to smoke when you feel the urge, this
just means that group hypnosis has worked for you.

But don't think for one instant that group hypnosis works overnight because it takes several sessions before
you can say you have finally given up smoking. This is just like how you started out this habit after you had
your first cigarette and then decided to light the next.

There is no doubt that group hypnosis can help you quit smoking. This has been confirmed in various tests
but you have to understand that this technique does not work for everyone.

If it fails, there are other means to try and kick this habit like nicotine patches and gum. But among the
different helpful aids to quit smoking, hypnotism happens to be on the top of the list because the success
rates are much higher.

Just the same if you are curious to see if group hypnosis can have a positive effect on you, go ahead
because the specialist is just waiting in the clinic for someone like yourself to walk in the door and admit they
need help.
If one would try out individual hypnosis as therapy or treatment, here are some tips to consider before
considering hypnotism and how to find a good hypnotist.

For hundred of years, the concept of hypnosis has enthralled and captivated millions of people all over the
world from movies, stage shows to urban legends that gave it it's often misconceived reputation.

But many people are also aware that hypnosis can be a good process in treating numerous health
conditions the natural way and would tend to benefit a lot of people, instead of it being a sinister tool in
controlling peoples" minds.

One of the primary reasons for propagating the idea of hypnosis that has greatly affected man's perception
is Hollywood, as countless scores of movie plots and stories about hypnosis being a mind control tool to
force a subject to do the hypnotist's bidding.

Here are some tips to consider when looking for a hypnotherapist.

First, make sure to get hold of a reputable and licensed hypnotherapist, who are authorized to conduct
treatments and therapies using the process, since there are a large number of fly-by-night and unlicensed
practitioners plying the trade who could cause more harm than good.

There are a lot of licensed therapists using hypnosis as a form of therapy and make sure to find one that has
been expertly trained and practiced the science through popular and recognized methods.

Watch out for unscrupulous individuals or parties, who advertise their services for cut-throat rates and
extensive services, since some would take advantage of getting personal information that could compromise
your personal property or belongings.

Make sure to check out credentials and don't be afraid to ask for details or information regarding their
practice, since you will be placing your full confidence and trust in them when they try to explore into your

Do take note that hypnosis may not work for everyone, especially with those individuals who are skeptical or
do not subscribe to the idea of hypnotism.

Hypnotism is a state of mental conditioning and if somebody is not decided or determined to place full
confidence in the practice, it is likely that individual hypnosis will not have an effect on him.

If a person who wants to go through individual hypnosis but may be suffering from a psychiatric condition or
taking medication for a psychiatric problem, he or she must not go through the hypnosis process without
seeking for permission or approval from his or her psychiatrist.

Hypnotism is a critical and delicate process, which must be handled carefully by a licensed and experienced

If it is your first time to scout for a hypnotherapist, try to look up for names and services via the Internet, a lot
of practitioners have taken advantage of the technology of the World Wide Web to present their services and

Research on the basics of hypnosis, that way you are aware what are the myths and facts behind hypnosis
which you are not aware of or may need to know about.

It is best for one to be aware of what he will be going through, that way you are fully aware about the
benefits or the possible consequences of your actions.

As part of your checklist, ask around for friends or peers about a particular hypnotherapist if they have
availed of a practitioner's services.

Word of mouth is a good way to identify and get to know the reputation of a practitioner you would rely on to
avail of his services.

Lastly, the internet is also a good venue to research on some practitioners, especially in online forums and
You can get a good picture of how others have experienced a similar treatment or therapeutic process.

How to find a good individual hypnotist is key to getting the best treatment or therapeutic service you need,
but be sure to take all necessary steps and precaution to make you more confident about your choices.
Stress and anxiety are things we deal with daily. This begins the moment you wake up in the morning until
the time you come home. If you were a better person, you know you shouldn't let this control you. For those
that need help, individual hypnosis may just be the answer you are looking for.

But why should you try individual hypnosis? Well unlike conventional drugs being sold in the market, it does
not have any serious side effects. You can attend as many sessions as you want until you feel you don't
need it anymore.

What happens during individual hypnosis is that you get to relax and rejuvenate so you are able to return
back to reality feeling refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge.

To make this happen, you have to understand what hypnosis is and it is a process by which an individual is
able to leave his conscious mind and then go to the subconscious state.

The only way this can work is with the right attitude and the willingness to be hypnotized otherwise you are
just wasting your time. This is known as the first stage of hypnosis called preparation.

A hypnotist will guide you further before the session begins by asking you some questions and then figuring
what keywords you will best respond to later on.

When the specialist sees you are ready, you will now be instructed to sit down comfortably or lie down. They
will tell you to focus your attention on their voice or by gazing at a fixed object.

If this does not work, the hypnotist will try other means to get you into the zone and another option is called
progressive relaxation. It is slower than gazing to an object or listening to the hypnotist's voice. Slow music
is played in the background and then the hypnotist will talk to the patient until he or she is finally in an
induced state.

Just like other problems that can be solved using hypnosis, stress and anxiety are caused by certain events
or even people.

Sometimes, these are things beyond our control especially if the one causing stress is your boss so the
purpose of hypnosis is to overcome that by helping you forget about the negative energy so you are able to
perform better the following day.

Individual hypnosis could also let you see things from another angle so you don't get mad but try to
understand the individual or the event causing that stress so you are able to act properly when the situation
presents itself.

There is no doubt that hypnosis can help combat stress and anxiety. If it has worked for others, there is a
chance that this could also work for you. The only thing that a specialist will ask from you is your willingness
to do it because nothing is going to happen if you are skeptic about this technique.

The willingness to take control of your life and not have stress or anxiety control it is the objective of
individual hypnosis. If you don't have time to visit the hypnotist, try out some self-hypnosis recordings which
you can buy at the records store that are just as effective as a one on one session with a specialist.
Some people find it difficult to start a conversation with someone they have never met. It is not because they
don't have anything to say but the fear of the other person rejecting them. Fortunately, you can 'seize the
day" with a little help from a hypnotist that will make you overcome shyness through individual hypnosis.

But what is individual hypnosis? Basically, the hypnotist enters the mind of the patient and makes some
changes in their subconscious. In this case, this will make the person feel at ease socializing with other
people and make more friends.

Aside from meeting a hypnotist to do the work, you can also do it yourself through self-hypnosis. The only
difference is that you will be doing is by yourself while listening to a recorded tape or CD.

To do this, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to improve what you are right now which is the
preparation stage of hypnosis.

When you are ready, you put on the tape and then sit on a chair or lie down and then follow the instructions.
Just be careful that you don't get too comfortable otherwise you will fall asleep.

One thing you have to do when you practice self-hypnosis is to control your breathing pattern. If there is
noise around or you feel an itch, acknowledge that it is there but block it out and then focus your attention on
the recording.

Eventually you will go into the deepening stage of hypnosis where you begin to address the issues of
shyness. This is likely caused by bad experiences and you have to let them go and realize that such an
experience could be different when you meet other people.

You have to learn to be optimistic also about the future and then slowly return to reality remembering
everything you experienced throughout the session.

For people who find it difficult to do this on their own, they can always turn to a hypnotist. This person will
guide them throughout the entire session and also wake up having the same feeling of positive energy all
around them.

The challenge now is to meet people and then see how well they are able to react to them. If the person is
able to have a conversation, then obviously there is an improvement. If the person does not have the guts
yet, well you probably need a few more sessions to have the courage to change for the better.

Individual hypnosis can do a lot for a person and in some cases may not have a profound effect on them. If
this has not worked well for you, don't give up because there are other means to overcome shyness.
When you undergo individual or self hypnosis, you have done your share to improve who you are as a
person. Will this change the outcome when you meet people? It depends who you meet because some
people are friendly while others are not when you meet them up close.

If this is the case, the problem is not with you. The problem is with them and they have to realize that before
they can get the same sort of counseling which you went through to also be able to socialize with other
Many may not be aware that hypnotism occurs to them on a daily basis, but one would still be prompted to
ask, is individual hypnosis dangerous?

Many people are yet to recognize whether they are actually being hypnotized or are under a state of
hypnosis and surprisingly, it happens often than one would actually think.

Have you ever wondered what happens inside your brain when you are won over by highly convincing sales
talk from a sales person or a television or radio advertisement?

Or unwittingly singing along to a commercial jingle playing through a public address system in a grocery or

Chances are, and most likely than not, you are being hypnotized.

Although at a much lower degree of hypnosis that affects our everyday life, this is a fact that the state of
hypnotism exists.

Most people believe that hypnosis is a world of imagination and a trip down the subconscious realm and
spells the difference between imagination and reality.

Of all the many scientific concepts about hypnosis, the most popular of all related concepts is that it is a
means of directly accessing the human mind.

One would normally be at a state of mental consciousness, especially during the normal thought process
that occur in our brains, like driving, cooking, working in front of a computer or even walking down the aisle
of a grocery or supermarket.

Take for example the fact that at the usual and normal state of thought, we mull over problems or think of
opportunities as we see and assess them, as well as being conscious of the fact that we are speaking at a
particular moment or trying to remember where you may have left a book that you are reading.

But while the conscious mind is at work during the "conscious" or waking stage, the subconscious mind also
works simultaneously in the background by playing a key role in processing the 'subliminal" and "imaginary"
thinking, especially one that affects our spur of the moment decisions or giving in to impulses.

Hypnosis can work both ways, especially with verbal and linguistic programming of suggestive thoughts
being introduced to our subconscious thoughts – be it on a positive or negative note.

One effect of negative hypnosis from the normal though process is when a person is swayed from making a
decision against his normal or usual better judgment of things or perception. This is more so evident among
people who often get to be adversely affected by thought or opinionated suggestions affecting their self-
improvement or self-esteem.

It could also be the result of past experiences of norms handed down from parents that affects one's current
state of affairs or efforts for self-improvement.

This can be addressed by gong through hypnosis therapy with a behavioral practitioner or psychiatrist.

The moment a person recognizes the state of hypnosis that affects him, he becomes more familiar with his
subconscious thoughts and may be able to "fix" the pattern of the old hypnotic program that has long
affected him.

There are a variety of ways where one can be induced to hypnotism to gradually create a more stable and
positive outcome in life, which is one of the best features that can be achieved through hypnotism.

It can come in the form of music, rhythm, repetition, emotion, eye fixation, imagery and authority, among
others, which are the most common means of inducing one to a state of hypnotic trance.

After all, hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, which is but a natural occurence, but
does have its positive effects in the human psyche, especially in dealing with processes in the subconscious
So is individual hypnosis dangerous? Try to weigh the benefits and see for yourself.
For years, hypnosis has captivated millions of people all over the world from movies, stage shows to urban
legends that either makes it a boon or bane to society, but getting to know the myths and truths about group,
stage and individual hypnosis will keep us aware that it is indeed a helpful process, rather than a destructive

In fact and in truth, there are more misconceptions and myths about hypnosis than any other subject most
often talked about by man.

Probably one of the primary reasons for propagating the idea of hypnosis that has greatly affected man's
perception is Hollywood, as countless scores of movie plots and stories about hypnosis being a mind control
tool to force a subject to do the hypnotist's bidding, be it group, stage or individual hypnosis.

It is best to be aware of knowing how to tell fact from fiction and here are some of the most common
misconceptions about hypnosis.

The statement that a hypnotist can make one do things against their will is totally a figment of one's

The exact same process and principle for group, stage and individual hypnosis goes for all- they are but one
and the same.

This is basically so since a hypnotist does not have mystical powers or absolute authority over the subject,
but is merely a guide who leads a subject in going through the stages of the hypnotic state.

Many may not be aware that hypnosis is actually controllable and directed by the subject himself.

The role of the hypnotist as a guide is limited to feeding the subject's mind with key verbal cues or verbal
suggestions, which can be ignored or disregarded by the subject at his own will.

Another common statement that subjects under a hypnotic state cannot simply break off from it on his own
unless the hypnotist does so is absolutely false.

A subject can break off from the trance –like hypnotic state by either "walking" up on his own the moment he
notices no verbal activity is taking place like the hypnotist staying quiet for a period of time or realizes that
the hypnotist leaves the room.

Under this situation, the moment the subject realizes he is alone, will start to open his eyes, as though just
having woke up from a deep sleep and feel alert and refreshed.

The subject can also either drift into a deep sleep and wake up after a few minutes or hours, just like having
dreamt of the hypnotic process the occurred.

There is also that popular belief that only weak-minded people are the ones that are easily hypnotized.

Everybody, regardless of mental disposition or condition, can go through a hypnotic sleep-like state. In fact,
even those with higher mental intelligence are the ones who can easily go through the hypnotic process
since the more a person is mentally equipped with abilities of creativity, imagination, concentration and
cognitive abilities can easily access the subconscious realm of their minds.

The misconception that hypnosis is dangerous is also not true, since it is a naturally safe process and
anybody with the patience and willingess to learn hypnosis can master the skills to do so.

Try to ask any hypnosis expert about how safe hypnosis is and they will gladly tell you that it has even
benefitted many people, both psychological and medical in nature.

Although the subconscious mind has not been totally explored, breakthroughs in hypnosis have served to
benefit mankind and knowing the myths and truths about group, stage and individual hypnosis is but a
stepping stone to knowing the mysteries of the human mind.
Aside from the many varied reputations from the dark and sinister to the beneficial and life-changing, you
may just be surprised to see what individual hypnosis can do.

In truth and in fact, hypnosis is not magic and neither is it an enigma.

It is a phenomenon that continues to shape a better future not just for the practice itself, but for the benefit of

For hundreds of years, people have been baffled by the ability of hypnosis to explore the inner recesses of
the human mind, especially the subconscious mind, which is currently the new frontier of science.

Despite the fact that science has painted a good picture of individual hypnosis, still it does not encompass
the totality of hypnosis, as the mind is still completely explored.

Simply put, hypnosis is the state of inducing a subject to deep relaxation and heightened focus, a somewhat
similar concept of altered states from the conscious to the subconscious.

And scientific breakthroughs in treatment and therapy, including cognitive-behavioral activities can be
closely associated with hypnosis.

Here are some of the most common benefits of individual hypnosis in our everyday life.

Among the many therapeutic treatments around, hypnosis has far more better results in the fields of
abstinence from smoking, eventually leading smokers to kick off the habit.

Where willpower for many surrender and submit to the old habit, hypnosis is the best solution to developing
a positive outlook towards the direct efforts in quitting the habit of smoking.

It is just like saying hypnosis is creating a positive mental attitude of diverting the idea of a chore to a
pleasurable experience.

Hypnosis can help people sleep better, especially since it can help a lot in controlling dreams or create an
image for the subconscious mind to generate good dreams instead of nightmares.

Hypnosis can help improve personal and professional relationships, since hypnosis can play a big part in
improving your positive outlook and building up your confidence.

Opening up to people is your way of opening yourself up to greater opportunities and broadening your

Losing weight and keeping it off can be a struggle for others, justifying shortlived dedication to the program.

But with individual hypnosis, positive mental conditioning and reinforcement could help create an impression
of a far more appreciative tone on the effects of weight loss, even with a comprehensive exercise regimen.

Individual hypnosis can alter the perception of weight loss programs as a tiring process to a rewarding and
conclusive practice, which paves the way for extended dedication or adherence to the program.

It can also help improve prospects and ambitions in life, especially in helping establish a better attitude
towards goals and future living, as well as helping control temper and mood swings.

As such, improved concentration could be an end result, or even a tool for which other therapeutic practices
can follow suit, from pain and anger management, overcoming personal weaknesses like timidity, shyness,
jealousy, anxiety, stress and phobias among many others.

Hypnosis can also play a major part in helping you focus towards studies, allowing you to increase your
grades and academic performance, or perform better in athletics and other fields of sports or simply just
allow you to absorb more of what your professor delivers during lectures and conferences, making you more
intellectually equipped and knowledgeable about a lot of topics and subjects.

In a nutshell, the possibilities are endless and by now you could see what individual hypnosis can do for you.
The common uses of group hypnosis for group therapy has indeed broadened it's scope in the field of
science, more specifically in treatment and therapy programs.

The most common reason for many people undergoing group hypnosis for therapy is the fact that
hypnotherapy is a very natural process which does not involve the administration of habit-inducing drugs,
thus , no chemical side effects and is somewhat inexpensive.

Among the most reputable successes of hypnotherapy is with alcoholism.

Many patients have significantly broken off the habit from alcohol and those who undergo hypnosis therapy
are more likely to have successfully passed through the addiction stage and tests have concluded, based on
follow up programs, that subjects are able to sustain the effects of the therapy sessions for two to three

Other behavioral problems that hypnosis has been found therapeutically beneficial is on appetite control or
weight loss, where subjects who undergo treatment are twice as likely to lose weight compared to those
taking weight loss and diet programs.

Better yet, where subjects usually lose momentum into their weight loss program, subjects that have
undergone hypnotherapy were able to significantly lose more pounds over an extended period of time.

Hypnosis has also been known to successfully treat younger patients who used to suffer from regular
bedwetting and nail-biting.

Although these two conditions are not regarded as health problems, but can sometimes be very annoying
and troublesome.

Several tests regarding the treatment of these conditions have significantly produced positive results on the
subjects and have freed them from the habit of nail-biting and bed wetting.

Smokers also stand to benefit most from hypnosis, as numerous researches and findings indicate that a
significant number of population of smokers have significantly broken off the smoking habit after several
hypnosis intervention sessions.

Another proven therapy process that have successfully gained good headway is the therapy involving
patients with asthma, where success rates are more than half of the population tested for their responses to
hypnosis therapy.

An average of 80% of patients, both young and old alike, have sustained the momentum of their
hypnotherapy treatment and several researches who studies the progression of the effects of hypnosis,
revealed that during the eighth, sixteenth and 24-month follow-up observation period, these patients have
consistently maintained abstinence from smoking.

Hypnosis has also been used to treat insomnia, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, phobias, pain
management and a whole lot more.

Not only is it used for treatment, hypnosis is also being adopted for wellness and health programs like
relaxation and stress reduction, increased concentration, building self-confidence, concentration for sports
activities, especially among athletes and personal improvement programs.

The possibilities are endless, but still, there are many people who fail to achieve their goals through
hypnosis, not because the process is ineffective for them, but because of frustration and disappointment
over hypnosis not being able to immediately produce the results after one session.

Another would be the fear of the unexpected, since many people still have the tendency to establish their
won fear knowing that their minds are being explored through hypnosis.

Still, it would be best to assume that these can all be allayed with the proper understanding and knowledge
of hypnosis and the common uses of hypnosis for group therapy will continue to benefit thousands of people
all over the world.
One of the world's biggest problems hounding a large number of the population anywhere around the world
is obesity, but recent breakthroughs has proven that one of the most effective weight loss process is through
group hypnosis.

To put it bluntly, food craving has become a sort of an addiction, especially for overweight and obsess

Add to the fact the current stress levels and fast-paced living, for which food becomes a stress reliever or
coping mechanism of some sort, based on numerous studies linking food cravings and stress.

Ideally, exercise is the best solution to counter the effects of obesity, especially since many of the workplace
environments promote a sedentary lifestyle due to the advent of technology and automation of the
workplace in addition to the resurgence of fast food centers catering to the hurried pace of everyday living.

As such, the environment that people are subjected to daily promotes for a condition where weight gain and
increased food intake are the most common effects.

Regardless of the current conditions, people are in fact aware that in the absence of exercise and an active
lifestyle, people tend to accumulate excess fat in the body, eventually leading to a difficulty in burning energy
that is absorbed through food intake.

More so that even people, conscious of the fact that obesity can lead to health problems, often ignore the
dangers of such and neglect the need to ensure their physical well-being, justifying, among others, not going
through exercise because of not having enough time for work.

And this is where group hypnosis comes in, as numerous studies revealed that no less than 80% of subjects
that have undergone group hypnosis treatment significantly lost weight over a period of time.

Better yet, those that have lost weight through a group or individual hypnosis intervention program continue
to sustain weight loss, with follow-up studies extending even beyond two years.

But how does hypnosis work for the process? It is simply through the programming of the mind to follow a
comprehensive exercise regimen through positive mental conditioning through hypnosis.

Here are some of the common reasons why the mind reacts positively to hypnosis.

Blissful relaxation – as the subject goes through the process of hypnosis, he or she is introduced to a state
of deep relaxation, which opens up the mind to a pleasurable experience.

As the subconscious mind is accessed during the hypnosis process, negative factors like stress, anxieties
and frustrations, among others, can be isolated where a subject's perception of such can be altered and
condition the mind to accept it as involuntary aspects of day-to-day living and are manageable.

This can be done through positive mental conditioning and a change in perception, brought about by the
hypnosis process.

Another reaction is the development of self image and a positive outlook.

As hypnosis explores deeper into the recesses of the subconscious mind, it can be capable of motivating the
subject in developing a better self-image and promote a positive outlook in life.

It is with this positive outlook that the subject is conditioned to constantly gain motivation from the act itself of
going through the exercise regimen and feeling good about the results, no matter how insignificant or vice

Lastly, positive thinking makes the effort more rewarding compared to forcing one self to go through a
weight loss regimen because it is a necessity.

So, by now you may also agree that the most effective weight loss process is through group hypnosis.
When people talk about hypnosis, most believe that it is a world of imagination and a trip down the
subconscious realm and individual hypnosis can spell the difference between imagination and reality.

But what exactly is individual hypnosis all about?

Of all the many scientific concepts about individual hypnosis, the most dominant of all the varied yet related
concepts is that it is a means of directly accessing the human mind.

One would normally be at a state of mental consciousness, especially during the normal thought process
that occur in our brains.

Take for example the fact that at the usual and normal state of thought, we mull over problems or think of
opportunities as we see and assess them, as well as being conscious of the fact that we are speaking at a
particular moment or trying to remember where you may have left a book that you are reading.

But has it ever come to one's attention that while the conscious mind is at work during the "conscious" or
waking stage, the subconscious mind also work simultaneously, which works in the background by playing a
key role in processing the 'subliminal" and "imaginary" thinking.

As you can see, the subconscious mind is responsible for dipping into the mind's wellspring of information
that is responsible for speech construction, cognitive thinking in solving problems and oftentimes short term

The subconscious mind is also responsible for putting together all information and ideas, feeding it to the
conscious mind, so that when an idea comes to mind, it is so because it was already processed through the
subconscious mind and passed on to the conscious mind when the right stimuli prompted the specific idea.

It is the subconscious mind that is responsible for making us react automatically and involuntarily like driving
a car and not carefully thinking about every movement or action or cooking and not having to think every
slicing, dicing and mixing all ingredients in the process.

Experts believe that individual hypnosis is the best way to access the subconscious mind, as well as induce
a subject to come into a subconscious state.

It is through the process of focusing, as well as deep relaxation exercises that a subject is induced to the
subconscious level, as the conscious mind is clamed and subdued by taking a less active role during the
individual hypnotic activity, in short, a temporary reversal of functions of both the conscious and the
subconscious mind.

This reversal of mind function has actually been a phenomena that has been occurring for thousands of
years, unknowingly occurring among a lot of people who temporarily get into a sleep or trance-like state,
oftentimes construed as periods of insanity or stupor.

Only it has been provided with a deeper understanding, when a Viennese physician named Franz Anton
Mesmer gave careful attention to this phenomena and eventually developed the initial process of inducing
this trance-like state among his subjects.

This has led to subsequent breakthroughs in understanding the subconscious realm and getting us closer to
painting a picture of how the subconscious mind works.

Although these breakthroughs have just provided a glimpse of how the mind can be harnessed, still it is but
a tip of the iceberg and science is yet to fully answer the question of how the subconscious mind really
works, since man has only been able to harness a tenth of his brain.

Still, the human mind remains a mystery that remains to be answered.

But one thing's for sure, individual hypnosis can spell the difference between imagination and reality.
Researchers have now found good headway into studies showing what group hypnosis can do for smokers,
especially those who want to quit and start a new lease in life.

This is especially significant in therapies that allow smokers to quit smoking and individual, as well as group
hypnotism, has taken good strides into achieving positive and groundbreaking results.

Several studies and research revealed that hypnosis was responsible for 66% of subjects in most of these
studies have quit smoking.

Among the most notable benefits of hypnosis is the positive change in attitudes of the subjects, as well as
eliminating the smoking habit by enlightening and affecting associations and beliefs towards smoking.

Here are some of the recognized researches and findings on hypnosis in the treatment of smokers.

The University of Washington School of Medicine claimed that by integrating the group hypnotic method of
therapy on smokers, they were able to establish a 90.6% success rate through hypnotherapy.

The study conducted on 43 subjects undergoing the therapy, was responsible for effecting abstinence with
39 of the patients in a period of 6 months to 3 years including post-treatment.

Another study conducted by the Smoke Free International Organization show a 95% success rate for
patients who have undergone hypnosis incorporated with Neuro Lingual Programming (NLP) to quit

The same study also indicated that at least 51% were able to sustain abstinence from smoking on hypnosis
therapy alone.

In another study program conducted in Bloomington, Indiana, where it combined hypnosis and aversion
methods to stop smoking, there was an 87% reported success rate for abstinence with the use of hypnosis.

The field study consisted of 93 female and 93 male outpatients subjected to the hypnosis therapy program
and after a 3-month post therapy follow-up, 87% of the women and 86 % of the men sustained abstinence
from smoking.

At the System Health Science Center, College of Medicine of the Texas A&M University, a study on clinical
hypnosis revealed that 81% of patients that went through hypnosis had stopped smoking.

The program, which focused on a preliminary therapy treatment employing three hypnosis therapy
intervention sessions among 30 smokers, 21 of them were able to return after an initial hypnosis session to
forego succeeding sessions.

At the end of the treatment process, a total of 81% of them stopped smoking and were able to abstain from
smoking a year after treatment.

Based on the findings on an article from the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, a study was conducted with 71
regular smokers based on a two-year post treatment follow-up, those that have gone through hypnosis were
twice as likely to have quit smoking than those subjects who only willed to quit on their own and did not
undergo hypnosis.

Another study from the Ohio State University revealed in a hypnotherapy smoking cessation program that
hypnosis was responsible for breaking the smoking habit effectively than through drug intervention.

One of the largest studies ever conducted on hypnosis treatment of smokers, was conducted by the
University of Iowa, where it indicated that hypnosis was the most effective treatment in helping smokers
break the habit of smoking.

The large scale study consisting of 600 consolidated researches of smokers from America and Europe with
over 72,000 subjects, a statistical result concluded that on average, hypnosis was more than three times as
effective as nicotine replacement treatments and 15 times more effective than by just willfully deciding on

If for some reason somebody gets hooked on smoking and would seriously like to kick the habit, try to look
at what group hypnosis can do for smokers.
What many people say that a lot of things can be achieved by placing the mind over matter, you may be
able to see what individual hypnosis can do for you.

There are indeed a lot of benefits individual hypnosis can do for a person, especially when a person is
determined to see things to the very end or committed to do things that he believes he can, then the
possibilities are endless.

Even when somebody believes that he can achieve what others, or sometimes even he himself, would find
difficult, he can actually do it if he just puts his mind into it.

So is the same thought process involved in individual hypnosis, which is a positive reinforcement of mental
conditioning and positive thought paths.

Although it may be easy to say that positive thinking can produce a lot of good results, still the idea of
injecting the mind to think that way may not be as easy as you think, especially when we are at our
conscious state, especially when weighing the pros and cons of each of our actions.

But with hypnosis, the mind can be convinced to do such things and work wonders when it comes to our
positive mental conditioning processes.

Here are some of the areas where hypnosis can do wonders for the mind especially with behavioral
approaches and the positive mental conditioning process.

With hypnosis, even with self-hypnosis, we can heighten our sense of concentration.

This is particularly helpful when we desire to free our minds into focusing on what is really important for us
and filter out other trivial thoughts.

The concentration aspect has been found out to be specifically helpful for those who want to improve on
social and people skills, communication skills, memory and comprehension, creativity, focus and a whole lot

One's personal outlook can also be improved dramatically through hypnosis, especially for those who wish
to improve their personal well-being for the enhancement of their careers, professional and personal
relationships, time management, anger management, positive mental feedbacking and focusing towards
achieving goals.

Other breakthroughs for hypnosis also include success stories on breaking people free from addiction, be it
substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking or even both mental and physical dependency issues.

Hypnosis works through it by helping or guiding the person to believe that they have no need of such
substances, like drugs for example, in order to exist and live a free and normal life.

It can also help in easing or even preventing a subject from getting tempted by cravings, especially for
recovering addicts under therapy or rehabilitation.

Another benefit of hypnosis is the life-changing capacity in helping people overcome their fears.

This is particularly true since phobias or fears, be it with the dark, heights, closed spaces, insects like
spiders or frogs, you name it, those phobias reside in the corner of our mind to haunt us whenever the
opportunity presents itself.

Through hypnosis, those fears can be accessed and altered, using hypnosis techniques that can eradicate
irrational thoughts and fears, but leaving behind a more productive, neutral or healthy perspective towards
those stimuli causing the fear or phobia.

Removing negative thoughts in the human mind is by far the biggest breakthrough that shaped the practice
of hypnosis and give a good glimpse of what individual hypnosis can do for you.
Do you ever feel like you are all alone? Well that happens and if you feel stronger when there are other
people in the same boat as you are, then perhaps the best thing for you to try out is group hypnosis.

Group hypnosis is an interaction between you and the specialist. Since there will be other people, the
specialist has to be sure to that everyone will be able to respond to the same keywords that will be given
during the session.

To make this happen, the specialist has to interview each of the respondents one by one and then formulate
what words to be used so that there will be no confusion later on during the latter part of the session.

There are advantages to group hypnosis compared to individual sessions. For one, there is safety in
numbers and you can divide the cost of hiring a specialist which means you don't pay that much if you had
to undergo an individual session.

The disadvantage though is that you may have to travel a certain distance to meet the specialist. This won't
be an issue of course if the one who is going to facilitate the group hypnosis is coming to you.

Just like individual hypnosis, the specialist will conduct group hypnosis by following the 5 stages namely
preparation, induction, deepening, circulation and termination.

Preparation begins the moment the group decides to attend the session together. Most of the time, these
individuals don't know each other and will meet each other for the first time. The specialist is aware these
people are here and need help so talking and explaining to them what group hypnosis can do should be
understood by everyone.

When everyone is ready, induction begins where everyone is put into a trance. It might take a long time for
some to get into the flow and only when everyone is relaxed that things go further in the deepening.

The crucial point of group hypnosis is during circulation because this is where the hypnotic suggestions are
planted into the subconscious. What words will be used depends on the problem and this is repeatedly
countless times so no one will forget what happened.

Since the session has to end, this brings the participants to the last stage called termination. The specialist
may count from 10 to 1, tell everyone to open their eyes or clap their hands. Some people may feel
nauseous or dizzy afterwards but this is normal. A participant may even claim they heard everything that
happened while others will say differently but the important thing is that the session was completed.

Those who want to undergo group hypnosis have to understand is that you cannot claim that the session
was a success after just one meeting. It takes times to implant the suggestion into your subconscious which
is why you will have to attend a few more.

If distance is a problem, some clinics and specialists are even offering group hypnosis online so all you need
to have is a computer and an internet connection.

Group hypnosis is revolutionary in the sense that it is not only used to help addicts but also prepare athletes
for upcoming tournaments. There are different programs for a specific purpose so it can be used to improve
your self confidence or stop an addiction.
Have you ever tried to give up smoking but with no success? Well if you have, don't be afraid because you
are not the only one. This is why you should consider individual hypnosis.

Individual hypnosis has proven to help people suffering from various addictions and disorders. This includes
social anxiety, drugs, alcohol and stress. It has also worked for those who are smokers so you don't have
anything to lose by trying it out.

Before you try hypnosis, the specialist that will be helping you throughout the entire process has to know
why you smoke and what triggers it. Some smoke as a way to relieve the pressure while others use it to
boost their confidence. Keep in mind thought that you don't have to smoke when the pressure is building up
or you want to show who you really are.

After speaking with the hypnotist who sees that this technique has a chance to help you give your addiction,
the next step is to get you to relax and put you in a trance. Some people fall asleep while others claim that
they are able to hear the hypnotist the entire time but the important thing is that you will be able to control
your urge of lighting that next cigarette.

When you are relaxed, the power of suggestion or hypnotic suggestion is then repeated several times so
you will give up that habit. If the keyword does not work, this is rephrased or reworded. This continues until
the patient wakes up from the trance.

How effective it is varies because some people will see the difference in a matter of days while others will
only experience it after a few weeks.

But will individual hypnosis work for everybody? Well you have to remember three important things about
this technique.

First, you have to be willing or open to try hypnosis. If you are not willing to be hypnotized, nothing is going
to happen. Second, if you want to try hypnosis, go to the clinic because you won't find the hypnotist out in
the street and asking smokers if they want to kick the habit. Third, you shouldn't expect to give up smoking
overnight. This takes time so you will have to go back for several sessions.

Giving up smoking is not easy. If you need more help than what the hypnotist can offer, you can also buy a
recording and try self-hypnosis. You can but this from the record store, online or from the clinic which is
available in cassette or CD format.

Will you still suffer from withdrawal symptoms after undergoing hypnosis? The answer is no and that is
something thing that a lot of people want to hear because it is really hard to give up this habit if you have
been doing this for years.

Individual hypnosis can help you quit smoking because your mind will have a conditioned response each
time you feel like lighting a cigarette. This can be as simple as holding your fingers together for 30 seconds
or more, taking a few deep breaths and even drinking a glass of water that will make that urge go away. You
just have to give it a chance because you will never know until you try.
We know for a fact that hypnosis can help certain problems and one example happens to be social anxiety.
With a little help from a hypnotist that will perform individual hypnosis, you will be able to interact with people
which you were unable to do in the past.

But interacting with others is just one of the levels of social anxiety. Some individuals have this problem
speaking in public while others are not able to do anything with others around.

The reason why hypnosis could be the answer to their problems is that if nothing is done about it, things
could get worse. The person with that disorder could go into a depression or try taking drugs to escape this

But how does individual hypnosis accomplish that? Well by addressing the issues which create such fears in
the person and after several sessions hope things turn out for the better.

This is where the different stages of hypnosis come in which is the same if this is done on an individual or
group basis.

The first stage is known as preparation because the hypnotist and the patient have never met before and
this will be their first encounter. Because the patient is thinking of undergoing hypnosis, he or she has
already made the first move to get better and the only thing to do now is for the specialist to probe deeper.

This is done by asking the patient exactly what is their problem and determining if that person is susceptible
to hypnosis. If they are, it is time to proceed to the second stage known as induction.

During induction, the patient will be told either to sit down comfortably on a chair or lie down on a sofa. Once
he or she is relaxed, the patient must now block everything out and only focus their attention towards the

When the hypnotist feels the patient is comfortable, it is time to move on to the third stage known as the
deepening. Here, the hypnotist will find out what events caused the social anxiety disorder because it is only
by understanding it will hypnotic suggestion work in making the patient reach their desired goal.

The hypnotic suggestion will be imparted to the patient in the fourth stage known as circulation.

Naturally, the session has to end which goes to the fifth stage called termination. Here, the patient will be
brought back to reality by counting the numbers, simply being told to open their eyes or by following an
authoritative command like "open your eyes."

The results of the hypnosis will only be seen when the situation presents itself. Since you won't see the
improvement overnight, patients will have to come back and have a few more sessions.

Individual hypnosis is just one of the many alternatives now available to cure social anxiety. You have to
remember that not everyone who tries this will have the same result which is why if this doesn't work, they
have to be open to other options such as social cognitive restructuring, social skills training, symptoms
management skills and supportive therapy that will require the help of family and friends.

You don't lose anything by trying individual hypnosis. To succeed, you just have to be open to the idea of
what this technique can accomplish.
In nature the attraction between mates is determined by a philosophy of survival of the fittest. The mate that
is chosen is the one that is most likely to breed strong, healthy offspring. In many animal societies the alpha
male will be the only male in the pack, and it will be his job to impregnate the females in order for the
species to survive.

Many of the male members of the human world look upon this strange situation with a small touch of
wistfulness. What would it be like to have your own harem? What they cannot see is that the alpha male has
become the alpha male not by birthright but by having proved over and over again that he is strong enough
and intelligent enough to lead the pack-and to keep it. When the alpha male is challenged by another male
for possession of his pack he must fight to keep it or it will be taken away from him. This is, again, to ensure
that the species survives; the one who wins the right to be an alpha male is the one most likely to father
strong offspring.

Of course, that's all very good for the animal kingdom, but how does this pertain to the human world?
Simple. Humans have their alpha males too, the criteria by which they are classified is just a bit different.
There are many different ways by which a male can be classified as alpha.

- The powerful alpha. This is the man who wields the most power, both in their place of business and among
their community of friends. Women who are attracted to this type of alpha have probably fixed their sites on
a business tycoon or a politician, if not royalty. These women want position and the power that it brings.

- The intellectual alpha. These are the men who are able to provide brilliant dissertations on any topic.
These will probably go forth to receive PhDs and save the world. Most of these will be found spending their
lives in their offices or laboratories working side by side with their mates.

- The military alpha. Women love a man in uniform, and the more bars and stripes he happens to be
sporting the better. These men have power, a sense of adventure and incredible stories to tell over the
dinner table (assuming, of course, that the majority of the conversations they have about their lives do not
contain the words, "That's classified"). Their mates can also count on them to be out of the country for the
better part of the year so that a livable harmony never has to be developed.

- The "bad boy" alpha. This alpha takes many forms. He may be military or law enforcement-black ops or
undercover, of course. He will have a shady past that he never reveals and at least one criminal element
has issued a price on his head. He will wear black and not converse a great deal, assuming that the women
he is with will know what it is that he wants.

- The artistic alpha. This will be the man who sells his paintings in a downtown museum but has had
showings in Italy and France. He will have a small cottage on the beach and he and whoever his lady of the
moment is will spend their days (and nights) home eating strawberries dipped in chocolate and reciting
poetry to each other.

Sound familiar? Every man in the world has known someone who fits into one of these categories and every
woman has wanted to date one. They are the few, the proud, the alpha males.
If there is a secret in the universe that can bring you good things, it could be the Law of Attraction. This can
bring you happiness, wealth, and physical well-being. You only have to know how to apply it. A few basic
concepts of the Law of Attraction can help you on your way.

One of the concepts central to the Law of Attraction is that the things you think become reality. The things
you think are energy, just as the entire universe is energy. As you ponder your reality, or simply let thoughts
run through your mind, you are shaping your reality. You do this by means of the Law of Attraction. The
energy you send out collects with like energy. Then, the universe responds to your feelings by returning the
energy back to you. This happens for good or bad feelings.

Another basic concept is that it is too difficult to monitor every one of some 60,000 thoughts you have every
day. The goal, instead, should be to foster a feeling of happiness, gratitude, and well-being. This will go
further than trying to change every thought individually. Feelings are important to the Law of Attraction.

One assumption of users of the Law of Attraction is that life is meant to be joyous and fulfilling. Many people
feel that their lives can be no more than difficult work situations, unhappy relationships, poor health, and a
mountain of debt. Unless these people change their attitudes, they can never know the abundance they can
get through the Law of Attraction.

There can never be a lack of anything that you want if you follow the Law of Attraction. This is another
concept of the movement. It means that there is enough for everyone to have what they want. This is
especially true because some people want certain things and other people want something else. According
to the Law of Attraction, what you want is always possible. One concept of the Law of Attraction can be
stated as something like, "what you get is what you see." What this means in this case is that when you see
a result, you will vibrate with energy based on that result. If you see good, you will send out good energy.

This energy will return to you in the form of more positive results. So, if you want positive results, you need
to find a way to see the good in situations. This is how the Law of Attraction works. If you see good, more
good will return to you. The concept of asking for particular things is a part of the Law of Attraction. When
you command the universe to give you what you want, you can get it. To do this, you must believe in it.
Then, you must accept it as if you had already gotten it. Then you will find the Law of Attraction bringing all
kinds of good things your way.

The Law of Attraction is at once both simple and complex. You must only ask and receive. Yet, to do that in
confidence, you must work to restructure your whole way of thinking. To do this it is good to study the
concepts of the Law of Attraction.
How to Compete with the Alpha Male

Throughout nature the female of the species is attracted to the alpha male in the hope that she will be able
to bear his offspring-offspring that have the best chance of survival in the cruel world they are going to be
brought up in. These females are not looking for a meaningful, long term relationship; a quick interlude, then
the privilege of gestation. A fortunate fact, since the alpha male often has a harem and while he protects all
of them he does not give any of them his undivided attention.

All of these philosophies hold true to the human alpha male as well. While he is fiercely loyal to the people
he defends and will go out of his way not to hurt them neither will he be able to give any of them his heart or
the promise of a future. The woman that can pin down the alpha male is a rare specimen indeed. In the
meantime, there are many other fish in the sea who are looking for something more than the alpha male has
to offer, and it is this population that holds the key to defeating the alpha male's hold on the female of their

A non-alpha male looking for a relationship needs to go into the situation with his eyes wide open; he is
going to need to be looking for a permanent relationship but not be expecting one (proposing on the second
date is out, regardless of how long you have been dreaming about a woman). The woman who has opted to
explore her possibilities other than the alpha male is going to go into the situation cautiously, with an eye
towards what the man in question has to offer. This man is going to need to be able to provide her with a
secure financial future (if he is in early twenties this can be supplemented with the pursuit of a college
education and a realistic ten year plan) as well as give her the emotional security she was lacking with the
alpha. If a man is not an alpha male and does not feel that he is in a position to give a great deal of himself
to a woman he should not place himself in a situation where that is going to matter (i.e. an actual date). He
is going to need to keep it light and friendly to avoid gaining a poor reputation among the females of his

The emotional requirements seen to, let us turn our attention to capturing the eye of a woman. If you are not
an alpha male you are not going to have the advantage going into the fight that you would have otherwise,
but you are not entirely without resources. Women are attracted to competence. If you can arrange a
situation where she can see you doing what you do best (whatever that is) you are going to want to take
advantage of this. If you are not in a position where you can establish such a situation (such as approaching
a woman in a bar) remember that women love confidence as well.


- Stutter - Drool - Spill your drink - Say anything resembling a come-on line


- Smile (naturally) - Talk in a normal tone of voice - Look her in the eye - Start a conversation. If you have
trouble with this one pick any topic related to the situation in which you currently find yourself (the
environment, not the part where you are trying to get her attention) - Walk her to her car at the end of the
night - Get her phone number - Call her!

If you carefully adhere to these guidelines and allow a relationship to grow between the two of you based on
common interest and respect it won't be long before she'll be able to look at you and say, "Alpha who?"
The concepts embodied in the theory called the "Law of Attraction" have been around for centuries, at least.
Now, several authors are exploring the subject and writing on it. There are many fascinating books on the
Law of Attraction.

One book is simply titled The Law of Attraction. It was written by Esther and Jerry Hicks. These people are
informed by a spiritual entity they call "Abraham." This Abraham guides them in instructing people to get
what they want by believing in it. The book is based on the principles and the practicalities of the Law of
Attraction. When you finish it, you should have an idea of how things come to be. You will understand your
role in the making of the events around you.

The Law of Attraction is not for everyone, though. Some are put off because it makes religious references.
However, if you want to know what the Law of Attraction is all about, you can find out how to apply it in this

Esther and Jerry Hicks have written several books on the Law of Attraction. One is called The Amazing
Power of Deliberate Intent. This book is all about having balance in your life. It uses the concept of an
Emotional Guidance System to explain how you can keep your life on track using the Law of Attraction.

An earlier Hicks book was Ask and It Is Given. This book is a very practical exercise in the work of creating
the life you want. It outlines twenty-two processes that can help you use the Law of Attraction to send you
on your way. Another book about the Law of Attraction is The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. This book focuses
on the knowledge of these principles being handed down over time. It concentrates on successes of
particular people, both past and present.

The people involved in current Law of Attraction thought discuss how the process works. They tell why it
works. They tell what it has done for them in their lives. The book is one of the most famous books on the
subject. A fairly new book is Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and
Less of What You Don't Want. Its author is Michael J Losier. The book talks a lot about vibration, both
negative and positive. It is about using Deliberate Attraction to change that vibration to get what you want.
It is done in a step-by-step format.

Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex, and Romance, by Sandra Anne Taylor discusses
how the Law of Attraction can work for you in your love life. She begins by emphasizing that love is energy,
not a feeling. This is a specific use of the Law of Attraction. She speaks of a "personal energy field" that
affects the way people perceive you. She explains how this has an influence on the way the people around
you react to you. The theory is that if you can change your energy, your love life will change as well.

Of course, there are countless other books on the subject of the Law of Attraction. If you are interested in
more, you can go to the library and look up the subject in the on-line catalog. Or, you can just go on the
internet to find them. They could change your life.
Choosing a Mate

In the wilds the process of choosing a mate is determined entirely by their physical properties; their strength,
their courage and their ability to hunt and provide for their family. These principles still apply in many cases
throughout the human world; however, since our minds are much more developed than those of our animal
brethren there are other factors that should be considered.

The practice of choosing a mate based on their ability to provide for a family is an important one, and while
that ability in the human world is not judged by their ability to go out and hunt wild game it is judged on their
ability to meet their responsibilities. The amount of responsibility that you are looking for in a mate should be
determined by your expectations for your future. If you are attempting to retire at a young age you are going
to want a mate who is willing to help you work and sacrifice for that goal.

On the other hand, if you want to start a family you are going to want to choose a mate who is willing to carry
their part of their home responsibilities and possibly put future career advancements on hold. If you are a
free-spirit content to go through life as a free-spirit you are going to want to find a mate who shares the
same viewpoints you do. Whatever the case, you are going to need to choose a mate who is going to be
willing to hold up their half of your future together. While a mate who is undecided as to their path in life and
is content to depend on you to make your way may still be enjoyable at the beginning, over time you will
come to resent the extra strain that constant worry over financial matters will bring.

Another point to be considered is common interest. Sometimes opposites do attract, a happening that will be
discussed in greater detail a bit later on, but as a general rule relationships have a better chance of survival
if the parties involved have many key values and interests in common. This does not mean that the two of
you need to be identical images of one another; if you did not have differing opinions what would the two of
you talk about? On the other hand, if you do not enjoy some of the same activities, what will the two of you
do on Friday night? More important than these trivialities is the need for a shared image of your future. While
attraction is fine and good at the beginning the relationship is doomed to failure if you cannot chart a
common path.

Choosing a mate is not an endeavor that should be taken lightly; choosing incorrectly could result in a life of
misery for all parties involved. Take the time to carefully consider what it is that you want in a mate before
embarking on the journey.

Every action in nature has an opposite and equal reaction. Every move that we make stimulates a
consequence; it is up to us to determine what the price of that consequence will be. Not all consequences
are bad. The flowers grow as a consequence of the rain coming down and the sun coming out. That is not a
negative consequence. On the other hand, some consequences come at a very high price. Those
consequences carry many negative effects.

The same is true regarding the laws of attraction. If you follow the laws they will help you to find gratification
(perhaps even happiness) beyond your wildest dreams; however, there is a price to pay for breaking them,
and it is not a price that many are willing to pay. This is not as simple as a weekend spent in jail or picking
up litter from the side of the road; the consequences for breaking the rules of attraction will follow you
throughout the course of your life. Listed below you will find the negative consequences associated with
breaking the laws of attraction.

- You grow old, fat and bald alone

- You will have a gang of Hell's Angels chasing you across the countryside

- You will find yourself married and raising a family in Backwater, Kansas following a shotgun wedding

- You will be out of a job and a reference (particularly if you decided to break in the boss's desk)

- You will find yourself tossed in the brig prior to your court martial

- You will have an irate husband (or wife) stalking you

- You will find yourself king or queen of a small country in the middle of the South Pacific-with no other
inhabitants (think Pirates of the Caribbean)

- You will be humiliated with tales of your own escapades every time you mistakenly choose to spend a
weekend with family and friends

- You will no longer be invited to spend Friday nights at Happy Hour

- You will no longer be invited to any of the office parties

- You may end up sleeping in a barn rather than in the warmth of the house-and your own bed

- You will never again be able to walk into your favorite restaurant with your head erect

- You will never be able to look any of your friends in the eye again

- You will not be able to remain friends with your old friends-it would just be too weird

- There will be strange men and women calling your home at all hours

- There will be strange packages left on your stoop-daily

- You may find yourself on the business end of a boot-or a 9mm

These are only a small portion of the consequences which may be extracted for daring to violate the laws of
attraction. Okay, so chances are that if you happen to take a misstep or two along the way you will not find
yourself in any of these extraordinarily unpleasant situations; however, the possibility does exist. It is
essential that you carefully weigh the possibilities before entering the ring.
After the Attraction

Catching the interest of the person you are interested in is only half of the battle in emerging at the top of the
dating totem pole. Now that you have their interest, what are you going to do about it?

In the interest of the fact that the world is now a giant melting pot of many different cultures it is important to
understand that it may not be as simple as inquiring whether the object of your affection has an interest in
joining you for dinner and drinks later on that evening. Different cultures have different rules about dating,
and a violation of any of these existent mores can serve to make you an object of distaste and ridicule in the
eyes of the very person you want most to impress.

Of course, most individuals understand that not all cultures have the same opinions of the relationship
between a man and a woman and therefore are less likely to be offended by any minor missteps; however, it
is still vital that you understand the cultural guidelines of the person you are interested in.

Americans have a much looser view on the position of dating than is held by many other countries. Physical
contact on the first date is permitted, albeit of a chaste nature; holding hands and kissing good-night at the
end of the evening is to be expected if both parties are interested (if both parties are not interested it could
prove to be a long and uneventful evening). Many eastern nations, such as Korea, permit dating, even at a
young age; however, public expressions of affection of a physical nature are frowned upon in many cases;
these individuals may not be comfortable with kissing or hugging in public, particularly in front of strangers.
Other countries do not encourage dating at all; if a man and a woman are interested in each other it is
expected that the ultimate goal of their relationship should be marriage, with every step made with that intent
in mind.

There are also many cultures who insist that the family play a large role in determining who another family
member will date. It is assumed that whomever they are interested in will take the time to get to know the
family and to participate in family events. To do otherwise would be considered rude and insulting. Other
cultures do not consider it appropriate for a person that is interested in a member of the family to attend a
family gathering until the relationship is established as a permanent one.

Obviously, there are many pitfalls involved in attempting to form a relationship across cultural divides. The
most important step that an individual can do if they are interested in dating an individual from another
country is to learn the steps of their courtship dance in order to avoid stepping on any toes.
Dress for Success

Appearance is the key factor in attracting others to you. Shallow, but true. The first impression anyone will
ever make about you is based upon your appearance, and your appearance is determined in large by the
type of clothing that you wear. Your clothing should give the impression both of who you are and who you
want to be.

The most important part of using your appearance to create a positive first impression is to appear clean and
neat. No one is attracted to a slob; a lack of attention to self is often indicative to a general apathy with
regards to other people and life in general. In addition, keep in mind that members of the opposite sex are
most attracted to the individuals that they believe to be at the top of the metaphorical food chain. Needless
to say, no one is going to believe that you are at the top of the food chain if you look like you cannot get
yourself dressed without your mother's assistance. Your clothes should be clean, neat and properly fit in
order to present the image of yourself as someone who cares about themselves and their belongings-and by
default, the people that are around them (after all, you can care about yourself and not care about those
around you, but it is very rare to care about those around you and not care a bit about yourself.)

This should by no means be taken to mean that you have to spend a small fortune on a wardrobe or take
three hours getting dressed in the morning in order to ensure that you have the appearance of a runway
model every time that you leave your home. That is impractical and does not allow the essence of your own
personality to shine through. It is possible to attract the attention of the opposite sex in comfortable clothes,
and for most people jeans and sweatshirts are much more comfortable for daily wear than their dress
clothes. It is merely important to assure that these clothes do not make you appear to care more about
comfort than you do about how you look.

If you are unsure about how to take your own taste in clothes and use it to maximize your appearance there
are a wide assortment of resources at your disposal. Sales clerks, particularly of retail establishments that
only deal in clothing, are trained to have a good eye for the size, color and style that will do the most to
enhance their customer's appearance. Most people do not truly know what looks good on them, and what
seems appealing in the store dressing room often loses its appeal when it is placed in ordinary
circumstances. If a customer is not happy with the way that their clothing makes them appear they are likely
to blame the store (after all, it could not possibly their own fault) which will cost the store business. On the
other hand, if the sales clerk is able to steer a customer towards the perfect ensemble they will bring their
business back.

There is never a second chance to make a first impression, and if that first impression is a negative one you
are likely to have a great deal of difficulty in convincing the object of your affection to reconsider; therefore,
the best thing you can do is make sure that you have taken all possible measures to ensure that you place
your best foot forward when stepping into the dating pool.
According to the Law of Attraction, all things are possible to those who can believe and visualize them.
Different speakers and writers have slightly different takes on the basic principles of the Law of Attraction.
These famous Law of Attraction personalities have a lot to say about the subject.

One Law of Attraction speaker and teacher is Jack Canfield. Most people know of his Chicken Soup for the
Soul, etc. books. He has also been teaching success strategies to people and businesses for three

If you listen to Canfield, you will accept that your thinking, feelings, and actions will work together to make
your life what it is. This will happen if you are in a good state of being or a bad one. You get what you put
out there. That's the Law of Attraction.

The Reverend Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith has been working with a spiritual version of the Law of
Attraction since 1986. It was then that he started up the Agape Center. This center is something like a
church, but is not exactly one.

The Agape Center is built around the concept that if you want good things for the world, you will help to
make them happen. This could happen when you suddenly get an inspiration to do something to help
people. His goal is to make the world a better place by using principles such as the Law of Attraction.

There is one man, Dr. Joe Vitale, who takes a rather hard line on the Law of Attraction. He is of the opinion
that you bring to yourself all that happens to you. This can be a horrible wreck or a fire. It doesn't matter. If
it's in your life, you created it. Of course, he gives credit for the good things you bring yourself as well.

An interesting character in the study of the Law of Attraction is Dr. Fred Alan Wolf. This man has been
studying theoretical physics for over forty years. His specialty now is quantum physics and how it relates to
the mind. He studies this with the Law of Attraction in mind. He also won a National Book Award in 1982 for
Taking the Quantum Leap, which is based on this type of study.

There is a therapist that is fairly well known for her work with the Law of Attraction. Her name is Jayne
Payne. She sees patients who are bogged down in the misery of their past. All they can see is what they
need. She helps them to forget that and believe in what they want by using the Law of Attraction.

Esther and Jerry Hicks have written several books on the subject of the Law of Attraction. They have made
names for themselves by speaking for a being of sorts they call Abraham-Hicks. To some, it sounds a little
unusual, but others feel enlightened by the books.

Jerry first became interested in related subjects. Then, Esther eventually followed his lead. Soon, they
were completely involved in the movement. Now, the Hickses teach seminars and lecture. Of course, they
continue to write works on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction has been an important source of discussion for many years. Before it was ever
thought about in the way it is now, it was referred to by great leaders for centuries. There is an abundance
of people willing to speak of it now. So, it is certain that the concept will live on for generations to come.
Forbidden Attraction

There are many situations in which a man and a woman may meet and develop an interest in other, not all
of which loan themselves to the development of a stable relationship. There are some occasions upon which
a man and a woman may meet and become attracted to one another but not be able to act upon these
feelings. What can you do when you are the victim of a forbidden attraction?

There are many situations in which an attraction may be forbidden, and each has a different set of
established protocol. Let us start with the most common case of forbidden attraction. The person you are
attracted to is already in a relationship with someone else. The question that must be considered here is
how serious their relationship is. If they are merely casually dating with the understanding that they can each
see other people if they so desire there is no reason to allow this to stop you from acting upon your interest.
On the other hand, if the relationship is an exclusive one it is better to establish a friendship and wait for that
relationship to run its course than to attempt to act too soon.

If the man or woman who has caught your eye is married and living in a monogamous relationship with their
spouse it is better to step aside than to continue to pursue the relationship. The chances are good that they
will not choose to end their marriage for you and there is only so long that an affair can continue without
someone getting hurt. It is not always the spouse of the other individual who finds themselves the victim of
this situation; do you really want to go home at night knowing that the person you are dreaming of will be
returning to someone else's bed?

Another obstacle is often the rules against fraternization in the workplace. There are many obstacles to step
around in this situation and company policy should be carefully considered. If company policy merely
discourages dating among its employees, you are dating a fellow employee and the two of you are capable
of getting the job done without putting on a great show for your co-workers there is no reason that this
relationship cannot be pursued with discretion. Bear in mind, however, that even after the end of the
relationship the two of you are going to have to work together. If this is not something that you feel
comfortable doing it is better to maintain a friendship with that individual and evaluate your feelings at such a
time as one or both of you are ready to search for new employment.

There are many other types of forbidden attraction, and these will continue to be discussed a bit later on in
this collection; however, these two are the most common and should be handled with a great deal of care.
Forbidden Attraction Part II

There are many forms of forbidden attraction, many instances in which the feelings that two people have for
each other cannot be permitted to hold precedence. There are other occasions in which there is a certain
amount of flexibility involved, when the rules can be bent a little bit as long as the relationship is carried out
discreetly and away from the public eye.

One of the occasions where there is very little leeway in the freedom to carry out a relationship is between
various members of the military; specifically, the relationship between a commanding officer and a
subordinate. This is a very difficult situation, particularly in combat groups, because military officers are often
together for extended periods of time in situations that can quickly lead to a feeling of closeness that would
take months to develop in other situations. When you place your life in the hands of other people on a daily
basis you attempt to make it a point to get to know them quickly.

The difficulty in the relationship between a commanding officer and a subordinate one is that it is often
difficult to decipher whether the relationship is one that would have developed away from the battlefield or if
it is one that developed in the heat of the moment. It is normal for a subordinate officer to develop a hero
worship of their CO; the commanding officer is in a position of authority and as such is very much the alpha
in the situation. However, a relationship between the two is forbidden because of the discord that it may
cause between other members of a working group.

In addition, in a combat situation a team must be able to go forward and focus on their goal, trusting each
other to carry their own weight and to complete the mission whatever the cost. If you have a pair of officers
in a relationship they will be worrying about the well being of the other; a normal event in ordinary
circumstances, but a death wish on occasions where quick thinking and a clear head are required.

After considering the possible consequences and the disciplinary action that will come down on all parties
involved it is decided that continuing on with a relationship in these circumstances is very much against the
laws of attraction; it is simply not feasible. What, then, can two people do who find themselves in this
situation? After all, regardless of rules and regulations it is impossible to control the desires of the heart.

As such, the best advice that they can heed is to wait and be patient. With the number of transfers in the
military the day is bound to come when they will no longer be in the same command and will then be free to
pursue a relationship. If the relationship had a foundation other than physical attraction and hero-worship to
begin with, it will last for this period of time. If waiting is not a possibility, there is always the possibility of one
or the other resigning or requesting a transfer. There is a way; however, before making such a momentous
decision each party should consider the relationship carefully to ensure that it is worth the possible
The way to get what you want through the Law of Attraction is learning to control your thought process.
Negative thoughts produce as much energy as positive thoughts.

Thinking about your fears and saying "I don't want that" is probably going to result in your fears being
realized. Cosmic energy is literal. It doesn't understand "I don't want".

It produces results based on energy. So if you're producing more negative energy than positive, your results
are going to be negative.

Training your mind to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative is a necessary, but often difficult
process. People are worriers.

It's a survival thing designed to help us remember and avoid the dangers of life. But being aware of our fears
and letting them control our thoughts are two different things. Turning the negative fears into positive
thoughts is the key.

Your thoughts are yours. They can be your faithful servants or your masters. Which ever you allow them to
be. You have the control, you make your choice. You determine which course your thoughts take.

Learning to control your thoughts can be done by learning to control your will. By mastering yourself.
Phrases like "I am master of my self" can lead you in the right direction.

Repeating these or similar words, and believing them, will make them real. When confronted with fears and
doubts, remembering to 'master" your thoughts keeps the positive energy flowing. Leaving no room for the
negative energy to manifest.
If the Law of Attraction works, you will surely be grateful for all that you receive as a result of practicing it.
Life will be easier and more abundant. However, you actually need to start out with a feeling of gratitude
before you can expect good things to come. This is what the Law of Attraction is about. When you believe
fantastic things are already happening for you, you will be grateful. According to the Law of Attraction, it is
important to believe. Furthermore, being grateful for something you believe is happening sends out positive
vibrations into the universe. This brings the good things to you by way of the Law of Attraction.

Without even thinking of the future, you can use the Law of Attraction to draw the positive things to you. If
you are thankful for the things in your life, you will be focused in on the good energy inherent in your grateful
mind. The Law of Attraction is evident in the way being grateful brings you more to be grateful for. Think of
the way things snowball, both the good and the bad. You might wake up in a bad mood because you resent
a noisy neighbor for keeping you up late. If you let that bad mood win out, more negative things will
continue to happen to you all day long. When you consider the Law of Attraction, you will see why this

If, however, you brush off the bad feelings and replace them with gratitude you will be surprised at how
much better your day will go. Use the Law of Attraction to help you along. You may be thankful that you
woke up beside your loving spouse, or you might be grateful that you have a job to go to. Whatever it is, the
Law of Attraction will make it work for you.

So, the Law of Attraction works on a system of gratitude and reward. You need a way to remind yourself to
always be grateful for the good things in your life. Some people set aside a certain time each day to list the
things they're thankful for. They might compile them in a journal and look over them all from time to time.

The Law of Attraction is built on good habits. You can carry some sort of talisman. It can be anything from
a rock to a coin. It can be anything you will handle daily. Some people put these items in their pockets.
Some put them on a string around their necks. The idea is that every time you touch it, you feel gratitude. If
at all possible, you express that gratitude to others. Your mind will become geared towards thinking in terms
of what you are thankful for. This will allow the Law of Attraction to do its work.

Your mind controls who and what you are. According to the Law of Attraction, it can also change what you
have. This may be material possessions, relationships, or health. If you are in a mindset of gratitude, you
are in a position to make the Law of Attraction bring to you all that you desire.
Imagine that you had all the money you could ever want. You had great relationships and perfect health.
Imagine you spent your life in peace and joy. If you practice the Laws of Attraction, these things can come
true for you. The first thing you must do to practice the Laws of Attraction is to embrace a feeling of
gratitude. Be thankful for everything that you have. Focusing on the good things in your life will help you
key in on positive feelings.

These positive feelings will translate into a positive energy, according to the Laws of Attraction. When you
send out this kind of positive energy, you will see good things come back to you in return through the Laws
of Attraction. You can concentrate on the positive things by holding some kind of talisman in your pocket,
for example. This will help you remember to be thankful every time you touch it.

Another thing to do in practicing the Laws of Attraction is to become aware of what kinds of thoughts you are
having. Most people go through the day with thoughts flitting in and out of their heads. They pay them little
heed. If you are aware of the Laws of Attraction, you can monitor your thoughts to a certain degree. You
can get a feel for just what direction your thoughts are going. Are they leading you toward a negative
situation? If so, it's time to use the Laws of Attraction to change all that.

Figure out what it is that you want. Don't limit yourself to easy things to get, either. The universe gives out
no different effort to give you a little thing than it does to give you something that is fantastic. So, go for your
dreams. The Laws of Attraction can supply them.

Maybe you don't really know what you want. You've been told for so long that you can't have it that you've
stopped wanting it. It's time to do some soul searching and really find out what you could get through the
Laws of Attraction that would please you. Look through catalogs and go to showroom floors and model
houses. You might get some ideas. Once you become excited about something, your positive energy will
become all the more powerful through the Laws of Attraction.

Once you know what you want, it's simple. Just ask for it. Say it, write it, and believe in it. Think of it as if it
has already happened. Imagine that it has, using the Laws of Attraction. Don't do this in a whimsical, "gee
wouldn't it be swell" way, but actually close your eyes and visualize it. Don't expect to know the method by
which your dreams will come true. The Laws of Attraction don't work that way. You just need to trust that a
good thing will happen, and leave the "how" up to the universe.

Knowing the Laws of Attraction can change your life. It takes a certain mindset to work with the Laws of
Attraction, but it is not hard to master. It just takes some time, patience, and most of all, a lot of faith.
And in Conclusion...

There are a great many laws of attraction which must be followed in order to find success in all areas of your
life, and violation of these laws can have many unpleasant results, many of which do not have a statute of
limitations with regards to time. For this reason, it is important to ensure that you are well educated in all of
the laws of attraction, regardless of their pertinence to your current lifestyle. The first thing which you must
remember is that the laws of human attraction are very similar to those still in effect in nature. Survival of the
fittest is the guideline that animals use to determine the suitability of their mate; the mate possessing the
greatest strength is most likely to produce strong offspring that will be able to survive on their own in the
unforgiving world they are going to find themselves thrust into. Therefore, the mate which has the greatest
reputation in battle and the highest position of authority within the pack is going to be the one that is most

In the case of males this individual is going to be the alpha male (the alpha female effect does not seem to
carry over into the human world as much as that of the alpha male). The alpha male is the "leader of the
pack". He will have proven himself in battle many times over. In the human world, this is going to be the
individual who is at the forefront of his particular area of expertise and will generally have a great deal of
wealth and reputation to provide support to their position. There are many types of alpha males in the
human world; this is not a position solely restricted to the heads of major corporations (as many leaders in
the business industry would have you believe).

If you find yourself in competition with an alpha for the attentions of the object of your affection there are a
number of measures you can take to ensure that you come out on top; after all, although the alpha may be
the most desirable they are often unable to commit to a relationship, saving their passion for their work. By
taking all possible measures to ensure that you are placing your best foot forward when you are introduced
to someone new and being willing to commit a great deal of yourself to a relationship you will find that not
being an alpha is not necessarily a black mark against you.

The ability of polar opposites to attract is just as present in the human world as it is in nature; these
opposites often complete each other, bringing balance and harmony to a relationship. Anyone who is
attempting to form a relationship with their polar opposite is going to have to work very hard not to pressure
their other half for change after the relationship has begun; it was their very difference that attracted you to
them in the first place. If you do not feel that you can live with these differences it is better to accept that the
relationship is lost than to attempt to place excessive pressure on both of you before the relationship
disintegrates of its own accord.

It is important to remember that not all cultures have the same laws of attraction. Before entering into a
multi-ethnic relationship it is important to learn more about the other person's culture to avoid unintentionally
causing offense. If you are able to follow all of these laws you will soon find yourself succeeding in all areas
of attraction.
An Introduction

Every game in life has rules. In soccer you cannot use your hands. You cannot peak at your opponent's
hand in poker. You cannot look in the dictionary when you play Scrabble. Each and every one of these rules
is considered to be set in stone, yet each rule has a condition under which it may be broken.

The dating game is much the same. There are an established set of rules for capturing the attention of the
person you've been dreaming of, and what to do with them once you have them. These rules are all iron
clad, yet each has a condition under which they can be broken. Pity the man who is not familiar with the
laws of attraction; a violation of these rules carries consequences of shame and loneliness. Not all of these
rules are written in any resource available to the general public; some are general knowledge and some are
only known by the individuals to whom they pertain. Anyone attempting to enter the scene from the outside
needs to be educated on the rules of each game before they decide to throw their hat into the ring.

The laws of attraction are based primarily on a principal of supply and demand. If there is a large supply of
mates the laws of attraction are firmly in effect; after all, each individual can afford to be a bit more choosy
when selecting their particular companion. If there is a low supply of mates the demand will be high, and the
laws of attraction will allow for a bit more leeway; after all, if a mate cannot be found than the species will
eventually die off (the "last man on earth" philosophy; rest assured that if you were really the last man on
earth she would be happy to date you).

The theory of supply and demand is visible throughout all walks of life. It is exclusive to none. This is seen
throughout the animal kingdom, the insect kingdom, among the birds and the bees and the fish. Each
species has a particular criteria by which they judge their mates, and each criteria has an exception.
Throughout the animal kingdoms it is generally a matter of a lack of mates, as was illustrated in the principal
of supply and demand. Fortunately, as humans populate a majority of the Earth's surface the criteria for
bending the laws of human attraction are not so strict as to require the elimination of the species.

Throughout the rest of this series of articles we will touch on the various laws of attraction-and how to get
around them. Each article will stand alone for any who join us in the middle but together will serve as a guide
to negotiate even the most complicated of situations to attract the perfect mate.
The Law of Attraction

Let us take a moment to consider the actual "Law of Attraction" and the role it plays in human attraction. The
Law of Attraction was developed by members of the New Age Movement who were exploring the potential of
the human mind over the body's future. The Law of Attraction states that "you get what you think about; your
thoughts determine your destiny".

Is this a fact? Can you really make your life into anything that you want it to be just by thinking about it
happening? While science has not found a definite link between repetition of a thought, its connection with
the subconscious and the role that it plays in a human's success, that has not stopped people from
wondering. There are hundreds of programs out there intended to influence the subconscious and, in doing
so, affect the way that they conscious mind reacts in an established situation.

The potential for success in this endeavor exists in that the human mind is greatly influenced by its
perceptions and will often make a decision based upon its intuition and feelings regarding a certain matter
rather than the established surrounding facts. This means that a person who is timid can program a
confidence into their subconscious through the use of these methods, thereby allowing them to portray this
confidence to the outside world. The people around them will respond in kind, believing their potential for
success to be great based upon the attitude that they project.

How does this affect the laws of attraction of the human race? Take a moment to consider which individual
is the most likely to gain your attention and interest, the one who sits quietly in the corner and does not
seem to have much to say or the one that carries a confident demeanor and is willing to approach you and
strike up a rapport? The simple fact of the matter is that confidence is sexy. People are attracted to people
who appear to be comfortable with their lives and their place in it. This confidence will lead to attraction;
attraction leads to not sitting home watching reruns on a Saturday night!

Is it true that you can influence your destiny through the power of the Law of Attraction? Certainly. That does
not necessarily mean that the cosmos are going to align in order to make your every wish come true;
however, with the power of positive thought you can change the way that you approach a situation and give
yourself an exponentially greater chance to succeed.
How to Raise Your Attraction Potential

The laws of attraction are clear; the choice of a mate is best determined by their ability to survive; once
again, however, this is not the only factor to be considered when determining a human match. This leaves a
great deal of leeway for the individual who has never quite been able to find their niche with the opposite
sex. There are a few techniques that can be employed to exponentially raise their potential attraction.

1. Dress for success. It is very easy to forget over the course of a day that the way a person presents
themselves is going to determine the opinion that others have of them. By selecting clothes that are
comfortable but fit well and are in a style and color that are flattering to their appearance anyone, regardless
of their preferred taste in clothes, can convey a positive impression to members of the opposite sex.

For those individuals who have never taken the time to discover what looks good on them, this is the time to
do so. A clerk at any retail clothing shop will be happy to select clothing that will match the specific needs of
their customers, and many have been in the business so long that they have developed a skilled eye for
color and style. They are happy to loan their experience to ensuring that their customers put their best foot
out the door-and bring their business back.

2. Develop a hobby. All too often in today's busy society our lives revolve around our work. This does not
give us a great deal to converse with other people about. By developing a hobby the possibility of carrying
on an interesting conversation increases exponentially. In addition, it will ensure that the other party in
question know that the person they are dating has a well rounded personality and the ability to have fun.
There is no worse reputation to develop on the dating market than that of a staid workaholic who is
incapable of having a good time.

3. Keep up on current events and make an attempt to keep a hand in with all local events. Again, this will
provide excellent conversation fodder and will prevent you from finding yourself sitting in a group at a social
occasion without having a clue what the rest of the group is talking about.

4. Smile! By smiling and presenting a confident appearance when you first approach members of the
opposite sex you will be creating an image of yourself as someone they want to get to know. Once they
believe you are someone that they want to get to know, 3/4 of your battle is over. They will naturally seek out
more information about you, and you will be well on your way to enjoying a mutually satisfactory relationship.

5. Attempt to place yourself in unfamiliar (but not uncomfortable) situations. This will serve the dual function
of help you to become more comfortable in any situation as well as helping you to meet other people; there
is nothing that attracts attention (in a positive way) than asking someone to show you the ropes of your
current environment.

By utilizing all of these tricks you will guarantee that you will never find yourself at a loss for companionship
If you want something, all you have to do is ask for it. Sweeter words have never been spoken. It would be
like a dream come true. But that doesn't mean it can't be true. Good things really can be yours just from
asking for them.

When you know how to ask. That's the key. Knowing how to ask, and knowing what to ask for. You can ask
for anything you want. But asking for a new car when you really want a Porsche, doesn't mean you'll be
satisfied with just "a new car". And just saying "I want a Porsche" and then going on about your life as usual
probably won't get it for you.

Focusing your thoughts on getting that new Porsche, picturing yourself driving it, truly believing you deserve
it, and allowing it to come to you is the way to get it.

Just asking is only the first step in the Law of Attraction. Feeling and acting as if you've received it is the
second, knowing you deserve it and allowing it to come to you is the third.

Having doubts about your worthiness produces negative energy. Negative energy produces negative
results. If you don't think you deserve a new Porsche, you won't get it. If you don't think the Law of Attraction
works, it won't work for you.

Positive energy is the only way to get positive results. And positive energy is only produced by positive
Myths of Attraction

When studying the laws of attraction it is essential that we take a moment to lay to rest a number of the
myths which have invaded our reality over the past several decades. In an effort to make a profit a number
of retailers have developed their own ideas about precisely what leads a person to be attracted to another, a
number of which are so untrue as to be ludicrous but have enough of a following to cause a great deal of
discouragement to the general public. Listed below are a few of the most common "Myths of Attraction"
circulating the public consciousness today.

1. You must be rich and powerful to be found attractive

2. Your body must be perfect for another person to find it attractive. As was stated in earlier articles the
attraction to a physically fit body is a carryover from the animal kingdom; an individual who was physically fit
would stand the best chance of survival and would give birth to strong offspring. Fortunately, since the
human mind is more developed than that of the animal kingdom this is not the only consideration used when
humans are choosing a mate.

3. For women, the body type typically seen only in those who are very petite or suffering from an eating
disorder is the figure that they should strive to attain (at least, that is what all the manufacturers who only
make clothing in the latest style in a size six or smaller seem to believe).

4. Your clothing must be of the highest caliber and carry a designer tag

5. You must possess the intelligence of Albert Einstein

6. Charm and the ability to attract a mate is inherited; however, with enough money any skill can be bought

7. Showering someone with gifts is the best way to tell them that you are interested. This will be nice for a
day or two, then they will begin to wonder what it is that you want or what it is that you are not willing to give
them that you are attempting to compensate for. Bestowing gifts at infrequent (but regular) intervals will
ensure continued appreciation.

8. By employing certain 'secrets" interested parties will come to you rather than you having to approach
them. These are doomed to failure; there is no substitution for personal effort when it come to attracting a
potential mate.

All of these myths are intended to bring in a profit for the companies which propagate them; therefore, they
do not want you to know the truth. The secret to attracting the attention of another individual lies within you,
no one else, and no amount of money is going to change that fact.
Because our thought process is constantly working, the Law of Attraction is constantly working as well.
Many of our thoughts are at the unconscious level, so we're not always aware of what type of energy those
thoughts may be creating.

According to the Law of Attraction, if you want something enough and you truly believe it's possible for you
to have it, you'll probably get it. But the same is true for negative thoughts.

If you spend a lot of time thinking on the things you don't want or fear, and you believe it's possible for you to
experience them, it's just as likely they'll come your way. You can't avoid unpleasant things by hoping they
don't happen.

Your unconscious is literal and produces negative energy the same as it does positive energy. It doesn't
know the difference. Your unconscious mind doesn't understand "I don't want".

To truly achieve the positive benefits of the Law of Attraction, you have to become aware of what you're
focusing your attention on.

Are you focusing on what you want? Or don't want? Do you have thoughts or beliefs that are contrary to
what you want? If you truly want something, but feel you don't really deserve it, those thoughts will be
translated into energy, and the Universe will "feel" that you don't deserve it.

Becoming aware of what you're spending your energy on, enables you to change it. Allowing you to focus all
your thoughts on the things you really want.
The Law of Attraction seems so easy for some. Others try and try and have no success. They wonder why
this should be true. There are some very good reasons why people have problems using the Law of

The most obvious answer to the question of why it isn't working is that you might be expecting to
instantaneously have what you ask for. You have to realize that you are simply sending out positive energy
surrounding a subject. You must trust Law of Attraction to send it back to you in its time.

When trying to use the Law of Attraction, you may find that you are always tapping your foot and asking
when it's going to happen for you. If you do, it may mean that you are not really coming into it believing in
anything. You are just testing the waters and not willing to commit to anything.

You might also be expecting the answer to your demands to come by a certain method. For example, you
might ask for money. You are hoping someone will just give it to you. This may be your idea of the Law of
Attraction. However, if you are alert to the universe around you, you may come across another means.

An idea might come to you that would bring you the money you desire. It might involve some work, but the
end result would be the same. If your energy is positive, you will look upon this circumstance with gratitude
and joy. By the Law of Attraction, this can only multiply the good in your life.

Another mistake people make in using the Law of Attraction is to put too much emphasis on the evidence
they see. When they see things that seem to prove that the Law of Attraction is not working, they quit
believing. They get frustrated and become a mass of negative vibrations. This will bring more of the same.

The truth is that if they really understand the Law of Attraction and the science behind it, external evidence
will have little effect on them. This is because they will have total belief and trust that the Law of Attraction
has been working all along. What is happening in the beginning is only a manifestation of earlier bad

Their new positive, focused thoughts, without doubt, will come to fruition in the future. This is the outlook of
a person who has mastered the use of the Law of Attraction. That person will believe in the outcome
because he/she believes in the process.

A person might also have problems fully using the Law of Attraction because their past outlook has been so
limited. They have strong emotions about things they consider too hard to conquer or too much or too big to

When these emotions come up, it changes the energy you are sending out. Lecturers and writers of the
Law of Attraction have developed ways to release such emotions. These methods allow the person to fully
use the Law of Attraction.

If you properly use the Law of Attraction, you will have what you want. It is and isn't easy. You only need to
change the way you think and feel about things. If you can come to understand the Law of Attraction fully,
you can make it work for you.
The Science of Attraction

Have you ever wondered what it was that attracted a man to a woman, or vice versa? What it is about one
specific individual that seems to make them irresistible to the opposite sex? Why, when everyone else is
sitting home on a Friday night, they can have three dates with plans for breakfast the next morning? There
are a number of different factors to be considered, but let us first take a look at the core of the situation: the
science of attraction.

The central component in the selection of a mate lies in the evolutionary need to continue the species. In the
wild mates that were weak and unable to stand against the elements would produce weak offspring who
might not be able to survive the harsh environment they would be thrust into; that is, of course, assuming
they survived to adulthood themselves. The inability of their offspring to survive would lead to the end of the
species; therefore, they were rarely chosen by members of the opposite sex for reproductive purposes.

On the other hand, strong mates would breed strong offspring. It was primarily the males and females who
had proved themselves in battle that attracted the greatest number of possible mates; they would then
choose from the strongest of those, and Mother Nature's endless circle would go on, with genetics ensuring
that their children were given the best opportunity to make a start in life. This is the reason that physically fit
individuals receive the most attention from member of the opposite sex; it is an inbred attraction to those that
are considered to be the most able physically to survive in their environment. Strength and survival of
the fittest aside there is also the matter of pheromones. Pheromones are chemically secreted molecules that
are produced and carried through an airborne route, causing an incredible sexual response in animals. The
belief is that it allowed the animal to locate a mate with whom they would have the greatest likelihood of
producing an offspring with a strong immune system. It was previously believed that humans had lost the
ability to be attracted by pheromones; however, recent studies have shown that this may not necessarily be
the case. A great deal of research in the role that pheromones play in human attraction is not yet available,
as it is still a matter of speculation. The bottom line is that all scientific evidence pertaining to the
attraction of one human to another lies in the potential to produce strong offspring. Pheromones will grant a
child the best possible combination of immune systems to guarantee their well being. Physical attraction
guarantees that the child will have the best chance of physically surviving to grow to adulthood. All in all, the
scientific evidence present to support the baseline upon which all human attraction is based would appear to
support the theory of survival of the fittest.
One of the more interesting aspects of the Law of Attraction is found in its teachings. Fundamentally, it
teaches people how to think. Not what to think. Learning how to think, helps focus the mind. Many people
discover that focusing the mind, helps improve their life.

The book and DVD, "The Secret", is a good introduction to the Law of Attraction, but that's all it is. It focuses
on acquiring material possessions. And there's nothing wrong with that.

It's not wrong to be well fed, well clothed, drive a nice car and live in a nice home. If you create a feeling of
self that's capable and worthy, you'll attract what you want. You can take care of yourself as well as others.

The main points of the Law of Attraction is finding happiness in your daily life. Making the world a better
place for everyone. Finding self-fulfillment through the power of the mind.

There are many people that see the Law of Attraction as a deeply religious experience. Connecting them to
others and to a higher power.

The numbers are just as large that consider the Law of Attraction spiritual but not religious. Religious or just
spiritual, the results are the same: Improving life for yourself and others through the power of thought.

Even if you consider the Law of Attraction as neither religious nor spiritual, the benefits are the same. You're
still using thought energy to get the things you want most out of life.
Asking and wishing for what you want doesn't always mean you get it. We all learn that lesson as children.
Learning how to ask is a lesson many people never properly learn. Knowing how to ask for what you want
can mean the difference between getting it and just continuing to want it.

Even more important than knowing how to ask, is knowing what you're asking for. Understanding what you
want and the reasons you want it can give you valuable insight to the thought process that is necessary to
achieving your desires.

Asking for riches without know what you want those riches for may not bring you the happiness and
satisfaction you anticipated. Realizing why you want money can help you understand what your real desire

Do you want it to provide security for your family, or because you really want the power money buys. The
goals here are different. And while obtaining one, doesn't necessarily mean you don't get the other, it also
doesn't mean you will either.

Asking for another job is good example. Why do you want another job? Is it a second job you want? Or one
that pays more? Or are you really wanting a job that you can enjoy doing? Not knowing why you want
another job, can lead to dissatisfaction when you get what you asked for.
The Law of Attraction says to live in the knowledge that you are getting what you want. It may seem like a
feel-good philosophy and nothing more. You might think it is worth considering, but not something that
exists in nature. However, the Law of Attraction is based upon the science of physics.

The Law of Attraction and quantum physics shows us that all in the universe is made of energy. This
includes both what we call 'solid" objects and something as ethereal as thoughts. The truth is that even so-
called solid objects have a high percentage of empty space in them. They are made up of energy. The Law
of Attraction takes this fact into account.

The Law of Attraction is based upon the fact that the energy in our bodies and minds are always vibrating.
This makes wavelengths of different frequencies. We send these frequencies out from ourselves into the
larger world.

The world itself-in fact, the whole universe-is all made of energy as well. The whole thing is constantly
vibrating. It is always full of possibilities. Our individual frequencies go into this vast ocean of movement.
The Law of Attraction can affect this.

Once our frequencies are emitted, they attract frequencies that are like them. So, you are constantly using
the Law of Attraction to bring things to you. If you are sending out negative vibrations, you will not like what
returns to you. This is because, by the Law of Attraction, those negative frequencies are clumping together
with others of their kind.

You can deliberately use the Law of Attraction to focus your thoughts and your being on a positive outcome.
The frequencies you emit will stick with other good ones and return to you as a joyful result. This is not
simply a matter of wishful thinking.

It involves living in the state you choose for yourself. You don't need to start out with millions of dollars in
the bank to feel wealthy. You can think, speak, and act like a millionaire. You just need to believe that's
what you are deep inside. The Law of Attraction will do the rest.

You need to feel excited by your choices for the Law of Attraction to work well. That is because the level of
excitement determines the level of vibration you are sending out. If you choose something in a half-hearted
way, it will return to you in the same way.

However, if you are excited by your choice, you will increase the power of your vibrational frequency. The
results will come rolling in. You must do what you can to maintain your excitement. This will bring your
dreams into reality by the Law of Attraction.

On the other hand, if you complain about something, or fight against something, that is the thing you will
bring to yourself. The Law of Attraction works this way because the universe only has a way of grouping like
with like. Your negativity about a subject will return to you as more negative results for that subject.

Several people with doctorates in physics have studied the power of the Law of Attraction. Many of them
believe that the mind controls the universe. They believe that this is done through the Law of Attraction.
It has been said that the Law of Attraction can manifest itself in matters of wealth, health, and happiness.
Part of the happiness is having fulfilling relationships. These can be romantic love relationships or familial
relationships or simple friendships. The Law of Attraction affects them all.

Whether you are trying to put the Law of Attraction to use in your life or not, it is always at work. You are
always putting out vibrations into the universe. They are always collecting with like energies and coming
back to you.

The difference when you deliberately use the Law of Attraction is that you focus on the things you want.
Then, these positive things return to you. What you give your attention to is what becomes important in your

Once something becomes important to you, you will develop an excitement about it. That excitement will
turn into a power that is greater than any you can drum up by simply repeating words about what you want.
The Law of Attraction works in relationships as well as it does in anything else.

By deliberately using the Law of Attraction, you can find that special person you are looking for. One step is
to determine what it is you want from a mate. Make a list. Write down strengths you would like the person
to have. Write down joys you would like to share.

Once you have a more concrete idea of what you want, the universe will bring you to your mate through the
Law of Attraction. This will happen through matching of frequencies. You send out the frequency of what
you want. That vibration goes out and collects with other frequencies like it. In other words, it matches.

When your frequency is vibrating in concert with another frequency, it will only be a matter of time before
you meet someone. The Law of Attraction will be at work. At this point, you should follow your hunches. If
you have the urge to do something on a different schedule than usual, then do it. This may be how you find
your mate.

Just let the Law of Attraction do its work. Continue to reaffirm in your mind the fact that the person you are
looking for exists. Believe that you will find that person. Draw your attention and excitement to the subject.
Things will happen.

Other relationships work on the theory of matching as well. You put out energy towards a person in your
life. That energy can be for or against them. Whatever energy you send them will match whatever energy
in them that is like that frequency. You will get the result you expect. This is the Law of Attraction.

If you are feeling down, the Law of Attraction will supply you with a companion in despair. As the two of you
spiral down, you will be better off if you decide to let the Law of Attraction work for you instead of against
you. Find ways that your frequencies can vibrate in harmony in a positive way. This will strengthen and
lengthen friendships like nothing else.

Your relationships can develop into more than they ever were before. Your friendships can be deeper. You
can live in harmony with your relatives. Your love interests can become life-long partners. The Law of
Attraction can make it all come true.
The Law of Attraction has worked for many people who sought to gain financial freedom. It has helped
many to experience fuller lives through better relationships. The Law of Attraction can also have a profound
affect on your body.

Think first of how the Law of Attraction works. You are made up of energy and the energy you send out is
positive or negative. This will depend upon whether you focus on the good things in life or the bad.

This will not only affect others, but it will affect you as well. If you want to send out positive energy, you will
want to concentrate on the upbeat things in your life. One way to use the Law of Attraction to do this is

Athletes use a form of seeing what future actions will hold. This technique is called Visual Motor Rehearsal.
These athletes are practicing the Law of Attraction. They can be hooked up to all kinds of monitors and then
practice an athletic event in their minds.

The monitors will show that their muscles obey their thoughts even though they are not being actively used.
Then, when it comes time to actually do the activity, they are very much prepared. This is the Law of

With the Law of Attraction, you can feel the reality of your plans and dreams coming true. This can be done
in the same way as the athletes do it, by visualization. This can help you with a physical task you are about
to undertake.

You might be planning to climb Mt. Everest or simply swim your first lap around the pool. If you can use the
Law of Attraction to visualize it and believe the results, you can make it happen. Your positive feelings
about accomplishing a difficult undertaking will come back to you in the form of positive energy for you.

The Law of Attraction has also been used for healing. No one suggests that medicine should not be used.
However, thought among those who lecture and write about the Law of Attraction is that the medicine can be
helped immensely by the use of positive energy.

The placebo effect should prove that thinking can influence your health. If people feel good about a
medicine they are being given, they will more likely be healed by it. This is true whether the medicine is a
highly developed scientific formula or a sugar pill.

Some conditions require much treatment and medication. People with these conditions often get depressed
or discouraged. If they can keep their focus on positive things, they have a better chance of survival.
Knowing the Law of Attraction can help them to do this.

Part of using the Law of Attraction to heal is to visualize the process of getting better. As you come to
believe you are getting better, it turns out that you actually do. Another way to use the Law of Attraction is to
dwell on the good by surrounding yourself with things you enjoy. This will keep the focus on the positive

The Law of Attraction is not only good for your wallet. It can help other aspects of your life, too. If you have
a physical challenge to overcome, the Law of Attraction can help you.
It's a scientifically proven fact that mankind uses only about 6% of our brains. Albert Einstein supposedly
used 10% of his. That leaves an awful lot of untapped brain power.

Consider what we've accomplished with the little bit of brain power we've been using since the dawn of man.
Is it so hard then to consider the possibilities of what we could achieve?

The Law of Attraction, positive thinking or whatever you want to call it, works on the premise that we're
capable of determining what we have and how we live with the power of our psychic energy.

The idea is that we're able to direct our mental abilities, our thoughts toward our goals and desires and
obtain them.

Granted this ability isn't something that's easily obtained. Most people have spent their lives under the
impression that the world affects them. Not the other way around.

It's a generally held belief that if fate is determined by us, it's through our actions and not our thoughts. But
aren't our thoughts the basis of our actions?

If our thoughts cause us to act, and that action results in obtaining our goal, can we not say our thoughts
were responsible for the results? The results of our actions are determined by our thoughts. Whether they're
conscious or not, our thoughts do determine what and who we are.
The Law of Attraction basically says we can get what we think about. Our circumstances aren't determined
by the fickle hand of fate, but instead are shaped by our own conscious and unconscious thoughts.

To make the Law of Attraction work for you, you have to know what you want and ask for it. Then, go ahead
and start making plans for after you receive it.

This doesn't mean ask for money, and then start spending like it's in your pocket. But make plans for how
you're going to spend the money when it does get here.

The hardest part for most people is to be open to receiving it. This is where doubting you really deserve it
can prevent anything good from happening. If you don't think you deserve good things, they won't come to

Another problem some people have is thinking about the things they don't want to happen to them. The
thought fulfilling universe doesn't understand the concept of "I don't want". If you spend your time dwelling
on negative things, that's what you're going to get.

The Law of attraction isn't going to solve all your problems overnight. But if you start practicing it on a
conscious level, eventually it will become second nature to you.

You won't have to steer your mind to thoughts of positive things. It will already be there. Positive thoughts
breed positive actions and reactions. Give it an honest try and you may be pleasantly surprised.
What if you didn't have to live payday to payday? What if you had all the money you wanted instead of
overwhelming debt? Maybe that sounds too good to be true. However, the Laws of Attraction can change
your financial outlook forever.

One part of the Laws of Attraction is that you get things according to the energy you put out into the world.
The universe will respond to it and send it back. For example, one person might go to the mailbox and say,
"I hope I don't get too many bills today." Another person might say, "I wonder who's sending me money

Who do you think will have a better mail day, on the average? The Laws of Attraction say that the person
who sends out the negative energy of worry and fear will get more to worry about and fear in return. The
person who is positive will get things to be joyful about, according to the Laws of Attraction. In this case,
he/she has a certain likelihood to actually get money in the mail.

Money itself may be one of the more difficult things to get through the Laws of Attraction. This is not
because the Laws of Attraction don't work as well. It's just because it's hard to be passionate about money
itself. It is easier to get excited about the things money buys.

The Laws of Attraction work hundreds of times better if you are very passionate about something. This
translates into a high level of positive energy, or vibration, that you are emitting into the universe. It works to
make things happen quickly. If you can get that excited about money itself, then the Laws of Attraction can
bring you the money you desire.

More likely, the things you will be the most enthusiastic about will not be little green slips of paper. They will
be vacations, houses, cars, maybe even airplanes. These things will excite you if you allow yourself to
dream about them. Then the Laws of Attraction can help you to get them.

If you want to use the Laws of Attraction, one way to intensify your desires is to find some visual way to
make them real. Take pictures of the things you want. Post them around your house where you will see
them often. Because the Laws of Attraction will bring you more of the energy you send out, make sure the
images in your home are conducive to a positive outlook.

Only when you are clear about exactly what you want can the Laws of Attraction work for you. Sometimes,
you can't actually take a picture. Sometimes it is easier to go through magazines and find pictures and
descriptions of what it is you want. Cut them out and hang them up. The more, the better. The Laws of
Attraction in the universe will respond to your desires.

Then, too, you can seek out your dreams by going on homes tours and test driving cars. Whatever you can
do to put yourself in contact with the reality of your dreams helps. It makes the Laws of Attraction work for
you. People say that money doesn't buy happiness. It's true that money alone can't make you happy.
However, if you use the Laws of Attraction to improve your financial situation, that can only be a good thing.
For many, "The Secret" hasn't been a secret for centuries. It's been going by different names. Every other
generation feels the need to rename it. To make it theirs. But changing the name doesn't change the idea.

The concept of "positive thinking" was the last topic and the "Law of Attraction" is the newest. But the focus
is still the same. What you think will happen, will happen. Your thoughts will manifest themselves into your
reality. The words change, but not the meaning.

Focusing on negative things will cause these negative things to become reality. If your life and mind are
filled with anger, hate and dissatisfaction, you will find yourself surrounded by those very same things.

Learning to focus your thoughts on positive things, love, happiness and contentment will have the desired
results and your life will be filled with these positive things.

Just wishing for the good things in life will not make them magically appear right before your eyes. It's a
learning process in which you teach yourself to change the way you think.

The average human mind tends to focus on the negative. Worrying about fears, whether real or imagined,
consumes much of our thought process. It's part of our survival instinct. Often this takes place on an
unconscious level, and we don't even notice these thoughts.

The Law of Attraction is the way to change your thinking process. Regardless of its name, the result is the
same: Improving your daily life through your thoughts.
These three steps are the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Whether we realize it or not, the Law is
always working. Positive attracting positive and negative attracting negative. Therefore skipping steps, may
cause results that differ greatly from what you intended.

Know what you desire and ask for it

Knowing what you want isn't as easy as it sounds. Aside from the basic physical needs, your mind is filled
with wants, desires and fears. Conscious and unconscious.

You need to know why you want the things you want. Maybe what you really want, isn't what you're asking
for at all. The conscious thoughts produce the same amount of energy as the unconscious ones. And if
they're contrary to one another, you're defeating yourself.

Believe that what you desire is already yours

Visualizing you having already achieved your desire is an important step. It's the "positive thinking" step.
Focusing on having it will create positive energy. The completion of your desire is a result of this positive


This step is the one where so many people lose it. It's the completion of your desire. Allow yourself to
acknowledge your right to have your wishes fulfilled.

For many accepting this is the hardest part. If you consciously or unconsciously feel you don't deserve what
you're asking for, you won't get it. If you don't believe you're worthy of having your desires come true, they
never will.
When Opposites Attract

When working with magnets you will quickly learn that polar opposites attract. This means that the
negatively charged pole will be attracted to the positively charged pole and the two will connect together with
very little user effort. The same rule applies in chemistry. Negatively charged particles will be attracted to
positively charged particles. Why? Because the negatively charged particles have something that the
positively charged particles want.

The same is true of people. Sometimes people who are very similar join together and live a happy existence;
they enjoy the same music, have the same values and do the same activities on Friday nights. They have
the same group of friends and attend the same church every Sunday morning.

Sometimes this is not the case and two people who are polar opposites are drawn together. Usually this is
because one or the other of them has something that the other wants. A person who is generally very
cynical and pessimistic may be drawn to someone with a sense of eternal optimism. An individual who has
spent their whole life following the rules dictated by society for proper behavior may be drawn to a free spirit
who is content to live their life the way that they see fit, regardless of the opinions of others.

Such matches at times may prove to be volatile, resulting in an explosion and the secondary damages that
go along with it. Other times they may balance each other, as in the case of the positively and negatively
charged electrons; the particles are neutralized when they are mixed together. These matches have long
since stumped psychologists and others looking at these relationships from a purely subjective viewpoint.
How can two people who have nothing in common form a strong, successful relationship? What they do not
realize is that it is simply yet another example of nature's own selection principles at work.

Forming a relationship with someone who is your polar opposite is not always going to be easy, regardless
of how well you complement each other. You are going to have different viewpoints on different issues and
different lifestyles to boot. The most important factors in these types of relationships are patience and
understanding. Remember that you knew they were very different from you when you chose to embark on
this relationship; you cannot expect them to change now.

Before you choose to permanently commit to someone who is your opposite there are a few questions you
are going to need to answer. What are their differences in the things that matter? (home, children, etc.) Can
you be happy with these differences? If the answer to the second question is no it would be wise to take a
step back from the relationship before committing to something that you cannot step back from. If, on the
other hand, the answer is yes prepare to enjoy a lifetime that, while it will never be smooth, will certainly
never be boring.
Anybody with the passion, the willingness and the heart to help people can become a life coach. The
problem though is that they are not enough to make you a qualified more so an effective life coach. You
need training and mentoring. But life coach training can cost with range of $3000 to $6000.

What if you do not have that much money? Does this mean your dream of becoming a life coach is over?
Well, not quite. There are ways of having an affordable life coach training.


Just like in schooling, you can also avail of a scholarship to help you pursue your dreams of becoming a life
coach. There are different companies out their who are willing to help you as long as you are qualified and
have the eagerness to be one.

One approach is if you are currently working as an employee of a certain company. You can inquire whether
you have scholarships or programs that would provide you with what you need. Most companies nowadays
provide such privileges to their employees since the whole company can benefit from life coaching.

If a scholarship program or training is not existent in your company, you could bring it up with your boss or
bosses and suggest the need for one. Most often than not, these programs will be 100% free of charge.

Another approach to this is applying for a scholarship to any of the top coaching academies. One of these
institutions is the International Coach Academy.

International Coach Academy is one of the world leaders when it comes coach training. They provide
quality, affordable and accessible training. The Professional Coach Training Program they have is certified
by the International Coach Federation. Best of all they provide scholarships to people who deserve it. Their
scholarship program gives scholars a 50% off from the training fees.

Looking For A Mentor

Another way of having an affordable life coach training is by having a mentor. If you are determined enough,
you can look for somebody, a life coach, who is willing to take you as an apprentice. This may not be formal
training but it does not mean that it will be less effective. Always remember that experience is better than
any teacher or trainer and your life coach mentor has this.

Of course it is not that easy to find someone who, in just a snap of your fingers, would jump in and become
your mentor. You need to gain their trust as well as you need to show that you really are determined to
become one. A "real" life mentor, once has seen that you have the passion and determination, will help you
in any way he or she can.


If none of the above works for you and you still would not want to give up, then this is your last resort – self
training. Self training would require you to have different source of information one of which are the books.
There are a lot of books that pertain to life coaching but you need not to buy one. These books are readily
available in your local libraries.

Another source of information is the Internet. The information superhighway has a plethora of information
regarding life coaching. You just need to be cautious though of which information you would use or not
depending on where you got them. Choose sources on the Internet that are credible.
Becoming a life coach is not as easy as it seems. And the truth of the matter is, life coaching is not for
everybody. A person needs to posses some particular characteristics or traits required before he or she is
considered to have the potential of becoming a life coach.

Why A Life Coach

Why indeed do people want to become life coaches? There are two possible answers to this question. First
is that being a life coach is very rewarding when talking about money. If you are an effective life coach with a
constant stream of clients flowing in then you can rake in a lot of money.

The second answer on why people want to become life coaches is that life coaches can get a feeling of
fulfillment and satisfaction. As a life coach, you have the ability to make lifestyle changes on your clients.
You can help them develop and improve. You become a part of your client's growth and achieve great
results in his or her life.

Characteristics of a Potential Life Coach

As have been stated life coaching is not for everybody. A person must have certain qualifying characteristics
for him or her to be able to become an effective one.

First and foremost, the most essential characteristic of a potential life coach is the eagerness to help people.
In the job of life coaching, a genuine urge to help will be very important for the effectiveness of life coaching.
Without this eagerness, a life coach will just easily lose patience and give up on their clients.

Second, a potential life coach must be a good listener. If you are the type of person who talks and talks 24/7
then life coaching is not for you. As a life coach, it is very important to listen to your clients. You will get all
the information that you need through your conversations and if you do not know how to listen, then you will
not be able to make an effective program for the client.

Third, a potential life coach has the characteristic of the willingness to be trained. A person can't just
become a life coach just because of his or her eagerness to become one. A life coach will have to undergo
several trainings to be able to learn different methods that can be utilized during sessions with clients. The
training process takes time and may take some fair amount of money.

Your Future As A Life Coach

If you fit all the criteria above then you have the potential to become a life coach. So what is in store for you
when you become a life coach?

Monetarily speaking, life coaching is a good source of income. Being a life coach is a very lucrative
business. In fact, a lot of people make a living out of being a life coach. But before taking that leap there
some things you should consider:

- Is it worth leaving your current job and become a full time life coach?

- Can life coaching maintain your current way of living?

- Are you willing to take the risk of running your own business?

These are the 3 questions that matter before becoming a life coach. But if life coaching truly is your passion
then by all means do not let anybody stop you and soar high.

Life coaching is a relatively new method of teaching people and helping them achieve their goals. Some use
it for business while some use it for personal gains. Nevertheless, the endless pursuit of human
achievement and contentment has proven a very important thing to ponder.

Man has ever been in constant inquiry of what to do in life, finding a reason of existence and using words of
wisdom to live by. Sages and wise men have sprung from the center of civilization, imparting declarations of
thoughts for other men to inculcate in their way of living.

One of these wise men is Takeda Shingen, a well known samurai of the mid 16th century. He focused on
the mere existence of a human being as a thinking being. In one of his famous lines, he said "Intelligence is
the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

This gives rise to a concept reaching beyond mere intelligence of man just being able to think clearly and do
the right responses in adherence to society. The intelligence he speaks of is a proactive intelligence, a type
of intelligence in which humans are able to go the extra mile in using his mind. This is the kind of intelligence
wherein man is capable of applying his knowledge and having that imparted thought bear fruit.

Man here is tasked to have an objective of being productive. Many people think well and think fast and
straight, but many fall short of thinking why he is thinking over something. Had it been that people use their
minds and help others think better as well, then it becomes quite different. There is now a co-active
coaching done and that both help the helper and the beneficiary in terms of learning from each other.

The Modern Samurai

Whenever someone thinks of a samurai, one can not help but conjure a thought of lightweight armors, sword
fighting, and honor system, all of which is in preparation of the upcoming battle. The enemies are always
present to bother and pester, but the thought of being prepared for battle and meditating that each day is a
day to die makes the samurai a strong person emotionally and spiritually.

Modern times include all the people from all walks of life, living in this contemporary setting where almost
everything is automated and makes manual labor almost non-existent. Because of this, the people are pitted
to use their minds in order to survive this competitive world where even friends have the tendency to out
learn and outmode other friends.

A modern man who thinks that he should only interact and complement the society's demands definitely
needs proper intelligence to communicate. That man may have thought of the right idea, but the real
question now lies as to how they would implement it in their lives and to be good sharers as well.

Like a samurai who is a servant to his master. He is guided by his principles to maintain his honor. The
modern samurai is a person living amidst technology, serving his own type of master: himself. Without
application of his intellect, he will still be able to serve others but will not be able to find any meaning to his
existence and why he is doing something for others.

He should first learn how to serve himself to know that the self has been taught. How can someone coach
others if he cannot learn to coach himself first? That is the way of the modern samurai – learning to teach
the self to be aware what to teach others. That is bushido life coaching.
A lot of people want to become life coaches. Life coaching is both a monetarily fulfilling as well as an
emotionally satisfying job. But becoming a coach is not as easy as it seems. You need to have the right
attitude and the proper training to become an effective life coach. Most often than not, someone who is
interested to be in this line of job need to attend a life coach school. So how do you choose a life coach

Life Coach School

There is a myriad of life coach schools all over the world but only a percentage of them can really be
considered as schools that provide quality training. There are certain criteria that you should consider when
choosing a school to train in.

First thing that you should consider is its training program. Although there is no governed education and
training for life coaching, there are certain self-appointed groups that are recognized all over the world.
These are the International Coach Federation (ICF), the European Coaching Institute (ECI), and
International Association of Coaching (IAC).

These organizations provide different training programs of great quality. The school you should choose is an
institution that adheres to the standards provided by any of these organizations.

Another aspect that you should consider is experience. How long has the school been in the life coach
training business? A school that has been established for quite some time would have had the experience
as well as the expertise to train their students effective life coaching techniques.

Feedback is also another factor that you should consider when choosing a school. Know what are the
advantages and disadvantages of the school from the points of view of their trainees. Most often than not,
feedbacks are unbiased.

Last but not the least, when choosing a life coach school, you should take into consideration the training
fees. Life coach training can range anywhere from $3000 - $6000. Make sure that the fees you may incur for
the training can be accommodated in your budget. It would also be good to inquire whether the school
provide scholarships or other programs that may help their trainees financially.

The School Can Only Do So Much

No matter how good a life coach school is but if a person does not have the right attitude to become a life
coach then everything becomes meaningless. There are a lot of people who wants to become life coaches
but some of them are there for the wrong reason – money making. Yes it is true that life coaching is a
lucrative job and a lucrative business. And yes there is nothing wrong with money making.

But you should keep in mind that in life coaching, you are holding the future of a person in your hands. If you
are doing it just for the sake of money making there is a big chance that you will just do the job half-

To become a life coach you need to have the proper attitude. You need to have the passion as well as the
heart to help people. Make the money making part your secondary goal. Helping people should be the top

With good training from a life coach school plus the right attitude, then you can be a very effective life coach
who could make a positive change in other people.
The Social Thinking Being

Human beings are social beings, living out each of their lives in the company and presence of others. There
is no known claim that a person can live on his own without degrading himself less of a human being. Each
person, being social as he is interacts with the people he comes into contact with.

The normal process of learning would be for each person to impart something, a thought, a practice, a
belief, a philosophy, or the mere absence becomes the learning experience for the other to start seeking for
answers to be properly integrated into the self.

Throughout the lifetime of a human being, he will be able to share himself and be shared with by others. The
influences that subtly change a person into what he is during the present is what he got from coaching for
life by those he had been with.

Coaching for life is quite simple to comprehend. It is the way an individual's personality having an effect with
those people in his environment. The closer they are physically, and socially will probably have a greater
impartment and thus would have a greater change in the attitude and behavior.

Though not necessarily impertinent in the sense that it overshadows another person's fundamental
behavior, it deviates and shifts the behavior of a person. It becomes a two way process for the involved
people, and a two way process to the individual.

The Paired Two Way Process

Coaching for life could cause either positive or negative results to the other individual. The same goes for
that same person by the people around him. Depending on what is more influential; a specific mindset is
subjected to a myriad of possible outcomes in terms of belief, attitude, and philosophy in life.

Morality is only a supplemental factor in determining what type of person arises from the many interactions
he may get throughout his lifetime.

Like a river run dry, any new rainfall will definitely fill up the dry riverbed, but the water that would fill the
riverbed may be murky due to the accumulated dirt when it dried up. Over the course of time, water coming
from the mountains, filtered and cleansed will start to replace the murky water that once occupied it.

Our characters are analogous to this dry river bed. We are always an empty vessel in constant need of
social interaction and the quality of character building depends on the people who carry the "water" that
would fill us. Coaching for life is an essential part of staying human, being able to think, feel, reason out, and
take action with the events that come our way.

It Never Ends

Even those who have physically passed away still have their philosophies immortalized by those who have
been affected deeply. Coaching for life may extend beyond the grave through the legacies these dead
personalities leave behind for others to ponder upon. A classic example would be the teachings of faith by
Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, and similar religious entities to their followers.

Several hundreds, perhaps thousands of years have already passed and yet, their words and teachings are
still kept as guides for spiritual growth and personal contentment.

Coaching for life for these personalities have been immortalized to such extent because of their great impact
to the people who accepted their philosophies and beliefs as their own.
Spiritual life coaching is one field of life coaching that concentrates on uplifting the spirit of the client. This
method is widely common now days. This approach affects the different material aspects of life by dealing
first with its immaterial aspect, the spirit.

Spirituality may be a vague term. Its meaning can be subjective, depending on the person who uses the
word. It can either be religious or not. But definitely it comes from within a person. Coaching in this field is
tapping that inner spirit to become active and in turn change a persons" life.


This type of coaching focuses on what is essential in your life. Your inspiration to live may have died or you
are dried out due to the toxicity and stresses of everyday life. This approach would fill up that yearning inside
you once again and the revival of your spirit is achieved.

Its product being tranquility, peace of mind, motivation, fulfillment, and simply the balance in life can be


At the beginning of the process you will be asked to evaluate your life. Here you get to see the vital areas of
your so-called life and rate it on how exactly you are doing along with it. Your coach will guide you through
this process of evaluation in order for both of you see what would be the best approach for you.

Discovering Yourself

After you evaluate, you would discover a lot about your life that you didn't consciously know before. Here
you will see the waterloos of your life. You get to discover your highs and lows, those points to work on, your
personal assets and characteristics.

You would also get to see your behaviors that you need to get rid off, improve, or keep. Self-awareness is
achieved and a sense of individuality is gained. In this process, it is not your coach that discovers you, but it
is of your own doing that you discover yourself.

Guiding Points

Your coach won't be the one to answer your life's problems. He is just there to guide you through it by
pointing out the problems that you have to work on. Thought provoking questions is asked to you to analyze
and see the real deal of your difficulty. He layouts the different alternatives or solutions, but then you are still
to be the one to decide.

Renovations And Innovations

Lastly, a spiritual coach can help you renovate your life, in the sense that your old spirit that has acquired
damages can be repaired. It is really hard to get rid of old habits especially if you had them for years, but
with having a life coach this is very much possible.

Innovations can be done too, in which your broken spirit isn't just repaired but also improved to the best it
can be. You can acquire new behaviors that are actually good for you. You get to improve on different fields
in life. In effect of having a renewed spirit is the price of having a new life too.

Spiritual coaching is not relying on your coach to pray for you or do mantras or perform spiritual ritual acts
on you. It is your spirit that is worked on, thus your own willing participation is needed. Basically, it is making
you see the diamond behind the coal of your spirit.
Oriental Value

Whenever I get to watch Japanese-inspired samurai movies, it catches my attention that the main character
has a purpose in undertaking what he is supposed to do, even if it means risking and sacrificing his own life.
This purpose of finishing a certain task is not only bound to duty but to something more important,
something deeper.

I usually am able to discern that the purpose of being is rooted in honor and self respect. My conscience
gives me a coaching in life for honor to be sought.

A samurai is not only concerned with his personal objectives but it is intertwined with a sense of self
preservation which is more than what can be perceived tangibly, even by other people. Honor for the
samurai is his most cherished and well kept treasure. Without it or losing it would mean shame and a loss of

It is the pride of the samurai to continue to exist in this world of interaction. Honor is the badge of self
respect he commands from other people. It is indeed important.

There was also a time which I remembered during one of my previous jobs wherein I was administering a
myriad of online gamers who paid for gaming service. Each day that I worked as a game master, I made
sure that there were no exploits or cheats done by the players that would compromise the integrity of the
game, as well as the other players.

Self Implication

However, it couldn't be avoided that there would be anomalies and corruption even in such an ideally
conceived work. I was not the only game master working. I had colleagues, some of which had different sets
of principles. It came to a point that some sort of dishonesty happening between unethical players and
immoral game masters. I was knowledgeable of the "under-the-table" transactions of some of the players to
have their online gaming characters hyped up.

Even if I could also make easy money from joining the bandwagon, money was not important to me, and so I
confronted these colleagues of mine and talked with them about it. It seemed that there would be no
compromise that is going to happen so I decided to resign because I couldn't blindly work in an honorable
manner when my colleagues wouldn't.

It just implies that I value my sense of self respect and honor. I would rather go do an action if it would mean
that I would gain the two before mentioned. Of course there are times when I make the wrong decisions, but
not because I deliberately compromised and gave up my honor for something shallow such as money or
fame or the like. Honor, like that of a samurai is important to me. It is my badge of respect that I can
command others to impart with me as I do with others as well.

I shall preserve and maintain this treasure that I have, and that which others may never get or steal from me.
It may diminish with mistakes that I do in my life, but as long as my sanity commands to strive for the
betterment of this, I shall remain internally self fulfilled.

If there would be something I may do to increase it, I will do as long as I am able to carry out the task
properly. Honor will be one of my root principles as I live in this earth. Honor as a coach in life is intangible
yet, it is one of the most concrete things speaking of my identity.
The Realization

I remember that day when my girlfriend and I parted ways almost two years ago. For a couple who had been
together for almost 6 years, it was very disturbing to think that I would be starting the next day being single. I
did not know where to start. I had been accustomed to having her beside me all the time, being with her
practically almost every moment I was not engaged in my academics and extra-curricular activities.

I didn't know who I was anymore. Six months of grief and feeling of loss passed. I had been constantly
seeking refuge and solace in my church as I attended midweek and Sunday services, but none seemed
soothing and assuring. I had no one to rest my weary shoulders. I needed someone coaching lives and
telling me what I should do.

It was only when I had started to practice my Quiet Time (personal talk and devotion with God) did I find the
answer. I woke up at 5:30am to devote my personal time to Him alone, and in that moment I opened up the
Bible, a message struck me and moved me intensely. The message was always there waiting for me to read
it and understand His message. The message was all about me. It said that I am His child, who was created
in His image, love and glory.

It knocked much sense into me. Here I was, all too busy to find a very shallow meaning of how I would be
able to carry myself being apart from what I was so used to that I forgot Him; that all things that I am was
about Him; that what I have and what I should be doing should be for Him. I realized that I am His son, who
is a manifestation of His glory and greatness.

I realized that I have to seek Him first and his righteousness. With that, I would be given what my heart
desires in His good time. I was able to know now my purpose of existence.

The Inspiration

A new desire for Him instead was born from within. In order to know myself better, I would have to know
where I came from and what my purpose was. That would be recognized and renewed each day that I seek
God. With it I have a purpose: to be an instrument of getting others closer back to Him and spreading His
word of the beauty and wonders of having passion and faith, and His promise of everlasting life and
blessings far more abundant than what we, as humans are limited to comprehend.

It didn't take much time to seek Him. He was there – always was. He was just waiting for me to stop and
actually look His way and acknowledge His presence. The rest was history. Sometimes we already have the
answers but we fail to look at the places nearest us.

We tend to look for something quick that we forget that when we speed up our pace, it becomes harder for
us to focus on things that whiz past us quickly.

By living our lives with Him and his righteousness do we become life's coaches. We may not know it but as
long as we have inspiration of Him in us as our fuel, it wouldn't be that hard for us to actually go about and
not notice that we ourselves are becoming instruments in coaching lives.
People live to exist and with existence along comes purpose. It is that one inevitable thing that every one
yearns for. It is usually the only thing that is left missing in a lot of people's lives. That's why a lot of people
now days cease to live their lives, and the main reason is? –They don't have a purpose to do so.

You may think that finding that sole purpose in life is very much impossible. Then if that's the case, you
better think twice. There are ways to find what you are looking for if you look at the right places. It's not that
easy to find that purpose, but it is possible and having a life purpose coach would be of great help.

Defining Roles

In this kind of coaching program, you are able to sort out your life and seek out your purpose. It won't be
your coach who will find it but of course it would be you, because you are the only one capable of doing that,
but you would need your coach to guide you through the process to see a clearer perspective of things.

No Arrows To Lead You

Sometimes you may feel that you are lost. You do daily tasks and activities just out of routine. There's a big
intersection ahead of you and you don't know which direction to take or pursue.

In situations like these, your coach would be your guiding path. He would let you see the different routes you
can take, the pros and cons of each direction and your means of going through that path.

When Everything Gets Stuck

On moments that you feel you are stuck with your life. When all aspects have seem to be successful yet
there is no feeling of contentment or fulfillment at all. When you think that there is no more steps to take,
your coach will be the one to show you that little extra step you need in finding what you are looking for.

Being Who You Really Are

Purpose is not dictated by the things that you do. Each of us has our own, and this is in our system from the
day we are born. Sadly, a lot of factors in our lives are culprits on why it got lost. Factors such as family,
peer, social, academic and even media influences us and makes us be unable to find our point of living.

Here, you get to honestly appraise your life and see what factors are over shadowing that purpose in you. In
the process you get to know yourself even more. You see in a new light your beliefs, joys, sadness and what
matters the most. It can be a scary process but in the end you get that enlightenment like no other.

You will be able to see what matters most. You get to set your real goals and aspirations. In a gradual
process led by your coach, you can achieve them in no time.

Your inner dreams and real wanting in life could be revealed and trying to achieve that would lead to that
sense of contentment for you. A new lay out of your life will be formed and this would bring you back the joy
in living. That excitement that was lost would be found once again and you can start existing the way you
are supposed to!
Are you insightful? Do you like working with people and having fun? If you have the heart, the enthusiasm,
and the passion to be of service then life coaching is a good area of profession to consider. First things first
though, you have to get proper training, and courses in psychology if possible,

Why Become A Life Coach

Have you ever gotten that feel good tingling when you know you've done something right? And that because
you've helped someone, more people like and appreciate you? Well life coaching is very rewarding, both in
a monetary and emotional sense. Helping someone grow, develop and succeed in life is a triumph that is
shared by a life coach. You as life coach are now part of your client's life; you help them reach the pinnacle
of success. Aside from that, if you are an excellent life coach you can earn as much as $10,000.00 a month.
A good life coach means a steady stream of clients, and this equals to income.

1, 2, 3 What Should A Life Coach Be?

Life coaching may sound easy, but it is not for everybody. Remember that you will be bearing the burdens of
your client. You have to have a certain gift of wanting to help for you to be able to bear the life of another
individual. Being a life coach entails huge responsibilities, so you have to possess certain characteristics
that are indispensable.

The most essential quality a life coach must have is the ability to listen and empathize. Sympathizing is
feeling for the client, empathizing is putting your self in those clients" shoes. By empathizing you are able to
visualize a client's life and reflect it to him so he sees how he is like, similar to looking into the mirror. What's
more you can make activities that are more appropriate and individualized. The key to being a successful life
coach is being able to listen without planning the rebuttal in your head.

Second is the ability to control ones urge to give advices. A life coach does not tell the client what to do. The
life coach helps the client realize what it is he or she is looking for. A guide must be fun loving and
innovative. The basis of life coaching is creating packets and interactive programs that aide the client in
internalizing and realizing potentials, wants, desires, and goals.

Lastly a life coach must be eager to help, and from this eagerness arises the desire to be trained. A life
coach's job is critical. You have to be able to recognize who needs encouragement and who has a serious
problem. Life coaching is highly criticized because a lot of people claim as experts without proper training.
Do not be one of those people. Get education and training.

Where To Get Training

Local community college's offer courses in psychology, and there is always abundance in training and
seminars out there. It is imperative that a potential life coach get some psychological education. Although life
coaching only deals with the sunny side of life and the minimal problems to be able to properly help the
client's basic lessons in how the human psyche works is important. Making coaching game plans need a
little nit of psychological knowledge.

It's Not Just Something You Try

Life coaching is serious business. We are dealing with people's lives, one mistake and somebody's life gets
Maslow's hierarchy of needs

There are times when we are at our lowest and become desperately in need of all the right answers. Even
how much we try to think straight, we are just so overwhelmed by our troubles that we allow it to just fade us
away from our capability of being a thinking being. We succumb to the woes of despair when we have
nothing supporting us.

We lose belief in ourselves. We need someone or something to bring us out of the dark, lest we yield to
death. When all else fail, we are held by one last effort to preserve our sanity. An entity we can not even see
or touch or hear, we call it faith – the invisible life coach.

We are dependent on many things in order to live peacefully and in harmony of ourselves and with others.
According to Maslow, a theorist during the 2nd World War stated that there are levels of motivation which
drives a man to be productive and positive.

Humans start with the basic Physiological needs like food and shelter, then seeks safety with socialization,
then seeks love and belonging from the social group, then proceeds with self esteem security from the
outcome of the previous three items, then reaches the pinnacle of harmonious human thinking which is self-
actualization, being able to integrate all the areas of needs into the self.

It is true that man has a way to gather these needs and actually make it his basis for self contentment, but
one major flaw in this is the possibility of a deficiency in getting all these which results to a breakdown of the
whole hierarchy of needs and puts the person back in the shadows of gloom.

Though the first five needs are ever present for the individual to gather and integrate, it needs a binding
base and a holding top layer. Whenever the hierarchical needs crumble, the person can still hold on to a thin
but durable layer to work his way back up, and when he is able to reconstruct until self-actualization, he is
able to hold it in place with the same layer.

This is where faith comes in. A sturdy belief in the unseen and believing that it will keep sanity in place is
something more than self-actualization as it goes beyond normal human thinking and tangible

The souls alternate type of fuel

We have learned to rise above the ashes time and time again. Others may have failed and allowed
themselves to be destroyed totally. Yet until we are breathing, we have the capability to turn things around
and hurl ourselves back into wellness.

We are given a mind to think of what to do, a heart to keep us strong against pessimistic events, and a body
to perform the necessary actions. The soul is the collective being of our mind, body, and heart. It can still
exist with a lack of the other, and is seated in the mind.

This altered existing entity no one sees drives each one of us to simply exist. We do not see, hear, hold, or
comprehend it, but we know it is there. We know that each of our souls need its own motivation, and it
needs a fuel which is ethereal to suit the ethereal life of our spirits.

Faith, among all others is the belief that we could hang on to when the material world fails us. Faith is the
food to our soul to keep our most basic existence in place, may it be with something, a deity, or any other
unseen object. It participates in our day to day living just like a life coach, only this time; it is invisible, yet
stronger than any other life coach that we may encounter.
Life has a lot of uncertainties; you"ll never know what you"re going to get the next day or the other. You
make decisions that slowly complete the masterpiece of your life. However, things don't always go smoothly
as expected.

If you"re feeling lost in the track of your life, or just simply unsure of what to do, getting someone trustworthy
that can help you is a wise decision. On the other hand, if you feel like you've already got everything that
you need yet that one little thing that keeps you from feeling complete, on either case a life coach can help
you for personal development.

How Does It Work?

By getting a service like this, you are given a personal coach with whom you are given scheduled meetings
either by phone, email or personal meetings, depending on the service available of the service provider or
what you prefer. These sessions run through a period of time, where you can bring up your personal
problems or those areas in life that you are a little lost with.

Work is done by the coach by focusing on you and targets your needs individually. You get to develop new
skills and habits that you would integrate into your everyday life. This change in behavior is for the
improvement of your personality and the betterment of your daily struggles. In the end a much improved you
is what you"ll see in the mirror.

Areas Of Improvement

In a program like this, you are helped on different areas of improvement. These areas include different
aspects of life such as mental, emotional, physical, social, aesthetic, spiritual and professional. With having
the right skill, you will be able to cope up with the every day stresses these areas give. You can also
concentrate on a certain area if the situation asks of it.

Going Professional

In the buzz of your professional life, an example of how a coach can help you are by making decisions like,
starting out a new business, or even taking it to a higher level, and making a career move. Be able to
answer yourself honestly if you are truly happy with your job or maybe it's not fit for you after all.

Social Wellness

By getting into a program, you can improve your socialization skills too. You get to learn how to improve
your behavior when around other people and so that they can like you. Or if you have other socialization
concerns, your coach would be open to talk about it.

Setting Your Goals

Not only do coaches concentrate on those areas but on goals and dreams as well. He would help you to be
able to set your goals and achieve them. You can see your dreams much clearly and turn them into reality.

Getting Physical

Your coach will not be a physical trainer, but instead he will be your motivator. He can refer you to a
professional physical program if you need one. He can help you by encouraging you to stick to the regimen
for you to achieve that goal you are aiming for.

Moving Forward

In whatever area in life that you are having a problem with, your life coach will be there ready to help you. If
you feel stuck at some point, he would make you take the step to forget and move forward. Just remember,
that he is not the one that will do the work. It's still you that can change your life to the best it can be!
Being a life coach is one of the most fulfilling jobs in the whole world. A life coach has the ability to make life
changes to another person. As opposed to the common notion, life coaching is not for everybody and not
just anyone can become an effective life coach. If you have the potential of becoming a life coach then
pursue this career path. Also you should know how to become a certified life coach since it will help you gain
the confidence of potential clients.

What are the Advantages of Becoming A Certified Life Coach

After your high school graduation what do you get? A high school diploma or certificate. After college
graduation what do you get? Another diploma or certificate. When attending seminars, what do participants
get at the end? Certificates. So in life coaching, what does it mean to be certified? Does it have any

In high school or college, diplomas and certificates are proof that you have complied with all the
requirements needed to pass high school and move on to the next level which is college. The same goes
when a person graduates from college. The diploma and certificates signify that that certain person has
completed all the necessary requirements and is ready to move on to the next level.

You may observe that some job applications require you to be either a high school graduate or a college
graduate and with your diplomas as proof. The same thing goes with life coaching. More people will flock to
you if you have certification.

The advantage of having a certificate is that it stands as a proof that you really are a life coach. In the world
today, there are a lot of "not so good people" who take advantage of other people. Anybody can claim that
they are life coaches when in fact they are not. A life coach with a certificate will be more comfortable saying
that he or she is a life coach since there is proof to back this up.

Getting Certified

So how do you become a certified life coach? Although life coaching has no official governing body that
approves standards, there are 3 self-appointed organization though that take on the job. These
organizations are the International Coach Federation, European Coaching Institute, and International
Association of Coaching.

When you go for your training as a life coach, it would be best to choose a school or institution that provides
training programs which are certified by the International Coach Federation. This will ensure you that you will
really undergo a training program of great quality which have been proven and tested through time.

There are life coaches though that, even without certificates are really doing their jobs effectively. They have
built their name through referrals and good feedback from their client. But even with this kind of status, it
would still be best to get certified.

This will not only give you a certified status but through the certification training one will be able to get new
information and knowledge regarding life coaching.
The term life coach has become a household name. People have started to accept the importance of life
coaches in their lives.

All of us will experience difficulties and hardships at least a few times in our lifetime. And when these events
happen, a person can either succumb to the difficulties and bury himself or herself in it or overcome these
difficulties and rise above them. A life coach can make that difference.

But with the number of life coaches growing everyday, how do find the right life coach for you? In this article,
you will given the basics of how to look for a life coach.

Determine What You Need

Just like choosing a life coach over baseball coaches, football coaches and basketball coaches, you also
need to choose what kind of life coach do you want. Life coaches also have specializations meaning there
are certain areas that they are really good at.

First thing's first, you need to know what you need. Do you need a life coach that will help you determine
your goals and achieve them? Do you need a life coach who will help you with your career path? Do you
need a life coach who will help you in your business? There are a lot of different possible aspects and you
need to know which one.

Life Coaching Style

Life coaches do things differently from each other. They all have the same goals but they differ in
methodologies. You can make the life coaching style a criteria when looking for a life coach. There may be
certain methods, styles and techniques that you are not comfortable with so better know them as early as
possible. You can also ask a life coach before you start your sessions so the both of you can make the
necessary adjustments if there is a need to.

Somebody You Are Comfortable With

There are times that even though it is just the first time you have a met with a person, you already have that
uncomfortable feeling towards that person. This could be an indication that you are not compatible with him
or her. You can also apply this when looking for a life coach. You can try talking and testing the waters.

If you do not feel comfortable with that life coach, then do not go through with it. An uncomfortable
environment is not conducive for development and improvement. Any session you will have will be futile in
such an environment.


Anybody can claim that he or she is a life coach. You need to be careful with this people. When looking for a
life coach, it would be good to ask whether he or she has a certification or proof of life coach training. But do
not just accept any kind of certification.

There is a self-appointed body that tries to set standards when it comes to training programs. This group is
called International Coach Federation. The ICF provides training programs certified to be effective for

In fairness to other life coaches, there are those who have no certification yet really are great life coaches.
They are usually known by word of mouth. If you encounter anyone life coach of this status, you may know
more information on the effectiveness of his or her services through the feedback of clients.
There is a certain point in time when a person becomes dissatisfied with his or her life. He or she might be
thinking that there is something more for him or her out there. It could be about the job, about love, about
financial disposition or about life in general. If you feel this way then you may be in need of a life coach.

Life Coach and Life Coaching

A life coach is the same as a baseball coach, a basketball coach or a football coach. The coaches teach and
train the players to change faulty habits, develop and improve so that they may become better players. A life
coach is similar to them. He or she coaches people to change faulty habits, develop and improve the
different aspects of their lives for them to determine and achieve their goals in life.

Life coaching is the process of developing and improving a person's life. It is a partnership between a client
and a coach for a certain period of time. The partners will have sessions that will focus on the client's needs
and other issues.

Through these sessions, the life coach will help the client develop different strategies and solutions to
improve. This is an interaction between two persons and it is not only the life coach who will be making the
decisions. The client will be actively involved especially in the decision making process.

Why Do You Need Life Coaching

The point in time when you want change (as have been mentioned in the beginning) can quickly come and
go. But this will be recurring from time to time which can become a bother. So what are you going to do
about it? Is it okay to let this happen for the rest of your life? Is it okay not to do anything about it?

Is it okay to feel dissatisfied? With a life coach, you will be given a helping hand that will guide you to take
that big leap and change for the better. He or she will be there to aid in determining the right path for you to
take to improve and feel satisfied with your life.

Benefits of Having A Life Coach

A life coach will help you ponder on what you want, why you want it, and how you can achieve it. He or she
will aid you in taking the steps from where you are now to where you want to be. A life coach will give
encouragement and provides support, confidence as well as motivation for you to achieve your goals.

Will You Really Benefit From It

Anyone can benefit from life coaching. It does not matter where you are or who you are, for as long as you
want changes and improvements in your life, you will benefit from having a life coach.

Life coaches have been effective when it comes to the different aspects of life. This includes financial
success, career, health, personal skills & confidence, happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment. It all depends
on you on what aspect of your life you need help with.


So do you really need a life coach? The only one who can answer this now is yourself. The basics of life
coaching and life coaches have laid down before you and it is up for you to decide whether you need a life
coach or not.
Being a life coach can be one of the most fulfilling jobs in the world. You can help people with their lives and
make money at the same time. But being a life coach is not an easy job.

A person aspiring to be a life coach needs to have proper training as well as the heart and determination to
help people. For those who want to be a life coach, here are some tips and pieces of advice on how to be a
life coach.

Definition of Life Coach and Life Coaching

You may already have some personal ideas of what a life coach is and what he or she does. Some
information of this may be true and some may be not. To remove any misconceptions of the job of being a
life coach, it would be good to learn what a life coach and what life coaching really is all about.

Life coaching is rooted in the methods of executive coaching which were derived from techniques that were
develop in leadership training and management consulting. It also forged its principles from different
disciplines like psychology, sociology, mentoring, career development and positive adult development.
Because of these though, it has been a misconception that life coaching is a kind of therapy but is actually

A life coach is someone who practices life coaching. He or she is someone who helps other people
determine and achieve their goals. They use different methods to do this. Methods of life coaches include
behavior modification, mentoring, behavior modeling, values assessment, and goal setting. They may also
modify existing methods depending on the client to make the coaching more effective. Again, life coaches
should not be considered as psychologists or therapists.

The Willingness To Help

One of the most important traits that an aspiring life coach should posses is the willingness to help people. If
you are just in because of the financial benefits of life coaching then it would be better to look for another job
or business. In life coaching, you should always think of helping first before thinking of the profit.

Communication Skills

Life coaching is communicating. In this job, you will always be interacting with people of different behavior,
attitude and backgrounds in life. As a life coach, it is very important that you have good communication
skills. You should know how to convey the ideas that you want your clients to hear.

Communication skills is not only about talking and conveying your ideas. It is also important for a life coach
to know how to listen. In this line of job, listening is a skill that is critically important for its success.

Undergo Training

The willingness to help and communication skills are definitely crucial to posses but they will not be enough.
As have been stated in the definition, life coaches make use of different methods to help their clients. Of
course these methods will not just occur to anyone.

As an aspiring life coach, you need to undergo different training programs as well as related seminars. This
will provide you with the skills on how to help your future clients. With the help of training, you will be armed
with the tools of the trade.

These are the 3 most important things you should consider on how to be a life coach. And not just any life
coach but a life coach who can effectively help other people.
The Requirements

There are a lot of academic institutions which offer courses, trainings, and seminars on how to become a life
coach. Many of these contemporary schools of thought and practice are situated in UK and adjacent
countries like Scotland, Denmark and other European countries. Including the United States of America, the
thought of life coaching has easily spread and gained popularity in every corner of the world.

So what does it take to become a life coach? One may actually try and seek for courses offered in the
internet and access institutions offering them. Some may even try and think that there are set authorities in
determining what a life coach student may have, feel, undergo, and train for in order to become a licensed

Fortunately, this social science is not considered to be the basis for self stature in relation to commerce and
industry, or any other thing. Life coaching is more than that.

Being a life coach does not require anything obligated to academics. Training to become one is more of
guidance from previous successful life coaches like Judge, Cowell, Whitworth, Kimsey-House, and other
similar personalities. Requirement to become a possible life coach is just a sane, sound, and an open mind.
Starting with the self in preparing to be a sponge eager to be filled with life's experiences as if it was water, a
potential and successful life coach is about to be molded.

The Objective

Sure it is easy to be a mentor, adviser, confidante, consultant, and a friend whose purpose is to help out
someone in need of a certain thing. A life coach does all that as well. Now you may ask what differences set
life coaches apart from mere consultants or advisers.

Objective. Life coaches have an objective to deal with in seeing to it that the one they are coaching would
get to what goals are set prior to the coaching. In contrast to just confidantes who give support, life coaches
are there to go along with the success of his pupil.

The life coach becomes more than just a teacher imparting words of wisdom and encouragement to his
pupils. He becomes a pupil himself to know how things work with the people he is coaching. It is co-active
coaching. The objective of the students become the objective of the coach himself as if he was the actual
person needing coaching.

Training with the experts may have brought about all the knowledge and techniques to properly conduct life
coaching, but there are still many instances wherein experiences in real life become the solidifying agent of
all the dust we refer to as learnings in life. Our objective as a life coach begins with the self.

After we have set our personal objective to be a sponge ready to absorb water, we then start dealing with
other people's objectives and help them reach it through active participation. It may sound silly but as social
people, we need to participate in other people's affairs.
There are different forms of life coaching available to meet the needs of their clients. As a life coach, you
can specialize on a certain field that you think you would do best. Each field is unique from each other, but
interconnected too. Sometimes, you have to integrate one field to the other to make your coaching

Relationship Coaching: Dr. Love

This involves helping your client deal with relationship issues in their lives. May it be a past love, present
relationship, or even making decisions on choosing a life partner. A lot of people nowadays have love as
their biggest problem. Teenagers and adults of all ages have this waterloo in their lives.

This type of coaching does not only include romantic relationships. It may also tackle family, friend,
colleague, and neighborhood relations. The client is made to realize that keeping the quality of relations to
other people is important for their own personal growth.

Business Coaching: Doing It The Professional Way

Here, you help your client to become successful in their business life. You help them make decisions that
are vital to their advancements. Clients in this area probably face problems such as lack of confidence on
themselves to run their business or to face the problems they encounter regarding the field.

As a coach, you help them see the clearer framework of the business world. You suggest on strategies for
them to evolve into a confident and successful businessmen. You can help them start a business, take it to
the next level, advertise effectively, finance wisely and set their priorities.

Management Coaching: Creating A Leader

Here, managers are the most common clients. They are coached on how to be effective and efficient
managers. You coach them to hone their leadership skills to the fullest. They usually face problems on
decision making, relating to their inferiors, co-workers and superiors. In the end, they are able to cope up
with the stresses of having a managerial position.

Spiritual Coaching: Uplifting The Spirit

This field deals with the less materialized problems. It involves uplifting your clients spirit, may it be
religiously or not. It can be beneficial not only to the client but also to the coach. The product of a renewed
spirit waits in the end.

Life Balance Coaching: Learning To Juggle

Clients who need to know how to balance all those different aspects of their lives whether physical,
emotional, social, business, academic and the likes, usually need someone like this. They get to learn their
priorities and see clearly what is really important and what truly matters in their lives.

Health And Fitness Coaching: To Live A Long Life

Clients that have health problems, most commonly weight problems enroll in this kind of program.

As a coach, you do not play doctor or a fitness trainer here, but instead you"ll be the one to refer them to
one. You are there to motivate them to make changes with positive effect on their lives and keep them going
until they reach their goal.

Being a life coach means aiming for the holistic development of your client. So whatever form of life
coaching you are in or planning to go into, remember that you shouldn't forget to look at the whole picture
and see whether there are problems in those other areas of your client's life.
Life Coaches Without Words

Some of the most successful therapies did not come from professionals like psychologists. Some haven't
been acquired through paid services. Some actually have not given any advice. These successful
therapeutic life coaches have just been present, and their mere presence are the things that helped people
cope up and overcome even the deepest regrets, depressions, repressions, insecurities, and stressors.
These are what we often refer to as pets.

When Life Coaches Other Than Humans are Needed

Articles and similar life stories relating to couples who can't have any offspring are faced with a heavy
burden of being labeled in society as incapables. Many couples find fulfillment in family status as soon as
they start having children...someone calling their own. Unfortunately, physiological limitations and
imperfections hamper reproductive functions. Couples in this situation seek something else to provide them
the comfort and security of loving someone – or in some cases something.

Many other individuals who have been left by their loved one, been physically hurt, in emotional distraught,
or alone in life like some elderly seek the same calming effect by these small life coaches. Even in hospitals
where ill patients are down and burdened suddenly come alive with hope and improvement because of
these pets' presence.

Pets Like Humans

This is where you would see dogs or cats, or any other pet so well pampered, and taken care like they were
humans. One would see them living in their owners' houses, eating the same food, being groomed, given
baths, being brought around and placed even in strollers! Many see this as utterly weird and nonsensical,
others may even refer to this practice as absurd and radical. However, these small life coaches are keeping
the burdened couple together and away from depression of actually having a real baby.

It is when these pets act like humans giving compassion and love and helping troubled people recover and
have a better outlook in life do they become life coaches. Like real human life coaches, pets in this manner
have the unspoken ability to impart the same comfort and self assurance to those in need of care.

And since they are living side by side with their owners, eating with them, sleeping under the same roof as
them, looking after them, and being there to share their presence filled with accompaniment, they are perfect
examples of co-active life coaches.

The wonderful thing about these pets is that they don't have to say anything, or advice any words of wisdom
and impart philosophical ideas for the troubled individual to think about. These pets are life coaches in a way
that they allow the person to reflect and see the beauty and wonder of being loved and having someone stay
by their side in times of loneliness or need.

This is the same method that some human life coaches try to implement. By keeping quiet for some point in
the healing process, they allow the person to have and conduct some self searching while being offered the
presence in case these individuals would need actual assistance.

These pets that are acquired just for the mere idea of being preoccupied and happy is already a small way
to distress us before it could get any worse.

They live with us side by side as we mature ourselves. Pets are more than just animals for fun and leisure.
They are life coaches that come in small packages.
Although life coaching is a great and lucrative business venture, this is not what the article is all about. This
piece will be discussing on the effects of life coaching in businesses. Can it really bring upon changes and
improvements to a company?

What is a Life Coach and What is Life Coaching

A life coach is a new breed of professionals aimed at helping people in any aspects of their lives. They are
there to aid people change and make improvements in their lives. It can be anything from careers, love, sex,
relationship, weight control, business, etc. A life coach will also focus on determining a person's goals as
well as achieving them.

As the word "coach" implies, a life coach is their to "coach" and not to direct as opposed to some beliefs. He
or she is not there to say, "you do this and you do that," instead, the life coach will create for you foundations
or lay down different paths for you.

It is up for you to decide which is the best path for you to take. Everything is all about you and it is also you
who makes all the decisions and not the life coach.

A life coach, as some may believe, is actually not a therapist or a consultant. He or she is not there to treat
psychologically ill or mentally unstable patients. A life coach is there for the healthy (physical and mental)
person who wants to implement changes in his or her life. With the help of life coaching, a person will be
able to achieve these changes.

Life coaching is the process practiced by life coaches. It has stemmed from other executive coaching with
techniques rooted on leadership training and management consulting. Life coaching is also based on
different disciplines which include psychology, sociology, career counseling, mentoring, and positive adult

In life coaching there are several techniques that life coaches use to help their clients. Most of the common
techniques are behavior modification, values assessment, behavior modeling, goal setting, and mentoring.
Techniques and methods also vary from client to client. It is based through the assessment of the life coach
whether which method would be best utilized for a client.

Improving Business Through Life Coaching

A life coach can make improvements in a business by coaching the employees that work under it. This is
usually the trend of companies nowadays. It has been observed that employees, especially those who have
been working under the company for a long time, experience a downfall in performance. This can be caused
by different reasons which include low motivation and stagnancy.

With the help of a life coach, these employees, including the bosses, can be revitalized to work more
efficiently. And people working efficiently would mean better business.

A life coach will slightly use a different method when handling groups. Most often than not, activities will be
based on groups and team work which will be geared towards the kind of business or industry the company
is in.

But it is not only during the downfall when life coaches become needed by the company. They are also
needed when a new departments are formed, inspiration before presentation of a proposal, or for team

It can't be denied that life coaching does have a big impact in the corporate world. Life coaching and
business truly is a perfect match.
The financial crisis has brought everything to a head. For a supposed super power the United States of
America's citizens is impoverished, and relying heavily on welfare. Every one is fighting to keep there heads
above water and under a roof to call their own. Michigan's auto industry has completely collapse. Giants are
begging for a bail out to keep them afloat.

Financial Struggle

You know you"re not alone. The news about foreclosures, high credit card debts and bankruptcy is a
national phenomenon. The knowledge that everyone else is down on their knees should not make you
complacent, because in the first place: why are you in that situation? Granted millions of people have
committed the same mistakes that you have. In the end however, you should have been keen enough to
recognize that you were going under.

With everyone clamoring for help, the internet has taken advantage and a lot of people are claiming as
experts in the field of credit. Unfortunately their supposed help will probably set you back even more than
you already have. You do not need an expert on finances, all you need is someone to make you see within
your self and realize what you did, and what is happening is your own doing and could only be undone by

Getting back in Financial Shape

The key to getting financial power and control back is learning how to budget. Taking time off to sit down
and review the amount of money you make against your expenses is the first step to gaining financial
freedom. The most basic step is often the one that's bypassed because everyone thinks that they have great
control over their spending habits. Do not leave everything into in to chance, its better to have things written
down, because then you are unlikely to forget it.

Identify, and Calculate

The second step is to write the things you do in a daily basis for a period of one week. In that one week how
many times did you go to the grocery? Eat out? Have a drink? Give in to the temptation and buy that perfect
pair of shoes which go so well with your new hand bag and designer clothes?

Did you know that making one trip to the grocery store with a week's list of needs and commodities will
actually make you some extra money left over for savings? Going to the grocery ones a week saves you
gas, time, and unnecessary spending.

As you eternalize, you will find out that you dug the hole you are in. More often than not you know that you
are not supposed to buy to cute jimmy choo's because you cant afford it and yet you still purchase the thing.
The absolute realization is that impulse gets you into trouble. So what should you do?

Life Coaching Tips

The use of a life coach to straighten up financial mess is also a good idea. Life coaching makes us more
aware of our selves as a person. We see the good, the bad, and the ugly all rolled into the life that we
currently are leading. Life coaches burst your bubble for you to pinpoint your own weaknesses, realize your
goals and take action to make your life better.
A lot of people give themselves good advice and not following these very advices which may help save
themselves from problems. Another problem we have is giving unsolicited advices without even knowing the
true facts of the situation.

A Low Down On Advices

All roads are paved with good intentions. A lot of people want to help, we want to aid people by shielding
them and deflective bad things, and especially to those people we love. An advice can turn something good
into somewhat of an overture towards a person's sense of self. One comment can become a potentially
uncomfortable situation.

Some people are sensitive. You may see them cry, they might tell you they are hurt, and they could say
something as to the why, however the fact remains that you do not have enough idea of the situation that
person is in. More often than not, people who love dishing out advice end up putting their foot into their

Empathy and Sympathy

Taking your cue from a life coach, you will see that a life coach never sympathizes with their client.
Sympathizing is taking another persons experience and making them your own. That is a selfish act.
Empathizing on the other hand is putting yourself in that individual's shoes. In short being him/ her for the
time being.

Visualize and Categorize

Advices are useless because they can be one sided. Every person's experiences are different. You may
have the same problem, but the process you had to go through before reaching that problem always varies.

Letting the client visualize the goal is the first step towards healing and finding the solution. For example: If
the problem is an argument with the boss. Making the client visualize his desired out come, let say making
up with the boss and getting a promotion will point the client to the path in which he wants to take without
dictating him to do. You see, sometimes advices can be dictatory in a sense that the other person will follow
the advice simply because they do not want to hurt your feelings.

If Not Advice Then What?

Time is the essence of life coaching. A coach can spend months and some even years working with a client
to achieve his goals and the things he wants in life. Time is valuable so make the most of it by connecting
with the client mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Achieving a degree of trust is usually the first step. Next
is listening intently, and then identifying critical situation in a client's life which you could catalyze on to make
though provoking activities for your client.

The thing about being a life coach is that although you do relate to the client from a time to time basis, you
give the client room to expand and be who he really is without having to worry of what your thinking. An
advice is not how a life coach makes the client see things. Instead the coach praises the client for his current
success and asks him if there is anything in his life he wants to change. By asking a question the coach
throws the ball to the client's court and makes him ponder on his own. The process of life coaching is not an
easy one. There are trainings and seminars, but there is no formal education. You have to possess insight to
be an effective life coach.
Happiness is the unending quest in which humans give their eyes and teeth for. A person has never reached
true success if he has never felt real happiness. As a matter of fact the declaration of independence states,
that happiness and the pursuit there off is man's in alienable right. Meaning it is a god given right.

Why Do We Have to Be Happy?

People say that life is complicated enough without having to be moody or sad every single day of your life.
According to science elation triggers hormones that are essential for proper metabolic function and well
being. The happy feeling also brings about the positive side of a person. Which ever premise you choose, it
is absolutely important for a person to feel happiness in his lifetime.

Reality Check

In reality however, poverty, stress, violence, competition, and oppression is all around us. In Africa and other
third world countries we see people dying of hunger, we see those in power abuse and beat down people to
gain a foot ahead of their own country men. We see everything around us, but we fail to look within
ourselves. Chances are your one of the thousands if not millions of people taking antidepressants.

Actually statistics say that 20% of Americans take antidepressant, and overdose of MAOI's are not
uncommon. The American Psychological Association asserts that children 14 and above will start having
depressive episodes at least ones a year until the age of 30. Sadness leaves a profound effect on the
human body and spirit. Humans tend to lean towards negativity because it tends to carry more weight that
happiness. The unfortunate thing is that scientifically deep rooted sadness is the underlying cause for
diseases such as, chronic heart failure, cerebrovascular accidents, apnea, and migraine.

Coaching vs. Therapy

It is important to prevent rather than cure. That is why when the first signs of restlessness ensue it is betting
to bring in a life coaching expert. Therapists focus on past events, to analyze the present emotional, and
mental condition of the people. They dig deep into the darkest corners of a person's mind to find the root of
unhappiness. Life coaches however focus on the present. Usually when a person feels the first nagging
doubt of sadness the cause is immediately within reaching distance.

Mind Power

Life coaching uses the power of the mind to promote a positive effect on a person's life. The mind is a
powerful thing. It knows, it feels and it aggravates a person into action.

Pursuing happiness is a mental effort.

Actualization is achieved thru realization. A person is better able to see the road when he knows where he is
going. It is not easy, although nothing ever is but with the aid of a life coach and the program a person is
better able to focus because there is guidance and mentoring.

As much as a life coach wants to help you achieve your full potential and are happy there are limitations as
to the scope of duties a life coach can perform. A life coach is not psychologically educated. Therefore they
are not equipped with the expertise to treat a mentally and emotionally distraught person who is on the
verge of utter hopelessness. If this is the case then it is better to seek medical help.
Men and Women seek eternal happiness. Some people say their fulfillment lie with success in career,
family, relationships, and pets. At the end of the day however, when you lie in bed awake can you truly say
that you are happy? How many of us can say that we are truly euphoric with the way our lives have turned

Suffering and Us

Anguish arises from the disconnection of our thoughts and emotion from the realities of life. Restlessness is
the root of all evil. We look at our discontentment and then view the outside world, but what we fail to realize
is that like sorrow discontent is rooted within ourselves. Yet, we have never bothered to investigate or
question our thoughts, our reasons for feeling uneasy. Time and time again, people try to feed their vexation
with jumping from one thing to another, always failing to correlate that although intangible discontentment is
not just a feeling it is a state of mind.

With the birth of everything Zen and spiritual one spiritual guru said that when you grind a knife against a
grinding wheel sparks will fly; that is the nature of friction. People argue with themselves because they weigh
whether to follow their heart or their mind. In end however people either jump into the fire or stay where they
are. What decisions should a person follow when it comes to love?

Love On The Sleeve

When you"re in love you get caught up in the moment. That exhilarating feeling when you see the person
you love; the butterflies in your tummy when you kiss. It really is wonderful. The bam! You get into an
argument or one or the other does something wrong and then you are embittered. So you go to a life coach
because you are at a lost.

The thing about life coaching is that coaches can't tell you what to do, they can't make you feel better. They
won't be able to take some of the pain out. What they can do however is make you internalize. Cry as much
as you can and realize just how you feel and then go from there.

Mind On The Bend

You"re probably thinking how can making you feel the hurt help you? It is the process of knowing yourself
that helps you. Recognizing how you feel and think will enhance your ability to rationalize and internalize.
Despite the disparity of the mind and the heart, the two are more intertwined than we think. Feeling and
emotions just like thoughts are all processed in the brain. The heart is a muscle. IT is the core of humanity
because it pumps blood. Feelings are processed through the mind and not the heart.


It seems that war is afoot and it's the heart versus the mind. It's supposed to be a synergy. After all when
you try to analyze how you feel you use your mind and when you think of the pros and cons of any decision
you factor in feelings. Life coaching problems of the heart is not about helping you pick the right decisions.
Life coaching will provoke you into action. What kind of action? Only you will know. So in the end we must
find the balance of feeling and thoughts when it comes to love.
Everyone is in a Routine

Morning breaks, people start their routine, businessmen begin thinking of the day's itinerary, students begin
packing their books, others think of anything under the sun, and even those without anything to actually do
stand by and wait whatever happens. One thing is common among all these: they are waiting for something
to happen for them to react beyond their routine.

It wouldn't be a surprise if ever the events in their lives would have a change in their way of thinking, or if the
events would just be a normal occurrence for them to shrug off and move on. These events will be
experiences, and these events would be life coaching for them.

When Dire Events Become Life Coaching Events

The normal routine for people to go about and do what they have been accustomed to do may not bear any
weight in their character building since it becomes automated.

However, given a situation where a bomb explodes, a car collides, or even be in an accident because one
has been so busy crossing the street holding a cellular phone and talking instead of concentrating on
crossing would definitely be traumatic enough to teach a lesson to the individual.

Unexpected events become life coaching incidents, especially if it teaches people what to do to avoid being
involved in an unfortunate accident.

When Rewards Become Life Coaching Events

On the same note, when a person is rewarded by something he did or contributed, and the reward is
significant enough for that individual to cherish, there is a tendency that the individual will keep in mind what
things are supposed to be done to be rewarded with the same thing. Life coaching in this manner is done by
inputting certain actions for rewards and keeping in mind that good things come when certain actions are
done in a situation.

When Experiences in General Complete the Life Coaching Process

So throughout the day, a person may encounter both positive and negative events. Some may have so
much good events and rewards that it boosts his self-esteem, and it becomes his motivation and drive to do
even better. Some unfortunately get more negative events and ill-timed occurrences that it may demoralize
the person and lose interest in what he is supposed to do.

Life coaching process in this manner is a double edged sword and is dependent on the person's mindset. A
person who is passive may succumb to hopelessness when faced with negative events, while proactive
people are challenged to overcome it.

A person's mindset is an incomplete life coaching method since it depends on the previous attitude that he
was brought up to be. This is but a small problem since there is an easy solution for this to help the
individual cope up with it.

This is where supplemental life coaching from people and professionals are needed. These supplemental
life coaches will enhance the positive and proactive mindset of the individual in order for him to look at things
positively even if faced with a negative one.

Experiences are good if the person has been molded into a proactive and optimistic person. Nonetheless,
being optimistic and having a good life coach perspective needs a constant maintenance of both
experiences and supplemental life coaching from other people.

And that is why socialization experience is also an important form of life coaching.
The Veridical Paradox

Is there a possibility that something unwanted is in fact needed? Is there a possibility that an enemy is a
friend at the same time? Also, is there a possibility that a contradiction is a contradiction in itself in an
endless loop? If any of those yield an answer of affirmation, then there is a possibility that a needed life
coach may be an unwanted life coach in the first place.

Usually, trends in society nowadays favor an individual seeking for a deep and personal connection of co-
participation with another peer referred as a life coach. In this aspect, that individual is in need of something
he wants to be inculcated in his lifestyle. The individual sees the necessity of having someone guiding.

Even with the presence of a personal coach for the existence and sanity of a person, a human being's way
of thinking is that he will utilize what is needed, when needed, and wherever the need could be applied with.
And that which is not needed is discarded or shunned away.

People, being social creatures have always been bent in preferring to be with people they want to be with. It
has been a stereotype that only friends are of value to each other and enemies are of the opposite value to
be discarded. But the fact remains that in order to meet and value the meaning of friends, there should have
been enemies to compare friends with. Now doesn't that contradict it? Here are enemies being of help;
unknowingly interacting in order for individuals to treasure friendship connections with others. So if that is
the case, aren't enemies the first friends of the affected individual?

Capability and Potential

It is quite hard to defend the statement "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Some might answer that
with chicken due to its capability to lay eggs, while others would choose the egg for its potential in becoming
a chicken someday, and since the chicken currently in check came from an egg.

Friends and enemies are no different from the chicken nor the egg in this chaotic world. Friends may have
been enemies from the past reconciled, and enemies may be the friends that had taken a different path in
life against your own.

So how exactly do enemies become a friend? We could put it into perspective that en enemy is already an
identified negatively social person. An enemy is already expected to be a cause of unconstructive outcome
when interacted.

An enemy has already made us cautious of what to avoid so that we do not experience the same unpleasant
things. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to think that they are not capable of doing the same thing
again, the fact that the person has already experienced doing it may carry it out again

By logic, our enemies have already been teaching us pointers in life to learn from those things we do not
wish to experience again, and to overcome such pasts and be much stronger in life. They have indirectly
been capable of inflicting a painful encounter and have potentially warned us of what may happen again.

Whether we like it or not, each of our enemies has been an unwanted life coach in our lives. They have
been unforeseen friends amidst the disagreeable encounters. My enemy is my friend, and my friend may be
my enemy.
The problem with people nowadays is that they do not have a goal in life. This is true not just for the younger
generation, but is also true for the older ones. Fortunately, there are now people whose job is to help people
determine their goals in life and aid them in achieving those goals.

These people are called life coaches. But with a lot of people calling themselves life coaches, how do you
spot a qualified life coach who could truly and effectively help you?

What is a Life Coach?

The first step in spotting a qualified life coach is knowing what a life coach really is. The job description of a
life coach is someone who aims to help people determine their goals as well as achieve them. A life coach
practices life coaching which uses techniques developed in executive coaching.

A life coach uses several different methods and techniques to aid people. These techniques were developed
from leadership training as well as from management consulting.

Common Misconceptions About Life Coaching

People have several misconceptions about life coaching. There are those who think that life coaching is
synonymous to therapy or consultation. But life coaching is neither of those things. It is not targeted to treat
anyone with mental or psychological illnesses. It is all about coaching (as its name implies). As coaches,
they train and guide people about being goal oriented.

But these misconceptions though can credited to the different inspirations of life coaching. The practice of
life coaching, as well as its principles, is rooted to different disciplines. These include the disciplines of
psychology, sociology, career counseling, positive adult development, and mentoring.

Qualified Life Coach

Now that you have an idea of what a life coach is and what it is not, you already have the basics of spotting
what a qualified life coach is. He or she is someone who aims to help people with their goals and he or she
is not a therapist nor somebody who treats a person with mental and psychological illnesses. But these are
just the basics and will not suffice in determining whether a person is truly a qualified life coach.

Life coaching has no official regulatory standards and no governed training or education thus anybody can
call themselves life coaches. The lack of these standards would also mean that no certificate can prove that
they truly are qualified life coaches. This also means that no life coach training will give a person any
standardized certification. So what do you do?

There are two ways to go about this. First is by word of mouth and the other is training experience. Word of
mouth means that a lot of people are saying good things about that certain life coach and they are eager to
recommend his or her services to other people. They will also be the persons who can tell you about the
effectiveness of that life coach.

Another determinant of a qualified life coach is training experience. This is different from an "unstable life
coach certificate." You should remember that life coaching uses methods like values assessment,
mentoring, behavior modeling, behavior modification, goal setting and other techniques.

Since these are the tools of his or her trade, a life coach should have training in at least one of these fields.

Last but not the least a qualified life coach is someone who you can easily communicate with. Even if a life
coach possesses everything stated above but if you do not "click" with each other, then that certain person
is "not" qualified for you. This though is speaking from a subjective point of view.
You have always wanted to become a life coach ever since you were a fetus. And now, after months or even
years of preparation and training, you have become a certified life coach. Now what? It seems like you have
hit a wall and do not know what do to next. Well, here are some tips and ideas that may get your engine

Target Market

The first thing you could do is to determine who your target market is. Do you want to be a corporate life
coach who helps corporate businesses and their employees or do you want to be a life coach for individuals

Next is to determine who you want as are your clients. Do you want your clients to be men or women? Age
ranging from 25 to 40, 30 to 50, or 200 to 300 years old? These are the decisions that only you can make. It
is all about your preference. You could start out by choosing clients who you can work comfortably with. If
you are more comfortable working with men, then do so. If you are more comfortable working with women,
by all means, do so.

Slowly by slow you expand your targets. You can start life coaching other than those you are comfortable
with. You may have started with men but now you can start with women and try to accustom yourself
working with them. You try to become more comfortable.

Be Confident

You have worked hard to achieve what you have achieved and you should be proud of it. Show your self
confidence in the kind of work you are doing. You should see yourself as a polished professional that is very
effective in the line of work you are doing.

By being confident, you are also building self esteem and more belief on yourself. Once you feel this
yourself, you emanate this to your surroundings, environment and other people which include your clients.

Market Yourself

A life coach is not a coach when who or she has no one to coach. As a beginning life coach, you need to
market and make yourself known to other people. There are several ways to market yourself especially over
the internet. You can write articles and you can even make your own blog site. Content should be about life
coaching and other information related to it.

You could also write things about yourself and the services you provide. A tip when writing about yourself is
knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are. But you do not want other people to know your
weaknesses so you write all about your strength. But one thing you should keep in mind though is to never
go overboard as to lie about your weakness and turn it into a strength. The key here is to always tell the

Join Activities for Life Coaches

Every once in a while there will be activities like seminars for life coaches. As someone who is just starting
out in this career path, joining these activities will be greatly beneficial.

You can meet other life coaches who have been on the job for years and have had accumulated valuable
experience. You can ask them for some tips or pieces of advice regarding your current situation.
At your first encounter of the term "life skill coach" you may think how absurd it is to be able to coach some
other persons" life. But it is definitely possible to do that. There is more to coaching than the term it self. A lot
of people are in the limbos of their lives now and they need someone to put them back on track and that's
what life coaches do.

Being The One Not just anyone can call them selves a coach and go leading other people. To be one, you
have to undergo training of a Life Skill program. Once you are certified to have the knowledge and the
experience you become a professional on the field.

There are personal characteristics that are important to be a successful coach. First off, is that you have to
be mentally and emotionally stable to help others. You should be able to deal and get along with different
kinds of people. You should be accepting to them and is able to express your self clearly to convey to them
what you really mean in order to avoid confusion.

It's not that easy to coach, since you would have to be socially detached to be objective but sufficiently
involved to be able to "feel with" your client. You must gain a balance between the two so that whatever
comes out from your mouth would not be biased and lead them to some decisions that aren't well thought of.

Being The Light Coaching does not mean you tell the person what exactly to do in his life. It is more of
guiding him and making him see the different facets of his problem. You help him with all aspects of life
whether spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, professional and even aesthetic.

You don't answer their problems but instead you ask them thought provoking questions for them to be
enlightened and see the possibilities of their situation. It's like lighting up the path for them so that they may
see the clearer picture that they are in. You help them achieve their goals and dreams, but that doesn't
necessarily mean that you do it for them.

You aren't their attorney, doctor, maid, professor beautician, priest, accountant, fitness trainer and the likes.
You don't do therapy either. You play a much different role from the list. What you do is help your clients
make sounding decisions in their lives. Recommending clients to other professionals such as those above is
done too in the case that they need to see one.

At The End Once you have successfully coached, it may not seem obvious to you but you actually have
given your client skills that he needs in life. They get to think more effectively and make decisions wisely
than before. You also give them a sense of companionship throughout their struggles. This companionship
is basically enough to keep them holding on but you give more than that.

They achieve self-awareness and a sense of fulfillment. They acquire a balance of the different aspects in
life that used to be like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle for them. All of these are possible because of their
participation and the little nudges you give them to bring them back to their personal tracks in life.

There's nothing comparable to the fulfillment you get in helping out others at the same time its not that easy
for you either. Are you ready to coach a life? Now it's about time for you to make the decision!
Some human resource personnel wonder why fortune 500 companies have one of the best executives in the
country. What they don't know is that top businesses have been using a secret weapon for years now.

Justifying the Need for a Coach

People think that just because you"re successful, and in a high ranking position with a ridiculously large
amount of salary, you"re happy. What they fail to realize is that the bigger the wage, the more elevated the
post, the greater the responsibility. What's even more difficult in this situation is that an executive has to
smile and bear it even if their heads are exploding with all the problems, and complications they have to

Seeking support is not a sign of weakness, instead in strength because it takes a lot of courage to admit that
"no man is an island".

High Rise Pressure Cooker

A ranking company officer is expected to perform well, and to deserve the designation given to him/ her.
People below and above you bank on your leadership abilities, skills, and excellent decisions. They will
continually expect that you will always be the best. In fact you will be called upon to speak in behalf of the
company; to give advices on success, business and marketing strategies, and how to handle complex
dilemmas. All these and more is expected of you. It is presumed that you handle your professional and
personal life in manner of unequaled grace.

Personal and Emotional stress

Quite naturally there may be times when all you want to do is hide underneath the sheets and be invisible.
Unfortunately if you are one of those people who set high standards for other people and an even higher
one for yourself, then hiding is not an option. Putting pressure on oneself is not uncommon. Many people
who achieve a great level of accomplishment are there not because they give themselves a pat on the back
when they do something right. Instead, they are on top because every time they triumph they dissect the
situation and look for ways to do things better.

The downside to being good at what you do is that despite reaching far more than the expectations of
others, most achievers never seem to be contented of their performance. Hence, these people fail to see the
flowers that bloom from the roses they have planted.

A superior executive coach will recognize all these and help draw out the client. Putting the pressures in a
different aspect will help the client see things in a different perspective.

Life Coaching Benefits

The benefits of life coaching cannot be measured. Employing a life coach is like having a friend to talk to
and a guidance counselor all rolled into one. Life coaching makes you feel interactive, and open without
having to delve in the past. The present and the future is what matters the most. A life coach is a
professional listener who helps people internalize and realize their wants and needs to better set goals and
maintain a sense of self without having to change careers and antagonize family.

It is a sure bet that you probably needed a friend one time or the other but was too afraid of being judged
and later betrayed. A life coach is duty bound to be professional in handling all confidential matters. Life
coaching is a synergy between client coaches.
The Situation

Many people who get stressed seek the professional help of psychiatrists, consult with psychologists, and
depend on medication prescribed and handed upon payment by pharmacists. It becomes a trend in very
busy people, either emotionally, physically, spiritually, or mentally.

A successful psychiatrist will cost several hundred to thousands of dollars throughout the program, and will
actually be stressful enough on the budget. Those who are well off and can afford this type of help are
fortunate compared to those who are conscious of their budget. Life coach methods are not utilized in this

The bad side of professional help in this manner is that it is not deep enough to leave a lasting effect that
could enable the individual to actually help himself and be independent.

This may temporarily help alleviate the causing stress for the individual and resume work or chores, but
sooner or later stress would build up again and soon, he is back into the psychiatrist's office, propped on the
sofa, and cashing out hundreds of dollars again.

The Approach

The life coach therapy is more than just guiding the individual to self realization and acceptance. Life coach
by profession is more of a guidance counselor, seeing to it that the problems causing the stress to an
individual is not only handled properly, but looked upon as a positive sign that these problems are and will
always be present, and that the individual's responsibility for better stress management is to include the
problems into daily routine.

This life coach therapy is a co-active approach wherein the one helping is also immersed in the situation as
if he was actually part of it. This is needed to understand the level of healing a troubled person needs for
recovery. Instead of just being a spectator to the events of the individual, a life coach would actually
inculcate the way the same stressors trouble the client.

The Cheerleader

A life coach is a cheerleader in a way that he is there to initially place the client in a positive mood in
preparation for a more positive outlook throughout the conversation. Proper communication techniques are
employed wherein the life coach allows the client to speak out freely of his woes and troubles and concerns.

A life coach in this manner becomes your morale booster in the initial phase of the healing process of the
person in trouble. A life coach has the responsibility to initially maintain the little morale that is left in the
person in need.

The Big Difference

This may be so much similar with psychiatrists and psychologists but a life coach goes beyond just a client –
doctor relationship. It becomes more of a friend – friend relationship, with the life coach following up on the
status of the troubled individual, offering philosophical advice rather than diagnosing the problem of the

This manner helps the individual feel less like a robot just waiting for repair parts to be given, and make
them feel more of a human being, being cared for and being given concern.

Rather than direct scientific approaches are administered to them by psychiatric and similar methods, a
more personal and social approach of life coach techniques are instead identified.

There is a broad range of life coaching techniques, from personal to business type of coaching. Whatever
the objective a person in need has, different approaches may be utilized. It is similar to having a best friend
guarding and supporting your back whenever you feel down and hopeless.
Do you feel like you"re on a slump lately? Most of the time we want so many things that we don't know
which road to take; more often than not we find out that if we put our mind into it we can actually succeed in
numerous career choices. This new found realization makes things even more complicated than it already

Being able to find out which things we are passionate about is very difficult because we desire a lot of
things. When we reach the pinnacle of success we think that we will want nothing more, and yet when we
get there things get even murkier and murkier that we eventually loose our sense of self completely.

Just Like Alice

Success is not the basis of finding ones self. Advice is useless, because no matter how many people you
talk to if you don't heed what they say then it means nothing. What's more other people's opinions are one
sided because they do not know the entire situation. Only you have the power because you are the one who
experience your life from every degree and angle.

Coaching In A Nutshell

Contrary to popular belief life coaching is not like therapy. Life coaches are not like psychologists either. Life
coaches acts as radical catalysts to provoke you into action. Life coaching is an alliance; a synergy between
the coach and the person being coached. Life coaching is founded on the belief that people know the
answers to their own questions. If you are on a journey blindfolded, you and you alone can take the covering
off your eyes; and so they incite you to discover your life's purpose may it be in relationships, career and
everything else in life.

Experts Of Life

Most people ask if life coaches are experts in life. Of course they are; they are experts in their own lives.
You see a life coach does tell you what to do, because that's what they did to make their own lives
successful. Every person is different; every way of life has their own variations. We are the authority, the
only qualified person to make decisions and suggestions regarding how to better our lives emotionally and

We may not know it, but we have the power to recognize which key decisions in our lives are best for us.
Every day we make trivial choices that although we might not realize it at first these decisions actually have
a great impact in our lives. Life coaches can help us realize certain aspects of our lives, and then provoke us
into action to make life more fulfilling.

Making Life Work

There have always been these standing rules that we should segregate our brain from our heart from
making decisions. What others fail to realize is that when the heart is connected to the brain, we make better

Life coaching is often used by fortune 500 companies to keep their employees focused and content. People
at the top of their game are coached so why shouldn't we be? A chauffer is no different from a company
CEO is a sense that both serve their purpose in society. The question is the two happy with the path they
have chosen? Life has many facets to contend with. Pinpointing these areas and dealing with them
effectively takes a lot of soul searching and nothing's wrong with a little urging.
Have you read the best selling novel Twilight? A lot of people are going crazy over Edward and Bella. What
does this have to do with life coaching? Read on to find out.

Bella Swan

Bella is the heroin of the series. She is bright, shy, insecure, intelligent, quiet, clumsy, and beautiful. The
book begins with Bella moving into the town of forks to live with her dad because her mom have to move a
lot because of her step dad's job. On her first day of school Bella sees Edward and without meaning to she
seems pulled into a trance, she can't help her self he has this magnetic presence. Despite the danger and
warning signs Bella goes for Edward. Let us pretend that Bella is our heart.

Edward Cullen

Oh my gosh!!! Everyone is gushing! He really is handsome anyone can admit that. Mysterious, is what every
girls dream and yet... In turmoil because of his undeniable gravitation towards Bella, Edward fights an inner
demon: Himself. He distinguishes between his passion for Bella and his appetite for her. Successfully he is
able to choose to be with her without harming her. Equipped with mind reading powers it is appropriate for
us to say that Edward represents our minds.


Gloomy, rainy and quiet little town forks is our lives. The rain is the constant trials in our lives just as it is an
annoyance to Bella.

The Exercise

With all our assumptions let us make an analysis. Looking for excitement in our other wise boring lives we
delve hungrily into the story and see ourselves as Bella. What we fail to realize is that once in the history of
our lives we were in fact and might even be "Bella" right now. Why is it that people always fall short of
appreciating their lives? Instead they put stock on fiction. They want to be Bella because they believe she
lives an exciting life. Just like we let other people tell us what to do. Remember the part where in James
used an old video tape of Bella to lure her into the dance studio? That's you! Despite warning signal from
Edward you still go thru things which know will put you into trouble.

Then there's Edward, constantly battling with himself. That's you also. Our lives are a constant battle with
ourselves. We battle with laziness, being tired, being hurt, and pretty much everything else. What we fail to
realize is that if we don't like forks then we can leave anytime we want to. See the thing is, if we keep on
leaving all we do is transfer a lot. Life is not playing the cards you"re dealt with, its making the cards you
were given win!

If Forks is gloomy, instead of going surfing, garden! If you don't find contentment in this, sit and ponder.
What do you really want? What do you feel? What if you have no way of getting put of forks, what will you
do? We are so out of touch with reality that we forget to touch base with the most basic things in our lives
that we forget what's right in front of us.

Life coaching makes us correlate, internalize, and really get into ourselves. They make us do certain
activities in order to provoke us into action. It like when you"re angry and you do something spontaneously.
Life Coaching is all the rage. Improving oneself is in and a medical definition of your problem is not so great
to hear. The Life Coaching profession in America is booming. Therapist out life coaches in.

What Does A Life Coach Do

Generally speaking a life coach helps people empower themselves by learning to recognize key things
about one's feelings and thinking. There are a lot of discontented people in America and they would to get
their lives revamped. The problem with this profession is that it is yet to be regulated and a formal set of
education has not been established.

A life coach in unlike therapists because they do not rescue the deeply depressed they only wish to guide
people whose lives are only slightly askew. In short life coaches are someone you work with in order to set
your goals straight and for you to follow those goals. Life coaches do not delve on the past history of client's
life. Instead they tackle today and the future.

Who Get Coached?

For those macho men who hate getting into the emotional stuff life coaching is extremely popular. What's
more, because life coaching takes on a sports persona kids and families in general respond better to the
programs. Life coaching is not all about talking, a guide gives certain activities where in there is equal

The Downside of the Matter

The problem with life coaching is that it is an unregulated profession. Although a lot of life coaches have
trainings and education regarding this field, still a number remains undisciplined in this arena. The life
coaching profession has no basis for qualification, no unified approach as to what makes a life coach a life
coach. Most of the guiding practices are unproven and no extensive studies have been done.

These unproven methods pose a certain risk because life coaches are not equipped to recognize if their
clients have serious mental illness and therefore will have to see the appropriate physician. The guide might
put him/herself and the client in danger.

The need for a cheerleader, a planner, a sort of life secretary if you will is a good premise, but what people
really need is more than that. What if the life coach fails to see the signals that a certain person is not only in
need of a pick me up but is actually in serious trouble? Experts are getting wary, they want mental
professional to enter the field of life coaching because they are better able to analyze a person's psyche and
actually deliver the appropriate needs.

In the past, life coaching was used as a business motivational tool. Human resources see that high powered
executives do get restless and might want to evaluate their lives. Life coaches are used to help those
worried individuals see reality and appreciate what they have while going after what they are passionate for.

In Closing

Unlike popular belief, life coaching is not a quick fix. The session can take months and months of activities in
order to really see ones self clearly in connection to reality. Life coaching is interactive, it is positive, it moves
forward. These are the reasons why life coaching is actually good for people. The emphasis however is on
whether a life coach is qualified to be one or not.
What exactly is meditation? It seems that so many people nowadays are hooked up with this form of
activity. By definition, meditation is often used to describe the individual's state of intense attention on an
object of awareness or thought. The individual tries to turn his or her attention inward. Meditation is said to
be of Vedic Hinduism origin. This is usually practiced in the eastern religions but now even the western
culture is already involved in such activity.

People want to practice meditation so that they can focus their mind to God for their personal development,
to attain peace of mind, and to be healthier.

Many Americans are now involved in some form of meditation. According to Time Magazine there is one
meditation practice that can be used by almost anyone. This can be considered as the basic primer of
Americans wanting to begin meditation but have no idea where to start.

There was a book published last November 2005 authored by Victor Davich that is all about the 8 minute
meditation. If you purchase the book and study it carefully, you will learn a lot of things about meditation, and
you can do it in just 8 minutes.

Almost every individual who starts with anything new to him or her will often have lingering questions, hopes,
and doubts about it. There are even people who hopes that when they begin to meditate, they will be
enlightened. Or perhaps you're one of those individuals who think that meditation is just like an exercise or
diet that you've been trying to do for the past few months. But these things are normal; so don't be surprised
if you're also like that.

The best thing to do is to face all the positive and/or negative expectations, and after doing so, forget about
them and start with a clean slate. If you want to try the 8-minute program of meditation, you should learn
how to approach it one minute at a time.

While many people think that meditation is a simple practice, then you'd better think twice. You might not
notice it, but your mind is always racing from here to there. You can't concentrate. According to the book's
author, you must watch your breath. This is the very first step to meditation. Do your inhalation and
exhalation by breathing deeply. If you always do this and just keep on practicing, you can become good in

As a word of reminder, if you catch yourself thinking about other things, or in other words your mind strays
off, focus again on your breathing. After all, meditation is all about concentrating and if you realize that
you're not on the right track, you can always return to that state of mind gently. Don't get discouraged easily
and just keep on practicing. There is a popular saying that says practice makes perfect; so always keep that
in mind. If you quit easily, then you will remain a quitter.

Meditation can help you in achieving peace of mind. With all your problems at work, in your family, and the
entire world, you should at least experience a few minutes of peace. Don't miss this chance to attain
personal development at no cost at all.
There is a cliche that goes as 'to see is to believe", which is much true in this world where most people are
visually inclined and proofs of existence is vital to live. Having faith into something that's unseen is often
questionable by society. So would you believe someone if he tells you that you can change your life by
listening to a message that you can't even hear?

What Message? Louder Please!

Subliminal messages are messages that are embedded into another media for it to be conveyed. Such
subliminals are said to be able to affect your behavior or actions. It is said that it can induce you to do
something, depending what the message tells you and not knowing you are being influenced by the

These messages can come in the form of music where the subliminal message can be embedded in your
favorite band's CD or with in your favorite song. The trick is, that you can't hear the subliminal message but
instead, you only hear your favorite song. Thus, you won't even know if you are being influenced.

Today's Trends

With high technology just a stone throw's away, self-helping subliminals are distributed much easily through
different medias like audio or videos. It can be ordered through the Internet and with just one click from your
mouse with payments settled, you get what you ordered for in an instant. The question however is does it
really work?

Two Sides of The Coin

There are two schools of thoughts regarding those self-helping subliminal messages. First are the people
who say that subliminals really work, while the other say that's it's just simply a product of your imagination.
Before purchasing a product like this, it is important for you to know both sides before you decide.

Go For It!

There are a lot of studies claiming that subliminal messaging is highly effective. There was one incidence in
a movie house that a subliminal message was flashed in the screen telling the people to drink coke and eat
popcorn, the results were actually astounding since the sales of coke and popcorn that night went sky high.

Of course those in the business in subliminal messaging would advertise their products the best that they
can. Thus, there are a lot of testimonials of those said satisfied customers in the websites of those
companies selling these products. However, it is subjective on whether you are going to believe them or not.

It's Just Your Imagination

There are people on the other hand that say, since you"re the one that bought your own customized
subliminal product, you already know what message you put in it. It can be a product of your imagination, or
a psychological conditioning, that you do a certain action when you listen to that message.

An example is you bought a message that would help you stop smoking. Because you set your mind that
what you bought is actually effective, your cravings for smoking is lessened because you tell your self that
you"re under the spell of a subliminal message and that you don't want to smoke. It's like it's all in the mind
since you know what behavior you are being conditioned to.

In the end, the decision is still yours on whether you would opt to use subliminal messaging or not. Just
remember that there's no greater motivator than believing in you.
Everyone deserves to be happy. In fact, this can only happen when there is abundance and prosperity which
happen to be the basic principles of Reiki.

Abundance and prosperity Reiki can only be achieved by following the five principles namely give cheerfully,
change your voice if you want to desire, know your life's purpose, be aware that there must be no mistakes
or regrets and living the mantra.

Dr. Usui believed that by having these in our thoughts and what we say, we are able to live positive lives. If
we dwell in doubt and other negative things, our dreams will never happen.

As Reiki practitioners, we should use our talent not only to heal ourselves and those around us but also the
world at large. This is because attunement strengthens our thoughts making us realize that we have a
potential to do more in our life.

But you have to admit that words have different meanings for each of us. For some abundance and
prosperity means more money and wealth while some may see it as success in business or in one's career.

Of course this definition may also mean having a loving marriage and a loving family. It just goes to show
that it does not always mean material things.

This is probably one of the things that make us extraordinary among the other species in the planet because
we have the creative power of divine heart and mind connection. We just have to tap this gift and use it so
we may be able to fulfill or even find our purpose in life.

So what are money, love and peace? Such things are energies that we see as reality. But such a belief is
not pointed in just one direction when Reiki's energy is universal and we can use that power to change what
is happening around us.

One thing we have to remember is that there are universal laws that govern abundance. Seasons come and
go and despite everything, we are just limitless beings. This is why man must strive for the highest good and
hold on to things that are only of value to ourselves.

When we feel that things are not going our way, this is the time that we must reflect and see if the things that
are considered to be important hold the same priority as they did before. If they do not, this must be
removed and then changed to a positive energy that can produce something better. In essence, we let go of
the old to make room for the new.

How do you begin this journey? By creating a list of what is important in your life, reviewing each one and
then figuring out which of these have to go. It is best to pay attention to how you feel about each one and
then only keep those that add value to your quality of life.

This is probably the most important part in any level of Reiki as you are undergoing the 21 day cleansing
process. Afterwards, you can move on with our life because Abundance and Prosperity can be achieved by
using Reiki as your guide.

If you need references, look at the manual that was given to your during the 2 day training because this is
not something you read and throw away.
+There is only one way to achieve happiness.That way is to simply be happy.You are probably thinking
right now how do i get to be happy." "Things just don't work like that, It doesn't take into consideration the
times that I am miserable because of problems or mishaps that come up in my everyday life,not to mention
the tragedies." At this point I have to stop and meditate. Meditation can be done many different ways, just
find the one that works best for your purposes.

Being happy much more of the time than you have been is an incredibly difficult task to accomplish-not in
the doing of it once you know how and then in keeping aware of what you have discovered.Yet,I still say that
with meditation you can do it.The path that you have chose that led you to your current situation was not a
few days or months in the making,but a long and strenuous path that has spanned through many years.

In reality it has taken you as long as you have been alive to become the way you are today.It has also taken
you that long to achieve what you have achieved, to possess,and to arrive at your current condition.By
taking the time to meditate and think about who you are,and what you have in your life is truly what you
want,If you are completely satisfied with the way your life is going,congratulations-do more of what you have
been doing and you will get more of what you already have in your life.

But if who you are,what you want,what you have,and your current conditions are less than what you want or
perhaps are different from what you want,you have to start meditating about some basic changes you will
need to make in your life.Failure to make those changes will find you continuing to seek the things you really
would like in your life as the years pass by.

Because some of this that you are reading will seem impossible,ridiculous,or to you maybe even foolish and
it may at first offend you,causing you to ridicule what you are reading and maybe even cause you to reject
what you have read. I really want to suggest to you that before you may reject how meditation can help you
through your life,ask yourself whether or not you want it to be true-then for your benefit please give yourself
the chance to see it as true.

In this day and time with all the things we have to deal with in our lives it is very hard to stay on a positive
level and be happy all the time,But just taking a few minutes a day just meditating by yourself will help you
keep things in perspective where instead of being unhappy about the situation you are in you can find a way
to find the happy part of being unhappy.
+Adapting to any kind of change in your life can be very stressful. The one thing I have learned when it
comes to any kind of change is to keep it on a positive level. To do that I stay calm by meditating and keep it
all in perspective. I was talking to a friend how I was very apprehensive about a change I would soon have
to make in my life.She told me that almost over twenty years ago she had bought a brand new car and it
was parked in an alley next to her house.

She walked out of the house just in time to see and old vw bus scrape the front fender of her car. As she
continued to tell me what happened she let me know she was trying to stay calm and knew she had to
meditate and get focused on the situation. She went on to tell me that the driver got out of his car,threw his
hat on the ground,then hung his head,holding it in his hands. She knew that he obviously didn't have the
money to pay for the damage to her car and he almost started to cry.

My friend still meditating to keep things in perspective walked up to the man and you could tell he was very
nervous and expected her to say something like What an idiot,Are you blind,or just something so mean that
he would just feel terrible.As she walked up to the man she simply said don't worry about the scrape and to
have a nice day.He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He began to cry tears of happiness and hugged
my friend. He then ran to his wife who was in the car wondering what they were going to do and he hugged
his wife and introduced her to my friend.

As they were talking my friend told them how she used meditation to keep as calm as possible because she
had a temper in the past that caused her a lot of problems. The man and his wife and my friend became the
best of friends. Here it is 20 years later and even though the man has now passed away and his wife is in a
home for the elderly my friend still visits the woman every week and still talk about the day they had met.

Using meditation will certainly help you think about the situation your in and to not act on impulse,but to
handle whatever situation it is you are in you will act responsibly.After my friend and I talked I thought how I
could adapt to the change I would have to make by positive thinking and could make a bad situation into
something that will have a very special meaning in my life.After our talk I went home and started using
meditation to relax myself and now I feel better about myself and my life.
Today's time is very much different from before. Many years ago, a lot of people were quite religious.
Although there are still very religious persons nowadays, the number have greatly decreased. Even advent
seems to have a different meaning now and most individuals are looking forward to it because they just want
to have a vacation.

When does advent begin? If you have no idea whatsoever, advent starts four weeks prior to Christmas. This
is also known as the season or time of preparation for the birth of the lord Jesus Christ.

Personal agendas and family schedules are filled with programs, meetings, annual obligations, and parties.
What they often forget is the time of advent. This is the best time to meditate as a family so that their bond
will become stronger.

This is definitely the time to be close to one another, especially as a family. Most of all, every individual must
have time for God. How can individuals achieve real peace and quiet in God's presence when all they think
about are car-pooling or manic shopping, instead of contemplation and meditation?

You should lower your sight to time spent on lengthy litanies or readings and around the hearths. Between
parking lots crash and traffic jams, and decking your halls and scribbling notes. There may be enough time,
perhaps five to ten minutes, when your family can sit around the advent wreath quietly. You can do this once
every day or once a week; or if you're really that busy, you can do this at least once during the time of

The family can prepare a simple yet special recipe for them to eat together as they light their advent
candles. You can meditate or pray briefly and afterwards, enjoy your feast. This activity can bring the family
closer together, and much closer to mysteries people celebrate and contemplate in Advent. Advent is not
about vacation and parties; it's about being closer to God and your family.

On the first advent week, chapter 13 verses 33 of Mark is the gospel. Jesus told his disciples to watch
constantly and stay awake because no one knows when He is coming. Usually the prayers or advent
meditations for this week has something to do with the gospel, and this is the same with the second, third,
and fourth week of the advent. The second week's gospel is about John the Baptist when he first appeared
and preached in Judea. The third week is about Jesus and John's disciples, and the fourth is about Mary
and angel Gabriel.

It's not hard to find copies of prayers used during advent. You can see religious aythorities and request
copies of it, or you can also obtain a copy online. With a little research, you can get a copy of a simple yet
meaningful prayer that your family can utter when you're meditating.

Meditation is not all about proper posture and positions used when a person meditates, a simple prayer is
already considered a meditation if you've focused your mind to it as well as your heart. Don't forget to
meditate this advent season.
A lot of people are already being open to new changes and technologies in the field of healing of mental,
physical and emotional problems. One of the new innovations that seem to be getting more popular
nowadays is the alternative technologies subliminals.

Subliminal messages are inaudible or invisible messages that are displayed for a very brief span of time.
The time that subliminal messages are presented are so short that your mind does not consciously detect
the message. Your unconscious mind is the one who can detect and interpret the message.

In short, there is no overt and conscious registration of the message. Your unconscious mind is the one
who will interpret and integrate the message into your system. This means that your conscious mind cannot
develop arguments against the ideas brought about by subliminals and so you are more vulnerable to the
subliminal suggestion.

Admittedly, there are a lot of controversial issues pertaining to the effectiveness of subliminals. One of the
most popular issues concerning subliminals is the one that involves advertisements that use subliminals and
applying or spreading subliminal messages to unwilling subjects.

What Are Self-help Subliminals

If you want to try subliminals on yourself, you can lessen the chances of you being susceptible to
unnecessary information and messages by opting to have self-help subliminals. Self-help subliminals
usually give the clients the privilege to customize the messages. You can decide what subliminal messages
and recordings you feed your unconscious mind. You can be sure that the ideas behind the subliminal
messages are significant to you and can address your needs.

Self-help subliminals is an extraordinary computer program that enables you to present your own subliminal
messages and apply them to modify your life. You use the subliminal program to present your personal
constructive affirmations subliminally in visual or verbal form. You are in total control of how the messages
are displayed and how the messages are displayed.

This kind of self-help subliminals can be referred to as customized subliminals since you are the one in-
charge for the messages that you receive. You can make use of the subliminal messages while at relaxing
or while you are working.

Subliminal Self-help Computer Technology

Although there are loads of subliminal tapes and CDs available in the market today, another genre of
subliminal messages is beginning to be more preferred than the traditional tapes and CDs. Subliminal
computer programs are now beginning to catch the attention of the public, especially those people who
spend a lot of time facing their computer screens.

Another point why subliminal computer programs are becoming more popular is because compared to
traditional audio tapes or CDs, subliminal computer programs can greatly assure people that there is really a
message inside. It's quite hard to detect if a so-called subliminal tape really has a subliminal message in it,
right? For all you know, you could have purchased a blank tape, without any subliminal message at all!
That would be a perfectly horrible rip-off, right?

If you get yourself alternative technologies subliminal such as self-help subliminal computer program, you
can be sure that the messages are tailored-fit for you and you get what you deserve from your money.
Perhaps the only thing that would hinder you from not being able to fully enjoy subliminal computer
programs is when you don't have a computer of your own.
Thanks to the fast-paced technology of the world today, more and more ways to improve, maintain and
enhance the well-being of individuals are available. For people who want to take care of their mental and
physical health sans the medicines and other drugs, perhaps alternative technologies subliminals may just
be the perfect method for them.

Brain Wave Subliminals

From the name itself, brain wave subliminals focus and target the brain waves of individuals. What's great
about brain waves subliminals is that the people can participate in the process of making themselves
become better through a method called 'self-talk". With proper motivation and perspective, individuals can
change their brain programming and eventually, their lives.

How Do Brain Waves Subliminals Work?

The word 'subliminal" pertains to a threshold below the conscious perception of human beings. Since you
are not aware of the existing subliminal programming underlying the music or sounds of nature (birds
chirping, ocean waves, rustling leaves, etc.), you are simply receiving the subliminal repetitive positive
suggestions without any force of resistance from your mind.

Because your conscious mind is not the main target of subliminal messages, you can't really put up any
barriers or walls against the messages. Eventually, you will learn to accept and integrate the unconscious
messages given to you and you will notice positive changes in your behaviour, performance, and outlook in

The reprogramming of the mind and attitude aims to get rid of negative thoughts, ideas and feelings that
hinder an individual from performing successfully. By ridding an individual of all the pent-up negative
feelings in his or her system, self-esteem and self-confidence will increase which will result to a higher sense
of self-efficacy.

Brain Waves Subliminals Make Use Of "Blink Moments"

"Blink moments" are what we may refer to as rapid cognitions or intuitions. The author of the book "Blink",
Malcolm Gladwell, defines rapid cognition as the kind of thinking that occurs in just a blink of an eye.

The problem is, most people don't usually trust their "blink" moments. Some tend to be too apprehensive
and they dwell more on the objective aspects as well as facts rather on their intuition, no matter how
prevalent and strong it may seem to be.

Brain wave subliminals can help individual to cultivate and develop their intuition. Since these subliminal
messages work on a deep inner level of the human brain, they can simply change the programming of your
brain. You can ditch the behaviours and beliefs that you don't want and replace them with ideas and
thoughts that you would like to integrate in your mind.

You will eventually feel that your attitudes and behaviours have changed for the better, thanks to the
reprogramming of your mind. In addition, you will also learn to trust your intuition than you did before the

You will have the inner power to know the right thing to do as well as have the calmness and serenity
whenever crises arises because the brain wave subliminals have developed your intuition and programmed
your mind to trust your decisions that occur in "blink" moments. Finally, people who undergo brain wave
subliminals must also perform self-talk to support further the reprogramming of the brain.

Alternative technologies subliminals may not be approved and accepted by everybody, but they have
already touched and improved a lot of individuals who were brave and courageous enough to try them.
When people are physically sick, they usually go to the doctor and have their bodies assessed for whatever
pain or sickness they have. When people are mentally or emotionally disturbed, they usually go to a
counsellor, psychiatrist or psychological to alleviate their emotional anguish and psychological distress.

However, there is an alternative technology that offers both healing and improvement of physical, emotional
and mental health. This alternative technology is better known as subliminals.

What Are Subliminals?

The theory behind the utilization of subliminals is that the messages which are under a person's visual level
or audio level will be received directly by the "unconscious" mind, thus by-passing conscious detection and
evaluation. People who listen to subliminal tapes just hear music or sounds from nature, such as waves,
waterfalls, chirping birds, rustling leaves, dolphin calls, etc on the surface.

Underneath these music or nature sounds are subliminal verbal messages and affirmation that are inaudible
to cognisant perception. According to this theory, the 'subconscious" mind can and will tell apart the
inaudible verbal messages from the audible sound messages, react to them, and act upon them.

The concept of receiving messages unconsciously through finer discerning mechanisms unavailable to the
conscious mind is founded on Sigmund Freud's theory of the unconscious.

Freud proposed that the driving force behind human behavior is the unconscious mind. He described the
mind as being like an iceberg. The mass below the surface is referred to the unconscious mind and the
conscious mind is referred to as the 'tip" of the iceberg. Freud emphasized that the unconscious mind
makes up most of the human brain, what is obvious and conscious is only a small part of the wholeness of a
person. Hence, the promoters of the alternative technology of subliminals are fundamentally Freudian.

What Do Subliminals Offer?

Through the use of subliminal messages and recordings, the supposed power of the Freudian-invented
unconscious is said to be at work. Individuals are told that they can be able to lose weight, stop smoking,
improve their sleep, improve their sex life, overcome phobias and fears, relieve and totally eliminate stress,
reduce migraines, etc.

Some subliminals even suggest cures for cancer, as well as liberation from physiological problems. Although
such promises seem to be a rip-off to some people, there are actually some individuals who are willing to
testify about the effectiveness of subliminals. There is an ongoing debate on whether subliminals are really
effective or not.

In spite of the partial deficiency of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of subliminals, they have
grown to be quite accepted among Christians. There are now available "Christian" subliminal tapes
distributed by a number of Christian 'ministries."

Instead of using the customary Drink Coke or Eat Popcorn advertising subliminal messages, the Scripture is
used along with, or in place of, other messages. These Christian subliminal promoters guarantee about the
same things as their secular counterparts, with one exception; unlike their secular counterparts, they assert
Christian rootedness and Christian spiritual aid for the listeners.

To conclude, alternative technologies subliminals are not 100% proven to be effective. People are divided
whenever the issue of subliminal messages arise. Some would say that subliminal messages are just rip-
offs and may be referred to as "placebos".

However, some people would also say that subliminal messages are effective; they are not only believable
because they don't really target the conscious mind of individuals.
Angels are said to be part of every human's life. There have been many encounters with angels told in
history, as many people claim. But a lot of individuals find that quite hard to believe especially if they lack
spiritual awareness and faith. Did you know that today there are a great number of people who use angels
as guide to their healing meditation?

You've heard it right. There are many individuals who find using angels as an effective guide to meditation.
You can find a lot of sites on the net that feature angel guide healing meditation. There are even books
published about it. Now the question here is whether you do believe in angels because if you don't, you will
not succeed in achieving peace of mind nor be healed of your condition.

Angels love and protect people. For as long as anyone can remember, angels are widely recognized.
Troubled souls can be enlightened and they can still follow the right path that would lead them to life's
fullness. There are many individuals who believe that through angels, world peace is still achievable.

If you're experiencing spiritual difficulties, traumas, and stress, then it's probably time that you seek healing
meditation through angel guides. Angel guides are also people who were given a special gift to act as a
spiritual channel; they can communicate with angels and they can greatly help people (with faith) to cope up
with all their problems.

Most angel guides are willing to help other people regardless of race and religion. They believe that God
created all men equal, and through the angels, they can bring people to love one another.

One of the major reasons why many people are now into meditation is because of health problems. More
and more individuals are aware of their body and mind connection and that may be the reason why they
practice meditation. There are even doctors that recommend meditation for stress-related depression and
illnesses. Meditation is now accepted, scientifically speaking. Since there are many types of meditation, you
should choose one that you think you can practice easily in your life.

Through an angel guide meditation, you can awaken your spiritual levels through your own experience and
not how you've been taught or read. Meditation can help a person discover himself and his potentials. So
don't miss your chance being healed through an angel guide.

Have you heard about the so called touched by an angel? There are stories of people who were healed
because of an angel. Miracles are indeed hard to believe but for people who are desperate to get answers
and to be healed, they would likely believe in any miracle that might come their way. If you want to take your
chances, do it with an angel guide. You have nothing to lose, and only everything to gain. Perhaps you will
get well after such healing. There's no harm in trying, and just make sure that you trust only the experts.

You can ask your friends and family members if they know an angel guide. Or if you want, you can purchase
a book that's all about angel guide healing. Remember, with faith in God you can overcome a lot of
problems in your life.
Anugraha Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of healing. Reiki has its origins traced
back to Japan where the practice was developed by a Tendai Budhhist named Mikao Usui in 1922. He was
said to have discovered the technique after a 21-day retreat on Mount Kurama.

After undergoing meditation, fasting and prayer during the retreat, Usiu claimed to have received some
mystical revelation and was handed down the knowledge as well as the spiritual power for healing.

Reiki has been known to be fairly easy and simple to use. Everyone is said to be able to employ the system
to achieve spiritual healing of self as well as others. Teaching the system usually involves three parts which
are better known as degrees. The first degree usually teaches the basic theories and procedures with using
Reiki energy.

This energy is said to pass through a channel in the body which can be opened by way of four
"attunements" given by the Reiki master to a student. The first degree of training also involves the learning
of certain hand placements that allow the Reiki energy to heal people.

The second degree of the Reiki training involves the use of the Reiki symbols and how they can be used to
enhance healing. Students are also taught how to provide distant healing. This will allow people to be able to
heal others without being physically present. The third degree of the Reiki training involves making the
student become a Reiki master. As a Reiki master, a person may now be able to attune others to Reiki and
teach the system to others.

Different forms of Reiki now exist and each one of them provides different ways of providing spiritual
healing. One of them is the Anugraha Reiki which is a mystical healing art that originated in India. The word
"Anugraha" means Grace, which is considered as one of the five functions of the Divine that ultimately leads
to Liberation or "Mukti". Anugraha can also refer to the Power of Revelation. On another level, the word can
also relate to Mercy.

Just like the Japanese form of Reiki, the first level of Anugraha Reiki focuses on self healing, self
awareness, replenishment and perfecting relationship. A Diksha or attunement is given to help activate
seldom used parts of the brain. A simple yet advanced spiritual practice is taught to help transform a
person's consciousness and result to deep states of awareness within 30 days.

The second level of the Anugraha Reiki focuses on healing others. During this period, sacred sounds are
being taught that is said to help invoke positive consciousness. An advanced form of meditation is also
taught. A type of special mantra used to invoke the presence is taught along with the techniques for doing
healing work both through personal and long distance means.

The third degree initiation of Anugraha Reiki involves the teaching of the esoteric use of important Reiki
symbols that can be used for different means such as for astral projection, meditation, altering time or
space, bridging the worlds of life and death, and easing the transition process. There are two additional
master symbols are also revealed. For a student to succeed and qualify for the third degree of teaching, he
or she should already be relatively clear of his or her own physical and psychological suffering.
Meditation generally refers to the state of concentrated focus on an object of thought or awareness. The
background of meditation stems from the aim to get into a higher state of consciousness. It is usually based
from ancient beliefs that make up the component of eastern religions. Its practice has bee going on over
5,000 years.

When it comes to meditation, different beliefs hold different spiritual and psychological practices in order to
develop or achieve a higher degree of mental consciousness and awareness. Many religions have
developed their own method and technique of meditation that allows their adherents to arrive at a higher
state of consciousness.

The differences of the techniques used may be classified according to their focus. There are certain
techniques that focus on a certain perception or experience while there are others that focus on a specific
object to achieve a higher consciousness. There are also some forms of meditation that combines the use of
open focus and the use of a specific object for focus in their practice to achieve a higher state of

One of the popular religions known to practice meditation is Hinduism. It is considered as the oldest religion
that focuses on meditation as a spiritual and religious practice. There are several forms of meditation that is
practice in the different Hinduism sects. Principal of them is the Yoga, one of the six schools of Hindu
philosophy. It provides several types of meditation that Hindu believers and even a number of Western
adherents have learned to practice.

On of the many forms of Yoga is the Raja Yoga which states the eight limbs of spiritual practices, with half of
them classified as meditation. Then there is the Vedanta which is a form of Jnana Yoga. The Surat Shabd
Yoga uses a form of meditation that uses sound and light to achieve a higher state of consciousness. There
is also the Bhakti Yoga which practices a form of meditation that focuses on an object of love or devotion.
The Japa Yoga which practices a form of meditation where a mantra is being repeated aloud or silently.
There is also the Hatha Yoga where different postures and positions are used in meditation in order to raise
one's spiritual energy.

In Hinduism, the object of meditation is to achieve a calm state of mind. In the Yoga Sutras, there are five
different states of mind being described. There is the Ksipta which describes an agitated state of mind that is
unable to think listen or remain quiet. Then there is the Mudha, a state of mind where no information seems
to reach into the brain. The Viksipta is considered as a higher state of mind where information may reach
the mind but it is not able to process it. In this state, the mind moves from one thought to another and in a
confused inner speech.

The Ekagra is another higher state of the mind characterized by calmness but not asleep. This state allows
a person to stay focused and pay attention. Probably the highest state that a mind can achieve is in Nurodha
where the mind is no longer disturbed by erratic thoughts and is completely focused and totally centered in
what a person is doing. This will provide you with a basic background of meditation that will allow you to
understand better how it is being practiced.
One good way of gaining control back in your life is by subliminal messages. This kind of messaging system
works by putting a secret message within another message. The subconscious mind is said to be able to
pick up these subconscious messages and in effect you are able to do what ever the message tells you to

It can help you alter unwanted behaviors. For example, you want to stop smoking and have a much healthier
life style. You can get a message that helps you stop smoking, or that you get an active lifestyle. Other
behaviors too like anger management can be controlled as you get to control your emotions effectively.

Choose A Form

You can get these in various forms. They come in audio, video, and other visual forms. They can be in
tapes, CD's, prints, or just in the desktop of your computer. Often times there are companies that makes
these subliminals and sells them for a price worth the changes. But unknown to most, there are also a lot of
free subliminals available online.

These free subliminals can come in the form of audio tracks. They are easily downloadable and transferable.
You can play it in your computer, burn it on a CD, ortransfer it to your MP3 player. One thing to remember is
that you can't compress the audio file because compression will take the effect away.

There are also free downloadable subliminal generating programs. You can install one of these programs
and play it on your computer. These are customizable where you can put what behaviors you want to
acquire. These are in visual forms most of the time, where the subliminal messages are flashed on your
desktop for a very brief period of time.

Sublimely Manual—Doing It The Primitive Way

If you don't have the budget to buy customized subliminals or if you can't find a free audio subliminal that
would best answer your need or if you don't have your own device to be able to have every day access with
your subliminal media, there is another way of sending subliminal messages to your mind without the need
of technology yet absolutely free!

First off you need to have white flash cards and a black marker pen. You should have goals that you want to
achieve. Then you write down in the flash card the word/s of the attitude/s of the goal that you are aiming
for. An example would be you want to control your anger, thus you write it down clearly on the card.

The way you write it should be in a positive way like "I have control with my emotions." not "I can't be angry."
Because the subconscious mind can't process words like "can't" and 'don't" and the like. Then put the
flashcards with a flashlight beside your bed, put your alarm on at 3 AM, turn off the lights and off you go to

At 3AM when the alarm sets off, get the flashlight and turn it on and off focusing the light to the flashcards.
Flick the light on and of for a dozen times at each of the card and stare at the cards while doing this. When
finished, you can go back to sleep. The rationale behind this is because your subliminal mind is most
receptive at this hour and in the middle of deep sleep.

You may think that the process can be inconvenient; however this is one effective way to send free
subliminals and change your life for good!
The benefits of meditation have been known to humans ever since it was first practiced several millennia
ago. This article will discuss some of them in detail and will outline the mental as well as the health benefits
of this practice.

1. Reduces stress

- since meditation helps calm the mind and relax the individual, it helps a lot in reducing stress. This is
usually achieved through the breathing exercises that form a part of the practice.

Stress reduction is one of the main reasons why people take up meditation.

2. Various health benefits

- there are already documented cases wherein meditation was shown to have helped in curing an illness. A
landmark study is the one done in 1976 by Australian psychiatrist Ainslie Meares which was published in the
Medical Journal of Australia.

The study documented how a patient's cancer regressed after sessions of intensive meditation. Meditation is
also known to lower blood pressure levels, which is beneficial to patients who are at risk of hypertension and
other heart-related conditions.

3. Improves concentration

- one practice in meditation involves focusing on a particular object such as a candlelight, or reciting a
mantra. Doing activities like these have been shown to improve a person's concentration.

4. Acceptance of events

- another aspect of meditation is the ability to take things as they are. This helps a lot in reducing a person's
frustrations over things that he/she cannot control.

People who will surely benefit from this include those who are undergoing anger management.
People are now going back to ancient practices because they know that the modern times have been
causing them too much stress. Of all the means of relaxation out there, more and more people are looking
forward to experience the benefits of meditation.

Because of its effectivity in terms of calming the mind and developing a person's level of intuition, meditation
has now being performed not just a means of clearing the mind and inner reflection but also to heal various
illnesses in the mind, emotions, and physical aspects.

Meditation and its benefits

One of the most celebrated benefits of meditation is that it greatly helps the person's physical state. Among
the physical benefits of meditation involve the heart through a deep rest because it decreases the person's
metabolic rate as well as the heart rate, which leads to the reduction of workload for the heart. Aside from
that, it is also known to lower the levels of a person's cortisol as well as dissolving the chemicals that are
closely associated with everyday stress. Other physical benefits of meditation also include reduced free
radicals in the body by eliminating oxygen molecules that are unstable, decreases a person's high blood
pressure, develops the ability to have more resistant skin, lowering or totally dropping the person's level of
cholesterol, improve air flow to the lungs to aid easy breathing, delays biological aging and increases the
levels of DHEAS in older people.

When it comes to psychological factor, meditation aids in increasing the person's brain wave coherence,
decreasing anxiety levels, often irritability, deep-set depression, and swing of moods, improves the person's
memory as well as his or her learning ability, increases the person's ability for self-actualization, increases
the person's feeling of youthfulness and rejuvenation as well as vitality, leads to positive outlook in life and
joyfulness, and increases a person's emotional status and stability. Other noted benefits of meditation for
an individual and his or her community include:

- Relaxation to the person's the body, mind, and soul.

- Rejuvenation of energy to face the heavy challenges and stress ahead.

- Healing of various illnesses that are closely-associated with the mind and the body.

- Making a more stable person in terms of emotions.

- Developments of relaxed family life and instilling positive outlooks in life to younger people.

- Enhances the person's ability to make his or her mind function properly.

- Letting a person discover his or her inner self, this in turn releases the creativity in them.

- It helps people to free themselves from various vices and addictions such as alcohol and cigarettes as well
as in various medications such as tranquilizers and narcotics.

- It also helps a person to gain higher self-confidence, thus, resulting to stronger power of the will.

- It can be an effective and safe way of discovering one's self instead of focusing the attention to other
unhealthy practices.

- It aids in the development of the power of the mind.

The list goes on about the benefits of mediation in an individual and to his or her community. In so many
cases, these are positive benefits but once mediation has not been used properly, people should be aware
of the side effects. To avoid this from happening, people who are planning to get serious in meditation
should always consult a professional before performing any meditation techniques.
Are you not satisfied with your present life? Are you dreaming that someday you will be able to live a
rewarding life? Perhaps you're aspiring for a stronger marriage or a better job, gratifying relationships, and a
happier family life; whatever your wishes and intentions are, all those things are realizable.

Most people would write down their dreams and goals hoping that someday all their dreams will eventually
come true. Although all those things are important, it's not easy to pursue such dreams. This is because
your everyday life is always crowded with routine demands from work, family, community, and etc.
Oftentimes, you focus on other priorities and that's why you can't easily break away from all those things.

If you want to experience and break out and see what God has intended for you, it's really very simple. Try
reading the scriptures and you can learn a lot. In fact there's the so-called scripture meditation. You can
even find sites about it and by reading the scriptures or the Holy Bible you can greatly improve your way of

You can learn a lot from the scriptures. A simple verse from the bible can give a lot of meaning, and by
meditating on it you can actually apply the words from the bible into real life situations.

Take for example Proverbs 12:11; it's about food and fantasies. Many people are easily tempted of fantasies
because real life is sometimes uninteresting. The verse is indeed true and is applicable to real life. If only a
person works faithfully on his land, then he will have food for his table. Whereas, persons who chase their
unending fantasies and don't plant crops, then they have nothing to harvest.

The important point in that verse is that people should stick to reality, and that each person should take risks
not blindly. There are risks involved when you're pursuing your dreams, and if you lack knowledge, in can be
very expensive in life's terms.

Different religions have different beliefs, but one thing that's common among them is that they trust one God
although the name varies from one religion to another. They also have different bibles where the scriptures
are written. These things are considered as food for the soul, and so one must not forget to live by what the
scriptures say in order to live the best days of his life.

If you want, you can join certain organizations that read the scriptures, and reflect on them. By meditating on
the scriptures, you will understand what God has planned for you. Your mind will be clearer and you can set
your priorities straight. No more dreaming because you now know ways to achieve such dreams through
God. If you only focus on your dreams and live by what the scriptures say, then perhaps you can have a
rewarding and fruitful life. The best times of your life are waiting for you.

So don't be left behind. Many people are also into scripture meditation. Try to find someone who can help
you out. It's never too late, and who knows, the best times are just around the corner waiting for you. You
have to start meditation now, and don't postpone it for tomorrow.
There are a lot of movies, stories and news today about alien abductions and other paranormal happenings.
Telekinesis, mind reading and other skills are said to exist. Sometimes topics like these are laugh trips for
you. But what if you just learned that you are actually being subjected into something that just sounds as
hocus-pocus as those mentioned above?

A Driving Force

How would you feel if you find out that you are being manipulated to do a certain action or behave in a
certain way without you knowing it or without even your consent? You may think that it would be pretty scary
and indeed it is. But there's more to it than that.

Subliminal Usage

The use of hidden messages has increased the past years. People are much more open to the so-called
science than before. Many companies are selling subliminals as self-helping instruments. They say that by
subliminally telling your self to change your behavior, like having low self-esteem, you can actually do so!

However, subliminal messaging is not restricted only for private use. There had been lots of issues of this
type of messaging system being used in public places and commercial advertisements of companies. Due to
the believed effects, even large companies use this kind of system.

Proofs Of Purchase

There had been reports of subliminal messages being used for advertising. Once, it was used in a cinema
where a message was flashed to buy Coke and popcorn. The results was said to be that there was an
increase in the popcorn and Coke sales that night. It was a really an amazing out come.

There was one instance too that a shopping mall used a subliminal message that conveyed the message "if
you steal, you go to jail". The outcome was remarkably the same as with the cinema incident. There was a
significant drop of cases regarding shoplifting in the mall.

You can also browse the Internet for posters or ads that use subliminals. There are even logos of famous
companies where the sublime messages are explained. These images all convey a sense of pleasure to the
viewer enticing them to buy or come in the establishment. The question however is, is it right to use
subliminals to the public?

Black Side Of The Market

A lot of people would probably be enraged if they found out that this kind of advertising is true. Wouldn't you
think that it is unfair for your part that you are made to buy a product because you were subconsciously
manipulated to do so? Remember, you have nothing to fight against it at all.

It is very much unfair that the public, including you, is subjected to this kind of manipulation without them
knowing it. It can be a form of invasion of privacy for some. Manipulating your actions through this kind of
media without your consent can be really frustrating on your part.

White Side Of The Market

However, there can be a good side too. Like the shopping mall incident stated above, subliminal messaging
could be for the good too. If it's true, there can be less crime committed, and safety can be assured.

Whether, subliminals, really work or not, it is inevitable that there is an issue regarding its public usage and
you as a consumer, should be consciously aware of this.
There are many books about meditation being sold today. For starters, choosing among the many books
the one that can provide you with everything you need can be very difficult. In fact, there are even books that
can be considered useless and of no importance. So before purchasing any book or CD on meditation, it
would be best to check their customer reviews first, just make sure that it is an independent review and one
that is not biased.

The book and CD of Stephan Bodian for only about $16.50 is such a great deal for meditation beginners.
According to many reviews, this book is of great value and it contains all your needed information about
meditation for starters. The book is simple, direct, and offers a lot of recommendations. Aside from that, you
can read with ease. There is no other book that covers as much subject on meditation as Meditation for

If you now realize the importance of meditation in your everyday life, then it would be best to do it regularly.
In a short time, you can learn how to meditate and at the same time, listen to the CD.

Starting with meditation is not as easy as you think. There are often difficulties that one encounters. But if
you purchase the book, you can learn all the bases to meditation. The book covers the different methods
used in meditation, the various approaches, and a lot more. In fact, you can skip some parts of the book and
concentrate only on the topics that you're interested in.

If you're also stressed out, this book is great for you. In about five minutes, you can learn a lot about
meditation. By reading special sections of the book, you can meditate and eliminate your stress. And if
you're in another stressful situation, you will know what to do so as not to get stressed again.

There are also some drawbacks about the book and CD edition. Dummies are easily discouraged of very
long books. The book has actually 300 pages, with the foremost chapters talking about the importance and
goodness of meditation. Since the book is quite long, many dummies may get drowsy reading it. Others
complain about the voice on the CD being harsh, egotistical, and new agey, and stoned. What the listeners
want is a voice that match the author's. A voice that is practical, knowledgeable, fun loving, open, likeable,
and well rounded. Many dummies practicing meditation want the right voice on their CD and they would
gladly pay for it.

Despite its drawbacks, the book still is well loved by many dummies and other people as well. This is a truly
good book worth having. If you want an unbiased approach to meditation and emphasis on its essence, then
this is the book and CD edition for you. What is important is your personal transformation and your achieved
peace of mind. You will surely discover your true self and you'll soon have inner peace.

This book can explain every step that you have to go through in meditation. Enter the door that the book
opens for you, and you will find personal growth. What's best about this book is that you don't have to
correlate with any school or religion. You only have to discover the love, truth, and compassion within you.
Brahma Satya Reiki is a recent evolution of Reiki which originated from India as a result of descent of Shiva-
Shakti as Brahma Satya. This descent was said to occur sometime in August of 1997.

It was during this time that Deepak Hardikar was drawn into the waves of this descent in deep meditative
states that the brahma sutras, or the universal keys were revealed. Along with this revelation came the
existence of the system now known as Brahma Satya Reiki.

In further explaining Brahna Satya Reiki, one must be able to learn and understand its name. "Reiki" is a
Japanese word that is the result of joining together of two words. One of the words is "Rei" which means
Universal and "Ki" which means the Life Force Energy. As for the Indian origin of the name, "Brahma"
means Brahmaan or the Universe and "Satya" means the Truth.

It can be said that "Reiki" is just a similar translation of the original Indian word, "Brahmaprana". Reiki or
Brahmaprana can both be explained as that life force energy which exists all over the universe. It is through
that primal energy from which the life forms exist in the entire universe.

Brahma Satya Reiki therefore can be further described as the Universal Truth of the Universal Life Force
Energy. Through this new type of Reiki method, it is said that Reiki exists in the form of Shakti, Shiva-Shakti
and Shiva. These are considered as the three primal energies which are radiated out of the very source of
universal existence.

Through this, practitioners believe Reiki as also to refer to the Divine energy. Each of the three primal
energies represents the primal vibrations and has their own special and unique characteristics.

The first primal energy, Shakti, is believed to provide inner strength essential for the realization of any type
of task. Shiva is said to be the primal energy that is responsible for the completion or dissolution of any task.
Shiva-Shakti is said to be that primal energy which combines the two other primal energies of Shiva and

Through Shiva-Shakti the two can be considered either as independently functioning energies or also a joint
form of these two primal energies. Shiva-Shakti is a very rare form of primal energy that requires inner
strength and an intrinsic realization of the inner core knowledge required for the fulfillment and completion of
any task.

This intrinsic realization can also result in the feeling of contentment and satisfaction which can bring about
a constant experience of bliss. The Brahma Satya Reiki is the only type of the Reiki system that is known to
be based upon the Shiva-Shakti.

In general, Brahma Satya Reiki, just like other forms of Reiki that has been developed through the years, is
commonly understood as a holistic natural healing system. It is a system that provides individual well-being.
It is a system that is very simple to learn and practice. The Brahma Satya Reiki is also considered as a
stress relieving relaxation technique. Practice of the said system can effectively help dissolve existing pains
and other struggles experienced by individuals.

The practice of Brahma Satya Reiki focuses attention towards the conscious awareness of all factors that
essentially cause the pains and struggles that people experience. Brahma Satya Reiki gives importance
upon the practical applicability of reiki, be it related to the physical body, emotional issues or the handling of
life's various adverse situations.

This system of reiki also stresses on the long distance method of healing, which is considered as a definite
shift from all of the other existing forms of reiki. This aspect of the Brahma Satya Reiki is a distinct
advantage in situations where the touch healing aspect of reiki is too difficult to be practically adopted.
Breathing is an integral part of meditation. Proper breathing is required in many practices of meditation and
is therefore an important tool to be possessed by people who wish to perform this activity.

The practice of proper breathing while meditating helps a person relax while doing the exercise. Proper
breathing is achieved by inhaling through the nose, letting the diaphragm (not the chest) expand and
exhaling through the mouth.

Doing this slows down a person's heart rate which leads to a relaxed mood.

Breathing also plays a significant role when a person aims to improve his/her concentration. This is done by
focusing the mind on the act of taking in air and feeling it pass through the nostrils until the air is finally
exhaled through the mouth.

While this may sound easy, it can be quite challenging when done for the first time.

Then there's the method for increasing a person's awareness. Just like the concentration technique
mentioned above, it involves putting one's attention to his/her breathing.

But instead of focusing on the act of inhaling and exhaling air, it is the sensation of breathing where the
person trains his/her thoughts. The feeling of the air passing through the nose, filling the lungs and
expanding the diaphragm is the sensation that a person should look for.

It helps him/her feel how it is to be truly alive.

This article has shown how important breathing is in the practice of meditation. It is no wonder, therefore,
that the two are inseparable activities that a student of meditation should learn.
Today's world, with all its excitements, its adventures, and its discoveries, is moving in a very fast pace.
This can be very thrilling and fun-filled for the modern man, but this can also be exhausting to the soul. That
is exactly the reason why many people try to find comfort and solitude amidst the changes taking place in
their environment. And, it is also because of this that meditation is becoming popular among many.

Meditation can be defined in different ways, but this is really a broad concept that no measure of words can
totally unveil its real sense. Meditation is best understood when experienced and felt rather than when
explained. And although this cannot be measured by words, maybe you will be able to grasp it more easily
in the light of its purpose.

Why do people meditate? The prevailing reason is the search for inner peace, the peace of the soul. Peace,
in this world of changes and in this race of life, is becoming more and more elusive. In the search for things
and possessions, many live a life of materialism, always looking forward into the future and seldom looking
within them to monitor the state of their inner self. And once they have finally decided to venture within, they
find the various pieces of themselves in disarray. This is when meditation is often resorted to. Others
meditate to contemplate the things around them, to look into the realities of their life, and to find the meaning
of the world to which they belong.

The popularity of meditation varies among races, cultures, and religions. It may also be seen differently
according to various people. Buddhism, a popular religion and philosophy that originated in Asia, places a
great emphasis on Buddhism meditation as a way of discovering life's meaning. To the Buddhists,
meditation is associated with enlightenment.

Buddhists recognize the presence of sufferings in the world. But then, recognition is nothing without any
intention to alleviate and free mankind from this plague. This is therefore the ultimate purpose of Buddhism
meditation – to free man from pain and agony.

To be able to do this, one must know what causes pain and suffering. This is basically brought about by
man's endless desires and expectations from the world, from the people around him, and from life itself.
Expectation usually breeds despair, and this is what man must conquer. He must stop expecting from the

To meditate is to be enlightened, to see things in the light of reality. Life is not a bed of roses; it is an ever-
changing sphere. To live life fully and to enjoy the freedom of living, one must control his cravings and
desires. Only when this is achieved will man be able to know that life is not actually as complicated as he
has come to believe.

Meditation, at its best, is a great tool to help you find inner peace, and to preserve it, no matter how
frustrating the outside world can be. Given the right motivation and the right purpose, this activity is one that
will keep you focused on the truth that you need to know about life to keep you living healthy and satisfied.
There are a number of different Buddhist meditation techniques that followers and many meditation
enthusiasts practice. Despite their differences, the techniques are all generally based on developing two
things- mindfulness and concentration. Attentiveness to the movements of the body and to the ever
changing states of mind is to be developed in order to identify the real concept of self. Objectivity in this
case can be a valuable aid to clear thinking. With objectivity comes concentration, the ability to focus the
mind and keep in focused on a single point or object.

Many Buddhist schools employ different techniques in meditation. Some may focus on such practices as
breathing meditation while others on movements. The diversity can be so wide ranging that there are a
multitude of variations available. Most Buddhist techniques can be school specific. Only a few masters aim
to combine and categorize the techniques from several Buddhist traditions.

One of the known meditation techniques is that being practiced by Western Order meditation master
Kamalashila. The teacher identifies that there are five basic methods to be used as a traditional set for
meditation. Each method can be used as an antidote to one of the five primary obstructions to
Enlightenment- distraction, hatred, craving, conceit and ignorance.

One of the five basic methods is the mindfulness of breathing. This involves the practice of tranquility
meditations. This method helps to counteract distraction and aims to develop better concentration. Another
of the five basic methods laid out is the Metta Bhavana. This method includes the four brahma viharas and
is used to counteract sentimental attachment or hatred. This method aims to develop loving kindness in a

Another of the five basic methods in Buddhist meditation is the contemplation of impermanence. This
method can help counteract craving and develop inner peace and the feeling of freedom. The six element
practice is based on meditation involving the six elements- earth, water, space, air, fire and consciousness.
The six element practice method of meditation counteracts craving and develop instead some clarity in a
person regarding to self. The fifth basic method of meditation is the contemplation of conditionality which
aims to counteract ignorance and instead develop wisdom and compassion. There are also other Buddhist
meditation techniques not identified by the five basic methods. This includes different methods of
visualizations, meditation by sitting and the walking meditation.

Another of the many techniques used in Buddhist meditation include the five types of Zen as grouped by
Kuei-feng. In this case, the Zen practices were grouped according to five categories. Although mostly
common for Zen practitioners, the techniques are also applicable to Buddhist meditation methods. One of
the types is the "bonpu" or "ordinary" meditation that is done to achieve physical and mental well-being in
absence of any spiritual goal. There is also the "gedo" or "outside way" which is meditation that is used for
non-Buddhist purposes. The third is the 'shojo" or 'small vehicle" which is meditation used in pursuit of self-
liberation or nirvana.

The fourth of the Zen Buddhist meditation techniques as grouped by Kuei-feng is the 'daijo" or "great
vehicle" which is the meditation in pursuit of achieving self-realization to experience the unity of all things.
Then there is also the 'saijojo" or 'supreme vehicle" which is the meditation aimed to realize the Buddha
nature as imminent in all beings.
Remember those Chinese martial art movies that feature monks with their heads shaved off? Well, those
folks practice Buddhism which is a spiritual movement designed to make the person find the true nature of
life. At the heart of this is meditation which is the means of making this possible.

But to understand Buddhist Meditation, you have to know the Buddhism itself is centered on the Four Noble
Truths. First, we have to realize that there is suffering in the world which happens because of our ignorance
and our desires. When we do understand ourselves, we can finally find a way to end this suffering. Those
who find the answer have reached a state of Nirvana.

This then leads us to the core of Buddhist meditation which is the practice of the eight fold path. These
virtues namely are the right action, right concentration, right effort, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right
speech, right thought, and right view.

The proceedings of Buddhist Meditation are based on two things. The first is called "Samatha" which means
tranquility and the second is called "Vipassana" which means mindfulness.

Let's talk about this a little further. "Samatha" meditation involves a lot of breathing which is designed to
develop concentration, detachment, equanimity and happiness. There are 40 samatha meditations and each
teaches the mind to focus on a single object to produce various states of tranquility.

Vipassana meditation on the other hand develops self understanding by being able to comprehend the
things that are going inside one's head. By practicing this regularly, you will soon develop wisdom which
makes you free from all suffering.

But do you have to be a follower of Buddhism in order to practice this kind of meditation? The answer is no
even if this technique is based on the doctrines of this religion and revolves around concentration and mind

For those who would like to get into Buddhist meditation, the first thing you have to do is find a quiet place
where you can do this without being disturbed. Next, get a nice soft pillow or cushion to sit on if the floor is
not that comfortable for you.

Now, let your hands rest on your lap with the palms facing upward. It's hard to stay in this position for 5
minutes or more so don't be afraid to make a few slight adjustments. The important thing is that you are
comfortable the way you are.

Then it is time to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Anybody can do this but there are 4
proper ways of doing it. You can inhale and exhale long, inhale and exhale short, inhale short and exhale
long or inhale long and exhale short.

It will take some time before you get the hang of things. Don't forget to relax all your muscles so your mind
and body is able to act as one.

Buddhist meditation is just one of the many techniques around that can help relieve you from stress, make
you think better to have a better outlook in life and do all sorts of things that will improve your overall
physical health.

If you appreciate what Buddhist Meditation can do, you can already invest in cushions, prayer beads,
incense and a few other accessories. It is optional so don't think that just because they are not around that
your experience is not a fruitful one.
In a hectic world that people live in today, many are stressed out after a hard day's work. Some even get so
tired that they lose their energy completely that they lose interest in activities that are considered to be
pleasurable, such as sex. Imagine yourself living your life like this everyday and just imagine that by living
this kind of life, you won't even have the time or the energy for your family and friends. Stress can definitely
ruin your social life.

Today, many people are now looking for ways to get rid of stress effectively and give them that extra energy
that they need in order for them to get through another day's hectic lifestyle and still have that extra energy
to spend time with your family and friends.

Many people today aren't really depending on technology to get them that extra energy that they need. But,
they do look for it in the past. Meditation is one of the methods that are constantly growing in popularity
among people today. You have to consider that meditation, particularly Buddhist meditation, have originated
for centuries and up until today, this Buddhist technique have proven itself to be very effective. In fact,
Buddhist monks still exist today where majority of them live in Europe while others are situated in Europe,
United States and other parts of the world.

People who do Buddhist meditation have been found that they worked more efficiently and have that
somewhat "extra glow" or that extra energy. They do work as if it's nothing and Buddhist meditation
practitioners have testified that they are happy doing work.

Buddhist meditation's main goal is to get to the path of Enlightenment. Mental development and mind over
body is also considered to be one of the goals of Buddhist meditation. You have to consider that the body is
controlled by the mind and because of this, Buddhist meditation practitioners have claimed that in order for
your body to function properly, you have to get rid of the negative energy inside your mind by meditating.

A lot of people have claimed that through Buddhist meditation methods, they were able to live life happier
and have reduced any negative thoughts that can affect their daily life. They also said that they don't get
angry too often even if they get stuck in a long traffic jam or when their boss gives them a hard time. They
said that all they do to get rid of anger is do some of the Buddhist meditation they learned in Buddhist
meditation schools.

Even scientists and medical practitioners alike were baffled by the effects of Buddhist meditation. Their
patients who do Buddhist meditation are healthier and they also recover quickly from illnesses. Although
there is still no significant scientific proof about the effectiveness of Buddhist meditation, you have to
consider that there are quite a lot of people who are testifying about the effectiveness of Buddhist

So, if you are looking for enlightenment or you at least want to know how to handle stress effectively, you
should try Buddhist meditation.
Today, there are a lot of people who finds it hard to relax. You have to consider the fact that in today's very
hectic life that people live in today, you may also find it hard to relax. Some people even have a hard time
controlling their emotions but you have to remember that you should control your emotions in order to
function well in society. However, controlling anger can be a very hard thing to do.

Even the simple reason of being stuck in a traffic jam or getting your hitting your toe to a hard object
accidentally is not enough to overreact. However, you have to face the fact that people do overreact to
situations like this. Who wouldn't? You get late for work and get a hard time from your boss because of a
traffic jam, you too would be angry.

However, you have to realize that recent studies have found that anger can shorten a person's life and it can
also contribute to heart related diseases and high blood pressure. In order to prevent this from happening to
you, or at least minimize the risk, you have to know how to relax and learn how to not be angry over small

Through meditation, you can achieve this kind of emotion control as well as relaxing. Today, there are self-
help books that you can purchase in order to know how to meditate. Once such book is called "Course
Insight: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate". This book contains comprehensive meditation
instruction that will guide you on how to meditate and achieve a state of relaxation. Authored by two of the
United States' most respected meditation instructors named Join Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein,
you will see that you can learn how to meditate effectively right at the comforts of your own home.

In this book you will learn how to attain the alpha mind state. Researches have found that the alpha mind
state is where you are not really awake and not really asleep. It is a state where your mind is just beginning
to sleep and on this state, it is where your mind is at its most efficient and most relaxed. You have to know
that you always experience this kind of state as you go to bed. However, "Insight Meditation: A Step-By-Step
Course on How to Meditate" book will show you how to control your mind state at will. This means that you
can go to alpha mind state whenever you like.

When you are in the alpha mind state, you will be able to focus on the work you are doing and you will also
be able to block out any distraction. For example, if you are preparing an important presentation, you can
get your mind to the alpha state so that you can fully relax and concentrate on the presentation you are
doing and block out the noise in your office.

As you can see, meditation can definitely help you with your work as well as your personal life. Research
have found that people who know how to meditate and control their mind state are more efficient at work
and are more in control of their emotions. They know how to block out any negative emotion to preserve
Energy flows fro m the hands of a practitioner towards the person being healed. This is how reiki healing is
conducted. Using the life force energy that is present in and all around us to heal and re-establish balance in
one's being is one of the basic beliefs of reiki.

And taking this life force energy a little further, practitioners have entered into realizations and developed
several reiki techniques to promote healing faster. One of which is a version called Celtic reiki.

Celtic reiki utilizes the energy flows present on Earth and specific plants. Practitioners of this reiki use not
only the universal "life force" energy present in all things but also the specific energy found in nature to heal
those who needs healing.

This reiki system comes from the religious beliefs of early Celts. To the early Celts, trees are important
aspects of their religion believing that trees have their own spirits. They gave the trees such high regards
that they even patterned their writing system based on the trees.

The Celts" Ogham, which is the ancient writing of Celtic people, uses symbols or letters that are cut as a
series of notches and symbolizes different kinds of trees. Each letter represents a different kind of tree,
specifically chosen for qualities that can be linked to spiritual concepts.

Some of the trees that are represented in the Celtic alphabet include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather,
ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle. Practitioners of Celtic reiki use the symbols
from the Ogham. This reiki also follows the Celtic philosophy of bravery, honor, integrity, valor and

But even though Celtic reiki draws influences from ancient Celtic religion, the practice itself is not a religious
one. But rather it is a therapy that aims to treat the mind, body and spirit. It is not connected to any religion
and as such can be passed down to everybody regardless of age, race, gender, and culture.

Celtic reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost. It was developed further Julie Norman. Practitioners of this
reiki see this technique as a beautiful and earthy form. Having foundations on earth energy, this reiki has to
channel the energy vibrations from the earth, specific plants, trees and the ocean through the root chakra as
opposed to the crown chakra that is where conventional reiki channels the energy.

The techniques developed by Pentecost between 1998 and 2000 are used for therapy and goal creations.
Combining the concept of the original reiki and the various Celtic beliefs and rituals, the Celtikc reiki
techniques were created to handle day to day activities like tackling issues of prosperity, finance, work, and
building relationships.

People who are interested in plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often drawn to the Celtic
reiki belief. Men in particular are drawn closer to the Celtic reiki because it seems that this reiki has more
masculine types of energy. But in reality, Celtic reiki is regarded as an equal among the other kinds of reikis.

The Celtic reiki treatment usually lasts for an hour and involves placing the hands in strategic locations and
in specific sequences that will elicit a deep state of relaxation.

A student achieving attunement means having been open to the tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff,
the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the various aspects of soul journeying,
retrieval, and realization.
Chakra meditation is one of the more popular meditation techniques used today. Its philosophy is based
upon the discovery or the search of the charkas. A charka can be considered as an energy point or force in
the body that tries to govern different physical, mental and spiritual functions in an individual. It is the
practice of awakening the charka in the body that is the aim of chakra meditation.

According to the practice of chakra meditation, there are seven chakras locate din the different parts of the
body. Each one governs different bodily functions and may also provide different benefits when awakened
through meditation. One of the charka is the Mooldhara or the "root place". This chakra is located
somewhere in the cervix in women and in the perineum in men. It is said to govern the skeletal and the
excretory system of the body. The Mooldhara may also affect the sense of smell as well as the legs and the
cervix. Attributes to it include the basic life force, material attachment, procreation, and response to stimuli of
labor for women.

Another of the seven chakras is the Swadhistana or "place of one's abode". It can be located somewhere at
the tip of the spinal column. It is said to affect the urinary system such as the kidney and the bladder. Other
bodily systems that this chakra may affect include the reproductive system such as the ovaries, fallopian
tube and the uterus in women and the testes and prostrate gland in men. Attributes connected to this chakra
include the sense of taste, the ability to analyze, a balanced sex drive, high fertility and no fear of water.

The third chakra is the Manipura or the "city of sparkling jewels". This chakra is located in the spinal column
somewhere in the lumbar junction of the L1 and T12 vertebras. It is said to affect the digestive system, the
adrenal glands as well as the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems of the body. This chakra is
attributed to power, ego, self confidence, strength and good assimilation and digestion.

The fourth chakra is the Anahata or "unstruck". This chakra is located in the spinal column somewhere in the
center of the chest. It is said to affect the cardiovascular, respiratory system as well as the muscular system.
This chakra is attributed to a person's emotions, relationships, love, and ability to express oneself through
the arts. If this chakra is afflicted in the body, it is said to lead to respiratory disorders, heart problems, and
low immunity. It may also lead to a person having fear of loneliness, experience some form of emotional
imbalance and the inability to maintain friends

There is also the Vishudh chakra or "purification". It is located in the spinal column somewhere at the C7
vertebrae. It is said to affect the thyroid and parathyroid glands, as well as the function of the throat including
the voice, ears, sense of hearing. Attributes to this chakra include the transformation of thoughts into
speech, better ability to speak or sing, and the acute sense of hearing. If afflicted, this chakra may cause
thyroid imbalance, restriction in the voice as well as the inability to comprehend and understand.

The Ajna, or "command" chakra is said to be located in the mid-center of the brain somewhere at the top of
the spinal cord. It governs the autonomic nervous system, pineal gland, and the pituitary gland. This chakra
is also said to be attributed to the sense of intuition, higher level of mind and wisdom that is beyond normal

The Sahasrara or the "one thousand" chakra is said to have various positions according to different ancient
texts but is usually found at the base of scalp. It is said to control no specific bodily system but has the
overall control of the brain. The knowledge of the seven chakras is the basic in better understanding chakra
Your health is one of the most important things that you have to take care of. Because of this, a lot of
people are doing everything they can just to get the perfect balance of chemicals in their body in order to
obtain perfect health. You also need to consider that a lot of people find it hard to relax and control their
emotions. You have to remember that anger can contribute to poor health and this is the emotion that you
should minimize bringing at as much as possible. It is important that you should never be angry if you don't
need to be angry in order to balance your spiritual self to promote good health and good healing.

Today, a lot of people are not participating in different kinds of meditation in order to achieve balance in their
emotions and also in their spirit. You have to consider that meditating can contribute a lot of great benefits
for your body. With meditation, you will be able to relax more and you can effectively control your emotions
and never be angry if you don't need to be angry. By not wasting precious energy on being angry, you can
put all these negative energies and turn it into positive energies that can be useful in your everyday life.
Always remember that nothing uses up a lot of energy more than anger.

So, if you are having problems controlling your emotions, problems in relaxing, or you simply want to
experience oneness with yourself, you have to try chakra meditation.

Chakra meditation is gaining popularity today because of the health benefits it gives. Not only that you will
have better health, but you will also live a happier life with chakra meditation. It is very important that you
should do the chakra meditation everyday for at least 30 minutes each day in order to achieve spiritual
healing as well as emotional stability.

Learning how to do chakra meditation is easy and everyone can do it. All you need is a quiet room where
you won't be disturbed for at least 30 minutes and a little bit of imagination and you're off.

First of all, you have to consider that there are seven major chakras found in your body. These chakras are
considered to be a very important part of your body that needs to be balanced in order to promote good
health. The seven chakras are Shasrara (crown), Ajna (between brows), Vishudda (throat), Anahata (heart),
Manipura (navel), Svadisthana (sacral), and Muladhara (root). You have to know how to open up your seven
chakras in order to promote spiritual balance and good physical health.

To do this, you have to imagine a spinning light associated with each chakra. Start from Muladhara and work
your way up to Shasrara. You also need to know what color of light is associated with each chakra.

Shasrara (crown) – Violet Ajna (brows) – Indigo Blue Vishudda (throat) – Pale Blue Anahata (heart) –
Emerald Green Manipura (navel) – Golden Yellow Svadisthana (sacral) – Orange Muladhara (root) – Red

You should also remember that it will need the right breathing practices in order to successfully do chakra
meditation. These are some of the things you have to know about chakra meditation. If you want to do this
kind of meditation, you should visit your nearest Yoga instructor and they will teach you the proper way of
doing chakra meditation.
For women, there are some issues about men that are just too hard to handle. But what if you can actually
be able to get rid of those unwanted behaviors of your man and get yourself a brand new reborn man? That
would be every woman's dream and gladly it is now possible with Mephisto Subliminals.

Subliminal messaging can help get rid of unwanted behaviors and can also make a man practice positive
behaviors. Mephisto Subliminals have been producing scripts that are able to help women change their man
for the better. There's a variety of ways on how it can help.

Get Him To Talk

A huge number of arguments come from the issue that guys won't tell or talk to their partners about what's
on their minds. Whether your relationship is at marital level or not, this is the most common problem.
Communication is vital in every relationship, thus you need your man to communicate, whatever it takes, to
keep the relationship going.

Through subliminal messaging, your questions like "What's on your mind?", "Is something wrong?" and the
likes that are usually left unanswered can be for once given real attention to and actually answered by your
man. Use of the messaging can make him talk, explain and be somewhat reasonable and understanding.

Trust Is The Key

Trust is one vital factor in a relationship. If there is no trust then you might as well say goodbye. Thus, if your
man has been hurt before by his past relationships and he finds it hard to invest on that trust on your present
relationship, subliminal messaging could just be the right thing to give him that trusting heart again.

The messaging can tell him not to be afraid. With it, he can forget his past and actually move on and live in
the present. This ensures you that you are his present and there will be no more doubting your relationship.
You and your man will be on your way to that assured trusting future.

Abuse Be Gone

If your man is the type who has some anger management issues and has little or no control over his
emotions, then this is the message for him. Lack of control can lead to actions that can be unintentional or
intentional. Either way, it could still hurt you and even your family or children.

Through this messaging, you can actually tell your man to stop the abuse that he does. In a way his anger
management can be controlled. You wouldn't have to worry of getting intentionally or unintentionally hit by
him. Much more, if you have children, you need not have to worry of them getting hurt at all.

Cheaters Never Win

Having a third party in a relationship can be tough. Most men are inclined to cheat whether it because of
falling in love to some one else or just plainly having sexual relations to others. This is when breakups start
or divorces are filed, and a broken family is of by product, children suffering the consequences.

Now you can subliminally tell your man to stop the cheating or even don't dare to start the cheating. With
this, you will be the only woman in his life and that's an assurance that you actually have him wrapped
around your fingers.

Relationships are very complicated especially if there's a lack of effort from the other. Thus, you should
remember that subliminal messaging your man isn't enough. You too should put effort into the relationship
for it to be a happy one.
The United States of America is considered to have one of the best penal systems in the world where it is
enforced by people who work with the law. The US government tries really hard in order to enforce their
laws against drugs and make an example of drug dealers and users by putting them away in prison.
Perhaps, the US government tries too hard.

Today, there is a great book that you should read that states how people can be wrongfully incarcerated by
the US system against drugs. This book is called the I Chong: Meditations from the Joint. Authored by
Tommy Chong, a well known comedian who acts as Chong in Cheech & Chong, this book is a must read if
you want a little humor on your reading. This book has been reviewed by book critics as entertaining and
must be read by everyone who likes a little comedy.

The book is about the life of Tommy Chong where he wrote about everything that has happened throughout
his life and was wrongfully jailed by the US government because his son's company shipped glass water
pipes or known in street slang as "bongs" across state lines. Bongs are considered to be a tool to smoke
marijuana and are considered as the "pope of pot". If you have seen Tommy Chong in movies before, you
probably noticed that he constantly plays the role of a stereotypical stoner. Because of this, and because of
the bongs, he was sentenced to nine months in prison.

Now, he played his roles in the movies in real life and have written and published a book about it, which is
what people also considered as a form of revenge to the US government for being wrongfully incarcerated.
He also stated that the US government also has its flaws when prosecutors offered him a deal if he pleads
guilty on the accusations. He stated that the offer was if he did not plead guilty, the prosecutors would go
after his wife and son instead. As you can see, Tommy Chong didn't have much of a choice. He couldn't
bear his wife and son to be in jail so he took the deal.

He also told his life story as well as his experiences in jail. This book is a must read that many critics have
considered to be page turner. Book critics have said that they just seem to close the book and continue
reading it next time. Obviously, this book called the I Chong: Meditation from the Joint is very popular and is
considered to be a good read.

So, the next time you are looking for a great book that can offer great reading and one that can make you
laugh, you should consider reading the I Chong: Meditation from the Joint. You can be sure that you will
definitely love reading it to the point that you won't want to stop reading until you reach the last page.
When you hear people say meditation, there is a great chance that you will often think of Buddhist monks
humming with their hands on their large beads. You will also imagine bald people in yellow robes reaching
enlightenment. You have to consider that meditation isn't only done by bald monks in yellow robes in order
to reach enlightenment and know about Buddha's words of wisdom, you have to consider that other
religions, such as the Christian religion also practices meditation but in a very different way.

The Christian bible tells Christian followers to think about God's word. You have to consider that what you
think about affects the action you take. The mind is a powerful part of your body that can control your mind.
So, by thinking about God's words about the great things you have to do in order to benefit other people and
help people who can't help themselves, you will be making a good thing on society.

Meditation has a very different meaning in the Christian religion. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have
to shave your head and wear yellow robes, lie down on the floor or squat in order to meditate, meditation in
the Christian religion means to think. In Christian meditation, you have to think about the good words that
God has commanded people to do. You have to consider that you shouldn't break the commandments and
you have to do good to your fellow human beings in order to go to heaven and have eternal life.

You should consider that meditation isn't just about thinking about Gods word, but you have to consider that
you have to focus on it in order to imprint it in your mind and have a guide to live your life free from sin.
Christian meditation is very easy to do and not as complex as you might think. All you need to do is pray
with your heart and think of the things God have said. There are three times during a day where you can do
Christian meditation in order to guide your everyday life. First is just before you sleep in order to make sure
that you think of what God's words were as you go to sleep, upon waking up in order to have a guide to start
your day, and some time in your day so that you won't forget about God's word.

You don't have to lie down in order to do Christian meditation. All you need to do is think about God's word
wholeheartedly and also accept them as your daily guide in your daily life.

As you can see, you will know what your priorities in life are if you do Christian meditation. All you need is a
little time to think about what God has said and in order to satisfy your soul's needs. As you live life like this,
you will see that you will be happier and be more satisfied on how you live your life.
Meditation which originates from Vedic Hinduism is adopted by Eastern religion as one of their religious
components. In fact, it became the mainstream of Western culture. Although meditation is considered as a
simple language, its description varies in two ways. In western culture, meditation is the state wherein the
mind is concentrated on one object forgetting about others. While in eastern culture, meditation is the state
wherein the mind is switched off. This means nothing is thought about.

Various spiritual practices are adapted to emphasize quiescence or activity. There are several purposes why
meditations are done. It includes improving oneself or concentrating one's mind to God in aspects of
improving spirituality. Some practices physical yoga for improving their health and achieve peace.

In Christian traditions, several religious practices are considered as meditations. Lots of these practices are
monastic including the Holy Rosary and prayers that focus on Adoration or the Eucharist in Catholic
Religion, known as hesychasm in Eastern Orthodoxy. These are similar to Eastern meditation which gives
concentration on individual objects.

Meditations in Christians are usually in prayer forms. Some prayers are primarily made using the intellect
upon contemplation of the heavenly mysteries. But meditation or Christian prayer by the heart is a Theosis
practice as been defined in the Philokalia. It is because attaining an inner stillness is involved while physical
senses are ignored.

Meditation is incorporated by Christians during special occasions including Christmas. Advent recollections
in preparation of celebrating the birth of Jesus are conducted.

There are two ways in which meditation is used, the unguided and guided meditation. A guided meditation
is done with guidance throughout the meditation procedure. You can do this within a small group guided by
a meditation practitioner such as priest and lay ministers or use meditation DVDs or CDs.

Unguided meditations can also be done within a group but no one speaks. The session is carried out in
silence accompanied with meditation music. Some sessions are done in isolated locations with a quiet,
peaceful, and natural surrounding. Still nobody speaks. Meditation music is the sound that can be only
heard. You can do unguided meditation well after taking several sessions of a guided meditation.

There are several advantages of meditations. Besides it being an inward adventurous journey, it helps you
discover yourself. It can increase your inner awareness to see the right path of life. Your consciousness
about everything can bring clarity, serenity, and bliss harnessing and sensitizing your mind power.

If you want real transformation and natural qualities nourishment, then meditation is the best option. The
meditation techniques are composed of processes for transforming your thoughts, yourself, and recognizing
negative thoughts as well as changing those into peaceful and positive thoughts. Meditation can manage
your stress so that your mind can experience a sanctuary of peace and value love in your mind and heart. It
neutralizes emotions to achieve bliss and nirvana. It can make you live longer because mediation creates a
platform for a healthier lifestyle.

Christians of all ages can meditate. Learning this practice can help you improve your daily lives and cope up
with your environment. If obtain inner peace, then it can lead to world peace. And if meditation can heal
oneself, therefore it can also heal the world. This is the true spirit of Christmas.
Meditation is synonymous to serenity. It's a process which involves concentration on a sound, your
breathing, or an object. The idea of meditation is to concentrate or focus your thoughts on a single relaxing
thing over a certain duration of time. Usually, it can last for about fifteen to thirty minutes.

Meditation is also considered as a skill. So, it is necessary to practice regularly to achieve satisfying and
positive results. Meditation done for longer periods of time can help you build some good experiences.

Meditation's ultimate goal is to achieve a constant state of the mind. As you master doing your meditation,
your mind can achieve the tranquility of water in a windless place. With a still mind during the meditation
process, your inner self will be revealed. Once your mind is distracted, do a couple of breathing techniques
to achieve calmness. You will fail the entire process if your mind thinks of other things including internal
gossip, mental commentary, or analysis.

Never forget that during your deep meditation state, you can recall some past buried memories like
childhood abuse or other traumas. Never be surprised since it is normal. As meditation progresses, it can
turn into a dynamic, pleasurable, and blissful experience.

Mostly, meditation is done during worships including communion. This is an event wherein God's food is
consumed. It is advisable to practice meditation rituals as much as possible for security and comfort.

Each church has its own celebration of communion. However the reasons are similar.

There are other lots of practices in sharing the body and blood of Christ. Millions of people around the world
are doing it in different ways. Some just stay in their seats and receive the bread while others go in front of
the sanctuary. People can meditate wherever they are before receiving communion. They can worship at
cathedrals, small weatherboard churches, homes, or even in prisons. Food, usually bread and liquid, usually
grape juice or wine are incorporated upon remembering the unfaltering love of God through his son Jesus
Christ. It is a commitment to share and respond to the teachings of God.

Most Christian followers cherish and celebrate communion. In fact, Christians can receive communion a lot
of times throughout their life. Some are even receiving communion weekly. And every communion is
significant. In this event, Christians are commemorating the bloody sacrifice of Christ on the cross. And by
partaking the bread in the communion means sharing the unconditional love of God for mankind. That is why
it is accepted in great meditation and respect. You cannot receive communion if you are in the state of sin.
Children and adults before undergoing their first communion take the sacrament of confession in cleansing
one's self from sins.

In some religious organization, meditation before communion is done by praying, reading the scriptures, or
announcing hymns for about forty five minutes. Someone will lead a thanksgiving prayer for the bread.
Afterwards, the bread is broken into many pieces and distributed. Usually, most elders are moved into tears
because of the Lord's sacrifice for mankind.

Communion meditation is an art, a symbol, and a story that is more powerful compared to concepts and
words for transforming people. God's message of love was propagated by Jesus to every religious people
through a devoted and deep meditation.
+I have never really thought of myself as an angry person.I would always do whatever I could to try and help
someone out,nor did I do anything that would hurt someones feelings,or I would try as hard as I could not to.
Every month we struggle to get by but I really didn't complain. I was just happy that we did have the money
to pay our bills and have a place to live even though we barely had enough to survive on after paying the
bills. Meditation is very much needed in most peoples lives, no doubt about that.

Even after all that I did not get angry,That changed last week.I really had to meditate to myself when I went
with my sister to the doctor last week.My sister is a very hard worker.She never misses work unless it is
absolutely necessary.Last year my sister had become sick and finally after being so weak she went to the
doctor.He put her in the hospital and gave her 4 bags of blood and said she had pneumonia.

I just couldn't understand how do you lose blood by having pneumonia.As I meditated thinking about last
year I was not prepared to hear what the doctor was going to say as my sister and I were driving to the
doctor.You see my sister got sick again. She nearly collapsed at work and was taken to the hospital.This
time she needed 5 bags of blood.She would keep telling me she was anemic.After the hospital did a ct scan
on her they said she needed to go to her lung doctor immediately.That's where my sister and I were going.

My sister never wants me to worry so she never told me anything and did not want me to go in the room with
her when she went in to see the doctor.After I meditated on this I decided when they called her name I
would go back with her,and that's exactly what I did.The doctor came in and you could see immediately the
concern on his face.He starting reading the results of her ct scan.He was reading something about her

He talked about something growing in her nodules and spreading to her lymph nodes.He wasn't saying it
was cancer but I knew by what he was reading it was. I didn't want to scare my sister so meditating to
myself while he was talking I asked what does all this mean? Instead of asking is it cancer I asked could it
be cancer?

His response was yes mam.She has to go for a biopsy in a couple of days to see how far it has progressed.I
really find myself angry at this point because she has never smoked a day in her life,And here she is 49
years old with lung cancer.So instead of worrying for the next couple of days and getting angry,I simply
practice meditation by praying that god please heal my sister.
+How can you change what you believe when the experiences you have had has convinced you otherwise?
The simple answer to that is to create a new experience. The best way for you to get that new experience is
to meditate about how you can change the way you respond to what happens.The new response will create
new results,which you will then experience it as a new reality.

To reach your goal of happiness,you have to act as though the following statement is true: Everything that
happens to me is the best possible thing that can happen to me. meditating to help turn a bad situation into
something good can be as easy as: 1+ 1 = 2. Acting as though what happens to you is the best possible
thing that can happen to you plus the new results just equals happiness in your life.

When you are convinced of the truth that everything that happens is the best thing that can happen,life will
Begin to be much more fun.It is like opening a new channel to happiness.All you need to know when
meditating is happiness is there,waiting just for you.All you need to do is follow the formula that creates
it.You have to remember also that unhappiness is also out there,waiting just for you.

The way you respond through meditation will determine which one you will be experiencing in your life. It is
not necessary to have all the ingredients of a project in hand at the outset. They will come at the appointed
time. It's only important that you move forward with the project that you have started until that appointed time
comes.With the energy you create through meditation by moving forward as if you had the money to start
your project,you actually put into motion a start of events that will lead you to your success.

Your actions create an energy that draws in the necessary ingredients of your project you have ventured
into. Everything that you need for your venture is,in actuality,already out there,waiting for you.You only need
to draw in what is needed. There is really nothing more to all of this other than just you remembering to keep
an open mind and find that peace that is buried deep within you.

The result that come with meditation that causes you to experience happiness,which then proves to you that
this is how things really do work-and this leads you to soon believe that everything does indeed happen for
your benefit. When you realize that is true,that is when the deep sighs of relief will come and that meditation
can certainly help you see the light.

The internet is a really great place to find out all of the information that you would need about meditation, in
case you are interested in learning more about it for your own benefits. This is very important for you to
consider doing because it will relieve you from so much stress circulating throughout your life each and
everyday. Try practicing meditation as often as you can because you are really going to benefit from it.
During the ancient times until now, people practice meditation because of its provided advantages.
Incorporating meditation as part of your daily life can make a big difference regarding your attitude and
outlook in life. But because meditation is a procedure, it involves several steps as well as postures when
doing it.

1. Cross legged posture. Various spiritual traditions and meditation teachers suggest or prescribe various
meditation physical postures. One of the most popular postures is the cross legged position which includes
the lotus position. It is taught in most meditative traditions that the spinal cord must be kept straight. So,
slouching is not a good idea. This is because, when you sit straight, it encourages good circulation of what
they call as spiritual energy, which is the life force and vital breath.

2. Seated posture. A meditator can sit on the chair with his or her bare feet, as what the New Thought is
teaching. In Orthodox Christianity, a meditator can sit on the stool. While in Theravada Buddhism, a
meditator is walking in mindfulness. In Sukhothai, Thailand, walking meditation of the monks is called bas-
relief. The meditator sits up keeping his or her back straight holding the spine and head in alignment without
leaning and thighs parallel to the floor. The hands are rested comfortably on the arm's chair or on the knees.

3. Kneeling posture. The meditator kneels with both knees on the floor keeping his or her buttocks resting on
his or her toes and heels which are almost touching. The hands rest on his or his thighs.

4. Lying down posture also known as corpse posture or savasna in yoga. The meditator rests on the carpet
keeping his or her legs straight and relaxed. Nevertheless, this is not used more often since it mimics the
natural posture of sleeping. The meditator can sometimes fall asleep. This is effective in reducing stress
rather than a meditation process.

5. Incorporating mudras or hand gestures. There is a theological meaning behind these gestures. Based on
Yogic philosophy, these can affect consciousness. One example is the common hand-position of the
Buddhist. The right hand rests on the top of the left hand with touching thumbs similar to the begging bowl of

6. Incorporating various repetitive activities in stillness such as humming, chanting, or deep breathing to help
in inducing a state of meditation. The Soto Zen practitioners do their meditation in front of a wall with open
eyes. However, most mediation schools are assuming that the eyes are half-open or closed.

The duration and frequency of meditation also vary. There are nuns and monks who bow for a lifetime
meditation. However, the broadly accepted duration is 20 or 30 minutes. This length may increase as the
process goes on as what experienced meditators revealed. To obtain the benefits of meditation, it is
advisable to follow the advices and instructions of the spiritual teacher. Most traditions require daily practice.
But some may experience frustration or guilt when they failed to do it. Sometimes, meditators may complain
about meditators knee especially during long hours of kneeling on one's knees or sitting on cross legs.

Keep in mind that perseverance and acceptance are needed to become successful. This can help you
during prolonged hours of meditation and increase focus on your everyday lives.
People go through a lot of problems in life. Some of them find it easy to deal with such problems but a great
number of people can't cope with the situation and end up being depressed. When something of great
importance to you is lost, what do you initially feel? The answer is grief and this is such a strong feeling that
many individuals experience, young or old alike.

While many persons prefer to evade grieving experiences, it is still best to face up to it and deal with the
experience with strong determination. If you keep on going around the problem, it will not disappear and
sooner or later, you have to deal with the problem.

Are there effective ways to help people working through their grief? There are several options for an
individual experiencing sorrow. You must know however, that grief can consume all your energy, leaving you
feeling exhausted and drained. That is why you should continue all your daily activities and health routines.

Grief is a normal feeling. When something or someone is lost, you will feel an empty space inside your
heart; you will soon find yourself in tears and in great sadness. Mourning is also natural, but not all people
can through this stage and so they need some form of aid or support.

A lot of people, as mentioned earlier, prefer to evade the situation. They want other people to believe that
they are all right and that nothing's wrong by pushing their emotions away which are a mistake. This can
harden a person's feelings and it will have a tremendous effect on his or her emotional life.

So what can you do to go through grief? There are a lot of things that you can do, including daily meditation.

First, you must eat nourishing meals regularly. There are depressed and sad persons who resort to eating
too much while others barely eat. Either way, you're bound to get sick because anything in excess or
insufficient can make a person ill.

Try to get plenty of rest and exercise regularly. Restlessness is natural especially for a person who is sad or
grieving. Try your best effort to take a rest; this is the only way to keep your strength. Make sure that you
exercise regularly too. This can help in keeping you fit even if you're suffering from extreme loss.

Do things that you usually do like hanging out with friends, going to parties, doing chores at home, and other
stuff that you used to enjoy prior to the grieving experience. Take time to enjoy; this way you can forget
about the loss occasionally.

Even if you lost something, you still have your life to live. Don't focus on what you've lost because there are
still more things to come. Always keep these things in your mind, and you will gradually accept the reality of

The most effective way to deal with grief is through daily meditation, and this is according to many grieving
individuals. Prayer in some form, and yoga, can really make a big difference. If you often do these things,
you can get plenty of rest, which now is what you need badly.
Many forms of meditation are applicable to many situations. If you're a music lover, then perhaps you might
want to try meditation music. In fact, as a human being, you can be compared to musical instruments
because you can hum, sing, whistle, and make other pleasing and expressive sounds. Every person's
musical experience is often described with words like harmony, flow, stimulate, healing, in trance, in tune,
uplift, and many others. When you express yourself through musical sounds, something unusual is
happening inside your system.

Numerous distractions bombard individuals as they go through their daily lives like noise pollution, social
melodrama, stress of daily commute, tedium of work, and a lot more. Life today is considered fast-paced
because of a lot of new technological advancements, and therefore, people suffer from continuing stress.
You can't focus on your work effectively because your mind is already overloaded, uninspired, and burnt out.
This results to a creativity block that can bring hopelessness to a person. But here's the good news, there is
a way to combat and cope with this kind of situation and that is through deep meditation music.

Where can you find such music? If you have no idea, then it would be better to ask the help of someone with
knowledge about music meditation. On the net, you can find several sites that provide pre-recorded
programs on music meditation.

It was only after 1973 when music was used for meditation. All the programs make use of the binaural
technology. Through this technology, the brainwave frequencies (right and left hemispheres) are

Through the deep meditation music, the brain can create fresh neural pathways. By doing so, the maximum
potential of your mind is tapped at a shorter time. Usual meditation practices take longer periods but with
music, you can find increased intelligence, inner peace, and reduction of stress.

Different goals and needs can be met by the wide choices of programs available. The specific program
should be used to address a certain need/goal since programs vary in their brainwaves; and this is
necessary to get the preferred effects.

Meditation music can benefit a lot of individuals. In fact, some specialists recommend deep meditation music
as a form of therapy to address certain problems like that of stress-related illnesses. Many people are
actually using this very effective tool and they are amazed and pleased with the results. They are able to
achieve personal growth as they continue listening to meditation music.

If you're suffering from extreme stress, or if you're always unfocused, burnt out, and uninspired, it wouldn't
hurt to try meditation music. This is already accepted in our society today and many doctors are now
recommending such therapy. If your medications seem to have no effect at all, then it would be best to start
with music therapy. This is a very good form of meditation. It relaxes your mind, as well as your soul.

Online or offline, there are a lot of resources that you can use to help you in finding the perfect meditation
music suited for your situation. Get family and friends to help, or even your officemates. Better yet, consult
your doctor or a specialist who knows a great deal about meditation music. You will soon realize that you're
slowly recovering from your problems.
Rene Descartes was a French philosopher who was highly influential. He was also a writer, mathematician,
and scientist. Rene Descartes or Renatus Cartesius was named as the Father of Modern Philosophy.

Descartes more often contrasted his point of view among his predecessors. He always consider his writing
unique, a work that nobody has ever written before. However, many of his philosophical elements revealed
influences of Augustine and Aristotle which tackles about the 16th century stoicism revisions.

Descartes natural philosophy is different from what is taught in schools on two aspects. First, he rejected the
corporeal substance analysis of forms and matters. Second, he rejected any appeal to natural or divine ends
which explain natural phenomena. Even in Descartes theology, he insisted on God's absolute freedom
regarding creation.

Descartes is commonly regarded as a modern thinker who first provided philosophical frameworks of natural
sciences. In his work Meditations on First Philosophy, he attempted to arrive at an original set of ideologies
which can be accepted as true by anyone without doubts. He then employed methodological skepticism
wherein he doubted any idea that appears to be doubtful just to create a solid foundation for authentic

Initially, Rene Descartes had arrived to only one principle that thought exists. It is the main proof of
existence because thoughts cannot be entirely separated from a person. In Meditations on First Philosophy,
this is called as cogito ergo sum. Therefore, he concluded that he really exists.

He based his conclusions on perceiving his body by using his senses, although in the past studies, these
are proven unreliable. So he concludes that the thinking thing in him is the only knowledge which is not
doubtful at all. Thus he defined thought as becoming immediately conscious of what is happening in him and
he is conscious about it. Thinking is an activity of every person that gets immediate conscious.

He further demonstrated the limitations of his senses through the Wax Argument. Descartes uses wax as an
example, his senses has informed him about its specific characteristics including texture, shape, color,
smell, and others. When the wax is brought towards the flame, these characteristics completely change. But
still, it appears to be the same wax although his senses have already informed him that the characteristics
are now different. So, for him to grasp the wax's nature properly, he doesn't use his senses instead he uses
his mind. Thus what he thought he had seen with his eyes, he actually grasped it solely with his power of
judgment that is in his mind.

In this way, Rene Descartes continues his construction of a knowledge system which discards perceptions
as unreliable and admits deductions as a technique. In the middle of Meditation on First Philosophy, he also
offered ontological proofs of God's benevolence. He believed that his sensory system and working mind are
provided by God. And God never desires in deceiving him. But this became a controversial argument
because his benevolent notions about God were also developed from his arguments which are doubting
perceptions. In this supposition, he finally established the possibility of obtaining knowledge regarding the
world through perception and deduction.

In the system of Descartes, knowledge can take the forms of ideas while philosophical investigation
contemplates these ideas.
Relaxation techniques are a great way to help your pursuit to reduce stress. Relaxation isn't just about
peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear of life's
challenges on your mind and body. Whether you have a lot of stress in your life or you've got it under
control, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Learning basic meditation relaxation techniques
isn't hard.

Explore these simple relaxation techniques to get you started on de-stressing your life and improving your
health.|There are ample of sources of stress in the world now a days. As the old saying goes, 'there's no
need to look for trouble, because trouble will find you all on its own". All of us have troubles and worries,
along with all these stresses, few of us even have time to kick back and relax. If you suffer from anxiety and
did you wish to ease that anxious moods you have and feel relax for a while?

There are number of relaxations techniques you have that you take a little time and are highly effective
which you can done anywhere even at work.|If I were to find a perfect relaxation techniques I would
preferred to make a fortune sharing with others. In this, there are a lot of great ideas, and these ideas
published in different places but it seems no one got it gold. I know that the people around me seem to be
more and more stressed as time goes along. More people tried many relaxation techniques but they only
find nothing work for them.

There are many different things you can try, but you may have to search for a while before you find
something that works for you.|Performing breathing can be therapeutic, and with enough practice, can
become your standard way of breathing. To breathe with the diaphragm, one must draw air into the lungs in
a way which will expand the stomach and not the chest.

It is best to perform these breaths as long, slow intakes of air - allowing the body to absorb all of the inhaled
oxygen while simultaneously relaxing the breather. To do this comfortably, it is often best to loosen tight-
fitting pants, belts, skirts as these can interfere with the body's ability to intake air. The old-fashioned remedy
of breathing slowly into a paper bag works amazingly well to relax you and restore proper breathing. Another
version of this relaxation technique involves taking slow deep breaths. At first you may find you need to force
yourself to breathe slowly, but persist and you'll soon be back to normal. +And bear in mind that some
people, especially those with significant psychological problems and a history of abuse, may experience
feelings of emotional discomfort during relaxation exercises. Although this is rare, if you experience
emotional discomfort during relaxation exercises, stop what you're doing and consider talking to your health
care professional. Some relaxation techniques will work for some people, while some will leave others
feeling cold. Write down all of your ideas and move through your list one at a time. This may help you find
relaxation techniques that work best for you and your lifestyle.

I know that the people around me seem to be more and more stressed as time goes along. More people
tried many relaxation techniques but they only find nothing work for them. There are many different things
you can try, but you may have to search for a while before you find something that works for you.|Performing
breathing can be therapeutic, and with enough practice, can become your standard way of breathing.

To breathe with the diaphragm, one must draw air into the lungs in a way which will expand the stomach and
not the chest. It is best to perform these breaths as long, slow intakes of air - allowing the body to absorb all
of the inhaled oxygen while simultaneously relaxing the breather. To do this comfortably, it is often best to
loosen tight-fitting pants, belts, skirts as these can interfere with the body's ability to intake air.

The old-fashioned remedy of breathing slowly into a paper bag works amazingly well to relax you and
restore proper breathing. Another version of this relaxation technique involves taking slow deep breaths. At
first you may find you need to force yourself to breathe slowly, but persist and you'll soon be back to normal.|
Meditation can help you throughout your entire life. ++++
There are no special tricks to meditating; no special posture or breathing rhythm is required. Once you have
gotten the knack of it you can meditate anywhere during any activity. Some readers have succeeded in
reaching this altered state of conscious while reading about my sand meditation, perhaps you too may
realize this transformational state of consciousness as you read on...

|Sometimes meditation opens a door into the mysteries of creation. If we allow ourselves to pass through
this door there is no telling what we may encounter on the other side. Do not become discouraged if you
have tried to meditate in the past and not gotten any remarkable results. Meditation is a mystical process
and it may take awhile to learn how to quiet your mind and open yourself to all the present moment has to
offer you.

My meditation began while sitting on a beach. My hands were sandy. I rubbed my thumb and forefinger
together feeling the grains of sand between them slipping away until only a single grain of sand remained.|I
could feel the shape of the grain of sand distinctly as I rolled it back and forth between my thumb and

The longer I rolled the grain of sand about the more defined my awareness of the grain of sand became.
The more detailed my experience of the grain of sand became the larger it appeared to be.|While I could
clearly feel the tiny grain of sand trapped between my thumb and finger roll about across the grooves and
ridges of my fingerprints the grain of sand appeared to be growing larger and larger as I contemplated it.

The grain of sand continued to grow, encompassing the beach and then the world. Before long the grain of
sand had grown to an infinite size and it now encompassed all of creation; yet I still held the tiny grain of
sand between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it about across the grooves and ridges of my fingerprints.|

The tiny grain of sand was intimately connected to every part of creation and all of creation existed within it,
even as it existed within my grasp. I communed with the grain of sand, aware of its infinite connectedness to
everything else; through the medium of the grain of sand I became aware of my own infinite connectedness
with all of creation.|

The sand spoke to me of eternity. It told me tales about creation and the infinite nature of our existence in
creation. From the grain of sand I learned that every tiniest part of creation is a living being experiencing
creation and sharing in the process whereby creation makes everything manifest.|

My meditation with a grain of sand always produced a feeling of intense bliss. It was an eternal meditation
that transcended the time and place where it began to continue throughout all of creation. From time to time
I would return to this meditation, engrossed by the wisdom and experience of a single tiny grain of sand. +++
People who hear the words 'subliminal messages" for the first time would most probably be confused as to
what kind of messages they are. Well, to put it simply, subliminal messages are actually signals that are
sent to the brain by registering in the unconscious mind of an individual. If you are one of the many people
who are asking 'do subliminals really work?", then you'd better read on with the article.

What Are The Subliminals Telling People To Do?

The subliminals are not saying anything to people directly. As mentioned earlier, they target the
unconscious that's why they only act as emphasizers and getters. They aim to grab the attention of the
unconscious mind and give significance to conscious messages that are composed of suggestions such as
those in hypnotism.

Are Subliminal Suggestions More Effective Than Conscious Suggestions?

In most cases, subliminal suggestions are not as effective as suggestions given consciously. It is because
the subconscious part of the mind may have the tendency to be not completely responsive to subliminal
commands or complex messages.

There are only very limited and specific messages that are effective when given subliminally to individuals.
Subliminals have the power to tweak the unsconscious mind and make it pay attention the signals. The
difference between regular suggestions and subliminal suggestions can be seen by the way they affect the
individual's state of mind.

Regular suggestions are made of complete and very specific statement while subliminal suggestions are
only composed of very short and bried one or two word phrases.

To put simply, subliminal messages tell or alert the brain that there is an important message that is about to
be received. In return, the brain would then be more alert and would interpret the incoming message more
comprehensively. However, keep in mind that the subliminal signals do not have the power to change the
essence of the suggestion in any way.

Can Subliminals Make People Lose Weight, Stop Smoking, Get Over Their Fears, etc.?

This question is quite related to the question discussed above and the answer is still similar as above.
Subliminals cannot directly make or command people to lose weight, stop smoking, free people from their
fears, etc.

Realistically speaking, a suggestion presented consciously such as "Stop smoking" would most probably
have a greater effect and impact to an individual rather than having the message "Stop smoking" embedded

The point here is that not all statements, commands or affirmations can guarantee to be successful
subliminal messages. There are actually a set of proper subliminals that are only said to be effective in
infiltrating the unconscious mind of human beings. These proper subliminals were a result of numerous
painstaking clinical and laboratory research.

Are Subliminals Really Effective In Media?

Although there has been no reported media vessel that has blatantly admitted of using subliminal messages
and signals to advertise or to hook viewers, readers or consumers, there have been lots of hearsay that the
media is really using subliminal messages to further enhance their production or business.

However, keep in mind that subliminal messages are not the only techniques used (if ever they are being
used) by the media. It is obvious that advertisements that are overt and target the conscious mind of people
are still widely used by the media. Do subliminals really work?

Do you think they can change your life, beliefs and attitudes? You be the judge.
When it comes to spiritual healing, dragon Reiki is considered as one of the most popular forms there is.
This is because many people who have tried it believe that this kind of Reiki is very effective and powerful in
terms of calming the person's emotional upheavals that cause great stress.

Unlike the traditional Reiki—which is practiced only to bring the feelings of serenity and peacefulness in a
person—dragon Reiki is preferred by more and more people especially those who are suffering from
terminal illnesses. This is because many patients believe that because of the powerful life energy force that
is awakened in during a session, it gives the patient more will and optimism to live and get well.

Because of the effectivity of dragon in healing people who suffer from major illnesses, this has been
practiced in many medical institutions juts like clinics and hospitals. In fact, more and more hospitals are
offering dragon Reiki as a part of the overall treatment process because the doctors themselves believe that
this fuels the hope and positivism of the patient.

Just like the traditional practice of Reiki, dragon Reiki was discovered and originated in Japan. But, in order
to veer away from the confines of the traditional practice, various Reiki masters opted to conduct further
studies away from its origin country to make it more versatile, effective, and powerful.

These Reiki masters traveled all parts of the world and search for practices and concepts that can improve
the dragon Reiki healing. One of the countries where Reiki masters stayed for a long time in studying this art
of healing is China.

Being a country—where various traditional and alternative healing were existent—Reiki masters discovered
that people in this country could help them in improving this art of healing. The country is also advantageous
for Reiki masters because the Chinese tradition believed that an effective spiritual healing could be derived
from the sanctity of the dragon.

Believing that that 'dragon" can be strong link in healing a person's spirit because of its innate connection
with nature, any people in China adopted the concept of the healing process.

True enough, more and more Chinese people were into dragon Reiki as a healing form and spread the
world to the rest of the country. In a matter of years, dragon Reiki became one of the most opted and
popular forms of spiritual healing in all parts of the country.

Healing through dragon Reiki

Since it has stemmed from the traditional Reiki, which uses the person's innate life energy force, dragon
Reiki also makes use of this invisible force—only, it focuses on the person's balanced spirituality. Dragon
Reiki masters say that a person can be healed through this form of healing if they can develop the ability to
bring forth their emotional and physical life forces.

To be able to be healed, people must have a proper balance of spirituality to be able to awaken the
positivism in them. When a person achieves this balance in spirit, he/she can live life to its fullest extent—
stress free and content.

What sets dragon Reiki from the other types is that it aims to heal not only the person's body and emotions
but also nurtures his or her spirituality—opening newer and larger horizons for change and growth.
Meditation may be a challenge for most people to do as a habit. But it is not as difficult as some may think.
There are several easy meditation techniques that anyone can follow toward attaining a deeper sense of
relaxation. Meditation is an effective weapon against banishing stress brought about by the rigors of life. You
should try it out and here are the simple steps that you can follow to help you out.

One of the first things is find a place where you can sit comfortably. It should also be some place where you
can have few distractions as possible. Distractions are not good when you are meditating since they can
keep you from developing your focus and concentration and keep your mind away from everything. Once
you get the hang of meditating by keeping away the distractions, you can also do your meditation while
riding the train, bus or plane.

After you have a place where you can do your meditation in comfort, you now need to choose a mantra. It
can be any word that you feel can help you feel relaxed and calm. Try to go with words for your mantra that
really appeals to you. It can even be your own name as long as it helps you feel positive and be aware of
your meditation.

Once you have yourself comfortable and have chosen a mantra, close your eyes and start repeating the
mantra to yourself. Let the mantra do what it wishes. If it is something that you wish to repeat it slowly, fast,
quiet or loud, then do so. Try not to let outside thoughts to disturb you while you are doing this. Just ignore
them and focus on repeating your mantra.

As you repeat the mantra, try not to get distracted and just be aware of what you are saying and focus on it.
Learn also to remain relaxed and clam as you do this. In time you might sometimes find yourself going off on
a daydream and stop repeating your mantra. Just try to refocus and continue on with your meditation before
you ward off any further.

The key to this simple meditation is trying not to let distractions come before you when you meditate. It can
be a bit hard sometimes to do first, but it will develop along the way and will help you develop your focus as
well as awareness better. After some time, stop repeating your mantra and remain quiet while you are still
sitting comfortably. Do this for about a couple of minutes or so. Avoid getting up immediately after your
meditation. It would be similar to jumping up just after having a deep sleep. It would cause a lot of stress in

The other key to effectively make use of such easy meditation techniques is to do it as a habit. Try to allot
some free time in your schedule for your meditation. Making it a habit would make you improve your ability
to keep out distractions when you do not need them. This meditation technique can be done in as little as
ten minutes or so. It is not such a long time to spend on something that can provide you with a lot of benefits
especially when it comes to battling everyday stress.
Egyptian Reiki is better known as Reyad Sekh Em? Rei is the universal life force while Sekh Em is energy
from the four elements namely air, earth, fire, ether (spirit) and water. It is designed to heal more deeply
bringing greater balance on all levels be it emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.

Egyptian Reiki just like the Japanese version commonly being practiced today includes a negative energy
drain that helps remove symptoms of depression or deep seated pain.

This ultra high vibrational healing system was developed by Joanna Bristow Watkins who traveled to Egypt
several times and came up with this using an authentic Khemitian approach.

Patients who will undergo treatment will receive a 5 minute consultation prior to the treatment and asked to
remove any jewelry or any items that may restrict the healing process except for one's clothing.

The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on the patient's body in different positions to start the
healing process. However, if the session is to treat bruises or burns, the hands will not touch the body.

The session will last for one to two hours. If you happen to fall asleep, don't feel bad because this is the
body's way of healing itself.

Egyptian Reiki is different from other types of healing because it usually takes just one session before
results are noticed. Although it is very similar to Japanese Reiki, this method can help the person deal with
spiritual problems while the other cannot.

Most people that have undergone Egyptian Reiki claim they feel sensations such as tingling warmth or heat
while others feel cold. It is also possible that one may have a heightened sense of emotions but the vast
majority felt a sense of calm and relaxation.

After the session, the patient may feel a renewed zest for life while others may feel exhausted. Although you
may feel something in the first session, the healing process usually takes three days to three weeks to
complete before everything is back to normal. During the course of the healing process, the patient is
advised to drink lots of water and rest whenever possible.

Egyptian Reiki has been effective in treating chronic aches and pains as well as energetic, mental and
physical disorders. But because it is only an alternative form of medicine, this must be not be substituted
with medical science.

Reyad Sekh Em is completely safe. Those who want to practice it can also learn this so they too can help
others that are suffering.

There are five levels that people have to master to become a master and it doesn't matter if you have
experience in Reiki or not because everyone will be taught at an even pace so no one will be left behind.

There is also a three week cleansing process. During this time, the person should let go of old issues, eat
healthy and organic food, drinks lots of spring water, exercise and rest. This will prepare you for the next
lesson so eventually you may become a master.

The extent to which cleaning is felt during the cleansing process shows how much a person has changed.
This can change you entirely and even your outlook in life because you need to harness unconditional love
to give this to whoever needs it and which is the true essence of Egyptian Reiki.
One of the most common methods of turning yarn or thread into cloth is knitting. It is the same as
crocheting wherein loops are interlacing each other. But the only difference is that in knitting, there are
active multiple loops.

Knitting has two varieties. It includes warp knitting and weft knitting. Generally, warp knitting is done by a
machine while weft knitting is done either by hands or a machine. Warp knitting is run resistant and common
for lingerie fabrics including tricots. A single yarn is needed for each stitch within the row making the yarn
appears in paralleled vertical wales. In weft knitting, one yarn is required in making paralleled horizontal

Machines used in knitting use various mechanical system in producing results that are closely identical to
hand knits. Fabrics knitted by hands usually starts by creating a base composed of several interlacing loops
of thread on the knitting needle. Then new stitches are formed by the second knitting needle through the
stitches in sequence so that new loops were pulled back on the yarn's working ball via the first loops.

In general, knitting is a very quiet act. Thus many people who are involved in this process are also quiet
people including librarians, solitary maidens, stoic wives, and kindly grandmothers. The vocal, social knitting
aspects were reborn during these days as the urban, hip stitch and bitch. Knitters talk everything about

A yarn harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee talks about knitting exceptionally well because she is a knitter
herself. Thus, she writes everything that is associated with knitting. Her success on online musings
regarding family and knitting increased her popularity. Thus her book entitled At Knit's End: Meditations for
Women Who Knit Too Much was published by Storey Publishing.

The book was very astonishing but not mainly because of its subject matters. The author focused more on
the crafts familiar topics such as impedimenta which include yarn, needles, and storage difficulty; process
which include making mistakes as well as repairing mistakes; and keeping diplomatic relations to the people
who do not knit which include spouses and children.

What makes the book different from other crafts and knitting writings is that the author clearly explains all the
topics in just three hundred odd pages. This feat is not easy for her but she successfully managed it though.
Crucial subjects including how a parent should pass her knitting knowledge to her child may require sticky
reading, but the author stresses on self meditation to understand her objectives. She has a warm heart, is
cool headed, and posses a wicked humorous sense which does not fall down to the cute or mawkish.

She created a book with great strength. It is also a balanced emotional literary writing with a surprising and
genuine wit. You can never imagine that knitting has also its dark sides. For example, the author
contemplates about committing adultery with a man owning a yarn store. You can probably identify and
laugh. She possesses the characteristics which is not present in most female writers, an obvious, happy,
and self-depreciating humor.

She does not emphasize that knitting is for women only but also encourages the male gender to knit. That is
why this book never fails to amuse people who do not knit regardless of sex. This book is truly a wonder.
Reiki is an ancient method of healing that has been used for centuries. Since it's reintroduction in the early
20th century, various methods have been produced and one of them although considered by some as
radical is called Feiki Reiki.

But why is it a radical form of Reiki? This is because the technique not only recharges your energy but it also
awakens your senses. This makes you realize that nothing lies outside ourselves when the power and
everything else we need is within us.

We have to tap that power to become better individuals and that can only be done by learning from a master
and then improving who we are.

Regardless of what you choose to use, the purpose of Reiki is still the same. This technique teaches you to
use the surrounding energy to heal your body and give you or whoever you are helping inner peace.

By practicing this regularly, you will be able to clear your body of negative energies that are mental blocks
and causes of illness. This keeps you healthy and strong as well as gives your more creativity to flow
through your mind.

One thing that you can't miss even in radical Reiki is balance. This includes not only physical balance but
also for the mind and spirit which gives you time to relax and revitalize your body.

If you want to learn conventional or radical Reiki, you have to start at level 1 training. The instructor will first
teach you about the symbols and then after going through a cleansing period, you may choose to learn the
other levels to the point that can even make you become a master.

There are a few attributes that go with Feiki Reiki. First is purification that is associated with a pure form of
energy. It is often said that this can move into one that causes a higher vibration of energy to move through
that person and thus causes healing. The second attribute is being able to transform fear and negative
thoughts into an attribute. In short, you face your fears until you are no longer afraid of them.

Once you have mastered them, you will be able to call on a specific universal energy to help with your

Feiki Reiki is often online. You can find it by typing this in a search engine or maybe look it up in your local
area so you don't have to travel very far to learn this but if you have no choice, you can just opt for distance

The use of Feiki Reiki is not very common compared to the other forms available. Just the same, its focus is
still to help you heal from any emotional, physical or spiritual problem that you or others may have. By using
it regularly and making this a part of your daily life, you will realize that it can also serve as a guide.

After all, life is meaningless without a purpose and this may be the key to help you on your way. So read up
on it to find out if Feiki Reiki is the right technique for you. If possible, talk to an instructor. There are plenty
to choose from and that is something you have to find out for yourself.
+I would like to take you beyond the limits of your customary thoughts and experiences.This new way of life
begins with two questions that are very simple.The first question is would I want this to be true: "Every event
that will befall me is absolutely the best possible event that could occur." Meditate before answering this so
that you can think about it with a clear mind and answer it truthfully. The second question is the more difficult
part,is to truthfully answer this question: Will I give that a chance to be true?

Imagine using meditation that God has appeared before you this instant and said: "I promise you that
everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring
you the utmost good fortune," Suppose God went on to tell you,"Even though what happens will appear at
times unfortunate or even hurtful,in the end your life will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by
whatever may happen to you.Stop and meditate.How would you feel about that wonderful news? Happy?
Perhaps you may even be filled with joy.

Wouldn't it be the greatest news that you could ever hear? Wouldn't you heave a deep sigh of relief and feel
as if a great burden had been lifted from your shoulders? Wouldn't you then respond to the next thing that
happened-even if it was hurtful or took something from you or seemed bad or even unlucky-as though it was
going to be wonderfully beneficial for you,the best possible thing that could have happened? If you have not
enthusiastically answer yes,clear your mind,meditate on it.Perhaps you mistaken what I am talking to you

I am not talking to you about the common phrase we commonly hear, 'try to make the best of things," which
basically means " The situation or event really is bad and terribly unlucky,but do what you can possibly think
of or meditate to salvage some good out of it." Nor do I mean that within even the worst event possible,there
can be found a tiny bit of good.I am not thinking in terms of such limited ideas. I am thinking in unlimited
terms,where every event that befalls you is absolutely the best event that could occur-that there is no other
event imaginable that could benefit you to any greater degree.

So,again,while you meditate ask yourself wouldn't that be the best piece of news you could hear? If you are
willing to give this new concept a chance and actually believe that everything that happens to you will
happen for a reason. When thinking about anything,to get a great deal of relief just clear your mind and
meditate about the good things that are to come to you in the future. Meditation can be much better than
medication and you might just be real surprised how much better you will begin feeling after practicing it for
Meditation in its truest sense does not only help people in developing tranquility, calmness, and inner peace
but also to grow as a true person. However, some people have misconceptions about meditation as being a
hippy act or something associated with marijuana smoking. They did not realize that meditation is done so
that the mind can think better to improve the condition of life.

Guided meditation is a form of meditation wherein someone guides you throughout the meditation process
and helps you to obtain the result of some descriptions. Many people associate meditation with just sitting
cross legged on the floor, eyes closed and repeatedly go humming. This is not the result that most people
want because the essence is totally absent.

Compared to other things, meditation must be done with a purpose. Take for instance; you are applying for a
job out of a purpose. Once hired, you will have a monthly salary that you can use for example; purchasing a
car, house, food, or spend on vacations. Probably, you will not work if you don't have any purpose.

Meditation is precisely the same. A purpose is needed when meditating and it can vary in many ways.
Meditation is done to achieve inner peace, bring about concentration, relax, change the state of the mind,
improve learning and creativity, build self-esteem and confidence, focus on healing oneself, control external
and internal pain, and overcome fears. The reasons for doing meditation are really unlimited.

You don't have to be afraid during the guided meditation process since someone ensures that you are taking
the right path for achieving your objectives. Thus, it is very important that you choose your meditation guide
properly. Different practitioners and experts on guided meditation have different strategies. They facilitate
people to experience the different meditation paths according to their objectives.

Most meditation experts are teaching deep breathing methods for beginners to orient them in practicing
relaxation as well as in maintaining focus. Meditations paths will not certainly work if you failed in the first
step. Keep in mind that meditation guides are unique from one another. So, ask the meditation guide for a
free meditation lesson before paying for the services.

In a single meditation center, meditation practitioners dramatically differ in their guiding process. Make sure
that you choose the one who works best for you. For example, you are challenge to find new thoughts and
ideas about meditation. Then you are encouraged to purchase a guided meditation CD. You try to listen to it
at home, but after a few minutes, you burst out in a loud laugh. The voice sounds totally unreal because it
was altered digitally. This tool for guided meditation will not work for you since you are not serious about it.
However, this meditation CD can work for other people.

So, choose from other guided meditation styles. You can get it from the internet or local bookstore. Guided
meditation DVDs, CDs, and videos are very much widely available. Again, never rush in buying one for
yourself or as a gift. Check out if free samples are available. Meditation programs with good quality are
usually open for viewing and testing. This is the same if you wanted to go to meditation centers or health
retreats. Finally, guided mediations will be successful if you are patient enough to do regular meditation
Adjustment is always needed since our environment constantly changes. Thus, it affects both the emotional
and physical aspects of the person creating either negative or positive feelings. This can result to stress.

Stress is a part of everyday lives since time immemorial. But if an influence is positive, stress can motivate a
person to an action resulting to a new consciousness and a stimulating new perspective. But if the influence
is negative, stress can create a feeling of rejection, distrust, depression, and anger. In return, health
problems can be developed such as an upset stomach, headaches, insomnia, rashes, heart disease, stroke,
ulcers, and high blood pressure. People can experience stress during a job promotion, new relationship,
child birth, or death of a person close to them.

Stress can hinder or help people depending on their reactions to the circumstances of life. It does not matter
if all are positive stresses since it adds excitement and anticipation to life. But somehow competitions,
deadlines, frustrations, sorrows, and confrontations also add enrichment and depth to life.

You don't need to get rid of stress. All you need to do is manage it in a way that it can give you benefits.
Remember that insufficient stress can act as depressants letting you feel dejected or bored. While excessive
stress lets you feel stocked.

To avoid stress build ups, you can try meditation. Besides it being cool to do, you can obtain an immediate
calming effect regardless of your meditation posture. In this manner, you can reduce your stress. 1.
Practicing your breathing is the first process you should learn. If you observe that stress is starting to disturb
you, just do a couple of light breathing. Concentrate on your breathing quality. Make sure that it's light and
still. Then slowly breathe deeper.

2. The next step is to balance your posture and make it even, head up and back straight. Most people who
are stressed out often do a slouching posture while frowning.

3. Clear your thoughts. Start to imagine that you are swimming in relaxing waves. Feel the flowing waves in
your consciousness that is taking away all you stress and anxiety. Make sure your body receives the
constant flow of the waves.

4. Acknowledge your stress and review its root causes. This is a very important step. Denying stress in the
meditation process is not good. Clearly speak to your mind that the stress is true but you have the capacity
to handle it by thinking straight and finding ways to deal and cope up with it immediately.

5. Repeat this statement during your meditation process for at least ten minutes or more. Then take control
of your stress totally. Think of the person who caused you such stress and made you out of control. Control
your mind and remove the stress from it.

6. Finally, concentrate on a decision that you have the right to a peaceful and free mind and nobody can say
or do anything against this right, as you end the meditation process. Every time you need meditation, just
dictate this decision to your mind.

These steps can do something to change your outlook whenever stress disturbs you. Never be afraid to try,
just believe on the benefits that it will give you in the end.
The type of healing meditation can provide comes from within. Meditation can reap a number of benefits for
people who practice it as a daily routine. Here are just some of the many benefits that meditation can have
in your life.

One of the most important benefits that meditation can have on a person's life is inner peace. A lot of people
today, in this stressful world that we live in, would like to experience more inner peace in their lives. Inner
peace can, at times, seem elusive because life in these modern times has become so hectic.

It is through meditation that we can be taught how to switch off the noise of the mind brought about by this
busy and stressful world. Through meditation, we are taught not to focus on all the various passing thoughts
which clog our mind. Meditation can teach individuals how to gain a clear state of mind. And through this,
the secret of feeling real inner peace can be achieved.

Meditation can also provide some health benefits. Numerous studies have shown some links between
meditation and improved health. One of the health benefits that meditation provides is that it is a practical
solution to combat stress. It is through stress that a lot of health problems may come from. By relieving
stress though meditation people may be able to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart related

Through meditation, people may also be able to discover a real sense of who they are. Intelligence may be
able to seek and discover the answer to many questions in the world. But the one question that asks who we
really are always remains unanswered. In order to discover our real self, depending solely on the intellect
may not be enough. We need to be aware of our own soul and we may need to go beyond the mind.
Through meditation, people can become more aware of a spiritual essence in life. Discovering this would
help us feel a new purpose in life.

Meditation can help make our lives simpler. Life today consists of a lot of clutter and unwanted baggage that
we can actually live without but do not realize it. A troubled life can contain nothing but teeming problems
and worries. By learning how to meditate, people can develop appreciation for the simplicity of life.

Meditation may also help a person know happiness. Learning how to meditate can help people feel real
happiness because it allows people to become more in tune with their inner self. When we become more
aware of our own heart and mind, we can experience a sense of unity with others and the things all around
us. This will bring about a sense of happiness that is not caused by mere external events.

Healing meditation can also help foster better relationships with other people. People can easily create
minor conflicts with other people by bringing to light the minor faults of the other person. Fault-finding
becomes a common source of unhappiness and division among people. Through meditation, people can
develop the sense of giving minor thoughts lesser importance. Meditation can also help develop a sense of
unity with other people by naturally looking to their good qualities. By doing this, minor faults of other people
become less important.
+ We all know it is not possible to roll back time or undo or change bad decisions we made in the
past,however using meditation we can change the way we feel about the bad decisions we made in the past
so that they will stop tormenting us here in the present. We all carry a lot of baggage from the past,such
things as maybe a broken heart,hurt feelings,or bad memories of friends or loved ones that have
lied,cheated,or betrayed us,events that may have brought us pain,or we may torment ourselves over
opportunities we may have missed out on or even wrong choices we made in our lives.

We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to let things in the past we cannot change take over our present
lives.Meditation is simply collecting our thoughts in a relaxing atmosphere.If you take the time to learn how
to heal your past it will enable you to be happy in the present. You may ask how can you heal the past? You
can look at past situations you cannot change in a brighter light with a new understanding on the events in
the past have hurt you.When your by yourself in a quiet place start your meditation.

Think about how whatever may have happened to you in the past may even be a benefit to you.You know
how bad you felt when something or somebody said or did something to you that you felt that you had no
purpose in life or was not good enough to associate with others.Meditating about how those things in the
past made you feel helps you to understand how others who are now in the same situation you were in then
feel about themselves.

You know how they feel so you maybe can tell them your experience back then and how you turned it
around and made a life for yourself.So many of us just need someone to take the time to just say hello or
nice day isn't it? Just a kind word to someone who has had a bad day can make all the difference in the
world. My dear sweet mother told me all the time that you can kill more flies with honey. Meditation can
make you feel so much more positive and give you a different outlook on life in general, it is something very
positive you can do to help yourself.

What she meant was if you have been around someone that wasn't pleasant or had a bad attitude don't act
like that person does, instead just turn the other cheek and it may rub off on the person who has a bad
attitude. Meditation could be the key to this happening. So you see meditation can be used to turn bad
situations into something good or even good situations into something great. Shining the light of the new
understanding on those events that happened in the past will help you have a feeling of acceptance,
peace,and happiness.
When the body, mind, and spirit are working harmoniously together, the results are awareness, well being,
and a balanced thought. In fact, nothing can beat the feeling of being healed on all levels. This can be
achieved through healing meditation.

Healing meditation is done to reprogram the negative thoughts that cause diseases or illnesses to become
positive desires in achieving wholeness and health. Your perception of the image does not really matter at
all. Most people are seeing themselves through the eyes of their minds. Some just imagine the ongoing
process happens in all parts of their body. Others may simply accept the fact that whatever they imagine
also happens to them in reality. Regardless of whichever category you belong, you participate actively in the
process of healing. This is the most important thing you could do.

Among the easiest forms of healing meditation is the Chakra System. The effects are quite profound. During
the healing process, the patient's chakras are the center of importance. Your body has 7 major chakras
(Chakra System) and a lot of less-significant minor chakras. They are considered as energy centers, points
wherein energy flows, and the body's energy junctions. These are the energetic connections to your spiritual
essence and pure consciousness. The chakras energetic operations make every part of your body,
emotions, mind, and spirit possible.

Every single chakra or basic energy center is a distinctive character corresponding to a unique part of your
being. These are energy patterns shaped similar to whirlpools or funnels of energy wherein each vortex lie
inside your body, along your spinal cord (center of energy channels) going up into your head. Follow these
guidelines using the Chakra System.

1. Like other posture of meditation, Chakra recommends you to sit in a straight position. Lay your feet flat on
the floor with uncrossed legs. Put your hands on your lap exposing your palms.

2. Let a sapphire blue or white light surrounds you. You can also ask the help of meditation guides or other
meditation practitioners to assist you during the process.

3. The Chakra Center has cabinets containing the Chakra Plates. Every plate has a diameter of six inches
similar to a dessert plate's size.

4. Starting with the Root Chakra's cabinet, remove the Chakra Plate. Check for any breakage, discoloration
or chips. Since it's the Root Chakra's cabinet, the plate must be a beautiful bright red corresponding with the
color of the Chakra. If the plate has no damage, then make it shine better in a clockwise direction before
returning it back in the cabinet.

5. Repair any cracks if possible but if not then dispose it. Replace it with a brand new Chakra's plate then
make it shiny before placing it in the cabinet. Continue the procedure until all the Chakras are finished. This
is also the point where you can thank all the people who have assisted you in the cleaning process. Never
forget that thanking them is not only showing your good etiquette but also appreciate their goodness and
patience with you during the healing meditation process.

Healing meditation can change your condition. But to obtain successful results, it needs regular practice. So,
achieve the true healing using the Chakra System.
Is it true that meditation can help you quit smoking? Have you ever thought about it? Can we possibly do
something that easy to make you stop smoking? Everything is possible. What I am going to tell you in this
article is what I have found. What you can do to stop smoking.

Meditation has long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself
without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress
of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these,
meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated
mostly by stresses.

When people meditate you become more relaxed and clam about your everyday life. Some people smoke
more when they are stressed. This is a proven fact. People often chain smoke because they are under
stress. Your mind becomes weak from stress resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to
continue what was first a goal. So there for when someone is constantly stressing and if you just take a
second or however long you want, begin the process of meditation.

We already know that the cost of smoking is very expensive. When you smoke more than one pack a day,
the cost that you are spending is very high. You probably do not realize that within a years time you can
probably spend almost half of your earnings on smoking. Just think what you could have done with that
money if you found what could help you stop smoking. Meditation could be one of the methods that could
help you stop smoking.

Meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in many different ways. The person from the pressure of
temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet
the goal. The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help
drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke.

They say quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to quit. You have to put your mind into it. If you do not
have your mind set to something then it will not be a focus. Meditation can help you get that mind frame that
you are looking for. You have to take many things in consideration when wanting to quit a bad habit. It is
very stressful and sometimes you will not succeed on your first try, but do not give up. There are other ways
out there.

If you find out that meditation is not the way for you, then there are many other options out there you can
find. Contact your local doctor or research it online. There are over the counter medicines out there you can
try. You just have to find out what works best for you.
+Although the ancient origins of karate are somewhat unclear to us,The one thing I can tell you,is that about
1400 years ago,while teaching at the Shaolin Temple in China,Daruma Daishi used techniques that were
similar to karate.Later these techniques developed into forms of karate known as Shaolin Boxing.

You need a clear mind to use Karate and meditating is the best way to clear your mind when you are in a
sport such as karate.In 1955 one of master funakoshi's last direct pupils cam to the United States and was
the first person to teach karate in this country.That same year he put together Southern California Karate
Association,which has grown over several years to now become a national non-profit organization.

As I meditated I continued to learn more about karate.I learned in 1961,which happens to be my year of
birth,Mr Caylor Adkins,One of Mr Ohshima's first black belts, began attending CSULB and soon formed the
school's first karate club.In 1968 after being gone for a while he returned to CSULB along with a gentleman
named Mr Don Depree. Mr Depree carried on the tradition and led the growing club until the year 1992,when
he entrusted the leadership of the club to Mr Samir Abboud.

Still keeping my mind clear by meditating I learned that Mr Samir Abboud was a continuing student of Don
Depree since the year of 1969.Samir was the CSUBL captain of the karate club,and assistant instructor to
Mr Don Depree for many years. Through meditation children and adults learn breathing techniques that help
them concentrate on karate. When first starting karate you will want to start with the beginners belt.The
purpose of this level is orientation.

Students will be taught the general structure of the class,basic commands,the importance of self-defense
and some basic combinations of self-defense moves. By concentration with meditation the student will learn
to be familiar with and to perform any of the moves on the curriculum sheet.The students also should be
able to stand in a Chunbi position for 1minute without moving.Minimal proficiency will be required.

The practicing time 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a week will be plenty for the beginners level.It will usually take 4-
6 weeks to start your next belt. So whether you are a child or and adult learning karate for whatever
reason,remember the key to karate is first using your breathing techniques and your meditation will help you
to practice your breathing.

Meditation books are also very helpful, if you are interested in learning more about meditation just go to your
local library and check some of them out. Take time out to study meditation and you could be feeling much
better real soon, which is something that most of us all want for ourselves. Good luck and remember that
keeping a positive attitude can really make a difference in your stress levels. Please take time out for
yourself for meditation.
+Insomnia simply is a chronic inability to sleep. I have had many restless nice with only a few hours a sleep.
Many nights I would only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I had tried everything to help me sleep.I tried things like
Tylenol pm.mild nerve pills and even was tested for sleep apnea and had a breathing machine to use at
night for the sleep apnea.That machine made me feel as if i could not get any oxygen. Insomnia can make
you crazy after awhile.

I was having a very difficult time breathing with it. I had to quit using the machine because it was so
uncomfortable.I was getting very irritable from not sleeping so a friend told me how using mediation helped
her.I went on the computer and found out many ways meditation helps people for many different problems.
The first thing I learned is that having insomnia can also be a mind thing.

You can actually train your mind to go without sleep.I know that I think about the struggles I go through
everyday and keep that on my mind so I cannot sleep well. Through meditation I have learned to calm
down,relax and know that getting so upset over things I cannot change will just make things worse. Now
when I come home after a exhausting day I don't let things bother me so much. I actually first started my
mediation in the morning before I left and again when I get home.

In the morning I get up about 30 minutes earlier then the rest of the family so I can have time to myself. I go
into the kitchen get a book I like or a newspaper,fix me some coffee and just meditate before I have to start
my hectic day. When I come home at night I know that with my insomnia I will have another restless night so
I start preparing for my night after I get supper cooked the dishes done and kids to bed.

For my meditation at night I will first relax by listening to soothing music. I will turn on a music channel on my
television and just kick back and relax. I then get in a hot tub and sit there and let the hot water sooth me.
After I get out of the tub I do not wait to go to bed. Since my body is now very relaxed I go straight to bed. I
have learned by staying awake watching TV after I am so relaxed will only make it harder for me to sleep.

Since I used my meditation while listening to comforting music and relieving my tension with a hot bath why
get upset by watching television. I turn my fan on low get under the covers take some deep relaxing breaths
and go to sleep. I'm not saying that I am cured and get 8 hours of sleep every night but I can say that using
mediation to relax me has helped me at least get a couple of extra hours of sleep then I use to.

My husband also turns on the little clock radio to a country channel and leaves it on low all night to help him
get some sleep.You have got to remember meditation is simply clearing your mind of thoughts that upset
you. Once you have cleared your mind over whatever is bothering you it will be to your benefit.

Relaxing is the key to having a better day and night. So find a way of meditation that will help you relax and
just enjoy your night. You are worth it and most of all after all you do for everyone you deserve to have a few
moments of relaxing meditation.
+The word meditation simply is defined as to be in a continuous contemplative thought or to simply just think
about doing something. We all have different types of stress in our lives. Some of us our stressed out over a
job,or maybe a relationship,or children,or if you are like most of us you are stressed over finances. Taking
the time to meditate in your own relaxing way will help with the stress you are feeling.I have learned that
worrying about what is stressing you will not help solve the situation that is upsetting you.

You may think that taking time out of your already busy life to meditate is ridiculous,But it is not ridiculous it
will absolutely help calm your nerves which will help you relax enough to sit down and calmly work out the
situation that is upsetting you.I found that I can relax and meditate by sitting and relaxing in a hot bubble
bath.If you are worried about not having enough time to sit and relax in a hot tub maybe you can just go
outside for a breath of fresh air and take time to just collect your thoughts. After everything has calmed down
you can then take the time to take a hot relaxing bath.

If the kids are stressing you out you know how easy it can be to lose your temper with the kids,So things
don't get out of control you can do breathing exercises to help meditate you. Let the kids go outside for a few
minutes or maybe let them watch a movie or whatever they like to do within reason for a few minutes so that
you can get your thoughts together when meditating.Breathe in and out slowly and take time to think about
what options you have to control the situation that has upset you. With having to deal with our children,our
jobs,our relationships,and our finances it's a wonder we all can even go on every day.

Find a way of meditation that will work for you and you will see that even if it's for only a few minutes that will
be a few minutes you don't have to worry about things.If you don't want to go on the Internet to find ways to
relax then go to your library in your town. There will be many,many books on relaxation by meditation. When
you are in a place like the library you can actually just relax in that environment where it is quiet and
relaxing. Get you 2 or 3 books and find the one that will help you the most.

You know you can also write down notes on the other books you have read. Maybe check out a couple of
books that talk about different ways of meditating and write down the chapters that interest you the most.
Even if you start out by just learning how to have peace of mind that is a very big accomplishment. After you
have found peace of mind you can then start working on the daily things in your life that has left you feeling
empty inside. Remember you can have the life you have dreamed of if you just take the time to learn ways
to help you with relaxation techniques. You can find fulfillment in your life and defiantly make a difference in
your life and the lives of others who feel the pressures of every day life.

Whether you find meditation and relaxation techniques through books,tapes,or even exercises you will find
that when your life is free of every day stress you can then start to find solutions to the many different
problems in your life in a calm peaceful way. You can go on line and find self help tapes about meditation.
Do you want to just settle on a life that can make you miserable day after day? You may feel so empty inside
that you feel as if you have no purpose in life.

You have to remember you are using your thoughts in your mind to meditate so you want to take the time to
clear out all the negative feelings you have in your mind so that you can concentrate on how to improve your
life and make a goal for yourself. Meditation can help. When you take the time to relax and really stop and
think about things that are going on in your life you can also find that you are relaxed enough by meditating
to find solutions to many different things you question in your life.
Student life can be very taxing. Deadlines here and there, reports and papers all lined up. You get caffeine
in your veins with drinking too much coffee for those sleepless nights as you diligently review for your exams
and lessons. Too much to do with so little time and you try your best to concentrate on whatever you are
doing, but the thing is you can't.

This is a common scenario of a student's life. Either he or she simply can't concentrate or he or she is too
lazy to study. But what if you can be able to easily overcome these kinds of dilemmas of student life? No,
you don't have to drink any memory enhancing pills of some sort, all you have to do is listen to music,
interesting isn't it?

A Sublime Method

Research of subliminal messages has been ongoing since the 1900's. Now, it has reached a point in which
amazingly it can be of great personal help. In early phases of its study, it was only used usually by the
government to train soldiers in spotting airplanes of the enemy. Also it was used in commercial advertising
to increase their sales of popcorn and coke.

One Click Away

Now days, subliminals can be acquired even for private use. It is available for you in different kinds of media
like audio, still visual, video and computer animations. There are even a lot of free subliminals in the internet
that are downloadable easily. You can get it as an audio file that you can easily play on your computer, mp3
player or CD player.

There are also free downloadable subliminal generating programs that you can install in your computer.
These ones are customizable for what ever need you may have. These messages can help you with a lot of
things regarding your attitude especially in studying. Here are some of the problems that subliminal
messages can help you out with.

Acquiring Concentration

Do you find it hard to concentrate on whatever it is that you are doing? Maybe "focus" is not in your
vocabulary worse scenario is if you are trying to study yet there are a lot of distractions in the environment
like too much noise, people talking etc. If you are that kind of person, then you definitely need some help to
boost up your attention span.

Through subliminal messaging, you can focus on your goals that you want to achieve. These goals can
either be short term or long term. By simply encoding a message that would tell you to focus, concentrate
and be attentive you can get that long attention span you've been looking for especially when listening to
those hours of long boring lectures of your professor.

Memory Enhancement

Poor memory can be a big problem especially in studying for final exams. Not only that you are to remember
a lot of terms but also with the accompaniment of high tension and fear that can cause you to have memory
blocks. Of course, you already know what the terrible consequences of this kind of problem are.

With the help of subliminal messages, you can encode a message that can help you boost your memory.
Your mind is set to be confident and not to have anxiety attacks during examinations, thus you can think well
and access that stored knowledge in your memory easily.

Subliminal messaging is really a very powerful tool. With it you can have the solutions for your studying
attitude problems. The best thing with it is that you get it for free!
It is very hard to handle stressful situations. Every individual should learn how to become aware of it and
accepting it. One form of meditation which is very effective in dealing with the problems and difficult
situations of life is known as mindfulness mediation or insight meditation. This is often considered by many
people as a miraculous technique.

It is a fact that frustrations, stress, disappointments, anger, and other related negative emotions affects the
mind and body adversely. Such negative actions and emotions must be handled effectively. Likewise, set
backs must be accepted truly without causing health problems. Insight meditation is like a medicine that
helps people in dealing with negative situations and emotion in a manner that is most effective to them.

Insight meditation allows or requires individuals to become aware of their environment. They are more likely
sensitive in perceiving each moment. Thus, they prefer to accept situations that are stressful rather than
avoiding it. If you become aware about the internal status of your mind upon insight meditation, then you can
learn to accept difficult circumstances without too much resistance.

By practicing insight meditation, you can train your mind in achieving a tranquil state without being affected
by external forces. The mind is aided in developing the needed strength to obtain such peacefulness.

Today, the world around you is so busy, no time for meditating. But remember that wherever you are, it is
your choice to become still or not. Set specific time and space where you can do insight meditation where
nobody can disturb you.

You can start practicing insight meditation. Sit in an upright position with the legs crossed. Focus on your
breath or something else like physical and mental processes that are helping you to become aware of your
present inner state and thought patterns.

Always watch out for your breath. It does not leave you provided that you are conscious. Imagine that you
breathe in spirit. When you are breathing out, you express spirit. Concentrate on the air that passes down
from your nostrils, to your air passages, and to your lungs, and vice versa when you breathe out. Focusing
on your breath can accomplish two things. Your concentration is slowly shifted away from the problems in
your mind as well as it brings your focus to God.

Your practice of insight meditation lets you concentrate on your actions, thoughts, and present situation non-
judgmentally. Insight meditation doesn't encourage you to evaluate or think your past actions or take your
thoughts on the uncertainty of the future. It trains and helps your mind not to be distracted by external
disturbances, concentrate your thoughts, and relax your mind.

Insight meditation is conducted or practiced through formal and informal techniques. Formal insight
meditation incorporates yoga. In this way, you can be aware and control your breathing patterns in
connection with particular body movements. When you take every life's experience with pleasure and
enjoyment, then you are using an informal insight meditation.

The strategy used in insight meditation is insight or introspection wherein you get clear pictures of your inner
states and thoughts, achieve thought concentration, and train your mind in perceiving situations and things
more effectively.

So, you can say goodbye to your problems and live a better and a healthy life.
Today we live in a fast-paced world. Things happen so quickly that more often that not, we do not have the
chance to react to the things thrown at us. We somehow lose the ability to think things over in favor of
lightning-quick decisions.

But it shouldn't be so. Every one of us needs to slow down a little from time to time and be calm. Otherwise,
stress will build up and will affect how we deal with the people around us, not only in the workplace but also
at home.

The practice of meditation is a way for us to be still for a while and let our minds become focused until we
become calm enough to deal with the daily pressures of life.

Some may think that meditation is a completely religious practice. While it is true that a lot of religions,
especially Eastern ones, take meditation as an integral part of their practice, it is not necessarily the case. In
fact, more and more people who aren't necessarily religious get into meditation.

People practice meditation for a variety of reasons. While we already mentioned that it helps us become still
in this fast-paced world, other people meditate for health reasons and to attain a higher state of
consciousness, among others.

So if you think that life is stressing you out, it's probably time for you to slow things down a little bit. Your
mind is probably too distracted with so many things to consider and to think about. Meditation can help you
calm down and let you be stress and worry-free.
In Hebrew, Jewish Meditation is called hitbonenut or hisbonenus. Usually, these are most clearly explained
in the Hasidic and Kabbalistic texts. Hebrew pertains to one of the many dialects under the languages of
Canaanite. It flourished as the Israel's spoken language between tenth century BCE and third or fourth CE
(the Byzantine Period) upon the extinction of several Canaanite dialects.

The term hisbonenus is derived from Binah, a Hebrew word which means understanding. This
understanding is based from analytical study involving any topics. In general, hisbonenus is referred to as
the Torah study under Kabbalah explanations for achieving a greater appreciation and understanding of

The primary Judaism document is the Torah. Traditional rabbinic writings provided several ideas about the
revelation of the whole Torah. Many considered the event at Mount Sinai, when God revealed the Ten
Commandments to Moses as one of the most significant revelatory event. The orthodox rabbis dated the
revelation as 1280 BCE. Sources given by some rabbis stated that the whole Torah was all given at once
during the revelation. The maximalist believed that the dictations not only include quotes which are
appearing in the texts, but also each word contained in the texts itself, even the phrases and the revelation
of the death of Moses.

Kabbalah transliterated as Qabalah, Kabbala, Cabala, or other related permutations means receiving of a
particular tradition. It interprets esoterically the Bible of the Hebrew (Tanakh), aggadah and halakha
(classical texts of the Jews), and mitzvot (practices). Mystical doctrines are expressed in connection with
simultaneous transcendence and immanence of God. This was the attempted declaration to the old paradox
that explains the Ultimate Being, in which even the blind Isaac cannot conceive it in his thoughts, but he
came to be experienced and known by the people that He created.

The Kabbalah declares that each intellectual process should be incorporated with three faculties. It includes
Daas, Binah, and Chochma. Daas literally means knowledge. This pertains to the ability of the mind to hold
and focus its concentration on the Binah and Chochma. Chochma literally means wisdom. This is the ability
of the mind to create a new point of view in a concept which one didn't know before. Binah literally means
understanding. This is the ability of the mind to obtain a new point of view from Chochma and evaluate all its
propositions and simplify the concepts to be well understood.

It is a fact that hisbonenus referring to Binah defines Jewish meditation to distinguish it from other meditation
forms. The philosophy of Hasidic and Kabbalah rejected the idea that any new point of view doesn't
necessarily come from a mere concentration only. They also explained that although Daas is an important
part of cognition, it's similar to an empty container without the study, learning, and analysis coming from the
power of Binah. The Chassidic philosophy also stated that the new discovery or insight of a scientist
(Chochma) is the end result of a deep analysis and study of his topics (Binah).

However, Chassidic masters revealed that deep concentration for a longer period of time sometimes devoid
intellectual contents that can lead to hallucinations, insanity, and sensory deprivation instead of achieving
spiritual enlightenment. The true enlightenment corresponds with Torah understandings specifically the
Hasidic and Kabbalah philosophy explanations.
In layman's term, Zen meditation is letting go of pessimistic thoughts and simply relaxing. In Buddhism, it is
a contemplative discipline performed to achieve calmness in the mind and body. Most importantly, it aims for
a practitioner to understand the nature of life to obtain enlightenment.

To fully experience positive results of Zen meditation, there are three general methods to consider such as
(1) Concentration; (2) Koan Introspection; and (3) Shikantaza.

Concentration is the main emphasis to start Zen meditation. You need to focus on your breathing which is
commonly ministered by counting. Let breathing be your shield to any distraction. On the other hand, Koan
Introspection focuses on "koan." Koan is an entity used for meditation. "Just sitting" or Shikantaza is
meditation where an object has no place, instead mere concentration is needed.

Once you have chosen a specific method, then it is time for you to be aware of the common positions
undertaken in Zen meditation.

Burmese Position

At first glance the said position looks like a simple cross-legged position. With the Burmese position, you
need to situate your feet so it will be in front of one another and let both your feet relax on the floor. You
need to ensure that your heels are pointed towards your pelvis. Also rested on the floor are your knees.

Seiza Position

Seiza is the Japanese term for correct sitting. It can be achieved by letting your lower leg kneel. Make sure
that your feet are under your buttocks and that your toes are positioned in a backward manner.

Half-Lotus Position

Indian-style with one leg on the top of the other is the half-lotus position. To achieve such sitting position,
you need to be seated on an Indian-style of sitting. After which, lift one leg without letting the legs be

Full-Lotus Position

Make sure that you are seated Indian style. Then, pick one foot and take it to the crook of your knee. Let it
rest, ensuring that the base of your knee is in an upward position. The final step you need to undertake is to
bring the other foot to the other knee just like what you did on the first.

After you have chosen a comfortable Zen position for you, there are other important considerations you
need to carry out:

? Keep your mouth close. Ensure that your tongue is calmly pushed beside the upper palate to prevent
salivation and swallowing. ? Keep your eyes low. Fix your eyes on the ground. ? Keep your chin tucked-in.
? Keep your nose in line with your navel. ? Keep your torso not to lean forward or backward. ? Keep your
hands enclosed in a "cosmic mudra." Your dominant hand should be in an upward palm position to hold the
other hand.

Zen meditation concentrates on breathing. Breathe in Zen meditation is said to be the fundamental force in
one's body. Together with mind, the two are considered the reality of life.

With the kind of life people are in right now, Zen meditation may be a helpful act to be relieved from stress
and tension.
Since 1900's research in subliminal messaging took a great leap of improvement and is still running the race
to continue to give its growing number of consumers the services that they ask for. Truly, the market is
growing even more through out the years.

Everyday more problems are created in your life, and that's why Mephisto Subliminals takes great pleasure
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and difficulties.

Subliminal Tailoring

Subliminal messaging can be used in a lot of ways. It can be either for public or private use. It is available for
you in different media like audio whether tape or CD, video whether VHS, VCD or DVD, and in the form of
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Depending on your need, the messages conveyed can be customized. Definitely it is tailored for each
customer's unique personal need. Here are some of the ways that you should get to know on how subliminal
messaging can help you conquer your troubles.

No More Smoke Belching

You may have had countless attempts to break the habit of smoking but have completely failed. Now with
the help of subliminal messaging, you can actually be able to stop your self from smoking.

The message can tell your mind to suppress that urge to smoke and with little patience and time you are off
to have that smoke free life that is just not beneficial to your own health but even to the health of your family,
people around you and the environment.

Getting Rid Off Those Extra Flabs

This may be the most common problem of almost everybody. People of all ages could probably relate to this
or so, maybe you too have been struggling to lose those extra pound off the scale but everything you did just
resulted to the loss of money instead.

Now here's a way where you can set your mind to achieve that waistline you always dreamt of. Through this,
you can get that self-control to not over eat and just get the right amount of food necessary.

If every morning you tell yourself that you"re going to exercise yet instead you take extra hours dozing of in
bed, now you actually get that will to get up and sweat off those extra flabs. In no time, results would be
evident and you can even keep that healthy lifestyle as long as you please.

No Need For Cupid

Subliminal messages is not only for personal use but can also be used to stimulate others. If you and your
partner are having that down time in your relationship, it can help bring that fire back burning to it's old
warmth, whether it be sensually or emotionally. Surely you relationship would be much loving and stronger
than before.

It can also be used to keep yourself and your partner in check. A message such as to avoid infidelity or
unfaithfulness can be encoded. This way you would have that secured and happy relationship at hand.
There is no need to worry for divorces and third parties would not be an issue.

These are just some of the troubles that Mephisto Subliminals can help you out with. There are a lot more
other types of messages you can get and everything is tailored for your need. In Mephisto, there's a solution
for your every need!
If you look at it, Kundalini reiki is quite simple. It aims to the open up the energy within our body and channel
it into a form that can be used for healing. It encompasses the elements of traditional reiki and the practices
and beliefs of yoga. The main objective is to reach the highest spiritual level possible, being united with the
divine. A free kundalini reiki discussion follows.

There has been a lot of name for it. It has been referred to as "Kundalini fire", the 'serpent energy", the
"coiled energy", and even the 'dormant power." If you"re going to follow Hindu beliefs, you will learn that
Kundalini is a serpent goddess whose favorite place is at the base of the spine where she sleeps, waiting for
someone to wake her up.

Waking Kundalini means releasing an immense energy within us, an energy that will push out of every
chakra opening in the body creating sensations of bliss, ecstasy, increase physical powers, visions,
brilliance, and even pain.

In Kundalini reiki, there are three levels of attunements each aims at strengthening the energy channels in
the body to allow the Kundalini energy to flow out, cleansing blockages that might have accrued in time. The
healing energy of the Kundalini allows practitioners to treat using a variety of methods, some hands-on
healing while others are long-distance healing techniques.

Although the concept is simple enough, problems are usually encountered in awakening individual
Kundalini. It is said that only a few people have actually reached the level of Kundalini awakening. Some
have prepared themselves for years trying to awaken their own Kundalini but to no avail.

There are different ways to open the window for a Kundalini awakening. Deep meditations, yoga, and events
like trauma or near death experiences can be triggers to releasing the sleeping Kundalini energy. According
to beliefs, there have been two effective exercises in the past that proved to be successful in awakening the
Kundalini. The breath technique or the kumbhaka is one of them. And the other is the three locks or bandha

But awakening the Kundalini is just half the battle. If years have been spent just preparing for the release of
this dormant energy, it will almost take the same time to receive the cleansing process brought forth by the
awakening of the Kundalini. Mastering the energy of Kundalini begins with the lowest chakra and moves it
way up to the head or the crown chakra. The process might take years.

Even though Kundalini is meant for healing, the enormous energy it releases can cause some level of
discomfort. In such situations, there is a necessity to purify the body which means removing in its system
drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and greasy foods. Stress should be reduced as well and other issues that
might come up whether psychological or emotional should be treated.

When released properly, Kundalini reiki heals the body, reducing stress and providing renewed energy. The
combination of traditional reiki practices and the energy of the kundalini fire are effective in promotion
spiritual growth and healing geared towards the attainment of enlightenment.

By learning kundalini reiki, you will acquire the knowledge of the various ways to give treatment to another
person, the various techniques of healing yourself and the different methods of long-distance healing.

It all starts with this free Kundalini reiki discussion. I hope you pursue this path towards enlightenment.
When it comes to spiritual healing, Kundalini Reiki is considered by many people as one of most basic yet
effective means of today. This is because the practice involves simple and easily understood structures that
anybody can practice.

Many people—who are into spiritual healing—are into Kundalini Reiki because it is far more easier that the
practice of the traditional Reiki. Since Kundalini Reiki is derived from the traditional Reiki, majority of its
techniques, means of treatments, and principles are pretty much the same. Only that Kundalini Reiki uses
simpler methods to achieve spiritual healing in a faster and more convenient manner.

How Kundalini Reiki works

When we say Kundalini, it usually refers to the opening of various "healing channels" and "charkas" that
gives people easy access in gaining the energy of the Earth. Here, the "root chakra" serves as the center of
energy that paves the way for the Kundalini energy to enter.

Also referred to as the "Kundalini fire," Kundalini energy is said to flow all throughout the person's body and
taps the body's 'main energy channel." Once it the energy has reached 'main energy channel," the Kundalini
Reiki will now exit the "crown chakra," and comes back in a form of cycle.

In Kundalini Reiki, the energy that has been released from a person through a channel enters the "root
chakra," passes through "crown chakra"—which is usually located on top of a person's head—and stay
there for a period of time. During its stay in the "crown chakra," the Kundalini Reiki cleanses the "charkas" in
the different parts of the body and channels it all throughout the system.

Here's the step-by-step procedure how Kundalini Reiki works:

1. The first step in making Kundalini Reiki work is by opening the channels where Reiki energy will flow. This
step is called the "first attunement." This process also prepares the person for the second awakening of the
Kundalini Reiki. Here, the person's chakras in the hand, crown, and hand are opened and strengthened at
the same time to complete the first phase. This first step is said to be the equivalent of Usui's Reiki 1to 3
attunements which most people who practice traditional Reiki use.

2. The second step in making Kundalini Reiki work is the strengthening of channels. After the initial
awakening of the Kundalini Reiki, the channels where the life force energy should be strengthened so it can
accommodate the channeled energy. When the channels are strengthened, it ensures that receiving of
energy in a gentle and sure manner. This process also paves that way for igniting the Kundalini energy and
enables it to reach its minimum chakra.

3. The third step in making Kundalini Reiki work is strengthening the channels where the Kundalini fire will
reach it maximum limit. Once this is done, the Kundalini Reiki will then perform its task of cleansing the
person's spirituality while strengthening and nurturing it.

For the Kundalini Reiki to work more effectively, the person who's practicing it may also include extra
attunements including "balance," and the use of 'diamond Reiki," "crystalline Reiki," "DNA Reiki," "birth
trauma Reiki," "location Reiki," and the "past life Reiki."

Although Kundalini Reiki is a simple means of spiritual healing, people should be careful in using or
practicing it because they can be grounded to the energy of the Earth if they don't have enough knowledge
and guidance when doing it.
Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be
brushed over. After all, many many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of
meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation.
Nothing else, single handedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings... in fact nothing
else even comes close. In this article I will outline the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully it
will inspire all to learn and practice this timeless art.

|The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of the Ganges River, as compared to the
ordinary mind, which is like Niagara Falls. In other words your mind is at peace, deeply silent and so you are
at peace.|Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being. What this
means is that you have access now to the guidance that is coming directly from your Divine Self.

This link gives rise to the flow of intuition and wisdom.|Meditation strips away the layers of false identity that
mask your True Self from shinning through. Once you eliminate these false egos and stop catering to their
nonsense you can reside in your True Nature. This brings forth joy and happiness as it allows you to be at
ease with life, existence and yourself.|All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been
enhanced by meditation.

Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your
awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.|The parts that are not put on but are natural. This
will give you insight into who you really are and what you really love in life. That is the secret of mastering
the art of living and discovering your true talents, gifts and purpose. That which you love, you do for its own
sake without the need for reward of accolades. Once this is discovered, life can be lived with passion, zeal
and independence.

|Enlightenment: This is the one ultimate purpose of meditation. To help you discover the True Non-Dual
Nature of Reality. To make you realize that your True Self is Divine and One with God.|All serious
meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. Now, empirical studies
every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly
increase your intelligence.

|Take your time and practice meditation today so that you can start feeling better real soon. This is going to
be a life changing experience for you if you can make the most out of it and really start being a much more
positive person, there is no doubt about that. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link.
Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.|Good
luck and enjoy your meditation practices each day. +++++++++
Combining the concepts behind shamanism and reiki into a single healing session increases the benefits of
the beliefs and practices of both. Shamanic reiki draws its foundations from concepts of shamanic
journeying and channeling the living energy to create healing techniques that are powerful and effective in
alleviating anxiety, depression, stress, fatigue, and even illnesses.

This reiki technique fully encompasses treatments on the spiritual and energetic levels, allowing the
practitioner to discover new ways of healing.

Shamanism is a very old system of beliefs whose roots can be found in pagan traditions and practices that
uses the products of the Earth to heal. You"ll find different kinds of shamanism but all practices healing
techniques that incorporate the use of herbs and communicating with spirits.

Other similarities of the different forms of shamanism include the belief that shamans are able to control or
cooperate with spirits for the benefit of others that existing spirits can be good and bad, and that shamans
are capable of treating sicknesses and illnesses. In other words, shamans are often seen as not only priests
that communicate with the living world and the world of spirits but as healers, magicians, and teachers as

When integrated to the Japanese Reiki, shamanism becomes more encompassing and a lot interesting.
With shamanic reiki, the spiritual energy is used to see where exactly in the body do we need to concentrate
healing techniques. In shamanism, the healing process revolves around the seven chakras in the human
body. Determining which of the seven chakra or life forces is blocked will determine which area to
concentrate healing techniques.

Once the area has been determine, shamanic reiki practitioners combine traditional concepts of chakra
healing techniques, the use of stones and crystals, as well as the use of medicinal herbs, all of which draws
foundations from ancient shamanic healing. Combining these shamanic elements to channeling energy
techniques from reiki, and the results can be quite effective.

Among the most popular techniques used in shamanic reiki is the use of crystal during the heal process.
More specifically, practitioners of this reiki technique use quarts, rose quarts, and amethyst as a means to
channel the life force energy from the hands of the healer to the person being healed. The shamanic reiki
energy, together with the crystals helps increase the flow of spiritual energy regaining the balance that was
lost. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances will be regained after sessions of shamanic reiki

To increase efficiency, there are combinations of crystals that seem to work well doubling the healing
process. Shamanic principles are at play when choosing combinations of crystals, mostly pairing them with
the colors that corresponds to the chakras of the human body. For example, tailbone chakra would require
black, red, or brown stones and the heart chakra would need to be paired with pink or green stones. The
crown requires a white stone or crystal while the throat area requires blue stones.

Also, shamanic reiki incorporates other shamanic healing elements like shape shifting techniques, the use of
symbols, the use of spiritual guides and even the shamanic time journeying or astral travel. Shamanic reiki
can be complicated but the idea is rather simple.

The use shamanic traditions and techniques to channel the life force energy in all of us to induce healing.
Everything boils down to this.
There are people who take up meditation and do it faithfully for several weeks before finally abandoning it.

Some become frustrated that they are not getting the results that they expected when they first signed up for

Below are several tips that can help you make the most out of your practice of meditation.

1. Practice meditation in a quiet place.

While you cannot completely shut yourself out of the distractions around you, it would help a lot if you can
meditate in a quiet area, or at least a place which cuts down outside noise considerably.

2. Choose a room with comfortable temperature.

Whether the room's too cold or too hot, both can destroy your mood for meditation. It would therefore help to
find a room with a temperature control so you can adjust it to a temperature where you"re most comfortable.

3. Wear comfortable clothes.

Again, the bane of people practicing meditation is distraction. You should therefore wear comfortable clothes
as they would help you be more at ease and relaxed.

4. Find a guru.

Sometimes, it can be frustrating to practice meditation without the proper guidance. A guru can guide you
and will help a lot in giving you the most out of meditation.

5. Read books on meditation.

Whether you have a guru or not, it would help to have reference materials which can help broaden your
appreciation for this activity. Books do not only give you information but also insights on how to meditate
Maori Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of spiritual healing. And just like the
original Reiki system, it is considered to be as a part of alternative medicine. There are many types of Reiki
spiritual healing now available. Most of the prominent ones include Dragon Reiki, Gendai Reiki, Brahma
Satya Reiki and the Shamanic Reiki. Maori Reiki is just one of these many forms.

The different forms of Reiki spiritual healing were usually developed in the place where they originated from.
Geography alone plays a big part in the development of these different forms of Reiki. As for the Maori Reiki,
it was developed from a unique tribe found in New Zealand called the Maoris.

The Maori people are considered as a very spiritual tribe with many of their beliefs based on the spiritual
aspect of life. The Maori tribe has developed their own way of spiritual healing through their years of
existence. The unique spiritual healing practice has been handed down from generation to generation. The
tradition has been carried on by some of the descendants of the Maori tribe even today.

Although the Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing may be similar in some ways with the other Reiki systems,
it also has its own distinction over them. The Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing is based a lot on trying to
cleanse the body of any spiritual and physical toxic waste. Healing of the body is achieved through getting
rid of the spiritual and physical wastes accumulated through the many years.

The main aim of Maori Reiki masters is to cleanse both the body and soul. An excess of waste in the body
can slow down and make people feel physically drained and fatigued, thereby affecting daily life. The same
thing happens if a person is carrying a lot of spiritual toxic waste. This type of waste can lead to multitude of
negative feelings in a person.

Maori Reiki can help people get rid of these physical and spiritual toxins as well as the negative energy that
they create. By releasing these toxins, only then can people begin to feel both physically and spiritually
whole and balanced once again.

Another difference that Maori Reiki may have on other Reiki systems is that it employs the use of natural
objects that help the Maori Reiki master to heal people physically and spiritually. The natural objects
particularly used include certain types of wood that carry with them some spiritual properties.

Gemstones, crystals and natural stones are also some of the natural objects that Maori Reiki masters use to
heal the spirit and the body. The use of herbs and other natural remedies that also carry spiritual and
healing properties is also employed to further aid the Maori Reiki master.

In a typical Maori Reiki session, it is essential that a person needs to get in touch with more nature. This is
the initial belief since the past generations of the Maori tribe were very naturalistic and holistic in their
approach to healing. By using the tools that nature has provided for them, Maori Reiki masters can use the
energy that these objects impart to aid healing people from the inside out.

People can experience the unique Maori Reiki spiritual healing treatments if they are dealing with a
multitude of physical and emotional stress. Substance abuse or drug addiction may also be alternatively
treated using the Maori Reiki system.
Many people know that the Romans are great people who conquered most of the ancient world. They also
introduced modern civilization and a lot of useful inventions that modern society is still using today. Of
course, Hollywood movies have depicted the Romans as great warriors and they also depicted their
emperors as great conquerors who are responsible for leading their great armies to victory against the

However, not many people know that Romans are also great philosophers and one of their emperors named
Marcus Aurelius has been depicted as a great emperor who brought many victories to the Roman Empire as
well as great philosophical writing. Not many people know that Marcus Aurelius was not only a great
emperor who led the Great Roman Legions against barbaric Germanic tribes and Gaul tribes and won, he is
also a devout stoic philosopher who wrote The Meditations.

This particular Philosophical Book has been recognized as one of the greatest works of art. It is still being
revered as a literary monument on government service. This philosophical book has been praised as having
exquisite accent and infinite tenderness.

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius contains series of personal writings by the author. It mainly contains
Marcus Aurelius' ideas on Stoic philosophy.

This particular book was written during his campaigns between the years 170 and 180 in Greece. He wrote
this for his on personal improvement and served as guidance to his leadership. Up to this day, his memos
survived and are still being revered to as an inspirational book that everyone should read.

Translated by George Long into English in 1862, this particular book has been reprinted many times and it is
included in Harvard Classics.

Marcus Aurelius Stoic principle inside this book is said to contain denial of emotion. He stated that this is a
skill where a man will remain free from the pleasures and pains of the material world. He also stated in this
book that the only way a man can be harmed is to allow his reaction to overcome him.

You have to remember that the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius contains no religious faith. Instead it contains
benevolent and logical force that explains that bad occurrences happen in the universe for the good of

The plainness of the book is overwhelming to most people who read and understood it. The writings of
Marcus Aurelius are very different in style. It is said that the contents was not obscured by consciousness of
the presence of listeners. Although people fail to understand the Stoic philosophy inside the Meditations of
Marcus Aurelius, people who do are moved and inspired.

You have to expect that this is an inspiring book and is considered to be one of the greatest works of
philosophy. If you want to read this book, you are in luck. Up to this day, this book is still available for
reading and for purchase. In fact, this book is so popular that there are many translated versions of it. You
can also download the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius in the internet for free.
The bear and the eagle, Father Sun and Mother Earth. Nope, this is not an animal or environmental write-
up. But rather, this short write-up is about Native American medicine practices and how it can be combined
with another Eastern technique called Reiki to come up with a healing method that channels the life force
energies of everything that surrounds us.

Practitioners refer to this as Medicine Reiki, a technique which combines the medicinal approaches of Native
Americans and the rather spiritual approaches of Japanese Reiki.

But medicine reiki was not created to surpass any other forms of Reiki but it was created because of a
realization that there is a way to broaden and deepen the understanding of the energy that binds us all
together. It can be seen as a natural course of action, from a general concept as Reiki, to more specialized
forms like medicine reiki.

By integrating Native American concepts of healing, beliefs and practices to the knowledge of channeling
the life force energy of Reiki, healing takes place faster than when using regular Reiki or ordinary Native
American medicines alone. How so, you might ask? The answer all lies on how these two elements work.

We take medicines to heal our physical ailments. But because medicines heal only the physical aspects of
our body, the possibility of the illness or disease striking twice is not that far off. Medicines offer merely
temporary relief. Reiki on the other hand, is an encompassing discipline which targets the physical, mental,
spiritual and mental aspects of our existence. Reiki practitioners use the infinite energy that surrounds us,
channels that energy and allow it to flow to anyone or anything that needs healing.

By combining these two elements of healing, you"ll get medicine energy that heals beyond its normal
capacity. The combination heals both the physical state and the inner dispositions of the body faster as well.

The concept of medicine reiki is relatively new. It was K'sitew who founded this branch of reiki in the late
90s. From then on it grew and the practice expanded to include other energies.

The good thing about medicine reiki is that it can only be used for healing. Unlike when taken alone,
medicines can be good and bad, a dualistic energy source. Reiki is a monadic energy which means it is only
good energy thus cannot do any harm. When reiki is integrated with medicine, the dualistic energy of the
latter is converted into a monadic energy resulting to a positive form of energy whose only capacity is to heal
and not damage or hurt someone.

What also makes medicine reiki different is that the healing process is done in groups or in small
communities. Participation of the community is necessary during the healing sessions creating a closer bond
between individuals which is great for sharing energy. The closer the bonds between the members of the
group, the greater the energy flows within the group, the better and faster the healing process.

Since the founding of this reiki technique, more healing methods have developed which draws its origins
from native American medicines.

And as long as practitioners exist, this reiki healing technique will continue to grow and expand bringing forth
new healing methods or techniques that will help people challenge their health and energy levels.
Every person has a phobia of certain things, be it of heights or speaking in front of people. While most
people overcome their fears, some are crippled by it. This therefore prevents them from doing things that
they would otherwise find enjoyable.

Meditation is one way for people trapped by their phobias to finally get out of their shell and start living the
full life.

A definition of fear is that it is the anxiety caused by a perceived danger. It is the state of mind by which a
person foresees something wrong happening either to him/her or the people around him/her.

Meditation helps in overcoming a person's fear by altering his/her state of mind. There are several ways by
which this practice can help people achieve this.

One such way is called mindfulness meditation. By training the person to live in the now, his/her attention is
veered away from the future where that person perceives the danger. Besides, it is only a mere perception
and such event may or may not actually happen.

Visualization can also help a person cope with fear by making the person imagine what he/she will do in
case the perceived danger comes. By being mentally prepared for such an event, the person will be able to
deal with the future situation better.

Again, fear is a mere state of mind. Facing it, therefore, needs some alteration in the person's perception of
what may or may not happen. It can be achieved by the practice of meditation.
Anyone who has heard of the expression about the power of mind over matter will easily understand the
benefit of meditation on people suffering from different forms of physical pain.

This article will deal with several methods by which meditation can help in alleviating a person's condition.

Concentration techniques in meditation can help in easing a person's suffering by keeping his/her mind
away from the source of the pain. Usually, the pain is magnified because people choose to focus on it.

If their attention is trained somewhere else, the pain becomes more manageable.

Another method is called mindfulness meditation. This involves being aware of one's present condition and
accepting it as such. If a person accepts that he/she is currently in pain, dealing with it would be much

Then there's visualization. It could be considered as a form of self-hypnosis. It is done by creating an image
of the pain and imagining it moving away from the body.

As suggested by these methods, they do not actually take away pain from the person. Rather, they make
dealing with the pain much easier.

This is also the reason why methods like those mentioned should be coupled with the proper medical
advice. In fact, consulting one's doctor is advised before even trying the meditation exercises out.

Otherwise, there will be a risk of overlooking more serious conditions that could be causing the pain. Along
with the proper medical advice, meditation can help improve a person's tolerance for pain.
Meditation exercises are effective means of reducing stress and teaching your body and mind to relax. Not
only that, such exercises can also help build self-confidence and self-esteem. And most importantly, just like
any other exercise, it can help you maintain your good health and keep you in great shape.

There are many types of meditation exercises that you can do. It would depend in their ability to make you
feel relax and relieve you of stress. One that you can try out is the walking meditation. It is a form of
meditation that monks do as a habit in monasteries. What they do is walk the on a quiet area for a time while
contemplating or meditating on something. It can be so easy that you can do it too.

In doing the walking meditation, what you need to do is find yourself a set path. It can be a circular track, a
sports field, or even a large garden good enough for walking on. Start by walking the path in order to get to
know the route. Once you have gotten used to it, begin taking in breaths in a slow and deep breath and then
let it out slowly. As you do this, try to be conscious of your body. Feel or sense your entire body and be
aware of its every parts. Try to walk slowly. As you are walking try to mentally be aware of how your body is
functioning as it moves. Do not attempt to criticize every function or movement. Just try to be aware of how
your body moves or works as it walks.

At first it might come off as silly for some people. But just like any other forms of meditation, it is not
something that you should rush. You need to get comfortable with it. Sometimes distractions may come and
they usually do. It is normal, especially on the initial days that a thought comes into your head like: "This is
silly" or, "I have to do the dishes". When they do, just try to push them gently away, and continue on with
your walking. You can do this for 10 or 15 minutes, take a bit of rest, and then get on with your normal
routine in life.

Another simple meditation exercise that you can do is what is known as the "Step inside a Painting"
technique. You can start by finding a painting or picture that you enjoy looking at. Place it a few feet away
from you and at a comfortable visual distance. Find a comfortable place to sit on, preferably some area in
your home where you will not be disturbed.

When you already have your painting and quite area ready, try to close your eyes. Be aware of how you
breathe. Just be attentive to how your body functions as it is breathing in and breathing out. Try to keep
everything as they are and try not to change anything, even the timing of your breathing. After a couple of
minutes, you will notice your body beginning to slow down.

At this point, you can open your eyes and look at the chosen painting. Simply gaze at the picture. Be aware
of the scenery, the lines, and the colors of the painting before you. Try to set the picture in your mind. Once
you have it captured in your mind, close your eyes once again. Create the picture mentally and imagine
yourself walking into the picture. Have yourself stand inside the picture in your mind. Take a look through the
frame and to the place where you are sitting. Allow your mind to take you into the picture. Explore and be
aware of your surroundings as you are inside the painting. It can be quite an adventure trying to learn some
of these meditation exercises.
Different meditation techniques follow their own set of meditation instructions in order to be effective and
lead a person to a higher level of relaxation and consciousness. These guidelines are there to help provide
the steps that an individual can follow as he or she begins a meditation session. Duration may differ
according to the different techniques and may involve different exercises to achieve that higher level of

Any meditation practice may be done at different parts of the day. But it is suggested that you do it in the
morning. Morning is the ideal time to do a meditation session since it is the time of the day with the least
interruptions. It is also good to find a place somewhere in the home that is quiet and private. Here is an
example of how you can do your meditation in your own home.

First of all, try to sit upright, keeping your spine relatively straight. You can either sit on a bed, on the floor, or
in a chair, whichever is most comfortable for you to sit on. You can cross your legs as you sit down, which is
the usual position for meditation. But if crossing your legs will result in discomfort or stoppage of blood flow
in the legs, try to uncross and extend them. You may also try to alter to a more comfortable sitting position.
Meditation can also depend on how comfortable you are to be effective.

After finding yourself in a comfortable sitting position, the next step is to close the eyes and relax. Do this for
a brief moment to calm your body and mind. The next step is to try and visualize a certain object.
Visualization is one of the important steps in meditation. Try to focus on the object in your mind and try to be
aware of its characteristics. Focusing and concentrating on something in your mind may take time and it will
take a lot of practice. This is important since meditation depends on putting your focus on just a single object
in your mind while minimizing the distractions as much as possible.

Now that you have visualized a specific object in your mind, try to feel yourself as if you are that object. Try
to get a sense of how it is being that object. Feel how it is to be that shape, that color or that texture.
Become the object in your mind. In doing so, try to feel calm and relaxed. Don't try to force your mind to do
it. Just be aware of that object and let it effortlessly become you. This too may take some time to get used
to. But practice will make you get better at it.

What is important in this meditation exercise is that you try to make yourself visualize a certain object
effortlessly without forcing your mind to do so. What may be even harder to do the first time you are doing
this exercise is how to maintain your visualization. There may be times that a passing thought or a
distraction may occur in your mind that may let you lose focus.

With practice in following these simple meditation instructions, you may be able to get used to developing
your focus and concentration and keeping your mind free form distractions. By then, you will learn how to
relax not only your body but also your mind.
Meditation has become a popular form of relaxation among people who always find themselves stressed out
often in their lives. Meditation can be a very effective coping mechanism and as a valuable means to combat
stress. The most convenient means of practicing meditation techniques can be done with the use of
meditation tapes.

The practice of meditation can be perfected through the guidance of experienced masters of the different
meditation techniques. Others join into meditation groups in order to enhance and improve the meditation
techniques that they practice. But sometimes, people may not have the time to spend in joining such groups
and may rather practice meditation in their own homes. In this case, meditation tapes would really become
very valuable items to have.

An effective meditation practice would depend on a knowledgeable guide and a willing student. The guide is
usually the master experienced in the techniques of meditation and will help provide students with the
different steps towards relaxation. The willing student then tries to absorb and follow each step carefully in
order to reach an enhanced state of relaxation. The meditation guides have these steps taken from ancient
practices that have been handed down from generation to generation. And when it is impossible to have a
live meditation guide walk a student to the different steps of meditation, the use of meditation steps would
help bridge the gap.

There are many ways in which you may be able to find a meditation tape that you can use in the comfort of
your own home. You may even be able to use it when driving to the office or when working, that is,
depending on what type of meditation technique you plan on practicing. Choosing the right one may depend
on certain factors that may allow you to meditate more effectively for relaxation.

When choosing a meditation tape, it is important to check them out before purchasing them. It is important
that you may be able to listen to them first before deciding on buying them. Buying them through mail order
may not provide you with an opportunity to check out one in terms of quality in sound as well as playability of
the tape. When you do choose one, try to get those that have meditation guides narrating the steps with a
peaceful yet commanding voice. Choose a meditation tape with a voice that you will want to listen to and do
what has been said. Choosing a tape with a wrong voice may hinder you from reaching your full potential in
your meditation. It would usually depend on your own preference on which type of voice you would likely
follow to lead you to the different meditation steps.

A good way of looking for good meditation tapes is through the Internet. You may be able to find them in
various websites that deals with the subject of meditation. It can be as easy as using a search engine online
to find those meditation tapes. What makes looking for meditation tapes online even more convenient is that
most of them offer brief audio clips of what each tape contains that you can check out.

This will help you choose and determine which ones will suit your own meditation style. Try looking for those
sites that do offer audio clips in order to help you get the most effective meditation tape guides that would
satisfy you.
Today, there are a lot of things that help in keeping us entertained. In the internet alone, there are a
multitude of websites that do such that like video sharing sites, gaming sites and other websites which cater
to our interests.

While there is nothing wrong with entertaining ourselves, a problem arises with our constant need for
distractions. Because of that, it becomes difficult for us to focus on one thing.

We do not need to take extreme measures to help us focus. There are practices which can do the job for us.
It includes the practice of meditation.

People take up meditation for different purposes and improving concentration is one of them. There are
several methods by which meditation does its job.

One is through breathing exercises. Even an exercise that is as simple as being aware of the times we
inhale and exhale can do wonders to our ability to concentrate.

While it may sound easy, it can be quite difficult especially if one has to deal with distractions such as
outside noise.

Another method is by reciting a mantra. A mantra is a phrase or a sound that is recited repeatedly. For
Catholics, praying the rosary is a form of a mantra.

The repetition becomes the center of the meditation to which the person's attention becomes focused.

There are other more methods by which meditation can help improve concentration. However, the two
mentioned above are the most basic and could help beginners start out with the practice.
People encounter stress everyday, some do at work or school, others at home. While they are usually able
to cope with stress, sometimes the burden simply becomes too much that people break down because of it.

The Science of Stress

In the General Adaptation Syndrome model designed by Hans Selye, he identifies three stages that people
undergo when stressed.

During the first stage, the body goes on a state of alarm at the realization of a threat. In this stage, cortisol is
released by the body.

The second stage is where the body becomes unable to cope with the strain until its resources are depleted.

Finally, the body breaks down which include the exhaustion of the immune system. Because of this, the
body is unable to fight of sicknesses which then expose the person to illnesses.

How Meditation Helps Reduce Stress

Meditation is one method which can help reduce the stress levels of a person. By calming the mind and
giving the person a sense of control over things, the things that are considered threats (the things which
cause stress) become easier to manage.

But the reduction of stress isn't the end of the exercise. Since stress can make people prone to illnesses,
reducing stress can help in keeping the person healthy.

The practice of meditation, therefore, can result in improved health and resistance to illnesses.

So the next time you feel stressed out, try to calm yourself down by practicing meditation. While your
problems won't exactly go away, you at least become mentally prepared to face them.
Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct link between meditation and relaxation. What
distinguishes this from the other techniques is that with meditation, your mind continues to be focused and
alert when you learn to focus on an object, a thought or by visualization.

But which should you focus on? The answer depends on the individual. The important thing is that it is
something that they are comfortable with.

One of the simplest things to concentrate on is your breathing. In fact, most meditation techniques start out
this way so that your muscles will be relaxed and your mind and body become one.

Sometimes, staring into an object can produce similar results. The best part about is that it doesn't have to
be physical because when you are trying to get some sleep, you can focus on a cloud or the open ocean.

If thinking about an object is not your thing, then you can try to focus on sounds or words. This is the reason
that there are CD's that you can buy which play calming music or with someone in the background talking to
you during your meditation and relaxation session.

When such things are used, this is better known as a mantra mediation or transcendental meditation. This
technique has been studied widely in the medical field because the body gains a state of profound rest. As
you wake up, your brain and mind becomes alert ready to get back to work.

The biggest challenge with meditation and relaxation is the fact that you will often be distracted with other
thoughts as you try to block them out. When you are doing this at home, it is beyond your control if a car
drives by or there other sounds coming from the outside. The same goes if you feel an itch and the tendency
is to scratch it.

Since ignoring it won't do any good, you just have to accept it. This skill is called "poised awareness" or
"attention awareness" and by being able to have a passive attitude these things will no longer affect you.

Let's face it. All of us need time to relax when the pressure builds up otherwise we crack. You can drink a
beer after work or watch television when you get home but the truth is, such activities does not truly relax the

For that, the best answer is meditation so you not only relax the body but also the mind. You should do your
best to stay awake because instead of concentrating on your breathing, you could already be dreaming
which is not what this exercise is all about.

Those of you who feel more energetic with meditation and relaxation should do this on a daily basis. After
all, it only takes 15 or 20 minutes or so to recharge your batteries.

Does this change who you are as a person? The answer is no. You just become more calm and disciplined
when everyone around is going crazy so you can make the right decisions at the right time. Soon, people
will notice the change in you and say something about it. Some might even ask how you do it and when that
happens, you will know that this activity which you have been doing for the past few days or even weeks has
finally paid off.
One of the most challenging things when meditating is finding the right sitting position. This is because your
legs could become numb after some time which is why even if there is already meditation cushion in the
market, there are some who still prefer to use meditation chairs instead.

When you look at a meditation chair, the first thing you will notice is that this does not look that different to a
dining chair. It has 4 legs and a back rest. However, what it does best is make you more comfortable than
when you are sitting on the floor by being able to mold to your body which prevents cramps and provides
complete relaxation.

The material that makes this possible is called buckwheat hull because it conforms to your shape thus
providing a firmer seat. It is also able to do this because of the ergonomic design which prevents the user
from slouching during the most intense moments of meditation as it is angled slightly forward.

A good example of a meditating chair is the Seagrass. This was designed by a meditation practitioner who
felt that it is very difficult to meditate while sitting in a lotus position. This chair allows you to cross the ankles
or the feet or pull them up if you are tired of having them rest on the floor. It also provides proper spine
support so you will never experience any back pain after the session.

The Chinese meditation chair is perhaps the oldest since it has been around for centuries. It didn't have
ergonomic features like the ones we have now but it has a very wide base so that the user has sufficient
room to also cross their legs. It also did not have any cushioning but you can easily fix that.

Another example is the Tilt Seat that is also known as the kneeling chair. The beauty of this meditation chair
is that it does not put any pressure on the knees and this can also be used as a study table because you
can easily read a book when you put a cushion on the floor.

There are other meditation chairs available and they come in other shapes and sizes. One option for those
that want something bigger is the meditation bench. Because of the larger area, those of you who still prefer
the lotus position can do so without putting pressure on the legs. Something similar to that is called the cane
chair for meditation.

When choosing the right seat, you should always consider your height, size and comfort level. Don't forget
support for the back so this also helps improve your posture.

The nice thing about meditation chairs is that they are light and portable. It can easily be stored in the closet
when you are done and the designs that most retailers have can easily compliment with the rest of the items
in the room.

The meditation chair is designed to make you feel comfortable in the 15 or 20 minutes when you are in
session. How you make your mind and body relax is already up to you so if you are serious about improving
your health or combating stress, then investing in one of these will surely be good for you.
Most forms of meditation require the person to sit in a comfortable position. You can do this by getting a mat
or a chair. But since this does not always make you feel at ease, someone decided to make meditation

What is a meditation cushion? Basically these are aids in meditation that do not offer any back support
because they help lengthen the spine and correct your alignment so you are able to breathe better, increase
blood flow and flexibility.

There are three types of meditation cushions around. These are namely the Zafus, the Zabutons and the
seiza bench. What makes each different from the other? Well, the Zafus is a smile cushion that can be
placed on the floor or over a kneeling bench. The Zabutons is a sitting mat which provides essential
cushioning for the ankles, feet and legs. While the seiza bench is best for people who have knee problems.

The first two meditation cushions are used quite often in Zen meditation. But as meditation has become a
popular form of alternative exercise, this has also been used in health clubs and fitness centers.

The three meditation cushions come in a variety of sizes and colors. How much do they cost? Any of the
three meditation cushions mentioned cost from $30 to $60. You can easily acquire them by going to a
specialty store or buying these goods online.

When you go around looking for meditation cushions, make sure it is real thing and you will know that simply
by looking what is inside. The meditation cushion is usually filled with one or two rare materials namely
Kapok and Buckwheat Hull. What makes these two so unique is that when Kapok is blown, it becomes
firmer. Buckwheat Hull on the other hand forms to the body when it is applied.

Apart from the three meditation cushions for the lower part of your body, there is also one for your eyes.
These are called eye pillows and used only when you are lying down while meditating. This is made of flax
seed and covered with silk which is placed over the acupressure points that surround the eyes.

This performs two things. First, block out light and the other is to relieve tension. This is often used with
aromatherapy oils to enhance a deep feeling of relaxation.

If you travel often and find carrying the standard meditation cushion inconvenient to carry around, you can
get an inflatable meditation cushion. It is very to set up and hide so you can still get your daily dose of
meditation 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Can you use your pillow as a makeshift meditation cushion? It can but only in the short term because the
materials used here are made from cotton as this does not form to the body unlike Buckwheat Hull. Chances
are, you will have to make adjustments during your session so you will not be able to maximize it.

So, for those that want to meditate without any distractions, it is best to get a meditation cushion. There are
three to choose from; the Zafus, the Zabutons and the seiza benches. You just have to find which one is
right for you so you can reap the benefits of meditation like others have in the past.
For sufferers of insomnia inability to relax physically and mentally well enough to sleep is often a problem.
Thoughts race and make it difficult to shut down and get to sleep until it is nearly time to get up again. The
nightly routine of fighting with a racing mind in hopes of a few minutes of unbroken sleep becomes their
routine. This article was written to give insomniacs tips as well as advice that is geared toward falling asleep
easily. Meditation will always be beneficial.

|The first thing we need to do in this battle against insomnia is discuss the problem with your doctor. Often
there is a medical reason behind sleep difficulties.|Staying away from sleeping pills is the next thing you
should do. Sleeping pills can cause addiction problems as well as add other issues that can cause insomnia
defeating their purpose. Sleeping pills also impair mental acuity. Placebo studies have shown patients who
were given a placebo actually slept better and were more refreshed than those who were given sleeping

After that you need to keep in mind that there in not a quick-fix for insomnia. While there may be instances
that popping a pill can take care of the problem; insomnia isn't one of those instances. There can be many
reasons for insomnia which sleeping pills wouldn't address, and chemically induced sleep is not as
refreshing as the real thing. Having a routine will also help you to get enough rest as well as keep insomnia
at bay. If you keep track of when you go to bed and when you get up for several days you will most likely
find a pattern. Often insomnia can be treated by setting a schedule and following it while watching your
sleep patterns. You need to be exposed to natural light daily as well.

Going outside to get natural sunlight is also important. You need sunlight for over-all health in addition to
stabilizing your sleep patterns. Meditation can improve sleep, you can also try listening to soft music in the
evening to help you relax. Daily exercise is important for the brain as well as the body. Exercise can help
you relax and ensures a deeper, more restful sleep. It is a good idea to have a dark, cool, quiet place to
sleep with a comfortable and well supported sleeping surface. You should sleep in your bed instead of in a
chair reclined in front of a television set.

Start your sleep period by relaxing your body starting with your toes and working your way up until your
whole body is relaxed. Proper diet plays a large part in sleep habits. You need to get enough vitamins and
minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. St John's Wort can improve mood if you are suffering from
depression, which commonly occurs in people with insomnia. Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba can help with
concentration during the day as well. Before starting any supplements you should seek the advice of a
licensed medical professional and through meditation. ++ +++
These days, going to the doctor when you are sick is not the only way so you will feel better. According to
the National Center for Complementary Medicine, meditation is among the top 10 alternative therapy
treatments. But before we get into that, it is best we learn some meditation facts.

First, meditation means awareness. Why? This is because your senses are heightened as you concentrate
on your breathing and your hearing is sharper than before. You tell your mind to block out these distractions
so you are able to find inner peace which you can carry with you when you open your eyes.

Some think that meditation is a religion when in fact it is a science. This is because numerous studies done
in the past show that those who practice it feel relaxed, are physically fit, have improvements in their
academic standing in school and have an increase in their productivity at work.

But where did the word meditation come from? This comes from two Latin words. The first is called
'meditari" which means to think, dwell upon or to exercise the mind. The second is 'mederi" which is to heal.
If you put these all together, it describes basically what this activity is which is a time for your to reach deep
in your mind and recharge.

As you can see, meditation has benefits that are physiological, physical and psychological. You don't have
to take any pills or get a prescription from a doctor. It is free and it doesn't consume much of your time. This
can be done in 5 to 20 minutes each day. You just have to sit comfortably and close your eyes then continue
with whatever you were doing.

Given that meditation has been practiced for centuries, various movements have emerged. But regardless of
their names or techniques, this can be grouped into two basic approaches.

The first is called concentrative meditation. Here, the person focuses his or her attention on the breath, an
image or a sound to create a greater awareness and for clarity to come forth. Think of it like you are looking
at something through a microscope so you are able to narrow your focus.

This is quite easy since all you have to do is sit down and just breathe. The correct way of doing it is to
inhale and exhale slowly because as this becomes deeper and slower, your mind becomes more aware and

The second type is called mindfulness meditation. Just like concentrative meditation, the person sits quietly
and then reflects on his or her feelings, sensations and thoughts. These things come to mind one at time
without the person calling on any of them to come forth. It just appears and no action is taken so that when
you wake up, you see the bigger picture and know what you have to do.

Which meditation technique is the best of all? There is no correct answer to that because this depends
entirely on the personality of the individual.

The one fact about meditation you should remember is that regardless of what you choose, its focus is to
silence the busy mind. It does not remove the stimulation which you feel but rather direct your concentration
to something else to achieve that inner peace. You just have to keep an open mind to see what it can do
because it is a science.
There are numerous meditation methods for you to try and those who are skeptic about it should simply
keep an open mind. For those who are really interested, you have to do some research to find out which is
the best for you. To help you along the way, here are a few that can be done with the help of an expert.

The first is called Meditation by Walking which is very popular among monks. This activity is far different
from the rest because it combines physical activity with mind conditioning in order to relieve stress

In order for this to work, you jut have to find a place where you can walk like a circular path or a track. The
reason why is because you want to follow a pattern in order to help your mind rest.

Of course, you will still have to breathe and walk at a slow pace. You might get distracted especially if there
are other people on the track and when this happens, simply acknowledge it and continue what you are

The next is called prayer meditation which is in fact the most popular form. The nice thing about this is that
you do not have to go to Church or sing any hymns. You simply sit down, close your eyes and just relax.

Is meditation only for relaxing? The answer is no. Sometimes, this is used to help an athlete before a big
event or by doctors to help cure patients. This is known as visualization meditation and you let your mind
focus on an object or that goal which you wish to reach. This is effective when you finally settle in a very
comfortable position

Another meditation method is called candle meditation. Here, you basically light a candle and then focus on
the flame. For the next few minutes or so, you will block out everything else in the world and put all your
concentration on the flickering flame.

Meditation on your own is not for everyone. This is why you can get guided meditation by listening to a
prerecorded session. There are CD's that play soothing while there are others that are narrated by a

If you are not happy with your life or need time to reflect on your own, another meditation method is mirror
gazing. Here, you simply gaze into your image and think about how your life is like. You can do this standing
up or sitting down.

For those of you who cannot sit still, Yoga meditation may be what you are looking for. This is because
aside from being an exercise designed to improve your flexibility, it can also provide relief for pain and gives
the person a feeling of pleasure.

As you can see, there are many meditation methods to choose from. In fact, doctors now call this an
alternative form of therapy and if this has worked for others, it could possibly do some good for you.

Which meditation method should you try? Well, why not try them one week at a time and see how things go.
You can write in a journal what you experience and then come to the conclusion as to which has the most
effective impact on you. From there, you will know which one among those mentioned may become part of
your daily routine.
For people who are into meditation, one of the most crucial factors for them to do the practice properly is to
hear some meditation music. Depending on the form of meditation you are practicing, meditation music
plays a very big role in achieving the success in any meditation session.

What is meditation music should be

People who have been practicing meditation for so long would definitely agree that the hardest thing to fight
off during meditation is chatters or babblers. This is because this tiny sound can penetrate the mind and
distract it from whatever it has been doing.

To be able to avoid the distraction brought by this simple sound, they have found a way to fight it off using
meditation music. Of all the many kinds of music out there, people—especially those who are just beginning
—are having a hard time choosing which one would suit the practice.

Here are some guidelines in choosing the meditation music for you:

1. Make sure that it doesn't have lyrics. In choosing meditation music, it is always best to choose music that
has no lyrics because it can only distract your concentration. If you find plain rhythm boring, try to play
something that has lyrics that your don't understand so you don't have to think what the song is saying.
Aside from distracting your thoughts through the words you understand, music with lyrics will also encourage
you to sing along which will totally shatter your concentration.

2. Relaxing music with soft rhythm is always advisable. For starters, this type of music will do you good
because it will help you clear your mind and focus on something. But, if you are already in a higher level of
meditation, you can choose music that have faster rhythm and beats or anything that your truly enjoy
because this can no longer distract you.

3. Try to experiment. Although soft and relaxing music is always advisable, try to play other types of music.
Who knows? You might find better concentration of you play something that you truly enjoy.

4. Simple and soothing music is sure to focus your attention. If you don't have the luxury of time to
experiment on types of music to be played during meditation, then try surefire hits, which are simple and
soothing music. Some of these may include classical sounds, sounds from the nature such as clapping of
thunder, sounds of big waves, sounds of insects, and the wind. Other alternative options may also include
simple instruments including tibetan singing bowl, flute, sitar, and tamboura which are known to have
meditative inducing qualities.

When choosing meditation music, it is very important to keep in mind that the type you should play must
induce you to deep concentration and not into deep sleep. If you are the type who practices mediation in just
one place, then it is best if you play the same meditation music all over again. But if you are the type who
changes places, then it is best to bring along several types of medication music to help you adjust to the

You can download the meditation music that you like from various meditation sites in the Internet and burn in
a CD. But if you burn have a portable MP3 player, it is best to upload the music there so you can listen to it
anytime you want to practice meditation.
A quiet room is all you need in order to meditate. But if you are like some who feel that meditation supplies
are needed, go ahead and do so.

The first thing you have to concern yourself with is space. For that, you have to check which room in your
house you can use as a meditation room. Ideally, this should have adequate space to put a cushion, a mat
or a bench. It should also be clutter free so it looks very relaxing.

The best support to get when you sit down should enable you to keep your back straight and prevent you
from slumping during meditation. These come in different sizes and colors so check them out.

Another thing you can have in the meditation room is a small table. You can put in two or four and this is for
the incense and your CD player. When you are shopping for incense, it is best to try out each one because
there are some that are stronger than others. The same goes with the music because some prefer the
sound of whistling trees while there are others who prefer the sound of running water.

You should also consider the lighting in the room so you create the right environment suitable for meditation.
If your light has a dimmer then that could do the trick. If you prefer to use candles, make sure they are
placed in strategic areas of the room. The candles could be scented or unscented which is entirely up to you
because there are already incense sticks.

When you have a meditation room, do you ever ask yourself why you are doing this? If you are doing this for
you and your family, you can also buy a few picture frames and put their photos then place this on the table.

For those that want to relax, change this with images of nature like the ocean, the rainforest, the mountains
or the clouds.

The use of incense and scented candles can only do so much to freshen up the room so why not use
flowers instead? You can buy a nice vase from the store then buy these from the florist or cut them from
your own garden. Often times, you will find that the smell of flowers does a lot to bring a sense of calm to
the room.

With the right meditation supplies and furniture around, it is easy for you to close your eyes, drift off to that
special place and come back feeling refreshed. You can try other scents and other sounds later on so don't
be afraid to try other things as well especially when this is already part of your daily routine.

If you travel regularly, you can continue your meditation routine by taking your meditation supplies with you.
Surely, it isn't that hard to buy an inflatable cushion, some candles or oils then put this into a bag and maybe
upload the music to your MP3 player.

Meditation takes time to master and having a special room with sufficient meditation supplies will really help
a lot. You can order these online or get this from the specialty store so it won't be that hard for you to
replenish them when you are almost out.
In the hectic lifestyle people live in today, you have to consider that this kind of lifestyle is bad for your
health. Recent studies have found that stress contributes to heart diseases and high blood pressure. You
have to consider that because of the help of stressful lifestyle that people live in today, stroke and heart
diseases have been considered as one of the deadliest diseases plaguing today's society.

This is why you should learn how to relax and take care of your body. You need to consider that your body
needs rest from time to time. It cannot handle too much work for too long. If your body is yelling out that you
have had enough work and is saying that it is tired, it probably is. With 5 minutes of relaxation, you can
revitalize your body and get it ready for another batch of work.

Although exercising can also help in preventing heart diseases, you have to consider that it is just not
enough. You also need rest and relaxation. Besides, if you are stressed out, you won't be able to work at
your peak efficiency. Your brain function is also overwhelmed by stress and you will not be able to think
clearly if you are overstressed. This is why you need to relax. Besides, what's the point of working if your
brain and body don't function well-enough?

Today, one of the most helpful ways to relax is through meditation. Although meditation have been practiced
thousands of years ago, you have to consider that recent studies have found and has proof that meditation
can indeed relieve stress and give you that extra boost of energy you need.

Meditations can completely relax your body and mind and it can also make your brain more alert and make
your heart relax. Meditation can completely make you feel refreshed and get you ready for another batch of
work. It can also help you block out any distractions that may come across your way.

First of all, there are different kinds of meditations available today. One of the most popular forms of
meditation is the Buddhist meditation. You have to consider that Buddhist meditation offers great forms of
relaxation. This particular meditation only requires you to go into a locked quiet room. Inside the room you
will begin meditation by sitting down, closing your eyes and get rid of all the thoughts running inside your
head. Do this for a few minutes and you will be able to get back up with your mind and body feeling

Although the so-called "power naps" can also offer this kind of feeling, you have to consider that meditation
is more effective than a five-minute nap.

Meditation was first taught as part of a religious practice in the Buddhist religion. However today, meditation
is now accepted as part of the western culture and many people, particularly busy people, are now
practicing meditation in order to get their mind and body to relax. If you want to learn how to meditate, there
are schools available that teaches you how to meditate properly. You will also learn the different kinds of

On advanced levels, some schools can even teach you how to meditate while you are working.
As you exhale, listen to the sound and associate it with the word Ham. As a guide, So sounds as does if you
are saying it in English. Ham could actually be written as Hom, as the in Ham is very weak.|Meditation is one
of the most important spiritual disciplines. The benefits of regular meditation are numerous, too many to list,
yet peace of mind is one of the greatest.

|Try listening to our Let Go recording (see holisticmakeove m link below) which utilizes brain-mind
technology to effortlessly guide you into a meditative state.|Avoid all drugs. Even "just" marijuana "only once
in a while" hinders intuition and clouds your mind for weeks afterwards.|Try meditating with someone you
love or with a group of friends. The combined energy will help you go deeper.|You may be sensitive to
something you"re eating or drinking. Pick a day and eat lightly, perhaps about half of what you usually do.
Consume what you know will be easy to digest, such as lightly steamed vegetables.

You should be able to focus more easily provided you feel lighter and more alert.|Certain supplements,
herbs, and medications, especially if they affect your mood, may be disagreeing with your system and
causing you to be scattered. Ask your doctor or health professional for alternative recommendations or if you
can do without them for a while. If you keep asking God or your guides or angels of the Light how you can
be more successful with meditation, you"ll eventually become aware of effective ways to go deeper and
focus better.

You"ll be a pro in no time.|If you"re still having trouble perceiving anything, jump start the process by using
your imagination. Tell yourself you"ll perceive the first image, thought, or feeling, in response to any of the
questions or instructions in the script, on the count of three. Then count one, two, three and provide a picture
or thought from your imagination or memory. Continue this process until other images that feel more related
to the issue you are exploring start filtering into your mind.|

Try relaxing music. Experiment with different kinds to test which works best for you.|Whatever works the
best for you is what you should be thinking of trying out. Meditation can change your life for the better and
once you begin feeling better you will know that you definitely made the best choices by choosing this to
help you along the way throughout this difficult life.

Learn more about meditation the next chance that you can because your life will be ever changing because
of it. There is more to be learned about it even to this day. Things are going to be different in your life and
meditation can be the reason for your healing and becoming a much more positive person that is happier
and healthier.

The internet is the best place to locate information about meditation, and there are many wonderful websites
that could provide you with tons of information. +++ ++++++
Guided meditations are one of the best ways to start meditating.|They're simple to use, which if you're in
need of relaxation is a helpful reason in itself.|Probably the hardest thing about using a relaxation meditation
is actually making the time to listen to it.|That may sound odd, but we tend to place least priority on
ourselves. We look after others, help others and generally do our best to help them to lead better lives.

|Set aside the necessary time. If you think you can't find the time, think again. There are almost certainly
times in your day when you can find 20 minutes or so. Cut out watching the news for starters - that will have
the beneficial effect of keeping you away from negative influences as well. Find a comfortable chair if you're
going to listen to your guided relaxation whilst sitting down. Or find a bed to lie down on if that's the position
you'd prefer.

|Finding the time is far and away the most difficult part. And even that's easy when you set your mind to it.|
Put on your headphones. If necessary, put a 'do not disturb" sign on the door to your room.|Press play and
let your mind wallow in the stress-free luxury of listening to a guided relaxation.|Finding the time is far and
away the most difficult part. And even that's easy when you set your mind to it.|Then switch the cell phone to
silent.It's actually really simple to use a guided relaxation meditation to relax yourself.|

Meditation is something that any one of you out there could practice at any stressful time in your lives and it
will really help matters not seem so severe. There are many different books on the internet where you could
learn more about meditation and start practicing it each day. This is important for you to do in order for you
to feel better about your situation in life.

Read through many different magazines and books until you truly understand what meditation can do for
you in your life, it is really going to improve every single aspect of it, there is no doubt about that. There are
ways of feeling better through meditation but if you do not push yourself to do so then you are going to be
one very unhappy person at the end of the day.

Meditation can save your life in many ways because of the changes that it will make you feel each and
everyday that you step out of bed. Tell your friends about it and they too can benefit from practicing
meditation everyday that they wake up or before going to bed. This is something positive that you can do for
yourself and for your mental well being for many years to come.

Do some sort of meditation everyday for a couple weeks and just see how much better you feel about
things. It is going to really surprise you alot.

Meditation plays a large part in Eastern philosophies and religions. Later on, the West also got hold of it and
has realized that it has a lot of health benefits.

The one thing students and those work deal with everyday is stress. Meditation for just 15 minutes or even
longer allows you to relax and later enables you to make an effective decision. It also lowers the level of
stress anxiety in your system thus decreasing the risks of heart disease significantly.

The practice of meditation also makes you self aware of what is happening around you. This enables you to
focus on the present rather than events that happened in the past or the future. It teaches you to be in
control of your mind and not make you do anything based on your emotions.

Believe it or not, meditation also develops insight into our subconscious. This is because our attitudes,
behavior, feelings and perceptions are all connected and if you are able to harness it, you will be able to
understand yourself better.

This allows you to have a positive outlook in life and even make changes in yourself. You become content or
thankful with what you have instead of harboring feelings of anger, anxiety, greed, hatred and jealousy
towards yourself and others.

You will also be able to see the big picture instead of the small one when given a task at work so even if
there are a few setbacks a long the way, you are still able to keep your eye on the end game.

Medication can also make you feel younger. This is because in one study, people who have been practicing
this for many years were physiologically 12 years younger than their chronological age. The results of the
test were based on the test subject's auditory discrimination, blood pressure and eye sight.

So now that you know the benefits of meditation and what it can possibly do, you are probably asking
yourself right now how does it work? Well, let us first correct the common misconception about meditation.

A lot of people think that you have to sit in a pretzel position or go off to some far away place to make this
work. The truth is that you just have to find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, sit on the floor or on
a chair in whatever position you like best and slowly clear your mind of all thoughts.

You should keep in mind that sitting in a comfortable position may sometimes make you doze off. So
concentrate otherwise it defeats the purpose of this exercise.

Next, you should close your eyes, focus on your breathing and let the positive air go in and the negative
thoughts go out. You might hear sounds nearby and since you can't do anything about that, just
acknowledge that it is there and just concentrate on this exercise.

This can be done at work or at home and how long it will be done depends on you. Some people may start
out for 5 minutes and then extend the time in the future. The important thing is that you feel recharged and
ready to taken on whatever challenge is out there when you are ready to open your eyes.
+I know there are a lot of us that pray for people who are sick,or maybe someone that has lost a loved
one,or for peace in the world,or maybe you even pray for a lost soul.Whatever it is you may pray for you do
it out of the love and faith you have in your heart.Meditating through prayer just gives me a peaceful feeling
inside.I guess you can see that when I pray I don't pray like maybe a minister would pray.I know all about
god,however I will be the first to admit I do not know a lot about the bible.

I understand the meaning of what the bible says but I do not understand a lot of the words.I basically should
say I use meditation to just talk to god.I believe that the way I talk to god is the same way that people may
pray to god. I went to church today and the minister was talking about another minister that liked to tell
everyone he knew about everything he has done good in his life. He bragged so much that he really didn't
have the time to listen to what the people in his church needed. I guess you could say even though he
preached an excellent sermon and did everything a minister should do,He just really couldn't see that his
pride was taking over his life.

After meditating for a few seconds are minister went on to tell a story of a very religious Christian man and a
tax collector walked into a temple at the same time.You could tell when the tax collector walked in everyone
stayed away from him because he was not well liked.The Christian man prayed that he would not ever turn
out to be anything like the tax collector.The tax collector said a simple prayer asking god that he may be
worthy of gods love.I'm sure the Christian man did a lot of good things in his life,But maybe he should have
meditated about his pride.

The tax collector did not look down on anyone or asked god if he could be like someone else,he just asked
to be worthy of gods love.We all have done things that we wish we could take back.We pray that god will
forgive what we have done and we then feel better about ourselves.We know god can forgive us but the
important thing is can we forgive ourselves.We truly cannot be happy with ourselves until we do.

I am very concerned about someone I love very much right now.She is a very good Christian person,also a
very hard worker and is very sick. She never complains and has been through very much and will have to
continue to go through a lot.

As I was meditating in church I felt the tears coming and all I could do is ask god over and over again to
please lay his healing hands on this person I love very much. So whether you are practicing meditation
through prayer to heal someone you love or to have peace in the world I can tell you the prayer you are
saying will comfort you and give you peace of mind.
+There is a constant two-way communication going on between your body and your brain.Do you remember
a time when you may have thought of something that was just terrible or maybe you had a 'sinking feeling"
in your stomach area? That is the kind of communication that goes on between your brain and your
body.Meditation can help relax your mind so it can help train your body to relax and your brain to be clear.

Recent research has found that not only does your brain communicate with your cells,but your cells will also
communicate with your brain and also with other parts of your body.In fact,scientist have recently discovered
that we think with not only are brain but our bodies as well.Meditation can help us to also understand about
our brain.It is not inaccurate to look at your entire body as being part of your brain.

That may be a new fact that may startle you,but do not reject it.Many scientists are now starting to believe
that we are actually a "bodybrain".You can communicate with your body and brain through meditation.A key
part of your body's incredible communication system involves your cells' receptors.This means every call in
your body can have millions of receptors on it's face,and each cell has perhaps seventy different types of

While meditating as I learned more I discovered that in the early 1970s,Candace Pert,PhD.D, was the first
scientist to prove that the existence of these receptors with her own discovery of the opiate receptor.This
receptor molecules float on the cell's oily outer part of the membrane and also have roots that can reach
deep inside the cell.I'm sure that Dr.Pert had to do a lot of meditating as she wrote her wonderful book The
Molecules Of Emotion,Dr.Pert says that 'the life of a cell,what it is up to at any moment,is determined by
which receptors are on its surface,and whether those receptors are occupied by ligands or not.

A ligand is described as a small molecule that will bind itself to a cellular receptor.Still using mediation to
keep my mind clear I learned that there are three chemical types of ligands. They are the
neurotransmitters,the steroids,and the ones that we are most interested in at this time,the peptides.
According to Dr.Pert,as many as 95 percent of all ligands may be peptides.

The receptors and their ligands have come to be seen as "information molecules'- the basic units of a
language that are used by cells throughout the organism to communicate across systems such as the
endocrine,neurological, gastrointestinal,and even the immune system." I would say as much knowledge as
Dr.Pert has on this subject meditation would be what kept her mind in focus.
After a day's hectic schedule of meeting deadlines, attending meetings, preparing different documents, and
so on, you will always be looking forward to going home and relaxing. There are many ways to relax, and
one method that is quite effective is meditation.

How will you do it? Perhaps you've already heard other people talking about meditation. It's not as hard as
you think. The idea revolves around focusing your thoughts to a certain relaxing thing over a sustained time.
This way, your mind is able to rest, and your thoughts about stressful things are diverted elsewhere. Your
body can recuperate and relax through meditation; toxin build ups are also cleared away.

You will notice that while you're meditating your breathing slows, your blood pressure is reduced, the
muscles relax, anxiety and irritability are reduced, stressful thoughts and lactic acid are eliminated, clears
your way of thinking, headaches and stress are also lessened, and you can now concentrate and focus fully.

Focusing on just a single thing is the true essence of such activity. This is an active process unlike that of
hypnosis. All your mental faculties should be concentrated on the meditation's subject. Meditation is usually
done for about 30 minutes, so be sure that you're in a comfortable position. You can lie on your bed, sit on
your favorite couch, or choose any position that you're really comfortable with.

You can focus on different things when you're meditating like breathing, an object, a sound, or even
imagery. Whichever you choose, it is very important to remain focused. If you experience any distractions
and external thoughts, strive hard to drift them out. This is natural when you're just a beginner; you will
always find your thoughts wandering but as you continue practicing meditation, you will soon improve.

You can try these relaxation exercises and incorporate it in your meditation so that you can achieve total

1. Tense Relax – start by clenching your fists, and then pull forearms firmly against the upper arms. Keep
your muscles tensed, as well as that of your leg muscles. Now, your jaws must also be clenched and your
eyes shut tightly. While holding those tense, breathe deeply and then hold for about 5 seconds. Then let go
of everything at once. Feel the sensations while your tensions are being released. 2. Heaviness/ Warmth –
this is done by feeling your legs and feet getting heavier and warmer by the second. Imagine that it's like
wearing lead boots. After that, try to imagine that your central body portion is also getting warm... warmer
and relaxed. Tell yourself that you're forehead is getting cooler and relaxed. Breath easy and regularly. Just
feel all the heaviness and warmth spread over your entire body. 3. Ideal Relaxation - close your eyes and try
to create an ideal relaxation spot inside your mind. Choose any place whether it's imagined or real and
furnish the place according to your own preference and style. Wear comfortable clothes and imagine that
you're going to that place. Feel mellow and at ease in your imagined and ideal relaxation place. Enjoy that
special moment for about a minute.

These are just simple relaxation and meditation exercises that you can do. If you're feeling stressed and
tensed, do these exercises.
There are many types and forms of meditation and many people are now slowly realizing the importance of
meditation in their everyday life. Even medical practitioners are now accepting meditation as a way to treat
certain health conditions like depression.

Meditation is considered an art in itself. It takes a lot of practice to master it. If you're really into meditation,
then you'd better start mastering visualization's art.

Visualization is used by almost every individual. But this is more evident among children; as people grow
older, they use this technique much less. Children are full of wild imaginations. Although you're unaware of
it, you're actually using visualization one way or another. What you must do is to know that you're doing it
and be more conscious of yourself.

Mediation makes use of visualization very often. In fact, most of the meditation exercises that people are
familiar about are all inclusive of visualization. So before concentrating on other complicated meditation
exercises, you must first be able to master this specific art.

Some people may think that visualization is easily mastered, well, that might be true. On the other hand,
there are also individuals who struggle with it. Visualization grows stronger only if you keep on practicing;
and you must always be prepared and concentrated to let all your imaginations go.

If you want to master visualization, you can try this simple exercise. Pick a certain object in your home and
clear your table and leave nothing but the object. Look at your chosen object and try to absorb all the
specific details. You can try looking hard on the size, color, shape, and the light's shade on it. Then,
memorize all details if possible.

The next step is to shut your eyes and try to picture your chosen object inside your mind. Ask yourself if you
remembered all the details, or if you forgot some of them. While doing this, think about your feelings about
the exercise. Again, ask yourself if you feel stressed about the exercise or if you're interested.

Now, clear the object inside your mind. Picture another object found inside your home. Observe and pay
close attention to the details. After that, open up your eyes and search the house for that particular object.
Was the object the same to that pictured inside your mind? Did you miss out certain details, if so, which
one/s? You have to once again ask yourself what you're feeling while doing the exercise.

Now, you have to go back to the table and remember a certain object from your past. Pay close attention to
all the details. After doing so, try to put the object in its proper surroundings.

As you go about the exercise, you might have noticed that there are certain gaps filled in by your
imagination. So, can you now tell which of the object's part are real and which ones are not? Or which part
came from just your memory?

You were also asked to think about your feelings. If you're a beginner, visualization is quite stressful but
don't worry because this is but normal. Soon enough, the stressful feelings will disappear and you can do
visualization exercises with more ease than before. So don't stop now just because you're having difficulties,
just keep on practicing.
Today's technology has a great impact on the lives of all people. Many new things are introduced into the
market in terms of products and services. Even meditation has a different face nowadays.

There are many types of meditation, and included in these types is audio meditation. Just as the word
suggest, you can meditate through the use of an audio form. Many years ago, this wasn't possible, but now,
it seems that technology just keeps on surprising people with newer and better ways. And meditation is not

There are many audio materials available on the internet. If you think that audio meditation will do you good,
then what are you waiting for? Do your homework and search the net for possible audio materials that can
be used for meditation.

Here are some of the audio materials featured on the web:

- Sacred Sound; this is used to assist individuals who are trying to meditate. The sound is able to heal and
balance the chakras. Other people who are into yoga find this material as an effective mediation tool.
Instrumental pieces last for about twenty minutes with a short break in between. If you want to meditate, this
is a very good mediation tool that you can use.

- Inner Sunrise; if you want to feel all wonderful from the inside, this CD is the best one for you. It features a
yoga master that can help you in your journey inwards to achieve peaceful serenity from within.

- Moolamantra Vol.2; having an open heart has its advantages and if you're like that, don't forget to check
out this great CD. You will surely receive the unlocking key to desire, fulfillment and spiritual treasures. This
CD features an ancient chant that is set on a subtle chorus of feminine voice and evocative orchestration.

- Chakra Dhyana; this is a 50 minutes album containing traditional mantras to activate your seven chakras or
energy centers. It begins with your root chakra and ends with the coronary. This is a guided meditation that
can help you and other listeners to experience deep relaxation and awaken Kundalini.

- Dhyana Mantra; this was recorded in India and is considered Moolamantra's transformative version. It is
able to retain the raw and refreshing energy although it was an improvised recording of the South Americans
and Indians. If you purchase this CD, you will feel mystical power and you will be transported to a different
spiritual plane.

All of the above items are audio materials. You can also find audio/video materials that are best suited for
people who want to use their sense of sight and hearing while meditating. All the audio materials are
available online; you only have to find an online store that sells such CD. Don't forget to check into the CDs
shipping details, and perhaps you can still find great deals.

Don't be left behind. Meditation's new face is already widely available. A lot people are ending up with
various illnesses; and if you want to start practicing meditation, you can always start with audio meditation.
This world is made up of many different realities. All of these, diverse as they may seem, actually work and
revolve around one thing – the meaning of life. The search for things like happiness, victory, and personal
satisfaction is actually a quest for life's real essence. Where do you find all these things? You might be
amazed, but everything is actually found within one's self. The answer to life's endless questions, the
unlocking of the many mysteries of living, all these are hidden in the deepest recesses of man's soul.

Near as they are, getting in touch with all these realities, all the solutions needed to lift the world from its
misery, is actually a great feat that requires will and determination. If you wish to unravel the many treasures
within yourself, you will find a great help from meditation books.

Meditation is a practice, an activity that has its origin thousands of generations ago. Many philosophers and
thinkers are known in the promotion of this activity and the benefits that it provides. In this modern era of fast
living, meditation still finds a place in the lifestyle of many people. There are various forms of meditation
being introduced and practiced, meditation programs being offered, and even meditation books which are all
designed to lead people in the path and direction towards themselves and to the truths that many are
looking for.

Meditations books offer insights about taking full advantage of meditation in man's everyday living. Whether
you are a beginner, someone curious about meditation, or a person whose goal in life is to find the real
essence of existence, there are actually various meditation books to help you get started.

Every meditation book is written for enlightenment, which is actually the goal of every meditation practice.
Enlightenment lurks within the pure silence of the soul, and it is only when you are able to establish
connection with your inner self will you be able to find the truths that you need in order to live a happier and
a healthier life.

Meditation books do not stop on teaching you how to start a regular personal or structured meditation
session. Each book is designed to help you go through the process, deal with the possible obstacles that
you may encounter along the way, and to successfully apply meditation to everyday living.

Although the concrete activity when doing meditation is performed within a specific span of time and with
certain guidelines that you must observe, real meditation is actually a lifestyle. Whatever you do, wherever
you are, whatever the current experience you are in, you can turn that into a meditation. When done
successfully, you will be able to find fulfillment in everything that you do and improve the total quality of your

Meditation books are treasure troves of knowledge. They bring abstract concepts into the setting of the real
and the concrete world and help you find the best way by which you can get the best out of your life.
Today, using the latest technology became the means of introducing meditation to different people all over
the world. One of the most common methods is using a meditation CD.

Meditation is very important in the lives of many people who are aiming to cultivate happiness and inner
peace. Happiness and inner peace are said to be parts of the person's inner nature. However, barriers that
are imminent in your nervous systems can deprive you of achieving those things. So, you need to practice
any forms of meditations that will help you remove those hindrances such as yoga practices. Stillness of
your inner nature can be achieved through enlightenment and proper nurturing.

A meditation CD can guide you to proper ways of meditation. It is very important that you have orientation.
Understanding what meditation is all about as well as its benefits is your first step.

Meditation pertains to a mere conscious relaxation. It's a procedure involving the mind for achieving a state
of bliss and serenity. In some way or another, it is similar to a person being sedated. Deep concentration is
needed when meditating. To give a clear picture of what meditation really is, use water as an example.
Imagine that you are beginning to pour water into a glass from a pitcher, consider the first few water drops
as concentration. The steady flow of the water obtained as you continuously pour it is meditation. The
unsteady water drops and small splashes are the distractions. During the deep state of meditation, the flow
is constant and never distracted. Thus, your mind is already free.

Several health experts revealed that people who are diagnosed from extreme anxiety and stress never need
any drugs for curing their problems. With meditation, they can overcome it. For many years, meditation is
proven by some people as an effective cure for reducing stress and anxiety. Meditation is good for
preventing panic attacks.

Some people do meditations without doing anything. They simply feel relaxed. By lying comfortably on their
back, and listening to relaxing flowing music, and simply letting go. An ideal state of the mind is achieved
though traditional meditation which can include prayers and enjoying the flow of energy in their body.

Preparation is very important prior to meditation process. You need to acquire the right mind setting to
create a spiritual ambiance. This will help you practice meditation properly. Step by step procedure are
incorporated in meditation CDs. Typically, the basic position is sitting with spinal cord straight, hands on the
lap and exposing the palms. Your right hands rests over your left hand with touching thumbs.

Meditation is less expensive compared to other types of relaxation especially if you prefer it on CDs,
compared to private sessions of meditation. The end results have no major difference provided that you
follow the instructions properly on CDs. You can also understand the meditation basics clearly and learn
how to remove all distractions. More effective meditation can be successfully achieved if you have objectives
such as attaining physical healing.

Meditation CDs are widely available on the internet. Choose whatever suits your meditation objectives the
Buddhist meditation is used for Buddhism practices. It includes any meditation methods having an objective
of attaining enlightenment. In Buddhism classical language, the closest description for meditation is bhavana
which means mental development.

Buddhism refers to a non-theistic, dharmic religion, considered a philosophy as well as a structure of

psychology. In Pali or Sanskrit (Buddhists major ancient languages), Buddhism is also called as Dhamma or
Buddha Dharma, meaning the teachings of Siddharta Gautama (The Awakened One) or the Buddha. It was
stated in the early sources that Siddharta was born in Nepal (formerly Lumbini), and he died in India
(Kushinagar) at the age of about eighty. He lived approximately around the 5th century BCE. Thereafter,
Buddhism has spread all over the subcontinent of India five years after Buddha's death, in the Southeast,
East, and Central Asia, and after two millenniums, in Eastern Europe.

There are different forms and types of meditation incorporated in the different Buddhism Schools. For
example, in the Tibetan tradition, thousands of meditations associated with visualization are used, while in
the tradition of Theravada, there are more than fifty processes for insight development and for concentration

Most contemporary and classical guides for Buddhist meditation are specific in each school. But some
teachers try to crystallize, categorize, and synthesize practices from numerous Buddhist traditions.

Theravada, if translated in English means the elder's way. This is also the oldest Buddhist school ever
survived and became the Sri Lanka's predominant religion (estimated 70% of the total population) for
several centuries, likewise in Southeast Asia including Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and some
parts of Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Southwest China. It also starts to become popular in Australia and
Singapore. Today, there are more than 100 million Theravada Buddhists worldwide.

Tibetan Buddhism pertains to the religious body of Buddhist institutions and doctrines in connection with
Tibetan's characteristics. Tibet is the Himalayan regions (Northern Nepal, Ladakh, Sikkim, and Bhutan),
Tuva, Buryatia, Mongolia, Russia (Kalymykia), and North-eastern China (Jilin, Manchuria, Heilongjiang).

Because of this wide Buddhism influence, many people are encouraged to incorporate some forms of
Buddhist mediations in their life. But, the problem is that they cannot go to these places and enroll in
Buddhism Schools. That is why various Buddhist meditation experts and practitioners put it on CDs. So,
wherever you are in the world, you can still practice Buddhist meditation to improve your well being.

You can purchase some Buddhist meditation CDs online on different Buddhist websites. Some of the CDs
contain meditation on loving-kindness; Buddha taught this practice for developing the habit of altruistic or
selfless love from the mind. There are also insight meditation CDs containing overviews on the meditation
methods and explanations of frameworks about the practice. This type of meditation is presented in different
ways and emphasized various teaching aspects. It also discusses the four foundations of mindfulness based
from the teachings of Buddha. You can learn how to purify yourself, overcome lamentation and sorrow,
destroy grief and pain, and reach the direction for achieving nirvana. Another available CD contains talks
about insight meditation.

Through Buddhist meditation CDs, the teachings of Buddha can continue to help people in achieving inner
peace and tranquility through the power of the mind. Feel it running through you as it transcends into your
Today, meditation has become almost indispensable because of too much competition and conflict. People
are trying to find peace and tranquility. They began to realize that some important things are missing in their
lives. Maybe you are among one of them. To meet this demand, various meditation centers are built by
meditation practitioners and experts to offer their help and provide a sense of clarity.

Before you proceed in finding a meditation center, you need to learn first the different forms of meditations.

- Yoni Mudra is one of the easiest types of meditation incorporating these steps.

• Use your thumbs to close your ears. • Use your index fingers for covering your eyes. • Pinch your nostrils
with your middle fingers. • Use the remaining fingers for pressing your lips closely. • Release the middle
fingers when you breathe in and breathe out while doing your meditation.

- Category Concentration helps you to become more focused on the things needed to meditate properly.
This technique is very beneficial. It narrows down the objects and trains your mind to concentrate better.

- Simple Meditation. Beginners usually prefer this meditation, one among the best types of meditation. You
can designate a peaceful and clean place wherein you can utilize your 10 to 20 minutes of deep silence.
Constantly, you can obtain more control of your senses and mind as you increase the duration of time.

- Walking Meditation helps you to concentrate your mind as you walk. This type of meditation is quite difficult
to practice, but constant practice is really beneficial. It involves concentration on your feet.

- Transcendental Meditation. One of the most researched and controversial types of meditation. Its objective
is to increase your creativity and intelligence. In this strategy, you are required to master a few special
postures and complex breathing techniques. Concentration is needed while sitting on a chair or a
comfortable posture.

- Mindfulness Meditation. Buddhists practiced this meditation known to them as Vipassana. It involves
regular practice to become aware of the things happening around you as well as what you are doing at that
very moment.

- Journey Meditation involves visualization to arrive at a state of meditation. People who can visualize things
early choose this type among others. You can note the things which cause tension, fatigue, and anxiety by
closing your eyes and trying to achieve peacefulness about it.

- Vibrational Meditation. A particular sound or a word is uttered repeatedly and becomes the central focus of
this meditation. Vibrations are then created from the sound or word which passes through the body. You
don't need to concentrate on something else, simply chant the word or create the sound all over again.

- Movement Meditation. Accompanied sometimes with music or dancing to achieve a meditative state.

- Body Scan Meditation. Done by lying down and focusing on all the parts of your body.

- Navel and Breath Meditation. The oldest form of meditation recorded in India and China, incorporating
various breathing techniques to control breathing.

- Central Channel Meditation. A method originated from the Taoist, appropriate for starters who wants a
crash mediation course.

Now, it is easy for you to choose the right meditation center and ensure that your needs will be met.
In today's world, many people live a very hectic lifestyle just to make ends meet. People need to work hard
in order for them to live their daily lives in comfort and also in order to feed their family. You have to consider
that with today's economy, you too have to work hard in order to provide for your family and for yourself.

However, you may provide all you and your family's daily needs, but you have to consider that being
stressed all the time is also bad for your health. Recent studies indicate that stress contributes to high blood
pressure and heart diseases. Thanks to the hectic lifestyle that people live today, heart disease is
considered to be the number one killer in the United States of America.

This is why you should also know how to free your mind and body from stress in order for you to live a
healthy and comfortable life. Many people relieve their stress by relaxing in their favorite chair while
watching their favorite TV show. This can help, but it still doesn't give you enough rest. One of the best ways
to relax is through meditation. Through meditation, you will be able to fully relax your mind and body. You
have to consider that by watching TV, your brain is still working full time by absorbing all the details in TV.
You may be relaxed physically, but mentally, you are not.

So, aside from sleeping, meditation is the next best thing to relax. It enables you to fully relax your mind and
body and keep it fresh again without sleeping. Besides, you only sleep once a day and sometimes, because
of work some people lack sleep. If you are one of these people, then you have to learn how to meditate.
Although meditation has been discovered thousands of years before, you have to consider that modern
science and research have found that meditation can indeed relax your mind and body. There is scientific
proof that meditation can even be better than sleep.

However, before you start practicing meditation, you have to have the essential tools for it in order for you to
experience proper meditation.

Of course, one of the best ways to relax is by sitting. If you combine it with meditation, you can maximize
your meditation method. However, a conventional chair just won't do. You have to consider getting a
meditation chair in order to provide more comfort and increase your meditation potential to its fullest.

Meditation requires you to be in the right sitting position. If you take meditation classes, you will know about
the right sitting position in meditation. Although you may see Buddhist monks sitting and meditation on hard
wood, you have to consider that they are experts and don't need the assistance of meditation chairs. The
meditation chair provides additional comfort to your bottom and your back to allow the proper flow of energy
throughout your body.

Meditation chairs are well-cushioned to provide comfort and convenience. So, if you are just starting out on
meditation, you should consider getting a meditation chair in order for you to practice meditation in comfort.
Meditation is a wholesome activity that must be part of the daily routine not only for Buddhists but for
individuals who seek for peace within themselves. Nowadays, meditation is no longer just a matter of
religion, but an undertaking. There are different types of meditation techniques that can be applied.

In meditation, the proper posture is one of the significant factors in order to achieve the internal peace that
one seeks to have. Keeping the back straight when meditating contributes to the establishment of focus and
concentration. And since meditation session take some time, comfort must be worked out too during the
process. The meditation cushion is a vital means in maintaining proper posture and comfort.

The meditation cushion is also known as zafu, which literally means sewn seat. The zafu is typically
handmade and designed attractively. The meditation cushion is placed under the buttocks while the
meditator is cross-legged during the meditation session. Aside from comfort, the meditation cushion also
helps to propel the knees downward the floor in order to have stability and balance. The meditation cushion
is usually used with the cushioned mat or zabuton.

The meditation cushion is traditionally round and with pleated sides. The cover is generally made of thicker
fabric that builds its durability. The materials used for the outer skin of the medication cushion are cotton twill
and cotton drill. These come in different colors and designs. The circular top of the medication cushion and
the bottom are connected by a pleated side. Meditation cushions are hand woven that gives it a stylish
finish. There are different materials used as a filling but the most popular are natural kapok, cotton batting or
buckwheat hulls. The natural kapok is a fiber extracted from ceiba trees. This is a lightweight material that
can also produce warmth to the body. Kapok fibers do not easily compact that makes them suitable for
filling. The cotton batting is a form of padding used even in upholstery and quilting. The buckwheat hulls are
known for their durability. This type of material can easily conform to the desired shape. They are
hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly materials. The buckwheat hulls provide a firm seat surface for
the buttocks. All these materials can best sustain the shape of the meditation cushion. The medication
cushions are made with concealed openings so that the outer skin can be washed without the filling getting
wet. And for added strength, the meditation cushions are double stitched.

The meditation cushions differ in thickness and diameter depending upon personal preferences. On the
other hand, the standard measure that most manufacturers use is 40 centimeter in diameter and 20
centimeter in thickness. This configuration is suited for those with average built.

The medication cushion helps sustain the whole meditation period. It also helps avoid back pains which can
be experienced during long periods of meditation. The meditation cushion conforms with the policy of
medication which speaks of being kind and gentle to oneself.
In the fast and busy pace of life, we tend to lose focus on the more essential things. And because of the
earthly needs that we are trying to meet, we tend to neglect the importance of internal peace. The lack of
internal peace makes a person feel confused, exhausted and unfulfilled no matter how much achievements
he earned. This is the primary concern of meditation. It allows the person to watch the flow of his thoughts
as he retires to the dictates of his senses. And more significantly, it provides new energy in the monotony of
the daily routine.

Meditation is something that needs to be a part of our everyday routine. In its simplest form, there is
satisfaction and renewal of spirit to a more vigorous and active one. With the little time that meditation
requires, you learn more about yourself. This understanding can even lead you to promising achievements
especially in the field of socialization. While you learn to focus and concentrate, meditation gives a clearer
sense of direction.

For beginners, here is a simple meditation technique that will nurture your consciousness to the realms that
go beyond the scientific domain. This is the way out to convolution and exhaustion. In the continuous
process of meditation, observe how it changes your life, perception and purpose.

The first step in this meditation technique is to find a quiet and comfortable place to reflect on. Sit in a
comfortable position. You can cross-leg in a carpet or sit in a chair. The exact position of meditation doesn't
matter, as long as this makes you feel relaxed and focused. Then gently close your eyes. This is an
essential technique of shutting yourself from the world. Closing the eyes directs the attention to the internal
awareness, the main goal of meditation. It is because the sense of seeing greatly consumes the energy
which in turn takes away the sense of focus. In other techniques, there are also open-eyed meditations.
However, the efficacy of those can be low compared to closed-eyed meditations.

Relax. This is another important factor when meditating. Watch the space and the darkness. Put your
attention to the flow of your thoughts that passes your mind. Watch how these thoughts rise and fall. This
time, your subconscious becomes more vibrant and aware.

Repeat the mantra. This will keep you focused. An effective mantra that goes along the internal
consciousness is the Sanskrit Sloka, amaram hum madhuram hum. This means "I am immortal, I am
blissful". The space which you are looking into is reigned by the Knower. The Knower of the space is
characterized by immortality and bliss.

After the meditation, rub your two hands and give warmth to your face. This will help you return to your other
activities. Do this meditation for at least ten minutes, twice a day. Preferably, at the start and in the end of
the day recharge your spirit through meditation. This is also helpful to alleviate your worries and get you
ready to more challenges of life.
Who says that meditation is only for adults? Today, even children can do meditation. Times are changing at
a very fast pace. Even children are prone to stress and depression. They are too young to take many
medications, and one great alternative is to find an appropriate meditation method for your child.

Through a doctor's visit, your child's problem can be identified. Some doctors will readily express that your
child is a good candidate for meditation. But since they are still too young to do meditation on their own, you
must look for a guided meditation that will suit your child.

Children are easily discouraged of lengthy sessions, and that is why almost all of the meditation courses
offered for children are only for a day. If you're child is 8 to 12 years old, it's quite easy to find an
organization or institution that offer such courses on meditation. Try to do a search online and see if you can
find one near your locality. You can also ask friends and relatives if they know of a certain meditation course
offered exclusively for children. Your child is a precious gift from God. So it is very important to aid him or
her in their meditation.

There are several meditation techniques that you can choose from, but of all the techniques, it is best to
choose the Anapana meditation. Why, you might ask; well, children are easily taught of this particular
technique. Anapana meditation is a mental purification process that is achieved by self-observation. Children
are very observant, so this is the right time to mentally train your child.

Anapana meditation is just the very first step in Vipassana meditation practice. This involves the observation
of your natural respiration, the inhalation and exhalation. This step can help your child in mind concentration.
Aside from that, this technique can also calm your child, help your child understand his self better, and how
your child's mind works. Your child can develop inner strength to help him in choosing the appropriate and
right actions over the wrong ones. Anapana meditation can provide your child with the right tool to face up to
anxieties, fears, and childhood pressures.

You can greatly expect that your child will have a hearty interest in meditation and self introspection. This
can also help in opening a new dimension in their life that will be of great value in the future and may be one
that they can use for as long as they live.

Your child will truly become a much better person. Through Anapana meditation, your child's mind will be
stronger, and he/she will avoid saying or doing things that are harmful and hurtful to other people. If your
child possesses mind's strength, then he or she will be more peaceful and will feel happier.

Make sure that your child follows all the instructions given on the duration of the course. There are also
certain codes of conduct that your child has to follow. Anapana meditation is a very good foundation for your
child. What's good about this technique is that it also the entails participation of the family. You must provide
proper support for your child so that he/she can learn easily. It would be best to accompany your child
through the duration of the course.
No person would want to be called a dummy. But if you think that meditation is just a religious thing that
only religious people practice, then you might be a dummy after all.

Beginners can actually be called dummies because they have no idea what they're getting into. But if you
only seek the help of knowledgeable people, or purchase helpful books about meditation, than you can go
your way easily and with very little problems.

Newbies in meditation can avoid embarrassing situations if they only try to do their homework. Before
plunging into a new activity like meditation, one must know something about that activity so that he can go
on smoothly and with very little trouble.

Every individual's inner emotions and thoughts are important. It can be quite upsetting to have such
thoughts torment you and take control of your life. People experience an emotional disturbance at some
point in their lives, and it can be very bothersome. You will often have feelings of confusion, guilt, shame,
worry, and anger. One thing that can help you regain your control over your mind and emotions is through

Sometimes, it can be very discouraging to find meditation courses that are very religious-related. Now, there
are other alternatives for people (and dummies) who want to do meditation with no religions involved.

Meditation is misrepresented and sorely abused in many cultures. Some say that only weirdos gets involved
in meditation. Different people have different perceptions of what meditation is all about. For a majority of
people, meditation has nothing to do with spiritual rituals and religious beliefs. They do believe that
meditation is all in the mind. Scientifically speaking, meditation is a very effective tool in terms of
psychological foundation.

Dummies often think that meditation gurus are all bearded men that live in caves or in the wilderness. Well,
that is really funny but you can't find a meditation guru that fits that description nowadays. In fact, many of
them are professional individuals who just want to help other people in need. They themselves have
problems that only meditation has been able to answer, and now, they are sharing their experience and
teaching other people how to do meditation. Though it may come in many forms, techniques, and types, it is
still the same. This is true no matter what language is being spoken.

Traditional meditation books can be very long and not very interesting. If you want a more lively discussion,
you can try the latest meditation techniques that were developed just recently. All it takes is to surf on the
internet and find informative sites that feature meditation techniques. If you're quite lucky, you can actually
find a free meditation guide on the net.

You can also explore books and articles that focus more on life's real drama so that you can easily relate to
it. It's fun when you're learning and reading a real life situation. Oftentimes, you can picture yourself in it.

So if you're a dummy or just a typical person who wants to learn how to meditate, do some research and
you can instantly see the results. By finding a good meditation source, you can start learning about the
One of the deadliest diseases and considered to be the number killer disease in the United States is heart
disease. In fact, recent survey has found that heart diseases kills more people than car accidents in the
United States alone. As you can see, you have every right to be concerned about your health in order for
you to live a happier and healthier life.

Heart diseases are mainly caused by eating fatty foods and lack of exercise. However, you also have to
consider the fact that stress is also one of the main contributors to high blood pressure as well as heart
diseases. This is why working all the time without adequate rest is not recommended. It is important for the
body to rest in order for it to function properly and remain healthy. However, some people disregard rest
because they have to work in order to meet their daily needs.

This kind of pressure is too much for the heart and body. It is also too much for the mind where it cannot
function well enough that it impairs your way of thinking. Without adequate rest, you will tend to get moody
all the time and lose your efficiency at work.

One of the best ways to relax your mind and body is through sleeping. However, you have to consider that
you only sleep once a day and sometimes, you lack sleep because of work. So, the next best thing to sleep
is by meditating. Meditation has been around for thousands of years. However, recent studies have found
that meditation is beneficial to the mind and body. In fact, research was made on sleeping and meditation.
The scanners have found that the brain is more relaxed in meditation than in sleeping. There is less activity
in the brain when you meditate. This means that you will be able to fully relax your mind and also your body
and keep it fresh all day long.

Usually, meditation requires a quiet room to practice meditation on. However, studies have found that soft
meditation music can also help in meditating. People who don't normally achieve full meditation in a quiet
room were introduced to soft and calm music. The research was a success. It states that music can indeed
help in meditation and it is now being introduced in meditation classes all over the United States as a helpful
tool in meditation.

Ambient meditation music can be downloaded for free over the internet. You will hear soft and relaxing
music that will enable you to meditate properly. Meditation music can also help you to go to sleep as well.
Other use for meditation music is for sex. It has been found that certain meditation music enhances the
sexual atmosphere and gets both partners in the mood for sex.

As you can see, meditation can be used for different purposes. If you want to relax and meditate, choose a
relaxing, quiet environment, play your music and start meditating. You will see that it will increase your
chances of relaxing through meditation.
Rene Descartes is the author of the book "Meditations on First Philosophy: In Which the Existence of God
and The Real Distinction of Mind and Body are Demonstrated."

There are six meditations which were discussed in the book.

First Meditation

"Your senses can deceive you." This is the main point in the first meditation wherein it figures out how
information with the use of senses can sometimes mislead you to achieving facts.

During this stage of meditation, the author taught to himself that he is irate, dreaming, or even tricked by a
demon. Hence, he contemplated in order to fight such way of thinking.

Second Meditation

The focus of the second meditation is representation. Theoretically, it is termed as "representationalism."

There were five steps incorporated in the said theory wherein it conveys detachment of the world from one's

The said theory led to the idea that the awareness of a human being to his environment implies his own

Third Meditation

On the third meditation, the author's focal point involves the three basic types of ideas (1) Volition or Desire;
(2) Feelings or Affections; and (3) Judgment.

Volition is defined as the ability for you to choose and decide mindfully. On the other hand, feeling is
described as occurrence of sentimental and emotional state. Alternatively, judgment is a condition where an
individual forms an opinion after contemplation.

Fourth Meditation

Knowing the truth and fallacy is the quest which the author undertook on the fourth meditation. He also cited
that the common sources of fault are will and understanding.

Understanding takes the definition of a state wherein an individual comprehends thoughts and actions
around him. Descartes in his book explained that such attribute is sometimes presented by God in partial.

Will, on the other hand, is a mental gift wherein an individual choose or decide towards an action or event. If
understanding sometimes come partially as stated by the author, will can be presented wholly or none at all
by the Supreme Being.

Fifth Meditation

The notion of material objects concerns the author on the fifth meditation. He also stated three arguments
under this category such as:

1. God is the definition of a great perfect human being. 2. Faultlessness is an essential part of subsistence.
3. God exists.

Sixth Meditation

In the external environment of one's self and God, there is a possibility that materials exists. It is like saying
that such elements are present and real for the reason that God is capable of creating them.

During the last meditation, the author arrives at three realities. First, there is a God who is infinite. Secondly,
there is a soul. Thirdly, there are material elements or things. The second and the third are obtainable,
however with limits or restrictions. The author also identifies some irregularities in his meditation. He is still
perplexed with why there is a sense in limbs which are surgically removed, or why there are senses in
dreams and dropsy.
To fully understand the writings of Descartes on the said book, it is recommended that you completely read
Meditations on First Philosophy.
Customary pillows are usually utilized as head or neck support. Normally, the said pillows are used when
sleeping or resting. These days however, pillows are also used to support one's buttocks and back while
seating and meditating. The said pillows are termed as a meditation pillow.

A pillow is a necessity while doing meditation since it aids you to maintain proper posture all throughout the
session. In general, there are two types of pillow suitable for meditation use.

1. Donut Pillows – donut is the shape of this type of pillow. The space in the center provides relief while
sitting on the tailbone area. 2. Lumbar Pillows – this is used to maintain and support the lower back.

Donut and Lumbar pillows fall under the category of orthopedic pillows that serves its purposes for support
and treatment.

Any other pillow may not be appropriate for you and the task you will be undertaking. There are
considerations you need to mull over when choosing a meditation pillow. One important pillow factor to
consider is the place of meditation.

Where to Meditate

The place of meditation is an important consideration when choosing a pillow. You will have to select the
appropriate pillow that will be well suited with the place.

Many practitioners undergo their meditation process on hard surfaces. A floor made of concrete or wood are
examples of a hard surface area. A two-stage pillow is apt for this kind of flooring. A firm foam is the usual
base of the said pillow while the top is filled in with synthetic materials.

On the other hand, there are individuals who prefer to meditate on grass or grass-like areas. A gentle pillow
that is filled with smooth material is well recommended for grass areas meditation. It is also best to choose a
pillow with nylon as its base. Additionally, machine-wash compatible pillow is recommended since such
pillow is prone to dirt.

Other considerations that can be taken into account are:

What's In a Pillow?

There is wide-array of pillow fillers. You must choose a pillow with the appropriate filler to use for meditation.
Foam may be hard for you or perhaps feather-fillers may be too supple.

The most common pillow filling are feathers, foam, and synthetically made fillers.

Pillowcases cover the pillow fills. The choices of pillowcases vary from one person to the other. You need to
choose a pillowcase that will not be infuriating. If a green pillowcase adds bothersome to you, why choose
green when you can opt for purple or any other color.

An inappropriate type of pillow can cause uneasiness that will then lead to distraction. Use a pillow that can
withstand your weight and most importantly can provide support to your back. If you are slumping on the
pillow or you feel yourself moving into the floor, then those are signs that the pillow is badly chosen. Instead
of meditation, you might end up accumulating more worries.

Several pillow manufacturers offer meditation pillow. All you need to do is assess its features for you to
decide which will best suit your need. The internet is a good venue for you to scout meditation pillows.
The practices of meditation are increasingly becoming popular because of its importance and benefits. Most
people incorporate meditation in their lives for spiritual journey. It can expand their awareness and
perception about life's experiences. Some just wants to relax. Other people are specifically interested on
the benefits of promoting health. However, successful meditation is achieved through deep relaxation so
that your mind and body can be revitalized and refreshed.

Meditations are not created without any underlying principles. Whether these principles are revealed or not,
you should learn that most forms of meditations have its philosophy. Basically, it focuses on the state of the
body, mind, and nature. Meditation experiences are influenced by your reason and understanding of what
meditation is all about.

The guidelines for meditation are reflecting a philosophy. This philosophy supports belief in oneself and
belief in life. Increasing your belief can deepen peace and relaxation. People are receiving the benefits of
meditation through a reflection that they have the capacity to relax besides any circumstances of life. Thus,
the effects are positive such as emotional ease, physical health, mental clarity, good relationships, and
fulfillment as a person.

The energy that flows in the human body is dynamic and varying. Everything is an intelligent expression of
life's energy from planet movements, blood circulation, and others. Moreover, what you see, what you hear,
what you think, and what you feel is all expressions of that energy flow. If you can adapt to the movement of
life without any resistance, then you can experience peace and tranquility. But if you are fighting and
resisting the flow of life, then you can experience suffering and stress.

Meditation can provide both short-term and long-term benefits. It includes better sleep, faster healing, less
anxiety, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, stronger immune system response, and decreased use of
alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.

Meditations can help you make the flow easier. It encourages trust so that things can naturally unfold in your
life. Your awareness on how you control, resist, or let go the flow of life is deepened.

Keep in mind that life does not only revolve on easy things but also on difficult things as well. In fact, life has
always its pair of opposites such as pleasure and pain, sorrow and joy, success and failure, love and hatred,
and others. Still, it is not impossible to achieve true peace. It is not too late to learn how to drop and let go of
any resisting forces that is blocking the normal movement of life. Letting go of hindrances can result in an
insightful relaxation. The flow of energy must be used not for resisting but to help your natural intelligence in
supporting your mental, emotional, and physical well being.

The energy that is flowing into your life must never meet any resistance. Most people have the habit of
resisting pain and certain emotions. But if you can still relax in such situation, then you are not robbing
yourself from feeling relieved and alive. Embracing whatever comes to your life is simply an act of loving.
Today, meditation is more broadly used to describe a lot of practices that can bring different results.
A quiet room is the typical place to meditate. There are instances, however that you need to temporarily
move out of your usual meditation place and find solace on some other place such as retreat areas. Retreat
centers for meditation are established in order to provide a quiet and relaxing place to profoundly
contemplate which is not usually achieved within the corners of a quiet room.

There are several retreat areas for meditation in California to choose from.

Institute for Internal Transformation

San Francisco, California is the home for this meditation retreat center. Its primary goal is to provide a
participant to have a transformed health and well-being after staying in the center.

The activities undertaken aim to boost one's mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life by means of
meditation, proper breathing, apt movement, position of the body, awareness and most importantly

Aside from being a meditation area, the place is also good to treat certain illnesses. It is also a place where
you may find the answers to your question on the purpose and direction of your life. Additionally, "Qigong"
education is also being taught.

Esalen Institute

It was on the seventies that Esalen Institute has been established in Big Sur, California. The place is built to
provide tranquility, love, and self-consciousness to anyone who wishes to visit it.

For meditation, there is a special center which you can meditate twenty-four hours a day and seven days a
week. Other helpful activities which can gear you towards contemplation are:

? Wide-array of workshops for personal change. ? Meditation programs such as yoga. ? Tranquil

Circles of Air and Stones

Those who look for their innate being in nature may find the answer in the Circles of Air and Stones in
Vermont, California.

"Vision Quests" is the chief program of the said center wherein participants are to run through a four day
quest alone. Before the quest, you will be oriented on the tasks to be undertaken. Other aids for meditation
are the centers activity called "Adventures of the Spirit" where it aims to create a triumphant and significant
channel of an individual's living.

Ananda Meditation Retreat

Nevada City, California houses the said retreat center.

There are two meditation programs to participate in while you are in retreat:

1. Kriya Yoga Meditation – this is a process of contemplation to realize the essence of God. 2. Ashram
Program – this is a process where you have to carry out real spiritual experience by living the way it should

The center also offer personal retreats such as (1) Personal Meditation Instruction; (2) Directed Seclusion;
(3) Massage; and (4) Some Alternative Healing.

Saratoga Springs

Saratoga Springs can be found at Upper Lake, California. The center aims to provide individuals who wish to
meditate a secured place so that they may be able to follow their path and most importantly cultivate their
mind, body and soul.

The center gives private meditation retreats separately for men and women.
Sometimes it is best to move out of your own sanctuary and be in a place where you can find new solace.
By doing so, you are able to explore yourself in a new location.

Everybody must consider learning one of the greatest skills in providing peace of mind, relaxation and
elevating one's self, meditation. This could help them achieve a peaceful state and develop a more pleasant
mind. Those people who are more serious about their meditations should designate a room for their
practice. This room should give them a sense of calmness and peacefulness so that they could stick with
their practice.

To make a room achieve a true meditating environment, set it up using various meditation supplies. This
could add enhancement to the room and make it very special.

• Cushions. Most people sit on the floor to do their meditation practice. However, many houses have hard
cemented floors which are not always a better idea. It is advisable to use meditations cushions. These
cushions are similar to throw pillows with a softened padding. Sitting impacts are minimized especially
during an extended meditation practice.

As much as possible, purchase several cushions. This is important in case you are considering a group
session in the future. Meditating for over fifteen minutes can cause muscle strain on the lower part of your
body due to prolonged sitting.

• Incense. This is an amazing meditation supply that can help people feel relaxed during their meditation
practice. They can buy incense from various quality Middle Eastern or Asian supermarkets. Before buying a
box of incense, try a single stick first and see its effects. These supermarkets always have samples. Simply
ask the help of a supermarket attendant.

• A small table for prayer. Setting up the room similar to other countries like India, Thailand, or Japan can be
done. People can put the incense and other essential meditation artifacts on the prayer table. Images of
Buddha or God can be also placed to aid them during meditation. Unreligious individuals can put their family
photos with little incense holders on both sides.

• CD player. This great tool can help people achieve a true meditation state because of meditation music
such as Baroque meditation music which helps in influencing the feelings of people. Most people really find
it difficult to achieve a state of calmness when starting out with their meditation practice.

• Seven candles. Most house lightings today are harsh such as florescent or incandescent lights. Under
these lights, people can find it very hard to meditate even when their eyes are closed. It is recommended to
meditate under the light of seven candles. These candles must be placed on the prayer tables with varying

• Peaceful photos and pictures. These are reminders for people why they are meditating. A true sense of
tranquility and peace can be achieved upon entering the room. Other pictures can include animals or nature
like sceneries from a flowing brook, a rainforest, or a calm ocean.

• A vase with flowers. Fresh flowers are good accents in meditation rooms. Nothing is more calming and
relaxing than smelling the scents of newly cut flowers. Unique fragrance coming from fresh flowers and
incense can entice the mind in achieving a state of calm.

Discontinuing any meditation practice can never lead to a successful mastery of the art itself. Each time the
individuals restart, they will again go back to zero. But if a great meditation room is created, then this
problem is minimized.
There are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their
mind no matter what kind of environment they are into. However, there are also people who seem to be
always disturbed. They can hardly concentrate, thus, affecting their judgment and quality of work. Meditation
is a good aid for these types of people. During meditation, mental space is created in order to achieve a
certain degree of enlightenment.

The effects of meditation to different people also vary. These could be affected by factors such as the mood,
character and individuality. When a person hardly understands himself, his confusion reflects to his actions.
That is why contemplation is necessary in order to achieve an enlightened consciousness.

A quiet space conducive for reflection, a mantra to be recited and absolute concentration are the essentials
of meditation. While sitting meditation is considered the basic and most efficient form of meditation, there are
other ways to modify the process. On the whole, you can only create other forms of meditation when you
become habituated with the practice. When your mind had been set for meditation, it will be easy for you to
stay tuned-up. Plus, you can integrate the spiritual essence and mental awareness with the physical and
mental rhythms of life.

As meditation becomes part of your routine, you will always find time to stop and make a connection with the
process of meditation. Naturally, you will seek the blissful state that you can experience only when

So what should you do when the place you are into is not conducive for meditation? There are ways to
establish focus and concentration. You can capture your mind to be in the meditation state when you direct
your attention to a spot in the room, or listen attentively to your breathing or focus on a small object. With the
help of a relaxing music and tricky colors, you can employ meditation and extend such practice even beyond
the meditation period.

Active people such as athletes need to stay focused in their skill or art while staying grounded. However,
their physical ability could be more enhanced if they are in touch with their higher consciousness. A famous
female boxer revealed that in her violent and aggressive profession, she never fails to meditate and chant.
She constructed her own way of escaping the gym atmosphere in order to find peace within. She listens to
the sound of the speed bag as she hits it one way. There is a distinct sound for a one-way blow and the
sound varies with the difference in the impact of glove. Then all she had to do is close her eyes and
meditate on the sound of the speed bag.

Even a basketball player can employ meditation at the free throw line if he is able to transcend the noise of
the crowd and the pressure of the play. In this manner, he can manage stress and anxiety while connecting
to his meditation process.

Be creative in modifying your own way of meditation. Break your patterns and make your imagination work.
Meditation is one of the healthy activities that feeds both body and mind. The time you spent for meditation
returns to you in the form of more accomplishments and a rejuvenated spirit. Imagine how much you profit
from the twenty minutes twice a day practice of meditation? It is a good way to start and end the day with.

The interesting part of meditation is that when the habit of doing it enters your system, the time you allotted
for it becomes a flash. And to guide you not to lose your other routines for the day, a meditation timer is a
helpful tool especially for the meditation practitioners. The progressive chimes of the meditation clock are
more favorable compared to the ordinary alarm clock. Another advantage of using the meditation clock is
that it allows you to gently dwell back to reality when your meditation session is over and you are still too
devoured with it.

A meditation timer has various features. This is usually made of light materials that make it handy and easy
to carry. For athletes and active people who employ their meditation sessions in various grounds, the
meditation timer is a comfortable gadget to carry along. A good meditation timer provides a calm way to
signal the start and the end of the meeting. While you are in the deep contemplation, you can set the
meditation timer to chime in a certain time interval.

Those who are practicing sleeping meditation can wake up gradually with the use of the meditation timer.
This tool help lessen the grogginess in waking up. Because of this, your logic and your ability to recall are
being developed. The meditation timer is an effective guide for people who need to stick to a schedule in a
manner that the concentration is not disrupted.

The meditation timer is available in online stores. There are websites that offer meditation timers that can be
downloaded right on your PC. The online meditation timer features a beeping sound at one minute up to 99
hours interval. It can also be set to stop beeping at the end of the 1-999 counts. This tool beeps once every
after the time interval that you set and three times after the meditation period. It is a convenient timer to use
that features big buttons for start and stop actions. There are also meditation timers that contain memory to
store meditation processes.

Various styles of meditation timer can also be found in meditation supplies stores. The choice of which type
to use depends on the kind of meditation that one practices. The meditation timer can also be made to fit the
personality and fashion of the person especially if one is building a contemplative garden in his place.

However, the prime consideration in choosing the meditation timer should be the quality of the tool. And it
will be wise to find for the meditation timer that will last through time.
The Melchizedek method reiki is one of the many types of reiki methods that have found to be widely
practiced by people. This reiki method is considered by many practitioners to be one of the most advanced
healing techniques available. It teaches a new form of emotional, spiritual, physical and mental healing.

The history of the Melchizedek method started in 1997 as taught by Master Thoth. It was said that the
knowledge of this method was handed down to man by the Catacean (whales and dolphins) within the
temples of discovery during Atlantean times. The basis used in the techniques presented by the method is
activating the Hologram of Love Merkaba rotating light field in trying to awaken one's spherical

Doing so raises one's quotient of light vibration right down within the human atomic cell structure. Once this
light field is activated, the healing capabilities of the Melchizedek method practitioner are enhanced further.
Not only that, the heart also awakens and opens more to unconditional love on your normal life.

The Melchizedek method also teaches and encourages a person to take full responsibility for his or her own
health, well-being and harmony with the environment as well as other people. Aside from that, the method of
healing is also designed to be applied by a person upon another individual. The Melchizedek Method is
known for teaching and demonstrating the skill of transporting any part of the body, outer bodies and thought
programming into the higher dimensions in order for it to be cleansed and healed.

Once that is done, the body is then returned into its completely perfect physical condition. Holographic
healing and rejuvenation is a skill all human beings can practice in the future with the right knowledge.
Believers of the method are confident that it will be instrumental in getting rid of illness and disease on the
planet in the near future.

One of the interesting aspects of the Melchizedek method is in the activation of the hologram of love, or
Merkaba. The Merkaba is said to be the sacred geometric pattern that gave birth to the whole universe. This
pattern is said to be based on unconditional love from which everything in the universe resonates. Humans
are said to have this hologram of love pattern from within. Awakening it serves the basis in the Melchizedek

Meditating in a way that opens the Holographic Merkaba with light will bring forth the call upon a special
frequency of 13:20:33 into that field of continuous time. The 13:20:33 frequency is also known as the
frequency of no limitation. This frequency is also known to be present in different parts of the body
harmonizing it to the whole universe. Having such a frequency allows humans to be in harmony with the
creator of the universe.

The tool utilized by the Hologram of Merkaba is a high dimensional active conscious living Divine expression
that can gain entry to all levels of consciousness. This tool has the ability to heal and rejuvenate any form of
created being as it is the living conscious holographic pattern of the God Source vibration.

The Melchizedek Method reiki helps establish a constant flow of love energy from a person's heart to that of
the source of God as well as to the heart centre of the Earth. Linking this different aspects way allows a
person to draw on the spiritual energies of God source and Earth together to reveal a high frequency love
healing energy that can effectively uplift the human body into a state of receptivity for healing and

The ability of accessing original thought form and emotion can be made possible while in this state,
completing a powerful experience that can be quite spiritually, emotionally and physically fulfilling.
Life is very demanding. You are given a lot of expectations from your family, friends, co-workers and society.
There are a lot of things that you want to do or have to do, but yet you fail to do so just because of the lack
of self-discipline and the will to do it. But what if there's a way to empower yourself and be able to
accomplish your goal?

Subliminal messaging has been used since early 1900's. It is one effective way to achieve results of action
much faster than its normal counter part. It is a subconscious messaging system to a person's mind for him
to be able to do or integrate in his life the subliminal message that is given to him.

What Is Mephisto?

Now days, with the fast improvements of technology, there are a lot of corporations offering subliminal
messaging. It would be wise to trust the best. The leading company now is Mephisto Subliminals Inc., which
is a premier distributor of subliminal messaging media for public or even personal use.

Since 1983 they have been making subliminal audiocassette tapes, ever since then the company has been
growing and would continue to do so. With the much open acceptance of people regarding subliminal
messaging, the market for this kind of media has grown and is on a very steady state now.


Although Mephisto is ready to serve you with any need you may have, what makes them different from other
companies is their specialization. They are the first to make subliminals that could actually attract a person
of the opposite sex. In this kind of media, you could romantically induce someone subconsciously.

You actually get to spice up your romantic life, which is what a lot of couples need to do. With expert
research through the years, they are now leading in this field and the ever more growing need of people for
something like this, they are to have more customers in the future.

Forms of Messaging

The company offers a wide array of products with subliminal messaging. Due to technological
advancements, it is just not only available through audiotape cassettes now, but even with posters, VHS
video, Audio CD's, Video CD's, DVD's, computer wall papers and screen savers!

You now have the freedom to choose in what form you would like the message be conveyed. You can set it
to whatever preference you like. Depending on the lifestyle that you are living. If you"re a music lover, you
can go for the audio CD type. If you are someone who works in front of the computer, wall papers or screen
savers would suit you the best.


This type of messaging is effective in different areas of life. It can help with your romantic endeavors. Even
in financial managing. You can message your way to weight loss without having to take those diet pills and
drugs. In every thinkable problem, there can be a message that can actually manipulate your unwanted

Truly now days, it can be very frustrating not to be able to do what you want to do. A feel of guilt and
lowering of self-confidence is inevitable. Thanks to technology and with the help of Mephisto Subliminals,
you can achieve that thing that seemed like a dream!
Let's break the concept down into simpler explanations. If you don't know what reiki is, in a nutshell, it is a
technique or a spiritual practice that is used to heal. In simpler terms the practice help reduce stress and
induce deep relaxation, among other benefits.

The technique was developed by Japanese Mikao Usui and was primarily intended as a form of therapy that
could be used in tandem with conventional techniques for treating physical, emotional and mental illnesses.
It is a healing technique.

The concept of celestial reiki is the same. But instead of having a spiritual experience limited here on Earth,
one who practices celestial reiki takes into account the other planets of the solar system as well as stars and
constellations, particularly the star constellations of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

According to the teachings of reiki, there's an energy that can be channeled to help heal diseases. This
energy is universal and flows within us as our "life force". This life force energy dictates our feelings and
dispositions. The more active the energy flows through us, the healthier and happier we become.

With celestial reiki, the "life force" that is used to heal in ordinary reiki is taken further. The earth's core "life
force" energy is used to heal the mind, body and soul. And since all planets and star systems emit a
particular "life force" signature, celestial reiki practitioners harness that energy and use the energy from the
celestial bodies to heal the human body.

Reiki treatment involves the whole body. This includes the body's physical state and its emotional,
intellectual and, of course, the spiritual well being. When you look at it, reiki is a simple self-improvement
technique. And since the "life force" energy it teaches is said to be present in all things, anybody can use
this energy to heal and promote recovery.

It's not limited to individual energy, but encompasses the universe. This is why the "life force" energy in reiki
is infinite. And regardless of how many times or how many people use it, the "life force" energy can always
be utilized to heal.

However, reiki is not taught but rather the ability is transferred by a Reiki master to his student during the
stage of what they call "attunement." At this level, the Reiki master passes the ability of reiki to a student
allowing hem to tap to the "life force" energy which will give him the ability to heal wounds and illnesses and
generally improve one's quality of life.

One need to emphasize, however, that reiki is not a religion. Instead, those who practices reiki get more
intimate with their own religion, understanding and enriching their own religious beliefs. A reiki practitioner
has to promote the way of good living in order to master the flow of the "life force" and promote harmony and
peace for true healing to happen.

Going back to celestial reiki, what we currently know about the solar system and stars is given a new light by
practicing this form of reiki.

Understand that the universe's "life force" energy can be channeled it into one's hands to heal not only on
the individual level but eventually heal the whole planet as well. And by connecting with each planet and
star system, reiki practitioners are able to accomplish such feat.
+We all know there are many different methods of meditation to help relieve stress and to relieve tension
and relax you. The first thing you want to do is remember that there are ways to meditate that will fit your
lifestyle. You may have a friend that has used meditation to help them relax and would want to give you
advice on how they meditate. You must realize that the person you are talking to has a whole different
lifestyle then you do.

Your friend can suggest ways that help him or her but will it help you? If you are an active person exercise
can be a very good and healthy way to meditate. Walking can be very relaxing and it can give you time to
gather your thoughts while getting healthy at the same time. If you are not the kind of person that is not use
to a lot of exercise and you feel walking would help you meditate make sure you start out slowly. Do not try
and walk 2 or 3 miles starting out. You want to meditate but you want to relax while doing it. If you are not
use to exercise you do not want to ware yourself out.Walk slowly and take time to gather your thoughts.
One of the most relaxing ways I find to meditate is by prayer. I will be the first to admit I do not know a lot
about the bible and probably do not actually pray in the way that most people do who know a lot about the
bible. My point is I want to relax and have time to myself by meditating and I take my comfort in the lord. I
guess you can say I talk to the lord more than I pray. Meditation can really turn your life around.

I actually feel that me talking from my heart is the same as saying a prayer from your heart. I remember my
mother would take the prayer list from church and no matter how many peoples names were on the list she
took the time to sit and meditate and say a prayer of healing and comfort for each and everyone on the
prayer list. My husband finds he can meditate and relax by listening to music.

He actually has hundreds even thousands of different types of music he listens to. His nerves are not really
good so his comfort is in his music and he plays the radio day in and day out. He mostly listens to classic
country and the oldies station. The music helps him concentrate and keep his thoughts together.Another
way I find of meditating is through animals.You can talk to your pet without worrying about him talking back
to you like a child would.

You can curl up on the couch turn the television on low and just communicate with your pet. You may think
how do you communicate with an animal? Animals are very smart. They understand what you are trying to
do. If you have had a bad day they can comfort you by just being there for you.If you have a dog or a cat let
them sit or lay next to you and pet them and you will be so relaxed you will forget about the stress your day
has brought.

So whether you are meditating by a method of exercise, or a method of communicating with your animals or
by prayer take the time to just relax your mind and your body and you will be physically and emotionally
stress free. Remember meditation is basically taking the time to collect your thoughts and when you take the
time to get your thoughts together your mind will then be able to concentrate on the things that are important
in your life.
+We all know there are many different methods of meditation to help relieve stress and to relieve tension
and relax you. The first thing you want to do is remember that there are ways to meditate that will fit your
lifestyle. You may have a friend that has used meditation to help them relax and would want to give you
advice on how they meditate. You must realize that the person you are talking to has a whole different
lifestyle then you do.

Your friend can suggest ways that help him or her but will it help you? If you are an active person exercise
can be a very good and healthy way to meditate. Walking can be very relaxing and it can give you time to
gather your thoughts while getting healthy at the same time. If you are not the kind of person that is not use
to a lot of exercise and you feel walking would help you meditate make sure you start out slowly. Do not try
and walk 2 or 3 miles starting out. You want to meditate but you want to relax while doing it. If you are not
use to exercise you do not want to ware yourself out.Walk slowly and take time to gather your thoughts.
One of the most relaxing ways I find to meditate is by prayer. I will be the first to admit I do not know a lot
about the bible and probally do not actually pray in the way that most people do who know a lot about the
bible. My point is I want to relax and have time to myself by meditating and I take my comfort in the lord. I
guess you can say I talk to the lord more then I pray. I actually feel that me talking from my heart is the same
as saying a prayer from your heart. I remember my mother would take the prayer list from church and no
matter how many peoples names were on the list she took the time to sit and meditate and say a prayer of
healing and comfort for each and everyone on the prayer list. My husband finds he can meditate and relax
by listening to music. He actually has hundreds even thousands of different types of music he listens to. His
nerves are not really good so his comfort is in his music and he plays the radio day in and day out. He
mostly listens to classic country and the oldies station.

The music helps him concentrate and keep his thoughts together.Another way I find of meditating is through
animals.You can talk to your pet without worrying about him talking back to you like a child would. You can
curl up on the couch turn the television on low and just communicate with your pet. You may think how do
you communicate with an animal? Animals are very smart. They understand what you are trying to do.

If you have had a bad day they can comfort you by just being there for you.If you have a dog or a cat let
them sit or lay next to you and pet them and you will be so relaxed you will forget about the stress your day
has brought. So whether you are meditating by a method of exercise, or a method of communicating with
your animals or by prayer take the time to just relax your mind and your body and you will be physically and
emotionally stress free.

Remember meditation is basically taking the time to collect your thoughts and when you take the time to get
your thoughts together your mind will then be able to concentrate on the things that are important in your life.
Optimistic or pessimistic thoughts and feelings, noises, the things you see – everything around you, may it
be distraction or not should be received as you do mindfulness meditation. You are not to exclude anything
with this type of meditation; all you need to do is sit down in peace and perceive any past or present events
and feel any emotions you might encounter in the course of meditating.

Mindfulness meditation however is contradictory to active meditation. This type of meditation involves not
pure sitting but letting your body move – from slow to intense movements. It is a process where a
practitioner can undo all suppression as well as negative emotions by letting the body move and easily go
into stillness.

Posture Talk

Posture is important in mindfulness meditation so that energy will flow better. A comfortable seating position
should be selected; it does not matter whether it is lotus, Burmese or Seiza positions. Let your hands rest
on top of your thighs. The palms of your hand should be on a downward position.

On the other hand, posture is not extremely important with active meditation. You can do any movements
you wish to undertake such as walking, dancing, or stumping of feet. Shouting, laughing and crying can be
incorporated as you move.

The Meditation Process

Once you have assumed a comfortable seating position, you are now ready to undertake the mindfulness
meditation wherein you need to become aware of the current moment. You should experience what is
happening right now at this very moment where you would welcome yet slowly dissolve the fear, rage,
qualms, and reservations in life.

Mindfulness meditation teaches you to be conscious of what is happening in your life as well as your
environment. It lets you witness the good and the bad events. Most importantly, it lets you respond in a
positive way to the matters you have become aware of.

Release of tension and stress may be the comparable factor between mindfulness and active meditation.
There are five processes a practitioner should undertake with active meditation.

1. Do frenzied and unsystematic breathing. This is done with the belief that it is through breathing which
invites repression so it is also in breathing that it will be freed. 2. Act mad. This is done in order to free
yourself from negative emotions you are keeping within. When you do this step, you need not be serious.
You need to act mad and play with your body. Jump, dance or jog if you want to. Let shouting, laughter or
wailing accompany your actions. 3. Release Hoo! You need to repeatedly say, scream or yell "Hoo!" By
doing this, you are increasing your sex energy. 4. Stop. Whatever position you are in when the leader says
stop, immediately put an end to everything that you are doing and be still with the position you have. Now is
the time to discern. 5. Celebrate.

The type of meditation to undertake varies from one person to the other. There are instances that
mindfulness meditation may work well for you but not for your partner. The most important aspect of
meditation is the result – you need to feel good and relieved.
Life has too many struggles and people can get desperate at times. In face of so many troubles you may
want to quit. You can choose to be high with drugs or you can choose to help yourself. Some choose an
approach that may seem a little too eccentric yet has no side effects. All you need is to believe and see the
effects; this is when they opt for the use of subliminal messages.

What Is It?

This is a method on which you embed a secret message within another message that can be perceived. An
example would be embedding a hidden message within a song. When you listen to that specific song, you
may not know it but your mind is also picking up that hidden message it can actually influence you to do
what that message tells you to do.

These are called subliminal messages. More often there are a lot of companies now selling customized
subliminal media at high costs. But of course with the Internet around there are also sites that offer free
subliminals that already has a preprogrammed message. All you have to do is pick one that suits your need.

Beginners" Guide

You may already have decided to get some free subliminals off the Internet. But if it's your first time to use
this kind of media, there are some things that you should know before using it. These are just some
precautions that would ensure you the effectiveness of the message and just some safety reminders you
ought to know.

Foresee The Product

Before downloading on any of the offered messages online, you should foresee first the product that you
want. Meaning, you should think of your goal, the end product. You should have a mindset of what is it
exactly that you want to be after using the subliminal for quite some time. Having a specific desired outcome
is very helpful for you to monitor changes.

Suits You Right

Now that you have an outcome; it's time for you to choose a subliminal audio track that fits you the best.
Choose one that can help you with the problem you want to be solved or something that is approximate to it
if you can't find a free subliminal that answers exactly your problem.

Remember that you don't have to go on a downloading spree. Just choose one for the mean time that you
will use for about 21 days. Targeting one behavior at a time is more effective than targeting too many
behaviors because this can clutter up your mind. So just choose one message for the meantime and listen
to it for 20 minutes in the span of 21 days.


When you are listening to your track, make sure that you are not driving or operating a machinery. Doing
such activities can lessen the effect of the message because your mind is probably too busy with the
ongoing activity. It is best that you listen to the track while at rest or in a relaxing environment.

Moving On

Lastly, when you have already seen the results that you wanted. Then it's time to stop listening to the track.
It's time to move on and listen to other free subliminal self-help tracks to gain more positive attitudes in life!
+One of the greatest obstacles between you and your happiness is simply one word,stress. By stress I
mean a feeling that you have in your mind of fear,anxiety,distress, worry,unease,or foreboding caused by
using your mind to imagine a bad outcome to a past,present,or future event.You can use meditation to
control your thoughts and feelings. You have to remember things are just things,events are merely
events,situations either good or bad are just situations. Its up to you to choose how you will react to the
situation, meditation can help you.

Stress will never be completely gone in our lives because of all the negative feedback we have taken on,but
by meditating we can eliminate the majority of it.The hard part to eliminate stress is controlling our
imaginations to have a happy outcome rather than a poor one.You create your world by your own
expectations,and you can influence your future by how you react to the present.If,as part of your
meditation,you believe that every event will turn out to be to your benefit,stress will never enter into the

I have spent a lot of time convincing people how meditation can change their lives.When they finally come to
believe it,stress was was largely gone from their lives.Many of those whose lives had been nearly ruined by
a numerous amount of stress said that using meditation was the greatest gift that they have received.I know
meditation is not a gift,but knowing how to control the stress in my life was just like the greatest gift I ever
had.If you always remember to stay control of your thoughts,it will be near impossible to feel fear or stress.

You should get a great deal of comfort from the meditation because your imagination is entirely under your
control.You have every situation in your life under your control.You can choose to control a bad situation or
to turn the bad situation into a better situation. If you are still allowing the events that happened to you to still
bother you meditation will not help you.You have to open your mind to understand how meditating will help
you.You have got to get all the bad thoughts and anger you feel out of your mind before you start to use

Do something that you feel good about or something that could make you so relaxed that you will let nothing
bother you.Once you can allow yourself to relax and feel good about yourself you will see that you than can
meditate about the good things that occurred in your day instead of thinking about the things that happened
during the day that upset you that you cannot change.

Meditation can help to clear your mind and give you such a relaxing feeling inside, which so many more
people should try and conquer throughout their lives. This is something that is not harmful to you in any way
and all you have to look forward to from here is living a much less stressful life and feeling better each day
when you first step out of bed.
Reiki is another form of alternative medicine. Although it can cure certain illnesses, one that has never been
thoroughly studied in humans is anemia.

Anemia is a common blood disorder and this happens when the person's red blood cells are below normal.
This often leads to other health problems like fatigue and stress that affects the body's other organs.

Until such time that there is scientific proof that it can help patients who are suffering from anemia, Reiki
should not be recommended or even attempted. The person should seek the help of a medical professional
and then work with what is available.

But if Reiki cannot be used to treat those suffering from anemia, where can it be used? This technique has
been known to energize the body and relieve it from stress, prevent physical disorders, maintain a balanced
state of health as well as minimize a sense of helplessness when faced with a daunting situation. It can be
used anywhere and at anytime that may also be used on plants and animals.

The medical community for its part has only done a few tests to check on Reiki's effectiveness. For instance,
a random test shows that it has an adverse effect on the nervous system as it can lower one's blood
pressure, heart rate and breathing.

Another suggests it can help the person fight the symptoms of depression. There was also a report stating
that Reiki can aid in patients who are in stroke recovery since positive effects on both energy and mood
have been noted.

The nice thing about Reiki is that it is completely safe. The patient does not have to be injected or required
to swallow anything. He or she will just have to sit still and just relax while the practitioner puts the hand over
the body.

It should also be pointed out that it does not attack the disease but rather supports the person experiencing
the disease to encourage him or her to fight it in order to once again have a state of balance.

For those that want to try it, they can do so as long as they use their common sense. If the doctor tells them
that they have to take certain medication, it is best that they do follow it and they use alternative forms of
medicine like Reiki to help them out.

This is after it has been pointed out that doctors have taken interest with Reiki and other forms of
complementary and alternative medicine or CAM which is already taught in most US medical schools.

Despite the lack of tests, some doctors also insist patients to try it out since these are low risk practices that
do not have adverse side effects.

The difference between conventional medicine and Reiki is the approach. The traditional way focuses on
detection on treatment while the other sees it from a holistic, whole person approach that extends way
beyond the person's pathophysiology.

Is one better than the other? That is really hard to tell. So until such time that Reiki can cure anemia and any
other disorder, patients and their loved ones are advised to approach this situation the conventional way
given that this the most logical choice.

Just remember that there is nothing wrong thinking outside the box because you might just get lucky and
find a cure.
Reiki is a healing practice that has been practiced for more than a hundred years. By definition, the Reiki
energy that is often referred as an essence, symbolizes power, a transcendental spirit and universal.

What makes this different from other forms of alternative healing is that those who possess this power use
their hands in curing someone of an illness.

Even the masters themselves cannot explain fully how this works but can only describe it as linking with a
cosmic radiant energy that is applied by the practitioner to themselves, to plants, animals and other human
beings even over a great distance.

The Reiki energy is drawn through the channel and not sent. In fact, we all have this with us and all we have
to do is undergo an attunement process in order for us to heal ourselves or others.

Once you have attained level one, you will be able to detect energy problems that can already tell you if
there is an organic problem in your body or with someone else. As your level of experience goes up, your
power becomes stronger and those who want to teach what they have learned to others will have to become

One thing you have to remember about Reiki energy is that it cannot be controlled by the mind. If this were
the case, it could only be done by those who practice it. But those who practice this believe that their power
comes from the Ki. This is something that flows in each of us and by letting it touch the affected part of the
body it will heal because it has been energized.

The strength of the Reiki energy is also dependent on one's thoughts. Negative thoughts will not do much to
improve the situation so you must think positive in order for this to work.

Although medical science still wants to conduct more research to learn about the Reiki energy, there are
those who are practicing it because studies have shown that this can calm the patient before the operation
and make the heal faster afterwards.

How it works or even why some say is because of the power of the mind because how you think does have
an affect on the physical well being of a person.

The Reiki energy works from the outside in so that there is balance and order to the body. It should be
confused with spiritual healing because it does not have anything to do with your faith that makes it effective.

This is why it is important to understand what this energy is because those who practice this believe that the
aura is an extension of the mind that goes way beyond the body.

But those who practice Reiki should remember that Reiki energy that flows is not intended to replace
medical treatment. It can only do so much to help a patient and if doctors feel that an operation is needed to
permanently fix the problem, you should take their advice because the profession has been around much
longer and the advances in science have improved the lives of thousands.

If you have a headache, fighting stress or an addiction, Reiki energy can help you deal with the problem.
You just have to think positive and believe.
In a stressed out world like what we have today, more and more people are opting for other treatments other
than using medications to help them achieve a more stable levels of thinking and emotions. This is because
they have noticed that the more they depend on medication and treatments related to it, the more they feel
weak, stressed out, and sick.

So, instead to suffering from the side effects of various medications, many people opt for a more traditional
treatment such as Reiki healing.

Founded on the significant benefits of the human touch, Reiki healing is preferred by more and more people
—especially those who are suffering from terminal cases and illnesses—because it provides a more
"human" approach to healing. Since it is more soothing and comforting that the number of apparatus that are
used in various hospitals and medical centers, Reiki healing has become an option to people who are tired
of relying on medical treatments.

What sets this alternative therapy from the modern form of healing today is the more "human" feel into it.
Many people prefer this because it lessens the depression their feel brought the illness or emotional pains
knowing that a person/people understand what are they going through.

How Reiki healing works

Reiki healing works through the use of the never-ending cycle of love energy in people. Reiki healing utilizes
the innate life force energy flowing in each individual and converts it into a more productive energy force.

Transferred from one person to another, this life energy force can heal a person's emotional imbalance,
heals the dying spirit, and calms the mind. If it cannot be channeled from one person to another during a
Reiki class, an individual can also use it alone especially if there's a great need to boost a person's morale
or spirit.

Reiki healing can be a perfect key in solving people's personal predicaments if only they give it a try. Unlike
modern medications that can cost so much money along with numerous side effects, Reiki healing would not
rob you off so much money especially if you have mastered it for yourself.

The only expenses you'll be needing to achieve the benefits of Reiki healing is the fee for enrolment in a
Reiki class and references such as magazines and books for practicing Reiki.

For Reiki healing to work properly and effectively, a person must first be able to achieve a higher will. When
a person has a high will, it can enable somebody to set aside his or her self-centered intentions. Once this is
done, a person can experience a blissful encounter with his or herself and can share this wonderful feeling
of healing and contentment to other people.

Reiki healing can also be more effective when a person can channel or transfer his or her energy to those
people in need. Once a person can do this, his or her will be accredited to a higher level, which can enable
him or her to achieve peacefulness, calmness, and optimism in life.

In Reiki healing, the life force energy is channeled or transferred from one person to another through
attunement. Usually takes place in Reiki classes and supervised by a Reiki master, this transfer of life force
energy is remotely done to ensure its success.

Aside from healing a person's spirit, Reiki also helps a person to balance his or her prioties in life to achieve
a more relaxed and content life.
Reiki which is pronounced as Ray Key is a holistic healing system that uses universal energy to heal an
individual. In order for this to work, you have to be trained by a Reiki master. Since its rediscovery in the
early 1900's, various forms have evolved and some of them use Reiki music.

Reiki music is used to create calm and peaceful atmosphere in order for the healing to take place. This is
available for download while some retailers sell these in CD online. One example of this is Shamballa that is
often used by seasoned spiritual travelers.

For those who have never done a Reiki session with music before, it is recommended to use one with gentle
tunes first before trying out something more diverse. If the site you are visiting allows you to hear a sound
clip, try it out so you have an idea where the music can take you.

Do you really need to use Reiki music during a healing session? The answer is no because meditation
music or any other kind may also work as long as it is designed for relaxation purposes.

As much as possible, the recording should last for about 60 to 75 minutes which is the average time it takes
to feel energized after a session.

Just like a regular session without music, you can tell if it is working when you feel different sensations
throughout your body. An individual who feels down will afterwards experience an emotional release or

Once you have found the right Reiki music, you can put it on and then simply sit or lie down in a comfortable
position. You then place your hands over your face with the palms over the eyes, touch the tongue to the
roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind the teeth. Remember to inhale and let the energy
flow into your body and then let it go out along your arms and out through your face.

The same slow movement should be done with the other parts of the body so you wake up feeling refreshed
and recharged.

Reiki wouldn't be around for more than a hundred years if it is not able to help those recover from emotional
disturbances and addictions

In fact, various studies have been conducted and results have shown that patients are able to recover faster
after surgery. This is the reason that there are more hospitals and clinics that have started to practice Reiki
even before an operation to help them relax.

Those who worship Christianity have also embraced Reiki because its methods help them express
compassion towards others and bring them closer to God. This is because Jesus healed with his hands and
so is the hand healing technique used in Reiki that has made this very appealing.

Anyone can practice Reiki and you can do this with or without Reiki music because the tune that you hear
only helps you relax when the most important thing to learn is the proper hand technique. This can only be
taught by a master Reiki and when this is passed on to you, this can also be shared with others.

You just need to keep an open mind and have faith so you may also experience the positive energy that is
needed to heal whatever part of the body, mind or soul that requires healing.
Reiki is an ancient form of healing that came from Japan using your hands. If you want to learn this
technique, you have to learn this from a Reiki master. You too can become a master and then go on further
by learning Reiki Nur Ilahi which in English means 'divine ray of enlightenment."

Reiki Nur Ilahi is pronounced Noor ee-loa-hee. There are eight levels of these often referred to as Magam.
This term means 'state of divine accomplishment of your awareness" and those who are able to learn it can
heal certain emotional, mental and physical illnesses as well as purify the soul and spirit.

Unlike the other forms or Reiki, it does not use any symbols. The only prerequisite is that the person should
already be a reiki master. This will make it easier for him or her to move from one level to the next since you
just have to do affirmation to continue up the ladder. This is because after you reach level 8, there are still
other Reiki techniques that you can learn.

The main goal of Reiki Nur Ilahi is for the person to gain unity to both your self and God's consciousness.
There are not that many schools that teach this technique. In fact, there is not that information about it but if
you hard enough, you will find out that there are experts who prefer to give this training online.

You will be emailed a detailed manual of the course, distant initiation so you don't have to travel and once
you pass through the course, you will be given a certificate of completion.

When you are looking for someone that will train you in Reiki Nur Ilahi, you should ask them from the
beginning if this will allow you to teach others in the future or will you have to take another sessions and pay
additional fees in order for this to work.

That person should be competent enough to teach everything you need to know and offer support in the
future if this is needed since this healing technique is not just for yourself but for others who also need it.

After passing through the course and getting the certificate, it is best to practice Reiki Nur Ilahi with friends
who are already into Reiki so they can be used as attunement models. Surely, you will know your success if
they feel some improvements. But if you have no one to practice with, you can try doing this first perhaps on
a stuffed animal or even a pillow.

Reiki has a deeper purpose because you don't only heal yourself or others when it can also serve as a guide
in your life. You just have to practice until you become confident because you don't become a master
overnight. You have to earn it just like when you first started out as a student who didn't know much about
it but now desires to learn the powers of Reiki Nur Ilahi.

One thing you have to remember about Reiki Nur Ilahi or any of the types is that you did not master it but
rather you have been mastered by it. This is because you totally surrender yourself to something bigger and
the long term benefits are endless.
There are many Reiki symbols that have already been revealed and each of them is thought to possess a
unique vibration of energy.

At one point, they didn't have any names and were simply numbered from one to five. But later on, each one
of them stood for something and here they are.

The first is called Cho Ku Rei and is referred to as the Power Symbol. In simple terms, this means, "put all
the power of the universe here." This allows the user to draw energy from the surroundings so you can focus
it where you want it to.

This can be used for aid in manifestation, cleanse negative energies, empower other Reiki symbols, for
spiritual protection, spot treatments, and seal the energies after the treatment.

Next is called Sei He Ki also known as the Mental Emotional symbol because it helps those who are
suffering from an emotional or mental imbalance.

Sei He Ki means "God and Humanity Becomes One." This enables the person to find activate Kundalini
during meditations, balance between the left and right side of the brain, bring harmony and peace,
cleansing, improve one's memory, clear blockages and aligns the upper chakras, provide psychic protection,
remove addictions, bad energies and negative vibrations.

Third is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This is a distance symbol that is used to enable the Reiki channel to be
able to channel Reiki at a distance regardless if this event happened in the past, the present or the future.

This is an aggregate from the 5 Japanese kanji namely; source, origin, person, right or just, correct certainly
and thought or idea. It is also know as a Buddhist chant which means right consciousness is the root of

The fourth symbol is the Tamarasha. It is a basically a balancing and unblocking symbol that may ground
and balance energy.

The fifth and last symbol is known as DaiKoMyo that is used to initiate a student to various initiatory Reiki
degrees. This is considered to be the most powerful symbol and can only be used by Reiki masters.

This symbol is used t heal the soul since it deals with the person's spiritual self that can cure a disease or
illness from the original source in the aura or energy fields. It can also provide enlightenment and peace as it
allows the person to become more intuitive and psychic.

Each of these symbols are activated by drawing them in the palm of your hand, visualizing it or spelling the
symbols" name three times. Then this is placed or drawn on the client's chakra, hands or wherever this
should be treated.

Symbols have power and if you can't remember how to right it correctly, try recalling the alias because this
can also be used to harness that energy. With practice, you will no longer need to remember how they look
because you will be able to harness it when needed.

Now that the Reiki symbols have been revealed, you will now be able to use them. Just remember that it is
the intention that really matters because as mentioned earlier, each of them are used for various things.

And using the right one is the only way you will be able to solve a problem whether it is physical, mental or
One of the significant things that a person—who is planning to get into the practice of Reiki—must know is
the Reiki symbols. This is because these symbols play a very important role in carrying out this unique form
of spiritual and physical healing.

Known as cryptic symbols that were used in early practices of the traditional Reiki, these symbols were in
the shade of controversy for a long period of time. They were also a source of confusion especially for
starters in classes because they were not taught to students of until they have moved on to the second level
of the spiritual healing. In fact, it took researchers a very long time to really decode the original Reiki
symbols because different Reiki masters made many variations.

As times went by, more and more Reiki masters wanted to have their own variation of Reiki as a form of
spiritual healing, thus, leading to many variations of the symbols that were used in the practice of Reiki. To
be able to clear the controversy that hounds Reiki symbols, many Reiki masters came out with a book
containing the 'supposedly" original Reiki symbols that are used in the practice.

This, somehow, cleared the air of confusion among Reiki students but degraded some Reiki masters—who
have higher level of practice—because now, even the neophytes can learn the secrets to the Reiki practice
that took a long time before they can truly master.

Aiding effective practice of Reiki

Today, there are still many variations of Reiki symbols depending on the school where it is being practiced.
But, four symbols remain standard to all Reiki classes. The following include:

1. The Power Symbol or the "ChoKuRei." Translated as "put all the power of the universe here," ChoKuRei
is used by many Reiki masters because it increases the focus or the power of Reiki. ChoKuRei is usually
used before beginning with the practice Reiki because it increases Reiki power and also used in the end of
the session for the Reiki healing powers to be sealed. It is also used in cleansing and protecting the person
or other things on possible supernatural assault.

2. The Mental-Emotional Symbol or the "SeiHeKi." In English, "SeiHeKi" means "God and humanity
becomes one." Reiki practitioners use this symbol in balancing the left and right side of brain to be able to
achieve peace as well as harmony. Primarily, SeiHeKi is used to aid the healing of imbalanced mental-
emotional levels of a person. People who are problematic in the fields of relationships, mental issues,
emotional imbalances, lack of memory, and those addictive problems are advised to use this Reiki symbol.

3. The Distance Symbol or the "HonShaZeShoNen." This Reiki symbol is used to clear a person's emotional
and mental state and aids in enabling the channels slowly. In Kanji, the phrase "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen" can
mean five different meanings that include: origin or source, person, just or right, certainty or correctness, and
an idea or thought. Primarily used to send Reiki channels in a distant space or time or space, this symbol is
used by more and more Reiki masters to be able to send the power of Reiki in the past or in the near and
retrieve it when needed.

4. The Attunement Symbol or the "DaiKoMyo." This symbol is primarily used in aiding the student to achieve
different levels or degree of Reiki power. Also known as a symbol for wisdom and gift of insight, DaiKoMyo
is considered as an effective symbol for cleansing and healing a person's soul and spirit.
Reiki therapy involves a lot of elements in just about every alternative healing practice. This is because it
uses spiritual healing, meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy and homeopathy among others to make the
person or another feel better.

But what makes this Japanese healing art so unique and popular is that it involves the transfer of energy in
order to restore balance in the force.

Reiki therapy has several basic effects. These include deep relaxation, detoxification of the system, the
increases the vibration or frequency of the body, provide new vitality in the form of healing energy and
removal of negative energy.

In Reiki therapy, the practitioner places his or her hands over the patient. The recipient should be lying down
so he or she is completely at ease and ready to welcome the positive energy.

Reiki therapy begins from the head and then works all the way down to the feet. Ideally, this should be
placed 2 to 4 inches away from the body of the patient. The hands must be cupped with the fingers closely
bonded together and the thumbs pulled upward against the hand so the positive energy that you possess is
directed to the one who needs it.

For this to work, both the healer and the person being healed need to take an active part in the healing
process. One sends forth the energy while the other should openly receive it.

The strength of Reiki therapy depends on the level of the healer. There are three types and this improves
through attunements.

Reiki healers in the fist level are only taught the basic hand positions and the scared symbol so they can
perform direct healing over others. In level two, they can now teach the symbols and hand position so they
can practice distance healing. In level three, the person should be able to know everything and thus earn the
title of master and can already teach this to others.

Are there risks in Reiki therapy? The answer is no. The only thing the patient can do is block the positive
energy that is being given but this does not cause him or her harm in any way.

Another thing people should remember is that Reiki therapy works in conjunction with western medicine and
other practices. It is simply designed to help the person heal especially for those who need to undergo

Reiki therapy is not successful after only on session. This has to be done several times until the patient is
completely healed and this can only happen the body becomes in tune with itself. A practitioner can even do
this to him or herself to reduce the anxiety and stress that happens everyday as people live a happier life if
there is both harmony and peace.

If you want to become a Reiki practitioner, you first have to sign up in a class that is conducted by a certified
Reiki master. Level one students will have to undergo training for a couple of days and then a 21 day
cleansing period before proceeding on to the next one so read the manual and keep an open mind.

There are also Reiki therapy classes offered through distance learning programs and online so its really up
to you to embrace the power of this alternative form of healing or not.
Reiki training is different when you are beginner compared to someone who has already been introduced to
it. In this article, we will talk about the first four levels to give people an idea of what actually happens.

During level one, the instructor will introduce you to the energy. Here, you get to develop a relationship with
it by learning how to work with it, how it feels through your body and the effects on using this on yourself and

Over the course of two days, you will learn the 4 attunements. There will be enough time given to allow your
system to settle into the new space and after a 21 day cleansing session, you will no longer feel any
negative energy in your system.

Level two Reiki training should be done at least two months after you have completed level one. During this
time, your vibration level should be much higher.

This is also a two day training course where you will receive another attunement that will increases your
vibration and make you familiar with three of the four Reiki symbols. You will learn here how to make each of
these symbols work and after a couple of days, you will again have to undergo a 21 day cleaning period to
remove any negative energy that you may have.

Most people do not go beyond level two because they are already happy with what they have learned. But
for those who want to push on and even become a master, they can continue on their way to level three.

It is recommended that you wait at least 6 to 12 months before you take level 3. When you are ready, you
will again undergo a two day session so you may received your final attunement. There is another 21 day
cleaning period and you may even be taught another Reiki system like the Seichim to help you through.

From here, we go the fourth and final level where you will be taught how to become both a master and a
teacher so you may also teach those who want to learn about the Reiki. What makes this different from the
first three levels is that you will be taught now from an instructor's perspective.

This will enable you to come up with your own lesson plans and manuals that you will distribute to your
students. You will also learn about boundaries and ethics being a Master Teacher. You might even be given
a test by creating a level one training which you will use to treat new comers.

Reiki training is now available in some institutions. You can even enroll in home study programs, online
learning and distance instruction. You just have to find the right instructor that can teach you everything
there is to know about this healing technique so you get your money's worth.

If you attend to join a class, you shouldn't worry about if this is crowded because batches are limited to 4 or
8 students. This will allow each one to have individualized attention from the instructor aside from the
manuals that will be given at the start of the class.

Everyone is more than welcome to experience and embrace what Reiki training can do. You just have to
keep an open mind and let the positive energy flow within you and cleansing yourself of the negative
energies that fill your body, mind and soul.
With all the stresses brought by the modern world, it is only common to people to look for alternatives in
relieving their stress. Aside from resulting to medications and other treatments that give the promise of
comfort and relaxations, people are now resulting to ancient means of relieving stress such as Reiki.

The Japanese word "Reiki" refers to a unique technique that is used for reducing stress. Ultimately used to
relieve aches brought by too much stress, Reiki is also used to aid relaxation and healing not only of the
person's physical body but his or her soul and spirit as well.

Administered by "laying on hands," this technique for healing is believed to be effective through the use of
an invisible force of life energy that flows in every living and breathing individual.

In the concept of Reiki, it is believed that when the level of a person's life force energy is incredibly low, he
or she will likely to be stressed out more often and have a higher tendency to get sick or ill compared to
those people with high level of life energy force.

In Reiki, it is also proven that those people who are living healthy, stress-free and happy lives possess high
level of life force energy which enable them to have positive outlook in life. These people also have greater
capability to face the challenges of everyday living.

Developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Tendai Buddhist in the year 1922, Reiki has been a very popular
form of relieving stress to people all over the world. Since its discovery, the technique Reiki has evolved in
various forms and has been practiced by numerous Reiki masters across the globe.

Reiki as a means of healing

More and more people are into Reiki in the previous years because the technique has shown great and
incredible results. For most people who have tried it, the treatment is a wonderful solution to relieving stress.
This is because they don't have to spend so much money in buying medication that can have grave side
effects and they don't also have to undergo through painful body exercises and unhealthy regimens.

Reiki is considered as a wonderful means of relaxation because it uses the innate warmth and energy in a
person. This energy is then converted to a "purer" form of energy—free from the busy schedule and
toxicities of modern living. People who have tried Reiki say that the technique does not only treat the
person's physical body but also alleviates the burden in emotions, lessens the clutter of the mind, and
nourishes a deteriorated spirit.

When a person is free from all these physical and emotional burdens, he or she will benefit from a relaxed in
almost all kinds of environment because the feelings of calmness and serenity are infused within his or her

Unlike other techniques for relaxation, Reiki is one of the most simple and all natural means of healing a
person's spirit. In fact, it is so safe that almost all people can make use of it. When used properly and trained
religiously, Reiki can be an answer to all the health and emotional problems of people.

But, in order to make use of the Reiki properly, one must attend a class where the ability is transferred.
Using "attunement" conducted by a Reiki master, one can easily learn to convert his or her innate energy
into a healthy and beneficial use.

Here, the student is guided by the master in tapping the limitless source of energy and use it to improve his
or her quality of life.
Over the years, numerous films have depicted Russian spies in various ways. "James Bond" movies and
other espionage flicks never lacked the attendance a certain Russian spy working with or against the
protagonist. In reality, however, these operatives have been through a lot of rigid training just to be called
worthy of their role. Russian spies were even purported to have been learning language through subliminals.

The Russian Spies

The Russians have two agencies involved in espionage. The SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) performs all
the intelligence and surveillance work, while the FSB (Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation)
protects Russia from espionage efforts of other countries.

The SVR is Russia's main external intelligence organization. It is the descendant of the FCD (First Chief
Directorate) of KGB ever since December of 1991. The agency's headquarters are located in Yasenevo,
Moscow – just outside of the Moscow Automobile Ring Road.

Not like the FSB, this agency is responsible for all intelligence efforts overseas. It functions in collaboration
with the GRU, which is the country's military intelligence organization. Nevertheless, the SVR is still more
powerful behind the scenes in comparison to the GRU particularly with regard to identifying Russia's foreign

In addition, the SVR takes part in anti-terrorism collaboration and intelligence-sharing agreements with
foreign intelligence organizations. The service also offers analysis and provision of intelligence to the
Russian President.

The FSB, on the other hand, is the primary domestic security agency of Russia. It is the principal successor
of the KGB, NKVD, and Soviet-era Cheka. This organization is engaged in counter-intelligence,
internal/border security, surveillance, and counter-terrorism. The headquarters can be found on Lubyanka
Square in downtown Moscow.

At present, Russian intelligence agencies can no longer recruit individuals purely on account of Communist
ideals, which was considered the "first pillar" of the recruitment for KGB. The secondary pillar was devotion
to Russia.

Learning Language Through Subliminals

Languages are basically acquired by means of listening to a particular spoken language – or languages. As
a matter of fact, there are places in the world wherein it is commonplace to find multilingual people. The
most amazing part is that none of these folks learned the various tongue in formal schools.

Speaking four or five languages is actually part of some people's daily life. Due to the constant exposure to
the sounds and words, the mind starts to spontaneously soak up the foreign tongue. After a while, the
language is ingrained into the brain. People then begin to grasp and speak the words.

The human brain is mechanically programmed to receive the words and arrange them so that they make
sense. The mechanism may differ from one language to another, yet not as much as you would believe.
Every language is engraved to such a close pattern that some linguists consider them essentially as dialects
of one primary tongue. In other words, each of us already have a machine that awaits the acquisition of a
foreign language.

You simply need to learn the sounds and how they differ form your own language. After that, you just have
to study the words. That's basically everything you have to know. And subliminals basically help you do all of
this at a much faster rate.

Learning language through subliminals is very effective and provides desirable results in just a short span of
time. Because of its effectiveness, Russian spies have been alleged to be using the method all along during
their training.

That is perhaps why most of them are portrayed in movies as multingual operatives.
If you want to try silent subliminal messages, you can have them tailor-made for your needs. By having the
option of having your very own subliminal messages, you can be able to achieve the goals that you have
always wanted.

How Does It Work?

There are a lot of companies out there who are specializing in subliminal messages and recordings. Try to
get in touch with them and inquire if they are offering customization of subliminal messages. If they are,
they will usually give you a CD containing the recorded subliminal message of your choice. There are also
companies that even let you choose what kind of music to integrate in the CD as well as what kind of nature
sounds you want to listen to.

The Power Is In Your Hands

If you are looking for the best solution to let go of addictions, phobias, weight problems, anger, hatred,
depression, angst, traumas, anxiety, stress, and fear, customized silent subliminals may be just what you
need. Silent subliminals also work for boosting one's self esteem as well as self-confidence.

The word subliminal actually means something that exists underneath the surface, or on the brink of
consciousness. The part of your mind that really controls your life exists just below the facade of your
conscious mind. It is the subconscious part of your mind that must be stimulated and reached in order to
make lasting, positive changes.

You can also have the power to enhance and improve interpersonal dealings and relationships with the help
of customized subliminal recordings. You can also boost your memory, brain power, and concentration.
Subliminal recordings are also a good instrument for releasing stress and other pent up tension in your
body. Believe it or not, subliminal recordings can help you enjoy life better.

Subliminal Recordings Target The Mind

What's great about subliminal recordings is that they have the power to shape one's mind and restructure it
to make an individual perform better and increase chances of being successful. The future of a person
greatly depends on his or her ability to think and perceive. How one interprets and takes on the challenges
of life determines his or her future.

By changing the part of your mind that controls your life, you can be able to see and feel great changes
within you. You will become more inspired, more active and more driven to achieve your dreams and goals.
With proper treatment of subliminal messages, you will experience a refreshing feeling over your mind and
body. Your performance will eventually become better and who knows, in just a short span of time, your
family, friends and colleagues may be able to notice how much you have improved.

Custom Subliminal Messages Are Better Than Off-The-Shelf Subliminal Systems

Custom subliminal messages are way better than standard and general subliminal messages because they
target your weaknesses easily. When the silent subliminal messages are customized, you can be sure that
the factor of specificity will be greater. You can focus more or improving your weaknesses and you can
most probably notice favourable changes in just a short span of time, compared to standard and general
subliminal messages.

Choosing to have a customized subliminal recording will guarantee you that you will be hearing only what is
necessary and significant to you.
Subliminal messages are said to be effective in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a psychological therapy in which words are said to have an impact
on people's thinking and internal images.

Ericksonian Hypnosis, on the other hand, is a very tender yet very effective form of hypnosis. It creates
supportive and affirming messages that are designed to provide both unconscious and conscious
experiences of reflective and philosophical change.

A lot of people are still doubtful about the effectiveness of subliminal messages. The most common
question of sceptics is "how would one know if its effective or not?". The answer is quite simple, if we look
at subliminal messages scientifically and psychologically. All human beings have so-called 'mental
programs" that consist of beliefs and thoughts which determine the behaviour of an individual. The beliefs
and thoughts present in an individual's mind may be positive, negative or both.

Silent Subliminals Can Change One's Life

If you want to have a whole new outlook on life, or if you simply want to get rid of your negative thoughts and
feelings to be able to cultivate and develop your positive behaviour and actions, you can use silent
subliminals to achieve your goal. Subliminal audio programs can change your 'mental programs" and
generally change your life. With the use of subliminal messages, your mind can undergo a re-education
process which will truly be advantageous for you.

Studies And Research

There have been many studies pertaining to the effectiveness of subliminals on people's mind. A
Congressional Report in 1984 submitted by the House Committee on Science and Technology concluded
that subliminal messages can be picked up by the brain, recorded and then called upon later, as needed.

Another study pertaining to subliminal messages was conducted at Boston University in October, 2001. Los
Angeles Times reported that the study held at Boston confirmed that subliminal messages are really
powerful and effective tools in altering, improving and enhancing the mindset of individuals.

Subliminal messages are said to be silent sculptors of the mind because they basically target the
unconscious mind and they also try to infiltrate the mind of a person without any sound or warning at all.
Researchers at Duke and Harvard University have also been involved in studying the effectiveness of
subliminal messages and they all came up with quite the same conclusions with the previous researches

Do Doctors Approve Of Using Subliminals For Patients?

Although not all doctors seem to believe the power of subliminals, there are still a good number of doctors
and psychologists that recommend subliminal treatment for their patients. One particular doctor who is
known for his strong confidence and belief in subliminal messages is Dr. Bernie Siegel.

He reports that when calming subliminal messages are given to the patients who undergo surgery, they
seem to recover faster than those patients who did not receive any form of subliminal message. There is
also great evidence that patients who receive subliminal messages require less anaesthesia and feel less
anxious than patients who did not receive any kind of subliminal treatment.

Silent subliminal messages may still not be wholly acknowledged by the medical field, but more and more
medical practitioners are discovering the wonders of subliminal messages.

For the psychiatrists and psychologists, they don't really have to be convinced about the power of subliminal
messages for they already know how powerful subliminal messages can be in tweaking the unconscious
mind of people.
Silent subliminal messages are made silent because they are recorded at very high frequencies that are not
really masked by music, noise, or any other sound. The amazing thing about silent subliminals is that even
though they can't be heard, they have a great effect on the minds of people who are able to hear them. The
subliminals infiltrate individuals" minds unconsciously and all information are also encoded in the
unconscious mind of a person.

Subliminal messages have gathered a lot of sceptics because a lot of people find it hard to believe that an
inaudible sound can greatly and effectively affect one's unconscious mind. Some people think that
subliminal messages are just made and distributed by "quack" doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists but
in reality, these inaudible messages that target the unconscious minds of the individuals are really effective.

Convenient And Effective

People who choose to listen to subliminal messages to help them change their perspective, achieve their
goals or boost their self-esteem enjoy the privilege of having the option to listen to the messages whenever
they want and wherever they are. They can listen to eat while eating breakfast, watching TV, driving
through traffic, taking a bath, etc. Silent subliminal messages can even be played before and during

How Are Silent Subliminal Messages Recorded?

Subliminal voice affirmations are recorded on an inaudible, powerful, super high-audio frequency carrier in a
format that can be easily detected and decoded by the human ear. The subliminal voice affirmations vibrate
the tympanic membrane of the ear at the strongest yet safest level.

Better Than Masked Recordings

With extensive research and study, silent subliminal messages are said to be way better than masked
affirmation recordings because they infiltrate and affect both the conscious and unconscious mind better.
The signal strength of subliminal voice recordings are 10 billion times more than the strength of masked
recordings that is why the human brain can better detect and decode the subliminal messages in the brain
rather than the masked recordings.

Even Deaf People Can Hear The Ultra High Frequency Vibrations

If you think that deaf people can't enjoy the good effects of subliminal voice recordings, think again. Thanks
to the innovative technology, the ultra high frequency vibrations of subliminal messages can also cater to the
hearing disability of deaf people. A study held at the Medical College of Virginia held on July 5, 1991
confirmed that not only people who have normal and healthy hearing capabilities can enjoy the effects of
subliminal messages. Deaf people can also hear and understand the subliminal recordings because they
are transmitted at high-frequency levels.

Think about this, if even deaf people can hear and understand the subliminal messages, then it must really
be effective to humans who have healthy hearing capabilities.

Whether you are a believer or a skeptic of the effectiveness of silent subliminal messages, you can never
really come to a valid conclusion unless you yourself have tried to listen to these subliminal recordings.
There have been no reported cases of subliminal messages causing great harm or damage to the auditory
senses of individuals as well as the brain functioning.

Individuals must also remember that the effect of subliminal messages vary per person because of the
individual differences bestowed upon human beings.
Spiritual meditation aims to help a person dig deep into the inner self in order to discover the wisdom and
tranquility that lie within. It can be done by developing awareness, harmony and natural order into life
through meditation. Different techniques can be employed in order to achieve this.

Different meditation techniques have been developed since ancient times in the effort to help people
experience a higher state of consciousness. This usually makes use of the ability to clear the mind of
distractions and focusing mainly on the self. Here are some of the techniques that most people use to get in
touch with their spiritual consciousness through meditation.

One of the ancient techniques in meditation used is one that Buddhists practice. This technique is called
mindfulness meditation and involves learning how to be aware about the things that one does and the things
that is happening around at the very moment. This type of meditation technique can take time to master and
involves four steps.

The first step is the abstinence from the five moral rules which is killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct,
and the use of toxic substances. The second step is the practice of Anapana Meditation for three and a half
days where a person is taught how to meditate while focusing on one's breathing. The third step involves
purifying the mind which involves self observation for six and half days. The fourth step involves speaking
and living an extroverted life. This meditation technique closes with the practice of metta bhavana which
involves sharing the purity developed with others.

Another type of meditation technique is Transcendental Meditation, the most debated and researched one
among the many meditation types. This type of meditation aims to help one attain enlightenment if practiced
on the long term. This meditation technique also can help increase intelligence and creativity. This technique
does not require the mastery of difficult breathing techniques or the use of some special postures. A person
needs only to learn how to concentrate by sitting in a relaxed and comfortable posture and position.

Another meditation technique is the vibrational meditation which involves the repetition of a mantra, a
particular word or a sound that becomes the focal point of the meditation process. The vibrations that are
produced by making the word or sound is experienced passing through the body. During meditation, the
individual is to concentrate on nothing else but the sound as it is uttered again and again.

The Walking Meditation is one of the many other types of meditation techniques that may help one get in
touch with one's inner self. It involves learning to focus the mind while walking. Although this meditation
technique can be difficult to practice it can prove to be very beneficial. This type of meditation involves
focusing on the feet while meditating and trying not to let the mind wander away from every step taken.

These different types of spiritual meditation techniques take time to master. It may be hard for some people
to get used to focusing on one thing, due most of the time to the influence of the world in general and how it
has clouded and cluttered the mind with thoughts of problems, worries and stress. But with regular practice
and eventually making a certain type of meditation technique a regular habit, people may be able to look into
their inner selves more effectively and then achieve a higher sense of consciousness that may help one
attain inner peace.
Both self-help groups and clinics offer the quit smoking support programs. Most of these programs are run
by professionals and can be customized to meet your needs. You can either attend an intensive quit
smoking support program that runs for a week to fifteen days or enroll yourself for weekly sessions.|The
popularity of the quit smoking support programs is mainly due to the extensive counseling that they provide
to smokers. They teach you to deal with withdrawal symptoms. Meditation can help.

They also provide you support and guidance at every step by understanding your problems. You can talk
with the counselors even after you have finished the program. This can help prevent a relapse.|Besides
counseling, most quit smoking support programs also prescribe nicotine replacement therapy or NRT. Some
also suggest medication like Zyban. Meditation is that experience where one's consciousness becomes
engrossed and merged with the object of meditation. |You can also choose from alternative treatments like
hypnosis procedures, acupressure and meditation though these are often not very successful. Do what
works best to help you to stop smoking, that is what is so very important.

|Zyban creates a false feeling of pleasure in the person, a feeling that is similar to the one experienced while
smoking. This drug should be taken strictly under medical supervision. It has a few side effects associated
with it, and should be avoided by people suffering from heart disease, epilepsy and pregnant
women.Beginning with the toes on your left foot, tense the muscles in those toes for a count of three, then
slowly release the tension in the toes, and feel a calm return to the toe area. You need support during this
difficult time so please talk with someone about it who can provide you with that help.

Do the same with the toes on the right foot.|Since the chances of a relapse are very high, most quit smoking
support programs have a 24-hour help line service where counselors listen to queries and provide solutions.
At the end of a program the smokers are given listening and reading material to reinforce their resolve to quit
smoking.|Quit smoking support can also be extended by friends and family members. They can play a big
role in keeping their friend or relative occupied. They can also help in preventing relapse by urging the
smokers to return to the quit smoking support program if the need arises.

|The advantage with NRT is that it reduces your craving for nicotine. You can use NRT in the form of gums,
patches, sprays and inhalers. Though gums and patches are available over the counter other forms of NRT
can be taken only under medical supervision. They reduce your nicotine dependency by releasing a small
quantity of nicotine into the body. The dosage can be regulated to control the withdrawal symptoms, and
stopped completely once your urge to smoke disappears.|Meditation can help.Good luck on your way to a
new fresh non smoking world, you are really going to love it. +++++++
Normally, hair loss is an issue that only adults need to be anxious of. But in some cases, teenagers are at
risk of losing their hair too. When this happens, it definitely signifies that something is wrong.

Hair loss at this point in a person's life can mean that he or she is perhaps not getting enough nutrition or is
suffering from an illness. Because of this, more and more people have turned to subliminals in treating hair
loss problems.

Hair Essentials

Hair is made of keratin – a form of protein. A single strand is composed of a hair shaft (the exterior), a root
beneath the skin, and a follicle from which the root develops. The lower end of the hair follicle is known as
the hair bulb, which produces the color pigment called melanin.

Most folks lose around 50-100 strands of hair each day. These hair strands are subsequently replaced as
they grow back in the hair follicles. This quantity of hair loss is completely normal and should not be viewed
as a reason for worry.

If you notice that you're losing more hair than what is considered natural, then something must be wrong.
The appropriate medical term for this is alopecia. It is a condition wherein the degree of hair loss is enough
to create balding patches on a person's head.

To properly diagnose and treat alopecia, it is an excellent idea to consult a doctor. He or she can help you
identify the underlying problem and correct the condition as necessary.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

1. Medications

Medications usually produce various side effects, and one of them is hair loss. These drugs may include
anti-acne medicines (i.e. isotretinoin), lithium, diet pills containing amphetamines, and chemotherapeutic

2. Medical Conditions

Certain diseases can get in the way of normal hair growth. As a consequence, hair loss could come about.
These medical conditions may include endocrine disorders (i.e. thyroid disease, uncontrolled diabetes),
kidney and liver disorders, and systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). The hormonal imbalance that results
from polycystic ovary syndrome can also trigger hair loss in teenage girls and adult women.

3. Hair Treatments and Styling

Chemicals contained in hair treatments and styling products can damage the hair and cause them to
temporarily fall out or break off. Then again, if you're not too careful, the condition may become permanent.
This condition is dubbed as traction alopecia. It results from pulling hair so forcefully in an extended period
of time that it puts tension on your scalp.

4. Poor Nutrition

Poor eating habits can actually be a factor to hair loss. Because of this fact, some people who suffer from
eating disorders (i.e. bulimia or anorexia) also lose a significant amount of hair. The body basically lacks
vitamins, minerals and proteins – all of which are necessary to maintain hair growth.

Vegetarians also face the possibility of hair loss – that is if they don't consume enough amounts of proteins
from non-meat sources. On the other hand, athletes have an elevated risk of developing the condition since
they have a greater tendency to be iron-deficient.

How Do Subliminals Work?

Studies have shown that hair loss can be overturned with the help of special stimuli applied to the brain –
also known as subliminals. An audio recording that contains subliminal messages is designed to stimulate
blood circulation to the scalp and trigger the hair cells to multiply. As a result, hair will start to re-emerge and
thicken within just several days of exposure to the stimuli.
Nevertheless, you need to be patient since the maximum effect of subliminals in treating hair loss would
usually take longer to produce. If you've been suffering from the condition for a couple of years or so, it
would typically require a much lengthier time to revitalize blood circulation and cell reproduction inside the
Ever since the "Drink Coke and Eat Popcorn" craze started, the issue of using subliminal messages and
suggestions have never died down. Although the advancements and developments of subliminal
suggestions can be likened to a rollercoaster ride due to its numerous ups and downs, people still haven't
lost hope and interest in finding out whether subliminals are really effective or not.

Many people still ask their friends, colleagues, and even doctors and psychologists 'do subliminals work?".

Modern And Simplified Meaning Of The Word "Subliminal"

Subliminal discernment takes place whenever certain stimulus or stimuli are induced lower than the
threshold or brink of awareness of the human mind. These subliminals are said to influence actions,
thoughts, and feelings. Originally, the word 'subliminal" was coined to refer to situations that involve very
weak stimuli that are targeted to be perceived by the unconscious mind.

Currently, the word subliminal refers to any condition wherein unnoticeable and/or weak stimuli are detected
and interpreted by the unconscious mind.

Psychological Studies Pertaining To Subliminals And Their Effectiveness

The theory of subliminal awareness is very interesting due to the fact that individuals' feelings, actions and
thoughts are greatly manipulated, influenced and affected by stimuli that are received without any trace of
conscious detection and interpretation. The great interest in subliminal suggestions can be traced back to
psychological studies that date back to the late 1800s and early 1900s.

In the psychological studies conducted in earlier times, the subjects were plainly asked whether they are
aware that they are perceiving certain kinds of stimulus or not. The subjects were presented with different
kinds of stimuli such as visual stimuli (digits, geometric figures, letters) and auditory stimuli (whispers, voice
recordings over music or other sounds). The visual stimuli were presented at a certain distance from the
subjects that make it hard or quite difficult for them to discern its shape, color or figure.

Some participants of the study claimed that they only saw dots and blurred figures while some claimed not
to have seen anything at all. Similarly, the auditory stimuli were also presented to the subjects as faintly and
weakly as possible.

As mentioned earlier, whispers were used as well as playing of music or recordings in the lowest volume
possible. In short, the purpose of the study was to give certain auditory and visual stimulus vaguely and
then find out whether the participants unconscious mind dominated over the conscious perception.

After the presentation of the stimuli, the participants were asked to give their guesses as to what kind of
stimuli they received. For example, the participants would be asked to guess whether the visual stimuli
were pictures, letters or number. As for the auditory stimuli, the participants may have been asked what
they thought they heard, amidst the vagueness or weakness of the auditory stimuli presented.

The astounding result of early studies stated that the guesses of the observers who were presented with
vague stimuli were greatly more correct than normal guesses (without any stimuli at all). In other words, the
results of the study may support the belief that the unconscious mind can comprehend or perceive what the
conscious mind cannot.

As years passed by, more studies pertaining to subliminal messages have been conducted; some have
been clearly patterned from the early studies conducted while some have been slightly modified.

At present, there are still no hard facts that can prove or disprove the effectiveness of subliminals but
hopefully, people can get a concrete answer when they ask the question 'do subliminals work?".
Meditation and holistic living have become buzzwords in recent years, with more and more people seeking
an alternative to the frantic pace of modern life. However, many practitioners don't consider the barriers
modern society presents to meditation. Even seasoned meditation practitioners can lose focus in the speed-
crazed, mindset of modern life. Meditation encourages a strong self awareness and a healthy mind-body
connection. Today's culture seems to operate on a completely different system.

The modern world is addicted to activity, and the more the better. Because of this, many people remain
chained to distractions and cannot tap into their body's natural potential to break free.|Stress is created
when the mind is not doing what the body is. If you are doing bills and your mind is wandering from picking
up the kids and making dinner to finishing up at work, that creates stress. But if your mind is focused on
what your body is doing, then there is no stress. This is a fundamental meditation technique.

|Most meditation techniques assume the mind-body already exists. This works well in a mountain
monastery, but can be difficult to achieve with the hectic pace of modern lifestyle. A more basic gateway into
that mind-body connection is needed.|A transition from the modern world into meditation should tap into the
senses. You're trying to strengthen the bond and focus your attention on multiple levels. Look for ways to
utilize textures that interest you, sounds that soothe you, and scents that enhance your focus.

Experiment with simple, easy motions to relax your body and to prepare yourself for meditation. Motion can
focus the mind and help you break away from the whirlwind of thoughts generated each day. Think of
running your hands through a river, or through a fountain if you have one available. Play with smooth stones,
or make shapes of clay or sand. Flip a smooth stick of wood or roll it back and forth between your hands.

|Once you've disconnected from the modern world, you can truly take advantage of your meditation time. A
more centered, aware state of being will allow you to delve deeper into your inner self. You might be
surprised at what you can see with eyes unclouded.

Once thought of as a ritual performed by men who shaved their heads, wore long robes and lived in a
mountain cave, this mind quieting, stress relieving natural self-healing practice is becoming so
commonplace that corporations such as Deutsche Bank, Google and Hughes Aircraft recognize the intuitive
powers of it and offer meditation classes to their employees.

|Having the ability to quiet one's mind and retreat to a thought-free state of calmness opens the connection
to higher intelligence and greatly enhances problem-solving abilities. In addition, with practice and coaching
you can develop the ability to ask pointed questions and receive answers to them through this same
dynamic channel.

The number of miracles born out of a regular practice of meditation are untold. From loosing weight and
quitting smoking, to manifesting more money and physical items, to rekindling relationships and curing
terminal diseases, millions of accounts of miracles just like these are attributed to meditation.

+ ++ +++
People all over the world are discovering the benefits of using ultrasonic subliminals to effect change in their
lives. In fact, numerous audio products have been developed and sold on the market to be of assistance to
folks who want to turn their life and careers around – obviously, for the better.

However, a lot of individuals are still skeptical about the effectiveness of ultrasonic subliminals. To get a
better understanding of what it is all about, you need to take the two concepts apart and be familiar with how
they work. After that, you may determine for yourself whether it does work or not.

What is Ultrasonic?

Ultrasonic is actually the adjective of the term "ultrasound", which is sound with frequencies greater than the
maximum threshold of human hearing. Technically, a person can hear sounds between the range of 20 Hz
and 20,0000 Hz. This upper limit has a tendency to diminish with age. For that reason, most adults have
become incapable of hearing sounds beyond 16 kHz (16,000 Hz).

The human ear itself doesn't really react to frequencies of less than 20 Hz. However, these can be felt
through the sense of touch. Some recent studies had also revealed a "hypersonic effect" – a term that
describes the phenomenon that demonstrates a quantifiable outcome on a person's psychological reaction
with respect to the absence or the presence of frequencies beyond 20,000 Hz. You may not consciously
perceive the sound but it can definitely have an effect on you.

What is Subliminal?

In Latin, the term 'subliminal" stands for "beneath the threshold". It represents information that is exceedingly
faint for a person to perceive consciously. Nevertheless, it is recorded in the subconscious area of the mind.
At times, the word subliminal can also stand for the pieces of information that the conscious mind has
chosen to pay no attention to in favor of more interesting or more obvious details.

Subliminals are helpful in making modifications to the subconscious portion of a person's brain, which
basically guides one's actions. Since this aspect of the mind is not equipped with the capacity for rational
thinking, it will unerringly believe whatever it is told, for as long as it is done with enough repetitions or a
sufficient amount of emotions.

You must wonder if it is possible for the two aspects of the mind – the conscious and the subconscious – to
argue. The answer is a big "YES". Of course they disagree. And whenever this occurs, the subconscious
mind would win the squabble all the time.

To get a better image of how the conscious and the subconscious aspects of the mind struggle against each
other, try to picture this out: the conscious mind is usually left powerless when conflicting subconscious
ideas – thoughts that could not be controlled by logical thinking – linger in a person's brain. In essence, the
conscious mind is largely responsible for your "waking life", while the subconscious mind reigns in the "world
of the dreaming".

How Does Ultrasonic Subliminals Work?

Ultrasonic subliminals make the most of the fact that the conscious side of your brain is intended to
concentrate only on a few things, while the subconscious aspect makes a note of everything that is
registered by any of your five senses.

By making use of subliminals to repetitively expose the subconscious mind to certain messages, you can
make it believe and consequently accept those ideas as newfound programming. Once it has accomplished
that, it starts manifesting the recently encoded ideas and the changes occur.
The practice of meditation has been around for several millennia. Although there are no recorded texts
which would point exactly when this practice started, several ancient civilizations became the cradle of
today's meditation practices.

India particularly is hailed as the proponent of meditation as an organized practice. Over centuries, many
Hindi scholars have written about meditation, from the ways of doing it to its benefits. Some of the well-
known Hindi texts include the Vedas and the Yoga Sutras which was written by Patanjali.

But no one has arguably been more influential in the world of meditation than Siddharta Gautama, otherwise
known as Buddha. In 500 BC, he achieved enlightenment through the practice of meditation. His influence
spread throughout Asia and eventually the whole world.

While the East has been practicing meditation for several centuries already, the Western world picked the
practice up much later. In fact, it was only in the mid-20th century when meditation became a popular
practice among Westerners.

Today, more and more meditation centers and organizations crop up in the West. While meditation used to
be intertwined with religious practices, a good number of Western meditation centers are stripped off this
spiritual aspect. They usually focus now on the health benefits of this practice especially in the fast-paced
world of today.

But regardless of the loss of the spiritual side of meditation, it is still widely-recognized for its benefits to
people's mental well-being. It was and it still remains as one of the central aspects of meditation.
Information that is processed in the subconscious part of the brain – also known as subliminal messages –
can actually influence a person's attitude and behavior. This finding was revealed in a recent study
conducted about the subject. The results also suggests that some subliminal messages may produce effects
that are opposite than expected. For instance, subliminal exposure to the image of a flag tones down instead
of intensifying political attitudes.

Researchers from the Psychology Department of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem state that the studies
they have conducted indicate that subliminal messages indeed have a large influence on attitudes and
political behavior. This finding was a significant addition to what is already known about the outcomes of
subconscious processes.

The studies, spearheaded by Dr. Ran Hassin – a cognitive scientist, reveal that the subliminal image of the
national symbol affected not only the political attitudes of the citizens, but also the voting intents and actual
casting of votes in the general elections.

In the article entitled "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", which was published in the U.S.
Journal, Hassin's team gave a detailed account about a set of experimentations that analyzed the
consequences of the subliminal presentation of their national flag. The research involved more than 300
participants recruited from Hebrew University's Mount Scopus campus.

In the initial trial, the Israeli participants were randomly split up into two groups. They were questioned about
their thoughts and feelings regarding the main issues of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Before responding to
the queries, half of the participants were exposed to subconscious images of the national flag flashed on a
screen and the other half was not. Based on the results, the exposed group had a propensity to veer to the
political core.

A brief exposure to the image of Israel's flag – so fleeting that people did not even have time to take it in –
was enough to cause people to embrace more modest views. Another experiment, carried out weeks before
the Israelis pulled out from Gaza, produced the same results and displayed centrist views with respect to the
retraction and the presence of Jewish settlers in Gaza and the West Bank.

The third experiment, conducted just before the country's most recent general elections, demonstrated the
same results. The subliminal image of Israel's national symbol – the flag – attracted left wing, as well as right
wing, Israelis to the political hub. Significantly, the participants who were subconsciously exposed to the
national flag stated that they meant to opt for more predominant parties than those who were not
intentionally exposed to the subliminal image.

The research proponents then summoned the participants after the general elections and discovered that
the subliminally exposed group actually voted more moderately. The subliminal exposure to the national flag
demonstrated what appears to be an astonishing effect that is yet to be probed and analayzed.

According to Dr. Hassin, the outcomes were interesting for two basic reasons. First, the results provided
reliable empirical proof for the non-conscious means in which national ideas ingeniously affect a person's
behaviors and thoughts. Dr. Hassin's research team is now expanding the study to investigate what other
dogmas can do so, as well as the ways they are expressed.

Secondly, the outcomes considerably extend the experimental knowledge with regard to the nature of the
subconscious processes, as well as the influences of subliminal message. At present, Dr. Hassin and his
team are exploring the psychological mechanisms that cause this phenomenon.
Subliminal messages are said to be messages or signals that surpass the conscious mind and directly goes
to the unconscious mind of human beings. What makes some people doubt the effectiveness of subliminals
is that they don't really "feel" or "experience" the detection and interpretation of the subliminals.

But what can they expect from messages that are meant to target the unconscious, right? Do subliminals
work? What are the proofs that they do or they don't?

Several debates and controversies have risen in lieu of the power of subliminals messages. Some would
say that they were just duped by subliminal messages and nothing really happened to them when they
listened to the subliminals. Some would even go to the extent of saying that subliminals are one of the
greatest rip-offs of all time.

On the other hand, a number of people also claim that subliminals have played a big part in their success in
life and that they wouldn't mind receiving future subliminal 'treatments" for further success and increased
optimum performance.

Subliminal Suggestions: More Powerful Than Ordinary Suggestions?

Subliminal messages expand their latent power/influence from the belief that they may be able to get round
the crucial functions of the conscious psyche. It has also been repeatedly discussed and argued that
subliminal suggestions are generally more influential than common suggestions.

This road to persuasion or influence would be similar to hypnosis or auto-suggestion wherein the subject is
suggested or somehow encouraged to be calm and relaxed so that suggestions can be aimed to deeper
parts of the human mind. Some observers have proposed that the unconscious mind is unable of critical
rejection of subliminal or hypnotic suggestions. Numerous studies and research findings do not maintain the
conclusion that subliminal messages are markedly influential.

Some researchers even contend that several psychological studies on subliminal influence and suggestions
may be inadequate or flawed due to certain limitations brought about by inevitable internal and external
factors. Researchers don't really approve of studies or experiments which only make use of a short period
of time; they give subliminal influence or suggestions to subjects and then go on with the experiment
immediately after.

What researchers would like to happen is that the subjects be given more time to absorb the subliminal
messages and suggestions and maybe come back after several weeks or months.

Proponents of the power of subliminal influence and suggestions have repeatedly stated that the effect of
the subliminals may require some time before it can generate specific, desired behaviours or changes.

Why Use Subliminals If It's Possible That They Don't Work?

As of now, there has been no certain research that can prove the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of
subliminal messages and suggestions. We are only left with puzzle pieces that would somehow and
eventually lead us to a conclusion on the future whether subliminals work or not.

Although we know that there are some things that can actually circumvent the conscious mind of human
beings and go directly to the unconscious, we still have no hard proof that they really go to the unconscious
and bring forth certain effects and changes to the behaviours of humans.

It is quite hard to measure the unconscious mind, since from its name itself, it is unconscious. It is quite
difficult for humans to blurt out what is going on in their unconscious mind, right?

We are left with the question 'do subliminals work?" but perhaps in the future, we will get some real and
concrete answers to our question.
Meditation is easy to do and can give you an instant feeling of calmness and relaxation.|This mediation
technique is simple and very effective and only takek you a few minutes to learn and will help you relax
away from the stresses of everyday life.|A definition accepted in most dictionaries for meditation is,
continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse
nature. Meditation can provide you with inner strength and you are going to be much happier.

This is really reflection.|Meditation generally involves where one consciously discounts wandering thoughts
and fantasies, and calming and focusing the mind, while controlling the breath, and sensory awareness.|
There is one meditation anyone can do, and by doing it, one's life force itself comes under control; ones
senses turn off, and the mind becomes quiet. Then the peace and realization that comes from true
meditation comes to the practitioner.

What is the name of this meditation, and how is it done? Even spoken over and over, the syllables one is saying Sohamsoham...I am He, He am is a prayer and a meditation mantra which are
spiritually charged word or series of words used a meditation theme.|One feels close ones intuition, and one
feels as if the world of material things is less important due to its overbearing insignificance when compared
to the bliss one feels in meditation.|Sit up straight with your spine in a not slouch.

You must be comfortable, so sit on a chair or on the floor with a soft mat or carpet underneath you.|When
you feel completely relaxed, command your mind to be silent, your emotions to be still, keeping your body as
relaxed as possible.|As you do this meditation, actually imagine the air entering your nose and traveling all
the way down into your lungs. This is one So.

As you exhale, you can imagine the air traveling out of the lungs, up to the nose and out of your body. This
is one Ham.|Beginners in this meditation usually silently say the word So with each inhalation and the word
Ham with each exhalation. Continue in this way, as long as you are comfortable, but no less than 5 minutes,
and no longer than 20 minutes until the meditation feels natural to go longer.|

A definition accepted in most dictionaries for meditation is, continuous and profound contemplation or
musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature. This is really reflection.|Meditation
generally involves where one consciously discounts wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming and
focusing the mind, while controlling the breath, and sensory awareness.|This mediation technique is simple
and very effective and onlu a few minutes to learn and will help you relax away from the stresses of
everyday life. Learn as much as you can about meditation so you too can start feeling better.

++++++++ ++++
Transcendental Meditation is a meditation technique introduced in 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is a
simple, natural, relatively effortless meditation technique where the mind can easily and naturally look into
the source of thought and achieving the settled state of the mind which is known as the Transcendental
Consciousness. It is said to be the pure consciousness which is the source of all creative processes in the
human mind.

Transcendental Meditation's origins can be traced back sometime in 1955 when the Indian ascetic Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi started teaching a new meditation technique that he said was derived from the Vedas.
Maharishi had previously studied with Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Maharishi even served as his
secretary from 1941 until Saraswati's death in 1953. It was sometime in 1957 that Maharishi began the
Spiritual Regeneration Movement in Madras, India, at the conclusion of a festival that was held in
remembrance of his deceased teacher. Maharishi then began going on a number of worldwide tours
promoting and disseminating his technique sometime in 1958.

Maharishi started to plan on establishing one TM (Transcendental Meditation) teaching center for each
million of the world's population in 1978. During that time, it would mean having to build about 3,600 TM
centers throughout the world. Since then, Maharishi has continued the teaching of Transcendental
Meditation from the Netherlands through an organization called the Global Country of World Peace. This
organization has reported that over six million people all over the world have learned the Transcendental
Meditation technique since it was introduced.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught in a standardized, seven-step process. The process is
composed of two introductory lectures, a personal interview, and a two-hour meditation instruction session
given on each for four consecutive days. The instruction starts with a short ceremony that is performed by
the teacher. After that, the student is taught and starts practicing the technique. The following sessions are
given in order to provide further enhance the correct practice of the meditation technique as well as to
provide more information that the student might need to know about.

The goal practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique is, according to Maharishi, to achieve
enlightenment. He states that enlightenment comprises of seven major states of consciousness. The first
three are commonly known as waking, dreaming, and deep dreamless sleep. The fourth state,
Transcendental Consciousness, is said to be achieved and experienced during the practice of the technique.

Maharishi says that a person who practices Transcendental Meditation will eventually learn how to maintain
the experience of transcendental consciousness even while living everyday life. This is what he refers to as
enlightenment and calls it as the Cosmic Consciousness, the fifth state of consciousness. The sixth and
seventh states, the God Consciousness and Unity Consciousness, are further improvements of the Cosmic

Transcendental meditation can be practiced for as short as 15–20 minutes in the morning and evening. It is
usually done while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. While undergoing Transcendental Meditation, a
person's awareness starts to settle down and begins to experience a unique state of relaxing alertness. As
the body further becomes deeply relaxed, the mind begins to transcend all mental activity in order to
experience the simplest form of awareness, which is the Transcendental Consciousness. This is the state
where the consciousness is open to itself. The meditation technique used is said to involve neither
concentration nor contemplation.
Meditation has been practiced for centuries. In the years that followed, various movements have evolved
and one of them is called transcendental meditation.

Transcendental meditation was a movement founded in 1957 by a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Today, it has
over 6 million followers and some of them include Hollywood celebrities and singers.

The organization that practices Transcendental Meditation is better known as the Spiritual Regeneration
Movement. What makes this form of meditation different from the others is the fact that you don't just learn
everything there is to know by reading a book but by learning from a transcendental meditation expert.

The ultimate goal of Transcendental Meditation is to make each member achieve pure consciousness. By
doing so, the individual will be able to find peace with him or herself and also with the rest of the world.

The practice of transcendental meditation takes about 15 to 20 minutes each day. In order to be part of this
organization, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi created a seven step process which everyone must go through that
also includes two lectures, a personal interview with a trained instructor and four days of practice. Apart from
that, you are required to pay a signup fee that is almost $2,500.

More than 500 clinical studies have been done on Transcendental Meditation. One study shows that
members who are in their 50's feel much younger. Another study shows that it improves your academic
achievement, creativity and intelligence.

Those who have been practicing it claim that it reduces problems such as anxiety, insomnia and stress.
Even those who have had addictions with alcohol or drugs in the past say that this has helped them kick the

In short, Transcendental Meditation is able to improve your physical health. Probably the biggest surprise is
that one study showed that members of this movement have had fewer medical problems than those who
are not.

Given the benefits it can do to those who practice it, this is probably the reason why some companies in the
US offer this program to their employees. This is because management knows that stress costs them more
than 200 billion dollars annually which means a decrease in the worker's productivity.

One example of such a company that offers this to their employees is General Motors. This car company
has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for several years and results from a study showed that this
increased the productivity in the workplace, improved morale and had a good impact on the physical health
of their workers.

There are even some who have mistaken Transcendental Meditation and the organization itself to be part of
the religious cult. This is because another name by which it is known is the "Science of Creative Intelligence"
which in fact is a degree that you can get after you graduate at the Maharishi University of Management in
Fairfield, Iowa.

It should also be pointed out that Transcendental Meditation is scientific so you don't have to abandon your
current religion. In fact, it can be done with little effort so it is possible for you to achieve pure consciousness
regardless of your age, gender, educational background, culture or religion.

Transcendental Meditation makes you look inward so you are able to turn those dormant potentials into
realities. Of course, this can only happen over time and with practice so you will soon be able to experience
an endless world of possibilities.
Each human being is a masterpiece, a source of limitless energy and potential. Within each person, there is
a vast well of power, knowledge, and life. Each is created with a mind and a soul that instinctively rises
above to meet the infinite boundaries of being.

The quest for happiness, for success, and for a better quality of living is endless among most people. Many
look forward to the promises of tomorrow for a more pleasant life. Some, on the other hand, cling to various
things for joy and satisfaction. However, do you know that many of the things that most people dream today
are actually hidden within them? These are only waiting to be discovered and unleashed.

Transcendental meditation revolves around this purpose – to help a person successfully bridge the gap that
separates him from his inner self and to discover the treasures lurking within him in the process.
Transcendental meditation can be traced back to the year 1957, originating from India's Vedic tradition. This
specific type of meditation primarily works using a certain utterance called mantra. The idea behind this
activity is to reiterate the given mantra following specific principles and procedures.

When successfully performed, the result is the attainment of a specific state of mind that is called
transcendental consciousness. Once you attain this state, you will experience a sense of tranquility and
alertness. These two senses of being may make you think that transcendental consciousness is ironic in
nature. However, this can actually be achieved, and the benefits are overwhelming.

Practicing transcendental meditation is a way to calm the body and the mind, to free it from the binds of the
material world. You will not need to exert too much effort to achieve this. No concentration is even required.
You do not have to do anything. With the mantra as your guide, you will be able to transcend worldly

Once free from the bounds of material perceptions, only then will you be able to discover the pool of
potentials that you have. Your intellect will reveal to you truths that have been hidden in the depths of your
soul and riches that you may never even know exist in you. By looking inward, you keep in touch with
yourself and bring to life all those dormant potentials that have been endowed to you since you were born.

The challenge to every person who practices transcendental meditation is to be able to bring his hidden
potential out into his daily life. This activity only requires about twenty minutes of your time, performed two
times a day, to be able to take effect in its best form. With practice, you can easily learn the technique and
witness the changes that it will bring your life. It is geared towards the growth of the entire self. By drawing
energy from within, you will be able to improve your outer self and your whole life. Once the gap has been
bridged, you can expect to experience a new personality, a new lifestyle, and a much better outlook in life.
Ultrasonic subliminals are widely available on the market these days. But people are still wondering whether
they work or not. To better understand how they effect change in a person's mind, take a look at how
ultrasonic subliminals are made.

A Quick Inside Look

Ultrasonic subliminals are vocalizations or other sounds that have been made with such high pitch that they
block off vibrations in the eardrum. Instead, they tend to shudder some portions of the inner ear. Because of
this mechanism, the conscious audible range is incapable of detecting the sound. The subconscious, on the
other hand, perceives the stimulus, deciphers it and then understands the message.

Unlike masked subliminals that are normally covered or masked with other sounds (i.e. sound of water),
ultrasonic subliminals may be recorded without the masking sounds. As a result, the recording gives the
impression of a blank CD. Then again, a visualizer will typically reveal the existence of the high-pitched

Without a doubt, ultrasonic subliminals have a number of advantages over the masked variety; and vice-
versa. However, the majority of commercially sold subliminals are in the masked format as this layout is
easier to make and has an extensive history of success – given that it is correctly made and utilized. The
ultrasonic type is more difficult to create yet it is generally more effective for the reason that the subliminal
message is considerably louder.

The Mechanism of Action

In essence, ultrasonic subliminals function the same way as hypnosis but with no alteration of the
awareness. The recordings usually require repetitive usage over a number of days, weeks, or even months
to achieve full effect. Sorry to say, but anyone who is marketing "instant results" with ultrasonic subliminals
is selling falsehood.

Although they can generate positive outcome after one exposure, this likelihood is very rare and typically
occurs when the goal is strongly desired within a short span of time.

More often than not, ultrasonic subliminals require three to four weeks of exposure before it begins to show
results. You need to at least expose yourself to the recording for one hour each day. Then again, for better
outcome, you can play it all night long. Some people who are willing to take the extra mile may even get the
desired effect in less than one week or as quick as three whole nights of exposure.

The Subliminal Message

The subconscious aspect of the mind is extremely childlike. It soaks everything up literally. Therefore, the
sentences used in subliminal messages need to be brief, simple and straightforward. They need to steer
clear of negative statements since the words "not" and 'don't" are generally not recognized by the
subconscious. For instance, the phrase "I am healthy because I don't smoke" may be perceived as "I am
healthy because I smoke".

In addition to using positive statements, the subliminal messages also need to be in the present tense. The
subconscious mind only recognizes the present. For this reason, the script – in order to be considered a
good one – should avoid using future tense.

The focus of the messages in ultrasonic subliminals should be in the "here and now" and not in the "yet to
come". For example, the phrase "I will be successful" is not an excellent affirmation because it actually gives
the subconscious an idea that you are not doing well right now. It somehow suspends the belief into a future
that never takes place.
The emerging trend of using ultrasonic subliminals to get rid of bad habits (i.e. smoking) or to boost positive
behaviors has left a lot of people wondering if it actually works. To end the speculations, read on to know
whether or not this method will indeed be appropriate for you and your specific needs.

Subliminal Messages

The human brain is made up of the conscious mind and the subconscious. The conscious aspect is
responsible for logical thought, while the subconscious mind is typically beyond one's control. However, with
the use of ultrasonic subliminals you can somehow effect change in the way your subconscious thoughts
influence your thinking, as well as your behavior.

The subconscious mind is, in fact, very responsive to both negative and positive suggestions. It easily
accepts as true any information it is presented with. This is because it has no discrimination or capacity for
rational thinking. Its function can be likened to a camera that takes snapshots of a person's mind states.
Emotions and thoughts are fused for future use. In addition, experiences are captured at face value devoid
of analytical judgment.

Basically, the subconscious mind cannot make distinctions between right and wrong. It merely perceives
and puts information in storage. When viewed this way, it makes a lot of sense to aggressively program this
aspect of the mind by means of exposing it to a number of positive suggestions. In addition, modifying it with
meta-programs can be extremely beneficial.

Since the subconscious is shaped by previous experiences, it is capable of storing everything that has taken
place in a person's life may it be good/right or bad/wrong. In view of that, it can help you in some cases and
it can restrict you in others by responding to certain circumstances based on outdated and/or faulty

For instance, not talking to strangers may have been beneficial when you were younger, yet the same
conduct may also present itself as a setback in adulthood. In other words, that behavior could get in the way
of your interaction with other people – especially at work. The fear to speak in public is another
consequence of that early conditioning.

In the language of computer programming, you may utilize subliminal message to write over a bad code. So
if there are any out-of-date programs, you can simply use repetition, emotion, and relaxation to generate
astonishing results. By showering your subconscious with affirmations, it will be compelled to overwrite the
former beliefs.

Silent Programming

You can play a recording of ultrasonic subliminals repetitively while working, reading a book, watching TV, or
doing any activity that you prefer to accomplish in silence. Of course, you will not hear the messages
consciously since they have been adjusted to exceedingly high frequencies.

Nonetheless, your brain will still sense and process the audio stimuli. The subliminal messages will
immediately find a way around your mind's critical faculties, therefore generating long-term positive results
within the shortest span of time.

To validate the presence of ultrasonic messages in a recording, you can make use of sound editing
programs – or any media player that is equipped with spectral or frequency analysis, or a visualization utility
like WinAmp or Windows Media Player. Simply enable the visualization options and play the ultrasonic track.
You will be able to observe the visualizer oscillating in response to the muted high frequency subliminal

You can use the repeat option of any CD or media player for personalized playback of the ultrasonic
subliminals. On top of that, you can play the track anytime and anywhere you like. The more frequent you
expose your mind to the silent programming, the better and more lasting the outcome will be.
+Clearing your mind through meditation is one of the most peaceful ways you can find to just relieve all the
tension you have in your body. Once your mind and body are relaxed you can start to just enjoy some time
to yourself. I know that most of us listen to the radio at some point of the day. You may enjoy music ranging
from country,to easy listening,to disco,soft rock,classic country,or even blue grass.

Whatever kind of music you enjoy you can find this as a very relaxing way of meditation. For a lot of you that
are in good physical shape and like to exercise in a gym at home or even by jogging you want to be able to
free your mind of a lot of things that have bothered you through the day.If you are out and about doing your
exercises take a Walkman with you and just put it on a station that you really like and let the music just relax
all of your tension.

If you are at home exercising or even cooking or cleaning if you have a CD player get one of your favorite
Cd's and play it while you are doing the things you need to do.You can also just go get some blank tapes
and record your favorite music off the radio for your meditation. One of the things I find relaxing is listening
to music while I am working on the computer.

I have found free sites such as lime wire and frost wire and have taken the time to download my all time
favorite songs. I transfer the songs I enjoy into my windows media player and play my music everyday when
I am on the computer. I just quietly sing along to my favorite music relax and just meditate about my day. I
actually use my keyboard a lot and have to do a lot of typing about different subjects. I have found that if I
am not completely relaxed and my mind clear I will make many mistakes in my work which I can't afford to

I know I need to be completely relaxed so I pull up my windows media player and play my most favorite
songs that will help me to use mediation to get my work done. I have also bought some blank Cd's and
burned my favorite songs and then listen to that CD while working on the computer or even going
somewhere in my car. After having a busy long hard day and I know I still have to drive home and start my
routine of cooking,helping kids with homework,giving the kids a bath and getting them to bed.

As soon as I get in my car and I think about all the things I will have to do I put my CD in the player clear my
mind and relax and meditate. After I get all my work done I put the kids to bed and the house is very quiet I
will draw me a hot bubble bath and listen to my music and just clear my mind and gather my thoughts so I
then can start the next day with a clear head.

So whether you enjoy meditating by exercising,shopping,or listening to your favorite music you will find once
you have released all of your tension you can then start to feel good about yourself and when you feel good
about yourself you can then feel good about your life.
While most people would agree that meditation is a mental practice, the objectives of different people and
different religions vary.

In this article, we will discuss the differences among major religions on how they view the practice of

1. Hinduism

- this religion probably has the oldest texts that deal with meditation. While there are several types of
meditation in Hinduism, they generally focus on achieving a calm state of mind.

This is one of the more popular perceptions of meditation.

2. Buddhism

- founded by Buddha in 500 BC, this religion's take on meditation is that which aims to attain enlightenment
just like its founder.

3. Christianity

- this religion treats meditation as a prayer. Thus practices such as praying the rosary can be considered as
meditation in the Christian world.

Another form of meditation practiced by Christians is by pondering upon a certain religious passage. It has a
striking difference against

Eastern religions since Christian meditation involves an active mind while the opposite is true for Eastern

4. Judaism

- what is referred to as Jewish meditation is in fact a collection of practices that revolve around practices
such as contemplation, visualization, analysis and gaining intuitive insights.

5. Taoism

- while most religions practice meditation while remaining still, Taoism takes a physically active take on this.
It is evident in the practice of Tai Chi wherein practitioners do what is called 'meditation in motion".

As you see, there are basic differences among religions on how they approach meditation. However, a
common thread that keeps them together is that they treat meditation as a mental practice.
Meditation has always been associated with solitude, tranquility, and physical inactivity. When one talks of
meditation, you may usually come up with a scenario in which a person finds a secluded area, closes his
eyes in silence, and rests his body while working his mind out. Does meditation always have to be like this?

Meditation is an art. A method. A skill. A process. It is the art of keeping in touch with yourself, of discovering
your entirety and the many facets of your being. It is also a skill that must be developed. It requires discipline
and right mindset. You cannot simply think that you will meditate and expect to achieve a result right after.
This requires the tuning of one's consciousness. Meditation typically involves a set of procedures and
guidelines to be followed. Typically, the success of the activity will depend on the adherence to the given
principles and rules.

One interesting form of meditation that deviates from the old and traditional concept is walking meditation.
Walking meditation is a lot different from other forms of meditation known to many. For one, you will not
have to be physically inactive just to do it. In fact, you need to move and be active – you need to walk! You
have to actively engage your mind and your body in this activity in order to experience a holistic positive
result. This brings another benefit. Since walking is a daily activity, you can actually grow by meditation

You also will not have to find a secluded place just so you can meditate. Anywhere will do. Actually, a noisy
and crowded place is even encouraged. Here is where the challenge lies. Concentration is important and
awareness must be focused. You must not allow the outer world to bind your mind into it – by the things that
you see, hear, or whatever you perceive. You may be aware of them, but you must guard not to do anything
about them. Do not cling to anything.

The guiding principle behind walking meditation is achieving a balanced awareness, equilibrium, between
your inner self and the outer world surrounding you. This meditation will invite you to feel your entire body,
all the workings of the parts that make you up, being aware how each of your body parts operates. While
doing this, you also have to notice your emotion and your mood. These are all done while you walk. The
outside world need not be lost in your focus. There will always be stuffs that will catch your attention as you
meditate, and you are not to resist. You are not to hang on to these, though. You have to let them pass by,
observing them without doing anything at all.

This is the real sense of awareness. The ideal result of walking meditation is the person's consciousness of
the outside world while being completely aware of his inner self. When this is achieved, many of the puzzles
and complexities of life will become clearer and simpler. By bridging the gap between what is within and
what is out of yourself, you can take full control of your life and enjoy a healthier and a more satisfied
What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese type of spiritual practice also used for stress reduction and relaxation. It
is a technique that also helps promote healing either for self or for other people. It is characterized as a
practice of "laying of hands".

The healing powers of the technique are based on the idea that there is an unseen "life force energy" that
flows through each person. This life force is said to be the reason why people are alive. When one's life
force energy is low, then people are likely to get sick or feel weak. If the life force is high, people fell healthy
and happy.

Reiki is also a form of meditation used as a type of therapy for treating physical, emotional, and mental
diseases. The name Reiki is taken from two Japanese characters that describe energy itself. The word "rei",
which means "unseen" or 'spiritual" and "ki" which means "energy" or "life force" is combined to become
Reiki. In English, its meaning is usually given as "universal life energy".

It was Mikao Usui who was known to have developed Reiki in 20th century Japan. Story has it that Usui
received the ability of healing after going through three weeks of fasting and meditating on top of Mount
Kurama. Practitioners of Reiki use a technique similar to that of the laying on of hands.

This action is said to promote the channeling of "healing energy" to another person. The energy flows
through the palms and brings along with it healing powers that can be used for self-treatment as well as for
treating others.

Reiki is a simple, natural as well as safe method of dispensing spiritual healing and self-improvement. It is
said to be effective in providing alternative treatment for virtually every known illness and malady. Not only
that, Reiki also helps create an added beneficial effect, that of spiritual healing. This method is also said to
work well when combined with other medical or therapeutic techniques to help relieve side effects and
promote recovery.

Reiki, although seen as a very powerful healing technique, is an amazingly simple to learn. Reiki and the
ability to use it effectively cannot be taught in the usual sense. The skill is said to be 'transferred" to the
student during a Reiki class.

This ability is not merely learned but is passed on by a Reiki master to the student during a gathering known
as "attunement". After the skill has been passed on, it allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of
"life force energy" that can then be used to improve one's health and enhance the one's quality of life.

Although the practice of Reiki may be spiritual in nature, it is not considered as a religion. There are no set
of beliefs that one should learn about before learning to practice the technique known as Reiki. The practice
does not depend on any form of dogma.

It will work whether the student believes it or not. But it is said that the practice of Reiki helps people to keep
in touch of their spiritual selves rather than the intellectual concept that it provides.

The practice of Reiki also aims to develop and promote living in harmony with others. Aside from practicing
Reiki and its principles, the founder of the Reiki system, Mikao Usui also recommends the practice of simple
ethical ideals that can lead to peace and harmony among people.

Getting to know what Reiki is may help people not only become a healing channel but also a tool to promote
peace among other people.
Yoga refers to the unity of the body and mind and unity of the mind and soul. In Western cultures, people
believed that gaps between the actual bodies and ideal bodies are increasing. This is because of two major
reasons: lack of exercises and unhealthy diets leading to diabetes and obesity.

The practice of Asana through Pranayama can bring flexibility to the body, calmness to the mind, and
balance. This can provide basic trainings with some simple asanas. There are five simple points need to be
followed: Proper Breathing; Proper Exercise; Proper Diet; Positive Thinking and Mediation; and Proper

Yoga meditation can give people something which nothing else can. The individuals are introduced to the
different levels of themselves. Yoga meditation can bring calmness, tranquility of the mind, better health,
better life, better relationships, personal insights, spiritual insights, philosophical insights, and a true sense of

Numerous studies have revealed that yoga meditation can significantly affect the musculoskeletal, nervous,
endocrine, and circulatory systems. Using certain yoga postures can assure well being because it taps the
body into the wisdom of self healing. Yoga can also build flexibility, balance, and strength without any injury
risk common to fitness activities and high impact sports. Yoga meditation can reduce stress and boost
immunity which is always associated with most chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Beginners can explore the world of yoga as long as they have the tools needed to stay in good condition.
They can always enjoy the yoga benefits.

Hatha Yoga is one structure of meditation. Each posture, each breathing practice is considered as
meditation forms. It calms the body, mind, and breath. Practicing this for about an hour can help people feel
more relaxed for several hours because they have achieved serenity and peace. This could be a very great
meditation practice.

The asanas compared to various forms of exercises are completely different. These are normally done with
fast movement and within specific amounts of strain. Exercises can accelerate breathing, waste energy,
and draw circulation on the body's surface. In the end, it develops the muscular parts of the body. This
means that the vitality goes with the muscles at the costs of the internal nerves and glands.

According to the Founder of the Yoga teaching, Sri Bhagavan Patanjali, asana in literal meaning is a posture
which brings comfort and steadiness. So, asanas must be practiced with extreme comfort and ease.

The cleansing method of Yoga called NETI-nasal cleansing is an extreme powerful technique yet the most
simplest. Neti can work wonders for allergies, several asthma cases, and chronic sinusitis. The effect is very
remarkable for hay fevers, an infection on the upper respiratory tract.

In the United States, there are more than 40 million sufferers of sinusitis. Most of them failed to be cured by
antibiotics. Jalaneti or neti is the best method of treating sinuses naturally.

Neti is also excellent for people who wanted to quit smoking. It is because the tendency for breathing
through the mouth is reduced. The nose is re-sensitized by neti on the concrete pollution of smoke ingestion
thus it de-programs the brain from psychological and physical addiction. Yoga meditation is really helpful for
achieving a great and healthy body.
We all have to deal with stress from either work or school. You can't close your eyes to make it go away but
you can find peace so you can deal with it. One technique that can offer this is called Zen meditation.

Zen meditation is often referred to as the study of the self. It involves sitting in various postures so you are
able to bring the mind and body to a peaceful and stable condition. This happens as you focus on images
and thoughts that just pop up as your heart rate slows down until you reach a reflective state of meditation.

One of the best seating positions to do this is called the Burmese position. There is also the full lotus, half
lotus, kneeling or 'seiza" posture and sitting on a chair.

The key here is to keep your back straight so that your deep breathing will go naturally. This allows more
oxygen to enter that will help cleanse and energize the body.

The buttocks must be thrust out and the chin tucked in. The hands should be placed close to the body with
the left hand resting on top of the right with palms open and up. The joint of the middle fingers are resting on
top of the other with the thumbs slightly touching.

Your eyes should be half closed and your head should be positioned to a 45 degree angle towards the body.
Given that it is not easy to keep the eyes like this the whole time, you can try closing them first and then
opening them later on. Should you get sleepy, just open them wide.

The challenging part is staying in a stationary position for 15 to 20 minutes. After you have developed a
breathing pattern, you slowly relax the muscles from your face all the way down to your feet. As it slows
down and oxygen enters, you should focus on positive thoughts and exhale those that are negative.

By concentrating, you are able to unite the body, mind and soul so that your mind is aware of only the
present and no longer the past or the unforeseeable future.

Aside from the right posture, you should always wear loose clothing. It is not wise to practice this after a
heavy meal because a full stomach usually creates discomfort which in itself is a distraction.

If you would like to learn Zen Meditation, you can read about it or better yet join a group. Once you get the
hang of things, you can even buy a few accessories to make the experience a fruitful one like incense sticks,
a bell or even a ringing bowl to mark the start and end of a session.

Short incense sticks burn for about 45 minutes while the longer ones are double the time. You can even use
the kitchen timer since no one will be there to ring the bell to say time is up.

Zen meditation experts recommend that beginners should try for 10 minutes first until you get used to it
before you decide to extend this for 20 or 30 minutes. Should your mind wander off, concentrate a little
harder to focus once again on your breathing so your thoughts will settle down naturally.
It might take a little coffee or probably a few rounds of beer or any other booze you could get your hands on
when it comes to relaxing after a hard day's work. Well, yeah I'm guilty about that one as well, unless I'm
caught dead wearing a lampshade over my head after a few rounds of vodka... half-naked! Okay, bad
example and I apologize to everyone reading this after getting nightmares about me in that state of drunken

Just don't ask how it happened, please.

But what's really interesting is that how do people go through the usual part of life when faced with vein-
popping stress? I mean, the new age thing like Zen or yoga is one of the good things and it actually works.
Is there room for the intellectual side of people who can actually smell the roses-in-a-can while on the
move? It kind of had me thinking that there really must be something in this 'mind-over-matter' thing.

Humor is indeed the best medicine there is whenever you are. I mean anyone can pay good money to listen
to a comedian just to make you wet your pants after laughing so hard. Despite of what's been happening,
and to those who has gone though the ordeal, it's better to just laugh while facing the troubles with a clear
mind than anger with a clouded vision. One of my favorite celebrities of all time may have to be Woody
Allen. Now this is one guy who gives you the in-your-face bluntness that he pulls out with gusto, even
without even trying. You can talk just about anything with a man, and he's bound to mock the subject and
you'll end up laughing rather than being upset about it.

Woody Allen has this to say:

1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality
of all things does involve money but it doesn't have to take an arm and a leg to get it.

2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government." 'Nuff said.

3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"
This happens to be one of the classic ones. I mean the issue about life's little problems isn't all that bad, until
'he' shows up.

Sure, relationships can get complicated, or does have its complications that probably any author about
relationships is bound to discover it soon. We follow what our heart desires, unless you're talking about the
heart as in the heart that pump blood throughout your body.

4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions."
And if you want more, just keep on asking!

5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'." It sounds,
'practical', I think.

And when it comes to everyday life, he really knows how to make the best out of every possible scenario,
and it doesn't involve a lawsuit if he strikes a nerve.

6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." I
never had a boat in my bathtub before. Just staring at it while soaking in hot water makes me seasick

7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." If it rains, it pours.

8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." It could get worse when you're
guzzling on beer... or mouthwash, and it happened to me once!

9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." At least he doesn't smite us with lightning, and
I'm thankful for that.

And despite of what may happen to all of us in the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I guess we all have
to see things in a different kind of light and not just perspective. I can't seem to imagine life without any
piece of wisdom that could guide us. Whether we're religious or not, it takes more courage to accept your
fears and learn how to deal with them is all that matters when it comes to even just getting along.
And to sum things up, here is the last nugget of wisdom to go by... however, whenever, and wherever we
may be.

10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."

Be all you can be, but it's not always in the Army. I often see myself as somewhat contented with my life the
way things are, but of course it's hard to think of anything else when where are real issues to be discussed.

Still I aspire for something deeper and more meaningful.

So we're all pelted with problems. Honestly it shouldn't even bother or even hinder us to becoming all we
ought to be. Aspirations as kids should continue to live within us, even though it would be short-lived or as
long as we could hold on to the dream. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks... or can they?

1. What do I really want? The question of the ages. So many things you want to do with your life and so little
time to even go about during the day.

Find something that you are good at can help realize that small step towards improvement. Diligence is the
key to know that it is worth it.

2. Should I really change? Today's generation has taken another level of redefining 'self', or at least that's
what the kids are saying. Having an army of teenage nieces and nephews has taught me that there are far
worse things that they could have had than acne or maybe even promiscuity. So how does that fit into your

If history has taught us one thing, it's the life that we have gone through. Try to see if partying Seventies
style wouldn't appeal to the younger generation, but dancing is part of partying. Watch them applaud after
showing them how to really dance than break their bones in break-dancing.

3. What's the bright side in all of this? With so much is happening around us there seem to be no room for
even considering that light at the end of the tunnel. We can still see it as something positive without
undergoing so much scrutiny. And if it's a train at the end of the tunnel, take it for a ride and see what makes
the world go round!

4. Am I comfortable with what I'm doing? There's always the easy way and the right way when it comes to
deciding what goes with which shoes, or purse, shirt and whatnot. It doesn't take a genius to see yourself as
someone unique, or else we'll all be equally the same in everything we do. Variety brings in very interesting
and exciting questions to be experimented.

5. Have I done enough for myself? Have you, or is there something more you want to do? Discontentment in
every aspect can be dangerous in large doses, but in small amounts you'll be able to see and do stuff you
could never imagine doing.

6. Am I happy at where I am today? It's an unfair question so let it be an answer! You love being a good and
loving mom or dad to your kids, then take it up a notch! Your kids will love you forever. The same goes with
everyday life!

7. Am I appealing to the opposite sex? So maybe I don't have an answer to that, but that doesn't mean I
can't try it, though. Whether you shape-up, change the way you wear your clothes or hair, or even your
attitude towards people, you should always remember it will always be for your own benefit.

8. How much could I have? I suppose in this case there is no such things on having things too much or too
little, but it's more on how badly you really need it. I'd like to have lots of money, no denying that, but the
question is that how much are you willing to work for it?

9. What motivates me? What motivates you? It's an answer you have to find out for yourself. There are so
many things that can make everyone happy, but to choose one of the may be the hardest part. It's not like
you can't have one serving of your favorite food in a buffet and that's it. Just try it piece by piece.

10. What Really Makes You Tick? So? What really makes you tick? You can be just about anything you
always wanted to be, but to realize that attaining something that may seem very difficult is already giving up
before you even start that journey. Always remember, that self-improvement is not just about the physical or
philosophical change you have to undergo, but it's something that you really want.
The Blarney Stone is a historical stone, or actually part of the Blarney Castle in Ireland where it was believed
that kissing the stone can grant you the gift of gab. Yeah, it seems strange in this day and age, but who are
we to question tradition? It's not like I'm saying that Santa Claus doesn't exist (OOPS!).

There is so much to know about conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go though
watching talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; ordinary conversations; certain
rules still apply when it comes to interaction through words. It may sound tedious, I know, but even though
it's your mouth that's doing the work, your brain works twice as hard to churn out a lot of things you know.
So what better way to start learning to be an effective communication is to know the very person closest to
you: yourself.

1. What you know. Education is all about learning the basics, but to be an effective speaker is to practice
what you've learned. My stint as guest at every Toastmasters' meeting I go to taught me that we all have our
limitations, but that doesn't mean we can't learn to keep up and share what we know.

2. Listening. It's just as important as asking questions. Sometimes listening to the sound of our own voice
can teach us to be a little bit confident with ourselves and to say the things we believe in with conviction.

3. Humility We all make mistakes, and sometimes we tend to slur our words, stutter, and probably
mispronounce certain words even though we know what it means, but rarely use it only to impress listeners.
So in a group, don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if they're unsure about it
then make a joke out of it. I promise you it'll make everyone laugh and you can get away with it as well.

4. Eye Contact There's a lot to say when it comes to directing your attention to your audience with an eye-
catching gaze. It's important that you keep your focus when talking to a large group in a meeting or a
gathering, even though he or she may be gorgeous.

5. Kidding around A little bit of humor can do wonders to lift the tension, or worse boredom when making
your speech. That way, you'll get the attention of the majority of the crowd and they'll feel that you're just as
approachable, and as human to those who listen.

6. Be like the rest of them Interaction is all about mingling with other people. You'll get a lot of ideas, as well
as knowing what people make them as they are.

7. Me, Myself, and I Admit it, there are times you sing to yourself in the shower. I know I do! Listening to the
sound of your own voice while you practice your speech in front of a mirror can help correct the stress areas
of your pitch. And while you're at it you can spruce up as well.

8. With a smile A smile says it all much like eye contact. There's no point on grimacing or frowning in a
meeting or a gathering, unless it's a wake. You can better express what you're saying when you smile.

9. A Role Model There must be at least one or two people in your life you have listened to when they're at a
public gathering or maybe at church. Sure they read their lines, but taking a mental note of how they
emphasize what they say can help you once you take center stage.

10. Preparation Make the best out of preparation rather than just scribbling notes and often in a hurried
panic. Some people like to write things down on index cards, while other resort to being a little more silly as
they look at their notes written on the palm of their hand (not for clammy hands, please). Just be comfortable
with what you know since you enjoy your work.

And that about wraps it up. These suggestions are rather amateurish in edgewise, but I've learned to
empower myself when it comes to public or private speaking and it never hurts to be with people to listen
how they make conversations and meetings far more enjoyable as well as educational.
At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do
with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become
frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes
it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which
increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less
time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you
shift into more positive thinking patterns:

1. Take Good Care of Yourself It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and
getting enough rest.

2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For Stresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad
when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Taking just 60 seconds a day
to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.

3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads
us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear
that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly
gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don't waste time worrying that you
did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.

4. Refrain from Using Absolutes Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a
friend "You NEVER call me!"? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the
situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. If
you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don't follow it.

6. Squash the "ANTs" In his book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," Dr. Daniel Amen talks about
"ANTs" - Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like "Those
people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!" When
you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!

7. Practice Lovin', Touchin' & Squeezin' (Your Friends and Family) You don't have to be an expert to know
the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant
pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as
she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't

8. Increase Your Social Activity By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself
with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!

9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person Everyone feels good after helping. You can
volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the
more you will receive in return.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to
interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus
on something negative. It's never productive, because it's not rational or solution-oriented, it's just excessive
worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend,
pick up a book, or turn on some music.

When it comes to the corporate world, protocol is pretty much the religion. To know the things needed to do
are the basics of productivity, but interaction and having a steady mind makes up the entire thing to true
productivity. There are those who seem to work well even under pressure, but they're uncommon ones and
we are human and imperfect. To get these little things like stress under our skins won't solve our problems.
Sometimes it takes a bit of courage to admit that we're turning to be workaholics than tell ourselves that
we're not doing our best.
Do you watch television? What a stupid question, right? It's just that two individuals in my family do not,
ever. I fully admit that I do. I'm a crime show fanatic. Take your pick from any current crime series running
on television now days. I probably watch it weekly. You want to know one thing every crime show has in
common? They all show us what an abusive relationship looks like. Sure, they vary in severity and number
of victims, but we can tell what to look for. Therefore if someone were being abused in this modern society,
wouldn't we all be able to spot it? Considering that we know the person. Think about that! Who do you know
that may express symptoms? If you know someone, it's your duty as a friend or even an acquaintance to
help. If you don't, maybe no one will.

Why do we shy away from responsibilities? I have a friend, whose aunt was in an abusive relationship. He
knew, his family knew, and everyone basically knew. So what was the deal? Where was the intervention? I
couldn't help but inquire his thoughts. I demanded to know what he was waiting for. He's a grown man and
he should assist her. However, he informed me that they could not get her out of the abusive relationship,
basically because she refused. So then what do you do? This woman is in her 40s, and still she chooses to
stay with someone who treats her poorly. Hmm, this can be a tricky issue. You see, when someone is
abused, they are typically isolated as well. The abuser will keep them away from friends or family. He/she
will disconnect the victim from the outside world. This in turn renders them powerless. It sounds utterly
horrible, but it's reality. They also make their victims feel guilty or swear they only do what they do out of
love. The victim often feels sorry for the abuser.

Clearly an abusive relationship is a complicated. It's crucial for all of us to identify with the common signs. If
someone you know has bruises, cuts or scrapes on a regular basis, ask them about it. Individuals who are
stuck in an abusive relationship will commonly act withdrawn from society. Moreover, if you see a child that
fits these symptoms, it's your duty to see what's up. A child cannot be expected to deal with an abusive
parent or relative like an adult. Trust your intuition.
Nearly all of us have heard about abusive relationships. Some of us who are less fortunate might even have
lived through a few ourselves. But the hard and cruel fact of life is that abusive relationships are a reality that
we cannot wish away. No matter how bold the measures adopted by the state functionaries might be or how
compelling the advertising campaigns centered around abusive relationships may be, they are not
something that is likely to go away or even be wished away. They are an ugly reality that take a toll not just
on the perpetrator and the victim, but also everyone else who happens to be a part of the equation.

A recent study by the department dealing with juvenile delinquency found that nearly 80% of teenage
offenders came from families where abusive relationships were common. Imagine that! Eighty percent is not
an errant statistic. It is practically the whole group. If one were to use this study, it would be really easy to
conclude that everyone, or rather every child who has been in a household with abusive relationships, is
sure to become a juvenile delinquent! Worrying as this sounds, what makes it really scary is the fact that it is
the truth. And frankly, nothing much is being done to change the situation.

Why exactly do abusive relationships take root? And how can they be rooted out? In order to answer these
questions, it is necessary to understand the nature of abusive relationships in the first place. Not all abusive
relationships begin because the perpetrators are evil, wicked people who want to hurt others. In fact, the
opposite may very well be true. Most abusers in abusive relationships are people who themselves have
some sort of deficiency, which they try to equalize or even out through the use of force to dominate others.
As is usually the case, this kind of force tends to harm others more than it heals them. Which is what leads
to abusive relationships.

Psychologists and mental health professionals have studied abusive relationships for a very long time. And
without exception, they have all found one common thread that runs through. Most abusers are otherwise
charming people who often carry the burden of their deviant behavior with them in the form of lifelong guilt.
And the reasons they indulge in abuse is because they don't know how to deal with this guilt. Each episode
of abuse is followed by an episode of genuine remorse which is then evened out by another episode of
abuse. In a manner of speaking, it is a vicious cycle that they find themselves in and one for which they
need help in order to overcome.
As a Webmaster, you are forever searching for ways to make more money from your website. One of the
better ways to do this is to add or link some self improvement concepts into the contents.

Many webmasters have found that there are a few key programs they can add on their sites for which they
can honestly expect to make a few extra dollars, a few hundred extra dollars, and in some cases, a few
thousand extra dollars every month.

The trick to linking income from third-party programs is to carefully select programs that are relevant to your
site visitors, while insuring that the program you promote does not directly compete with your own offerings.

If you are giving something to your visitors that they will find useful, above and beyond your normal offerings
that is considered an "added value" item. Not only will it give your customers something they appreciate, it
will help them grow closer to you as a business owner. That way, there will appear a link between you and
the customers to pave the way for improvement.

This is helpful in accelerating the trust level that your customers have with you and your business which can
only serve you well over the long term. By adding this foundation of trust, your visitors will come back to your
site and buy from you again because they know that they can trust you to treat them well.

On the web, more so than in brick-and-mortar, the trust factor is the most important hurdle that the small
business owner must overcome with his potential customers. There are so many scams and rip-offs on the
web, that an honest soul is especially appreciated.

It is important to select your "added value" offerings based on the interests of your web site visitors. The
closer your offerings are to the needs of your target market, the more successful you will become selling
your added value products.

If your website is concerned with self-improvement, self-esteem, dating, relationships, love or marriage, then
you could do very well for yourself promoting the e-book, "How To Identify Your Soulmate."

Love relationships are failing in an alarming rate. In order to help as many people find happiness and self
improvement. Years of research on love relationships would not be enough to understand these things.

Why do some fail and why some succeed?

No matter the specifics of the situation the reader may be in, "How To Identify Your Soulmate" can assist
people in their quest to achieve success in their love relationships.

Products and services, which are relevant to the people who already visit your website and do not conflict or
compete with your current offerings, are ideally suited to allow you to deliver added value offerings to your

These added offerings will help you to build the trust level that your visitors have with you. Not to mention
that they will also help you add new layers of profitability to your website.

In the end, you should always strive to prepare your ezine or website to deliver more dollars. Target those
people who want to have more than just material things in life. Add self improvement links to what you have

These added links and information would be your perfect vehicles to take you where you want to go.
According to W.R. Miller, in The Addictive Behaviors, an individual can become dependent, addicted, or
compulsively obsessed with any activity, substance, object, or behavior that gives him or her pleasure. What
are addictive behaviors? There are similarities between physical addiction to alcohol and other chemicals,
and a psychological dependence that occurs with such activities as compulsive gambling, sex, and eating
disorders. Many individuals with addictive disorders report a blackout for the time they were engaging in the
behavior and don't remember how much or what they bought, etc. Endorphins are released in the brain
during an addicting activity and a feeling of well-being and euphoria results, which can lead to some people
getting into an addictive cycle.

The behaviors of the addicted person may progress into negative health and/or social consequences
because the person becomes obsessed and will seek out the substance or activity at the detriment of work
or interpersonal relationships. He or she will compulsively engage in the activity even if there is no desire to
do so, when not engaging in the activity withdrawal symptoms will often occur, like irritability, craving, and
restlessness. The individual may not feel that a problem exists because of the addictive behaviors, and deny
that it is affecting them and their livelihood, even when confronted by concerned friends and family
members. He or she may feel that it's just a bad habit, they have total control of the situation, and that they
can control how often they engage in the behavior, which is in direct opposition of the term compulsion.

Depression is common in individuals with addictive behaviors, as is low self esteem, and they usually come
from psychologically or physically abusive families. According to professional literature, there is no common
consensus as to the etiology, prevention, and treatment of addictive disorders. Many people consider these
behaviors diseases while others consider them to be behaviors resulting from a combination of heredity and
environmental factors. Some people disagree that addictive behaviors are diseases simply because there is
no definite cause and course of treatment used by all practitioners. This lack of agreement among
researchers and health care professionals causes problems with prevention and treatment approaches,
because no one approach works for every addict and his or her addiction. All this aside, there are various
types of therapy that do work, and continue to be a successful for treatment of addictive behaviors.
People with passive-aggressive behaviors show hostility and aggression in passive ways. Their aim is to
resist job and social demands, using the common excuse that they "forgot" while demonstrating a negative
attitude as to why they were late. Criticizing authority figures and failing to do their share of the work or not
doing it at all are common behaviors of this disorder. This person isn't aware of their own self-defeating
behaviors because they are simply a part of their personality. He or she often feels others make
unreasonable demands of them, but believes that they are doing a much better job than the credit they are
given. Aggressive behavior or passive-aggressive behavior is displayed in varying degrees, and there are
common signs of the personality disorder that help identify the behaviors.

The most common signs of passive-aggressive personality disorder occur repeatedly, such as ambiguity,
blaming others, chronic dilatory nature, forgetfulness, complaining, making excuses, lying, procrastination,
resentment, sarcasm, and stubbornness, and inability to express anger or hostility openly. These are only
the most identifiable behaviors, and all of them may not be present, just as other traits may be, such as
avoiding responsibility or fear of intimacy. How aggressive behaviors change over time is influenced by the
stability of the home and the strength of or conversely the lack of cohesiveness throughout the interpersonal
relationships within the family unit. According to the famous child psychologist, Dr. Spock, infants are born
with instincts for self-preservation that show up as what we label as aggressive behaviors. The may cry
angrily when they are hungry or uncomfortable, and as they grow and mature they learn to channel these
feelings constructively; it's when children don't learn to manage their emotions well that passive-aggressive
behaviors can emerge.

Treatment of this disorder can be difficult because of the patient's reluctance to comply with
recommendations, and the presence of passive resistance in general. People with passive-aggressive
behaviors often are not aware of the impact their behavior has on others, and when confronted with it, they
become dismayed and fail to see how they could have provoked such a negative response from their friends
or family members. The goal of individual therapy is convince the patient that their unconscious feelings of
negativity are being expressed passively onto everyone around us. The level of success reached through
treatment varies for each individual because it's greatly dependent on the effectiveness of the therapies
used. For more information on personality disorders visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness at
There are many trials that come with raising kids that many parents are not ready for. Though we do our
best, the best of us make mistakes. Some children have developmental problems that change what being a
parent means, and others have problems with aggressive behaviors that seem to come out of nowhere.
Though it seems as if controlling these is something that you cannot do, there are some things parents can
try to keep aggressive and troubling behaviors to a minimum.

You should always see a doctor when aggressive behaviors seem to be out of control, but there are some
small things parents can do on their own that might make a huge difference. The first thing is to understand
that children use aggressive behaviors in an attempt to convey some type of message. They may be in pain,
not able to communicate needs, or they simply don't know what they are feeling. Anger and aggression is
often a mask for something else, so keeping that in mind when the behaviors start is a good first step in
trying to get the child calmed down.

For any child, aggressive behaviors can seem to come out of nowhere. This is when parents need to think
about the events that lead up to the tantrum or behavior. This can give clues over a series of weeks as to
what is triggering the aggressive behaviors. This is especially helpful when you have a child with
developmental delays like autism. Figuring out why they are happening is a huge step in helping to avoid
such episodes in the future. Many times, parents find out that the behaviors that come out with aggression
are simple matters that are easy to fix or remedy.

Another thing to remember about aggressive behaviors is that patience is always the best thing anyone can
use. If you freak out along with them, things are only going to get worse. Behavior that is aggressive will be
charged and get worse if the parents are not calm about the matter. It can be very hard to be calm, but it is
immensely beneficial. Another thing to do in the middle of such an episode is to make sure the child is safe.
That might mean picking them up and moving them from being near stairs or breakable items. This is
something that many parents face with a sense of despair, but knowing what to do can mean changing
aggressive behaviors before they are so ingrained that they may never change.
If you are suffering from an alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Alcoholism is a word that sometimes has
negative social connotations, and just because a person drinks alcohol does not mean that they are an
alcoholic. The amount of alcohol consumed varies greatly from person to person that develops alcoholism,
and is also affected by genetic predisposition, and social and emotional health. Alcohol by definition is a
disease that results from a persistent use of alcohol despite negative personal, emotional, financial, and
professional consequences. Heavy alcohol use accompanied by dependence and symptoms of withdrawal,
and the inability to recognize that every bad thing has been related to an alcohol addiction. The sometimes
uncontrollable urge to drink leads to constant preoccupation with the drug.

According to numerous online sources, the most common substance of abuse resulting in dependence in
patients presenting for treatment is alcohol. Overcoming an addiction to anything can be difficult, but there is
help and hope available to people who want to stop drinking and get their lives back on track. The mind is
more powerful than any drug, and to discover this is to truly be on the road to recovery. Addicts have to
make a conscious choice to get and stay sober, one day at a time, and learn how to control the cravings. It's
not something that can be done alone, which is why there are treatment facilities all over the country, most
of which are privately owned substance abuse recovery centers. The philosophy of AA or Alcoholics
Anonymous has proven to be helpful to many alcoholics in their fight against alcohol addiction, and the
program is often used as an adjunct treatment with other therapies, such as in an inpatient setting. AA also
encourages communication with a sponsor to help guide the addict through the recovery process, and
provide support while working through the program.

Learn more about effects of alcohol as well as alcohol facts and the truth about alcohol addiction. Some
online literature discusses at length what drives alcohol addiction, detailing the effects of alcohol and
describes some of the research being done to correct drinking problems. Alcohol continues to be the most
greatly abused substance despite the wide-spread negative consequences. Even after public outbursts,
divorce, loss of employment, revocation of driving privileges, and loss of life and limb, alcoholics continue to
drink because it is so highly addicted in people who are predisposed to this disease. If you or someone you
know is giving part of their life to alcohol, encourage them to get help. It may take a series of bad events to
get the point across, and for many alcoholics, this is what it takes to see their illness in a different light.
Almost each and every day in the news, the media is announcing another celebrity or well-known individual
who is heading for a rehab facility. Some end up their for abuse of drugs, others will seek a stay to treat their
alcohol addiction. While both drugs and alcohol usually go hand in hand these days, that isn't always the
case. Perhaps it is with celebrities, but those individuals who don't live their lives in the spotlight seem to
battle with an alcohol addiction without the added evil drugs.

A lot of people who don't understand alcoholism will simply tell someone that they just need to quit drinking.
All of their woes will end if they just don't give into temptation. Sure, that sounds like a logical solution and a
sensible one as well. However, having an alcohol addiction simply does not allow for someone to just stop
drinking. They may attempt to stop but soon find that the cravings are just too much to bear. And that's how
you know if you or someone you care about truly does have an alcohol addiction. Having a bad day at work
and stopping at the bar on the way home for a few quick beers does not make you an alcoholic. Stopping
every single day on your way home for a few quick beers, and a few quick more, may indicate signs that
you"re not as in control as you'd like to be. You know that you, or someone you love, has an alcohol
addiction when they simply crave more and more of it. They want to keep drinking in order to maintain that
happy euphoric feeling of being high. To some, that is only achieved when they have a drink attached to
their hand.

It isn't easy to watch someone you care about battle an alcohol addiction. It can tear families apart, ruin
marriages and relationships and destroy households. There is only so much that you can do for an alcoholic;
the rest, they must have the strength to move towards getting treatment. Going through treatment for an
alcohol addiction takes a lot of strength and support. Those loved ones who may have gotten hurt and
pushed away suddenly may find that they are needed for the aid of a successful recovery. Deciding to just
stop drinking isn't always the best way to battle an alcohol addiction. Getting treatment and letting doctors
and counselors assist in the process can make things go much smoother for not only the individual but their
families as well.

Reaching out for help and recognizing that an alcohol addiction is the first step in the journey. It won't always
be a flat road, there may be some mountains to climb, but crossing that finish line will be the greatest of
It's not something that anyone likes to think about, but there may be someone in your life right now that you
are worried about. Drinking can be a fun social activity, but there are many people who simply cannot stop
once they get started. Drinking takes over their lives and begins to ruin their relationships. They may even
put drinking above everything else, even you. When things get really bad, you know you have to do
something. It is in your best interest to find out about alcohol treatment centers in your area if you think
someone you love may need one very soon.

You can find alcohol treatment centers in almost any community, and if you don't have one, there will
probably be one within driving distance. Rural communities may not have as many, but mid to large sized
cities have them, and may have many from which you can choose. You may be able to find alcohol
treatment centers in your local yellow pages, or you can look for ones near you by doing a search on the
Internet. Some are self-contained organizations and others are part of larger medical establishments. Some
may be covered by insurance but that is something that must be found out before you enroll. You may find
that this is an out of pocket expense.

Some alcohol treatment centers have programs that are four weeks long. Though many may differ, this
tends to be the average time they think will be needed to get someone back on the right track. Most of the
people there go voluntarily, but some people who have been caught drinking and driving or committing a
crime while intoxicated may be sent to alcohol treatment centers as a part of their sentence. This can go
along with jail time, fines, or community service.

Alcohol treatment centers are meant to help an alcoholic become sober and also to give them tools to help
them cope. Most people drink to excess because they aren't handling some aspect of life without using
drinking as a tool. They usually have counselors who help the person decide exactly why they are drinking
and to help them see what it is doing to their life. If you come across alcohol treatment centers that do not
offer this service, you may want to find a different one. The emotional element of alcoholism must be dealt
with or sobering up won't last very long.
We all know someone who cannot control his or her drinking, and sometimes after repeated attempts to
stop, the alcoholic is successful and can control the urge to drink. The following represents some of the
classic alcoholic behaviors in the first stage of alcoholism. According to various reliable sources, the
person's drinking is no longer social because it has become a means to escape work-related stress,
relationship issues, inhibitions, and life's problems in general. Early into the development of the disease of
alcoholism, the person increasingly depends on the feeling that results from drinking. Tolerance for alcohol
also gradually increases requiring larger amounts in order to reach the desired level of intoxication.

Some of the early, classic alcoholic behaviors are lack of recognition by the person that he or she is in the
early stages of alcoholism, as exhibited by frequent drinking of increasing amounts, huge tolerance,
boasting, an ability to drink huge amounts of alcohol, and behavioral changes including irritability when
unable to drink. Once a conflict surfaces the alcoholic denies there is a problem as he or she begins to
experience physical symptoms including stomach upset, vomiting, hand tremors, hangovers, and blackouts.
Problems begin to arise in all areas of an alcoholic's life, and instead of facing on the real cause, alcohol;
they begin to blame everyone and everything around them. Now the alcoholic is drinking not for stress relief,
but because of the dependence. The next disruption is usually marital difficulties, work-related issues, health
problems, and financial difficulties. Things that were once of great of importance to the alcoholic are now
neglected, aggressive and grandiose alcoholic behaviors prevail, avoidance of family and friends increases,
violent or destructive behaviors occur, poor nutritional habits and poor sleep pattern, unreasonable
resentments, and increasing physical symptoms.

The most profound of the classic alcoholic behaviors occur during the last stage of the disease. Even though
the alcoholic may have successfully held down a job, was a "functional" alcoholic, has now loss all control.
Drinking now takes place during the day, starting out with an "eye opener" before work, and progressing
throughout the day. The job is lost as the alcoholic has total disregard for everything that they once held
sacred; job, family, home, and food take the back seat to drinking. Neurological symptoms are also now
present in the form of 'the shakes", tremors that occur when he or she tries not to drink. When this occurs
with hallucinations, it is called the "DT's" or delirium tremens, which is potentially fatal without medical
attention. The cycle usually continues to repeat itself until the alcoholic behaviors persist until the individual
has reached the bottom, then recovery may be possible with a strong desire to stop drinking.
I don't have any experience with Alcoholics Anonymous myself, thankfully, but I have known a few people
who have used their program to get their life back together. I know a few people who could use it right now,
but I guess it will be up to them to decide when it is time to turn their lives around. At any rate, if they don't
want to help themselves, I don't have to be a part of their life either. It's a two way street, though you should
know that there are people who just don't know that they have gone way too far down the wrong path.

There are a lot of jokes out there about Alcoholics Anonymous, but in reality, it's not a laughing matter. In
fact, this may be one of the most useful organizations out there. I don't for the life of me understand why
there are so many drugs out there that are illegal, yet it is perfectly legal to drink alcohol to the point where
you could kill yourself or someone else. The whole point of Alcoholics Anonymous is to help those who don't
know how to limit themselves. I'm not saying alcohol should be illegal by any means, but I think there should
be a better way to keep an eye on things than with sobriety tests. Once someone is in a car, it is too late.

If you have a problem, you may not be ready to admit it to anyone. You don't have to, at least not to those
you love. Just because you aren't ready to talk to your friends and family about it, doesn't mean you can't do
something about it. That's why it's called Alcoholics Anonymous. You don't have to tell anyone until you are
ready. It's often hardest to admit you have a problem, but it can be even harder to admit it to everyone in
your life. If you don't want to tell anyone that you are attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, than you
don't have to.

If you don't know where to start, you can find information on Alcoholics Anonymous online or in your local
white or yellow pages. When you call them, you can be sure that no one will tell anyone you have called
them. You will find that Alcoholics Anonymous will do anything they can to help you turn your life around,
and they know how important it is that you might need to keep your problem to yourself until you are ready
to talk to those who love you about what is going on.
Happiness seems to be a fleeting thing to some people; others seem to have a good grasp on it and seem
to be able to hang on for dear life!

Happiness means different things to different people, but there are similarities that have led scientists to
believe that there is much people can do to assist themselves in their personal pursuit of happiness.

Most people who are truly happy have a true sense of purpose in their life. What is your passion and are you
living it? For many people, faith in God brings them happiness, hope for the future and a sense of purpose.

Happy people generally are giving people; giving truly does bring the giver joy, if it's done with a real attitude
of giving for the sake of giving. Happy people are also thankful for the things in their life, and for the people
and relationships in their life. Nurture your special relationships with family and friends and think about
dumping negative relationships that do nothing except bring you down.

Optimism doesn't come naturally to some people, but the happiest people are optimists, always looking on
the lighter and brighter side of life. Take it easy on yourself-lighten up!

If you are online often, have a joke-of-the-day sent to you. Don't be afraid to laugh; laughing releases
endorphins in your brain that make you truly happy-as does exercise.

Consciously look for the bright side in every situation throughout the day; instead of instantly thinking
something won't work, think about how it could.

Be mindful of how blessed you are; got a job? Be thankful. In a good relationship? Be thankful. Thankfulness
will lead to happiness every time.
Analyze self for a better society

Self identity refers to the psychosomatic and hypothetical insightful of an individual and the concern, which
he has for his very survival in this world. The self identity of an individual can also be regarded as the
consciousness and consideration about the individual self. In other words, self identity of a person is entirely
different from self perception.

Every individual has certain peculiar way of reacting to the situation and this reaction changes with change
in circumstances. The gestures of a person are constantly changed in accordance with other's action, the
attitude of other people are also greatly influenced by one's reaction. This has also accounted for
modification and evolution in the process of society. This has been responsible for constant variations in the
gestures and reaction of each and every individual. The thinking process that is going within the mind of a
person brings about different situations in the society of which he forms an essential aspect and by doing
this we are putting forth our own views. This often leads to sometimes accepting and sometimes rejecting
the esteemed opinion of others.

Sometimes failure and success also leads to bring about severe modification in the attitude of a person.
With increasing competition in this world, everybody is striving in order to make a niche for himself. In order
to survive in this competitive world, an individual is ruining his relationships with hiss near and dear ones.
The only thing that matters to him is money. In order to have all the luxuries in life, he is blindly following the
footsteps that will in future lead to destruction. This has lead to gaps between his individual personality and
the society of which he forms a part. The reasons that are actually responsible for acquiring this sort of
outlook is the ignorance of the society towards the causes that have lead to the development of this attitude
and over emphasis on the failure symptoms. Due to failure in life the downbeat energy becomes prevalent in
him. That further gives rise to the thoughts of envy, sloth, lust and gluttony. The prevalence of these sins in
an individual further hampers his growth and prosperity. These thoughts then further deteriorate his
relationships. This way he looses his actual worth and the process of his self healing is also hindered. Self
healing promotes the self development of an individual. For the process of self development it is very
essential to inculcate the positive feelings of generosity, love, and care for the people around him.

Optimistic and positive thoughts can be inculcated in an individual through the process of meditation, yoga,
naturopathy, aromatherapy, color therapy among the others. These process are non invasive and do not
require and intensive surgeries and drugs for the healing. They are extremely rejuvenating and refreshing.
They aid in soothing the mind, soul and body of an organism. These processes have been in existence
since time in memorial. Aromatherapy, has also gained tremendous importance over the time period as it
serves as a calming process. The aromatherapy massages, oils and incense have aided in relaxing a
person. It also induces positive energy with in the person that further helps him to liberate positivistic energy
around him. It helps a person to develop his constructive thoughts at the same time hindering the growth of
unconstructive thoughts. This will enable in the process of self healing that ultimately leads in development
of the self. Therefore, a person should incorporate these methods in his daily life, as this will free him from
the pessimistic and unenthusiastic thoughts. The scrutiny of the inner self will definitely help in making this
society a better place to live in.
When most people think about anger control problems, they picture out and out violence. In reality, however,
anger control is more complicated than this. It encompasses every kind of impulse control anger problem
imaginable, from the most horrific acts of rage to much more benign actions. Learning how to control anger
doesn't just mean learning how to not raise your fists against the people close to you when something
irritates you. It can mean learning how to not allow your internal frustrations to boil over, sabotaging you and
ruining your day. Abusive parents and spouses aren't the only people who need to work on anger issues
sometimes. Angry children Are every bit as big of a problem in modern society.

Learning how to control anger is a difficult process, and it varies from person to person. The first step in
anger control is really identifying the issue that makes you angry. I used to have a lot of problems with
workplace anger myself, but in my personal life, I was rarely angry at anyone. This led me to wrongly
conclude that I had no problem with controlling anger, but that wasn't the case. It was simply that only a
certain kind of situation would set me off. Many anger control issues are like this, and they can't really be
solved until you identify what triggers you.

From there, anger control treatments vary. Some people recommend hypnosis to control anger. This is a
relatively new treatment, but some clinics have reported considerable success with it. In my case, however, I
used much more traditional techniques. Methods of controlling anger are often pretty straightforward and
logical. After you figure out what is triggering your anger, you figure out why it is triggering it. The reason
could be psychological – you might hold some resentment against someone that stems from previous
experiences in your life – or it could be something else. In my case, I simply had an infuriating coworker who
would always undermined me. It was not a matter of my own psychology, but of learning how to mediate my
own reactions.

That is always the final step in anger control. Once you no what is setting you off and know why it is setting
you off, you have to learn how to stop it. Sometimes, counting to 10, taking a deep breath, or walking away
is enough. Other times, more sophisticated methods have to be used. Learning to talk things out, recognize
when something is triggering you, and finding healthy outlets for aggression are all important strategies.
Been yelling a lot lately? Even the calmest people have moments when it seems that nothing but yelling will
do. You may yell at your children once in a while, or you may yell at your spouse for what seems like no
reason, but this is often the result of too much stress or people simply not paying attention to your needs.
However, when you find that you are yelling every single day and the tiniest things seem to set you off, you
may be in need of some anger management.

You may automatically think that anger management is going to be a program that you have to go through,
but that is not always the case. If you are not violent, and just loud, there may be things that you can do on
your own to alleviate some of your stress. That may cut down on some of your feelings. This type of anger
management can be done by learning relaxation techniques like yoga, or the breathing that comes with it,
and even finding a way to vent problems and frustrations that might cut down on the tension. Journals can
help, both online and paper.

You can also do some anger management by thinking about what it is that makes you angry. You may feel
unappreciated, or you may just be in over your head with all that you do. That means you may have to ask
someone to take some of the work off of your shoulders so that you don't feel so overwhelmed all of the
time. If people in your household are stressing you out above and beyond what you think is fair, you have to
talk to them about it. This can be a hard part of anger management, but it will do you good in the end.

If you feel angry all of the time, and you are fighting the urge to hit someone or something, you may need
more professional anger management. You can start by talking with your doctor about how you feel, and
they can then recommend what you should do for anger management. Sometimes, the root of our anger is
nothing that we can pinpoint, and we may need someone to talk to so we can discover what is really going
on. Not only will this be a great gift to you, it will also be one to those that love you.
We've all had those moments in which we feel completely out of control with frustration. Perhaps you've
thrown something across the room, screamed at someone uncontrollably or put your fist through a wall.
Those adrenaline filled moments seem unstoppable and uncontrollable. Most people react out of emotion
and not rationality. Unfortunately, the majority of people will lash out without thinking and then realize what
they should have done after the fact and the damage isn't exactly easy to take back. We hurt the feelings of
others during those stressful moments and perhaps even cause some damage to ourselves or our property.

Anger management is something that every single person needs to understand. Some people don't need to
go to the anger management classes that your communities offer, but others may have that need. There are
people who can control their anger and deal with it in healthy ways. They have somehow learned that their
emotions can be controlled and that they need to react only after they have thought the situation through.
They still have the same physical reactions that are natural to every human being – the quickened
heartbeats, raise in blood pressure and the levels of adrenaline. That's what your body does instinctively
when you get angry. What you choose to do with your body's physical reactions is what makes anger
management such an important concept.

Naturally, our bodies and minds react in an aggressive manner. We want to lash out and defend ourselves.
Even the meekest of individuals will experience that feeling. In some situations, perhaps it isn't such a bad
thing to react in that manner. But, most scenarios don't need such a harsh outburst. The goal of anger
management is to change the way that you react emotionally to certain situations. We all know that we can't
get rid of the people who annoy us or the scenarios in this world that will test our patience beyond its limits,
but we can change how we react.

Anger management classes, books or lectures can be incredibly helpful and life altering, if you"re open to
the knowledge that they just may convey to you. You"ll learn relaxation techniques and how to calm yourself
down in certain situations. You"ll learn how the language and words that you use in aggravating scenarios
can be unwise choices and incredibly detrimental. Better reasoning and problem solving will also be
emphasized. Once you can learn some relaxation or calming techniques, you"ll be better able to solve
problems much more rationally than you may have previously. You may also find that you"re learning to
communicate with others as well. Suddenly, learning some of these anger management solutions in which
you can convey your anger in healthy ways will have you seeing the world a bit differently.

If you find that you struggle with anger management, admitting that you may need to find some healthier
ways of dealing with life and its stresses could be a great way to start to enjoy your life more. In fact, every
single person could benefit greatly from learning some forms of anger management. You just may be
surprised at the person you turn into.
There is nothing sadder or more difficult for a family than having behavioral problems with their kids. There
are a whole lot of things that can cause anger management children problems, so it is a mistake to try to
narrow it all down to one single thing. anger management for children can need help if the family is having a
divorce, if the kid gets picked on a lot in the school, if the kid has reading or other developmental or learning
problems, or for any other number of reasons. But no matter what the children's anger management issue
is, it is sure to be a burden on the family, and a disaster for the kid until it is sorted out.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of people and programs that can offer help with anger management for
children problems. There are a lot of anger management children approaches and different treatments, so it
is hard to speak about any one as the answer for all kids out there, but it is true that some are better than
others. When you are looking for anger management childrens treatment, you would do well to use your
common sense, like with anything else. Any anger management children treatment that promises miracles is
probably a load of you know what. A lot of parents out there hope for a quick and easy solution to all of their
anger management children problems, but that is just not the reality. The reality is that solving a behavior
problem such as anger management children takes a lot of time, a lot of patience, and above all, a lot of
love. You can not just throw the kid into a program and expect that they will get better right away.

Of course, if you do need to get some anger management children treatment, there are a lot of good places
to start. Go by your schools counselor and see if he has any recommendations. A lot of the time, a school
counselor can recommend a good psychiatrist who will specialize in anger management children issues,
which can be just what you need. Look into other things that are going on - does your kid have learning
problems? Does the child have a good social life? These are the most important questions that you will have
to ask yourself if you really want to make a big difference in your kids anger management troubles.
+Are you in need of financial assistance? Whether you are interested in buying a new home, a new vehicle,
or if you would like to start a new business, you may be in need of financial assistance from a financial
lender, such as bank. If you are, you may need to schedule appointments with local loan officers. Although
you may not necessarily do so, it is important that you dress for success when attending those

As previously stated, one of the many instances in which you would need schedule an appointment with a
loan officer is if you are interested in starting your own business. Many hopeful business owners need
financial assistance with getting their businesses up and running. Unfortunately, needing financial
assistance to start a new business and actually getting it are two different things. Financial lenders, as you
likely already know, are careful with who they loan money to. One of the many factors financial lenders
examine is your business plan. Most will not loan funds for businesses that appear unsuccessful or have a
high chance of failure.

Although your business plan will play an important role in whether or not you are awarded financing to start
your own business, it is also important to remember that your appearance can be just as important as your
business idea. To be a successful business owner, it is important that you display professionalism, drive,
and determination. One of the best ways to go about doing is by dressing professionally and for success.
For women, a nice dress or pants suit should do. For men, a business suit or at least tan pants, a dress
shirt, and a tie should be acceptable for a meeting with a loan officer.

Another one of the many instances in which you should dress for success is if you are interested in buying a
new car or a new home. These instances are important milestones in your life. This alone should prompt
you to dress professionally. With that in mind, it is important to note that many financial lenders take your
current work situation, as well as your credit history into consideration when awarding financing for new cars
or homes. With that in mind, there are no guarantees that you will have a steady stream of income.
Dressing professionally will give off an impression of yourself. This professionalism can give many financial
lenders the comfort and security needed to award you financing.

When applying for personal loans, you should also dress for success when meeting with loan officers.
Personal loans are often used in emergency situations. It is extremely important that you dress for success
when applying for a personal loan. This is important, as personal loans are often referred to unsecured
loans. Unsecured loans are loans in which nothing, like your home or car, are put up as collateral. Since
there are no guarantees that you will repay the loan in question, financial lenders may look for signs that you
are professional and responsible. One easy way to do this is to show up for your loan appointment dressed
professionally and showing confidence.

As you likely already know, many financial lenders will simply accept loan applications, without first
scheduling an appointment. Even if you are given this option, it is advised that you make an appointment
with all loan officers. Many individuals do not realize the importance of doing so. Putting a name to a face
can help improve your chances of obtaining the needed financing, whether that financing is for a car, home,
new business, or emergency. That is why it is advised that you schedule a meeting with a loan officer or at
least submit your loan application to them in person.

The above mentioned points are just a few of the many points that you will want to take into consideration,
when attending a meeting with a loan officer. Although dressing for success will not necessarily improve
your chances of getting your needed financing, there is no harm in doing so.
I remember the first time that I took a student aptitude test in high school. At first, I was tempted to turn it
sideways and scribble on it like my friends were doing, but curiosity got the best of me. Was there anything
to these aptitude tests, I wondered? I figured that there was really only one way to find out. I answered all of
the career interest questions diligently. I am sure that you remember how idiotic these things are. The
questions are so idiotic and simplistic that it is really hard not to fudge all of the answers. After all, if that
aptitude test does not tell you something that you already know, you probably do not know yourself all that

It is strange, then, that years later, I find myself in the position of designing skills aptitude tests for several
different business clients. It is one of those strange jobs that you wander into accidentally. Few people
wonder about where all of those standardized test questions come from. I know that I never even thought
about it until I saw the job posting on the local community bulletin board. It was for a national testing
company, looking for people to write questions on spec. it sounded like it might be a scam, but I figured that
I would give it a go. To my surprise, they accepted all of my questions and game me a per article contract

At first, I was designing scholastic aptitude test questions, focusing primarily on English language
comprehension. It did not take long, however, for me to get into other areas as well. You may not realize it,
but a great proportion of the standardized tests printed in this country are in the hands of a very few large
businesses. Once you get into the loop, the jobs keep pouring in for as long as you want them. At first it
takes too long to be really lucrative, but once you get the hang of it, you can make good money.

The money is so good, in fact, that I was able to pay my way through college on it. I still had to take out a
few student loans, but for the most part I made my money writing testing questions. I now know one of the
dirtiest secrets of the professional world: half of the business aptitude test questions are written by college
Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very
catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin's simple message surely
made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.

Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy
actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease,
cancer and stroke.

One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and
in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if we find ourselves in an
unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change.

Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or
what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem
unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along with well

Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more

To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most
people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull
their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.

There are several ways by which you can do this. Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to
be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and
thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mails, thank the
policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.

News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try
and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not
seem to be a sensible thing to do.

A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments,
chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace.

Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a
list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing.
These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal
time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill
that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.

Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say
-'Laughter is the best medicine'. Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around
you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad
for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to
anyone. Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in
finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on
things that you feel worthy of your time. Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new
everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more
opportunities in the future.

Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive. Avoid exposure to negative
elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.

These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.

And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as
they make up their minds to be."
When most people think about behavior modification,They immediately go back to high school psychology.
They think about Skinner boxes, and pigeons being trained to peck at certain buttons. The reality is much
different than this. Behavioral modification has gone through a lot of changes over the years, and has
become a very sophisticated modern form of treatment for a variety of different conditions. From troubled
teens to repeat offenders to neurotic patients who want to stop engaging in destructive behaviors, the
techniques of positive and negative reinforcement can do wonders.

I first learned about behavior modification as a high school teacher. I work in a pretty decent school districts,
and most of my students are very well behaved. There are, however, some exceptions. Every year we have
a few bullies, and every once in a while some of them are very bad. A few years ago, we had a kid who was
so bad that we had to expel him. He pulled a knife on another child at school, and we were actually worried
for the safety of our students and staff. It turns out that he ended up in the juvenile justice system soon after
that, and was sent to a camp that had behavior modification therapy. I ran into him about eight months later,
and I couldn't believe the difference. He was respectful, polite, and well spoken. He didn't slouch, and he
looked me straight in the eye. I had never seen such a drastic turnaround for someone in such a short
period of time, and I was naturally intrigued.

When I looked into behavior modification therapy myself, I was surprised by how simple the principles are.
Basically, the key is to identify positive behaviors that you want to reinforce and negative ones that you want
to change. Then, through carefully targeted praise and criticism, you can change the way someone thinks
and acts. This is often done in a boot camp sort of environment, But there is no reason it has to be.

As a matter of fact, behavior modification is used – to one degree or another – in almost every school in
America. By praising the good students and sending bad report cards home with the bad ones, the teacher
provides a form of behavior modification. When you study it in depth, however, you can come up with a
more systematic approach. Through really understanding what is involved, you can help train better students
and better citizens.
We all need to work to stay healthy. This is no great mystery. If you're not in the diet and fitness loop by
now, then you've been certainly living beneath a rock. Now, there are many ways to stay healthy and
physically fit. Maybe you already embrace a few of them. Or, just maybe you're one of those health nuts who
embrace the entire lifestyle. You know, the whole 'my body is a shrine spiel." Either way, you're on the right
track to a healthier and happier you. This is such a process because it's never ending. You must adopt good
habits and keep them. Don't discard them once you achieved a 20 pound goal weight loss. You'll be sorry,
because it will just come right back. Get the picture? Okay, now what about the benefits of meditation and
yoga? Are you aware of these concepts? If not, it's time to get the skinny.

When I was a child, I made fun of meditation. I thought it was complete and utter garbage. Kind of like the
Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy. But, then I saw that flick "Darkness Falls" about the evil Tooth Fairy and had a
change of heart. If that can be real, then so can the benefits of meditation. Make any sense? I didn't think it
would. But really, when I was about 23 years old, I began dabbling in meditation. I was in a Wing Chun kung
fu class and the sifu(teacher) knew all about it. You see, this is common amongst traditional martial arts
instructors. They are often healers as well as fighters. It just goes with the territory of knowing and
understanding your body. So I was basically taught the basics of meditation. It's a time when you can relax,
and drift off somewhere safe. Your worries, stresses and troubles diminish as you become one with your
spiritual side. Sound cool? This is where the benefits of meditation come into play. When your body is
relaxed and free from routine torments, it relaxes and aids your muscles and mind. This can definitely leave
you feeling refreshed and ready to function easier in the world around you.

Get all the information you want on meditation just by using the Internet. Find out how to acquire the most
benefits of meditation you possible can. In reality you can do thins yourself in your very own home. This is
probably the easiest place to relax in anyway.
Although there is not universal scientific agreement on the health benefits of relaxation and meditation,
anyone who has used the simple and powerful techniques thinks the same thing. The benefits are real! The
real problem is that there is so much money to be made from anything that will make people feel better. We
are so stressed in our high energy daily lives, that even taking a few moments to clear the head can have
dramatic results. The problem is that so-called spiritual leaders will turn as to their own end. For example,
religious Christians will say that it is safe to enjoy the benefits of Christian meditation, but other forms could
lead you straight into sin and damnation. Meanwhile, proponents of transcendental meditation will claim that
theirs is is the best, and look askance at anyone who does anything different than they do.

The important thing for you term member is that the benefits of meditation do not depend on which type you
use, but in how you do it. Although different schools may stress one benefit of meditation or another one,
the important thing is for you just to get started. Almost any form of meditation will work, and that is a fact.

In my experience, the best benefits of meditation are had from the most simple practices. If you are new to
meditation and want to give it a try, try something simple at first. You do not need a teacher to reap the
benefits of meditation. A lot of people say that you do, but they are usually teachers or religious fanatics
who will try to scare you with claims that if you are not properly trained, meditation can actually cause harm
instead of good. This is rubbish. No one was ever harmed by just simply concentrating on their breathing,
and this is the core of almost any good meditation.

If you want to investigate the benefits of meditation for yourself, here is what you should do: you should set
aside 15 minutes every morning to just sit still and concentrate on your breath. That is it. There is no need
to pray and invoke any particular deity, although feel free to if it makes you more comfortable. I have tried
many different forms and many different schools, and I can tell you that the full benefits of meditation can
come simply from concentrating on the breath with the eyes closed.
The benefits of meditation have been known to humans ever since it was first practiced several millennia
ago. This article will discuss some of them in detail and will outline the mental as well as the health benefits
of this practice.

1. Reduces stress

- since meditation helps calm the mind and relax the individual, it helps a lot in reducing stress. This is
usually achieved through the breathing exercises that form a part of the practice.

Stress reduction is one of the main reasons why people take up meditation.

2. Various health benefits

- there are already documented cases wherein meditation was shown to have helped in curing an illness. A
landmark study is the one done in 1976 by Australian psychiatrist Ainslie Meares which was published in the
Medical Journal of Australia.

The study documented how a patient's cancer regressed after sessions of intensive meditation. Meditation is
also known to lower blood pressure levels, which is beneficial to patients who are at risk of hypertension and
other heart-related conditions.

3. Improves concentration

- one practice in meditation involves focusing on a particular object such as a candlelight, or reciting a
mantra. Doing activities like these have been shown to improve a person's concentration.

4. Acceptance of events

- another aspect of meditation is the ability to take things as they are. This helps a lot in reducing a person's
frustrations over things that he/she cannot control.

People who will surely benefit from this include those who are undergoing anger management.
Does it ever feel as though you don't have enough waking hours in the day? That's a fairly typical feeling for
almost everyone and it can cause a lot of stress. For many working adults they have a lot to juggle. Full-time
jobs mixed with a busy family life can result in a person feeling overwhelmed. There are ways to make life
easier and one is finding a way to divvy up your time better. When you consider all the benefits of time
management programs, it seems clear that having one can make a significant difference in your life.

It's interesting when you stop and consider that most of us really aren't in control of our own lives. We work
for someone else, during the hours they insist on, we involve our children in so many extracurricular
activities that we end up with no time left for ourselves. One of the benefits of time management is finding
time for you so you can enjoy your own pastimes.

An effective approach that has worked for many people is to set goals. Most of us have vague goals of
things we want in our lives. These may include where we want our career to go and also how we envision
our personal life in a few years. Without clearly defined goals, it can be hard to keep them in sight. Therefore
one idea that can be very helpful is to write down your goals as well as a time period for achieving them.
This gives you a deadline and will likely keep you much more focused and driven. The benefits of time
management can certainly include charting your own destiny.

Writing things down can be effective in other areas as well. You may be surprised to see how much time you
are actually spending on non-productive activities each week. Things like watching television or playing
video games is relaxing but it can impact how you perform in other areas. Jotting down your daily routine for
a week will help you determine what you are spending unnecessary time on. This time can then be
redirected towards something meaningful, perhaps taking a walk with your spouse, or enrolling in a class.
You"ll quickly find that one of the benefits of time management is having more time to improve your life.

Whatever changes you make in your personal life to improve your position, you can do the same in your
professional life. If you aren't progressing up the corporate ladder as quickly as you'd like to, look at what
you can do to change that. Perhaps this might mean taking a few courses during the weekend or evenings.
The benefits of time management for you might include rearranging your time so you can get a degree that
will help your career take off.

Being in control of your own time is essential for success. You can start changing your life and your future
today by looking at how you spend your time now and how you need to be spending it to get exactly what
you want. Once you make those changes, the sky is the limit in terms of what you"ll accomplish.
Our society is getting faster paced with each passing year. We are all looking for ways to help us complete
the things that we need to do in the shortest time possible so that we can have additional time to have for
ourselves. This can get us into trouble if doing things fast means that mistakes are made. When this
happens we spend additional time correcting mistakes. This can create a vicious cycle. There are times
when we simply need to slow things down.

One of the best things that we can do to help ourselves is to become more organized. Organization can help
us manage our time better. There are many benefits of time management. We can be more productive as
well as more efficient. When we are more efficient we save time and money. Other benefits of time
management involve helping the company you work for save money. This creates a happy employer and
when this reflects back to you, it may mean additional compensation in money or time off.

I think all of us release the benefits of time management, but implementing the skills may be something new
to us. I have found that lists work well for me. When I make lists at the beginning of each day I find I am
more apt to get the things done that are needed. My routine each morning is to write down the things that I
would like to as well as need to accomplish that day. I then prioritize the list in order of what is most
important to accomplish. Once this is done I look at any related tasks that can be done in conjunction with
each other. For example if I need to meet with a co-worker on a different floor and also deliver reports to
another department I will do this at the same time. This way I am away from my desk for one period of time
thus cutting down on the amount of running around I need to do. I also do as much correspondence at one
time as possible to limit the number of trips to the printer, copier and mail room. Multiple trips uses up time.
Also I find when I am out and about away from my office I spend time greeting co-worker and doing other
things that can eat away at my time.

Once my list is written and prioritized I begin with the top item and start working my way down. If I am on a
tight schedule I limit the number of interruptions by putting my calls through to voice mail to answer later and
also shut my office door. What ever is not completed on my list by the end of the day gets added to the list
for the next day. Some of these techniques may seem rigid, however the benefits of this time management
pay off by getting things done and creating more time by the end of the week. Since I have been doing my
work following these methods I find that I am often able to leave early at the end of the week.
Self and individual-two sides of a coin

Man is a social animal and he cannot survive in isolation. For his development and well-being it is necessary
to have a healthy self and have an integrated approach. For the development of the self of an individual it is
a prerequisite that man learns to adjust and accept the society as it is. Human being is a product of the
society and his or her attitude or actions are all guided by the society. The societal elements influence the
behavior of an individual. Self of an individual is made up of various elements.

Though society has been made up of individuals, the biggest threat to the society is that if individualism.
Individualism compels people to work for their personal motives neglecting the well-being of the society.
When the ego of an individual becomes important and he or she values the personal interests more than the
collective well-being. One always wonder though there are many people who pay their taxes on time and a
lot of revenue is generated by the government, yet there has been no improvement in the law and order of
the society. With the growing rate of crime and people growing reckless the need of developing self restrain
and self-esteem is very important. The reason for its failure is that the outcome is treated and not the
motives which force a man to behave in such a weird manner. People in this unsympathetic world fail to
value the feelings and emotions of the people.

How an individual is treated in the society and what is the level of respect an individual demands and what
he actually gets make him or mar him. If the person is ill treated in the society then he is bound to harbor
negative feelings and his actions are sure to reflect negative affects in society. If one is not able to deal with
his or her emotions then the outcome would be depression, anxiety, stress, child abuse, rape, homicide or
many such types. Nevertheless, if an individual can handle his or her emotions well then an individual then
he or she can develop self-esteem and positive outlook. It is necessary for an individual to develop a two
way process with the society so that the development of an individual can be initiated.

Self of an individual depends on the society as what a person sees or experience at large he or she tends to
get influenced and adopt unthinkingly the same attitude. This heedless behavior can make an individual
suffer at the cost of the self. In the competitive world an individual has to encounter many ups and downs
daily, which hurt his self-esteem making him more susceptible to the negativities. As the self of an individual
can be developed only when an individual has the spark within therefore, one must try and develop that zeal
and enthusiasm. For the process of self development one has to overcome all his weaknesses and
negativities, which mar his or her personality. Once the individual come face to face with the latent strengths
and weaknesses then half of the battle is won and the person would find himself or her self better adjusted
in the society.

For developing the self of an individual to develop there are several ways, which include, meditation, yoga,
color therapy, breathing therapy, long walks and naturopathy. These therapies aid in the self healing of an
individual and make him or her more resistant to the criticism which one has to face every now and then in
the society. Thus, individual self and society are interrelated and one cannot exist without the other.
There are lots of ways to pass time on a trip. Of course, there are conversations, card games, listening to
music, and even having sing-alongs. But my favorite way to pass the time during those long miles is with
brain teasers.

Usually, we will find some free printable brain teasers on the Internet before we go on a car trip. There are
all kinds of online puzzles and games available that you can either print out or play on your computer. The
kids especially love them, and it is easy to find one to the right level of difficulty. Most of them are simple
logic puzzles that, with a little bit of diligent work, can be quite easily resolved. Finding hard brain teasers is,
of course, a little bit difficult, but it can be done.

Sudoku puzzles are a great form of brainteaser. Sudokus are basically a type of logic puzzle that has
become very popular in recent years. They are different rows and columns of numbers that you have to get
to match up in just the right way. The only way to do it is through trial and error. You look at the pattern, try
to find numbers that match it, And work through it until you find the right combination.

Of course, one of the most classic brain teasers is the crossword puzzle. Papers all over the world have
crossword puzzles, but my favorite one is in the New York Times Sunday edition. New York Times puzzles
get harder and harder as the week goes on, and the Sunday New York Times always has the most difficult
puzzle. I know a lot of people who spend all Sunday doing brain teasers in the Times. Now that is

If you want to get a truly great assortment of brainteasers, you have to go to a good bookstore. There are
plenty of online brainteasers, but if you are a big fan you probably need to just bite the bullet and buy a
book. After all, it is nice to have a whole book filled with logic puzzles so that you can go through them, page
after page at your leisure. The way that I do it is to download some free puzzles on the Internet to see which
ones I like. Then, when I find a style that fits me, I buy a brain teaser book. I usually have two or three for a
long road trip.
It's a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't. The power of innovation. If you've ever marvelled at
somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is
born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten were not limited to those who possessed potential;
because the truth is, everybody has potential.

You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? It's
the same with innovation. It takes a bit of practice and a lot of time before this mind function comes easily
when called. This article will teach you a few tips on how to bring innovation into your life.

Don't listen to what other people say. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other
people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't
waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And the help you will probably get
comes in the form of negative feedback. If all those geniuses listened to their peers, we would probably still
be living in the middle ages.

Spend time on it. I cannot stress that enough, although, please do not mistake this tip to tell you to quit your
day job entirely. Do not. This involves some tricky time management but with a little discipline you'll be able
to squeeze both in.

Exercise. Take a walk. Run a mile or two. Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising
certainly clears and relaxes your mind and allows for anything to pop up.

Record your dreams. Aren't some of them just the craziest things that your conscious mind would never
have thought of? If you've had these dreams before, and I'm sure have, this only shows you the untapped
innovative power you have lying within. So jot down those notes. Those dreams may just create an
innovative spark in you.

Find your own style. You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You'll know Hemingway wrote
something by the choice of words on the paper. So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your
innovation more because it is uniquely yours and that no one else would have thought of what you were
thinking. That will let people see how valuable an asset you are.

Don't hide behind nifty gadgets or tools. You don't need the most expensive set of paints to produce a
masterpiece. The same way with writing. You don't need some expensive fountain pen and really smooth
paper for a bestseller. In fact, J.K. Rowling wrote the first book of the Harry Potter Series on bits of tissue.
So what if you've got an expensive SLR camera if you're a crappy photographer? Who cares if you've got a
blinging laptop if you can't write at all? The artist actually reduces the number of tools he has as he gets
better at his craft: he knows what works and what doesn't.

Nothing will work without passion. What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning?
What is the one thing that you'll die if you don't do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the
people who want it more. Think the hare and the tortoise. Ellen Degeneres once said that if you're not doing
something that you want to do, then you don't really want to do it. And that's true. Sometimes you just want
something so bad you become a virtual unstoppable. And that is passion. Passion will keep you going.

Don't worry about inspiration. You can't force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to, for those
unpredictable yet inevitable moments you should prepare. An idea could strike you on the subway, yet alas,
you poor unfortunate soul; you have no sheet of paper to scribble down a thought that could change the
world. Avoid these disasters. Have a pen and paper within your arm's reach at all times.

I hope this article has helped you bring more innovation into your life. Keep in mind that you're doing these
things for your own satisfaction and not anybody else's. But soon enough they will notice, and everything
should snowball from there.
Childhood years are the best times to learn. Somehow, a person's comprehension is at its peak during
childhood. Parents should take advantage of these learning years to ingrain the values of life in their

If you're a parent, teach them positive habits so that they will know and see the beauty that life has to offer.
Make them enthusiastic about life. Instill into their hearts and minds all the wonders and magnificence of
being alive by living life to its fullest in a positive way.

There's a startling difference between children learning through self-discovery, and children learning through
self-discovery with proper guidance. The first things that children learn are usually the things that stay with
them and mold formative years until they reach adulthood.

Let us suppose you let your children learn through self-discovery. To a certain extent, self-discovery is good
since it develops full independence and self-reliance. However, the learning process might be slow. In a
sense, it is like a trial and error experience for children. They have to segregate the good from the bad, the
right from the wrong, what they like and what they don't. It is most likely that what they will like are the ones
that come easy to them or the ones that they enjoy the most. And the ones that they enjoy the most might
not necessarily be the good ones. Without proper guidance, what they like and enjoy the most might actually
be hurting them although they are not aware of it. Perhaps later, if they find out that they picked the wrong
choices, it may be too late.

With self-discovery through proper guidance, you will be able to leave room for them to develop
independence and self-reliance. At the same time, show them what is right and what is wrong. Explain to
them why. If possible, cite instances or examples based on true-to-life events to make them more convincing
and realistic. The more realistic they are, the more easily the children are convinced. Likewise, try teaching
them in a friendly and humorous atmosphere. Children are more attentive and eager to learn when all (both
teachers and students) are in an easy mood. You will know and feel their eagerness to learn through the
sparkle in their eyes and by the way they answer your questions. You can be sure that what they learn from
you is acceptable to them and will stay with them. That is why, as a parent, you must show enthusiasm in
life to your children. There's a third method of making children learn. That is through proper guidance
leaving negligible room for self-discovery. But there are drawbacks. You take away from them the benefits of
self-reliance and independence. The guidance you devote to them may be good and well intended, but they
must not rely on you on almost everything they do. They become decision-dependent on you. There are
instances wherein this type of guidance might be worse than giving no guidance at all. There are
parents who underwent hardships during their childhood, strived, and became successful financially.
Although they are financially in the position to guide and assist their children to a better life, they prefer that
their children undergo the same difficult experience they underwent during their younger years. Their
reason: so that their children will value and experience the same things they went through. This may be
applicable to stubborn and rebellious youngsters, but not to disciplined ones. Why must their sons and
daughters repeat the same difficulties? There's no reason to. This is like punishing the innocent. Instead of
repeating the experience, they should learn from it. Life is too short to repeat unsavory experiences.
One of the best ways to broaden your children's knowledge about life is by traveling. The world - its varied
people, places, and cultures - has a lot of information to offer. It is perhaps as important as the conventional
classroom. If you are financially able, traveling is one of the best educational experiences you can give your
children. Look for exhibits or world fairs, and take your children there. Books are the next best things. It's
traveling by reading. Fill your children with thoughts of self-importance, confidence, and positive attitude
so that there will be no room for negative thinking. More importantly, fill their world with laughter, love, and
understanding. You'll never go wrong.
So how do you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough environment? Here are some tips
you may to consider as a starter guide to self improvement.

Imagine yourself as a Dart Board. Everything and everyone else around you may become Dart Pins, at one
point or another. These dart pins will destroy your self esteem and pull you down in ways you won't even
remember. Don't let them destroy you, or get the best of you. So which dart pins should you avoid?

Dart Pin #1 : Negative Work Environment Beware of 'dog eat dog" theory where everyone else is fighting
just to get ahead. This is where non-appreciative people usually thrive. No one will appreciate your
contributions even if you miss lunch and dinner, and stay up late. Most of the time you get to work too much
without getting help from people concerned. Stay out of this, it will ruin your self esteem. Competition is at
stake anywhere. Be healthy enough to compete, but in a healthy competition that is.

Dart Pin #2: Other People's Behavior Bulldozers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers,
snipers, people walking wounded, controllers, naggers, complainers, exploders, patronizers, sluffers... all
these kinds of people will pose bad vibes for your self esteem, as well as to your self improvement scheme.

Dart Pin #3: Changing Environment You can't be a green bug on a brown field. Changes challenge our
paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes will make life difficult for
awhile, it may cause stress but it will help us find ways to improve our selves. Change will be there forever,
we must be susceptible to it.

Dart Pin #4: Past Experience It's okay to cry and say "ouch!" when we experience pain. But don't let pain
transform itself into fear. It might grab you by the tail and swing you around. Treat each failure and mistake
as a lesson.

Dart Pin #5: Negative World View Look at what you"re looking at. Don't wrap yourself up with all the
negativities of the world. In building self esteem, we must learn how to make the best out of worst situations.

Dart Pin #6: Determination Theory The way you are and your behavioral traits is said to be a mixed end
product of your inherited traits (genetics), your upbringing (psychic), and your environmental surroundings
such as your spouse, the company, the economy or your circle of friends. You have your own identity. If
your father is a failure, it doesn't mean you have to be a failure too. Learn from other people's experience, so
you"ll never have to encounter the same mistakes.

Sometimes, you may want to wonder if some people are born leaders or positive thinkers. NO. Being
positive, and staying positive is a choice. Building self esteem and drawing lines for self improvement is a
choice, not a rule or a talent. God wouldn't come down from heaven and tell you – "George, you may now
have the permission to build self esteem and improve your self."

In life, its hard to stay tough specially when things and people around you keep pulling you down. When we
get to the battle field, we should choose the right luggage to bring and armors to use, and pick those that are
bullet proof. Life's options give us arrays of more options. Along the battle, we will get hit and bruised. And
wearing a bullet proof armor ideally means 'self change". The kind of change which comes from within.
Voluntarily. Armor or Self Change changes 3 things: our attitude, our behavior and our way of thinking.

Building self esteem will eventually lead to self improvement if we start to become responsible for who we
are, what we have and what we do. Its like a flame that should gradually spread like a brush fire from inside
and out. When we develop self esteem, we take control of our mission, values and discipline. Self esteem
brings about self improvement, true assessment, and determination. So how do you start putting up the
building blocks of self esteem? Be positive. Be contented and happy. Be appreciative. Never miss an
opportunity to compliment. A positive way of living will help you build self esteem, your starter guide to self
Are you an individual who regularly finds yourself in business meetings? If so, how do you typically dress for
those important business meetings? If you aren't already doing so, you may want to take steps to dress for
success. There are a number of benefits to dressing for success, especially when it comes to work related
issues, such as business meetings.

If you are a business owner or a supervisor, you may schedule business meetings with your employees or
coworkers. Dressing for success for these types of business meetings is important. A professional
appearance can help to establish authority. This is ideal if you are interested in setting yourself apart from
your employees or other coworkers. A professional look and feel may result in you being taken more

If you are not yet a business owner, but would like to become one, you may need financial assistance. If
you are looking to start your own business, you may need to meet with financial lenders or business
investors. In these instances, it is important that you dress for success. While your business plan and the
possible success of your business will play the biggest roles in whether or not you are awarded financial
assistance, your appearance may also be taken into consideration. For that reason, it is advised that you
show up to all business meetings with prospective lenders and investors dressed professionally and carrying
yourself the same way.

Business meetings in which you will be meeting with your clients and customers are also instances in which
you will want to dress for success. Dressing professionally for these meetings helps to show that you are
the right person to do business with. Your appearance, namely the way that you dress and carry yourself, is
important if you run a professional business, such as a tax preparation service or a law office. Many
consumers use appearances as a way to judge. Although this isn't always right or fair, it tends to give many
comfort, security, and peace of mind.

When attending business meetings with your supervisor or supervisors, you are urged to dress for success.
Whether you have a regularly scheduled meeting or if you scheduled a meeting to inquire about receiving a
pay raise or a promotion, your appearance is extremely important. Dressing for success can give you a
professional look and feel. That professional look and feel is one that can help to show that you are serious
about your job or the promotion in which you are interested in receiving.

As outlined above, it is advised that you dress professionally and dress for success when attending business
meetings. When doing so, you are urged to examine the clothes that you currently own. If you work in an
office setting or have in the past, you may have a number of outfits or clothing pieces that should be
acceptable for when attending important business meetings. Should you not have any clothes to wear, you
may want to start shopping. This is easy and convenient to do online.

When dressing for your next business meeting, it is important that you proceed with caution. You should
take a close look at yourself in the mirror first. Ask yourself if you would like to do business with you,
promote you, give you a pay raise, or invest in your business.
Being happy is easy when life is going well; but what about when circumstances spin out of control and bad
things happen one right after another.

We all have times when we feel that we just can't get out from under the storm clouds. How do people stay
happy during the tough times?

It's been said time and time again that when the going gets tough the tough get going, but some people
don't find that at all easy to do.

Positive attitudes can help, but knowing that there is a higher power that controls the chess pieces of our
lives lets us know that this hard time is only a bump in the road and will soon pass.

This deep acceptance of faith is called joy; and hard times simply can't compete with pure joy.

We may not understand why bad things happen to good people, but we know that they do and always will.
Bad things happen to bad people too, just as good things happen to good people.

It's just the way it is. If we can simply understand that we can't know certain things on this side of life, which
will help us get through life here.

Try to look at everything as part of God's plan and as a positive experience; find joy in the simple pleasures
in life and don't let the circumstances of the day (or week) get you down!
+It is these very thoughts, feelings and emotions that dictates the path and decisions we choose in life. Free
yourself from emotional drudgery and allow yourself to sit in the driver's seat. Emotional competency is
much closer then you may think.

We must see clearly through each problem we face in order to discover self-identity and self in society. The
way we react is generally inspired by the emotions. Despite that, people will always trigger our emotions,
causing us distress along the way; we must gain strength of mind to take control of our reactions. Instead of
letting people in society get us down, we must learn to make better choices.

You have the choice to choose your friends, job, and the way you handle interruptive situations. If you
choose associations that causes you stress, thus you have made a bad choice that will cause many
emotional challenges to develop along the way. Good association builds character and strength of mind.

If you decide to work at a job were as your employees or employers causes you distress, don't feel
depressed when you find yourself angry often. It is how you react however, that will lead to good results.
Sometimes you must show meek character in order to subdue others and assist them with working in union
with you. If this is not possible, then it is time to seek a better job. If you lack skills to get a better job, then it
is time to reconsider education.

The way we handle things can determine our fate. If we are quick to react in anger, likely you will develop a
violent nature that will lead to serious complications in the future. We must learn to control this anger despite
those others will trigger our emotions.

By taking charge of your emotions, you can move mountains and sit down people that trigger your emotions.
For example, if someone pushes the wrong button per se, the button that makes you angered, thus if you
respond with a meek attitude, keeping it positive, most times that person will walk away feeling bad. Keep in
mind however, that there are many people in society that could care less about hurting another person's
feelings. Many people have pushed aside humane qualities that make them unique. They roam the world
with a mind full of clutter and rarely will they become acquainted with the self-identity.

Instead of reacting negatively to this type of pattern, we must realize that these people are ignorant. We do
not want to become ignorant and childish like them, instead we want to push ahead toward self-developing
our characters and skills. We can grow into our being successfully by not allowing influences of any sort
dictate our direction.

Most people are influentially created from others in society and in the leadership world. Political leaders,
religion, teachers, and many in society often create their state of mind and identity. This is why we have so
many problems today. Instead of allowing these influences to reflect on us, and create who we are, we must
take charge now and dictate our own self-growth.

We all have innate abilities to cultivate our personality and identity. Yet, we must learn to listen to the signals
that brush before us. Many people ignore these signals because we as people have been seriously
dehumanized, demoralized and desensitized in society and life. We must re-establish our identity by re-
humanizing, re-moralizing and re-sensitizing our character. Only then can we advance toward a brighter
future by identifying self, as self and not what someone else created.
When you hear the word "coach", what comes first into your mind? Do you picture a basketball team with a
man/woman shouting out directions? Or perhaps a football team with a man/woman pacing to and fro and
calling out the names of the players?

Coaching is no longer reserved to sports teams; it is now one of the key concepts in leadership and
management. Why is coaching popular? Coaching levels the playing field.

Coaching is one of the six emotional leadership styles proposed by Daniel Goleman. Moreover, it is a
behavior or role that leaders enforce in the context of situational leadership. As a leadership style, coaching
is used when the members of a group or team are competent and motivated, but do not have an idea of the
long-term goals of an organization. This involves two levels of coaching: team and individual. Team
coaching makes members work together. In a group of individuals, not everyone may have nor share the
same level of competence and commitment to a goal. A group may be a mix of highly competent and
moderately competent members with varying levels of commitment. These differences can cause friction
among the members. The coaching leader helps the members level their expectations. Also, the coaching
leader manages differing perspectives so that the common goal succeeds over personal goals and interests.
In a big organization, leaders need to align the staffs" personal values and goals with that of the organization
so that long-term directions can be pursued.

Coaching builds up confidence and competence.

Individual coaching is an example of situational leadership at work. It aims to mentor one-on-one building up
the confidence of members by affirming good performance during regular feedbacks; and increase
competence by helping the member assess his/her strengths and weaknesses towards career planning and
professional development. Depending on the individual's level of competence and commitment, a leader
may exercise more coaching behavior for the less-experienced members. Usually, this happens in the case
of new staffs. The direct supervisor gives more defined tasks and holds regular feedbacks for the new staff,
and gradually lessens the amount of coaching, directing, and supporting roles to favor delegating as
competence and confidence increase.

Coaching promotes individual and team excellence.

Excellence is a product of habitual good practice. The regularity of meetings and constructive feedback is
important in establishing habits. Members catch the habit of constantly assessing themselves for their
strengths and areas for improvement that they themselves perceive what knowledge, skills, and attitudes
they need to acquire to attain team goals. In the process, they attain individually excellence as well. An
example is in the case of a musical orchestra: each member plays a different instrument. In order to achieve
harmony of music from the different instrument, members will polish their part in the piece, aside from
practicing as an ensemble. Consequently, they improve individually as an instrument player.

Coaching develops high commitment to common goals.

A coaching leader balances the attainment of immediate targets with long-term goals towards the vision of
an organization. As mentioned earlier, with the alignment of personal goals with organizational or team
goals, personal interests are kept in check. By constantly communicating the vision through formal and
informal conversations, the members are inspired and motivated. Setting short-term team goals aligned with
organizational goals; and making an action plan to attain these goals can help sustain the increased
motivation and commitment to common goals of the members.

Coaching produces valuable leaders.

Leadership by example is important in coaching. A coaching leader loses credibility when he/she cannot
practice what he/she preaches. This means that a coaching leader should be well organized, highly
competent is his/her field, communicates openly and encourages feedback, and has a clear idea of the
organization's vision-mission-goals. By vicarious and purposive learning, members catch the same good
practices and attitudes from the coaching leader, turning them into coaching leaders themselves. If a
member experiences good coaching, he/she is most likely to do the same things when entrusted with formal
leadership roles.

Some words of caution though: coaching is just one of the styles of leadership. It can be done in
combination with the other five emotional leadership styles depending on the profile of the emerging team.
Moreover, coaching as a leadership style requires that you are physically, emotionally, and mentally fit most
of the time since it involves two levels of coaching: individual and team. Your members expect you to be the
last one to give up or bail out in any situation especially during times of crises. A coaching leader must be
conscious that coaching entails investing time on each individual, and on the whole team. Moreover, that the
responsibilities are greater since while you are coaching members, you are also developing future coaches
as well.
Are you interested in improving your appearance? If you are, you are not alone. In the United States, a
large number of men and women wish that they were taken more seriously at work, at home, by their
friends, and by their families. If this is a wish of yours, you may want to start making changes. One of the
many ways that you can go about doing so is by dressing for success. Dressing for success will show those
that you know and love that you are a serious, professional person.

When it comes to dressing for success, many men and women find it to be easier said than done. When
dressing for success, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as your
gender, your reasons for wanting to improve your appearance, as well as your budget. These factors,
combined with others, make it possible for a number of individuals to make dress for success mistakes.
These mistakes may actually hinder your ability to create a "new and improved you." To prevent yourself
from making these common dress for success mistakes, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the biggest mistakes made by those looking to dress for success is assuming that the hottest items
in the fashion world will make them successful. This is important to remember, as it will not always. Fashion
comes in a number of different formats. It also depends on your main purpose for looking to improve your
appearance. For example, if you are interested in appearing more professional at work, a low-cut sundress
may not work out to your advantage, and so forth. That is why you can use fashion magazines and fashion
shows as guides, but you are urged not to fully depend on them.

Another common mistake made by those who are looking to improve their appearance is believing that they
have to have the best. This commonly includes the most expensive clothes and clothing accessories, as well
as those that are made by well-known designers. This simply isn't the case. Of course, you can spend more
money to wear the clothing of a professional designer, but you don't have to. Whether you are looking to
dress for success for work or for an important event, like a party you are hosting or a charity function that
you will be attending, it is important to remember that you do have a number of options, some of which are
much more affordable.

Buying items that coworkers have is another common mistake made by those who are looking to improve
their appearance, namely their professionalism at work. Of course, it is okay to buy clothing pieces that are
similar in nature to ones that your coworkers are sporting, but you will want to avoid buying the exact same
items. This is ideal for both men and women, but it is more important for women. Copying the fashions of
your coworkers, right down to the same colors, can create some unneeded workplace tension.

As it was previously stated, you do not have to have the most expensive clothing pieces or clothing from
designers just to dress for success. With that in mind, if you are looking to purchase formal elegant or
evening wear for an important upcoming event, such as a charity ball, a wedding, or another party, you may
want to avoid making your purchases at department stores, namely locally owned and operated ones. This
is most often a problem with women and dresses. If you are not careful, you could find yourself one of two or
more women who show up to the same event wearing the same dress. In these instances, it may be best to
visit specialty dress shops, namely those that keep record of all purchases and events.

The above mentioned mistakes are just a few of the many mistakes often made by those who are looking to
improve their appearances, by dressing for success. To avoid these mistakes and others, you will want to
use your best judgment when it comes time to make your dress for success clothing purchases.
Self and Society

When an entity develops emotional and mental competency it makes him stronger since he moves closer to
his identity. Competency is an entity's ability to manage particular events and stress on an emotional level.
Emotions dictate how we react in stressful situations under stress. This competency is based on our
strength of mind and determines the results from our past experiences. Current feelings and thoughts also
has something to do with how we will react emotionally or how we make decisions. It is vital to evaluate
one's own emotional responses in order to work toward mental-emotional competency. Developing a higher
level of emotional skill one will be able to make decisions and to handle most events he encounters.

Competency of mental-emotional has components we all must expand, which includes self-awareness. Self-
awareness enables us to recognize our own emotions and the effects. What this means is that the entity is
capable of recognizing the way in which he reacts to environmental changes. Self-awareness is the
measure of how an entity's emotions agree with the individual's job performance.

Self-awareness cultivates self-control. Usually, when a person develops a higher grade of competency they
are aware of their own feelings. This helps them to understand better, why meticulous feelings come to
mind. One can relate better to the implications of their own emotions. This is the stepping-stones of
achieving emotional social consciousness.

We have several ways in which we can work toward developing a higher grade of self-awareness. Once a
person has developed this higher plane, the entity is on the voyage of developing emotional skill.

We must learn to pay closer attention to the corporeal signs that come up when a stressful situation
emerges. The physical symptoms may involve sweaty palms, elevated blood pressure and rapid
successions of breathing. When one is aware of the physical symptoms, the entity can learn how to control
or how to acclimatize to them.

Self-identity of self in society and other areas of life involve reaching for a higher plane of emotional self-
awareness. This helps one to keep records of your individual behaviors that are awaken when coming face-
to-face with a stressful situation in society.

A stressful situation may crop up daily. Some folks find it taxing to communicate successfully with their
employer or people in society. On this note, one must learn to jot down his reactions and his physical
symptoms during communication by taking notice when the feelings or responses develop. Next, the entity
must assess his personal reactions and move to discover how the person can act in response better in the

Taking control of your emotions and feelings is important. Most people fail to take responsibility of their
actions. Many people commonly use the same excuse, 'this is how I am, and I can't change now." This is not
an answer to resolve poor reactions; instead, it is just an excuse. In order for a person to attain his dreams
and goals, he must be willing to take responsibility for all areas of his life.

Emotions can without difficulty dictate how an entity reacts in a significant moment. Thus, one must grow
and make changes so that he can manage stressful situations that make that person feel uncomfortable.
There are limitless possibilities in life when an individual is in control. One can accomplish this by expanding
his emotional skills, which is essentially the first step to achieve his goals. Keep in mind that writing a journal
allows you to express your personal thoughts, feelings and emotions. Writing your feelings and thoughts is
one of the most effective ways to identify self.
Self and Society

Some of the human components of emotional strength comes from is self-confidence. Self-confidence one's
belief in his ability to complete any task he sets out to master. This type of emotional strength gives the
entity the ability to recognize that they are the right person for the job. Self-confidence is also enables one to
convey ideas and opinions to others without feeling emotionally challenged. This entity can express his
feelings and thoughts in a manner that is self-assured. An entity that is self-confident will produce a positive
and enduring impact on other people life.

Most people have envied others that have developed with self-confidence at one point in their life. Instead of
envying these people, one should work hard to develop self-confidence of self. This moves that entity closer
to his identity.

An entity that is self-assured has three unique skills. An entity who is sure of self will present self in an
unreserved and self-assured manner. This is because this person has established convictions that back his

When an individual has self-assurance, that person usually stands out in a group. Self-confident individuals
believe that he or she is the best person, the most competent entity for any specific task. Once an entity
possesses the three major skills, he acquires stronger feelings. In this event, that entity can be verified as a
self-confident soul.

We must consider three steps that an individual can take in order to develop a higher plane of self-
confidence. In order for an entity to learn these steps in developing self-confidence, the person cultivates a
willingness to change his or her behavior and thinking. An entity must be willing to modify his or her thinking
to adapt to someone else's self-confidence. Once this individual has committed to cultivating self-confidence
that person must learn to act more determinedly and decisively and with a confident approach. In order to
develop self-confidence we must recognize the need of all humans to accept and need help. A friend or
mentor, someone who you can trust, to assist you in analyzing your confidence ability is all you need to help
you establish your identity. Nevertheless, you must not allow these people to deter you from developing self-
identity that clearly identifies you. In other words, you must seek help, yet decide what you need in order to
establish your identity. This will allocate an entity to see themselves through someone else's eyes, yet set a
limit. The step in self-development is essential in order to develop new perspectives on life.

When an entity is ready to accomplish developing self-confidence that entity should seek a career in which
that individual qualifies for personally. Ask someone you trust or assign a mentor to help you measure what
you need to do in order to amplify your qualifications.

By probing for a better career, a job you qualify for, you are approaching the highest treads of success and
consciousness. Ultimately, you will take charge of your emotions. When you take charge of your emotions,
you often see clearly the final steps that lead you to self-identity.

Humans are made up of many components. In addition to the components outlined in the article, one must
also seek self-awareness of his physiological response and actions. Take time now to find articles that
inform you of the benefits of using biofeedback and Neurofeedback programs. Don't forget to look for
assistance from Radionics. As well, discover the benefits of meditation, yoga and other practices that point
you to guided relaxation. You have many options that will assist you in the new age arena.
Computers and Internet access are cheaper than every before, and that means more and more people can
afford to have both in their homes. Computers are great when you work from home, and in fact, you may not
be able to do so without one. Not everyone who has a computer needs it for work at home though, and most
use it for other things. Many spend hour after hour online, and this can cause a problem with the dynamic of
any family. Computer addiction is a very real thing, and it has caused problems in even the strongest of
families and relationships.

Computer addiction is something most scoff at, but it can be a very real thing. Some come home from work
and barely glance in the direction of their spouse before they log on and check their email. This is something
that starts small and can end with one spouse spending all of their free time in front of their computer
screen. As you can imagine, this type of computer addiction will leave the other spouse feeling neglected,
and may lead to divorce if something does not change.

Adults are not the only ones who can fall into a computer addiction. There are many teens who spend more
and more of their time online rather than hanging out with friends, playing sports, and interacting with their
families. Some of them play games, but many more of them have a addiction to computer instant
messaging, message boards, and sites like MySpace. Not only are they not interacting with real people in
real life, they are neglecting homework and forgetting what it is like to be sociable with others that they meet
face to face.

If you are spending more time looking at your computer screen than sitting on the couch watching a movie
with your spouse or your entire family, you may want to consider that you have a computer addiction. Try
coming home from work one day without touching your computer to see how it makes you feel. If you find
that you can't stay away from it, can't stop thinking about it, or become agitated as if you are missing a huge
part of your life, you may want to consider that you have a computer addiction. This is when you might want
to take some time to think about what really means the most to you, and then make the changes you need
to make. You don't have to give up surfing online or playing games, but there is always something to be said
about moderation and harmony in the home.
Self and Society

When we fail to give forethought before making our decisions, it often causes us to make poor decisions.
We all must stop and look further into the options in order to realize and make better decisions.

We can build confidence when we give forethought before making decisions. The benefits of giving
forethought lead us to higher awareness. We are better able to consider ideas or propositions effectively by
expanding our awareness. Moreover, when one has foresight it is a prudence of having the aptitude to
develop constructive plans. We start planning and anticipating a better life because one takes precaution
before opening his mouthpiece to speak.

Taking precaution provides us a safety measure. This preventative measure will insure that we are
safeguarded while providing us provisions that expand confidence.

We all make decisions daily. For instance, when we wake up we must choose what to wear for the day. We
must chose our hairstyle, what to have for breakfast, what route to take to work, what to do first while at
work and the list goes on and on. An entity almost certainly makes around ten or twenty choices before the
clock strikes 9 a.m. Most of these decisions are made without a second thought.

If the person had given forethought to the decisions he had to make prior to the timeframe that he had to get
moving, thus he would reduce time and stress. How so, well, if this entity would have prepared during the
night hours, he'd have his clothes ready in the morning, choice of breakfast, hairstyle, and route to take to
work, and so much more ready before he woke up. In the morning, he'd merely would have to fix his
breakfast, put on his clothes and do his hair. He could cut back more time by keeping things simple. A
simple hairstyle and casual or business wear is all he needs.

Since an entity must make so many decisions it is critical for that individual to understand what guides
his/her especially in the decision making process.

Part of the problem is learned patterns. The major part of the problem however is the fact that many people
fall short of completely developing self, thus establishing their own self-identity.

Decisions are often made based on the entity's present emotions, thoughts and feelings. One's emotional
competency is based on the way in which an entity reacts under stressful situations. We can develop
emotional competency, which leads us to self-discovery. It is the way in which an entity establishes the
capacity to manage particular events and daily activities. Each of us reacts differently when the emotions are

When an entity has the desire to achieve a higher plane of emotional strength of mind that individual is
striving towards a more positive life, a life that is more satisfying and flourishing.

Consider what would occur if we all made better choices in life. We would all have the aptitude to
accomplish our innermost hopes and dreams. An entity must not fear the process of evaluating his or her
personal emotional strengths. At some point in time, we must be willing to step back and look at the
emotions that determine how we make decisions.

The choices we make dictate our life in many ways. In order to establish self-identity and understand the
way the self behaves in society we must cultivate human qualities, such as higher awareness, confidence,
self-esteem, and move to give forethought before making any decision. While self-development to establish
an identity takes great effort, practice and skill, it is a process we can all complete by taking action today and
giving forethought to our necessities.
Consumers are individuals or households that consume goods and services generated within the economy.
Since this includes just about everyone, the term is a political term as much as an economic term when it is
used in everyday speech.

Typically when business people and economists talk of consumers they are talking about person as
consumer, an aggregated commodity item with little individuality other than that expressed in the buy not
buy decision.

However there is a trend in marketing to individualize the concept. Instead of generating broad demographic
profile and psychographic profiles of market segments, marketers are engaging in personalized marketing,
permission marketing, and mass customization.

A consumer is assumed to have a budget which can be spent on a range of goods and services available on
the market. Under the assumption of rationality, the budget allocation is chosen according to the preference
of the consumer, i.e. to maximize his or her utility function.

In 'time series' models of consumer behavior, the consumer may also invest a proportion of their budget in
order to gain a greater budget in future periods. This investment choice may include either fixed rate interest
or risk-bearing securities.

In the context of mental health, consumer is also a term applied to describe a person living with mental
illness. Literally, it is not really what is states. They are the people seeking for help in their own profile of
their mentality. You can let them gain their life back on track and achieve your goal at the same time.

Problems may also arise when dealing with your possible prospects.

Many patients are frustrated because, despite their best intentions, they seem unable to adhere to an
exercise or 'diet" program. Actually, there are several proven strategies that can be used to help us be
successful in our efforts to improve an aspect of our lifestyle.

First, make a plan and make sure it fits their lifestyle. For example, if you're planning on beginning an
exercise program, think ahead about how you're going to carve out the time in their already busy life. In this
respect, anything you can do to make the exercise program a regular, daily part of your routine will be

It's often a good idea to ask those around you to help you in your endeavors. Anything you can do to help
assure the support of your family, friends and co-workers will increase the odds of success.

Remember that most of the changes you make, whether changing what you prefer to eat, or changing your
schedule to include exercise, will affect those around you. One of the best examples of this is the difficulty
that smokers have trying to quit when those around them are smoking.

If you strictly adhere to a "proven" program that has succeeded for others, however, and fail to produce the
results you want, you may become discouraged or filled with self-doubt. There are many reasons to explain
why self-help techniques fail, and many steps to take to feel good about yourself regardless of the result.
Like every other field, the "experts" in self-help disagree on just about everything.

Always remember this: no matter how smart or 'successful" someone is, how much "proof" you're given, how
much you trust or respect someone, or how logical something seems, it's just an opinion, just what worked
for someone else, just a possible pathway to success.
It is a common belief that creativity involves making something that is completely original. However, it is
important to recognize that nothing is created from nothing. Creative thinking techniques should embrace
the understanding that the process is building on prior knowledge and experience. It is the individual's
interpretation that makes the final product unique.

We can actually hinder our creativity when we put too much pressure on ourselves to be completely original.
What makes a project one-of-a-kind is the individual's perspective. The creator filters thoughts, emotions,
images and whatever else he knows or experiences though his psyche. Creative thinking techniques simply
help that individual take a different perspective.

Parts of the process of exercising creative thinking techniques that work with perspective involve using your
subconscious mind. This is a wonderful place for dreams and unusual thoughts and ideas. This area is also
the most difficult to tap on the conscious level. Creative thinking techniques can be used to tap into this new
realm of your self that you may not even know existed.

One of my favorite exercises is automatic writing. This creative thinking technique was used by William
Butler Yeats during the early part of the 20th century. This master of poetic verse used this as his primary
approach to writing. This is one of the creative thinking strategies that has led to many revelations and
amazing poetry.

William Butler Yeats used to sit with pen and paper. He would simply put the pen to the paper and start
moving his hands. Automatic writing is commonly associated with the occult but his approach was more
about tapping into the subconscious. Basically, these creative thinking techniques require you to stop
thinking and just write.

You are not to worry about spelling, grammar and anything to do with rules and regulations. Worrying about
sounding silly will hinder the creative process. Just let the words come as they do. You may find that you
wind up with nothing but scribbles but that is perfectly fine as well.

Other creative thinking techniques involve the visual arts. Drawing is more about seeing than it is putting
pencil to paper. Developing an interesting perspective will help you make a unique visual composition. There
are many ways to find perspective.

I like to turn a drawing upside down to see it with new eyes. Another creative thinking technique that
involves perspective is to move furniture or simply look at a space used for creativity from a different angle.
You may find the new way of looking at things to be the path to your creativity.
While the term depression has been commonly used that people tend not to take it seriously anymore, it is
a very serious condition that could impair one's life. Depression is very difficult. It can debilitate one's normal
functions, making even the most mundane tasks such as getting up from bed or eating breakfast seemingly
difficult. It is sad to think that a lot of depressed individuals are not treated because of the high costs of
therapy. However, coping with depression is still possible without professional help if one knows depression
management. Here are a few things that can help people deal with depression, it is important to note
however, that professional therapy is still very invaluable with serious depression. These steps are just
suggestions for alleviating the condition.

Staying active is one way to take one's mind off depression. Primarily, activities help distract people from
whatever it is that is causing their depression and it also helps channel unspent energies that build up when
one is depressed. Keeping active also releases endorphins - natural mood boosters that somehow cheer
people up.

It is also important to take a rest. Being depressed can be very exhausting, so it is essential to regain
strength and energy if one is to deal with depression. Relaxation techniques can help one be more attuned
to the self and be more at peace. When resting, stressors should be kept away from the bedroom so that
ample rest can be obtained.

Depressed people should also express their emotions. Depression usually results from suppressed
emotions. People who are grieving can be prone to depression if they keep their emotion to themselves. A
lot of people avoid crying because they think it might be a sign of weakness. However, it is important to cry
because it releases one's emotions. When expressing feelings, it is important to avoid catharsis - venting up
one's anger by doing something violent like boxing, smashing things, and the like. Catharsis does not
release one's emotion, especially anger. Rather, it makes a person practice violence as an expression of
emotion, and thus can be very dangerous.

Hang around with friends and loved ones. Depressed individuals need support very much. Other people can
distract one from stressors. People can also remind a depressed individual that there can be more to life,
and it is worth living even if it is simply because of the company of wonderful people.

Lastly, it is important to believe in oneself. A lot of people get depressed because they put themselves down.
It is important to satisfy oneself and gain a sense of self-worth. It is good to do something that would make
one happy. Prioritizing one's self can help one to believe that one's own life is important and can be enjoyed.
Being kind to oneself is one of the most important steps to get away from a depressive state.

Depression management is possible and entails taking charge of one's self. When dealing with depression
however, it is important not to rush. Sadness does not disappear overnight; it takes time to get back on
one's feet. Little by little, one can get out of depression and have a normal life once more.
People communicate with each other in various ways for a lot of reasons. And one of these reasons is when
you need something from someone. For people in business, this can either be in the form of products or
services. You may want to sell a product while the other party must find your product useful for his intention.
You may want to offer your services while the other party must be satisfied with the services you render
according to his needs. In short, the way to get somebody or anybody to do what you want is to make them
want to do it.

To get something you want through intimidation or violence is to invite trouble. Yes, it's possible but not
advisable to use forceful methods because the results are undesirable and at times disastrous. Imagine if
you force an employee to take a leave of absence for having apparently violated a company rule. The
relationship between management and the employee, or perhaps between management and union (if the
employee is a member of it), is likely to be severed.

To get what you want, give people what they want. Just what do people want? Physical health, family ties,
financial security, spiritual growth, peace of mind, a successful career, and fame are the basic needs of
people. There is one important yet intangible thing everybody wants and that is appreciation. Being
appreciated and complimented makes a person feel important. When you feel important, you feel needed
and wanted, and this gives you a whole lot of reason for existence.

Just how do you give somebody the feeling of importance? Say it, act it; just give it freely, honestly, and
wholeheartedly. As literal as it is, saying how appreciative you are for a favor received, makes the other
person feel important. You may not be able to describe exactly in words the feeling of importance when
you're in the shoes of the recipient. But definitely, what you can not describe is real and priceless.

Pre-empt importance. Give some sort of sign to the other person that what you want from him, will make him
feel important. Let's take charity for example. A recipient wants or needs contributions from the giver. It can
either be material or service contribution, or both. Even before the act itself, the giver somehow expects
appreciation from the recipient and this will give him a boost of importance. Appreciation may not
necessarily be in words. A smile and/or a pat would suffice and they can come from both giver and recipient.
The giver shows his feeling of being appreciated. The recipient shows his feeling of appreciation for the gift.
Somehow magic or chemistry takes place. It's a feeling both parties would enjoy happening many times

Are you aware that the feeling of importance, brought about by compliments and appreciation, is good for
your health, mentally and physically? Whether you are the giver or recipient, it is good for both. There are
medical findings that substantiate health effects brought about by positive emotions like compliments and
appreciation. Frequent doses of the feeling of importance activate the brain cells and various harmonies in
the body that promote good health. To put it plainly, the feeling of importance is the antioxidant of life.

Can you think of a better way to nourish other people's feelings than to show your concern and
appreciation? Well, you can show something better than appreciation, and that is - a truckload of

You know what you and I and everybody else should be doing right now? We should go out there and show
our feeling of appreciation to everything and everybody. Let's go!
How to relate to Self and Society

Thinking positive can get a person a long way in this world. We can feel healthier and succeed at anything
we want when you think positive. This is because we start to form our identity quicker, which helps us better
understand the self in society.

When making decisions you need to think positive before you answer or decide how to handle the problem.
People make decisions all the time and wonder why in the world they said or did something one way or
another when it doesn't work out.

We hear negative things and our mind pick them up and store them for further use in the subliminal
compartment. Our subconscious mind thinks negative thoughts using self-talk to send them to us. We do
what is being sent whether it is the wrong answer or not.

In order to make a good decision we need to think positive to overshadow the negative thoughts. Think
positive and keep the bigger picture in view. Take some time to learn self-talk and subliminal learning
practices to help you succeed.

If we are thinking and doing negative things we will never get anywhere in this world. Our health is affected
when we make poor choices. Because you won't be motivated to get out and exercise or to cook a healthy
meal from thinking negative, thus it takes a toll on the body and mind. Negative thoughts will take over and
you will lose control.

Don't let negative thoughts ruin your life. Take control and start thinking positive by using innate abilities and
tools, such as self-talk. Learn self-management skills and gain confidence that you will not let negative
things control you.

Make something of yourself and be healthier by relating better with self. Tell yourself that you are going to
start an exercise program today by setting some goals. Plan to keep the body healthy so that you have a
healthy mind.

Know what you want before you set out in the develop process. If you are unsure then allow your subliminal
mind to reveal messages that help you see what you need. Exercise each day to maintain weight, stress,
and to strengthen your muscles. You can do these things and more by thinking positive.

Set a goal and write it down on paper. Setting goals will help you to focus on the positive. Writing helps to
relieve stress and setting goals will give you something positive to work toward. As you reach, your goals
check them off. This will help you see where you can go when thinking positive.

Reward your self as you reach each goal. Self-assurance is the ticket to expanding higher levels of positive
thinking. Buy yourself a new outfit, Put a note on the refrigerator when you lose that weight and buy a new
bike when your muscles get stronger. Start biking riding, laugh and have fun to relieve stress. Be proud of
your success when you reach each goal.

Don't stop thinking positive once you begin to check off your goals. Create new ones to go further in
success. Continue to look back and note your progress.

Being healthier and happier will help to prevent many diseases and you will feel like a new person as you
begin to see how much better you feel from thinking positive.

Enjoy your new health and happiness with positive thinking and self-talk you've come a long ways and keep
going ahead to succeed. All your endeavors will pay off and you will find the greatest reward of all, i.e.
knowing yourself.
How would you rate our nation's driving skills? I don't know about everyone else, but I see some pretty bad
drivers out there. And they're not just teenagers and the elderly. Take your pick of any age group. There are
bad drivers everywhere you go and they come in al shapes, colors and sizes. You know what this means!
We all need to take advantage of a modern-day defensive driving course. Hey, I didn't say you had to head
over to the local DMV. I am talking about a course that can be accessed from your home. They don't call this
the age of convenience for nothing. Folks start your engines!

Never heard of an online defensive driving course, huh? Oh well, I can't say that it surprises me. There are
just so many things to keep up with in cyberspace now days. I'll bet you've never come across virtual high
school either. Or, how about online college courses? All of these things are totally available. So why not take
advantage of a defensive driving course in the privacy of your own home? Learn how to deal with all those
nuts and maniacs out there, who think they own the highway. The thing that always gets me is that people
never signal anymore. What's with this? Did I miss an important memo or something? Use your turn signals,
people! That's what they're there for.

Taipei, Taiwan should offer all its citizens a defensive driving course. Holy-moly do they drive ridiculously
fast over there. After spending a month in this foreign land I concluded that I would not be able to maneuver
through Taipei traffic. Nope; I would get into an accident so fat in that city. For all of you out there that think
New Yorkers need a defensive driving course, you haven't seen anything yet. The Big Apple pales in
comparison to Taipei, Taiwan. So, are you ready to get started yet? Hop on a little search engine known as and punch in the key phrase 'defensive driving course." It's time you took it upon yourself to
drive safely and keep your passengers out of harm's way. This goes especially for those of you who have
children. It's your duty to keep them safe and secure while riding in a vehicle.
No matter who you talk to, you will find that every person has a different definition of success. The basics
are the same almost everywhere, but each person puts their own unique twist on what they think makes
them successful. This isn't really surprising, because as humans we are so vastly different in our thoughts
and how we view the world. You have to decide what your own definition of success is before you can
achieve it. Believe it or not, that is not as hard as you may think.

Some will tell you that their definition of success is happiness. The problem with that is that happiness also
varies from person to person. What really makes you happy is solely up to you. Some people find that they
want vast amounts of money before they consider themselves happy, while others think happiness is a little
simpler than that. There is really no right or wrong answer, because happiness is personal, and so is
someone's definition of success.

Success might be something you seek in your career, or it may be something you seek in your personal life.
For me, my definition of success lies somewhere in the middle. I believe that success is about more than
amount of money in my account. I think having financial security is a part of success, but I don't think you
can base your whole life on that one thing alone. There are other kinds of riches out there, and this comes in
the form of your friends and family. Love and support are certainly part of the equation for me and many

You have to know what your definition of success is before you can achieve it. If you want to be successful,
but you don't know what that is for sure, you are going to have a hard time getting there. If you know what
you want, and what you think will make you feel happy and peaceful inside, then you have found your
definition of success and you are going to have a much easier time trying to get there. If you have defined
goals, the path is that much easier to follow. Your definition of success will be as unique as you are. Some
may decide they don't like your idea of what happiness and success might be, but you can't let that bother
you. We have one life, and we should live it they way we choose.
What do you really want in life?

Most people don't discover what they want in life until it's time to die - and that's a shame.

Most people spend the best years of their lives watching television or doing things they dislike. An author
described humanity by saying, "Most people die at twenty and are buried at eighty." Are you one of the living

What do you really want in life?

Some people struggle in answering such question. When asked what they want or what their goals in life
are, many are unsure. They dillydally in their decision, hardly giving any thought about what they want in life.
People without definite goals are letting time pass them by. Are you one of these people?

If you are undecided about what you want out of life, do not worry. There are many ways of discovering
your purpose in life.

To discover what you want in life, try looking deep into your heart. Oftentimes, people are ruled by logic.
People live by what they think they should be or by what others like them to be. The discovery process is the
perfect time to listen to your heart. What your heart desires comes from the whispers of your authentic self.
Your authentic self is the real you.

Listen to your heart to be able to listen to your authentic self. What your heart says usually feels right. What
your heart desires is what you usually love to do and this represents your passion. Anything done with
passion is like play where the task is accomplished without hesitation. You pour out your very best and feel
no pressure or resistance.

You will totally enjoy doing things that are your passion. Setbacks, difficulties, and obstacles will make it
more challenging, but should not deter you from pursuing your goals. Naturally, there may be barriers that
may prevent you from reaching your goal, but your heart's desire will find ways to overcome these barriers
so that you may ultimately get what you want in life. Remember this: the universe supports people who are
pursuing their passion and those who are pursuing their destiny.

However, this does not mean that you don't use your head. People are born with both the mind and heart.
Your duty is to live your best life and be in harmony with your mind and heart. The poet Rumi wisely said,
"Live completely in the head and you cannot feel the breath and rhythm of life. Live completely in the heart
and you may find yourself acting like a love-struck fool with poor judgment and discipline. It's all a fine
balance - the head and heart must forge a lifetime partnership if one wants to live a beautiful life."

Listen to your instinct. Part of human nature is the mysterious and spontaneous reaction on things. Often
times, these are called instincts. Your authentic self communicates with you and guides you via instincts.
Instincts are those gentle nudges that urge you to act and follow a certain path. Your role then is to listen

Often times, we listen to what others say and allow them to run our lives. Parents often do this to their
children. "We come from a family of doctors, so my son must also be a doctor." How often do we hear this
from parents who have good intentions for their children? Parents unconsciously block the true expression
of their child's real self and calling. Friends and critics will discourage you and point out the impossibility of
your dream. Before heeding their advice, evaluate the accomplishments of the critics. Did they achieve
theirs dreams? Do they dream big at all?

Remember, it is your destiny that is in line, not theirs. It doesn't mean, though, that you will not listen to what
other people say. Hear them out just the same. But the final decision should be yours.

There is only thing to remember: Every person, to live truly and greatly, must define how he wants to live
and what his brightest life will look like. Listen to your instincts and follow your heart's desire. You will never
go wrong.
Have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch that something is about to
happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was eventually translated to reality?

When you feel strongly about something without logical basis to it, that's called intuition. It comes in three
impressions: clairvoyance or 'the third eye", sensing clearly and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know what is happening

Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as "hunch" or "gut feel." This is the time when you are
overwhelmed with a feeling and you can't explain it and all you can say is "I just know."

On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to "listen" between the lines.
Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is - be it a car's honk or a bird's twitting -
ushers in an intense feeling.

They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition. Astrologers even insist that people born under the
Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive it almost borders on E.S.P. But studies have been sprouting
left and right that proclaim that anyone can develop intuition.

Why the need to develop intuition, you ask? Why not let your emotional and psychological state as it is?
First and foremost, intuition promotes good communication. It makes you more sensitive to the people
around you; it often keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to understand
them. Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever. Intuition means releasing more creative juices
for any means of expression. Lastly, intuition has a healing power. This healing power is not in the physical
sense, but in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in it.

With that being said, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:

1. Hypnosis

Oh yes, get yourself hypnotized. Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum move back and forth.
Perform self-hypnosis or you can avail of hypnotic programs that can strengthen your intuition.

2. Meditation

Meditating means finding peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are cluttered with too many baggage and
hurt, you wouldn't be able to quiet down that part of you that could eventually initiate intuition. There are so
many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing that could bring you
straight to Zen.

3. Think positive!

A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve your intuitive ability. By staying positive, you
attract good energy that would be able to easily recognize imminent feelings and events.

4. Just let go.

What does this mean? If you are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of all the inhibitions and
head to a quiet place where you could find out where the letting go has brought you. Sometimes you just
have to listen to the voice within you, and that voice wouldn't come out unless you let go.

5. Never expect.

After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop you from thinking and feeling clearly, never
expect for an answer right away. Never expect that the "hunch" would fall on your lap immediately. Give it a
little time then you'd just get surprised that -- wham! -- now you have your answer.

6. Believe in your first impressions.

When you see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for your taste, chances are
that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.
7. Stay happy!

See? All you need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense power and such power
includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given that
premise, intuition will fall to you easily.

Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads you to something that cannot be achieved otherwise. A lot of
lives have been saved by intuition alone. Decisions are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition
now and reap benefits you have never imagined.
A person's self identity is really important to exist in society. People work hard to maintain their self-esteem
and self-dignity. Both these elements are required in the development of self-identity. There are so many
people who work hard to achieve their goals and ambitions. So, that they can maintain or develop their self-
identity. The self identity of self is built in society surroundings only. It is the society, which helps a person to
develop his self identity.

Self-discipline in a person's surroundings solves the purpose of self to act and think to a large extent that is
a part of self-identity. It is very important in life as Self-discipline helps a person to achieve his goals and
ambitions. If a person follows the path of Self-discipline, he will never have any problems at the time of
reaching his destiny. He does not have to compromise in his life. Self-discipline is a key to success. It is a
cultivated process; it will connect a person's past to present and further to future.

Planning is very necessary when a person is thinking about his goals and ambitions. Planning comes under
self-discipline. Self-discipline helps a person to build his confidence level. Without any fear a person can
follow his self and move ahead in life. Self-discipline solves the purpose of emotional self-hostage by making
aware of the cause and effects of negative emotions.

If a person wants any guidance regarding his problems then he can take help from a psychologist. He will
really get help in solving his problems. A person should always maintain a balance when it comes to his
problems in life.

When it comes to achieving goals a person should be aware of his deeds. A person should think on a wider
perspective on what is needed in society. That is self identity needs to be expanded as it will include all the
things a person plans to achieve. If a person thinks about his goals according to the society's perspective,
he will definitely be successful. A person's identity changes according to time and surroundings. This
process of self identity is quick and steady. Self identity also fluctuates due to circumstances.

Self identity of a person is reality of his life. An individual self is to act and think governs the self identity of
that individual. The inner and outer self both govern the self identity of a person. If a person compares his
own self to another person he will realize the difference. This means that a renowned person has more fame
in the society as compared to a normal employ.

The self identity of a renowned person will be more appealing as compared to the normal employ. Both pf
their frequency will never match. It will only match when a normal employ reaches the level of the other
person. A person desires also frame self identity. When a person will start fulfilling his desires he reaches
the point of equilibrium. This point will further enhance his self identity in society. Emotions, feelings help a
lot in development of self. People who have good feelings for other person are always accepted by the
society. People make society that is they form society.

The key to self identity is success. A person has to shift his awareness level and has to focus specifically on
it. An individual just has to do a little hard work by keeping a quick pace. Confidence ability in a person is
very important to achieve self identity. A person will achieve the confidence level from self identity in his
surroundings. He will now feel confident while talking, thinking and acting. Therefore, confidence level will
help in the development of self identity in society surroundings.
Self and Society

Human beings are complex individuals and no one can understand this thing much better than we, humans
ourselves. Humans have always been termed as social animals and it is very true indeed.

People need a society, which they can live in, find their place in the society and develop meaningful relations
with other fellow human beings. People keep trying to understand other individuals all through their lives but
surprisingly, they often fail to understand their inner selves, the purpose of their lives and their relation with
their inner selves and identity of the society.

Every individual has three distinctive sides to his personality. His outer self which he presents to the world,
his private self which is mostly deep seated somewhere in his personality and forms the core of his inner
self. The third side of an individual's personality is his mirror or perceived self. This is that aspect of a person
as the world at large and he himself believes him to be like.

Among these three selves, remains lost our self-identity and identity of the society, which needs to be
acknowledged well in time in order to progress and tread on the path of self-development. A person's public
self, which he exhibits to the world, can often be the most deceiving one. If a person is quite extrovert and is
considered very outgoing by his peers, he is expected to be highly optimistic, high energy and motivated in
life. Nevertheless, in reality, it may be possible that an individual may be quite its opposite. In such cases,
the concerned person always feels the need to mask his inner self and present an identity of what the world
perceives him to be. In the process of constantly putting up with a fake exterior, he may lose touch with his
inner self and his real identity.

Our inner self will remain hidden by rest of the world most of the times. It will only surface itself when an
individual is faced by problems and uphill challenges in his life. The obstacles and difficulties faced by an
individual can reveal a person to the best. In such situations, he forgets all about his fake exterior and his
inner persona is what takes over. Thus, it will not be an exaggeration to say that our self-identity is best
revealed to ourselves and the society, when we are faced with troubles and difficult situations in life.
Several people are often confused between the concepts of self-image and inner self.

Self-image can be best defined as what we perceive of ourselves to be. It could be wrong or right depending
upon how accurately a person is able to perceive himself. However, our inner self is free from all such
misappropriations. It is dependent on the way our conscience works and is gradually shaped up after being
influenced by a lot of factors. These factors include an individual's past experiences and the expectations of
other people from him.

However, people often tend to ignore the lessons learnt from their past experiences and tend to give much
more importance to what society thinks and expects out of them. This is one of the main factors, which
prevent them from progressing further in life, and they fail to figure out any meaningful relationship between
themselves and the society.

Several psychologists and experienced philosophers are of the belief that people who are able to
understand themselves and their relation with the society in the better manner, are generally the ones who
are hailed by the society for their accomplishments in life and are considered as role model by their fellow
members in the society.
There has been a decline in consumer confidence in the building and construction industry. This may be the
same reason why many are now doing home improvements by themselves.

Why not? A little knowledge of the technical aspects combined with the eye for creativity is enough to do the
home improvement on your own.

Why are people turning to do-it-yourself home improvements?

Many construction workers who do not have a lot of experience or expertise in construction or home
maintenance are out there right now trying to work on these homes across the country.

As a result, homeowners are finding that the jobs are not being completed to their satisfaction. Sometimes
they are even prepaying for services that do not get done or are not part of the plan.

You do not have to rely and pay someone to improve your home. Why not try to do it yourself?

You can enhance your home's existing concrete surfaces using acid stains, acrylic stains, epoxy paints, and
scoring techniques.

If you are tired of looking at dreary gray concrete, there are some easy projects for the serious home
improvement do-it-yourselfer to give your patio, driveway, garage, etc. a refreshing new look.

Decorative concrete work costs double or even triple that of regular concrete. This is why many people
cannot afford it.

There are inexpensive ways to decorate concrete after it has cured without having to pay skilled tradesmen.

Acid based concrete stains are becoming more and more popular for coloring concrete surfaces. They
chemically react with the cementitious material to produce permanent color with variegated or mottled
appearance like that of marble. This results in a natural, elegant looking surface.

Water based concrete stains are an alternative to acid stains and are much more user friendly because
they"re much less toxic. These stains do not chemically react with the concrete; they are absorbed into the
surface pores and act like a dye. The big advantage of water based stains is the wide array of colors

If you want to venture beyond the basic staining of concrete, consider using some scoring techniques to
create patterns on the surface.

You can make your concrete look like a tile floor for example. It is up to your imagination. An angle grinder
with a 4 inch grinding or cutting wheel is the ideal tool for this.

The important thing to remember when scoring is to draw the pattern on the concrete first and make sure
you are satisfied with the way it looks because scoring is irreversible.

Epoxy paints make an excellent coating for garage floors and basement floors. Many commercial floors
have epoxy coatings because of their durability and resistance to chemical spills as well as their

In recent years, however, it has become very popular for residential use with an increasing availability of
different colors. This is not a difficult project, but the key to successful application is surface preparation.

Epoxy paints have also become available in a water based form making it safe for the do-it-yourselfer and
ideal for indoor applications. They cost a little more than stains. For a 400 square foot garage, you"ll spend
about $200 for the materials needed for this project.

See? You do not have to spend money to have your home improved. You have the capability to do it
yourself. With some instructions and a little bit of work, anyone can turn boring concrete into their own
Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who
hasn't fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer? Who hasn't dreamed of being the
homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our

Often, we dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that –
dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust in our attic.

This is a sad turn of events in our life. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self actualization, we
get caught up in the humdrum of living from day-to-day just barely existing.

But you know what? Life could be so much better, if only we learned to aim higher.

The most common problem to setting goals is the word impossible. Most people get hung up thinking I can't
do this. It's too hard. It's too impossible. No one can do this.

However, if everyone thought that, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in
human accomplishment.

Remember that scientists were baffled when they took a look at the humble bumblebee. Theoretically, they
said, it was impossible for the bumblebee to fly. Unfortunately for the bumble, bee no one has told it so. So
fly it does.

On the other hand, some people suffer from dreaming totally outrageous dreams and not acting on them.
The result? Broken dreams, and tattered aspirations.

If you limit yourself with self-doubt, and self-limiting assumptions, you will never be able to break past what
you deem impossible. If you reach too far out into the sky without working towards your goal, you will find
yourself clinging on to the impossible dream.

Try this exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down some goals in your life. Under one header, list down
things "you know you can do". Under another header, write the things "you might be able to do." And under
one more, list the things that that are "impossible for you to do."

Now look at all the headers strive every day to accomplish the goals that are under things "you know you
can do". Check them when you are able to accomplish them. As you slowly are able to check all of your
goals under that heading, try accomplishing the goals under the other header-the one that reads "you might
be able to do."

As of the items you wrote under things I could do are accomplished, you can move the goals that are under
things that are "impossible for you to do" to the list of things "you might be able to do."

As you iterate through this process, you will find out that the goals you thought were impossible become
easier to accomplish. And the impossible begin to seem possible after all.

You see, the technique here is not to limit your imagination. It is to aim high, and start working towards that
goal little by little. However, it also is unwise to set a goal that is truly unrealistic.

Those who just dream towards a goal without working hard end up disappointed and disillusioned.

On the other hand, if you told someone a hundred years ago that it was possible for man to be on the moon,
they would laugh at you. If you had told them that you could send mail from here to the other side of the
world in a few seconds, they would say you were out of your mind. But, through sheer desire and
perseverance, these impossible dreams are now realities.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer. For
one to accomplish his or her dreams, there has to be had work and discipline. But take note that that 1% has
to be a think-big dream, and not some easily accomplished one.

Ask any gym rat and he or she will tell you that there can be no gains unless you are put out of your comfort
zone. Remember the saying, "No pain, no gain"? That is as true as it can be.
So dream on, friend! Don't get caught up with your perceived limitations. Think big and work hard to attain
those dreams. As you step up the ladder of progress, you will just about find out that the impossible has just
become a little bit more possible.
Are you a male who is looking to dress for success? Dressing for success has a number of benefits.
Whether you are interested in dressing for success for an upcoming job interview, an important business
meeting, or another important event, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. If that is the case,
you will want to continue reading on, as a few tips that you may find helpful are outlined below for your

When it comes to dressing for success, it is advised that you do a little bit of research. Unfortunately, when
it comes to this type of research, many men mistakenly believe that they need to start reading fashion
magazines. This is something that is an automatic turn off for many men. Although fashion magazines are a
great way to learn about the latest in fashions, even workplace fashions, fashion magazines are not your
only option. You can use the internet or business magazines or business journals to your advantage. What
you will want to do is read any articles that focus on men dressing for success and examine any pictures
that you may come across.

If you are interested in dressing for success for work, it is advised that you first examine your dress code. It
is not uncommon, especially in today's society, for many companies to have rules and restrictions
surrounding what can or cannot be worn in the workplace. Although it may seem as if many of these rules
and restrictions are designed for women, you are still advised to examine your company's dress code. Not
doing so could result in you unintentionally breaking the rules or violating company policy. It is best if you
examine your company's dress code, which should be outlined in your employee handbook, before you start
shopping for dress for success clothes.

In keeping with dressing for success for work, it is advised that you take a look at those around you. You
may want to follow in the footsteps of your coworkers or supervisors. Yes, you may want to take it one step
higher and dress for success, not just professionally, but you are advised to proceed with caution. Overkill
can do much more harm than good. This is just an important point that you will want to always keep in mind.
For instance, a tuxedo may be out of place at an office where tan paints, dress shirts, and ties are worn.

It is also important that you always keep price in mind, when shopping to dress for success. When dressing
for success, it is easy to get carried away. If you are not careful, you could not only spend more money than
you need to, but you can also spend more money than you have. If you are interested in shopping locally,
you will want to examine your local retailers that focus on formal clothing or career clothing. When doing so,
be on the lookout for any sales that may be advertised in your local newspapers or sales that may be
advertised in store windows. Should you wish to shop for dress for success clothes online, it is advised that
you compare prices before making any purchases. Price comparison can save you a considerable amount
of money and it is easy to do online.

Another tip that can help you dress for success involves using your common sense and your best judgment.
These two resources are the most helpful, when it comes to dressing for success. If you are unsure as to
whether or not a piece of clothing may give off that dress for success impression, it may be a good idea to
examine your other options. Dressing for success involves displaying confidence, not indecision.

The above mentioned tips are just a few of the many tips that you can use to go about dressing for success.
Although a large amount of focused on is placed on women dressing for success, men can benefit from it
just as much.
When it comes to dressing for success, many individuals instinctively think of adults. With that in mind, if
you are a teenager, you may also be interested in dressing for success. Teenagers regularly need to dress
for success for job interviews, scholarship interviews, and well as college admission interviews. For more
information on how you can make a good impression, by dressing for success, you will want to continue
reading on.

As previously stated, it is advised that you dress for success when attending job interviews. This is
important, especially during the summer months. During the summertime, it is common for teenagers to
search for summer jobs. Many businesses are overrun with job applications from teenagers. To ensure that
you end up with a job, during the summer or all year round, you will want to take steps to set yourself apart
from the competition. In addition to having a professional resume, this can also be done by showing up for
your job interview dressed for success. Dressing for success shows professionalism, drive, and
determination, which is what many businesses search for. The same can be said for college administrations
or those awarding scholarships.

When it comes to dressing for success, there are many teenagers who are concerned with what is trendy
and what is not. While this is a nice approach to take, it is important that you proceed with caution. If you
have ever heard your parents or other adults state that fashion isn't what it used to be for teenagers, they
are right. Now, it is common to find trendy clothes that focus on showing off assets. This is okay in causal
environments, but you may want to focus on more professional clothing. A good approach to take is to
examine dress for success clothes designed for men and women, instead of just teens.

Another one of the many ways that you can go about dressing for success is by speaking with your parents.
As a teenager, this may be one of the last things that you want to do, but it may actually be your best option.
Your parents or even other adults are more likely to give you unbiased options when it comes to dressing
professionally and dressing for success. Even if you will be purchasing your own clothing, it is still advised
that you ask a relative to go shopping with you. That individual can help you determine whether or not the
clothes you try on give you that dress for success look and feel.

You can learn more about dressing for success by doing a little bit of research. The good news is that this
research can come in a number of different formats. The internet and fashion magazines are a great way to
go about learning more about fashions, including fashions for workplaces, as well as fashions for college
purposes. As a reminder though, just be careful with what you take seriously. Just because something looks
like a good idea on paper, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be the best option for you.

The above mentioned tips are just a few of the many tips that you will want to take into consideration if you
are a teenager who is looking to dress for success. As a reminder, there a number of instances in which
teens, like you, are urged to dress for success.
Are you a woman who is interested in dressing for success? Whether you would like to show off your skills
and professionalism at work, at a business meeting, a job interview, or at a party you are hosting, it is
important to remember that you have an unlimited number of options. These options are nice to have, but
they have the ability to create some confusion.

When it comes to dressing for success, you are urged to do a little bit of research first. This research should
involve examining the internet and fashion magazines. If you are interested in dressing for success for a job
interview, work, or an important business meeting, it may be a good idea to turn to career or business
magazines or journals. Be on the lookout for any workplace fashion articles, as well as pictures.

If you are looking to dress for success for work related purposes, such as a job interview, business meeting,
or just work in general, it is important that you first examine your company's dress code. This is extremely
important, as you do not want to intentionally or unintentionally break any company rules. For women, it is
common to find a number of dress code restrictions. These restrictions may ban the wearing of low-cut
shirts, ban the wearing of tank tops, ban skirts or dresses above the knees, and so forth. To save yourself
both time and money, you will want to make sure you know what is acceptable and what is not before you
start shopping for dress for success clothes.

It is also important that you keep costs in mind. When looking to dress professionally or dress for success,
the cost of doing so can end up being quite high. If you are not careful, you could spend much more money
than you need to. One of the best ways to save money when shopping for dress for success clothes is by
using the internet. Online shopping is nice, as you should have an unlimited number of retailers to do
business with. When examining these retailers, be on the lookout for any daily or weekly sales or sales on
items that have been discontinued. The same can be said for shopping locally; be sure to examine all store
sales, as you can save yourself a considerable amount of money by taking this approach.

Perhaps, the best thing that you can do, when looking to dress for success is use your best judgment. Many
individuals do not realize how far common sense can go. If you are looking to dress for a formal event in
which you are honored for, you will want to proceed with caution. Although you may want to look beautiful
and trendy, it is important that you do so in an elegant matter. This is particularly important if you are being
awarded for a worthy cause, like your participation in local charities. Generally speaking, if have to stop and
think about whether or not a particular piece of clothing would be acceptable for work or another important
upcoming event, it may be best to move on.

The above mentioned tips are just a few of the many tips that you will want to take into consideration, when
looking to dress for success. Although it isn't necessarily fair, women, more than men, have more issues to
deal with when looking to dress professionally or dress for success.
It is a well-known fact that if you want to get anywhere in your career, you have to be knowledgeable about
dressing for success. This is even true if you are like me and work from home. Most of the time I can work in
my pajamas if I want to, but if I have to meet a client in person, I can't show up in just anything. Though I
never believed it when I was younger, what they say about dressing for success is true. If you think you look
successful, you are going to put into motion the good traits you need to succeed. Dressing for success is
essential if you want to get ahead and make a go of your career.

If you don't know what dressing for success is, you need to find some help. One of the best ways to do this
is to see how someone you admire looks each day when they go to work. Hang out in the business district of
your city around noon and see what everyone looks like as they emerge from their offices and head to lunch.
This may give you a good indication of what you should look for when you go shopping for your new
business attire.

If you don't have a lot of money, dressing for success is much harder. Quality clothing is expensive, and you
don't want to show up looking haggard and worn. You need good, clean suits and shoes. You must look like
you have it all together, and this is much harder when the dollars are scarce. If you need help, you"ll be
happy to know that help is out there. There is an organization out there that accepts used business attire to
donate to people who need help starting out in their careers. The clothes must be in good shape to be
accepted, and they must be spot free.

These types of programs are designed to help single moms who are entering the work force but have little to
help them get started. This doesn't mean they won't help anyone else, but they are the main focus. They
want to give a mom who may have felt trapped in the welfare system to get up on their feet and get a job
that will support their family. If you want to help with this project, or perhaps you need something to help you
with dressing for success, do a search online to find out who to call or where to go.
Are you an individual who has recently decided that you would like to improve your appearance? If you are
interested in doing so, whether it be inside or outside of work, you may be interested in dressing for success.

When it comes to dressing for success, a large amount of focus is placed on clothing. For instance, many
women search for elegant pants suits or dresses that can be worn to business meetings, job interviews,
parties, or just to work in general. Men also do the same, but many tend to focus on business pants suits or
dress pants. While it is important that you focus on these clothing pieces and others, you may also want to
look beyond the clothing. A good percentage of your focus, if you are interested in dressing for success,
should also be placed on accessories.

When it comes to accessories, you will find that you have a number of different options, particularly for
women. Clothing accessories that those dressing for success may want to examine include jewelry, hair
accessories, belts, shoes, as well as purses or handbags. If you are woman who is interested in dressing
for success, you may also want to examine clothing accessories, such as the ones previously listed.

Although clothing and clothing accessories are often associated with women, there are number of
accessories that men can also benefit from as well, especially those who are looking for success. Men
looking to improve their professionalism or appearance in general are urged to examine shoes, jewelry, such
as watches, belts, and neckties. With a little bit of shopping or researching online, you can easily find that
men have just as many accessory options as women do.

As nice as it is to hear that you should use clothing accessories in your quest to shop for success, you may
be curious as to why you should do so. For starters, it is common for many men and women to wear
clothing accessories anyways. With that in mind, many men and woman have certain accessories that they
like to wear. For instance, women may only own or two handbags and men may only own and regularly
wear a couple pairs of shoes. This is more than acceptable, but it is important to take a look at your
ensemble as a whole. For instance, a leopard print handbag, although not every successful to begin with,
will not match or flow together with a plaid printed business suit, and so forth.

When shopping for clothing accessories, in your quest to dress for success, it is important to realize that you
do not need to purchase matching accessories for each outfit that you purchase. What you may want to do
instead is purchase a number of accessories that are comprised of neutral colors. For instance, a black,
brown, or off-white handbag or belt will likely go with a number of different outfits. The same can be said for
shoes, jewelry, and other clothing accessories.

If you are interested in not only buying dress for success clothes, but dress for success clothing accessories
as well, it may be beneficial to make your purchases at the same time. This will help if you are looking to
match all accessories and clothing pieces together. With that mind, your shopping can also be done later.
For moneysaving accessories, you may want to consider shopping online.
Are you interested in improving your public perception? If you are, you are not alone, as many individuals
are regularly concerned with the way or ways that others view them. If this is you, you may be interested in
dressing for success. Whether you are looking to dress for success for work, for social related purposes, or
just because, you may want to turn to the internet. When it comes to dressing for success, you should know
that the internet holds a wealth of information.

One of the many ways that the internet can help you dress for success is by allowing you to familiarize
yourself with the latest in dress for success fashions, including those that are designed for work related
functions, as well as social events. You can easily do this by examining online websites that are designed to
provide visitors with information on the latest in today's fashions. You can also visit the online websites of
popular fashion magazines or business and career magazines or journals. You can easily find these online
websites by performing a standard internet search.

In addition to using the internet to help you research the latest in dress for success fashions for social events
and for the workplace, you can also use the internet to help you 'try," on clothes, per say. There are a
number of online programs that are sometimes referred to as fashion games. These programs will allow you
to create a figure with information on your average height, weight, and shape. You may be able to try on
multiple pieces of clothing. This can help you determine which dress for success clothes work best for you
and your figure, as well as which ones don't. In addition to clothing pieces, you may also be able to test out
hairstyles and clothing accessories.

The internet can also offer you assistance when it comes time for you to start shopping for new dress for
success clothes. This is perhaps the greatest benefit of using the internet to your advantage. Online
shopping is known for being nice, easy, and convenient. If you aren't already aware of dress for success
retailers, you can easily find a number of them by performing a standard internet search. It may be best to
search with items that you are looking for, such as 'men's big and tall pants suits," or "plus size business
dresses." Tailoring your internet search to what you are looking for can save you a considerable amount of

To make the most out of shopping online for dress for success clothes, you will want to take the time to
examine all of your options. This includes comparing products and prices from a number of different
retailers. This will not only enable you to save money, but it may also give you the opportunity to examine
sales and discounts that one retailer may be having, while another may not be. With that little bit of
research, you can easily find discounted prices on discontinued clothing, as well as discounts on the cost of

The internet can also be used to help you find and use the services of a professional fashion consultant.
Although a large number of individuals are able to take the time to familiarize themselves with dressing for
success, not everyone has the time or the patience needed to do so. If you are one of those individuals, you
may want to use the internet to help you find and compare the costs of professional fashion consultants.
Professional fashion consultants can help you dress for success everyday, for work, for an important event,
such as your wedding, and so on.

As outlined above, there are a number of different ways that you can go about using the internet to your
advantage, when looking to dress for success. For that reason, you are urged to take a look around, as you
never what great deals or tips you may find listed or outlined online.
Are you looking to improve your appearance? If you are looking to do so in the workplace, you may be
interested in doing more than getting a beauty makeover. When it comes to improving appearances in the
workplace, many men and women want to improve their professionalism. One of the best ways to about
doing so is by dressing for success.

As nice as it is to hear that you should dress for success, especially when looking to improve your
professionalism in the workplace, you may have an unlimited number of questions. You may be wondering
why you should do so, how you can, and how you can go about shopping for new clothes. If you do not
have the time or the patience often needed to get all of these answers, you may want to seek professional
assistance. That assistance could come from a professional fashion consultant.

If you aren't familiar with fashion consultants, you should know that they come in a number of different
formats. It is possible to find fashion consultants that have specialties, such as hair, clothing, or makeup.
You may also find fashion consultants that operate solely online, locally, or both. The good news with having
all of these options is that it should be relatively easy for you to seek professional assistance from a fashion
consultant, should you wish to do so.

Speaking of wishing to seek assistance from a fashion consultant, you may be curious as to what the
benefits of doing so are. Fashion consultants are individuals who are considered experts in the field of
fashion. These individuals usually have experience with assisting clients, like you, as well as with
researching the latest in fashion. This is professional advice that you can get, without having to spend time
doing the research yourself. This, alone, is enough reason for many individuals to seek assistance from a
fashion consultant.

Another one of the many reasons why you should turn to a fashion consultant, when looking to improve your
professionalism in the workplace is because of their expertise. Although some fashion consultants do have
specialties, you will find that most are familiar with workplace fashions. This knowledge also includes tips
and tricks to look more successful, as well as common mistakes that you, yourself, do not want to make.
This is important, as many do-it-yourselfers often make mistakes when trying to improve their
professionalism at work, especially the first time around.

Should you decide to use the services of a professional fashion consultant, to improve your appearance at
work, you will want to start your search. As previously stated, fashion consultants can both be found online
or locally. Your local phonebook and standard internet searches are both good approaches to take. When
examining fashion consultants, you will want to examine services offered, years of experience, as well as
costs. Yes, you will have to pay to use the services of a professional fashion consultant. With that in mind,
you should know that many are more than pleased with the results that they do receive, no matter what the

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to seeking the professional help of a fashion consultant,
as well as a number of reasons for doing so. In addition to using the services of a fashion consultant to
assist you with improving your professionalism at work, you can also use a fashion consultant to help you
prepare for job interviews, your wedding, or other important events.
Have you recently decided that you would like to start looking more professional? If you have, you may be
interested in dressing for success. Dressing for success, as you likely already known, has an unlimited
number of benefits.

When many individuals, such as yourself, decide that they want to start dressing for success, many make
the decision to start shopping right away. Of course, it is more than possible for you to do so, but you may
want to proceed with caution. It is important to remember that different occasions call for dressing for
success. These different occasions may also call for different clothing. Not knowing this important point
could later end up resulting in you wasting precious time and money.

One of the many instances in which you should consider dressing for success is if you are interested in
starting a business. When starting a business, many hopeful business owners need financial assistance.
This financial assistance may come from financial lenders or investors. Dressing for success in these types
of meetings is important, as you will want to create a professional impression of yourself. To show that you
have the need and the drive to succeed, it may be a wise idea for all men and women to examine business
pants suits.

Another one of the many instances in which you may need to dress for success is for work. If you are
employed by a company, it is first important to examine that company's dress code policy. Dress codes are
common in today's workplaces. In addition to examining what is or isn't allowed, in terms of clothing, you
may also want to examine your other coworkers or even your supervisors. You can get good ideas from
taking this approach. Generally speaking, you have more options when it comes to dressing for success for
the workplace. These options may include women's dresses or business suits, as well as dress pants and a
shirt. Men should examine business suits, as well as other dress clothing pieces.

In addition to dressing for success for work related purposes, there are many social events that call for
elegant, professional, successful clothing. One of those events is a charity ball or a formal charity fundraiser.
In these instances, you should always dress for success, as it is often what it is expected of you. Many
formal functions have strict dress codes that must be followed by all guests. When dressing for successful
for formal events, such as charity balls, it may be a good idea for men to rent or buy tuxedos. In most
cases, women should avoid pants suits and opt for an elegant eveningwear dress.

As outlined above, it is important to remember that different occasions may call for different dress for
success clothing pieces. This is an important point to remember, as it may be able to help when you start
shopping for new clothes. Knowing what you can or should wear to an important event, such as business
meeting or a charity event, can help to save you both time and money in the long run.

The above mentioned instances are just a few of the many in which you may want to consider dressing for
success. As a reminder, there are a number of benefits to dressing for success. Those benefits may be able
to assist you from a social standpoint, as well as a professional standpoint.
Are you interested in dressing for success? Whether you are looking to do so for upcoming job interviews,
important business meetings, work in general, or other important events, such a formal party or charity
event, you may want to start shopping for new clothes and clothing accessories. If that is the case, you may
want to first take some of the tips outlined below into consideration.

When shopping for dress for success clothes locally, you may want to take a friend along with you. For
starters, this can be a fun adventure for you both. You can make a fun day trip out of shopping for new
clothes. This is ideal if you are looking to travel to outlet malls or visit cities that are known for their amazing
fashion stores, such as New York City.

In keeping with brining a friend along with you, when you shop for dress for success clothes, your friend can
also give you their opinion on the clothes that you see or try on. With that in mind, you will want to be sure
that your friend will be able to give you honest opinions. This is particularly important if you are looking to
improve your professionalism at work. If you do not believe that you can get an unbiased opinion, you may
want to consider taking a family member with you.

It is also advised that you shop when the sales are the best. This is most often common during the holiday
shopping season. Clothing is regularly given as gifts and many men and women purchase upscale, elegant,
or formal clothing pieces for holiday events. That is why many retailers make the decision to offer sales and
shopping discounts around the holiday shopping season. If you are able to wait until this point in time, you
may be able to save yourself a considerable amount of money. Saved money is always nice, especially
when it comes to dressing for success, as it can be easy for you to go over your spending limit or budget.

In keeping with saving money, when shopping to dress for success, you may want to examine used clothing.
Although used clothing may not sound attractive or appealing to you, you never know what you may find. In
fact, used clothing is great for those who are looking to dress for success on a budget. You may want to
visit your local thrift stores or used career clothing stores, which can be found both locally and online.

Speaking of shopping online, you may want to first consider shopping for dress for success clothes online.
What is nice about shopping online is that you have an unlimited number of retailers to choose from, many
of which specialize in offering clothing pieces and outfits that are great when looking to dress for success.
With the right amount of research, you may be able to find retailers that have sales, as well as ones that
offer free or standard shipping discounts. Shopping online is nice if you live in a small town, as you may
otherwise have to travel to find dress for success clothing shops.

Should you make the decision to find and buy dress for success clothes online, it is important that you take
the time to examine all size charts. Most online retailers will have size charts available for you to view. This
is important, as not all clothing manufacturers and retailers have the same size standards. Recording your
body measurement and then comparing them to online size charts is a great way to save yourself both time
and money, when looking to dress for success.

The above mentioned tips are just a few of the many that you can benefit from using to your advantage,
when looking to dress for success for an upcoming event or for work related purchases. These tips cannot
only help you find the clothes that are best for you, but they can also help to save you money.
Do you own your own home based business or are you a home based worker who is employed by an
outside company? If are you, you may enjoy the many comforts of working from home. Although working
from home is nice and is a dream of many, it can also be very difficult. Many home based workers have
reported problems such as missed deadlines or the inability to always stay focused and stay on task. If this a
problem for you, the solution may be a lot easier than you may have originally thought.

Although not true in all cases, many individuals believe that home based workers have difficultly because of
their lack of professionalism. This professionalism isn't in how they present themselves to clients and it
doesn't concern the work that they submit. Instead, this lack of professional focuses on the appearance of
most home based workers, namely the clothing worn. If you are working from home right now, what are you
wearing? If you are like many home based workers, you may respond with jeans and a t-shirt or even your
pajamas. If you are looking to improve your professionalism and possibly even your performance levels and
productivity, you may want to make changes in the way that you dress for work.

Even if you work from home, there are a number of benefits to dressing for success. One of those benefits is
the work that you may be able to produce and your productivity. When working from home, there are
typically two types of individuals. There are those who work best when comfortable and those who work best
when poised for success. If you are the latter, you may benefit immensely from dressing for success, even if
you work out of your home. It has been reported by many that the more professional you dress, the more
professional results you will likely produce.

It is also important to examine your current working situation. If you run your own home based business,
does your business require that you regularly meet with your customers? If it does, you may want to
consider dressing for success, even if it isn't necessarily expected of you. Taking steps to dress for success
when meeting with clients and customers is a great way to improve your public perception. Even if your
clients are use to seeing you in casual clothing, it may be a nice surprise and change for all parties involved,
including yourself.

When dressing for success, when working from home, it is important to remember that you do have a
number of different options. You do not necessarily need to go all out. Although business suits are ideal for
both men and woman, a simple pair of slacks and a dress shirt may do. If you are looking to dress for
success to hopefully improve your performance and productivity, you may want to experiment. Trying on
different outfits, when working from home, is one the best ways to find the dress for success clothes that
work best for you.

Of course, the decision to dress professionally and dress for success when working from home is yours to
make, but you may be surprised with the results. Speaking of results, why don't you at least give dressing
for success a try, as you have nothing to lose by doing so.
Are you interested in improving your professionalism at work? If are, you may be interested in buying new
work related clothes. The good news is that you have a number of different options. There are an unlimited
number of retailers who offer dress for success clothes for sale, as well as those that specialize in workplace
fashions. With that in mind, you may want to turn to the internet to do your shopping.

One of the many reasons why you should use the internet to your advantage, when looking to buy
professional clothes for the office, is because it is easy to find what you need. Online, there are hundreds
and even thousands of online retailers that you can choose to do business with. If you aren't already
familiar with some of these online retailers you can easily find them when performing a standard internet
search. When performing a standard internet search, it may be a good idea to incorporate what you are
looking for into your search, such as men's business suits.

Shopping online, when looking to dress for success, is also ideal, as it is easier to find what you are looking
for. This is especially true in instances where you are looking for clothing pieces or outfits that are unique or
hard to find, like petite or plus size clothing for women or big and tall sizes for men. If you are having a
difficult time finding what you want or need locally, there is a good chance that you should still be able to find
it online.

Although the internet is a great way to go about finding dress for success clothes that you know you want, it
is also nice when it comes to browsing. You may be surprised with some of the outfit ideas you can develop
just by examining the websites of online clothing retailers. It is also important to mention comparison. The
internet and online shopping makes it easier for you to compare outfits, as well as prices. This is something
that can take time and money, namely gas money, when doing so locally.

In addition to it being easy to find dress for success clothes online, you will also find that it is easy to buy
them. Many online retailers accept credit cards or debit cards processed as credit cards as forms of
payment. In almost all cases, you will find that shopping online is safe. All you need to do is choose your
selections, enter in your payment information, your shipping address and you should be good to go. Your
purchases should arrive at your doorstep in a few days.

Using the internet to help you dress for success for the workplace is nice, as you can also do much more
than just shop online. There are a number of ways that you can go about familiarizing yourself with the
latest in workplace fashions online. These workplace fashions can help you create a professional impression
of yourself. To use the internet this way, you will want to visit the online websites of fashion or career
magazines. You may also want to utilize programs that allow you to create an online version of yourself,
which can be used to try on clothing pieces, clothing accessories, or try out different hairstyles.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to using the internet to help you shop for dress for
success clothes. Even if you have never shopped online before, you are urged to do a little bit of browsing
and price comparison; you may be surprised with what you find.
Are you interested in dressing for success? Dressing for success is a great way to improve your
appearance, both inside and outside of work. Many individuals use dress for success clothes as a way to
improve their professionalism at work, while other use the same clothes to show their confidence at social

If you are interested in dressing for success, it advised that you first examine the clothes that you own. If you
worked in a professional office setting before or if you have ever attended a formal party, you may already
own a few clothing pieces or outfits that can be considered dress for success clothes. With that in mind,
even if you do have some outfits in your possession, you may still be interested in shopping.

When it comes to shopping for professional clothes, also commonly referred to as dress for success clothes,
many consumers turn the internet. Internet shopping is popular and its popularity continues to rise, due to
convenience and ease of use. Shopping online for new clothes, especially professional or elegant clothes,
is nice, but it is not your only option. There are also a number of benefits to shopping locally. When doing so,
you are shopping at stores that are referred to as storefront locations.

As nice as it is to hear that you should try shopping for dress for success clothes locally or in storefront
locations, you may curious as to what the benefits of doing so are. One of those benefits is that you may be
able to help your local economy. Since shopping online has increased in popularity, many local business,
especially those that are locally owned and operated, have started seeing a decline in sales. In all honesty,
this is just the way that business works, but if you would to help those who live in or around your community,
you may want to take steps to do your shopping in the storefront locations in or around your place of

Another one of the many reasons why you should at least consider shopping for dress for success clothes
locally or in storefront locations is because you can make an adventure out of doing so. Whether you are
interested in shopping alone, shopping with a friend, or shopping with a family member, you may enjoy the
adventure. Half the fun of buying new clothes, especially dress for success clothes, involves trying them on.
Unfortunately, this is something that you cannot do when shopping online. Speaking of trying on new
clothes, that is another one of the many benefits to shopping for dress for success clothes locally.

Your options are another one of the many benefits to shopping locally for new clothes for work or a formal
party. Although the internet is known for its ease of use, especially when it comes to comparing products
and prices, local stores often get overlooked. When shopping locally, you can examine your local clothing
stores, including those that focus on career wear or elegant formal clothing. Department stores and
discount stores can also be a source of dress for success clothing.

If you are looking to save the most money, when purchasing dress for success clothes, you may want to
examine your local thrift stores or used clothing stores. Although many prefer to wear new clothes instead of
used ones, you may not have another option. With a little bit of browsing, you should be able to find used
dress for success clothes that look as if they are brand new or are like new, for a fraction of the cost. The
option of affordability is nice, as you shouldn't have to be well off, in terms of financial resources, to look
your best.

As a reminder, many consumers prefer shopping online. Although there are a number of benefits to
shopping for dress for success clothes online, it is important to remember that there are just as many
benefits, if not more, to doing your shopping locally.
Have you recently started a new job or are you just interested in improving your professionalism at work? If
you are, you may want to take steps to dress for success. Dressing for success has a number of benefits,
especially when it is done for work related purposes.

When it comes to dressing for success, many individuals wonder exactly what dressing for success means.
Of course, it is important to remember that many individuals have different definitions, when it comes to
dressing for success. With that in mind, dressing for success is dressing in a way that makes you look and
feel confident, determined, and professional. That is one of the many reasons why all individuals are urged
to dress for success as work, as the aforementioned qualities are ones that employers tend to notice.

Once you make the decision to dress professionally for work, there is a good chance that you may want to
start shopping right away. While this is okay to do, it is also important that you proceed with caution. In
today's society, many companies have started imposing dress codes. These dress codes often outline any
specific clothing requirements, rules, or restrictions. Even if you do not believe that your company has a
dress code, it is still advised that you do a little bit of research first. Most dress codes are outlined in
employee handbooks. If you do not have your employee handbook, you should be able to request a new
copy from someone in management or human resources.

In addition to simply looking over your company's dress code, it is extremely important that you follow it. For
starters, violating your company's dress code could land you in hot water. While you may not necessarily
think about it at the time, the wrong outfit could result in a write-up or even the termination of your position.
That is why it is important that you thoroughly read through your company's dress code policy, as well as
follow it. Even with a long list of rules and restrictions, you should still be able to find an unlimited number of
dress for success clothing pieces that can make you look and feel professional and confident.

Another one of the many reasons why you are urged to first examine your company's dress code policy,
when looking to dress for success, is because of saved time and saved money. If you are unfamiliar with
your company's dress code, you could waste time looking for clothing pieces that you aren't even allowed to
wear. In fact, should you make those purchase, without first examining your company's dress code policy,
you may have wasted your money. If you are not careful, you could spend more money than needed on
dress for success clothes, as it is. That is why you should take steps to save yourself time and eliminate
unnecessary purchases.

As outlined above, it is extremely important that you first examine your company's dress code policy before
you start shopping for dress for success clothes. Although many associate work clothes and dress for
success clothes with clothes that are elegant or professional in nature, it is important to remember that isn't
always the case. Today's fashions have made their way into even the finest clothing pieces; however, that
doesn't mean that today's hottest fashions are right for your workplace.
No one ever wants to talk about drug abuse, but for many families, there comes a time when you have to
deal with it. Even if you don't know anyone who is on drugs at any given time, you still have to talk to your
children to make sure they know the dangers. Sometimes not talking to your children may seem easier than
trying to find the right words to say, but this often backfires. Kids are curious, and if they aren't aware of how
you feel about something, they may not think it is any big deal.

Drug abuse can happen with illegal drugs as well as with over the counter medicines. For some kids, taking
prescription drugs is something they try because parents forget to include them when they talk about drugs
and drug abuse. These drugs can be just as dangerous as illegal drugs, and are often very easy for children
to get their hands on. It may seem innocent to them if they don't know what is going on before they are
offered the drugs for the first time.

Drug abuse is not easy to talk about, and it is even harder to have 'the talk" with your children. If you have a
hard time with this, you should know that help is out there. You can find many websites that deal with drug
abuse, and they have practical advice and ideas about how and when to talk to your kids about drugs. They
can help you figure out what to say, and provide you with the facts you need to back up what you are saying.

Even when teens have heard all about the terrors of drug abuse, you have to know that not all teens will
care. Some have to try it, and they do it something just to annoy you. You have to know the signs of drug
abuse and what to look out for. Make sure you know the signs, and make sure you keep your eyes wide
open. If you walk around in denial, you aren't doing you or your children any favors. Look up the signs and
know them by heart. If anything with your children seems to be off, there is probably something wrong. Don't
ignore it, it may mean the difference between your children living a good life, or them wasting away. It may
even mean the difference between life and death.
Self and Society

We can expand our conscious mind to ensure that we are capable of finding our self-identity and self in
society. When our conscious and developmental skills are underdeveloped, we often fall short of discovering
who we are.

Some of the best ways to advance our consciousness is to probe into the subliminal mind by practicing
meditation daily. This area of the mind houses secreted messages that could disclose truths to you. We tend
to fall short of expectations, but we can correct this problem by considering self-growth.

Instead of letting stress get in the way of self-growth, we all must learn to thrive on stress. Stress can be
harmful and affect our performance and success in life. In order to reduce stress, thus clearing up space for
self-growth one must probe into the mind to find negative patterns that cause stress and then move to
reprogram the thoughts to positive.

Reprogramming your mind to positive, you can grow successfully, thus finding your self-identity. Use
meditation practices to expand your ability to focus. Start probing into your mind and begin cleaning up the
negative thoughts. Each time you find a piece of the puzzle from exploring self, thus write down what you
learn. Write down your feelings and thoughts. This will help you advance faster. Don't let these thoughts
control your progress.

By delving into the mind, you will expand the conscious mind while you are making changes to make your
life easier. When you write down your discoveries it is brings the negative thoughts out, which makes the
process of reprogramming easier. Once you've began probing the mind you will find answers too many

Use what you put on paper to your advantage. Reread your thoughts often to help keep your mind focused
and thinking positive. Each time something negative slips in while making your changes, stop and focus so
that you can rethink the problem. By reminding yourself often of the goals you've decided to reach, you"ll be
able to reprogram your mind to act in a positive way.

Reprogramming your mind to think positive will help you, since it strengthens the mind, thus moving you
toward effective conscious and self-growth. By relieving stress, your conscious mind will expand. You will
begin focusing on each goal separately. You grow stronger by making better decisions with a winning

Using meditation skills to relax will give you power from excelled development skills you have accomplished.
As you begin to notice things are, looking up in your world you"ll have more confidence in yourself.

Meditation will help you relax. It will also boost your energy. You will develop healthy skills, such as self-
control, which gives you power in the way you live and perform. Meditation will help you to breathe slow and
deep for relaxing when making difficult decision with stress. As you relax, you"ll find focusing is easier and
more successful in the end.

Don't expect a miracle overnight when practicing meditation for growing in effective conscious and self-
development skills. It takes time to learn. Practice will make you stronger and the skills of meditating for
success will encourage you to make constructive changes.

You probably won't notice any changes in your performance right way. Other people will notice and like the
new person in you however. As you learn to focus and relax, your communication skills will increase letting
you carry on conservation with skill and confidence. Don't be afraid to say how you feel by giving your
opinions with ease.

Your vocabulary will increase letting you say new things in a way that is interesting for others to listen to.
Self-development is best when using solutions that allow you to become more effective and successful in
your progress. We all can find the right solutions that allow us to use helpers or self to developing our
personality. Understand that our personality makes up our personal individuality and these distinctive traits
we develop lead us directly to the self. The self is our nature, identity and characteristics that give us this
distinction, or sets us apart from others.

We must build this personality with a winning attitude for developing and maintaining new skills. We lose
our growing strength when we become stressed because our energy starts to weaken. Thus, the progress of
self-development leads us to see that we must reduce stress.

When stress builds up we lose the aptitude to function properly in society or anywhere else in life. We have
guides and solutions that will direct us to building a positive attitude so that we can change the way we feel
and think. The global computer network is a channel that links us to other networks all over the universe and
connects us with other users and databases that links us to new age information.

You will find plenty of articles geared to assist you with self-development. Find new solutions in the new age
arena online to help you conquer any problems you may face. Look for the latest strategies and techniques
that have proven results of helping others develop their identity.

Developing a positive attitude is one way to find the right guides. With a positive attitude one can achieve
more by making decisions that help them develop skills.

A negative attitude will not lead you to success. When one has a negative attitude it hinders them from
seeing the true light. Thus, when you read some of the latest solutions make sure you see the effectiveness
in the reviews.

Change your attitude by thinking positive when making changes to help you get the most of the self-
development process. One solution you may find helpful is to write your negative thoughts on paper and
reread to see how you can change them. Make each change positive. Each time you read the list it will
ultimately overshadow the mind to reprogram its thinking.

Learn to focus when making changes to help you make constructive changes. When you focus on more
than one thought at a time it is hard to decide on what solution works best for you. Learn steps in redirecting
your mind so that you can take control and make better decisions.

Focusing is another way to meditate and relaxing. Try Yoga techniques for relaxing and learning to meditate
and breathe naturally. We can focus better by standing in a relaxing position or sitting straight in a chair.
Resting in the bed is even better.

Mind puzzles are another effective strategy that will help relieve stress as well as build effective
consciousness in self-development. When we are solving mind puzzles we use our focusing skills, which
expands our memory and awareness Relaxing with a mind puzzle will help guide you in expanding the
memory and mind.

Mind puzzles, meditation and yoga will increase your knowledge, as well as build vocabulary skills to give
the brain exercise that will lessen memory loss.

Physical exercise is a good solution not only for body building but for relieving stress and to grow on.
Relieve stress by focusing exercising weekly to lose some pounds by the end of next month. When you take
off a few pounds, you relieve 5 pounds of stress to give your energy a boost.
Not everyone believes this but the emotional and mental aspects of a person, when combined, leads to
better self improvement.

Emotions love to dominate our actions and reactions, even though we do not want it to happen sometimes.
The society often see emotions as a sign of weakness, so people are used to putting them aside and
focusing on the rational aspects more and more.

No matter how strict and logical you may be, you will always feel. One way or another, someone or
something will get through you.

Positive emotions are a lifelong goal for many of us concerned about emotional health and self
improvement. What is more important; the amount of money you made during your life or the times you
laughed out of sheer joy?

People tend to put their positive emotions behind their negative feelings. This is one of the biggest problems
that people come across during their lives.

There is no clear way to ignore a negative experience and try to replace it with a positive one. Life just does
not work that way.

For example, when you were a child, if your goldfish dies, you would be heartbroken. Your parents will
probably buy you another goldfish but the sorrow is still there.

Things get even more complex when you become an adult. A fight with your spouse the night before will
affect your entire day. You will go to work angry, tired, and your mind will wander. On the way home from
work you will not notice the sun shining and you would not be tempted to stop at a roadside stand to pick up
some fresh fruits and vegetables.

All this because that one negative thought has contaminated the way you perceive the reality around you.

In this moment you will realize finding a safe place to relax your mind will do wonders for your emotional and
mental improvement.

That place is relatively easy to find. It can be an actual place or an imaginary location. The best idea is to
totally lose yourself in it.

Let us say you have a problem on your mind and it just would not go away. Go bowling. Do not know how?
Just give it a shot.

Get caught up in the game. Your mind will drift away from the negative thoughts that dominated your last
hours or days and start processing a whole new kind of information.

A safe haven can take many forms. It can be a song, a movie, even a person or animal. The main thing is
allow yourself to get completely involved with this new activity.

You might still get flashes of the problem every now and then. Ignore it and get even more absorbed in what
you are doing.

When the bowling game, the song, or the movie ends you will abruptly return to reality. You will probably
want to retreat back to the safe place. Do not do it.

The safe place exists only as a helping hand, not as a solution to your life's problems, may it be a small or
big. It serves only as an escape route.

You will return from your safe zone with an increased energy level. You will feel better about yourself and
gain more confidence. You will see that any issue can be resolved.

This is how a small escape from a harsh reality can increase your emotional and mental health. Try to do
this often and you are on your way to better self improvement.
Endorphins are natural hormones that your brain releases when it senses happiness. These endorphins give
you a sense of happiness, satisfaction and well-being; they tell you all is well with your body.

It's that relaxed sense after a good meal, a good workout, a good laugh or great sex.

Endorphins are produced in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus gland and release an opioid-like
secretion that masks pain with a natural analgesic and tells the body that all is fine with the world.

Acupuncture has been found to have the ability to release these compounds and relieve pain, at least for the
short term, and to leave you with a wonderful sense of wellbeing.

Exercise, extreme happiness, good food and orgasm releases natural endorphins, and endorphins make
you feel happy and satisfied with life.

The more often you can stimulate your brain to release these natural hormones, the better you will feel, and
the easier it will be to put yourself into this happy state of being.

Endorphins cannot be bought; only through your own effort can you bring them into being.

There is no downside to putting yourself into the position of happiness, either through laughter, sex, food or

Happy creates happy; it is a cycle that you should never break and you should take every chance to spur
these hormones on. Let them do what they do naturally; light their fire and reap the benefits!
The human brain is the soul of the human nervous system. It controls involuntary activities such as
respiration, digestion, and heartbeat, which are also known as automatic functions of the body. This organ
also controls other conscious activities that are considered as higher order activities like reasoning,
abstraction, and thought. The human brain is superior to any other brain of any other living species that are
known to humankind.

The brain is also the center by which other human characteristics are defined. Creativity, for example, is
much associated with the brain. So is personality. The brain lets us make decisions and define colors and
smells. This organ controls every other perceived activity of the human body.

However, the human brain, as strong and as invincible as it may look, is not going to stay that way forever.
As with any other part of the body, the human brain will wither in the future. One's lifestyles and all other
external factors will take toll against the human brain. As one grows old, the human brain will become slower
in terms of functioning and rejuvenating itself. However, there are ways on how to enhance the power of the
human brain as age catches up. This article tries to give some useful tips on how to do just that.

1. Live a healthy lifestyle.

The brain is an integral part of the human anatomy. It is probably the most important organ in the body; but
of course, we all know that every other organ in the body works for the others to function properly. The
human brain is subject to the lifestyle of the person who owns it. If the person loves alcohol, he may not fully
reap the powers of his brain. Alcohol and other dangerous substances destroy brain cells. An alcoholic will
argue that, "I've been using only ten percent of my brain, drinking will activate the other 90% of it." This is a
total fallacy. This premonition was formulated in the 1800s and there is no truth in it. The brain is a lifetime
organ, so we must preserve and protect it.

2. Eat the right foods. Eating the right sets of food will definitely benefit the brain. The brain is the most
active part of the body. Even when one sleeps, the brain remains active and vibrant. The brain will
appreciate it if one eats the right and balanced sets of food. The sad thing is that the brain is usually taken
for granted when it comes to having a balanced meal or a workout because people are so focused into
developing their outside looks. It's about time that we give the brain a break.

3. Engage in proper exercise.

Proper exercise is good for the brain and not only for the body. The human brain needs a well-balanced life.

4. Release stress once in a while

Releasing stress is necessary to be able to clear the brain from all the difficulties and the clouds in one's life.
One must take time to get into a relaxing mood and a good night sleep.

The brain is an organ to be cherished. No individual will ever be able to live his life to the fullest if his brain is
not functioning well. A brain that is cared for will result in a more active and fulfilling life.
"Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars."- Frederick
Langbridge, A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts

If you've placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or
will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again?

In life, you are always filled with choices. You may opt to have a pessimist's view and live a self-defeated life
or you may decide to take the optimist's route and take a challenging and fulfilling life.

So why nurture an optimist's point of view? And why now?

Well, optimism has been linked to positive mood and good morale; to academic, athletic, military,
occupational and political success; to popularity; to good health and even to long life and freedom from

On the other hand, the rates of depression and pessimism have never been higher. It affects middle-aged
adults the same way it hits younger people. The mean age of onset has gone from 30 to 15. It is no longer a
middle-aged housewife's disorder but also a teen-ager's disorder" as well.

Here's how optimists are in action and researches that back up why it really pays to be an optimist:

Optimists expect the best

The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events, which will last a long time
and undermine everything they do, are their own fault.

The truth is optimists are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world. What differs is the way they
explain their misfortune---it's the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that
its causes are confined to this one case.

Optimists tend to focus on and plan for the 'problem' at hand. They use 'positive reinterpretation.' In other
words, they most likely reinterpret a negative experience in a way that helps them learn and grow. Such
people are unfazed by bad situation, they perceive it is a challenge and try harder.

They won't say 'things will never get better," "If I failed once, it will happen again" and "If I experience
misfortune in one part of my life, then it will happen in my whole life."

Positive expectancies of optimists also predict better reactions during transitions to new environments,
sudden tragedies and unlikely turn of events. If they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities instead of

People respond positively to optimists

Optimists are proactive and less dependent on others for their happiness. They find no need to control or
manipulate people. They usually draw people towards them. Their optimistic view of the world can be
contagious and influence those they are with.

Optimism seems a socially desirable trait in all communities. Those who share optimism are generally
accepted while those who spread gloom, panic and hysteria are treated unfavorably.

In life, these people often win elections; get voted most congenial and sought for advice.

When the going gets tough, optimists get tougher

Optimists typically maintain higher levels of subjective well-being during times of stress than do people who
are less optimistic. In contrast, pessimists are likely to react to stressful events by denying that they exist or
by avoiding dealing with problems. Pessimists are more likely to quit trying when difficulties arise.

They persevere. They just don't give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Inching their way a
step closer to that goal or elusive dream.

Optimists are healthier and live longer

Medical research has justified that simple pleasures and a positive outlook can cause a measurable
increase in the body's ability to fight disease.

Optimists" health is unusually good. They age well, much freer than most people from the usual physical ills
of middle age. And they get to outlive those prone to negative thoughts.

So why not be an optimist today? And think positively towards a more fulfilled life.

Why not look forward to success in all your endeavors? Why not be resilient? Like everybody else you are
bound to hit lows sometimes but don't just stay there. Carry yourself out of the mud and improve your
chances of getting back on the right track. And why not inspire others to remove their dark-colored glasses
and see life in the bright side?
Self and Society

The Expansion of the Social Self in Environment learning

The development of the social self takes practice and skills to succeed. The development of self in
environment learning can be done in due time using meditation, exercises or anything else that will help
guide you in development skills. Focusing on this type of learning, since environment and society can shape
our attitude. We want to shape our own attitude toward life. Still, we must keep positive.

Everyone needs social skills to give their best wherever they may be. School age children need to social
skills to be able to make friends. As we age, we need to be able to socialize in the workplace, our homes,
etc so that we continue creating helpful relationships with self and others. Development of the social self in
environment learning starts from the day we are born. Newborns learn to socialize in their environment
surroundings by observing and listening. The happier they are as a baby the easier it is to socialize and fit in
with whatever the environment they are in.

In order to be happy around others you need to be happy with yourself. When you do not like self, it is
difficult to socialize with people and the environment. This means we need to advance various skills, such as
communication, self-awareness, self-control, self-esteem, and more.

Some of the best practices to develop these skills include environment learning, meditation, exercise, yoga,
and other natural activities. Setting goals will help increase your development skills in the environment that
surrounds you.

Meditation helps you to relax and enjoy your self. It makes it easier to make better decisions and expand
your confidence in yourself. Everyone needs to relax in order to feel happy and feel like a free person. When
we are tired, we lose interest in what is going on around us. Being tired makes focusing on what is
happening hard to do. This means you lose a connection with reality.

The development of self through environment learning may mean that you need to make some changes to
like you as a real person as well as your surroundings. Practice relaxing with meditation. It will give you a
boost of energy so that you can enjoy life and your environment.

Learn to practice yoga to help you expand communication skills, self-awareness, and confidence and so
forth so that you manage well in your environment. Joining a Yoga class will help you relax and boost your
communication skills by being around other people. You will meet new friends while you are working toward
developing your self-identity.

When we exercise, we increase our energy. Combining exercise and goals will help you meet new people
and give you confidence that you can succeed. Each goal you reach will give you more confidence to build
stronger skills.

Development of social self and environment is a learning process. Practicing meditation, Yoga and
exercising will increase your self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, consider what things help you to find
you. Learn some proven techniques and use them. Instead of relying on others to shape your identity, learn
to shape your own identity.

Environmental learning involves taking control of your awareness, actions, thoughts and so forth. Instead of
learning like other people do by examining all the external factors that affect our person without giving too
much notice, you will push forward with expanded awareness. Take control of your life today by developing
your identity without allowing others to reflect on who you are, thus converting you to who they want you to
Self and Society

By establishing convictions we develop confidence in self so that we can speak with clarity on any topic we
have learned whilst knowing that we are stressing the facts. Convictions once cultivated create a sincere
person that is full of unwavering passion to express truth. Convictions are our assurance that helps us to
abandon negative thoughts that appear from doubt.

When one establishes his convictions, it gives him a richer understanding of self and he can move through
society with fewer problems. Convictions gives us confidence when we express our beliefs, faith, opinions,
and one can persuade others to follow him when convictions are strong. This means that the person
becomes a leader in society rather than someone that follows others path. We become acquainted with self.

How to build or expand convictions: First, if you have already established a measure of convictions you can
expand this by researching your subject. If you believe that the sky is blue, research, take notes, and
discover evidence that clarifies that the sky is blue.

When you build such confidence, it cultivates self-belief, which creates ultimately a meek person that can
talk to anyone. Convictions give us support, since we develop humane traits, such as the ability to assert
self, trust, faith, beliefs, loyalty, and so forth. Once more, establishing convictions removes doubt, which
makes it easier to develop our self-identity if full color.

We build poise from establishing convictions; such our confidence escalates while our security deepens. We
don't feel that timidity when in society; rather we learn to express ourselves effectively.

When a person feels insecure, it makes it difficult to acknowledge self and often the mind is cluttered, which
makes it difficult to comprehend others or while reading. We can enhance our experiences at school by
developing confidence through established convictions. In short, it heightens the awareness, which takes
you to higher planes of consciousness.

If you have never experienced a higher plane of conscious awareness, then you are in for a big surprise
when you reach this point. Instead of using 10% of your brain as the common people do, you will enhance
the percentage by 30 or even 50%. Some people can expand their knowledge and experiences further. It
depends on the willingness to cultivate the entire self-identity and self.

Einstein was one of the people in the world that expanded his consciousness well above normal standards.
Of course, he was targeted for persecution, but ultimately Einstein proved many points that common
scientists did not see.

This is because his heightened awareness took him beyond common logic. Einstein realized that
sometimes-illogical conceptions held more truth than logical conceptions. He set out to show the world
better than tell them that this was true and ultimately, he not only proved his point, he became famous.
Today, Einstein is recognized by his actions and way of thinking and noted as a Mastermind of science. His
intellectual mind took him beyond what he could imagine.

We can benefit by following Einstein's example. Since, Einstein set out prove his convictions, which made
him a remarkable man that left his mark for centuries, paving the path for us to follow pursuit in establishing
convictions. Einstein was born in 1879 and left us in 1955. He died at the age of 76, which back in this time
that was uncommon. Perhaps his endeavors expanded his life expectancy by at least 15%. Therefore, we
can see other benefits streaming from established convections. Moreover, Einstein was a German-Born
American physicist that creator many theories that continue to benefit us today.
How many times have you caught yourself saying that there could be no other solution to a problem – and
that that problem leads to a dead end? How many times have you felt stumped knowing that the problem
laying before you is one you cannot solve. No leads. No options. No solutions.

Did it feel like you had exhausted all possible options and yet are still before the mountain – large,
unconquerable, and impregnable? When encountering such enormous problems, you may feel like you're
hammering against a steel mountain. The pressure of having to solve such a problem may be

But rejoice! There might be some hope yet!

With some creative problem-solving techniques you may be able to look at your problem in a different light.
And that light might just be the end of the tunnel that leads to possible solutions.

First of all, in the light of creative problem-solving, you must be open-minded to the fact that there may be
more than just one solution to the problem. And, you must be open to the fact that there may be solutions to
problems you thought were unsolvable.

Now, with this optimistic mindset, we can try to be a little bit more creative in solving our problems.

Number one; maybe the reason we cannot solve our problems is that we have not really taken a hard look at
what the problem is. Here, trying to understanding the problem and having a concrete understanding of its
workings is integral solving the problem. If you know how it works, what the problem is, then you have a
better foundation towards solving the problem.

Not trying to make the simple statement of what problem is. Try to identify the participating entities and what
their relationships with one another are. Take note of the things you stand to gain any stand to lose from the
current problem. Now you have a simple statement of what the problem is.

Number two; try to take note of all of the constraints and assumptions you have the words of problem.
Sometimes it is these assumptions that obstruct our view of possible solutions. You have to identify which
assumptions are valid, in which assumptions need to be addressed.

Number three; try to solve the problem by parts. Solve it going from general view towards the more detailed
parts of the problem. This is called the top-down approach. Write down the question, and then come up with
a one-sentence solution to that from them. The solution should be a general statement of what will solve the
problem. From here you can develop the solution further, and increase its complexity little by little.

Number four; although it helps to have critical thinking aboard as you solve a problem, you must also keep a
creative, analytical voice at the back of your head. When someone comes up with a prospective solution,
tried to think how you could make that solution work. Try to be creative. At the same time, look for chinks in
the armor of that solution.

Number five; it pays to remember that there may be more than just one solution being developed at one
time. Try to keep track of all the solutions and their developments. Remember, there may be more than just
one solution to the problem.

Number six; remember that old adage," two heads are better than one." That one is truer than it sounds.
Always be open to new ideas. You can only benefit from listening to all the ideas each person has. This is
especially true when the person you're talking to has had experience solving problems similar to yours.

You don't have to be a gung-ho, solo hero to solve the problem. If you can organize collective thought on the
subject, it would be much better.

Number seven; be patient. As long as you persevere, there is always a chance that a solution will present
itself. Remember that no one was able to create an invention the first time around.

Creative thinking exercises can also help you in your quest be a more creative problems solver.

Here is one example.

Take a piece of paper and write any word that comes to mind at the center. Now look at that word then write
the first two words that come to your mind. This can go on until you can build a tree of related words. This
helps you build analogical skills, and fortify your creative processes.

So, next time you see a problem you think you can not solve, think again. The solution might just be staring
you right in the face. All it takes is just a little creative thinking, some planning, and a whole lot of work.
Self and Society

Because humankind was lead to believe that they evolved from apes, the average person that failed to
verify, clarify and learn more about his creation stays stuck in one frame of mind. That mind has lead to
many animalistic traits that has caused major havoc in our society.

Today, many people struggling with self-identity and what it means to them. They often swing from vine to
vine trying to understand these animalistic ways. Because they lack knowledge and truth, they often wander
through life coming face to face with unwanted criticism that causes them many difficulties. Rather than
accept that they are created they would prefer to believe the many lies told them, which makes it harder for
them to establish a natural identity.

Most people will adopt positive approaches to manage in life, yet still they are presented with chaos due to
the fact that they have not established truth. Some people do well by taking positive approaches toward self-
identity in society and will overcome external threats that could hold them back from growing.

We all face challenges each day and undue and due criticism. In any instance, we must stand strong and
face the challenges by recognizing the truth. In society, we live around people full of animosity, animalistic
ways, and all of these responses come from feelings of hatred, jealousy, etc, but primarily they come from
misconceptions and lies told to them.

We need to develop higher grades of self-awareness and consciousness to survive in this animalistic
society. Self-awareness and consciousness is one of the chief ingredients, since when we expand our
awareness it becomes the biggest factor in our progress of self-development.

When we have a clutter mind, it steals our awareness to a large degree. The results lead to negative
thinking that affects us in many ways. One of these ways is that it becomes difficult for us to face challenge
successfully in society.

Self-awareness and a higher consciousness of your surroundings is an important component of any human
being. When we are able to develop these components we are keen of others behaviors, but we also are
keen, noticing our own behaviors and thoughts. This helps us to acknowledge our shortcomings and

In society, we are challenged often. Everyone has their own views and opinions, which reflect on us
indirectly or directly. We must stay on our toes in order to slow people that try to persuade us into doing
something we regret later. This means we need to develop a positive outlook on life as well. Of course,
building self-awareness and consciousness will give you a greater measure of optimistic views.

We expand as humans every day. Each day we expand, we move closer to our identity. The problem is
because many people lack the higher plane of consciousness and self-awareness, they often find
themselves following others despite how they behave, rather than taking their own lead. What occurs is
these people develop a small measure of their own identity and a large measure of various others identity.

The old saying, "You are what you eat," expands further than just nutritional foods. It also expands to the
mind, since what you observe, hear, and listen to; etc all takes a toll on deciding your direction. We have to
keep looking at the world in a positive light; otherwise, it will cause us more distresses than we already face
from daily living.

Some of the best ways to expand human components, such as higher consciousness, self-awareness and
so on is by meditating daily. Yoga and other natural remedies will also assist us with growing stronger
mentally, emotionally and physically. Our evils must be addressed however, which include doubt, fears,
wrongful behaviors and so on.
To many people, fear is a part of life. Not the typical, well-known and talked about fears like claustrophobia
and hypochondria, but the fears that keep you from going after the job you know would make you
ecstatically happy.

Our own self-esteem issues can keep us from taking steps that could help us make the big step from being
a paralegal to a lawyer, or an online writer from penning a book.

We are often our own worst enemy. Negative self talk keeps us in our comfort zone. The fence that
surrounds our comfort zone is our fears. Some fences are bigger than others, but fences nonetheless.

Take the time to think about what would make you happy. Clue: it is not something you can buy!

Is it a promotion in the field you are presently in, or something totally different?

Will it require you to go back to school?

Is it marriage?

Start with a written list of exactly what you are looking for; looking for a mate who is a Christian?

Visit different churches or Church dinners. Life can be just what happens to you; living is those purposeful
steps you make to make your passion happen.

Think about what you are afraid of. Do this when you are alone and can think without interruption. Be honest
about your feelings.

Why are you afraid of that?

Where do those feelings come from?

What is the worst that could happen to me if I faced this fear head on?

Will you die, or will you come out knowing that you faced a fear that will forever change your life?
Self and Society

So many people fail to see why they have so many problems. They fail to see that their emotions play a
large response in the way their life turns out. Many people react when the emotions are charged or triggered
by some external force. They may say or do things uncommon of them and sit down later wondering why?

So many people have lacked the ability to develop emotional competency, which helps them to understand
their feelings. Emotional competency can be characterized as the plane at which an entity reacts emotionally
in a stressful situation. The situation may be of little importance or significant, but they still react in the same
way each time.

Each day we all go through stressful events. We are forced to pay high bills, pay for outrageous cost of gas,
groceries and so forth. Then we have family issues, job related problems and other stressors that add
weight on our shoulders.

By developing a higher plane of emotional competency an individual can ultimately handle stress better and
to make more effective decisions. Our decisions evolve from our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Our
emotions will dictate what career we accept or where we want to reside. Ultimately, emotions even dictate
who we choose to marry. These are all major decisions we make in life. For this reason, it is essential that
we understand our personal feelings and thoughts.

By developing a richer understanding of emotions, one can make better decisions. One of the major
problems many people face is understanding what motivates them. In most instances, the answer is simple.
Most people are commonly motivated by the emotions. Yet, the emotions are enforced by the subliminal
mind where hidden messages reside that gives us answers when explored to solve many problems.

We have many components of emotional skills. When an entity possesses these mechanisms and has
developed the necessary skills then that individual will reach a higher plane of emotional strength. These
procedures of development are very important for growth and self-identity.

Some of these human mechanisms include the ability accurately to assess self. Accurate self-assessment
gives us competency from inner resources, abilities and limits. Self-assessment permits one to stay alert to
their personal strengths and limits. We must be willing to comply with development practices that allow us to
cultivate innovative perspectives and accept feedback in order to reach a higher plane of mental and
emotional growth.

One must involve self by assessing his motivation and by constantly accepting his learning processes to
work toward self-development of the identity. An entity in the process of an accurate self-assessment will be
clever to see clearly the areas that need further to develop for positive personal change.

Competency develops from self-assessment. This enables one to develop a sense of humor and see things
in positive light. It even helps one to assess his own personality and actions and find some humor in his own

We all have faults and make mistakes. Many people however see mistakes they make or that other people
make as blunders, or stupidity. However, mistakes are made from failure to appreciate something,
misjudging, misinterpreting, and more often than not, it occurs from confusion. This means that the mind has
housed many misconceptions, doubts, fears, and other negative stuff that lead to these problems. The fact
is we are all-imperfect and will make mistakes, but we can minimize these mistakes by continuing to grow
and learn. Some of the best ways to reform repeated mistakes is to continue to ask self, why I make this
If only self improvement advice were free and scattered around everywhere, then there will be no problem
regarding life, happiness and success. But then again, this is life. And it does not work that way.

What would you do if you are trapped in an environment that you do not want to be in? What if you are sick
and tired of your job?

What can we do to solve this dilemma?

It is possible to take inspired and motivated action to survive your present situation and live the life you
always dreamed of.

It is not that easy though. You will have to come out of your comfort zones to discover potentials and
opportunities waiting for you. You have to conquer your fear and take calculated risks. You have to stay
focused and persevere despite the difficulties you will encounter.

Success does not come easy. It takes heart, passion and time. Experience is also a factor. The learning
you get everybody becomes your foundation. These are the things we do not need to pay for.

You have to work harder, dig deeper, and sacrifice more to attain your ambitions. But no, you do not have to
hate the world and feel bad when you encounter difficult situation. Just remember the Law of Attraction. If
you hate the world, the world will hate you back.

What can you do? Below are some free advices to help you when facing difficult situations in life. They will
also serve as your guide to improve yourself.

1. Learn to love your current situation. See all the positive sides of life. Be enthusiastic. Love your boss,
your coworkers, your family, your friends, and even strangers that you meet on the streets. It may not be
easy, but nothing is impossible with a strong will power. Just do not fall in love so much that you totally
forget about your dreams. Love, but try to hold on to reality.

2. Balance is the key. Dream and take some positive action to move you toward your goals. Take it one
step at a time.

While you are slowly starting on the long journey to success, be patient and be as enthusiastic as possible.
Do not hurry up too much that you totally forget how to enjoy life. Appreciate the beautiful things you will
encounter on the journey.

One day, you will finally attain what you have always longed for. But when that day comes, do not look
down on those who belittled you. Forgive and forget.

3. Stay humble. Do not criticize others when you see that you are becoming more successful than they are.
Try to help them. Inject your positive aura into their personalities. When you give, you will yield back equal
or greater rewards.

4. Are you ready to begin the journey? Start it with the courage and desire to improve your life. Survive and
go through it with persistence, enthusiasm, and positive thinking. Finish it with a resounding bang of
accomplishment and with the desire to help others succeed as well.

There are many other self improvement advice that will get as you get on with your daily life. Take note that
you are not alone. There are others in much more difficult situations. That is why is there will be a shortage
of free advice about self improvement you can get from other people who are only too happy to help.
Problems related to self- identity

The theoretical and mental understanding of one's own existence is known as 'self-identity". It is like a total
of an individual's understanding and awareness of his or her own inner self. People sometimes get confused
between the concept of self-consciousness and self-identity but in actuality self-consciousness is like
awareness of one's self and self-identity includes the psychological, physical and social qualities of an
individual. These attributes get reflected through an individual's beliefs, habits and ideas.

In today's hectic and mechanical world, we neglect or simply forget who they are and what position they hold
in society. There are many people who often ask themselves about their own identity and fail to get an
answer to their query. Therefore, one should understand their value and place in the society and then only
he or she will be able to know his or her real identity. Self-identity is not discovered by vaguely asking
oneself but by self-awareness. If a person will not know his or her true nature, he or she can never know
their real identity and this may become as an obstacle in their path to achieve self-development.

As man is a social animal, he needs the company of other creatures so that he can share his sorrows and
joys with them. Therefore, society is regarded as an important ingredient in everyone's life. What our true
identity is gets reflected in the standing and reputation we have in the society. Nevertheless, as there is
cutthroat competition in every walk of life these days, the society has become corrupt and people have
grown the feelings of hatred and jealousy in their heart towards other fellow creatures.

The most prominent problem that a large number of people face today is the anxiety or tension. This anxiety
gets cropped up in an individual through various sources, such as from his or her own self or from the
notions of the society. A person cannot lead the life of a recluse and therefore he or she has to interact and
relate themselves with the others around them. The society in which we live follows age-old traditions and
thinking and this hampers the overall development of an individual's self. Thus, to overcome the tensions of
everyday life, it is important to believe in yourself and try to overhear the taunts and negative thinking of
other people in the society.

There are various methods to overcome the stress that is due to the problems of self-identity and place in
the society. The most striking of them is to read motivational and inspirational things so that the negative
thinking can be replaced with the positive one and thereby reducing the level of anxiety. The second way is
to take guidance or help from a counselor or a therapist so that the cause of your anxiety can be detected
and then accordingly one can work to overcome this monstrous stress.

One can also relax and rejuvenate oneself by meditation, yoga, aromatherapy or other natural treatments
that has no side effects on the human mind and body and they help in overcoming the tensions that damage
the rational faculty of an individual. Exercising also contributes a lot in solving the problems of self-identity
and other societal differences.

Last but not the least, self-awareness and self-control are very important factors that proves beneficial in
knowing oneself of his or her strengths and weaknesses so that the external threats can be faced with great
courage and zeal. Go online to find other help with cultivating your zeal for the self-identity in society.
There are various aspects of life that govern self-identity. The various elements, which help in the
development of self-identity of an individual, are confidence, self-discipline, feelings, emotions and thoughts.
There is a difference between feelings and emotions. Feelings are measured to a restricted area whereas
emotions are on a wider perspective. Emotions include feelings and thoughts. The other things such as
attitudes, behaviors of a person play a vital role in the growth of self-identity. We must learn and understand
this to succeed at establishing our identity.

Self of a soul governs self-identity of a person. The self of a person helps to act and think. This means that a
person's action develops his self-identity. For developing self-identity leadership qualities are required such
as honesty, values, vision, knowledge and persistence. Self-leadership qualities of a person include self-
identity, personal growth and self-regulation. When a person starts analyzing himself, he comes across his
positive and negative aspects. This needs self-understanding of your own self. The other thing required for
understanding yourself, self-awareness plays an important role. Self-understanding of the soul also includes
recognizing about person's weakness, strengths, needs and emotions.

Self-awareness, self-understanding is both interlinked. Self-confidence also governs self-identity. Self-

awareness also helps in bringing about the nature of a person and how can he be perceived by others.

When a person plans to achieve his goals and ambitions, self-assessment of the soul is required. This
means by self-assessing your self and soul, a person comes across his capabilities and abilities. For the
fulfillment of goals and ambitions of a person, self-confidence is required. Self-confidence will help a person
to cultivate his abilities to bring a positive outcome. The last feature comes as self-consciousness, which
makes a person know about his behaviors and feelings. These leadership qualities help a person in
cultivating his self-identity. These are the fruits sown in a human soul and mind.

Self-identity of a person should be impressive because then only the person is accepted by the society. Evil
people are not accepted by the society. It is the people who form society. Human beings are a part of
society. They play a vital role in the formation of society. That is without them the society cannot be formed.
A person's self, which consists of envy, sloth, pride, lust, anger, gluttony and lechery, are thrown out of the
society. This is their self-identity. An individual's self should spread happiness, joy, love, affection in other's

In this way a person's self-identity is tested. Self-improvement of soul is very necessary for a strong and
efficient self-identity.

Self-discipline helps in building a person's will power and further enhances him for motivation in life. Self-
discipline is a tool that connects a person's past with the present and then to his future. It is sowed first and
then reaped. A person who is self-disciplined in his life can easily achieve goals and ambitions. It becomes a
habit. Self-discipline is a key to success. A person, who is not disciplined and serious in life, leads to serious
implications. Planning in life can lead to self-discipline. A person's priorities should be set to face challenges.

Self-discipline should be passionate. A person can exercise self-discipline in his life by working out various
exercises such as meditation, yoga and aerobics.

A person's mind should be stable and balanced. If a person is facing any problem in life, he can refer to a
psychologist. A psychologist will solve all the problems of a person. A person will soon see a change in his
life and will feel relax. The fruits will immediately ripe and are ready for consuming.
Gaining identity of self and identity is very important

Self-identity refers to the awareness of one's true inner self through various natural procedures like
meditation, yoga and naturopathy. Knowing about oneself is very necessary as one comes to know about
hidden secrets that might be becoming an obstacle in your way to achieve success. Therefore, it is crucial to
have self-identity so as to carry on the process of self-development.

Identity crisis is a major problem that is faced by various people these days as due to hectic schedules
people are not able to concentrate on knowing their own strengths and weaknesses. Self-identity can be
achieved when one starts taking criticism from the society but take it in a positive sense. Every society has
some or the other shortcomings and therefore they criticize people, which hamper the development of the

Individualism has made the lives of people more self-centered and they often neglect the well being of the
society. When people value their ego more than the well being of their fellows it stands as a threat to the
process of self-development. Therefore, it is necessary for an individual to know one's value and place in
society so as to shape up his or her personality in the true sense. Moreover, as self-identity is important,
self-control, self-awareness and self-consciousness are also very crucial to achieve the development of the
self and society.

As the number of crimes is increasing, people have lost trust in institutions and other organizations and that
result in slow growth of the society physically, emotionally and financially. The position of an individual in a
society is revealed by a person's character and behavior. For example if an individual is not aware of his or
her own vices and virtues, he or she will be easily defeated or even threatened by the external factors.
Therefore, to face the society, it is necessary to first know about one's own identity and then face others.
There are cases when people do not find a right place in the society and his or her identity seems to be lost
somewhere in the hustle and bustle of hectic life. If an individual is badly treated by others in the society, he
or she develops negative or evil feelings towards them and revenge is the only thing that comes to his or her
mind. Moreover, if this revenge is not taken, it results in anxiety, abuse, depression and various other severe
conditions. Nevertheless, if an individual is able to handle these types of feelings with great ease, he or she
gains confidence and the result is development of the self and of the society as a whole. The most important
thing for an individual is to develop a link or two-way process with others around them so that they can
easily share their burdens and joys and thereby developing the self in the most possible extent.

Inspiration also contributes a lot in gaining awareness and confidence. Nevertheless, inspiration should be a
positive one as when a person is highly influenced by a person; he or she should take the positive attributes
so that the development of the self can be achieved easily. Experiences also play an important function in
attaining self-identity. There are some conditions when an individual has sorrowful past experiences. In this
case, people should try to come out of the emotional trauma and face the present situations with courage so
that self and societal development can be done properly.

Thus, one should not regret about the past or ill treatment from the society but should try to find and adopt
ways to know the true identity of the self and society.
Do you put off your work for later, only to find your deadlines steadily creeping in? Then you, my friend, are
one of the millions of people afflicted by the procrastination virus. Procrastination is the biggest reason for
loss of productivity and late output. Though many would not admit it, they would benefit greatly if they start
their work on time.

For many people, putting off their work for later is more habit than desire. It can be so hard to get into a
groove where starting your tasks in a timely fashion is a priority, especially if the consequences for being
late are things that one can probably bear.

If you are one of these people, yet you desire to shake off your propensity for procrastination, then you have
come to the right place. Here are a few tips to help you overcome this dilemma and become a more
productive and reliable person.

1. Set schedules - It is very important that you have a list of activities to accomplish per day. This will help
you realistically budget your time and resources. One of the cardinal sins people commit in regards to
performing their tasks is to put off their work because they feel like there is so much time left. A journal,
organizer, or calendar of events will help you plan and schedule your task so that you can start them
promptly and finish them on time.

2. Save the Vacation for Later - Many people put their work off for later saying, "I'll just have a little fun then
buckle down to work later." While it may be true that they may have more than enough time to accomplish
their tasks, it would be better if they finished their work first and relax afterwards.

Wouldn't relaxation be sweeter if it were after a taxing job? If you choose to lay back and relax before doing
your tasks, you will be more prone to burnout and will have nothing exciting left to look forward to after
accomplishing a task. It is always better to have slack period AFTER a job than before one, especially
considering that people are wont to overusing their slack time. This is suicide if you are heading towards a

3. Never Underestimate Your Tasks - Sometimes procrastination sets in because people underestimate the
resources, difficulty, and time spent for a particular task. They will usually say, "It's just mowing the lawn, its
easy; I could do it in a jiffy." The problem is, no matter how trivial the task, it still takes time and resources to
accomplish. If you underestimate a task, you will most likely set too little time to do it and schedule it too
close to its deadline.

4. Don't Allow Yourself to Get Comfortable Doing Nothing - It would definitely help if you kept a
subconscious alarm whenever you are doing nothing. Get this alarm to remind you of things that may need
to be done. This will help you foster the notion that jobs accomplished now means more time for relaxation
later. However, even if this is the case, do not forget to put ample time in for rest and to remove all thoughts
of troubles before hitting the sack. The trick here, however, is not to overdo you rest. There is a difference
between resting and idling. Always set the right amount of time for rest and stick to that schedule.
A person's fear can hinder his chances for development and for success. Fear in itself can be debilitating
and can limit a person's ability to go through life in a healthy way. Sometimes, a person's fear can rule a
person's life and he becomes bereft of reason.

A person who allows his fear to rule his life can be prevented from leading a normal life. The sad fact is that
the person who has the fear is not the only one affected, but also his family, friends, and the people around

Fear can be healthy because it allows a person to be on his toes and to be watchful of what is happening
around him. A person can actually make his fears work for him instead of against him. Then again, this
requires a lot of self-control and positive thinking.

A person's fear can be caused by an event that happened some time ago, or by a belief that he is not
capable of dealing with something or someone. There are fears that have a real basis, but most fears are
just the creations of one's imagination.

Phobia is also a fear of something, but such fear can be considered irrational. A phobia can be ridiculous
and exaggerated such as a person's fear of cats or of water. Some people who have developed phobias are
aware that the fear is not based on rational thinking; but unfortunately, they are not able to get hold of their
emotions and rise above their irrational fear.

Some people are quick to equate phobia with insanity; but it is not fair to conclude that just because a
person is phobic, it means that there must be something wrong with his sanity. A person's phobia can
sometimes be embarrassing, especially when he is not able to control such fear. There are people who
actually shiver and hide when confronted with their phobias.

Phobias can be simple like the simple fear of being in an enclosed area, or complex like the fear of riding an
airplane. A social fear can be manifested in the fear of public speaking or of being surrounded by a crowd.
Most phobias are characterized by panic attacks such as when the person is confronted by his phobia and
he is forced to come face-to-face with it.

It is normal to be afraid because fear is rational. However, a fear that becomes irrational and is already
without basis, is already called a phobia. It is no longer normal and can disrupt a person's lifestyle.

A person who wants to get rid of his phobia should not turn to doctors who dig deeper just to discover the
root cause of the phobia. Such an activity can be a waste of time because finding the underlying cause of
the phobia will not get rid of it. What is more important is to be determined and strong-willed so that the
person's fears will no longer rule his emotions. If a person can learn how to handle his emotions, then he
can get rid of his phobia.
Is there anything that gives us more joy than giving of ourselves? I'm not talking about giving gifts; I'm talking
about giving time and effort to make a difference in another person's life. Putting some effort into giving is so
much more rewarding than taking.

Time is the most wonderful gift you can give anyone. Anyone who has or had a great parent will tell you that
the greatest gift their parent gave them was time. Time to read, time to play, time to talk and time to listen is
fantastic gifts to children and is never forgotten.

Do you give enough time to your loved ones now that you"re an adult? Knowing that it is a precious gift that
costs nothing at all makes it so easy to give!

Now, make an actual effort to give someone your time. For example, call a friend, or a Church member you
know, or your sister-in-law and invite them to coffee; not someone you've invited before, but someone new.

Or go visit someone who is cooped up at home or in the nursing home. Bake someone cookies, or take a
plant or a bouquet of flowers from your garden. Make a connection and make an effort to keep that

Giving, in lieu of taking, is so much more rewarding and will be a huge source of inner happiness for you, not
to mention those lives you will touch. Giving is a true win-win gift!
The act of giving your very best to the needy can likewise cultivate the best emotional satisfaction in your
heart. Whatever form of help you extend, be it service or something of value, you will undoubtedly receive
something better in return.

Is there anything better than a simple 'thank you" that is meant with sincerity? Is there anything better than
an appreciation that makes you feel needed and important? Is there anything better than to see smiles on
other people's faces for having made them feel equally important and cared for?

If your physical resources are limited, you can put your talent or creativity to work. Your urge to help those in
need should inspire you to find ways in accumulating resources to actualize your intention. You can come up
with ideas to generate more money through fund raising programs. You may also give more of your time
doing volunteer service.

In the process of giving your all, your cooperation, attention, and entire being need not be strained. You may
get physically exhausted; but emotionally, you will be charged with a heart full of compliments, making you
feel all-important. You will feel revitalized and invigorated. You will become more enthusiastic. All these
occur because you love what you're doing.

When you set your mind to work for a good cause, you are actually tapping and activating power that
promotes health in every corner of your physical, psychological, and emotional being. Your emotions will run
high in a positive manner. You will feel sentimentally contented with what you are doing. You will feel as
though you're the highest paid executive in the business; not because you're being paid with money, but
because you're being paid with your own sense of fulfillment.

Oh yes.............when you give your all, the best will bounce back to you.
To grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. Modern
conveniences such as electronic equipments, gadgets, and tools as well as entertainment through
television, magazines, and the web have predisposed us to confine our attention mostly to physical needs
and wants. As a result, our concepts of self-worth and self-meaning are muddled. How can we strike a
balance between the material and spiritual aspects of our lives?

To grow spiritually is to look inward.

Introspection goes beyond recalling the things that happened in a day, week, or month. You need to look
closely and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and motivations. Periodically examining your
experiences, the decisions you make, the relationships you have, and the things you engage in provide
useful insights on your life goals, on the good traits you must sustain and the bad traits you have to discard.
Moreover, it gives you clues on how to act, react, and conduct yourself in the midst of any situation. Like any
skill, introspection can be learned; all it takes is the courage and willingness to seek the truths that lie within
you. Here are some pointers when you introspect: be objective, be forgiving of yourself, and focus on your
areas for improvement.

To grow spiritually is to develop your potentials.

Religion and science have differing views on matters of the human spirit. Religion views people as spiritual
beings temporarily living on Earth, while science views the spirit as just one dimension of an individual.
Mastery of the self is a recurring theme in both Christian (Western) and Islamic (Eastern) teachings. The
needs of the body are recognized but placed under the needs of the spirit. Beliefs, values, morality, rules,
experiences, and good works provide the blueprint to ensure the growth of the spiritual being. In
Psychology, realizing one's full potential is to self-actualize. Maslow identified several human needs:
physiological, security, belongingness, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization, and self-
transcendence. James earlier categorized these needs into three: material, emotional, and spiritual. When
you have satisfied the basic physiological and emotional needs, spiritual or existential needs come next.
Achieving each need leads to the total development of the individual. Perhaps the difference between these
two religions and psychology is the end of self-development: Christianity and Islam see that self-
development is a means toward serving God, while psychology view that self-development is an end by

To grow spiritually is to search for meaning.

Religions that believe in the existence of God such as Christianism, Judaism, and Islam suppose that the
purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. Several theories in psychology propose that
we ultimately give meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life's meaning is pre-determined or self-
directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist. We do not know the meaning of our lives
at birth; but we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people and from our actions and
reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover this meaning, there are certain beliefs and values that
we reject and affirm. Our lives have purpose. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual
potentials into use; sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to---a goal to
achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.

To grow spiritually is to recognize interconnections.

Religions stress the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live and inanimate. Thus we call other people
"brothers and sisters" even if there are no direct blood relations. Moreover, deity-centered religions such as
Christianity and Islam speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. On the other hand,
science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly
seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. In psychology,
connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human need according to Maslow.
Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants,
and things in nature. It makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go beyond your
comfort zone and reach out to other people, and become stewards of all other things around you.

Growth is a process thus to grow in spirit is a day-to-day encounter. We win some, we lose some, but the
important thing is that we learn, and from this knowledge, further spiritual growth is made possible.
If you've never meditated before, you might find a guide to meditation to be useful, but the fact is that
nothing is more useful than real world experience. People spend endless lengths of time talking about
different meditation techniques, be they the methods of Buddhism meditation, Zen meditation, or some other
school altogether. But the fact is that the practice is much less important than the practitioner. If you
approach meditation with good intentions and diligent study, you will get where you want to go.

Of course a guide to meditation can still help you when you're starting. Many people think video meditation
guides are the best way to go. Not only do they tend to teach you the basic principles of meditation in an
easy-to-understand fashion, but they also incorporate other features that you can't find in books. Many of
these videos will include a guided meditation section, which can be invaluable when you are just beginning.
One of the hardest things to do is to cultivate the calm, peaceful mind and disciplined internal focus that
meditation requires. By using a guided meditation, you are able to get much further than you normally would
as a beginner. This is why a video or audio guide to meditation can be so helpful to the new student.

Of course, the very best guide to meditation is a teacher. Having the chance to work with someone who has
meditated before, probably for several years, can give you some real advantages when you are just
beginning. He will be able to show your tricks to help you get over the focus problems that are so common
with beginners. He or she will also be there to answer any questions on meditation, and to deal with any
unforeseen problems that might come up.

Of course, it might be harder to find a good meditation teacher than a good guide to meditation . You can
read a guide to meditation and decide if you like it or not, but figuring out whether a teacher is good at what
he or she does make take you much much longer. Another problem is that meditation teachers tend to
charge a hefty sum for the classes that they teach, which may place their services out of your range.
Fortunately, in many areas it is possible to take meditation classes for a low fee, or nothing at all. I
recommend this if it is an option.
One of the biggest problems faced by people new to meditation is the dizzying variety of different types of
meditating there are. Although the benefits of meditation a well known, and many people out there would
really like to get a good meditation practice together, often they fail to take even the most rudimentary steps
towards establishing a daily habit of meditating. It is little wonder why. With Taoist meditation, yoga
meditation, and literally thousands of other varieties of meditation out there, how can anyone sort through all
of the dizzying possibilities?

I have tried many different schools of meditation, but the one that I keep coming back to is guided
meditation. Although I do not use of the most frequently of all of the forms, I do find it the most useful. I
guess part of this has to do with the fact that it was my introduction. I had a friend who is a dedicated
student of a guru. I was, let us say, a bit skeptical at the time. My friend looked like a wide-eyed believer to
me, and I tried to convince her over and over again to stay away from the so-called guru. But she convinced
me instead to come check out one of his meetings.

Although there were many components to the ceremony, it started and ended with guided meditation. The
guided meditation was simple. He directed us to follow our breaths, flowing in and out of our bodies, and to
visualize them as beams of energy. It might sound stupid to you, and even telling it sounds silly to me, but
there was something about the way that he used his voice to direct the guided meditation that made it a
profoundly powerful practice. I have tried guided meditation tapes and CDs, but none of them have given
me nearly as powerful of an effect as hearing someone directing the meditation with their own voice in

Of course, you do not need to have amassed a lead guided meditation, and if you have a spiritual group,
you can all take turns leading it. Many guided meditations are just simple relaxation exercises. You can do
such simple things as imagining yourself in a peaceful place with the sun beating down on your, or focusing
back on some early memories from childhood. Some of the most powerful guided meditations that there are
are also the most obvious ones. The most important thing is to have fun with it!
"Opposites attract" is a law of attraction, at least where electromagnetism is concerned. But are there laws
about attraction between two people? "In a world that is full of strangers" as a line in a famous song of the
1980's goes, is there a clear set of rules that allows two people to fall for each other?

Is attraction a matter of chemistry?

Maybe. According to scientists, the attraction between animals of the opposite sex is all about chemicals
called pheromones. The effect of pheromones in behavior of insects is the most studied to date. It has been
observed, at least in some experiments, that pheromones are responsible for communication among same
species and colony of ants. The horrible odor released by skunks to ward off enemies is said to be a kind of
pheromone. Some species of apes rub pheromone-containing urine on the feet of potential mates to attract
them. Some scientists believe that animals (usually the females) such as insects and mammals send out
these chemical signals to tell the male of their species that their genes are different from theirs. This gene
diversity is important in producing offspring with better chances of survival. The perfume industry has
capitalized on pheromones as a means to increase one's sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex. Animals
such as the whale and the musk deer were hunted down for these chemicals.

Lately, scientists are looking into the existence of human pheromones and its role in mate selection. There
are many conflicting views in the realm of biology, chemistry, genetics, and psychology. Most scientists
would assert that these do not exist, or if they do, do not play a role in sexual attraction between a man and
a woman. But new researches such as that conducted by Swiss researchers from the University of Bern led
by Klaus Wedekind are slowly making these scientists rethink their stand. Their experiment involved women
sniffing the cotton shirts of different men during their ovulation period. It was found out that women prefer the
smell of men's shirts that were genetically different, but also shared similarities with the women's genes.
This, like in the case of insects and other mammals, was to ensure better and healthier characteristics for
their future children. But researchers also cautioned that preference for a male odor is affected by the
women's ovulation period, the food that men eat, perfumes and other scented body products, and the use of
contraceptive pills.

Does personality figure in sexual attraction?

Yes, but so does your perception of a potential mate's personality. According to a research conducted by
Klohnen, E.C., & S. Luo in 2003 on interpersonal attraction and personality, a person's sense of self-security
and at least the person's perception of his/her partner were found to be strong determinants of attraction in
hypothetical situations. What does this tell us? We prefer a certain personality type, which attracts you to a
person. But aside from the actual personality of the person, which can only be verified through close
interaction through time, it is your perception of your potential partner that attracts you to him/her, whether
the person of your affection truly has that kind of personality or not. This could probably account for a
statement commonly heard from men and women on their failed relationships: "I thought he/she was this
kind of person."

So how does attraction figure in relationships?

You have probably heard that attraction is a prelude, or a factor towards a relationship. Most probably, at
least in the beginning; but attraction alone cannot make a relationship work. It is that attraction that makes
you notice a person from the opposite sex, but once you get to know the person more, attraction is just one
consideration. Shared values, dreams, and passions become more significant in long-term relationships.

So should I stop trying to become attractive?

More than trying to become physically attractive, work on all aspects of your health: physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual. Physical attraction is still a precursor. Remember, biology predisposes us to choose
the partner with the healthiest genes. Where your emotions are concerned, just ask this to yourself: would
you want to spend time with a person who feels insecure about him/herself? Probably not! There is wisdom
in knowing yourself: who you are, your beliefs, values, and dreams. And do not pretend to be someone you
are not. Fooling another person by making him/her think that you share the same values and beliefs is only
going to cause you both disappointments. When you are healthy in all aspects, attractiveness becomes a
consequence and not an end. As mentioned in the Klohnen and Luo's research, a person's sense of self-
security matters, perhaps even beyond attraction. But remember: do these things for yourself and not for
other people. Only then can you truly harness your attractiveness as a person.
Are you a high school student who is in the process of applying for colleges? If you are, have you examined
how your college education will be funded? If not, you may want to take the time to examine and apply for
scholarships. Scholarships are a great way to pay for college, as they do not need to be repaid, as is the
case with financial loans.

When applying for college scholarships, you will likely first have to fill out a scholarship application. This
application may ask for information on your grades, request a copy of your transcripts, as well as information
on any extra-curricular activities or community service projects you have participated in. Although many
individuals and companies award scholarships without meeting the candidates, more are starting to require
interviews. These interviews are your best chance at receiving a scholarship. That is why it is important that
you proceed with caution when attending them. The first step that you should take is deciding what you will

When it comes to attending college scholarship interviews or appointments, it is important that you dress for
success. Although professional clothing is most often associated with adults, there are instances in which
teenagers, like yourself, can also benefit from dressing for success. A college scholarship interview is one of
those occasions. In fact, did you know that carefully choosing your interview clothes may actually increase
your chances of getting a college scholarship?

If you are wondering how the way that you dress can impact your chances of receiving a college
scholarship, it is important to know what professional clothes signify. If you show up for an appointment in
jeans and a t-shirt, you may give off the impression that you are not interested in receiving the college
scholarship in question or not serious about the opportunity you have been offered. This is not the type of
impression that you want to create. As you likely know, college educations are important, but they are also
expensive. If you cannot afford the cost of a college education without financial assistance, you should be
jumping for joy that you were even able to land a scholarship interview. Displaying your joy and excitement
can help to improve your chances.

It is also important to mention that dressing professionally or dressing for success creates the impression
that you are professional in nature. It also gives off the impression that you are determined and have the
need to succeed. Each year, hundreds of college scholarships are awarded to college students who do not
make good use of them. In these instances, it is like the scholarship money went to waste. This is a concern
of many individuals, companies, and organizations who hand out scholarships to deserving college students.
Dressing professionally shows that you are excited about the opportunity to receive financial assistance to
get a good, quality education. This can help to give those distributing college scholarships peace of mind, as
they know that their money will be put to good use.

It is also advised that you dress professionally for your next college scholarship interview because it is easy
to do so. When it comes to dressing for success, there is a good chance that you have a number of clothing
pieces already in your possession that will do. That is why it is advised that you first examine your closet and
the clothes inside of it, before heading out on a shopping spree.

As outlined above, it is advised that you take steps to appear as if you are ready to succeed and determined
to do so. Before examining your closet or before you start shopping, it may be a good idea to turn to an
adult, like a parent, for assistance. Adults are good at offering unbiased opinions, especially when it comes
to dressing for success. This can prevent you from making a mistake made by many high school and college
students. That mistake involves confusing the latest fashions with dressing for success. This is a mistake
that you will want to try avoid making at all costs.
Many people nowadays are turning to "organics" and "naturals" otherwise known as herbals. The rising
popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the
bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, "green" dietary supplementing

What is the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement?

According to the definition set by food and drug administrations in different countries, drugs are chemicals
that can prevent, prolong the life, treat other effects of a health condition, improve the quality of life, and/or
cure ailments and diseases, or alter the function of any part or chemicals inside the body. These drugs have
approved therapeutic claims. For example, paracetamol is a drug given to bring down the body temperature
in fever. Ascorbic acid is indicated for the treatment of scurvy. Iron supplements are given to treat mild cases
of anemia.

Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements. The main difference is that they
do not have approved therapeutic claims unlike in the case of drugs. Moreover, dietary supplements could
either contain vitamins, minerals, herbals, or amino acids, all aimed to add to or supplement the diet of an
individual. They are not intended to be taken alone as a substitute to any food or medicine.

Most of the manufactured medicines we now have once came from animals and plants. Through the years,
chemists isolated the life-saving or life-curing components and separated them from the harmful ones. This
lead to the further drug research and drug development that lead to the production of a different variety of
drugs for many ailments and conditions from synthetic sources. But still we have semi-synthetic drugs, as
well as drug that more or less approximate more natural composition. Since herbal supplements are made
from a mixture of crude herbs reduced into powder or gel form, and later on packaged as tablets and
capsules, there is a possibility that life-threatening or at least body chemistry-altering components are still
present, thus the expression of concern from the medical community.

Is there a growing concern with the use of herbal supplements?

Yes. With the rising popularity of using and consuming anything herbal or organic is the proliferation of fake
herbal supplements that threaten to endanger lives. If that's the case, then why are herbal supplements
given drug administration approvals? One way of ensuring the safety of the people is to have all candidate
drugs, food, drinks, and dietary supplements registered with the proper authority. Otherwise, they would
pose more risk with these things being sold in the black market for a hefty sum. We could ensure the quality
and safety of herbal supplements if they get proper classification with the food and drug administration.
Moreover, people may be able to file the proper complaints in the event a worsening of health condition is
proven to be linked to the use of a particular herbal supplement.

Is using herbal supplements worth the risk?

Yes. It cannot be discounted that many who have tried herbal supplements experienced an improvement in
their health—whether this is due to the herbals themselves or due to a placebo effect, as long as they do not
worsen the condition of an individual, then using them is worth the risk. But of course, certain things must be
considered before taking those herbal supplements: Your doctor knows best.

First of all, clear your condition with your doctor. Ask him/her if taking a particular herbal supplement is safe
given your health condition. People with heart, liver, or kidney trouble or malfunction, are usually not advised
to take these, or at the minimum is to take these herbals in minimum amounts. All substances pass through
the liver and kidney to be processed and filtered respectively. Kava, which is used to relieve people from
stress, has been pulled out from the Canadian, Singaporean, and German markets because it contains
substances that cause liver damage. Certain herbals such as Ephedra used for losing weight, contains
chemicals with heart-inducing effects that can increase heart rate, which in turn can exhaust the heart and
cause heart attacks in several documented cases by the American Medical Association.

Follow the directions for use.

Never take more herbal supplements than what is directed by the doctor or as instructed on the bottle. Each
individual reacts differently to the components of herbal supplements. While it is perfectly safe for one
individual to take in a supplement of primrose oil capsules, another person may be allergic to it. So, do not
even think about downing one bottle of
It has no approved curative effect.

No matter how the product pamphlet or the label of the bottle sounds about how it has been found to be
helpful in certain health conditions, these herbal supplements are not therapeutic. So do not substitute these
for the medications prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, or for the maintenance of
blood pressure, lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol, and fight off infections.
When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and
buy medicines. You take them, and hopefully, you get well.

This is how the health profession goes on nowadays – a cycle of diagnosis and prescription.

If anyone were to give you herbs for medicine, you would probably say that that person was a quack.

But nowadays, studies are being conducted to see if there are really is any merit to what is called natural

Natural medicine is the use of natural methods, herbal medicines, and traditional practices to heal ailments.
Every culture has a form of natural medicine. In ancient cultures, village medicine men served as the doctors
of the community, passing on medical knowledge to the apprentices that followed them.

Many categories of the healing methods fall under natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine,
complementary medicine, and alternative medicine.

Usually, natural medicine refers to medical practices that were in place before the advent of modern

This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, which is prevalent in Chinese, Ayurvedic(or Indian), and
Greek medicine.

Upon the advent of modern medicine, many professionals discarded the use of herbs in favor of man-made
medicine. The fact that these treatments are based on the healing properties of some herbs was forgotten.

For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have their roots in traditional medicine.

Natural medicine can be considered as a lost art. This does not mean that it has lost efficacy over time. In
some cases, natural therapy is actually better than modern medicine. This leads some doctors to seriously
consider and study the possible uses of natural medicine

Before we continue, it is important to stress that not all the natural remedies are legitimate. It would help to
only try those remedies which have been thoroughly studied and are relatively risk free.

Take herbal medicine for example. There are many well-documented and studied herbal remedies available.
However, only those that deal with minor ailments such as cough, colds, fever, skin rashes, and its ilk are
likely to be recommended by health professionals. These remedies are sometimes superior to synthetic
medicine. This is because herbal medicines are less likely to cause negative side effects.

Currently there are numerous organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine –
among which is herbal medicine. Some governments and health agencies openly advocate the use of
natural methods since they are inexpensive and relatively risk-free.

As their studies compile, more herbs and treatments are added to the list of accepted medicines. However,
many herbs and treatments have been proven to be bogus medicine. This represents a challenge for both
the user and the agencies because they have to ascertain that the treatments they either use or advocate
are legitimate.

There exist today many alternative medical treatments that fall under natural medicine. However, not all of
them have been proven to be effective. You could mention homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and
other alternative medical treatments. It would pay to consult the experts as to the legitimacy of these

Natural medicine should also be thought of as an accompanying medicine. Right now, the current collective
medical thought suggests that natural medicine be used only to supplement accepted modern medical
practices. In that case of minor ailments your expert we actually advise you to take natural therapies instead.

The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing an illness and prescribing treatments for such.
Natural medicine is helpful because it suggests that treatment be not necessarily given only when sick.
Natural medicine strives to make each patient practice good health habits. These habits include good diet,
healthy living, and the regular natural treatment.
It is this same line of thought that leads our parents to tell us to eat our vegetables. Yes, a healthy lifestyle
and will do no harm to our well-being. And this is the foundation of natural medicine – may it be massage,
herbal medicine, aromatherapy or others.

It is funny but true that science, in its quest for excellence, is studying the knowledge of sages past. This,
surprisingly, leads us back to the remedies nature offers. The possibilities of finding remedies to everyday
illnesses in natural medicine are encouraging. So staying tuned to studying these remedies is worthwhile
until we can verify that these therapies are truly helpful to our health and our society.
Life isn't the sweetest candy. Sometimes, when I feel like the world is just too heavy, I look around and find
people who continued to live fascinating and wonderful lives. And then thoughts come popping into my mind
like bubbles from nowhere – "How did their life become so adorably sweet? How come they still can manage
to laugh and play around despite a busy stressful life?" Then I pause and observed for awhile... I figured out
that maybe, they start to work on a place called 'self".

So, how does one become genuinely happy? Step 1 is to love yourself.

My theology professor once said that "loving means accepting." To love oneself means to accept that you
are not a perfect being, but behind the imperfections must lie a great ounce of courage to be able to
discover ways on how to improve your repertoire to recover from our mistakes.

Genuine happiness also pertains to contentment. When you are contented with the job you have, the way
you look, with your family, your friends, the place you live in, your car, and all the things you now have –
truly, you know the answer to the question "how to be genuinely happy."

When we discover a small start somewhere from within, that small start will eventually lead to something
else, and to something else. But if you keep questioning life lit it has never done you any good, you will
never be able to find genuine happiness.

I believe that life is about finding out about right and wrong, trying and failing, wining and losing. These are
things that happen as often as you inhale and exhale. Failure, in a person's life has become as abundant
and necessary as air. But this should not hinder us from becoming happy.

How to be genuinely happy in spite all these? I tell you... every time you exert effort to improve the quality of
life and your being, whether it is cleaning up your room, helping a friend, taking care of your sick dog, fail on
board exams and trying again, life gives you equivalent points for that.

Imagine life as a big score board like those which are used in the NFLs. Every time you take a step forward,
you make scoring points. Wouldn't it be nice to look at that board at the end of each game and think to
yourself "Whew! I got a point today. I'm glad I gave it a shot.", instead of looking at it all blank and murmur
"Geez, I didn't even hit a score today. I wish I had the guts to try out. We could have won!" and then walk

Genuine happiness isn't about driving the hottest Formula 1 car, nor getting the employee of the year award,
earning the highest 13th month pay, or beating the sales quota. Sometimes, the most sought after prizes in
life doesn't always go to the fastest, the strongest, the bravest or not even the best. So, how do you become
genuinely happy? Every one has his own definition of "happiness". Happiness for a writer may mean
launching as much best selling books as possible. Happiness for a basketball rookie may mean getting the
rookie of the year award. Happiness for a beggar may mean a lot of money. Happiness for a business man
may mean success. So, really now, how do we become genuinely happy? Simple. You don't have to have
the best things in this world. Its about doing and making the best out of every single thing. When you find
yourself smiling at your own mistake and telling your self "Oh, I"ll do better next time", you carry with you a
flame of strong will power to persevere that may spread out like a brush fire. You possess a willingness to
stand up again and try – that will make you a genuinely happy person.

When you learn to accept yourself and your own faults. You pass step 1 in the project "how to become
genuinely happy".For as long as you know how to accept others, you will also be accepted. For as long as
you love and know how to love, you will receive love ten folds back.

Again, throw me that same question "how to become genuinely happy?". I"ll refer you to a friend of mine
who strongly quoted- "Most of us know that laughter is the best medicine to life's aches and pain. But most
of us don't know that the best kind of laughter is laughter over self. Coz then you don't just become happy...
you become free."
If you have ever wanted to know how to create a website, you"ll be able to after you read this article.
Develop you own little corner of internet real estate by learning how to get into the big world of internet
information and products. Start out by thinking of ideas for your new website, make notes to yourself, identify
your market, figure out your level of commitment, and how much time and money are you willing to put into
your website. If you have the time, you can build your website on your own and run it for free, just remember
that lots of information can be overwhelming at first, but just take it one step at a time. The more money you
want to make from your website(s), the more time and money you'll have to invest. Register a domain name,
build a website, learn some HTML, and insert keywords to target your audience, upload your website,
advertise, and provide quality content and service that your visitors will remember. It sounds like a lot, but
just give it a try.

The best way to get started is to go online and check out a number of free guides offering step-by-step
instructions on how to create a website. A great resource is, a free tutorial site
that teaches beginners how to create a website, including free HTML tutorials, web page software, how to
register a domain name, quick guide to creating a website, and other web development options that will
make you into a webmaster in no time. First of all choose a domain name, which is your online address and
how visitors can find your website. Domain names are usually paid for yearly and renewal is on an annual
basis. Find and register for a domain name on this site too. Next you"ll need to find a web hosting service to
host your site on the internet, which allows you to create, save, and publish web pages. A web host provides
you with the space, tools, and support to create your web pages and email accounts, and it's important that
you choose the right one the first time. This site suggests using web page building software like Coffee Cup,
Dream Weaver, and Home Site, which are three popular programs among many others that show you how
to create a website and maintain it.

As you"re learning how to create a website, you"ll need to learn how to do a little bit of HTML coding even if
you use a web page builder. It really isn't that difficult, so don't be intimidated. The site mentioned above
suggests downloading free html templates if you're not interested in learning html and buying software
programs to edit and continue building the site. If you want to sell products or take orders from your site,
sign up with, for a free merchant account that will accept credit cards for you for a small
percentage of each order. It's convenient and easy to set up too, and you can link your Pay Pal account to
your checking account and have funds transferred electronically. If you want to make money from your
website, enough to pay for your costs and more, consider using Google AdSense, display ads on your site,
keyword optimization, or other internet marketing strategies to get your site up there in rankings. With all this
great information, you can learn how to create a website in no time!
Are you interested in dressing professionally or dressing for success? Whether you would like to make a
good impression at work, at a job interview, look professional and successful for an important business
meeting, or just because, you may soon start shopping for new clothes. Unfortunately, when it comes to
dressing professionally and dressing for success, it is easy to get carried away. This can be difficult if you
are on a budget.

If you are looking to dress for success, but without having to spend a large amount of money doing so, you
will want to take the time to examine your local thrift stores. Thrift stores often have a large selection of
career clothes. These career clothes can also often double as elegant or formal wear. When shopping for
dress for success clothes at your local thrift stores, you will just want to thoroughly examine all clothing
pieces. Be on the lookout for items that are missing buttons or ones that have stains. You may also want to
see if your stores have any sales, as many thrift stores are known for having sale or discount days.

You can also shop for dress for success clothes by examining specialty used clothing stores. These stores
are similar to thrift stores, but you are often presented with a larger product selection, as well as clothes that
are in better condition. These specialty stores are nice, but they can sometimes be difficult to come by. You
can use your local phone book or the internet to come across local used clothing stores in your area.
Generally speaking, those who live in or around larger cities often have the best chance of success.

Yard sales are another one of the many ways that you can find professional or elegant clothes for sale,
when shopping locally. The only problem with taking this approach is that you never know exactly what you
may find. If you are not careful, you can waste a lot of time searching for elegant or formal clothing at yard
sales. What you may want to do is examine your local newspapers, as many people hosting yard sales will
advertise their sales, as well as outline a few of the items that they have available for sale.

If you are looking for new clothing, as opposed to used clothing, you will want to turn to the internet. The
internet is a great way to shop for dress for success clothes, as you have a number of different options. For
starters, you will want to focus on traditional clothing retailers or those that have a focus on clothes designed
for employment and or formal events. Be on the lookout for any sales or sections where discontinued items
are listed, as many are offered at reduced prices. This approach can also be used to shop for new clothing

In keeping with using the internet to help you dress for success, you may want to examine online auction
websites, such as eBay. These websites are nice, as you often have a large selection of products to choose
from. You can also find dress for success clothes being sold in both new and used conditions. If you plan to
use online auction websites, it is advised that you closely read all product descriptions, examine pictures, as
well as keep a close eye on shopping costs. In some instances, you may find yourself paying more for
shipping than the clothes themselves.

The above mentioned ways are just a few of the many ways that you can go about dressing for success
even while on a budget. Although you do have a number of other options, such as borrowing clothes from
friends or family members, the above mentioned approaches are a few of the most common and successful
approaches taken. To find the best deals, it is advised that you regularly keep your eyes and ears open.
How are your public interaction skills? Are you one of those charismatic, flamboyant types who are always in
the center of things? Or, are you more reserved and reclusive from the crowds? Most of the time we fall
somewhere in between these tow categories. However, there are folks out there who have a difficult time
communicating and interacting with others. This is nothing to fret about by any means. It's not difficult to
learn how to improve communication skills. In no time at all, you can be the life of that party, or the one
heading that board meeting. It's all about understanding your strengths and abilities. Are you ready to start
mixing it up and socializing with the best of them?

Do you know how to improve communication skills? One thing that I feel works well is diving straight in. I can
still recall back in grade school and high school; I had such a difficult time with class presentations. They just
made me so nervous. The thought of every single other person staring at just me was a tad overwhelming.
Have you ever felt this way in front of crowds? There is a certain anxiety regarding mistakes. You know if
you make one, everyone will see, and probably laugh. This is why I decided that I had to learn how to
improve communication skills. I did not want this feeling of anxiety and insecurity to go on forever. Soon
enough I was in college and taking a public speaking course. This is pretty much the ultimate way to get
better. You are placed in front of groups over and over, and must give speeches. There are not two ways
about it. But, since it is a class created to teach you how to improve communication skills, it doesn't seem as
overbearing. You know why everyone is in there. They are taking the course for the same reason you are.
They want to learn how to improve communication skills.

If you are searching for ways how to improve communication skills, then you may want to start with a simple
class. You can also get on the web and see what tips and pointers are offered for improving communication
with others. You can get to that spot of security that you want to be. It just takes a little time and effort. Learn
how to improve communication skills today. You will be relieved you did.
My older brother has been my guide in everything until recently. You see, I practically worship him.
Growing up, he always seemed to be all-knowing, and I have valued his advice above the advice of any
other. Recently, however, I have started to question the things that he tells me. It all stems from his advice
on how to make a cover letter.

He is a charming man. Charm has made him. It got him a six figure salary, a beautiful life, and a gorgeous
home. He sees charm as a panacea. So when he told me that the secret to how to create a cover letter was
charm, I was not surprised. He said that the reason I was not getting called back for the jobs that I really
wanted was that I took too conservative an approach to how to make a cover letter. Making a cover letter,
he told me, was not a matter of showing professionalism and experience. That was what a good resume
does. He said the only way to understand how to make a cover letter is to read it out loud. If it is interesting
and engaging, and would make the boss really want to go out for a drink with the person reading it, you have
succeeded. If it is dry and professional, you have a lot to learn about how to make a cover letter.

I thought that his approach was good, and even had him read several of my cover letters before I sent them
out. I really believed him when he said that the reason that I wasn't getting a job was that I didn't know how
to make a cover letter that showed what an attractive, charming young man I was. As soon as I started
following his advice, however, something odd happened. Apparently he hadn't shown me how to make a
cover letter, because I stopped getting any responses at all. When I finally asked one interviewer why, the
secretary told me that the boss had said my cover letter sounded slimy, phony and impractical.

Although I haven't figured out how to make a cover letter that really gets the goods, I have learned
something. The most important thing is always to be yourself. When I tried to learn how to make a cover
letter that sounded like my brother, I failed miserably. When I was content being myself, however, I at least
got interviews for jobs. Although I still have not gotten my dream job, I have found a position that I am
happy with.
One of the great things about quilt making is that there are so many different ways to do it. When people ask
me how to make a quilt, I always tell them that there is more than one way to go about it. It depends what
kind of quilt you want. My favorite ones, especially for beginners, are patchwork quilts. If you want to know
how to make a patchwork quilt, it is simple. You just have to make a lot of patches and sew them together.

Again, there are dozens of ways to do this. A friend of mine recently wanted to know how to make a baby
quilt, so I showed her this method. In her case, I wanted to have the patches all made out of a soft, uniform
material. If you want to know how to make a quilt for a baby, you should probably learn how to knit or
crochet. If you make patchwork quilts out of more elaborate materials that can come apart, it can cause
harm to babies. You do not want them choking on the patches! On the other hand, if you crochet the
individual patches, you can make something that is safe for babies. Another advantage to using this method
as your first lesson in how to make a quilt is that it will give you a great place to learn crochet skills. After all,
if you mess up on individual patches it is no big deal. You start over. The quilt itself is unharmed, because
you do not sew the patches together until the very end.

Once you have learned how to make a baby quilt, you might want to go on to bigger and more ambitious
projects. The principles to how to make a quilt remain the same no matter what you do. In my opinion,
patchwork quilt are the most fun. When you get a little more advanced, you might want to use cloth patches.
They can be painted on, died, or embroidered with different designs. One time, I taught my whole family how
to make a quilt. We each made our own patch, then we all get together to sew them into one. By the time we
were done, we had made a great quilt together. Not only did they learn a new skill – how to make a quilt –
but it was a bonding experience for all of us. If your family does not do crafts together, I highly recommend
that they take it up.
One of the newest home business opportunities that is being promoted is making gift baskets. There are
many people that are doing this as a business and making extra money. This is quite amazing to me
because learning how to make gift baskets is so easy and the best part of giving them as gifts is that you
have personally made them up.

One of my co-workers brought in the gift basket that she had ordered from a local home business owner.
She had ordered the basket for her sister. The owner of the business had her fill out a check list of things
that she wanted. The basket was quite expensive and my co-worker was not happy with the quality of the
things that were in it. She said that if she knew how to make gift baskets she would go into her own business
and make higher quality ones than the one she bought. I told her that it is not hard to learn how to make gift
baskets. You simply find a container or basket that you think the person you are giving it to will like and then
you put their favorite items in the container. When you do this yourself you control the price as well as the
quality of the merchandize that you include in the basket. The basket that she had ordered had cheap
lotions and bubble bath in it and lower quality candies. The basket was beautifully wrapped and had glittery
filler papers, but this is thrown away by the recipient any way. My co-worker said that she did not feel that
she had the time to learn how to make gift baskets. I asked her how many trips she made to the basket
maker. She said two, once to pick out what she wanted in the basket and once to pick it up and pay for it. I
told her that she could learn how to make a gift basket in that same amount of time and have higher quality

A few weeks later I was going to put together a basket for my sister. She was scheduled for surgery and I
wanted to take the gift up to the hospital. I told me co-worker that I was going to do this over lunch and if she
wanted to learn how to make gift baskets she was welcomed to come along. We went to a major discount
store. I picked out a gift basket on clearance. I told my co-worker that I wanted to spend around twenty
dollars on the contents. I bought some note cards, some of my sister's favorite candy, shower gel and lotion
as well as the newest best seller and a puzzle book. I bought a roll of cello wrap and tissue to fill the bottom.
My total came to twenty one dollars and I had everything that I knew my sister would like. My co-worker said
that a similar basket from the business owner would have cost three times that amount.
I am the Queen of Disorganization. I have cluttered closets, multiple piles of books and papers in every
room in the house, and undone chores that I'd rather not even think about. It would come to no one's
surprise to find that one of the most searched topics on my computer is how to organize my home.

When your home is a cluttered and chaotic you feel like it is a reflection of the rest of your life. No one likes
to have guests pop by only to find that the same pile of books that was on your coffee table is not only still
there since the last time they visited, but has doubled in size. If you"re like me, that is not only your worst
nightmare but also, your reality. There are many ways that this scenario can be avoided and there are many
places online that can offer advice and pointers.

One of my favorite online resources is newsletters. There are newsletters available on any topic you might
be interested in, including conquering clutter and chaos. If you want to learn how to organize better,
newsletters offer an ongoing source of information and support. They often give pointers for different rooms
of the house or specific situations. You can learn how to organize your kitchen drawers, your linen cabinets,
or your home office. You can find a good newsletter through your favorite web site or popular women's

Some web sites offer a proven system that teaches you how to organize your home. You"ll find success
stories, techniques, advice from experts, and some will even offer a personalized system to aid you in your
quest for better organization. If you want to find anything in your home in five seconds or less there is a web
site that can teach you how to do it. Forums and chat sessions can be especially helpful as they put you in
direct contact with people who have been through the exact same situation you are in. Sometimes advice
from every day people is just as valuable as the advice you can get from the professionals.

If you are like me and have lived with chaos you"ll be thrilled when you discover all of the places where you
can learn how to organize better. When you pick up some of these tricks and put them to use in your home
you"ll feel calmer and more in control of your life. When you learn how to organize you can fall in love with
your home all over again.
At some point in your life you've probably heard the expression "working for the man." This basically refers
to what most people do each and every day. You go to work for a major company of industry of some sort,
and then you're expected to work a certain shift so that the folks you work for can make more capital. In the
meantime you make a small amount of money for the effort you put forth. What I mean by this is that you
make a small amount in comparison to what you make for the company. Now, there is a solution to this
workforce madness. Many individuals around the world are looking into how to start up a small business for
themselves and their families. It's important to know that most individuals who start their own business make
a great deal more than those who choose to work for someone else. Suddenly you're not a mere cog in the
machine, but rather you're the machine itself. Are you ready to increase your income?

It all starts with an idea. If you are one of the millions who want to learn how to start up a small business,
then you should begin with your preferred concept. Maybe your idea is to sell handmade jewelry online. If
you already have the skills and know-how to design and create unique jewelry, then now you need to learn
how to market your products. This all starts with a website. In this day and age, virtually every business
known to man has a website. And the better you make your website look, the better off you are. This means
regular updates and pages that appeal to the masses. On your website you should tell a bit about yourself
and your products, display your products, display the prices and how to purchase.

Those who're truly serious about learning how to start up a small business should use the Internet to their
advantage. You'd be amazed at how many great tips and advice is offered free of charge on the web. Once
you get your website up and running, you can use links and ads to acquire traffic, something which is
essential to make a web-based business work. Anyway, that is the basic scoop concerning private
businesses and how to start up a small business from your home with minimal supplies and funding.
One of the basic needs of man is to feel accepted. Knowing this is the secret to establishing and
maintaining great relationships with various types of people.

A number of books, articles and seminars have taken the role of educating people like you on the different
ways of associating with people and building lasting relationships with them. There are several things that
you can do when associating with other people.

One of these is to make them feel accepted. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one of man's basic
needs is to feel a sense of belonging to a group. Man feels the sense of belonging in either small groups like
a family and small circle of friends, or big groups like clubs, teams, associations, departments and parties.

People have to feel they belong and are needed. One way to convey acceptance of people's ideas is by
simply listening. Listening communicates the message that their thoughts are valued and their inputs are
significant. It answers the very basic need to belong and provides a sense of importance.

Have you ever been in any of the following situations? - While sharing an important insight, somebody would
finish the sentence for you. - While narrating what happened over the weekend, somebody would butt in
and narrate a similar story. - In a meeting, the boss would cut you short while you are still explaining your
side. - You ask your child about his day in school and he runs straight to his room. - You wanted to discuss
something with your spouse but he is busy watching football.

How did you feel? Not good, right? It's as if you are taken for granted. It's as if no one is listening to you and
that you do not matter. It signifies that your thoughts, concerns, and ideas are not accepted.

At the onset of life, an infant can feel this sense of acceptance from a mother who touches and caresses him
in a loving way. As he grows older, his sense of acceptance and importance now comes from other family
members, friends, teachers, peers, bosses, officemates, spouse, children, etc. Every person needs to be
accepted. It puts meaning to a person's existence.

Imagine a life with total absence of acceptance. Envision the life of babies who were abandoned by their
mothers. Imagine the effect this will have on the babies' emotional well-being. It is very possible that these
kids will grow up dejected and feeling discriminated. The effects of discrimination can result to resentment
and, if uncontrolled, can result to violent tendencies.

The feeling of resentment that is harbored overtime can escalate to anger and hostility. When a person
becomes hostile, violence erupts. Resentment is like a forest fire - it can turn wild especially when fanned
with more resentments. The mere civil act of accepting a person "can make or break them," as the saying

Acceptance must be done unconditionally. The giver should not expect anything in return. There should be
no "no strings attached" or no commitments to fulfill. To expect something in return defeats the purpose of
making others like you. In fact, this may only breed resentment, for it would appear that you are
manipulating people by forcing them into a situation they may not like in the future.

Unconditional acceptance of other people's thoughts, ideas, and concerns can yield favorable outcomes.
Acceptance elicits cooperation and this leads to working towards a common goal. Acceptance yields positive
and fruitful results. At the same time, you have raised the esteem, importance, and morale of the person
whom you have accorded respect and acceptance.

Be willing to accept other people's ideas, thoughts, and inputs. You will harvest not only good results, but
also the admiration and appreciation of others, as well.
"I am, therefore I exist," is a phrase affirming one's existence as a being. It may be a simple phrase, but it
says everything about the being saying them. It indicates a confidence not commonly found among other

But why do people need affirmation? Why do beings need to be affirmed? Is existence relative to one's

Affirmation is a very powerful technique to empower one's subconscious. Once the subconscious is
disciplined to believe one's affirmation, the latter is converted into a positive action for the conscious mind.
Through affirmation, beings are empowered to do, to work, and to strive for more things. Affirmation allows
people to believe in themselves and to put their thoughts into action.

Affirmation is a combination of verbal and visual techniques of a preferred state of mind of a person. Strong
affirmations can be very powerful, and can be used by almost anyone to achieve his goals and fulfill his
desires. However, the power of an affirmation depends on how strong or weak an affirmation is.

Affirmation is merely an assertion made by a person, about something or about a state of being. A person
can affirm those that he chooses to attain, like "I now have a good life." Being healthy in mind, body, and
spirit can also be made possible through affirmation.

A strong affirmation should be stated in the present tense to be more effective. An affirmation of "I am now a
happy being" is more effective than an affirmation saying, "I am going to become a happy being." Affirmation
should always be in positive terms because it is supposed to work for you and not against you. Instead of
saying, "I am not sad," why not make an affirmation saying, "I am happy."

An affirmation should be made up of simple but concise words, and it should be short to be more effective. A
very long affirmation can work the other way around, instead of creating a positive mindset for a person. A
short affirmation can be easily spoken and repeated by a person. It can serve as a mantra that can be
repeated over and over again.

To be effective, an affirmation must be repeated. Repetition works and influences the subconscious, which
in turn motivates the person into acting out his affirmation. A person who creates the affirmation should be
deeply involved with the words he will be using, so he will be able to actualize his affirmation. Writing words
that one believes in can be very powerful, and this can be put to good use when creating an affirmation.

However, creating an affirmation alone and repeating them a million times would not make the affirmation a
state of mind. The important thing is to live one's affirmation and to be open-minded enough to do the things
that would help the affirmation become a reality. Feeling the affirmation and applying it in one's life will help
in making the affirmation a reality.

While affirmation is generally used to make an individual better, it can also be used to boost or confirm
another person's value. By affirming another person's existence, you are helping him improve his self-worth.

Affirmation is a very simple thing that can make a very big difference in a person's life. It can be a great
motivator and can make things happen.
Self hypnosis is a great tool for goal setting and self improvement. Most people are surprised at how easy it
is to learn self-hypnosis. And self-hypnosis, in turn, makes a lot of things much easier.

Self hypnosis is usually thought of as a person listening to an audio tape, mp3, or other mass-produced
media, intended to induce a willingness to absorb suggestions centered around a specific topic such as
weight loss, stop smoking, etc.

Unfortunately, this kind of hypnosis is generally prepared by someone who has never met the person being
hypnotized, often presenting unwanted, even unpleasant imagery and suggestions.

For example, if you sunburn easily, that last thing you want to hear about is a slow walk on a sunny beach.
In this case, the 'self" in self hypnosis simply means that you listen to it by yourself. How do you incorporate
self improvement to hypnosis?

To be able to go about self improvement, there are certain aspects in you that should be addressed. Using
hypnosis, the negative aspects that are serving as hindrances to improvement are eliminated.

A true self hypnosis would necessarily be designed and created by the very person who will ultimately use
and benefit from it.

Unlike the mass-produced hypnosis, this hypnosis is made for the exact purpose the person wishes,
including the precise words and phrases that mean the most to that particular person.

The true self hypnosis is thus crafted by the person to suit his or her own needs. The benefits derived could
only be accomplished with such a personal, one-of-a-kind hypnosis. In this case, the 'self" in self hypnosis
really does mean that you are hypnotized by yourself!

Below is a short view of the self hypnotic process. Though lots of variations of this method have been used,
these are the basic steps you have to go through in order to hypnotize yourself to accomplish self

1. Position your goals from the most important goal to the less important. If possible, your goals should be

2. For each goal, you should formulate fitting suggestions which means you have to convert your goals into
specific instructions to your subconscious mind on how to achieve each goal.

3. Relaxation. Use the first minutes of your self hypnotic session to get as relaxed as possible. Try to forget
all your worries and problems.

4. Start your hypnotic initiation phase by saying and repeating out loud the hypnotic words you have chosen,
thinking of these words or listening to a hypnotic tape or CD customized for your hypnotic and goal
fulfillment needs.

5. Apply the hypnotic suggestions you have made for reaching the specific goal you work with, say them out
loud, think them or use a tailored hypnotic tape or CD.

Before you start up your self hypnotic exercises you should make a time schedule for it. Do your hypnotic
sessions every day, five minutes a day is enough. Repeat your suggestions as often as possible during the

Measure your progress. Are you closer to your goal now than you were before you started? Ask yourself. If
you answer negative to these questions, you have to rethink and reorganize your train of thoughts.

This is the only way you can find out if this method is really helping you in achieving your self improvement
We have options for developing our identity. These options follow a pattern, which move us through the
processes of developing higher consciousness and self-development. It will help you feel like someone new
living in the same body. There are many options you can use for building development skills.

When you develop new skills it makes you feel like a new person. When you find options for changing the
way you think, feel and act you see someone new standing in the mirror, this person is the real you. You"ll
feel great when you start finding options that will give you guidance and motivation to succeed.

You can use any options you want as long as it works for you. When looking for the right options to succeed
in self-development know what works for you. Stress is the primary reason people lose interest in life and
give up trying.

When we are stressed and feel like we are a lost cause in society we can become depressed and sick both
mentally and physically. We must reframe this state of mind to correct the problem.

Start practicing the different options that are available today to help regain control of your life by relieving
stress. Learn to cultivate a positive attitude and try to stay focused. When you have stress build up, it often
interferes with your progress and it demands your full attention. How can anyone expect to make a good
decision when the mind is full of clutter?

Relieving stress is difficult at times. When you are stressed from trying to solve your problems and another
stressful situations drops in; stop right there. Focus and decide which one needs attention first. Let the other
set aside until one is done and than try working of the second one. Don't be the next person saying, "When it
rains, it pours." While this is true, you still have a measure of control.

As you focus on making good decisions you"ll feel like a new person while you continue to work through the
self-development stage. Focus for success to relieve unwanted stress that is controlling your life.

Use meditation as an option to relieve stress to enhance better development skills. Meditation will help direct
you to relaxation for a more restful night of sleep. Making good decisions depends on you getting plenty of
recuperative rest. When we feel tired and stressed it makes it difficult to accomplish simple tasks, such as
climbing out of the bed. If your body and mind feels rested making decisions will become easy.

Learn the skill of mediation by joining Yoga classes to get the full effect of meditation and meet new friends
at the same time. When you begin to feel better, you will focus, make constructive changes, and have
sufficient energy. Why not share this added energy you have developed by communicating and relaxing with
new people in society.

As you learn to use options for relaxation and relieving stress your communication skills will increase
because you will develop enough energy and motivation to sit and talk.

You don't have to join a group to learn Yoga skills. Check on the Internet and learn new options that allow
you to enjoy yoga practices right from your own home. The Internet is here for use and is available for
anyone with a server connection.

Libraries offer public services and books to the community. Check out books at your library that will help you
discover your identity and develop self in society. You have many options so take time now to find what
works best for you.
Social and Self

According to some philosophical ideas, an entities internal sense of self makes up his esteem as well.
According to ideology, ultimately when one relates to self-esteem and internal sense of self, can he
determine his attitude, which relates to his role in life, identity, aspirations, destiny and his functions. Of
course, by relating to this structural pattern of developing self-identity, come the overtones of ideological
perspectives, which one can detect upon discovering self.

Apparently, to some ideologist self-esteem is the most important factor that determines how one relates with
his identity and abilities. Some of the choice practices to build self-esteem derive from stress reduction
techniques, such as meditation, learning, yoga and so forth.

According to some ideologist, we pave our own destiny. Despite that these ideologist believes this notion,
evidence says otherwise. If we created our own destiny, thus most of us would benefit from material gain.
The fact is our destiny is predetermined to a large degree, yet we can thread the way to a brighter future by
establishing our identity to discover self.

Ideologists may have some points in some areas, but some of the misconceptions has lead many off course,
which is why despite millions of students attend college each day will jump track somewhere in life. They
lack true knowledge of self and their own identity. That is this is often the case.

To develop self-identity for self and to work through society effectively, sometimes we have to develop a
degree of self-governing qualities. Instead of relying on others to tell us how to find our identity, we must
develop independency or autonomous traits that allow us to self-govern self throughout the process of self-
development. We are not to become unruly in society, but rather someone that is on a mission to establish
his convictions in order to back down any one in society that attempts to throw us off course, including
professional ideologists.

Other ideologist, such as Herbert Mead claimed that we recognize our destiny from our own creation. He
claimed that our identity is distinctively created to stand out from others. He claimed that it was not a 'static"
mystery, yet it stands fast to interactions of society, i.e. the people we associate with play a large part in the
establishment of our identity.

While Mead has some good points, he is by far off track, since not everyone develops their identity from
influential society. In short, some people are autonomous and govern their own cultivating of the personality,
rather than allow influences to reflect on them, making them who they are. Sadly, the vast majority of people
are created by social influences, which makes Mead right in this aspect.

Some people have suffered immensely from allowing others to create their self-identity. According to some
studies, one company placed excessively emphasis on its employs to integrate values, philosophy,
organizational goals, etc with expressions to incorporate it into one's own identity. This action caused major
issues, including emotional scarring for some.

You see that we all need to learn ways to train the body and mind without relying on others to assist us. This
allows us to create our own unique identity, rather than allowing society to create who we are.

We have choices. We can choose to follow others or we can develop autonomous traits that lead us to
independency. When the mind and body is liberated, it often relaxes, which mean your awareness will
expand. Online you may find some other assistance for self-identity, self and society, but be sure to think
with vigilant while reading, since some authors may unintentionally lead you off course. This is part of
developing self-governing state of mind.
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Believe it or not, one of the most important communication skills is silence! You may be the finest speaker
around, but if you don't listen carefully when others speak, you're losing out in a big way. Good
communication requires not only speaking your piece, but the exchange of ideas is an essential component.
Do you sometimes find conversations lagging because you weren't really listening? Do you space out in a
class because you're bored? Read on for some surefire tips to improve listening skills. You'll soon gain a
reputation as a great conversationalist!

Dale Carnegie, in his famous book, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', emphasized the importance
of improving listening skills in making friends. Most people love to talk about themselves. It's only natural -
we all have a lot to say about ourselves and our interests, right? Asking questions of another person is a
good way to break the ice and get that person talking. Conversely, it's an excellent way for you to learn
something new and interesting.

Let's say you're invited to a party where you don't know many of the guests. Make a point to go talk to the
wallflower wearing a Save the Whales T-shirt. Although this person may be shy, be proactive - try to draw
her out of her shell. Ask her a question about the whale's plight. It's likely you'll get an earful and learn
several new facts,as well as making a new friend.

In the class that you're sure will put you to sleep, try listening closely to what the speaker is saying. Chances
are good that you only find it dull because the speaker doesn't communicate well or you are simply not
interested. Ask a question that makes the speaker want to clarify his point. You'll not only find your listening
skills improving, you'll benefit the speaker and probably receive a better grade!

Talking with kids is another excellent way to improve listening skills. Kids absolutely love to talk and explain
things to grown-ups. They may use many words when talking about simple ideas, while using few to make a
really profound statement. You'll find you must listen carefully, as the discussion may go all over the map
before getting to the point. Again, ask questions and learn!

In short, the best way to improve listening skills is to really engage yourself in conversation. Immerse your
thinking in learning what others think. You'll not only make some new acquaintances, you'll be truly amazed
at what you learn!
The popularity of self-improvement books, tapes and seminars is a reflection of the universal interest we all
have in overcoming our limitations, or "being the best we can be" or "achieving our full potential."

Popular applications of self-improvement programs include motivation and confidence, personal

relationships, sales and job performance, enhancement of sports performance, public speaking, weight
control and smoking cessation.

Here are some basic principles to help you determine whether such products or programs are worthy of your
time and money.

There is no book or program that will be an exact fit for your needs and interests. Books and group
programs are necessarily general in nature. Some of the ideas and concepts may apply well to you, but
others may be irrelevant or just plain wrong as applied to your own personality and life situation. Use good
judgment and discrimination in following advice offered in any self-improvement program.

Be wary of any program that is highly authoritarian and that tears you down, or attacks people who question
what is being done. There have been many group self-improvement programs that have enjoyed a
temporary burst of great popularity over the years that have been extremely damaging to some participants.

The most effective program or tape would, of course, be one that is designed specifically for the individual,
addressing his or her unique goals, motivation and personality. Obviously this can be done only in personal
consultation with a professional person such as a psychologist and involves the cost of paying that
professional person for the time it takes them to provide the individual attention required to design a program
or tape tailored exactly to your needs.

Suggesting a link to which you can seek for help can make things easier for you to achieve your goal. Help
is on its way. Here are links that I can suggest you can visit.

• Psych Web by Russ Dewey:

The content of this awesome and well-organized site might be described as half-way in between the sites
"Self Improvement Online" and "Mental Health Net." Although its modest self description on the home page
is "This Web site contains lots of psychology-related information for students and teachers of psychology," it
is that and much more. The links on its self-help directory page alone are worth the time of the trip to this

• Internet Mental Health:

In their words: "Internet Mental Health is a free encyclopedia of mental health information. It was designed
by a Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Phillip Long, and programmed by his colleague, Brian Chow...Internet Mental
Health is for anyone who has an interest in mental health: -Mental health professionals -Patients who want
to learn more about their illness -Friends and families of patients -Mental health support groups -Students
-Members of the general public who want to learn more about mental health" This is an impressive site with
many helpful articles and resources. If you are interested in mental health from any point of view, you'll be
happy you visited.

• Life Mentoring:

Because of the demand from our clients we started this site Life Mentoring for individual visitors, in 1998.
It's mission is to provide you with the best collection of thoughts, ideas, philosophies and practical concepts
for leading a truly meaningful and successful life. It is not linked to any school of thought, but rather wants to
give you an overview of all different approaches - and so you to choose and pick whatever suits your needs
best." The site has a number of very good articles, excellent collection of links, a free newsletter, a
bbs/forum. Lots of enthusiasm, but no commercial hype.

A group program or a general tape is, of course, less costly. If it does in fact does come close to fitting the
goals, motivation and personality of the individual reasonably well, it may prove to be a useful self-
improvement tool. It is a less costly approach, but it could not reasonably be expected to be as effective as a
program or tape designed specifically for you.
Just as willpower is an essential factor in achieving success, at some point in time, discouragement and
lack of motivation may hinder you from reaching your objective. And it is up to you, and you alone to devise
techniques that will help you keep that drive within afire.

It is helpful to have visual goals. whatsoever that is you are working towards, make it visual. It maybe
something material like a car, or a vacation you have been looking forward to for the longest time.

Take or cut out a picture of it and post it at a conspicuous place at work or at home where you can see it
often. So that when you feel discouraged, this will remind you of your goal and will help you keep your

Make a contract with oneself. According to motivational researches, people who write down to-do-lists are
far more triumphant in achieving their intended goals than those people who just keep mental lists instead.

Putting something in writing somehow makes it more powerful psychologically speaking. This may also be
the basis why most cultures have such a high regard in honoring contracts. In the contract, you may also
include a certain reward that you will give yourself once you have accomplished the task.

After all, everyone likes to be rewarded for completing a good job. Even a simple pat on the back, "good
job", or 'thank you" may do the trick to give the person the additional push to carry on, but unfortunately,
these may not always be readily available. Considering that these are also essential in keeping oneself
motivated, you must learn to find a way to get that encouragement on your own through pleasing yourself.

Abusive people lower your self-esteem and bring you down. Get these negative people out of your life.
Surround yourself with positive people. Imitate their example. Smile amply and think happy thoughts.

These will give you a brighter outlook and lets you see a clearer picture of what you really want and a fresh
mind to know what steps to take to get there. Rather than wait for things to happen, try to be proactive and
MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Inactivity idles the brain and stagnates your potential to reach your goals.

Read inspirational books and literature. These will help you improve your attitude and heal your mind. A
book of success stories also proves to be encouraging. You will not only learn from others' experiences and
derive confidence boosting insights from them but the story will be instrumental in motivating you to go for
your goal and move ahead with your plans. If this still seems to falter, get training or education.

Oftentimes, not knowing how or where to start is frustrating. Knowledge is power. Having a clear
understanding of how and where to start is empowering and it will provide the extra drive needed to hit the
mark you are aiming at and follow it through.

Having enumerated all these tips and tricks to attain self-motivation, but still you seem to feel lacking that
much needed drive, there is one last thing that you must try.

Whatever it is that you have been meaning to do, or wanting to achieve, JUST DO IT! Keep on aiming high
and go for it! Actually getting your hands dirty best solves the problem of motivation. By "forcing" yourself to
just do it, your momentum will pick up gradually as you go along and before you know it you have finished
the task or have finally achieved your goal. Divide and conquer is the key.

Break down the apparently unattainable activity to small doable steps. Not only does it become less
overwhelming, but seeing the "in the meantime" results will further your confidence that it can indeed be

Lack of motivation happens to us all, but if you do not encourage yourself to accept opportunities and be
challenged, no one else will. It is most important to keep your eye on the goal, find ways to keep going, and
in no time, you shall reap its benefits.

And if at the beginning you were just doing it for the material reward, you will also learn to realize that the
fulfillment, satisfaction and self-achievement you derive from reaching your goal is a much enjoyable high
that will keep the drive within constantly burning.
1. Self improvement audio programs.

One of the most effective learning tools available. In the fast paced world of today, finding time to read can
be difficult. But it is easy to use otherwise wasted commuting and traveling time productively.

You can use this self improvement product to transform boring train or flights into inspirational personal
development and learning experiences.

Imagine how much information you could take in a matter of months and what it could do to for your
motivation to improve your life.

There are also those self improvement Videos and DVD's. Although you may not be able to attend all the
seminars and workshops that could have a dramatic impact on your personal development and growth,
DVD's and Videos offer easily affordable access to the wisdom and insights of the best self motivation
experts. And all this in the comfort of your own home.

2. Self improvement books & eBooks

Self improvement books were traditionally the way that most people discovered the life changing potential of
a commitment personal development and self growth.

Most of the classic works of personal development are now also available as eBooks, as are many of the
modern greats and bestsellers. eBooks are one of the easiest, most popular and economical ways to
expand both your library and your mind.

3. Self improvement coaching & mentoring

Professional self improvement coaching or mentoring is one of the most effective methods of self
improvement and one of the best ways to get more out of life generally.

Many of the most successful people in the world contribute a large part of their success, both professionally
and personally to the positive influence and guidance of a coach or mentor.

It does not matter if you are an individual trying to make the most of your life, a small business owner or
entrepreneur looking for guidance and inspiration, or a senior executive or CEO of a major corporation with
responsibilities to shareholders and for large numbers of staff.

Your own personal Coach or Mentor can have a massive impact on your personal development,
productivity, results and happiness in every area of your life. Coaching and Mentoring can be face to face,
by telephone or online, or often a combination of methods.

Participating in self improvement seminars and workshops with the experts in personal development and
self motivation can also be one of the most effective ways to ignite your enthusiasm and passion for life.

This is definitely one of the fastest ways to get you started on the road to a more fulfilling life, and to
supercharge your progress toward your goals.

Even if you cannot participate in person and attend a seminar or workshop, there are plenty of opportunities
to tune in to a teleseminars with some of the best-known names in self improvement. Many of these are
even free of charge so there's really no excuse for not joining in.

Each one of these self improvement products are made suitable to the needs of those who do not have all
the time in the world but is still willing to make more out of themselves.

With all the self improvement products already out in the market, people who are bent on pursuing what they
want in life have no more excuse for not doing so.
Self-esteem is a core identity issue, essential to personal validation and our ability to experience joy.

Once achieved, it comes from the inside out. But it is assaulted or stunted from the outside in. A woman with
low self-esteem does not feel good about herself because she has absorbed negative messages about
women from the culture and/or relationships.

The reign of youth, beauty and thinness in our society dooms every woman to eventual failure. Women's
magazines, starting with the teenage market, program them to focus all their efforts on their appearance.

Many girls learn, by age 12, to drop formerly enjoyable activities in favor of the beauty treadmill leading to
nowhere. They become fanatical about diets. They munch, like rabbits, on leaves without salad dressing, jog
in ice storms, and swear they love it! Ads abound for cosmetic surgery, enticing us to "repair" our aging
bodies, as if the natural process of aging were an accident or a disease. Yet with all this effort, they still
never feel like they are good enough.

A workshop a set of activities designed to promote learning, discussion and feedback about a topic or event,
you have achieve this with the traditional get together workshop, but online, all you need to do it logon to find
other peoples views and suggestions about their life changing ways into a better self.

Get better everyday

Plan to do one thing that will help you improves physically, intellectually, emotionally, even spiritually.
Making just one change for the better will boost your attitude from the inside out. You can actually chose
what you want to change in this category first. Things you do most are the ones you need to focus on. A
simple task wont take that long.

Little things add up

It's amazing, really. The seemingly meaningless things you do for yourself may not have immediate results,
but after just a short period of time they'll have you looking and feeling better. So add those bubbles to your
bath, make sure you eat your vegetables, get enough sleep, think of doing something nice when you have
nothing to do, and the results will be worth it.

Mirrors don't lie

Catty acquaintances can. Well-meaning friends might out of kindness or fear of hurting the friendship, but if
you've got spinach in your teeth, your mirror will point it out. These things can be bothersome when you
thought you were in your best but end up like this, so keep in mind about how to look best every time and
enjoy its benefits.

Just go

If you just can't get rid of that cowlick in your hair, that pimple on your nose, or those extra three pounds
from yesterday's buffet, just throw some gel in you hair, conceal that pimple the best you can, and wear
something that's not too clingy.


To get that attitude going the right way, you need to appreciate your face and body for what it is. It may be
unrealistic to tell you to love it, but you certainly shouldn't hate it. You definitely need to value what life has
thrown you. That's easier said than done in this society of model adulation and unrealistic standards.

If you take a look at any success story and grasp the one element of similarity between them, you'll notice
that virtually every self-made, successful person has this one super-important object of success in their
mind- a burning desire to succeed. What counts is your frame of mind. Age, location, ethnic origin, gender,
or any other individuality have absolutely no part in your attitude to become what you desire.
Have you ever heard the phrase 'dress for success?" Although it is nice to hear that you should dress for
success, you may be unsure as to why you should do so or in which instances you should. If this is
something that you have wondered, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the many instances in which you will want to dress for success is if you have an upcoming job
interview. If you are looking for a new job, a job interview can, literally, either make or break you. Hiring
companies not only examine relevant job experience, training, and skills, but they will also examine your
physical appearance, namely the way that you look and carry yourself. This is particularly important in office
settings or with customer service jobs, as a professional appearance is important to the success of a

In addition to job interviews, you should also dress for success when it comes to career fairs. If you are
searching for a new job, it is important to know that career fairs are one of the best ways to about doing so.
Career fairs usually take place in large public locations, such as shopping malls. They consist of multiple
companies, many of which are local and hiring. It is common for you to meet with as many as fifty
companies that are actively seeking new employees. What many job seekers do not realize, however, it that
career fairs are not only used to accept job applications and resumes. Many employers choose give job
interviews and make new hires right on the spot. That is why you are urged to dress for success, whenever
you attend a career fair.

In keeping with career fairs, it is important that you dress for success when attending them, even if you are
not actively seeking a job. As previously stated, a large number of hiring employers set up booths or tables
at career fairs. If you are a business owner or an office manager, you may be interested in setting up a
booth at a career fair. If and when you do so, it is important that you, as well as all other staff members,
dress for success. Your appearance and personality will speak for your company as a whole. That is why
professional clothing is advised.

In keeping with career related instances in which dress for success clothes should be worn, you should also
dress professionally for all important business meetings, as well as business trips. This includes meetings
that may involve your coworkers, bosses, investors, and clients. It is important to remember that you will be
representing your company when attending business meetings. The best way to make a good impression,
especially with potentially investors and clients, is by giving the impression that there is no other option,
aside from being successful. This can be done by dressing for success.

Meetings with financial lenders are other instances in which you should always dress for success. If you are
in need of financial assistance, you will likely first approach your local bank. When doing so, it is important
that you show that you are responsible and deserving of a loan. Of course, your credit history and current
income will play a huge roll in your success, but a professional appearance can also help. For that reason,
you will want to dress for success when meeting with all loan officers, whether you are looking to start a new
business, get a personal loan, buy a home, or buy a new vehicle.

The above mentioned instances and scenarios are just a few of the many in which you should dress for
success. In all honesty, you do not need a reason to dress for success. If you are interested in creating a
good impression of yourself, namely one that says you are successful, professional, and determined, you
will want to take steps to ensure that your appearance is poised for success.
You miss so much if you look at life through the half-empty glass. Taking the negative slant on life leads to a
life of negative thinking that never sees the good things that life has to offer.

Take a moment and write down all the things that are wrong with your life. Then, on a different piece of
paper, write down all of the blessings you have. For a negative person, this can be hard. Did you wake up in
a warm bed this morning? Was your bed warm? Was there someone on the other side of the bed? Did you
have breakfast? Did you go to a job? In a car? Did you have clean, decent clothes to put on?

Each any every one of these things are blessings and are a positive part of your life. It can be so easy to
think about the negative things: I don't get paid enough, my car is old, and the cereal wasn't fresh - come on!
Half the world would love to have the things you took for granted just this morning!

What do you ever get out of life by looking at the negative aspects of your life? Are you a complainer? Are
you a complainer because of your circumstances or do your circumstances make you complain? How much
worse could things be? When you really think about your life, aren't you truly blessed compared to others
around the planet?

Try thinking positively as a way of finding happiness and satisfaction in your life. Complaining does nothing
except make others around you feel bad, and if that's your intention, you need to re-think your relationship.
How to isolate problems:

We all need friends. If we do not have friends we often isolate self, which leads to depression, stress and
finally we start to make bad choices. Some people result to alcohol to relieve tension, while others choose
drugs. These unhealthy practices only cause us to isolate the problem more so.

We need to stay in control of our feelings so that it will help us grow stronger in the development of the
social self and making friends. Yet, there is more to isolating problems that we must recognize.

Sure, it is bad to isolate problems, suppressing these problems so that we fail to seek answers, but it could
also work in our favor. How so?

Sometimes we must isolate problems, pinpointing the issues so that we can find answers. When a problem
crops up, sometimes it is in our best interest to cut off the problem ahead of time. In short, we can stop
some of our problems from developing by taking action and staying focused. When we segregate our
problems, it moves us closer to discovering self. We can connect with others when we have a closer
relationship with self.

We need to have a positive attitude to find self. We can do this by searching the inner thoughts. In the
subliminal mind, we can cut off problems before they develop into bigger problems by taking notice of the
issues right off.

The development of the self is a long, drawn out process. It takes practice, effort, willingness and some
insight. When you work through the process of self-development, it boosts the strength of mind. This keeps
you versed. Yet, you want to become well versed. Becoming well versed will help you to notice potential
risks that could lead to major problems. For instance, if you see that your friend(s) are behaving
inappropriately, committing wrong acts, you will stay on guard and avoid the same behaviors that will
definitely lead to major chaos in your future.

Staying on your toes takes practice. You will need to learn a few tips and practices for expanding your self-
awareness, consciousness, and so on. This will help you stay on your toes and prepare ahead so you can
cut problems off in their track.

Some of the best practices for developing higher planes of consciousness and self-consciousness include
meditation, yoga, Reiki, and other stress reductive techniques. Try to stay with natural techniques, instead of
relying on fabricated drugs made by man. Keeping it natural will keep you healthy, alert, and strong.

Note the differences in isolating problems and isolating self from society. When you isolate self from society
your performance falls short of expectation at home, work and at school. You feel lonely, segregated and
often feel left out. On the other hand, when you isolate problems you take charge of your life by keeping
aware to what is going on in your surrounding, as well as in your mind.

Learn some self-analysis and self-examining tactics to help you become self-aware. When you are aware of
your thinking, actions, et cetera, it puts you in control. You can also discover the hidden self and develop
your self-identity naturally. As I said, we all need friends to feel happy, but what brings us true happiness is
being in connection with our self and identity. This is the ultimate happiness, which comes from being friends
with you. It comes from within. Therefore, take some more time to discover tactics, such as subliminal
learning. This strategy has proven worthy of assisting many with finding self.
How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you'll go to the gym in the morning, and then
changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don't feel like exercising?

While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn't mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to
staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health
and wellness -- and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The more you know about how
your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that
is right for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and exercise at the proper
intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to
burning fat more efficiently for energy. In other words, proper eating habits plus exercise equals fast
metabolism, which, in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to do more physical
work with less effort.

The true purpose of exercise is to send a repetitive message to the body asking for improvement in
metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body
responds by upgrading its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise doesn't have to be
intense to work for you, but it does need to be consistent.

I recommend engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per
session, and resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced
approach provides a one-two punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen,
and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.

Here's a sample exercise program that may work for you:

* Warm Up -- seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate
and warm-up your tendons and joints.

* Resistance Training -- Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds
between sets.

* Aerobic Exercise -- Pick two favorite activities, they could be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country
skiing, whatever fits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and continue with 10 minutes
of the second activity. Cool down during the last five minutes.

* Stretching -- Wrap up your exercise session by stretching, breathing deeply, relaxing and meditating.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial
fitness level, you should expect the following changes early on.

* From one to eight weeks -- Feel better and have more energy.

* From two to six months -- Lose size and inches while becoming leaner. Clothes begin to fit more loosely.
You are gaining muscle and losing fat.

* After six months -- Start losing weight quite rapidly.

Once you make the commitment to exercise several times a week, don't stop there. You should also change
your diet and/or eating habits,' says Zwiefel. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for
certain nutrients is impractical. Instead, I suggest these easy-to-follow guidelines:

* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day * Make sure
every meal is balanced -- incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy
products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice,
multigrain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and fruits * Limit your fat intake to only
what's necessary for adequate flavor * Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day * I
also recommend that you take a multi-vitamin each day to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and
minerals your body needs.

I suppose that's all I can think of for now. I should extend my thanks to a doctor friend of mine. Without him, I
wouldn't be able to write this article, or keep my sanity.
Enjoy life, we all deserve it.
Are you in the process of finding a new job? If you are, your main focus right now may be on submitting
your resume to all open and available positions. This is important to do, but you also need to examine the
next steps. One of those steps involves attending job interviews. As you likely already know, job interviews
play an important role in finding a new job. If you are not careful, a job interview can either hurt you or help

When it comes to attending job interviews, there are a number of steps that you will want to take, in terms of
preparation. These steps may include printing off extra copies of your resume and answering practice job
interview questions. While these preparation steps are great, there is another important one that you should
focus on. That step involves examining your appearance. It is advised that you carefully plan what you will
wear when attending job interviews. For the best chance of success, you will want to dress for it.

As nice as it is to hear that you should dress for success, you may be curious as to why you should do so or
how you can. Women have a number of different options, when it comes to dressing for success. These
wide range of options are nice, but they can also cause some harm. Women are urged to examine dress
suits or business like dresses. Capris, shorts, tank tops, sundresses, and mini-skirts are not advised for job
interviews. For men, you are urged to wear pants suits. Other alternatives include tan or black colored
pants, with a nice matching shirt and tie. These previously mentioned suggestions are just that,
suggestions. You are urged to use your best judgment when it comes to dressing for your next job

As for why it is important that you take steps to dress professionally for a job interview, you will find that
there are a number of benefits to doing so, as well as a number of reasons why you should. One of those
benefits is the impression that you will create of yourself. Dress for success clothes are clothing pieces that
can make you look and feel professional in nature. This professionalism is what can help you land a job.
Many companies want to hire individuals who will create a good public perception for them. Dressing for
success is the first step in showing that you can do so.

During job interviews, there are a number of points that employers take into consideration, when searching
for the perfect job candidate. These points tend to include relevant job training, relevant job experience, as
well as relevant skills. Unfortunately, many job seekers do not realize that hundreds or even thousands of
job seekers can be qualified for a job; however, not everyone receives the job in question. That is why it is
important that you take steps to set yourself apart from the competition. Unfortunately, there are not many
ways that you can do so in a job interview. Aside from giving honest and accurate answers, your
appearance and the way that you carry yourself can offer great assistance.

Another one of the many reasons why you should take steps to dress professionally for a job interview is
because of examination. Although it isn't always fair, there are many employers who take the physical
appearance of their candidates into consideration. As previously stated, many companies view their
employees as tools to improve your public perception. Should you show up for a job interview in jeans and a
t-shirt, there is a good chance that your name would automatically be eliminated from the running, possibly
even before your interview started.

The above mentioned points are just a few of the many points that you will want to take into consideration,
when preparing for any upcoming jobs interviews that you may have scheduled or will soon have scheduled.
Regardless of what type of job you are seeking, whether it be employment at a law office, a construction
company, or a fast food chain, you are urged to dress for success.
"I hate this job!" You hear this often from people who are not satisfied with the job they hold. But they can't
take this thing called "job" away from them because it brings food to the table, buys them clothes and shoes
to keep them in fashion, buys medicine to keep them healthy, and pays for almost everything they need on a
day-to-day basis. Technically, it's ironic that something like a "job" would be hated by so many people when
it can bring them many benefits. Psychologically, if you hate your job, it only means it's something you do
against your will. Anything that resists a flow makes the flows difficult. Similarly, anything that assists a flow
makes the flow move faster.

Equating this with the way you may think about your job, if you put "love" instead of "hate" to your job, work
becomes easier for you. This will make you more productive. The company will profit more. As a result, they
will pay you more. Then, everybody becomes happy.

If you are the employer, you can also do many positive changes that will benefit your employees. In the end,
you will be the biggest beneficiary of this change.

You can start by putting up slogans around the walls of the workplace. These slogans may promote unity
and harmony between management and staff where everyone will benefit out of it. These slogans may
suggest positive attitudes that will form part of their work habits. There is power in words. These words, once
written on slogans, will guide your staff to change in positive ways. It would be wise to turn these words into
action. In time, the "I hate this job" chant becomes "I love this job". This improvement in work attitude will be
reflected in turnover of employees. As an employer, you will find less people leaving the company and more
employees being satisfied.

Visitors visiting your company will be impressed with the slogans you place on the walls of your work place.
So make them as meaningful as possible.

If you're the employee, you must make a change in the way you think about your job. It cannot be denied
that hating or loving a job has a lot to do with the way you treat it.

There are many instances wherein an employee does not see the good side of his job until he has left or lost
it. You need not wake up one morning to this kind of scenario. To avoid this, let the good side of keeping
your job pervade your thoughts.

Here's another formula to make you love your job. Treat your job as though you are doing voluntary work.
Think of your job as though you are helping the needy without expecting anything in return. You will be
astonished with the result it will bring to your heart, health, and pocket. Treating your job as a volunteer work
makes you work wholeheartedly, without any resistance.

It's either you keep your job or you don't. Hating it is not an option.
There is nothing more important to your happiness factor than taking proper care of your body.

There is nothing better than a good night's sleep to make you feel better. Well, maybe a perfect diet,
proportioned in fat, carbohydrates, proteins and calories. Oh, I almost forgot the benefit of a good exercise
program will do wonders for your health and well-being.

Taking care of your health is an integral part of taking care of your mental well-being. It's hard to feel happy
if you don't get proper nutrition, sleep or exercise, no matter how hard you try to keep a positive attitude. If
you don't feel rested or fueled, happiness is going to be just beyond your reach.

Take time to get the rest you need. Go to bed earlier than usual, but don't disturb your natural rhythm too
much. Eat smaller meals, but more frequently, to keep your blood sugar levels regular. Eat fresh foods; lots
of fresh fruit and vegetables will help keep your energy levels up, and make sure to include some proteins
for long-term energy.

Exercise tells your brain to release "happy hormones", called endorphins. Regular exercise that makes you
breathe just a little bit hard helps you to burn fat and to get the added benefit of the endorphins that give you
a burst of energy and a sense of well-being.

Take control of your own body as a way of making yourself happier. By making better food choices, getting
plenty of quality rest and getting more exercise is a sure-fire way of increasing you "happy factor".
When their child has trouble learning how to read, many parents go into a panic. They worry that if their child
does not learn how to read as fast or faster than his or her classmates, he or she will never succeed, but will
be doomed to become a failure. They will fall for any trick that anyone wants to sell them. There are all
kinds of reading systems out there that really amount to nothing but sheer quackery. I know. I spent years
working as a tutor. We would get parents all the time who were in a state of panic because their child could
not learn how to read without extra help. We would get them for a while until their parents would stumble
across some learn to read overnight program that promised something outrageous, such as to improve their
reading by three years in three weeks. Of course, these learn to read programs would charge the parents a
lot of money, without helping their children at all. They would then come back to us, even more
discouraged, and with kids who thought they were stupid, to finally start to learn how to read.

There is no one way how to learn to read. Anyone who tells you that they have a cure all learn how to read
system is lying to you. With kids who have problems with their reading skills, there is just simply no one
solution. The only way to help these kids learn how to read is to custom tailor a reading program to their
own needs. There are all kinds of fancy diagnoses of learning disabilities, but it all comes down to one
thing: find what works, and stick with it. That is really the only solution. Everyone learns how to read

In our clinic, when we get a new student who needs to learn how to read, we usually start with a reading
test. There are all kinds of reading problems that kids can have. Some cannot even learn how to read the
alphabet. Others can decode the letters in the words fine, but have no idea of the meaning of what they just
read. Still others have little trouble with the bigger words, but stumble over all of the smaller ones. Each of
these problems, and every single one of the students who has them, demands a different approach. Now
some of the big moneymaking learn how to read programs say that they can cure all of these problems, but
everyone I've ever talked to whose child has used one of these programs has been disappointed.
What do you think about learning a foreign language? This is kind of a standard in today's society. Why else
do you think they are teaching our children Spanish in grade school? Heck, you need two semesters of a
foreign language just to graduate. I personally think this is a good thing. It's wonderful to see our country
evolve and break language barriers. Today the process of learning a foreign language is simpler than ever
before. Do you know why I say this? It's because of the World-Wide-Web. Even if you're not a student in
high school or college, you still have the ability to learn a foreign language on your own. I am talking about
learning a foreign language in the privacy of your own home, or should I say casa? It's time to brush up on
your Spanish, folks.

Are you interested in learning a foreign language right now? It is possible to get started if you have a
personal computer and Internet access. Pull up Google and get started. There are a number of free
websites available these days that can easily aid you in learning French, German, or Mandarin. That's truly
amazing! I would think anyone who ventures off to a foreign land to stay, would definitely take full advantage
of this online asset. You can simply punch in words of phrases and have them translated right before your
eyes. In my opinion it's high time many of the folks in our country did this. If you are a Mexican immigrant,
who cannot speak English, but fully intend to live here, it's time to learn English. Do you actually think
everyone that comes here from Japan, Germany, or Africa don't learn the English language. They do! I've
known several of them. However, far too many of the Spanish speaking immigrants do not attempt to learn
English. I wouldn't dream of moving to Mexico and never learning Spanish. Heck, I've already had 5 years of
it. Learn the language of your chosen country. In this modern era of technology, there's no reason why you
can't begin learning a foreign language today.

Have you ever wanted to take-up a foreign language just for fun? This is a great idea for your spare time.
You can start learning a foreign language on your personal computer. Just make sure you have your
speakers connected. You'll need to know how each term is pronounced.
There are those who are bounded by laws and rules, yet success is too distant for them. On the other hand,
there are those who appears to be easy going people but are successful. Think you have what it takes to be
like them? Or would you rather do something different to achieve the elusive success? Take heart and set
your goals.

What do goals represent by the way? These are actually representations of your visions about you and your
future. Goals should be achievable and realistic. These kinds of goals allow you to put them into practice or
at least do some activities that allow you to monitor your progress. However, more is involved in just merely
setting realistic goals. Remember that in order to achieve your goals, you must act according to your goals.
Otherwise, all else would be vanity if you do not exert effort in reaching them. The following will help you set
achievable goals:

1. Enhance your skills in achieving targeted goals by setting objectives, as well as standard and optional
activities that will help you meet your goals.

2. Strategize and take risks in meeting your goals. Strategic thinking is very important because this will allow
you to be productive and focus on the activities according to your goals.

3. Act in accordance to your goals. Proper mind setting is very important in achieving your goals. Take the
extra mile. Try taking risks but never compromise your safety. Taking risks means that you are ready to
learn new things and challenges that will help you in the long run.

On one hand, you may wonder why there is a need for you to set goals if you think you have not failed at all
in your endeavors. Remember that setting goals does not mean that you always fail. Setting goals means
that you are acknowledging your limitations and you are ready to work your way up towards success,
professionally or personally. It is for this reason why objective goals matter.

Moving forward, you also have to consider that there are goals that are just too hard to achieve on your own.
At times, these goals even create conflicts that you might think of surrendering in the long run. Take heart.
Everybody have similar concerns at times. If this situation occurs and you think that surrendering is the last
option, why not look for a partner, a friend maybe who is willing to help you out with your goals? Collaborate
with your prospective partner and learn to prioritize. If it requires spending time in plotting all the
possibilities, both the pros and cons, try it.

Remember that goal setting is focused on your benefits. So try working things out and focus, focus, and
focus. Minimize or avoid distractions if possible so you can work your goals better. Work that proper mindset
for a clearer vision of you achieving those valuable goals. If you are vying for promotion in your workplace, it
is important that you see yourself already in the position you want. If you are aiming for a personal or
educational goal, make things happen by planning and doing things related to your goals. You will then
realize that goals, no matter how difficult they may appear, are still valuable to consider. Once your goals
are achieved, sweet success knocks on your door commending you for a job well done.
How much percentage in a class of 30 students would agree to you that Mathematics is a great subject?
You might answer "around 10 to 35%" and that is all. True, most kids today are not thrilled to solve
Mathematical equations not because they do not know the processes involved, but because of the lack of
interest in it.

In a similar way, our daily activities do not mean 100% joy and 0% problems. At times, we have more
problems than joy. Fortunately, some individual are skilled in handling problems right. Want to know their

Well, carefree people, as some might call them, have one thing in common: optimism. These kinds of people
do not mean they never had problems before. Try remembering a colleague, a relative, a friend, or someone
from your community who has the brightest smile at the start until the end of the day. How many times did
you see that person frown? Carefree people are fun to be with because their attitude is contagious. Have
you tried asking them how they carry their problems lightly? Below are their secrets:

1. Learn to control your feelings by separating negative feelings from positive thoughts. This is the first
step in solving problems. Only after you have cleared your mind with unnecessary thoughts can you start
solving your problems accordingly.

2. Treat each problem as challenge and opportunity for self-improvement.

3. Free that scapegoat attitude. Are you pointing your finger or blaming others for mishaps? Take
responsibilities for your mistakes. No one is perfect, so never put the blames on others.

4. Use a pen and paper, and rate the depth of the problem and possible answers to your problem.
Probability law principle will allow you to evaluate how far you have thought of resolving your problems.

5. Keep a journal and treat it as a 'secret friend" who is always willing to listen to your grievances. Write
your feelings freely.

6. Develop a noteworthy hobby, for this will help you lessen or minimize stress in your life.

7. Take time off from work and create variations of your daily schedule. Relax and check out the best
movies in town. Travel and meet new wonderful people. You will find these activities worthwhile in the long

The above tips will help you optimize those positive feelings of yours. Say you are already consumed by
some problems. Here are the 1-2-3 steps in doing your problem solving:

1. Determine the root cause of the problem. If you think it is difficult, ask hundreds of why's and what's
and you will soon find out the cause.

2. Think, strategize, and act for resolution.

3. Develop a strong desire to solve the problem.

4. Review the situation for you to avoid repeating the same mistakes committed beforehand.

Consider that everybody experiences lowliness many times, but problems are problems. They are there not
to annoy you; but problems are created when you cannot accept your limitations. Once you accept your
limitations, problem solving is just a 1-2-3 step, hassle-free, and a life-sharpening experience indeed.
Hence, never consume or lock yourself in your room when problem strikes. Think that problems are states of
your being limited to something you need the most. But if you cannot have that important thing, accept it. Let
go and you will free yourself with worries. Remember, less worries mean less problems. If you think that you
really want some time out because of problems, consider that there is another room available for you called
Develop identity of the self and society for a good life

A child is given learning about how to behave and live be in the society and by this they develop a notion
that they have to be perfect in front of others so as to show one's status and position. This mentality of the
people is very harmful as one should remain what he or she is and not pretend to be someone great. The
more real you will be, the more you will be admired by all. Nevertheless, at the same time if you adopt
negative approach to win the hearts of your fellow mates, this will not contribute in making your self-identity.

Self-identity is a state in which a person knows well about him and knows what his or her position is in the
society. This self-identity is achieved when an individual tries to work on the areas to know about his or her
inner self. A person is able to listen to his or her inner voice of the mind and soul when he or she is
meditating in solace. Meditation has been a widely accepted practice in which a person is able to link his or
her inner self and know what the strengths and weaknesses are. The development of the self-identity is
possible when the person works towards shaping their personality so that the potentials and strengths of an
individual can be used in shaping the society and thereby developing the identity of the society as a whole.

People often live authentically and feel embarrassed to give their opinions and views to other people, as
they fear that others might make fun of their views. Therefore, they keep their ideas deep inside the mind
and heart, which in turn hampers their overall development of the self. In addition, it further hinders them in
society as if a person will not work towards making his or her society a successful one, the society will
automatically be given the tag of "backward or orthodox" and that would be the biggest shame pr threat.
Therefore, people should understand that their self-identity and abilities are related directly or indirectly to
the identity of the society in which they reside.

To maintain the true identity of a society, it is important the people should adopt a positive and normal
behavior that is free from lies, deception and fakeness. A true behavior does not mean that people should
always live under the spell of ethics and values. Nevertheless, they should be what they are and give your
views openly so that these ideas can be useful in the development of the societal identity.

A society's identity is dependant upon what its position is in the world. Like if a society adopts some notions
and strictly follows them though they may be harmful for others, the society will be regarded as a selfish one,
which thinks of catering to the needs of only their people and to others. Thus, a true identity of the self and
society has to be maintained so that development can be done in the true sense.

Identity of the self and society can also be developed when the society starts appreciating its people of their
contributions. People gets support from their fellow mates and this is turn increase their morale and they
start working seriously towards the betterment of the society.

People should be confident enough so that the threats from the external factors should be faced with
confidence. Individualism and ego are the two main threats that an individual and society faces. Therefore,
ego should be kept aside as it will not contribute in maintaining the identity of the self and society.

Last but not the least, to attain social identity; it is important that one should be well acquainted with the self-
identity. Discover you.
We all begin thinking about what we"re going to be when we grow up at a very early age. As we grow and
learn more about ourselves and life, those career ideas change and grow.

As we experience new relationships, hobbies and events in our lives, we develop interests and ultimately we
become passionate about some of them. It's these passions that make the stressors of life dissipate.

What may have been a passion in our twenties may very well change in our forties or fifties or beyond. We
may find that the career we chose in college no longer satisfies our needs, once our basic needs have been

While once our passion was making enough money to pay the bills, our passion in our fifties may become a
desire to help others. As we've developed personal skills, we may find that we are gifted in public speaking;
what could be better than talking about your passion and making money at the same time?

Unfortunately, many people fail to live a life filled with passion. Fearful of rejection or of success keeps many
people from pursuing their dreams; many people simply don't have enough faith in themselves to reach for
the stars.

What makes you happy? Do you have a hobby that you just can't get enough of? Take the step of writing
down any way that you could make money at doing your favorite thing and try it in your spare time. You
might find a new career doing exactly what you are passionate about!

This entry wa
When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don't seem to be happening the way they"re
supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and
bustle, do you feel that your goals remain just that – goals. Then maybe its time for you to stand up and do
something about it.

Most people are content just to stand around listening for orders. And it isn't unusual to adopt a follow-the-
leader mentality. But maybe, somewhere inside of you, you feel the desire to make things happen – to be
the head, not the tail. Then maybe leadership just suits you fine.

Some people believe that great leaders are made, not born. Yes, it may be true that some people are born
with natural talents. However, without practice, without drive, without enthusiasm, and without experience,
there can be no true development in leadership.

You must also remember that good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their natural
skills. This takes a commitment to constantly improve in whatever endeavor a person chooses.

First of all, let's define leadership. To be a leader, one must be able to influence others to accomplish a goal,
or an objective. He contributes to the organization and cohesion of a group.

Contrary to what most people believe, leadership is not about power. It is not about harassing people or
driving them using fear. It is about encouraging others towards the goal of the organization. It is putting
everyone on the same page and helping them see the big picture of the organization. You must be a leader
not a boss.

First of all, you have to get people to follow you. How is this accomplished?

People follow others when they see a clear sense of purpose. People will only follow you if they see that you
know where you are going. Remember that bumper sticker? The one that says, don't follow me, I'm lost too?
The same holds true for leadership. If you yourself do not know where you're headed to, chances are people
will not follow you at all.

You yourself must know the vision of the organization. Having a clear sense of hierarchy, knowing who the
bosses are, who to talk to, the organization's goals and objectives, and how the organization works is the
only way to show others you know what you are doing.

Being a leader is not about what you make others do. It's about who you are, what you know, and what you
do. You are a reflection of what you're subordinates must be.

Studies have shown that one other bases of good leadership is the trust and confidence your subordinates
have of you. If they trust you they will go through hell and high water for you and for the organization.

Trust and confidence is built on good relationships, trustworthiness, and high ethics.

The way you deal with your people, and the relationships you build will lay the foundation for the strength of
your group. The stronger your relationship, the stronger their trust and confidence is in your capabilities.

Once you have their trust and confidence, you may now proceed to communicate the goals and objectives
you are to undertake.

Communication is a very important key to good leadership. Without this you can not be a good leader. The
knowledge and technical expertise you have must be clearly imparted to other people.

Also, you can not be a good leader and unless you have good judgment. You must be able to assess
situations, weigh the pros and cons of any decision, and actively seek out a solution.

It is this judgment that your subordinates will come to rely upon. Therefore, good decision-making is vital to
the success of your organization.

Leaders are not do-it-all heroes. You should not claim to know everything, and you should not rely upon your
skills alone.

You should recognize and take advantage of the skills and talents your subordinates have. Only when you
come to this realization will you be able to work as one cohesive unit.

Remember being a leader takes a good deal of work and time. It is not learned overnight. Remember, also,
that it is not about just you. It is about you and the people around you.

So, do you have the drive and the desire to serve required of leaders? Do you have the desire to work
cooperatively with other people? Then start now. Take your stand and be leader today.
Learning to manage your emotions takes skills and practice. By changing the mind to thinking, positive one
can work through any situation nearly. We all need management skills one time or another in order to make
good decisions to perform our daily tasks.

Thinking positive and learning new management skills is possible by learning a few natural techniques. We
cannot depend on unnatural resources to help us to take charge of our life and find self.

Sure, we can ask for help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help from others when we need it, but we
must learn to depend on self. We need to control negative thinking and actions to take charge of our life.

Get started by reducing negative actions and thoughts by telling self that you are tired of the way things are
being done. Be positive and change by taking control and learning how to manage these negative thoughts
and actions.

Whenever you commence to thinking negative thoughts, stop and listen to what they are saying. Next, take
a deep breath and talk out loud to self while allowing your inner thoughts to express feelings and emotions.
Speak soft and low so it isn't a shock to your system and just say, "I am weary of listening to this noise and
I'm going to think positive. Affirm that you will manage self in the proper way.

It will take awhile to learn how to manage your life. Just stay positive because your brain is already
programming from residue in society and life to thinking negative things. We all must reprogram our mind
and adapt to ways that make us feel more at ease to live happier and healthier life's.

You've come along way in realizing that you need to learn new management skills with how you think. Now
it's time to use your new learning skills by knowing when and how to use them.

Practice each day on changing your thoughts to be positive by repeating and affirming that you are in
control. Don't expect to see a difference in your attitude or how you handle things right away. It will take time
and effort on your part, but you know that you can do it.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes as you try new things. We all make mistakes but we can learn from the
mistakes we make. Making mistakes tells us to rethink our decisions the next time to make it go right.

No one is perfect. So do not expect perfection from you. We all need to learn new skills everyday to keep
our brains active and motivated in order to learn new things.

If you want, do some research on positive thinking and self-talk. Just take sometime out for yourself and go
to the library or get online. Online or at your local library, you will find many self-help guides that will direct
you to the path of discovering you.

Reading will give you more ideas and information on how to make your life change around and move in a
positive direction. Learn some tips on practicing yoga, meditation, guided relaxation, subliminal learning and
so forth. Each practice will assist you with developing your self-identity for finding self.

Life is too short to continue to push back our emotions and refuse them of expressing self. Take time to
learn the benefits of emotional releasing as well. When you release emotions, it will help you take control of
your life. Take control today as well by expanding your mind further so that you stay well informed.
For a successful meditation practice, everything must be perfect. The layout of the room must be set up in
such a way as to encourage a peaceful and serene mind state. The time of day must be right, so that the
distractions of the world do not interfere with the meditation. The mindset that you go into when you start
using your meditation techniques must be right, or else the whole practice is lost. And most of all, the
posture must be right. If you do not sit in the right position, with the back erect but relaxed, the eyes gently
closed, the muscles of the face loose, and the hands folded, you will never get the maximum benefit from
your meditation practice.

This is why using a meditation cushion can be so useful. The meditation pillow keeps the back in the right
position. It quietly elevates you into a higher seated position, making it easier to keep your back straight.
Although many people prefer to practice without using a meditation pillow, I have always found that it makes
things much easier. You can sit on the floor and meditate, but using a meditation pillow is more comfortable.
The comfort leads to better and deeper meditation. Best of all, meditation pillows provide a way for novices
to keep the correct posture, something that is very difficult to learn without this aid.

Of course, if you are living in a limited space, a meditation pillow can also serve as furniture. Although many
people prefer to use a simple, unadorned meditation mat, these tend to be drab and dull looking. My
meditation pillow, by contrast, is decorated in colorful Japanese characters, outlined in pictures of falling
autumn leaves. It provides a tasteful and attractive place for my guests to sit, as well as a comfortable
support for my morning meditations. And when I do not need it, my meditation pillow can be easily tucked
out of the way into some corner other.

Once you have your meditation pillow, you can begin to decorate your meditation room. Meditation gongs,
as well as Buddha statues to contemplate, will help give your room the right feel. I also think that incense
can add a nice touch to the atmosphere. Burning incense can provide a queue for your mind that it is time
to let go of the troubles of the day and begin your practice. This can be a great aid in getting you in the right
mood to meditate. When I'm sitting on my meditation pillow before a statue of the Buddha, all of my cares
seem to slip away.
Our faith community has a group of people that meet on a weekly basis to study and reflect on the readings
that are read each week during the Sunday services. The group is open to anyone that wants to attend.
Some people will show up once a month and others a few times a year. There is the core group that tends to
make the meetings each week. This core group decided that they would sponsor a meditation retreat for the
members of the community. They decided to hold ask for volunteers from the parish to help with the
planning and organizing.

I am not one of the people that are able to make the weekly meetings. I decided that I would help with
organizing the meditation retreat because I was interested in attending, and I have not been putting a great
deal of time into the faith community. I thought this would be a good way for me to meet new people, as well
as grow in my faith. I did some research into various retreats and found that there is a wide range of topics
to structure the time around. I brought outlines of different topics to the first planning meeting.

Our pastor was opened to any ideas that the group wanted to do. I shared the information that I had found.
We decided that if we could hire a leader for a reasonable amount we would do this. We decided that we
would focus on prayer in our day to day lives for the main topic. This would be less general than simple
mediation, but would not be too specific. We wanted to have the meditation retreat opened to all age groups
and prayer is an ageless topic.

The idea of the meditation retreat was well received by the parish. We decided that we would hold the event
at a retreat center that is located on a small lake about twelve miles from our church. The facility is very
reasonable. They would provide us with a light supper on Friday evening, bedroom spaces with shared
bathrooms for sleeping and meditating and meals on Saturday and ending with a brunch on Sunday
morning. They have a large meeting room as well as smaller rooms for break out sessions and private
reflection. There are paths for spending time walking in the woods and a gym for working out.

The facility was wonderful and reasonably priced. We had forty people attend the meditation retreat
weekend. It was a great time to spend reflecting on your faith and renewing the use of prayer in day to day
As a teacher of meditation, I often hear the same kinds of complaints and questions from students. It is hard
for experienced meditators like myself to remember what it is like to just be starting on the path. Beginning
takes a truly epic amount of discipline. Even the most rudimentary meditation techniques can be
excruciating after 5 or 10 minutes. For many people, it is hard to just close the eyes and keep the mind alert
at the same time.

I used to teach very complex meditation techniques involving lots of difficult and intricate imagery, but as I
have progressed as a teacher, I have simplified them. I find that all but the most dedicated students tend to
give up when a meditation technique is too hard. It can be almost painful for them to continue to sit there
and focus on their breath while keeping an image of the Buddha in their minds. Experimenting on my own,
however, I have found that there are a variety of simple meditation techniques that work every bit as well as
the more difficult and advanced ones.

A lot of people out there will tell you that you have to use their meditation technique. Many of these so-
called experts believe that there is only one way to do things: their way. Although most of them really do
have valid meditation techniques, they fail to grasp the larger picture. Anything that puts your mind in a
peaceful state, and helps to sustain that state throughout the day, is a good meditation technique. Different
schools have different meditation techniques, but they are only as good as the peace they give to the
practitioner. Ultimately, the only guide to whether a technique in meditation is worthwhile is you.

Of course, that is not to say that there aren't some basic meditation techniques that everyone should learn. I
have never seen a meditation method, for example, that does not involve focusing on the breath. If you do
not learn to keep the mind clear while focusing on your breath, you will never get the maximum benefit from
your meditation. The meditation techniques that you use to achieve these results are up to you. You can
simply listen to your breath, or you can picture it as a wave of energy flowing in and out of you. Make it as
simple or as complicated as you want it to be. It doesn't matter as long as it works for you.
Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of
this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life.

Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics and other spiritual disciplines. However, you
don't have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits. And you don't even have to be in a special place to
practice it. You could even try it in your own living room!

Although there are many different approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same.
The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering
thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus. This clears the mind of debris
and prepares it for a higher quality of activity.

The negative thoughts you have – those of noisy neighbors, bossy officemates, that parking ticket you got,
and unwanted spam– are said to contribute to the "polluting" of the mind, and shutting them out is allows for
the "cleansing" of the mind so that it may focus on deeper, more meaningful thoughts.

Some practitioners even shut out all sensory input – no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch – and try to
detach themselves from the commotion around them. You may now focus on a deep, profound thought if
this is your goal. It may seem deafening at first, since we are all too accustomed to constantly hearing and
seeing things, but as you continue this exercise you will find yourself becoming more aware of everything
around you.

If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening – those with impossibly arched backs,
and painful-looking contortions – you need not worry. The principle here is to be in a comfortable position
conducive to concentration. This may be while sitting cross-legged, standing, lying down, and even walking.

If the position allows you to relax and focus, then that would be a good starting point. While sitting or
standing, the back should be straight, but not tense or tight. In other positions, the only no-no is slouching
and falling asleep.

Loose, comfortable clothes help a lot in the process since tight fitting clothes have a tendency to choke you
up and make you feel tense.

The place you perform meditation should have a soothing atmosphere. It may be in your living room, or
bedroom, or any place that you feel comfortable in. You might want an exercise mat if you plan to take on
the more challenging positions (if you feel more focused doing so, and if the contortionist in you is screaming
for release). You may want to have the place arranged so that it is soothing to your senses.

Silence helps most people relax and meditate, so you may want a quiet, isolated area far from the ringing of
the phone or the humming of the washing machine. Pleasing scents also help in that regard, so stocking up
on aromatic candles isn't such a bad idea either.

The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds are actually performing their mantra.
This, in simple terms, is a short creed, a simple sound which, for these practitioners, holds a mystic value.

You do not need to perform such; however, it would pay to note that focusing on repeated actions such as
breathing, and humming help the practitioner enter a higher state of consciousness.

The principle here is focus. You could also try focusing on a certain object or thought, or even, while
keeping your eyes open, focus on a single sight.

One sample routine would be to – while in a meditative state – silently name every part of you body and
focusing your consciousness on that part. While doing this you should be aware of any tension on any part
of your body. Mentally visualize releasing this tension. It works wonders.

In all, meditation is a relatively risk-free practice and its benefits are well worth the effort (or non-effort –
remember we"re relaxing).

Studies have shown that meditation does bring about beneficial physiologic effects to the body. And there
has been a growing consensus in the medical community to further study the effects of such. So in the near
future, who knows, that mystical, esoteric thing we call meditation might become a science itself!
Self and Society

In order to function on a daily basis we all need a measure of relaxation. We need to think positive in order
to relax. Because the world is full of problems, we often face many challenges from society and world
leaders. At times when we feel distressed, our mind often drifts into negative patterns that cause the
muscles to tense as well as many other problems. This is hard on the body and mind. Using mental talk, one
can reprogram the mind to think positive by telling self that it is ok.

The subconscious mind often stores hidden messages that surface throughout our life. In this area of the
mind, we can find answers too many problems. You can change your thought patterns by reflecting on
discovering what is in this mind. By using mental talk, you can learn to think positive and learn to practice

Taking time out for yourself will help you to relax. Tell yourself that everyday you are going to walk or do
something healthy for the body and mind. Make a note on your calendar as a remainder to complete your
daily routines. Use mental talk to encourage positive thinking.

You want to continue focusing on positive and learn relaxation techniques like walking, or taking time out for
you. While you are relaxation, spending time with self, tell yourself that you intend to discover you through
relaxation. Picture yourself floating on a cloud and it is quiet, listen for the birds or smell the flowers. Let
nature sweep over your body.

Learn to slow down and take deep breathes. Talk positive to yourself by thinking out loud. Listen to the birds
chirp. It takes practice to learn to relax but it will come the more you practice mental talk.

During the nighttime or afternoon, light some candles in the bathroom and soak in a tub of hot water. Turn
the music on low and tell yourself that this is your time only. Stay positive and talk yourself into relaxation
while watching the candles burn down. Turn off the lights and watch the flames burn while you are soaking
in the bath and listening to soft music.

Some people have a hard time at night sleeping or getting a recuperative night of sleep. They may sleep but
it is not such a deep sleep that they wake up after a couple of hours or in the morning feeling like that never
went to bed. When you go to bed thinking positive about how your day went or about the next day, you"ll
feel better. Thinking positive and talking to yourself will help you go to sleep with sweet dreams not
nightmares. Just relax your mind and allow sleep to sweep over you.

Thinking positive will take you a long way in achieving your goals and relaxation. Start today by making
changes so you can relieve stress to relax. Things will be easier and it will bring you comfort.

You"ll be healthier, happier, and everyone will enjoy being around you when you become a new person by
thinking positive in self-talk. Self-talk or mental talking will open your eyes to new discoveries, which allows
you to take interest in you. When you take interest in you, it advances you in the self-development process
that allows you to discover your identity.

You will begin to see where society and other influences come in and how they play a role in your hindrance
of self-growth. Take time to practice today, since putting off self-growth only puts you further behind
Self and Society-

Self-motivation comes from our efforts to strive to improve or meet standards of excellence. Many people
today have lost hope, which they fall short of developing self-motivation. This action only pushes them
further back from identifying self. Many people tend to develop a degree of human characteristics however,
which they have the power to expand on them to make them stronger. An entity that expands these human
qualities will feel develop an intense drive, which helps them to meet their personal standards and goals.

All humans have a measure of self-motivation. What is strong self-motivation? An entity that sets out to meet
challenging aims and is enthusiastic to take planned risks; this type of entity pursues information in order to
trim down any ambiguity; a self motivated entity is constantly learning how to expand his personal
performance. An additional attribute of a self-motivated entity is that he is constantly seeking better ways in
which to do things. Certainly one can see that a strong, self-motivated entity has developed other
characteristics, such as his creative mind, critical, judge, parent, and other sides that made him strong.

Self-motivation is an extremely essential constituent of the expansion of emotional competency. Emotional

competency is an entity's individual response to daily stresses and events. Emotional aptitude can also be
described as an entity's reaction. This response could be applied to an easy every day event in life or an
occurrence that transpires seldom.

We all face regular stressful situations, such as maneuvering through rush hour traffic to get to work. By
expanding your emotional competency, you will find it easier to discover self in society and in all areas of
your life. The progress moves you to self-discovery of your identity.

Many studies were conducted in the past, which some proved that entities could become more successful
by learning to cope better during stressful situations. This is the progress of developing a stronger conscious
mind and emotional strength. When awareness and the emotions are strengthened it allows us to manage
various stressful situations, including getting through rush hour, and more extreme challenges, such as
working through self-development.

During rush hour, perhaps listening to your favorite tune will give you the opening to organize your thoughts.
We must develop a positive attitude. Negative attitudes can excessively lead us to danger. For instance, in
rush hour traffic, one might repeatedly change lanes, or pound on his steering wheel, which adds burden to
burden. At one area in our life, we all have played the role of each of these entities.

We must understand that our individual and present emotions are what control the decisions we make in life.
It is extremely essential for us to understand our present emotional state in order to make constructive
decisions that guide us in the right direction. When one adjusts his attitude, he can without difficulty attain a
higher level of emotional competency. By developing an optimistic attitude, an entity can direct self to a
more successful area in life. More often than not, it is a negative attitude that keeps an entity trapped in an
objectionable situation.

Self-motivation is an essential personality quality to acquire. It is from self-motivation that an entity can move
ahead in life. The chief class of self-motivation has more than a few subcategories. The subcategories of
self-motivation are - obligation, initiative and hopefulness or optimism. Without possessing these attributes,
one will fail often and fall further behind from discover his self-identity and self in society. Learn some
relaxation techniques to assist you with developing self-motivation and building emotional strength.
Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting flunked grades make us realize that we
need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the
"push" to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments. It may be a bitter
experience, a friend's tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the
right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.

With the countless negativities the world brings about, how do we keep motivated? Try on the tips I prepared
from A to Z...

A - Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, 'the future
belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

B - Believe in your self, and in what you can do.

C – Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to
understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.

D – Don't give up and don't give in. Thomas Edison failed once, twice, more than thrice before he came up
with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Make motivation as your steering wheel.

E – Enjoy. Work as if you don't need money. Dance as if nobody's watching. Love as if you never cried.
Learn as if you"ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.

F – Family and Friends – are life's greatest "F" treasures. Don't loose sight of them.

G – Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self improvement take place at work? At
home? At school? When you exert extra effort in doing things.

H – Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be your
driving force.

I – Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don't let other people to get the best of you. Stay out of toxic people
– the kind of friends who hates to hear about your success.

J – Just be yourself. The key to success is to be yourself. And the key to failure is to try to please everyone.

K – keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is motivated, eventually he sees a harsh
life finally clearing out, paving the way to self improvement. L – Learn to love your self. Now isn't that easy?

M – Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.

N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.

O – Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse sense. They see things in 2 ways –
how they want things to be, and how they should be.

P – Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation. It lets us learn repertoire and ways on how can we
recover from our mistakes.

Q – Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate – are you going to be a quitter? Or a

R – Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. We must hear the little voice within us telling us to
get started before others will get on their feet and try to push us around. Remember, it wasn't raining when
Noah build the ark.

S – Stop procrastinating.

T – Take control of your life. Discipline or self control jives synonymously with motivation. Both are key
factors in self improvement.

U – Understand others. If you know very well how to talk, you should also learn how to listen. Yearn to
understand first, and to be understood the second.

V – Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land.

W – Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing. And to believe is something that is rooted out
from the roots of motivation and self improvement.

X – X Factor is what will make you different from the others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on
"extras" on your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.

Y – You are unique. No one in this world looks, acts, or talks like you. Value your life and existence,
because you"re just going to spend it once.

Z – Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!!

Society is made up of self

With change in environment the actions and gestures of an individual tend to be influenced. The change in
the surroundings means a change in the society or the habitat of an individual. As the individual is a part of
the society therefore, any change in the environment is bound to make a difference in the life of an
individual. When an individual exits in a society it is must for an individual to behave in accordance with the
society. The individualism should not affect the attitude, as it is the biggest hindrance in the development of
the self. The actions of an individual get easily affected by the role an individual plays in the society and
attitude of others towards an individual. The conduct of an individual is guided by the society and one needs
to mind his or her actions accordingly. When an individual sees a lot of negativity around him then his
actions and thinking even tends to be the same. If an individual harbor the feeling of unrest, hatred, jealousy,
disgust, lust, sloth or indolence then the actions of the individual would be negative. Rape, homicide and
suicide are the common outcome of some of the negative feelings of the self. In addition, if the surroundings
of an individual have a positive energy flowing then an individual is bound to feel happy and contended. In
addition, charity, love, care, affection, generosity and kinship are sure to be the outcome of it.

An individual should be considerate and selfless as it can be a possibility that the actions of an individual
influence the other people. At times the conversation and gestures of an individual has the power to make
an individual come under your awe and follow your guidelines. Attitude of an individual can act like a
stimulus towards others and may alter their behavior. The development of the self of an individual is affected
by the society. An individual should try and overcome the negativity or weaknesses, but this process can be
hindered by the surroundings. Development of the self can lead to the exploration of the hidden self of the
people. Once an individual realizes his potentials and limitations then he or she should target all his energy
and oomph for the achievement of the goals of the life. An individual's action speaks about his self as
actions are guided by the subconscious part of the mind. In addition, the subconscious mind accounts for
our hidden desires and latent emotions. An individual should try and make out on which part an individual
wants to progress and then can accordingly work towards its achievement.

The self and society are closely knit and one cannot do without the other. Society is nothing but a group of
people living together to satisfy their needs and have certain kind of company. As it is human nature that an
individual cannot survive alone society and self has to work in unity. An individual should try and make
adjustments with other beings of the society and have certain kind of peace in life. Once an individual is well
adjusted in the society and is respected by others he or she is sure to feel good and this feel good factor
would be reflected in the gestures or actions of an individual. Nevertheless, if an individual feels reckless
and is not satisfied with his or her position in the society then the discontentment would even be reflected
and would surely make a negative impact on the society. Thus, an individual should realize the importance
of making a position in the society and should never let individualism or ego influence their actions and
behavior in the society.
Self and Society

Observational learning is one of the most effective ways to reach a higher grade of accuracy. Observational
learning helps us to acquire accurate knowledge. It also helps us to acquire a higher grade of development
of the abilities to execute new behaviors. We learn to manage events, thoughts, feelings and more through
observational learning.

Self-analyzing and examining as well as testing will back observational learning and enhance our
experiences further. When we put to test what we learn, it gives us a richer meaning. Moreover, we build
emotional skills that take us to higher planes of learning.

The competency of emotions gives us a personal inventory of the human components that provide us the
framework to make sound decisions while putting the self together as a whole. Many people fail to realize
that it is our current emotions that dictate the decisions we make in life. The emotions are pushed by the
subliminal mind, which forms that basis that is initiated by our past experiences. More and more people have
failed to realize this action, which deprives them of knowing the self-identity.

To achieve a higher level of emotional strength that entity essentially must take actions. Taking action will
help one make better decisions, which allows one to realize their hopes, dreams and goals. In order to reach
success in life that entity must have goals. Goals are our motivation that allows us to accomplish even the
hardest goals.

Emotional strength allows us to keep success, building tools in hand while using them to advance toward
our self-identity. When an entity is able to assess his emotional strength, it allows him to analyze self and his
personal responses under stressful situations.

This moves one to see the importance of reducing stress. By learning from observation, one can become
highly aware of his behaviors, actions, decisions, emotions, et cetera and take notice when his choices or
actions cause stress. For instance, if you are watching a television program often that increases your stress,
you will notice through observation and can find the strength to cease your actions. This will relieve stress.

We all encounter stressful situations that come from external forces, yet we also encounter some stress
from internal sources. This is because we all have learned from experiences, and information from external
factors. Therefore, despite that, we have stressors that create stress internally; it all comes from external

In some instances, poor health and mental challenges cause us stress, which come from internal forces. In
this instance, we must learn to observe the physiological responses and symptoms in order to discover a
resolve. For instance, if you are coughing heavily during the morning or night hours, you will notice your
reactions and what causes the symptoms to emerge. Perhaps you smoke tobacco. If you notice that your
coughing is resulted from smoking, and then uses your observational learning ability, put your self to the test
and find a way to cease your habit.

Habits form from observational learning. This is because external influences factor into our way of
conceptually seeing things. We either see things in black or white or on a grey scale. Through observational
learning, we can see the misconceptions that formed throughout our life and work to reform this pattern.
Think of someone in your life that has followed the direction of someone else. We see this all the time. Peer
pressure has pushed many children in the wrong direction, which has lead them down a path of confusion.
Thus, learn to observe closer and listen to your inner self instead of letting others influence your identity.
Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a
heavy toll on our bodies, emotions and minds.

Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day, the best thing to do is relax.

Watching television may be a form of relaxation for some, but is not a recommended method by experts.
When we watch TV we are bombarded with commercials, ads, sounds and images. So how do we achieve
relaxation? If there are thousands of ways we can get stressed, one of them is not meeting deadlines, there
are also many ways we can relax.

In recent studies, experts have determined that heart disease is linked to anger and irritability is linked to
mental stress. Too much stress brings about ischemia that can lead to or cause a heart attack. Relaxation
takes on added importance in light of this matter. Managing your anger and attitude is significant to heart
health, and relaxation can help you manage stress.

One way of relaxation is transcendental meditation. Recent studies have also shown that this method might
reduce artery blockage, which is a major cause for heart attack and stroke. People practice transcendental
meditation by repeating uttering soothing sounds while meditating, this is to achieve total relaxation. The
researchers found that practitioners of transcendental meditation significantly reduced the thickness of their
arterial wall compared with those who didn't practice transcendental meditation.

Another study on another method of relaxation, acupuncture, seems to reduce high blood pressure by
initiating several body functions for the brain to release chemical compounds known as endorphins.
Endorphin helps to relax muscles, ease panic, decrease pain, and reduce anxiety.

Yoga is also another method for relaxation and may also have similar effects like acupuncture. In another
study, participants were subjected to several minutes of mental stress. Then they were subjected to various
relaxation techniques, such as listening to nature sounds or classical music. Only those who did Yoga
significantly reduced the time it took for their blood pressures to go back to normal. Yoga is a form of
progressive relaxation.

Breathing is one of the easiest methods to relax. Breathing influences alamost all aspects of us, it affects our
mind, our moods and our body. Simply focus on your breathing, after some time you can feel its effects right

There are several breathing techniques that can help you reduce stress.

Another easy way to achieve relaxation is exercise. If you feel irritated a simple half-hour of exercise will
often settle things down. Although exercise is a great way to lose weight, it does not show you how to
manage stress appropriately. Exercise should also be used in conjunction with other exercise method.

One great way of relaxation is getting a massage. To gain full relaxation, you need to totally surrender to the
handling and touch of a professional therapist.

There are several types of massages that also give different levels of relaxation.

Another method of relaxation is Biofeedback. The usual biofeedback-training program includes a 10-hour
sessions that is often spaced one week apart.

Hypnosis is one controversial relaxation technique. It is a good alternative for people who think that they
have no idea what it feels like to be relaxed. It is also a good alternative for people with stress related health

Drugs are extreme alternatives to relaxation. They are sometimes not safe and are not effective like the
other relaxation methods. This method is only used by trained medical professionals on their patients.

These relaxation techniques are just some of the ways you can achieve relaxation. Another reason why we
need to relax, aside from lowering blood pressure in people and decreasing the chances of a stroke or a
heart attack, is because stress produces hormones that suppress the immune system, relaxation gives the
immune system time to recover and in doing so function more efficiently.

Relaxation lowers the activities within the brains' limbic system; this is the emotional center of our brain.
Furthermore, the brain has a periodic need for a more pronounced activity on the right-hemisphere.
Relaxation is one way of achieving this.

Relaxation can really be of good use once a relaxation technique is regularly built into your lifestyle. Choose
a technique that you believe you can do regularly.
Accepting your inner being to discover your identity

Who are you? Why have come on this earth or what is your identity? Are these the set of questions that's
revolving in your mind? If yes then this is the time when you need to understand your inner self and open
doors for your self identity. As such there is no grand definition of self identity that can be explained. Self
identity in fact forms the basis of your existence or in other words it is the reality on which your true
existence is based. In today's world of rockets and jets no one has time for themselves. In this rat race
against time people don't even realize that they are leaving behind their own identity. The main elements of
self identity comprises of social, psychological and mental traits in a human being.

Your identity is not only based on your concept of self but it's also the way the others see you or the way the
society perceives you. For opening doors to self identity initially you should try to analyze and observe
yourself so that you can prioritize yourself accordingly and for that you need to compare yourself with others.
By comparing your self with others you will be able to identify or discover your positive and negative traits.
As no one in this world is perfect thus it is very important that you should question yourself so as to open
doors for understanding your self or your identity. Foremost always try to have an optimistic attitude in your
life. A positive approach towards life will not only build up your confidence but at the same time it will also
sent positive vibes among the people around you. A positive approach towards life will definitely help you to
live life in a more healthy and enriching way. Nevertheless, developing a positive attitude doesn't mean that
you should neglect your dark side. This statement might sound like a paradox to you but in fact it contains
the truth.

Every human being in this world has some dark side or negative aspects that he or she tries to avoid but
such people forget that if they want to discover their self identity then firstly it's very important for them to
accept their dark side. Dark side is something that we all have it in us and in a way we all neglect our dark
side. It is our anger, desire, avenges hatred and lust that sometimes overshadows our identity.
Nevertheless, as in a dark room lightness fades away all the darkness similarly the light of wisdom and
knowledge can fade up all the darkness in your life so that you can achieve the light of enlightenment. To
understand it more clearly let's take an example a man has a very optimistic attitude towards life but still he
has trouble in his relationship with his wife. Therefore, instead of talking to her he tries to suppress his anger
thus, repressing his negative attributers.

Some other ways through which you can discover your true identity is through self meditation that is
concentrating on some thought or focusing on your inner self. This will in turn lead you to the way of self
enlightenment and develop your personality in the society. As ultimately it is the society in which you have to
live and perform various actions. A society in fact is a reflection of your true self and your self identity as it
expresses you the way you really are. Thus it's very important that you understand your hidden self in
context of the society and the culture that exists around you because then only you can identify yourself.
Self and Society

An entity must continue maintaining an optimistic view even in the most demanding situations. An optimistic
attitude facilitates an entity to think more openly and not to feel panicky in a catastrophe situation. A positive
view allows an entity to remain in control. A self-motivated entity must be dedicated to his or her personal
goals. It is exceedingly relevant for each entity to inscribe down a personal inventory of future goals. Once
an entity has made his personal list then the individual must remain dedicated to attaining those goals. It is
also accommodating if an entity writes down his plan, bit by bit, in order to attain those goals. Initiative it is
an essential characteristic one must possess to discover self in society. An entity must be enthusiastic to
take initiative, the step frontward to gain control. Once an entity takes possession of the three characteristics
of self-motivation, such as; commitment, initiative and optimism, then that entity is considered to be self-
motivated and closer to discover his own self-identity.

Self-motivation enables us to take power of our actions, thoughts and emotions. When we strive to attain
emotional competency, first we must keep a journal of our thoughts and feelings. By reading this chronicle,
an entity will expand new-fangled perspectives of his strengths and limitations. The diary will assist an entity
with seeing what areas he might improve. Expanding your emotional competency is merely a few steps
away. Still, one must take the initiative to expand this quality of all human beings.

What we must do is learn to relax and focus. We can express ourselves in a different way by learning to
relax and focus. Others will take notice of our changes. The benefits are that we cultivate new friends and
succeed from growing effectively toward identifying self. With added strength in your effective conscious and
self-development skills success with thriving on stress will be easier.

Some of the strategies and techniques we can use to learn steps in relaxing and focusing include
meditation. Meditation opens the mind to deliberation, debate, et cetera, since you learn to reflect on your
inner being to discover the self. Meditation is a great start that moves you to self-analyze and examining the
self. Looking internally inside your mind and body will create a connection that allows you to move toward
discovering your identity.

Self-examine will move you to self-fertilizing, which is ultimately the step that helps you to describe you.
Throughout this process, you will move to self-confession, which you will notice self-confessing in accord to
your own admissions. It will become easier to admit freely to particular qualities and behaviors that cause
you stress or failure.

Upon your level of learning throughout this process, you will discover patterns of thinking and behavior that
you must change. This action moves you to self-congratulation, which allows you to mention often your
personal accomplishments and of the smug satisfaction, you gained.

Self-examine allows you to address ill at ease feelings that acutely make you feel uncomfortable. When you
become aware of these shortcomings and failings and the things that accompany them, you move to
address the issues. You may notice that one of your problems is excessive concern of your appearances. In
this area, you may note that you have a higher conscious of impressions made by others, which pushes
your tendencies to react in a way that reinforces these impressions. This is a common trait for people that
have not advanced and moved closer to their self-identity. The society affects often creates painful stress
that leads to many other problems. When you self-analyze you, by examining your inner feelings and
thoughts, you can correct each problem along the way.
Social anxiety is a very common disorder. The causes are many, but most people can overcome social
anxiety without professional counseling. If you have social anxiety, the effects can be very unpleasant. You
may feel isolated, self-conscious or nervous in group settings and may even experience physical symptoms
as well. Some people get sweaty palms, trembling hands or feel discomfort or nausea in the stomach. There
are several proactive steps you can take on your own that may help in overcoming social anxiety. Let's take
a look at five effective methods.

If you experience such a great degree of discomfort that you aren't able to begin in a 'live' setting, try a
virtual setting. Let's say you love travel or gardening. There are hundreds of thousands of forums and
message boards related to these topics. Get online and search out several. Give yourself a chance to look
them over and get a sense of the participants. Look for a friendly group. Sign up and start posting. The first
step in overcoming social anxiety is to socialize. Even if you're not face-to-face, you're still interacting with
other people.

Don't stop here! Once you've become comfortable in this virtual group, it's time to widen your horizons. Your
virtual experience shows that you are interesting to other people and can have lively exchanges and make
friends. Overcoming social anxiety requires that you recognize that you have valuable information and good
personality characteristics to share. Join a live support group in your community. When you go to your
meeting, remember that the participants are just like you and the group leader knows just how to draw
people out in non-threatening ways. Have fun!

When you feel comfortable in your support group, invite one or two members with whom you have
developed a rapport out for coffee or a walk in the park. You'll soon find it's not nearly as scary as you once
supposed. You may even find yourself talking easily and enjoying being in the company of others.

Now for perhaps the biggest step in overcoming your social anxiety: host a lunch or dinner in your home.
Your party doesn't need to be large, just three or four people will do. By now, your level of confidence has
grown. No more sweaty palms or heart palpitations at the mere thought of such an event. You've got enough
experience and support in successfully interacting socially to take this big step.

All along the way, keep a journal of each of these steps towards overcoming social anxiety. Write down your
thoughts, list positive interchanges and things that people seem to like about you. Believe me, the list may
become long. Your journal may also become a cherished keepsake of your successful journey. Good luck!
Self and Society

Watching someone else perform the task that you've tried and couldn't quite get there, as you want has
probably made you feel frustrated. Some people let it get to them to the point they start thinking that some
people are better than other does people. This is not true. We all have the ability to advance our
performance, but it takes practice, skill and effort.

We need to keep thinking positive so that we can perform better. Because someone has advanced skills, it
doesn't mean that we cannot perform any task we put our minds to. The reason that these people enjoy
advanced performance is because they have a degree of self-identity established.

These understand a few steps in relating to inner thoughts that reveal messages from the subconscious.
Our subconscious mind self talks to us over 50,000 times each day. The brain and mind has heard people in
society tell them many lies and truths. We need to reprogram our brain to think positive by repeating in a
positive way that we have power over our thoughts. This can be accomplished by learning some subliminal
practices. By practicing often, you can expand your performance.

To change these thoughts, start repeating to yourself, "I will perform and challenge the task with great efforts
until I succeed." Affirm your actions repeatedly and reprogram your brain until it listens and believes you
can do it. Soon your subconscious will start to work in harmony with the conscious mind. This means your
awareness expands.

Start today to reprogram your brain by making a list. Remember to stay focused on the positive and use
your self-talk tools to set your goals. Goals are important to us all.

Each day you need to work through your list. It will help you reprogram your mind so that it starts to work in
union with the body. You need to encourage your mind to continue focusing in the here and now instead of
in the future or past.

Mediation is something we can use to discover hidden messages and reveal our identity. While practicing
meditation, find someplace where you can feel comfortable. You can sit erect, or recline in a comfortable
area. Focus on your body and mind to make it relax by closing your eyes and let yourself go to another
realm. Focus on relaxation and start repeating out loud what you want to accomplish. Repeat each one on
the list 4 or 5 times each. This needs to be done everyday in order for the brain to learn your new way of

When we communicate with self, we expand our memory. Remember your brain learned the negative things
from what someone has said in the past so now it needs to learn the positive attitude in order to reprogram.
You need to rely on your understanding, instead of those in society.

Exhibit some patients and self-control during the process of reprogramming your subconscious and mind to
work in harmony; It took some learning and time that lead to the way you think now, so it will take time and
some changes to reprogram the way you think.

Once you've worked at changing your attitude to think positive you"ll begin to notice people around you.
Your self-confidence and self-esteem will improve largely. To discover you it takes time and effort, as well as
plenty of practice.

Our performance is based on how your brain thinks and reacts when it using the techniques. You can
perform the way you want when you learn to practice positive thinking and self-talk skills.
The best way to get fit and keep fit is to have one to one sessions with a personal trainer. They are much in
demand these days, employed by celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Madonna and Britney
Spears. However, they are not just for the stars. Many people use their services for different reasons.

People who have demanding jobs may not have time to go to the gym and the personal trainer often will
train a client in their own home at their convenience. Not everyone enjoys the experience of a gym and
prefers to work out in their own surroundings. However, for people who like the gym environment, some
trainers have their own gym to invite clients to.

The first step is for an experienced professional to assess the needs of the client and find out their health
status. It is important to work with someone who has the proper qualifications and accreditation. From the
initial assessment, the trainer will test general fitness and cardiovascular endurance and then go on to
design an individual exercise routine, tailored to the goal that the client has set out. Some people want to
achieve weight loss or gain muscle and toning. Some may want to improve stamina or flexibility.

Some clients bring specific goals in addition to wanting to maintain general fitness levels. Many athletes
work with a personal trainer and they may want to improve speed or power. There are exercise regimes
aimed at rehabilitation after sports injuries and some massage may be required. Pre or post-natal training is
another option.

Some trainers like to work with machines and some prefer not to, only using free weights. Whatever the
methods used, the trainer will work on different parts of the body. Typical exercises include squats, step-ups,
bench presses and lat pulls. When equipment is used, it is likely to be weights, steps, a rowing machine,
treadmill, exercise bike, skipping rope or punchbag.

Keeping fit is a matter of self discipline but it can be easier said than done. Having a routine is the best way
to approach it but it can be hard, even then. A personal trainer is not just there to provide the necessary
knowledge but to motivate the client and give them support. Sometimes, the body just doesn't feel like doing
anything and that's when personal trainers are worth their weight in gold. It could become one of the most
significant relationships in a person's life.
I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts.
Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?

Now let's say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone who would meet
you would be able to tell you what's on your mind?

The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be pretty generic. Although people
will not be able to tell you exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.

Here's another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something
terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to all these depends on your frame of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your
appearance, too – unless, of course, you are a great actor.

And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person
carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look
gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those
who carry a negative attitude.

We can also define attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you choose to focus on the negative things
in the world, more or less you have a negative attitude brewing up. However, if you choose to focus on the
positive things, you are more likely carry a positive attitude.

You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have shown that a positive attitude
promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude
also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.

A positive attitude begins with a healthy self-image. If you will love the way you are and are satisfied,
confident, and self-assured, you also make others are around feel the same way.

A negative attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an opposite effect. So, carrying a negative attitude
has a twofold drawback. You feel bad about yourself, and you make others feel the same way.

If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to feature healthy thoughts. This is probably very hard to do
nowadays since, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts. A study shows that for
every 14 things a parent says to his or her child, only one is positive. This is truly a saddening thought.

If you want a healthier outlook in life, you need to think happy thoughts, and you have to hear positive things
as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a funny movie, you could play with children,
spend some time telling jokes with friends. All these activities fill you with positive stimuli, which in turn
promotes positive attitude.

Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive
attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.

And this positive attitude you now carry can be of benefit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel
down, the thing people mostly do is try to give them advice. But sometimes, all they need is somebody to sit
by them, and listen to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up without even
having to say anything.

If positive attitude is really great, why do people choose to adopt a negative attitude instead? One who
carries a negative attitude may be actually sending a signal for attention. Before you get me wrong, feeling
sad, angry, or gloomy is not wrong itself. But dwelling on these thoughts for far too long is not healthy either.
There is a time to mourn.

As always, if you are beset by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good things in life, you will
always have hope. Problems become something you can overcome.

You do not have much to lose by adopting a healthy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude
actually retards aging, makes you healthier, helps you develop a better stress coping mechanism, and has a
very positive effect on all the people you meet every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude?
Adopt one today.
Society and Self

Set constructive goals and check off each goal when you succeed. Do not worry if you fail with a goal; just
go back and do it differently. We learn when we make mistakes. So use your mistakes as a learning tool to
avoid making the same mistake again. Come up with another strategy on how to change the goal around to
be successful next time.

Some practices to use: Use meditation to train your mind to focus on one goal at a time to reduce stress.
When you practice meditation your awareness will expand, which keeps you focused on the bigger picture.
Focusing is another technique of meditation that will help you keep your mind where it belongs in order to
make the right decisions.

When we have more than one thing stressing us, we tend to make the wrong decisions. Yet, we can get
results by focusing on stress reduction through meditative practices. If you are having a hard time focusing
on something, step back and look things over. When you return it will be easier to handle by looking at it
from another view.

Use your goals as a guide to make it easier and more constructive. Goals help us to keep the bigger picture
in sight as well. By creating a list of goals, you can monitor self and your actions to see how far you have
come. Looking back at the achieved goals will give you the confidence and motivation to go on. With each
goal, it expands motivation, moving us closer to identifying self through the self-development and healing

An entity will become stronger throughout the growth phase by continuing through the self-healing and
development process while reducing stress. With practice, you will grow and feel like the person you really
want to be in the future, since you identify with you.

Other practices that have proven beneficial are the aromatherapy treatments. Aromatherapy will promote
self-healing and development, since it is a great way to relieve stress and suffering. We all go through
stressful days that we just cannot seem to let go of the agony it causes. Using aromatherapy for self-healing
and development will help you feel relief. This practice encourages guided relaxation, which is essentially
needed for us all.

One can use aromatherapy, meditation and set goals for a higher grade of self-advancement. When you
combine the three agents, you get the most of relaxation through stress reduction, which makes it easier for
you to keep an open mind.

The world is turning faster and faster each day adding more stress with each movement. Learn to control
stress so that you work through the self-healing and development stages by relieving stress. Stress can
cause us to indulge in sleep, or lose sleep. Stress can also lead to pain and suffering both mentally and
physically. Stress will drain our energy, causing us to feel depressed, which could lead to harm to our self,
body and mind.

We must consider what causes our stress by examining stressors, which come from society, actions,
thinking, and so forth. If you discover what is causing your stress after using meditation, aromatherapy and
setting goals take great measures to abolish these stressors. Sometimes you have to let go of influences in
society so that you can discover you.

Learn to relieve stress by letting go of influences that interfere with your time to relax and loosen the tension
that is causing us pain and distractions. With aromatherapy, you can relieve stress and the pain at the same
time to make better decisions of your life. Don't let stress take power and control you by using
aromatherapy as a guide in self-healing and development.
Are you interested in improving your physical appearance? If you are, what would you like to change? If
you are like many other Americans, especially those that are career-oriented, there is a good chance that
you would like to change your professionalism and public perception. If that is the case, you may want to
consider taking steps to dress for success. Although dressing for success has a number of benefits, it also
important to know that it has its disadvantages as well.

Before focusing on the pros and cons of dressing for success, it is first important to understand the meaning
or the concept of dressing for success. When understanding dressing for success, you will find that different
individuals have different views or opinions as to what is successful. With that in mind, dressing for success
typically involves improving your appearance in a way that makes you seem more professional, more driven,
and more determined. Dressing for success is most often associated with work related topics and issues,
but you can also benefit from dressing for success for social events.

Speaking of events, those events are just one of the many pros or plus sides to dressing for success. There
are a number of different occasions in which you can benefit from dressing for success. These events tend
to include large social parties, charity events, job interviews, business meetings, for work in general, as well
as for appointments with important individuals, such as loan officers. Although there are a number of
occasions in which dressing for success is called for, it is important to remember that you really do not need
to have a reason to dress for success. If you are interested in simply feeling good about yourself, go ahead
and dress for success.

Your wide range of options are just another one of the many pros or plus sides to dressing for success.
Whether you are looking to purchase new or used dress for success clothes, you should find a number of
outfits or clothing pieces that can give you the dress for success look and feel you were hoping for. For the
best chance of success, you may want turn to the internet to do your shopping. Many dress for success
shoppers enjoy the ability to shop at just about any point in time, the ability to easy compare clothing outfits
and prices, as well as the ability to have their purchases delivered directly to their doors.

Dressing for success can also help you create a good public perception of yourself. This is most often the
case when looking to dress for success for work related purposes. Dressing for success is often associated
with formal, elegant, and professional clothes. This is where the association between dressing for success
and dressing professionally comes in. If are looking to wow your clients or impress your bosses, you may
want to take steps to dress for success in the workplace. Displaying confidence the workplace can assist
you with landing a raise or a promotion.

On the other hand, it is also important to know that dressing for success can also harm your public
perception or your professionalism at work. This is most often the case with those who make impulse
purchases. If you are not careful, your quest to dress for success can cause you harm or problems at work.
You may receive multiple complaints or see yourself as the center of workplace gossip. Of course, there is
much worse than trying to impress or wow others with your clothing, but this is still an important point that
you may want to take into consideration.

The cost of dressing for success is another one of few cons or downsides to doing so. Although it is
possible to find affordable dress for success clothing pieces for both men and women, it is easy to get
carried away with shopping. To prevent the cost of dressing for success from becoming a problem, you will
want to take the time to create a budget for yourself and follow it at all times.
People are usually afraid of negative things. They are afraid of self-improvement because of this fear.
Psychological self-improvement may help you in this situation.

In psychological self-improvement, The best way to remove this fear is to understand that life is always in
the cycle of ups and downs. No one is permanently up or permanently down. Remember that no one can
avoid these ups and downs even the most envied Hollywood stars.

What we should do about these downs is to learn from it and not to avoid it. We should learn how to handle
our problems for our psychological self-improvement.

Problems affect us every day. These problems bring us misery due to the fact that we have feelings. We
should never loose hope in figuring out solutions to these problems. All we need is to learn how to overcome
it and not to be overcome.

Problems can never be overcome but we can learn from them. This is where Psychology plays an important

Psychologists say that we should always be careful in our decisions concerning our problems. We should
handle our problems properly and learn how to deal with it. Learning from mistakes helps us in preparing
ourselves for psychological self-improvement

There are a lot of myths about every event in our lives is due to pre-determined reason. Another belief says
that what we encounter in our lives today is our preparation for other things that may come in our lives. To
understand what may happen to us in the future, we must learn from the present.

With all that, it is also true that the unexpected can happen anytime. However, you should keep in mind that
a psychological self-improvement is not always for the worse and consequently, you must never let go of a
chance, because you are afraid to take the risk.

Remember that, from time to time, something has to happen in order to free you from monotony, so you
shouldn't be surprised if, at a certain moment in time, instead of being afraid of change, you desire it with all
your heart.

If there are some things that hinder you from going on, here are some tips to help you move forward: Just
think of the positive impacts results from the psychological self-improvement. Know important they are and
reflect on how to increase them, by adding some other good aspects, which need certain assistance.

Try to picture somebody else in your situation, as picturing ourselves in a less desirable position, always
looks more dramatic than it really is. If you realize that the other person can handle the change, you can be
sure you"ll be able to handle it as well. This is a good psychological self-improvement.

Think of the worst situation that can result after the self-improvement. Try to find various solutions to it.
Reflect on how much you can loose, if the worst happened, and how important those things are to you. If
you find more than one reasonable solution, you are safe and the self-improvement can't be stronger than
you are!

Self-improvement is not bad at all. All we need is to learn how to handle some negative changes. We should
also reflect from it to learn and use it in the future events that we may encounter. This could be your ultimate
psychological self-improvement.
Realizing your true self in Society

In the fast pace of life people are running very fast to materialize their aims. They hardly have time to
introspect and ponder upon their lives. Their day starts thinking about their responsibilities and at the end of
the day they are too tired. In the midst of hustle bustle of life they seem to have lost their identity. Identity
can be described as the individuality of the person. It is the true reflection of the personality of a person. An
individual works hard all day to earn money and raise his standard of living. The society's opinion of him
matters most to him. Everything he does is valued from the society's point of view. He may enjoy playing
music instruments but since he may not make much money in this field, he won't take it as profession. In
other words his life's decisions depend on the society.

Think for a moment and question yourself that are you really happy leading the life according to society's
standards? What is your true identity? Does your reputation, bank balance or job define you? Probably a
little thinking and introspection will give you very answer. Very often bank balance, property hold or standing
in the society is considered synonymously with individuality. Whenever you meet people at a gathering, their
introduction features their name and position they hold in jobs. However, this means that your individuality
exists as long as you have a social standing or money. Nevertheless, the fact is that nothing remains
forever. After a point of time you may lose your bank balance or social standing due to some unforeseen

The key to your everlasting happiness lies not in your bank balance or job but within you. It's your distinct
individuality that provides you your identity. It is very essential to know your true worth and the purpose of
your existence. Always follow your heart and do what your instinct suggests. Your intuition is the voice of
god; you need not go to religious sites to seek solutions to your problems. There is god inside every one of
us guiding us ways to lead our life. However, in the madness of tough schedule, the voice of instinct or
intuition is often suppressed.

The voice of your intuition may be neglected but it is the guide to your true identity. Following your inner
voice will provide you everlasting happiness. Possessing a new gadget, car or designer wear will definitely
provide you happiness but the joy will be superficial. You will still have fear, worries of anxieties. You may
smile but will not have peace of mind. It is ironical that you work hard to accumulate money so that you can
buy things as per the requirement and live a satisfied life. Nevertheless, money does not buy you happiness.
These very people suffer from depression and stress related problems. They find ways to overcome this
depression but are not very successful at doing this. The interiors of their homes and offices are changed
from time to time so that their mood remains good and energy levels high. The need of the hour is that you
meditate regularly to know your true worth. Select a place at your home and sit there cross legged with eyes
closed. Remain silent for some time and then ask yourself questions about the reason of your existence in
the world. Ask yourself what the thing gives you true happiness. Do this practice regularly and soon you will
change the difference in your life. The negative emotions such as fear, insecurities or worries will have no
place in your life.
Anything taken too much is bad for the health. A little stress is actually good, as it could serve to help you
function at your best. However, stress that seems a little too much could take a physical, as well as mental,
toll to your body. Stress should be managed in order for depression or anxiety to be prevented.

So how should you do it then? The following are tips and advice to help manage stress.

Write it out, schedule it out.

It is best to write down everything that seems to be overwhelming. You will find a things-to-do-list much
easier to manage than having errands all crumpled up in your head. Writing down the tasks, and putting a
specific schedule and time to do them, helps anyone manage activities one chunk at a time. Crossing out an
activity that has already been accomplished is very rewarding and could actually help you feel more relaxed
when doing the other tasks at hand.

One at a time works.

Focus and put all your attention specifically on one task at one time. It does not help to feel panicky about
the other undone or to-do tasks. Thinking about them only adds unnecessary stress and could even hamper
in doing the task you are attempting to accomplish at present.

Relax and take it slow.

At least, try not to expend too much energy on activities that are currently not priorities. This is in order for
your energy to be not easily expended on the tasks that are not that important, at least for now.

Delegate, delegate, delegate.

You need not do everything all at once, and you need not do everything on your own. Ask for help, get help,
or pay for help. When there is a feeling of being overwhelmed that is cropping up, hire someone to mow the
lawn or get a sitter for your children. The feeling of being pressed to finish something on time will somehow
be eliminated if tasks are delegated. It takes a load off unnecessary worry and anxiety. Moreover, it is easier
checking up on how things are, than worrying yourself sick doing everything on your own, all at once.

Give yourself a reward.

You deserve it. Acknowledging your accomplishments, no matter how big or small, is an effort that is
necessary before getting on to the next tasks and activities. It reduces stress and could even make you
happier in doing the next task.

Give yourself a break.

You need it to be more productive. A ten to fifteen minute break during your work is necessary. Go visit a
cafe nearby, take a quick brisk walk, or do anything to put your mind off work, at least for a while. This is
necessary to refresh and recharge. Believe it or not, you can also stay in your work and sit with your eyes
closed as you visualize a peaceful landscape or a relaxing scene. This frees the stress from your muscles
and your mind.

Relax and be cool. Doing so makes you healthier, happier, and a lot more productive.
Years ago, people's addictions and disorders were something that was kept very quiet and dealt with quickly
and appropriately. In fact, sometimes they were simply ignored all together simply because such issues
were frowned upon. However, nowadays, with so many stories and events having become publicly known,
such matters are becoming much more commonplace and accepted. Celebrities who deal with drugs or
alcohol addictions are sent to rehab centers and their fans rally for them with lots of support. Everyday
citizens who aren't known to anyone except for their family and friends, may enter rehab centers without
even being noticed.

No matter if an individual is high profile or an everyday individual, there are many rehab centers that are
popping up throughout the world that are geared towards helping people thrive without their dependencies.
Contrary to what most people assume, rehab centers aren't just for people who abuse drugs or alcohol.
Many individuals who have eating disorders may need to enter rehab centers in order to properly learn to
overcome their illness and move forward with a healthy life. That's the underlying goal of entering a rehab
center - to leave with a new perspective on life and focusing on living a healthy lifestyle.

Rehab centers don't always have the most positive of reputations. Either you think of the posh, luxurious
centers that cater to the rich and famous or you visualize overcrowded centers with chain smokers sitting in
circles during group therapy. Both images of those rehab centers are accurate, but not the majority. There
are some rehab centers that give the appearance of a vacation retreat, but the individual attention for the
patients is very impressive. Most of the luxury centers only allow a few individuals at a time to be present in
order to assure that each person gets the individualized help that is needed. Larger rehab centers that more
people are able to afford usually have more patients. This doesn't necessarily mean that the treatment and
care isn't up to par.

Quite honestly, once a person is placed into or voluntarily enters a rehab center, they are going to face the
biggest challenge of their life. Getting over addictions isn't just challenging, it is scary and straining for them.
Hopefully, when they walk out of the center after their time is done, their smile will be wider and they will see
life differently. Often times, families will need to have some counseling in order to learn how to deal with the
changes and situations as well. If you've ever seen the movie, 'When A Man Loves A Woman', you know
that once someone leaves a rehab center, their marriage or home life may suffer. Seeking counseling and
help for that before it becomes a problem is never a bad idea.
Self and Society

Let's face it, society, our government and many others take a toll on our life. For this reason, we all must
learn relaxation steps to heal the body and mind in order to establish our identity. Relaxation practices move
us to self-development. There is always some kind of stress popping up at the wrong time to deracinate our
lives, thus causing a disturbance. This disturbance deters our direction. Relaxation practices can help you
by allowing you to use different strategies to give you guidance in growing new developmental skills.

Stress is the primarily reason for people losing control and falling short of expanding their self-developing
skills. Whenever stress gets a chance, they will try to control how we live and function in our daily life. You
can grow stronger by becoming a new person by using relaxation practices.

When people feel stressed they begin to show it by feeling angry, depressed, and lazy. Making good
decisions becomes a stressful task, since the person feels tired and stressed due to lack of relaxation.
Relaxation practices assist us with self-development of the person and allow us to develop a winning

Relaxation practices include meditation and subliminal learning, but still we need to take care of the body as
well. Exercise is a great strategy for practicing relaxation skills. With exercise, we become energetic, happy,
and make better decisions. The mind and body grow stronger as the two start to work in harmony. Exercise
also expands our energy and motivation Exercise isn't just for building body strength for looking better.
Exercise builds energy, which allows us to restore our youth. Exercise builds confidence, coordination,
relaxation and developmental skills. When we exercise on a daily basis, it will relieve unwanted stress by
giving us a new outlook on life and self. You will forget about the stressful day you just had or things that
happened yesterday while you are exercising. It relieves the mind of this stress. Taking time out to exercise
will help you look at things from another view to help guide you in making the right decisions to eliminate or
thrive on stress. Instead of letting stress get you down, you take charge and advance toward the self-

Exercise helps you to look forward to a brighter future and will tone and build the body as well as the mind.
Still, we need more. We also need to exercise the mind daily. Reading and writing are some of the greatest
choices, since it keeps us informed.

Writing is a good way to encourage relaxation. Practicing relaxation skills by writing will let you blow off
steam for eliminating stress. As stress, builds up it will drain you of energy causing you to fail at many
things. Writing allows you to release your mind of negative emotions that build up over the course of your
life. Once you have relieved some stress you can go back later and reread what you have written. You often
discover new things and ideas that help you move closer to you. Reading and writing will build strength of
mind, which assists you with growing stronger.

Practice thinking positive to reprogram the mind. Write down what you feel may be causing you to feel so
stressed and thinking negative. By writing your negative thoughts on paper, you can keep rereading to make
decisions on how to handle them.

As you reprogram your mind, it gives you a frequent remainder of what you must do to identify self. You start
to see where society comes into the picture and as you reprogram your mind, you produce healthier habits
and behaviors that stand out from the rest.
Self and Society

Reprogramming the mind assists you with discovering self-identity through a self-development process. You
begin to see the roles that society and others play in your life. Some of the best practices to reprogram the
mind are repetitive learning, which allows you to use affirmatives to reduce negative thinking and behaviors.
You can develop a positive mind.

The key to finding self is practicing relaxation. You will notice any difference in self each day you practice.
Your patients will expand, which makes daily functioning easier. Your friends and family will probably notice
the changes before you will, but in time you will see the new you. Yoga is another great way to reprogram
the mind.

Each day we go through stress, which blinds us from discovering who we are. Yoga helps by allowing us to
reprogram the mind, thus focusing more. Because we make many mistakes that often push us toward
resentment, anger, hate, et cetera the mind builds up residue, which we feel trapped.

This can completely hinder us in the process of self-development. We must free the mind by reprogramming
it so that we can purge into positive thinking that leads us to self-discovery. Practicing yoga daily is a great
way to maneuver through this process. Yoga has proven to assist one with prosperity and growth of self.

Self-discovery helps us to develop self-control. Through self-inductance, we abandon self-destructive

patterns and actions, which cause harm to self. Some of these destructive behaviors are self-willful that lead
to unintended consequences or else it are because of physiological causes.

By developing self-control, we have the capability to manage our actions, emotions and desires. We move to
self-governing, which enables us to exercise powers without routine involvement of society or other outside

Through this process moves us to the self-healing stage. Yoga is a great practice, since it backs the
perennial prostate herb notion of self-healing. This is from the mint family. Therefore, you may want to add
some herbs into your yoga routines. The self-healing practices will assist with healing heartsease.

Throughout the process of self-healing, one moves closer to self. We develop self-discipline through yoga
practices, which guides us to self-identity. Self-discipline encourages us to keep up regular routines that lead
us to discovery. We all need refinement. This comes from practice. Practice will make us proficient.

Society comes into mind. To identify self, we must realize that a person's confidence is not truly established
by external factors. We establish confidence by reflecting on our actions, attitude and learning from our
mistakes. This gives us motivation and convictions that establish our beliefs.

Our willpower plays a part in building confidence for self-discovery. Yoga works effortlessly to assist us with
establishing what we need to identify self. Yoga will train us to adjust to various circumstances. It empowers
us to abandon disillusionments that lead us off course. Once self-discovery through self-healing starts to
develop, we manage through difficult and frustrating actions easier. This gives us self-control.

We all face many disappointments in life that throw us off course. By practicing yoga for reprogramming the
mind however, we can advance toward a brighter future. We have the capacity to advance and take control
of our life despite that society and many others try to take this control.

Thus, we must reprogram the mind to have the capability to deal with each circumstance we encounter.
Coping skills from self-control will help a person to attain his goal to discover self. Practice the art of yoga
often to enhance the mind and body and move toward a brighter future.
Are you looking to dress for success? If you are interested in improving your professionalism at work or if
you are interested in wowing your friends or family members at a social event, you may be interested in
doing so. Dressing for success is a great goal to have, but that goal can sometimes be difficult to
accomplish. The good news is that there are a number of resources that you can use to your advantage.

The internet is one of the many resources that you can use to your advantage, when looking to improve your
appearance or dress for success. You can easily find a number of fashion themed websites. These
websites will likely cover topics such as dressing for success for formal events or for work related purposes.
You may receive the latest information on the newest fashions, as well as tips to help you when you start
shopping. You can also visit the online websites of popular online fashion or career magazines, depending
on your needs. You can easily find all of these websites by performing a standard internet search.

Speaking of fashion magazines and career magazines, you may want to use them to your advantage as
well. You can purchase magazine subscriptions for discounted prices, but you can also pick them up at
local retail stores or as you go along. If you make the decision to purchase career or fashion magazines
locally or as you go along, you may want to first flip through them. This will help to make sure that the
magazines in questions are filled with pictures and articles that focus on dressing for success. Magazines
are a great way to go about dressing for success, as they often provide you with a wealth of information,
concerning fashions in today's society.

Returning to the internet, there are a number of programs, also commonly referred to as games, that you
can use to your advantage. If used properly, they can help you achieve your goal of dressing for success.
These online resources can allow you to create an online image or version of yourself. This often requires
you to enter in your height, weight, and overall shape. You can determine which types of clothing pieces
and outfits work best with your body. This is also a great way to find colors that match or flow together well.
You may also be able to find programs that focus on hair and makeup, in addition to clothing.

Another one of the many resources that you can use, when looking to improve your professionalism by
dressing for success, is by using the services of fashion consultants. Fashion consultants are known as
being experts in the field of fashion. For a reasonable fee, a fashion consultant can help you determine
which dress for success clothes you should wear, when you should wear them, and so much more. Fashion
consultants tend to offer different services, but may will also shop with their clients or provide them with
moneysaving shopping tips. Whether you are looking to dress for success for work related purposes or
socially related purposes, a fashion consultant may be able to provide you with assistance.

As outlined above, there are a number of different resources that you can use to improve your public
perception. This can easily be done by dressing for success.
What have you been reading lately? When was the last time you read a book? Are you a wide reader?

In a gathering, you can tell who the wide readers are. Wide readers think and speak well. They win the
admiration, respect, and good opinion of others.

Reading expands the mind. In fact, many people consider it as one of the satisfying pleasures of humans,
for it involves physical as well as mental activities.

Reading is primarily a mental activity. After all, you read with your mind and use your imagination to paint
the setting of the detective thriller you are reading. You use you mind to imagine the pain that the main
character experiences as the story unfolds. You bring into play the different arguments and ideas brought up
by the author in that self-help book you are holding.

To read effectively, reading helps you develop a wide vocabulary through extensive reading. A skillful reader
has a wide recognition vocabulary. He may not know exactly what every word means, but he will have a
good general idea of the meaning of the sentence.

Reading makes you alert and curious about new words. Other readers develop the dictionary habit. Every
time they come across a strange word, they try to figure out what it can possibly mean by the context. If they
cannot do this, they refer to the dictionary.

Likewise, reading develops intellectual curiosity by exposing you to a variety of materials. You learn to read
by reading books of increasing difficulty and variety. As in other forms of activity, you learn by actually doing.

Reading trains you to have an active and open mind. Merely grasping the writer's idea is not enough. You
must make a positive response to what you read. Be an active, not a passive, reader. Develop the habit of
drawing your own conclusions, the habit of active thinking, of agreeing or disagreeing with the author. Keep
your mind open; understand and weigh the ideas that you read. A practical part of active reading is the
drawing of conclusions.

Allow me to share four basic rules for effective reading and better comprehension:

1) Try to read more and more. Remember the saying that practice makes perfect. Practicing in the correct
way makes perfect.

2) Develop the habit of reading for main ideas. Look for the subject and predicate. Do not waste time on
details or little words.

3) Learn to read with focus and concentration. Think of what you are reading. Do not let your attention
wander somewhere else. Good readers read with understanding.

4) Learn to budget your time. Experiment with your reading time. Try purposely to read faster. Give yourself
a time limit on specific material that you read.

Reading is a stimulating mental activity. It expands your reality and capability. You have so much to gain in
discovering the joys of reading. Go ahead; grab a book right now!
Can you still recall the cartoon series featuring Wily Coyote and the Roadrunner?

"Fast" brings back the image of the Roadrunner zooming past the obstacles laid out by Wily Coyote.

Speed may allow you to arrive at your intended destination; but along the way, were you able to take note of
the things that you may have missed while speeding along the fast lane? As in driving, zooming in fast does
not give enough opportunity to see and enjoy the view. The same can be said about learning.

Much of what you learn can be acquired through reading. The simple activity of getting in a comfortable
position and start reading a book of your choice opens a new world for you. Reading enables you to tap into
the minds of great people.

The more you read, the more you know. In the hope of reading more books, some attempt fast track
reading. It is believed that the faster you read, the more you cover.

Fast track reading may involve reading by phrases and concepts compared with the word-for-word method.
Fast track reading enables you to cover more pages with the same rate. However, one limitation of this
method of learning is that you tend to remember only a small portion of the main idea. There is danger that
you might miss the important details in the book.

There is a solution for this. Few people are aware of this seldom-talked about technique in fast learning. This
is based on the principle that the mind thinks in pictures.

Learning is accelerated when you 'see" the whole idea of the write-up or book. Seeing "live pictures" of
ideas and thoughts of the writer makes reading experiential and unforgettable. When you see nothing while
reading, you learn nothing. Fast reading becomes useless.

This technique is called visualization. Visualization is vital to quick learning. Visualization in reading is like
constructing a jigsaw puzzle where pieces are put together to form the whole picture. The whole thing not
only "appears," but actually "comes alive" before you. All of these happen in the realm of the mind.

Just going through the motions of fast reading can give you a hazy picture of the subject matter. But like a
mist, this picture often quickly evaporates into thin air. Fast reading without visual pictures often informs but
very seldom impresses.

Impressions last while information changes with time. Past information is easily forgotten in favor of new
ones. Impressions change you, and these are stored permanently in the mind.

For learning to become effective, it requires brief pauses to be able to visualize and reflect. Effective
learning is not about how fast you can finish reading a book. It is more on how you effectively comprehend
the ideas brought forth by the writer.

Visual pictures provide lasting impressions. Go after ideas and how it will enrich people's existence. Go for
lasting impressions and insights that will mold you into better individuals.
Self identity is the creation of self image, which a person creates for himself. Often people create images for
themselves and try to transform themselves according to that image that resides their mind.

Every human being needs some admiration for his or her life. These admirations are actually inspiration and
encouragement for a person's life and drive him to move on life. Apart from inspirations, morality also plays
its part in forming the person's identity. Morality is the universal consciousness, which lays down rules
demarcating the spaces for wrong and right. It consists of dos and don'ts, which are, age old and are being
followed since the time immemorial. Initially morality was associated with religion. When morality was bound
with religion it was stringent and strict. It was orthodox as well. Actually when it broke of the religious
shackles it became more rational. Morality states that one must have logical and rational approach towards
life. It guides human beings not to divert to a path of evils and its sole motto is welfare of the society.

Inspirations are a result of the self-perception process of person about other people. Basically this
inspiration and admiration for others arises because of observant attitude of a human being. Human mind is
perceptive and sensitive to events taking place around it. It is responsive as well to the changes taking place
in social, cultural and political milieu. Therefore, it can be said that a person's identity is a lucid self formed of
reactions to all the sections of society. It is due to the rational and emotional perception of the human race.
God has made both these faculties in each of human being which simultaneously work together to form a
person's opinion.

On the sentient level the self identity consists of physical and psychological attributes whereas the social self
consists of the moral, cultural and political consciousness of a person. Cultural consciousness is the
awareness about one's origin. Cultural structure also has its deep effects on a human beings psyche. It
builds human beings ideology according to the rules regulation laid by one's community. Ideas and attitudes
of a human being are built by these cultural and moral structures.

Political consciousness also has an eminent role in building up an individual's consciousness. Politics is the
word, which concerns power. Every individual living in society can feel the authority of power structure
running the society. If one will analyze, he will find that power has a role to play in his life right from the time
he was born. Power can exploit as well as can lead to prosperity. Avery individual wishes to acquire power
in his life. Powerful individual has concession to fulfill all his wishes. He can make others bow down on his
feet. Every individual's actions are devoted to the motto of acquiring power. Nevertheless, one must take
care that if one acquires a powerful status in society then he must not abuse his authority for his/her own
selfish interest. Often individuals are unaware of all these factors, which have built his consciousness as
what it appears in his mature state. As he grows, each additional year of his life bring new experiences for
him, which add his knowledge and make him more mature.

Self identity is actually the coherent self, which constitutes, one's habits attitudes, likes, dislikes and one's
perception levels. Likes and dislikes cannot be considered as unique but they do make an individual
different. Identity of an individual is unique yet similar. God has made human beings with different but when
they stand together they are considered as human race. The conglomeration of human race is bound to
have some common qualities, which make it different.
Be determined to improve your self esteem and you are on your way to great achievement.

Do not let a low self esteem ruin your life. The way you think about yourself determines how you interact
with others.

What are some examples of low esteem aspects in you mind that you need improvement on?

1. Nothing you do seems to go right 2. You believe that most people do not like you. 3. You believe that you
are not attractive. 4. You choose something and it turns out to be the worst one. 5. You are afraid to
converse with others for fear that what you say might not make sense. 6. You feel swallowed up in a
whirlpool of frustration. What's wrong with you? Your thoughts, actually.

Stop thinking that the world is closing in on you. Get determined to achieve what you desire. Stop blaming
other people for your misfortunes. The world is not your problem, you are your own problem.

From this moment on, begin the process of self esteem improvement. Think the right way and be
determined to win, and win you will. Just remember that success never comes easily and that is why
determination is its counterpart.

Oftentimes, one gets to the brink of success and with just a little disappointment or setback, they lose heart
and give up too easily and too soon. A surefire candidate to low self esteem improvement. Who knows what
great things might have been achieved if only they had persevered.

Without a high self esteem, your life could be rather boring. Change your thinking and begin to see yourself
on top of the world. Make a very special effort to be what you really want to be.

You have to seriously decide either to remain in a miserable state of low self esteem, or acquire self esteem
improvement and develop a high self esteem with good character and self image. The origin of low self

A low self esteem could begin way back in childhood when children are made to believe that they are
worthless. Their self confidence is eroded and they succumb to the idea that they can never achieve
success in anything that they do. They were picked on, laughed at, pushed around, called ugly names, and
treated with disdain. No wonder they grew up to be full of resentment.

If that was your experience, it is time you cut yourself loose from that mindset and do self esteem
improvement. Start reading about the life of successful persons and you will soon discover that many of
them had such low self esteem that they could not even complete an elementary education.

Many decided to override their low self esteem and improve their attitude, whatever it took. They became
some of the greatest men and women that ever lived.

Low self esteem has never helped anyone else and it sure will not help you. It can only drive you into
depression, anger, grudge, fear and all the other evils that it generates.

Re-program your thinking and control your state of mind. You must believe that you are worth much more
than you think or you will remain at the foot of the ladder and never make an attempt to climb it.

Do not waste your life away with feelings of inadequacies. Instead, think of ways to go about self esteem
improvement. Success is yours, just reach out and grasp it.
Posing a challenge- great way to gain self and social identity

Man is a social animal and needs company of people around him. When an individual be in company of
others there are times when he or she has to face criticism and difficulties. Therefore, people should adopt a
positive approach and self-identity in the society so as to overcome external threats.

To face criticism, it is vital to be strong and have the capacity of taking challenges, as it will contribute in
development of the self. The society we live in is full of people who have feelings of hatred and jealousy and
they plan one or the other way to insult or make fun of other people so as to gain superiority.

Self-awareness is the main ingredient that builds up the confidence and thereby contributing in the
development of the self. If a person is unaware of his or her positive and negative attributes, he or she can
never face the challenges posed by the society. Awareness of the self is important as it opens one's mind
about the various aspects of a person's personality and behavior. When an individual comes to know his or
her shortcomings, he or she can work on those areas so that self-development can be achieved.

Challenging one's own self and society contributes a lot in gaining confidence about one's own perspective
and outlook. The first thing that has to be adopted is to widen one's perspective and thinking and be open.
There may be a case when you might have put in your best efforts to achieve some goal but might have
failed. In this situation, it is obvious that people in the society will criticize you and pass remarks and
comments that might be depressing. Therefore, people should adopt open approach towards life and does
not take their failure as the ultimate destiny. They should try to console themselves that they will perform
even harder the next time and come before the world with true colors.

Moreover, a person should be focused on whatever challenge they have taken and not change their mind
according to different people's viewpoint. If you will be focused on you"re the work you are doing, you will
observe that even the difficult tasks will be completed without much problems.

Having a positive outlook towards one's identity also contributes a lot in development of the self and society
as if a person will not be confident about his or her strengths, he or she will never take up any activity and
that will in turn hamper the growth of the society physically and financially. In addition, one should be clear
about his or her views and issues as when a person is not confident of what he or she is doing, it will create
confusion and the society will not be able to gain identity and place of its own. A person should maintain
thinking that he or she is unique. Nevertheless, at the same time it should not be so strong that might
become over confidence and an obstacle in attaining your self-identity. In addition, if an individual draws a
line of limit, he or she can never prosper as success is achieved when there is a huge wealth of knowledge
about one's own self and the society in which we live in.

There are various threats that a person faces from the society in which he or she lives. For this, people
should be strong enough both mentally and physically so as to have a place and standing in society and that
would in turn maintaining reputation. Thus, it is important for an individual to have an identity of its own but
also of the society around.
Self and Society

The development of the social self enhances our communication skills so that we feel confident in self when
we express our emotions. It is important that everyone has friends to stay strong and feel in control of self,
but it much more important for us to develop a relationship with self-first.

When we do not have an established relationship with self, we may become depressed, stressed, make
poor decisions, and so on. Staying in control of our feelings will help us grow stronger in the development of
the social self so that we connect with who we are.

There are things that we can do to take control of our life. Stress is the chief reason we all fall short when
managing daily duties, so we need a stress reduction strategy. Stress will make us feel like we fail all the
time, we don't seem to make good decisions that cause us not to like ourselves. When we don't like
ourselves, others don't like us either.

We need a positive attitude and find our self by searching our inner thoughts to find the reason why you"re
not happy with your life. Ask yourself; what don't you like and how can you change these things for the

The development of the social self will boost your energy and positive thinking. When you learn to make
constructive changes, it encourages good things to come to you. It takes some time, but people will notice
the changes. It may take a little longer for you to notice the changes.

Meditation is one of the guides you can use to learn to relax. This is build your human skills. When you learn
to relax the body and mind, it makes it easier to remove interferences from your life. On the other hand,
when are stressed you often fail and feel unhappy. Failure often makes us feel depressed and down in the
dumps even though we don't realize it.

When a person is unhappy and depressed it causes them additional frustration, especially since some of the
people in society will add to the pressure. Depression lowers our self-confidence; causes us anxiety when
talking to someone and will cause us to make poor decisions. Practice meditation for relaxation in the
development of social self so that you can reduce stress.

Meditation is a great technique that will assist you with guiding the body and mind into relaxation. It
enhances your mind strength, body strength, communication skills and much more when practiced often.
Meditation will help us to speak with confidence while focusing becomes more effective.

It is important that when making friends and communicating we relax and focus on what is in our
surroundings. When communicating with friends and focusing on something else it often leads to confusion.
Practice meditation to focus in the development of social self so that you can expand your communication
and focus abilities.

Setting goals will assist an entity with expanding new development social skills as well. When we have goals
it changes our position at the workplace, or anything else that we really want to succeed at, we will become
stronger with development skills.

Each goal the entity reaches leads them to higher benefits, success and it builds his self-esteem and
confidence. This is an important part of the development stage.

The development of the social self-means that one needs to have communication skills and be confident in
them. It is important that everyone has friends to stay strong and in control of themselves. Isolation is not
healthy, but you still want to isolate your self on a balanced schedule to make time for you.
Methods to identify self in Society

Are you happy with the kind of life you are living? Do you want the things to go on the way they are going? If
you are not happy with your life, then what is holding you back? We all go through highs and lows in life.
Nevertheless, how many of us accept all the circumstances with same attitude? Probably majority of us are
frustrated in our tough times and get carried away in our happier phase. Such an attitude is because we
have no control on our lives. We are in actual terms only existing and not living. Every morning when we get
up we have stress of reaching our workplace on time, then we work like donkeys and by the time when our
work gets wrapped up, we are too exhausted. Once when we reach home, we sit before television. This is
not the story of a particular busy day in our lives but we spend years practicing this ritual. As a result we are
unaware of our true identity and inner self. Inner self is defined as the voice of god. It provides us direction
that leads us to true happiness. Nevertheless, often in the fast pace of life the inner voice gets suppressed.

We are running rapidly to materialize our ambitions. In addition, are too busy to introspect and ponder upon
our lives. In the midst of hustle bustle of life we seem to have lost our identity. Identity is the true reflection of
an individual. An individual works hard all day to make currency and improve his standard of living.

Ironically, it is the society's judgment of him that is most valuable to him. Everything he does is valued from
the society's point of view. The opinion of people around him overshadows his inner voice. In other words
his life's choices are a result of the society's viewpoint of him. He may find real happiness while painting but
because of the fear that he may be ridiculed for taking an insecure career as his profession, he won't take it
as profession.

Think for a moment and ask yourself that are you really glad leading the life as per the society's
benchmarks? Does your reputation, bank balance or job define you? If not then what defines you? What is
your true identity? Possibly introspection and a little thinking will provide you answer. Normally, bank
balance, property hold or one's reputation in the society is considered parallel with individuality.
Nevertheless, the fact is that your self is more than your accumulations in life. Thus, it is imperative that you
realize your true worth and work towards your real happiness.

There are various techniques to attain serenity of mind. All the techniques lie within you. You have to make
efforts to connect with your inner voice. Meditation is one method that has been used for ages to understand
yourself. The art can be performed at any serene corner of your home and sit there cross legged with eyes
closed. You are required to remain calm for about 20 minutes. When you are able to concentrate within
yourself, ask yourself questions about the cause of your survival in the world. Ask yourself what the activities
that provide you eternal happiness are. Eternal happiness means that you are always glad and contented
irrespective of the circumstances of life. Practice this art regularly and soon you will see the positive change
in your life. The pessimistic emotions, such as anxieties, fear, insecurities or worries will have no place in
your life and will be replaced by feelings of kindness, love and affection.
The word 'society" refers to a collection of individuals who generally have common interests. However, they
may have different culture or belong to diverse national identities. Therefore, a society may mean just a
particular group of people of a specific nation or a wider term that includes many nations such as "western
society". It may also be a group of individuals that are bound together due to some cause. It can be
religious, political cultural or many other thing.

It is the society that gives identity to an individual. An individual from his or her tender years is trained to
accept the norms that have been laid by the society without raising any voice against it.

Otherwise, this may be a threat to the prevailing standards that has been laid long back by the ancestors.
Even the toys that are offered to a child are biased according to the gender. A boy is always given toys like
that of an airplane and a girl is always made to play with a doll or a kitchen set. Therefore, even the toys that
are given to a child are the replica of their roles that they have to fulfill as adults in a society. Thus, we can
say that society moulds an individual for its benefits.

Moreover, to make an identity for himself, an individual has to struggle hard to prove his worth in the society,
so as to be respected by other people around him. Though the prevailing cut-throat competition and this
desire to prove oneself has made people selfish enough to neglect the happiness of others at their own cost,
but this shows the degradation in the inner self of an individual.

The individualism of a person makes him work for his own personal motives. The ego and the selfishness of
a person stand above everything else in the society. No one at that time cares to think in the interest of the
society as a whole. The increase in bribery and corruption in the world is a live example in front of us. For
instance, nowadays a person would prefer it better to pay an amount than stand in a long queue to pay a
telephone bill.

There is a need for man to establish his own identity but at the same time it is necessary that the growth of
the inner self of a human being should not be hampered by it. The self should develop with experience and
not be ruined by it. An individual should never compensate on his values and ethics to make his identity. In
fact, it is these values that should guide one's actions and behavior to achieve his or her aims in life. It is
these concepts of the self that determine the ways of life of an individual. Thus, the 'self" is actually a
construct that affects the behavior, motivation and self-esteem of an individual.

The criticism or appreciation that we gain from society for our deeds directly affects our inner self. It either
soars up our confidence, or can also create depression and anxiety in the mind of an individual. It is this
society that tells us where we stand and helps us recognize our talents and weaknesses. No doubt, society
is judgmental in nature but in some way it is beneficial for the overall development of an individual.

The reaction of the society towards an individual sometimes takes him to the heights of success. On the
other hand, it can also ill treat and bring him back to the ground reality the other moment. Thus, there is a
need for an individual to maintain a balance between his individual self and society.
Living in a high-rise environment whereas industrial leaders take some control of our environment is often
difficult to maintain. In a world were government leaders determine our faith to a large degree, it is difficult to
manage daily tasks, let alone cultivate our identity. The fact is most people are created by society,
government influences, academic influences and various others.

In order for us to develop our own unique identity to discover self, we have to develop a higher grade of
independency, or autonomous attitude. Only then can we rebel when influences attempt to create who we

We cannot work toward developing self-identity for self by depending on guidance from society. Instead, one
must probe within self to discover his own identity. We all must build spiritual strengths, which allow us to
take control and tread the way to the self-healing process. When the body and mind is healed, it makes our
path clear, which moves us to self-identity.

One must continue to keep the facts in mind that there is a greater authority above us, which supervises all
our actions and processes of thinking. This power gave us freewill and expects us to do what is right.

Free will is an innate gift from this supreme power, yet it depends on us to use our will correctly. Most of the
people take advantage of this free will, employing it to indulge in any negative activities. Knowledgeable
philosophers believe that this free will was created within us to allow each individual to develop his own
individual personality or self-identity. For this reason, it is our duty to employ our willpower to free self from
all the negative influences and tread on the process of development and success.

Some of the ways one could use his free will is noted in stress reduction tactics for self-healing and
development. Stress reduction is a guide to self-development and is important for each of us. Despite that,
we all are challenged by daily stress that sometimes seems out of our control, we must find the way to
minimize this stress to make it easier to discover self.

Society places great stress on us from its influences. We must recognize this pattern and work to relieve
stress by not allowing society take over our mind. One must decide what stressors are building up to the
point it exhausts our body and mind.

One of the best ways to self-discovery is writing down your thoughts and feelings and then using what you
learn to relieve the mind and body of stress. By writing down your feelings and thoughts, it should move you
to take steps to make constructive changes.

If you find it difficult to make such changes, use the repetitive learning strategy to assist you. Merely repeat
three times that you are going to make constructive changes to better your life. This is affirmatives in action,
which will make it easier for you to see why you need to make these changes.

We must take control of stress to give us strength and make the growth phase easier so that we develop a
new attitude in life. By repeating affirmatives, you will reprogram your mind to think positive and soon you
will be doing things without even trying. Making decisions will become easier when you take charge of your
stress and move to self-development.

Reducing stress some times, causes more stress but when you practice, using different strategies as guides
to reduce the stress, you will feel better, since you will have more energy. When the body and mind is
stressed, our energy level will decline and we become depressed and feel like a failure. As you begin to
reduce your stress, your energy will increase and success will follow.
There are particular moments in life that when you wish you could depend on anybody's self improvement
advice. But even if they gave it to you with the best intentions, in case anything goes wrong, you are always
going to blame those persons.

That is why specialists strongly advise you, every time you find yourself at a crossroads, to always take the
decisions by yourself.

The question arising is: how can we know how to take it and which is the best solution?

No matter how young or old you are, you must have gotten to a point in your life when you have to take a big
decision, which will probably affect your entire existence.

There is no doubt that there are certain moments in life when you feel helpless and disoriented and believe
you could use some self improvement advice in order to figure out how to proceed with your life.

The answer is never simple. However, there is one self improvement advice that can be of great help and
employed regularly will have great results.

It is called meditation and it has been used for centuries in certain rituals and by ancients civilizations. Even
in old and famous books, like the Bible, people are invited to meditate, to discover and fight the evil in us
and by knowledge to gain control over our decisions and our lives.

How do we proceed when meditating?

First of all, you need to be away from any source of distraction. You cannot analyze your deepest feelings
and thoughts and watch a movie at the same time.

Secondly, you need to ask yourself a series of questions that will help you to better determine who you really
are. The questions should relate to everyday aspects.

What do you like doing?

What made you most proud of yourself during your entire life?

What is it that you always wanted to do and you never found the time?

What role does money play in your life?

What is it more important for you, you family life or your career?

How much do you depend on others?

If you are worried about a certain decision, let all the questions be related to that issue. If you are just
confused when asking the questions, think about the common topics that one has to deal with during his life.

Do not forget to write down the answers. Try to concentrate and to be sincere. After all, nobody will judge

All these questions will help you determine exactly where you stand and what is it that you want form life. All
you have to do is to get the right interpretation of your own replies.

In order to do that, help yourself to a coup of tea or your favorite coffee and take the time to analyze them
thoroughly. Mark with a red pen whatever you find pride worthy answers and with a black one the things that
do not make you proud.

Post the list somewhere where you can see it more than once a day, or post it in more than one place.

You will notice that, step by step, even unwillingly, the black things on your list will start turning red. Do not
forget to renew the list when most of it has turned red! It is the best way to always be aware what your
expectations from life are.

Take this simple self improvement advice and see the positive results for yourself.
What are the three keys to self improvement and motivation?


Inspiration is critical to staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business,
your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.

Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work or is it an obligation? You
would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality
does not interest them in the least.

These individuals will grow weary and uninterested pretty quickly because they have no inspiration or
passion to sustain them during the difficult times they will encounter as a small business owner.

If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus your small business to better match your
needs. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, there will not be motivated to even try self


Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you do not set goals, you would have no
definite purpose on which path of self improvement to take.

How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your company?

Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more
than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it at least

Include 'mini-goals" that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more
ambitious "grand-goals" that may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.

But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more
professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your
business goals every single day.


Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other small business owners. No one
person knows all the knowledge.

However, when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will just be there waiting to be

In fact, the isolation of working alone is of one the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. You can
never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others. Mutual support is motivating. Make it
easier on yourself by connecting with others either in your community or online. Even when businesses are
not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.

Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the
growth of the business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified
sales leads and solve problems faster and more efficiently.

Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement.
Your own personal team of business owners will help re-energize you when the burdens of running your
own business seem too much.

With your networking team to rely on, you can accomplish more in less time and probably have more fun in
the process. You will feel motivated to accomplish self improvement when you know you are not alone.
There are a variety of self improvement articles available nowadays. You may be thinking that this is one of
those, obviously.

What have you got to lose by reading one more self improvement article?

When you came the 40-year stage in your life, you will suddenly realize many things. You get to ask yourself
questions. How will it be when I get to the end of my life? How do I feel about the life I lived?

Then someone gave you some self improvement articles while telling you that it is not yet too late. Does that
mean anything to you?

You bet it does. The feeling of anxiety that will come next is just normal. Then you will feel confused
because life had felt so good. You were happy, had a successful marriage, two wonderful kids, and a job
you reasonably enjoyed. What was my problem?

It was your class ceiling. The "practical" and fear-based side that had convinced you all along that your
passion and dreams had died.

Here are top ten shifts in perspective that can help you move your life to the next level. This self
improvement article will assist you in breaking through your own glass ceiling to create the life you really

1. Give yourself permission to dream. You probably had no problem dreaming as a kid. What happened to
your ability to imagine and dream about what you want and who you want to be? When was the last time
you caught yourself daydreaming and appreciated it?

2. Stop looking outside yourself for happiness. Look inside. Increase your self-awareness. Get curious about
who you are at the core. Cultivate and nurture a relationship with yourself.

3. Cover the basics. Take the time to address your personal needs. How can you focus on thriving in your
life if you are in survival mode? Set up that meeting with a financial advisor, get your space organized, clean
up the details that are wasting your energy.

4. Embrace your past and move on. Shift from "why it happened" to what I want to do about it now. Asking
"why" is not a very empowering question. Asking what or how I want to proceed can be much more powerful
and produce forward movement.

5. Remember that you are not alone. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with life. Seek support. Read more self
improvement articles. They might help you figure about some things that are puzzling you.

6. Remember gratitude. Count your blessings. What is working right in you life? Make a list. Set aside a bit
of time everyday to acknowledge what or who you are grateful for. The more you practice gratitude, the
more you attract into your life things to be grateful for.

7. Court your passion. You still have your passions though it has been a while since you may have felt it
flow. When are you the most alive and joyful in your life? Who do you most admire and what do they inspire
in you?

8. Take action and take a risk. All the inspiration in the world is not enough to make you move your life to the
next level. It takes inspired action to do that.

9. Keep breathing. You probably forget to take deep full breaths. We have all learned to constrict our
breathing in response to stress. According to many self improvement articles, we not only need oxygen to
stay alive, we need oxygen to give us energy and keep us healthy. Right now take 5 deep, full breaths.

10. Have fun. Call a friend, take a bubble bath, take yourself to an art museum or schedule a whole day out
in nature. Put on some great music and dance till you drop.

And you thought this was just one of those self improvement articles.
You have got to motivate yourself in order to motivate others. If you do not know how, then it is time to
browse through some self improvement books on how to go about it.

Read on a few self improvement books...Here are a few:

1. 21 Indispensable Qualities of Leadership: Becoming the Leader Others Will Follow John C. Maxwell

Why do some people consistently inspire others to follow their lead? In this self improvement book, the
author identifies these top traits as character, charisma, commitment, communication, competence,
courage, discernment, focus, generosity, initiative, listening, passion, positive attitude, problem-solving,
relationships, responsibility, security, self-discipline, servanthood, teachability, and vision.

Maxwell breaks down leadership qualities into easy to understand character qualities. Character is what
defines a leader, and these traits are what people of character have. A must-read for leaders in any position.

2. Discover Your Strengths Marcus Buckingham

The self improvement book that helps you find what you are strong in and encourages you to work to make
those stronger. That instead of working against what you know you're good at. You can also take the
personal survey that is in the book.

3. Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers Spencer Stuart

A remarkable book about how to stand out from your peers and have a better career. One lesson learned: It
is better to ask for forgiveness after the fact than it is to ask for permission ahead of time.

4. Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson

Of course, what book list would be complete without this self improvement book that is all about change.
Another book that is well worth the listen, but also worth reading.

5. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Steven Covey

Another must have in your self improvement book collection. If you like to read a lot of books, you are
practicing one of Covey's habits, 'sharpening the saw."

6. How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History's Ten Most
Revolutionary Minds Michael Gelb

This self improvement book helps you to think more creatively and be more artistic. These factors are
important no matter what position you may be in.

7. The Brand You 50 Re-imagine Pursuit of Wow! Tom Peters

A motivational book urging readers to achieve more.

8. What Should I Do With My Life? Po Bronson

A self improvement book that tells us that it is okay not to know what you want to do. That even the people
we think are completely happy may not be. And that we make our own happiness, it all depends on how you
deal with it.

9. Rhinoceros Success Scott Alexander

This was recommended to me by my last manager. An incredibly quick read. The book is all about leading,
and how sometimes you have to do the unpopular to make a difference and stand out as a leader. Be a

10. Advanced Rhinocerology Scott Alexander

A nice sequel to Rhinocerous Success that you will also enjoy. A few things it reminded me of is that leaders
are often under attack from all sides, and it's important to watch your own back because often nobody else

These are just some of the more popular self improvement books you can check out whenever you want
answers to questions you have been keeping inside for too long.
Once you have decided on a self improvement course, you will face moments along your journey where it
seems that you are not making progress toward your goal. It is but natural.

Staying in the course when the results do not seem to be coming can be challenging. But then, you must not
give up when you are pursuing a dream.

Stay on your self improvement course. Do not jump overboard. If you believe in your dream and is willing to
see it through, you will surely enjoy the sweet reward of success when you arrive at your destination.

Below are four tips for staying the self improvement course.

1. Stay positive.

Your mental attitude toward your situation is very important. If you think possibilities, you will be better able
to focus on the opportunities that are present in setbacks or delays.

Try to become your own dictator when you surrender your will to negative thoughts. Keep a positive attitude.
You know that you have what it takes to succeed.

Tell yourself to think thoughts that will lift your spirit and renew that desire to succeed.

2. Pull versus Push.

It is not possible to push a rope. Neither can you make any progress by pushing and forcing it to move to
your liking.

Experts will tell you that you need to make yourself "attractive" so that you can effortlessly draw to yourself
what you want in life. This will also move you away from seducing or pushing in order to produce the
outcome that you desire.

What have you been attracting to your life? Are you the one doing the pushing or the pulling?

3. Be persistent.

Continue on taking action daily toward your dreams and goals. Patience and persistence are the crowning
qualities of self-confident champions.

Think of the gardener who plants a seed and then waits for it to sprout and grow. He waters and nourishes
the seed even when he does not see immediate results, having faith that the seed will develop into a
beautiful plant.

Like the gardener, do not think of what you see and what is going on today. Look ahead in the future and
what your actions now will result to.

What can you do today to achieve your future plans?

4. Have a success partner.

Having a success partner to encourage and support you especially when you are down or frustrated can
make the difference in achieving a goal.

Sometimes our vision is blurred by distraction or discouragement. Having a supportive partner who wants
big things for you and believes in you can help you stay the self improvement course.

You can do it on your own, but you do not have to do it alone. You have a choice.

Why not have a success partner who will stick with you not only through the good times but also through the
bad times?

Elbert Hubbard "Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done,
and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal."
Nobody told you that the self improvement course you have chosen to trek is easy. But with enough
willpower and the perseverance to go on, you will finally reach that long awaited destination which is
There are different books and seminars that can help you gather some self improvement guide. All these
sources are against the negative factors in your life.

This self improvement guide is intended to offer you the best solutions to eliminate these factors for good. Or
at least to reduce it drastically.

Work, meetings, deadlines, appointments, telephone calls, shopping, taking the dogs out etc. – all these are
things most people have to accomplish daily.

Most of the times, on the waiting list there are other things like: family, friends and even ourselves.

Sometimes we discover too late that the points mentioned on the waiting lists are, in fact, the most important
and, unfortunately, sometimes, we don't realize this at all, so find ourselves wondering for what reason we
are so unhappy.

All this people know that time is more than money – time means, first of all, life and, more than that, it means
our lives.

That is way we have the obligation not to surrender in stressful situations and to go fighting for the joy of

Let us not forget also that deficient management of time can produce tremendous health problems, both at
the physical and mental level.

But there is good news! Time can be domesticated – we can make it, in certain manner, obey us. First step
in implementing this process is to identify the elements that robe your time. Normally, they are divided into
two groups:

The external factors (unexpected phone calls, very long phone conversations, unplanned visits, the policy of
open doors, not sufficiently trained personnel, frequent meetings, interruptions caused by colleagues, friends
and family etc.)

The internal factors – related strictly to our own persons (priorities and objectives that change, the lack of a
daily working plan, lack of self imposed deadlines, the tendency to take care of too many things at the same
time, disorder, lateness in resolving the conflicts, incapacity of saying no, lack of decision, tiredness).

By reading the above enumeration, you probably pictured recalled all the similar situations that you went
through. Now, all you have to do is to find a way to defeat and eliminate them, so that you can be the mater
of your own time again.

Here are three possible ways in which you can do that:

Get used to write everything down. It is useful, especially if you have a bad memory. Otherwise you might
fail to remember to go to important meetings, to make important phone calls, to answer messages you
promised you would answer.

You can also write down great ideas and inspirations that occur to you in the most unexpected moments.

Make a list of priorities. It takes you very little time to draw it and you can even do it while you"re having your
morning coffee. Write down, the things you need to do that day, in the order of their importance and

Learn to say no. One big mistake that a lot of us make is that we put other people's problems in front of
ours. Nevertheless, by helping them in a bad moment for us, we give rise to frustration, stress and we find
ourselves unable to respect previous engagements.

All these advices are also present in Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber's book New art of time against stress and
they invite us to meditate that more than a weapon against stress, time management is also a philosophy of
There are a lot of programs that can aid you in your endeavors in having a healthy mental life.

If you have a lot of things on your mind and simply want to have the easy way to deal with them helps with
programs. Such programs show you the ways on how to be in the healthy line if mental life. They can be an
accelerated transformative practice which the professionals can easily impose on your schedule. It can last
for a year or longer, depending upon the program administrator.

There are also lessons which you need to follow. Benefits of such programs can maximize your energy, lose
weight, maintain good health, enhance your creativity, reduce stress , develop more fulfilling relationships,
reach profound meditative states, discover a greater meaning in life, expanding your awareness, strengthen
your immune system, take your spirituality to new levels.

You can also find a greater sense of self, master universal dynamics and processes and become the person
you want to be they take advantage of the current research and proven practices from nutrition, exercise
and psychology to discoveries in the fields of relaxation and spirituality. most other self-help programs that
focus on one system or philosophy, some are holistic - or big-picture - approach that addresses all aspects
of a person's well-being.

Most of them goes well beyond offering you the theories behind our programs to give you practical tools and
activities to put the power of our programs to work in your life and these programs or lessons are easy to
follow, quick to implement and fun to participate in.

Audio self help tapes

On a typical self-help tape, you will hear a pleasant and easy to listen to English voice which will guide you
into a deeply relaxed state of mind and body. To enhance the therapeutic effect each tape includes layered
echoed background affirmations, a deeply relaxing effect, which pan from left to right in your headphones &
3D Sound effects.

So at times you'll hear one voice in one ear speaking to the left hemisphere of your brain, while at the same
time hearing other echoed voices addressing other parts of your brain.

This powerful method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to the unconscious mind can
facilitate positive changes very quickly. In addition to this the absorbing 60 bpm sound effects and powerful
subliminal suggestions enhance the overall effectiveness.

How to take advantage of such programs

Speaking from a job organization behavioral point of view let us take a look at what motivation is all about
and how to improve it. The human brain as I mentioned earlier is a virtual warehouse of energy.

There is nothing that we cannot do once we put our minds to it. Yeah, sure, all that has been proved time
and again, but along with it comes a string attached. The same brain is easily distracted. In fact our
imagination is probably the one thing that can travel faster than light. And so it is not an easy task to keep
the brain occupied in the same task for an extended period of time. If the job is monotonous the task
becomes more difficult and if the job is demanding and involves a lot of pressure to keep time, then you are
done for.

Motivation can be thought of as the process of channeling the surplus energy of the brain towards a definite
goal or purpose. If you have a good boss or supervisor, then the task of keeping you motivated rests with
them. But even then, you have the responsibility to keep yours self motivated and believe me, self
motivation is the best motivation because it comes from within.
What are you? A leader or a follower?

We can all become leaders and also followers. Both are important but the leader sets the good example for
his/her followers. A good leader has a good follower.

If you think you are not a good leader, maybe you should have a self-improvement seminar.

Self-improvement seminar for leaders is training them to be good to the followers.

There are a variety of self-improvement seminar for you. But leadership training seminar is the best for you.

In order to be a great leader, one must possess various qualities that will attract followers. The following
qualities are just of few of the many qualities that are vital for effective leadership:

1. Charisma- charismatic leaders have the gift to touch people through their choice of words. Charismatic
leaders are alluring, charming and can encourage followers to support a grand vision or idea.

2. Positive Attitude - A leader who has a positive attitude will influence his/her followers to carry that same
attitude. A good example of a leader with a positive attitude could be a parent or teacher.

Mothers, fathers, or elementary teachers appear and are viewed as role models to the young children they
are teaching and nurturing.

These role models are the first leaders they encounter in life. Children become very dependent of leaders
because they are their vehicles to the outside world and provide much needed help and assistance. If a
parent is nurturing and loving to their child, they will thrive under this encouragement.

If a school teacher provides a positive learning experience to the child, they will succeed and that success
will become contagious... In any circumstance, a leader's positive attitude will have greater impact and
influence on their followers.

3. Motivation - In an athletic world, a motivating leader could be a coach, trainer or even a fellow teammate.
While the talent of players is a good determinant of a winning team, their coach is also an important factor.

If a coach can not produce a winning team, his job is at stake. A coach's motivation involves infusing his
players with high standards, and setting challenging but attainable goals as they perform well. Thus, his/her
ability to motivate his players will enhance their performances.

Motivation also correlates with having a positive attitude. When a coach has a positive attitude and provides
a positive environment for his players, then the team will most likely be motivated to move in his/her
direction where ultimate success can be found.

4. Assertiveness - A leader has the responsibility to guide the direction of his or her company. When a
leader is firm and assertive in delegating tasks to his subordinates, they will hold a greater respect to follow
through on their assignments.

An assertive leader has the ability to convey enforcement without being too autocratic or threatening to their

Furthermore, an assertive leader should not make his subordinates feel like they"re in a hostile environment.
Instead, an assertive leader should respect his people, and require proper accountability at the same time. A
leader's assertiveness and confidence earns respect. With that respect, people are much more likely to
follow, help, and emulate their leader to achieve success.

Self-improvement is important for leaders. Attending self-improvement seminars may be a good help in
being a good leader.
Self improvement tapes help you to achieve your goal of quitting by detailed instructions. Full audio support
can make a difference when you don't have the time for lengthy therapy sessions and just don't have the
privilege of affording them. I have included some of the data's which the tapes features and what it could do
to help you along the way.

Hypnosis is an amazing tool for self-help. There is nothing as pleasant as allowing yourself to sink into a
nice and easy trance and meditation from hypnosis and guided imagery. This self-esteem hypnosis tape is
dedicated to helping you gain control over your life and your health by just sitting back and allowing the
guided imagery to lead you to a healthy life and general self-esteem.

This self-esteem hypnosis tape is a safe and effortless way to aid in your goal to better health by inducing a
trance state. It should be used at least a couple of times a day. It is important to find a quiet and secure
place to listen to this hypnosis tape. It should never be played while operating a car and works best in
complete isolation.

Pets often find a trance inducing tool such as this self-help tape intriguing and will try and be part of it so
make sure they are out of the room before listening. I would also suggest that you keep the room semi-dark
for the best trance quality. Allow yourself not to work hard at 'doing it right." All you need to do is let yourself
go and enjoy the meditation trance state that develops naturally.

The self help tape or a CD "Attain and experience Inner Peace with -Tools For Balanced Living". Is an
example. "Tools For Balanced Living" is a Mindfulness Practice that guides you toward personal insight,
body awareness, yoga postures and meditation. The Sedona Method will show you how to tap your natural
ability to let go of any unwanted thought or feeling on the spot even when you are right in the middle of life's
greatest challenges.

This will free you to quickly and easily have all that you choose including the following: unshakable inner
security, more money, better relationships, more radiant health and well being, more effective goal
achievement plus break bad habits and other self-sabotaging behaviors, lose weight, stop smoking and
sleep better.

THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY by by Susan Jeffers. Arrow (1987) 1991. How to turn your fear and
indecision into confidence and action. As well as "OUR OWN HANDS - A BOOK OF SELF-HELP
THERAPY" by Sheila Ernst and Lucy Goodison describes all kinds of therapy, from bodywork to
psychoanalytically-based therapies, shows with sensitivity and clarity how to use those techniques which
can actually free us and help us, and gives exercises to use in a self-help situation.

It is also important to realize that this meditation self-help and self-esteem tape is only one highly effective
aid in your plan to induce self-esteem successfully. A good dietary program, exercise, and acupuncture will
make your self-help program permanent over time. All you need is to assess the problems you need to focus
on first as there are a lot of self-help topics which these audio books have.

Due to the fact that they all do have good results doesn't mean you don't need to chose which is right for
you. Handpicking your choices can make a better difference and you can do it at your own home.
It cannot be denied that what works for one does not work for another. If what your friends say and what
you read does not seem to inspire you to improve yourself, then it is time to consider self improvement

It cannot be denied that some people can better comprehend something when they see it on screen. That is
the psychology behind these videos. Getting the focus of the person watching them like no other ways can

The need for self improvement is now an issue many people are focusing on. There are already a lot of self
improvement articles out there. Not only that, a lot of experts are also lending their talent and expertise in
helping people develop themselves.

With the internet came the easiest means of looking for self improvement advice from other people. For
those who took pleasure in reading, they turn to articles and other forms of writing. But for those who just
likes to sit back, see and listen, self improvement videos are the ones chosen.

There are websites that are capable of providing you with all the self improvement videos that are necessary
to get your commitment power out and utilize it to whichever change or improvement you want to make with
your own person.

These videos consist of information and exercises. When you start these readings and exercises, you will
immediately feel the desired change inside yourself.

And with repetition of the exercises the change or improvements will become automatic. Repetition is the
key to a life long improvement of your personality.

These videos are meant to aid in everlasting self-improvement and personal growth in all areas of life.
Some are concentrated on a few areas that many people may feel especially important and hard to improve.

For example, the people behind can help you with your effort for self esteem improvement. Low self-esteem
and confidence are the cause of many personal as well as inter-personal difficulties.

Self improvement videos will assist you take command of your career as well as your financial freedom and
independence. You can get the career you wish as well as the wealth and prosperity that you decide you

They can also help with building positive relationships and finally show you how you can apply the tools
inherent for you to change habits.

These videos may not come cheap for some who would rather have self improvement tools that come for
free. The only advantage in getting self improvement videos is that it will be available anytime you want to
watch them.

Videos on self improvement are not the only tools you can use if you are intent on achieving personal
improvement. There are also e-books and e-courses available.

Try to also see look at the other self improvement tools offered by these sites. Most of the time, the products
offered are well reputed and researched thoroughly for quality and effectivity.

When to get a self improvement video? When it came to the point that the advices you get from family,
friends and even on the internet are not getting through your head. This would also be your choice if you
need a tool you can use anytime and anywhere to help you on your self improvement.

Chances are, if you have seen these self improvement videos twice or thrice, you have probably memorized
all the things it had to say and show.
Have you ever wished that your life could be a lot better and more fulfilling than the one you are in right
now? Have a self improvement worksheet you can put your plans on to turn them into reality. Here are some
of the things you have to plan out in your worksheet for a smooth sailing journey towards self improvement

Get up early.

To be able to accomplish this and still avoid losing any precious sleep, you can go to bed just a half hour
earlier to get up a half hour earlier than you usually do.

What this got to do with self improvement?

For different people the answer can vary slightly. To start with you need to fully awaken yourself and get rid
of early morning sluggishness.

After you are completely alert step outside of your house and watch the sunrise. Nothing like the view of a
fresh morning to set you out on your self improvement destination.

This simple but immensely satisfying act will lift your spirits and help with self improvement.

If you are unable to do this, take a brisk walk, jog or run depending upon what you prefer and what you are
physically capable of.

Eat breakfast.

To start your day out on the right foot and stay in keeping with your self improvement plan this is practically
a necessity. You need the energy this will provide you with to accomplish your daily tasks.

If you are overly pressed for time you might try cereal and milk or even a few pieces of fresh fruit would do.

Any of these are better alternatives than skipping breakfast.

Smile a lot.

When you go places, smile more at other people, even if you find it a bit difficult at first. Just curve your lips
up a bit as you make eye contact with another human being.

An effective goal is written.

The primary purpose of your self improvement worksheet.

This is extremely helpful and essential because there will be times when your self improvement goals will
make you uncomfortable and you may lose site of them.

When this happens, you need to have them written down to keep yourself on track and accountable. Posting
your goals on the refrigerator, bulletin board, or in your planner ensures that you will be reminded of them on
a daily basis.

Review them on a regular basis.

You must review your self improvement goals in order to stay on track. Check out your worksheet on the
schedule you set. Reviewing them causes you to commit to their achievement.

According to studies, only 1% of the population actually understands how to effectively set goals. This is the
reason why so many New Year's resolutions are not followed.

And this is also why people keep failing at the very same goal. The desire to improve yourself is genuine,
but the process you go about while seeking this desire is faulty. Then how can you achieve the self
improvement results you want?

The positive results of achieving any goal are unforgettable. An individual's failure to achieve is not because
they are incompetent but because they simply do not know the process of success.
Have an effective self improvement worksheet. Follow what is written, be patient and celebrate your success
to come.
How do you know if a person is willing to attain self improvement? This is a question with no definite
answer. It will all depend on the individual.

Many people have goals, dreams or ambitions but do not know how to go about achieving them. They may
have thought about what would make up self improvement and their ideal life, but have no idea how to even
begin to make the plans and take the actions required to make them a reality.

Some people have a vague idea on how to go about self improvement. These are the ones that believe that
if only they had a better job, or had been given better opportunities, or met the love of their life, or whatever
else, everything would be fine and they would be happy.

They feel that their happiness or lack of happiness is decided by external factors and their thoughts and
actions are of little consequence.

Some believe that if only they had more money they could have whatever they want and be on their way to
self improvement.

They may have spent little time thinking about what they actually want from life, and do not really believe
there is anything they can do to create their fuzzy version of utopia anyway, apart from buying more lottery

Other people do not even know what they actually want from their lives and may even have little idea what
would really makes them happy. They seem to just drift from day to day, week to week, month to month, and
year to year, and do little more than just about get by.

They may have seemingly secure jobs and be earning enough to live relatively comfortable lives. They seem
happy enough and have no great ambition to achieve anything more from their lives than they currently

Is self improvement important?

The reality is that throughout our lives we are all constantly growing and developing. Circumstances make
us grow and develop, even if we do not make the conscious decision to do so. Up to a certain age, we
learn through formal education and we continue to learn through our experiences for the rest of our lives.
We have to learn and grow to deal with everything that life throws at us. We all have to go through self

Modern life moves at a dramatically faster pace than at anytime in history. For anyone living in modern
society there are more opportunities to do anything that you want to do with your life than ever before.

But there is also more competition than ever before, and ever changing technology means that there really
are few, if any "jobs for life" anymore. It is now normal not only to change jobs quite often throughout our
working lives, but even to completely change careers and industries.

Because the workplace is so competitive, people who are ambitious and hungry for success know they need
to learn new skills and knowledge to keep ahead of the pack. To attain this, self improvement is needed.

These are the people that will be most likely to keep their jobs, or progress within their chosen field, or that
will be readily employable in different organizations or industries.

A commitment to self improvement and personal growth may well be the deciding factor in how anyone's
future will turn out.
Have you come across a person who is so naturally friendly that when you put him inside a room of
strangers, he'll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone
unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything.

A socially-empowered person achieves so much greatness, basically because of the people that catapult
him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of the people, whom he had helped before. He never
runs out of help. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows he
maximizes his social potential!

See, if you know your social skills and you make use of them, you will reach self-empowerment. Self-
empowerment is making a general overhaul in your life and turning yourself into a happier and more
successful person.If you can be one of those people-persons, then I can't see any reason why you will not
succeed. You just have to know how to start.

1. Be genuine.

Hypocrisy will just bring you all the way down. Be genuinely nice and interested to people. Once they
perceive that you are Mr. Hypocrite with selfish intentions, you might as well say goodbye to self-

2. Be the greatest listener that you can be.

To earn the love and trust of the people, listen to their problems and sympathize with them. Do not just hear
them out, listen to them with your heart. Make eye contact when the person talks to you. Listen as if every
word matters, and it does. Brownie points when they find out that there is a confidante in you.

3. Laugh out loud.

I do not mean that you force yourself to laugh for every joke cracked by someone, albeit you do not find it
funny at all.This means finding humor in things and not being too darn serious. A person oozing with an
awesome sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success.

4. Don't forget yourself.

In the process of fluttering around like a social butterfly, you might forget yourself, allowing everyone to push
you over. Remember, love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and
worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not trample on you.

5. Do random acts of kindness.

You don't have to do a John Rockefeller and blow your savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matters the
most, and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise you-take-care card or helping an elderly cross
the street. When we were kindergarten students, kindness was taught to us and greatly practiced. Now is
the time to revive the good deeds and this time, let them stay for good.

6. Contact your old friends.

Sad how some friendships are destined to goodbye, but thanks to technology, you can do something about
it. Relive the good old days by flipping your yearbook and look for the great people whom you want to
communicate with again. Adding these old friends to your roster of support peers will surely make you feel
good all over.

7. Develop your personality.

Are you grouchy, grumpy and generally morose? Whoa, you can't go through life with those. Get rid of the
bad traits and habits that perpetually hamper your growth. And really, who wants a grouchy friend anyway?

8. Be confident.

Be able to stride to the other corner of the room and introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of
yours. Just remember: be confident, not arrogant.
9. Practice control.

When angry, don't snap at anyone. Never throw a tantrum. Stay calm and collected. Be adult enough to take
control of situation and transform your anger into something more productive and passive. As soon as
people think your anger goes to volcanic proportions easily, they will find it hard to come to you.

10. Keep nurturing your relationships.

Your relationship with your family, friends and significant others is too precious that you must not neglect it
whatever happens. Go out and have fun with them. Do things together. Happiness will never fly from your
side as long as the people who matter the most are close to you.

In the end, using people for self-empowerment means becoming a better and more lovable person. It's a
win-win situation: the people know they can turn to you anytime and vice versa.
Everything that happens to us happens in purpose. And sometimes, one thing leads to another. Instead of
locking yourself up in your cage of fears and crying over past heartaches, embarrassment and failures, treat
them as your teachers and they will become your tools in both self improvement and success.

I remember watching Patch Adams – its my favorite movie, actually. Its one great film that will help you
improve yourself. Hunter "patch" Adams is a medical student who failed to make it through the board exams.
After months of suffering in melancholy, depression and suicidal attempts – he decided to seek for medical
attention and voluntarily admitted himself in a psychiatric ward. His months of stay in the hospital led him to
meeting different kinds of people. Sick people in that matter. He met a catatonic, a mentally retarded, a
schizophrenic and so on. Patch found ways of treating his own ailment and finally realized he has to get
back on track. He woke up one morning realizing that after all the failure and pains he has gone through, he
still want to become the a doctor. He carries with himself a positive attitude that brought him self
improvement and success. He didn't only improved himself, but also the life of the people around him and
the quality of life. Did he succeed? Needless to say, he became the best damn doctor his country has ever

So, when does self improvement become synonymous with success? Where do we start? Take these tips,
friends... *Stop thinking and feeling as if you"re a failure, because you"re not. How can others accept you if
YOU can't accept YOU?

*When you see hunks and models on TV, think more on self improvement, not self pitying. Self acceptance
is not just about having nice slender legs, or great abs. Concentrate on inner beauty.

*When people feel so down and low about themselves, help them move up. Don't go down with them.
They"ll pull you down further and both of you will end up feeling inferior.

*The world is a large room for lessons, not mistakes. Don't feel stupid and doomed forever just because you
failed on a science quiz. There's always a next time. Make rooms for self improvement.

*Take things one at a time. You don't expect black sheep's to be goody-two-shoes in just a snap of a finger.
Self improvement is a one day at a time process.

*Self improvement results to inner stability, personality development and dig this .... SUCCESS. It comes
from self confidence, self appreciation and self esteem.

* Set meaningful and achievable goals. Self improvement doesn't turn you to be the exact replica of
Cameron Diaz or Ralph Fiennes. It hopes and aims to result to an improved and better YOU.

*Little things mean BIG to other people. Sometimes, we don't realize that the little things that we do like a
pat on the back, saying "hi" or "hello", greeting someone "good day" or telling Mr. Smith something like "hey,
I love your tie!" are simple things that mean so much to other people. When we"re being appreciative about
beautiful things around us and other people, we also become beautiful to them.

*When you"re willing to accept change and go through the process of self improvement, it doesn't mean that
everyone else is. The world is a place where people of different values and attitude hang out. Sometimes,
even if you think you and your best friend always like to do the same thing together at the same time, she
would most likely decline an invitation for self improvement.

We should always remember that there's no such thing as "over night success". Its always a wonderful
feeling to hold on to the things that you already have now, realizing that those are just one of the things you
once wished for. A very nice quote says that "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." We are
all here to learn our lessons. Our parents, school teachers, friends, colleagues, officemates, neighbors...
they are our teachers. When we open our doors for self improvement, we increase our chances to head to
the road of success.
Our self identity has a special place in our lives. Our self identity forms an intrinsic part of our identity and is
an important area of study when studying about the intricacies of human nature. Each and every individual
needs to acknowledge his self identity in order to make sense of the purpose of his life and for his own well

Realizing our self identity helps us to realize the main purpose of our lives and determine the kind of person
we"ll like to be in our future. Self identity plays a very important part in determining the goals of our lives and
greatly influences a person's mind and shaping his general school of thought. The way a person perceives
his inner self also plays a very important part in determining the course of action taken by an individual to
achieve a particular goal and to constantly monitor, evaluate and redirect his pursuits. The inner self is
responsible for shaping a person's behavior, self-esteem, motivation and experience. It is responsible for
building interpersonal relationships as well.

The society in which we live also has an important part to play in shaping up our inner self. The self of the
society and the self-environment are connected with each other. Most of the people tend to neglect their
inner self relating to the society and their immediate surroundings. They need to realize that self identity is
an important part of our inner self, which allows an individual to understand his relationship with the world
and himself in a better manner. Even if some individual refuses to acknowledge his inner self, he cannot
possibly deny its existence as well. Inner self is present in every individual whether he acknowledges it or

A person can acknowledge his inner self by indulging in meditation and yoga. These exercises help an
individual to calm his senses and realize his hidden powers and inner identity. It is very important for a
person to realize his inner self and latent strengths and weaknesses in order to trigger the process of self-

A lot of people nowadays suffer from the problem of identity crisis. Individuals are so entangled in their
hectic professional and personal work front that they get absolutely no time to discover themselves and
acknowledge what they are truly capable of.

It will not be wrong to say that materialistic elements, such as individualism and egoism have made people
wary of humanitarian traits, such as compassion and kindness. They tend to think only for their own vested
interests. Philosophers believe that people are fast forgetting the fact that our self-identity and self-
environment are intimately connected with each other. If a person becomes too self-obsessed with himself
and starts neglecting the well-being of environment around him, it is impossible for him to successfully
accomplish the process of self-development and find his self identity amidst the identity of the society and

Our self-environment has also been suffering a setback as the number of crimes has been increasing
steadily. People find it extremely difficult to trust the security and other social organizations, which delay the
growth of society and self-environment all the more.

A person can even look around his environment and several elements in the society and try to seek
inspiration for the purpose of development of his inner self and self environment. Seeking inspiration from
our environment can help us to create awareness about ourselves and our inner weaknesses and how to
overcome them. It helps us to gain self confidence and build faith over ourselves. Self identity of the society
and self-environment share a very deep bond which can be only understand when an individual tries to
accept himself for what he is, with all his faults and strengths.
The development of the social self in socialization is very important for all of us to be successful. It doesn't
matter what you want to do with your life; whatever you do, you need social skills to be successful with your

Without social skills, we can become depressed and fall short of seeing where society plays a big role in
programming our mind. Socialization is a way to relax and stay healthy for developing skills. Relaxation is
required in order to obtain extra energy for making good constructive decisions, focusing, and maintaining
the way we live.

The development of the social self may require that you make some changes with your attitude, activities, by
reducing stress that could be interfering. Stress is the main cause for us to fail and make us feel worthless,
or helpless.

We need to like who we are to achieve a sense of gratification and balance. If we don't like who we are how
can, we expect others to like us. One of the best ways to advance skills is by setting goals, establishing
plans, exercise, meditation, yoga, and so forth. It helps you to advance your social skills by relating better
with you.

We all can make constructive changes to better our life. Be prepared to make constructive changes by
accepting change so that you can adapt in any situation.

Work on setting positive goals to reach success by focusing on what changes you are planning to make. As
you focus on being successful, you gain strength of mind and character.

Each goal will increase your energy and your attitude will change to positive. Have a winning attitude
increases you staying power so that you can advance further in development of social self.

As you begin to notice your achieved goals, add new ones to the bottom of the list to help keep your energy
and motivation up. Do not stop working to reach goals just look back and see what you have achieved and
how you managed to accomplish each goal. Use what you can and reframe decisions that you made that
hindered you from accomplishing your goal sooner.

As you develop a winning attitude, you"ll be able to focus on one thing at a time. When you are able to focus
on one task, it progresses you. If you"re trying to socialize and thinking about something that went on at
work or home; your friends will notice that you"re mind is not where your body is. Thus, the key to success is
heightening your awareness.

Stress will cause you to fail. Don't allow stress to take control when socializing with others, rather stay
focused on having fun and enjoying your activities. Meditation will help you relieve stress so you can leave it
where it belongs when you are out.

There is no way you can eliminate all stress from your life. Nevertheless, with meditation for relaxation, you
can focus and have fun. Relieve your stress before it takes over and control you and your social self.
Staying attuned to social behavior patterns will assist you with creating self-identity for self, rather than
allowing others to create you.

The development of social self in socialization take times so don't expect to see a change right away.
Remember we learn by making mistakes and practicing meditation to gain growth in our development of the
social self. Your identity is just beneath the surface, so pull all your inner strengths together so that they
work in union. Exercise the mind and body daily. Eat healthy. Stay focused and look at the here and now to
find you.
Self and Society

We see all of these wicked people in the world advancing toward a brighter future, which often makes us
feel angered. We watch as some of the people in society commit crimes, welfare fraud, abuse, and other
bad behaviors and at the same time, we watch them walk out of the courtroom with less than minimal
punishment. The things that go on in society will bring us down. Worse, the things that go on in society
shape the vast majority of people's personality. We must stop this from occurring by taking control of our life.

Just take the bull by its horn. Take action so that you can shape your personality and become the person
you were created to be. Of course, all the things that we see in society affect our lives, but we can stop
allowing them to influence us by taking control of self. Self-governing is sometimes that best practices, since
it helps us to govern what is right and wrong.

We remove examples and influences from our life, so that the path to self-identity becomes clearer. Still, we
need to put some practices and techniques to good use, since it offers us aids that benefit us in many ways.
Since it is all in the technique that determines our results, we want to make sure that we choose what works
best for us.

Some of the practices and techniques you can consider are meditation, yoga, subliminal learning, guided
relaxation, Reiki, acupuncture, massage therapy, and other naturopathy practices. You can also benefit from
accelerated learning courses, or you can use techniques at home to train self.

In the new age, we all have a wide range of products and techniques we can benefit from, but again we
need what works best for us. If you have extensive pain, then certain tactics may not work for you. In this
case, seek answers from the biofeedback and Neurofeedback solutions. You can visit the Internet to learn
more about the latest solutions on the new age market.

Society reflects on us in many ways. Thus, we must move closer to self so that we shape our personality
devoid of external influences. For instance, if you continue to notice these wicked people getting away with
wrong behaviors, you might start to think that you should also do wrong so that you will reap superficial
rewards. Remember, these people reap many rewards, but they are only getting these rewards from stealing
from others.

We must keep the bigger picture in sight at all times. We must remain focused, observing closely the things
around us so that we don't become someone else, instead of ourselves. This will put us on the road to self-
identity in which we have shaped ourselves.

Self-identity is established by doing what is right. Instead of following the people that engage in illicit
behaviors, activities, entertainment, et cetera, we all must take the bull by the horn and guide our own path.
Of course, we should never lean upon our own understanding. Instead, we should acquaint self with our
creator, discover the truth in the bible, ask for wisdom to find this truth, and then move to let the truth set us

Our creator is the sole entity that can assist us with shaping our own identity that is not influenced by other
people in society. Take time today to read your bible, and get a richer meaning to the truth that will help
reduce the stress of taking the bull on by yourself. Seek additional information online to help you work
toward a brighter future.
Society a creator and destroyer!

An individual self is an intricate part of the society. So many individual self together make up a community
and when they have common social goals it becomes a society. A society is an organized structure, which
has basic units like family, schools and workplaces, which work in collaboration for the betterment of the

When an individual is born family takes care of the innocent baby in its initial years and inculcates in him/her
the basic etiquettes. These basic etiquettes are the genuine behavioral codes, like how to eat and how to
respect elders and veterans. When he grows older, the school is the next institution, which makes him/her a
well bred human being. School actually is the first introduction of an individual to the outer world. He/she
learns how to live in coherence with other individuals of his age group. He/she learns what his /her
responsibilities are, towards the society are and how to fulfill them effectively. Here in school he also gets
accustomed to the bound schedule of the school and becomes a disciplined individual. During his
educational training he also becomes trained in attributes like, self restrain and self abnegation.

As he grows older his work scenario changes and so does the level of perception. With increased
responsibility he/she becomes the consciousness of an individual broadens itself. With broad perception
levels his judgment also polishes. With logical judgments he analyses his actions and thoughts more
effectively to reach a prudent decisions. Nevertheless, implementations of these decisions also require great
courage because one can put a full stop to others activities but when it comes to oneself it can be really a
challenging job. Self regulation is a self controlling process, which an individual can only conduct on his own.
It requires perseverance and strong will power to put an end to all those desires, which can trap you in their

Though self regulation process is an essential attribute in an individual it can be quite meaningless if a
person is blind to his mistakes. Therefore, one need to take care that one judges one's actions according to
the intentions on the scale of morality.

Morality refers to individuals own set of rules and regulations which may be or may not be in coherence with
the social moral structure. It might be affected with various factors, which led to its formulation. There are
numerous incidents in a person's life, which together make up the whole ideology a human being and his
individual self as well.

Self regulation would so include many transforming processes, for instance if a person has been a victim of
child abuse then it is likely that he might have social phobia. He might also loose confidence in himself and
have pessimistic attitude towards life, in such a case if a person is well aware of his or her problem then it
will require him to change his attitude towards life as well as other people. Or else he will never be able to
come out of that social phobia and will remain restricted and isolated.

Society and individual have always been on loggerheads with each other as society overlooks the individual
interest and prefers the betterment of the large community. Such a structural goal of the society makes it
blind to people who are insane and mentally ill. Sometimes a loss of sanity occurs due to deep emotion
stress. In such a case an individual might loose his rationality and can even become violent. At that juncture
of the problem, such a person requires more care and attention but the approved scientific structure of the
society tags them as insane and mad. Its rational structure sweeps the irrational and hysterical out to places
like mental asylums.

Therefore, society is the dominant structure, which can create as well as ruin an individual self.
Unearthing Solutions of the Self Identity—identifying the inner worth

Self identity is realizing your true self and actual worth. It is an important part of self growth. It is in fact the
first step towards the evolution process of an individual. World over millions of people devote their time and
money to improve their looks and maintain their physique. Everyday new studies and researches are being
undertaken to develop a product that provides a glowing effect to the skin. Anti-aging creams have been
developed so that wrinkles can be postponed. Liposuction, botox injections and others methods are used to
provide glow to the skin. Nevertheless, how many of you have taken time to recognize or heal the inner
self? People get so busy in their jobs and other social responsibilities that they forget the existence of their
souls. They take all decisions keeping in mind social rules and regulations. As per the society's standards
money and social standing is the yardstick of a successful person. Anybody who posses a latest gadget,
flashy cars and wears designer clothes is considered an ideal figure. He becomes an enviable figure for
everybody strives hard to accumulate these goods.

Nevertheless, they are not happy. It's ironical that they work hard to buy latest things so that they can be
satisfied. The problem is that people are running so fast that they do not realize the direction in which they
are moving. They want to be famous so that they are known by everybody. Nevertheless, they do not have
time to know and realize their true worth. Since they are not aware of the direction of their life, they suffer
from negative feelings, such as depression, fear and anxiety.

Only people who have analyzed and understood themselves can have a serene mind. As a result they
remain happy. It is this everlasting happiness that is the source of their glowing skin. Their face has a very
attractive look. This is because they accept all situations in life with courage. Such kinds of people know the
source of their happiness. They listen to their inner voice and follow their instinct.

It is quite possible that you may find true happiness in the world of colors. The profession you may choose
considering your interest may be painting, artist or drawing. However, under society's pressure you may
have taken finance as your profession. You may earn well but you will always be a frustrated person. As a
result you suffer from stress and eventually from health disorders, such as diabetes and ulcers. It is
important to control yourself rather than controlling other people. This is because unless you conquer
yourself, how can you make other to follow you. The key to your everlasting happiness lies not in your bank
balance or job but within you. It's your distinct individuality that provides you your identity. It is very essential
to know your true worth and the purpose of your existence.

It is very essential that you recognize your true worth and live accordingly. In the midst of job and other
responsibilities we lose the actual purpose of our existence. You can know yourself by following certain
techniques, such as meditation. Meditation is the art that can be done at your home and sit there cross
legged with eyes closed. Remain quiet for some time and then ask yourself questions about the reason of
your existence in the world. Ask yourself what are the thing gives you everlasting happiness. Practice this art
regularly and soon you will see the positive change in your life. The negative emotions such as fear,
insecurities or worries will have no place in your life.
When mind, body and spirit are in harmony, then everything seems right with the world. Finding inner peace
through spiritual meditation is not altogether an easy thing, if people do not make time for it. Perhaps it is not
surprising, then, that in an era filled with the promises of high technology and modern medicine, we are
reaching back to the wisdom of traditional cultures and indigenous peoples to find beauty, to cure our ills
and to ease our minds from restless anxiety. People seem to be now finding more time to reflect on the
things that may make them happier in the long-term that they can bring forth within themselves.

Ancient philosophies focus on a holistic, interconnectedness approach which involves the practice of
spiritual meditation, promoting long-term good health, rather than merely trying to correct health problems as
they arise. Treating the whole person, rather than merely a specific problem, has been an evolving idea that
is gaining popularity now in the West. Slowly the medical establishment is beginning to acknowledge the
vital concept of balancing a healthy mind and spirit with a healthy body.

Awareness of the breath is one of the most basic and widely practiced forms of spiritual meditation, the two
other major forms being repetition (aloud or silently) of a word or phrase, or visualization of an object or (in
the religious context) a deity. Different people will find these different approaches of spiritual meditation
more or less appropriate to their own needs. Many may need to try several before hitting on the form with
which they feel most comfortable with ultimately.

Some instructors teach people a very simple form of spiritual meditation. People sometimes have fears or
misconceptions about meditation, and believe that they may not have control of the situation. Another
objection may be that meditation is some kind of odd religious practice, but although meditation does form a
central part of some of the world religions, it is perfectly possible to practice it outside of any religious

The ability to discover and draw from inner resources of health, strength and tranquillity is essential to
achieving an individual, balanced person. Yet in a culture dominated by unrealistic ideals of physical beauty
and twenty-four hour positivism, it is important for people to tap into more sustainable practices of lasting
energy, such as spiritual meditation. It has become increasingly difficult, and more important than ever, to
discover within ourselves that which truly defines peace – clarity of mind, sense of purpose, physical well-
being, and spiritual fulfillment.
Have you ever been a coach to a neighborhood team? I know how it feels the first time I've coached a team
of seven-year-old soccer kids and how much they can really test my patience, not to mention sanity as they
run around kicking the ball like ants to a huge, white crumb. It feels strange at first, having to be stared at by
a bunch of kids who they will know that I'm not the one in the field. Sounds wrong in a sense, right? But what
is the dead about coaching?

Coaching is all about being a, well, 'coach' in the corporate world of handlers, front-liners and even a couple
of benchwarmers biding their time to be given a chance to perform. I know how that feels when I go back to
my regular day job. Some players are just MVP material, and some of them are just to support the MVP's so
why bother sticking around? It sounds ironic when they say 'there is no I in team', but even the
underachievers can be sore losers as well.

These are steps that can be done within the day, and no matter what, it takes determination to be a coach.

1. There is a WHOLE lot of talk these days about Corporate Team Building. There are many, many options:
vacation packages, rope courses, on-going office games, ice-breakers, etc. Management can also purchase
videos, books, and seminar packages to assist them in building up their organization into a team worthy of
belonging. A little later I will give you some ideas of where you can go for information on these team-building

2. The truth about motivation is waiting to be grasped! It is ripe and ready for you to put into action today.
Don't settle for mind-numbing gibberish. Get practical in 3 small ways to begin looking forward to your alarm
clock sounding off each morning before you huddle with the team.

3. Experience is the best thing despite of what course you graduated in. There is something about being a
people person who knows how to stir the energetic side of one individual, and more so when you mix it up
with an entire team.

4. To question a person by his or her performance is sometimes required, but never question their
knowledge or their intelligence. Sadly, I have seen a few mistakes from past coaches who never seem to
understand what a player has to go through to get the job right. It will lead to further aggravation and maybe
even hostility. If you want the job done right, then go do it yourself. You'll see how it is to be at the receiving
end and it will help your set a much better course for improvement.

5. Sending a player to the bench is probably the worse experience a coach has to go through, especially if
your player is the top performer. In dealing with this kind of person, see to it that he spills his guts voluntarily.
Egotism in a performer tends to make them lose their focus on even the smallest mistakes, then you can
catch him or her red handed. Be firm, but understanding about it.

6. Don't allow your position to blind you from what you are supposed to do. Even coaches are human
enough to think that they are far more superior, but only by rank. Even if you have been in their shoes when
you were their age, it's better to dole out a piece of wisdom in order for them to realize that this will be for
their own benefit.

7. Lastly, you should learn to trust yourself and your team. Decisions and performance are primarily your
goals, and there are many of them to see if they could perform the task much more efficiently. So before you
think about sending one member to the bench, have a good chat with him or her and see if they have any
problems. If it's too personal, then just encourage them to do their best and it also helps to give them a
good, encouraging slap on the back.

I guess there's all there is to it. Being a corporate drone myself, I know how important it is for a company to
be successful, and we're all part of that success. Coaches are there not to make your work a little difficult
just because you have either an attitude problem or not much a performer, but they're the guides who will
help you perform as hard as you can possibly can. You'll do them proud one of these days, as well as you.
Statistics shows that about 75% of the people working today are unhappy with their current jobs. One
reason is that their talents are wasted because it is not applicable for their current jobs.

That's just one problem. You might have unreasonable demands placed upon you. You have to work really
long hours to get anywhere. The paths to promotion may be blocked. You can't get to where you want to be
because of the view that people have of you, your experience, or your performance in the job.

Maybe a little self-improvement will help you out with that problem. You should know how to appreciate your
job if you want to succeed in life.

If you are always late to your job, maybe it will become the reason for your termination. Why don't you try to
wake up early or if you"re always experiencing traffic, try to find other route. Self-improvement of your habits
will help you succeed.

There might be criticism leveled against you that isn't just. There could be too much politics or backstabbing,
you have to grease the right palms to get ahead. The job may just not be what you expected. You were
promised one thing, but it turned into something else.

One thing that you should do about backstabbing is always retain your temper at the right level. Don't try to
argue with your officemates of it will be another reason for firing you.

You have to get to the root of what is causing your unhappiness about where you are and what you"re
currently doing. The easiest way is The Five Whys. Ask, "Why?" five times.

"Oh, I'm not happy." Well, why? "Because I got passed for a promotion." Why was that? "Because they
didn't value the project I was working on." Why not? "Because management changed and they changed the
objectives." Well, why was that? You really sort of drill down to the root cause and find out what the problem
really is.

Once you decide that you need a change - that's where the real fun begins. How to go about finding a new
job or change careers completely.

There's another way of looking at, the Top Ten Signs That You Need a New Job. It's a bit like a Letterman
Top Ten. They"re a bit tongue-in-cheek, but there's a bit of truth in all of them.

10: You"re outgo exceeds your income. You just need more money.

9: The most rewarding thing you did this week was sharpen all 12 of your pencils to the same length.

8: You"re reluctant to be a Career Day speaker at your kid's fourth grade class.

7: Everyone in your workgroup got a raise except you.

5: You were late for work three times this week, but you don't care.

4: There's a meeting at 3:00 to talk about the upcoming reorganization, but you"re not invited.

3: Your boss keeps forgetting your name.

2: You constantly daydream about being a forest ranger.

1: Your company was recently acquired and you spent two weeks worry that you'd be laid off. After that, you
worried that you wouldn't be.

Remember, finding a new job nowadays is really hard. So, before you decided to look for another job,
always resolve your problems with your current job. Self-improvement will really help you in that.
There is no denying in the truth of the saying, "Time is gold."

You never seem to get enough of time. Even if you are given thirty hours in a day, you still won't be able to
get enough of it. Somehow, some things will come up and you will end up wanting more time. Time is a
precious commodity. Once it's gone, it cannot be recovered.

The fact is: when you are busy, time flies swiftly. But when you are not, time seems to be at a stand still.
This is true when you are killing time because there is nothing else to do under the circumstances.

How do you maximize the use of your time? It would be worth your time to consider the following strategies:

1. Check your schedule at the start of the day. Review it in its entirety. You may notice that portions of your
day may be hectic, while some may not be too frenzied. Distribute your activities evenly throughout the day.

Keep note pads handy so you can keep track of your schedule. It also helps to remind you of your tasks and
commitments. Note pads and schedule notebooks help you avoid overlapping of activities. In case of
overlaps, determine which one is priority.

After spreading your schedule for the day and you still feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks to be
accomplished, you may have to forego some of them. Re-schedule other tasks for another day.

What you are actually doing is very much like cleaning a closet. When your closet is in order, you avoid
being accidentally hit on the head by falling objects upon opening its door. Also, if it is in order, you will likely
find spare spaces available.

2. Request for a re-schedule in advance. This is especially true when another person will be affected. Show
courtesy by doing this is advance. This leaves time for the person to adjust to the new schedule. Who
knows? You may be doing the other parties a favor. They may be in the same predicament as you are, and
they will not be aware unless you make it known to them.

3. Be creative. Time is an element when simple creativity can be put to practice. For example, you need to
do the laundry but at the same time, you also have to rush and buy some groceries. Perhaps, what you can
do is to set your washing machine to do the laundry while you step out to the grocers. Manage your time in
the grocery and back home, just in time when the laundry is done.

You can even do the cooking at the same time by using a slow cooker. It cooks food by itself. You can even
pick up the kids from school after shopping. Four tasks are combined to one. All it takes is scheduling and a
little creativity.

4. When you have to do a certain task for the first time, it is natural for mistakes to happen. However, a first
time task doesn't have to be a blunder. If there is no clear direction on how things should be done, take time
to plan it out before you take action. This saves time, energy, and money.

5. Visualize the possible outcome of your objective. Seek out alternatives. Choose the better of two or more
alternatives. If there is only one option, do it just the same. Some tasks may appear difficult when you think
about it, but not necessarily when put into action. The same thing is true the other way around.

Time is something you could never have enough of. You become wise when you choose to maximize it.
Self and Society

We all deal with stressful situations that come about on a daily basis. For instance, some people feel
nervous when talking with their boss. This individual will want to assess self to learn why he has this
problem. It will help him relieve stress. This allows an individual to figure out what behavior needs changed
in order to achieve a high plane of emotional competency. When an entity develops his communication
skills, it helps him to interact with his employees, employers and people in society more effectively. It builds
and opening that moves one to innovative channels of self-discovering. These channels lead towards better
communications and may be even a job promotion.

One component of emotional competency is self-regulation. Self-regulation is another component of self-

control, which is defined as 'managing disruptive emotions and impulses." When an entity is competent and
has developed self-regulation skills, it enables him effectively to manage distressing emotions, as well as
impulses that inspire his feelings. An individual who is has self-control is clever to uphold a positive attitude,
remain collected and levelheaded during the most stressful of moments. Another beneficial skill that an
entity that is in self-control possesses is the capacity to remain focused and to think without a doubt while
under an enormous amount of pressure.

Some subcategories of self-regulation are trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability and

innovativeness. These are also necessary skills that direct one towards a path of higher emotional strength
of mind. An individual must be innovative when meant head on with stressful situations or deadlines. This
means that an individual is creative or innovative in their decision making process. An entity who is has self-
control must be dependable and trustworthy. A self-controlled entity is someone who others may come to for
advice and counseling. A malleable or adaptable entity is much like a chameleon. A chameleon has the
aptitude to change colors to fit in any environment. Like chameleons, people also change colors when they
feel uncomfortable or frightened. We see this coloration change when someone is angered.

In order to take advantage of the most out of life and our experiences we must be malleable or flexible. An
inflexible entity is one who is stuck in quicksand and quickly sinking. This is because this person harbors
unhealthy and unbalanced traits, such as stubbornness. The person may be fixed and unyielding to change
his way of thinking in order to adapt in society.

There are many skills to acquire when trying to improve your individual emotional competency. When an
individual decides to change their emotional competency this means that the individual is moving from the
passenger seat to the driver's seat. In order to accomplish your goals and dreams you must be willing to sit
in the driver's seat. When working on one's own emotional competency it is important to make lists of
individual strengths and weaknesses. This allows an individual to see clearly, what areas might need

When an entity is striving towards emotional development, that individual must also work on self-regulation.
Many of us have envied an individual who always seems to be so self possessed or self controlled. This is a
skill that we can all achieve by making little adjustments to our behaviors and attitudes. Permit your life to
reach new and constructive heights through the journey of emotional competency.

Self-regulation will help us when we feel stressed. This is because when one regulates his own actions and
thoughts he expands awareness. We learn to regulate our state of affairs better, which helps us to develop
healthy patterns of behaviors that make us capable of regulating our functions naturally.
Working towards self for a better life in society

Self-identity refers to the psychological and theoretical perceptive of a person and the constant regard that
he holds for his very subsistence. Self-identity of a person can also be seen as the awareness and
thoughtfulness of his own self. The concept of self-identity is completely different from that of self-
consciousness, which refers to concern about one's self. Self-identity of a person comprises physical,
psychosomatic, and social facets that are persuaded by the habits, ideas, attitudes and belief of a person.

In this world where competition is increasing at a tremendous speed, each and every human being is trying
hard in order to carve out a forte for himself. In order to straighten his means an individual is trampling the
relationships that at one point of time were of great importance to him. It is only money that is of great
importance to him. In this way he has deliberately formed a void between the society and his own self.

The possible reason that has made this sort of attitude prevalent in the society is that society is constantly
ignoring the causes and is laying stress on the symptoms of the failure. This way an individual allows the
growth of various pessimistic feelings that comprises lust, jealousy, sloth and gluttony. These features are
incorporated within his identity and serve to explain the kind of human being he is. The growing competition
makes him devoid of all the feelings of humanity and constantly pushes him to the negative aspect. Man
who is regarded as a social animal has completely lost his values in the ongoing rat race for success and
prosperity. In this he has even lost his true and accurate worth. As a person mainly focuses on the mind and
often ignores the thoughts and feelings. It is often seen that its effect on the society is drastic and painful.
This attitude of a person often calls for a need to determine the positive and constructive side of your self
and work towards in its development. The positive thoughts will lead to the emission of harmonious
vibrations around you. This will hinder the growth of the downbeat energy that has been hampering an
individual from adorning pleasant and blissful thoughts. In order to develop healthy relationship with the
society and to relieve oneself from the pressure, a person needs to change his living style. This can be done
by incorporating self-healing process that comprise yoga, meditation, naturopathy, aromatherapy, color
therapy in his daily routine. They are non-invasive processes that do not require any surgeries and drugs.
They aid a person in relaxing and rejuvenating from the stresses and anxiety. Yoga and meditation have
been practiced by people since ancient times, so their reliability cannot be doubted. It is a soothing and
calming process that enhances the concentration of a person. It helps a person to raise oneself from the
measures of the world.

Aromatherapy massages and oils have also been in practice from time in memorial. It also enhances the
process of self-healing that forte helps a person in acquainting with the self that he had lost due to his
excessive indulgence in the selfish means. The aromatherapy oils can also be mixed in the water for a
stress beating experience. It also enables a person to be indifferent to the people surrounding him. This will
also help him to overcome his materialistic advancement to life. These ways will definitely ensure success
and advancement in life by banking on the positive facets and minimizing the unconstructive aspects.
Subliminal learning is the use of techniques that allow people to learn even without any conscious effort at
all. It does this by exposing one to stimulus they are not or barely aware of - images that flash on the screen
for barely perceptible moments, words played over and over again at a volume just above the hearing
threshold, or other such stimulus. The discovery of such methods has aroused the excitement of many
people because of its potential to boost the learning process and make acquiring new skills a lot more
painless and effective.

The possibilities are definitely boundless. Just imagine. If this were true, you would be able to learn new
things without having to buckle down and do the dirty work. For example, it has been argued that learning a
language is theoretically possible using subliminal techniques - no need for books, teachers, and other
learning implements, except for your subliminal learning equipment. You also won't have to lose time to
learn tedious language lessons. You could have your subliminal equipment on while you do other stuffs -
and in some programs - even while you sleep.

Some common applications of subliminal learning include new languages, vocabulary skills, music, and
even behavior modification programs.

It may seem ridiculous at first, but once you get a good grasp of the theories of learning - plus the potential
and limitations of subliminal learning - you will find out that it really isn't implausible after all. For example,
there are actually things you do every day that you learn even if you don't expend any conscious effort to do

Ever wondered how a song got stuck in your head even if you hated the song and tried your best not to pay
attention to it? Somehow, the meaty chorus of the song finds its way into your subconscious and never
leaves, doesn't it?

What about words? Haven't you wondered how a certain word came into your vocabulary even though you
never remembered trying to memorize the word or use it purposefully? You probably heard the word
somewhere - maybe at work, or from your friends, or even from the TV or the radio, and suddenly, poof, it's
made permanent residence in your head - without your notice.

Now, looking at these examples, people have begun to wonder about the possibilities if we could push the
envelop and take advantage of this particular quirk in one's learning process to somehow "accelerate" the
rate of learning among students. Thus was born the wonders of subliminal learning.

Scientists have been digging hard and thorough on the subject of subliminal learning. Although it is
theoretically possible to have such techniques do much for accelerated learning, there will always be
skeptics who look for empirical proof from scientific studies before even considering subliminal learning.
Little by little, these scientists have come to learn more about how we process and store knowledge, and are
receiving heartening results from their studies on subliminal learning.

On a small scale, they are convinced that some skills can be learned through subliminal learning - especially
those that are not "high-process" data such as patterns, words, numbers, and other easy visual data. Other
skills such as languages and mathematics are "high-process" skills that require full attention and thought
when performed. However, learning these skills is still beneficial when learned in conjunction with subliminal
Can you remember your childhood days? During those times, nothing yet seemed complicated - all we had
to think about were crayons, cookies, or Santa Claus. We didn't care about the things we didn't know
because we were just too oblivious of the things that might bother us.

But as we grow older, we get anxious with the things that surround us - life and death, loving and parting,
success and failure, to name a few. We find that almost everyday, we are obliged to be concerned about
people or events.

Nevertheless, always keep this in mind: Don't take things as if they are responsible for the way you feel.
Events or situations do not trouble you. How you look at them does.

If you miss those carefree days, you just have to look back at how you used to view things then, and you will
know what to do now. Here's a guide to make sure you won't lose your way:

Cherish the simple things: Trust in the power of a smile or laughter, a kiss or a hug. Believe in kindness,
honesty, dreams, and imagination. Living positively is the first step to becoming happy.

Loosen up. Laugh at your mistakes. You might remember the time when you were delivering your speech
and your mind went completely blank right in the middle of delivering it. It's embarrassing. But most likely,
your audience will forget about it in a day or two. We all mess up occasionally. The good thing is that people
tend to forget such situations.

Surround yourself with what you love. Get a pet. Retain film moments as keepsakes. Keep away from those
that drag you down. If that high-paying job makes you sulk at the thought of having to go to work, find a job
you like first before quitting. If some people force you to comply even if you think of doing otherwise, stay
away from their company. Don't put off. Go on that trip. Take your Master's. You'll never know the extent of
your life. Do something, while you can.

Don't push yourself too hard trying to please everyone. You just can't. And it never seems to be worth it
anyway. When you want to make somebody's day, start with your loved ones.

Keep fit. Be that attractive person you always picture yourself to be. Cherish your health. It's the best way of
showing you are putting your best face forward.

Do not assume. Don't fret about forgetting your speech before you actually do it. Don't worry about not
getting the job you want because you might mess up at the interview. It's good to expect the worst; but don't
end up expecting only the worst.

Alter your way of thinking. When you're being ridiculed, criticized about your family background, or
condemned for past mistakes, put on deaf ears. Don't believe everything you hear. You know yourself better
than everybody else does. Never wallow in self-pity.

Remember: Don't get upset over things just because it's how most people would react when faced with the
same situation. When you find yourself being negative - angry, down, jealous, etc. - you also unknowingly
drain your energy and enthusiasm. You just have to try keeping these negative feelings in the low, because
giving in to these emotions would sometimes make you unreasonable, and you might end up making bad

Happiness is always in your grasp. You can attain it, as long as you know how.
The road to happiness is written in the Bible: THE way, THE truth and THE Light is Jesus Christ.

It is held by Christians worldwide that there is an innate emptiness in each of our hearts; we try to fill it up
with 'stuff", with experiences, purchases, with drugs and alcohol or sex; this vacuum, this empty place in our
heart can only be filled by Jesus Christ.

Anything and everything else is only temporary. You can keep on trying to fill this void, but the only puzzle
piece that fits is Christ.

Surrendering your life to God leads to amazing things. It takes away all of your fears-you've given those old
fears and problems to God; how he handles them is meant to be.

You simply don't have to worry anymore. You do, however, have to be open to what God may have in mind
for your life.

God does not give you more than you can handle, but He may push you in directions that you've never
thought about. In prayer, ask for your needs, not your wants, and your life will be forever changed.

You will find the purpose of your life in your ministry, be it music, teaching, preaching, giving or reaching the

Your life, as you knew it, empty and void, will be replaced by a lifestyle that compares to no other. The
happiness-the joy-that you could never find will be a part of your life in abundance.
You may have heard of someone saying that they are completely happy on their own and all by themselves.

Although this isn't what appeals to me, I can understand why some people would think this; the only
relationship they have is with themselves and it's hard to mess up a relationship with yourself. It's hard to
have much satisfaction from that kind of relationship too.

Relationships with others are what make the world go around, because it is a thermometer of how we
"relate" to others. Friends can be just like us, or just the opposite of us, but it is how we relate to them that
feeds our souls.

We can choose to put effort into a relationship or choose to walk away; but each of us needs other people
around us to make us feel a part of a bigger thing.

The world is full of other people. We can decide to make friends of some of them and enhance our lives, or
we can choose to remain silent in the elevator or to not speak to the person at the next table at Starbucks.

We can stay in our own little world, or we can expand it to include others, who might enrich us with their
knowledge and personalities. I can open the door, or I can keep it closed.

I can choose to take what my marriage is giving me or I can put more into it and reap the rewards. I can be
lazy and think only about what this relationship means to me, or I can think about how much better it could
be if I put more effort into making sure my spouse gets as much as s/he gives.

You do get back more than you give to relationships and relationships will reward you for years in many,
many ways. Nurture those relationships that you need to keep you happy!
We can relieve our pain by learning the benefits of relaxation. Finding self and your identity will become
easier as you learn to practice stress reduction techniques daily. Healthy practices will guide you to a
healthier life so that you become stronger and happier with your life by relieving stress.

Aromatherapy is the nice scented oils that are used in massage therapy or as home treatments. These oils
have proven to assist with self-healing and development. The oils can help you relax. You have a choice of
using oils, lotions or crystals. Aromatherapy can be inhaled or you can use it in massage therapy.

Aromatherapy can do many things. Some oils will open your pores, while other oils will relax your mind and
body. Massage therapy has proven to act as a self-healing agent by allowing the blood to flow through the
body and mind with more ease.

When you use oils as massage treatment, your system releases stress and tension as well as pain to help
guide you to relaxing. When you inhale the oils self-healing comes from the brain.

Chamomile Roman oil is employed to relieve pain and muscle tension to help reduce insomnia. Geranium oil
is used for relaxing the body and mind of tension and can be employed as lubricate for dry skin.

Jasmine Obsolete is known for soothing and relaxing you self-confidence with relaxation. Soften your dry
skin with the soothing smell of Jasmine as well. You can use Lavender for tired muscles; putting a drop of
lavender on a pillowcase will guide you to a better night of sleep Use oils to cook with like Peppermint oil for
the body and mind. Use the oils for self-healing and development. Rose is great for healing the central
nervous system to keep it in good health.

Rose oils can be utilized as anti-aging agents or to lubricate dry skin. By reducing aging symptoms and
rejuvenating dry skin, you will expand your confidence and self-esteem. The expansion of confidence and
self-esteem is essential for discovering the self-identity.

Sandalwood is effective for guiding you to relaxation with meditating. You"ll find that Sandalwood oil will
help keep you immune system healthy as well.

Be sure to read all labels before using aromatherapy as a guide in self-healing and development. Oils are
very strong and can be dangerous if not used as instructed. If you are not sure or feel confused, consult
your physician and your doctor will advise you on how to use aromatherapy oils.

Using aromatherapy will give you freedom from pain by relieving stress. Take over and be in control to
become stronger by relieving stress as you work through the self-healing and development process. By
relieving stress, you begin to notice a new you. Your confidence will help you develop new skills to gain
strength and power.

You will find a list of scented oils online. Still, you must take other steps to develop your identity and self. For
instance, you must retrain your mind to take control of your life, rather than allow society and others to form
you as a person. This is the largest problem in our world today. Many people follow others, which shapes
their identity and they fall short of recognizing who they truly are.

To reshape your frame of mind, you must use other practices, such as meditation and guided relaxation.
The combined strategies will enable you to expand your mind and discover hidden messages within the
mind that controls your life. Learn some additional practices, such as subliminal learning, which also helps
you to discover who you are.
The basics of setting a goal is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and
businesswomen and all types of achievers in all the different fields. The basics of setting goals give you
short-term and long-term motivation and focus. They help you set focus on the acquisition of required
knowledge and help you to plan and organize your resources and your time so that you can get the best out
of your life.

Setting clearly defined short term and long term goals will enable you to measure your progress and achieve
personal satisfaction once you have successfully met your goals. Charting your progress will also enable
you to actually see the stages of completion leading to the actual realization of your goals. This eliminates
the feeling of a long and pointless grind towards achieving your goal. Your self-confidence and level of
competence will also improve as you will be more aware of your capabilities as you complete or achieve
your goals. The basics of goal settings will involve deciding what you really want to do with your personal
life and what short term and long term goals you need to achieve it. Then you have to break down goals into
the smaller and manageable targets that you must complete in your way to achieving your lifetime targets.
Once you have your list waste no time in tackling your goals.

A good way to have a manageable list is to have a daily and weekly set of goals. By doing this you will be
always in the position of going towards you life plan goals. Everyday will give you the opportunity to fulfill a
certain goal giving you the feeling of accomplishment.

Here are some pointers that should be taken into consideration in setting goals and achieving them.

Attitude plays a very big role in setting and achieving your goals. You must ask yourself if any part of you or
your mind holding you back towards completing your simplest goals? If there are any part of your behavior
that is being a hindrance or puts your plans into disarray? If you do have problems in these areas then the
immediate thing to do is to address this problem. Solutions may include a visit to a doctor or psychiatrist to
control your emotions. Careers are made by good time management practice. Failing in a career is often
attributed to bad time management. Careers require a lot from an individual which often makes the career
the life of the individual. Plan how far do you want to go into your career.

Education is key in achieving your goals. If your goals require you to have a certain kind of degree or require
a certain specialization or demand a certain skill to be developed, make plans in getting the appropriate

Your family should never be left out of your plans. If you are just starting out then you have to decide if you
want to be a parent or when you want to be a parent. You also have to know if you really would be a good
parent and how well would you relate to extended family members

Personal financial situations also play a major role in achieving your goals. Have a realistic goal on how
much you really want to earn. You also must be able to create plans or stages by which you will be able to
reach your earning potential.

Physically gifted individuals may be able to achieve sports related goals like being in the National Basketball
association or National Football League. Determining your physical capabilities should be one of your
priorities. Physical limitations could however be conquered with proper planning.

As the saying goes -'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', or something to that effect, is by all means
true down to the last the letter. Giving yourself a little pleasure: should be included into your plans.

To start achieving your lifetime goals, set a quarter of a century plan, then break it down to 5 year plans then
break it down again to 1 year plans, then 6 month plans then monthly plans, then weekly, then daily.

Then create a things-to-do list for the day.

Always review your plans and prepare for contingencies.

The basics of goal settings should not be so difficult once you get to be familiar with them.
Have you ever heard the phrase 'dress for success?" There is a good chance that you have heard it. Many
individuals are urged to dress for success by their college professors, their parents, as well as their
supervisors. Although it is nice to hear that you should dress for success, you may be curious as to what
the benefits of doing so are. Or, if there are even any benefits to dressing for success.

Before focusing on the many benefits of dressing for success, it is important to know that there are some. In
fact, there are an unlimited number of benefits to dressing for success. One of those benefits is that you
have the ability to improve your professionalism, both inside and outside of work. Dressing for success is
often associated with professional clothes. If public perception and professionalism is important to you, you
will want to take steps to ensure that you are dressing for success.

Another one of the many benefits to dressing for success is the ability to gain self-confidence and self-
esteem. These are both important to your health and wellbeing. It is a known fact that those who look good,
often feel good about themselves. This extra confidence is important when looking to dress for success,
especially in instances where you may be attending a job interview or an important business meeting. In
certain instances, such as these, self-confidence can help you make a good impression.

The number of occasions in which you can dress for success are another one of the many benefits to doing
so. As previously stated, dressing for success is often associated with professionalism. That is why many
men and women make the decision to dress for success when they attend charity events or other social
parties, as well as when attending business meetings, business trips, job interviews, or just work in general.

Although there are a number of occasions in which you are urged to dress for success, such as the ones
previously listed, it is important to remember that you don't really need to have a reason. If you are
interested in dressing for success just because, you are urged to go right ahead and do so. Even if you
have no one to impress, you can still benefit, in terms of self-confidence and self-esteem, from poising
yourself for success, by dressing for it.

Another one of the many benefits to dressing for success is all of your options. It doesn't matter whether
you are male or female, you should have an unlimited number of options, in terms of dress for success
clothes. When shopping, you will find that an unlimited number of retailers sell clothing pieces and
accessories that are ideal for those looking to dress for success. Many of these retailers can be found both
on and offline.

In keeping with your options, when dressing for success, it is also important to focus on price ranges.
Although it is more than possible to find expensive, designer clothing pieces and outfits, you should be able
to find much more. With dressing for success increasing in popularity among many individuals, of all social
standings, a number of clothing manufacturers have developed dress for success clothing lines that are
aimed for those on budgets. This is ideal, as you shouldn't have to be rich or have unlimited financial
resources just to dress for success.

If you would like to dress for success, but are unsure as to how you can go about doing so, you may want to
consider using the services of a professional fashion consultant. Professional fashion consultants are
individuals who consider themselves experts when it comes to fashion. In addition to helping your shop for
dress for success clothing, a fashion consultant can provide you with information on what is popular in the
world of fashion, as well as provide you with moneysaving shopping tips, and much more!

As a reminder, it is important to remember that there are a number of benefits to dressing for success.
Although you can dress for success at any point in time, there are certain instances in which you are urged
to do so, particularly those that are work or career related.
Have you recently accepted a job or a promotion that requires constant travel? Although there are a number
of different reasons for business travel, many use business trips as a way to attend important business
meetings and training conferences. Before you start preparing for next your business trip, it is important to
focus on the importance of dressing for success.

One of the many reasons why you will want to dress for success, when on a business trip, is because you
can look professional. For men, dress for success clothing typically includes business suits, slacks, dress
shirts, and ties. For women, dress for success clothes often includes business dresses and pants suits.
These clothing options are ones that can help to improve your appearance and your professionalism. This is
ideal if your business trip involves meeting with your supervisors or possible business investors.

Dressing for success cannot only help to make you look professional for your next business trip, but it can
also help you feel the same way. Dressing for success is known to improve the confidence of those who do
so. This increase in self-confidence is something that you can benefit from when attending business
meetings. If you are hosting a business meeting on your next trip, you may be excited and nervous all at the
same time. Showing up for your presentation dressed professionally is one of the best ways to ease your
fears, which should allow you to deliver a top of the line presentation.

When on a business trip, it is not uncommon for business travelers to attend multiple meetings. This is most
common with training seminars or conferences. You may find yourself attending as many as five meetings
in one day or as many as ten businesses meetings or conferences over a weeks worth of time. No matter
how many meeting or conferences you must attend, it is important that you dress professional for them all.
Wearing the same clothes to meetings that are scheduled on the same day is okay, but you may want to
have different outfits for each day of the week. This will help you keep up your professional look and feel.

Although many business trips are filled with important meetings and conferences, many business travelers
find themselves with a little bit of free time. If that is the case, you will want to proceed with caution, in terms
of what you wear. While you may not necessarily think about it, you will want to try and dress professionally
at all times. Of course, you are urged to wear casual clothes to workout or a bathing suit to go swimming,
but you will just want to use your best judgment when doing so. This is particularly important when those
that you will be meeting with, like your supervisors or business investors, are staying at the same hotel or
resort as you.

When packing for your next business trip or any future trips, you may want to bring along a few changes of
professional clothes, just in case. You never know when an emergency may arise. It may also be a wise
idea to set aside money for a new outfit, also just incase. When on a business trip, you can never be too
careful. You never know ahead of time what items you may forget to pack or if your airline, should you travel
by air, will lose your luggage. The last thing that you will want to do is be stuck on a business trip without a
change of professional clothes or the funds needed to purchase replacements.

As outlined above, there are a number of benefits to dressing for success when on a business trip, as well
as a number of benefits to doing so. Before you set off on your next business trip or adventure, you will want
to take a close look at what is your luggage.
Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require extra effort to maintain.
However, a relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long lasting
despite many trials.

Building an effective and lasting relationships is a necessity for several reasons. For example in a group or
organization, the well being of the people depends on how efficient and effective that group or organization

The group or organization is also dependent on how the members work well with the management.

An ineffective group or organization can really be very frustrating. An effective group or organization can
also ask so much on their members, that sometimes the members would be having no life outside the walls
of the area where they work or sacrifice the other aspects of their life just to meet deadlines. For an
organization or group with this kind of scenario, relationships can be stressed or suffer from breakdown.
People or other entities who depend on these groups or organization also suffer. Society is defined as a
web of relationships, which requires all parties to work and contribute their share in order to achieve a
common goal. Having a relationship that is good, where cooperation and respect are manifested, can make
society work better. In this way each member works for the good of the whole and towards achieving a
common goal. This can only be attained with effective and efficient relationships. Understanding the other
parties' feeling and position creates an effective and efficient relationship. The easiest method to understand
what is important to another party is to ask them what they want and listen to what they have to say. When
the other party realizes this, they would feel the importance given to them

Effective and efficient relationships require parties to openly express their feelings and positions on all
matters pertinent on the relationship. Assuming that the other party understands our needs and give us
when we need it without asking for it is not a good practice.

Respect is the key to relationship. In order to create a more effective relationship, parties should treat each
other with respect. We can show respect just by listening to the other party and by trying sincerely to
understand how they function. You can also show respect to other parties by confirming that they are doing
everything they can.

The opposite of respect is quick forming of judgements based on unfounded facts and prejudice. Respect
is the very foundation for a great relationship. This also means respecting yourself and respecting others.

Another key area in forming an effective relationship is to tackle differences of the other party directly.
Differences between parties or people are quite interesting. For example in a conversation where each party
listens to the other party, you may observe that each is having two different perspectives.

Work towards a win-win solution for both parties.

This can be done when at least one party acknowledges that the relationship is important. That party would
then exert more time, effort and energy to understand the other party's needs and deal with it to get it out of
the way. Should they fail, it is comforting for that party to know that they tried.

Effectively listening and no pre-judging. This is important if parties are to understand each other.

Informal discussions are conducive for parties. They bring out issues and concerns comfortably. They also
feel more relaxed making them think more clearly.

Developing an atmosphere where the other party can express their feelings when they need to.

When parties fail to express whatever is on their mind or their feelings, it can get in the way of building an
effective relationship.

Parties should be aware that certain things exist naturally but should be controlled in any dealings in any
relationship. Human nature is one. Some of these things found in a relationship also include a history of
stereotyping or mistrust, blaming the other person or party for a strained relationship, excluding the other
party's feelings when focusing on a task, no clear and defined objectives, roles and expectations of each
party in a relationship is also unclear.

Relationships are important to anyone, addressing issues and problems right away is a must to further
improve the relationship. As they say 'No man is an Island'.
Are you frustrated with the way that your clients, supervisors, or coworkers view you at work? If are, you
may be interested in making a few changes. If you are looking to improve your professionalism at work, you
may want to take steps to dress for success.

When it comes to dressing for success in the workplace, your first thought may be to go right out and start
shopping. Of course, this is your decision to make, but, before doing so, there are a number of points that
you may want to take into consideration. A few of those points are outlined below for your convenience.

Before you start shopping for professional dress clothes, namely those ideal for the workplace, you will want
to take time to review your company's dress code policy. In today's society, many companies have starting
imposing rules and restrictions, concerning what employees can and cannot wear to work. To save yourself
time, money, and embarrassment, it advised that you examine your company's dress code before you
deicide to go on a shopping spree.

You may also want to examine what is currently being worn in your workplace. Examining your coworkers
and bosses is a great way to get an ideal of what is fashionable in the workplace, as well as what is not. If
you are interested in dressing for success to make yourself stand apart from everyone else, you may want to
go one step higher. With that in mind, it is advised that you display caution when doing so, as you do not
want to unintentionally "ruffle," any feathers.

Using your best judgment, when shopping for dress for success clothes for work, is another important point
to remember. You should know your office, your coworkers, and your supervisors quite well. Although you
should not necessarily worry about what others think of you and your appearance, especially just your
coworkers, it is common for us to be concerned with talk and gossip. That is just something that you will
want to take into consideration, when dressing for success in the workplace.

Should you decide that you would like to dress for success in the workplace, it is important to remember that
you have a number of different options. In addition to buying new clothes, you can also buy used clothes.
Many do not realize that some individuals only wear elegant or formal clothes once or twice before selling
them to consignment shops or donating them to local thrift stores. If you are carefully with where you shop
and what you buy, you may be surprised with what you are able to find for sale locally, in terms of used

In addition to shopping for work clothes locally, you may also want to do so online. Online shopping is nice,
as it much easier to find deals and discounts than it is to do so locally. You may also find retailers that offer
you discounts for making multiple purchases. These multiple purchase discounts are great if you are looking
to buy matching accessories to go along with your new dress for success clothes.

The above mentioned points are just a few of the points that you will want to take into consideration, when
looking to dress for success in the workplace. As a reminder, it is best if you use your best judgment, as it is
a good guide when determining what you should or should wear to work to make a good, professional
Fred just got hired as a consultant for a financial services company. This new position is different from the
previous job since this will require a lot of traveling. There will be a lot of changes, and getting organized is
the best thing to do before doing anything.

The first that needs to be done is to organize the office. Some things are needed more frequently on the
desk while others need only to be used once in a while. The person can organize this by frequency.

The table can have the computer with the telephone nearby to receive calls. If the printer doesn't fit on the
desk, perhaps putting this somewhere nearby will suffice, since the cords of this machine are not that long.
Some pen and paper, which can be used to write a small memo, can be stored in the top drawer.

A box of calling cards should also be ordered since the job will entail meeting a lot of potential clients. Giving
calling cards away will make it easier for potential clients to get in touch with the company.

The person should also have an inbox-outbox counter on the table. This will make it easier for the person to
know which of the documents are done and which of them still require some action.

Being in meetings and traveling around a lot, the person will probably be better off by carrying an organizer
around. There are the primitive ones that use pen and paper while there are those that are electronic.

Some of these high tech models also serve as mobile phones, which are light, easy to carry, and fit in the
breast pocket.

The office where the company operates has probably been in that building for a long time. The person can
sift through some of the old documents that are not needed anymore and have these thrown out. This will
make the office clutter-free and will make it easier to find things when these are needed.

There is a lot of responsibility in being a top executive. Important documents should not be left lying around.
These should be locked up in a safe (if there is one in the room) or in a drawer when not in use.

Some executives can organize activities for the week in advance using an organizer. Those that can't will
probably need the help of an assistant.

The person can plan everything to be done on a single day. This means writing everything down, and then
crossing out things once they are done. Other pending tasks that are not yet close to the deadline can be
put off so that these can be finished the following day.

An efficient employee is someone who is always ready. He is aware where everything is and makes sure the
office is organized.
Keeping the memory in good condition is a vital part of the brain's function. Every now and then, our actions
greatly depend on a lot of information we retrieve from our memory bank. Such information can either be
short term (such as specific tasks that we have to do) or long term (such as the ability to drive a car or
repeat an instruction we read from a book). While long-term memory may come spontaneously without too
much effort when the need arises, short-term memory requires recalling information from the accumulation
of things stored in our memory. This is why you need to keep your memory in great shape to achieve
efficiency in your daily endeavors:

* Keep your attention focused on the needed information to be stored in your memory bank. Even with
distractions around you, stay focused on the subject. The more concentrated you are on the information, the
better the chances of retaining it in your memory.

* Utilize the most ideal sense or senses when gathering the information. This what we call acuity in sensing
our environment. Be aware of the color or details of a picture, or the particular sound or smell of the thing
involved. All our bodily senses are attuned to collect information depending on the circumstance at hand.
While our sense of vision may be the most used in gathering information, our senses of hearing, smell,
taste, and touch are equally important and helpful in remembering things, situations, and information about
something or someone.

* When you're not sure that the information you are about to remember would really be retained by your
brain, it would be better to write the information. This could be proven effective especially in gathering very
long and tedious information like lecture notes or a personal interview. Just be sure you don't forget that you
have a note at hand; and of course, don't misplace the note.

* Maintain a balance diet. A well-proportioned diet will result to a conditioned memory. Oily and sweet foods
may cloud the memory. If you cannot completely eliminate a bad diet, gradually cut down your intake of
these memory-inhibiting foods. Doing it gradually cushions the effect of withdrawal symptoms and you'll get
adjusted to the new lifestyle you are creating. This is not only beneficial to the memory, but we can say
you're on your way to a healthy life. Drinking lots of water brings lots of advantages to your overall health,
and memory is not an exception.

* Don't deprive yourself with enough rest and sleep. Having enough sleep does not condone laziness;
oversleeping does. So don't feel guilty resting or sleeping as long as it is not overdone. You need it badly to
keep you revitalized from the tiresome demand of work.

* Take time to relax. Breathe deeply if you must. Keep your thoughts organized before acting on them. Keep
away from stress and anxiety. It may be impossible to completely eliminate stress since it is part of our
challenging generation, but try to keep it down as much as possible. Stress may bring your memory into its
inefficient level. Avoid the habit of saying to yourself that you might forget things, because you're more likely
to if you do. This just builds your anxiety level up to its panic mode.

* Stay positive, creative, and energetic. Your memory needs to be within a circle of various things. Things
that come in various shapes, sizes, and colors can motivate your creativity. This is a positive way of
discovering your surroundings in all its variations and diversities. Avoid being enclosed within the four walls
of your room just like you're a prisoner. The only time to be enclosed is when you have to rest or sleep.
Don't be a couch potato. There's a very exciting world out there waiting to improve your memory.

The very best way to improve your memory is between infancy and adolescent. As we grow old, memory
starts to fail. But a strong memory that we can develop during the prime years of our lives will definitely
enhance us to be good thinkers. This can be done by continuously exercising our memory through reading
and other cognitive activities like the habit of solving crossword puzzles. The more you do these, the better
memory retention is developed.

As far as health is concerned, high blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart ailments. It also results to
poor memory retention. Memory function declines when blood pressure is high. Researchers have observed
that people with normal blood pressure, especially at midlife, have a higher cognitive function.
Concentration, decision-making, and remembering functions falter as a result of high blood pressure. What
is healthy for the body is likewise healthy for the memory.
In the pace of life, we seem to have lost our selves. "Self" is described as the understanding of ones self. It
means recognizing of ones soul and inner voice. Often, in the course of fulfilling responsibilities we ignore
our true identity. In addition, our inner voice is suppressed. Inner voice is the voice of god. It gives direction
to the life. As ship is controlled by a rudder, inner voice directs the soul. We are running rapidly to
materialize our aims. In addition, are too busy to introspect and ponder upon our lives. In the midst of hustle
bustle of life we seem to have lost our identity. Identity is the true reflection of an individual. An individual
works hard all day to make currency and improve his standard of living.

In the technological age, world has become globalize. You can reach anybody at any time in the world.
Moreover, interacting with people can be done at reasonable costs. Technology, such as VOIP or voice over
internet protocol, Internet, web camera and low cost flights has enabled people to interact with their loved
ones at low costs. The number of people traveling to far off places has been continuously increasing. Not
only people but even businesses are being outsourced as a result of these cutting edge technologies.
Businesses of developed countries are being done by third world nations at very low costs. Billions of dollars
are being invested on research and development so that people can land on moon. Scientists are working
hard to make space a tourist destination. In addition, within a decade's time this will be a possibility.

Nevertheless, isn't it ironical that people are dreaming to tour space while they have no time to discover
themselves? They have the latest gadgets, such as blackberry and I-phone but have no time to interact with
their loved ones. In addition, by the time people realize the important of their inner selves and family, a
generation goes by. Thus, it is important that you understand your true worth and the purpose of your living.

Your real worth should be based on your understanding of your self and not as per society's rules and
regulations. Everybody has a distinct identity of oneself, what is required is to realize your actual worth. Your
bank balance, gadgets and accessories do not define your. The self is above the materialistic
accumulations. Once you become aware of your self, the life becomes meaningful and happier. In addition,
you have a peace of mind, which are the most prized possessions in the stressful world. You become more
positive and start accepting everything around you as a part of life. As a result you accept your personal

The journey from self-ignorance to understanding your self involves techniques, such as meditation, yoga
and spending time with nature. Meditating regularly can help you know your true worth. Decide on a place at
your home and sit there in a cross-legged position with eyes closed. Remain silent for some time and then
ask yourself questions about the reason of your existence in the world. Initially it may be difficult as well, as
you may be distracted but practice the art of meditating for around 20 minutes everyday. Ask yourself what
the thing gives you actual happiness. Soon you will change the positive difference in your life. The negative
emotions such as fear, anxieties, insecurities or worries will be replaced with feelings of love, affection and
mental serenity.

Spend time with nature and exercise regularly. Colorful flowers, chirping birds and grass-studded dewdrops
are a great stress buster. As a result you have a calm mind and are in more control of your self.
An entity must be willing to laugh at his faults or mistakes. Life is too short to take every little thing to heart.
Just remember that we are all only human. Another skill an entity should possess is the aptitude truly to
understand their limitations and strengths. Someone who is knowledgeable in has a higher measure of self-
awareness and is also capable of accepting feedback from self and others. Many of us disintegrate when we
receive negative feedback. It is important however to accept negative feedback and fundamentally turn this
negative into a positive. This will allow an individual to lead a more positive and successful life.

The problem is despite that many people fall short of accepting feedback; many others also fall short of
providing constructive feedback. The way a person addresses an issue is partially responsibility for the
reactions that return. For instance, if someone tells you that you are ugly, this is a putdown that ultimately
will make you retaliate, or else belittle self privately. This is unhealthy feedback. One of the positive ways to
deliver feedback is to tell the truth while considering the person's feelings. For instance, you have some
qualities that make you a very unique person, only some of the flaws you possess, I feel hinders you from
becoming more successful. This is constructive feedback. Still, many people will not accept this type of

There are two steps that an individual can take when working on developing skills that assist them with
making constructive changes that ultimately helps them to understand self. When an individual is searching
to develop new skills, the individual may want to ask for constructive criticism or feedback from people that
the individual is at ease with. Seek pointers and positive comments about explicit behaviors and actions.
This allows an entity to realize their personal emotions that affect their strengths and limitations.

In addition, an individual should create a personal inventory of their individual strengths. After this list is
created, then compare and contrast the strengths with lists that others have made. This allows room for new
perspectives and self-assessment. Remember that it is always a good thing to receive a second opinion.
Usually a second opinion allows us to step back from ourselves and revaluate a situation.

Keep in mind, just because someone provides you feedback it doesn't necessary mean that you have to
agree every time. We all know ourselves better than others do, so we all have answers that define who we
are buried inside the subconscious mind. Still, we want to consider all positive and even some negative
feedback to help us grow.

We mentioned the importance of self-assessment. When we develop self-assessment skills, it enables us to

examine self-closer. This gives us the power to analyze self with a higher vigilance than average.

When we develop a higher plane of consciousness, it takes us above the average and over the limits of
understanding self in a fuller light. This is because we have established a higher grade of self-identity and
how the self reacts in society.

Speaking of consciousness, we also develop self-realization by taking notice of our actions and thoughts.
Our perceptions are keen, which helps us to reshape misconceptions that lead to most of our problems in
the first place. We recommend that you learn more information about how the conceptions of human beings
play a large role in misguiding entities away from self-identity.

Learning is a part of life that only makes you stronger. Yet, one of the best forms of learning is known as
observational learning.
People seem to have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative
genius. That is not true at all. The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in
order to consistently give out great results. If you don't practice harnessing creative thinking, this skill will
very much atrophy into inexistence. But keep working and this skill will soon come to you in a snap.

So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human leech. No, we're
not talking about just sucking the blood out of every living being available, we're saying that you should take
in as much knowledge and learning you can find. Read everything available -- good and bad, and keep your
mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and
the more your faculty of wonder will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color
into your life.

Focus on a creative activity everyday. Yes, it's an effort. Even doodling is a creative activity. Don't let
anything hinder you. Mindlessness may be a creative activity, but for people who are just starting out to
unleash a little bit of creative thinking in their lives, it is helpful and encouraging to have concrete evidence,
that, "hey, what I'm doing is getting somewhere." So why don't you try it. Practice drawing for a couple of
minutes each day. Bring out your old camera and start snapping photos like crazy. Keep a journal and make
a point to write in it religiously. Another cool idea is to write by describing something with your five senses.
Try to avoid vague adjectives like 'marvelous," "amazing," and 'delicious." Before you know it, you'll have
built yourself a tiny portfolio, and you'll be amazed at the growth you've undertaken after amassing all those
works of art. Who knows, you might actually take to liking those things you do everyday. Pretty soon those
things will become a part of you and you'll be addicted to these creative exercises.

Think out of the box -- or don't. Sometimes, constraints are actually a good thing. Limitations discipline you
to work within your means. It enables you to be more resourceful. Creative freedom is great, but limitations
enforce discipline.

Try something new everyday and let your experiences broaden your perspective. Explore a new district in
your neighborhood. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never been before. Chat up someone
on the bus. Open up to the people around you. As you thrust yourself out of your comfort zone more and
more each day, your sense of adventure grows and so does your zest for life. Think about it. When was the
last time you did something for the first time? If it's been a while, I tell you, you've been missing out on a
whole lot of experiences that could've added to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.
Why don't you try bungee jumping today? Not only will you learn, but you will also have plenty of stories to
share, enabling you to practice your storytelling skills and making you the life of the party.

Embrace insanity. No, not to the point of practically admitting yourself into the mental ward. As John Russell
once said, "Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting." Exactly! Every creative thought was once
deemed insanity by other "normal" people at one time or another. Luckily, that didn't stop the creative
geniuses from standing by them. The thing is, sanity or being normal confines people to think... well,
normally. Withink limits. Creativity is essentially breaking through barriers. Yes, this includes the bizzarre
and the downright strange. I'm not saying that you yourself should develop a creative personality. That might
go haywire. An example of a creative personality would be George Washington, who often rode into battle
naked, or James Joyce, who wrote "Dubliners" with beetle juice for an intense fear of ink, or Albert Einstein,
who thought his cat was a spy sent by his rival (or in thinking creatively in this case, the term could probably
be "archnemesis.") It's important that your creativity doesn't get you detached from the real world

I hope this article has inspired you to start thinking beyond your "limits." If you follow these steps pretty soon
you'll be living a life full of interesting adventures. Unleashing your creative thinking will bring about a new
zest for living life.
When we look at a certain object, a painting for example – we won't be able to appreciate what's in it, what
is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it
a little further, we"ll have a clearer vision of the whole art work.

We reach a point in our life when we are ready for change and a whole bunch of information that will help us
unlock our self improvement power. Until then, something can be staring us right under our nose but we
don't see it. The only time we think of unlocking our self improvement power is when everything got worst.
Take the frog principle for example –

Try placing Frog A in a pot of boiling water. What happens? He twerps! He jumps off! Why? Because he is
not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment – the water's temperature. Then try Frog B: place him
in a luke warm water, then turn the gas stove on. Wait til the water reaches a certain boiling point. Frog B
then thinks "Ooh... it's a bit warm in here".

People are like Frog B in general. Today, Anna thinks Carl hates her. Tomorrow, Patrick walks up to her and
told her he hates her. Anna stays the same and doesn't mind her what her friends says. The next day, she
learned that Kim and John also abhors her. Anna doesn't realize at once the importance and the need for
self improvement until the entire community hates her.

We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We finally see the warning signs and signals when things
get rough and tough. When do we realize that we need to change diets? When none of our jeans and shirts
would fit us. When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth has fallen off. When do
we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs have gone bad. When do we pray and ask for
help? When we realize that we"re gonna die tomorrow.

The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self improvement power is when the whole world is
crashing and falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change. But change becomes
more painful when we ignore it.

Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning
points in our life – and we are all going to eventually unlock our self improvement power not because the
world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized its for our own good.

Happy people don't just accept change, they embrace it. Now, you don't have to feel a tremendous heat
before realizing the need for self improvement. Unlocking your self improvement power means unlocking
yourself up in the cage of thought that "its just the way I am". It is such a poor excuse for people who fear
and resist change. Most of us program our minds like computers.

Jen repeatedly tells everyone that she doesn't have the guts to be around groups of people. She heard her
mom, her dad, her sister, her teacher tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is
what Jen believes. She believes its her story. And what happens? Every time a great crowd would troop
over their house, in school, and in the community – she tends to step back, shy away and lock herself up in
a room. Jen didn't only believed in her story, she lived it.

Jen has to realize that she is not what she is in her story. Instead of having her story post around her face
for everyone to remember, she has to have the spirit and show people "I am an important person and I
should be treated accordingly!"

Self improvement may not be everybody's favorite word, but if we look at things in a different point of view,
we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully
improved. Three sessions in a week at the gym would result to a healthier life, reading books instead of
looking at porns will shape up a more profound knowledge, going out with friends and peers will help you
take a step back from work and unwind. And just when you are enjoying the whole process of unlocking
your self improvement power, you"ll realize that you"re beginning to take things light and become happy.
Just like set menus from restaurants wherein different kinds of foods are served - from appetizers, to main
dishes, to desserts - life also has its menu for an upbeat life. Different people have their own individual menu
that makes them cheerful and optimistic. Find out what they are; they may help to keep your life meaningful,
enjoyable, inspiring, and interesting. Consider the following:

Help the needy, the poor, the handicapped, the ailing, the broken-hearted, the homeless, the lost, and the
environment. The list can go on. When you help the needy - in services, monetary value, or other forms
(lending a shoulder to cry on or an understanding ear to listen to other people's problems) - the returns are
ten folds over. However, don't expect anything in return. Just the contentment you experience in your heart
is an incomparably satisfying feeling. Giving something wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return
is divine. Imagine yourself as the person on the receiving end. You can't wait to return the favor once you
get the opportunity to do so.

Another way to enjoy life is to listen to music. Play your good old favorite songs and sing along. Sing your
best. Sing carelessly or out of tune - whatever it takes to make your heart contented and whatever makes
you laugh. Just hum the tune if you don't remember the words. Sing until you laugh heartily. The idea is to
cheer up. Do this in private with your close friends or relatives though. You don't want to annoy your

The sound of nature is also music. The sound of river flowing, the gust of wind on a tree branch, waves on
the seashore, and birds chirping are as natural as nature can be, and the way music should be. The sound
of nature can make you optimistic because it is a beautiful and serene sound.

Let's face reality. Life has its share of troubles, disasters, and misfortunes. Bad news exists and it disturbs
the mind. Totally ignoring it may not always be the answer to approach life in a realistic manner. However,
you can always find ways to avoid being affected by it to maintain the dominance of life's beauty.

A party without humor and laughter is a dull one. The same is true in real life. Fill your life with lots of humor
and laughter to keep it upbeat. The more spontaneous a humorous situation is, the more natural it is, and
the better it can liven up your spirits.

Look at the lessons that can be derived from misfortunes. Mistakes allow you to learn and see opportunities
hidden behind adversities. Always find meaning from every event in your life. See through the shell game
and value every lesson that you learn.
"Are there still original ideas in the world?" "They beat me to that bright idea; what else can I do?" "I've
failed many times before that I can't think of anything else to solve this problem anymore."

These statements reflect the thought of an individual who has given up on creativity. Sadly, a lot of people
share this way of thinking. They never viewed creativity as a very useful tool to improve or improvise in life in
all its diversity.

A situation that requires a solution can be approached in a variety of ways. There isn't a single way fix to a
problem. Being creative opens new horizons and can deliver many benefits. Creativity can sometimes be
mistakenly interpreted as an obstinate attitude. Some people think that insisting on doing things in a different
way is a sign of stubbornness.

Never hold back a good idea. Everyone is free to interpret his own unique way. Any interpretation by itself is
creativity at work. A person who enjoys creative thinking can easily come up with innovative solutions for
situations that require a quick fix.

For instance, your car got stalled on a deserted highway due to a leaky rubber hose on the cooling system.
Tough luck! Of all places, it had to happen in the remotest places.

If you have some chewing gum in your pocket, it just might be a handy fix. Start chewing the gum and patch
it on the leak. To keep the gum in place, tie it with a piece of rag. This quick fix might do the trick so you can
drive several miles without an overheated engine, until you get to a service station to have the leaky hose

There used to be a television series entitled "MacGyver." The main character is an extremely creative and
crafty guy. Whenever he finds himself in a tight fix, he tries to find a way out of it with his quick fixes utilizing
available materials around him.

In a way, creativity is a never-ending learning process. From learning, you gain untold benefits, which you
can use in real life situations.

Being creative might require you to think out-of-the-box, venturing your mind into the uncommon. You can
never be sure of your ideas until you try them. As long as there is no perceived danger involved, it is always
worth a try.

Inventions are products of creative minds. The field of science, in whatever branch you may touch on, is
invention itself. Without creative minds, science would have been a forlorn field of knowledge.

It must be noted that most adaptations to improve or improvise are aimed at improving current conditions.
Upon analyzing honest applications of creativity, the ultimate intention is to achieve good for all and the will
to build lasting peace. After all, this intention is what counts most.

Erich Fromm spelled it out clearly, "The conditions for creativity are: to be puzzled, to concentrate, to accept
conflict and tension, to be born everyday, and to feel a sense of self."
Time management is basically about being focused. The Pareto Principle also known as the '80:20 Rule'
states that 80% of efforts that are not time managed or unfocused generates only 20% of the desired output.
However, 80% of the desired output can be generated using only 20% of a well time managed effort.
Although the ratio '80:20' is only arbitrary, it is used to put emphasis on how much is lost or how much can
be gained with time management.

Some people view time management as a list of rules that involves scheduling of appointments, goal
settings, thorough planning, creating things to do lists and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time
management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic
skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to
make the results you desire.

But there is more skills involved in time management than the core basics. Skills such as decision making,
inherent abilities such as emotional intelligence and critical thinking are also essential to your personal

Personal time management involves everything you do. No matter how big and no matter how small,
everything counts. Each new knowledge you acquire, each new advice you consider, each new skill you
develop should be taken into consideration.

Having a balanced life-style should be the key result in having personal time management. This is the main
aspect that many practitioners of personal time management fail to grasp.

Time management is about getting results, not about being busy.

The six areas that personal time management seeks to improve in anyone's life are physical, intellectual,
social, career, emotional and spiritual.

The physical aspect involves having a healthy body, less stress and fatigue.

The intellectual aspect involves learning and other mental growth activities.

The social aspect involves developing personal or intimate relations and being an active contributor to

The career aspect involves school and work.

The emotional aspect involves appropriate feelings and desires and manifesting them.

The spiritual aspect involves a personal quest for meaning.

Thoroughly planning and having a set of things to do list for each of the key areas may not be very practical,
but determining which area in your life is not being giving enough attention is part of time management.
Each area creates the whole you, if you are ignoring one area then you are ignoring an important part of

Personal time management should not be so daunting a task. It is a very sensible and reasonable approach
in solving problems big or small.

A great way of learning time management and improving your personal life is to follow several basic

One of them is to review your goals whether it be immediate or long-term goals often.

A way to do this is to keep a list that is always accessible to you.

Always determine which task is necessary or not necessary in achieving your goals and which activities are
helping you maintain a balanced life style. Each and everyone of us has a peek time and a time when we
slow down, these are our natural cycles. We should be able to tell when to do the difficult tasks when we are
the sharpest.

Learning to say "No". You actually see this advice often. Heed it even if it involves saying the word to family
or friends.

Pat yourself at the back or just reward yourself in any manner for an effective time management result.

Try and get the cooperation from people around you who are actually benefiting from your efforts of time

Don't procrastinate. Attend to necessary things immediately.

Have a positive attitude and set yourself up for success. But be realistic in your approach in achieving your

Have a record or journal of all your activities. This will help you get things in their proper perspective.

These are the few steps you initially take in becoming a well rounded individual.

As the say personal time management is the art and science of building a better life.

From the moment you integrate into your life time management skills, you have opened several options that
can provide a broad spectrum of solutions to your personal growth. It also creates more doors for
opportunities to knock on.
Right now, 20 million Americans are in the midst of an episode of depression.

Some have the incapacitating symptoms of what doctors call a major depression. These symptoms usually
require professional attention because they are very severe and demoralizing. Feeling hopeless and
worthless, a person with major depression may sleep and eat irregularly.

In the throes of severe depression, it is hard to concentrate, make decisions, or find the energy to do much
of anything. Thoughts of suicide are common.

Depression primarily refers to a state of mind that is purely negative, with an inclination to insufficiency and a
hopeless lack of interest to do things.

If someone has a minor depression, however, the problem is more manageable. Experts say that people
who have some minor depression will feel lousy about themselves and lousy about their lives, but they are
managing to function at a high level.

In fact, some of the newfound ways of battling the blues are related to what you do as well as what you feel.
Here are some ways that you can prepare your body to help prevent minor depression:

1. Put some spring in your step.

Regular exercise may be the most powerful natural antidepressant available. It is advisable that you take a
brisk walk. Exercise helps generate the release of brain chemicals called endorphins. When endorphin
levels are low, depression occurs. Exercise also oxygenates the brain, keeping it healthy.

How much should you exercise? Thirty minutes, five or six days a week, at moderate intensity, is a nice level
to aim for to help prevent the brain imbalances that can make you vulnerable to depression.

2. Nourish your brain.

Virtually any nutrient deficiency can result in impaired mental function, including depression. To help prevent
depression, health experts recommend that people should take high-potency multivitamins or mineral
supplement. This will supply the brain with enough nutrients in order to keep it properly functioning and,
thus, avoid some mental disorders such as depression.

3. Get enough sleep.

Getting less than eight hours of sleep, night after night, may lower levels of the brain chemical known as
'serotonin," which can make you more prone to depression. To sleep well, health practitioners recommend
going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends.

Relax before bedtime, perhaps with a hot bath. And for the soundest sleep, keep your bedroom quiet and

4. Consider some alternate explanations.

Your emotions, positive or negative, are created not by situations themselves, but by the way you interpret
those situations. A very common situation can turn into a reason for hand wringing unless you take mental
steps to prevent it.

Suppose a friend is going to pick you up so that the two of you can go somewhere and do something fun
together. Now, suppose that time passes, and your friend does not arrive to get you. Your feelings change,
quite literally, from moment to moment. If at first you think of your friend as being insensitive and
irresponsible, you will find yourself feeling angry at him. If you think that perhaps something bad has
happened to him, you will naturally become concerned. If you think that this person does not care much
about you and that is why he is late, you feel rejected, lonely, even depressed.

Although the situation does not change, and that your friend is still delayed, you can have a whole range of
feelings depending on how you interpret that event.

For this reason, experts contend that situations are usually ambiguous, open to any interpretation. Hence,
your interpretation helps create your feelings about the situation. Positive interpretations lead to good
feelings and enjoyment; negative interpretations lead to bad feelings and depression. To stay on the positive
side, try to look for the positive interpretations.

Indeed, depressions can be very destructive if neglected. Hence, the best way to stop the development of
depression is to always put a bright light on the blues and create a positive outlook in life.
Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea
of "I wish I was somebody else." More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most
people are better than us.- when in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than us.

You spot a totally eye-catching girl sitting by herself at a party, casually sipping on a glass of Asti Spumanti.
You think to yourself, 'she looks so perfectly calm and confident." But if you could read thru her transparent
mind, you would see a bunch of clouds of thoughts and you might just be amazed that she's thinking "are
people talking about why I am seated here alone?... Why don't guys find me attractive? ...I don't like my
ankles, they look too skinny... I wish I was as intelligent as my best friend."

We look at a young business entrepreneur and say "Wooh... what else could he ask for?" He stares at
himself at the mirror and murmur to himself, "I hate my big eyes... I wonder why my friends won't talk to
me... I hope mom and dad would still work things out."

Isn't it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could
trade places with them, while they look at us and thinks of the same thing. We are insecure of other people
who themselves are insecure of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in
self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.

Sometimes, you notice that you have an irritating habit like biting off your finger nails, having a foul mouth,
and you – of all people, is the last to know.

I have a friend who never gets tired of talking. And in most conversations, she is the only one who seems to
be interested in the things she has to say. So all of our other friends tend to avoid the circles whenever she's
around, and she doesn't notices how badly she became socially handicapped – gradually affecting the
people in her environment.

One key to self improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend. Find someone who you find comfort
in opening up with even the most gentle topics you want to discuss. Ask questions like 'do you think I am ill-
mannered?", "Do I always sound so argumentative?", "Do I talk too loud?", "Does my breath smell?", "Do
I ever bore you when were together?". In this way, the other person will obviously know that you are
interested in the process of self improvement. Lend her your ears for comments and criticisms and don't
give her answers like "Don't exaggerate! That's just the way I am!" Open up your mind and heart as well.
And in return, you may want to help your friend with constructive criticism that will also help her improve her

One of Whitney Houston's songs says "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all." True enough. In
order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.

Before telling other people some ways on how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself is a
representation and a product of self improvement. Self improvement makes us better people, we then
inspire other people, and then the rest of the world will follow.

Stop thinking of yourselves as second-rate beings. Forget the repetitive thought of "If only I was richer... if
only I was thinner" and so on. Accepting your true self is the first step to self improvement. We need to stop
comparing ourselves to others only to find out at the end that we've got 10 more reasons to envy them.

We all have our insecurities. Nobody is perfect. We always wish we had better things, better features, better
body parts, etc. But life need not to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves.Self improvement
and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect and you are the best.
It's the virtue of acceptance and contentment. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel
contented and happy.
Are you currently looking for a new job or a new career? If you are, you may likely already know that it is
important for you to come prepared to all job interviews. This also includes dressing professionally and
dressing for success. While it is important that you do so when attending job interviews, did you also know
that it is just as important when you are applying for jobs?

When it comes to dressing for success when applying for jobs, there are many individuals who wonder why
it is so important. As you likely already know, you can apply for jobs in a number of different ways. Many
job seekers apply for jobs online, through the mail, or in person. If you intend to submit any of your job
applications or resumes in person, it is advised that you take a close look at your appearance. You should
never enter the establishment of a potential employer in casual clothing; you should always dress for

One of the many reasons why you should dress for success when applying for jobs, especially in person, is
because of common employment practices. You may not know this and not all businesses use this
approach, but the individual accepting your job application may make a few notes. These notes may outline
your personality, as well as your appearance. This is particularly common in jobs that require interaction
between customers and employees, as professionalism and the way that you carry yourself is extremely
important and it can actually have a huge impact on the success of a company.

In addition to creating a good first impression, it is important that you always dress professionally when
submitting job applications or resumes in person because you never know what surprises may await you.
Although many companies will simply collect your resume or job application, there are others who may be in
need of employees right away. In these instances, it is not uncommon for job interviews to be granted on the
spot. In fact, some companies even hire workers right on the spot. How great does that sound? Since you
never know what awaits you, when applying for jobs, it is advised that you take a close look at yourself in the
mirror before you leave your home.

As previously stated, job seekers use a number of different approaches when applying for jobs. Regardless
of whether you are interested in submitting your job application to a medical office, law office, construction
company, or fast food restaurant, it is advised that you always dress professional when dropping off your
resumes or job applications. Even if you will not be required to wear the same clothes to work, should you
be hired, it is important to remember that you want to create a good impression of yourself. Dressing for
success shows that you have drive, determination, and professionalism. These are all features that
businesses look for when hiring new employees.

In addition to simply dropping off your job application or resume at a business, you may also attend career
fairs. As a job seeker, you should know that career fairs are one of the best ways to go about finding jobs.
Career fairs are where multiple employers, sometimes hundreds of them, set up booths seeking new
employees. It is actually common for many companies to give on the spot job interviews during career fairs.
When attending a career fair, you may find that there are certain areas designed just for job interviews. That
is why it is extremely important that you dress for success when attending a career fair.

Although it is advised that you dress for success, it is important to remember that you do not have to go all
out. A simple pants suit or business dress should be enough for women to make a good first impression.
Men, can wear business suits or even an ensemble that includes tan pants, a dress shirt, and a tie.
Wonder why some people could not even achieve an inch of what they dream of becoming? Blame it on
pure dreaming and lack of setting goals for achieving their dreams.

Setting goals is a very significant part of success and positive accomplishments. It is like scaling a 20 feet
building and marking early on what feet you would like to reach at this specific period.

People who set goals literally create a map of their target achievements in life, marking where they should
begin, where to pause, where to delve a bit, and where and when to stop. Once this map is created, it allows
the map drawer to check where he is in the scheme of things and whether or not he is making some
achievements that will take him closer to his goals.

By setting goals, people will know how they are doing and what they should be doing to achieve their targets
or dreams in life. They will know if they can relax or if they have to double their efforts when they are falling
short of what is expected of them.

Goal setting means a person is proactive in dealing with challenges that may affect his plans. Being
proactive means one is able to outline possible difficulties that may occur as well as the solutions to these
difficulties. By doing this, a person is not easily scared or defeated when challenges occur because he has
already prepared for them. He knows they can happen and he has prepared a solution or strategy when that
time comes.

Setting goals will enable people to track their progress in whatever endeavor they have set out to do. It will
help people become more confident in themselves and more motivated to achieve their plans.

However, goal setting is not enough, as this should be accompanied by a positive outlook and self-
discipline. A person may have a blueprint of where he wants to go, but if he does not have the necessary
discipline to carry out the plan, then nothing will come out of it.

To be successful in goal setting, the goals that one has set for himself should be realistic and based on his
capabilities, as well as selected and important external factors. Being too ambitious in setting up goals can
make the goals unrealistic and difficult to achieve. However, do not also set goals that are too low because
this might discourage one's vision instead of achieving it.

It is also necessary that the person setting the blueprint for his direction should also include a time frame
within which the goal will be achieved. This way, he is able to determine if he has to fast track his strategies
or to slow down a bit. Goal setting will also help a person check if he is performing within his plans or if he is
doing things towards the achievement of his plans.

Once you have achieved something, even a little of what you hoped to achieve, then you should always give
yourself a pat in the back to keep you motivated. But do not be too complacent with any little achievement,
as this may cause you to backslide.

Setting goals can be used in any aspect of one's life - from one's personal or family life, to his career and
finances. Goal setting can be as simple as setting a target weight when you wish to lose pounds or
something big, like earning your first million.

When setting goals, it is always important to set standards that would suit your present situation, your
capabilities, and other factors that may influence the achievement of your goal.
I'm sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can't wait to test
out. Of course you're not the only one with the bright idea. So what motivates you to churn those creative, or
even inspiring juices to its utmost flavor?

It's always best to set up a personal goal where you can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like
mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do
will make things easier, and even enjoyable.

Here are some tips to make it through the week even if you're just sitting in your favorite couch. An idea
takes time to form in your head and is always at work while you are busy sitting.

Having a bit of positive thinking can help you realize things that are never thought possible. Thinking big is
indeed the American Way and that what made our country prosperous.

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a
passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.

This is a perfect example where dreams are made of where you start by tinkering with your mind, then with
your hands. And if the idea weakens, you can always go back to it later until you finish it.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting,
commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The American Dream will always
be there, but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time
you hit on something that may appear too extreme, why not give it a shot and see if it will work. You will be
surprised to see of there are other ways to get the task done in time. If you are not pleased with the
outcome, decide to use that moment to learn from and make the appropriate shift.

4. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it
in the most constructive way. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift
towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda

whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity
and lack. As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the Himalayas, allow
yourself to realize that the task is just as important as giving out orders to your subordinates. You would
rather be richly passionate!

6. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself when possible. You may find
yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I am yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his
jokes are as 'old as great-grandma'. Life has so much to offer to allow you to mope around in self pity.
Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.

7. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. No one can take your passionate future from you except
for you! Create your life authentically. As long as there's still breath in your body, there is no end to how
much you can accomplish in a lifetime. The concept of thinking big is all about enjoying your work, which
would lead to celebrate a discovery that is born within your hands. Watch everything flow into place with
perfect, passionate precision.

It's interesting how people get wallowed up by something trivial as learning to use a computer, when
nowadays that top computer companies are manufacturing software that even the kids can do it. I don't
mean to be condescending, but that's the idea of not having any positive thinking in your life-you'll just end
up as a dim bulb in a dark corner. So instead of subjecting yourself to what you will be doomed for, make
your path by taking the first step with a positive attitude.
I seem to lost count on how many times I've read and heard of celebrity marriages failing almost left and
right. Not that I care (and personally I don't), it seems strange that we often see movie and TV stars as
flawless people, living the fairytale life of riches and glamour. I suppose we all have to stop sticking our
heads in the clouds and face reality.

There are many ways to lose your sense of self-esteem despite of how trivial it could get. But whatever
happens, we should all try not to lose our own sense of self.

So what does it take to be a cut above the rest? Here are some of the things you can think and improve on
that should be enough for a week.

1. Know your purpose Are you wandering through life with little direction - hoping that you'll find happiness,
health and prosperity? Identify your life purpose or mission statement and you will have your own unique
compass that will lead you to your truth north every time.

This may seem tricky at first when you see yourself to be in a tight or even dead end. But there's always that
little loophole to turn things around and you can make a big difference to yourself.

2. Know your values What do you value most? Make a list of your top 5 values. Some examples are
security, freedom, family, spiritual development, learning. As you set your goals for 2005 - check your goals
against your values. If the goal doesn't align with any of your top five values - you may want to reconsider it
or revise it.

The number shouldn't discourage you, instead it should motivate you to do more than you can ever dreamed

3. Know your needs Unmet needs can keep you from living authentically. Take care of yourself. Do you
have a need to be acknowledged, to be right, to be in control, to be loved? There are so many people who
lived their lives without realizing their dreams and most of them end up being stressed or even depressed for
that matter. List your top four needs and get them met before it's too late!

4. Know your passions You know who you are and what you truly enjoy in life. Obstacles like doubt and lack
of enthusiasm will only hinder you, but will not derail your chance to become the person you ought to be.
Express yourself and honor the people who has inspired you to become the very person you wanted to be.

5. Live from the inside out Increase your awareness of your inner wisdom by regularly reflecting in silence.
Commune with nature. Breathe deeply to quiet your distracted mind. For most of us city slickers it's hard to
even find the peace and quiet we want even in our own home. In my case I often just sit in a dimly lit room
and play some classical music. There's sound, yes, but music does soothe the savage beast.

6. Honor your strengths What are your positive traits? What special talents do you have? List three - if you
get stuck, ask those closest to you to help identify these. Are you imaginative, witty, good with your hands?
Find ways to express your authentic self through your strengths. You can increase your self-confidence
when you can share what you know to others.

7. Serve others When you live authentically, you may find that you develop an interconnected sense of
being. When you are true to who you are, living your purpose and giving of your talents to the world around
you, you give back in service what you came to share with others -your spirit - your essence. The rewards
for sharing your gift with those close to you is indeed rewarding, much more if it were to be the eyes of a
stranger who can appreciate what you have done to them.

Self-improvement is indeed one type of work that is worth it. It shouldn't always be within the confines of an
office building, or maybe in the four corners of your own room. The difference lies within ourselves and how
much we want to change for the better.
They say there's more than one way to skin a cat. The same goes when you start tearing your hair out with
all the frustration, grief, anxiety, and yes, stress. It's a state of mental conditioning that is like taking that
bitter pill down your throat, causing you to lose your sense of self, and worse your sanity. Just thinking about
it can drive anyone off the edge.

And they say that the proactive ones are already living off the edge.

As one stressed-out person to another, I know how it feels, and believe me there are many variants when it
comes to stress. Coping with life, and carrying the problems that may or may not belong to you can scratch
away the little joy and happiness that you can carry once you head out that door. You can't blame them for
being like that; they have their own reasons, so much like we have our reasons to allow stress to weigh us
down. They say that stress is all in the mind, well, what's bugging you anyway?

There are several ways to manage stress, and eventually remove it out of your life one of these days. So I'll
try to divide it into a seven-day course for you and I promise it's not going to be too taxing on the body, as
well as on the mind.

1. Acknowledge stress is good Make stress your friend! Based on the body's natural "fight or flight"
response, that burst of energy will enhance your performance at the right moment. I've yet to see a top
sportsman totally relaxed before a big competition. Use stress wisely to push yourself that little bit harder
when it counts most.

2. Avoid stress sneezers Stressed people sneeze stress germs indiscriminately and before you know it, you
are infected too!

Protect yourself by recognizing stress in others and limiting your contact with them. Or if you've got the
inclination, play stress doctor and teach them how to better manage themselves.

3. Learn from the best When people around are losing their head, who keeps calm? What are they doing
differently? What is their attitude? What language do they use? Are they trained and experienced? Figure it
out from afar or sit them down for a chat. Learn from the best stress managers and copy what they do.

4. Practice socially acceptable heavy breathing This is something I've learned from a gym instructor: You
can trick your body into relaxing by using heavy breathing. Breathe in slowly for a count of 7 then breathe
out for a count of 11. Repeat the 7-11 breathing until your heart rate slows down, your sweaty palms dry off
and things start to feel more normal.

5. Give stressy thoughts the red light It is possible to tangle yourself up in a stress knot all by yourself. "If
this happens, then that might happen and then we're all up the creek!" Most of these things never happen,
so why waste all that energy worrying needlessly?

Give stress thought-trains the red light and stop them in their tracks. Okay so it might go wrong - how likely
is that, and what can you do to prevent it?

6. Know your trigger points and hot spots Presentations, interviews, meetings, giving difficult feedback, tight
deadlines.... My heart rate is cranking up just writing these down!

Make your own list of stress trigger points or hot spots. Be specific. Is it only presentations to a certain
audience that get you worked up? Does one project cause more stress than another? Did you drink too
much coffee?

Knowing what causes you stress is powerful information, as you can take action to make it less stressful. Do
you need to learn some new skills? Do you need extra resources? Do you need to switch to decaf?

7. Burn the candle at one end Lack of sleep, poor diet and no exercise wreaks havoc on our body and mind.
Kind of obvious, but worth mentioning as it's often ignored as a stress management technique. Listen to
your mother and don't burn the candle at both ends!

So having stress can be a total drag, but that should not hinder us to find the inner peace of mind that we
have wanted for a long time. In any case, one could always go to the Bahamas and bask under the summer
Success is more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. Planning for success is about mapping out all
the aspects of your life. Similar to a map, you need to define the following details: origin, destination, vehicle,
backpack, landmarks, and route.

Origin: Who you are

A map has a starting point. Your origin is who you are right now. Most people when asked to introduce
themselves would say, "Hi, I'm Jean and I am a 17-year old, senior highschool student." It does not tell you
about who Jean is; it only tells you her present preoccupation. To gain insights about yourself, you need to
look closely at your beliefs, values, and principles aside from your economic, professional, cultural, and civil
status. Moreover, you can also reflect on your experiences to give you insights on your good and not-so-
good traits, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses. Upon introspection, Jean realized that she was
highly motivated, generous, service-oriented, but impatient. Her inclination was in the biological-medical
field. Furthermore, she believed that life must serve a purpose, and that wars were destructive to human

Destination: A vision of who you want to be

"Who do want to be?" this is your vision. Now it is important that you know yourself so that you would have a
clearer idea of who you want to be; and the things you want to change whether they are attitudes, habits, or
points of view. If you hardly know yourself, then your vision and targets for the future would also be unclear.
Your destination should cover all the aspects of your being: the physical, emotional, intellectual, and
spiritual. Continuing Jean's story, after she defined her beliefs, values, and principles in life, she decided that
she wanted to have a life dedicated in serving her fellowmen.

Vehicle: Your Mission

A vehicle is the means by which you can reach your destination. It can be analogized to your mission or
vocation in life. To a great extent, your mission would depend on what you know about yourself. Bases on
Jean's self-assessment, she decided that she was suited to become a doctor, and that she wanted to
become one. Her chosen vocation was a medical doctor. Describing her vision-mission fully: it was to live a
life dedicated to serving her fellowmen as a doctor in conflict-areas.

Travel Bag: Your knowledge, skills, and attitude

Food, drinks, medicines, and other travelling necessities are contained in a bag. Applying this concept to
your life map, you also bring with you certain knowledge, skills, and attitudes. These determine your
competence and help you in attaining your vision. Given such, there is a need for you to assess what
knowledge, skills, and attitudes you have at present and what you need to gain along the way. This two-fold
assessment will give you insights on your landmarks or measures of success. Jean realized that she needed
to gain professional knowledge and skills on medicine so that she could become a doctor. She knew that
she was a bit impatient with people so she realized that this was something she wanted to change.

Landmarks and Route: S.M.A.R.T. objectives

Landmarks confirm if you are on the right track while the route determines the travel time. Thus, in planning
out your life, you also need to have landmarks and a route. These landmarks are your measures of success.
These measures must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Thus you cannot set
two major landmarks such as earning a master's degree and a doctorate degree within a period of three
years, since the minimum number of years to complete a master's degree is two years. Going back to Jean
as an example, she identified the following landmarks in her life map: completing a bachelor's degree in
biology by the age of 21; completing medicine by the age of 27; earning her specialization in infectious
diseases by the age of 30; getting deployed in local public hospitals of their town by the age of 32; and
serving as doctor in war-torn areas by the age of 35.

Anticipate Turns, Detours, and Potholes

The purpose of your life map is to minimize hasty and spur-of-the-moment decisions that can make you lose
your way. But oftentimes our plans are modified along the way due to some inconveniences, delays, and
other situations beyond our control. Like in any path, there are turns, detours, and potholes thus; we must
anticipate them and adjust accordingly.
Affirmations are great tools that can help you overcome fear, build your confidence, develop an abundance
mind-set and more. The problem is that many people aren't sure exactly how to write effective affirmations.
Do they always have to be in present tense? Can they contain "negative" words like can't, won't, not, and so

There are plenty of differing opinions on the right and wrong ways to write effective affirmations, but the
bottom line is that an affirmation can be considered effective if it works for YOU! The whole point of
affirmations is to shift your thoughts and emotions to a more positive place so you feel more confident,
happy, secure, abundant, or anything else you're trying to accomplish.

Take a look at the sample affirmations below for starters and feel free to use them if they resonate with you.
If not, try altering them slightly until they trigger the mind-set and emotional state you're trying to attain.

Affirmations for Healthy Weight and Body Image:

- Today I love my body fully, deeply and joyfully. - My body has its own wisdom and I trust that wisdom
completely. - My body is simply a projection of my beliefs about myself. - I am growing more beautiful and
luminous day by day. - I choose to see the divine perfection in every cell of my body. - As I love myself, I
allow others to love me too. - Flaws are transformed by love and acceptance. - Today I choose to honor my
beauty, my strength and my uniqueness. - I love the way I feel when I take good care of myself. - Today my
own well-being is my top priority.

Affirmations for Self-Confidence and Self-Belief:

- Fear is only a feeling; it cannot hold me back. - I know that I can master anything if I do it enough times. -
Today I am willing to fail in order to succeed. - I believe that I have the strength to make my dreams come
true. - I'm going to relax and have fun with this, no matter what the outcome may be. - I'm proud of myself for
even daring to try; many people won't even do that! - Today I put my full trust in my inner guidance. - I grow
in strength with every forward step I take. - I release my hesitation and make room for victory! - With a solid
plan and a belief in myself, there's nothing I can't do.

Affirmations for Abundance and Prosperity:

- I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life. - I always have more than enough of
everything I need. - Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! - Today I expand my awareness of the
abundance all around me. - I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways. - My grateful heart
is a magnet that attracts more of everything I desire. - Prosperity surrounds me, prosperity fills me,
prosperity flows to me and through me. - I exude passion, purpose and prosperity. - I am always led to the
people who need what I have to offer. - As my commitment to help others grows, so does my wealth. - My
day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance and love.

Affirmations for Life Purpose:

- The better I know myself, the clearer my purpose becomes. - My unique skills and talents can make a
profound difference in the world. - Today I follow my heart and discover my destiny. - I am meant to do great
things. - I am limited only by my vision of what is possible. - My purpose is to develop and share the best
parts of myself with others. - Today I present my love, passion, talent and joy as a gift to the world. - I need
not know the entire journey in order to take one step. - I fulfill my life purpose by starting here, right now. -
My life purpose can be whatever I decide to make it.

Affirmations for Inner Peace:

- All is well, right here, right now. - Peace begins with a conscious choice. - Today I embrace simplicity,
peace and solace. - A peaceful heart makes for a peaceful life. - I trust the universe to deliver my highest
good in every situation. - By becoming peace, I create peace in every experience. - I am filled with the light
of love, peace and joy. - Peace comes when I let go of trying to control every tiny detail. - Where peace
dwells, fear cannot. - Today my mission is to surrender and release.

Affirmations for Opportunity:

- Today I open my mind to the endless opportunities surrounding me. - Opportunities are everywhere, if I
choose to see them. - I boldly act on great opportunities when I see them. - My intuition leads me to the
most lucrative opportunities. - An opportunity is simply a possibility until I act on it. - Some of the best
opportunities are made, not found. - Today I see each moment as a new opportunity to express my
greatness. - I expand my awareness of the hidden potential in each experience. - Let each of my
experiences today be a gateway to something even better. - Each decision I make creates new

Affirmations for Love:

- I am ready for a healthy, loving relationship. - All of my relationships are meaningful and fulfilling. - As I
share my love with others the universe mirrors love back to me. - I see everyone I meet as a soul mate. - I
trust the universe to know the type of partner who is perfect for me. - Today I release fear and open my
heart to true love. - I am grateful for the people in my life. - I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner. - I
deserve a loving, healthy relationship. - I deserve to be loved and I allow myself to be loved.

Affirmations for Healing:

- I am strong and healthy. - My energy and vitality are increasing every day. - I open to the natural flow of
wellness now. - My inner guidance leads me to the right healing modalities for me. - Abundant health and
wellness are my birthright. - Thank you for my strength, my health and my vitality. - I am feeling stronger and
better now. - I love taking good care of myself. - Today nurturing myself is my highest priority. - Thank you
for the opportunity to balance my mind, body and spirit.

Affirmations for Inner Clarity:

- Today I awaken to my higher wisdom. - My inner voice guides me in every moment. - I am centered, calm
and clear. - I always know the right actions to achieve my goals. - When I know where I'm going, getting
there is a cinch! - Today I am completely tuned in to my inner wisdom. - Harmony is always a sign that I am
balanced from within. - Thank you for showing me the way to my dreams. - I trust my feelings and insights. -
I am detached and open to divine guidance.

Affirmations for Self-Love:

- I am filled with light, love and peace. - I treat myself with kindness and respect. - I don't have to be perfect;
I just have to be me. - I give myself permission to shine. - I honor the best parts of myself and share them
with others. - I'm proud of all I have accomplished. - Today I give myself permission to be greater than my
fears. - I love myself no matter what. - I am my own best friend and cheerleader. - Thank you for the
qualities, traits and talents that make me so unique.
There are no hard and fast rules about what tools you must own, if you are going to embark on a mission to
improve your time management skills. The following simple tools, however, are inexpensive, and can help
make the process of tracking, planning and organizing your time easier and less burdensome.

Time Monitor Journal- This resource comes in both the digital and traditional varieties. It is useful in helping
you to monitor and record your own use of time, in order to identify key areas for change.

While a special journal is not needed, you may find that a ready made one saves you time in the long run, by
doing the majority of the work for you prior to the actual recording of your activities.

Planner- Available in digital and traditional formats, planners are wonderful for recording goals, making
notes, keeping track of appointments and more. A planner is a must have to help you stay organized and on
target, when working toward your goals.

Select a planner that allows you enough room to keep track of a number of appointments and daily goals,
but that is small enough so that you are able to carry it with you at all times.

Organizer- These can be useful for planning a specific project, or managing a number of projects all at the
same time. Digital and traditional versions of project organizers are available that can help you stay on top of
the job.
Do you have a problem with time management? If you do, you have two main options. One of those
options and often the most popular is to continue on with your normal activities. Unfortunately, doing so may
have a negative impact on your personal life, as well as your work life. The other option is to make a
change. The good news is that there a number of steps that you can take to improve your time

As for what you can do to improve your time management, you will see that a number of different
approaches can be taken. Goal setting, to do lists, limiting tasking, prioritizing, and outsourcing are all
effective ways to manage your time, but they are also just a few of your options. As for why you should
learn and practice proper time management, there are a number of reasons why, five of which are outlined

1 – It Is Easy To Do

As previously summarized, you have a number of different options when looking to make better use of your
time. These options are all easy and cost effective ways. In fact, creating goals and task lists for yourself is
free of charge. Since it is easy for you to learn and practice proper time management techniques, why
would you want to do anything else?

2 – It Is Important To Your Personal Life

As previously stated, having a poor sense of time management has a number of serious consequences, one
of those being your personal life. If you regularly pay your bills late, don't make contact with friends, or
arrive home later than normal, you may be hurting your personal relationships and often in more ways than
you could have ever imagined. Friends, spouses, and romantic partners will likely not want to put up with
this behavior for long.

3 – It Is Important For Your Job

Poor time management will not only negatively effect your personal life, but your work life as well. If you do
not know how to properly manage your time, you may get easily distracted. This may result in you wasting
company time. If you are caught doing so repeatedly, you may find yourself terminated from your current
position. This can also have a negative impact on your personal life, as it may leave your finances in
serious trouble.

4 – It Is Something That You Can Only Benefit From

Taking the time to learn and practice successful time management techniques can only benefit you, your
work, and your personal relationships. Since no money technically needs to be spent on time management
tools or training, you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. It is also important to ask yourself again
the important question of "why not?" Why not improve your life with the learning and practicing of time
management techniques?

5 – The Options That You Have

Once again, it is important to focus on the options that you have when looking to learn and practice proper
time management. Creating a set of goals and a task list is easy and free to do. Alarm clocks and timers
can also be used to help you make better use of your time. You likely already own a traditional alarm, but
your cell phone, computer, and television may also come equipped with alarm clocks as well.

As a reminder, there are a number of other time management tools and techniques that you can easily learn
and practice all from the comfort of your own home.
Are you an individual who can't seem to properly manage your time? If you are having problems at home or
at work, there is a good chance that your problems may be caused by your inability to properly manage your
time. The good news, however, is that there are a number of steps that you can take to improve your time
management. In fact, 8 simple steps that you can take are highlighted below.

1 – Know That You Have a Problem

Knowing that you have a time management problem is the first step in changing your behavior. Although it
is typical to be late for work or a social event on occasion, it is something that should not be happening on a
daily or a weekly basis. If it is, it is time for you to realize that you may have a problem.

2 – Decide To Change

Knowing that you have a time management problem is important, but wanting to change is even more
important. You need to set goals for yourself, as these goals can help to provide you with a source of
motivation. Sample goals include showing up to work on time for a whole month, being on time for all dinner
dates, and so forth.

3 – Stick To Your Goals

Creating a number of time management goals for you to meet is advised, but it is important that you don't
give up right away or when you are faced with complications. Setting goals simply just isn't enough, you
need to stick with them.

4 – Create Daily Task Lists

Creating a to do list for yourself is an easy way to properly manage your time. In fact, it is one of the easiest
approaches that you can take. Outline what you need to do throughout the day. Be sure to list your tasks in
order of importance.

5 – Rely On Time Management Tools

Properly managing your time is important, but it can be hard for many individuals to get use to, especially
right away. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to consider using time management tools to
your advantage. In fact, did you know that many cell phones and computers come with alarm clocks, alerts,
and so much more?

6 – Learn How To Say No

In all honesty, there are times where you may not be able to refuse a project at work or a task at home, but
try to not take on more than you can accomplish. If you must, look into using outside help. In the home, this
outside help can come from a housecleaner. At the workplace, this outside help can come from a coworker.

7 – Get Organized

Organization is key to being able to properly manage your time. If you are unorganized, you are likely to
waste a large amount of time. For example, in the workplace you can waste time by searching for lost or
misplaced documents. The same can be said for the home; if you are unorganized, you can spend hours
searching for your glasses or car keys.

8 – Consider Hiring Professional Help

As previously stated, if you are overwhelmed at home, you may want to call on a professional housecleaner.
In addition to taking this approach, there are other professionals that you can target. There are individuals
and companies who specialize in teaching others how to effectively manage their time and stay organized.
Right now, there is a huge new sensation about Akashic records. You"ll find that a lot of people are being
drawn into Akashic records as a way for them to heal. You"ll find that a lot of people use the knowledge in
order to feel safe and secure about their future. They also find that these practices are almost a remedy for
anxious feelings.

When you take a look at your Akashic record you"ll be able to achieve a lot of your goals. You"ll want to
keep in mind that people don't want to wait to see what their future holds, but people are now more than
eager to learn more about themselves on a deeper level.

Most people are unable to get in touch with their own Akashic record so they do end up having a reader
come in and help them. They will help read the signs, but they will also help translate a lot of the information
that is left unnoticed. You"ll want to keep in mind that the Akashic reader will help you to release negative
energy and also it will help you to embrace positive energy. This will help you get rid of some of the
obstacles that you have and obstacles that prohibit you from growing.

It all depends on the person, but you should be able to access all the information in a trace-like state. You"ll
be able to channel a lot of information at this conscious level, however, you"ll be able to get to the deep
(hidden truth). You"ll want to keep in mind that most of these records will help you to understand the person
you use to be and the person that you are growing into.
I have two questions for you. How do you feel about yourself? How well organized are you? Notice that if
you feel fairly well organized then you probably feel rather good about yourself, i.e. your self-esteem is
probably high. In fact, if you are reading personal development books, listening to audio programs or
attending seminars on personal development and self-esteem, then chances are you're caught in a circle.
You do some personal development, and you feel better, and you get on with life, but the disorganization of
your life catches up with you and so you go back to doing a bunch of personal development. Self-esteem
and personal organization are essentially two sides of the same coin. The coin that opens those gateways to
all success. You can focus on either of those sides separately, but in the end organization depends on self-
esteem, and vice versa, self-esteem depends on getting organized in your career development and personal
life. By emotionally getting involved with taking extra control of your personal areas at work and home you
will start feeling proud of your surroundings, and ever more competent at getting organized. Focusing
intellectually on how to get organized, and emotionally super-charging that effort for all the positive emotions
that come from being organized, will boost your self-esteem. And that provides ever more fuel to get
organized even more. Self-esteem and Getting Organized create a self-supporting positive feedback
mechanism. The more you improve on one of them, the more the other will improve. Your two pronged
attack is to work on both, be mindful of both, understand how they both inter-relate, and ultimately combine
as two sides of the same coin. The coin that affords your every desire, and inevitably brings you all that you
If learning the Chinese language is on your list of things to do, then consider using the first tool at your
fingertips...your computer. Today, the internet is chocked full of a multitude of a variety of instructions for
learning Chinese. Each site offers something unique and beneficial to that site, however, there are of
course, some maintained with a more serious hand in learning and others, well, just plain frumpy. Before
you begin, be prepared to do a lot of surfing from your favorite search engines and bookmarking the ones
appropriate for your own level of learning. You will have to separate the good sites from the not so good
sites. Know what it is exactly you wish to learn. Do you wish to learn to write the beautiful characters? Do
you just need to know simple communication phrases? Develop some kind of plan of purpose, to save time
and struggle meandering through sites.

For starts consider answering these questions:

Do you wish for only an introduction to Chinese ? Then you would type the search as only that, considering
using wikipedia for background information. Also, check out traditional Chinese sites and blogs for native
input and understanding. Do you want to find a class? You can search locally in community or universities
for a class offline and in real life classrooms. Or you can search for classes offered online, some allowing
you to work on your own time and at your own pace. If you wish to add a tutor or only use a tutor, a lot of
these sites have tutors available. Many instruction programs come with one on one guidance as a
enhancement to teaching.

Do you already know Chinese and just wish to improve your skills? What is superior about learning Chinese
on the internet is the abundance of free online courses dedicated to familiarizing you with the language, as
well as providing plenty tools to brush up on what you already know. Some sites use games, animation,
virtual flash cards, interactive exercises, and links to other Chinese language sites. Blogs are also available
where you can communicate in Chinese. These blogs are a valuable asset in learning, as sometimes the
blogger has inside information to other places teaching Chinese. Do you want to learn the art of Chinese
characters? There is no better place in which to learn this transcending ancient art form than the internet.
With the demand for this art form increasing, more sites exist to meet that demand. With little effort, you can
access from your search engine, dozens of legitimate sites for learning the characters properly. There are
also free and inexpensive downloads available to learn and practice.

No matter your curiosity, or ability, there are ways to successfully master skill in the Chinese language
online. In fact, it probably is your best bridge to learning. Because there are so many, remember to
bookmark your favorite sites, so you can return to them later. It is thru the internet, we find knowledge.
There is really a need for personal development home based businesses. Self improvement is a top priority
for people today. In business, employees who improve their skills improve their chances of promotion. In
relationships, people are trying to connect with each by acquiring better communication skills. On a deeper
level, we are all trying to take the reins of the future ourselves and control our destiny. It is not enough
anymore to just be content with what is in our lives when we know knowledge is power. Today's collective
momentum is born out of a choice to live consciously. Life fulfillment can be found in being aware of the
choices we make and the accountability we take towards those choices.

Personal development home base businesses have been around for awhile. However, the boom for these
services have jumped since the success of the book and movie called "The Secret". In this popular book
"The laws of attraction" became a new catalyst for getting what you want out of life. It is this ideology which
is responsible for a new breath of air into the personal development arena. "The Secret" is a outspoken
reminder to aspire to all things possible within our lifetime.

Should you consider a personal development home based business? If you are passionate about being a
mentor to others, or have a good knowledge base of personal development skills or resources, then
perhaps this is for you. You may embrace a special area of focus or have particular strengths which are
desired in teaching others. The worse reason for getting into personal development is just to make money.
Too many people exist that are seeking genuine help with their life, that it would be a disservice to the whole
personal development field.

When embarking on this career choice, evaluate your purpose and what you will specialize in. Do you hold a
special ability to motivate people? Then perhaps a motivational speaker is for you. You could focus your
area around public speaking seminars. Once you identify your purpose in the personal development field,
you can design a plan for success. If the idea of going alone scares you, then consider joining a legitimate
personal development franchise with home businesses. Many organizations of this kind are always looking
for healthy additions to their businesses.

The future looks positive for growth in the personal development field. Our world is increasingly hungry for
change, for growth and for complete control of our lives. We want spiritual enlightenment, physical and
emotional well-being, and financial freedom. Humans are craving to feel complete in their lives. We are living
new truths about ourselves. We are examining with a microscope our co-existence with others. Hungry for
new information, people are actively seeking out personal development avenues. The demand for
knowledge on self-improvement is insatiable. It is this field which provides those seeking with not only tools
for change, but with inspiration and confidence. No other field exists today which can provide spirit renewal
like personal development.
Out of 2003 came the emergence of Asian rap star "Jin" with social cultural hit "Learn Chinese". It appeared
as refreshing insight into the music subculture of Asian American and attempted to bring a whole new
perspective to rap music. It was a shout out at a rapidly growing popular trend by young Asians to get on
the rap music money train and express themselves about their social concerns. One of those social
concerns is how they are perceived by Americans. Much of the lyrics they sing contain a sort of animosity
for racial stereotyping of their culture. Rap music has typically been reserved for the African American
culture with a few white rap icons, like Eminem, bursting out into scene sparingly. Thanks to Jin, a message
was developed but met with much controversy from Asians themselves. Most agreed the music including
some background lyrics in Cantonese was little to be desired, and overall, was not what they would sing, but
agreed in was an intriguing relief for his command of the English language. Many were not impressed, and
yet some understood and appreciated his attempt at breaking social stereotyping of Asians in American

Jin was discovered after a freestyle competition landed him into the arms of Ruff Ryder records where he
was promptly signed. Since then, he has fused his career tight into the business of rapping. He did well in
aggressively voicing his pride of "being a chinaman" in his lyrics, while dismissing the need for him to fall
into the stereotype of Asian Americans by saying "your gonna learn Chinese".

Maybe he had a point about us learning Chinese. Increasingly, we are witnessing the economy merge into
universal highway where interactions with each other means we are gonna have to learn Chinese. Chinese
is used all thorough out Asia, and rapidly being used in the western world. The old boundaries have been
broken in media and arts, allowing emerging stars like Jin break onto the scene and popularize even more
the Chinese culture. Chinese characters are now an art form found on the walls in homes. Fung Shui is a
popular home design to encourage balance, serenity and prosperity. The Chinese culture rich in history
promises restoration in life flows, almost guarantees success with what they value and believe. As
westerners, we listened and became infatuated with their calm sense of being and their belief system. Even
their work ethics have us silently amazed. To see Jin "learn Chinese" video represent china in a hip hop
music art form was fascinating.

Jin has done a lot of variety of things not many know. For the "2 Fast 2 Furious" film he not only landed a
small role as a mechanic, his song "Peel Off" was featured on the soundtrack. Jin also has a new album
soon to be released in 2007. Whatever Jin chooses next, we have already tasted his influence on hip hop in
a new delivery, bringing us that much closer to having to learn Chinese.
Do you have the ability to accept the things you can change and the things you cannot change? Do you
have the ability to accept that other people are opt to change them, rather than you changing them? Do you
accept that you are who you are, regardless of what others think? Can you accept the many changes that
take place in your life?

If you answered yes to one or all of these questions then you are off to the start of improving your personal
life. If you are willing to accept, you have the ability to laugh, even when something is not funny. For
instance, if someone pushed you, you could stand back and laugh. The push is only a threat to your
emotion, which you will see, accept and find a way to gain control of the situation. +When you can accept
things in life, including you and others you find a way to take control. When you are in control, it helps you to
see how you can improve your personal life. When you learn to accept you will learn to discover you. +
+Individuality is personal, which philosophers over generalize this subject. Many people in the world believe
that when we act the same way at all times, we have established our identity. Politically incorrect! We have
emotions, thoughts, behaviors, actions, and have been plagued by a world of influences both good and bad.
Each day we will feel something new, which causes our personality to reflect on these changes. Therefore,
when you see someone laughing one minute and crying the next, you are seeing a shift in emotions, which
is a normal pattern of identity for this person. Unless the persons eyes change, behaviors change
dramatically, friends change regularly, etc, and you are seeing common behaviors. ++We live in a world that
desensitizes us. We are surrounding by billions of influences on television, in the media, on radio, in house-
holds, government, schools and so forth. Each to their own, but everyone is judging someone at some time,
which is something we have to accept. We cannot change these peoples behaviors and way of thinking, but
we can change ours. This is a part of learning and accepting. The best way around the world is become your
own influence and allow other influences to make someone else's life miserable. Only rely on sources that
prove truthful with their actions, behaviors and words. Positive reflections are the key to living happier.

Once you learn to accept you will be eager to laugh. For instance, if someone makes you mad you will see
the humor in his or her actions. You may see the humor in your actions if you make a mistake and feed into
their stupidity. +Once you start to see the humor in life, you will feel better inside. We are involved in a
unruly world filled with greedy people, envious souls, lusty tigers, and so on. We have to learn how to work
around these people, accept us and move on. Once you learn to change to better you, other people may
follow. Good conduct has proven far more effective than words to encourage others to change.

As you grow you will feel a new hunger, and that hunger will guide you to discover new ways to better you.
In time as you start to feel better, you will see a need to exercise, eat right, and hang out with positive
influences and so on. Once you feel this hunger, you will feel inspired to labor to achieve your goals.
It is the natural right of every human being to be happy to escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is the
normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only
because of our ignorance that we do suffer. Happiness is the product of wisdom. To attain perfect wisdom,
to comprehend fully the purpose of life, to realize completely the relationship of human beings to each other,
is to put an end to all suffering, to escape every ill and evil that afflicts us. Perfect wisdom is unshadowed

Why do we suffer in life? Because in the scheme of nature we are being forced forward in evolution and we
lack the spiritual illumination that alone can light the way and enable us to move safely among the obstacles
that lie before us. Usually we do not even see or suspect the presence of trouble until it suddenly leaps upon
us like a concealed tiger. One day our family circle is complete and happy. A week later death has come and
gone and joy is replaced with agony. Today we have a friend. Tomorrow he will be an enemy and we do not
know why. A little while ago we had wealth and all material luxuries. There was a sudden change and now
we have only poverty and misery and yet we seek in vain for a reason why this should be. There was a time
when we had health and strength; but they have both departed and no trace of a reason appears. Aside
from these greater tragedies of life innumerable things of lesser consequence continually bring to us little
miseries and minor heartaches. We most earnestly desire to avoid them but we never see them until they
strike us, until in the darkness of our ignorance we blunder upon them. The thing we lack is the spiritual
illumination that will enable us to look far and wide, finding the hidden causes of human suffering and
revealing the method by which they may be avoided; and if we can but reach illumination the evolutionary
journey can be made both comfortably and swiftly. It is as though we must pass through a long, dark room
filled with furniture promiscuously scattered about. In the darkness our progress would be slow and painful
and our bruises many. But if we could press a button that would turn on the electric light we could then make
the same journey quickly and with perfect safety and comfort.

The old method of education was to store the mind with as many facts, or supposed facts, as could be
accumulated and to give a certain exterior polish to the personality. The theory was that when a man was
born he was a completed human being and that all that could be done for him was to load him up with
information that would be used with more or less skill, according to the native ability he happened to be born
with. The theosophical idea is that the physical man, and all that constitutes his life in the physical world, is
but a very partial expression of the self; that in the ego of each there is practically unlimited power and
wisdom; that these may be brought through into expression in the physical world as the physical body and
its invisible counterparts, which together constitute the complex vehicle of the ego's manifestation, are
evolved and adapted to the purpose; and that in exact proportion that conscious effort is given to such self-
development will spiritual illumination be achieved and wisdom attained. Thus the light that leads to
happiness is kindled from within and the evolutionary journey that all are making may be robbed of its

Why does death bring misery? Chiefly because it separates us from those we love. The only other reason
why death brings grief or fear is because we do not understand it and comprehend the part it plays in
human evolution. But the moment our ignorance gives way to comprehension such fear vanishes and a
serene happiness takes its place.

Why do we have enemies from whose words or acts we suffer? Because in our limited physical
consciousness we do not perceive the unity of all life and realize that our wrong thinking and doing must
react upon us through other people a situation from which there is no possible escape except through
ceasing to think evil and then patiently awaiting the time when the causes we have already generated are
fully exhausted. When spiritual illumination comes, and we no longer stumble in the night of ignorance, the
last enemy will disappear and we shall make no more forever.

Why do people suffer from poverty and disease? Only because of our blundering ignorance that makes their
existence possible for us, and because we do not comprehend their meaning and their lessons, nor know
the attitude to assume toward them. Had we but the wisdom to understand why they come to people, why
they are necessary factors in their evolution, they would trouble us no longer. When nature's lesson is fully
learned these mute teachers will vanish.

And so it is with all forms of suffering we experience. They are at once reactions from our ignorant
blunderings and instructors that point out the better way. When we have comprehended the lessons they
teach they are no longer necessary and disappear. It is not by the outward acquirement of facts that men
become wise and great. It is by developing the soul from within until it illuminates the brain with that flood of
light called genius.
There are many, many positive techniques and skills related to anger management. Since anger
management seems to affect so many people in society, it is imperative to design and create techniques,
teach skills, provide counseling and provide appropriate care and support. Since anger issues affect
individuals from childhood to adulthood, obviously it is necessary to teach anger management skills that
work for every age group. For the person who is dealing daily with anger problems, it is important to learn
skills that will be effective in coping.

One skill that tends to help people deal with negative emotions is acupressure. This technique used as an
anger management skill is achieved by tapping or rubbing the body. Using this skill, briskly massaging the
body when feeling tense and upset, causes an individual's energy to move around their body which results
in relaxation. An anger management skill or techniques known as the Emotional Freedom Technique of EFT
can be combined with acupressure to fight against negative emotions. EFT works to balance the brain
hemispheres to help an individual admit to their problem and find forgiveness. This anger management skill
would be very beneficial in helping a person release feelings of anger and relax.

Adopting positive anger management skills might involve keeping a journal. When an individual writes about
the situations which upset them, it helps to get the negative thoughts and emotions out of their head. By
journaling about feelings and emotions, a person is able to rid their minds of unhealthy thinking and put them
on paper. This anger management activity would provide specific details and perhaps triggers which usually
set the individual off. Being able to read and review reactions to situations, a person might be capable of
making changes in their behavior.

When considering anger management skills, there's one which is quite easy to adopt. Removing themselves
from a threatening situation might eliminate the problem. If a person realizes they have difficulties controlling
their temper, they might consider staying away from situations which may cause heated arguments. If a
person has a regular pattern of lashing out during specific conversations, they ought to avoid those
incidents. Some people who have anger issues seem to go looking for a reason to get upset. If aiming to
adopt anger management skills, these people should attempt to change this way of thinking. Instead of
going to the problem, they ought to run from the problem.

Adopting anger management skills that work is definitely an essential step when striving to cope with
feelings of rage and anger. There are many suggestions and recommendations offered on Internet sites
related to anger management skills. It would certainly help to visit these sites and read the information and
advice. It is unreasonable to think that a person will use all of the anger management skills suggested.
However finding one that works may mean trying each of them at least once. When an individual is
attempting to gain control and eliminate the negative feelings normally dictating their life, exploring anger
management skills is necessary to find a technique or skill which works for them.
Having a job can be a stressful activity. Most people lose a lot of time just trying to think about their job. Too
often, your job consumes you that it becomes a part of your everyday life and you tend to lose priorities on
other activities. However, all of these are due to improper management of time.

The problems

Without proper time management, you could be facing a lot of stress. You have to remember that
productivity does not just mean doing several things. You need to create a balance in these activities and
make sure each are properly done. When you have so many things to consider, you are very much likely
going to fail in meeting your deadline or you can schedule more than one meeting at the same time. This
could lead to lower efficiency and lots of time wasted. Although you might not lose your job in the process,
you could easily forsake other aspects of your life.

The remedy

Time management can help prevent such events from happening. This is because you won't have to worry
about things when you schedule your events properly. You get a lot of stress relief and a lot of time to
prioritize your life.

However, successful time management is quite tricky. You have to incorporate a little self-discipline in order
to set up your events properly. You also have to be more flexible with your goals and priorities. These
prerequisites are easy to attain. You just have to learn the basic concepts in order to set things in motion.

Proper time management creates a few of the most powerful advantages within and outside your job sphere.
Since all these problems stem from stress, the main advantage of time management is the reduction of
stress. You probably have experienced chasing deadlines or suddenly realizing that you set up two
meetings on the same date. You can prevent such scenario from happening if you practice clear time
management plan and a timetable for your activities. By having a clear plan, you give yourself the chance
to set up a great schedule that suits your planned activities both in and out of the job. Furthermore, you
avoid compromising the most important aspect of all your activities: your health.

Another good thing about having a successful time management program is having a higher chance of
completing everything on time. When you miss a deadline, you fall out of favor with your boss. This leads to
additional pressure to complete other tasks and even to outdo your other officemates. This leads to a lot of
unnecessary pressure that may cause you to extend your work outside the office just to keep up. It might
even mean that you will bring your work to the dinner table.

And the worse that could happen, you get so stressed out that you pass on the stress to your family
members. The sooner you complete your tasks, the more you free yourself of all the stress.

The best thing about time management is that you get the chance to live your life on a proper routine. Your
working schedule is not swamped and so you can leave enough time for relaxing and having fun. And
despite of your hectic schedule, never forget to take a break from time to time as it helps you become more

Affirmations That Attract Prosperity (508 words)

Do you have a hard time focusing on prosperity? Do you find yourself struggling with negative thought
habits that only seem to attract more lack and difficulty into your life? Affirmations are one simple tool you
can use to turn it around.

Affirmations work by delivering new messages to your subconscious mind. Most often, this involves
replacing old, limiting messages with new, empowering messages.

However, the way you word your affirmations will usually determine how effective they are.

If I asked you to recite this affirmation: "I am a millionaire," how effective do you think it would be? Would
you turn into an overnight millionaire? Would money start falling out of the sky to land in your lap? Probably
not. Why? Simply because you know the statement isn't true. If you try to feed your subconscious mind a
belief that you are a millionaire, it creates a conflict with your current set of beliefs. Your subconscious mind
does not like conflict, and it doesn't like change – so nothing in your life changes either!

In order for affirmations to work, you MUST word them in a way that your subconscious mind won't resist. In
other words, make them believable.

Compare the above affirmation to one like this: "I am becoming more prosperous every day."

That one feels better, doesn't it? Your mind doesn't try to resist it because you can actually imagine it
happening (even if it hasn't begun to happen yet).

Another power-boost for affirmations is to word them in a way that places more responsibility on you. For
example, instead of affirming, "I am becoming more prosperous every day," you could say, "I am open to the
best opportunities to make money quickly and easily." The wording of such an affirmation makes you feel
more in control of your circumstances. Rather than waiting anxiously for money to fall out of the sky, you
send a message to your subconscious mind that you can control how much money you have by being alert
to great opportunities.

Affirmations can vary in the length of time required to firmly 'take root" in your mind. For the most part, it
depends on the intensity of your opposing beliefs and the level of effort you put forth in turning those beliefs
around. If your focus on lack is very strong, you"ll probably have to expend a fair amount of energy and
effort to train your mind to focus on prosperity.

However, it is time and effort well spent because the more you focus on positive thoughts and prosperous
beliefs, the more you"ll find yourself attracting good things into your life.

Here are a few good affirmations to help get you started on the road to prosperity:

• I use my thoughts and emotions to attract abundance effortlessly. • I am becoming more prosperous and
successful every day. • I know I have what it takes to be as successful as I want to be. • I am talented and
resourceful. • I create a better life one positive thought at a time.
There are a lot of people who wish to know more about the Akashic records and what it means. You"ll find
that this bit of information will explain both the past and the present. You"ll want to keep in mind that with the
Akashic record you"ll be able to explain where you have been and where you are going.

Also, note, that not everyone is able to get in touch with his or her Akashic record. There is a way that you
can get the information, however, you will need to get in touch with a akashic record consultant. You"ll find
that they will help read dimensions of your life that you never even knew existed.

You"ll find an akashic reading or recording to be enlightened. You"ll find that they will read everything by the
perception that you give off in a conscious dimension. There are a lot of ways that they do this, but you"ll
need to be the real side of you when you consult an akashic record consultant.

You"ll find that when it comes to being open, you"ll find that the best way is through prayer. You"ll want to
keep in mind that the individual's record will come from their pathway of prayer. You"ll find that there is some
preparation needed in order for you to take a reading.

You"ll want to think about things that are general concerns to you. Most of the time you will want to pinpoint
issues with health, work, finances, love, friendships, and family. It is very important that you consider what
areas you want to focus on. Bring up any concerns or questions that you might have with the consultant.
Many people want to know about the Akashic Records and what is in them. Things about their own life
usually, past as well as present.

Unfortunately not everyone is able to tap into the Akashic Records, but there is good news. There are
people out there, Akashic consultants, who are able to take themselves to that dimension and read the
Akashic Records.

An Akashic Record reading uplifts the one being read. The reader perceives the potential person they are
working with and the perception is anchored into our ordinary dimension of consciousness.

When the reader gets into the Akashic Records to do a reading for an individual, there are many ways they
are able to do this.

Typically the best rout is through spiritual means, such as prayer. When an Akashic reader opens an
individual's Records, they will employ a specific prayer usually referred to as a Pathway Prayer.

To get ready for a reading, there is some preparation that should be done by the individual.

It is important to consider the areas of your life that you want information about. General concerns are
usually health, work, finances, relationships and family.

Think about the issues you wish to know more about and think about those things in your life that are hard to
change. Places where you may need help or guidance.

Bring your questions with you to your Akashic Consultation. The reading is a sharing of Energy of the
Records and it is important to understand that recognizing and dealing with ordinary human challenges are
the path to higher consciousness.
Many people who want to access the Akashic Records wonder just what types of readings there are and
what information can actually be drawn and accessed from the Akashic Records.

There are several deposits of records and they each have a distinct purpose and reason for existing.

First are the Earth Records. There is a location very near our Earth that contains the individual experiences
of the souls that reside here.

These Records also contain the creative experiences of all the residents here. These two areas of records
hold all the emotions that were used in gathering this information.

The Records are contained within the body of the soul force. This is very near the physical form.

The other set of Records is held in an energy band that circles around the planet. These are the Records for
the Earth's Solar System.

From this energy band there appear to be strings connected to the other records that are held within the
solar system and beyond.

The first set of strings reach to a deposit of planetary experience that is considered the solar system. These
records contain the planetary records for that system.

There are no records here for the individual souls that have inhabited the planets in the past or the present.

There is also a band of records for our galaxy, and the Universe. Each one has its own information stored
there, but is connected to the others for access to those who are able to reach the Akashic Records.

A band of what is described as angels guards the Universal Records. Though they are not the angels we
have come to know. They are a level of Source that interacts with experience.
The Book of Life or the Akashic Records is one of the ways that you can figure out your great existence. You
will find that it has been compared to the Bible. It also acts as a guide for the individual and how to live. With
the aksashic records you will find that with every word or every thought or every feeling you have had
effected the world, somehow. It is mostly based on Karma, but it does explain and show others that Karama
really does exist. It's not just a theory.

With the Akashic records you will be able to see history repeat itself and you will also be able to learn from
your own mistakes so that you don't repeat history. Also, you"ll find that with the Akashic records you"ll be
able to see the influence of your everyday life and also understand some of the feelings and believes that
you have.

With your recording you"ll be able to catch memories that you normally wouldn't recall. You will also be able
to track where your soul is going when you take a look at your past. You"ll want to continue to record
yourself on a daily basis, but it is important that you record every thought and even every action that you

You"ll find that this tradition goes back many years and through many myths. You"ll find that the Book of Life
can go back as far as the Semitics and Arabs and the Assyrians and the Hebrews.
With the popularity of Akashic Record believers is at an all time high, and becoming more and more popular,
there are still skeptics out there who doubt the whole theory behind Akashic Records.

Despite the claims made by believers, there are no direct references to the Akasha in any historical

The scientific community historically has rejected these theories due to a lack of verifiable evidence.

The records are not even recognized in specific religious traditions. Most religious sects do not recognize let
alone support the thoughts and beliefs of the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records involve new age techniques such as meditation and the church frowns upon these

With no hard evidence of the Akashic Records existence, it is not unusual that there is a lot of skepticism.

In fact, because of some of the ways that people claim they are able to tap into the Akashic Records, such
as slipping into unconscious stated that are drug induced or sleep depravation related, it can be hard to
believe the people who claim to be clairvoyants and who claim they are able to visit the Akashic Records.

Of course, it is not uncommon to have skeptics. All religions and believes come with skepticism.

As people open their minds more to new age religions and beliefs, we will continue to see a growth in the
belief of the Akashic Records.

Maybe more people will learn to channel their inner peace and find a place inside them for the Akashic
Records to materialize.
If you would like to learn to open your Personal Akashic Records, gain deeper wisdom, heal past issues,
pain and limitations and liberate your spirit then you should look into attending an Akashic Records

An Akashic Records workshop can shift a person's energy to a place of peace and empowerment.

The Akashic Records hold the individual records of each Soul's journey since the beginning of time. At the
workshops, you can also learn why the Akashic are now available to us and how to use them to improve
your daily life.

During an Akashic Records workshop you will be able to experience a profound life transforming process
through connecting with the energies of your Akashic Records.

You will be able to learn to enter and access your own personal records in order to be able to do so at a
future date.

You will learn how to create new choices in life from a point of clarity and guidance as well as access
profound healing and gain deeper understanding in your life path.

You will learn how to resolve issues from your past and open a brighter future as well as experience the
wisdom and freedom of your Devine Self.

During a two-day workshop, your guide will demonstrate to you just how to open your own records, answer
your personal and global questions and share profound information from the Akashic Records regarding
your past, present and future.

You will learn to open your mind and deepen your connection with the Devine. These workshops can indeed
be a life changing and life affirming experience.
Amnesia is a disorder of brain that affects the remembering aspect of once memory. It is caused by severe
head injury or thru intake of toxic substance that affects the brain. Thought the disease can also impact
those who suffer from paralysis or heart stroke. Those who suffer from Amnesia have a tough time
remembering previously learnt information such as their name or language.

Amnesia victims never remember their past or anything associated with it such as people, place etc. They
are often seemed to be feeling confused or disoriented. This disease unlike Alzheimer can occur at any age.
And thus can lead to a partial or full Amnesia disorder. In few cases patients are never left unsupervised too
as they may harm themselves. If the person remembers remembers recent events then it is partial amnesia.
The recovery process involves remembering the previous or past memory before the most recent memories.

Another factor that is very important to the disease besides partial and full is the term of Amnesia as in
whether it is temporary or permanent.

Support of caregiver is very important for person suffering from Amnesia though references from past can
help them recover soon But if those references are disturbing to them then one should restrain from
discussing them in their presence. Generally such cases are people who have been thru some kind of
mental shock or agony. Such as accident victims, trauma patients or those who had to deal with a sudden
death of some one close.

Another form of Amnesia is psychological Amnesia where someone takes on a new life for a few months or
days and once the anxiety induced amnesia attack is over no memory remains of that period. Most of
amnesic patients recover on their own not requiring much medical interference. Change of work and activity
can bring along a good change along with family therapy. Hypnosis also acts as a great tool to bring back
the memory of the patient. Amnesia patients not only lose their memory but also the ability to generate any
memory in the time span of disease.

Stress is a major cause of concern for today's generation. Life is so fast paced that it calls for a halt to think
for oneself. We have so many things to worry about in today's world and remembering things forms a major
part of our life today. Be it electricity bill payment or client appointment. As the value of time has gained
importance so have the getting work done on time has. Every day in our life we are faced with so many
deadlines that we are stressed out completely by the end of the day. We seldom have time to meditate,
exercise, engage ourselves in light activities such as games or clubbing The more our life is technologically
influenced the more we are running into the danger of acquiring one or more neurotical disorders. In order to
wade thru the stress that we face in our day-to-day life, we must follow a healthy diet pattern along with
adequate physical exercise and supplement intake.

In earlier times the work timings were fixed and there were limited resources of available technologies that
makes us sit like couch potatoes. People would interact and share their problems and worries that would act
as stress buster. Hence fewer people suffered from disease such as Alzheimer and Amnesia. But now all
these sufferings are becoming evident as we barely lay emphasis on improving our lifestyle and switching to
a more relaxed life.
Alzheimers affects that part of brain that control thought, memory, and language, it is one of the most
common form of Dementia (destruction of brain cells to cause decline in mental functions)but later it spreads
to all regions of brain rendering it ineffective. The onset of Alzheimer slowly progresses and alters
personality and behavior. In most cases anxiety, suspiciousness or agitation, as well as delusions or
hallucinations are observed to be the few changes that is caused by the disease. Memory and thinking
process are marred in the initial stages of Alzheimer. It is one of the rising causes of death in elderlies, as
patients diagnosed for this disease barely survive more than six years. But the duration of the disease vary
between three to twenty years.

There is no permanent cure for the disease so far but effective care and support can help improve condition
in the tenure of diagnosis to death. However, the condition can be avoided if healthy aging takes place in an
individual. It also helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer. The few best measure to ensure healthy aging
involves constant check on cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, stress reduction, socially active lifestyle and
regular exercise for body and mind. Unfortunately it takes longer to diagnose the disease as the brain
damage starts much before the symptoms appear. By the time symptoms are visible nerve cells are already
degenerated and extinct. The symptoms of disease vary but the first thing one notices is the loss of memory
that starts interfering and affecting the regular life of an individual. Apart from this other noticeable changes
are confusion and disassociation with the language and fumbling in familiar surroundings. The first sign
noticed should be communicated to family or physician so that it can be identified early and the treatment is
started without any further delay. Though there are no particular medical examination to conclude the
disease but various tests (including physical and mental) and reviews from family and friend can benefit in
diagnosis of the condition. Depression, hormonal changes such as thyroid and side effect of medication act
catalyst for those who suffer from the disease and also makes prone to those who don't. Excessive drinking,
unhealthy lifestyle and improper diet can also propel Dementia.

There are medication available to delay the process of brain cell degeneration but they are not known to
curb or stop the process altogether. Thus it just slows down the process rather than eliminating the danger
of the disease. However, improving quality of life by subtle understanding, care and altering the surrounding
can tremendously help the patients suffering from Alzheimer.

The ongoing research in the field of Alzheimer is concentrated on reversal of nerve and brain cell damage.
And also to further stop and reduce the degenerative condition in an individual. They are also working on the
strategy to optimize the delay of disease and the role of cardiovascular and other health condition to affect
the condition. Those having a family history are more prone to the disease as the genetic makeup makes
them more pronounced to be at the risk. More researches have brought forth the theory of plaques and
tangles in brain tissue this considered to be more definitive way to diagnose the disease other than this brain
scan is followed by tests of urine, blood and spinal fluid. It has also come to light that non-steroidal drugs
can help slow the progression of Alzheimer. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and is known to slow the
progress. The hormone estrogen is also known to ease the condition.

The Alzheimer's Association has been formed with the intention to share, educate and strengthen the
caregiver and family members of Alzheimer patients.
Instead of using somebody else's definition of organization, let me ask you: How organized do you want to
be? When we talk about getting organized people usually get an impression of a spick and span office with
not a paper out of place. But my experience has taught me that a neat office does not necessarily have to be
a very organized office. If you throw away every single piece of paper that comes to your office, certainly
your office will be neat but not organized. I believe that organizing is a relative term. It is all a matter of
convenience. In an organized office there will be a place for every thing and everything will be in its place.
But at the same time you should be able to lay your hands on the object you need the moment you need it.
And in this respect a little bit of clutter is ok. It is not enough that you know where every thing is, somebody
else should know it too. In case you are not able to come in person and get something, somebody else
should be able to do the job for you. It is here that labels and tags can prove to be very important. Every
single file should have a label and every thing should be filed properly. It is not enough that you name things
according to your convenience. The names should make sense to others as well.. For every working man or
woman, the following are often pitfalls: Forgetting Appointments Forgetting Deadlines Being Unable to meet
deadlines Being late for meetings and Appointments Forgetting Names Forgetting Telephone Numbers
Forgetting to take important documents and things along Misplacing Objects and so on By organizing your
office, you can avoid most, if not all of the above maladies. In the end, both time and money are saved.
Dealing with anger and its repercussions can be very challenging. Unaware of how to handle irritating and
stressful situations may be a reason for many fits of anger and rage. Most people, with the exception of
young children perhaps, recognize their problem with uncontrollable anger. Although there are many anger
management activities which would enable them to better cope with confrontational situations, some people
are uneducated regarding these techniques and activities.

There are man anger management activities individuals can practice or participate in when attempting to
cope with daily feelings of anger. One activity which is recommended for anger management is exercise.
Exercise has been proven to have a positive impact on an individual's mood. Exercise helps an individual to
decrease any negative feelings they might be experiencing. An effect anger management activity might be
as simple as going for a walk or jog in the park. Visiting the gym to work out of taking part in their favorite
sport may work well for an individual as an anger management activity. Taking a hike or spending a few
hours in the beauty of nature would definitely allow a person to clear their head and release tension.
Outdoor anger management activities would surely create an environment of serenity.

Anger management activities such as attending a support group, camp or retreat would certainly help people
who are experiencing difficulties controlling their anger. One positive aspect of attending anger management
activities such as there is the individual would see first hand that their problem is not unique, that it is shared
by plenty of other people. Being able to share with people in similar situations might be the key to anger
management for some individuals. Sharing would likely provide hope through success stories. In anger
management activities such as these, people are forced to deal with their anger issues through various
activities group sessions and one on one consults.

Anger management activities are recommended when dealing with children who are coping with anger
issues. A child is unlikely to respond well to group sessions and perhaps even become bored with one on
one consults. Finding activities which are interesting and even challenging may be a better alternative. Kids
enjoy fun and games. Designing anger management activities which are enjoyable yet beneficial would be
so much more effective than forcing a child to sit down with an anger management counselor. Worksheets,
coloring pages, individual games as well as interactive games would be accepted much better by children
than a trip to the psychiatrist. When children are involved, it is essential to approach the problem carefully.
Being overbearing will not go over well with kids. When considering anger management activities for kids, it
is essential to be mindful that they are only children and the approach is important.

When considering anger management activities, an individual ought to choose one which they find
interesting and enjoyable. Sticking a person in an unfamiliar setting may create feelings of anger which is
not the intention of anger management activities. Finding an activity that works should be the key focus.
Kids are normally forthcoming with regards to sharing feelings and emotions. A kid may be burdened with
feelings of pain and guilt but you would never learn it from a conversation. A child's feelings are usually
display in the behavior. When a child is sad they may keep to themselves or have little to say. When a child
feels guilty they may avoid people and stay in their room. When a child is angry they may break their toys,
scream or throw a tantrum. Children are not always verbal about their emotions but actions often speak
louder than words.

When kids show signs of anger, bursting into fits or rage and rolling around the floor in tantrums, this should
be a sign that there's a problem. This should tell the parent that this child needs help. Left untreated, this
problem could evolve into a mountain of difficulty in the future. Anger management for kids is available and
is effective in dealing with a child's problems with anger. Finding the best anger management for kids may
require some research and experimenting. Many different resources provide tips about anger management
for kids. There are books, movies and plenty of helpful information provided by sites on the Internet. For an
individual who is worried about a child with behavioral trouble regarding anger, they ought to check out
some of the resources available.

Helping a child deal with their emotions may involve special programs geared toward kids. A child will not
benefit from an adult anger management support group, nor will they benefit from taking an anger
management course. These recommendations are too mature for children. Their minds are not mature
enough to openly talk about their feelings. In fact they may not understand what's happening themselves. A
counselor cannot expect a child to open up and tell them the exact emotion which is making them angry.
These are details which must be discovered through a series of activities regarding anger management for

Kids respond to actions so activities involving games might be smart to use for anger management for kids.
Teaching them positive values and acceptable behavior through various games would be much more
effective than a one-on-on session with an anger management counselor. Providing them with worksheets,
coloring pages, puzzles and quizzes would make the anger management for kids more interesting and
enjoyable. Children could actually be participating in a program without actually realizing it. Anger
management is a hard concept to explain to small children. Considering they're unaware of their exact
feelings and they are not equipped to think quickly and rationalize their decisions, it would be very hard to
teach a kid an effective lesson plan which requires logical thinking.

Anger management for kids is essential. A child needs to learn how to behave appropriately to different
situations. The must know that it is perfectly find to be upset but they must also understand that this anger
should not be used in a negative way. Teaching kids anger management skills early on in life will provide
building blocks for their future. Through repetitious activities and practices, kids will eventually learn anger
management for kids. An individual working with kids may have to patient regards to seeing results but they
will come.
The teenage years are crucial in the growth of children. Unfortunately these are the years where children
experience some of their most challenging encounters. This particular period in a child's life can take them
down many paths, some of them not so pleasant. Teen children who are forced to deal with upsetting
circumstances often lash out. Developing a reckless attitude is common in many teen children. When teens
turn to emotions of anger and begin to act out, it might be time to seek anger management for teen children.

As a teenager, trying to cope with the diverse situations which continuously present themselves can be
emotionally strenuous. This strain unleashes many thoughts and feeling including anger. Anger is a natural
response when somebody pushes a person's buttons. However, what the person chooses to do with those
feelings makes the difference. Anger management for teen children teaches self-awareness and self-control.
Anger is an extremely powerful emotion. If dealt with incorrectly, anger can cause actions or reactions which
are very hurtful and painful. Learning to deal with these emotions at a young age will definitely affect adult
life. It is essential to seek anger management for teen children when there is evidence of anger issues.

Handling anger is all about empowerment, being capable of accessing the situation and making positive
decisions rather than acting on impulse. It is easy to lash out at the first sign of opposition but it takes self-
control to act in a sensible and logical manner. This may seem to be a lot to expect of teen children but if
approached in the right way, it can be accomplished. This may require one-on-one counseling, support
group meetings or attending a retreat for teens with anger problems. The method for success is important
however, the end result is what really matters.

Teaching a teenager, self-awareness as part of anger management for teen children, requires teaching the
individual that they have the ability to evaluate situations which make them angry. Encouraging the teen to
take notice of their feelings during irritating incidents is essential in anger management for teen children.
Helping them to understand the importance of thinking during an actual confrontational encounter will make
a difference.

A teenager who is quick to anger also needs lessons in self-control. It is one thing to evaluate the upsetting
situation but the self-control factors into the teenager's reaction. Teaching teen children to think before they
act is imperative in anger management for teen children. Encouraging them to stop and think, take a few
seconds between their initial feelings of anger and their reaction will certainly produce positive results.

Self-awareness and self-control go hand in hand when involved in a provoking situation. Anger management
for teen children teaches the individual to evaluate their emotions, the situation and the actual reasons for
the opposition. Taking a few seconds to mull these thoughts over in their mind will have an impact on their
action or reaction. Dealing with teenagers who have anger problems can be a challenge but there are many
resources available regarding anger management for teen children. The Internet is a great source or
information regarding this subject. The process of teaching anger management strategies to teens may be a
battle but the rewards are worth the effort. If the challenge means a teenager is prevented from harm and
pain, it is definitely worth it.
As a teen, it must be rather difficult to always be positive in every situation. Growing up in society today is
challenging and teenagers are often compelled to be defensive. Teenagers are not usually compassionate
individuals. They are constantly in competition and jealousy is a huge factor. The fight to always be number
one is very common in the teenage world. It is unfortunate and sad since these years ought to be the best
years of their lives. Teenage children are forced to grow up long before their time because of the daily
challenges and obstacles they are faced with. Some young people can handle adversity very well while
others are quick to build a defensive wall. When faced with confrontation, many teens lash out and become
reckless, often to the point of violence and nowadays, death.

Developing an anger management plan for teens could be difficult since teens are quick to resist advice and
not always compliant with instructions. In order for anger management for teens to be successful, a program
must be designed that will reach the targeted teen without being overbearing. Convincing a teenager that
they have behavioral issues which need attention may be a challenge but it is essential to make them
understand the importance of making a change.

If anger is not controlled, it can control the life of the individual affected. This is unfortunate in any life
including that of a teenager. Teenagers with anger issues tend to yell and scream, say hurtful things, punch
walls, push other people around and even hurt themselves. It may be difficult but important to convince
these teenagers that everyone can change. With effective anger management for teens, they can be a
success. They can make positive changes in their lives which will ultimately make their life easier and more
enjoyable. Learning to control their anger is definitely a positive change.

Anger management for teens should teach teenagers to be self-aware, to evaluate their feelings in an
attempt to understand the reasons for their anger. They should also learn to practice self-control, to pause a
few seconds and think about the repercussions of their reactions to situations. After thinking about their
options regarding reactions, they are taught to make a choice, pick an option which will bring about effective
results. After acting on their feelings, teenagers are taught through anger management for teens, to review
their progress, see what the outcome of the choice was. These steps might be considered an effective
lesson plan for anger management in teens. If using this plan each time they are confronted with irritating
situations, eventually the teenager will be capable of dealing with confrontations much better.

Teenagers have their own minds with their likes and dislikes. Suggesting techniques like exercising,
listening to music or journaling might be good anger management for teens. Success will only be achieved
when the teenager is able to accept responsibility for their actions and realize they need to make changes.
Using their likes as distractions may be a good tool in anger management. These may be techniques which
they are willing to try when they feel angry or threatened. Helping a teenager be successful in anger
management may require hours of hard work and tears, but realizing that individual is being spared from a
future of recklessness and avoidable challenges is worth every second.
Anger, a normal emotion, can transform into something painful and ugly. First thoughts of anger issues may
bring about images of a couple fighting, a parent abusing a child, a teenager lashing out at a teacher or a
parent. Rarely will images of angry children come to mind. Unfortunately children, at very young ages, have
to deal with feelings of anger and rage. This is a truth which is often difficult to understand or manage.

Children, young children especially, aren't normally aware of how they feel. When a child becomes upset or
mad they simply show these emotions through their behavior. A good example of this might be the little boy
in the supermarket who throws a tantrum because he's upset. Many parents have had to deal with similar
situations. It is unfortunate that often times these occurrences are overlooked or dismissed because they are
"just children". Anger management in children is as important, or perhaps even more important than anger
management in adults.

A child requires instruction and guidance from their coming into the world to their entry into adulthood. The
things they learn throughout their young lives are likely to form the person they become as an adult. For this
reason anger management in children with difficulties controlling their temper is extremely important. Finding
ways to teach anger management in children might present challenges.

There are programs designed specifically for children with anger management issues. Finding one that
works for a particular child might require testing many methods. Not all children will respond to the same
treatments for anger management in children. Because a child cannot always relate their feelings
surrounding angry outburst, finding the right approach may take some time. Until the issue is resolved or at
least controlled, it is imperative to continue the search.

Young children may respond well to worksheets, games and fun activities. All of these can be used
effectively to teach anger management in children. Developing programs which incorporate each of these
might be the best route to take. A child completing a worksheet, coloring sheet or participating in games and
activities with underlying messages regarding anger management, may not even realize they are working on
their problem. Making the activity fun doesn't mean that the anger issue has to be left out. Choosing fun
activities which teach healthy interaction and decision making might be good for anger management in
children. Teaching them to take turns and helping them to learn that they can't always be the best or the
winner would definitely make a difference when confrontational situations arise. Little activities which instill
values and positive thinking would be beneficial for anger management in children.

If a child is old enough to talk about their anger problem, encouraging them to share their feelings is
important. Suggesting they talk to someone who they feel comfortable with and trust is a good idea
regarding anger management in children. Asking them to write or draw about their emotions may be able to
help disclose their underlying issues, whether fear, hurt or sadness. Teaching them to ask for help when
they feel threatened or angry would certainly help the child with a problem. The important detail to realize
when considering anger management in children are they are just "children". Their minds are not equipped
to handle big people situations and so they will require a more careful approach.
There is plenty of relevant anger management information. First and foremost it is imperative to understand
anger and the consequences of anger. Anger management will not work without knowing what it is an
individual is attempting to change or manage. Anger is totally normal. It is a reaction to various situations. It
is okay to be angry but when this anger becomes intense, frequently, there can be major problems;
problems within the family, relationships, work and it can cause health problems. People who unable to
manage their anger in a positive way are likely to transfer their anger to other situations such as child and
spousal abuse, violent crimes and other types of recklessness. This anger management information is
something an individual should consider when recognizing they have a problem.

There are all sorts of anger-provoking situations, more anger management information that might be useful
in working through anger-related issues. Some people become mad or angry when they are frustrated, when
something doesn't work out the way they planned or they failed to succeed after giving their all,
circumstances like these may cause a person to become frustrated. This frustration may lead to anger which
can then spin off into a whole list of negative consequences.

Irritations provoke anger. Daily incidents such as constant reminders or regular interruptions can cause a
person to become irritated. This irritation continues to grow and the result is a sudden fit of rage. Depending
on the individual this rage can cause a person to resort to different ways of releasing their anger, some of
which may be painful to themselves and others.

When an individual is being verbally abused, perhaps sexually abused, these situations provoke anger.
People deal with these disturbing experiences differently but for those who become angry because of the
abuse, the outcome could be very serious, even violent. Anger management information such as this is
imperative, especially in a situation where a person feels threatened.

Being treated unfairly often provokes feelings of anger. Often people are blamed for things, whether
warranted or not, it can cause them to feel angry and act out because of these feelings.

There is so much information important to understanding anger management. The more details a person
can gather, the better equipped they are when faced with circumstances involving an angry individual or if
needing to tap into the information themselves. Anger management information is available through many
sources; books, movies, as well as the Internet. For a person who requires anger management information,
the Internet is an excellent source. With many websites dedicated to anger management, it is very proficient
in supplying the necessary information required concerning anger, consequences of anger, people affected
by anger and anger management information.

Without the appropriate anger management information, it would be difficult to begin a course of treatment
that would be beneficial. It doesn't matter where the anger management information comes from. It does
matter however, what an individual does with the information they are given. Reading and studying the
information is essential but deciding what to do with this information will make the difference in resolving
anger-related issues or not.
Anger management programs offer the individual plenty of information regarding techniques and strategies
for dealing with anger. Is there anger management therapy available for those who feel the need to take
their treatment a step further?

In the early 1970's, a psychiatrist named Aaron T. Beck, M.D, developed an anger management therapy
focusing on problem-solving. This therapy initially called Cognitive Therapy is now also known as Cognitive-
Behavioral Therapy or CBT. Beck worked with patients for years using his psychiatric knowledge but was
burdened to see his patient's treatment making only slow progress. Beck wanted to use a more intense
approach to anger management therapy.

Cognitive Therapy is a form of anger management therapy which helps a person to correct or change
specific details in their thinking. These details, involving negative feelings, will likely lead to anger and cause
behavioral problems. Beck realized that it is during the thinking process, negative thoughts are formed which
lead to changes in emotions and behavior. If an individual could be treated at this stage, helping them to
change their way of thinking, then they would see changes in their emotions and behavioral pattern. Using
strategies and techniques such as relaxation training and assertiveness training, CBT has proven to be a
relatively fast method of providing an individual with relief and allowing them to experience freedom through
endurance. Cognitive Therapy has proven to be the most effective type of psychological treatment. Its
popularity has spread worldwide and is used by many qualified professionals to treat individuals with
behavioral difficulties such as anger. Literature about CBT is widely available and there is training in CBT
provided for professionals.

Many people who suffer with anger-related issues avoid therapy. Some think they don't need it and others
see it as a sign of weakness. The opposite can actually be said of an individual who seeks anger
management therapy. They are strong and determined, willing to take whatever measures necessary to
make positive changes in their life. When a person gets to the point where they can admit they need anger
management therapy, it is essential to find a therapist who makes them feel comfortable. It is important to be
able to communicate easily with a therapist since this is the person who will help reshape the individual's
life. Building a trusting relationship with their therapist is vital when an individual is committed to therapy, no
matter how long it takes.

Being able to share emotions, whether good or bad, is important in anger management therapy. It is through
sharing and trusting that a person begins to discover things about themselves. Once these discoveries are
revealed, an individual will begin to work on making changes in their thoughts and emotions which will lead
to positive changes in their lives. Anger management therapy may seem tough initially but with a trusting
therapist, an individual will certainly make progress. This relationship between the individual and their
therapist provides a safety zone, a place where they can feel free to disclose their innermost thoughts and
inhibitions. Exploring underlying feelings of these thoughts will eventually provide the tools necessary for
success. Anger management therapy, either CBT or meeting regularly with a therapist, is definitely
beneficial for people striving to work through anger-related issues. Choosing anger management therapy is
a big step and requires the support and encouragement from family and friends.
When an individual is dealing with anger issues, usually their emotions evolve when put in stressful
situations. If a difficult incident pops up, often their only way to cope with it is to put up their defensive side.
Becoming angry is probably easier than dealing with the circumstances. This is unfortunate since anger
doesn't solve anything. Once it subsides, the problem is still there.

There are anger management tips which people can used when found in stressful situations. If there is a
friend or family member who is easy to talk to and understanding, it might be good to talk to them. When an
individual becomes angry they are incapable of seeing the other side of the problem. Talking to someone
may help them by sharing their side of the story. The friend or family member may be able to help them sort
through their issues and make them look at the situation from the other side. This anger management tip
may work well for some people.

Another great anger management tip is to write down thoughts and feelings during a fit of anger. The angry
individual may feel as if nobody understands or cares about their problems. Sharing may only cause extra
conflict. Lashing out will get them nowhere. Writing or journaling may help people with anger issues. Without
anyone to talk back or object to what they have to say, it may be help to get their feelings off their chest.
Using writing as an anger management tip may also help in the future when trying to find the triggers which
cause the angry outbursts. Being able to look back over the information written may provide the person with
reasons for their anger through reading about similar incidents.

Taking a vacation, spending some alone time is another good anger management tip. Removing oneself
from the environment which seems to frustrate and irritate them may be a wise idea. Being able to get away
and reflect on their actions may help an individual to look at things differently. Given space and time may be
positive for a person with anger issues.

Some people suggest prayer and meditation as anger management tips. Both of these suggestions involve
very personal practices for an individual. Given a chance to pray and be alone with one's thoughts is a good
way to release tension and let the pressures of life wash away. Letting go of feelings of anger and negative
thoughts would definitely make a positive change in a person's life. Through prayer and meditation a person
is able to dig deep into their minds and souls for answers to their problems and comfort for their broken

There are lots of anger management tips which people can practice when the going gets tough. Tips such
as breathe deeply, exercise, get more rest, get out in nature, find humor in the situation and play or listen to
music. These are all recommended as anger management tips for the person who finds themselves in
stressful and confrontational situations.
Aphasia can bring about a lot of speech and language problems that are to be treated for speech therapy.
The kind of speech and language problems brought by Aphasia would highly depend on the kind of Aphasia
that you may have.

Broca's Aphasia

Broca's Aphasia is also known as motor aphasia. You can obtain this, if you damage your brain's frontal
lobe, particularly at the frontal part of the lobe at your language-dominant side.

If Broca's Aphasia is your case, then you may have complete mutism or inability to speak. In some cases
you may be able to utter single-word statements or a full sentence, but constructing such would entail you
great effort.

You may also omit small words, like conjunctions (but, and, or) and articles (a, an, the). Due to these
omissions, you may produce a 'telegraph" quality of speech. Usually, your hearing comprehension is not
affected, so you are able to comprehend conversation, other's speech and follow commands.

Difficulty in writing is also evident, since you may experience weakness on your body's right side. You also
get an impaired reading ability along with difficulty in finding the right words when speaking. People with this
type of aphasia may be depressed and frustrated, because of their awareness of their difficulties.

Wernicke's Aphasia

When your brain's language-dominant area's temporal lobe is damaged, you get Wernicke's aphasia. If you
have this kind of aphasia, you may speak in uninterrupted, long, sentences; the catch is, the words you use
are usually unnecessary or at times made-up.

You can also have difficulty understanding other's speech, to the extent of having the inability to
comprehend spoken language in any way. You also have a diminished reading ability. Your writing ability
may be retained, but what you write may seem to be abnormal.

In contrast with Broca's Aphasia, Wernicke's Aphasia doesn't manifest physical symptoms like right-sided
weakness. Also, with this kind of Aphasia, you are not aware of your language errors.

Global Aphasia

This kind of aphasia is obtained when you have widespread damage on language areas of your brain's left
hemisphere. Consequently, all your fundamental language functions are affected. However, some areas can
be severely affected than other areas of your brain.

It may be the case that you have difficulty speaking but you are able to write well. You may also experience
weakness and numbness on the right side of your body.

Conduction Aphasia

This kind is also known as Associative Aphasia. It is a somewhat uncommon kind, in which you have the
inability to repeat sentences, phrases and words. Your speech fluency is reasonably unbroken. There are
times that you may correct yourself and skip or repeat some words.

Even though you are capable of understanding spoken language, you can still have difficulty finding the right
words to use to describe an object or a person. This condition's effect on your reading and writing skills can
also vary. Just like other types of aphasia, you can have sensory loss or right-sided weakness.

Nominal Or Anomic Aphasia

This kind of aphasia would primarily influence your ability to obtain the right name for an object or person.
Consequently, rather than naming an object, you may resort to describing it. Your reading skills, writing
ability, hearing comprehension, and repetition are not damaged, except by this inability to get the right

Your may have fluent speech, except for the moments that you pause to recall the correct name. Physical
symptoms like sensory loss and one-sided body weakness, may or may not be present.
Transcortical Aphasia

This kind is caused by the damage of language areas on your left hemisphere just outside your primary
language areas. There are three types of this aphasia: transcortical sensory, transcortical motor, and mixed
transcortical. All of these types are differentiated from others by your ability to repeat phrases, words, or
With anger management being used in many programs and situations, there are thousands of resources
available to those affected. Beside support groups, individual counseling sessions and treatment centers,
there are many anger management books available to help people deal with anger-related issues. There are
anger management books written focusing on different groups such as children, teenagers, adults, men,
women, couples, families and anyone who is involved in situations which may require anger management
advice. Because of the diverse needs, these anger management books are written to be understood by the
various groups as well as used as tools to control anger and work through various situations.

Anger management books for children focus on a child's reactions to feelings of anger. Using illustrations
and stories which children can relate to, these books are written in such a way that children can relate and
hopefully learn from. There are also anger management books for children, meant to be used by people
working through behavioral problems with children. These books include tips and strategies for dealing with
children who are experiencing difficulties caused by feelings of anger. Using these books, programs and
effective treatments can be developed for anger management in children.

Teenagers deal with unique situations, encounters that only a teen might understand. Anger management
for teens would be focused on dealing with anger-related issues surrounding teens. Offering advice and
lesson plans, these anger management books for teens may provide answers to a young person's questions
regarding dealing with feelings of anger.

Adults with anger problems are different from children and teens. Adults face daily challenges which children
don't understand, situations which unleash all sorts of emotions including anger. When the anger creates
problems at home, at work or among friends, they might benefit from reading anger management books for
adults. Couples might be able to find help in anger management books for adults as well.

When a family is affected by anger, the situation can become much more intense and complicated. Since it
involves so many people, different relationships and all sorts of feelings and emotions, a family may require
various anger management books. With the resources available, there are doubtlessly anger management
books written for families.

Where would a person find these anger management books? A doctor or medical professional ought to be
able to recommend useful anger management books to interested people. A local library would be another
good source for anger management books. Local bookstore and online bookstores such as Amazon should
be proficient in providing a list of anger management books for all ages. The Internet is a terrific source for
information on anger management. Through searching and browsing the related sites, there will be
recommendations for anger management books. These sites will also likely provide details about how to
obtain a copy of these anger management books.

Once a person finds an anger management book that contains useful tips, techniques and strategies for
managing anger, it would be wise to use the information in the book to make changes and work through
problems with anger. Anger management books are useless sitting on a shelf collecting dust.
Anger - an issue which seems to be revealing concern among many people nowadays. Perhaps because it
is an issue which affects all generations, races, communities. In fact, anger has the potential to touch
anybody without prejudice. It is frightening for those who have to live with it every day. Anger not only
involves the person affected but all those they come in contact with daily. Because it is such an important
issue in society today, people are continuously striving to develop programs to help those affected by anger-
related issues.

Attending an anger management seminar may be beneficial to someone who is affected by anger. There are
different types of anger management seminars, different in that they target specific groups such as
teenagers, adults, men, women, couples, families and other groups affected by anger. These seminars are
meant to be informational, empowering individuals with useful knowledge regarding dealing with anger and
aggressiveness. With guest speakers and specialists in the area of anger management, these seminars are
packed full with interesting details and effective tools that people can take home and use to transform their
feelings of anger into healthy, normal feelings.

Attending an anger management seminar might provide an individual with an opportunity to enjoy a few
days or a week at a beautiful, serene location. Many anger management seminars are built into a retreat, a
chance for people struggling with daily feelings of anger and rage to escape to an environment full of
support and encouragement. A retreat would not only allow a person to sit in an anger management seminar
but it would also provide them a chance to meet others who face similar challenges. Sharing personal
experiences may help people to own up to their problem and perhaps discover underlying reasons for their

A huge part of helping an individual work through anger-related issues is support. Assuring the person that
they have people to count on, people who will stand by them no matter what may arise, this is extremely
relevant to people who are fighting daily to overcome problems with anger. Encouragement is also
important. Encouraging the individual to attend support group meetings, talk to a counselor or go to an anger
management seminar may make a huge difference in their treatment.

Yes, society appears to have a huge problem with violence, aggressiveness and anger but, society is also
attempting to create anger management programs to help decrease this problem. Providing anger
management certified people to work in public places such as schools, corrections, mental health centers,
society is proving they are concerned. Aside from visiting counselors, doctors and treatment facilities, people
can also attend anger management courses and anger management seminars. These opportunities are
usually optional but for people who are serious about making positive changes in their lives, it would be in
their best interest to accept the invitation. Taking part in an anger management seminar might be the turning
point for an individual. If the seminar is effective in reaching just one person and making positive changes in
their life and the lives of those around them, it was certainly worth it.
The truth is, you can possibly skyrocket your productivity at least 100% by simply organizing your
belongings around your home and office. Here are some tools to help you when first embarking on your
goal to organize your life. Formulate a plan. There is nothing that is more potent to achieving your goals
than having a plan to start off. A lot of people set far too broad goals when first embarking on any area of
their life. In order for this plan to fly, you have to have understandable, precise goals that are well defined
and written out. Very likely, you will find it most successful to set long and short term goals. For instance,
your long term goal could be getting your home organized in a year's time. Your short term goal could be
getting one room in order within a month. After you have your goals in mind, write them down on paper
and put that paper in a place you can view it often. Knowing a target in your head is not enough; it needs to
be in a place where you can view it often and constantly motivate you to achieve your goals. Finally, you
need to determine why you want something. It's not enough to simply want to get organized-you need to
know why you have this desire. Without wanting something whole-heartedly, it will be nearly impossible to
achieve it. While the above tips may seem simple, it is incredible how many people set out to achieve a
target without knowing what they want to get done. The simplest and yet most potent force to achieving
your goals is knowing where you are going and why you are going in that direction. Follow these tips, and
you will organize your life faster than you ever thought possible.
"Because it's to hard" Well, can be if you approach it with a bad attitude, or you have the wrong
learning tools, or little discipline. Anything worth learning takes time, practice and perseverance. But
remember, knowledge is power and in tomorrow's world, you may just need to know Chinese somewhere in
your career or personal life.

"It's useless, we live in an English world, they should learn English" Guess what? They have learned
English and well. The business world has called for them to know English and us to know Chinese for the
best interest of our economy and world relationships with each other. More employers today are looking for
bilingual or multilingual job candidates. We are assimilating at a faster rate more than ever before. With
America as a melting pot, learning Chinese enables us to communicate in interpersonal relationships, show
cultural sensitivity and appreciation.

"I think it's a dying language, and I won't ever need to use it?" Really? Well, think again...Chinese is the
second most spoken language in the world. It is used in most Asian countries and growing in use in
American. If you ever plan to travel, study abroad or get called there for reasons other than a job, you will
need to know at least enough Chinese to get by on a daily basis. If you don't, how will you know what you
are eating, where you are going, and what to pay for your purchases or services? How will you get by on

"I don't even know where to learn Chinese anyways" With little effort involved on your part, you can access
good information on learning Chinese either online or within your community. There are many excellent
teaching sources online. With a little help from your favorite search engine, you can find at least one, two, or
a multitude more of teaching tools or courses designed just for you. And they are at your own pace of
learning. Practice is a must. If you"re a social type, then check with area schools and universities for the
programs they offer. Also, once you have began your lessons, seek out others interested in Chinese and
practice your skills with them.

In all actuality, there is no good reason not to learn Chinese or any other language for that matter. You will
always use it. Even if it just feeds your brain, it's good for you. The world we live in today demands
continual learning for success, for self-improvement, for cultural assimilation. Even simple doing's like a
vacation or a meal in a Chinese restaurant. There may come a day when learning the Chinese language is
not an option. If the adults of tomorrow are learning Chinese now, then why shouldn't the adults of today do
it... improving themselves and their human connections as well? It is desirable and commendable to be
bilingual. You just never know where your own future road make take you.
Are you still waiting for your circumstances to change before you"ll allow yourself to be happy? Most of us
have preconceived ideas of what would make us happy, and we refuse to be satisfied until those things

The problem is that even once specific things happen in our lives, we"re rarely satisfied with them! Instead,
we shift our focus to something even bigger and better, believing "it" will make us happy (or happier). We
never allow ourselves to reach a point of contentment. Have you done the same thing to yourself?

The good news is that you can decide to be happy NOW – even if not everything in your life is perfect.
Below you"ll find 3 easy ways to do so:

1) Be grateful. Gratitude is one of the most powerful states of mind that you can adopt. Not only does it
make you feel good, it shifts your focus from what you don't have to what you DO have, and keeps it there!
As you focus more on what you are grateful to have in your life (even the really small blessings!), you worry
less about anything that may be lacking. The result? A more pervasive sense of happiness!

2) Take time to smell the roses. If you spend most of your days feeling rushed and scattered, it's hard to
feel happy and content. In order to be truly happy, you need to make time for yourself to relax, dream, and
take pleasure in life's simpler moments. Beginning today, make sure to spend time doing things you love on
a regular basis. Read books that stimulate your imagination; listen to great music; take long walks, and
generally make an effort to enjoy your life as it is right now.

3) Love the journey. Many of us make the mistake of pinning all of our expectations on some vague, far-off
result, like the completion of goals. We believe that once we "get there" everything will be perfect and we"ll
finally be happy. However, there is much to be gained from enjoying the journey TO your destination! Make
it your mission to revel in every moment that you"re working toward higher goals. Enjoy the sense of self-
mastery and accomplishment you gain with every goal you achieve. Make it a worthwhile journey and you"ll
savor the end result that much more!

The most important thing to understand about happiness is that it is largely a CHOICE you make from
moment to moment. Though certain serious situations make it difficult to feel happy at times, most often we
allow the little things to bother us and block any happiness we would otherwise feel. Embrace happiness,
and it will grow to monstrous proportions in your life!
Do you have the passion or ambition to help others? Are you diligent in your pursuit of self-improvement?
Have you transformed your life and now want to teach others your secret? If you answered yes to any of
these questions, then a personal development entrepreneur business is probably your calling in life.

Taking on the personal development industry isn't as hard as it appears. What is needed first and foremost
is the knowledge and skills to teach others. Maybe you have collected years worth of methods which have
worked for you that you can share. Establishing a clear purpose is essential. Your focus should represent
your strengths as well as your abilities. If you are a natural at public speaking, then consider something
along the lines of a motivational speaker. There is a high demand for people who enjoy public speaking.
Being a motivational speaker embraces giving people confidence to reach their potential. If you have a
unique style to present your self-help methods verbally than develop that skill.

Maybe you are better at the written word. If that is the case, then begin a personal development
entrepreneur business online. Creating a website is easier than ever now, and it is relatively low cost. There
are website design companies eager to have your business. They compete to offer design packages which
will ensure success with your website. Once you have outlined your initial goals for the website,
maintenance and upkeep on current subjects becomes easy. All you require for online services is a diligent
attitude and being able to provide a value. Not enough can be said about value. Content on your website
should be top notch. Too many sites exist which do nothing but lead somewhere else. Research other
personal development sites and take notes on what works for you.

If you want to inspire people but feel shy about the prospect of going it alone, then opt for those personal
development entrepreneur businesses already operating. Many have franchises or training programs. Some
can teach you the business end of operations, while others may groom you to be a life coach. Always
research the company that you are interested in. There are good, legitimate companies available to get
involved with. On the flip side, there are also scams and empty promises running amuck in cyber world.
Seek out companies with solid reputations.

The personal development entrepreneur business world is flourishing. There is always room for one more
because people are starved for new information. New approaches are always needed. As the world
evolves and changes constantly, so does the individual operating within it. Self improvement skills and life
strategies delivered by powerful leaders restore hope. It is a feel-good arena measured through individual

Take your passion and fly, by beginning your own self transformation to a new career If you love people and
making a difference in their life, the personal development industry is for you. There may be something
special you offer to others which will make you the next big thing in the personal development industry.
The Han Dynasty in 100 A.D. is the first origin of Chinese characters. The Chinese dictionary completed at
that time included around 9,353 characters. The next version of the Chinese dictionary came out of Qing
Dynasty and was called the "Kangxi" dictionary. The 42 booklets contained over 46,964 characters, which
most are not even used today. There are variants on the characters, revised and refined in the current
simplified edition of the Chinese language. This edition was put out by the People's Republic of China in
1956. This book narrowed the characters down to about 6,500. This is considered a simplified form and is
the most common form used today, although some remain committed to using the old traditional ways.

Chinese characters have been defined as complicated yet beautiful in their meaning. They are complex in
relation to other writing languages. Romanization is used in terms of relation or simple visual information,
however the meaning of the character remains mysterious as the art styles behind it. Some Chinese
characters mimic similar tones of other characters, yet have different meanings. Some characters written
with just an added dot or stroke, turn into something completely different.

Of Chinese history, the crowning achievement to their culture, is the Chinese characters. They are an
abstract art form displaying incredible depth of meaning in just a few brushstrokes. This thick symbolism has
made it's way into mainstream art from centuries gone and desirable still today. Words like love, faith,
endure, tranquility, written in a one character form creates a personalization amongst the observer admiring
it. Many of these characters live on walls in homes to communicate a feeling. Many masters have created
their own unique style and now exists over 120 different styles of written Chinese calligraphy.

Learning to draw these characters requires patience, proper tools, clear concise instructions and of course,
lots of practice. Acquiring this skilled art form can be hours of entertainment and enjoyment because it is so
unfolding in a multi conceptual way. You will learn the proper directions and different styles (one or two you
may adopt as your own), and you will also learn each character's simple, yet intense meaning. More than
likely, you will choose a few complimentary to your own personality and self-expression. Rich information
and cultural history is born from learning to write Chinese characters. The ability to dive into a whole new
world is invigorating and creating the beautiful work is self actualization process all on it's own.

Whether you embark on learning to write one character well to display as art on your wall, or you continue
with the craft to put words together, even learning to read Chinese, it is rewarding. The more you unravel
the mystery living inside each of these characters, it seems to create added curiosity and a desire to keep

The ancient art of Chinese characters are popularized in cultures other than Chinese. The styles and forms
of characters seen everywhere, are now a highly demanded art to learn.
America is the cultural melting pot of the world. More so today than even as defined in history. The future
looks as though children will have to speak at least one other language than English in their adult lifetime.
The second most widely used language in the world, contrary to beliefs, is Chinese.

In classrooms around America, multi-cultural classes are popping up to incorporate traditional lessons with
cultural diverse studies. By doing so, children are learning to appreciate the diversity and traditions of other
cultures along with their own. On the pacific coast, in Bellevue, Washington, children have the opportunity to
learn Chinese along side of cultural traditions and history. The philosophy being the socio-economical need
for those who speak Chinese to be available to meet the demands in tomorrow's world.

Linguistic diversity is impacting schools everywhere. The need to preserve the Chinese language and
traditions while co-existing in American is equally as important to the Chinese as the need to learn Chinese
is for Americans. Chinese-Americans wish to hold tight to their heritage and merge with English traditions
and ways. By learning Chinese, we allow them to do just that. Communication and unity of needs are met by
interchange of language dynamics. When learning a second language, like Chinese, human relationships
and connections to their cultures become enhanced and reflective of a common goal.

The bilingual classes in Bellevue encourage learning Chinese at a young age when the child has stronger
cognition and learning processes. Many programs like these, develop a multitude of different learning
schedules to be able to reach out to as many as they can. By being flexible they are able to offer unique
programs, like after school, pre-school, or summer school activities. Also, popular in this area, are 'meet
ups", or groups where people meet up to engage in cultural exchange. It could be an American wishing to
improve his Chinese or a Chinese-American wishing to keep up on their native language or to teach others
about their cultural richness. These 'meet ups" provide endless opportunities for gaining vast knowledge and
application of the Chinese language and culture.

Learning the Chinese language today or teaching our children to be bilingual for tomorrow may fast become
one of the best decisions we could make. In looking ahead at world economy, China and America are
creating paths to one unified place in financial and social affairs. It is in our best interests to have complete
understanding and a working knowledge of the Chinese language in order to keep focus, improve
communications, and wean ourselves off the idea of minority status. The future will address more blending
of cultures and the need for sensitivity in a diverse one world economy. Ethnic identity remains important for
each groups heritage whether Chinese, Spanish, or even Irish. Holding onto those roots encouraged
immensely, but also adding knowledge of other cultures mandatory for success in relationships of the future.
By learning Chinese now creates those healthy relationships of tomorrow.
There are thousands of people in our world today who suffer daily with emotional problems, one being
anger. Learning to deal with anger-related issues can be an extensive and challenging battle. Many people
assume they can work through such issues on their own. If they are committed to changing, perhaps they
can. However other individuals find anger management groups to be quite beneficial.

Anger management groups provide a safety net for people affected by anger-related issues. Here is a place
where they can feel comfortable and free to talk about their problems, knowing they will not be judged or
criticized. Anger management groups are designed to provide support and encouragement for those who
are trying to control their anger and make positive changes in their lives. Because the group is composed of
a number of people, dealing with similar issues, it is easier to share and talk about experiences with anger.
Knowing the group will understand gives an individual freedom while sharing. Realizing the group is there to
offer support provides a sense of comfort while sharing.

Anger management groups are designed in various ways. Some anger management groups are set up for
the sole benefit of the individual who has the anger problems. Although this problem affects many people,
they need to address it themselves, to help them own up to their anger and uncover details about
themselves. This individual might also attend an anger management group for families. If their anger is
spilling over onto a family, definitely the family members are being affected and also need help and support.
There are also anger management groups for couples. Sometimes a couple may have issues with anger. It
may actually involve both individuals, who each need to work out their problems. Anger management groups
for children are in place. Designed perhaps differently, these groups or programs are put in place to offer
encouragement to children with behavioral problems caused by anger.

There are all sorts of anger management groups. Then there are anger management camps and retreats.
These are designed to offer affected individuals time away from their normal environment. Incorporating fun
and interesting activities with anger management support, this group setting provides necessary tools for
dealing with anger-related issues. There are anger management camps for girls and boys. Then there are
separate programs for girls or boys. These camps are also designed to accommodate different age groups;
12-17 is a typical age group. Although designed different from a normal support group, these camps are
really anger management groups.

With a growing need for anger management in society today, anger management groups are becoming
popular, even in areas such as the workplace. Larger schools may offer support groups for children suffering
with anger-related issues, either individually or at home. Pastoral care organizations offer anger support
groups for people within their congregation who need encouragement and understanding when dealing with
anger problems. Thousands of people are benefiting from anger support groups. For anyone who is
attempting to work through anger issues on their own, it would be to their benefit to locate an anger
management support group in their area. Attending a group such as this would make an immense difference
in their lives and the lives of all those around them. Attending an anger management group might prevent
anger from turning into violence.
Many people know about Akashic Records in general, but not many know the benefits associated with an
Akashic Reading.

Having an Akashic reading, or finding your own way to tap into the Akashic records yourself can be a life
altering experience. They can change the persona outlook on life and give a general sense of

Many people who seek an Akashic reading are looking for answers or are seeking the truth. Others receive
a reading in order to receive guidance or to make some sort of life transition. And still others have a reading
out of pure curiosity.

The main reason for readings is to provide valuable information that will lead the individual to a better life.
Readings can provide important guidance on how to work through problems and can present opportunities
for growth.

Many also experience clarity to the thought process and are able to sort out difficult life transitions.

Since the Akashic Records hold all knowledge to the past, present and future, it is only natural people would
want to know what the future holds in store for them.

Many clairvoyants who are true to their profession are able to visit the Akashic Records to find the
information for their clients. They are able to read the energy vibration that translates into images, forms,
symbols, imagery and language that the mind can comprehend.

It is important though that if you are seeking out a reading that you find a reputable Akashic Record reader.
There are many fakes out there who are just in it to take your money and scam you with general knowledge
that can fit into almost any person's life.
Business development can be a daunting and challenging venture. Business development refers to the
development of or growth of businesses. Most often, business development coaches are hired by individuals
who would like to start a business. These individuals must often choose from unaccredited business
development coaches, or less effective and inexpensive business development training packages due to a
lack of funds as they start their business. One way that business development coaches can lower their fees
for these individuals and make business development more accessible is by cutting their own costs of the
business development training, such as documents and worksheets.

The best way to cut your costs as a business development coach is through business development adobe
documents. There are many assessments, worksheets, and homework assignments that must be completed
by the individual seeking business development training. Using business development adobe documents
can save your business money on this document production. Then, the business development coach can
pass those savings on to their newer clients.

There are many advantages to using business development adobe documents. First, you save money on
document production. By using an inexpensive document server, you can share your business development
adobe documents with your clients without the cost of printing or copying many worksheets, assessments,
and homework assignments for each client. The business development adobe documents are placed on the
document server by the business development coach. Then, the client can access these business
development adobe documents by a given username and password, given upon payment. The client can
print the business development adobe documents on their own, without the need for you to email the files
individually, or the need to make copies for in house consulting.

One of the great advantages to using business development adobe documents is that the client will be
aware of what is coming in their business development training by viewing the available business
development adobe documents on the document server. This prepares the client for the next business
development training session. By being prepared to discuss the topic, with the adobe documents completed
and ready, the sessions can be shortened and more productive.

Another one of the advantages to using business development adobe documents over word processing
documents is the ability to lock various portions of the document, while leaving other portions to be
manipulated. In other words, the business development adobe documents can be created as forms that can
be filled out, while the forms themselves cannot be changed. Also, you can easily create assessments as
business development adobe documents, through the effective use of check boxes and radio buttons.

In a society where training most often happens over the internet rather than face to face, the use of business
development adobe documents is a great way to maintain streamlined training with ease. With a document
server, the business development adobe documents can be shared with clients to save time and money on
document production. The up to date business development coach should seriously consider using business
development adobe documents.
If you want to learn Spanish without taking classes, you can make a lot of progress on your own. There are
CD's and audio-books to aid you. There are plenty of books you can buy to help you learn Spanish more
easily, as well.

A nifty book to have as you learn Spanish is 1001 Most Useful Spanish Words (Beginners' Guide), by
Seymour Resnick. This book lists words by categories such as food, time, and family. The words are also
in a dictionary type listing alphabetically. The words are defined and used in a sentence. Popular phrases
using the words are given. It is helpful to anyone trying to learn Spanish.

Sticking with the numbers theme, there is another book you can get tremendous help from as you learn
Spanish. It is called 2000+ Essential Spanish Verbs: Learn the Forms, Master the Tenses, and Speak
Fluently, put out by Living Language. This book makes it so easy to learn Spanish verbs; you'll wonder why
you ever thought it would be difficult. It covers conjugations, irregular forms, and teaches you to form
tenses. It has answers to many tricky questions on verbs.

If you're a busy sort, maybe you have free time in your car. Learn in Your Car Spanish Complete Language
Course is a tool to help you learn Spanish, written by Henry N. Raymond and Oscar M. Ramirez. You just
play the CD's in your car, or anywhere else you'd like to, and repeat after the speaker. The CD's progress
from the easiest to the most advanced. You will learn enough about basic Spanish dialogue to begin to join
in conversations with Spanish speaking people.

If you're a stickler for details, you might be interested in a book called Spanish Grammar for Independent
Learners, by Arie Vicente. This book covers everything you need to know about grammar. It has all the
information neatly arranged for easy access. As you try to learn Spanish, you will come across sentences
you just know you don't have right. This book has a system to troubleshoot your language and help you
figure out what you mean to say.

For a taste of Spanish literature, try First Spanish Reader: A Beginner's Dual Language Book, edited by
Angel Flores. You will find stories old and new within its pages. You can learn Spanish almost effortlessly
by reading these short stories and proverbs. The easiest ones are first, and more difficult verb tenses are
used later on. The stories are interesting and make it fun to learn Spanish.

The Language Heretic's Super Crash Course in Spanish Conversation and Culture: GET BY in Spanish in
One to Three Weeks is a unique book by L. Adams. It cuts through all the technical aspects of language
learning in short order. The focus of the book is simply to give you enough language skills to get you into
conversations so that you can learn Spanish from there. It never claims to make you a scholar.

With all the books and CD's on how to learn Spanish, you should be able to find books that will make your
study easier. You can check them out at a library, but to get the most good out of them, you usually need to
purchase them. However, that's not much to spend if you want to learn Spanish.
When you consider that low self-esteem is usually the result of negative messages being absorbed by the
subconscious, it makes sense that feeding your mind more positive messages can make a powerful

What stops most people is the uncertainty of what to say, and how to word affirmations for optimal
effectiveness. Below you"ll find some simple tips to help you write effective affirmations for improving your

1) Present tense. First, it's helpful to word affirmations in present tense, not future. You wouldn't want to
say, "I will learn to love myself" because that makes it sound like you"ll get around to it 'someday." Instead
you could say, "I choose to love myself." The wording of that affirmation does two things: it empowers you
with the addition of the words "choose to," and it puts the timeframe in the present moment.

2) Believable. At the same time, your affirmations should be believable to you. If you tried to say, "I am a
wonderful person with a lot to offer the world," you may not really believe that, so your subconscious mind
might reject it. Instead, try to focus on a process rather than an end result in your affirmations. Say
something like, "I am learning to embrace my uniqueness and share it confidently with others."

3) Use the right tone. When you recite affirmations, you can do so aloud or just mentally, but you should
focus heavily on the TONE you use. Rather than saying the words without emotion like you were reading a
newspaper – really inject an element of love and tenderness into them. Your subconscious mind picks up
on the emotional aspect of what you"re saying more than the actual words. Imagine the difference between
saying the words, "I really love myself" with a tone of love and compassion, or sarcasm. Which do you think
would have a greater impact on your subconscious mind?

4) Repetition. Once you've got some affirmations formed to work on your self-esteem, try saying them
several times a day. Remember, your subconscious mind is constantly playing back old, negative
messages – so you want to counteract those as much as possible. Keep reciting your more positive
thoughts on a regular basis - especially when you become aware that you"re thinking negatively about

5) Give it time. Finally, remember that it will take time to change those old, negative messages in your mind
to something more positive. It may take a few weeks or even months before you"ll notice an obvious
difference in how you feel, and you may be tempted to think it isn't working. Keep with it, and you will begin
to see a difference eventually! Most likely it will be a gradual change. Little by little you"ll start feeling more
positive, and notice that you"re feeling a bit happier and lighter. That's your signal that it's working!
Our brain controls so many functions of our body besides being the powerhouse of information. Few vital
functions of our brain are motor control, visual processing, auditory processing, sensation and learning.
Considering all the functions of our brain there is no second thought that it is the most vital organ of our body
beside our heart. Any kind of brain malfunction can be well understood if related to the current technology
that is used in computer. The hard disk contains all the vital information of the computer and without it, the
computer is as good as dead. If the hard disk crashes it is tough to recover it back and in most cases it
cannot be recovered. Similarly if Amnesia or Alzheimer disease affects our brain it first destroys our brain
cells and affects our memory. Loss of memory renders us useless, as we tend to forget all the skills that we
have learnt over the period of time including language too. Any such disease can turn a human being into
nothing less than vegetable.

All the medications used to regain the memory back are used for brain nourishment. This can only be
achieved thru universal nourishment of body and brain. In order to have them work both in tandem with each
other we must feed our body properly at the same time keeps it active by participating in physical and
mental activities such as jogging and memory games. Children in their early stages should specifically be
taken care of. Right nutrition can ensure their physical as well as mental well being. Right from the stage of
pregnancy, future mothers are administered the right dosage of multivitamins and folic acid to help the brain
of fetus grow. In cases where folic acid and dietary supplements are not taken low or no mental growth is
observed. In their growing phases children are feeded with health drinks as they become choosy and eat
what they like. This leads to various deficiencies affecting growth. This has given rise to so many health
capsules and drink but the best and trusted supplement is Cod liver oil. It is rich in Omega 3 fat that helps in
better growth of brain. Research proves that children who have been given cod liver oil on a regular basis
display good memory and active body.

Over the period of time we barely make use of such supplements and the drug interference makes it worse
along with the day-to-day life stress. This makes us prone to several mental disorders such as confusion,
attention problem, foggy brain etc. We must not forget that the core brainpower has been derived from the
nutrition given at early age and this would not last lifetime. We need to supplement it on a regular basis.
There are many over the counter supplements available that are fortified with zinc, magnesium, folic acid
and other essential nutrients for brain. But taking these supplements alone will not work wonder over brain
hence we need to put in adequate exercise too. Try to challenge the memory often by engaging in memory
games and other mentally challenging activities to ensure adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the brain.
Taking care of heart and keeping the cholesterol and blood pressure in check also helps in clearing the
arteries of any block to allow good flow of blood. Hormones, specially estrogen level should be kept in check
as it affects our brain and leads to various diseases in longer run.
When you build courage, you start to improve your personal life. Building courage will help you take risks to
a brighter future that you ordinarily would not take. When you build courage, you put fear behind you.
courage is the process of admitting that you have fears, yet you are willing to find a way to defeat those
fears and not allow these fears to take control of you. It is ok to experience your fears at appropriate times.
For instance, if a bus is heading in your path, swerving you have a right to fear. There is nothing wrong with
healthy fear. The problem is you have to put healthy fear in its place and unhealthy fear out of your life.

Once you build courage, you will learn to self-direct you in life. You will learn to accept punishment and
rewards gracefully. A courageous person will often feel motivated to accept blame and responsibility while
reviewing their actions and using what they learn to move forward. Courageous people will step to the front,
rather than stepping back when opportunities come their way. On the other hand, a courageous person will
step back and take a view at his or her mistakes gracefully.

Sometimes the courageous person is spontaneous. It is never good to plan each day, because no one
knows what the next day will bring in. Think about it. How many times have you planned something all to
see it shatter in your face the next day. For instance, I plan to go to the ballgame tomorrow. Come tomorrow
a blizzard, hurricane, tornado, wind storm, or rainstorm could change your mind. You planned, but did you
plan for the weather. Did you make a backup plan in case your first plan failed. As you can see, planning is
not always in your favor, which is why courageous people are sometimes spontaneous.

A person willing to improve their life will relax. This person will relax even when plans fail. For instance, if it
stormed the next day the person will find something else to occupy his or her time and feel just as happy
about joining this adventure.

To become successful and improve your life you will need to learn how to trust you. When you trust you, you
can trust others as well. Unfortunately, we live in a world where trust is hard to find, yet when you trust you,
you can't blame others when things go wrong. +Improving your life includes using your creative and critical
mind. When you can create new ideas, you are off to the road to success. You have many options in this
world, it takes you to pull up resources to find those options.

Sometimes in life, we feel uncomfortable. In fact, this is common. Are you willing to accept your discomforts?
Perhaps at an interview you feel misplaced. Are you willing to accept this discomfort and find a way to
deliver a good speech to impress the interviewer. Alternatively, are you willing to allow negative energies
cost you the job.

Do you accept? +Do you accept the things you cannot change? Do you accept the things you have control
over? Do you accept other people regardless of how these people act? Do you accept you for who you are?
Do you accept the changes that life brings your way? +Acceptance is your key to happiness. When you can
learn to accept the good with the bad, you can learn how to live happier and improve your personal life. If
you cannot accept however, well, reread this article again.
People have various reasons to learn Spanish. Some just want the satisfaction of knowing another
language. However, in the business world, it is becoming more and more advantageous to learn Spanish.

If your business has bilingual employees, the Spanish speaking community won't hesitate to do business
with you. You will be able to service their needs without making them feel out of place or unwanted. It will
help you immensely if you have several employees who learn Spanish.

Running a grocery store or a department store is much easier if you have employees who will learn Spanish.
Questions come up as to price checks or damaged merchandise, to name a couple. It helps you to make
your business friendly to the Spanish speaking community if you are ready with answers.

If your business involves financial contracts, you can explain your services completely so that everyone
involved understands what is being agreed to. You can help the person understand the contract and make
sure it's what they want. To do work like this, your employees will need to learn Spanish in depth.

Sales are a big area of business in any country. If you don't speak a person's language, you'll never know
what they are looking for. You might try to sell them something that is out of their price range. Or, unluckily
for you, you might sell them something lesser than what they came for. This is where having employees
learn Spanish pays off.

Many companies in the US do international business. They need to speak to their business associates on
the phone, by email, or even through video conferencing. You will not want a receptionist handling such
matters. For this reason, it's necessary to have people of importance to the company learn Spanish.

Sometimes Spanish speaking people from businesses you work with will come directly to your office. If this
happens, you need to have people who have taken the time to learn Spanish to greet them. They should be
able to conduct business with the visiting associates. If you don't learn Spanish yourself, you can at least
have employees who can translate for you.

So, having established that it is important to your business for employees to learn Spanish, how can you
make that learning available? One way is to hire a company tutor. This person can come into the office
several times a week and work with selected employees to help them learn Spanish that relates to the office

This is an ideal set-up because it takes little time from the workday to learn Spanish, yet it ensures that
employees will attend. It keeps the material geared to the specific needs of your company. It also
guarantees as small a class size as you dictate.

Having employees learn Spanish can be a great boon to your business. It is well worth the trouble and
expense of making learning materials and teachers available. If you own a business, consider going
bilingual and you won't be sorry you did.
At last you are now in college! Only a few more years and the career you have been dreaming to achieve for
years is already within your grasp.

However, the path is not easy and wreath with beds of roses. Lack of financial means to pay for your tuition,
books and other necessary expenses can be an aspect to make your college student life miserable. Of
course, you can get a part time job to and support yourself, but it will be precious time away from your

You need accomplish also other college activities in successfully finishing your course. Notwithstanding old
and new friends which will surely invite you to social events.

Well then, you need to hone up your time management skills and draw up a time management calendar.
Having a Calendar of your activities will help you get through the difficulty of balancing your time between
study and work, extra-curricular and social activities with friends.

More and more State Universities and Community Colleges are aware of the fact that college students have
to work in order to survive and finance their college education. Because of this insight, these schools adjust
their class schedules to meet every student's needs.

However, administrators and advisors in the office find a hard time of scheduling and managing classes for
working college students. This is because there are too many people to schedule and manage and few
people to draw up the class schedules.

College working students like you who practice effective time management strategies can be a big help. You
can assist university and community colleges administrators in drawing up class schedules that are effective
for working students. Professionals at college need your definite schedules so that they can draw up a fair
enough class schedules.

You can work out by yourself an efficient time management schedule, which takes into consideration your
studies, and part time job schedules. In the end, with an effective time student calendar time management
plan, you also save money.

Here is a great method of setting up your calendar of time management schedule:

1. First off, you must have a semester calendar. Universities and other colleges provide students with blank
semester calendars. You can obtain one through online or create one according to your own liking.

2. In the semester calendars, enter your class schedules, project due dates, registration dates and other
important dates. These important dates may come from your class syllabi and the school timetables
provided in their brochures and announcements. Enter each date as you find them into your semester

Set up your own due dates for each phase of a big project, like term papers and projects. You can also add
personal commitments to social and personal events

Maintaining a semester calendar as your time management method will give you a view of what
commitments you need to fulfill. It will help you plan before a given schedule. This way, you will avoid last
minute disasters.

3. You can also set up a weekly planner. There are available weekly planners provided by institutions you
can obtain them online or get them at the registration office during enrollment. If you want to, you can also
buy or create your own.

In the weekly planner, you need to enter your regular class schedule and other obligations on a weekly
basis, like work, club or church meetings and assembly. Make it a point that you insert ample time for
review and reading before and following each class lecture you attend.

Take note of it in your planner. If you are wondering the enough time to put in for a review, have a general
rule to plan two hours of study for each hour a lecture transpired.

Plan your regular time off from work and school. Enter bed and wake up times in your planner. Meanwhile,
for projects, exams and other personal commitments, leave off blank slots
4. Tally out your weekly planner and semester calendar every Friday night or late afternoon. This will enable
you to check out the things you have accomplished for that week and adjust on the activities that you still
need to do for the following week.

Incorporating these other commitments can be done by placing them in the blank time schedule you have on
your weekly planner. Then add new items you are committed in for the incoming week. Enter new things and
schedules as new obligations, commitments and engagements come up.

You can have your weekly planner to check out before saying your affirmation to a commitment or
engagement. If you find you have a previous entry on the said date and time, then it is best to turn down the
invitation early on.

5. Every night create a daily "action list" for the following day. Use your weekly and semester calendar to
do this. You can even put in categories to set your priorities straight. Having a calendar for effective time
management will reveal its importance when you reach your goals. The main purpose of maintaining it is
that it will help remind you of the key goals you have set forth to achieve.
Habits, oh those nasty habits. Habits are developed from training, influences, observation, and practice. We
develop many habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are bad. Good habits we can
keep, but if one wants to improve their life the bad habits has to take a hike. Getting rid of bad habits
however is not easy, especially if an addiction is involved. For this reason, we can take a few steps to
learning how you can change your habits.

Making excuses: +People wander through life making excuses. Anytime a person sees something
complicated, they will often make excuses why they cannot deal with the problem. "This is just the way I
am." This is a common problem in the world, which we've all heard billions of times. If you are out to improve
your life however, you need to say, "This is something that hinders me from achievement and I have the
power to change it.

The first key to success is stop making excuses. Learn how to tell the truth. The truth is the only answer that
leads you to improve your personal life. Once you learn to tell the truth, you will need to commit self to
learning new behaviors and habits. +You can commit by choosing a new habit. Today I plan to drink more
water. Some of us detest water, yet water is our way of living healthier. Instead of detesting something that
will save your life, start saying, today I will drink more water. Even if you start out drinking a glass for the first
couple of days, you are making changes.

Today I am going to stop judging others and myself. This is a common mistake people make in the world.
They spend time judging others and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a world of chaos. You make
your bed, you must learn to sleep in it, which is why you should change your ways. Judging is only for our
Master in the sky. +Do you think negative? I can't change this. My life is full of nonsense, I can't swing it
anymore. Why me? Who put a tag on my head, saying persecute me. If you spend your life thinking
negative and saying negative connotations, try changing your ways today. For instance, say, I can change
something and I am going to. Instead of saying life is full of nonsense, accept it as truth yet move ahead to
make your life better. Why me is a common question, which no one knows why, yet we have to accept it,
make better decisions and move ahead. If you feel persecuted, ask you what you are doing that makes you
feel this way. Do you have friends or family members weighing you down? If so, then kick their butt down the
road and make new friends. No one in life is worth you suffering ongoing. You have the power to make
changes, yet you do not have the power to change other people.

When you start to make changes to improve your life, start small. Instead of jumping the gun, take baby
steps to success. Too many times people try to change overnight. This only leads to frustration. +When you
are working to change your life and habits make sure you seek support and feedback. You do not have to
walk the road to success alone. Feedback is found at your library, the Internet, at colleges, and so on. You
will find support along these channels as well. Ask someone you trust to support you and give you feedback
when needed also.
There is a quiet appreciation for Chinese calligraphy (called "Shu Fa" in Chinese). We see it everywhere. It
has been around for thousand's of years, and has danced it's way into the western world. Character
techniques were refined throughout the history of China as their culture's social circumstances changed.
Self expression thru disciplined understanding of form and technique has been handed down by the great
masters of Chinese calligraphy, with each master leaving a unique, individual style. Within this heritage
many artists have taken some influence from it for their own works. Picasso and Matisse are two artists who
used some Chinese calligraphy in their art. It is considered an art form and with it's amass of many
followers, it is now a sought after as a class in which one can learn the art of Chinese calligraphy.

There are many avenues to explore in Chinese Calligraphy. Before you embark on a furious intended study
of learning Chinese calligraphy, introduce yourself to the all the aspects involved. Start by searching out the
fun stuff, to keep yourself entertained momentarily and intrigued further into learning more. One particular
fun concept to do with Chinese calligraphy is to see what your name means in Chinese and how beautifully
it is written. You most likely will spend a little time giving Chinese names and meanings to everyone dear to
you. The western world likes intense, spiritual and deep meanings for names, well, the Chinese do too. And
when written in Chinese, your name takes on even more in depth personal magic. Also recommended is to
spend time with other words commonly used in Chinese art. Words like love, hope, tranquility, all become
so immersing and identified with personally when witnessed in Chinese calligraphy form. So much do they
affect the eye of the beholder, that often they end up permanently expressed in a tattoo. Chinese calligraphy
is a very popular request for tattoos.

After skipping across the top of the Chinese calligraphy history and art information, you can decide to take
the process further by actively seeking out places or internet sites offering a more thorough course in the art
of Chinese calligraphy. Many instructions remain basic in it's course, while others incorporate reading or
speaking Chinese as well. If your focus is art, then by all means, stick with the art only instructions, as there
is so much to master within that form anyways. You will learn the different tools, mediums, and colors used
for expressing your personality in depth on a simple surface. There are many different varieties of
applications in Chinese calligraphy just to express one word. The results will refer to as a living moment, or
living thought. And it is the results that loved and appreciated.

Chinese calligraphy is a worthy and beautiful experience to launch into. Expect Countless hours of
enjoyable practice into an ancient, respected, old world art. If you wish to learn Chinese calligraphy, then by
all means...continue on.
Today, I went on a search for the perfect tattoo. I wanted something beautiful, simple and with deep spiritual
meaning. I hadn't a clue what I was looking for. Then I tripped over Chinese calligraphy. I was taken back
by the words brush stroked eloquently and masterfully on the paper. They spoke to me. Without even
knowing what they meant, I could tell each word held a world of thought within it's own. As I went thru the
page, the calligraphy got only better, making it difficult which one I should choose to eternalize on my skin. I
was so entranced with the Chinese calligraphy letters, I impatiently pushed right on thru to see how they
were put together as words. Even more beautiful. All had a deep meaning applicable to the personality of

Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art form stemming back to almost 3000 years ago. This style of writing is
said to be abstract art. Many masters throughout Chinese history have left behind their own unique
interpretation of the Chinese characters. It was Tu Mang, however, who correlated it all together with form
identification and style. He established names for the techniques used to describe the words. For instance,
a "carefree" style has an unfixed or unknown direction. On the opposite end, a "carefully executed" form
insists on careful execution and thought behind the work. "Mysterious" is to use your imagination. There are
120 existing expressions used for Chinese calligraphy, many born by great masters.

This graceful serene art form called Chinese calligraphy is a greek word meaning "beautiful writing" and is
seen everywhere from art galleries to restaurants, and tattoo shops. Which takes me back to the search for
the perfect Chinese word. Once I had the words I wanted to immortalize on my back, after learning so much
more about Chinese calligraphy, it occurred to me I would have to choose a form as well. What kind of
brush strokes would best represent the meaning of the words I had chose? I could go with a more classic,
traditional style used in ancient times or even something called the "grass" style, looking more whimsical to
me. I had not realized the depth of expression involved not only in searching a tattoo, but the actual
essence, personality, and layers upon layers of meaning associated with this beautiful art.

Beyond the style, there are phrases, and the writing itself...traditional vertical or modern horizontal. I could
opt for quotes, 4 character idioms, or even 7 character extractions from famous poems. I could get my
name or my children's names translated to Chinese or frame the words with other Asian art. The more I
searched on Chinese calligraphy, the more infatuated I became of the work, yet I was not getting closer to
choosing a tattoo because, quite honestly, each word or quotation inspired a feeling in me. There were
simply too many I identified with on a deeper, more spiritual level. For now, I would have to ponder
Have you ever wondered why you are cramming every time your final examination is nearing? Your choir
group is having a practice on Friday afternoon and at the same time, you and your classmates will have a
group study at the same day.

What will you prioritize? Difficult, but it is the reality among college students today.

Time management is a vital factor in fulfilling a successful college career. It is a well-known fact that college
life is full of surprises—tons of homework and projects, almost endless examinations, and other things with
regard to studying.

If do not use effective time management skills, you will have quite a hard time organizing different
appointments and commitments.

Unlike in your high school classes before that you are dealing with the same subject matter every day, most
college classes do not meet on a daily basis.

There will be times that your next class is due for another 2 to 3 hours, so you still have time to play a game
of Frisbee. If you have habits like that, always watch out for the time, or else your college life will end up
sooner than you have expected.

Here are the following tips to help you maximize the use of your time dealing with different activities and at
the same time minimize your stress level.

Tip No.1: Use a time chart.

In time management, time chart is always recommended. It helps to find the best time for different types of
activities you will engage in. College students have a unique time management challenge in particular
portions of their schedule that are fixed and with lots of free time in between.

It will help you to add some additional structure to your schedule based on the times that you think is best
suited for different activities.

For instance, you can set studying some mathematical and design problems during your free time in
between two light subjects. Not only you have managed your activities, you are also keeping your mind
away from possible stress that you may acquire.

It also adds more balance to your schedule. Some students focus too much on studying and forgetting other
types of activities like sports, recreation, and social events.

Tip No.2: Prioritize

Prioritizing is one of the most common time management problems. Deciding what activities must be done
first or second is difficult, especially when all of these activities are all you priorities.

It is essential for college students to select and prioritize the activities they want to spend their time with.

In case that you cannot figure out which must be prioritized, here are the guides that you can refer to.
Knowing your priorities will help you fix your schedule much better.

• Reward: Ask yourself what things give you the greatest joy. As you sort through your personal priorities,
look on the aspect of personal fulfillment.

You will find that there is satisfaction in doing what you are gifted. In other words, do the things that you
think will give you something good in the end.

• Requirement: When you feel plagued by obligations, all you have to do is to stop first and try to sort out
your 'must dos" from your "choose to dos".

It is a well-known fact that you have obligations. Certainly, you are not asked to perform all the obligations in
this world. Ask yourself what are the things that you are required to do.

• Results: When sorting your priorities, ask yourself if what things that gives you favorable results in return.
Spend most of your time working in things of your greatest strength.

You will not waste your time and effort in doing something that you know will not give you the favorable
result that you want.

College is a great time to have experiment with new things. Setting priorities will help you balance these new
experiences with focus for the things that really matter to you.

Tip No.3: Be careful with over-commitment and attempting to do too much.

Exerting too much effort on a certain activity can lead to excessive stress, pressure, and eventual burnout.
Remember that when you take on something, you are declining everything else that you could have done
with that time.

Tip no.4: Write things down.

The habit of writing things down using an effective time management system will help you remember even
the smallest detail of your activity especially during your classes.

Avoid memorizing. Our brain is just like a recordable compact disc wherein a new recording will erase
everything previously recorded.

Enjoy your college life. Use your time management skills and get rid of messy schedules.
You all know how difficult it is to balance your studies and other activities in school, especially in
examination weeks. It seems like you should do everything all at once. Students, especially college
students, find it very hard to balance their hectic schedule.

If you are a college student, there are probably many things to do in school that you almost have no more
time to study or miss spending time with your friends. This can be very frustrating and could lead you to get
bored on your studies.

Knowing how to balance your time can and will work to your advantage. You can perform all your school
activities and spend time with your friends when you know how to manage your schedule or time.

Having time management skills is very important for college students. With effective planning of your
schedule, you will not get bored on your studies.

Exam weeks are probably the most hectic schedule you will ever have as a college student. You will be very
busy on your studies and need lots of time with your books. However, there are also activities you need to
do outside your school like, going to the laundry, or driving to town to buy groceries or eat.

If you listen to music while you are driving then you can study while driving by listening to audio study tapes
or CD's. You can record your entire professor's lecture in a cassette and use them for study purposes.

This method is very efficient and very useful. Just name all tapes about the topic and date. This will be
easier to understand than reading.

You can also try to attend seminars where speakers can teach and advise you on time management.
Remember that scheduling and time management is important for you as a college student and as an

Just imagine missing an important appointment and deadlines for projects, it can be very frustrating and can
cost you your grades and social life. Imagine the frustration this will give you, that is why time management
is very important.

Time management does not necessarily mean that you have to study more and socialize less. It will give
you an idea on how to balance both and how to make use of your time that will fit your need.

Time management will also show you how to set your priorities straight. Some college students tend to
forget about their important duties and priorities in school and ends up getting frustrated.

To start managing your time you first need to know how much time you spend on each specific activities you

First, you have to take note of all the activities you do for a week and list down how much time you spend on
each typical activity. Doing this will help you prepare more efficiently on a specific subject or class of the
day, and it will also help you identify which activity is a waste of time.

Set more time studying on subjects you know that you have difficulty on. If you think a particular subject is
easy for you, try to take one hour of study time from that particular subject and add that extra hour on more
difficult subjects.

Try to stick to your schedules as much as possible. College students are easily tempted by social activities
like gathering of friends in a bar for a drink. Learn to say no to your friends. This is very important to avoid
failing in classes. If you are invited on a school night to go out and have fun, tell your acquaintance that you
are studying and could not afford to fail in the particular class.

Sometimes, it is very tempting that you should join your friends. You might think that you can pass up
studying for today and you can always study the next day. Students make this common mistake college, if
your schedule says that you should study, and then you have to study. Of course, you need to socialize, but
do it in your free time.

Knowing proper management of your time as a college student can further help you in your future as a
With this knowledge, you can easily adjust to the world of offices and work. Always remember that there are
times for studying and there are times for having fun.
It is but natural for college students to find ways of strengthening their skills in time management. It is an
essential aspect for them to achieve a successful life. College students are aware of time management skills
through research and practical means.

Time management is an important skill for college students because they typically need to juggle many
different activities in a rather unstructured environment.

Many college students struggle to maintain a productive and balanced time in order to accomplish all their
goals and the tasks involved to achieve them. Most college students lives evolve in attending classes,
working a part-time (some even full-time) job, allocating quality time for families and friends, and striving to
find time for their own needs.

With proper time management skills and researching effective methods and system, these ongoing tasks will
not become heavy burden for college students.

Once college students go to a class with a positive attitude and still manage to accomplish their other tasks
with ease, their time are spent wisely and their whole disposition will turn out positively. If they lack time
management skills, they will likely procrastinate, become too stressed out and pressured then end the day in
a sour mood with nothing accomplished.

Now do you see the importance of knowing time management skills? If you have little or no experience in
managing your time do a time management skills research. If you cannot do this, you can also talk with an
accomplished professional who is experienced in time management.

In your part-time or full-time job, you are also likely to meet someone who can support you and share with
you valuable time management system. You can even go outside your campus and research on how fellow
college students in other universities and community colleges struggle with time management.

There are time management courses designed for college students that can provide a good foundation
developing the time management skills, strategies, tools and methods. This will help strengthen college
student's resolve to create an effective time management system to aide them through achieving their life's

College students can also research on other time management skills resources online for further knowledge
on how to create significant and efficient time management skills.

In the course of your time management skills research, you are likely to learn of making plans. Plans are the
steps in setting up a time management system according to your college routine, whether academic or non-
academic. Plans may, can, will, and has failed, though. Still, knowing ample time management strategies
can teach you how to be flexible in putting up an action plan, scheduling and listing of priorities tasks.

Setting your priorities straight is also an important aspect that you need to learn and research about in time
management. As a college student, you need to set priorities and work hard to achieve your goals. Doing
this will further strengthen your skills and even your character and resolve.

College students are often struggling, simply because many of them procrastinate, or have difficulties in a
course and refuse to ask for help. Do not fall victim to the habit of putting off for tomorrow what you can do

Alternatively, proper research of time management skills will also give you more ideas on how to manage
your other affairs outside of college. These affairs include social entertainment activities with old and new

Failure to balance out your college student activities and your social activities outside of college can distract
your mind and lead you to over-choice and over-commitment. This will tip the precarious balance you are
struggling to maintain.

You can strengthen your skills by looking at the situation and realizing that these distractions are mishaps
waiting to happen. Do not be proud enough to reject help. Refusing assistance or refusing to admit that you
need assistance will lead you to a road of disaster.

You will also find out in your research about time management skills for college students that procrastination
is not an option if you are striving for success. Procrastination is a considerable waste of time and energy. It
will only pile you up with additional tasks you already had on your plate.

Finally, through research and healthy practice of time management tips, you will learn that the key to
strengthen your time management skills is to move obstacles out of your way. You have to run over the
outward obstacles head on without having to suffer complications.

As a college student, you need to further your research and improve your time management skills. Learn it
well by doing and you find out that experience is a good teacher.
College students really have a time of their lives during their university or college years. It is a time when
there is a whirlwind of activity, piles of obligations and responsibilities and an advent of fresh faces and
personalities to meet.

Do not think that once you become a college student you are deprived of making new friends in favor of
study and work. If your goal in life is to successfully finish your college degree and become a professional in
the career you chose, then it is doubly important to gain new acquaintances. These new associations will be
a great help in achieving your goal.

First, new college friends are the ones who would primarily understand the pressure you are going through.
They can be a great help when it comes to sharing lecture notes and project perspectives. They can also
introduce you to new activities, which will serve as stress busters.

While your old friends are worth treasuring and still on hand for traditional activities you have shared over
the years, new friends in college will pave new avenues for much improved college social life.

However, this does not mean that you will have to spend the whole lot of your time hanging out on social
functions with them. Between your goal of making good as a college student and meeting new friends, you
need a good time management plan in order to keep track of your foremost responsibilities.

We all know that new friends mean new social commitments, another addition to your college class
schedules, important dates and other social functions with old friends. Sometimes, if you fail in efficiently
setting up a time management plan, you might find yourself drifting off from one social activity to the next. It
will get that way until it time gets too crowded to permit more time for browsing lecture notes and reading
materials, accomplishing your projects and reviewing for exams.

Indeed, the advent of new friends for college students may mean incessant interruptions and sets awry your
carefully planned schedule.

Here are several time management tips to prevent you from heading off to the destructive path of
carelessness and jovial abandon.

1. Use a time chart as a tool in finding the best time for different types of activities. Since as a college
student, you have a unique time management challenge in certain portions of your schedule, you also need
to have a more disciplined time management tracking. One feature of the uniqueness of your schedule is the
fixed classes and ample free time in between each. Rest is also much wide open, allowing you to commit to
other social endeavors with friends.

As a college student, you can avoid getting swamped up with not-so-important commitments by having a
time chart to help you add some additional structure to your schedule. You can base this time chart
according to the different time and different types of activities.

The time chart will help you discover your peak times for mental concentration and studying. You will have to
schedule study hours for your most difficult classes during these peak times.

Once you have written this off in your chart, you will know that you cannot be available for any other activity.
You can decline politely from invitations by new college friends, then.

Maintaining a time chart can also help you balance your schedules. Avoid focusing much of your time just
studying and not getting out of your way to make new friends. As much as possible a proper balance of
study and leisure is needed to keep your mind and body alert and receptive to learning.

2. Do not indulge yourself in a common time management problem called, over-choice. College students
can choose among many different activities.

Understandably, it is natural to become more inclined in a certain activity though it does not have
significance whatsoever on gaining your goal in life. Even if it would mean meeting new friends, things that
will cause you to lose priority are not good.

3. Remember that every time you take on something, like going out with your new friends to an excessive
degree, you are automatically rejecting everything else you could have done with that time.
That's why, aside from over-choice, guard against over-commitment and the overwhelming attempt to do too

Your college life as a student can effectively function if there is a significant amount of interaction with new
friends. Nevertheless, do not overdo yourself. Remember the important time management tips and balance
your commitments according to what is necessary to achieve your ultimate goal in life.
College years cannot be forgotten easily. Why? Because it is one of the hardest and the toughest stage in a
person's life. It entails lots of preparations and adjustments.

College life is full of challenges. College students are faced of mountainous confrontations and obstacles
that must be faced. These students must work hard to prove not only to themselves but to other people that
they are worthy of getting into college and finishing successfully.

To do and accomplish all the challenges and dares that are facing the college students, proper time
management is necessary. College student should know how to manage time properly and how to consume
time for worthy things.

The ability to manage and schedule time wisely makes college life easier. Missing important deadlines and
appointments may cause difficulty and complications to both the academic and social life of the student.
These things can also result to guilt, anxiety, stress, frustrations and other negative feelings.

The following are some of the tips for college students on how to manage time their time successfully.

• Learn how to prioritize. Prioritization is one of the most important aspects of time management. Proper
prioritization of engagements and responsibilities is very necessary. There are too many college students
that are ignorant and do not know how to set prioritization. This can often lead to procrastinations.

• Make use of 'to do list". This does not necessarily mean making a schedule. This is only listing the things
that are important to be done. List things according to their importance.

• Stop being a perfectionist. Nothing is perfect. God created no perfect things and individuals. When you try
to be perfect, you are only setting your self up for defeat. Many difficult and hard tasks lead to avoidance
and procrastinations.

• Set goals. Setting goal is good in managing the time of college students. You should set goals that are not
only attainable but should also be challenging.

• Try to combine several activities. Trying to combine many several activities in one sitting. Example of
these are the following:

when watching a sit-com, try to compute your bills in between commercials; when taking a shower, list in
your mind the things that are needed to be done; while you are commuting on the way to school, listen to
taped notes. These things can save you some of your time that could have been set aside for other things.

• Survey your personal time. Making personal time survey help in estimating how much time is consumed
and spent in many typical activities. This is very important if you are wanting to manage your time properly.
Do these by tracking the time you spent for a day or a week. This gives you an idea on how much time you
are consuming in different activities and things. This will also allow you to realize and identify the time

• Make a daily schedule to be followed. There are many different styles of time schedules that you can use.
Try to make use of the time schedule that can fit into your personality. The common styles of time
scheduling are through engagement books, cards, a piece of poster board tacked to a wall and many other
styles. Once you are know what style to use, construct it soon. Put in the time schedule all the things that
are necessary, including your personal needs.

• Take some notes and review them before the end of the day. This will help identify the things that you
have done properly and the things that you have failed to do. This can help you develop proper time
management skills.

• You should learn how to say no. There is nothing wrong in saying no in some instances and cases. For
example, somebody invited you to watch a movie at a time when you have got something to do. Leave out
the movie and prioritize your task. You can do that later on.

Learning proper time management for college students is very important. Learning these things early on will
prepare them for the life that lay ahead of them. These will be their tool in achieving the life they are
dreaming of.
Being in college is a situation that warrants steady nerves and good time management skills. Indeed, college
students are dangerously prone to stress and pressure. What with attending classes, studying, working a
part-time job, doing extracurricular activities and finding time for social functions and interactions with family
and friends, you might find it hard to balance your time properly.

You cannot afford to concentrate on just one particular activity and lose track with the others. You must
distribute your time well and avoid tipping over the precarious balance of activities once you have
established them.

It is easy to say that you need to balance your act and find time for every responsibility you have engaged
in. Still you need a supreme hold over your time management in order that you can balance your college
schedule properly.

Here are several college student tips for time management. These will help you stay balanced and stress-
free as you go about your everyday obligations as a college student.

1. You have to set up your goals. In Steven Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", he
shared a very good story of big rocks in a jar wherein the moral is that you need to set out your topmost
priorities in life, or your big rocks, first. This way, you will clearly define your ultimate goal and not have to
neglect it once other smaller goals or priorities (small rocks, sand and water, in Covey's story) pile up to
occupy your time.

Once you have put in your ultimate goal, then you can set out to determine particular goals. For example,
define your academic goals, extracurricular goals and social activity goals. By doing so, you can determine
what you want to accomplish in a day, a week, a whole semester and even a whole school year.

Setting goals will help you become more inclined to follow through with them and check them off one by one
as you accomplish each.

2. Set your priorities straight. Once you determined what your ultimate and particular goals are, then you will
know what to accomplish. Getting your priorities straight means figuring out which tasks you must
accomplish foremost in order to achieve your set goals. You can set up a list everyday on what are the
activities that warrant your most attention.

3. Get organized. This is a time management discipline and the key to completing your tasks in a timely
manner. Identify each goal you have and determine the schedule when they need to be accomplished. A
weekly calendar is called for.

Here, you must list your class schedule, set a few hours of review, mark social events, club meetings,
exercise time, and any other necessary activity essential to achieving your ultimate goal. . For each activity,
make sure you have included the inclusive period for them and deadlines or due dates of accomplishment.

Look up faithfully in this calendar for you to develop a regular routine while managing to balance your time
on numerous tasks.

4. Remember that procrastination is a deficiency. When you allow procrastination to seep into your being, it
will cause you to fail miserably in balancing your time. Once you have set out to accomplish a task or plan
on doing an activity, by all means, do so. Do not ever neglect a schedule or forget a due date.

Beware of the habit of putting off for tomorrow what you can do today. This kind of attitude will result to
stress and excessive pressure on your part, which is not healthy. 5. Make use of each extra minute wisely.
You can accomplish small tasks during some situations when you find yourself with nothing to do, like
waiting for the bus or sitting idly in between classes. These circumstances are good opportunity to
accomplish simple tasks that will constitute the completion of larger tasks.

6. Identify the time of day when you know you are most productive. By identifying the time when you have
more energy to work, you will know when to start and finish challenging or demanding tasks.

Meanwhile, during the time when you have less energy to work, dedicate them to less challenging jobs.
Implement this time management strategy and see how you will get more tasks accomplished in each day.

Develop a well-maintained time management plan involving these tips and you will achieve better time
management skills as you mature. You will also become a balanced all-around college student!
"Son, remember that the journey to a thousand miles always begin with a first step."

James is getting irritated with this usual reprimand of his father. Every morning when he wakes up late,
instead of scolding him, the father always utters this friendly advice to his son.

Are you like James? Wake up to reality dear college students.

College life is very different from spending your time in high school. It is the point when people are expecting
much from you. You are bearing greater responsibility.

It is a period of maturity, you are accountable in every decision you take.

What do you think is the greatest factor that hinders your everyday task as a college student? Is it peer
pressure or the burden of school projects?

Most of the students are complaining in the duration of their college life. It seems too long for them. They
have many things to do. Group discussion today, project tomorrow and examination the next day, all these
sometime make you freak out.

Have you ever had a time of reflecting within you? Did you ever ask yourself about the real reason behind
the problems you encounter?

Well, you had better do so. Perhaps, this is the time for you to assess yourself and make a difference.

The reason behind all the problems that you encounter during your college life falls on one key factor, time
management. It is most important than what you think.

Managing your time properly is just associated with your dedication and commitment. If you do so, it will
simply mean that you are starting to become more responsible individual.

Time management is a very essential practice for every college students. This will help you to lessen the
pressure you feel. This will also prevent you from cramming. It will make things work lighter for you, little by

Here are some tips for you to manage your time accurately:

1. Be organized; make a timetable.

When you are just getting started, this is a bit time consuming. You need to provide yourself with a handy
notebook where you can place the date, time and your scheduled activity for the day.

This will teach you to become organize. You can allot your time properly. If there are necessary adjustments
that you will do, at least you can easily check it in your timetable.

2. Be goal driven- tack a goal for every activity.

There is always a time for enjoyment with your peers. However, in every activity that you do make sure that
you are tracking a particular goal.

Every move that you take should be base on your personal objective. This will make you grow as a person.

3. Set your priorities.

Important activities should be settled first above other minor actions. If you have examination tomorrow and
it was the birthday party of your friend, better go on with your exam first.

You can ask your friend to go out maybe on the weekends. If he is really a true friend for you, he will
understand you.

Your priorities will also be reflected on your timetable. Your entire schedule that can be set aside should be
place at the bottom. Usually, for a college student the common activities that you need to prioritize are those
that concern your school.
Those are just simple tips for you. The kind of life that you will have in the future will depend upon you. If you
continue to mismanage your time, expect that you will also have a lesser chance to succeed.

You must grab all the opportunities offered for you in your college life. Make use of every second that you
have resourcefully. This will serve as your initial step in tracking a good future.

Time management is your doorway to success. This is your first pace towards the thousand miles. Do not be
annoyed when your parents are scolding you when you are always late. They always know what the best is
for you. This is for your own sake.

Keep in mind that whatever you are performing now will determine the kind of person that you will become in
the future.
Have you ever set a goal and not achieved it? Most people have. In fact, it's quite common for people to
get stuck in an endless cycle of setting goals and then quitting them shortly afterwards – and accomplishing
nothing at all.

Why do people do this? One of the biggest reasons is a lack of commitment to their goal. Without
commitment a goal will gradually shrink in importance, and the temptation to quit will seem much more
attractive, especially when obstacles cause setbacks and delays.

On the other hand, if you make a serious commitment and then continually remind yourself of it, you"ll be
much more likely to persevere and achieve the goal.

Here's how to commit to your goals:

1) First and foremost, you have to make sure that every goal you set is of VITAL importance to you. This
can be tricky because we so often fool ourselves into thinking we want one thing when we want something
entirely different. Take some time with this part of the process, and be sure that you get to the heart of what
you really want. Why do you want it? What will it do for you? What positive things will it bring to your life?
How will it help you? How will it make you feel when it's accomplished?

Write all of this down and keep it handy so you can refer to it as often as necessary if you feel your
commitment beginning to slip.

Also ask yourself if your goal is worth the effort and sacrifice that will be needed to achieve it. If you can
honestly answer yes, you are on the way!

2) Think about what will happen if you don't follow through. Would nothing much happen if you don't
achieve your goal? If not, then you need to raise the stakes! You have to make your goal the most
important thing in the world, and if you don't do it, you"ll deal with negative consequences. Even if you have
to indulge in a bit of 'make believe" in order to do this, do it. For example, play up the fact that you"ll lose
respect for yourself if you don't follow through; or you might agree to give up something you love if you don't
make it happen.

3) Then, each and every day, renew your commitment. It's easy to be committed you"re your goal is new
and your motivation is high, but you need to be able to STAY committed – no matter what! Each day when
you awaken, read through the goal you wrote down on the first day, and stress again how vitally important it
is to you. Promise yourself that you"re going to do as much as you can to work on your goal that day, and
every day until you achieve it.

When it comes right down to it, no one can achieve your goals for you. If you want to achieve them, you"ll
have to find the determination necessary to keep going. Inactivity and procrastination are usually nothing
more than bad habits. Turning those habits into something more positive and productive is as simple as
taking it a day at a time and working your hardest to change your life. The more committed and determined
you are to making your goal happen, the more likely you"ll do just that.
Do you find yourself striving to move forward, but getting nowhere? You likely have barriers to personal
growth and development that you may not even be aware of. Many people have barriers to personal growth
and development that hold them back from achieving their personal or career goals in life. However,
regardless of the nature of your barriers to personal growth and development, you can overcome the
obstacles and achieve your goals with a few lifestyle and mindset adjustments.

The most common barrier to personal growth and development is your own imagination. How much a
person can accomplish is only limited by the vision and determination of the person. If you think that you
cannot accomplish something, then you will fail. If you think that you can accomplish something, and you put
in the effort, you will succeed. Often, personal growth and development is often that simple.

Another common barrier to personal growth and development is past failures or events. Often our past
failures or bad events in our lives get in the way of personal growth and development. It is natural for our
minds to dwell on such events, but only by moving past them can we truly grow as people and in our
careers. These incidents must be put aside so that we can accomplish our goals.

Another common barrier to personal growth and development is our support systems, or lack of support.
Negative messages from family, friends, and co-workers will only serve to bring us down, not lift us up.
Surrounding yourself with people who are like minded and striving for success in their careers and their life
will help you to do the same. Whether you get support from an organized group, your friends, or your family
makes no difference. The support that you get, the motivational pep talks and the shoulder to cry on when
things go wrong, will help you to realize all of your goals and overcome your barriers to personal growth and

One of the less common barriers to personal growth and development is the basic lack of planning. Many
people go through life taking what is handed to them, without ever setting down goals and striving to exceed
expectations. Setting goals, figuring out how to reach those goals, and making a timeline for success is a
vitally important and often ignored barrier to personal growth and development.

Remember, whatever your personal barriers to personal growth and development, you can overcome your
obstacles. Any person who sets goals, creates a timeline for success, has adequate support, and strives for
excellence can overcome these barriers to personal growth and development and achieve the success that
all people deserve.

If you need further assistance in personal growth and development, you can find a lot of information on the
internet or in books through your local library or your favorite online book store. Personal development
coaches, career development profiles, and other personal growth and development tools can also help you
to overcome obstacles and achieve what seemed like the impossible.
Do you have the competence to improve your everyday living and overall humane existence, or do you lack
this quality? To improve personal living you have to find competence to take control. Our life is the personal
way we as humans life. It is our way of making choices, which contributes to our person. In life we have
inner coaches, counselors, etc that help us to achieve in life. We also have helpful experts in the world who
will take the time to help those who find it difficult to help self. You have many options and resources
available to you.

How to use competence: +Competence is earned. You must learn how to build competence to use it. A
person with competence will take what they learn and use it to solve different situations in their life. They will
make what they learn second to the first nature they intend to acquire. A competent person always sees the
new light at the end of each tunnel.

When a person has competence, he or she feels joyful. A joyful person will consider each incident,
experience etc in life as something they can learn from, as well this person will not allow bad weigh him or
her down. The person will take the bad, see new light and continuing learning from his or her mistakes.

We hear bad news each day. The US is battling hard with other countries. This is out of our control.
Therefore, we must see the new light. For instance, you can say "I do not have control over the world, yet I
have control over my actions." Once you see that you can only change you, you will live happier and free of

You will need to learn how to suspend judgments of self and others. You are not the Man in control. Only
one spiritual being has the right to call judgment down on anyone. Let this Man take the weight on His
shoulders. You may need to pray often to cease judging self and others. since this is a common problem, we
face in the world. It is habitually seen in nearly everyone you meet. +It is ok to have opinions, but when you
do not have facts to support your claims, why speak. Too many times people suspect, offer opinions,
speculate, or jump to conclusions, which has caused major problems in the world. If you do not have facts
behind you, or to support what you say, shut up. Allow someone else in the world to make the next mistake.

If you want to live happier, you will need to build your energy. To build energy you will need to eat proper,
exercise and take good care of you. You will need to associate with positive people and learn to help others
as well as yourself. The more effort you put forth, the more you will get back from your efforts.

Next, you want to consider your health. Frequent doctor visits, exercise, eating right and avoiding harmful
chemicals and substances are a start to bettering your health.

Once you get your health in check, you can move to build self-awareness. In fact, you should have a degree
of this already built, since you needed it to see how to improve your overall life. Self-awareness is the
process of evaluating self. When you can sit back and look at you, you have self-awareness. What can I do
to change bad habits. How do my bad habits help me. Remember, laugh as you evaluate yourself to keep
from going insane.
Autism is one condition that requires speech therapy treatment. However, autism is often misunderstood
and thought of to be something that can be left untreated. However, that should not be how things work.
Autism presents a lot of problems, but the intensity of these problems could be decreased if given the
correct treatment.

In Relation To Autism: Vocabulary

A lot of terms are commonly heard in relation to autism, such as: classic autism, infantile autism, Pervasive
Developmental Disorder (PDD), Atypical PDD, Autistic like, PDD-NOS, Asperger's Syndrome and high
functioning Autistic.

What Is It Exactly?

Basically, Autism is a neurological disorder. It is classified to be a Pervasive Developmental Disorder. The

main characteristic of Autism is that it affects three major areas in relation to speech and language. This
triad is the impairment of the child's: social interaction, communication and imaginative play.

Pervasive Developmental Disorder is actually an umbrella term for Autistic Spectrum Disorders. With the
use of the term "pervasive", it is emphasized that the disability's range of deficits is beyond psychological
development. On the other hand, the term 'developmental" puts emphasis that the occurrence of the
condition is during the child's development rather than later in life.

Autism is actually only one condition under this umbrella. Other conditions include Rett's Disorder, which is a
neurodevelopmental disorder that begins to show its symptoms during early childhood or infancy.

Another is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder; it somewhat resembles Autism but the difference is the first
two to four years of the child's life is rather normal, then the symptoms start to show.

Asperger's syndrome is also in this umbrella. It is sometimes called high functioning autism. Lastly, PDD-
NOS or Pervasive Developmental Disordere—Not Otherwise Specified is also related to Autism. These are
children that present symptoms similar to but don't quite match the other conditions.

What Causes Autism?

Even though a lot of research has been done, there is no identified single factor that causes Autism. Several
factors are said to play a part in the occurrence of Autism. One of these is brain disorder. Recent studies
show that there is a difference in the brains of people with Autism. Their cerebellum seems to be smaller
than normal, and their limbic system is impaired.

Chemical imbalances are also said to play a part here. It was found that in some cases, symptoms came
from food allergies, chemical deficiencies, hormonal imbalances or elevated brain chemical levels.

Heredity is also an important factor. A lot of genetic disorders have Autism as a symptom. An example
would be the fragile-X syndrome. Other factors include pre-, peri-, post-natal trauma, brain damage
complications and MMR immunization.

Whatever the cause may be, the child with Autism should be given the same structured training in able to
stimulate his learning, language and social skills.


For a child to be diagnosed of having Autism, he should first qualify for the Diagnostic Criteria for Autistic
Disorders according to the DSM-IV.

Treatment: Therapy And Others

Due to the triad of Autism effects on the child, speech therapy becomes a vital part of Autism management.
However, other members of the team are also needed such as pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, child
psychiatrist, psychologist, occupational therapist, behavior therapist, and educators like schoolteachers or
Special Education teachers.

Role Of Speech Therapist In Autism Rehabilitation

The Speech Therapist assesses hearing. He also evaluates whether the speech and language difficulties of
the child is really due to Autism or another disorder. This can be taken from analyzing the child's expressive
language, receptive language, oral-motor functions, voice quality, articulation and fluency, auditory
processing and pragmatic skills.
A speech therapist has a vital role in the pre- and post op management of laryngeal cancer, because
Laryngectomy patients have to undergo speech management. So here are some of the things to know about

A Team Approach

Firs off, the management of laryngeal cancer requires a team approach. The patient gets to see a surgeon,
radiologist, audiologist, speech-language pathologist, oncologist, physical therapist, maxillofacial
prosthodontist, and a psychiatrist. All of these health care professionals work together to work on the
management of the patient.

What Is Laryngectomy?

Laryngectomy is the total removal of the larynx. It is also the partition of the airway from the nose, mouth,
and esophagus. A person that undergoes this kind of operation would have to breathe via an opening on the
neck, called stoma.

Laryngectomy is done when a person has laryngeal cancer. It may be considered to be a traditional way of
managing laryngeal cancer, since a lot of laryngeal cancer cases nowadays are treated with the use of
chemotherapy, radiation, or other laser procedures. In severe cases that these don't work, that is the only
time laryngectomy is opted for.

Other than the larynx, other structures are also removed. These other structures includes
Sternocleidomastoid, Omohyoid muscle, Internal Jugular vein, Spinal Accessory vein (CNXI), Submaxillary
salivary gland. In most severe cases, the external carotid artery, strap muscles of the neck, Vagus nerve
(CN X), Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) and the lingual branch of the Trigeminal nerve (CN V) are also removed.

How Common Is Laryngectomy?

It is estimated by the American Cancer Society, in 2003, that around nine thousand five hundred people in
the US were diagnosed of laryngeal cancer. This condition occurs about 4.4 times more predominantly with
men than with women. Though, similar with lung cancer, laryngeal cancer is becoming increasingly frequent
with women.

Tobacco smoking is so far the supreme risk factor in having laryngeal cancer. Other factors include radiation
exposure, asbestos exposure, alcohol abuse, and genetic factors. In United Kingdom, laryngeal cancer is
rather rare, since it only affects less than 3,000 people per year.

Possible Problems

After total Laryngectomy, possible problems may occur. These include having a scar tissue at the tongue
base, narrowing of the esophagus, partial tongue base resection, dysphagia, Xerostomia, mouth sores and
changes in smell, taste, appetite and weight.

Effects And Impacts Of Laryngectomy

Laryngectomy has two mechanistic effects. One, it separates respiration from speech. Two, it keeps the
pharyngoesophageal region intact.

There are also impacts that Laryngectomy brings about. The main impact would be the loss of voice for
communication. You may also lose the ability to express emotions such as laughing. You also get physical
problems with regard to tasting and feeding.

Laryngectomy is frequently successful in treating early-staged cancers. Still, undergoing through the
procedure would require major lifestyle change. There is also a risk of having severe psychological stress
due to unsuccessful adaptations.

After The Procedure: Voice Replacement And Care

After the patient's larynx is removed, voice prosthetics is used. This serves as a replacement for the lost
larynx, so that the person will still be able to communicate and speak. In this case, Laryngectomees would
have to learn new methods of speaking.
They should also be constantly concerned in taking care and cleaning their stoma. Severe problems can
arise if foreign materials and water enter their lungs via their unprotected stoma.
It is a well-known fact that aging will affect memory for many different reasons. Family members, friends,
spouses, and careers all suffer because of aging and memory loss. Loss of memory seems to be a part of
life that may sneak up on a person, gradually growing worse until it is finally acknowledged as being serious
to warrant attention.

One of the least-heard-of ways people are affected by loss of memory is called male menopause. It seems
to be more of an issue to keep the health problems affecting men a secret than it is for women. The male
pride can be extremely sensitive in the areas of failing health.

The first memory that seems to be affected by aging is short-term memory. It is easy to assume that one
may be in the first stages of Alzheimer's when memory loss begins to occur. Indeed, some may laugh at the
idea of male menopause. After all, everyone knows menopause is something women endure, right?
Unfortunately, this is not at all true. Most men just never seek help for this condition because of not being
aware of their feelings on a conscious level. Men are taught to put their emotions aside because to openly
acknowledge them is perceived as a sign of weakness.

Forgetfulness is at the beginning of the list of changes occurring later in life. The mental processes are
slowing down. We begin to run low on hormones after the age of 40.

There is a steroid hormone that the body will normally produce, using cholesterol as its main raw material. It
converts into other steroids the body uses. The level of this hormone declines with age. Low doses such as
10-30 mg a day has been shown to be a memory enhancer with a punch! Possibly the most powerful
memory enhancer of all, it is also an anti-inflammatory aid which helps arthritic conditions when given at
high doses of 400-500 mg per day. Other benefits of this hormone are increased energy levels, balanced
hormone levels, and repair to the sheath that covers neurons in the central nervous system. Many women
are able to laugh and joke with others about the effects of menopause, especially the memory loss. It may
be harder to notice memory loss caused by menopause simply because women and men are both caught
up in working and rearing their children. This causes preoccupation of the mind, due to the busy lifestyles.

Aging and memory loss are no joke, certainly, and even those who are able to find the humor in it may
secretly be covering for the frustration it actually causes in their day-to-day lives. Forgetting can be a scary,
intimidating part of the aging process. Once it becomes such a problem that the elderly are faced with their
loss of independence, it is certainly no longer a joke to one of them. It can cause life-threatening confusion,
sometimes causing them to wander away from home and get lost, cause a vehicle accident by wandering
into the street, or subject them to the fierce elements of nature.
Do you tend to let your outer circumstances set the tone for each day? Do you allow other people and
events to trigger feelings of anger, frustration, impatience and more?

When you do this, you are not using the power you have available to you! By using the Law of Attraction,
you can turn every day into a great day. One way to do that is by using intentions and visualization to create
your day.

When you first wake up in the morning, spend 10 minutes or so thinking about the types of things you'd like
to experience that day. How would you like your workday to go? What kind of people would you like to
meet? Would you like to receive some great opportunities to advance your career or financial situation?
How would you like to feel for the majority of your day?

Grab a blank journal or notebook and jot these details down! Once you've gotten all the details written
down, spend a few minutes vividly imagining each scenario in your mind, exactly as you would like it to
happen. Pretend you"re watching a movie in your mind, seeing it all play out exactly as you'd like it to.

Most importantly, allow yourself to feel as if they were actually happening now. Immerse yourself in feelings
of excitement, joy, happiness and gratitude as you enjoy one great experience after another. Use this same
process for every experience you'd like to have that day.

By the time you"re finished you should be feeling fantastic; buzzing with good spirits and high expectations!

Then continue with your normal routine, taking special care not to be "attached" to any specific events or
experiences, just simply staying open to whatever comes. Keep affirming that great things are going to
happen to you that day, and you feel great about all of the blessings and abundance in your life.

At the same time, avoid getting entangled in feelings of worry, anxiety, frustration, and anger as much as
possible throughout the day because those feelings will interfere with the positive energy you've already put

As often as you can remember, call to mind images of the things you visualized earlier and allow good
feelings to flow over you again. Affirm and know that wonderful things are happening, even if you don't see
them quite yet.

By using this process on a daily basis, you"ll eventually start to notice that good things are starting to
happen. You"ll find yourself being in the "right place at the right time" and generally enjoying greater
opportunities and abundance.
In all application of magnetism to persons, you are urged to remember that your very first goal, always and
preeminently, is an agreeable feeling within their minds. You should never try to induce a person to act your
way until you have thoroughly established in him a good feeling toward yourself. This is the prime initial step.
When such a condition has been secured, you are then ready for the magnetic assault and then only.

When you are dealing with other people, endeavoring magnetically to win them to your wish, you should
summon the general magnetic feeling within yourself, will them to do as you desire, and at the same time
think of them as already consenting and acting. Your inner condition should be perfectly calm, buoyant,
hopeful, whatever the external means employed, your mind should be concentrated upon the thing desired,
and its accomplishment should be thought of as now secured. The response of the person may be delayed,
but this should not discourage you, for some minds do not take suggestions (those of your unspoken will are
referred to) quickly, and they do not act instantly upon their own thought. It is invariably best to induce
people to believe that they are acting on their personal impulse or judgment; they should be made to feel
perfectly free, not at all coerced, and that they are doing their own will rather than yours simply because they
wish so to do.

We may summarize all these suggestions in the words of a distinguished scientific writer:

"Life is not a bully who swaggers out into the open universe, upsetting the laws of energy in all directions,
but rather a consummate strategist, who, sitting in his secret chamber over his wires, directs the movements
of a great army." This is a good description of magnetism.

The success-magnetism assumption: We are now ready for the great assumption-principle of magnetism in
applied life.

Think of every goal as already reached, of every undertaking as already achieved.

The field of speech and language therapy is somewhat a vague body of knowledge that only a few people
understand. What most people don't know is that there is a difference between speech therapy as a whole
and language therapy. Although the term 'speech and language" therapy is widely used, since speech and
language problems coexist most of the time.

Differentiating Speech And Language Therapy

The truth of the matter is, that speech therapy and language therapy differ in some key areas. First off, they
differ on the problems that they are targeting. The techniques and activities used during therapy are also
different. Although there are times that these activities are done simultaneously, to target two problems at a

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is done to treat speech problems. Such speech problems deal with how or the manner a
person speaks. These speech problems are categorized into three general kinds. First, is voice or
resonation disorders. Second, is articulation disorders. And, lastly, fluency disorders.

Voice disorders mainly deals on problems with the voice box or the larynx itself. These may be due to
physiological malfunction, anatomical differences, fatigue, or neurological problems. Some voice disorders
present problems in pitch, volume, and tone. The presence of breathy, raspy, nasal and weak voice is viable

Articulation disorders, on the other hand, deal with the manner a person speaks. The problem is rooted from
the articulators themselves. Articulators are composed of the tongue, teeth, hard palate, soft palate, jaw, and
cheeks. Articulation disorders may be due to weakness or physiological malfunction in any of the
articulators, which results to distorted or incomprehensible speech.

Fluency disorders would deal on problems regarding the fluency of the person. It may be the case that he
talks too fast or too slow. Stuttering and Cluttering are two of the major fluency problems that speech
therapists deal with.

Speech therapy activities would likely include different exercises to practice speaking. Since most of the
time, weak muscles are present; the therapy proper would usually include activities that can help strengthen
these muscles. Different compensatory strategies are also taught, so that the patient can compensate for
lost speaking skills.

Language Therapy

Language therapy mainly deals with problems regarding your inner language, receptive language and
expressive language. Cognition skills can be the main cause of language problems. Unlike speech
disorders, that manifest physical differences, most language disorders are due to problems the brain's
language processing.

Receptive language problems mainly deals on difficulties understanding received language, like what other
people are telling you and comprehending written data. Expressive language problems on the other hand
are difficulties on expressing oneself. You may have a hard time knowing which words to use verbally or
even through writing.

Language based problems are usually treated through mental exercises. Workbooks are often used to
practice and develop language skills. For very young children, play therapy is used to develop inner
language, so that the therapist could later on target improving receptive and expressive language,

In some cases, speech and language problems are both present. This is especially true for individuals that
had traumatic brain injuries or accidents that had an effect on the brain. They may manifest physiological
problems due to damaged nerves that result to articulation or voice problems.

The can also have language problems like aphasia, especially if their brain was hit on its language areas.
How to discover your intentions:

Good intentions are the ultimate choice of improving your life. If you have bad intentions, it is a sign you are
filled with greed, envy, hate and so on. You want all these negative influences out of your life. Intentions are
powerful. Intentions tell others where our goals are heading. It is our purpose. Intentions are our motive that
helps us to achieve our objectives.

To learn your intentions you must put forth effort. Sometimes you will feel grouchy, and grit your teeth, yet as
you continue to learn you will see a light at the end of the tunnel. So what if some of your intentions are bad.
Welcome to reality, humanity and imperfection. Yet, you can change those bad intentions to good thoughts.
The key to find your intentions is to consider discovering. Acquire the determination to reach for the stars,
learn about you, decide what you want and move ahead. Take the action so that you can develop healthier
thoughts, habits, behaviors etc that guide you to success.

The system of entry: +It always helps a person to write down their intentions. When you enter your
intentions on paper, it helps you to discover you. Many people do not like to write, however if you keep a
journal you can look back later to see your growth stage. It only takes a few minutes daily to jot down your
feelings, thoughts, ideas and so on.

Accessing your interests and strengths within: To access your interests, first you have to sit down and
consider what you want. Once you decide what you want, you will need to write a plan, set goals and take
action. Move to get what you want. To access your strengths, test your abilities and skills. What can you do
best? How can you use your skills and abilities to improve your personal life? +Once you access your inner
you, you can move to set your own standard of living. Do not live for others; rather learn to live for you. As
you move ahead, explore your vocation paths. Do you see you in the future enjoying the job you love? Do
you see you in the future working at the same company going nowhere? If you see yourself stuck, check
your options to find a way to better your situation. You can start by identifying the jobs that peek your
interest. Once you discover what you want to do, set up strategies to achieve your goals. Take action and
move ahead.

How it is done: +Discover you and what options you have available. Pull up resources. In fact, build
resources. Resources are the key that unlocks the doors to success. Check your intentions. What is the
ideal vocation for you? Pull up your assets and use them to your advantage. Do a job search to help you find
a new career that makes you happy. Always follow through with your plans. Never give up and demand
results. +To achieve your goals discover your wants.

Take action by recording your specific needs and wants. Review the inner pictures you develop and listen to
the voices that tell you how you can improve your personal life. We have cute little thingy ma-jigger that tells
us when we do wrong. Learn to train your conscious to live healthier. We have another cutie inside us, which
is called instincts. Learn to re-establish your instincts and listen. Listening is the key to help you improve
your personal life. Learn how to recognize your bodies needs also.
Values make us as a person and define how we invest our time, energy and money. When our values are
high, we can reach the limits of improving our personal life. Throughout our life, we decide what we want to
do with our time. Time is essential, since time runs out quick. For this reasons you, want to invest time,
spending your time wisely. Spending time wisely includes activities, entertainment, work, quality time and so

The average person spends most of their day working. At the end of the day they return home to spend time
watching television, or engaging in activities with the family. Unfortunately, family is a thing of the past. If you
want to improve your personal life, you are going to have to put family first. If you have wife and kids, or
husband and kids, you will need to learn how to invest time with the family. Unfortunately, you have five or
six hours after a day of work to do this. You also want time for self. +To achieve a time frame that works for
everyone try considering discovering new interests. When you discover new ideas, it will help you open the
doors to success. Your directions in life are based on new ideas. For instance, if you come home after work
most times without spending time with the family, try practicing eating at the dinner table each night with
your family. Do not allow room for excuses. As you feast together, take time to ask how each person's day
went. This has proven to enhance relationships. When you enhance relationship, you are also building a
new bridge to personal improvement.

One of the biggest mistakes some people make is hanging out with poor influences. If you hang out with
poor influences, you are wasting time. Your values are low. You will need to build your values to improve
your personal life by changing company. You want to hang around with positive influences. Let me draw you
a picture. ++If you hang around at bars with your friends, you are wasting time. In time, you will face court
costs, fines, and perhaps jail, especially if you visit the bars and drive home after drinking. In time, you will
learn new bad habits. Each bad habit you learn takes over your life, which only keeps you down.

Finding new positive influences is a key to success. Anyone who thinks positive will rub off on you, helping
you to develop good habits. When you find friends that care about you, you will have friends that do not
allow your to drink and drive. You will have friends that care about your future.

To make new friends you have to learn communication skills. Don't be afraid to smile and say hi. There is
nothing wrong with being friendly. One has to use good judgment however, since this world is filled with bad
characters that have harmful intents. In addition, many people today fear friendliness.

When you learn to communicate however, you are building blocks that lead you to a happier future. Failure
to communicate is one of the leading reasons why businesses fail, relationships falter, children kill and so
on. Communication comes in many forms. Sometimes when you sit and listen as well as pay attention to
gestures or body languages you learn best. Observation is the ultimate key that helps you to gain
successfully and learn to develop skills that lead you to improve your personal life. ++You have many
options in the world. Take those options, use them to your advantage and you are on the road to improving
your personal life.
There comes a point in everyone's life where we are stuck. Our lives need a serious makeover. Some define
it as "being in a rut" or "caught in a funk". Some don't even bother to put a voice behind it, just hoping it will
go away. The lucky ones find a path to shore, while many of us are still treading in deep waters. So how do
you know when to call for help?

The first indication you might need help is if your life is not producing the desired outcomes you want. There
are signs all around you telling you something is wrong. Usually it begins with your inner monologue.
Humans have an uncanny ability to create thought patterns which are self-defeating. When things are not
going well in our external environment, it is turned internally as a repetitive voice for failure. These thoughts
become validated when something else goes wrong. At some point in the pattern, giving up hope seems a
viable option. This is when you call for a little help. When you can recognize you can't do it alone.

A life coach restores hope with learning tools and resources you may have never considered. The defining
ability a life coach offers for personal development is an optimal support system. Having someone to guide
you back into the right lane can be a saving grace in your life.

Another reason to have a life coach is help you do a self-inventory. A life coach can sit down with you and
identify problem areas in your life. They have the professional qualifications to assist in developing a realistic
plan for your personal development. It is with encouragement and a total dissection of every part of your
world a life coach makes impact.

Over time our behaviors become learned and some behaviors need to be unlearned. Especially behaviors
which have scooted our lives into wrong directions. Sometimes we are not aware of the self-defeating
behaviors which hinder our personal growth. A life coach knows techniques for positive reinforcement in
learned processes. They help you with a self-assessment and follow up with a self-help plan. Every life
coach has different approaches to their instructions. Some life coaches focus on certain areas, such as
business coaching or financial plans. There are others who help you to find your life purpose or spiritual

It is okay to reach out for help when you find yourself lost in the tides. The first step is acknowledging the
need. The second step you must take is to find a life coach who is applicable to your individual situation.
You must keep seeking avenues for personal development. Your mind and your life patterns should always
be renewed. Learning new ways of doing things, or new ways to think about yourself is essential for
personal growth. A life coach can throw you a lifeline. Better yet, a life coach can restore a vital part of
yourself you forgot all about through your strife...a vision for your life.
Babies must first hear the sounds frequently and memorize them before learning to speak or learn their
meaning. For children with hearing impairment, among the many activities that can facilitate listening to
sounds are sound-object association activities also known as "learning to listen sounds".

This type of activity involves associating a sound to a referent, an item such as transportation vehicle or
animal with a routine meaningful action. Linking a sound to a referent is considered an important activity for
auditory-based intervention because it encourages the child to attend to sounds, facilitate the recognition
that sounds are different and help the child understand that different sounds have different meaning.

This activity also develops stored perceptual representation for specific sounds or language-based
phonemes. It also develops auditory familiarity with the spoken language.


There are some important things to consider when facilitating this kind of activity. One thing is to incorporate
toys or personal action for very young child. This allows children to actively participate in the learning and
listening process as this activity is meaningful and enjoyable for them.

Another thing is the variation of the supra-segmentals of these sounds. This restructures the auditory
schema of a child for a particular sound each time he hears it in a different context. Also, toys used for
learning to listen sounds should be simple representational items that are easily recognizable by young

Adults should also remember that "hearing comes first" for an effective auditory-verbal strategy. This means
that the adult should first vocalize the sound before showing to the child the toy.

Magical Transportation Sounds

An example of learning to listen sound associated with transportation vehicle is aaaah(airplane) which is a
good basic vowel and even the deafest kid typically comprehend and use it quickly. The clinician can vary
the suprasegmentals of this sound as he shows to the child how he moves the airplane up and down.

Another sound is buhbuhbuh. It is one of the first consonants that the babies learn and besides from that, it
is also an easy sound for the babies to imitate and produce on their own. The toy bus can be move around
as the clinician vocalizes the sound. Ooooo is one sound that is good for stimulation of pitch variation with
the same vowel.

The clinician can use a fire truck as he produces the sound with alternating high-low configuration. Other
learning to listen sounds associated with transportation vehicles include brrrrrr(car), p-p-p-p-p(boat), and ch-
ch-ch-ch(train). These sounds concentrate on stimulating the lip articulator and develop listening for some
high frequency sounds.

Familiar Animal Sounds

Learning to listen sounds is also associated with animal sounds. A common sound that is use by clinicians is
mooo(cow) which is a good vowel combined with the initial consonant /m/. This sound is produce with low
voice and this change in voice is interesting for children.

The repeated tongue clicking for the hoarse is also a good sound because it is another prespeech skill. Most
children are fascinated with the tongue clicking, thus, it is good for stimulation. This sound also exercises the
movement of tongue. Meow has some nice vowel transition and clinician may use this to also produce
inflectional variations within a two-syllable combination.

Other learning to listen sounds for animals include arfarfarf(dog), ssss(snake), quakquakquak(duck),hop-
hop-hop(rabbit), oinkoink(pig), ba-a-a-a(sheep), and squeak(mouse).

There are also learning to listen sounds that can be associated with eating, sleeping, and clock. These
sounds are mmmm, shhhhhhh, and t-t-t-t-t correspondingly.
You can't learn to play any musical instrument if you don't own one especially in the case of an electric
guitar. So if you want to easily learn to play an electric guitar, you should find the perfect guitar to suit your
playing style.

Once you find the electric guitar that you love, you can now learn to play it. As compared to an acoustic
guitar, electric guitars are mush easier to play. It would also be best if you can purchase a pick and an amp.

As you may have noticed, the electric guitar has several buttons or switches and you need to learn all of
them. But before anything else, you should know the essentials in learning to play such a musical

Each kind of guitar has its own qualities. You have to familiarize yourself with the electric guitar's qualities
and features. Know all the guitar's knobs or switches. You must know how to control them so that once you
start playing the guitar you will know the right mixes of the knobs or switches.

If you can do this, you can expect the guitar's sound to be at its best. Electric guitars are not simple
instruments. Before you can effectively play this type of guitar, you would have to spend a huge portion of
your time in learning to play it. Most especially, you need to learn to mix the tones and sounds together.

Aside from the electric guitar, you also need to get an amp and that was already mentioned awhile ago.
Guitar amps are available in many sizes and you need to get the appropriate guitar amp. Since you"re a
beginner, you need to get an amp that you can use during practice sessions. Buy only the best quality amp
and make sure that you try it out before paying for it. Some stores allow their customers to test the amps at
its highest point. Also, remember to purchase an amp that already has a distortion box because this is very
important when it comes to playing an electric guitar.

There are many songs and guitar tracks using electric guitars. You need to be familiar with these said tracks
so that learning to play such instrument will be a lot easier. If you"re a good listener to these guitar tracks
and songs, you will learn fast. Try to reproduce the sounds you hear and if you can do it, then you can tell if
you"re learning.

You can find further techniques, information, and tips online if you"re determined to learn to play an electric
guitar. Remember these three essentials in learning to play such guitar: have your own electric guitar, get
other guitar accessories like a pick and amps, and listen to guitar tracks or songs. If you know these three
essentials, you"re on your way to learning to play an electric guitar.

So you see, you can easily learn to play an electric guitar by knowing the essentials. Now its time to pick out
the method to use – whether you will hire a professional guitar instructor, buy a guitar instruction book, or
learn through DVD programs and other internet guitar programs.

Be sure to choose the appropriate method to learn quickly. Your learning will depend greatly on your
personality and attitude. If you"re patient, determined, and motivated, you can will not encounter many
problems in learning to play the electric guitar.
When working to develop or grow a business, many companies both large and small use business
development practices, coaching, and documents to put their management on the same page. Business
development practices and ideas are the cornerstone of growth and success for any business. Business
development refers to activities of idea formation, goal setting, and overcoming obstacles for the common
good of the company. One of the best ways to promote business development practices and ideas is
through adobe business development documents.

There are many advantages to using adobe business development documents. One of the most notable
advantages to using adobe business development documents is the ability to lock some areas of the form,
while allowing managers and leaders who use the adobe business development documents to manipulate,
or input information, into other areas of the forms. Another advantage to using adobe business development
documents is that they can be used online, on a server, or via another document sharing system. This
allows for tighter security of confidential information that may exist on the adobe business development

Another advantage to using adobe business development documents is the ease with which you can create
adobe business development documents to suit any needs of your company or organization. With adobe,
you can easily create assessments for business development activities using check boxes, radio buttons, fill
in the blank, and other elements of traditional forms. These form features can be locked so that they cannot
be altered, but answers can be given.

When you create an adobe business development document, you can do so using a document template or a
scanned image of previous business development documents. You can easily add text, radio buttons, check
boxes, and fill in the blank spaces. You can also easily manipulate the adobe business development
documents for easy updating in order to keep up with current business development techniques.

Adobe document software now has additional features available. With the new adobe intelligent documents,
a combination of pdf and xml is used to allow for more possibilities. This new intelligent document also
allows your adobe business development documents to be filled out and utilized online, with no copies
needed to be saved to individual computers. This gives added security to your adobe business development

Creating adobe business development documents can be fairly simple. If you are not sure how to create
adobe business development documents, simple classes in the use of the full Adobe package are available.
Users of the adobe business development documents will not need this training, and will only need the
newest adobe acrobat reader to view and fill out the adobe business development documents.

Additionally, security is easily added to adobe business development documents through password
protection. The password can easily be set on the adobe business development document itself, or through
the document sharing online service or server. This will prevent confidential information such as business
plans, development ideas, and new product line ideas from entering the hands of competitors, or being lost
to computer hackers and viruses.
How to live healthier

The main thing to a healthier you, is to eat right exercise and visit your family doctor regularly. This is all part
of a healthier you and if your healthier you will feel better about your self. One of the biggest problems we
have today is that most people do not eat right. While the world is wising up, they still fall short of proper
eating habits, since we are rushed by a face paced world.

What do I have to do to eat right? Eating right is a hard thing to do for some of us and for others it is easier
to do. Eating healthy is a big problem these days. For some of us it is hard to buy healthier food due to the
fact it cost more to fix meals the right way. There are a lot of people that are just making it in the real word
with out having to buy a loaf of bread that cost $2.50 a loaf when they can get a loaf for $.50 so what do they
do get the $.50 loaf and knowing that its bad for them but that's all they can afford. So eating right can be
hard for you too. We have options. You can grow your own home garden; bake your own bread for a fraction
of the cost and so on.

What are some of the things I can eat? Some of the things you can eat right are vegetables, dairy products,
high-protein dishes and so on. You need a certain amount of fat, carbs, etc, which helps to keep you
healthy. You can get a list from your family doctor or you can go to the library to get information on the
basic four food groups. If you cannot afford to eat right then maybe you should not eat as much. In addition,
do some excising; excising is always good for you. Exercise will increase your health, even if you cannot
afford the four basic groups of nutritious foods. In addition, you have many services available to you, which
can offer you food supplies.

How do I learn how to eat right? If you want to learn how eat right you can read about it in books from the
local library or maybe you will want to talk to your doctor. Your doctor might be able to tell you how to go
about doing this and the right way for your body. You cannot just jump in and change everything about you
overnight. You have to take time to start and to learn. For some of us that have been eating wrong all of our
life, this would be hard to do over night. Then again, others may not have any problems with it. You want to
consider your position and move forward.

Will I feel better if I eat right? You will feel a lot better if you eat right. Eating right has a lot to do with how we
feel. If we lack nutrients, it can make one feel depressed, ill, etc. Since, we get vitamins from our foods, you
may want to include natural regimens of vitamins in your daily schedule also.

The right vitamins we need every day to make us feel good about our self. We get many vitamins from what
we eat. Vitamins are what make us feel like a person. So if you eat right and get the right vitamins daily that
your body needs to function you will feel a lot better about your self and that will help you to improve your
personal life.
It may be difficult for an individual, no matter what age, to admit they need help in controlling their problem
with anger. However this is the initial step to treatment and learning how to control these emotions. Effective
anger management help is assistance in discovering methods or strategies for managing anger problems or
if fortunate enough, eliminating them all together. Effective anger management help will equip an individual
to face their anger issues with a better attitude, as well as develop skills to control their reactions to
confrontational situations.

Three common reactions to a stressful or irritating situation are bottling up emotions, getting defensive or
lashing out. Neither of these reactions is healthy or a solution to managing anger issues. When an individual
decides to bottle up their emotions of anger instead of seeking anger management help, there can be
several negative consequences. Bottling up anger may be okay for the moment but the individual will soon
discover the problem does not go away. Refusing to deal with the situation may eventually unleash negative
thoughts which cause the individual to become even angrier. Bottled up anger can also transform into
resentment which can last for an eternity. Without dealing with the problem, a person may accept the blame
and guilt, causing them to feel discouraged and bad about themselves. Effective anger management help
would help an individual work on these attempts to cope with challenging situations.

Getting defensive is a common reaction for people who have problems controlling their temper. Reacting
quickly to upsetting encounters without considering the repercussions is normal for people with anger
issues. Acting on raw emotions of hurt or pain will produce very hostile reactions and likely promote hostile
responses. This is not effective in dealing with such situations. Effect anger management help would
encourage people not to be defensive but rather evaluate situations before acting on them.

Situations which provoke anger often cause people to lash out. Using physical or verbal aggressions,
individuals act on impulse. These negative impulsive reactions produce negative consequences and usually
results which are later regretted. It is easy for an angry person to lash out but it is not quite so easy to find
positive results from such behavior. Lashing out doesn't resolve problems, rather causes more problems. In
the end an individual will realize that their rash behavior didn't solve a thing. Effective anger management
help will teach the individual to control their anger and restrain from lashing out.

Anger management help can be effective if people are serious and dedicated to working on their problems.
There are many sources of anger management help available today, much of it free to interested individuals.
It is essential for people with anger problems to realize their need for anger management help. Until they are
ready to accept responsibility for their actions and choose to make a difference, anger management help will
not be effective. Committing to an anger management program will ultimately help an individual to effectively
control their temper and logically handle confrontational situations.
Most losses incurred by companies are due to a lack of sound time management program. Then, it leads to
high levels of stress in the work force because employees are pressured and forced to extend working hours
just to meet the company's quota. Indeed, there is a need to chase deadlines and attend double meetings.

However, there is a way to remedy all that. There is no overnight solution to this type of problem. What you
need is a slow and steady approach until you have perfected your scheduling needs until you are able to
work free of any time-related stress.

Why time management

Time management is a very important aspect of any business. In fact, most time management procedures
even entail stress management as these two usually goes hand in hand. You might notice that levels of
stress drop when you do not have to deal with several meetings and deadlines. It also means that you will
be able to live out your life outside of the business sphere. Hence, it creates a more positive and holistic

Stress is crucial because it can tend to make things more complicated. Productivity levels of employees are
affected by their time management planning and workload. Hence, if you are able to manage your time
properly, you can allow your employees to tend to stress relief activities. Aside from increasing their
potential, it allows for a tighter bond amongst fellow employees and superiors. That is how it can impact
team building factor.

What do you get out of training?

Any successful time management training program begins with setting up a workable timetable that you and
your employees can work with. It comes in a very comprehensive package that allows both manager and
employee to meet halfway.

Any company that undergoes training will have the capacity to teach employees how to manage time. This
means that unnecessary distractions can be avoided. These efforts extend far beyond ensuring a thriving
business but also considers one of the most important aspect in any venture, and that is your health.

This kind of training focuses on increasing the amount of control and focus the company has over its goals
and methods. This means that when you allow improvements to go into the necessary sectors of your
business, you are able to increase your efficiency. Therefore, this kind of training strengthens the
employees' ability to assess the situation and pick out assignments that can help them increase productivity

Delegation of tasks is also addressed in such training. This is because managers sometimes think that
employees are better at handling manual activities such as photocopying and sending. However, managers
need to know that delegation of tasks is a huge risk. Some tasks are better done by the manager rather than
passing them down to subordinates. Aside from being time-efficient, it saves a lot of energy and allows for a
more productive workplace.

The problem

One basic misconception about time management is that it allows no time for break or relaxation. In fact,
when you properly manage your time, you get the exact opposite. It allows the individual more time to relax
because he or she will be able to set aside time for work and other activities.

Hence, any problems encountered in the workplace does not carry over to your personal lives. Therefore,
you have successfully kept your business and other aspects of your life separate, as they should be.
Have you ever run out of time to do something that you really need to do?

If you answered yes then maybe you did not manage your time very well. Time management is making the
most of your schedules and makes sure your do it.

It is one of the most important skills to arm yourself with during college. You will be very busy on your
studies and at the same time balance it by socializing with other students.

You have successfully passed the university exam, you are so happy that you will be able to meet new
friends and perhaps have a girlfriend or boyfriend.

Keep in mind that just entering college is the easy part, the hard part would be finishing it in one piece.
College can be fun and at the same time frustrating, especially when your professor is giving you a hard
time. You probably thought of these things when you first visited your university campus:

• The campus is so big, I have to get ready for classes but I also want to go to parties.

• I am scared. Help me.

• Ok, so now I am in college. Now what?

• Where is the bathroom?

Making it through college is not about how smart you are. It is not about how much you scored on your
college entrance exams and it is not all about studying. People need to socialize, its part of their nature.
College provides that but college also requires you to study.

You see, you have to balance your time between studies and socializing. Some college students study their
minds out but some of them do not make it through college because of stress. Some college students think
of the university as one big party organization.

The students either does not know how important it is to socialize and some are just plain lazy to study or
does not know how important education is.

You may be a genius but it is not the key to be successful in college. So what is the secret to get you
through college?

Time management is the key.

You have to balance everything in your college life. You have to do manage everything like, morning jogs,
preparing for classes, studying, school organization activities, spending time with friends and sleeping.

Time management is not all about studying but also the awareness on relieving the stress of being in

Here are some ways on how you can effectively manage your so little time.

• Set goals. Know what you want to achieve and make it your priority. This can be anything, whether you
want to achieve the goal in a day, a week, or a semester. Ask yourself what your academic goal is.

Making goals can make it easier for you to look straight ahead; instead of juggling subjects that you think is
easy, this could be very stressful and often results in not achieving your goal.

If you have more than one goal, then it is a good idea to subdivide it into manageable pieces. List down what
you want to achieve for one week and for another week.

• Prioritize. Once you are determined on the goals you want to achieve, you need to prioritize the activities
required by the goal. This will help you determine what particular task needs to be accomplished first and
what tasks can be set aside in the mean time. To achieve your priorities more efficiently, try to mark
deadlines in your calendar.

• Time management planning is there for you to follow. Do not stray from it. The key to time management
planning is following it. Some college students get easily tempted by acquaintances to go to a party while
the student is studying or in the process of achieving his or her goals.

They often think that they can put off the schedule until tomorrow. This often results in too much things to do
the next day resulting in stress and frustration.

• Make use of extra time. For example, instead of doing nothing in a class waiting for the professor, try to
think of the last class assignment. If you are going to write an essay, use the time to think of a good topic for

This is a great way to manage your time into manageable pieces and great time saver. This also makes you
more time to spend time with your friends. Just remember that the sooner you get a task done, the better
instead of letting it wait.

You all probably thought that a day only lasts too short for you to finish all your work and wishes that there
were more hours in a day, but it is literally impossible. Therefore, the best thing to do is utilize with what little
time you have.

Make a time management schedule to set priorities straight and avoid being stressed out of trying to
accomplish everything at once.
If you've ever been stuck in a rut of inertia before, you probably know the sense of helpless futility that takes
over your life. You want your life to change, but you feel powerless to do anything about it yourself. You
may find yourself constantly making plans to improve your life, but never quite getting around to taking
action because it seems so intimidating.

Though taking action can intimidate and frighten you, it can also empower you! If you learn to use it
effectively, it can provide the fuel to keep you moving forward toward more fulfilling life circumstances.
When you do this, you realize that there was never anything to fear in the first place, and you"ll never get
stuck again!

Below are three simple steps that show you how to get started:

1) First, be sure you understand that your life is the way it is right now because of your hesitation in taking
action! This is important, because you"ll understand the importance of moving forward no matter how
anxious it makes you feel at first.

Then, decide on one action to take to get the ball rolling. Think about your life right now, and ask yourself
which situations you want to change first. You might choose your career, relationships, health, financial
situation, or anything else that makes you feel powerless and stuck. Then think about one simple action you
can take to inspire some positive change. It doesn't have to be a huge action, just SOMETHING to start
building momentum.

2) Once you've decided on your action step, you"ll have to push yourself to take it no matter what! This may
seem incredibly difficult or even scary, but remember that most often the things you fear are not going to
happen. In fact, you may not even have a clear reason for feeling scared – you"re just afraid of the
"unknown". Give yourself a pep talk or push yourself in any way you have to in order to move forward at
least a little bit. After you take that first step, be sure to let go of any expectations of the things that will
happen because of it, and allow yourself to feel great simply because you did something about it!

3) Repeat with the same step, and/or others. Once you've taken one step forward, you"ll need to keep
pushing yourself to take others. Consider this: Even if you take a hundred small steps in a month, you"ll be
putting forth positive effort to make changes in your life, which cannot help but bring about better

The good news is that taking action quickly begins to build momentum. Just as chronic non-action can
create a cycle of negativity and stagnation over time, being proactive can create a positive cycle that
continues to grow! It gets easier the more you do it, which eventually makes it seem almost effortless – and
you continue to empower and strengthen yourself with every step you take.
With the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, we can often find ourselves yearning for a quieter, simpler
way of living. If your life has come to resemble an endless race to the finish line, take a look at the
suggestions below to bring a greater sense of calm and simplicity back into your life.

1) Less is more. It's amazing how much 'stuff" we can accumulate in our homes because we think they"ll
contribute to our lives. It's true that we gain enjoyment from material possessions, but the more we
accumulate the more burdened we often feel. Eventually we find ourselves living under a constant cloud of
confusion, scattered thoughts and stress.

Begin immediately to clear out the material possessions you no longer need or want, and donate them to a
local charitable organization. This will accomplish two things: first, you"ll feel lighter and less cramped in
your home; and you"ll also feel good about giving these items to people who can actually use them.

2) Pare down your activities. An active life is good for you, but not if it leaves you feeling stressed and
fatigued! Most of us take on much more than necessary as far as obligations and even recreational
activities are concerned.

Take a few minutes to think about the things you do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Do you really
need to do all of them? Have you taken on responsibilities that really aren't yours? Are you spending time
on activities you no longer enjoy? Make a list of at least a few activities or obligations that you can
eliminate, and then go ahead and do so – even if you have to pare them down gradually.

3) Spend time in silence. A deceptively simple way to live a life of simplicity and ease is to shut out the
mental and physical "noise" of your busy life on a regular basis. Sitting in silence for just a few minutes can
drastically reduce your stress levels and leave you feeling calm, centered and happy.

If you live near a park or natural setting, you can even boost the effectiveness of this activity by spending
time in nature. While not completely silent, natural settings have soothing sounds like running water, singing
birds and wind sighing through trees – which automatically trigger feelings of peace and well-being.

When it comes right down to it, living a simpler life is about learning how to slow down and connect more
deeply with your inner self. Whether you do that by simplifying your surroundings, calming your schedule or
enjoying a quiet respite each day, the result is the same – a happier and more peaceful you!
An excellent and gentle man of my acquaintance has said, "When fifty-one per cent of the voters believe in
cooeperation as opposed to competition, the Ideal Commonwealth will cease to be a theory and become a

That men should work together for the good of all is very beautiful, and I believe the day will come when
these things will be, but the simple process of fifty-one per cent of the voters casting ballots for socialism will
not bring it about.

The matter of voting is simply the expression of a sentiment, and after the ballots have been counted there
still remains the work to be done. A man might vote right and act like a fool the rest of the year.

The socialist who is full of bitterness, fight, faction and jealousy is creating an opposition that will hold him
and all others like him in check. And this opposition is well, for even a very imperfect society is forced to
protect itself against dissolution and a condition which is worse. To take over the monopolies and operate
them for the good of society is not enough, and not desirable either, so long as the idea of rivalry is rife.

As long as self is uppermost in the minds of men, they will fear and hate other men, and under socialism
there would be precisely the same scramble for place and power that we see in politics now.

Society can never be reconstructed until its individual members are reconstructed. Man must be born again.
When fifty-one per cent of the voters rule their own spirit and have put fifty-one per cent of their present
envy, jealousy, bitterness, hate, fear and foolish pride out of their hearts, then socialism will be at hand, and
not until then.

The subject is entirely too big to dispose of in a paragraph, so I am just going to content myself here with the
mention of one thing, the danger to society of exclusive friendships between man and man, and woman and
woman. No two persons of the same sex can complement each other, neither can they long uplift or benefit
each other. Usually they deform the mental and spiritual estate. We should have many acquaintances or
none. When two men begin to 'tell each other everything," they are hiking for senility. There must be a bit of
well-defined reserve. We are told that in matter solid steel for instance the molecules never touch. They
never surrender their individuality. We are all molecules of Divinity, and our personality should not be
abandoned. Be yourself, let no man be necessary to you. Your friend will think more of you if you keep him
at a little distance. Friendship, like credit, is highest where it is not used.

I can understand how a strong man can have a great and abiding affection for a thousand other men, and
call them all by name, but how he can regard any one of these men much higher than another and preserve
his mental balance, I do not know.

Let a man come close enough and he'll clutch you like a drowning person, and down you both go. In a close
and exclusive friendship men partake of others' weaknesses.

In shops and factories it happens constantly that men will have their chums. These men relate to each other
their troubles they keep nothing back they sympathize with each other, they mutually condole.

They combine and stand by each other. Their friendship is exclusive and others see that it is. Jealousy
creeps in, suspicion awakens, hate crouches around the corner, and these men combine in mutual dislike
for certain things and persons. They foment each other, and their sympathy dilutes sanity by recognizing
their troubles men make them real. Things get out of focus, and the sense of values is lost. By thinking some
one is an enemy you evolve him into one.

Soon others are involved and we have a clique. A clique is a friendship gone to seed.

A clique develops into a faction, and a faction into a feud, and soon we have a mob, which is a blind, stupid,
insane, crazy, ramping and roaring mass that has lost the rudder. In a mob there are no individuals all are of
one mind, and independent thought is gone.

A feud is founded on nothing it is a mistake a fool idea fanned into flame by a fool friend! And it may become
a mob.

Every man who has had anything to do with communal life has noticed that the clique is the disintegrating
bacillus and the clique has its rise always in the exclusive friendship of two persons of the same sex, who
tell each other all unkind things that are said of each other 'so be on your guard." Beware of the exclusive
friendship! Respect all men and try to find the good in all. To associate only with the sociable, the witty, the
wise, the brilliant, is a blunder go among the plain, the stupid, the uneducated, and exercise your own wit
and wisdom. You grow by giving have no favorites you hold your friend as much by keeping away from him
as you do by following after him.

Revere him yes, but be natural and let space intervene. Be a Divine molecule.

Be yourself and give your friend a chance to be himself. Thus do you benefit him, and in benefiting him you
benefit yourself.

The finest friendships are between those who can do without each other.

Of course there have been cases of exclusive friendship that are pointed out to us as grand examples of
affection, but they are so rare and exceptional that they serve to emphasize the fact that it is exceedingly
unwise for men of ordinary power and intellect to exclude their fellow men. A few men, perhaps, who are big
enough to have a place in history, could play the part of David to another's Jonathan and yet retain the good
will of all, but the most of us would engender bitterness and strife.

And this beautiful dream of socialism, where each shall work for the good of all, will never come about until
fifty-one per cent of the adults shall abandon all exclusive friendships. Until that day arrives you will have
cliques, denominations which are cliques grown big factions, feuds and occasional mobs.

Do not lean on any one, and let no one lean on you. The ideal society will be made up of ideal individuals.
Be a man and be a friend to everybody.

When the Master admonished his disciples to love their enemies, he had in mind the truth that an exclusive
love is a mistake. Love dies when it is monopolized. It grows by giving. Your enemy is one who
misunderstands you why should you not rise above the fog and see his error and respect him for the good
qualities you find in him?
Most of us use the Internet to access tips and tricks for proper time management. While others purchase
self-help books available in bookshops. Even if these tips are reliable, most of them are usually universal.
Hence, the tips are too general and there is no guarantee that they will work for you.

You can learn how to properly manage your time through experience. Online tips and books may add up to
your knowledge on how to properly manage time. However, nothing can replace hands-on experience. Here
are a few instances where you can learn how to properly manage your time through experience.

Your Parents or Guardians are Away

When parents leave their kids at home for a certain time period, they learn to be more responsible in a
shorter period of time. When left at home with responsibilities like washing the dishes, cleaning the house,
and doing laundry will force them to work out the chores first. It also teaches them how to prioritize work
over other less important activities, such as playing outside. Only when they have accomplished the tasks
assigned to them are they allowed to play.

This kind of training also encourages the kids to experiment on ways to maximize their own time.

Your kids aren't the only one that will benefit from this kind of training. When kids become responsible
enough with their own time in finishing up their chores, parents also save a lot of time. Kids can now lend
their hand when it comes to doing chores at home, instead of you having to do it all.

Planning Big Events

Event Planning also gives a lot of good experience for you when it comes to managing your time well.
Planning events need a lot of long term and short term plans that you can apply later on in your personal life.
When planning an event, you have a lot of activities to consider and things to prepare. Therefore, you need
to list down the activities that you must attend to for the day.

Having 2 commitments at the Same Day

Dividing your time to fulfill 2 commitments at the same day is a hard feat. It usually needs experience for you
to masterfully do it. When you have 2 commitments a day, set up time tables and 'to do" list for your
activities on that day.

Having 2 commitments also teaches you to be versatile (with regards to schedule) on different situations.
Sometimes you might need to give more time to appointments, so you have to create schedules that would
be versatile enough to give time to Appointment A without jeopardizing Appointment B.

Entering in a Relationship

Entering into a relationship may be the best learning experience for you to properly manage your time.
Relationships are all about "long term" commitments. Meaning, you have to properly allocate your time
within a day, in such a way that there is a time relegated to doing your usual activities and there is also a
time for your significant other.

You have to adjust your time or schedule so that you will not undermine your partner or your personal life.
This is not an easy task to do specially because there are a lot of variable things you have to consider when
in a relationship. It makes you aware of all these variables and teaches you to learn how to compensate so
you can maximize the limited time you have.

As the saying goes, it is through experience that we can learn from our mistakes and improve on them.
Experience will teach you how to properly manage your time even if you won't read a single book or a tip
over the internet.
Have you ever held back on doing something because you were afraid of failure? Most people have! Let's
face it; no one likes to fail. None of us likes to feel like we"re ineffective, weak or lacking in any way, and
that's exactly how failure makes us feel.

However, you may be surprised to know that failure doesn't exist – until YOU say it does. In the dictionary,
failure has several definitions: 1) a failing to do or perform 2) a state of inability to perform a normal
function adequately 3) a fracturing or giving way under stress 4) a lack of success.

Look carefully at those definitions and you"ll probably realize they have one thing in common when it comes
to goal achievement: failure is a PERCEPTION.

If you believe you have failed, then you have. If you believe you don't have the ability to succeed, then you
don't. If you believe you can't handle the pressure of achieving your goals, you can't. If you believe you"re
not successful, you aren't. Failure only exists in your own mind! The moment you decide to give up or stop
working toward your goals, failure is born.

But what if you never do that? What if you continue working toward your goals, one step at a time for as
long as it takes? There's no failure then, is there?

This insight should be very encouraging if you've been working toward goals and not yet seeing positive
results. Simply keep going and you cannot fail!

Here are three tips to help you stay strong and focused on your goals:

1) Never give yourself an out. Most people do this without even realizing it. They are willing to work hard on
achieving their goals, until the going gets too rough or their motivation dwindles. Don't do that! Commit to
making your goals happen, no matter what! Never quit, never contemplate admitting failure, and never lose
your inner determination.

2) Don't get hooked on a specific timeframe for completion. It's okay to set a general timeline, but be aware
that some circumstances will be beyond your control, so you can't say for sure when your goal will be
achieved. If you do that, you"re just setting yourself up for failure! Instead, get a general idea of when you'd
like your goal to be completed, but then take it a day at a time and focus on making progress, not reaching
the finish line in as little time as possible.

3) Finally, be sure that you don't view obstacles and setbacks as failures. The two are completely different.
An obstacle, setback or delay means only one thing: it's not time for your goal to be completed yet. That's
it! It doesn't mean you failed; it doesn't mean you"re weak; it doesn't mean you"ll never achieve your goals.
It simply means you"re not done yet. You've got to keep moving forward and find a way around or through
the obstacle.
There are a lot of people who feel that they have had a true experience with Akashic records. You will find
that that one of the most popular or better known accounts is that of C.W. Leadbeater. He had his read in
1910 in India.

Later on, he went to share his experience in a book that he wrote. He has accounted his experience with
akashic records to be one that could only be written in a story. This book, "Man: How, Whence, and Wither?"
has become apart of history as well as apart of many philosophy classes. It will be apart of the future for
Earth and the future societies that will develop.

You will find that there are other believers and readers like Edgar Cayce. He came with the thought that
each person is held accountable for their decisions, rather it be by justice or Karma. You will find that with
the Akashic records you will confront many of your personal flaws. Basically, he gives you a reason to
believe that Karma plays a bigger role in life that most first consider. You will also find that it can be
compared to almost a biblical sense. The records tend to be a book of life, your life. You"ll be judged
regardless if you make it to heaven or Hell.

Then there is Ervin Laszlo. His book was named "Science and the Akashic Field and the Renactment of the
Cosmos". His findings are based on the fact that there is a source of energy that flows; rather it is positive or

There are a lot of men and women who have studied the art of Akashic record.
What are the Akashic records?

They are a record of all knowledge of every living thing past present and future.

How do I access the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records can be accessed a variety of ways most commonly by entering an unconscious state
through meditation, hypnotism and trance. Though also associated with dreams, out of body and near death
experiences. The psychic Edgar Cayse claimed to accessed the Akashic records during sleep.

Some psychics claim to work by accessing the Akashic records and thus gaining knowledge about
individuals and or past/future events.

What are the other names for the Akashic records? The Akashic records are some times known as the
collective subconscious, the cosmic mind, the book of life, though these terms may also have other similar
but different meanings.

What do the Akashic Records have to with death?

Akashic records are believed by some to be the record of our lives by which we are judged and our eternal
fate decided.

Is there any scientific evidence for the Akashic records?

No, all evidence is subjective

Who is Edgar Cayse?

Edgar Cayse (1877-1945) was a Christian, Psychic and often consulted the Akashic records, while asleep,
and his patient's subconscious in order to provide answers and solutions to his patient's problems. Founder
of the association for research and enlightenment Inc in 1931 who's website can be found at
"In civilized life it has at last become possible for large numbers of people to pass from the cradle to the
grave without ever having had a pang of genuine fear. Many of us need an attack of mental disease to teach
us the meaning of the word." William James.

We have all heard the seemingly discriminating remarks that fear is normal and abnormal, and that normal
fear is to be regarded as a friend, while abnormal fear should be destroyed as an enemy.

The fact is that no so called normal fear can be named which has not been clearly absent in some people
who have had every cause therefor. If you will run over human history in your mind, or look about yea in the
present life, you will find here and there persons who, in situations or before objects which ought, as any
fearful soul will insist, to inspire the feeling of at least normal self-protecting fear, are nevertheless wholly
without the feeling. They possess every feeling and thought demanded except fear. The idea of self-
preservation is as strongly present as with the most abjectly timid or terrified, but fear they do not know. This
fearless awareness of fear suggesting conditions may be due to several causes. It may result from
constitutional make-up, or from long continued training or habituation, or from religious ecstasy, or from a
perfectly calm sense of spiritual selfhood which is unhurtable, or from the action of very exalted reason.
Whatever the explanation, the fact remains: the very causes which excite fear in most of us, merely appeal,
with such people, if at all. to the instinct of self-preservation and to reason, the thought-element of the soul
which makes for personal peace and wholeness.

Banish all fear.

It is on such considerations that I have come to hold that all real fear-feeling should and may be banished
from our life, and that what we call "normal fear" should be substituted in our language by "instinct" or by
"reason," the element of fear being dropped altogether.

"Everyone can testify that the psychical state called fear consists of mental representations of certain painful
results" (James). The mental representations may be very faint as such, but the idea of hurt to self is surely
present. If, then, it can be profoundly believed that the real self cannot be hurt; if the reason can be brought
to consider vividly and believingly all quieting considerations; if the self can be held consciously in the
assurance that the White Life surrounds the true self, and is surely within that self, and will suffer "no evil to
come nigh," while all the instincts of self preservation may be perfectly active, fear itself must be removed
"as far as the east is from the west."

These are the ways, then, in which any occasion for fear may be divided:

As a warning and as a maker of panic. But let us say that the warning should be understood as given to
reason, that fear need not appear at all, and that the panic is perfectly useless pain. With these
discriminations in mind, we may now go on to a preliminary study of fear.

preliminary study of fear.

Fear is (a) an impulse, (b) a habit, (c) a disease.

Fear, as it exists in man, is a make-believe of sanity, a creature of the imagination, a state of insanity.

Furthermore, fear is, now of the nerves, now of the mind, now of the moral consciousness.

The division depends upon the point of view. What is commonly called normal fear should give place to
reason, using the word to cover instinct as well as thought. From the correct point of view all fear is an evil
so long as entertained.

Whatever its manifestations, wherever its apparent location, fear is a psychic state, of course, reacting upon
the individual in several ways: as, in the nerves, in mental moods, in a single impulse, in a chronic habit, in a
totally unbalanced condition. The reaction has always a good intention, meaning, in each case, "Take care!
Danger!" You will see that this is so if you will look for a moment at three comprehensive kinds of fear fear of
self, fear for self, fear for others. Fear of self is indirectly fear for self danger. Fear for others signifies
foresensed or forepictured distress to self because of anticipated misfortune to others. I often wonder
whether, when we fear for others, it is distress to self or hurt to them that is most emphatically in our thought.

Fear, then, is usually regarded as the soul's danger signal. But the true signal is instinctive and thoughtful
Even instinct and reason, acting as warning, may perform their duty abnormally, or assume abnormal
proportions. And then we have the feeling of fear. The normal warning is induced by actual danger
apprehended by mind in a state of balance and self-control. Normal mind is always capable of such warning.
There are but two ways in which so-called normal fear, acting in the guise of reason, may be annihilated: by
the substitution of reason for fear, and by the assurance of the white life.

Let it be understood, now, that by normal fear is here meant normal reason real fear being denied place and
function altogether. Then we may say that such action of reason is a benefactor to man. It is, with pain and
weariness, the philanthropy of the nature of things within us.

One person said: "Tired? No such word in my house!" Now this cannot be a sound and healthy attitude.
Weariness, at a certain stage of effort, is a signal to stop work. When one becomes so absorbed in labor as
to lose consciousness of the feeling of weariness, he has issued a "hurry call" on death. I do not deny that
the soul may cultivate a sublime sense of buoyancy and power; rather do I urge you to seek that beautiful
condition; but I hold that when a belief or a hallucination refuses to permit you to hear the warning of nerves
and muscles, Nature will work disaster inevitably. Let us stand for the larger liberty which is joyously free to
take advantage of everything Nature may offer for true well-being. There is a partial liberty which tries to
realize itself by denying various realities as real; there is a higher liberty which really realizes itself by
conceding such realities as real and by using or disusing them as occasion may require in the interest of the
self at its best. I hold this to be true wisdom: to take advantage of everything which evidently promises good
to the self, without regard to this or that theory, and freely to use all things, material or immaterial,
reasonable or spiritual. I embrace your science or your method; but I beg to ignore your bondage to
philosophy or to consistency. So I say that to normal health the weary-sense is a rational command to
replenish exhausted nerves and muscles.

It is not liberty, it is not healthful, to declare, "There is no pain!" Pain does exist, whatever you affirm, and
your affirmation that it does not is proof that it does exist, for why (and how) declare the non-existence of
that which actually is non-existent? But if you say, "As a matter of fact I have pain, but I am earnestly striving
to ignore it, and to cultivate thought-health so that the cause of pain may be removed," that is sane and
beautiful. This is the commendable attitude of the Bible character who cried: "Lord, I believe; help thou mine
unbelief." To undertake swamping pain with a cloud of psychological fog that is to turn anarchist against the
good government of Nature. By pain Nature informs the individual that he is somewhere out of order. This
warning is normal. The feeling becomes abnormal in the mind when imagination twangs the nerves with
reiterated irritation, and Will, confused by the discord and the psychic chaos, cowers and shivers with fear.

I do not say there is no such thing as fear. Fear does exist. But it exists in your life by your permission only,
not because it is needful as a warning against "evil."

Fear is induced by unduly magnifying actual danger, or by conjuring up fictitious dangers through excessive
and misdirected psychical reactions. This also may be taken as a signal of danger, but it is a falsely-
intentioned witness, for it is not needed, is hostile to the individual because it threatens self-control and it
absorbs life's forces in useless and destructive work when they ought to be engaged in creating values.
Finding the balance between work and for play isn't easy at times. We exist in a world where anyone, at
almost any time, can get a hold of us. Not to mention the reality that information is coming at us from
everywhere. Newspapers, TV, radio, websites, ...the list can go on and on.

Finding the time to work on your relationships with others, at home or at work, is an essential part of whether
life seems controllable, pleasurable and balanced. However a lot of us feel so fragmented and overwhelmed
because we aren't achieving that sense of balance.

Like most people, we never appear to have sufficient hours in the day to get everything completed. Taking
the time to make creative changes in your life can really mean the difference between simply making a living
and having a LIFE.

Take control of your physical environment. You can find roughly 333 more hours (Eight 40-hour weeks) in
any given year by getting and staying organized. The less time you spend running around searching for
things, the more time you will have for what is significant to you.

Prioritize what is in fact needed and important to you. Be "ruthless" about what you keep. You have a finite
amount of space-use the "real estate" for those things you need and treasure.

Eliminate what you don't need. Not everything has to go the way of the dumpster. Donate to a charity or sell
the items and allow yourself the freedom from feeling guilty or wasteful. If you aren't using it, chances are
someone else can.

Contain things properly. Consider about where you would look for items reasonably and what type of like
bits and pieces can be contained right along with them. Schedule time to maintain your new found
organized self and surroundings.
You have decided to make changes in your life, so where do you begin? The internet is an excellent
resource for personal development. Online you will discover a multitude of options. There are life courses,
life coaches and online tutoring. There is free information on self improvement, and there is access to paid
courses and e-books.

As the world grows more interested in taking control of their lives, wealth has become more than a word to
describe financial success. Wealth now includes the life of overall "well being." We want to get the most joy
from our lives as we can possibly can. Our momentum for personal development is gaining at light speeds.
Truth and awareness prevail over our thoughts in a day. No longer are we content to just be.

If you have come to a crossroad in your life, then it is time to identify problem areas that are holding you
back. If you crave balance and harmony, then seek out internet personal development businesses and the
website guru's who make a difference. Steve is an excellent online source for gaining valuable
tools and information. This site is the personal development hub. On it, you will be able to access his articles
and guest interviews. There are pod casts as well as leads to other internet personal development
businesses. He has managed to provide good resources to e-books and online courses.

One of the hottest personal developments books to hit the markets lately is "The Secret". In the book, "The
Law of Attraction" is unfolded. It is explained as a powerful tool to learn to create what you want in life. The
book addresses thoughts, feelings, and actions working together as a creative force in your life. It further
addresses intention and visualization as tools to encourage positive outcomes. "The Secret" represents a
new wave in unique self-help genres using knowledge which is centuries old.

Also consider spiritual sources and guidance. Finding ourselves can mean turning it all over to a higher
power. Understanding what spiritually mean to you, and how it operates within your life is key to maintaining
hope. Never let it be said that faith is not a good thing. Spiritual feedings can be good medicine for the soul.
People are notorious for keeping daily affirmations a part of their routine, giving the heart and head a
cleansing. In cyber world, these sites are plentiful. Spiritual evangelists are many, and offering a different
kind of self improvement.

No matter what station you are at in life, challenges are by the wheelbarrow. They are presented daily to
teach us to be over comers. Many people do not have the proper knowledge or tools to do such a thing on a
continual basis. Internet personal development businesses are a godsend for the thirsty spirit. There is
promise in the words these sites deliver. Above that, they restore hope and offer inspiration. An investment
in yourself is the number one focus of personal development.
The sudden interest in and popularity of personal development coaching has not escaped Essex, where
finding personal development coaching resources is easier than ever before. There are many organizations,
online communities, and online directories available that will help you to find personal development coaching
resources in Essex. Best of all, many of the places to find personal development coaching resources in
Essex are free to use and browse.

One of the best places to find personal development coaching resources in Essex is through the United
Kingdom Life Coaching Directory. This website allows for individuals to search through a directory of
accredited life and personal development coaching resources in Essex. You will also find many informational
resources here, free to the internet surfer. These free personal development coaching resources in the
Essex Directory are great tools to learn if personal development coaching is right for you.

Another great resource for personal development coaching in Essex is The Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development. This website has many articles available about personal development coaching in Essex,
the benefits of personal development coaching in Essex, and whether or not personal development
coaching is right for you. There is also a directory available to find personal development coaching in Essex.

The Essex Coaching Community is another great resource for personal development coaching resources in
Essex. This group of personal development coaches in Essex work together to stay up to date on personal
development techniques. They are also accredited, and a phone call to their home office will get you
information about which personal development coaching resources are accredited and registered with the
group. You can also get information about average prices for personal development coaching in Essex.

The Essex Group is another group of accredited personal development coaching in Essex. One of the best
personal development coaching resources at the Essex Group website is the online assessment tools.
Assessment of personal values, strengths, weaknesses, skills, and talents are a necessary first step in any
personal development coaching plan. The Essex group makes this element of personal development
coaching easy with online tools, available with a purchased password. The Essex Group also offers many
helpful personal development coaching links, as well as a question and answer forum. The Essex Group
also provides business development coaching resources and personal development coaching seminars in

Other directories such as Healthy Pages, as well as general online business directories can also help you
find personal development coaching resources in Essex. These directories will likely yield less expensive
solutions. However, keep in mind that the above mentioned organizations and associations are filled with
screened and accredited personal development coaching resources in Essex. With general directories and
less prestigious health directories, you will not have this type of guarantee about the personal development
coaching resources that you receive from these Essex sites.

With all of the interest and popularity, and the recognition of importance that personal development coaching
is receiving in Essex today, finding appropriate personal development coaching resources in Essex should
be fairly simple. Look around and discover the options, then make an informed decision on which personal
development coaching services in Essex are right for you or your company.
A personal trainer for business development is a coach that will help you to realize your dreams, goals, and
achieve success through careful step by step planning and processes. The personal trainer for business
development is there to help you with resources, support, motivation, and planning of your business venture.
You can find a personal trainer for business development in a number of different ways, and in many places.
The key is to find the right personal trainer for business development for you.

There are several things to consider when looking for a personal trainer for business development. The first
thing that you will be likely to consider is cost. To that end, you will want to shop around for the lowest price
for a personal trainer. There are many personal trainers available at various costs. The least expensive and
most qualified personal trainers for business development are available through government and community

One such agency is S.C.O.R.E., which is affiliated with the Small Business Administration. This group of
business professionals and personal trainers are available to you with inside information about legal matters,
tax matters, registration requirements, and the best structure options for your business venture. This type of
information is important, and likely one of the reasons that you are looking for a personal trainer for business
development in the first place. S.C.O.R.E., like other personal trainers, will also have information available to
you about resources for funding, grants, loans, and other financial resources that you may be unaware of.

You also want to make sure that the personal trainer that you choose specializes in business development.
There are many different types of personal trainers for different types of personal and professional
development. Finding a personal trainer that specializes in business development is the best way to get the
support and resources that you need to be successful in your business venture.

There are several steps that your personal trainer for business development will lead you through to help
you create a successful business. First, your personal trainer will make sure that the business that you want
to develop is a sound business venture. To do this, the personal trainer will take your skills, talents,
experience, and resources into consideration. Once these assessments are completed, the personal trainer
will help you with your business development by walking you through the steps of a marketing and business

When you are ready, the personal trainer will help you to develop your business by implementing the plans
that you made while under their care and tutelage. If any problems arise or you begin to have doubts, your
personal trainer for business development will be there for support, guidance, and resources.

While you can certainly handle these matters on your own, it can be very helpful to have the assistance and
the advice of someone who really knows the ins and outs of starting a business venture. The personal
trainer for business development will be your best and most valuable asset in your professional arsenal. He
or she will be able to assist you with funding, planning, implementing, marketing, infrastructure, technology
issues and decisions, patent or copyright protection, and other areas of business development and business
Finding time to organize is often a complaint used by people. In today's society, activity is almost non-stop
and it IS difficult to see where you can add yet another task to your schedule. However, there are ways,
hidden pockets of time, to accomplish things. Below I cover a few of these often overlooked free periods.
*FOCUS ON A LITTLE BIT AT A TIME Rather than thinking about the enormous job at the forefront, split
that mission up into controllable tasks. For instance, if you want to organize the boxes in your attic, you may
think about going through one box per day, until it's all complete. *ASK SOMEONE TO BUG YOU Tell a
close friend, relative or co-worker, what you plan to organize, and by what date. Then, merely request that
person to bug you a small number of days before to see if you've completed it so far. A little outside
inspiration is frequently an enormous help. *BRIBE YOURSELF Make something you love to do, dependant
on the achievement of today's chore. If you promise yourself that you will not watch your favorite television
program tonight, unless you work for 15 minutes on organizing your paper piles, you're sure to get that little
task completed. No cheating permitted. *DO NOT SEPARATE EACH PENDING BILL Whatever you do,
don't put your utility bill in one folder, your car insurance bill in another folder and your membership dues bill
in another. All imminent bills should be together in an envelope, pocket folder or basket so they can be paid
without having to search several different places to find them. *FIT IN EXERCISE BY MULTI-TASKING Do
some calisthenics or ride a stationary bike while watching your favorite television program. Do some easy
stretches, while you're on the telephone and you're on hold. Waiting for the washing machine or dryer to
finish, or waiting for a computer file to download? Now is a great time for some sit-ups or leg lifts!
1. Avoid interruption: If possible, leave your phone on voice mail during times you have scheduled to work
on projects. If you have a private office, close your door. You might even place a sign saying something like
"Hard at Work: Please Come Back Later." If you are interrupted, help keep the interruption short by
remaining task-oriented.

2. Schedule time to make phone calls and return e-mail. When you leave a phone message, list times that
you will be available by phone. Ask the other party to do the same - it will save you both a lot of time that
would otherwise be spent on everyone's favorite game, phone tag. Also, avoid checking your voice mail and
e-mail frequently. Instead, review them at scheduled intervals during the day.

3. Plan stress breaks throughout the day. Make sure you give yourself a break! Working to the point of total
brain fatigue and muscle tension will never do you any good. Stretch, take some deep breaths, and go out to
get your lunch, call your kids - do something to give yourself a little break. If you'd like, you can schedule
these breaks as a reward for when you've finished a particular chore.

4. Appreciate your own approach. Just as we are all different in other ways, we all have diverse
organizational styles. Keep in mind that you have gotten where you are today because of whom you are and
what you have accomplished. Employ improved organizational skills to enhance your personal style, not
change it. Getting organized should make you feel good, not burdened.

5. Stick to your plan. The best-laid plans often fall victim to their makers. While spontaneity is important,
there is a fine line between it and plain procrastination. Once you've come up with a good plan for tackling a
task, stay with it. Only you can prevent yourself from wavering.
People have always valued the essence of time. However, only a few people have mastered the skill of
properly allocating their time for their work. We see a lot of books in book shops claiming they have the
secret to proper time management. But do we really have to pay just to understand the secret of proper time

You really don't have to buy these books to understand the secret of Proper Time Management. All you
need is common sense and discipline. However, there are more reliable ways to achieve your goal. Here are
a few tips to help you manage your time.

Before you go and start making a list of things you need to do, you have to realize that the list will never
work if you won't back it up with discipline. When talking about discipline here, it means you have to know
your own priorities as well to guide you in abiding with the rules that you have set for yourself.

1. List a set of things to do for the day – This is the traditional way to proper time management. Make a list
of things you have to do for the day to keep you informed on what to do for the day. The list will help you to
avoid distractions if any should arise during the day.

It is recommended to create a flexible 'to do list"; having a flexible list allows you to fit unexpected events
and occasions (only important ones) without destroying the whole list.

2. Change Bad Time Management Habits – It usually helps for starters to change their Bad Time
Management Habits. If you reflect on your everyday activities, you'd probably realize that you spend a lot of
time watching too much TV or other forms of leisure. It is okay to spend time on leisure, but never when it
exceeds the alloted time for it. Changing these habits would increase your time to do more meaningful

3. Set some things to do for the day as top priority. – The idea of setting hierarchies among your list of
priorities is that those on top of the list are what you need to attend to first. It also helps you to finish on time
when you use it in conjunction with your 'to-do" list and daily timetable.

4. Learn how to say "NO" – When offered to do something, most people have trouble refusing. Hence, they
are confronted with more tasks than they can manage. This is more important when it comes to tasks that
are less important, such as watching a movie or going to a football game. You have to remember that once
you have completed your pending tasks, you will have time to enjoy yourself.

If you"re planning to go out, you have to plan this a few days ahead. Therefore, you can finish your task
ahead as well to save enough time for these long breaks.

5. Dividing your workload – This is specially helpful when working with other people as a team. You don't
have to do everything yourself. When you divide your workload, people tend to finish faster because they
can focus on doing a specific task.

6. Keeping your workplace clean and organized – When your workplace is a mess, it is usually hard to look
for things underneath the pile. Sometimes it takes hours for you to look for a lost paper on a cluttered pile.
Therefore keeping things organized improves your over-all efficiency.

7. Setting Goals for yourself – Having practical and achievable goals for yourself is an important step in
proper time management. Setting goals keeps you motivated to do your job well. Remember that you need
efficiency to get things done the right way.
Today is your only concern. You have no control over tomorrow or yesterday. Today you are going to get the
most of your day while working to improve your personal life. To do this you will need to set up time
management plans. You want to include your daily activities, work, and entertainment, relax time, family time
and so on. When you set time plans, you are growing to spend your time wisely. You learn to live for now,
instead of tomorrow or yesterday.

As you write your plans, consider how you will deal with the world around you. If you are sweating their
every move, you are wasting time. Instead, say, the world is their own, today is mine. If you have to work,
then practice dealing with your fellow employees respectively. When you learn to respect, work in order, and
try to get along it makes everyone's life better. +Each day you want to choose a couple of new strategies
that helps you to improve your personal life. For instance, if you are into a daily routine of drinking only one
glass of water daily, move to drink two glasses. Build your health and you improve your personal life. If you
do not exercise, plan today to walk thirty minutes. Plan to practice walking each day. The more effort you put
into building a positive you, the more you will get from your works. "Faith without works is dead" the bible
tells us. It has proven true far too many times to ignore.

If you are attending school or working long hours, learn to manage your time as well. Overworking yourself
is leading you nowhere but to poor health. You need to take time out for you. During work hours and school
time, you can learn to deal with the complex problems first, as well as deal with the boring items first to
eliminate stressing your day. Once you get past the tough, you will get moving toward the simple. Here you
will find relief, even if you are studying hard or working long hours. Don't put off what you can do today. Do it
now, get it over with and watch as you grow.

As you plan, set a time that is best for you. For instance, if you are a student or worker and do your best job
in the early morning, work hard then and relax throughout the day. +Tips for relaxing: +You can stretch in
the morning when you arise, stretch in the afternoon, and stretch at night to relax your muscles.

Once you learn how to relax, you can move to find ways to reduce time wasted. For instance, at night you
can lay out your clothes for the next day, prepare what you will take to save time. At what time you clear up
time wasted you will find more time for productivity. ++Do you procrastinate? +

If so, stop. Procrastination is wasting time and building stress. Instead of putting it off, get it done now. You
will be amazed at the free time you will accomplish by stop procrastinating.

Do you spend long hours on the phone. If so, then you are forming a habit that will lead you to procrastinate,
waste time, and put things off. Forget the phone. Set a time limit per phone call you take, or make.

Saying no is a great way to improve your personal life. Saying no is a positive attitude that takes you to
success. If you say yes to each person that consumes your time, you will waste valuable time that guides
you nowhere.
When playing any musical instrument, you need to learn how to play the notes. If you want to play any
instrument, you have to have one and this is especially true if you want to play a guitar. The notes are
played on the guitar's fret board. Learn to play guitar notes now and you too can conquer the guitar's fret

You don't have to be scared of the fret board. Even if it seems that it's hard to learn the notes, if you really
want to learn how to play the guitar, this should not discourage you.

Playing the very first songs on your guitar will be easier if you know the notes on the first guitar string. On
this string, there are three notes – E, F (first fret), and G (third fret). The second string is B, C (first fret), and
D (third fret). Now that you know the notes, you have to conduct some exercises. Slowly play these notes
and make sure that you concentrate to learn notes well.

You don't have to say all the notes out loud when you"re practicing. You can do this inside your mind and
then slowly play them. You must know the notes as well as their names, and most especially their sounds.
Know them by heart. You can start by playing simply melodies like that of nursery rhymes.

After mastering the notes on the first two strings, you have to proceed on the third string. G is the open
string and the other note is A (second fret). When you know these notes already, start playing them together
with the other notes you've learned previously. Again, you must stick with simple songs. You don't have to
work on all the notes at once. Try to master each of the notes and learn them consciously. Even small
children can learn guitar notes easily. Follow these steps and in no time, you can play the notes on the

Learning to play guitar notes will be very hard if you don't have your own guitar. You can't depend entirely on
the music sheets that you have. You have to hear the notes being played on the guitar's fret board. Many
beginners fail to learn because they don't have guitars on their hands. Once you learn the notes, you can
now read advanced music guitar sheets.

Everyone knows nursery rhymes and even if you"re all grown up, you still know these songs. It will be a lot
easier to learn the notes by using these simple songs. Once you master and memorize the notes, you can
now play the songs that you like.

Guitar notes are not really hard to learn as long as you know what to do. You don't need an expert teacher
in order to learn these things. You can teach yourself these note lessons by using DVD programs or internet
guitar programs. You can also use an instruction book. Still, if you can afford the expensive guitar teachers,
you can always hire them. But let this serve as a reminder, no matter how good your teacher is, if you don't
have the right attitude in learning, you will not learn anything.

You see, guitar playing is like the lessons that you learn in school. You must know the notes by heart, you
have to be motivated and you must be persistent.

Affirmations That Attract Prosperity (508 words)

Do you have a hard time focusing on prosperity? Do you find yourself struggling with negative thought
habits that only seem to attract more lack and difficulty into your life? Affirmations are one simple tool you
can use to turn it around.

Affirmations work by delivering new messages to your subconscious mind. Most often, this involves
replacing old, limiting messages with new, empowering messages.

However, the way you word your affirmations will usually determine how effective they are.

If I asked you to recite this affirmation: "I am a millionaire," how effective do you think it would be? Would
you turn into an overnight millionaire? Would money start falling out of the sky to land in your lap? Probably
not. Why? Simply because you know the statement isn't true. If you try to feed your subconscious mind a
belief that you are a millionaire, it creates a conflict with your current set of beliefs. Your subconscious mind
does not like conflict, and it doesn't like change – so nothing in your life changes either!

In order for affirmations to work, you MUST word them in a way that your subconscious mind won't resist. In
other words, make them believable.

Compare the above affirmation to one like this: "I am becoming more prosperous every day."

That one feels better, doesn't it? Your mind doesn't try to resist it because you can actually imagine it
happening (even if it hasn't begun to happen yet).

Another power-boost for affirmations is to word them in a way that places more responsibility on you. For
example, instead of affirming, "I am becoming more prosperous every day," you could say, "I am open to the
best opportunities to make money quickly and easily." The wording of such an affirmation makes you feel
more in control of your circumstances. Rather than waiting anxiously for money to fall out of the sky, you
send a message to your subconscious mind that you can control how much money you have by being alert
to great opportunities.

Affirmations can vary in the length of time required to firmly 'take root" in your mind. For the most part, it
depends on the intensity of your opposing beliefs and the level of effort you put forth in turning those beliefs
around. If your focus on lack is very strong, you"ll probably have to expend a fair amount of energy and
effort to train your mind to focus on prosperity.

However, it is time and effort well spent because the more you focus on positive thoughts and prosperous
beliefs, the more you"ll find yourself attracting good things into your life.

Here are a few good affirmations to help get you started on the road to prosperity:

• I use my thoughts and emotions to attract abundance effortlessly. • I am becoming more prosperous and
successful every day. • I know I have what it takes to be as successful as I want to be. • I am talented and
resourceful. • I create a better life one positive thought at a time.
The reliability of memory is still a question as in most cases it is distorted by suggestions. The certainty of
memory depends on the encryption it had on the mind of individual and the duration too. As we mentioned
earlier that diminishing memory is a result of neurons malfunction, there are three ways that can help us
identify factors that can stimulate or memory. We should figure out ways to stop neurons from dying and
stimulate growth of new neurons and by getting to have the existing neurons function efficiently. Memory i.e
is chemical compound known as Ampakines enhances neurons functioning. Other ways generic ways to
improve memory is to start taking memory training and practicing games such as cross words, brainteasers
and other memory exercises. Apart from them consuming healthy diet rich in Omega 3 fats and antioxidants
also helps. Five small meal patterns should be followed as it prevents blood sugar from lowering i.e the
primary source of energy to the brain. Jogging and brisk walks helps in blood circulation and have been
proved to reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease. Getting proper sleep and stress reduction helps curtailing
the production of cortisol in our body that harms memory and is known to shrink memory center in brain.

Regular practice helps us give a jog to our memory that is as fruitful as the physical jogging. We should let
our brain run thru as many facts it retains and associate each with some picture, color or number to make it
easier for recall. But accuracy of recall depends on proper functioning of three aspect of brain that part that
form, stores and receives memory. At times dreams are made of distorted memories we usually club our
experiences with a particular memory creating a new situation altogether.

People who have suffered head injuries or suffer any kind of pain otherwise tend to be more forgetful
according to one of the studies. The study goes on to suggest that chronic pain leads to brain shrinkage and
degradation of neurons. People with emotional distress and chronic pain are more susceptible to brain
atrophy. Varying pains have varying effects on brain and affects different regions in our brain. Such
conditions can be improved and memory can be improvised by realistic psychotherapy and medication.

It is often observed that we remember traumatic events better than happier moments. It is associated with a
certain type of protein produced in our brain while we go thru that experience and makes it embedded in the
long-term memory zone of our brain. These proteins help in strengthening the connection in neurons acting
as a catalyst in memory storage. This study is being used now to improve memory conditions by treating our
brain with the same kind of protein to make our memory everlasting. Another study goes on to prove that
zinc helps to improve memory especially in children. This study has been used at the grass root level by
more health drink and medical supplement manufacturers who target their zinc fortified drink, cereal and
nutritional supplements to adolescents.

There are ayurvedic cures in the market that claim to guarantee similar results like "Memocare" the product
is a mix of herbs that promises to reduce stress and anxiety. It also promises to accelerate brain function
and improve memory. There are hosts of other companies too offering similar promises like Brain quicken
that claims to be effective in one hour but it mainly targets to improve short-term memory. Its constituents
are a complex mix of nutrients and other propriety constituents.
Would you like to improve your time management? If you find yourself easily distracted, missing important
deadlines, or showing up to important events late, improving your time management may be a good idea.
Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize just how much trouble poor time management can cause

When it comes to improving time management, many individuals are surprised with all of the options that
they have. One of those options is using time management tools to your advantage. If this sounds like an
approach that you would like to take, please continue reading on. A number of helpful and successful time
management tools that you can benefit from using are outlined below for your convenience.

An alarm clock is a simple, yet effective time management tool that you can and should use. What is nice
about alarm clocks, is that most of us already have them in our homes. Be sure to set your alarm clock to
get up in the morning. Consider resetting it five minutes before you must walk out to door to work, set it for
when you want to start preparing dinner, and so forth. Although we often associate alarm clocks with getting
up in the morning, they can actually be used for so much more.

A task list, also commonly referred to as a to do list, is another time management tool that you can and
should use to your advantage. What nice about task lists is that they are free and easy to do. All you need
is a piece of a paper and pencil. Outlining everything that you must do for the day is a great way to make
sure that you stay focused and on task, which is an important component of managing your time. If you
must, keep separate lists for home and work.

Daily, weekly, and monthly planners are other time management tools that can be used. The type of
planner that you will use will all depend on your own personal preferences. With that said, many individuals
prefer daily planners better, as they often leave more space to create a to do list or at least a spot to write
down important dates and times. If you do use a daily, weekly, or monthly planner, be sure to keep it with
you at all times.

Calendar alert programs are other time management tools that come highly rated and recommended.
Calendar alert programs are so much more than just a traditional wall calendar. For the most part, these
time management alert tools are found on computers and cell phones. What you will need to do is enter in
an important date and time. When that date and time arrives, you should receive a message on your
computer screen or cell phone screen. Text message and emails may also be sent. These types of
programs are often used to remember birthdays, but they can be used on a wide range of other events,
projects, and activities.

Finally, another tool that you will want to consider using is that of a time management training seminar. In
addition to attending a physical class, you may be able to purchase a seminar in video format. Although
some individuals do not consider receiving training a tool, it is an important tool. There are professionals out
there who can share time management tips with you, as well as help you improve your organizational skills.
Does it sound bizarre? Using herbs to improve memory have long been practiced not only by those in the
United States, but in other countries as well. The American Indians, Orientals, Egyptians, and Greeks have
all used herbs to enhance the mind. Spicy foods are said to increase the cognitive functions of your brain,
and there are several spicy herbs available.

Have you ever heard of turmeric? Maybe curry? Well, turmeric is an ingredient in curry. Curcumin is an
ingredient in turmeric, which in turn works to improve your memory. It reduces the effects of diseases like
Alzheimer's disease. Ginger is another herb, containing zingerone, which defends the neurons of the brain
to improve memory. Cinnamon is a brain activity booster; simply smelling it enhances cognitive function and
lifts the mood. All these wonderful spices can be found in your local grocery store, usually on the isle with
the basic cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar.

Health food stores abound in the United States. They've become more popular for the youth of today alone.
Health food stores can also benefit adult shoppers. They offer things like ginkgo biloba, touted as the best
herb to improve blood flow to the brain. Suggested use is 80 mg, 3 times a day.

Another herb found in health food stores which increases memory and guards against senility is gotu kola. It
has a calming effect. Suggested use is 1/2 teaspoon in warm water 3 times a day.

Siberian Ginseng can help the body adapt to stress, helps promote a strong, balanced nervous system, and
gives a mild energy boost. Suggested use is 250 mg, 2 times a day.

Before partaking in the benefits of any of these suggested herbs, please do your research and make sure
they won't have a negative interaction with any medications you are currently taking. The idea is to improve
your memory, not further damage your health in another way.

Herbs don't just serve to improve your memory by oral ingestion. A popular way to stimulate your brain
these days is by aromatherapy. Some herbs can be heated in either water or as an ingredient in a candle,
maybe even as an ingredient for use with a potpourri burner placed on a cloth as an essential oil to inhale,
or simply burned as incense. Aromatherapy can be done as a low-cost addition to your steps towards good
mental health. It clears the mind, helps you relax, sharpens your ability to focus, and improves your mood.
Two essential oils to use in aromatherapy to help improve memory are rosemary and basil. Although,
anything that is pleasant to your nose will help you calm your thinking so that you can focus more clearly
and feel uplifted in spirit.

An important thing to consider is whether you would rather slow down your lifestyle now and begin to take
proper care of your mind and body, or whether you'd rather suffer more later as you've aged and have more
trouble undoing the effects of your neglect. It's never too late to adapt a positive outlook and take charge of
Herbs are an option we have that treats misaligned joints. We use natural herbs to improve health. Herbs
can be grown in your backyard. You can buy them in the grocery stores or a health stores. People even
grow herbs in their kitchen window.

Herbs are all natural and can be used on a daily basis along with a well balanced diet. Substitute salt by
using thyme or marjoram. Pepper can be substituted with savory or basil. Try mixing different kinds of herbs
in your recipes to change the taste and make it a little different.

People use herbs in their daily diet as well as treating their simple aches and pains. Using herbs is the
natural way and sometimes it is a cheaper way to keep your body strong and healthy.

For relieving that awful stress that you've been under try using some Borage leaves. When Borage leaves
is used as a tonic to put your glands back naturally after being stressed out.

Culinary herbs can be used to strengthen the immune system and help prevent cancer. If you don't have,
any culinary herbs try using garlic, cumin, and green tea, along with exercise. You need to keep the
immune system strong to fight off virus and other alignments.

There are many herbs that help fight off a cold or a respiratory problems. Elderberry is another herb and it
stops the virus of a cold from producing and getting worse. Take elderberry at the first signs of a cold.

When treating a cold you"ll find there are many herbs out that will help fight off that virus as well as work for
others things too. Garlic is good for the cold and respiratory system and it comes in leaves or in a capsule.

Ginger comes in fresh leaves or a powder that can be used for treating common colds along with keeping
the bowel system clean, since it supports the stomach, spleen and the intestines too. Make hot ginger tea
when you are having cold symptoms to make you sweat that virus out of your body. Ever heard of Hyssop,
another herb used to treating colds, it will loosen up the mucous.

Lemon Balm is used for treating depression because it helps to relieve the stress. In addition, Lemon Balm
has been known to relieve fevers when you have a cold or the flu. When using the lemon balm try to use it
fresh if you can, but dry with work and can be found wherever herbs are found.

Peppermint is another good herb used to treat the cold and fever. Along with treating the cold, it is good to
relieve an upset stomach and relieves pain.

Yarrow is best used to treat the fever that comes along with the common cold. Yarrow is best when mixed
with Elderberry or Peppermint.

When using herbs you need to be careful that you take the right amounts and know the side effects that
herbs can cause. Herbs are safer than using drugs but they are very strong. There are side effect to using
some herbs if not used properly and could cause fatal injuries and maybe death.

Read up and search for all the information you can find before using herbs. Read the labels and be sure to
read the warnings not all people can use herbs for healing and general health precaution. If you don't
understand or are sure about one don't use it, taking the wrong one could do more harm than good.

If you"re over 65 and want to start taking herbs start out slow. The older a person get their system gets
weaker and if they are already taking any kind of drugs the herbs could cause a reaction. Watch for any new
changes other than normal, a headache, and an upset stomach are just a couple of things could happen. If
you are starting on herbs and get sick, right after stop taking and consultant you physician. Herbs help heal
the soul, which promotes improvement of personal life.
Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky, space or aether. The term Akashic Records is from Hinduism and
was incorporated into theosophy meaning a collection of mystical knowledge.

This mystical knowledge is encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These Akashic Records are
supposed to contain all knowledge.

They are metaphorically described as a library. Supposedly the records are constantly updated. The concept
of Akashic Records originated in the 19th century and remains prevalent in New Age beliefs.

The Akashic Records are often compared to a universal computer or the mind of God. They are said to
contain every thought, word and action in the universe and are impressed on a substance called Akasha.

The records are similar to a collective consciousness and they have been referred to by different names
including the cosmic mind, the universal mind, the collective unconsciousness or the collective
subconscious. Some people also think that the Akashic Records are what make psychic perception

It is believed that the events recorded on the Akasha can be read in certain states of consciousness. These
states can be induced by certain stages of sleep, weakness, illness, drugs and meditation.

This means not only mystics can tap into the Akashic records, but ordinary people can also.

According to believers, the Akasha are the library of all events and responses concerning consciousness.
Every life form contributes and has access to the records if they know how to tap into them.

They can be accessed through yoga, meditation, pranayama, prayer and visualization.
One way science and memory connect is through the side effects of a medication that may cause memory
loss. Another way is through trying to improve memory.

Take Alzheimer's for example. It is now a well recognized disease that has been under much scientific
study. In this disease, memory loss begins when the entorhinal cortex, an area of brain involved in building
new memories, loses neurons faster then they are being replaced. The human brain was once thought to
have all the brain cells possible at birth. Now science has uncovered the fact that human and primate brains
can generate new nerve cells (neurons) after birth. These nerve cells are made in the cerebral cortex
throughout the life span. The number of neurons stays fairly constant, but the ones lost in each area are
replaced anew. If the production of new ones can't keep up with those dying or being removed, the brain
function begins to decline. Science has found that when the number is reduced by one-third, the short term
memory begins to fail, hence Alzheimer's.

It is thought that certain antioxidants have the ability to significantly delay the effects of Alzheimer's. In
people under the age of 80, the chance of developing this disease could be reduced by 50 percent by taking
low doses (200 to 400 mg) of ibuprofen for two or more years. There are also certain activity programs that
can delay the progression of the disease. Scientists believe the progression can be delayed by regular

Lifestyle behaviors must be altered to age in a healthy way. This healthy aging includes retaining healthy
memory function. The way one eats, sleeps, drinks, smokes, lacks adequate physical and mental exercise,
and allows an overabundance of stress on a regular, long-lasting basis all affect good health.

Illegal use of drugs has long been known to affect memory function. It kills brain cells, as does the long-term
overuse of alcohol. Two prescription drugs that have had memory loss as side effects are Prozac and
Zoloft. The patients' symptoms would improve as far as the reason they were put on these drugs, but once
memory loss began to develop, the patients would have to be taken off them.

The process of knowing and perceiving is called cognition. Alzheimer's and disorders related to it all have
one thing in common: cognitive impairment. As long as only one symptom exists, the diseases are distinct
from each other. If not treated early enough and effectively, other brain areas begin to be affected and the
symptoms make it hard to diagnose which disease is present.

One disease similar to Alzheimer's disease is dementia. There are different types of dementia. There is
Parkinson's Dementia, Frontal-Temporal Lobe Dementia, Vascular Dementia, Subcortical Vascular
Dementia, dementia due to head injury, and dementia from cancer and cancer treatment.

One thing is certain, regardless of your reason for memory loss, science and advanced technology are
making it easier every day to single out and treat the problem.
When you have a hobby that you like and you will spend time doing this. This will help keep you from getting
in trouble, since you will stay busy. This will free your mind and you from stress as well. If you have bad
habits, such as drinking or drugging you can invest your time in hobbies, which will free your mind of the
binds that drugs and alcohol hold you.

What are hobbies? Hobbies are something that you enjoy doing, it could be collecting coins, dolls, hot wheel
cars, stamps, knitting, more less what ever you enjoy doing. When you enjoy doing hobbies, you spend not
all of your extra time doing them and you think about doing anything else. Like getting into trouble. Some
people may make their work is their hobbies this could be working on cars or heavy equipment to semis they
enjoy it so much they are always doing it no matter what when some of us want a break from work so we do
something else that we enjoy doing. We all have different hobbies and different ideas of what hobbies are.
Some people make fishing and hunting their hobbies.

Does hobbies cost a lot of money to get started? Hobbies can get very expensive. Then other hobbies do
not cost hardly anything to do. Like collecting coins can get very costly. If you can't afford to put money in on
a hobby maybe you should try to pick one that does cost a lot like knitting or something to do with crafts
there are a ton of things you can do that don't cast nothing. Hot wheel cars only cost around a dollar.
Perhaps you can spend time in shops looking at hot wheels, purchase one and go back each week to
purchase another. Hot Wheel cars in time will become collectors items. In fact, the cars are already collector
items, i.e. some are.

How do I get started with my hobby? You have to decide what you enjoy, things that interest you like maybe
collecting coins, or stamps or maybe you want to learn the history on them so this can be a good hobby for
someone. Maybe someone likes to work with yarn and make things so that may be some one-hobby knitting
or crouching. Maybe some one likes to work on cars and that is a hobby of theirs. There is no real way to get
started other then doing it and deciding what you want to do as a hobby.

So remember when you want to get your mind free of stress or do not want to get into trouble. Sit down and
try to figure out what you what to do for a hobby. Perhaps you will want to write them down and pick out the
one you think you would like. There is nothing wrong with having more then one hobby or later on deciding
that you don't want to do this after all and find another one. Just remember hobbies can help you improve
your life by helping you to stay out of trouble and keep your mind clear of things so you can think more

Other hobbies included doll collecting. The older porcelain dolls are a common collectors item you may want
to consider. You will find a wide variety of dolls online at Ebay stores and so on. In addition, you will find the
dolls are various collector stores. To learn more about hobbies go online and review the different items
collected, so that you can decide what hobby is best for you.
The traditional way to learn Spanish has been to start where a first grader would start. You learn the
Spanish alphabet, learn simple Spanish words, and learn simple Spanish grammar. You advance in the
same way throughout your studies.

The trouble is, it seems that after a course like this, people may learn Spanish to a degree without ever
learning how to hold up their end of a conversation. Speaking in an informal setting is very different from
speaking in a formal class.

For this reason, many people who give courses for people to learn Spanish have changed. They now give
what are called "conversational Spanish classes." These classes, by their nature, must be taught by
someone who is extremely fluent in conversational Spanish.

Purists would have you dive right into a conversational setting, stumbling as you find your way. Generally,
though, you will learn Spanish words that are necessary parts of a conversation first. These can be small
words like "and, or, she, what," and so on.

After you have that basis, you will usually be given a thin volume of conversational topics. These have
about two short pages for each topic. Words related to that topic are given. Then, some questions are
given as conversation starters.

When you use topics like this, you use the book as a starting point to learn Spanish rather than as the point
of the class. You might, for example, have a topic about going on a trip in a car. There will be words that
denote different parts of the car, such as the trunk. Then there will be words about stops you make along
the way, like gas station.

You use the conversation starters to get you going. In this instance, a question might say, "How did you get
your car ready for your last trip?" The students can all use the topic words, along with the small words they
know, to answer the question and learn Spanish.

Everyone will get a chance to answer the question eventually, but the conversation should be a lively
interchange of ideas if the facilitator is any good at all. As you learn Spanish more, you will have even more
to say about each topic. You can draw on words you have learned in other lessons.

Once you have a few lessons under your belt, the facilitator might have you set aside the book for some
lessons. During these times, you can talk about yourselves. You can get to know each other. As you learn
Spanish, you will also find out what your classmates do and what they like.

Of course the topic words will not give you all the words you need to carry on a normal conversation. They
are just a starting point after all. This is where the facilitator comes in. You try to use Spanish words that
you do know to describe what you mean. When you get your point across, the facilitator will supply the

In conversational classes, the facilitator helps you out, but classmates also help each other. It's a group
effort to begin and sustain a conversation. As you learn Spanish, you will find that it's less effort than
Most management professionals today enter their first management position straight out of college. These
management professionals think that they are prepared for anything after four or six years of schooling and
higher education. But when they begin to encounter real life scenarios on the job, they are at a loss. Why?
They lack the basic personal development skills that are required for good management practices.

This is main reason that companies and corporations are paying big bucks to put their management through
personal development training. Business schools teach management theory and practices, but do not
provide practical applications. And, while time management and organizational skills may be stressed,
personal development is not really focused on during this schooling.

Personal development training assists management in many ways. First, personal development training
incorporates assessments that allow management to discover their weaknesses and strengths, and learn
how to strengthen weak areas. This assessment and correction may involve many aspects of personal
development, but is an important first step toward more effective management.

One of the important ways that personal development can assist management is through learning how to set
obtainable goals that lead to an ultimate goal. This is helpful not only in planning goals for personal
purposes, but in planning goals and a timeline for an ultimate goal when managing a team of employees.

Time management and goal planning are important aspects of management. Without these skills, deadlines
cannot be met. Another important aspect of time management is delegation. Management must learn to
delegate tasks so that more work gets accomplished in the end. Additionally, management should be able to
assist employees with time management and goal planning skills for the benefit of the team, management,
and the company.

Another way that personal development training assists management is through the development of social
skills. This aspect of personal development training will assist management in dealing with and
communicating with their employees. This type of personal development management training typically
focuses on dispute resolution and problem solving abilities.

Much of how management deals with others has to do with mind set. If management treats the employees
like they are underlings rather than equals and refuses to listen to new ideas, it is an indication of a superior
mind set. The best way to resolve this issue is to learn that as a manager you do not know everything, and
listening to the ideas of others is a worthwhile venture. These skills can be developed through personal
development management training.

Personal development training also assists management through stress management techniques. Stress
management is important when trying to meet deadlines, and work a team through helping to meet
deadlines. This is also part of social development, as management learns how stress affects the way that
they deal with their employees and clients. Changing how management deals with stress will improve office
relationships and communication.

Personal development training assists management in many other, more subtle ways. Leadership skills,
motivational techniques, and customer management skills can all be improved through personal
development training.
One of the most common goals people set when first learning about the Law of Attraction is to attract more
money into their lives. They're sick of struggling, sick of not having enough, and they're eager to find relief.
Unfortunately, attracting money is often one of the most difficult objectives, simply because money carries
such heavy emotional weight in our lives. There's a lot riding on the success (or failure) of our goal to attract
more money! Namely, our peace of mind, happiness, security - and much more.

Unfortunately, placing such strong emphasis on the outcome of money attraction only creates more
blockages. The more you think you desperately "need" more money; the more you believe you can't be
happy without it; the more frustrated you get when it isn't showing up - the longer it's going to take to attract

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to make the process easier:

1) Lighten up!

The more tense and serious you are about attracting money, the harder it's going to be. If you instead look
at it like a fun game, you'll be devoting a perfect mixture of light, positive energy to the process - which is a
natural prosperity attractor! In fact, make it your mission to be lighthearted and easygoing about money and
everything else in your life from now on. Not only will you end up attracting more money, but also more love,
joy, peace, fun and passion in all areas of your life.

2) Be what you want to attract.

Another common blockage is the perception of "here and there." You believe you are HERE, in the midst of
lack and struggle, and you are trying to get over THERE, where there is peace and abundance aplenty.
What you'll eventually realize is that there is no "here or there." There is only right now, and whatever you
are communicating to the universe right now is what you are creating in your physical reality. Rather than
focusing on trying to ATTRACT more money, BECOME a person who has all the money they could ever
need. Think, feel and act as if your goal is already achieved, and the universe will make it so! Focus daily
on feeling happy, abundant, peaceful, secure, and grateful and you will attract life circumstances that
correspond with those feelings.

3) Let go.

Don't worry about "how" your money will come. Don't focus obsessively on winning the lottery, receiving an
inheritance or anything else specific. Let the universe decide how it will come. Keep your eyes open for
opportunities to receive more money and act on them if you see them, but otherwise detach and know that
it's on the way! This is easier said than done, but the more you try to control "how" your abundance comes,
the more blockages you create.

Additionally, be sure to let go of WHEN money comes into your life. You might be tempted to set a deadline,
but the universe has its own timing and wisdom. Be willing to trust and let go, and you open a gateway for
immense blessings to flow into your life.
Recreate your life with a personal development plan. Devising a solid map to improving your life requires
taking an honest look at your life. If you wish to re-invent yourself, each area of your life must be
dissected .Knowing what it is you wish to change is how to begin the process. You must have a focus for
learning a new set of behaviors. Think about where you are now and where you see yourself upon
completing a goal. A goal is like a finish line, you run forward for the accomplishment. You aim for the prize.

Setting goals is top priority in a personal development plan. It requires a specific and clear intention
followed by action. Once you have established your goal, it should be followed with consistent behaviors
which are conducive to reaching that goal. How do you learn new behaviors? By educating yourself.
Seeking knowledge on your specific area of focus is crucial for replacing old behaviors or habits with new
ones. Plenty of resources exist today for self-help. On any level, you can find information to teach you how
to identify problem areas in your life. If in the process you find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated or just plain
stuck, consider using a life coach.

Life coaches are a wonderful resource for success with a personal development plan. They can provide a
strong support system. They have knowledge of self-improvement tools and skills to teach them to you. A
life coach will give you positive feedback and encourage you to persevere. Not everyone can do it alone,
that is why life coaches exist. There is a lot to be said about someone cheering you on as go for it. They
can help monitor your successes and setbacks.

Whether or not you choose to use a life coach or go it alone, be sure to zero in on your strengths. It is easy
to fall prey to loss of confidence from not focusing on strengths. Learn new skills to complement your
strengths and confidence. It is amazing how learning affects over-all well being.

When you create your personal development plan, realize magic doesn't happen overnight. It is becoming
conscious of your world and how you operate within it. Daily you must make choices that benefit your goals.
By doing so, eventually the prize does appear. You must also realize that personal development is a life
choice. Some people appear content to meander in their world, oblivious to needed changes. However, life
is meant for change. If you do the same things over and over, you will get the same results. Self
improvement in life settings and circumstances should always be considered relevant and necessary.

You can recreate your life with a good personal development plan. Self-assessment of problem areas of
your life is the first step. Set realistic goals. Choose actions and behaviors which benefit the goals. Maintain
a positive support system. And most of all, applaud yourself for wanting something different for your life.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by fear - so much so that it prevented you from doing something you
wanted to do? Believe it or not, this is a common problem faced by many people daily.

Fear has the power to hold you back from taking risks, following your dreams, or becoming successful at
anything you attempt to do. If you allow it to control you for long enough, it can eventually erode your quality
of life and keep you locked in a prison of inactivity.

What many people fail to realize is that fear is nothing more than a conditioned response. It's a natural
reaction to a frightening or unfamiliar situation. While it is usually automatic, there are things you can do to
overcome it.

1) Check your expectations.

One major contributor of fear is the prevalence of negative expectations. Do you usually find yourself
expecting the worst in every situation? Do you worry obsessively about what could go wrong, rather than
focusing on your strengths and capabilities?

If you make a conscious effort to expect the best, see the positive side of each situation and keep reminding
yourself that you can handle more than you often think, you'll find yourself with much less fear to deal with.
Even if feelings of fear do manage to creep into your consciousness, you'll still be able to keep them in
perspective and balance them against an underlying sense of confidence.

2) Discredit your fears.

Experts will tell you that the majority of things you fear will never come to pass anyway. While this may be
true, it sure doesn't feel that way when fear has a chokehold on you! However, if you look a little more
closely at your fears when they arise, you may be able to dismiss at least a few.

For example, if you have a fear of public speaking and your boss wants you to give a presentation at work,
you might feel like your life (and perhaps your livelihood) is on the line. You may fear getting fired, or worry
that your colleagues will lose respect for you if you don't do a good job.

But is any of this likely to happen? In most cases, no. Rather than worrying about what 'might" happen if
you don't give a solid presentation, you might brainstorm ways to help improve your performance, such as
being well prepared, practicing your delivery on friends and family members, writing notes to yourself and so

3) Do the very thing you fear.

When you remember that fear is simply a feeling, it loses much of its power. It can't harm you and except in
truly threatening situations you can choose to ignore it and move forward anyway.

If you weigh the pros and cons in any situation, you may decide that the possibility of negative
consequences is minimal so there's nothing to stop you from ignoring your fear and going for it! This will be
determined by you on a case by case basis, of course. The point isn't to become reckless with your
decision-making but rather to empower yourself to know when a fear is groundless and easily overcome.
Many people think that management and leadership go hand in hand automatically. But just because you
are a manager does not mean that you are a leader. Many management techniques are being thrown out
the window in favor of leadership skills. But making the transition between manager and leader can be
difficult for some. The best way to become an effective leader is by creating a personal leadership
development plan.

The first thing that you need to do to create a personal leadership development plan is to understand the
difference between management and leadership. While some do not see the difference, others cannot
explain it. Quite simply, management is something that you do. It is a career. Leadership is having strength
and courage in your convictions, and the ability to see those convictions manifest in reality.

So what are your convictions? You may think that you know what you believe in, but it is important to take a
step back and actually list your beliefs and values. There are many assessments available that can help you
do this. This important step in creating a personal leadership development plan will likely teach you things
about yourself that you yourself did not realize were true. It may seem like a waste of time, but until you
know what your convictions are, you cannot manifest them in reality through effective leadership.

Once you have a clear understanding of your convictions, you need to apply them to your organization. Do
not look at numbers and people. Look at the overall purpose and mission of the company. Then, narrow
your view to your team, and finally yourself. If you do not see your values and beliefs reflected in your
actions, the actions of your team, and the actions of the company, then your work is cut out for you.

When creating your personal leadership development plan, first outline your beliefs, ethics, and values.
Then, outline the ways that those beliefs, ethics, and values show in your actions within the organization.
Are there ways that you need to improve? What support does your team need to obtain personal and
organizational success that you have failed to give them? After all, their success is your success. Write
down all of your thoughts and ideas for manifesting your convictions in the reality of your team and
organization. This is the bare bones of your personal leadership development plan.

Next, do your homework. Talk to your employees, team members, customers, and suppliers to learn what
more you can do or be that will assist you in manifesting your convictions and your personal leadership
development plan. Sit back and listen to the ideas and feelings of others. This is the only way that you can
learn from other perspectives what is needed for organizational or team success. Until you are aware of the
changes that need to be made, you will not be able to make any changes for the common good of the
organization and your employees.

Remember that while you may be able to affect change in your own small part of the world, the organization
as a whole may not reflect your convictions any time soon. Change within large corporations is either very
slow or nonexistent. Watch for signs that your personal leadership development plan is making a difference
in your immediate environment.
When it comes to your quality of life, attitude is everything! In fact, it could even be said that whatever you
focus on the most, you tend to bring into your life, whether by choice or circumstance. Have you ever known
someone who had a terrible attitude? Perhaps they were extremely negative and pessimistic and not much
fun to be around; or they complained non-stop about how terrible their life was. Did you find it draining to be
in their presence?

A negative attitude will not only make you miserable, but everyone around you too!

A positive attitude, on the other hand, turns you into a person that everyone wants to be with; a person that
constantly experiences great things, and a person who loves their life! Do you want to be that kind of
person? If so, read on for some easy ways to develop a positive attitude.

1) Do what you love. This applies to hobbies and fun activities, but it also pertains to one of the biggest
parts of your life – your work! Do you enjoy your job? Are you spending most of your time on something
that makes you feel purposeful and fulfilled? If not, consider exploring other career options and moving
toward a job you"ll love. When you regularly do things that make you happy, you can't help but feel better
about yourself and your life, which fosters a positive attitude.

2) Expect the best, always. It's easy to get into the habit of seeing doom and gloom in every situation, but
doing so keeps you forever focused on the negative. Instead, make a conscious decision to expect the best,
even if your first impulse is to think negatively. Affirm as often as you can, "This is going to work out great!
Wonderful things are going to happen today!" The more you do it the more you"ll begin to believe it, and the
more you"ll begin to experience just that.

3) Build yourself up. Think and speak positively to and about yourself every day. Most of us are in the habit
of talking down to ourselves, which leaves us feeling hopeless, frustrated and pessimistic. Get into the habit
of building yourself up with positive self-talk and positive thoughts. Affirm your good qualities and downplay
your negative qualities. Affirm that you are a work in progress; not perfect but great nonetheless!

4) Build others up. As often as you can, make an effort to encourage, support and compliment the people
you encounter each day. That goes for people you know as well as strangers you meet in your daily travels.
The more you focus on emphasizing the positive in others the more likeable you"re going to be, and the
better you"re going to feel about yourself too!

5) Think strength. The more you worry about your weaknesses and "failures" the more pessimistic and
negative you"re going to feel. Instead, consistently affirm your strengths, talents and capabilities. You"ll end
up feeling empowered and in control of your circumstances, which cannot help but improve your attitude!
A personal career development profile is best described as you personal plan for a successful life. The
personal career development profile enables you to discover your strengths, weaknesses, skills, talents, and
interests. Armed with this information, you further develop your personal career development profile by
determining the best career choice for you, what goals you have for your successful career, and how you will
get there. The personal career development profile also helps you to discover what resources you have to
help you get there.

The first step in developing a career development profile is to discover your strengths, weaknesses, skills,
talents, and interests. This can be done through a number of ways. You can find books, workbooks, and
websites with questionnaires that will help you discover these things about yourself. You can also enlist the
assistance of a personal career development profile software or online service that will provide questions for
you to answer then analyze the information and tell you about yourself.

The next step in developing a career development profile is to investigate what careers suit your personality,
strengths, talents, skills, and interests. If you have chosen to enlist the assistance of a personal career
development profile software or online service, this step will automatically be completed for you. If not, you
can discover careers that fit your interests by searching using key words and phrases at the U.S.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook Online.

You can also use the Occupational Outlook Handbook Online to find out more detailed information about
careers chosen for you by personal career development profile software and online services. This can be a
great help during your next step, which is to narrow down your choices to one career that you decide to

Once you have decided on a career that is right for you, you will need to determine what has to be done to
get there. This can be discovered by visiting professional association websites related to the career that you
are most interested in. This information, too, can be found at the Occupational Outlook Handbook Online.
Once you know what you have to do to get there, it is time to set your goals.

When you set goals for steps to get into your chosen career, keep a few important things in mind. First, you
will want to lay out not just the steps, but when you will complete that step and what resources you have to
help you reach the goal. You will also need to remember that you are not just trying to get into the door of
your chosen career. If you are happy staying in an entry level position for the rest of your life, feel free to
stop there. But most of us want more success than that.

When you are outlining the goals for your personal career development profile, you want to include all of
your goals for reaching the top most level of your chosen career field. These goals will act as your timeline
for your career. Outline what degrees you will need, how you will get them, and how many years you
anticipate between promotions based on your growing level of education. Keep the goals reasonable, but
don't make them so easily attainable that you become lazy.

Now that you have your goals, you are finished with the development of your personal career development
profile. Keep this important tool as you work your way into and up in your chosen career. If you ever find
yourself doubting your position in your career or your career choice, revisit your personal career
development profile to get yourself back on track.
Do you ever find yourself getting stuck in negative thought patterns and expecting the worst possible
outcome in every situation? It's a common mind-set that proves difficult to change when you finally decide
you've had enough. Unfortunately, negative thoughts tend to breed and multiply on their own – even when
you"re not consciously trying to think negatively.

The good news is that turning a negative outlook into a positive one just takes a bit of patience and
persistence until the positive thoughts begin to take over.

Below you"ll find three simple steps to begin forming positive expectations on a daily basis:

1) Develop self-awareness to recognize negative expectations. One problem with negative thoughts is that
they often form below your conscious level of awareness, and you get so used to them being in your head
that you hardly notice anymore. To turn the tide of negativity, you"ll have to develop a stronger level of self-
awareness. One good way to start is by performing self-checks several times a day. Pay attention first to
how you feel. If you"re feeling positive and productive, most likely you've been thinking positive thoughts.

However, if you notice that you"re feeling irritable, pessimistic or stressed, you"re probably focusing more on
negative thoughts. When that happens:

2) Challenge and change the negative thoughts. Believe it or not, it's fairly easy to challenge and change
negative thoughts with a little willpower and concentration. For example, if you find yourself feeling doubtful
about your ability to finish your work on time, you might engage in a bit of self-talk like this: "Okay, so I'm
feeling a bit worried right now, but really everything is okay. I'm strong, I'm smart and I'm capable of
finishing my work on time. I"ll do my best and everything will work out fine." Even though nothing has
changed in your outer circumstances, this type of self-talk can get you thinking and feeling more positive.

3) At the same time, while you"re changing negative thoughts to positive, work daily on developing a general
positive expectation habit. Each day when you wake up, affirm confidently, "Today is going to be a great
day! Everything will go my way and I"ll enjoy plenty of lucrative opportunities and fun!"

When you encounter obstacles or problems, see them as opportunities to learn, grow and strengthen
yourself. Perception is 99% of the game! If you simply work on shifting the way you look at the experiences
of your life, you can easily conquer your negative thought habits.

The more you focus on changing your perspective to emphasize the positive, you"ll empower yourself to
create better circumstances in your life. Before you know it, you"ll be enjoying better and more frequent
opportunities and attracting other likeminded, successful people to connect with.
A personal development coach is a great asset to the person who really wants to work on their personal
development skills. The personal development coach can help you to recognize aspects of yourself that you
have never noticed before. The personal development coach can also help you to set goals and overcome
obstacles using resources that you may not have been aware of previously.

But how do you find the best personal development coach for you? There are many ways that you can find a
personal development coach. You can simply search the internet using your typical search engines, or you
can search directories that are made available specifically for personal development. Finding just any
personal development coach is actually pretty easy with these tools.

But you don't want to find just any personal development coach. You want to find the best personal
development coach for you and your needs. This will take a little bit more time and effort, but will be well
worth it as you see the difference in your results. There are many things that you should take into
consideration when trying to find the best personal development coach for you and your needs.

The first thing that you will want to keep in mind when looking for a personal development coach is
accreditation. There are many people out there calling themselves personal development coaches without
having the training necessary to do so. This is an unregulated profession, so it is very easy for someone to
take their own experiences and use them to sound professional and train others. While this experience is
important and enables you to relate to the coach, the best personal development coach will also have a
degree or some other type of certification that lets you know that they are qualified to be your personal
development coach.

The next thing that you will want to look for when finding a personal development coach is specialization.
Many coaches are trained in the general skills relating to personal development. However, the best personal
development coach will be thoroughly trained on one specific aspect of personal development. This
specialization might be in business planning, social skills, time management, managing others, professional
or career development, or other personal development issues.

You should also look for a personal development coach that you can get along with. Taking a trial run or
initial meeting will allow you to determine if you can actually work with and learn from the coach that you
have found. If the coach you find is not willing to do this, then you probably need to find another coach. You
will not be able to get anywhere if you are more focused on how much you dislike your coach than you are
on your personal development.

Finally, you will want to consider price. The cost of a personal development coach will be based on several
factors: amount of experience, type of certification or accreditation, specialty, and coaching schedule. If you
are unsure how much coaching you can afford, the best thing to do is to call around and ask what the
cheapest plan is with that coach. Sometimes you can convince a personal development coach to work with
you on payments, or to lower the phone time and up the email time in your coaching plan to limit costs.
Throughout our lives, we all had the desire to be all we can be, although some of us ignore this desire. Many
times, we may stay in our comfort zone without realizing that we are passing up opportunities to do
something that we truly enjoy. Of course, the money may be good, your bills are paid and you find it easy to
work with repetition. Yet, are you happy? +When you are ready to improve your personal life, you must turn
your wants into needs. I need to be successful. I need to be a great parent. I need that promotion. I need to
save my relationship, etc.

How to be your own life coach Many of us spend time convincing ourselves that our dreams will never come
true. We may feel that our dreams do not amount to anything. Poor self-esteem hinders the quality of life. In
addition, you miss being your own coach. You can turn the negative thoughts into positive reflections, which
will guide you to improve overall personal life. The next time you feel like turning yourself into a destructive
thinker, breath deep and say, I love myself, just the way I am. Learn to walk tall and habitually think about
what you want to achieve. Set plans, write down your goals, and take action to reach those goals. You may
want to learn something simple. Learn how to be a better cook. Stop yelling at the children. ++How to take
steps in becoming a better you: Thinking positive is a great start to improving overall personal life.
Surrounding yourself around good influences will encourage you to acquire better behaviors. You will learn
to practice these new habits daily. Once you conquer your obstacles, you can mark off the list of poor
behaviors you have written down. +Tips for personal development and growth: Learn to say no. For some
of us, our natural instincts lead us in the right direction to helping others. Are you sacrificing your needs
however, to consistently take care of other peoples needs? Are you taking time out of each day to pamper
yourself for fifteen minutes or so? Are you taking actions to stop persistence that spreads yourself too thin?
+If you spread yourself too thin, it will lead to sleepless nights, since you will feel anxious and depressed. Do
you constantly keep yourself in the center of drama? If so, do not allow others to drag you down. Try to stay
away from situations that drag you down and take you beyond your control. If you are focusing on the wrong
items in life, you are not improving overall personal life. ++Do you tell you that you are not good enough? Do
you say you are not strong? Do you feel like you are not enough? Do you feel like you deserve what you get,
when what you get causes you sadness?

For some people it is easy to focus on negativity, which causes them ongoing depression. If you are one of
those people at interviews, when asked about your qualities, skills, etc, speaks out rambling off your bad
qualities, you need to stop now. What you are doing is taking away your opportunities to achieve. Some of
us are lost at words when it comes to speaking highly of ourselves. For some people this seems selfish, or
boisterous, yet it is not. Learn to become your own best friend and give yourself frequent compliments. Stop
focusing on your self and criticizing your every move, and forget about the past mistakes and focus on your
future. Sure, we can say it is easier said than done; yet if you put forth effort it is easier than you believe. So
many times, we do not take full responsibility of our own actions. We rather live a life blaming others for our
mistakes or misfortunes. Do not obsess over past mistakes, live in denial, and stop blaming others to see
how your life will improve. We all make bad choices in life. This is a part of living. Learn from your mistakes
and move ahead. Treat each new experience as a point of learning. Next, we can learn how to wake up to
improving overall personal life.
Let's face it, dealing with the obstacles of day to day living can drive us a little crazy. Without proper
organization, this could make rolling out of the bed a problem of its own. We sometimes find it difficult
focusing on one thing at a time, find that in the end nothing is done. From the office, to household, children,
and finances, without proper organization could turn disastrous. You want to learn how to manage your time,
actions and overall arrangements. Successful people know how to get ahead; they plan, set priorities, and
always follow through. There are many services to help you to organize and control your life, but here are
some suggestions to get you started.

Stop procrastination Although there are good and bad procrastinators, depending on what you do for a living
most commonly, you are working on nothing, something less important, or something more important. Stop
putting off small things, for more important things. Still, not always good. Try writing down the tasks you
could be working on and when something is completed; scratch it off your list. The description of
procrastination is avoiding in doing a task and not accomplishing it. Improve your personal life by completing
what it is your set out to do. If finances are something that you are putting off to get organized, pull out those
receipts and take control of your finances. If your goal is to lose weight and this has created anxiety in your
life, discover a nutritional plan that works for you and start today. The best solution is to start exercise. Start
out slow and work your way into a complete three day a week program. You will be amazed at what
exercising can do for you muscles, mind, body, and so on.

Allow more free time to do want you want Increase productivity and find free time for you may seem almost
impossible, but only when we are disorganized. The key to finding more free time is to organize what needs
to be done. A simple list consisting of catching up on your workload, working out, time with family and
friends, and pursuing your own leisure activity can all be done by making a plan. It seems a little odd to have
to put your family on a priority list, but it sure beats not spending time with family at all because your doing
everything spontaneously and unprepared. Improve your personal life by staying organized and allow room
for fun.

Give yourself a peace of mind Very few people understand the cause of happiness. Many of us focus on
friends, cars, and money as the true reason for happiness and devote all of our time and energy acquiring
these things. The real source of peace of mind is in inner peace. Remember that if we have a peaceful mind,
we will be happy. Having all the money in the world would not make us completely peaceful if we decide to
let in all the negative influences and disturbances in our circle. Improve your personal life by creating a
healthy surrounding for yourself and family. You can take steps to gain peace of mind. The first step is
meditating at least once everyday. Allow your mind to focus on nothing. Once you are in the mood, allow
your thoughts to graze the pastures. In addition, there is nothing wrong with taking time out to dream about a
life that you would like to live.

Sometimes if we take the step to dream, we will find the stamina to take action to achieve our dreams. Keep
the dreams realistic.

Get ahead of your fears and conquer your goals, personal growth is just a plan away!
Life can be difficult and full of worries, and when you"re not taking good care of yourself, things can become
quite demanding. Without a proper diet and exercise, along with proper sleep, you could find yourself run
down extremely fast. This caused unwanted stress and anxieties in our everyday living. A major part of
improving your personal life revolves around elements that can keep you from going off the deep end.

Get exercise with a proper diet

Getting the right exercise for your body does not consist of trying out for a marathon. Nevertheless, if you
want to stay in shape and maybe lose a few pounds, here's the perfect way to start.

Walk for 30 minutes twice a day with a backpack containing up to five books. Instead of having an extra
alcoholic beverage, eliminate it, replacing it with water. Substitute daily one serving of starchy carbohydrate
with two servings of green vegetables. Rather than skipping breakfast and lunch and overeating on snacks,
try snacking consisting of five small meals daily. Make sure you incorporate that with fruits and vegetables.

The key is to watch what you eat and drink. You are guaranteed to feeling better; giving yourself more
energy that will allow you to tackle other tasks. Stress will be coped with much easier. Another way for
stress is massage therapy.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy offers many benefits. It helps to start your day relaxed, which is essential for balance. A
simple practice would be starting at your head and scalp. What people fail to realize is that until they have
massage they do no know how much stress they are carrying. Once you have an awareness of where stress
is lodged in your body, you"ll know exactly which pressure points to work. This is what massage therapy can
do for you:

Relief of muscle tension and stiffness Greater joint flexibility and range in motion Healthier and nourished
skin Improved posture Faster healing from pulled muscles

Getting enough sleep

It is a proven fact that when you do not get enough sleep, this can make you ill. There are even studies that
says healing is done while we are sleeping, meaning deep sleep produces the bodies highest form of
hormones. A constant sleep pattern is necessary for the immune system to function at its peak. Have a
regularly scheduled bedtime. Avoid exercising within three hours before bedtime. If you have problems
winding down, do something relaxing like watching television, taking a bath, or listening to soft music.

It doesn't take money to improve our lives or even watching or favorite talk shows. All it takes is a little
discipline and action, and we"ll be well on our way to better our personal well-being as we age. +Proper
rest, exercise and training your mind to think positive are a great way to improve your life. The best thing you
can do is getting started now. Prolonging good health only sends you back to the same patterns. If you want
to improve your personal life, you must take action and maintain that action for the course of your life.

Something to keep in mind is that exercise alone has proven to relieve people suffering with asthma,
diabetes, heart disease, etc. In fact, studies have shown that people who exercise live a longer, improved
and happier life. In fact, exercise has proven to relieve and even heal symptoms emerging from arthritis. If
you have back pain, you will benefit from exercise since it will relieve your pain as well. To learn more, check
out books at your library or visit the Internet.
Chinese is swiftly becoming a language to master. Whether for business or pleasure, all the demands of the
future lie in being able to fuse cultural boundaries and one of those areas, is Chinese. For business men
today, speaking Chinese can be an successful career tool to have. The Chinese language is becoming just
as important to speak as is English, even Spanish. Children today are being offered Chinese language with
the ideology that it will be necessary into tomorrow's world. There are many avenues of learning available
for those wishing to pick up the Chinese language.

A thorough and sure way to adopt the eloquent language is to learn Chinese in China. There are many
programs in China available for study of Chinese. The one month program, immerses the student directly
into Chinese lessons, and ideally provides much one on one. This is the best reason to learn Chinese in
China, to have individual attention and hear the language being spoken on a repetitive, daily basis. The
Chinese phonetics and meaning of tones within their language are so unique to them, that it is encouraged
in learning, to hear the application of Chinese to ensure better results. The other advantage to these courses
taught in native homeland is the surety of a personal assistant/chaperone/tutor to help reinforce the studies
with daily activities, exploration of culture, and consistent practice of the language. In one month, the ability
to comprehend and apply the Chinese language is so immense, it remains incomparable to traditional
methods of language arts taught in English communities or universities.

Another aspect to consider about learning Chinese in China homeland is dual purpose. Not only can it be
considered a productive, goal oriented objective, but it is also an opportunity of travel abroad to indulge in a
vacation type atmosphere. Some of these schools provide tours and social functions designed to immerse
the student into the richness of Chinese culture as a part of the studies. Students get to check out historical
sites, clubs and restaurants, and even shopping. Many of the schools also set up their curriculums to offer
classes in other Chinese rich studies, such as martial arts. Some incorporate the business aspect into their
programs. Which school to pick is dependant on exactly what you have in mind to get out the programs.
They each specialize in unique class electives and have well rounded schedules.

China is the fourth largest economy in the world and is growing at least by 10 percent a year. The Chinese
language is fast on it's way to becoming a desired language to have along side of English. There are many
schools popping up worldwide to accommodate the demand. If you choose to learn Chinese in China, the
advantages are layered and beneficial. The cultural richness is a definite plus as is the opportunity to apply
and understand the language while you are engaged in learning it. Consider all the programs readily
available to guide you through this experience.
After you enroll in a Spanish class, you expect to learn Spanish right away. You might leave it up to the
teacher to drill the words and conjugations into your head. You will get more out of it, though, if you do your
part to get more out of the class.

As soon as you enter the room for the first time, begin to get to know the other people. You might not think
this is necessary to learn Spanish. After all, you didn't come to socialize, right? The truth is that knowing
these people will make it easier to interact and communicate with them. Your learning experience will be
much more pleasant.

If the class goes in the traditional way, the teacher will start with a few basic Spanish words. To learn
Spanish, begin thinking correctly about these first few words and you will set a precedent that will carry
through all your language learning.

To do this, look at the object and think the Spanish word. Don't think the English word and then translate it
in your head. That's a bad habit to get into and it won't help you learn Spanish much either. If you start out
learning correctly, the rest will go much smoother.

Some things when you learn Spanish are just easier than English. Your teacher will soon get into going
through the alphabet. Pay attention. The sounds of the Spanish alphabet go by very strict rules that rarely
change. If you want to learn Spanish, it's easy to spell if you have mastered the alphabet rules.

To learn Spanish, you must learn to conjugate verbs. Learn the standard conjugations once. As you learn
new irregular verbs, write down their conjugations. Then, assume that every verb is a regular verb unless
you know otherwise.

Many classes these days, especially adult classes, are conversational classes. It is an advantage to learn
Spanish this way because you are prepared for dealing directly with people when you finish. There are
some ways to make your conversational class go better.

Listen to the other speakers when it isn't your turn to talk. People often make the mistake of thinking so
hard of what they want to say that they get lost to the conversation that is going on. If you listen, you will
have to speak without premeditation, but this may help you to think faster in any situation as you learn

Remember, even though it's a conversational class, it doesn't mean that you can't take notes. You won't
want to spend much time with them. Focus on the conversation to learn Spanish, but take the time to
doodle words or phrases that you want to remember. You can write them down later, or better yet, speak
them into a recorder.

Merely being enrolled in a Spanish class doesn't guarantee that you will learn Spanish. You need to bring
your whole self into the process and be ready for anything your teacher throws at you. If you are, you will no
doubt learn some Spanish by the end of the class.
There's a rumor going around that Spanish verbs are difficult and confusing. You might even be afraid to try
to learn them. There's no need to worry, Spanish verbs can be learned with just a little attention.

One thing people don't realize is that English verbs are, in many ways, similar to Spanish verbs. For
instance, you will often hear the complaint that it's hard to learn Spanish verbs because you have to
conjugate them. Conjugating verbs just means matching up the right verb form for each "person," like I, you,
he, she, we, or they.

What people don't seem to understand is that we conjugate English words as well. So, for instance, we say
"I have," but we say 'she has." When you learn Spanish, you will conjugate verbs in the same way.

The only difference is that you have diverse forms for more of the "persons." When you learn Spanish
verbs, you will learn a special form each for "I", "you", "we", 'they", and another form for "he", 'she", or "it."
Another thing that makes it easy to learn Spanish verbs is that these verb forms are just based on mostly
standard endings. Once you know the endings, you can apply them to the infinitives.

Infinitives are the most basic forms of the verbs. All verbs in English have an infinitive form, but most people
aren't aware of it. The English infinitive starts with the word 'to," as in 'to have." Spanish infinitives are
single words, like 'tener," meaning 'to have" also. If you learn Spanish infinitives, you will have a good start
when you learn Spanish verbs.

As you learn Spanish, you will find that some of the words are different. Just as in English, there are
irregular verbs. The English verb 'to be" is conjugated "I am," "you are," 'she is," "we are," and 'they are."
Since these forms are not the usual infinitive with an ending, they constitute an irregular verb.

When you learn Spanish, you will learn verbs that follow similar patterns. Using the same example, for the
Spanish verb 'ser," the forms are "yo soy," 'tu eres," "ella es," "nosotros estamos," and "ellos estan." These
are also irregular verb forms.

The final set of forms you will need to learn Spanish are the tenses. In English, the past tense for "jump" is
"jumped". This is a regular past tense. An example of a verb with an irregular past tense is "go." Its past
tense is "went."

As you learn Spanish, you will find out how to make the endings for each tense: present, past, past perfect,
and so on. You will also learn Spanish irregular endings for verbs in the different tenses. With all this
knowledge under your belt, along with information on the other parts of speech, you should be able to carry
on an intelligent conversation.

Certainly, there is a lot to understand as you learn Spanish verbs. There are many words and verb forms to
remember. However, if you remember that English has many of the same structures, you will find that it's
not so confusing.
Some companies hire tutors for certain employees so they can learn Spanish for business dealings. You
might also hire a tutor to get personal instruction. If you're lucky enough to be able to get a one-on-one tutor
to learn Spanish with, you should be able to progress quickly. This is even truer if you know how to take full
advantage of your tutor's knowledge.

When you first sit down with your tutor, before you begin to learn Spanish, ask about his/her background.
Ask questions about where they grew up, where they went to school, where they have worked, and
especially, what language they spoke in all of these situations.

Make sure the tutor you have selected has something to teach you. Think of it this way. You can learn
something from anyone, but no one can teach you everything. Learn Spanish with someone who can come
as close as possible.

Once you get a feel for where your tutor's talents lie, you will be able to glean from their wisdom all they
have to offer you. If the tutor has lived in a country that interests you, you will have a great resource to learn
Spanish in that dialect. You can also learn about the culture of that country.

If the tutor has worked in a field that is similar to yours, that is helpful. It means that they will know technical
words that you deal with every day. It also gives you something in common to talk about as you learn

Show up on time to your tutoring sessions. If the tutoring takes place in your home, be there and ready for
your lesson. Don't make the tutor wait for you to finish watching a television program before you will begin
to learn Spanish, for example. Besides that, you should offer a soda or coffee, since all the talking can dry
out the mouth.

When you're working with a tutor to learn Spanish, one advantage you have is that you can ask all the
questions you want. Use this knowledge to the maximum. When you're having your tutoring sessions, ask
every question that pops into your mind.

Don't let the questions end with the lessons, either. Keep jotting down your questions in between lessons so
that they can be answered when you meet again. When you get the answers, write them down or record
them. This kind of interaction makes you more involved and enthusiastic about your quest to learn Spanish.

After you've learned the basics with your tutor, make a list of things you need or would like to learn. If you
work in a field with a lot of technical jargon or specialized tools, you can make a list of these words you need
to know. Your tutor will help you learn Spanish names for the items on your list.

The right tutor can fulfill your need to learn Spanish with ease. Treat your tutor in a respectful way and you
can expect to develop a strong working relationship. If you have a choice, opting to learn Spanish with a
tutor is a wise move.
Have you ever felt nervous about making a decision that could affect the rest of your life? Sometimes even
seemingly minor decisions can send you into a fit of anxiety when you begin thinking of all the things that
could go wrong.

It's fairly common for people to vacillate back and forth between several choices, whether they are related to
career, money, business, opportunities, or even relationships. How do you know which choice is the best
one for you in any given situation? Sometimes the best choice is obvious, but other times they all seem to
hold a glimmer of possibility - and the threat of regret.

The good news is that making wise decisions is a matter of weighing the potential pros and cons of every
available outcome. Below you'll find a simple 3-step process to help you make wise decisions no matter
what part of your life they may affect.

1) What Do You Stand to Gain?

When you've got more than one option to choose from, a great first question to ask of each one is, "What do
I stand to gain from choosing this option?" If the rewards are big, you might be willing to withstand a bit of
risk in order to benefit from the opportunity. Conversely, if the payoff would be small, you might not feel so
confident about taking a chance right now.

2) What Do You Stand to Lose?

The next question to ask is, "What do I stand to lose if this option doesn't work out?" No one likes to think of
the negatives in a potential opportunity, but you could save yourself a lot of heartache with a bit of foresight!
If your losses could be huge with a particular option, you might decide to hold off for awhile to see if the odds
improve over time.

3) What's the Worst Thing that Could Happen?

Finally, take it one step further and ask, "What is the worst thing that could happen if I choose this option,
and would I be willing to accept those consequences?" It may seem like a very pessimistic question, but it's
extremely effective at clarifying the situation! If you couldn't handle the consequences of making such a
choice, then you know immediately that it's not the right choice for you at this time. If, on the other hand, the
consequences wouldn't be so bad, you know it's a viable option for you.

What do you do if all of your options hold the same potential rewards and consequences? Go with your gut!
Take a few minutes to think carefully about each possibility, and then choose the one you feel strongest

When it comes right down to it, there are no guarantees in decision-making. You simply weigh the pros and
cons, listen to your intuition, and do the best you can. In the end, there really isn't any such thing as a "bad"
decision, because you do learn something from each one you make. If you keep that in mind you should
grow more confident with each choice you make, which will help you make even better decisions in the
To memorize is to store information in your brain for reuse later. The definition of memory is the power or
act of remembering. The definition of remembering is to recall, to bring back to mind by an effort.

Some people are able to memorize things temporarily and then forget them when they are no longer of use.
Many times this is the case with a person who may study just for the sake of passing a test containing
information they don't feel is of particular importance, yet they are required to know it anyway for a job or to
pass to the next level of a class or school. Preschoolers must make the effort to memorize the alphabet, to
recognize colors, to write their names. This type of information is of importance in their daily lives as they go
through each year of school. Often an older child will have to memorize the multiplication tables or all the
states in the United States.

Use of flash cards is a well-known way to memorize. If you are studying a foreign language, you can use
the flash cards to write one interpretation on one side, and the other version of the word on the other side.
Children's books often use the flash method to tell a story that will help the child memorize. Pop-ups are a
fun way to learn. Many books will use pictures of animals, toys, or even food to help the child memorize the
name of a word and its proper usage.

Have you ever taught tricks to a dog? It must memorize the steps to the trick in the process of learning what
you want. Teaching a parrot to talk requires the parrot to memorize the words you choose for it to learn.
Sometimes an animal can memorize the path home or a smell of certain people. Maybe you need to learn
some tricks, like recalling names at a party! To remember combinations, middle school students must
memorize the numbers that will open their locks. They also have to memorize their school ID numbers to go
through the line in the cafeteria for billing to their lunch accounts.

Sometimes people have to make phone calls and don't have pen and paper ready. They may have to
temporarily memorize the number given them by an operator assistant.

If you have children, you may have asked them to memorize things like their phone numbers and addresses
in case they get lost. Their teachers may even require this at the beginning of their school year in the
younger grades of education. There are a vast number of books written on the process to improve memory.
Word games were invented for such a use. Even crossword puzzles require extensive use of the memory.
Studies have been done for years on ways to trick your mind to memorize. Playing with people's names can
help you memorize them. Make a rhyming game in your mind with the name. Rhyming stories are a fun
way to memorize. Or you could try associating the name with a color. Whatever your choice to improve
your memory, it can only benefit you to succeed!
For some of us, improving our personal life is finding a new career. If we are working in what we love to do,
that rubs off on the way we view things and gives us a better perspective on life. You have to consider the
many ways of success we can practice to become a well-rounded person finding his or her dream job. You
have to believe in you and what you want. Make it your reality.

With a solid plan, whether to change jobs or start a new business can become a reality. You should never
let the fear of change stop you from achieving something that you really want. New is overwhelming for most
of us, but if you take time out to research and do proper networking, you"ll find the transition will be less

Find a career you love

Whether your in mid career, a student, new to the work force, or an entrepreneur it gets difficult to gain
satisfaction and accomplishing your full potential when your stuck doing something you hate. Your work is
going to fill a large part of your life, so why not do something that you like doing. Keep in mind that doing
what you like is often complicated but if you would like to improve your personal life here are a few steps:

Decide why you want to change careers: It is important to know whether you are moving away from
something or moving towards something. It is difficult to identify your ideal job when you are overwhelmed
by negative issues from your current situation. If you are making a career change, keep all of your options
open to make a fresh start.

What are your goals?

Write down a normal aspect of a normal day. Outline what it is exactly that you want. Such as what is your
work schedule, the positions and tasks, what is your ideal salary to live comfortably, and are you an
entrepreneur at heart. Continuously write these goals in a notebook or journal.

Identify your interests

Your interests do not mean this should be your new job or business, it is just the beginning of self
exploration. The key is to identify what truly interests you and how you can incorporate those interests into
the work field. What are your favorite hobbies? What books do you like to read? What sections of the
newspaper to you turn to first? What are your favorite television shows? After keeping track of this for a
week, you should discover a trend that should narrow down to two or three topics of interests.

What are your abilities?

Write down a list of abilities that come easily to you. By doing something that your good at will not only
greater your chance of succeeding, but give a sense of satisfaction to your work. You will find that you have
hidden abilities. Once you pull up those hidden abilities use them, see how you like them and put them to
good use. ++Many people walk through life failing to realize who they are and what they are capable of
doing to its entirety. Do not be afraid to learn who you are. It will take some time. It took me over thirty years,
but it was well worth the trial and errors made along the way to learn who I am. +Failing to remember:
+Many people have difficulty remembering. This is a common problem. Don't let it get you down. Take
action to improve your memory. Walk along the jungle lane of memory and explore what is in your mind.
Do you want to learn Spanish and enjoy yourself at the same time? There are many ways to do this. If
you're a person who enjoys the arts, a good way to learn Spanish is to take pleasure in the arts of Spanish
speaking countries.

There is a great deal of very good literature that comes from Spanish cultures. You can go to the libraries in
cities and even larger towns to find Spanish literature in its original language. Ask the librarian or do a
search in the computerized catalog under Spanish language writers.

If you take time to learn Spanish to a certain extent before you try this, you will have the best results. This is
a practice that is mainly meant to improve already existing language skills. After you check out a book that
seems interesting, begin to try reading it. You will come to words and phrases you don't understand.

This is when it is good to have someone who will help you learn Spanish by answering your questions. If
you don't have someone like that, you can sometimes get into a discussion group, whether in person or on-
line. This is also a good way to learn Spanish culture because there are novelists and poets from virtually
every Spanish speaking country.

Another way to learn Spanish through the arts is by watching Spanish language movies. One way to learn
which movies are good is to find out which have been nominated to win foreign language Academy Awards.
There have been some very moving and sometimes funny movies that have been acknowledged.

When you watch the movies, there are often subtitles. Don't take these words as an exact translation. They
usually are just an approximation, and sometimes not even that. As you listen carefully to the words, you
will find the subtitles hilarious at times in their inaccuracies. Watching a movie gives you context for
language and makes it easier to learn Spanish.

Even Spanish language television, although perhaps a lower form of art, can help you to learn Spanish as
well. The nice thing about television is that there is a constant supply of programs. You can watch and
learn Spanish every day.

There are different types of programs. There are many Spanish soap operas. This might not be the type of
program you would normally watch. However, you will find a lot of common usages that will help you learn
Spanish. There are also dramas, game shows, and even sit-coms.

People who aren't even trying to learn Spanish have been doing it for years through listening to Spanish
language songs. The trick is to find a song that has lyrics clear enough to understand completely. Then, sit
down with a recorder and tape the song.

Once you have the song recorded, you can go through it a phrase at a time. Write down each phrase as
you hear it. Then use the Spanish you know along with your Spanish-English dictionary to translate it.
Pretty soon you will learn Spanish from the song enough to sing it as you work.

If you learn Spanish better through the arts, you will have enhanced your language skills while gaining a
deeper understanding of life. After all, that's what the arts are all about.
Have you heard of time management games before? If you are an avid internet user, you may have.
Unfortunately, many individuals make the mistake of assuming that time management games are just for
fun. Some actually go as far to say that time management games are a waste of time. Yes, they can be in
some instances, but did you also know that time management games may be able help you practice
managing your time?

Before focusing on the benefits of time management games, namely why you should play them, it is first
important to understand what they are. If you perform a standard internet search with the phrase 'time
management games," you will likely get a number of different results. This is because time management
games are used to describe a wide range of different games. They often have different themes, including
fishing, basketball, shopping, and so much more. The only difference between traditional computer games
and time management games is that you are limited on the amount of time that you have to complete the

As for how you can find time management games, you will find that you have a number of different options.
As previously stated, you can perform a standard internet search. When doing so, you will likely find
websites that allow you to play games online, often free of charge. There are also software programs that
you can purchase for time management games. These programs are available for download online or else
you can purchase a software program to install on your computer from a local or online retailer.

As for why you should play time management games, there a number of different reasons. One of those
reasons being that they are easy to find. As previously stated, a large number of free time management
games can be found online with a standard internet search. Should you wish to purchase your own
software, you can, but it is not required. The ability to easy find and play time management games gives
you little reason not to.

Also, as previously stated, time management games come in a number of different formats. You can play
sports games, traditional arcade games and so much more. No matter what type of games you like to play
or what your favorite hobbies are, you should have a number of different games to choose from, especially
when you use the internet. In fact, did you know that there are even time management games out there for

Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should play time management games is because they can help you
learn to make better use of your time. Unfortunately, this is an important point that many individuals do not
necessarily think of. For example, some games have you eliminate screens of blocks by clicking on groups
of blocks that are the same color. Many associated these types of games with fun activities, but they can
also teach you to think quick on your feet. This can later benefit you in the workplace, as well as at home.

Another reason why time management games should be played is because they are fun. Since you do have
a number of different time management games to choose from, you can find the game or games that best fit
you and your personality. Although you will be working to make better use of your time, you will also be
having fun. Learning how to manage your time is important, but it shouldn't seem like work.

As you can see, playing time management games are more than just about having fun or even wasting time.
They are a fun tool that can be used to help you better manage your time. To see if time management
games are right for you or if they can really help you better manage your time, see what free games are
available for playing online today.
Are you a business owner? If you are, do you currently use time management software as a way help your
business run smoothly? If you do not, it is a software that you will want to examine. As a business owner,
you need to know just how much money is lost due to unproductive employees. You also need to know that
there are ways for you to make office wide changes that will promote proper time management.

Before focusing on how you can buy time management software, as well as why you should, it is first
important to note what it is. Time management software is just like what it sounds. It is a computer program
that can help an individual or a company make better use of their time. The features that a program has will
vary, but common features include automated updates and reminders on important, upcoming deadlines,
the ability to send office wide notices, and much more.

As for the benefits of buying time management software to use in your workplace, you may find that doing
so allows you to save money. When you require that your employees use the time management software
program installed on their computers, you will likely see that they stay focused more, stay on tasked more,
and produce better results more often. For starters, many individuals work better when they know that they
are being monitored. Next, having information and reminders on upcoming deadlines leaves little room for
excuses, especially time after time.

As for how you can go about buying time management software for your office, you may be interested in
shopping locally. When doing so, there are a number of retail stores, including office supply stores and
media stores that sell time management software. Shopping locally is convenient, but your selection of
software programs may be limited. For that reason, you may also want to consider shopping online.

Speaking of shopping online, there are a number of ways that you can go about finding time management
software online. First, you can order the software in CD format. This is just like what you would buy locally;
however, the internet tends to give you the largest selection of programs to choose from, as well as the best
prices. With that said, be sure to remember that not all programs are the same. Visit a website, like and read product reviews before making your purchase.

In keeping with using the internet to help you find and buy time management software, there are also
websites that sell downloadable programs. This means that you are able to purchase and install the
programs immediately. This is nice for many business owners as they don't have to wait and they can start
reaping the benefits of improved productivity right away. Typically, as soon as your payment is proceed, you
should get a file to download and install on your computer.

It is also important know that there are a number of time management software programs that you can find
and download online free of charge. These programs are nice to use, but they sometimes lack features.
They are different, however, from free trial periods. In fact, if you are able to find a time management
software program with a free trial period, give the program a try, as you should have nothing to lose. Back
to free time management software programs, if you are a business owner who is seriously looking to reduce
wasted time in the office, you should consider investing in professional software programs that are loaded
with features.

As a recap, if you are a business owner who runs an office setting, you may be able to benefit from the use
of time management software. If that is the case, please use the above mentioned approaches to find and
buy a software program for your office. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be able to see an
improvement in office productivity for your company.
Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to make better use of your time? If you regularly find yourself late
for meetings or missing important deadlines, you may need to improve your time management. Although
the playing of games isn't always associated with putting your time to good use, it can be.

As great as it is to hear that time management games can help you learn how to make better use of your
time, you may be curious as to what they are. Time management games are like most traditional games.
The only difference is that you have a limited amount of time to finish the game. For example, a popular
time management games is that of Tetris. With this game, blocks fall from the top of the screen and you
must align them in the proper way until the screen fills up with blocks.

As for why you should play time management games, there are a number of reasons why. For starters,
most time management games are fun to play. In fact, that is why some individuals deem them a waste of
time because may say that learning how to manage your time should be work, not fun, but that doesn't have
to the be the case.

Another reason why you should play time management games is because they can help you learn how to
quickly think on your feet. This can help you with a number of different situations, including emergencies. In
fact, stressful and unexpected situations are where many individuals waste the most time.

If you are interested in using time management games to your advantage, you will first want to check your
computer. If your computer comes preloaded with games, which many modern computers now do, you may
have free time management games already installed on your computer. Just look for games that have set
deadlines for you meet. Even games with trial periods are nice, as they can help you save money incase
you don't end up liking the game in question.

The internet is another great way to go about finding time management games to find and play. In fact,
many time management games can be found online free of charge. With that said, there are some gaming
websites that you charge you a fee, but you may first want to find free online time management games.
Playing games online is nice, as there are no software programs that you have to install on your computer.
These online games can easily be found with a standard internet search.

Speaking of performing a standard internet search, you may want to search with the phrase "free time
management games." You can also find online gaming websites. These are websites that list all sorts of
games for you to pay. You can browse through the games yourself to find the time management games that
you like the most. Finding time management games on your own can take a little bit of time, but you never
know what other fun and exciting things you can find in the process.

In addition to games that you can find online or games that are already installed on your computer, you can
also buy software for your own time management games. When you do so, you should receive a CD and an
instruction booklet. Whether you buy these items in one of your local retail stores or online, the CD will need
to be placed in your computer and then installed. Since you are buying a software program, as opposed to
finding free games online, be sure to read reviews or examine trails first. This will help to make sure that
your money is well spent.

Since you now know how you can go about finding time management games to play online and to buy, you
should give them a try. As a reminder, there are a number of benefits to playing time management games.
The best being the ability to quickly think on your feet.
Are you a parent who is interested in teaching your children the importance of time management? If you
are, good for you. Time management is a skill that all children should learn, as it may have a significant
impact on their future. Unfortunately, many parents do not take the time to teach their children the
importance of proper time use. In fact, some parents don't even realize the importance of time management

Despite the fact that you are certain that you want to teach your child the importance of time management
and ways that they can manage their time, you may be unsure as to how you can go about doing so. The
approach that you decide to take should depend on your child's age. Please continue reading on for a few
helpful tips.

For toddlers and preschoolers, you can use a timer, like a kitchen timer. This is a fun approach to take, as
you are essentially creating your own time management game. What you can do is time your child while
they complete an easy task. These tasks can be anything from cleaning their room, getting ready for bed,
getting washed up for dinner, and so froth. Just make sure that you set a timer with enough time for your
child to reasonably do what you are asking of them.

With toddlers and preschoolers, it is important to remember that your child is still young. It isn't always a
good idea to discipline them for taking longer than you expected them to take. Just be sure that you talk to
your child about picking up their speed and give them easy to understand tips on how they can go about
doing so. At this age, be sure to reward your child for beating the time. This reward can be a simple praise,
a hug, or a sticker.

As for elementary school aged children, a timer can still be used, but some children do tend to outgrow this
approach. Just be sure to talk to your children about time management, its importance, and the
consequences for regularly being late. At around the age of eight or so, children are better able to
understand what happens when they don't make proper use of their time.

For teenagers, it is important to talk to your child. You will also want to set a good example. Depending on
the circumstances at hand, it may also be a good idea to discipline your child. This is actually important to
do with schooling. For example, if your teenager isn't able to get their homework done or if they don't study
for a test, they may end up with bad grades. After a few warnings, consider limiting the amount of time that
your teenager is able to spend with their friends or the amount of television they are able to watch. Doing
this, even just temporarily, is likely to teach your teenager an important lesson about time management and
the elimination of distractions.

In keeping with teaching a teenager the importance of time management, it is important to not just take away
privileges, but to also provide education. Make sure that your teenager understands the importance of time
management. In college, your child will be responsible for studying, doing their homework, and other
important tasks and they will not have you there to help guide them. The same will be true for the
workplace. Unfortunately, this is where many young adults run into problems. Don't let your son or
daughter fall victim to poor time management.

As you can see, there are a number of easy ways that you can go about teaching your child the importance
of time management, as well as tips that you can share with them. Regardless of your children's ages, the
lesson of managing time is one that should be taught. In fact, the sooner that you start teaching your
children how to properly manage their time, the better the results will likely be in the long run.
If you are quite the enthusiast when it comes to musical instruments and you have your heart set on that
beautiful guitar you saw last week, better start brushing on those fingers. There are some ways you can
learn on how to become an excellent guitarist. But first, the basics.

First and foremost, you must have your own guitar. How can you learn to play without the proper instrument
at hand? You have to determine first what type of guitar to play. Borrowing a guitar would be okay, but what
if you can't borrow it on a regular basis? Your training and practice will be hampered.

Then choose a particular song that you like, something that always sets you in the mood for a good vibe.
Better yet, something inspiring. Inspiring enough to encourage you to try and play the chords over and over

Once you have decided on which particular song gets you going and yet you don't have any idea on how to
put on a tune, ask someone who has the knowledge in playing a guitar work it out for you. Let him read the
tabs. If you don't know how, let someone interpret it for you. Here, teamwork is essential. The same person
may also be able to help you in determining which finger goes where to achieve the right sound.

A very good advice on learning is listening by heart. It doesn't depend on the chords themselves but the
musician. He creates a melody just by listening to every strum of his guitar. Statistics show that almost
90% of those who plays the guitar admit they learned it the hard way. In fact, playing the guitar is quite
harder than it looks like. It is by far easier to hear than to comprehend. Learning without some background
or even a slight help from someone is difficult for a newbie.

If you can't afford a personal instructor, might as well buy a book about the do's and don'ts of learning a
guitar. Aside from that, it would also be challenging on your part to guess where to put the most important
finger on the most important string. Buy a step by step guide on acquiring the basic and most vital chords
that usually appears on almost every song and melody.

Then you ask, do you still need a guide. It is necessary though. You need someone to listen to you. He or
she must determine if your fingers are positioned in their proper places. A reference material or an online
tutorial will surely be of big help but it won't be able to hear if you"re out of tune or if you"re really playing on
the right track. Call out for help and monitoring.

First, focus yourself on the basic chords and not the hard ones. Chords like A, A minor, E, E minor, D, G are
easier to work on. There are varieties of songs which contain only these chords. Mastering your fingers to
change strings every change of tempo enables a beginner to develop a faster pace.

Take your time. A lot of great guitarists acquired the skill only after a long period of time. Apply no pressure
on yourself. Be patient when you"re not getting it right. The trick in learning is to create a positive attitude.
Playing the piano requires long hours of practicing especially when a big musical event is coming. With all
the factors that are needed to play the piano, one very basic yet important thing will be discussed in this

One factor that some professionals dare not forget... practice. Even if you know all the fingerings and notes,
even if you can read the music well, it won't mean a thing. Practice is the essence of it all. You have to be
committed in your genre therefore practicing it every day; if not everyday then at least thrice a week.

If you"re having difficulty training yourself with your practice hours, here are some notes to ponder upon.

Note # 1

Make a daily schedule for practice and comply with it. Be determined to stick to your schedule. It is a must to
condition yourself into practicing everyday so that your body will get used to the routine. At first, it could be
tedious and boring but as you go on learning the essentials, it becomes more fun hearing the way you play.

Note # 2

Your piano must be put in a place that you won't feel cluttered. Your music room must be free from anything
that might distract you like a radio or anything noisy. This enables you to concentrate when practicing. Also,
make sure that there is proper lighting where your piano is placed. But remember that your piano must not
be exposed to extreme sunlight for this might destroy some sensitive parts of your piano.

Note # 3

Always warm up. Exercise your fingers with some simple notes then proceed to the hard ones. If you have
no idea on how to warm up those fingers, ask someone who knows. An exercise must let your fingers
stretch to reach some keys that are hard to reach. This will become helpful when playing fast paced notes
and music. Don't let your hands touch a key while it still feels stiff and rusty.

Note # 4

Review the past lessons learned before starting a lesson. This would be the next thing after warming up. If
you have not finished the music yesterday, recall what you played then continue it. Better yet, start the
whole thing to be able to follow.

Note # 5

Follow your manual and instructor's directions. Help her help you learn. To relieve boredom, play the piano
at the same time, like a duet. Tell your instructor your interests and ask her to play it for you so you might
know it and therefore pave the way into practicing it even without her presence.

Note # 6

Make your practice as goal-oriented as possible. A goal will make you more focused and concentrated
because you have something to be achieved. To finish a goal will make you feel satisfied and fulfilled.

Note # 7

Always maintain a positive attitude when practicing. When you plan to play the piano without anyone to
guide you, just remember all the lessons that your tutor has taught you. Do not give up that easily when it
has become hard. If you are being stressed, rest for a while. Give yourself time to breathe.

Try to figure out a technique with every practice for it to come out natural and unique in your own way.
A child's attention span is shorter than an adult. But they are also the ones who can easily learn more. For
this reason, a child should be able to learn as many artworks and instruments as possible. You"ll never
know if your child is the next pianist who"ll pave the way to be the next icon in the music industry.

If you"re child seems to have interest in the piano, tolerate it. Support this talent. If you can't teach your child
yourself, try getting someone who could spend quality time in putting the extra effort to share some
knowledge and lessons on the piano. Better yet, enroll him in a music school.

Children gets easily frustrated so you have to be more creative if you"re planning to let your child be the
musician that you wanted him to be. Let him enjoy while learning. Your child might not know the essence
why you keep on nagging him to play but in the future he"ll thank you a bunch.

To get him really interested, buy a piano or keyboard. Put it in a part of the room where your child can easily
access it. Best of all, play with it like a champ. Make your child see that you are actually touching your piano.
This will toggle his curiosity and will definitely lead him into participating or playing.

Now, if you see the sudden interest in your child, it's time to gather the needed materials to do the teaching.
Usually, the equipments involved would be the piano, a music sheet, time and a lot of patience. Kids are
playful. Even at hard times, like when the child is being stubborn, you have to invest a lot of patience to
maintain the composure.

Here are some of the factors that are needed to be considered before starting your lesson...

Time Kids as kids have a lot of things to conjure their time to. They are too busy with things regarding
school, playmates and playtime. It's hard to insert even a second of your time with all these activities.
Squeeze in your piano time by making a time schedule. Ponder on your child's schedule then plan it. Be
sure to give at least 2-3 times a week, 1-2 hours a day.

Fun Instill in your child that learning the piano has its benefits. Learning any instrument doesn't have to
come out as a task or punishment. Make sure your child is having fun with every lesson. You have to think
of ways to make it more enjoyable like giving your child rewards if a chord had been done correctly.
Strictness during practice makes it stressful on the part of the child. He"ll start to think that piano lessons are
a bore and is another chore that had to be done before the end of the day. If they fool around with the keys,
don't get mad. They"re just getting the hang of it.

Support You should always be there to let your child know that every lesson taught is vital. Before making
your child perform and memorize a single key, make sure that you have demonstrated it first. Then let them
do it. After which, ask your child to identify the keys that have been pressed. This would let them remember
your lessons by the end of the day. Always praise your child for a job well done.
That's right! I want to learn Chinese. Chinese is the new language of today's world. I look around and I can
see where all this is going. Our world is growing at such a alarming rate and the world economy is merging
at an unforgiving speed, I think we will all be speaking Chinese and Spanish right along with English. We
are fast approaching a multi-lingual world. We won't need subtitles on films, or an interpreter to hustle us
through a Chinese menu, or an old world master to explain the Chinese character's meaning graced on a
wall, if we just learn Chinese.

If I learn Chinese, I could talk with them hours on end about the ways of their culture and how to fung shui
my house so I can find more tranquility. I could listen to great stories of ancient cultural hero's and ponder
their brilliant minds, wishing one for my next muse. If I learn Chinese, I could scold the angry driver next to
me or my children for not picking up their clothes. If I learn Chinese, I could impress my friends and
colleagues with my superior command of a higher learning that they don't have. I could travel to the Asian
world and madly shop amongst them, purchasing things I really don't need, but happier for the engaging
conversation between us.

If I learn Chinese, I will get a better job, a "worldly" employer will find me indispensable and
reward me with travel and great expense account. I will return to take his job, giving me a bigger expense
account. If I learn Chinese, I could be an emerging artist in ancient Chinese calligraphy, brush stroking my
way to a higher spiritual calling, even if only a tattoo artist, my work would live on forever.

If I learn Chinese, I could reign in reading the Chinese news to all sitting around me mesmerized by my
fluency. I could also impress them with a follow up performance with a 9...10...even 15 course Chinese
meal. If I learn Chinese, I would name all my pets (maybe even my children) with names 3 words long
carrying such deep, soulful and eternal meanings.

If I learn Chinese, I could actively volunteer in Asian countries and become an important liaison between the
eastern and western worlds. I would do great works in missionary arenas where so little help exists now. I
know I could make the world a better place. If I learn Chinese, I would make it benefit all, so not only would
the world economy be merging as expected, but so would the hearts. Because, If I learned Chinese, I would
want for it to mean more than just a command of a second language, I would want to use it as a tool for
connecting us all together other than just economy, or a passing by of another. In today's world, if I learn
Chinese...I could stop the hurry, if only to say, "hello".
We all find ourselves falling into the procrastination mode at times. When this becomes our main way of life,
however, we become disorganized. Success is not achieved out of the blue. It is a orderly, purposeful
course of deciding what you want to do with your life, what you will do after you get there, and what the
steps are to get you where you want to be.

Mental pictures are a means to guide you down the path of true freedom and inspiration. Procrastination is a
self-defeating behavior that develops in part owing to low self-esteem and apprehension of disappointment.
A number of small jobs done over time are greatly more controllable that one big task with no end in sight.
You'll be amazed at how much you can get done if you focus on one thing at a time instead of cluttering your
mind with multiple tasks

When you exercise self-discipline in your environment as well as your behaviors, you will make major strides
in accomplishing your goals in a shorter period of time.

No matter what is happening around you, keep your mind focused on the reward you'll receive by reaching
your goals. If people or outside forces distract you, use the power of the human mind to block out what
impedes your growth and focus exclusively on the task at hand.

You will make extraordinary advancement by refusing to let others change the path you have selected.
Overcoming procrastination and staying motivated is the way to lifetime success and happiness.

You'll attain your goals quickly when you stay focused on your purpose and the rewards that will follow.
Review your habits and method of thinking to settle on what you are visualizing most of the time. If your
visions do not guide you in the course of accomplishing your goals, then you must change them.
When you first begin to undertake a time management program it is beneficial to record your daily activities
for no less than one week. One option for doing this is to keep a journal or notebook with you throughout the
day, for the period during which you will be doing the recording.

Using both the front and back of a plain sheet of paper in your journal draw 12 rectangles, several inches
wide. (You will have 6 on each side.) Each rectangle will represent an hour of time, in a typical 12 hour day.
Label each rectangle with hour increments, such as 700 to 800 am for the first, 900 to 1000 am for the
second, and so on. You will do this everyday for one week.

Each block is reserved for you to record the activities that you perform during that specific time period. An
example of a block of time could be;

"7:00 to 8:00 am, Monday- Showered. Brushed hair, teeth. Made and ate breakfast. Dressed for work.
Applied Make-up. Balanced check book. Drove to the office."

Make notes as often as you can, and be specific in the details that you record.

At the end of the week look back through your journal and make note of any blocks of time that you could
have made better use of. Some amount of fun and free time is important to your overall health and well-
being, but if you notice that there are continuous blocks of time that are not being managed wisely, this is a
good place to start to make some changes in your daily time management habits.
First impressions are apt to be permanent; it is therefore of importance that they should be favourable. The
dress of an individual is that circumstance from which you first form your opinion of him. It is even more
prominent than manner, It is indeed the only thing which is remarked in a casual encounter, or during the
first interview. It, therefore, should be the first care.

What style is to our thoughts, dress is to our persons. It may supply the place of more solid qualities, and
without it the most solid are of little avail. Numbers have owed their elevation to their attention to the toilet.
Place, fortune, marriage have all been lost by neglecting it.

Your dress should always be consistent with your age and your natural exterior. That which looks outr, on
one man, will be agreeable on another. As success in this respect depends almost entirely upon particular
circumstances and personal peculiarities, it is impossible to give general directions of much importance. We
can only point out the field for study and research; it belongs to each one's own genius and industry to
deduce the results. However ugly you may be, rest assured that there is some style of habiliment which will
make you passable.

If, for example, you have a stain upon your cheek which rivals in brilliancy the best Chateau-Margout; or, are
afflicted with a nose whose lustre dims the ruby, you may employ such hues of dress, that the eye, instead
of being shocked by the strangeness of the defect, will be charmed by the graceful harmony of the colours.
Every one cannot indeed be an Adonis, but it is his own fault if he is an Esop.

Almost every defect of face may be concealed by a judicious use and arrangement of hair. Take care,
however, that your hair be not of one colour and your whiskers of another; and let your wig be large enough
to cover the whole of your red or white hair. It is evident, therefore, that though a man may be ugly, there is
no necessity for his being shocking.
Play has a very important role in speech therapy. It is actually one way that speech therapy can be
conveyed, especially if the one undergoing therapy is a child.

What's Play Got To Do With It?

Play isn't just used during the therapy proper. In fact, play is already used during the initial phases of
assessment. Kids can be very choosy with people that they interact with, so seeing a therapist for the first
time doesn't promise an instant click. Rapport has to be established first, and this is usually done through

Benefits Of Play

Other than using it as a tool to establish rapport, play also gives a lot of benefits. First off, it gives an over
view of the child's skills, whether it be their abilities or limitations.

Then, therapy wise, play can be used to make a child cooperate with whatever exercises a therapist has
lined up for him/her. Since play doesn't put much pressure on a child, he/she would likely cooperate to do
the exercises and not know that what he/she is doing is already called therapy.

When the child is more relaxed, he can be at a more natural state. If a child is at his more natural state, then
his skills could show more naturally. Thus, this would be a benefit on the therapist's part, since the therapist
could get a more comprehensive assessment of the child's skills.

Play could also make therapy more fun and less scary. Since play is an activity to be enjoyed, the child
would not get bored with monotonous therapy activities that seem like chores, rather than activities.

Play As A Skill

In fact, play is considered to be a skill itself, because it is a natural activity that children do. If a child doesn't
play, then there must be something wrong with him, most probably with his Inner Language skills. This is
because; play is a representation of a child's inner language. This is just one of the many reasons why play
is important.

It actually has a domino effect, if you look at the bigger picture. Play is needed to have Inner language,
which is in turn needed to have Receptive language that is a prerequisite of Expressive language. Thus, if a
child has no play abilities, then his whole language system may be affected.

Play And Cognition

Play is also a basis of a child's cognition skills. The more developed a child's play skills are, the higher the
probability that his cognition skills would be at a fair state. However, play and condition are not the same.
Play is more likely a prerequisite or a co-requisite of cognition.

What Parents Have To Say

Unfortunately, most parents may have a negative impression when they see the therapist playing with their
child. Initially, parents get surprised and shocked that they paid a very valuable amount for therapy, only to
find out that their child would only be playing.

That's why it is very important for therapists to explain the procedures that they are going to do with the child
to the parents. To make the session more interesting, the therapist could also include the parent/s in the
play session with the child.

In this way, the child would definitely think that it is a play session. Additionally, the parent can also do the
play activity at home with the child. Doing this, could serve to be practice of the targeted skill of the play
When a person learns time management skills, it will help them to spend more time on more difficult tasks.
Because of everyday time constraints, we need to learn how to make the most of our time with our work by
doing more important tasks.

Time Management Effectiveness

We handle many different fields depending on what we do. There are many time management techniques
that would prove useful for several fields of life. For example, a student can learn and practice time
management by applying time management techniques when doing their homework or projects. Using time
management techniques and practices can and will help to ensure the quality use of your time and the
efficiency of the results that they produce.

Rather than working harder, we can work smarter so that we may realize how much time we can save when
we use time management practices. But the success of these techniques largely depends on how you
appropriately follow your schedule. A person can tremendously reduce their stress levels when following
some time management techniques.

Having A "To Do" List

A basic aspect for effective time management is creating a "To do" list. This can help you cope and deal with
the problem of losing time frequently. It is not advisable, however, to have several "To-do" list at once since
it might lead to confusion. It is important that you place your list on a location that is easily visible for you.
Hence, you will be able to consult the list right away on what your next task is supposed to be.


Another good method of time management is to handle daily tasks by prioritizing the more important tasks
first. By doing this, you can then be able to separate the tasks that you need to do in accordance with their
relevancy and significance. Then, you can deal with each tasks one at a time.

Saying "No"

A very effective time management skill is the ability to say "no" when other less important tasks and affairs
are brought up to you and you have more important pending tasks. By learning how to turn them down, it
reflects your commitment to follow your schedule and accomplish the task at hand. Once you have mastered
how to effectively do this, you will save a lot of time in the future. Not only were you able to finish your tasks
in time, but you've also opened more opportunities to accomplish more.

Time Will No Longer Be Your Enemy

Managing your time is important for several reasons. The most apparent reason is merely completing the job
within the time frame you have alloted for it. It saves you from eating up the rest of the time needed for other
useful tasks. For some, time is considered an enemy.

But getting yourself familiar with these time management techniques will enable you to enjoy your tasks as
you do them, and quit worrying about time as a factor. After all, you cannot stop time from running; you have
to keep up with it.

There might no be dramatic changes that comes with proper time management. However, it allows you to
become more effective and productive as you continue to plan your days ahead.
Are you an individual who finds it difficult to properly manage your time? If you are, you may be looking to
make changes. After all, not having a good sense of time management may have a negative impact on your
personal life, as well as your work life.

If you are looking to improve your sense of time management, there are a number of steps that you will need
to take. These steps should have you making better use of your time in no time at all. A few of these steps
are highlighted below for your convenience.

First, be sure to set goals for yourself. In fact, setting goals is the most important thing that you can do. Set
a number of goals for yourself, such as getting your home office or work desk organized in two to three
days. Another goal that you can set is the goal of arriving to work early, and so forth.

Another important component of improving your sense of time management is knowing that there is only a
certain amount of time in the day. This is important to remember when setting goals for yourself. You do
not want to overextend yourself either at home or at the workplace. Instead, create realistic goals for
yourself that you will be likely be able to meet.

A good part of knowing that there is only a limited amount of time in the day and a limited number of things
for you to do is also knowing when to say "no." Although you may not always have the pleasure of telling
someone no in the workplace, you should have more flexibility at home. If you can't afford to take on extra
assignments at work, don't. If you can't find the time to complete another task at home, like dust or vacuum,
seek help from your partner, your children, or a professional housecleaner.

In addition to creating a goal list, it is also advised that you create a to do list for yourself. Depending on
how out of sync you are with your time, a daily to do list may be required. After time, you may be able to
graduate to a weekly or even monthly to do list. When creating your list, it is important to know the
importance of prioritizing. First, it is important to determine which tasks are the most important. What tasks
have the greatest sense of urgency? Those are ones that should be at the top of your list.

As for ease, an easy way to improve your sense of time management is to eliminate or limit your
distractions. If you find yourself wasting a considerable of time, what is it that distracts you or gets you off
task? Is it the internet, socializing with friends, or the television?

If the above mentioned approaches still aren't able to help you manage your time like you had hoped, you
may want to consider hiring the services of a professional. As previously stated, if you need additional help
at home you may want to hire a professional housecleaner. With that said, did you also know that there are
experts who can show you how to better manage and make use of your time, as well as those who can help
you get your home or office more organized? There are. The professional help, knowledge, and expertise
of these individuals is never a bad thing.
Women are known to multitask. It is a talent many are proud of, often performing out of mindless repetition,
often learned because of their experience rearing their children, sometimes learned because they grew up in
a large family where everyone had to work together to keep the household in order. Is it a wonder that at
some point they become overworked and overstressed and forget something important?

In the business world, your career skills depend heavily upon your memory. It could make or break your
chance to get that long-awaited and much deserved promotion or maybe the vacation you've earned. One
little forgetful mistake and everything could fall apart. No pressure, right?

Learning to take some time for yourself, to give yourself that few minutes of peace and relaxation may be all
you need to improve your memory and grab that moment of success. Businesses have learned that
successful employee performance relies upon ensuring their employees get their much deserved breaks
and that positive enforcement is a key element to moving forward and upward. Some businesses have built-
in gyms, daycares, saunas, sandwich machines offering healthier choices. On another note, improving your
memory will make it easier to get through those business meetings, lunch dates, or parties where recalling
names is essential to success. Calling an important person by the wrong name could be devastating to your

Some banks have practiced rewarding the customer with a dollar if their teller doesn't greet them by name.
It is, of course, a temporary advertising gimmick. It does make for better customer service relations to hear
one addressed as more than a ma'm or a sir. The customer feels more appreciated and may make an effort
to be more pleasant when the teller seems more aware of them as a person rather than a nameless face.

Any job you choose will suffer if you don't make the effort to remember the important aspects of that job. If
you are unconcerned and think you can get by with the minimum of effort and attempt to substitute where it
is unacceptable, it could cause you to be fired. Forgetting courtesy, forgetting to clean up a mess you made,
forgetting to return things to their proper places, forgetting to wash your uniforms, forgetting to bring the right
tools for the job, forgetting the due date of a project......all are critical for overall performance ratings and job
security. Your boss and your co-workers need to know they can count on you to remember and to put forth

It makes for better relations between you and your fellow employees, too, when you can remember personal
things about them. Birthdays, the special events in their family life (such as little Charlie or little Susie
having a big recital at school), their favorite candy, or perhaps their favorite musical artist, all could bring
kudos for you should you require their support on a special project or need a favor or want their positive
input when you get a performance review. Not to mention, remembering these little things will bring
happiness to others and should help you be a better person for making the effort to care.
Improve your personal life with self-awareness

To improve your self-awareness you first need to concentrate on your past and emotions. How did you get
where you are at now and how can you get to where you want to be in life. Pulling up the resources in your
mind will help you become acquainted with self.

A person needs to know and trust him or herself before they can trust others. Don't depend on the judgment
of others, rather use your own judgment and it will make you feel like a new person. You should always stop
and think, so that you learn how to trust you and know who you are. With the fast pace world we live in now
you probably put many things aside and because you don't have time. Take time for yourself and think about
it before you do.

When looking back on you life look for the things that made you the way you are today. Try working on a
positive attitude in order to become completely yourself and get that self-awareness back.

Start doing things that make you happy and successful. Bring happiness to yourself and others, it will make
you feel good and bring joy to your life. When you are happy you"ll have less stress as well.

Practice yoga and meditate to help you develop. Meditation takes a lot of practice so be patient when using
yoga practices and do not expect results to happen over night.

Try to rediscover yourself by writing a journal. Write about how you feel, what you want in life; record it all,
write the results as you progress. This will help you decide what is important and what isn't. Knowing what
is important and what isn't will bring out the value in you. Knowing your values in life are the key to self-
awareness and your personal growth and happiness will bet better as each day goes by.

Set some goals and deadlines on when you want to have them accomplished. Take action right away
allowing you to learn and be flexible. With an open mind study and learn from other people. Finding
someone to support you in your goals and to listen when you need to talk about where you want to go will
help make them easier.

You will have to change the way you have done in the past; you learn by mistakes and you don't want them
to happen again. You want new results and you can do that if you do the mistakes over again.

You will grow as a person once you build your self-awareness. You will accept yourself and others you"ll
become more self reliant and motivated. When your self-awareness grows you, will benefit more as a
person and become more successful in whatever you want to do in your life.

Stay in control of your life; don't let your life take over and control you. By understanding yourself and mind,
you learn how to find yourself, know what has gone wrong, and fix it. Keeping your life in balance is very
important to keep your self-awareness up where it needs to be in order to be happy and than you can add
value to your life making you feel better.

Happy people are generous and giving. Give as much of yourself as you can and than push to give more.
The more you give the better it will make you feel and you"ll be able to forget the rough and hard times.
Since Christmas is here try, choosing a special gift, wrap it for a person who has nothing.
Exercise is good for everyone young and old. When having a regular exercise program through the week
you"ll notice a big change in how you feel, and it will boost your energy up, as you feel better.

There are many ways an exercise program can help you. Before starting a regular program, you might need
to talk to your physician to see if he/she has any recommendations. Many doctors are opening up their own
exercise programs.

Keeping active is the key as moving to keep those joints flexible while strengthening the muscles is as well.

Are you having problems with shortness of breathe, do you have muscles that are hurting you? Soreness is
often relieved by exercise. Exercise has reduced the risk of cancer, heart disease and so on. By keeping
active, you are lowering your risks, as well as improving your personal life. Just going to work or doing
housework on a daily basis is not exercise. Exercise is working your heart, and using those stiff muscles, try
exercising for a month on a daily routine besides working and see how you feel.

Exercise can help you sleep better, relieves stress; lowers pain and it will help improve your health so you
live longer. Self-esteem is another reason why you should exercise on a daily basis.

If you happen to be close to becoming a diabetic or already have, diabetes type 2 exercises will help you.
When exercising with a daily routine and watching your diet it can lower your glucose level by helping you
lose weight and keeping it off.

Colds and the flu can be lessened by exercising and moving around. Take a moderate walk for 30 minutes
each day and taking in some of that outside air and the moving you"ll have more of a chance to get rid of all
those nasty germs.

A person can lose weight with exercise and tone up those loses muscles along with building up their
strength. If you find a program that you like, you will enjoy the memorable experience. If you watch your diet
cutting down the calories it will help you accomplish all the things that you want to see happen and help
keep it off. By losing weight and toning up, you will feel better just being yourself. Your energy will rocket
higher as you begin to get that self-esteem up and going. A person has to feel good about them self in order
to be happy. Take care of yourself and you will become a better person.

When a person has had a heart attack they will need to get active again more and more as they are healing.
Exercise will strengthen the muscles around your heart and you"ll feel more in control.

Your doctor will probably give you some light exercising to do, as you get stronger. Be sure to get your
doctor's approval on how much exercising and the limit as you begin to feel better. Don't push yourself, take
things slow and you"ll soon be able to do more.

How about arthritis, do you suffer pain from stiff joints caused by arthritis? Exercising on a regular daily
schedule can help the pain. As well, your body will tone as you lose weight, and gain self-esteem. When
doing exercises choose a program at first, which is designed for beginners. Take things slow because those
joints are stiff. By strengthening, making those joints more flexible you"ll be working on relieving some of
your stress that is being caused from the pain.

Get going and start exercising for your health and well-being. Find a program that you like and stay with it;
you"ll feel better, look better and live longer.
Improving your personal life with multivitamins

Vitamins are very essential to everyone's body to keep it going. Some vitamins are needed on a daily basis
and others not so often.

We get vitamins from our food and then we need to use extra vitamins to get the full amount needed.
Getting the right amount of vitamins daily helps to produce your blood cells and they change the food to
energy. One of the best vitamins I discovered is the prenatal vitamin. Even if you are not pregnant, the
vitamins will restore lost nutrients.

You have two different kinds of vitamins that you can purchase. One of them is a fat-soluble that is stored in
the body in the liver and fatty tissues. Only take fat-soluble vitamins as recommended because you can
store too much. When storing too much fat-soluble vitamins it can be poisonous and even cause death. The
fat-soluble vitamin is the A and D type.

The second type of vitamin is the water-soluble and it will dissolve in water just as it says. Don't worry about
taking too much of they vitamin because you will pass what isn't needed through the urine. A water-soluble
vitamin is to be taken on as a daily supplement. The water-soluble vitamin is the C and some B.

Multivitamins will not harm you and are to be taken daily. When taking a multivitamin it helps to fight off
illness and give you the vitamins that you aren't getting in your food.

Your daily diet of food may not contain all vitamins a person needs daily. Many people just don't eat the right
food like the most popular fast foods. Some people want to lose five pounds by next week so they go on a
fad quick weight loss diet that doesn't contain the right and enough good vitamins.

The farmer that grows some of the food your eating can sometimes be the blame. The farmer is out to make
money and wants his vegetable and fruits to be large, beautiful and attractive, most of all to grow fast and
get a bigger crop. To make his crop grow for him he has to add chemicals to it by fertilizing, spraying, and
even more water all of which can reduce the vitamins out of the crop. If the crop is being shipped it is
sometimes wrapped tight, coated and sprayed to keep its color and help prevent spoiling while being
transported to it's destination.

Multivitamins are helpful if you are sick and stressed. Being sick or stressed it takes more vitamins to build
you back up and repair the damage that has been caused to you body.

The lack of the right vitamin can put a person into high risk for some diseases and your general health will
drop. Some Dr doesn't like their patients to take vitamin supplements because they take to many or the
wrong kinds. It is known that people who take a multivitamin on a daily basis is generally in better health
than those who don't.

There are so many different vitamins on the shelf now to choose from that it can be very confusing. First,
understand you body and needs and even ask the Dr what might be the best ones to take. Your body will
balance itself out naturally when taking the right vitamins.

It doesn't matter what kind or brands of multivitamin you take just make sure it is a good one. After taking
your new vitamin, for 30 days and you don't feel better or see a change get a different one. Feeling better
and taking, the right vitamin is good for everyone young and old.
Yoga is not an exercise it is a practice. Yoga is intended to redirect your entire body to make it all come
together. Yoga works the mind combined with the body to make it fall into place, which helps one to improve
personal overall life.

Everyone needs a little help one time or another to get their health and thinking on track. Practicing yoga
brings the perfect out of all of us, teaching us to meditate and at the same time, helps relieve that awful
stress. Along with helping to relieve stress, yoga strengthens our limbs, mind, refreshes us and even helps
us lose weight. Our energy level will increase because we feel better.

When starting to practice Yoga take it slow and easy. Don't force your body into the different postures all at
once. If you do more than your body says it can do, you could hurt yourself. Like any exercise program,
you need to go slow and stick with it. You might not notice a difference right away but hang in there and it
will come in time. Don't go out and buy all new exercising cloths just to practice yoga. All you need is
sweats and a comfortable loose fitting top. Maybe after awhile you might want to buy a yoga mat but most
gyms will furnish them. Wherever you are you can practice using a towel for the floor mat they work just as

If you"re a person that can't stand and if you are not flexible, this can be done in a chair. So, stand or sit.
You can become the person you've always wanted to be. Make those muscles stronger and get that mind
into shape along with feeling better and you"ll get to your goal.

Do you have allergies; the noise runs and your eyes water, you are congested, and just don't feel good
especially in the cold weather. Practicing Yoga can help strengthen and balance the immune system with its
slow breathing and posture. The nervous system will relax and it calms down the virus.

Is it hard for you to fall to asleep or stay asleep? Try laying on the bed or floor before crawling into bed.
This is a good time to practice meditating to relax. Lay on your back with the palms up and start at your
head. Start with the head and relax it then the neck and on down slowly until you reach your feet. Practice
as often as possible and this one will help you sleep once you've relaxed the whole body.

You can practice Yoga at the office sitting at your desk, in the park anywhere you can meditate. When sitting
in a chair twist from side to side, rotate your head side to side and to the front and back, put you arms above
your head and stretch. While doing these movements in your chair as you relax shut your eyes and let all
thoughts come in and go out.

Stressed and need to learn how to breath slow and then sleep will come, Yoga can be useful for all ages
from children to Grandma and Grandpa. The children can practice to strengthen the mind and body by
standing beside you and Grandma and Grandpa can sit in the chair. Strengthening and relaxing along with
the meditating is good for everyone. It all gets easier to you.

Yoga can also be good for your heart. The heart will become stronger, Someone who suffers from epilepsy
can benefit from practicing Yoga because it stimulates the brain; some people in a study that was taken
says it decreased the amount of seizure's they were experiencing. Yoga is known to help the mentally
handicapped by relaxing their minds, letting them think well.

I've given you a few ideas on why a person might want to try practicing Yoga so go for it and enjoy.
If you are a student struggling to study for a big test, you may soon learn that you will need the help of
certain tricks to make your study life easier. Many students of all ages benefit from learning memory
exercises. Teachers usually try to help their students by suggesting certain exercises that they themselves
have used or that they have learned since beginning to teach.

Of course, each person must use whatever appeals to them. What works for one won't necessarily work for
another. This lesson has been demonstrated in the simple act of teaching a child to tie a shoe. His
concentration may be thrown askew and result in frustration when asked to try a new way to learn. Maybe
one parent teaches a different method, or the grandparents disagree on what is best.

Children with learning disabilities must learn constructive methods for improving their memories that are
tailored to their own distinct capabilities. A child who struggles may need to associate certain things with the
same colors daily to remember. Maybe they have certain shapes that help them remember, or smells. A
child who has sight impairment may learn to associate by touch or scent. Grandma may wear the same
perfume every day or Grandpa may wear the same cologne or after shave.

There are times when the teachers have a learning method that is different from the parents'. When the
child asks the parent for help with homework, an argument may develop because the parent will use a
different method to get the same result. Sometimes if the child is taught not to argue with the parent, this
could result in a bad mark on the work that is turned in. This is where consistency and cooperation is
successful in the parent/teacher relationship.

Have you ever made up a silly, but rude song about someone who offended you? This was a great memory
exercise, even though it could be construed as mean. Music is a helpful tool, especially for teaching small
children to improve their memories, although it is usually not used in a derogatory way. Comedians make
jokes with rude songs, which often results in the audience remembering the comedian simply because the
music acted as a tool to cement the person into memory. Maybe you don't even recall the words, but simply
the tune, the results are the same.

Rhyming games are a very helpful memory tool. An endless number of people have grown up enjoying the
antics of the characters in Dr. Seuss stories! Many of the words don't even make sense and mean nothing
in reality. But they served to help a person remember the story because of the rhyming effect.

The key to memory exercises is repetition. You must teach yourself to perform the actions over and over.
Like always putting your car keys in your purse so you won't lose them. If you have trouble getting your
children to school on time because they spend too much time finding their backpack or shoes, have them
learn to place the items in the same place each evening. These little memory tricks are sure to make your
boss happy if they get you to work on time each day!
For those of you who may have never heard of the word, mnemonic means memory aid. It's an adjective
related to things that help memory improvement. Teaching tools, if you will.

If you are a movie buff, you may have heard of the one called 'Johnny Mnemonic', a 1995 feature involving a
data courier. Keanu Reeves is the star of the film. He carries a large data package, 320 gigabytes in size,
in his mind. If he doesn't deliver it from Beijing to Newark, it will kill him. I suppose you could call this forced
memory. It wasn't his brain that developed this computer chip, this memory tool. It contains a cure for a
nerve syndrome of the future and puts his life in danger.

Some mnemonics would seem to be horrible techniques for the person who would prefer not to remember.
However, this may be their only solution to overcoming a tragedy, in order to heal them. So, once more,
forced memory is put into effect. The person must relive the mentally or emotionally damaging event to be
able to move on with their lives and put the worst of the trauma behind them.

A coach, psychiatrist, hypnotist, counselor, pastor, trusted family member, teacher, or close friend may be
needed to help give you moral support for the courage to use mnemonic tools.

Hypnosis has long been used as a mnemonic tool. Memory is a process of reconstruction rather than
retrieval. Often the mind must be forced through hypnosis to reconstruct events that caused the person to
suffer and attempt to protect themselves by choosing subconsciously to forget. Therefore, hypnosis may at
times be a dangerous, however necessary, mnemonic tool.

Hypnosis is also a lucrative field. It is often used to help people stop an unhealthy habit, such as chronic
nail-biting, smoking, overeating. It can also be used as a form of pain control. No matter how it is used, it
involves the subconscious memory.

Mnemonic tools can be a positive way to overcome small annoyances. Suppose your short-term memory
loss is disrupting your life in such a way that you are in a constant state of frustration. Small annoyances
can add up to one big problem. You may have subconsciously used mnemonic tools to learn to avoid certain
disturbing memories. Like associating an object with someone who used that object to cause you pain. You
decide to avoid use of that object to force yourself to leave the memory in the past. Maybe a dreaded uncle
always wore purple, so to avoid having to constantly be reminded of the uncle, you decide to never buy an
object the color purple. It may become a habit that you do without really thinking about it. People have used
flash cards, music, games, and repetition as mnemonics. Remember the old saying about tying a string
around your finger to recall something important? Or placing a rubber band on your wrist, to pop whenever
you are faced with a temptation you are trying to overcome?

Whatever the case may be, mnemonics can be very productive in memory improvement.
Is your personal life in an uproar, how is your self esteem? Everyone always has room for improvement; yet,
some of us need more than others do.

There are ways to improve yourself once you ask yourself "what do I need to do to improve." Maybe sitting
down and writing a list of things that you don't like about yourself could help. Make sure you prioritize them
making the most important one on top and the less important on the bottom. Everyday work on this list
checking off each one as you feel it is getting better. Remember don't stop improving them just because
you've put a check beside it. It takes time to make changes but you can do it.

Are you working full or part time, if not volunteer if need be? Get busy and don't just lie around the house
doing nothing. Keeping busy and helping others always helps. By helping others, you learn that someone
else in the world has it worse than you do. A job always helps especially if you are stressed out about
paying a bill and there is no money to pay. Every dollar you make is one dollar more than you had

Volunteer to work at the library a couple of hours a day or maybe just one day a week. The nearest hospital
is probably in need of a volunteer if nothing just to talk to the ones that are alone and no one comes to see
them. Helping others always makes you feel better especially if you can see they enjoyed or benefited from

Take a little time out of each day for yourself. You can't be any good to other people if you don't take care of
yourself. Draw a bathtub of bubbles and relax, go for a walk alone or maybe go to the library and read, bring
a book home to read and relax. A little something for yourself each day really helps to relax you and it can
make you feel better.

How about doing a little exercising; if you"re not already doing it try it and see how it helps relieve stress.
After a while, you"ll notice how you will look forward to exercising alone or with a friend. If you walk with a
friend don't talk about your problems, keep the pace up and talk about the weather or maybe something
you"re going to do for your tomorrow. Eventually you"ll notice how much better you feel getting out and
taking care of yourself. Do you watch much TV? Sometimes the news can make a person depressed but
then again it can be educational and give you something to discuss with friends or family. Watch the weather
and when you"re walking talk, about what is supposed to happen tomorrow; will it rain or snow. The news
makes a good conversation when talking to other people.

Go out and visit someone once a week maybe. Get out of the house and be with a friend other than cleaning
house when you"re at home. If you don't have, many friends go make some new ones. Meeting friends is
something you can do when you"re volunteering your time; when at the library talk to the librarian when you
are checking out that book. New friends can be anywhere if you"re willing to talk. Don't be afraid if you don't
make a new one every time you talk to someone; just is, yourself and someone else will be there to be the
friend you need or want in your life.

Remember life is short, if you need a little improvement here and there, that's ok. No one is perfect and you
can only change the quality of life you have.
Getting organized doesn't have to be a chore. Below are a few simple steps you can initiate right now that
will start you on your way. *Begin with messes and clutter that you see every day. Organize your kitchen,
garage, and family room before your hallway closet. Once you see how nice it looks, you will want to work
on the hidden areas. *Use drawer dividers for socks, underwear, lingerie, and tiny items, to keep them
separated and organized. This works well for both silverware and office supplies too. * Give everything in
your house a place of its own. This way your family will know exactly where to find it and where to put it
away. * Establish one defined place in your house for storing library books, and end a house-wide hunt
when it is time to read or return them. *Hang hooks for your keys and purse at the entry to your home, so
each time you walk in, you can hang them up. * Set aside one basket for you and your partner for incoming
mail, bills, and receipts and letters. This way everyone will know where these important items are when
needed. Keep all important papers such as birth certificates, social security cards and medical insurance
information in one folder. * Get rid of things that are not needed any long. Expired coupons, old
prescriptions, magazines you might get around to reading someday. All these take away space you could
be using for items you do need and use.. You will free your mind to remember more important things like
appointments and birthdays when you are organized. Be attentive about thoroughly cleaning once a month
and you will find it much easier to keep up, week-by-week. An organized house does indeed help unclutter
your mind.
Nowadays, Spanish is being taught in grades k-5. It also is being taught in junior high school, high school,
and college.

However, many people are undecided on whether it is actually beneficial for small children to learn Spanish
since at such a young age, they may not retain much and will most likely not be able to speak the language
on any advanced level.

Children at this age may use the language for entertainment purposes. They may find the exercises fun and
motivating. But are they really learning or is it a waste of time for small children to learn Spanish? There are
a couple of different sides to this issue.

It is good for small children to learn Spanish because it teaches them about diversity. While many schools
have many races attending them, there are still other schools around that are not very diverse at all due to
the neighborhoods where the schools are located. Therefore, when a small child has the opportunity to learn
Spanish, he or she can be exposed to a culture and race of people other than his or her own.

When a child learns about different cultures and races, he or she becomes more well- rounded and may
become more likely not to have incidences in his or her life where he or she accidentally discriminates
against someone of another race.

Also, small children who learn Spanish will most likely learn about Spanish food. Learning about different
kinds of food from different cultures is valuable because it makes it seem as if other food exists besides
unhealthy fast food or even the fried snacks found in school lunches. Learning about Spanish food may
prompt a child to want to learn how to cook this type of food. If as an adult, the grownup child cooks Spanish
food, soon his or her own children may start cooking the same food, and another culture may be spread
amongst a household.

Learning Spanish will teach children more about the English language. Both Spanish and English have Latin
roots. As a child learns Spanish on the basic level, he or she may be able to make connections between the
Latin similarities in both Spanish and English. Such a connection may prove valuable later on as the child
progresses to higher levels of learning and begins to grasp complex Spanish or English vocabulary. For
instance, he or she may notice the similarities between Spanish the word "lavabo" and the English word

In spite of all of the positive reasons to learn Spanish, there is also a case for not teaching Spanish to small
children. These reasons can all be summed up into asking, "Is the child actually learning to speak a
language or is he or she just learning cultural values that can be taught in a sociology class? Certainly at
such a young age a child will not become fluent in the language. However, the jury is still out, and in any
case, these kids are getting a head start on the many language requirements they will have to fulfill at the
higher levels of learning.
The Chinese language is most notably known for the written and beautiful characters stroked on the flat
page. As old as 4000 years ago, this exquisite language exists as even more popular today. There are
several masters of it's legend left behind in history their work more as art then language. There are many
resources available to learn Chinese characters. The Chinese language has become a popular study area
for more and more people and continues to expand the supply and demand of good available teaching tools.

At any given point, you can access many different ways to learn Chinese or learn Chinese characters. The
traditional way to learn a foreign language was to incorporate the study within some form of primary or
secondary education. Then continuing adult classes started springing up all over and with a host of other
available subjects, the Chinese language was thrown in as an afterthought. The demand for learning
Chinese characters came heavy onto the home study market after eastern art and culture, including the art
of Chinese characters, graced the masses of the western world. People were wanting these beautiful
Chinese characters as tattoos, because they represented so much meaning in just a simple brush stroke.
Cultural influences touched from films/tv entertainment (like movie star Jacki Chan, or the movie "Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon"), to home decorating (Fung Shui), Chinese food, and of course art, with the tranquility
of expression from Chinese characters. Now you can learn Chinese characters with just a little effort from
your computer.

You will discover today's availability for learning to read Chinese, learning Chinese characters or simply
about the culture is just on tap away. There are online courses, lesson's with games, cd rom courses, audio
books, and workbook lessons, just to name only a few. Beyond that, for the hearty learner, there are
programs designed to teach you in the homeland. For a month, or for a year, you can immerse yourself into
the cultural richness and environment of the Chinese, laying down a permanent solid application of the
language by learning and living amongst it. There now exists jobs in which the employer will sponsor their
employees to pick up the language as a necessary tool for their career.

If you desire to just excel in learning Chinese characters, the lessons available to you are right here, just a
click away. Some of the best lessons include animations to teach you exactly how the brushstrokes and pen
lines should be created and expressed. Most lessons available will teach you the origin and interpretations
of each character. You will also learn how they sound phonetically and how they are interconnected to each
other. There are Chinese character dictionaries available which are recommended.

Whether you choose to learn Chinese characters as an integral part of the overall language, or whether you
are just searching for meaning in a new tattoo, there are so many opportunities for learning this beautiful,
eloquent and old world tradition. With an artist's heart, you can find one character which is silently personal
to you.
The Chinese language is most notably known for the written and beautiful characters stroked on the flat
page. As old as 4000 years ago, this exquisite language exists as even more popular today. There are
several masters of it's legend left behind in history their work more as art then language. There are many
resources available to learn Chinese characters. The Chinese language has become a popular study area
for more and more people and continues to expand the supply and demand of good available teaching tools.

At any given point, you can access many different ways to learn Chinese or learn Chinese characters. The
traditional way to learn a foreign language was to incorporate the study within some form of primary or
secondary education. Then continuing adult classes started springing up all over and with a host of other
available subjects, the Chinese language was thrown in as an afterthought. The demand for learning
Chinese characters came heavy onto the home study market after eastern art and culture, including the art
of Chinese characters, graced the masses of the western world. People were wanting these beautiful
Chinese characters as tattoos, because they represented so much meaning in just a simple brush stroke.
Cultural influences touched from films/tv entertainment (like movie star Jacki Chan, or the movie "Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon"), to home decorating (Fung Shui), Chinese food, and of course art, with the tranquility
of expression from Chinese characters. Now you can learn Chinese characters with just a little effort from
your computer.

You will discover today's availability for learning to read Chinese, learning Chinese characters or simply
about the culture is just on tap away. There are online courses, lesson's with games, cd rom courses, audio
books, and workbook lessons, just to name only a few. Beyond that, for the hearty learner, there are
programs designed to teach you in the homeland. For a month, or for a year, you can immerse yourself into
the cultural richness and environment of the Chinese, laying down a permanent solid application of the
language by learning and living amongst it. There now exists jobs in which the employer will sponsor their
employees to pick up the language as a necessary tool for their career.

If you desire to just excel in learning Chinese characters, the lessons available to you are right here, just a
click away. Some of the best lessons include animations to teach you exactly how the brushstrokes and pen
lines should be created and expressed. Most lessons available will teach you the origin and interpretations
of each character. You will also learn how they sound phonetically and how they are interconnected to each
other. There are Chinese character dictionaries available which are recommended.

Whether you choose to learn Chinese characters as an integral part of the overall language, or whether you
are just searching for meaning in a new tattoo, there are so many opportunities for learning this beautiful,
eloquent and old world tradition. With an artist's heart, you can find one character which is silently personal
to you.
We all know how crazy college activities could get at a certain point in time. What with classes, conferences,
and researches, there is no wonder that some are hopelessly stressed out and confused and gets their
priorities all mixed up. There are also those who balance a part-time job while attending college.

Still, others have to balance out their studies with extra-curricular and civic activities. Of course, you also
need to spend time with old and new friends and attend social activities with them.

All these things are actually part of the activities a college students need to contend with. Organizing your
time in order to successfully accomplish your college degree and still do all the other responsibilities is a feat
you need to master.

First, you need to know how valuable each time of the day is and how to use it well according to your
activities in college. There is a well-told story in Steven Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People" which has a profound tale of how to use your time well.

The story tells of a guy or a professor of some sort who stood in front of a class holding a big jar, which he
placed with big rocks. After filling it up with big rocks, he asked the class if it is full and most said yes.

Then, he got smaller rocks and put them in the big jar too, along with the big ones. The smaller rocks, of
course fit in the jar. After which, he again asked if the jar is already full. Still, most in the class said yes.
Quite suspiciously, others said it seems full and others expressed their affirmation guardedly.

After their reply, the professor produced a bag of sand and poured it into the jar, too. The sand, of course
filled out all the tinier spaces between the big and small rocks. After emptying the bag of sand unto the jar,
he again asks if it is already full. The class, already quite dubious, said sure it is full.

Whether the man is not satisfied, or is going on proving his point, he got out a glass of water, which really
did seeped up into the sand and ranks and finally filled up the jar.

After this, he asks, what the moral of the story is. The class, thinking that they have spotted the trick, replied
quite smartly that the moral of the story is that "you can always squeeze a bit more in."

But, the man quickly pointed out that the real moral of the story is that "you need to get your big rocks in
first, or all that other smaller 'stuff' gets in way too soon and takes up all the space." Indeed, it is quite true
and really, a profound enlightenment concerning college student's activity time management.

First, you need to identify your "big rocks" – the things that matter to you the most. Of course, you could
always squeeze in other minor activities along with your "big rock" activities.

However, if you fail to point out your top priorities and always accomplish them first, then you will never have
the chance to finish them out. This is because those other stuff you are doing will take up most of your time
and drown your efforts for your top priority activities.

According to Covey, these are the Quadrant Two activities. Covey further reiterates that if you fail to spend
time putting the most important goal in your life as the first thing in your college student activity schedule,
then you will never get the chance to let your "big rock" activity evolve and grow.

This kind of time management is also a means of self-management. In fact, these two concepts are the
same things. College students must set priorities for themselves from number 1 or the most important thing
they want out of life, up to the least important but significant little stuff they need to do that will support in
their achievement of their most important goal.

Once you have listed down your "big rock" goal or activity, then you must manage your college student
activities – studies, researches, extra – curricular college activities, civic duties and socials, without ever
straying far from your ultimate goal. Make sure that you do not end up doing everything but finish up with

Spend the time to reflect on your reasons for being in college and your reasons for involving yourself in other
college student activities. Doing this cogitation helps you draw up the list of priorities you need to

Always remember Covey and his big rocks, though. In listing down your priorities in life, always put in
number one, your big rock activities.
Eric is having a hard time coping up with his schedules. Whenever the final examination is nearing, he
always crams up to study his lessons. Moreover, the submission and the quality of his school projects are
also affected. In other words, his schedule is a big mess for him.

If you are a college student with similar problems like Eric, there is a common problem that both of you are
sharing with—it is about time management.

Being a student is synonymous to busy schedules. Your subject professors assigning mountain of
homework, you are member of the dance troupe, and all other things that come with being a student.

You have so much to do but so little time to do it. It is a common problem for college students. Finding time
to perform all possible activities that you will encounter during your college life is difficult. Instead of enjoying
it, you will end messed up . How do you find time for all of this schoolwork? The best advice to avoid getting
bogged down is to keep track of your time. Keep a record of your days and maintain your daily progress on
the way to your objectives.

Remember that time management is vital; it will help you to determine your success in your college life. If
you still uncertain on how you will organize your schedule, maybe you should have a time calendar as a gift
for yourself.

Time Calendar System

It is similar to the calendar that you use in your home. However, it is customized to help you track down
different activities. It includes the date and time of your activities.

You can also take down notes. For instance, you have cancelled your appointment with someone because
of some reasons. College schedules are taking a long-term perspective on time.

There are different scales of time calendar that you can use. It can be a yearly, monthly, and weekly

Year Scale Time Calendar

It is not easy to monitor today's activity and remember what needs to be done in six months. Plan ahead
with a yearly calendar, divided into months. You can keep track of your short term and long-term goals.

For instance, your project submission is due for the next two months, then you can plan three months in
planning how your project will be done.

You can also add all long-term deadlines on this calendar.

Monthly Scale Time Calendar

It is divided into the number of days in a month. You can include all paper deadlines, examination dates, and
appointments that will be happening in that particular month so that you can plan.

Add self-imposed deadlines on personal appointments with your friends so that your college schedule with
not be ruined.

Weekly Scale Time Calendar

Most students prefer a weekly scale of measurement because it is easy to update. Your weekly calendar
includes your day-to-day appointments and deadlines. Have a group study on Thursday afternoon. You can
record it here.

Daily to-do List

It will keep you moving on the way to your objectives on a daily basis. You can spare some 10 minutes
every night and make a to-do list for the next day.

Have a glance over your calendar for the next couple of weeks to remember activities that need to be
planned. Treat your daily to-do list as your friend. Never leave home without it. • Always update your to-do
list. Rank each item by importance. Get rid of unessential activities and include all the important ones.

• Schedule time to work on classes and research each day. It will help you to organize your class works and
your research studies. Organized school works keeps you away from cramming and jamming up your

• Be flexible. Expect that in every activity, there is a possibility of interruptions that can result in the
cancellation of that particular activity.

Planning your school schedule using the time calendar system will eventually enhance your time
management skills.

So get started and have your time calendar with you all the time. As mentioned earlier, treat it as you friend
and never leave your house without it.
How to improve your personal life +Learning is the key to unlock doors to success. When you learn about
you, what you want, and what specific difficulties you want to change, you are improving your personal life.
To get started learning you, your wants, and so on you will need to use new ideas. If you need to hit the
"refresh," tab then go online to find articles. Read the information, since someone may provide you with the
keys that unlock doors in your mind. You can also visit your local library, a great place to start improving
your life.

Life is filled with problems, diagnostics and solvers. To start improving your life you can start by reliving a
time in your life. Look back to see obstacles in your pathway. What did you do to overcome those obstacles?
Were your decisions capable of helping you handle the problems? Did your decisions have good or bad
consequences? If you made good decisions then, can you use those decisions now to fix problems? +Once
you review your history of problem-solving tactics move on to evaluate your skills. What skills do you have
that will help you improve your personal life? What skills can you develop that will guide you to a prosperous
life? Do you need to continue school? Can you find a better job?

How to travel the discovering road to unlock doors: The first action you will need to take to unlock doors is
to be honest. When you are honest with self and others, it helps reduce emotional chaos. When a person
lies, they live in denial, anger, misery, hopelessness, etc and often drown in their own pity. Stop the pity and
hop on the road, traveling down the trail ways to discover the keys that unlock your doors to success. To get
started tell the truth about something that hinders you. +Start: I dwell on negative thoughts rather than
focusing on positive thoughts. What can you do to change this? Say, my life is filled with stress, yet I feel I
can change my life to make it better. Think about those people in the world who has it worse than you do. +
+Do you have addictions? Consider drugs, sex, alcohol, and cigarettes and so on when thinking of
addictions. Also, consider shopping, work, food and so on. If you discover an addiction ask, how can I take
steps to change this harmful habits? Do I have support? Is there hope? Can I find help? How can I find that
help? You will find many helpful resources, including addiction clinics of all sorts that will offer you a hand.
Never deal with addictions alone. You will also need to work on your own to take control of your addictions.
The key to success is accepting you have a problem. Honesty is the key that opens many doors. Once you
accept you will find it easier to get help.

Looking ahead: +Looking ahead is good. When you look ahead, you are visualizing your future. You want to
avoid dwelling on reaching tomorrow.

Rather keep one day in your mind and work in that day to complete your goals. Taking it one day at a time is
the key to success. You have many options, yet it takes you to discover those options. +Communication:
+Communication is the ultimate key that opens many doors. When you learn to communicate effectively,
you are taking steps to improve your personal life. To learn effective communication skills, consider
continuing your education. You can also learn communication tools by frequently talking with others about
positive topics.
How yoga builds self-esteem, awareness and more

Yoga is a way to escape from everything and go into your own little world it will help you to forget all the
things that are stressing you for a short while. Yoga will help make a positive change in your life. There are
many things that yoga can help you with like depression, many medical problems etc. Yoga is an on going
treatment you have to stay with it to get anything out of it. You cannot do it today and accelerate to get the
full benefits out of it.

What are some of the things yoga will help me with? Yoga can and will help you with many things. You have
to get with it and do it in order to get the full benefits out of yoga however. Yoga can help with breathing, so
if your not breathing right, yoga will teach you how to get in control of your breathing. Yoga will help you
learn how to control your mind as well as your breathing, of you have asthma it can help, carpal tunnel,
depression, lower back pain, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis of the knees, memory problems, heat disease,
high blood pressure, will help you lose weight, will also help the elderly or someone that has balance trouble
keep balance. So see it will help in many ways. This will make you feel a lot better inside and outside.

How would I learn how to do yoga? You can go to your family doctor they should be able to tell you how you
can get enrolled in a program. If they cant do nothing then you might want to try to go to your local library
they may have some information on how to get enrolled as well, or you may want to go on line and see what
you can find out. They have classes all over so you should be able to get enrolled but there are films and
books to teach yourself as well.

Can yoga hurt me? Yoga can hurt you if you don't know what your doing or you do too much of it at once
that is why you need to talk to your family doctor before you start anything new that is stressful to your body.
You have to take these kinds of things slow it's just like exercising you have to build yourself up. You can't
run right into it and expect full benefits from it. It does not work that way. It takes time and obligation before
you will see any changes in your body or mind.

When learning to do yoga just take your time and be conscious to it learn all you can learn cause it will help
you deal with many health issues. You may have just don't try to do it all at once and make sure you call
your family doctor to make sure it ok to do it. Then try to find a good group. Groups are always easier for
some one that way you have some support to turn to if you have any problems. If you can't afford gym
payments, then try asking family and friends to join you. You can start your own home gym at home. At local
dollar stores, you will find videos for one buck. Use the videos to gain skills in exercise and yoga. +Yoga is
an interesting exercise, since it helps you to build muscles and reduce stress. Yoga will help you loose
weight; feel better, and so on. Yoga gives you many options in improving your overall personal life.
FIRST LAW: Relation of Power to "Tone". The effectiveness of magnetism in action depends upon harmony
of 'tone" between its possessor and any other person, and in securing such 'tone" harmony, on any
magnetic plane, in any particular psychic state, at any given time, psychic and physical magnetism mutually

SECOND LAW: Magnetic Intention. The magnetic intention ("I INTEND MAGNETICALLY") intensifies
otherwise unconscious magnetism, and runs through all the mass of general etheric vibrations like a theme
in complicated music, imparting to them unity, character, intelligence, and definite and enormous
effectiveness in practical employment.

THIRD LAW: Influence of Purpose. In the employment of magnetism, long-run purpose establishes etheric
character, and specialized purpose confirms that character if it concentrates the general purpose, but
confuses that character, perhaps destroys it, if it antagonizes the general purpose.

FOURTH LAW: Force of the Ideal. Idealism of motive determines the character of etheric vibrations, and
idealism of magnetic activities determines the quality of magnetism achieved.

FIFTH LAW: Sway of Other Interest. The general sway of other interest in life, and the particular influence
of other interest on special occasions, impart to uses of magnetism enormous effectiveness, and not least in
relation to self.

SIXTH LAW: Reaction of Admiration. The consciousness of admiration for others, recognized by them,
reacts with tremendous power to stimulate magnetic action.

SEVENTH LAW: Measure of the Intake. In the magnetic life, intake of power is correctly measured by output
of power: inversely in waste, directly in intelligent expenditure.

EIGHTH LAW: Adjustment. Magnetic effectiveness is proportioned to accuracy and fulness of adjustment, to
things, to laws, to forces, to times, to situations, to qualities, to facts, to truths, to persons, and only studied
experience can discover and establish such adjustment.

The problems of adjustment to persons are these:

With inferiors, to put self magnetically, without appearance of condescension, on their levels for the end in
view, applying then the general principles of magnetism.

With equals, to apply the general principles.

With superiors, to assume their level while magnetically deferring, without adulation or humility, to such
superiority, regardless of its reality or unreality, for the end in view, applying the general principles of

NINTH LAW: The magnetism of identity. The magnetic value of adjustment expresses the force and
completeness with which the individual can identify himself with another person, suggesting oneness
through attitude, gesture, act, eye, tone, language, and telepathic sympathy.

TENTH LAW: The use of reactions. Magnetic skill exhibits in the manner in which beneficial reactions are
received and utilized, negative or indifferent reactions are ostensibly ignored, yet constituted stimulation for
further persistent magnetic action, and hostile reactions are refused, without ostentation, but with
determination (if worth while) to "win out" through better adjustment and increased magnetic endeavor.

ELEVENTH LAW: Magnetic attack. Magnetic success demands the direct attack when etheric harmony of
'tone" is assured, but the indirect method otherwise; that is, such attack-methods as will secure that

TWELFTH LAW: The conquest of antagonism. Magnetism ostensibly ognores, and refrains from, exciting
antagonism; but, when antagonism is evident, rejects it and proceeds on the indirect attack, or openly
accepts it and adopts the direct or the indirect method as the one or the other promises speediest and most
perfect harmony of 'tone".

THIRTEENTH LAW: Mortal antipathies. Success-Magnetism conquers the influence of deep-seated natural
antipathies only by avoiding their causes.
FOURTEENTH LAW: Re-adjustment. The etheric life is unceasing reaction, and magnetism, therefore,
demonstrates itself by squaring with every issue and making of every change and every defeat a new

FIFTEENTH LAW: Control of output. It is an important to know when to open the circuit that is, to cut off the
current of magnetic force as it is to know when to close the circuit to pour forth magnetic influences.

SIXTEENTH LAW: Concession. Concession becomes magnetic in its timeliness. If premature or belated, it
defeats magnetism.

SEVENTEENTH LAW: Harmonic conditions. Magnetism enhances through beauty of personal

surroundings, in cleanliness, order, adornment, art, literature, music, and the like.

EIGHTEENTH LAW: Sovereignty of will. is the director of native and unconscious magnetism and the
creator and director of developed magnetism. Power of will is indispensable to magnetic power.

NINETEENTH LAW: Energy in magnetic action. The projection of magnetic influence proportions to inner,
conscious intensity of psychic and nervous states. Exploding powder in the gun calls for the man behind the
weapon, and the soul within the man, and powerful vibrations within the soul's arena, and magnetic intention
within the vibrations, and psychic energy within the intention.

TWENTIETH LAW: Self-control. Magnetic power becomes effective precisely as mastery of self, in restraint
and in handling, approaches perfection.

TWENTY-FIRST LAW: Magnetic handling of self. The attitude of magnetism, the magnetic intention and
psychic pose, "I stand positively magnetic toward this person or this situation," constantly maintained,
ultimately instructs in all the arts of magnetic self-handling through the law of auto-suggestion, and realizes
in practical form its own ideals.

TWENTY-SECOND LAW: The magnetic mask. The mask of magnetism achieves effectiveness when it
covers personal states and purposes in a manner positively to attract, and in that manner alone.

TWENTY-THIRD LAW: Magnetic consciousness. Intense magnetic consciousness without thought

concerning it secures, by its uplifting and stimulating influence, the greatest exaltation of personal powers
when employed.

TWENTY-FOURTH LAW: Magnetic faith. A deep and vital faith in the certainty of magnetic success renders
all latent and developed magnetism dynamic, if that faith is thrown into action.

TWENTY-FIFTH LAW: The demand in use. In the application of magnetism to any task, intense, persistent
demand upon the Universal Forces swings them directly into the effort.

TWENTY-SIXTH LAW: The affirmation in use. When, in the application of magnetism, one affirms, mentally,
intensely, persistently, "I am receiving and exerting power," he unconsciously calls to aid all the success-
elements and makes himself a center toward which the Universal Forces inevitably gravitate.

TWENTY-SEVENTH LAW: The magnetic telescope. The magnetic attitudes, faith, demand and affirmation,
constitute a magnetic telescope through which the distant goal of success is magnified and all nearer
obstacles, lures and irritating conditions are closed out of view.

TWENTY-EIGHTH LAW: Magnetic accumulations. Magnetism, through correct application to life, not only
develops in the individual, but accumulates in his environment, and reacts beneficially without direct
personal supervision.

TWENTY-NINTH LAW: The personal atmosphere. The personal atmosphere exactly reflects the inner self,
and it furnishes a perfect field for magnetic effectiveness only when the self and the body are clean and
buoyantly healthy.

THIRTIETH LAW: Subordination of physical magnetism. In the subordination of physical to psychic

magnetism, each finds its greatest effectiveness according to the relative development of both orders.
THIRTY-FIRST LAW: The fixed idea. Long-continued association with some fixed, great and attractive idea
sets into operation certain deep, subconscious operations of the soul, which, for a time unrecognized and
unmanifest in life, gradually and surely coordinate all individual powers thereto, induce a working of the
whole system in harmony therewith, and finally emerge in the objective life and consciousness as a unified,
actual dynamic force. The idea has swung the individual, has transformed him, has harmonized and
intensified his faculties and his personal ether, has come to sovereignty in his personal atmosphere, and
from there exerts a dynamic force upon other people and life's conditions.

This Article has tried to saturate you with the idea of success coordinating with its necessary elements, and
has thus endeavored to swing your whole being into mighty belief that large success is also for you.
FIRST LAW: Discovery of endowment. The limits of magnetic endowment latent in every normal person
emerge only through prolonged effort in the culture of magnetism.

SECOND LAW: Difficult environment. Magnetism develops in direct proportion to the difficulty of

THIRD LAW: Magnetic intention. Magnetism evolves solely through multiplication of endowment into
environment by the persistent magnetic intention.

FOURTH LAW: Free adjustment. The culture of magnetism imperatively demands that central adjustment of
the self to all powers which realizes in absolute psychic freedom.

FIFTH LAW: Concentration. The magnetic multiplication of endowment into environment is only possible to
intense, persistent and unified concentration to the methods of Success-Magnetism.

SIXTH LAW: Purpose-ideals. Growth of noblest magnetism depends, in the larger sense, upon general
adherence to a single, preeminent, ideal life-purpose, and, in the particular sense, upon specialization of the
individual in studied magnetic conduct related to that end.

SEVENTH LAW: Receptivity. The highest magnetism realizes through magnetic laws in proportion as the
inner self maintains alert receptivity to the Universal Forces.

EIGHTH LAW: Demand. The silent, persistent demand of the self upon the Universal Magnetism makes it a
center toward which the Forces naturally gravitate.

NINTH LAW: Affirmation. Continuous, intense affirmation of actual possessed magnetic power stimulates
the success-elements, maintains receptivity, emphasizes demand, harmonizes and intensifies inner etheric
vibrations, and induces a positive movement of the universal ether and its forces inward toward the central

TENTH LAW: Psychic energy. All personal magnetism involves psychic energy developed and directed by
magnetic intention.

ELEVENTH LAW: Self-control. Magnetic energy concentrates through psychic control of its tendencies.

TWELFTH LAW: Magnetic quality. The inner psychic attitude the character of magnetic intention determines
the quality and effectiveness of the effort to multiply endowment into environment, and, therefore, the kind
and degree of magnetism attained.

THIRTEENTH LAW: Self-valuation. Other things being equal, magnetism unfolds as gratifying, but
unostentatious, self- valuation develops.

FOURTEENTH LAW: Use of self. Under conformity to other magnetic laws, the highest magnetism issues
only from the constant best use of self at its best to the best advantage.

FIFTEENTH LAW: Magnetic heroism. Self-pity, complaint, and all kindred states, confuse, weaken and
waste every variety of magnetic power, while heroic acceptance of conditions for their betterment, and
courageous assertion of self as master, conserve and enormously develop the noblest magnetism in
proportion to the sway of the magnetic intention.

SIXTEENTH LAW: Action and reaction. Highest magnetism involves not only studied cultivation, but, as
well, the magnetic utilization of stimulating reactions induced by intelligent employment.

SEVENTEENTH LAW: Recovery. Whoever, on occasion of any psychic (magnetic) failure or defeat,
dedicates the whole of aroused desperation to recovery of ground, infallibly induces a stress in the etheric
life around him which ultimately draws to his aid, with the onsweep of worlds, the Universal Forces.

EIGHTEENTH LAW: Reproduction. "Everything is transmitted, everything is transformed, everything is

reproduced" (Ochorowicz); in physical and psychic health alone, therefore, are the Universal Forces
transmitted through perfect etheric vibrations, transformed through effective etheric conduction, and
reproduced in magnetism by adequate and harmonious psychic control of etheric capabilities.
NINETEENTH LAW: Superiority of culture. The crude values of natural magnetism, the automatic functions
of unconscious magnetism, demonstrate at their best solely as they climax in full conscious magnetic
You have seen it everywhere. The beautiful strokes in black brushed on a canvas. Meaning something, but
were not sure what. You see it in tattoo's left on the skin to declare deep significance to the wearer, and
often out of curiosity we ask what it means. It is a peaceful mystery, we are drawn to it naturally. The infamy
of Chinese calligraphy has become an art to be understood and learned. Not only do we want it on our walls
and skin, we want to become even more personal with it. You can learn Chinese calligraphy, and create the
same beautiful words as do the masters.

Chinese calligraphy began in 213 B.C. by Prime Minister Li Szu who created over 3000 characters to be
used by the Chinese scholars. The five different styles, zhuan-shu, li-shu, kai-shu,xing-shu, and cao-shu,
are all forms used in Chinese calligraphy. One word can be written in different ways depending on the style
and the execution of that style. The word can be fluid, formal, exact, all is in the hand of the
application and unique individual deliverance of the strokes. Many masters from the beginning of origin to
now have left their work for us to enjoy as art today. When you begin to study calligraphy, you will adopt a
style which is distinctive to you and perfect the strokes as your own form of self expression. The artistic
value of Chinese calligraphy is in the skill and method is exclusive to the particular creative ability delivering
it. When well done, the words interpretations are more leaning to abstract art, then anything else.

As you learn Chinese calligraphy, you will notice that traditionally certain materials are used in a particular
way to produce the eloquent results. The Chinese use special brushes made of rabbit hair or sheep. One
brush is for sharpness in line drawing, and the other for rhythm and depth all equaling to the subject's inner
self. Also used in Chinese calligraphy, is a thick ground ink combined with water and applied to Chinese
paper (also called rice paper) or silk. This form shows depth, contrast, density and texture and creates a
rhythmic balance. When the Chinese apply color to this art form, it is to show the subject's characteristics or
moods. Another unique quality to Chinese calligraphy is the poetry inscribed within it. It becomes the artist's
signature or inscription exclusive to them. Chinese Calligraphy minimizes the use of space, sometimes
leaving a canvas almost blank, with just a few brushstrokes leaving a word to contemplate on. The styles of
this writing do not embrace crowding compositions with too much and badly placed brushstrokes. The rules
behind learning Chinese calligraphy are to invite simplicity, balance, beauty, and originality of style. You
should possess graceful execution and represent the depth of meaning of each stroke, whether using a
brush or ink. The idea behind Chinese calligraphy is to find understanding and beauty is simple delivery of
who you are as the artist and what you are projecting as meaning with the chosen style adopted.

When you learn Chinese calligraphy, it is easy to become infatuated with the art form and easy to be
immersed completely into cultural richness that has been alive for over a 1000 years.
There is reason enough to learn Chinese in today's world. In the business world, relationships with China
are increasing it's influence in our economy. Attractive candidates for employers will encompass the skills of
being bilingual. In our personal relationships, we are becoming elbow to elbow with combining cultures.
Even online, our communications to pen pals exist in Asian countries and the need to break the language
barrier stronger than ever. In social-patterns, we have to adopt cultural sensitivities to those merging into
Americanism. By learning Chinese we, with or without consciously knowing, have created more doors of
opportunity all the way around.

For many, learning Chinese is not an option but a necessary means to higher objective. And equally, for
many there is limited budget available in which to acquire the skill of Chinese. Thank god for the online
resources abundant and available in which to learn Chinese free.

With a little effort, one can easily access the classes online, or download software to begin the learning
experience. Shareware exists at little or no cost.

Learning Chinese can be seen as a difficult task to embark upon. Many people have quit before they even
began due to the overwhelming complexities distinctive and unique to Chinese. Now as demand grows for
the language, online sites have supplied variations on tools to learn Chinese. To keep it light and fun, many
programs let you play games for free or indulge in interactive animation to keep your attention and desire
strong. Some programs offer flash cards, as well as teach you how to make your own flash cards. There are
dozens of hints and helpful advice on how to learn more quickly, how to affect memorization abilities, and
where to go for more free Chinese lessons. On many of these web sites are links, some worthy and some
leading to more links, which may be of use in searching out free Chinese lessons.

If time is also a factor, consider using your MP3 player or CD burner to download lessons you can take on
the go. This way to study Chinese is intensely popular and as popularity grows, so does the sites catering to
programs most used. Also, available for free is access to a Chinese dictionary, to be used as a bookmark,
or in some cases a download. Other fun places to explore Chinese for free are the blogs created for
improving your skills. Then there is Chinese music and live broadcasts daily to entertain and keep
familiarizing you with the language. Also a fun site to immerse yourself in for awhile, is those creating
Chinese names from your given name, full in beauty of characters and meaning. You can learn to draw
Chinese characters for free online as well. Actually, anything you wish to learn in Chinese, you can learn
free online. Upon that, once you have mastered basic abilities, you may wish to up the ante and consider the
next level of learning and programs available to you.
The Chinese language is illusive to English speaking world, almost seems to be a complex mystery
intimidating to unravel and to understand. If you wish to learn Chinese, then approach it delicately and
thoroughly as a bridge to not only communication with this beautiful culture, but learn Chinese to harvest the
history and ways of their world as well.

Historically, the Chinese language evolved from Proto-Sino-Tibetan and has ascended into modern day with
most Chinese communities speaking either Mandarin or Cantonese forms of the Chinese language. There
are different varieties on both of these depending on the geographical localities. The linguistics of the
Chinese language are easier to trace back in time than are the characters used for Chinese alphabet, as
there is rare documentation found to support the origins.

For those wishing to learn Chinese worldwide has tripled in the last decade, making it an increasingly
popular language to learn. With that, a standard form of Chinese instruction used these days is called
"Hanyu Pinyin", or simply, Standard Mandarin. It is a universal form of teaching used worldwide to help
people learn Chinese. Without it, learning this language might seem to difficult to commit to. The Chinese
language is undoubtedly a intricate and diverse language to comprehend, with characters, phonics, tones,
meanings and speaking so different from the language native to each of us. However, with the proper
teaching tools and discipline, learning Chinese can be a eloquent and beneficial goal. Today's world
demands multi cultural merging in communications, especially with business and now, internet as well. Your
value doubles if you have successfully picked up a second language, more career doors open as a result.
And with the world becoming so much smaller in business and communications, thanks to the internet,
learning Chinese as your second language may be exactly to your advantage.

There are numerous methods of learning the Chinese language and endless resources available to teach
you. If you keep an eye opened around your community, you may find classes scheduled for you to learn
Chinese. There are classes given at universities and schools, as well as shorter courses available with adult
continuing education classes which costs less than traditional avenues of learning. If you wish the more
private, unscheduled form of learning, then optimally the online courses are designed for you. This
articulate language is easier understood by listening to someone who is native to the Chinese language. By
hearing the phonetics and tone involved, may make learning Chinese easier. Tutors and private instructors
can be hired to teach you proper speaking of Chinese. Also available are online courses which include
lessons that let you hear how words are put together or spoken. The most difficult part to master when you
learn Chinese language is all the characters, but the grammar aspect will be a cinch for most as it is not
nearly as complex as is the grammar used in English language.

The Chinese language is without a doubt a striking art form as well as it is a language and we are hungry to
understand what it all means when we look at the characters written on a page or on art hanging on a wall
next to us. Our curious nature draws us that much closer to discovery of the Chinese culture and deepens
our appreciation for it when we finally choose to teach ourselves more and more about it. To learn Chinese
is another journey began.
It is said Mandarin Chinese is one of the top languages difficult to learn. The Chinese language embraces so
many levels of complex spoken and written components within their language that it can almost seem to
frustrating. In order to understand Chinese, you have to dissect the pronunciations, the written characters
(and there are thousands upon thousands of them), and the tonal dialects used in each word. If the task of
mastering the language becomes to cumbersome, it is often the choice to just give up.

There are means accessible to make writing Chinese somewhat easier. Some instructors suggest learning a
few characters first which are most frequently used. Practice them over and over. Learning the direction of
strokes, the difference in brushstrokes and pen (like thickness and style), and thorough repetition will be the
best beginning point. Once familiarity of common used characters sets in, then a Chinese dictionary will
come in handy to put meaning to the characters. A good guide to Chinese characters will encompass pages
of most frequently used characters in the Chinese language. Practice writing Chinese and the characters. It
is said that if you learn at least 800 of them, you will be able to retain at least, if not more, 86% of the
characters commonly used. Double that and the comprehension rises to around 95% recognition. With that
much understanding of the characters you are ready to begin grammatical lessons as well as beginning

Lucky for those learning to read or write Chinese, grammar in the Chinese language is not as complex as
the grammar and sentence syntax in the English language. Chinese grammar consists of only one form of
verb and uses no tenses. To use adjectives, plurals, or past and future tenses, you would simply add one
character. Learning to write characters in Chinese is a lot easier than actually speaking it. There is only one
format used to write Chinese and is simple to comprehend.

The effect of repetition, practice and continual usage will improve your success tremendously. As will the all
the free offerings online to help instruct you. Whatever your capacity or level for learning, most likely, there
exists avenues online which will cater to your focus on learning to write Chinese. The most important thing to
remember is not to give up. There will be plateaus and frustrating crossroads, but breakthrough always
comes. If need be, seek guidance and help from those already proficient in the language for
encouragement. Sometimes it is more beneficial to have a one on one instruction, or tutor, especially if you
have questions or concerns about the direction you are heading into with the mastering of the Chinese

The Chinese language is a beautiful artful language becoming increasingly popular in the world. With the
demand to learn Chinese, especially in writing the eloquent Chinese characters, more learning tools are
becoming readily available. Explore all possibilities for gaining valuable knowledge on this subject, and
persevere boldly into learning to write Chinese.
You can learn Spanish to a certain degree and still have trouble with certain words and sentence
constructions. It seems that you are saying them right, but you notice that Spanish speakers say them
differently. If you learn Spanish language secrets, you will understand the subjects better.

One thing to remember is that you don't always have to use the pronoun. If you say "yo," meaning "I," each
time you could, you will sound strident. This is because using the pronoun is only necessary when you are
emphasizing it. If you are constantly emphasizing it, you will sound foolish. Learn Spanish rules like this
and you will sound more like a native speaker.

You can learn Spanish word order in its basic form quite easily. It is usually like English except adjectives
tend to go after the noun they describe. However, if you spend the time to learn Spanish word order by
listening to Spanish speaking people, you will find differences. Meaning can have subtle variations when
you change the word order.

There is another secret people can come across when they learn Spanish. There are many Spanish words
that look very nearly like English words that you know. Sometimes, they can be considered direct

However, some words only look similar. They actually mean something quite different. Pay attention to the
exact translations of words, as you learn Spanish. Using some of these words incorrectly can cause you
embarrassment, or can even insult someone.

An interesting secret when you learn Spanish is that common phrases, or idioms, don't always translate
word for word. If you try to translate an idiom word for word, you might get the meaning, or at least an
approximation of it.

However, there are many idioms that would seem to mean one thing that mean something else when
translated as a whole. The only way to learn this is by experience, or to get a book of idioms. You must
remember, though, that there are different idioms in different Spanish speaking countries.

Learn Spanish from textbooks if you like, but when you are put into the culture, don't rely on them. This is
another secret to know when you learn Spanish. Many people don't speak like the textbooks are written.

That's ok; English speakers don't either, if you think about it. If you try to learn Spanish better in this
informal way, you will likely make mistakes that the book has not prepared you for. Don't worry; you can
pick up the language from the conversation if you're alert.

Another secret is that pronunciation is important. The way you pronounce your "b's" and 'v's" will mark you
as a person who does or doesn't consider it necessary to learn Spanish well. If you don't roll your "r's"
properly, you will sound like a toddler to the Spanish speaking person. All these little things can set you
apart or help you fit in.

Learn Spanish with all the nuances and you will not be looked at as an outsider. Taking a few steps to
improve your Spanish will be worth it in the long run.
It's nice when you get a chance to take a trip abroad. If you are going to a Spanish speaking country, it
might be a little intimidating to get off the beaten path and explore. Just making yourself at home in hotels
and restaurants can be quite a task if you're unprepared. That's why it's good to learn Spanish phrases to
get you by.

Of course, if you have time to take a full Spanish course, that's preferable. Learning to speak conversational
Spanish will make your stay among the local people much more pleasant. You can communicate most
ideas if you learn Spanish in this way.

However, you may not have the time to learn Spanish thoroughly. You may have been invited on the trip
unexpectedly. You may have won the trip and have to take it in a short amount of time. Or, perhaps you
had plenty of notice, but had too busy of a schedule to fit in a full course to learn Spanish properly.

It doesn't matter why you're in this position; the crux of the matter is that you need to learn Spanish enough
to handle your basic needs. You will probably find English speaking people somewhere on your journey to
speak with. However, there will be times when you must depend upon Spanish speaking people to answer
important questions.

You can find phrasebooks to help you find the words to ask for basic needs. They will tell you how to
introduce yourself and say please and thank you. You will learn Spanish phrases for asking the time and

More importantly, these books will tell you how to ask where the restroom is. You will learn Spanish phrases
like "Ayudame!" meaning "Help me!" Most of the books will also tell you how to ask where you can find a
doctor or dentist.

Phrasebooks can also be helpful with the hotel you're staying at. They can tell you how to ask for clean
linens. You can learn Spanish phrases that make it easier to order room service. You will also know how to
check into and out of your hotel.

The books will tell you the basics of how to order food in a restaurant. They will tell you any number of
words to use in different situations. A book like this should also contain valuable information like how to ask
where the US embassy is.

If you are concerned about your pronunciation, you can get the same type of phrase manuals on CD's. Just
pop them into your CD player and repeat after the speaker. You can do this in your car, at your computer,
or in your living room. Wherever you find comfortable will do.

A book or CD like this can help you learn Spanish phrases. What it can't do is help you understand the
answers. You will have to rely on a lot of pointing and gesturing. Also, never forget, if you think you might
be able to understand the person, if they would speak slower, just say, 'mas despacio." It works wonders.
It isn't easy trying to learn Spanish without talking to people who actually speak the language on a regular
basis. Spanish teachers whose first language is English may know their subject very well. Yet, they can't
give you the understanding of the language you will get if you experience it firsthand.

Immersion study means staying in a place, such as a Spanish speaking country, where people speak a
language you are trying to learn. You put yourself in a position where you have to conduct all your business
in that language. Your social life will revolve around speaking that language. It will be challenging to learn
Spanish this way.

However, the payoff is that, as you are forced to use it constantly, you learn Spanish much faster. You will
have no choice but to learn Spanish if you are to understand what is going on around you. It is a great
motivational tool.

At the same time, you are in an atmosphere where you can pick up hundreds, if not thousands, of bits of
information about the language every day. You learn Spanish in much the same way as a child will learn

You will imitate the way those around you speak. You will intuit the meanings of words and phrases by the
way they are used. As you go through the days, you will gain knowledge of social language and customs.
Learn Spanish this way and you will remember it for life.

The best way to enhance this learning is to go to Spanish classes or to have a tutor. This way you can
clarify any questions you have. You can also learn Spanish from the tutor by having him/her correct any
misconceptions that you have about grammar and usage.

You can make the arrangements to do immersion study on your own. Rent an apartment or home in a
Spanish speaking neighborhood or country. Sign up for a class or with a tutor. Then, get out, interact with
people, and let nature take its course.

There are also companies that will make the arrangements for you to learn Spanish this way. They will set
up those living arrangements. Instead of living on your own, you might opt for the company to send you to a
host family to live with as you learn Spanish.

This is total immersion in the language and culture of the country. You will be in a position where you are
making polite dinner conversation over every meal. You will be included in invitations to social functions that
you might otherwise have missed. You might learn Spanish during your time inside the home in an informal
way that you would never have thought possible.

Universities and colleges also offer immersion studies for students. It doesn't matter if you are a young
student or someone going back to school. You can take a semester abroad to learn Spanish through one of
their programs.

Immersion studies have always had some of the best results for people who wanted to learn Spanish.
Foreign exchange students have been doing it for years. Now, the option is available to anyone.
One of the most powerful media software used for pictures is Corel Draw. This program has been existing
for years now and has been used by a lot of digital imaging masters to create their digital masterpieces or
edit their pictures. If you want to learn to Corel Draw, here are the basics that you should know about the

What Can You Do With The Program?

What most people do not know is that you can do a lot of things in Corel Draw. In fact, once you learn it,
you"ll be on your way to mastering a lot of techniques that involve pictures in general.


When you learn this program, you can now have the skill to draw digitally. The computer would now be your
playground in creating original images. It may take some time for you to adjust, especially if you are used to
drawing by your hand. However, there is no need to worry. In fact, you should be excited and happy since
this program actually has a lot of features and allows you to have a lot of other opportunities to have for your

The program has the ability to deliver perceptive vector illustration tools which meet today's demands of
different design professionals along with aspiring graphic artists. With this, you can get fast results. Whether
you are just making a company logo or industriously working on a big project that has a very demanding
production schedule. You can create logos; create your own digital painting and many more!

If you are not comfortable with the idea of drawing by the use of pre-fixed shaping tools, you can always get
a pen-tablet. In this way, you could still feel as if you are drawing using normal pencil on a piece of paper.
This would also give you more control, especially if you want your image to have a really unique rendering
that literally has your personal touch.

Photo Editing

If you are an aspiring photographer or simply someone who loves taking precious moments with his/her
camera, you are going to love the photo editing feature of this program. Yes, if you get to learn Corel, you
can have the ability to edit your photos in the most professional manner. You can create new images with
your existing photos. You can even make a digital album, if you want to.

If you want to do minor image enhancements such as balance, contrast, hue, saturation and levels
adjustments, you can do so. Resizing of pictures is also possible with Corel. You can also convert your
images from one file format to another just by using the program.

These are just some of the things that you can do with Corel Draw.

Where To Learn

Using the program is quite easy. It is user friendly and provides adequate help, if ever you have a question.
However, you can only be exposed to the basics if you decide to keep on forever relying to the "Help"
function. This is why you also have all the creative freedom to learn techniques and tips from digital imaging
masters that provide Corel Draw workshops.

If you do not have the money or time to attend different workshops, do not lose hope. You can still learn
more about the program via the Internet. There are a lot of Web sites out there that provide free tutorials. All
you have to do is search.
Bunnies are cute creatures that have become a favourite subject by artists. They are also considered to be
challenging too. There are various ways of drawing a rabbit. If you want to learn to draw a bunny, here are
some of the basics that you should need to know.

Drawing A Bunny With Its Back On You

One of the easiest forms of bunnies would be the one that has its back on you. This is ideal for very young
kids. To start, use a pencil to draw two circles on top of each other. This would be the head and the body of
your rabbit. Thus, make the one on the bottom twice the size of the one on top. They should also overlap
with each other for about 1/3 of the top circle.

Erase the bottom part of the head so that they would look like solid circles on top of each other. Add a small
circle on the lower part of the body. This is the tail. Then add up two oblongs on top of the head. Now you
have the ears and the drawing is complete. You can add color if you want. For kids to practice, they can
draw many bunnies together.

Drawing A Bad Rabbit

Most bunnies are depicted as cute and cuddly. However, this time around you"ll be drawing a bad bunny
rabbit, to make things more interesting.

First, create the face. This would include rounded cheeks, a pair of eyes, and one cute little button nose. To
give your character an evil and grungy look, you need to do some alterations with the facial features. This
can be achieved by drawing menacing and slanted eyeballs. You can also make the teeth a bit pointed, so
to make it a little bit scarier than the usual bucktooth rabbit.

Add the ears and other body parts. The ears should be long cylindrical things, which come out from his
head's top. They could be sticking up straight in the air or could be nicely bent at haphazard angles. The
body must be rounded since they are usually plump.

Finish the body. Do this by drawing a rounded, fat line that would become his jumping hind leg. Also, make 2
thinner legs and place it in front of the chest. Lastly, do not forget the puffy tail to be placed at the rear end
portion of his body.

Furnish your work by adding finer details. Add a few lines on his tail and beneath his ears to make it look
like your character has some fur. Do not forget to add whiskers. You can make these straight and alert or
crooked for a grungy look. Then, add the buck teeth. Since your rabbit is an evil kind of hare, you can give
him fangs instead of placing round shaped teeth. Then you"re done!

Drawing A Cute Rabbit

For you to draw a traditional cute version, just follow the same steps as drawing a bad rabbit. However, this
time, you should make sure that the features are cute and not scary looking. Do away with the fangs or
crooked teeth. Round is the best way to go.

Other features like the eyes and ears should have a cute appeal too. Don't slant the eyes, but instead make
them round. Add some glare by placing white spots on the black portion of the eyes. For the ears, try to
make them curvaceous rather than angular. Add a carrot and a bow to his neck or ears for added cuteness.
In myths dragons symbolize a myriad of real and imagined terrors, which perhaps originated from the real
beasts that roamed ancient forests. But for modern storytellers, it is usually the majestic hero in the story.
The best thing in drawing dragons is that you could keep in mind that all those pictures you've seen are all
derived from mere imagination only. Thus, there is no right way of drawing a dragon. You get to have all the
creative freedom that you want in drawing one.

What Kind?

Before you can start drawing, you should first decide on what kind of dragon is it that you want. What is the
environment that shaped your dragon? Is it a green forest or a mountainous desert? If it's one of those
mediaeval fire-breathers you might want to consider referencing historical sources. If it's a fantasy creature,
then it all depends on the course of your imagination.

Think of its key features. Do you want it as a slender, lizard-like dragon with filmy wings, or do you want it to
be a mighty beast that has the arching back and chest of a war horse? Try to think and sketch out rough
ideas like these before you proceed.

Be Convincing: Find A Reference

The best way to have a convincing dragon drawing is by having an anatomy which flows together and has
some sense in it. Thus, try to make use of real animal anatomy for your reference. Does your character have
wings? If so, are they decorative or functional?

Also, think about the skin. Is it the leathery type with fine reptilian scales or is it crocodile rough? How about
the color? Do you you want it to be in camoflage browns and greens or would you want it in bright rainbow
colors? Once you've decided on these things, try to make a sketch or a list of all the characteristics. Then,
go and search the Internet for photos. Make sure that you learn from your references and not copy.

Be Realistic: Have A Light Source

The light source of your drawing is also important. Although it is from your imagination, pick out one light
source that you want your character to be subjected to. If you have various image sources, also be aware of
their lighting. The light source of the crocodile picture you are looking at and that of the snake picture may
be different. Thus, be careful and make sure that the shading of your picture would sync with the light source
you've chosen.

Pin point if the source is overhead sunlight, the moon, a window or a cave opening. Take note that light
waves travel on straight lines. This could help you know where your shadows are. Keep in mind too that light
bounces. Thus, there may be some lighted areas within the shadowed areas. If you are having a problem
with this factor, go and get some plastic dinosaurs. Use a flashlight as the sun and you"ll see the shadows
you are looking for.

Fire And Smoke

Another important factor would be the fire and fire-breath, if your dragon has this kind of feature. Do not
experiment with flamethrowers just to get this right! It is quite easy to achieve this kind of effect. All you need
to do is make use of tones. Give contrast to the smoke and flame by using shades of black, grey and white.
Fire is one of the most beautiful subjects that artists of all medium can have. Being able to draw it with as
much proximity, beauty and delicateness as with the real form is considered to be quite a challenge and
achievement for many artists. In fact, a lot of people say that once you learn to draw a flame, you are
somewhat equipped to draw furthermore complicated subjects.

What most aspiring artists do not know is that drawing a flame could be simple. It just takes much precise
observation compared to drawing still life objects like chairs or tables. So, here are the basics of what you
should know in order to start drawing a flame.

Get Some Inspiration

Fire is one element of nature that is both magical and whimsical. It could really be addicting and relaxing by
just staring at it; so if you want to draw it, then there's no better way to start but by getting some inspiration.
No, you do not have to burn the whole house and watch as the flames go up. A mere match or lighter would
do. Light up the match and look at the flame for some time. Try to keep the image in your head, just like a
movie that keeps on playing back.

Get Shaped Up!

You should first decide what shape you would want your flame to be. At this point, try not to delve too much
on the details of your subject or other complicated elements. Just think about the shape. Start exercising
your imagination and visualize a shape.

Generally, most aspiring artists that want to master drawing this kind of subject start out by making use of
the "S" shape. Thus, the term "S-shaped flame". This is a favourite for beginners since it is one of the
easiest to draw. If you decide on using this shape, then it would be your drawing's outer shell.

How About The Internal Structure?

Next, you should think about the internal structure of your drawing. As soon as you have your chosen shape
and you have drawn it on your paper, think about what you want to place inside. Visualize a design that you
would want to place within your shape. There is basically no limit in choosing a design and there are
different variations available for you to play and experiment with.

For instance, you can draw a smaller version of your outer shell's shape. So, if you have a S-shape for an
outer shell, then you can place a smaller S-shape inside. You can place only one or even a number of
smaller S-shaped flames with different sizes and shapes inside. It is all basically up to you.

Add Some Color

Although flames can be drawn in both black and white, and color, opting for the first one would require
mastery of shading. For beginners coloring is recommended. Doing this would give life to your drawing. So,
add some color to your flame. Recall what the flame looked like when you lit up the match or when you lit up
the lighter. If possible try to light a fire again, just to see the actual colors.

Observe closely. See the difference of the inside portion of the flame with the outside. If you look closely,
you would see that the tip is colored blue, in most cases. The core also has this color. However, as you go
farther out from the core, you would observe that hues of yellow, orange and red have appeared.

Use your imagination and try to blend these said colors in your drawing. Arrange them as how your model
flame looked like.
Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers. However, they are also one of the most difficult to draw
because of its complex design. Nevertheless, being able to draw them is considered to be quite an
achievement. So, here are the basics if you want to learn to draw a rose.


You would need: soft pastels, Conte crayon or charcoal; drawing paper; knead eraser; dry towel and damp
washcloth for cleaning hands; and cotton swab to be used for blending.


You should understand that if you want your drawing to be in color, you should practice drawing it on black
and white first. It is important that you master it in black and white. This is because the values or how light
and dark areas are, are way vital than which colors you want to use. Y

It is possible for you to draw it in yellow or red with green leaves. You can also make it fancy such as pink
and orange, or go whimsical and make a blue rose and purple leaves. It all depends on your taste.
Nevertheless, it is important that your lines are strong and you have got the correct shading for your picture
to look good whatever color you use.

Starting Point: The Swirl

Sketch a swirl. Place this swirl approximately where you want the center of your rose to be. Your swirl
should look like an unclosed circle that has an excess on the end. Try to make it curvy and elliptical in
shape. Draw this lightly first using your chosen drawing material.


Add some petals around its center. Try to keep the lines short where they would be going down to meet the
succeeding row of petals. Petals generally involve C shaped and inverted-C shaped lines. C shaped for the
left side of the rose and inverted for the right side of the rose.

Try drawing the petal lines lightly first. After you have drawn the lines, that is the time you would shade. You
are going to shade by smudging off the lines. Be careful when smudging, so that you won't tear or create a
hole on your paper. After smudging, strengthen back the lines. Try to make them strong and dark.

Clean Up

Clean up your drawing by carefully blowing loose dust on it. Be careful that you do not to touch the dark
areas. If you do, it would get smudged again. If ever an accident like this happens, squish your kneaded
eraser a couple of times. After which, use it to carefully remove the unwanted smudges.

To avoid further damage, it would be better if you press and lift rather than rub like how you would do using
a normal eraser. Nevertheless, if the smudge is not right beside a line, you could just rub gently. Each time
your knead eraser gets dirty; simply fold it so that the dirty part would be placed inside. Simply stretch and
fold for a number of times. For sure you can get a clean surface in no time.

Things To Remember

As a guide you can use a book or a picture of a painting that has roses in it. Familiarize yourself with the
rose structure. Observe the petal shapes. Usually, there's a dip midline of a petal. Sometimes a part of it
also turns over out. Add these kind of details to your drawing and you"ll have a rose in no time!
Everybody at some point in their life wanted to learn to draw and paint. Just by watching children, you could
see that these skills are one of those that entice them during their early years. However, not all people
decide to take this goal seriously, especially when adulthood comes around. Nevertheless, if you do want to
develop this innate skill, it is still possible. Here are the basics that you have to know.

Drawing Versus Painting

One important factor that people do not understand is that drawing is different from painting. Thus, if you
want to learn how to draw and paint, this means you have to develop two different skills. Drawing is
generally defined as depicting a subject by the use of lines. On the other hand, painting is the art of coating
surfaces with paint for artistic or utilitarian purposes.

Thus, the medium you'd be using would be the main difference along with the process itself. Nevertheless,
these two disciplines are still related and most often combined to make an art work. Most of the time,
drawing becomes a prerequisite of painting; although this is not always the case.

Drawing Basics

For you to start having drawing skills, you should constantly practice your hands and eyes. Do this by
sketching. Constantly sketching is the best way for you to learn how to draw more artistically and
professionally. Remember that drawing is developed by constant practice of your hands. This is not
improved by merely reading or acquiring whatever book based knowledge that is available. Thus, practice
your hand to draw. Be very observant with your surroundings. Try to sketch things or people during your idle
time. Doing this is really one worthwhile hobby that could pay off in the future.

Copying is your stepping stone in drawing. Get a model and copy it. It is all right to make mistakes. This is
exactly what erasers are for any way. Also, do away with the notion that you need to have professional
materials for your work to look good. A simple sketch book and basic drawing pencil and eraser would do.

Painting Basics

On the contrary, painting would entail appropriate materials so that your work would end up nicely done. You
would need a couple of brushes that come in different sizes. You also need acrylic paint of various colors,
but most importantly, you should have the primary colors, a bigger tube of white and black. However, if you
do not want to buy a black tube, you could simply create your own. Do this by combining all the primary

It is best to start with Acrylic paints because these are the easiest to work with. Thus, the general painting
developmental stages would be mastering acrylics first before aiming to learn oils or water color. Also, this
kind of paint is easily mixed with water. All you"ll need would be a glass or a bucket in which you would put
the water in for cleaning purposes. You also use this water to keep your paint moist, it dries up quickly. A
pallet is needed too. If you don't have one, you can improvise by using paper plate that has Aluminum foil

To start painting, you have to draw on your canvas first. Draw your subject and other details of the pictures"
environment. After this, add on the color using your paint. Keep on practicing by choosing different subjects.
Also, try to experiment with the colors you've got.

Make full use of your pallet and create various shades of colors. Continue on sketching and painting like this
and for sure your skill would start to develop in no time.
Animals are one of the most common things that you can see, regardless of where you come from. Due to
this, they have been a favourite subject to be drawn by artists of all kind. This is very evident with the
accumulated works throughout history that showcased various animals from all over the world coming from
different periods in time. Thus, animal drawing is one of the most popular kinds of art. A Complicated Art

If you want to learn to draw animals, you should understand that this is a complicated kind of art. Remember
that your subject here is a living being. In fact, the complexity of this form of art is comparable to how hard
drawing a human figure is. You do not only have to depict the form of the animal but even capture its
essence too. However, the problem here is that unlike people, you cannot really tell an animal to sit still
forever until you finish your drawing. Thus, more imagination is needed.

Here are some of the other things that you should know in drawing animals.

Be Creative Because They Are Unique!

It is important for you to become extra creative when drawing an animal. This is because they are not the
same. Each one of them is unique. Thus, you have to approach each in a different manner. This difference
of approach is important in all aspects.

For instance, the way you'd approach them physically can be different. You can watch them from afar
without being noticed or have a personal close-up encounter or even a one-on-one play session with them.
Various ways of encountering animals can have a very obvious on the outcome of your drawing.

The way you draw an animal can be different too. They can be drawn in various ways. You can choose to
depict them as cartoons. In fact they can even come out as a mere line or swirl. You can also opt for a much
realistic portrait. It all depends on you.

Observe First Then Draw!

Before you can start drawing, it is imperative that you first observe your subject. It is best to see them in their
natural environment. If you can't find a live encounter then you can always opt for videos. You can also look
at photos or books. As you do this, you would find that there are plenty of styles that one kind of animal
could be drawn. Although it is possible to master a lot of styles, it is still best that you concentrate on one
style and make this your niche.

To find your niche, gather a variety of materials. By seeing animals in their different forms, you are now
being exposed to their basic shapes. If you want to know precisely the basic shapes of your chosen animal,
the best way to do this is by photocopying its picture. Once you have a copy, start drawing out basic shapes
which you see. Observe how its body's outer lines manage to bring all these shapes together and form the

Start Out With The Basics!

It is best that you start basic. After drawing the basic shapes, you could then build on it by the use of layers.
Start adding details by shading and knowing important animal muscles that have become your subject's
trademark. Keep on practicing and you"ll be able to perfect your drawing in no time!
Anime art is one of most popular fads around the world nowadays. This kind of cartoons is loved by many
and it has evolved tremendously as more fans become hooked up in drawing their own anime characters. If
you are one of those that want to learn to draw anime characters, here are the basics of what you should
know in order to start out.

What Is Your Character?

First, you should identify the character you are drawing. Who is he/she? Is he/she old, teenaged, or a child?
Is your character good or bad? Getting to know the features of your character would generally be your guide
in being able to draw him/her out of your imagination. Try to have a set of personality characteristics for your
character so that you can have a basis.

The General Styles

There are main archetypes used in depicting characters in anime. These could serve as your basis but not
your prison in creating your own character.

Cute characters are usually depicted with large eyes, round cheekbones, and closely set facial parts. Evil
characters are usually drawn more 'realistically'. They also have sharp protruding cheekbones and very
small pupils. Their eyes more often than not appear to be shady.

Shoujo characters or those girly-girl characters usually have sharp chins and huge expressive eyes. They
also have elegant nose bridges and slender bodies. Stupid characters have round heads and bodies. They
also have less details and simplistic features. Their eyes are most often tiny, in some cases are just dots. If
your character is a fighter, just like those in Dragon Ball Z, he/she would also have simplistic features but
with exaggerated body proportions and a small head.

These are the basic prototypes in creating Anime characters. However, do not limit yourself with those
stated above. Try to experiment and play around with the features. This is the only way you can make your
character your own and not just some plain Anime looking character.


The possible hairstyles that characters could have are endless. This is the beauty of Anime art. They could
have wild, out of this world hairstyles and they would still look good. Generally, hair strands are drawn in
clumps. All you have to do is draw grass like shaped clumps of hair just to give their hairdo some form and
style. Bangs are common with these characters. The color you can use is not limited to black, blonde,
brunette or auburn. In fact, most characters have wildly colored hair such as green, purple, pink and blue.


The eyes are usually prominent with Anime characters. This is what differentiates one character from
another. If you observe, there are a lot of white portions in their eye. This is so that it would have a reflective
appearance. This also makes the eyes more lively and appealing. You can observe this especially with
Shoujo characters or other female characters.

There is also no limit with the color used. Some characters even have pink, and purples eyes. Usually, eye
color also compliments the hair color. You may see some blue haired characters with blue eyes and purple
haired characters with pink eyes. Sky's the limit in choosing eye colors.


Most Anime characters are in school uniforms or traditional Japanese costumes. However, there are also
characters wearing Western style of clothing. It basically depend on the overall theme of the story.
Caricatures are one of the most popular forms of drawing. If you think this style of drawing is relatively new,
it is not. This style of drawing has existed for ages already. In fact, even Leonardi Da Vinci used it! So, if you
want to learn to draw caricatures, here are the basics that you need to know.

Getting Started

These are basically portraits that distort or exaggerate a person or thing's essence. This is done to create a
very easy and identifiable visual likeness or description of a subject by the use of exaggeration and
oversimplification of various characteristics. These could be complimentary, insulting or both. It can also
have an intense political purpose or simply be drawn for mere entertainment. Having said the general
definition of caricatures, one thing is evident here: it is a very personalized form of art.

A Higher Sense Of Observation

Since it is personalized to a very high extent, you should first observe closely the subject you would be
drawing. If it's a person then, find out what are his/her features that are very recognizable. Go for the
obvious. The observation part in drawing a caricature is the key to making the whole work successful. You
cannot rely on a pattern for drawing a caricature. People have varying characteristics, which is why applying
a template for all your subjects is not advisable.

For instance, maybe your dad has a big nose; noses are quite popular features that are used in
exaggeration. Pick out the features that would make your subject very recognizable.

Don't Mistake It For A Portrait

One thing that you should be cautious of is mixing up a portrait and a caricature. Remember, these two are
different. Caricatures are generally cartoon renditions of the subjects being drawn. However, a portrait is a
much realistic view of a subject. As soon as you begin learning how these are drawn, you would want to
practice with people that you personally know or are close to. You should also have sufficient understanding
of the human face's basic layout. You can make use of various techniques too, like foreshortening and
proportion. Different techniques in drawing are still applicable in this style.

Seeing Your Subject

You should see your subject in a 360 degree. This means see him/her at different angles and situations.
This is considered to be the best way for you to have his/her whole sense of personality. You should also
find features that you can minimize, rather than exaggerate. Not all characteristics are exaggerated by
making them big. There are times that you just have to make them extra small to attain exaggeration. For
instance, if you"ll be drawing someone that has a small mouth, you can exaggerate by making his/her mouth
even smaller than usual. Doing this is something like reverse exaggeration.

Find Features To Dumb Down!

Dumbing down some features is another technique for your drawing to look more cartoonish. For instance,
hair is usually 'dumbed down" since you wouldn't really want to draw each strand of it in a caricature. This
minimizes the portrait look of your picture.

The Right Way To Exaggerate

Last but not the least, exaggerate However, do not overdo it. Do not exaggerate features which are not that
recognizable in real life. For instance, if your subject does not have a big nose, then do not draw him/her
with a big nose. Try to focus on features which could be exaggerated without making your subject
Cars could be a really cool subject to draw, especially if you love racing and other sports related to it.
Nevertheless, may you be a car fan or not, cars are definitely one good subject to draw. This is because
they can be seen anywhere and they could stand still for days and not even move giving you more time to
draw its main essence. Here are the essentials if you want to learn to draw cars.

Be Familiarized

To start you should first get some exposure to different kinds of cars. Try to look at different pictures of cool
cars. Study their shapes along with the shape of their spoilers. Other than shape take note of their colors
and graphics. Try to study how extras features work, like butterfly doors and spoilers. Doing this can greatly
help you visualize the way and orientation of how you should draw them on different positions.

Get A Model

You should get a model. You can get a book with car pictures, have a real car to draw or even get a toy car.
It all depends on your preference. Although it is tempting to have a number of cars to draw in one picture, it
is best to start out with just one at the moment.

Keep It Simple

Start making a sketch of a normal shape of a car. Remember to keep it simple. You can do this by using
basic shapes. Create an oval to mark as its windshield, have a trapezoid for its hood, sides, and the
passenger area. Lastly, add simple circles as its the wheels.

Add Some Emphasis

Next, start emphasizing your car by adding some pressure on some of your sketch lines. Try employing
progressively darker lines. This can thresh out the shapes you've just drawn in the previous step. Cool cars
have dynamic shapes. They usually have flowing hoods or sharp angular hoods. In most cases they also
have pretty small passenger seats. For instance, a corvette usually has large flares on its front wheels.
However, if you look closely, you"ll see that these flares are just simple arcs which flow to the hood and up
to the passenger area.

Get Cool And Accessorize!

If you want to have a really cool car, then it is a must that you pimp it up by adding graphics and cool
accessories. One example would be a spoiler, which looks something like a fishtail. It comes right off your
car's back portion. You can draw this in whatever way you want it to be. However, once you start drawing it,
try your best to imagine that the car is moving and the wind is flowing through the spoiler. Draw your spoiler
in a way that it looks natural and has the ability to cut through air.

It could also look like a fishtail that is turned on its side to look like as if it was created to push air which
forces the car's nose into the ground. Draw this right from the back. It has to be an angular line which
transforms into a quite shallow arc. After this, cup a shape under it that would connect it back into the
angular line which attaches to your car.

Draw Some Car Art

If you"ll be drawing racing cars, for sure there are many graphics on it. If so, remember to draw the graphics
directly right on your car. This is so that they would wrap around its body. This gives a much natural look.
One of the most famous and favourite form of drawings would be cartoons. These are very fun to watch or
read. If you want to learn to draw cartoons, here are the basic things you should know for you to be able to
start out creating your own.

Choose Your Medium: Still Or Moving?

The medium that you would be using is very important. This would have an effect on the overall impact and
look of your work. What is it that you want to do? Do you want to go for single cartoons or cartoon strips like
the ones you get to see on the comic page of your newspaper or do you want to have a full scale movie?
Picking one would affect how you start. However, for beginners, it would be best to save the movie later!

Who's Your Main Character?

Pick out a main character. Is it a male or female? Is it human or an animal, or maybe a vegetable perhaps?
What are its main features? Usually, cartoons have exaggerated features and roughly ignore other ones.

Start Off By Sketching

If you have seen a movie storyboard, you'll know that it's just a rough outline and overview of what would be
happening on a certain scene. It doesn't have full blown details on it. If you want to draw a strip, it would be
better for you to plan out what would be happening in each of your frames. Get the summary of what you
want your final cartoon to look like.

Develop Your Main Character

Doing this would take some time. It's way better to at least draw something than be agonized over the exact
placement of each line. Try to see early Mickey Mouse cartoons or even early episodes of the Simpsons.
Try to compare these to the present and you"ll see that the characters have evolved over the years.

Add Some Drama: Use Emotions!

Don't forget to add emotions to your main character. May it be a cheeky grin or raised eyebrows, whatever
variation you put on his/her features can help in giving him/her more character, life and personality. Unless
you intend your main character to be totally expressionless and still, it's rewarding to give it emotions. If they
are scared or angry, you could emphasize this using the next step.

Add Some Life: Use Color!

Assuming that you would be displaying strip on your Web site or you would be printing it off from your
colored printer, it is best that you add color to your work. This would give people variety to look at. It also
helps give more life to your cartoon. Remember, since cartoons are not always depicting reality, having a
non-realistic colored character is all right, take the Pink Panther for instance.

Add Some Depth: Use Shading

Adding a few strokes of shading would go a long way for cartoons. Your readers" minds would fill out the
blanks. Thus, you do not really have to draw each strand of hair, if your character has a hairy leg. Just place
enough strands and some hints. Their imagination would do its job and join the dots. In fact, this is extremely
effective and would allow your readers to develop their imaginations.

Add Environment: Use A Background

Like shading, this doesn't require too much detail. Placing a pyramid shaped outline if your character is in
Egypt would do fine. You do not have to draw the Sphinx, unless your storyline requires it. Let Them
Speak: Add Some Caption

The final touch in giving your character life is by letting is speak. It doesn't matter if it's an animal or human.
They do speak. Decide whether you are going to put the lines on a speech bubble or simply below the
cartoon box.
Movies, Anime, cartoons, and 3D animations, these are modern day entertainment that people could choose
from if they are bored or something like it. A lot of people have overlooked the original and classic form of
entertainment back when still pictures were the hit. What are these? Comics of course!

Comics used to be the number one form of entertainment, back when TV did not exist yet. Reading comics
is like having your own printed out movie. If you have a unique kind of sense of humor, and you like drawing,
why not learn to draw comics? This would be very easy and fun at the same time!

Here are some of the things you should consider if you want to start your own comic strip.

What's The Theme Of Your Comic Strip?

Before you go on drawing in little boxes, determine first the type of comic strip that you want. Do you want a
satiric comic? What's the main theme? Is it about teenage life? Is it about married life? How about school
life? Who are your intended readers? Is it about a super hero? Factors like these are important.

Go ahead and brainstorm. If you are having a hard time on picking out a theme, get some inspiration with
your surroundings. Observe people that you encounter daily or randomly. Try to come up with something
new, fresh, interesting yet everyone could relate to. This would be a good basis of your whole comic strip.

Have Some Characters

You should also be equipped with a character line up. Have a main character and a couple of supporting
characters. Map out the personality of each. Create their profiles, so that they could be unique from each
other, yet you have had determined a working relationship for all of them. You do not really have to create a
long list of characters. Just be ready with your main and a couple of staple characters. You can always add
a new character to the gang in the future once you have a new idea for it.

Now, practice drawing your characters. Draw them in different kinds of facial expressions and actions.

Find A Setting

You should also decide on a specific setting. Would it be during the Jurassic age ala Flintstones? Would you
want it to be in a high school, just like Archie? Do you want to have your own imaginary city like Gotham city
in the Batman comics? It all depends on your imagination. Once you have all these things settled out, that is
the only time that you can start drawing.

Draw Your Panel

The panel refers to the number of boxes you are going to have in one strip. You can have three or four
boxes for short strips that usually showcase only one scene or you can have hundreds that cover many
pages that usually showcase a whole storyline.

You can start out with short ones, just like the ones you see on your newspaper's comic page. Have a plot
for the scenes along with the dialogues you have in mind. Start plotting how you are going to fit your
characters in the boxes, and then draw them. Put dialogue bubbles or boxes and write down their lines or

Once you are content with your drawing, put it into ink and erase sketch marks. Add some color if you want
to, and you"re done!
Disney characters are the most popular cartoon characters all over the world. Men, women and children
alike all love them. From movies to other collectibles, these characters have become a staple in society and
would still continue to do so for the future generation.

The best thing about these characters is that they are easy to draw. In fact, even children could draw them.
From the world famous Mouse to the inter-galactic famous Stitch, name it and you can draw it! Although by
watching them on television, you may think that they are complicated to draw, do not be discouraged. If you
really want to learn to draw Disney characters, a little practice and love for your character is all you need!
Who knows, maybe you"ll be one of their animators someday?


You would need a couple of materials before you start. Get a pencil, eraser and a set of coloring materials. It
depends on your preference on whether you would want to use markers, crayons or colored pencils. Pick
out a character and have a picture of him or her ready with you too. It is possible for you to learn all the
characters. However, it is best that you concentrate first with just one, since you are still at the beginning
stage. Once you've found a picture that is not too small and not too big to work with, then you can start

Plan And Map

First, you should plan and map the features of your character. Based on the picture you have, try to locate
the basic shapes of your character's body features. Start by drawing ovals which are relative the basic
shape and size of its body, head, and limbs. It highly depends on what you character would be doing. Based
on this, position the ovals to where you want the body parts of your character to be. It's advised that you
start out with the head.

Starting With The Facial Features

Start placing outlines of the different facial features. Make sure they are in the correct proportion. Generally,
Disney characters have almond- or oval-shaped eyes. Make sure that you get the right shape of the basic
features, since these are the most important. This would include: eyes, nose and mouth. Try not to put too
much detail yet.

Shape The Body

Start drawing the body. Make sure that you use rounded lines. Generally, if your character is female, you
should draw the upper chest and hips larger and rounder compared to the waist. If it's a male, the shoulders
are the most prominent. So, draw them to be the largest.

Add On Limbs And Hands

For the arms and legs, draw them by creating oval shapes. Do this for both upper and lower extremities. For
the knee, draw a circle in between the ovals of the upper and lower leg. Connect all these simple shapes
using rounded lines.

Draw the hands. Create a rounded square that has three ovals on top, with 2 connected ovals at the side to
stand as the thumb. Draw the feet by creating a basic shape for a shoe. You can also be creative and make
him/her barefooted. Connect all the ovals by the use of rounded lines. Smoothen the outline and erase
unnecessary parts.

Color It!

Use your coloring materials and color your drawing. Look at the picture for color reference.
Dogs are very lovable creatures. This is why they have become a favourite by artists to draw. There are
different ways in which you can draw a dog, since there are also different kinds of dogs out there. However,
there are still general factors that you should consider when drawing them. Here are the things you should
know if you want to learn to draw dogs.

Drawing A Cartoonish Dog

If you"ll be teaching children how to draw, one of the best subjects to start with would be a dog. This is
because children love dogs and they are quite familiar with how one would look like. For kids, a cartoon dog
would be just right.

Basic Body Parts

First you should draw four circles. Put one circle on top of another, overlapping each other by about 1/3.
Make the top most circle the smallest and as you go down, make the next circle slightly bigger than the
previous. Align them vertically. However place the second circle from the most top a bit off centered to the
left. The top circle would be your dog's head. The second one, which is off-centered, would be his snout.
The lowest two would be your dog's body.

Add Some Ears

Draw the ears. Pick one spot on the upper right portion of its head and draw a sharp triangular arc going
outwards. From the same point, draw another triangular arc but this time a bit higher than the previous one.
Close them off by a curved line. This is your right dog ear. Do the same on the left side. This time, make
sure that the arc would be going out towards the left.

Add Some Eyes

Give your dog eyes. Draw two small circles within his head and just about above his snout. This would be
his eyes. Add two half circles above and around his eyes. These would serve as his eye brows. If you want
a happy dog, then keep the half circles a bit high and cur curvaceous for a bright disposition. However, if you
want your dog to be sad, replace these arcs with diagonal lines going towards the center. If you want him to
be mad, replace the arcs with just one long zigzagging line across his forehead.

Give Him A Nose

Now draw another small circle that is concentric to second circle, which is the one that would stand out as
your dog's snout. This would be the tip of his nose. Place the nose tip a bit off-centered to the left.

Add The Legs

Draw his legs. This dog is basically in a sitting position. Thus, his front legs would be straight while his hind
legs should be folded. Place these on the lowest circle. The hind legs should be sticking out from both sides
of the body, while the two front legs are both occupying the center portion of the lowest circle. Do not forget
to give him paws too. Put paws on the end of the legs by drawing a fat 'm" like figure and closing it off on its
bottom portion.

Add Some Details And Clean Up

Add the details of his body, such as neck and mouth. For the neck, find the right angle in which you can
create a slightly diagonal line from the snout circle to the upper body or 3rd circle. The mouth should be
under his nose. Lastly, you should clean up by erasing sketch lines which are not really needed for your
dog's body.
Just like with all other features of a human face, it's important that you don't draw preconceived ideas that
you may have regarding eyes. Since eyes are said to be the windows to the soul of a person, it reflects a lot
regarding the personality and emotionality of the subject. Thus, it's very important that you draw it just the
way it is.

There are a lot of things that you can know about the various parts of the human eye. However, here are
some of the basic guidelines that would allow you to learn to draw eyes correctly.

Complexity And Parts

Just like ears, the eyes are complex too in regard to form. Thus, you have to be patient when drawing it.
Take necessary time to finish it and try to make it realistic as you can. Take note of the important portions of
the eye. Here are some of them:

- eyebrows

- eyeball

- eyelids

- eyelashes

- pupil

- iris

- surrounding bone structure

Bone Structure

For the gross structure of the eye, make sure that the eyeball is sitting deep inside of the eye socket. Also,
make sure that the eye socket would have a protruding rim on its top. This is where the eyebrow would be
placed. You could simply trace your finger around the socket to get a good idea of what shape it should be.
It's within the perimeters of this some what rectangular shape where you would be drawing the main eye.


You should give the eyeball a spherical and large appearance. At its front would be an egg shaped
protruding bulge. This is where the lens would be located. Atop the eyeball, you can find the eyelids. It is
stretched over the top potion of the eyeball.

In drawing, the most important part of the eyeball would be the white portion of the eye. In reality, these do
not really have a pure white color. They also have shadows in them. So, remember that the shape you are
aiming for would be a sphere. So, try to make a sphere that has some shading for it to become a realistic


For the eyelids, it was said that it is stretched above the eyeball. Thus, the eyeball curvature would be the
one to give the lids their shape. You should understand and memorize this factor. It is also vital that you
exactly capture the eyelid line shape. Observe that they generally follow the eyeball curvature. Take note
that every time eyelids are retracted, they have a clearly visible crease that should be accurately rendered.

Lastly, see the odd little shape situated on the inside corner of your eye where the lower and upper eyelids
join. Make sure that you draw this shape as how you have had seen it with your subject.


Make sure that eyelashes are sprouting out from the eyelids and not anywhere else from the eye. These
usually grow in clumps. Thus, draw them that way. Spend some time how they grow and the direction they
are going. Take note that there is a difference in size for eyelashes at the bottom lid compared to the upper
lid. The ones on the upper lid are larger. Since they come from a clump, they are also usually entangled.
Being able to draw a face is considered to be an outright talent by many. This kind of talent is also
possessed by a lot of artists. However, the ability to realistically draw a face would be a different subject
matter at hand. If you want to learn to draw faces, doing it the realistic method would be the best way to do

Map And Plan

Although it may seem complex, drawing faces is quite simple. Just as with any kind of art, there are some
basic guidelines that you can follow and use. One of these would be mapping. For you to have a realistic
output, you should be able to map the face correctly. This is imperative, before you even add on finer

You should not just out rightly copy the face of your model as if it were some outline on a kid's coloring book.
Certain preliminary steps are needed if you want your drawing to have form, structure, depth and a
convincing aura.

The Egg

You can start mapping out by using the egg technique. Do this by drawing an oval that has the shape of an
egg. Try to find its center and draw a line downwards to it. Take note of this line. It would be a very important
landmark for you throughout your drawing process. It would serve as your midpoint so that you can measure
nose width, eye separation, eyebrow separation, etc. Since this is a sketch, try do draw lightly with your

After vertically separating the upper half of the egg into two, separate it again so that you would have 3
equal parts. Do this by placing 2 horizontal lines on your egg's body. These three areas would demarcate
important aspects of the face. Try your best to make them evenly proportioned.

The top part of your egg would become the top portion of your subject's hairline. The lowest portion of that
area would also become your subject's eyebrows. Next, the middle portion would be the part of the face
starting from the eyebrows down to the most bottom part of the nose. Lastly, the third area is allotted for the
nose bottom, lips and edge of the chin.

Notes On Measurement

There are also some basic guidelines for measurement and facial feature proportions. For instance, 2 of the
said egg segments turned sideways would give you the sideway measurement starting from one cheek to
another. You should also take into consideration the measurement of the eyes. Make sure that the size of
one eye would be equal to the space in between both eyes. You should also check and see if your drawing's
nose wings are lined up with each eye's corner.

Now, focus on the bottom segment of your egg. If you divide this into half, by the use of a horizontal line, you
would get the line that serves to be the bottom of your subject's bottom lip. If you have drawn the lips
already, take a look at its corners. Make sure they are aligned with each eye's pupil.

As for the ears, they should also be visible even if it's a front view image you are drawing. This is because
they aren't simply sitting flat on your head's side. As a guide, you can simply look for the midline of the
middle segment of your egg.

However, be careful that you do not overdo the size of the ears. They should only stick out approximately as
far as the egg's main center line up to the nose wing.
Fairies are considered to be very whimsical and magical. They are usually depicted to be beautiful, delicate
and mysterious. They also bring an aura with them that makes you feel as if you were in some enchanted
forest. Although they are mythical creatures, a lot of artists love drawing them. If you want to learn to draw
fairies, here are some things that you should consider and try.

Your Fairy Your Rules

Since fairies are mythical creatures, there is no fixed parameters in which you would be limited to in drawing
them. All those beautiful fairy pictures, drawings and paintings you have seen are all products of their
respective artists" imagination. This is why, as an artist that wants to draw fairies, you would have all the
power to do so.

All you need to do is imagine. Create a vision of your own fairy in your mind and this would be your guide. If
you want your fairy to be a boy or girl, it all depends on you. However, for starters it is recommended that
you start out with a female fairy, since this is the common.

The Traditional Fairy Look

Most of the time, fairies are depicted to be women in small sizes that have wings. They are also usually
beautiful. They also glow at times or has a very colourful aura. They have the ability to fly. Their wings are
most of the time depicted to be similar to a dragonfly's, which is transparent and slender. However, in some
other renditions, fairies are seen to have butterfly like colourful wings that matches their colourful clothes. Of
course, there is also the ever present magic wand.

Basic Body Parts

Fairies have two major body parts. One would be the human like body, which is generally similar to a
human's figure. The second would be the wings. In some cases, artists add a little twist with their fairies.
They do this by giving them pointed ears. Some would even make the head shape a little pointed too. It still
depends on you whichever style you want to go for.

So basically, you would just have to draw a woman. Then, make her whimsical by adding a pair of wigs on
her back. For the hair, you could either give her extremely long hair or extremely short hair with a pointed
head. The hair color could also vary depending on your imagination. Almond shaped eyes are common
among fairies too.

Clothing And Accessories For clothing, your fairy can wear something that is close to nature, especially if
the type of fairy that you want to draw is the kind that lives in the forest. Most fairies appear to be wearing a
miniskirt that has asymmetrical edges. Their long slender legs are also prominent with their clothing. For
accessories, you can draw a flower garland around their head of around their waist in a way that it would
look like a belt hanging loosely. You can also add a pouch to their belt, just like the one where Tinkerbell
keeps her fairy dust.

The Environment

For your fairy to appear more magical you should draw her in her environment. Again, this would depend on
you. She can be playing in a pond, beside a flower or sitting at a rock. Whatever the environment is, make it
appear magical and out of this world.
Flowers are another yet favorite subject of artists to draw. This is probably because they are easy to find,
naturally beautiful and easy to position. Although you may think that drawing flowers is simple, this kind of
artistic venture is actually a good training ground for drawing much more complex subjects.

There are different flowers all over the world and you can choose to draw all of them, if you please.
However, you should understand that all of them are unique. Thus, you should approach drawing them
differently. However, there are still some principles in drawing that are applicable for whatever kind it is you
may be drawing. So, here are the basics for you to learn to draw flowers.

Don't Get Too Excited, Learn To Observe!

Upon seeing a flower, your eyes are definitely drawn to its center. Hence, it is really tempting for you to start
drawing coming from the center also. However, what most beginning artists do not understand is that
starting out from the center is very complicated. It is tricky, since you would have to judge the overlapped
forms and small distances in the center. If you do not figure it out right, one thing's for sure. You get a
misshapen bloom.

To avoid this, start from the flower's outside features. This is so that you can look at its overall proportions.
You can also use negative space to aid you in drawing the outer petals.

Be Sensitive With Your Lines

Progressively work in by following the line that you can see for each petal. Remember to go only as far as it
goes. Do not shorten or lengthen just yet. Draw these edges quite firmly, but lightly on portions where the
middle part curves out from you. Also, be prepared in trailing off a line. This means, lifting your pencil and
starting a new line whenever you see an overlapping petal.

Sketch It Out

Pen and pencil drawings of flowers usually work well especially when drawn cleanly and smoothly. However,
they also work pretty well when they are drawn in a much relaxed manner. Try to exaggerate the weight of
the lines you would be using. Do not be afraid to lighten the pressure or make it heavier. You can add loose
or even scribbled marks. This would suggest foliage and overlapping petals.

Draw Something In Between

If you"ll be sketching with line, it's good to try drawing shadows underneath your petals, instead of outlining
each petal precisely. You can place short, stippled marks. These can suggest stamens placed at the
bloom's center. If you"ll be observing different drawings, you"ll see that petal length and sizes vary greatly.
This is very evident especially if the flower has a certain angle to its viewer.

Get A Light Source

You should also have one light source for your drawing. This is important so that you can determine the
shadows and the lighter portions of your picture. This gives your drawing depth and a much realistic look to

Improve With Variety

If you want to improve with your drawing skills, you can do so through variety. Try to vary the position of your
subject or model. Try sketching it at different angles. You should also try different light sources. Doing this
would definitely improve your skill.
Graffiti is commonly thought of as mere public vandalism. However, it is not just that. There is more to it than
what meets the eye. It is an art. In fact in some places in the world, there are walls where you can legally put
graffiti art. It entails great creativity if you want to learn to draw graffiti letters. However, there is no right way
to do it. In this kind of art, you have to develop your own style. Hence, here are some of the basics for you to
do so.

Get To Know The Art

It is important that you familiarize yourself with the different graffiti styles. It doesn't matter where you come
from or live, for sure there is some graffiti nearby. However, if there aren't any, you can try visiting another
city. If you can't go on hunting for the real thing, then you could resort to the Internet. Try browsing for
different pictures of graffiti art work from different places in the world. This could get you exposed with the
different styles.

Write Down A Name

Get a sheet of paper and write down a name. It is best if you use your name to start out with. Most serious
graffiti artists started out by simply writing their names in a unique manner. For starters, it's easiest to have
the letters printed in all capital forms. Use a pencil. Try to draw as light as you can so it would be easy to
erase details you don't like. You should leave enough space between your letters. Remember that you'll be
expanding the letters and this space would be filled in later. Make your writing big enough so that it would be
easy to work with, but not too big that it'd take you forever to finish your work.

Choose A Style

Next, you should choose a style that you'd want to use for your name. One of the most famous styles would
be bubble letters. However, there still a lot of other styles out there. Don't be afraid to explore. You can use
rounded or sharp edges, same sized letters or have some big and others small, etc. It would be easier for
you to emulate a given style. Once you get to learn the basics, it's easier for you to naturally develop your


Once you've chosen a style, outline the letters of your name. Try to approximate it with the style you've
chosen. Use a pencil and make sure you write lightly. If you make mistakes, which for sure you"ll do for a
number of times, use your eraser. Remember to make use original letters as your guide and not your prison.
Also, do not be afraid to change your letters past all recognition.

Line Thickness

One good way to vary your letters is by varying its line thickness. This is good if you want your letters to
have a 3-D effect. Try to make lines thicker and thinner at different points. This also gives a perception of
space and depth.

Add Details

To give your work a personal touch, add more details to your letters. For instance, a lightning bolt for your i's
dot would be good, or a pair of eyes peering out of your B's hole. If you want, you can also put a bubble
around the whole word, just like in comic books. It all depends on your preference and imagination. Try to
explore and don't be afraid to mix colors.
Japanese Animation or Anime is one of the most beloved kinds of cartoons all over the world. These are
basically cartoons that are based on Japanese Manga series, or comics that were brought to life by being
animated. If you want to learn to draw Japanese Animation, here are the things that you should know.

They Are Based On Manga

One thing that you should remember when drawing Japanese Animation is that they are based Manga.
Thus, the style of drawing would be pretty be pretty much the same, only that they are moving for the
animated version. Here are some things that you should take note in drawing this style of cartoons.

Characters Have Wild Hairstyles

If you observe characters in this kind of genre, you"ll see that they usually have wild hairdos. More often,
male characters have long hair. In fact, there are some shows that sometimes men are mistaken to be
women because of their long tresses. Their hair colors are also wild too. You can see pink and green haired
characters. The style of their hair could be very extreme also. Often times, their hair would be sticking up
and out to different directions.

When drawing hair, all you have to do is draw them into clumps that would stand as hair strands. For female
characters, ponytails, headbands, pigtails and loose hairstyles are common. For men that have long hair,
loose let down hair is also in fashion along with ponytails. Bangs are also in for both sexes.

The General Male

Most male characters would be muscular. A lot of them are depicted to be warriors of some sort. A lot of
them are also lean and tall. It is normal for you to see blue or even pink colored hair male characters.
However, this doesn't really mean that they are gay.

The General Female

Most female characters are depicted to have slim bodies and long legs. These features are also emphasized
by the type of clothing that females wear. More often they wear clothing that shows off their long legs,
especially if the setting of the story is in the modern times. The breasts are also prominent. Women also
have sharper chins and snub noses.

Little People?

Do not be surprised if you get to see characters that look like little people. These are called "Chibi's". These
are basically distorted versions of characters. Although proportion is a rule when drawing, Chibis are
intended to have a distorted proportion. This is done to achieve a "cuteness" factor. This type of drawing is
usually applied for child-like characters. They have big heads, small bodies, big eyes and no nose.

Villains For villains, characters are usually drawn to be more realistic. There is more shading to make their
faces look scarier and the lines used are more crooked than smooth and straight. You could usually find
them in the form of mafia's or gangs. Big bosses are also usually not seen. Body parts such as hands, feet
or a mouth smoking a tobacco are the commonly used images whenever the big boss is focused on.

Cute Vs. Macho

For cute Anime's the drawings are often simplistic with huge eyes and a lot of hearts and touches of pink.
However, for macho type of Anime's, the characters have more details and are rendered to be more
Manga is the world famous style of drawing Japanese cartoons. It is also more popularly known as "Anime".
This style of drawing has captivated a lot of Anime fans all over the world and people of all ages. Here are
some of the basics of drawing Manga.

Learn The Culture

If you really want to draw good Manga, it is best that you learn more about Japanese culture. Most Anime's
are based on Japanese tales and historic characters. It is also better if you learn to observe the different
surroundings and places in Japan. This is so that your drawing would really have a Japanese feel to it.

The Hair

Characters" hair is generally based on a variety of hair strand shapes. More often, these shapes have a
grass like appearance to it that is more curved at the lower end. Just like real hair, they do have many
strands. However, you do not draw each individual strands as is, instead, you have to draw it into clumps.

It is important to take note that there is a skull underneath your character's hair. A lot of artists overlook this
factor and usually end up drawing oddly shaped heads. It is better that you draw a hairless head first so that
it would look natural when you add on the hair.

Clothing And Folds

For clothing, the folds are very important details that you should take note of. You should always remember
to take into consideration the direction that the fabric would be pulled. That is where you should create folds.
Also, remember to shade the parts that are not subjected to light, like grooves, places in which there is an
overlap of cloth and areas within folds.

For female characters, the clothing usually cling tighter to the body. For male, they usually hang loosely.
There are also body portions that folds always occur, whether you are drawing a boy or girl character. These
portions usually include the shoulders, lower waist, ankles and knees. There is less creases on the cloth on
the lower and upper leg, since they are usually hanging loosely or are simply pulled down by gravity. They
only have folds when the leg is being lifted up.

The most common pieces to be seen are pants, shirts, skirts, kimonos and capes. Manga art is very fond of
using capes and kimonos, especially if the setting of the story is somewhere long ago in the past. School
uniforms are a favourite too, which usually consist of pants and coats for boys and white blouses and mini
skirts for girls.


The eyes are the most important aspect of your character. This is what makes them different from other
characters. Thus, you have to learn how to draw them correctly. For most cases, female eyes are drawn big.
They are also more complicated than male eyes, since they tend to have a lot of shiny areas.

It is important that you select a light source, so that you would know where to put the white shiny areas on
the eyes. For male eyes, they do have shiny areas but they are less obvious, than that of female characters.
Male eyes are also narrower than female's.

Most of the time, they are shady too in order to give life to the character, especially if they have a very
mysterious personality.
Drawing human figures is considered to be the most difficult for artists to do. This is because there is no
generic way of drawing it. The human figure is unique for each and every one. Hence creating a replica via
pen and paper could be complex. Nevertheless, with some practice, you can still learn to draw people.

Learn Proportion

One of the most common mistakes when drawing people would be the proportion. You should take note of
this when drawing. The ideal proportion would be 7 heads tall for a man figure. Here are some of the other
important proportions to take note of, all of them are 2 heads long:

1. From the kneecap's middle to the foot's bottom

2. The femur's head to the whole kneecap

3. The elbow's size to the extended fingers" tips

4. The collarbone down to the belly button

5. The chest width from each shoulder's end.


Other than mastering the skill of proportioning, you should also learn how to observe. You can have a
perfect drawing if you learn how to closely observe faces and people. Being able to observe and view
correctly could be helpful in your artistic improvement in the long run.

Ask yourself questions such as: Were you able to see the correct outline of your model's eye? What is the
thickness of the outline? How about the eyebrows? Is the chin's positioning at the right place? Did draw the
neckline curvier than it should be? Take a look at your drawing. Is it a real representation of what your model
looks like? Did you miss something? Take a look again.

Precise observation is needed if you really want to draw people. For you to do this, take some caution when

Express Emotions

For your work to be appealing, it should also express emotions just like real people do. Remember to give
extra effort with your figure's eye brows, eyes, and mouth. These are the 3 areas that you"ll be utilizing to
express your character's emotions.

For instance, if you"ll be drawing eyes, remember that the eye surface is moist and that it reflects light. To
achieve this kind of effect, try to add little white dots on the black part of the eyes. Doing this would make
your character more appealing and lively.

Start Out Big

The trick to drawing precise figures is that you should start out big. Try to draw the gross parts of the body
first. In this way, proportion could be secured. After you've drawn the bigger portions of the body, this would
be the good time to add the details. So, eyes and other intricate features are to be added on the later part of
your work.

Be Environmental

You should also take good note of the environment that your character is in. For instance, if your figure
would be beside the window, then you should take note of how light falls upon the body. The lighting would
definitely make a difference, especially on the shadings of your drawing.

You should also be able to establish the environment. Is it an indoor or outdoor scene? If it's indoor, then
add some indoor furniture or accessories. If it's outdoor then place a figure that resembles the outside world,
like trees or lamp posts.
If you do not know who Sailor Moon is, she is the main character of a popular manga series that has the
same name. It was first published in 1991 and was made by Naoko Takeuchi. Ever since it first came out,
this manga got a lot of reissues, got spun off to various storylines, got translated to English and later on
became an anime. If you want to learn to draw Sailor Moon, it's best that you study various pictures of her.
Get to know the different aspects of her personality as you view different illustrations of her.


There are a couple of materials that you'd need before you can start drawing. First, you have to get some
Sailor Moon manga issues. Get one from Anime bookstores or even your local bookstore's children
sections. Get some pencils. Also, it would be better if you have inking pens. Best, if you have different
colors. Lastly, you should have paper.

Get Acquainted: Meet Sailor Moon

If you"re not a fan, the very first thing you should do is become acquainted with Sailor Moon. Go and browse
through different issues of the Mange. Do this so that you can have an idea of what your subject character
looks like even before you get to draw her. If you can't get a hard copy of an issue or book, try searching
the Internet. For sure you can find something online. After browsing, try to pick just one scene that you want
to concentrate on and draw.

Start Drawing

Draw a girl that has a face with a slightly heart-shape. She should also have large and round blue eyes. It is
pretty normal for you to encounter the heart motif throughout the manga. This is because she is described to
be someone who has a very kind heart.

Her eyes should be big and inviting. Closely observe the manga and you"ll see that her eyes have a
reflective manner. You can achieve this effect by putting a lot of white spots in her eyes. However, there are
proper positions for these spots and they also depend on the direction that your character is looking. So, go
back to your picture and observe properly.

Drawing The Hair

Once you've figured out the way you want her eyes to look, you can now add her hair. Sailor Moon's hair is
her trademark. This also applies with the different characters in the manga. Thus, drawing her with a
different haircut or hairstyle would not make her Sailor Moon anymore.

If you will observe carefully, you"ll see that her whole head is heart shaped, including her hair. Sailor Moon
has a very long hair that is always kept in pigtails. So, add some long hair and a big puff of bangs that forms
a heart on your character's forehead. Also, put 2 small puffs, one on the right and one on the left side of her

These look a bit like animal ears. However, they are not. Those two puffs are actually her hair accessories.
The hairstyle she is sporting is called "odango" hairstyle, which is based on the Japanes word for meaning
rice dumplings. Her pigtails should sprout out from the two puffs. Color her hair yellow when if it's already
time to put some color in your drawing.

The Body And Clothes

Sailor Moons" body is quite slender. Her clothes are also another trademark. She wears a uniform, which is
basically a sailor dress that is colored white. The short skirt is also white, but has some blue accents. She
has a big red bow with a heart pendant on the middle of her chest. Her legs are slender and long with red
The human figure is considered to be one of the most difficult subjects to draw. One of the most commonly
encountered problem of aspiring artists would be drawing it in proportion. So, if you want to learn to draw the
human figure in the right proportion, here are some basic steps in doing so.


What you"ll need would be paper, pencil, a good eraser, ruler, and one good dose of imagination! Once you
have all these, you are ready to start drawing.

Start With The Head

One of the easiest portion to start with would be the head. Draw the head. Create an oval for the head. This
is because most heads are said to be oval in shape. Place this oval at the top portion of your paper. Try not
to put too much pressure with your pencil stroke just yet. Draw lightly, and consider this to be a sketch.

Get The Body Size

Use your ruler to determine the body size. Get the measurement of the rest of your subject's body. The ideal
measurement can be taken from the principle that the human head's size is approximately 1/7 of the total
body height. So, measure the height of the oval that you just drew. Compute for the height of six more oval
heads, and you would get the height of your body. It is best that you put marks on your paper so that it
would be easy for you to see the measurement marks.

Start Having Some Figure

Once you've determined the height, you can now start giving your drawing some figure. Start by drawing the
hips. Generally, you can find the widest portion of the hips located halfway down of the body. Draw a basic
trapezoid shape. Put the widest or the base line of your trapezoid approximately at the position where the
hips and waist should be, according to your measurements. The normal space starting from the hips up to
the waist would be approximately 2/3 of the head's length.

Add The Lower Extremities And The Upper Extremities

Add more form by drawing the knees and feet. Your figure's knees should be halfway in between the feet
and hips. Obviously, the feet would be the bottom part of the body. Create 2 small circles for the knees,
place 2 small ellipses for the feet.

Now draw the upper extremities of the body by adding the shoulders, arms, elbows, and hands. Generally,
the elbows should fall at waist level. The shoulders should be just right below the bottom of the head on both
sides. Just like with knees, you can draw small circles for the elbows. To put the shoulders, draw two more
heads lightly. Place 1 on each side of the head. You can draw circles to for the shoulders below each
imaginary head. For the hands, they usually fall halfway down your figure's thighs. Create small ellipsis for
the hands.

Get Connected!

Now, it's time for you to connect the different body parts that you drew. Use ellipses so that you can connect
the body part. As soon as this is done, you could start adding some shading and details. Add some clothing
and some other essentials. Do not forget to get a light source so that you'd know where the shadows should
be placed.
Tinkebell is considered to be the most famous fairy in modern times, all thanks to Disney's Peter Pan movie.
Because of this, a lot of people have started to have a soft spot for this small yet endearing fairy of all time.
A lot of children also have developed a certain liking for her, wanting to become fairies just like Tink. If for
some reason you need to learn to draw Tinkerbell, here are the steps in doing so.

Get Tink's Picture

To start drawing, you should have a couple of her pictures. Go and refer to your favorite Tinkerbell images
from children's books. You can also find some pictures of her on the Internet. Do this so that you can have a
very good visual idea of how you would want your Tinkerbell version to look like.

Do not feel restricted by your references. Have the liberty to exercise your creative freedom. Go on and think
of your Tink version instead of copying an existing one. A lot of versions have been created as time passed
by in both plays and books. Thus, there is really no reason why you couldn't make your own and give her a
new look. Be Ready With Your Materials

Get a piece of paper, notebook, sketch pad or whatever paper that you want to place your drawing in. Be
ready with coloring materials such as crayons, colored pencils or markers so that you can add some color
after you have finished your drawing. Take note of the traditional drawings of Tinkerbell. These include
colors such as green, silver, pink and yellow. Sometimes, there are also other colors that are similar with her
skin tone. However, you can still opt to modify these if you want to. Get Your Pencil And Draw

Start off by drawing Tink, using a pencil. Do not add color jus yet. Coloring should be done when you have
finalized your drawing. Draw lightly at first, so that you can easily erase if ever you have some mistakes.
Make the best out of your pencil by using it for shading various portions of your drawing so that you can
achieve more visual depth. Take a look at your images and try to see the basic shapes that Tink has.
Sketch these basic shapes that comprise her face, body, head, wings, legs and feet. Try imagining each
portion to be a distinct circle, line or curve. Do this so that it would be easier to break her down and draw her
piece per piece. It's recommended that you start out with her head. This is because it would be your
drawing's focal point.

Think of the activity that she would be doing on your drawing. Would she be flying around? Is she standing
still? Are her arms on her side or are they up since she would be sprinkling her fairy dust? Consider these
things before you set out on drawing the details of her body.

Once you are happy with the way she looks like, get your coloring materials and color her. Use a crayon or
marker for darkening the lines and outlining her. Also, clean up your drawing by erasing all the extra lines
that you've drawn during your sketching period.

If a line does not really add anything to your image, erase it. Last but not the least, color her with your
chosen media.
If you ever sat down to eat in a Chinese restaurant, there's a good chance you have had the opportunity to
hear Chinese spoken fluently. The menu most likely contained beautiful Chinese characters depicting food
offerings. This beautiful language lends its self to roots that began over 4000 years ago from the Sino-
Tibetan vernacular form. Today, the most common style of Chinese used is the Mandarin Chinese language.

There are many methods available to learn to read Chinese. The written characters have been narrowed
down to about 30 strokes for over 40,000 characters used. Chinese grammar is different and easier than
English, as there is no noun inflections and verbs are basic in structure. If you are going to tackle the art of
reading Chinese, begin with memorization and consistency in character identification of each character, and
there are a lot. It can become overwhelming to the untrained eyes, but understanding of these characters is
foremost before learning to read Chinese. The use of a Chinese dictionary can be your best friend, as you
start to identify the relationship and categories of each character. It cannot be stressed enough to
consistently use word association, memorization and dictionary definitions to develop skill in reading
Chinese. The idea being able to put together characters you see on paper and pull up the information stored
from the learning process so you can recognize what you are reading.

This is how you develop an initial beginning vocabulary in Chinese. The English language uses spaces to
separate words that form sentences. However, the grammar used in the Chinese language does not. It is
equally important to incorporate Chinese grammar into your dissection of the language if you embark on the
skill of learning to read Chinese. Do not become discouraged, breakthrough's in reading the language come
after awhile from continual application. You can develop a fair enough reading level by studying and
practicing the characters. It is also recommended to practice the writing of Chinese characters so the
reading is more understandable. The Chinese language is written in parallel and vertically so formable
sentence breaks occur naturally. Your brain will start to recognize patterns formed by the characters. Also
an interesting task to master while studying the language, is the radical components and phonetics of each
character. This is skill mastered in speaking, but as necessary in reading and writing as well if you really
wish to thoroughly comprehend content in reading of the language.

Learning to read Chinese may be your goal this year. And with the Chinese language gaining momentum to
be mastered other than English, and second to Spanish, there is more demand for those who have some
command of this old world language. If not for personal, then for business, the Chinese language is finding
it's way rapidly into the daily lives of many. As for the demand, there is also mass supply of resources
available to the wishful learner to accommodate their studying needs. Be brave on your quest, know
success with reading the Chinese language inevitable.
So, you want to learn to speak Chinese? And it's no wonder why...with today's world aggressively tapping
into each other, we are culturally merging rapidly. The Chinese language has become increasingly popular,
almost tripling the demand to learn the Chinese language in the past decade. High thanks to modern
technology such as computers, cell phones, even MP3 players, language accommodation in these
instruments is becoming the norm. Gone are the days of primary English communications on these devices,
now you can speak and write the Chinese characters, as well as many other languages. In order to keep up
with the technology advances, it is become crucial to pick up a second language in business as well. If you
learn to speak Chinese, and you can demonstrate ability for the language, you are more than one step
above others in career paths such a business, marketing, engineering and technology.

Our world is hungry for multi diverse individuals who can communicate effectively with other cultures. And
why wouldn't you want to learn to speak Chinese? It's eloquent nature lends to the desire of understanding.
The characters have become an art form themselves, basked across walls declaring deep meaning. It
would be nice to be able to know what these refined instruments of communication were inspiring us to.
There is a peace and balance somewhere within the Chinese culture and in their language. From their ways
of life to ours is a bridge and by learning to speak Chinese we have began to cross it. With the call to learn
to speak Chinese, countless sources have emerged for doing just that. Traditional methods of learning
include classes, and private instructors. But today, it is easy to study the Chinese language online. Available
resources include everything from history of the language to audio lessons.

It is beneficial to parallel your lessons with some form of audio for correct phonetic, tone, and enunciation
properties of the Chinese language. The Chinese characters will be the hardest to master, but more than
likely, fun to become skilled at. Learning to speak Chinese will also be entertaining as you familiarize your
tongue with all the different tones of usage involved. Once the pronunciation is accomplished, you will be
well on your way into commanding a second language. Being bilingual in today's world is fast becoming a
constant as we live in chorus with each other. Schools are reinforcing their teaching platforms of foreign
languages more than ever, they see the future up ahead for these children. In their adult world, and in
generations to follow, being bilingual may become mandatory, as well as multi lingual.

Learn to speak Chinese as an advantage to a career is optimal, or if traveling abroad, it will be useful.
Consider all the uses of speaking Chinese, and know, that modern technology has already planned for this.
Next time you pick up your cell phone, out of sheer curiosity, check your phone's capabilities...odds are it
has the ability to operate in another language, perhaps Chinese?
When treating or dealing with anger issues, there are many suggestions for anger management strategies.
Each of them is intended to help people who are hot-tempered and frequently have fits of rage. Anger,
although a healthy and normal response to upsetting situations, it can be intense to the point of violence.
When a person experiences regular episodes of angry or reckless behavior, there's a problem, one that
needs to be dealt with. Anger management strategies are designed to help an individual return to a healthy,
normal existence.

Taking a time-out is considered a healthy management strategy. Removing oneself from a situation or
person that makes a person angry is practicing time-out. This anger management strategy might simply
require a ride in the car or a walk on the beach. Playing sports or working out will help an individual to use
up some of the extra energy without involving others. Some other suggestions for time-out are reading,
listening to music or sitting alone in silence. Each of these activities are healthy anger management

A second example of a healthy anger management strategy is, owning up to the anger. Although the anger
is usually brought on by an irritating situation or a confrontation with another individual, the anger actually
belongs to the troubled person. Only the person who's experiencing the anger issues can control their
outbursts. Only the person with the anger issues can learn anger management strategies and how to deal
with their feelings in a healthy way. When an individual becomes mad or upset they need to try to disclose
the reasons for their anger whether it is hurt, fear, frustration sadness, confusion , jealousy or whatever
seems to bring unleash the rage.

Another healthy anger management strategy is to look back on those situations that upset an individual and
try to find ways to make changes. Learning the cause of the anger may help the individual to avoid those
situations. Not only might the person learn to avoid these incidents but they might also choose to take what
they've learned and attempt to deal with the situation without bursting into a frenzy.

A fourth suggestion regarding healthy management strategies is to confront the situation or person. Talk to
the person or people involved, calmly of course, to try to determine the root of the problem. The angry
individual might actually discover that the whole thing was a mix-up, a misunderstanding. The individual
might also try asking the person or people in the situation to think about their behavior and perhaps even
change it. It may be surprising what people would be willing to do to help the person who is attempting to
deal with their problems with anger. Hopefully everything will work out for the best. If not there has to be
room for acceptance. Sometimes a person must simply accept the situations and people they cannot
change and either deal with it or walk away.

Learning healthy anger management strategies should be considered by those with anger problems. There
are many books published regarding anger and anger management. There is also a wealth of information
available on the Internet for those who are attempting to deal with their anger by learning healthy anger
management strategies.
With the New Age, you will find that there came things like Akashic records. These are not just bits of
information, but it is the book of life and it can tell you where you have been and where you are headed.
Karma does end playing a big role in the Akashic records, but you"ll want to keep in mind that when you
access all this information you"ll be able to learn about yourself.

As for what it is, you"ll notice that it is a system that not only states the future, but it will state your past and
even your present. It is very important that you look at the beginning of time so that you can judge where it is
that your future will lead you. You"ll find that this is simply a way for you to file all your memories, thoughts,
feelings, and actions. It does record all your events and all your experiences.

You"ll find that this knowledge is almost like admitting to your cosmic consciousness. You"ll find that this is
not really a book, but it does seem to be a lot of information. Basically, you are able to take all of your
energy and turn it into something meaningful.

You"ll find that the energy can come in forms of symbols and images, but it can also become the meaning
behind the meaning. You"ll be able to get a better grasp on your soul when you look at yourself from the

The akashic records will help sort out all your problems and it will also provide you useful information that
will help you to understand who you are and who you are becoming.
When trying to learn Spanish, it is good to first get the basics down. Some of the first things people start with
when learning Spanish are the days of the week and the bathroom. However, there are many other basics
parts of Spanish that a person trying to learn Spanish needs to know. The basic things you must begin with
in order to learn Spanish are as follows:

First you must learn how to ask, where the bathroom is.

This is an important question, because if you ever travel to a Spanish speaking country, you may be
surrounded by people who do not know how to speak your language. You may find it difficult to point and
make gestures that demonstrate that you are looking for the bathroom. Therefore, if you do not know how to
ask for what you want, you may find yourself in a flurry of ridiculous motions that do not get you anywhere.
On the other hand, if you simply get down the word "lavabo" then, you will be on your way to getting rid your
natural urge quickly and easily.

Next you must learn to ask how to catch a cab or bus.

As you learn Spanish, you may want to begin traveling to different Spanish-speaking parts of the world, and
maybe even parts of your neighborhood. When doing so you should be careful because even in certain
parts of your neighborhood or city, you may run into large groups of people who only speak Spanish.
Therefore, it is essential that as you learn Spanish, you learn to ask where a cab or bus is. If you learn these
questions, you certainly will not find yourself stranded in the middle of a neighborhood that you are not
familiar with.

Next, you must learn the days of the week.

The days of the week are important to learn in any language, and as you learn Spanish, learning the days of
the week will become a great asset to you. Finally, if your teacher asks you what day your next class is, you
will be able to answer marvelously in Spanish.

Then, you must learn small verbs.

Why learn Spanish if you can't even build a sentence? Learning small verbs will make Spanish much easier
for you in the beginning. The small verbs you should learn are "is" "are" 'the," and 'they." Learning these
words will help you to put together a sentence like "Where is the bathroom?" or "Where is the bus?"

Lastly, you must learn "yes" and "no."

Sometimes, when people learn Spanish, they are not taught how to say "yes" and "no" for a long time
because the Spanish-speaking teacher wants them to learn how to answer his or her questions with
complete Spanish sentences. However, it is good to pick up these words as soon as your teacher begins to
mention them because they will be the key to getting what you want and getting rid of what you don't.

Affirmations That Attract Prosperity (508 words)

Do you have a hard time focusing on prosperity? Do you find yourself struggling with negative thought
habits that only seem to attract more lack and difficulty into your life? Affirmations are one simple tool you
can use to turn it around.

Affirmations work by delivering new messages to your subconscious mind. Most often, this involves
replacing old, limiting messages with new, empowering messages.

However, the way you word your affirmations will usually determine how effective they are.

If I asked you to recite this affirmation: "I am a millionaire," how effective do you think it would be? Would
you turn into an overnight millionaire? Would money start falling out of the sky to land in your lap? Probably
not. Why? Simply because you know the statement isn't true. If you try to feed your subconscious mind a
belief that you are a millionaire, it creates a conflict with your current set of beliefs. Your subconscious mind
does not like conflict, and it doesn't like change – so nothing in your life changes either!

In order for affirmations to work, you MUST word them in a way that your subconscious mind won't resist. In
other words, make them believable.

Compare the above affirmation to one like this: "I am becoming more prosperous every day."

That one feels better, doesn't it? Your mind doesn't try to resist it because you can actually imagine it
happening (even if it hasn't begun to happen yet).

Another power-boost for affirmations is to word them in a way that places more responsibility on you. For
example, instead of affirming, "I am becoming more prosperous every day," you could say, "I am open to the
best opportunities to make money quickly and easily." The wording of such an affirmation makes you feel
more in control of your circumstances. Rather than waiting anxiously for money to fall out of the sky, you
send a message to your subconscious mind that you can control how much money you have by being alert
to great opportunities.

Affirmations can vary in the length of time required to firmly 'take root" in your mind. For the most part, it
depends on the intensity of your opposing beliefs and the level of effort you put forth in turning those beliefs
around. If your focus on lack is very strong, you"ll probably have to expend a fair amount of energy and
effort to train your mind to focus on prosperity.

However, it is time and effort well spent because the more you focus on positive thoughts and prosperous
beliefs, the more you"ll find yourself attracting good things into your life.

Here are a few good affirmations to help get you started on the road to prosperity:

• I use my thoughts and emotions to attract abundance effortlessly. • I am becoming more prosperous and
successful every day. • I know I have what it takes to be as successful as I want to be. • I am talented and
resourceful. • I create a better life one positive thought at a time.
Inquisitive souls often find new tools that help them improve their personal life. The old saying, "Curiosity
can kill the cat," is something you want to re-evaluate. Sure, if you become curious of something that would
obviously cause you harm, then the cat just might die. Curiosity is a gift. We can use this gift to our
advantage if we choose, or we can make serious judgments that cause problems.

As you learn to use your inquisitive tools to your best interest, you will start to focus your attention on the
good things in life. Most people walk around looking only at the shallow light of our creation, products and so
on. instead of using a shallow mind, open your mind up to new horizons. An open mind however is not doing
what is bad, rather opening your mind up to doing what is right. Too many times, I hear people say they
have open minds, but often the minds are open to sexual deviations and nothing more or less. This is not a
way to improve your life. Rather, you need to clean your mind of unhealthy actions, behaviors, images, etc,
and start developing positive reflections.

Once you start to focus your attention you can move to change. You have to be willing to make changes to
make it happen. Most people fear the unknown. To improve your life however you must not allow the
unknown to scare you. The unknown just might be something that works in your favor. In fact, if you want to
improve your life, you will start to welcome the unknown to your palace. +In our minds, we visualize who we
think we may be. Most of us fear discovering something new about self. Do not fear what you may discover.
You may discover a wonderful person waiting to get out and make the changes that most people fear.
Changes are good. do not fear change, since change is a part of life and it is what takes you to new heights
in life. When you see something new about you (GOOD OR BAD) take it and use it. If you see something
bad, evaluate it carefully to make sure it is bad. If you conclude that this feature about you is bad, figure out
ways to change it. You have the power and control inside you to make those changes. What can you do to
make those changes. What actions can you take to make your life better?

Once you discover new details about you move to organize your thoughts, visions, etc, and then sort them
out. Take time to evaluate the details. Details have hidden messages you may have overlooked that will
carry you to a new life. Do not fear. Fear is the worst problem we face in the world, since fear is one of the
ultimate controllers of humankind.

When you discover details take the volume of information you gain and sort through it. Kick out the bad and
bring in the new. Discover new ideas. Discover new relationships. Discover the new you. Play with the
details and information you gain and see what you come up with, followed by organizing your new
information. Put the pieces of your life together to make a new you. When you check the list of information
and details, make sure you visualize the whole pie. Take a view at weight, categories, order, colors, and size
and so forth, so that you get the most of your new findings. Once you are finish, build your confidence so
that you can take action and carry forward without cease.
Many people go through great lengths in learning to play the piano but for some reasons, they are unable to.
Well if you like to learn how to play this musical instrument, you can do it in five steps. The piano evokes a
lot of feelings when played; you can show anger, romance, anxiety, sadness, and other feelings. Of all the
musical instruments of today's times, the piano is by far the most romantic.

Some people encounter certain problems in learning to play the piano. If you"re one of them, just read the
contents of this article and you will learn in no time at all. Here are the five steps in learning to play the

Step 1

Make sure that you have access to a synthesizer or piano. It's not easy to learn how to play piano. Without
the instrument, things will really be hard. A book or piano music is not enough to learn everything you have
to know about piano playing. So the first step is to get a piano; you can borrow one or you can purchase a
new piano.

Step 2

You have to undergo piano lessons. Lessons are available in different forms. If you want to learn fast, you
can combine the different forms of piano lessons. If ever you combine the piano lessons, you have to
schedule them so that the lessons will not be mixed up. You can enroll in a piano lesson. You can also use a
CD or DVD or even piano lesson books. There are also those who prefer to undergo online lessons. This
way, you will learn quickly.

Step 3

Don't hesitate to ask advice from experts. They are the ones who can recommend the best areas that you
can concentrate on. The different forms of piano lessons have different approaches but you will learn a great
deal about piano playing. You have to follow every lesson seriously.

Step 4

Practice playing the piano frequently. If you want to learn how to play piano, you have to prioritize your piano
lessons. You don't have to practice all day long. Simply spend ten to fifteen minutes everyday for the
practice sessions. By doing so, you can improve your playing skills. Don't forget to have warm ups first. You
can do this at least four to five times every week.

Step 5

Don't play advanced pieces as a beginner. You have to start from the simplest to the advanced lessons. You
should finish each lesson before you proceed to other lessons. You have to be patient because if not, you
will not learn anything. Once you've mastered a certain piece, you are now ready to take another piece of
piano music. Don't forget the pieces of you've learned in the past. You still have to play them every now and
then to retain everything you've learned.

Those are the five steps to learning to play the piano. It's not that difficult, right? You simply have to follow
the steps and in no time at all, you will be playing your favorite piano pieces with grace and finesse.

Don't waste time believing in other tips in learning to play the piano but doesn't work effectively. Follow these
five steps and you can learn to play piano one hundred percent. Soon, you can show other people that you
can play well.
Beaten up with the conventional way of learning how to play an acoustic guitar without even perfecting a
single tune? Are blisters forming on the tips of your fingers and yet nothing's making sense? Maybe you
have to double check your resources or better yet, yourself. There must be something terribly wrong with the
way you handle your guitar.

Here are some of the numerous ways to learn play an instrument as lovely as an acoustic guitar. All you
need is a piece of pick, your own or borrowed guitar, and a lot of patience. Well, a couple of manuals will do
and if you"re not satisfied with that, an internet access.

First, you have to make sure that your guitar is properly tuned. Nobody would dare listen to a complete
mess. If you don't know how, find someone who knows.

Then choose from the wide variety of resources. You could search for a private teacher, go online, or settle
on being alone with your references like books and manuals. Examples of private tutors are those whom you
know, friends, neighbors, your relatives or someone who is paid. An online opportunity is endless. Some sell
you copies of their video recorded lectures others are on the spot. Still, your choice. After which, find the
right spot to play in. It has to be comfortable. Your guitar must be supported, if not by your thighs. Hold it
steady maintaining your right hand on the strings just above the sound hole and the left hand on the
fretboard. Now, a lot of suggestions were implied by numerous guitarists who had your position once
before, a beginner. They suggested that, above everything else, you have to use those two organs hanging
on the side of your head just below your temporal lobe, your ears. Right. Of course you have to use other
important senses, like your eyes. That would be a very positive view. But what about those who are blind?
Haven't it occurred to you that at some way they have mastered the art of playing a guitar without even
seeing what it looks like. They just follow their instincts and feel the chords. Yes, they listen. Listening. One
of the most effective ways of learning. Remember you"re handling an acoustic guitar. It doesn't require any
of those crappy contraptions just to make music work. You need more than an amplifier to change your
voltage of music current. All you need to do is effectively listen to the melody and determine whether you"re
getting the tunes right. In the event that practicing goes wrong and absolutely mystified, you could always
go back to the drawing board. Memorize the chords. The emphasis on your memorization must be on the
basic. The C,A,G,E,D chords are considered as the building blocks to your bountiful success in guitar
playing. Not only are these chords easier to achieve but they are included in most of the songs played
nowadays. Surprisingly, including R & B. Keep on practicing with these basic chords. Try it without looking.
That would be able to help you figure out if you"re strumming the wrong way. Feel your strings tremble and
stop. You have to take control of your music. These various ways of playing isn't the exact key to learn but
only a guide.
+Sure you can be the life of the party or someone who is really adored by music lovers or, the list goes on.
You can play really good music through the strumming of your guitar. And people would scream out
"Encore!" That would be really nice isn't it? Do you like the idea? Well, read very carefully as this article
states some of the most exciting and fulfilling advantages when you have learned to master the techniques
and chords in the phase of guitar music. Advantage #1

Playing a guitar enhances your brain to work and to initiate such signals that commands your hands on
mentally memorizing where to put your finger on a particular fret, pressing on the right chord and engaging
in the proper manner of strumming. Advantage #2

The pleasure of gratification is satisfied. Thus, your self-esteem is working its way through your personality.
A book once said, a psychological book to be exact, that men has to satisfy basic needs to be able to
advance to his self to the highest level which is the self-actualization. Something like that. Advantage #3

Let's face the fact that a guitar is one of the most convenient instruments there is. You can't bring your
drums wherever you go. It would be exhausting on your part to carry a drum set around your campus and
constantly beat it. It can cause so much distraction. Whereas if you have been a full pledged guitarist your
whole life, you could play music where you can. Advantage #4

Being able to drag your guitar around town, might as well earn something from it. A talent like that would not
go on unnoticed. Playing along the streets of downtown is not really the idea but if you consider it, then yes,
you could try. You could ask some of your friends to back you up. Advantage #5

You, yourself, is a unique individual. Out of ten people only one becomes a pure musician. And by some
luck, that person is a guitarist. Or can be someone with pure musical talent who can play not only the guitar
but similar instruments or some percussion ones. Some say it is taught but real talent comes from deep
inside. It is that spirit within you that makes you distinct. Advantage #6 Nobody can call you a loser with no
specific talent. Yes, you could flunk all of your exams and miss every graded recitation during class hours
but when school or house parties come, you are the star. Even an A+ won't top the popularity you can get
from being an artist. Advantage #7

You are the "it" guy. Everyone can hate you or mess you up. But the moment you have learned to become a
master in your own craft, everyone will recognize how good you are. Even those who never or didn't know
you will find an effort to. People will love you for the talent that you are.

More advantages are viewed just by playing the guitar. Playing is one thing but mastering is another. So if
you are still struggling to play such tunes, don't give up that dream. Even though it's just a hobby or past
time, who knows, with such skill, it could take you to new heights. Something brighter. Something more
intense. Something close to Hollywood.
Some people prefer to learn new things by themselves. Most of these individuals are more comfortable
working alone and resent learning with other people. This is also true with guitar playing. Those that don't
want any audience as they practice would rather learn to play the guitar alone and through the use of
instruction books. You too can learn to play guitar with amp through instruction books.

In order to do this, you must have the right attitude. If you"re comfortable with this kind of setting and you
don't need frequent motivation or guidance, instruction books just might work for you. Besides, this is the
most inexpensive option when it comes to learning how to play guitars.

Is there a difference if you"re using a guitar with amps? Guitars plugged in PA systems give you acceptable
sound but with an amp, the sound is much better. You see, amps are available in different prices depending
on the size. If you shop around, you can actually find guitar amps for $200 or even less. The biggest amps
can reach thousand of dollars. Amps are available in hybrid, tube, analog or solid state, and digital. When
looking for guitar amps, you need to consider the guitar that you have.

Aside from that, you also need to consider the type of music that you like. Will you be using the amps for
personal practice or during shows? With these things in mind, you can buy an amp that your pockets can
afford and some excellent tools too that you can use to model the kind of amp you love.

Learning to play guitar especially for beginners usually does not involve playing the guitar or using the amps
on the first lessons. You need to focus more in learning the chords, notes, and guitar strumming. You also
need to exercise your fingers frequently. You must be able to get a good instruction book that is designed for
beginners. But if you already know the basics of guitar playing, you can get a more advanced book
especially one that incorporates using guitars with amps.

With or without the amps, what matters is how you play the guitar. The amps only help in improving the
sound output. It is therefore very important to learn playing the guitar first before you even think of buying
guitar amps.

Take a stroll in your locality and check out the different music stores. You"re sure to find good quality
instruction books that can help you in the learning process. Try to look into different instruction books and
don't focus on only one book. It would also be good to tell the store keeper about the guitar type that you"re
using. This way, he or she can help in picking the appropriate instruction book for you.

The best way to shop for instruction books is on the internet. You can check out various instruction books
that are preferred by most guitar players. Most of the instruction books available online have comments from
customers and so you can check if customers have positive comments about it.
+There are only 3 essential elements on how to learn to strum your way through guitar lessons.| | First,
purchase your own guitar. Borrowing can bring so much fuss considering the fact that you might destroy or
ruin somebody else's guitar. If the price isn't reaching the money at hand, go for something cheaper. Better
yet buy a surplus. You could save a lot from buying a second hand guitar. Aside from its low price, it also
reduces the anxiety of being used up in a couple of days. Hours of practice can bring about so much
exhaustion on the part of the guitar.| | Another element would fall under choosing the right guitar to play with.
This would be influenced by your own judgment. How do you see yourself playing? Are you the sensitive or
the hard core type of personality? Although a lot of guitarists started their career by playing the acoustic.
Aside from its wide-range availability, an acoustic guitar is more trigger friendly than that of the electric.
Why? Because you can play it anytime, anywhere you want to.| | Last. Have someone listen to you. Sure
you can learn on your own and there are a variety of resources to help you start playing but having someone
stand by you and comment on how good or sloppy you are is a must. Improves your ability to work on those
mistakes. Make it a point that he knows how to play so that when you fingers go out of its proper strings, that
person can correct you. Furthermore, he can teach you techniques that books and online tutorials can't
provide.| | After you have all these elements packed together, you can now sit down and engage on
strumming. How would you get it started and master without anybody's assistance? Easy.| | 1. You have
picked the right guitar. Upon handling your guitar, you must see to it that it is placed on a comfortable
position. Basically, the sitting position would do. Rest the base of the guitar on your right thigh, your left
fingers must support the other end of the strings and are responsible for tuning and for changing of notes.
While the right hand fingers are used for strumming and plucking. This creates proper body mechanics.
Remember to maintain good posture to avoid muscle straining.| | 2. Reach each step on your reference
carefully. Follow its course. Memorize the ABCs. Each chord and note has its own fingering. Try to play
slowly and focus on the easier basic patterns. Once you have mastered the basics, you can progress to the
harder ones which contain frets and power chords. | | 3. Have a couple of songs to play with. For beginners,
pick a song that only repeats four or five easy chord sequences. A typical example is Lifehouse's "You and
Me". It's just a repetition of four chords namely G, C, E-minor, and D. | | 4. Sing while you"re playing. This
helps a lot by setting the mood for inspiration and staying attuned with the proper melody. Singing along can
also help you determine if you"re strumming the right chords or if you"re out of tune.| | 5. Be patient! Never
give up on yourself. You have to be determined even though you"re on the verge of giving up. If you develop
blisters, it's a sign of good, dedicated practicing.| | Be the master of these steps. Handling a guitar is not
hard if you have the proper and positive attitude.|
There are different types of guitars. You will often notice this when bands are playing. Have you ever tried
playing a bass guitar? If you don't know how to play one, then you can start to learn bass guitar playing.

Did you know that bass guitar playing is very easy? It is among the simplest musical instruments that even
children can learn to play in a short time. Beginners are advised to learn the different notes one by one. This
way, you will avoid being confused and some possible problems.

If this is your first time to play a bass guitar and you haven't played any other instrument, make sure that you
use the fretted guitar. This will make it easier for you to learn the notes and how to play them.

On the onset of your learning to play a bass guitar, you will not need the instrument. You will first have to
concentrate on finger exercises. It doesn't really matter which hand you use. Bass guitar can be played both
by right handed and left handed individuals. Try to relax your fingers. Later on, lift your left or right hand
making a ninety degrees angle with the floor. Lift your fingers one by one and make sure that you this in
rapid succession.

After conducting the finger exercises, you can now use the bass guitar. Place the guitar on your thigh with
the strings opposite your body. Most bass guitars have a sloped body but if yours is different, you can use
your forearm to adjust the guitar's position.

The neck of the guitar should be supported by your left or right hand. Place your thumb on the E string. This
string is located midway of all the strings on the guitar. Your index and middle finger should be on string D.
This is found two strings down the E. try to pluck each string in succession. Don't expect to get this lesson
right away. It may take awhile before you can master it. If you"re patient, you learn this much faster.

How are you going to learn these things? You can have several options. You can buy a DVD program that
focuses mainly on bass guitar playing. Aside from that, you can also sign up for guitar lessons but this is a
bit expensive. If you want to learn playing bass guitar inexpensively or even for free, start surfing the net and
find some information regarding bass guitar playing.

If you"re really into bass guitars, it would be best learn at an early age. So if you have kids who are
interested in bass guitars, give them lessons right away. However, it's never too old to learn. If you want to
give it a shot, you may do so. Just make sure that you are motivated enough, confident, and patient. You
should also devote enough time to it so that you can master the lessons.

Playing guitar together with other people is a very fun activity. It can help you relax and you can meet a lot of
people. If you know how to play a bass guitar, you can perform songs and make it more interesting
especially when played with other guitarists, just like that of the bands. Learn bass guitar now; start with the
basics and then try to learn the advanced notes as well.
It is not really difficult to learn to play the piano. Almost every individual loves music. Some like rock music,
pop, jazz, alternative, rhythm and blues, and many others. Whatever style of music you love, you can play it
on the piano. For you to learn to play different song styles on the piano, the very first thing that you have to
learn are blues piano.

What exactly is blues piano? It is a music style and once you learn to play it on the piano you will have fewer
troubles in learning to play other music styles. Keep on reading and by the end of this article, you will know a
great deal about blues music and playing it on the piano.

To start with, you must know 12-bar blues. This is a very common progression if you want to do blues piano
playing. To play this particular blues form, most pianists make use of seventh chords. A song is uslly broken
into 3 sets. Each of the set consists of 4 bars. Start by playing the song on the C key. Use "I" to illustrate the
tone (C) in the C key. The IV tone is F and the V tone is G.

The initial set is played as I-I-I-I. The next set is played as IV-IV-I-I. The final set is V-IV-I-I. Use your right
hand when playing these three sets on the piano. To come up with a sound that's just like blues piano, try to
master playing 7th chords.

For your left hand, follow the 8-note pattern. The pattern is like this: I-III-V-VI-VIIb-VI-V-III. When playing the
C chord with the use of your right hand, the notes played will be C-E-G-A-Bb-A-G-E. While for the chord F,
you will be playing F-A-C-D-Eb-D-C-A. For the chord G, you will be playing G-B-D-E-F-E-D-B.

Try to examine the chords and notes played both by the left and right hand. If you already know the different
piano chords and notes, learning blues piano can be very easy. Before anything else, you will have to
master 12-bar blues in the key C. Once you've mastered it, you can try playing it using other keys.

If you want to establish a good foundation in playing the piano, you must learn to play the blues first. Many
successful pianists started out by playing blues and then they slowly made their way into playing the music
style that they love. Once you develop a strong foundation, the new lessons will be so much easier.
Learning the different music styles is challenging but if you can play them with elegance and grace, your
audience will love and praise your performance.

Find a good teacher that can teach you all the things you need to know about blues piano. If you can't find a
piano teacher, you can use other methods like using DVD or CD programs, online piano lessons, and a
piano guide book. The learning process will be solely determined by you. If you"re serious with playing
piano and if you"re determined to master your lessons, you will son learn to play blues piano.

You see, it takes some time before you can play really good. It might even take years of learning and
constant practice. By exerting enough effort, time, and money, you can be a very good pianist.
+To learn reading the chords of a guitar, one must have the basic knowledge on what a chord is and how is
it produced.

Introduction A chord is a set of tones producing a melody and is played on a guitar. The chords of a guitar
can be made up of different notes that are played one string at a time whether doing it on a plucking or
strumming method. Chords are played with two or three notes, can be more than. Some are played with only
one note. Categorically, there two kinds of chords – minor and major. And the basic primary chords
herewith are the C,A,G,E,D or CAGED. If you are new on playing the guitar, mastering the CAGED pattern
must be the first and foremost thing you should do. A lot of artists who mastered these basic chords
confessed that it paved the way for easy manipulation of the other difficult chords.

Reading a Diagram The very basic thing that you should know when learning the chords have to be
learning on how to read the chord chart or chord diagram. Without these, you"ll be left in a dilemma. A
chord diagram is an illustration with instructions on how to play a particular chord. To be able to achieve a
successful guitar manipulation, there should be a good interpretation of each chord stated in the diagram
and the musician must read it in the most accurate way.

Following the CAGED pattern Imagine yourself looking at a guitar. Now put your attention at the fret board.
You"ll notice that a whole fret board is composed of 6 strings attached to it. Well, not basically "attached" but
on top of it. These strings are the ones making it possible to produce the chords and melody. If you"re going
to focus on fingering first, might as well memorize the different chords produced in every fret. There are five
basic and easy chords that will enhance you to learn other harder chords.

Troubleshooting Oftentimes a lot of beginners complain how sore their fingers are after finishing one
session with their guitar, its a normal reaction. You should be surprised if you"re not hurting even a bit, this
means that you"re not playing it right. The proper way to carry out fingering is pressing your fingertips hard
enough on the strings. When you notice that there is a buzzing sound or the echo is not going the way it
should sound, try to press harder on the strings. Tips 1) Cut those long fingernails. They will make it
difficult for you to press the strings correctly.

2) Don't let your fingers lie down while playing for they tend to mute some strings. This is the most common
mistake done by newbies.

3)Be sure that your fingertips are the ones that are in contact with the strings and not the place where
fingerprints are taken. Maintain the straight arch. Aside from the fact that this is exhausting, this is also
painful and difficult but will pay off as soon as calluses are produced.

4) Remember that you should press the notes altogether. Make sure that no strings must be left out.

5) Practice. Memorize each chord pattern.

6) Don't rush yourself. If you do, it"ll just frustrate you if you don't get it. Choose songs that are easier to
Have you ever tried using the internet to learn guitar playing? Well, if you haven't tried it, perhaps it's now
time to check out the options that you have online. You see, learning to play a guitar is now possible online.
So you'd better start surfing the net.

Beginners are often confused and ask different kinds of questions pertaining to online guitar lessons. Paying
a guitar teacher can cost you a lot of money but if you conduct an online research, you can learn
inexpensively and if you"re lucky enough, you can even learn for free.

Many individuals who previously hired guitar teachers and paid big money were frustrated when they
learned about another option – and that is online guitar lessons. You don't have to pay a very high hourly
rate just to learn the basics like guitar chords, tabulators, complicated fingering methods for classical music
playing, and strumming. Now you can learn all of these lessons online for free or for a much lesser fee.

Oftentimes, learning from a guitar teacher is really hard but through online guitar lessons, you can be
provided with animated images, graphics, demo sounds, and video tutorials. It is much easier to learn online
and in a short time, you can already play a simple song. The learning process is more enhanced online
because tutorials are provided utilizing the different senses – sound, touch, and sight.

Whatever your reasons are in learning how to play a guitar, you can surely find fulfillment through online
guitar lessons. If you want to learn fast and easily in order to play in crowds or perform like the pros, try to
determine all your learning options online. If you follow the video tutorials step by step, in a week's time you
can already play many songs. And with continued practice, you will soon playing like the pros.

Online guitar lessons often make use of techniques like hear first and play later. You have to be sensitive to
the songs or music that you want to play and this requires sufficient training. All the needed details are
provided in the online lessons so you will not encounter many problems. Oftentimes, you will be asked to
listen first to the song that you want to play and then later on, you will be playing it yourself. You can easily
use your imagination, subliminal mind, and senses through online guitar lessons as compared to learning
from a private guitar teacher.

You don't have to worry in case you"re not very good in using the computer. At first, you can even request
from a friend or a family member who knows how to use the computer and surf the net. Afterwards, you can
do it yourself. This is not a very difficult task and rest assured that in a very short time, you can learn all the
things that you need to know about guitar playing.

If you want to save money on your guitar lessons, don't hire professional help. Instead, turn to the internet
and find out more about online guitar lessons. You can learn a lot and so don't waste your time. Start surfing
the net now and very soon you will be playing your guitar together with your friends and loved ones. Learn
guitar online now.

Check out the different video tutorials available online and make sure that you choose the one with positive
testimonials to make sure that you trust only the best.
+Consider that almost ninety percent of the world's population is born right handed. Meaning, they use their
right hands more often than the left one. Their right hand is responsible for important everyday activities like
writing. And where does this leave the lefties? Basically, vice versa. In the music industry, a small minority
of musicians are left-handed. Though some notable and famous performers are born lefties. Personalities
like Jimi Hendrix and Dan Seals played left-handed. Is this much of a surprise? Other artists who are left-
handed switch the guitar's string for their own benefit. How do lefties go about playing a guitar custom
made for the right handed? If you have overcame the idea of quitting, and you are among the left-handed
who try so hard learning to play it your way, might as well read attentively. This can help you figure out what
to do. You can actually do two things: first, you can switch the strings or you can choose to play the guitar
upside down. Sounds funny? It's a fact and pretty much effective. Some write-ups stated it is way difficult
and outrageous to create notes with a guitar positioned upside down. While others believe nothing is
impossible if you try really hard and put your heart into it. The idea of rotating the guitar and operating it
backwards can be accepted and used. Using the basic chords, a left-handed player can place his fingers
on the same set of strings only that it has to be put the other way around but with the same basic strings.
Regardless of how accustomed people are when it comes to playing a guitar right handed, some left handed
guitarists have introduced newer methods. To start with, you should equip yourself with a guitar guide or
manual. Playing with an upside down guitar doesn't necessarily mean changing the mode of how fingering
should be. The placement of your fingers would still be the same although the only difference would rely on
the finger you use on the fret of the guitar. Normally, if you would play a right handed guitar right handed, the
C would represent that your fourth finger must be positioned at the third fret dipping on the fifth string. Then
your third finger must lie on the second fret pressing on the fourth string. Last, your index finger must be on
the first fret down on the second string. With an inverted guitar for lefties, it should be done in an inverted
way too. Noting that your last string would be on top and the fret would remain the same. Things are difficult
if you have no guitar to practice with. Make it a point that you follow what the diagram shows and not making
the mistake of strumming the forbidden strings in each chord. This type of technique is difficult, indeed. So
start with those chords that only require three or three fingers at the moment. Basic chords like CAGED or
some minor details. When you get the hang on it, try working on the harder ones. Do not saturate yourself
with learning the hard ones first. That would be enough reason for you to give up. Frustrated. But if you find
it really hard to cope with this kind of style, settle with the conventional way of playing. That is, playing a right
handed guitar right handed even though you"re left handed.
Are you aware that the bass guitar is music's soul instrument? It gives the song life and if you can learn to
play this excellent piece of instrument, you can impress your friends and family members. So don't waste
your time and start to learn how to play bass guitar.

Most people are into electric and acoustic guitar playing because it is pleasing to their ears but if you want to
feel some beat inside your chest, choose a bass guitar. Before you can play a certain song, you need to
learn all the songs by heart. The song's foundation is thrown off if the bass guitar is not present. So having a
bass guitar playing together with all other guitars is essential.

As compared to traditional guitars, bass guitars have fewer and thicker strings. Advanced guitar players say
that bass guitars are easy to play but it would take a lot of talent and hard work to master it. Aside from the
difference in the strings, bass guitars have larger bodies. Most bass guitars are made from rose and maple
wood and usually have four strings only.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind, bass guitars are not oriented. Other guitars are chord oriented
but not the bass. If you play the chords using the bass, it can dominate other guitars. Bass guitars should be
played consistently so that you can feel its power. Once you've learned to play this instrument, it will be a lot
easier to learn electric, acoustic, and Spanish guitars.

Here are some helpful tips that you can make use in learning to play the bass guitar:

1. You must always be aware of the beat of the music that you"re playing. Feel it. You see, bass guitars are
like drums, only in guitar form. It gives any song timing and depth. Feel your chest as the sound of the bass
guitar pounds it.

2. As with ordinary guitars, bass guitars are tuned the same way. But the tones are deeper because the
strings are thicker and fewer. You need to learn how to hit single notes often because this is essential in
bass guitar playing. If you want to play the bass decently, you need to familiarize yourself with the notes and
tunings of an ordinary guitar.

3. The placing of your fingers is of utmost importance. The note's wholeness is determined on how your
fingers hit the fret board of the bass. For a holistic approach, you need to practice playing the guitar as well.

4. Your fingers on both hands should be strong. You need to strength in order to play a bass guitar because
it is a solid and sturdy instrument.

These tips when kept in mind will definitely help you a lot in learning to play the bass. Whether you"re
attending a private guitar lesson, using a guide book, or DVD programs, these tips can be used.

Buy your very own bass guitar now and practice playing the instrument. Remember, if you can learn to play
this instrument, your guitar's sound will give any song soul and depth. Besides, just in case you want to
learn to play other kinds of guitar, it will be easier.

Start your guitar lessons and discover what bass guitars can do to the many songs that you"re about to play.
Most individuals are right handed but it doesn't really matter if you"re a left handed individual. There are
things that some right handed people can do that lefties can't do but when it comes to playing a guitar, even
left handed people can do it too as long as their determined and motivated. Learn how to play the guitar
even if you"re left handed especially if you love this musical instrument.

To be more inspired, you need to know some famous left handed guitarists. Yes, there are actually many left
handed guitarists like Jimmy Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Albert King, Dick Dale, and Paul McCartney. These
guitarists used re-strung guitars as well as left handed guitars and each of them have their own styles when
playing the guitar. You can find more about them and their playing style by reading magazines or simply
surfing the net.

A lot of information can be found online so you'd better start surfing the net. By knowing their stories, you will
be motivated to learn to play guitar even if you"re left handed. Being a lefty should not be a hindrance if you
really want to learn.

If your a beginner, you should know that you have several options to learn to play a guitar. First, you can use
guitars that are used by right handed people. You don't need to re-string it, simply leave the strings as is and
then try to play the guitar upside down. Now this may seem difficult and so you can opt for the second option
wherein you re-string a guitar.

However, this is not very easy if you plan to play an electric guitar especially when using the tone and
volume controls. The best option for most left handed individuals is using the left handed guitar because you
don't need to re-string it or play it upside down.

As a beginner, a huge portion of your time will be spent in looking for the best guitar in your local music
stores or even in online stores. You need to prepare some money when purchasing a guitar especially if you
want a left handed guitar. You see, left handed guitars are rather expensive because these are specially
designed for lefties. Go for quality guitars that are sold at a reasonable price if you don't want to break your
savings. But once you learn to play the guitar well, you can now experiment in using different guitars, even
right handed re-strung guitars.

Beginners are advised to get left handed guitars to learn all the basics of guitar playing easily. You need to
memorize all the notes, chords, and other guitar playing techniques. Strumming is also a problem for some
lefties but with practice and patience, you can learn it fast. Depending on your learning attitude, you need to
choose the appropriate learning method.

When learning to play a guitar, left handed individuals should always remember to purchase first a left
handed guitar. You need to invest on the guitar so that you can practice more often and you don't need to
borrow every time you want to play the guitar. Then, find the guitar learning method that suits you.

After doing these things, you can now start and learn how to play the guitar even if you"re left handed.
Good luck and who knows, in time you may become one of the best guitar players in the world.
If you want to know how to play the piano, you must learn the chords first. This is the fastest way for you to
learn how to play such a beautiful musical instrument. Not all individuals can learn to play the piano full time
and if this is the case, you simply have to learn the chords.

The piano chords can be easily learned by making use of self instruction materials. You can purchase chord
guide books or even videos. Different chords are made up of several notes and so if you know all the chords
by heart, you will also know the different notes. A lot of people say that you can't learn to play piano unless
you've spent years of learning but that's not exactly true. You can learn to play simple song in no time if you
know the chords. But of course, you"re not expected to play very well at first because that's natural.

How will you learn all the chords? Firstly, you need to purchase the instruction materials. You can find them
in music stores. Once you have the instruction materials, you can start learning the chords right away. You
have to constantly practice and don't be bored if you need to do it again and again. Only then can you
master the chords. Your hands also need to memorize the proper positioning.

Once you've memorized all the chords, you may be able to read a wide range of music sheets. Don't focus
mainly on the C chord. You still need to master all the other chords in order to play simple songs. If you
know the full chords, you can play songs with finesse and rhythm. You can even make your audience think
that you"re playing a very difficult music sheet.

The traditional piano has 88 keys but if you"re using electric keyboards, it has fewer keys. The keys follow a
pattern. The piano's left side has deeper and lower keys while the right side has higher keys.

Unlike the alphabet that starts with A, when learning the piano chords you will begin with the C chord. Later
on, with continued practice you will be more familiar with the different chords. The piano's white keys are
named C D E F G A B consecutively. These are also the notes that make up the C chord. Now with the help
of your instructional materials, you can learn all the other chords.

It is very important to memorize the chords as well the notes that make up each chord. If you"re not very
good at memorization, this is the time to improve it. Memorizing the chords is not a very difficult task
because if you practice frequently, it will come out naturally and you don't even have to force yourself.

Go to the nearest local music store in your area. Find an instructional material that will work for you. You can
even purchase several materials if you like. You can have a guide book, DVD, or CD; its worth all the money
because you will learn to play your songs easily.

Learn how to play the piano by focusing first on the chords. Good luck and maybe time will come when you
could already play for your family and friends. Just be patient.
When you meet someone who knows how to play the piano, you would usually admire that individual.
Perhaps in the back of your mind, you also want to play this very beautiful instrument. Well, you can learn
how to play piano if you really want to.

All expert piano performers started from scratch. Not one individual was born with the knowledge of playing
the piano. It's never too late to learn how to play the piano. Young or old, if you want to play like the
performers, you have to start now.

If you"re familiar with western music, then you already know that the piano is being used for chamber music,
accompaniments, and even solo performances. Although piano is a bit expensive, it is a very good
investment because of its ubiquity and versatility. It is also one of the most popular musical instruments
throughout history.

Some of the popular pianists include Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Listz, Brahms, and Schuman.
Piano is not used mainly to just play classical music but it can also be played in pop and jazz music.

You don't have to play as good as the pianists mentioned but with a little effort, time, and money, you can
play the piano beautifully. Simply playing the piano for your friends and family may be enough; at least, you
can entertain them in your own special way. You should also have the right attitude. You must exercise self
discipline and make sure that you learn the right basic techniques. If you can start playing right, you have a
long way to go. Learning to play the piano is not really impossible. If you dedicate your efforts to it, you will
surely learn in time.

In today's modern times, there are several ways to learn how to play the piano. Because of these piano
learning options, your dream is attainable and doable. Many want-to-be pianists prefer to hire a piano
teacher. This is a rather expensive option but many individuals find this a very effective method to learn to
play piano. There are also those who prefer to learn alone. One way to do this is through a guide book.

However, you must be comfortable in working alone especially in learning the different lessons. You must be
motivated up to the end for you to learn the basic techniques. Modern ways to learn the piano is through the
computer software. There are also those who buy a DVD or CD program that is all about playing the piano.

No matter what option you choose, you must be able to learn playing the instrument by simply using your
senses. If you can learn this difficult and unique technique, playing the piano will be natural for you. By
simply listening to asong, you can already play it on your piano.

Before anything else, you have to purchase a good quality piano. This is the only way to learn how to play
the piano. If you don't have one right now, you can start saving money for it because the piano is an
expensive musical instrument. After you have your piano, you have to choose you learning options.

You can even combine your piano lessons if you want. Just make sure that you schedule your lessons well
so that you can use the knowledge the you've learned to your advantage.
Playing musical instruments is not solely for musically inclined individuals. Even if you"re not that good in
music, you can still learn to play the piano. You see, there are many ways to learn piano playing and one
way to do it is through the DVD programs.

Many years ago, people used the beta tapes and the VHS tapes as a means of home entertainment. After
that, the VCDs became popular and at present, the DVDs. Did you know that you can also learn to play the
piano through DVDs? That's true and all you have to do is to find a DVD program that is solely about piano

DVD piano lessons are a very good alternative in learning to play the piano. If you can't afford to pay the
expensive hourly and weekly rates of piano teachers, you can settle for DVD programs. Aside from it being a
cost effective alternative, you can also save time and energy.

Before you even try to look for DVD piano lessons, you have to get a piano first. To effectively learn to play
the piano, you must have your own piano at home. Borrowing or asking favor from a friend or relative to use
their piano is not a very good idea; you"re time in practicing your lessons will be limited and you can't have
them at your most convenient time. So buy your own piano now. You can buy the piano locally or through
the internet.

The next step is to buy the right DVD piano lesson program. You still have to choose between chord lessons
or note lessons. Some programs are purely concentrated on chord lessons while other DVD programs are
concentrated on note lessons. There are some piano students who prefer to learn the chords first and the
notes later. Choose which lessons you want to have first.

If you can find a set of DVD piano lessons that features both chord and note lessons, you can purchase the
set. The DVD piano lesson programs are available in reasonable prices and you can find them in local and
online stores. You can compare the prices and the DVD program features before you make the final
decision. Make sure that you make an informed choice because you"re also going to pay for it.

Shop around now for DVD piano lessons. Do you have a DVD player or component at home? If you do, then
you"re ready to take your piano lessons. All the lessons presented on the DVD programs are presented step
by step. This way, it will be easier for you to follow and learn. You can repeat the lessons if you like if you
find them difficult. This is the best thing about DVD piano lessons because you can repeat the lessons if you
can't keep up. You will not feel any pressure because you can learn at your chosen pace. You can take the
lessons fast or slow.

By having your own piano and DVD and piano at home, it will be easier to learn to play the piano. You can
have the lessons at your chosen time and pace. These are some of the advantages of taking DVD piano
lessons. So why not purchase the DVD program that suits your needs? This is the time to start learning to
play such a beautiful and unique instrument.
Playing the piano is one of the most special things a musician can learn to manipulate. It is one of the
simplest instruments one can ever play. It can blend with every instrument or can stand on its own. Pianos
are also magical when played just by its own. A band can never be complete without a piano.

So you ask, how can you buy the perfect piano? All it takes is finding the right hardware to fit the job. Here
are some deals you have to ponder upon.

1. Check your budget

Above anything else, you always have to consider the amount of money you have to spend for purchasing
one. A well-crafted piano made by popular brands is way too expensive. So you have to be very particular of
your choice. If you could walk around town to canvass for a cheap yet durable piano, that would be best.

2. Brand-new or a second hand piano?

A piano's life worth can last for years, specifically 40-50 years if handled well. And you can't deny the fact
that pianos are very durable over periods of time and practice. And because of its well-known durability, you
know a lifetime investment wouldn't go to waste. If your budget is fixed, find the one that fits the money at
hand. If you have decided on buying something that is already used, inspect it to see if it's still in good
working condition.

3. Consider the area where to put your piano

Alright, now you must have this part of your house that can accommodate the size of your piano. You have
to be very particular in buying a piano regarding its inches and width. If you have a big space in your house,
you can consider buying a grand piano. A spinet is popular for its humble size. Research on the kinds of
piano to determine which one you"ll purchase.

4. Quality and Style

A long lasting piano can come in different varieties. When looking for a piano, you have to set your mind that
quality is an important factor. Check for the kind of wood used, style of the cabinet, leg design and the
overall impact of the entire thing. Also, you can buy a piano based on how it compliments on your

5. Get an expert's opinion

If you are new at this, find someone who knows the tidbits of choosing a piano. Drag along someone who
can give you tips on how to know that you"re getting a good deal out of a fine purchase. You ask that person
to accompany you in that store where you laid eyes on your chosen piano.

6. Ask

You"ll regret the moment you never did. Asking some valid questions related to the piano is appropriate
enough to know where all that cash is going. Ask about the performance, the entire construction and the
different parts so that you wouldn't get lost when repairs come. This is what defines the entire purchase.

To be able to ask about the maintenance and warranty is vital to lessen your expenses when dealing with a
serious problem about your piano. If possible, make them explain how it's all going to be. The tuning. The
defects. Or if delivery's out of the list. Parts like this should never be compromised.
CDs are widely used nowadays. This is a product of the today's advanced technology and it is one of the
most convenient ways to listen to your favorite music, store your important files, etc. Another good thing
about it is that you can learn piano by CD.

What is a CD? It is short for compact disc. You can record sounds, image, or files in digital format. It is an
optical disc that has a better memory capacity as compared to the magnetic and mechanical media. It is
available in CD-ROM, CD-R, and CD-RW. You can store images and text in the CD-ROM. You can also
store information on the CD-R but remember that the contents can no longer be changed. But in the case of
a CD-RW, you can erase files, images, or text and then re-write new ones.

If you"re comfortable in learning to play piano alone, the CD piano lessons might work for you. For those
who have pianos at home, this is the perfect time to learn to play such musical instrument. It is not that
difficult, unlike what other people say. If you"re determined to learn and you"re motivated till the end, you
can learn all the things you need to know even in a few months time.

The learning process varies. Quick learners can play simple songs in less time than slow learners. If you
have a good memory, learning to play the piano will be easier. Memorization is very important when it
comes to playing the piano because you need to memorize the chords and notes of the piano. The CD is a
good way to learn these things because you can simply play it all over again until you finally get all the

Why is it that many individuals prefer the CD piano lessons? If you"re on a tight budget, you can't possibly
afford the expensive services of professional piano teachers. The CD piano lessons are one of your best
alternatives in learning to play the piano. Besides, CD piano lessons are not hard to find. You can easily find
them locally especially in music stores. You just need to ask the salesperson about the particular CD that
you need and he or she will be glad to be of service to you.

When shopping for your CD piano lessons, you have to make sure that the music store offers only the best.
It must have a good reputation and the suppliers must also have good records. This way, you can be sure
that the lessons are among the best. Professional pianists are the ones who design the piano lessons on
CDs and other instructional materials.

Another thing is that you can also purchase the CD piano lessons online. In fact, the internet is the best
place to find the perfect CD piano lessons because you will have a wider variety of choices. You can even
check the various customer testimonials and product reviews to determine the top CD piano lessons. If you
can find the top three CD piano lessons, you can still compare them with each other. You see, CD piano
lessons also differ when it comes to the lessons given; some focus on the piano notes while other CDs focus
on chords.

Make the right choice and learn piano by CD.

Many people find piano lessons quite expensive and because of this, a lot of would-be pianists pass the
opportunity to become one of the best in the music industry. Playing the piano is a skill that can developed
through time. Don't believe what other people say unless you've tried it yourself. There is a way to make
your life easy and here is how to save while you learn to play a piano.

When you"re already considering the cost of piano lessons, you have to know your alternatives.
Professional piano teachers are not only the ones who can give you piano lessons. Remember, today is the
age of advanced technology and nothing is impossible when it comes to acquiring new knowledge. Of
course, that would include taking piano lessons in a whole new different way.

The most common way to learn to play a piano is through a professional teacher. The price depends on the
teacher; he or she can charge you per hour or per session, or even on a weekly/monthly basis. It all
depends on your payment agreement. It's a good thing though if the teacher is a close friend or a relative
because you can also save some money.

Otherwise, you would have to pay the agreed amount. You can learn so many things from the piano teacher.
You will have a guide in every step of the way and he or she can tell you about your mistakes and correct
them instantly. However, there are individuals who prefer to study alone and if you"re one of them, you have
to know your other options.

What are your other options? Well, you can learn through the internet. There are online piano lessons that
can provide you with special software that often includes videos of the lessons. The cost is much more
affordable as compared to paying a professional piano teacher. The advantages of choosing this learning
option are - you can learn at your chosen time and pace.

If you have a job, you will be busy for the rest of the day and so you can have the piano lessons at night or
during weekends. You will be the one to choose the time for the lessons as well as your practice sessions.

Aside from learning to play the piano through the computer and internet, you can also save money if you try
a piano guidebook. This may seem hard but if you prefer to do all the work alone, this option might work for
you. The piano guidebook is cheap, so you can surely afford it.

If you have a DVD player or system at home, you can opt for the DVD piano lessons. You simply have to
play the DVD and you can watch all the lessons given by professional pianists. Just like the software, you
can learn at your most convenient time. You can take the lessons fast or slow. It's all up to you.

The alternative options are far cheaper than hiring professional help but what you need is the right attitude.
You must have self discipline; you should be patient and hardworking. If you have these qualities, you can
make your life easy and know how to save money while you learn to play a piano. So what are you waiting
for? Choose your option now.
Are you familiar with the song Auld Lang Syne? If you are, then you can learn to play it on the piano easily
and quickly. Many individuals want to learn to play the piano and one of the most important lessons is to
learn the piano notes.

Try to look at your piano and give particular attention to the black notes. The song Auld Lang Syne can be
played by using five of these black notes. Some say that piano notes are difficult to learn. But expert piano
players say that if only you put your heart to it, you can learn all the notes quickly.

If you have a piano teacher or if you simply learned playing the piano with the aid of a book/DVD/CD, you
will learn first the names of the notes on your piano. That will include the black and white notes. If you want
to learn all the notes, you should have your own piano. If you don't have one at home, then you should start
shopping for one. You can't learn the notes by simply imagining a piano. You have to touch the piano keys
and know the sound of the notes. This will make learning a lot easier and faster.

You will also learn techniques in visualization so that you can imagine the keyboard and tell the exact
location of the notes. The keyboard's Map is the so-called Grand Staff and you can interpret this easily if you
know all the notes. If you can immediately identify a piano note, then you will understand the chord lessons

For instance, you"re playing the first seven tab notes. This is the C-major scale and you"re playing the notes
CDEFGAB. As you go through your lessons, you will know about the other scales and their respective notes.
You have to memorize all the notes on the keyboard to effectively play the piano. But of course, you will
learn to play the simpler notes first. Once you've mastered the simple notes, you can go to much more
difficult notes. Remember, you should not forget about the notes that you have already learned because you
will be using them when playing advanced piano music.

If you simply want to be at your piano and play the simplest piano music, all you have to learn is at least two
keys for each scale. Suppose you"re playing the major chord C. The notes on this scale include C, E, and G.
You can always play these notes simultaneously and you can already create the simplest piano music. But if
you want to learn to play the advanced piano pieces, memorize and know all the notes by heart. Soon
enough, you can play the piano like the experts.

So you see, learning each piano note is not a game. It is a difficult task especially for those who have
memorization problems. Try to create a piano picture inside your mind and tell the note of each key. Do this
everyday for a couple of minutes. Don't stop until you've memorized the last key note. Retain the piano
picture inside your mind because this will be of very good use to you in the future.

Learn piano notes at an early stage, as soon as you start your piano lessons. This way, you can learn the
chords much easier. Playing the piano is fun but you have to be patient.
Playing the piano without having someone to teach you can be difficult. It is like gambling your time and
effort based on your own knowledge and understanding. To learn the piano online can have its ups and
downs. So decide if you"re really up to the test of playing without the thought of giving up.

Whenever you go to a web page that offers a lot of promises with their online lessons, they do not tell you
the downs of learning it without having someone who could tell you if you"re doing it the right way.

In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of playing a piano is discussed.


• The Internet is flooded with millions of searches about learning the piano online. There are those for
beginners and for those who want further instruction not found in any manual whatsoever.

• This is totally free. Not unless if you become enticed with the offline CDs and visuals that the website also

• It is more updated than the books and manuals that are bought outside.

• Those who made the websites are freelance musicians that are willing to share their knowledge, facts,
ideals and secrets to learn piano the easiest way possible.

• It is filled with so much details and songs you can choose from. Wide array of songs to include in your list.

• It can also help you choose if you want to play jazz, rock, funk, classic, metal and many more.

• You are entitled to rewind every step that you didn't decipher.

• Every rhythm and pattern is taught thoroughly to help the students understand each line. A lot of online
lessons let you read notes and chords at a stage so advanced and at the same time enjoy the directory of
entries and resources.

• Aside from the advanced lessons, there are also at least a hundred thousand tricks, patterns and fills. The
internet enables online libraries filled with resources that are readily available to those who need it.
Furthermore, if you"re kind of slow, chords, grooves and scales can be recapped with the help of their

• It offers wide range recordings that are also intended for those who can't read music.

• Easy ways to practice and tackle even the hardest patterns, scales and chords can now be achieved at the
touch of your fingertips.

• You also get the chance to choose from top instrument shops because these sites include their cheap yet
of best quality. They could show you where and how much you can get from these stores.

• You could play and learn anytime you want, whenever you"re available. Your time is all yours.


• Nothing compares with the real thing. Playing online is like a lifeless form of learning. It doesn't incur pure

• Questions can't be answered at a prompt. There are doubts that would fill your mind every once in a while.
And to send some questions through the net would require waiting and this will take days.

• No one will see your mistakes and tell you that what you"re doing is wrong. And the thing about that is you
can never right your wrongs without anyone telling you.
There are various reasons why many individuals want to learn to play the piano. If you"re one of those
musically inclined individuals, perhaps yours is among the top twelve reasons. So why postpone your dream
to become a good pianist? Start learning now.

Find out more about the twelve reasons why people want to play piano. Here they are:

1. There are many musical instruments and in your entire lifetime, you must be able to play an instrument.
So why not choose a piano? True enough, this instrument is quite expensive but it's worth the money. You
must be able to play beautiful music with the use of a piano. Get a piano now and start learning to play such
a magnificent instrument.

2. Being a good pianist will help boost your confidence. Many people find pianists as sophisticated
individuals and if you want to become one of them, this is your chance. It doesn't really matter if you"re
young or old, rich or poor. There are no rules that say only the rich and young can learn to play such an

3. Playing the piano can help in maintaining an active brain or mind. Let's face it, people who often stay at
home with nothing else to do get bored and their brain get in a rut. If you don't want this to happen to you,
learn to play the piano.

4. Life can be so boring but if you already know how to play the piano, you will never get bored because you
can keep on learning. You can still play other more difficult songs on the piano. You can have advanced
lessons to further improve your playing skills.

5. You can play for your family. Not all family members can play the piano but if you know how to play, you
can play their desired music. That way, you"re entertaining your family and you"re bonding grows stronger.
This is one way to serve them as well.

6. People who know how to play a musical instrument is often admired especially pianists. The audience are
led to thinking that pianists are geniuses. It would even boost your self confidence and self esteem when
other people admire the way you"re playing the piano.

7. Try to examine the hands of pianists. Their hands are beautiful, right? If you want to have the same
hands, play the piano. Soon you will also admire your tapered long fingers.

8. Learning is a continuous process. There are lots of musical pieces to learn and you can't possibly play
them all. You must continue playing new songs as you grow older. 9. It is fun to play the piano.

10. Almost every individual desires to play the piano gracefully.

11. You will feel satisfied after you've played the piano. If you can play flawlessly just like other famous
pianists, you will be completely satisfied.

12. Boost your ego by playing the piano. Not one individual can resist excellent musicians.

Those are only twelve reasons why you need to learn to play a piano. There are other reasons out there
waiting to be heard but it is only up to you to voice out that reason and take the necessary step to undergo
piano lessons.

No matter what you"re reason is, don't hesitate to play the piano. You will feel a different experience once
you play this beautiful instrument.
Being able to play a guitar in front of a crowd efficiently and magically is not the ultimate dream of every
artist. Though beginners often state that they only wanted to play some music, it just doesn't stop there,
especially if you see yourself going somewhere. He somehow should see himself advancing to being the
lead guitarist of a band. Involving himself in a band is one thing but playing as the lead is another.

Why is the lead so important that the band wants to keep him and respects him? Because he calls the shots.
He decides on the music the band must play. In other words, he is their leader.

A lead guitarist is someone who, aside from the vocalist, establishes rapport amidst the crowd. He is
responsible for getting everyone's attention and at the same time being able to entertain them with his skills
on the guitar and somehow satisfy them with their need for loud, soft, hard metal, or jazzy music. A crowd

This is a good opportunity to let the artist in you sparkle amidst the limelight. But first, you have to start
working on the most important thing that you must consider before entering such commitment, yourself.

After you've decided which path you'd go, either a rock star or a blues type of a guy, you have to double
check if you are really capable of stating your name and plunging into the career of your life as a lead
guitarist. One must possess and observe:

a. A goal Most guitarists don't really know what they want that may lead to a dream or frustration. You need
to set goals for yourself. Set a time frame when you"ll be able to see the path you have to tread. A goal is
like a road. Help this goal inspire you to push through elevating your career. b. Right Attitude Aspects like
this require a great deal of persistence. If you want to see yourself on top of that stage with lights and all,
you must have the potential to play the part. Your confidence must shine. Never let your energy spill. The
crowd must never take advantage of you. You own the stage, remember that.

c. Practice Just because you have that part on being the lead doesn't mean you have to stop practicing. This
should give you more reason to keep playing. It would be a disgrace if you"ll be the reason for inappropriate
unpleasant remarks. Without religious practice, you can expect to see your career fall apart.

d. Skills and knowledge What good are you without your talent in guitar mastery? Aside from the basic
conventional way of playing the guitar, you have to figure out a way to exhibit other tricks that will definitely
blow your audience away. One typical example is Carlo Santana. He is considered as a music genius for his
impeccable way of manipulating a guitar. Sometimes, not one, but two at the same time.

e. Flexibility, Discipline and Respect Joining a group or band demands its members to be flexible enough to
cope with the pressure, stress, and sometimes the attitude of the other members. Discipline must be
maintained to gain cooperation and tranquility while respect must strictly be imposed within the group. These
three important elements are the keys to a successful working relationship.
+Once you have recognized your future in front of the piano, it can be a start. Eventually it becomes more
easy and fun. You can play almost all of the songs written in songbooks fluently. You can even write your
own composition. | | Now that you have established that energy in you, there's still something that lacks.
Why, do you think it's enough to have the spirit without even knowing the chords? If you have mastered and
identified the basic and major chords, things would be more favorable.| | Alright, here are some bits on
learning the notes on the piano. After these simple steps, you"ll have a brief background on fingering.| |
Lesson # 1| | There are 88 keys comprising of 12 notes (white and black keys included). These basic notes
are the seven basic letters namely A-note, B-note, C-note, D-note, E-note, F-note and the G-note. The first
key colored in white is the C-note. You have to remember that the C-note is always the key that is
connected in front of two black keys. While the F-note is the key that stands in front of three black keys
compacted together. From the first C-note to the next C-note is called Octave.| | Lesson # 2| | Black notes
represent sharps and flats. But they are used in a different way that would depend which side you"re going
to start. A (#) that symbolizes a sharp is the black key right after the white key. While a (b) is known as the
flat. You can recognize this by spotting the first black note indicated on the keyboard. With these definitions,
you can conclude that a Db is also a C#. Easy, right? No need to fuss about it. Familiarize these notes and
master it.| | Lesson # 3 | | The lesson doesn't stop there. You have to realize that the C key right in the
middle of the keyboard is also known as the middle C. You can easily spot this because it's usually right
below the piano's name. The middle C can function as a wall that separates the right to the left. This means
that those situated at the right part of the middle C is for the right hand and fingers to play. That goes with
the left hand and keys.| | Down with the fingering techniques. Once you have memorized and familiarized
yourself with the notes, it's time to let your fingers do want their meant to do. Teach those fingers to act the
way a pianist should. | | Fingering is simple for as long as you make all those fingers work. After learning the
notes, stare at your keyboard and put the necessary fingers on the important keys. To do this task, find the
middle C. This would be your basis to find all other keys like D, E, F, and so on. Remember, major keys are
the white keys.| | You"ll notice that the piano's keyboard is number from 1-5. This will enable you to trace
where to put your fingers. 1 is equivalent to the thumb. 2 is your index finger. 3 is for the middle finger. 4 is
the ring finger. Lastly, 5 is the pinkie. As starters, you must put your thumb corresponding to the C-note.
Locating the other keys would be easier if you first find the middle C.| | Run your fingers through these
notes. Make sure that every key corresponds with a different finger. Try it in a slow then a moderate aiming
for a faster pace.|
1. Decide if you"re really up for the job. Meaning, you have to know how far you can go to spend time with
teaching yourself on how to play. There are several considerations before embarking on a purchasing deal.
If you only wanted a piano for display purposes, then might as well buy antique China porcelain. Pianos are
instruments and not just a property that will serve its pleasure to the eyes.

2.If you have decided that you wanted to play real music through your piano, then, might as well include in
your list a couple of piano lesson leaflets or books. This will help you dearly especially if you wanted to learn
by your own.

3. Choose your instructor. There are a lot of options to choose from when guiding your way through piano
lessons. First you could learn on your own basing on two things: manuals and through the internet. The
good thing about learning on your own is that you own your time when you decide when and where to
practice. And, these are cheap resources of knowledge and principles, although you should recognize your
mistakes in the occasion that you make one.

The second option that you can go for is to hire or ask someone to spend even an hour of his or her time to
teach you. You are lucky if someone in the family already knows how to play the piano because if not, it is
very rare to find a person who can be hired to teach on such an affordable price. What's good about finding
someone to help out is that you can learn faster than learning it by yourself.

4. Either of the many variables mentioned, the next step would be tuning your piano. This would be an easy
task to conquer because even before buying or delivering the instrument, you could ask someone in the
music store to tune it for you.

5. Understand the manual. Don't just read it, follow it and keep it locked inside your head. The books that
you bought would be very effective only if you let yourself be taught by it.

6. Do not skip on every lesson. Every instruction is vital to complete the whole of your knowledge. Think of it,
they wouldn't be included in the instructions if they don't mean a pinch of importance.

7. Familiarize yourself with the different chords. Unlike with the guitar wherein you can strum or pluck, in
piano playing, you just have to press the right keys. It would be helpful if you would know the low pitched
and high pitched tunes. Better yet, if you"re not able to remember, label your keys.

8. Warm up at the beginning of every practice to stretch your hands and make them work as a team and not
just every man for himself. Playing the piano requires that every single finger attached to your hands must
press the appointed keys. It's more like encoding an article. Make your fingers move through every key.

You can play even though you"re not playing any sense out of it. This will help your fingers be more flexible
and reliable. If you have struggled enough, try catching on the easy pieces.

9. Give yourself time to practice at least an hour every day. This would not make your fingers feel stressed
out to advance to the next level of learning. Play with ease and relaxation.
Some say that electric guitars are difficult to play but if you know the right techniques, you can learn to play
electric guitar in minutes. You have to prepare yourself for some lessons because you"re about to learn
many new things. If you know a bit of the lessons that you"re about to encounter, you can determine your

You see, there are three factors that you need to be aware of before you even start electric guitar lessons.

Number 1 Factor

Once you have the electric guitar, don't think about your worries in playing such instrument. First, you must
sit down and study all the things that you have to know about the guitar's fret board. Be sure to purchase a
diagram of an electric guitar in music stores and choose the one that shows the different notes. You must be
able to memorize all the notes. Don't try to learn it in one day because this will be very boring.

Instead, spend at least ten minutes each day in learning the different notes while playing. You can't learn to
play the guitar unless you've memorized each and every note. Ninety percent of beginners achieve success
because they memorized all the notes.

Number 2 Factor

The second factor still doesn't involve electric guitar playing. This time, you need to concentrate on your
ears. If you want to learn to play an electric guitar, you have to train your ears to listen. This is essential in
the learning process. Ear training involves playing the notes and then singing it one by one. Play the note
first and then sing it. Once you've mastered this, sing the note first and then play it. Determine if you got the
note right. For the ear training, you can do this ten minutes a day, just like memorizing the notes.

Number 3 Factor

The last factor involves muscle memory development. Do some chromatic exercises but only the simple
ones first. As you practice, try to incorporate scales as well. If you want to become a good electric guitar
player, muscle memory development is essential. Just like the two other factors, spend tem minutes every
day for this activity.

These are the three factors that you should know before you take up any guitar lessons. If you are already
familiar with these factors, then the upcoming lessons will not come as a surprise to you. You can learn all
the guitar lessons easily.

So you see, you have to be patient and you have to devote some of your time in order to learn all the
lessons in playing an electric guitar. The three factors seem very easy but if you don't put your heart into it,
you will not learn anything. Concentrate and have the right attitude. Make sure that you"re also motivated so
that you can learn the notes or chords. If you have the right attitude, you will learn electric guitar playing in a
few days.

Several minutes each day can take you a long way. By doing this, you can have fun while learning. Don't
overdo each of the factors involved in the learning process. Otherwise, you will not enjoy learning to play an
electric guitar.

Remember, you shouldn't focus your attention to playing the guitar immediately. Memorize the notes, do
some ear training, and muscle memory development.
The internet offers several alternatives in order to learn how to play a guitar. Many individuals are quite
interested in learning how to play this interesting musical instrument. Through guitar playing, you can
express your feelings and even your mood. One way to learn how to play the guitar is through guide books.

You can find a lot of guitar books out in the market and all of them claim that you can surely learn right
away. Learning the whole process of guitar playing through guide books is effective because you can find all
the needed information so that you can learn easily and effectively.

There are some pros and cons in using guitar books to learn guitar playing. Some individuals learn easily
with the use of guitar books but there are also those who find it really hard to learn the basics of playing
guitar. Before you purchase any guitar books, make sure that you first look into these pros and cons.

If you think you can work alone in learning how to play a guitar, the books may be enough. Some of the pros
in using guitar books are as follows:

- The lessons featured on the guitar books are informative and easy to understand

- The aspects of guitar playing are thoroughly discussed

- Lessons usually begin with the general basics of playing guitar

- You will also be taught advanced guitar lessons on the later part of the book

- You are free to stop at any level once you"re already satisfied with what you've learned

- Theory books also provide practice exercises to improve your playing skills

- Some books also contain lists of the common mistakes usually encountered by beginners and it also
provides the necessary ways in order to correct such mistakes

- Guitar books are less expensive rather than hiring a professional guitar teacher

- You can find guitar books in many bookstores and you can also find them in online stores

- You can stay in your house and practice any time you like

- You can learn guitar playing comfortably through the books

Now, if there are pros in using guitar books to learn guitar playing, there is also cons. Check these cons:

- It has been proven through experience that many individuals who purchase guitar books often leave the
books to gather dust on the shelf

- If you"re not motivated enough and you"re rather an impatient individual, you can't learn through the use of
theory books

- You get distracted easily

- Reading a book is sometimes boring for some individuals and so they can't focus their attention to learning
the basics of guitar playing

- Using guitar books is not that fun

- Guitar books can't provide you with sound demonstrations

- You can't get any feedback and so you can't monitor whether you"re improving or not

- You can't easily ask for help just in case you"re stuck

It is entirely up to the individual whether he or she will use a guitar book to learn guitar playing or not.
However, you definitely have to consider the pros and cons mentioned a bit earlier. You see, there are also
other options that you can turn to if you think that you can't learn through the books.
But if you"re confident, patient, and motivated, you can learn to play guitar through guide books.
Do you have a DVD at home? Well if you do and you want to learn to play classical guitar, now is the time to
start looking for the right DVD guitar lesson program. People have different reasons in wanting to play such
musical instrument but whatever you"re reasons are, you need to choose an appropriate DVD guitar
program so that you can learn everything that you need to know.

You must be aware that there are DVD guitar programs that are worth every single cent you pay but there
are also programs that are simply there to waste your time and money. So you need to choose the right one.
Firstly, you need to determine your skills when it comes to guitar playing. For instance, guitar lessons on
DVD are available for beginners, intermediate players, and advanced players.

Guitar lessons on DVD may be available in one or even more DVDs, a program that incorporates internet
software, or one that adds several other CDs. Prices of the DVD programs is not much of a problem
because most of them are affordable and reasonably priced.

If you"re planning to learn how to play a classical guitar, you need to choose a program that is especially
designed for the classical guitar. You see, this type of guitar is so rich in history as it dates back to the
1600s. Some say that only masters can play this instrument but they are very wrong. With the right DVD
program in your hands, you can become one of the masters.

Try surfing the net and you can find a lot of free information there about classical guitar playing. Knowing a
bit of information about the guitar itself will really help when you start having the lessons. Most beginners
find classical guitar music difficult because it has many special marks and notations. But don't get
discouraged easily because with patience and dedication, you can learn to play this instrument with ease.

Another important thing that you need to know - learning to play a classical guitar would require you to grow
your fingernails a bit for better strumming. You may laugh about it but this is needed however, you need to
groom your hands frequently so that your nails will not get dirty.

You can find instructional guitar lessons on DVD in almost all music stores. You can find the DVDs in your
local stores or if you have trouble in finding the best DVD guitar lesson program, you can always surf the net
and search for the best selling DVD programs on classical guitar lessons. In fact, this second option will give
you higher chances in finding the appropriate DVD program to use especially if you"re a beginner.

Remember, when choosing a DVD guitar lesson program get one that suits your skills. Are you a beginner
or an advanced player? With this in mind, you can always be sure that you"re getting the best deal for your
hard earned money. But of course you shouldn't forget about buying a classical guitar first. Since you"ll be
having the lessons on DVD, you need to have your own guitar. When all other things are settled, you can sit
down at your most convenient hour and learn to play classical guitar in DVD.

Once you've learned to play this instrument, you can play the many classical music that are loved by millions
of people from different generations.
Novice guitar players are finding many ways to learn the basics and advanced guitar techniques today.
Some settle down with guitar books but many others are trying to learn guitar playing online. Did you know
that you can also learn the basics and advanced techniques of guitar playing through a DVD? Yes, learn to
play guitar through a DVD, that's already possible nowadays.

The popularity of DVD guitar lesson packages is truly increasing and because of this, many beginners are
confused in choosing the most cost effective and efficient way to learn guitar playing.

If you want to learn how to play the guitar, you have to determine the learning style that will work for you.
There are some advantages as well as disadvantages in learning to play guitar through the use of DVD. You
should carefully look into these things before you purchase any DVD guitar lesson package. There are also
some questions that you need to ask yourself like:

1. What type of person are you? – This is the very first question that you need to ask yourself. You can bet
on private guitar tutors if you need constant attention and motivation. But if you"re a self motivated individual
and well disciplined, learning to play guitar on DVD may be a good option. You don't have to drive here and
there just to learn a few lessons. You can simply stay at home and watch the DVD.

2. Are you comfortable in performing with other people around? – After you've answered the first question, it
is now time to ask yourself this second question. There are individuals who freak out when they have to
perform with other people around. Practicing guitar lessons by yourself all week will be disregarded if you
can't play in front of other people. If you"re this type of person, learning through DVD lessons is the best
alternative. You can play any time you like especially when there's no one around.

3. Are you serious to learn guitar playing? – Learning to play a guitar is like learning your lessons on school.
You have to commit yourself and a DVD program will only work for you if you"re really serious in learning the
basics and advanced techniques.

Some DVD programs offer guarantees and you can have your money back just in case you"re not satisfied
with the program and if it doesn't work for you. But if you choose a private guitar teacher, you need to sign a
contract and you can also be asked to make a down payment.

Once you've answered these questions, you can already determine if DVD guitar lessons will work for you.
This option is also much less expensive than hiring a private guitar teacher. If you don't have enough money
to shell out on private tutors, getting a DVD program is a good way to learn what you need to know about
guitar playing.

Visit the local stores near you and ask if they offer DVD programs on guitar lessons. You can shop around if
you like so that you can choose the best program offered in the market. If you want, you can also make a
thorough search online of the top DVD guitar programs that most beginners use today.

You can check out product reviews and customer testimonials so that you can choose the appropriate DVD
program. Learn to play guitar on DVD now.
Some people are right handed while others are left handed. There are some activities that left-handers can't
easily do especially playing guitar. But what if you terribly want to learn to play such musical instrument? Is
your case a hopeless one? Don't be downhearted because you can also learn to play guitar even if you"re
among the left-handers.

Even left-handed individuals should not worry if they too can play a guitar well just like the right handed
individuals. There are some helpful tips that you can make use so that the learning process will be quite
easy. Now, you have a chance to play guitar together with the right handed pros.

Well of course, you should prepare yourself for some problems that might arise while you"re learning to play
the guitar. Here are the helpful tips that will guide you while you"re learning to play guitar.

1. Most left-handed guitarists are confused when choosing the appropriate guitar. You have to options when
it comes to accomplishing this task. The first option is to get a guitar used by right handed individuals and
then have the strings" position changed. If you don't know how to do this, you can ask help from expert
guitarists. Now, some left-handers are not comfortable with this set up but if you can pull it through, go

The second option is to get a guitar for left-handers. Yes, there are now guitar especially designed for left
handed people. Before you make any guitar purchase, you have to determine first which of these two
options suits you.

2. Guitar lessons are sometimes hard to understand especially for lefties. You see, most guitarists are right
handed and so you might get confused with the lessons. Always have this in your mind – try to reverse the
lessons and everything will fall into place.

3. When you"re shopping for a new guitar, make sure that you buy from a reputable store. You see, there
are some stores that deliver defective guitars especially if they notice that you"re an inexperienced left
handed guitarist. Shop around and you can also ask help form fellow lefties so that they can show you the
best stores in your area. If you want, you can also shop online and you will surely have a lot of choices.

4. Are you quite confident in learning to play the guitar? You have to be so that you will not feel ashamed to
play the instrument even in the presence of other people. Being a left handed individual is not your fault.
Many brilliant and famous guitarists are known all over the world like Paul McCartney, Curt Cobain, and
Jimmy Hendrix.

5. For beginners, it would be helpful to not play a guitar for right handed people in a left handed way. You
will surely encounter problems with the guitar chords if you do this. Some complicated chords will be very
difficult to play.

6. What matters most when learning to play guitar is to have fun. If you"re comfortable with left hand guitars,
don't immediately replace it with right handed ones.

These are helpful tips that you should know especially if you"re a lefty. If you"re equipped with the right
knowledge in playing guitars, all the guitar lessons will be very easy to learn and in no time at all, you will be
playing with fellow lefties as well as with right handed guitarists.
You can find a lot of information online about guitar playing. For those of you itching to learn how to play a
guitar, you now have a chance to learn through freeware. But before anything else, you need to know things
like the guitar instrument and some facts about it.

One of the most popular musical instruments created is the guitar. Many individuals want to learn to play this
instrument but most of them fail because they soon grow impatient especially in learning the guitar chords
and notes. Other methods of learning to play the guitar will give you long nights of practice but with little
progress, sore fingers, and numerous teachers. This is why many individuals who want to learn to play
guitar easily and fast turn to the freeware found online.

There are a lot of freeware found online especially about playing the guitar. You can choose freeware that is
suited for beginners, for advanced players, and intermediate. It is very important to choose the right
freeware so that you can learn the right stuff.

As the word suggests freeware is for free. Now, you must know that most guitar software packages will cost
you some money but it is already considered much cheaper than other methods of learning to play guitar. By
conducting a thorough search online, you can find many freeware that will suit your learning needs.

Once you've chosen a few freeware, you can now choose the best one. Just make sure that the freeware
you've chosen is of good quality. This way, you will not be wasting any time on poor quality freeware.

You can save a lot of money and time by using freeware. You can learn at your own pace without any
pressures from a guitar teacher. You will learn about the guitar basics, technical stuff about playing guitar,
the chords, the notes, and many others. You can learn different levels of playing the guitar. Thanks to the
freeware found online, you can become one of the pros.

One should not go through all the pain of learning to play guitar. With the new technology enjoyed by many
people at present, the learning process is shortened and you get to spend only a little amount of money. And
when you"re using freeware, you only need to spend money on the guitar and other accessories and most
especially your precious time.

Guitar lessons online are the true solutions to the growing demand for guitar teachers, instructions books,
and other learning programs. Aside from it being cost effective, you can log on to the internet at your most
convenient time and in even your own homes. Don't waste your time in guitar software packages that cost
you huge money. Find the appropriate freeware online and learn to play the guitar fast. Shop around for the
right guitar and some guitar accessories like guitar amps and guitar pick. By having the right attitude towards
learning to play such musical instrument, you will have little problems in the future.

Learn to play guitar through freeware. Find one now and see if it really works. You can either learn to play
alone or have some friends around who are also guitar enthusiasts. Have fun because that's one of the
secrets of playing the guitar. If you"re not enjoying it, then you will never learn; so you'd better enjoy and
Thinking of how to learn guitar without paying such an enormous amount on an instructor? Problem solved.
This article will prove that learning to play and master a guitar need not be expensive.

There are two practical ways to learn how to play a guitar. First would be through finding someone who
knows all the basic essentials. Make sure you know him; a close friend, classmate or acquaintance.
Possible, your special someone. He should be patient enough to endure the tireless hours of practice.
Because if he won't be, you"re dead meat. He could teach you tips and techniques to proper fingering. This
is difficult if you don't know anyone but would be a big advantage if you do know someone. Second
practical way of learning your way through guitar lessons is to go online. It's a personal mentor, a friend, and
a reference material all in one package. Unlike having a personal trainer, an online tutorial gives you the
freewill to agree and disagree. You can rest if you"re tired. Give yourself time to practice those hard notes.
The best part is, nobody would scold you with every wrong string you've plucked. You are your own mentor.

Summarized below are 5 easy steps on how to learn how to play a guitar.

Step 1. You"ll be needing a guitar (might be your own or someone else's, be sure it has 6 strings), a pick (or
your fingers can do just fine), stool or chair, and an overflowing amount of dedication and patience. To be
able to start playing, you must first know the different parts of a guitar and where to put those fingers of

Step 2. Exercise your tense fingers. Stretch it. Wiggle it. Relax it. A tense hand would add up to a tense
musician. You must learn the art of changing notes and strings in a speed that will blend with the song
whenever a new melody comes in. To increase the shifting agility and strength, practice on the easier notes
before proceeding with the tough ones.

Step 3. Learn the chords. Begin with the basic easy ones. Don't bother yourself too much on chords that
requires you to use a bar or all five fingers. That would put so much stress on your part. Some of the easiest
and widely used chords are A, A minor, A major, C, C minor, C major, D, D minor, D major, E, E minor, E
major, F, F major, G and G major.

Step 4. Work on those strumming patterns. The tip on being able to catch up on the melody is to listen to the
song first. Never advance to your style without knowing the basic. It might turn out hideous and instead of
producing music, it will turn out as a noise. Strumming is considered easier than plucking. A sequence of
"up, down, up, up, down, up" might be easier to remember.

Step 5. Practice! Practice! Practice! Stay focused on your goal. You don't have any intention of producing a
perfect outcome. What is most important is being able to play and have fun. Relax yourself. If your fingers
are growing blisters and your hands are surrendering to a sore, rest it. Don't wait till drops of blood comes
out of it.
Think about this... would you like to play the piano without the fuss of dragging your music sheets? Or make
music with just humming along with the tune? Have you always wanted to play but your visual senses make
it quite impossible? Don't you know that by simply humming a tune, you could play it the same?

Some musicians, professional in their own art, didn't start their career through any manuals or instructors.
What they did is follow the tone that they hear and play along the beating of the music. No notes, no

1. Assemble your things. Of course you"ll need a piano or a keyboard, whatever it is that's available. You
have to have at least three available fingers, just in case others have been decapitated or just got lost. Be
sure you have a lot of time to practice. Oh, and tune your piano first.

2. Remember that the piano is an instrument that is comprised of 88 keys. Along these are 12 straight notes.
The first white key is the A-note, next white note is B, C, D, E, F, G. Then after the last white G-note, the
next white note again becomes the A-note, then the repetition begins. This sequence is repeated until the
last white note is done for about 7 times. That would include the black notes that represent flats and sharps.

3. The C note is also known as the Home Key. To trace the C note, it is the white key on the left side of two
black keys. If you"re still amazed, stare at your piano. You"ll notice that at the middle part is the C-note.
Thus, that would be the first major chord.

The thumb of your right hand will serve as number 1 because it is put at the C straddled in the middle. From
there, count all keys going to the right. Include the black keys. When you have counted till 5, that would
serve as the 2nd note in C chord. Place your middle finger there. From counting to number 5, count till 8,
that will be your final note. Put your pinkie on it.

Sound it all together and you"ll hear quite an impressive cycle.

4. Be familiar in using the abovementioned sequence...1,5, 8 counting. You could start with any note, just
be sure that when you count, include the flats and sharps. Use these chords as your roots. This will work
perfectly if you decided to start on a sharp. You"ll be making a sharp chord by then.

5. If you have time on practicing these easy chords, you"ll finally realize that through counting and attentive
listening, you"ll easily get through. For example, if chord number 5 is dropped this will result to a number 4.
At that instance you"ll end up with a minor chord. Now, if you"re playing for a C chord, all you have to do is
move your finger one key to the left to be able to produce a C minor.

Through the advantage of listening, you"ll be able to distinguish the difference in sound. You"ll be able to
spot the slight differences in tune. Not unless you"re deaf.

Pieces of advice:

• Don't settle your practice just on the middle keys of the piano. There are numerous keys to choose from.

• Don't limit yourself in using one or two fingers. Through practice, you could use all fingers including both

• Practice.
People have different passions in life but there are those who love to listen to different piano music. If you"re
one of them, then you probably like to learn to play the piano, but how?

Many individuals would like to learn to play piano but they don't know where to begin. There are also those
who previously had piano lessons but weren't able to complete all the lessons because they simply got
bored or they already spent a lot of time learning but to no avail. But with a little shove in the correct
direction, you can learn to play a piano.

Firstly, you need to know that in playing the piano there are two ways – by note reading and by the chords.
What would you like to do? You have to answer this question. If you simply want to play existing piano
music, you must know how to read piano notes. On the other hand, if you want to write inspiring piano
music, you must be able to understand the piano chords. If you can learn how to read notes as well as the
chords, the better.

Still, if you want to learn to play piano in quick and easy steps, learn the chords first. By doing so, you will
know the different sounds of the chords. Note reading can be taken up later.

One way to learn how to play piano is from a piano teacher. You need to find a reliable and qualified piano
teacher to ensure that you"re given good lessons. The teacher can give you lessons at home or in a studio.
Choose a comfortable set up so that you can learn without feeling any pressure. If you"re reason in learning
to play the instrument is simply for fun, hiring a piano teacher is not a good idea. You can opt for less
expensive means like a piano book or CDs and DVDs.

You have to ask the piano teacher if he or she is teaching the chord-based lessons. You have to set realistic
goals first before you find a good piano teacher.

Another option is to learn lessons online. This is also a cheaper alternative in learning to play piano. You can
choose the most convenient time to learn to play the instrument and in your chosen pace. You can save
money and time through online lessons. If you"re motivated enough and you"re comfortable learning alone,
this method will work for you. There is also the computer software being offered to help you learn to play

When learning to play piano and other musical instruments, you have to have fun. The entire learning
process should be exciting for you. Once you've set goals, you can start taking lessons immediately and
practice regularly. Don't get discouraged easily if ever you encounter some problems and hardships. There
are those who get frustrated but you should simply keep going.

Have a positive attitude and choose the best method to learn to play piano. By having the right attitude, you
can overcome difficulties in learning the chords or the notes. As mentioned earlier, you can learn the chords
first and then later on, you can learn the notes. In a week or month's time, you can even learn to write
interesting piano music.

Start learning now and don't waste time. If this is your passion, give proper attention to it.
The piano is a tangible musical instrument. If you have the heart of a musician, you have to learn to play
piano. You can learn to play piano through software and that's just what many busy individuals do

The piano can be played in harmony with other musical instruments or it can be played alone. The piano is a
very unique instrument and because of this characteristic, this instrument is most-loved by musicians.

If you've wanted to learn to play the piano for a long time, this is the most appropriate time to begin. Today's
modern times allows even the busiest individuals to learn to play a piano at their desired pace and time.
Through piano software, you can learn many things like reading basic notes, basic rhythm, and other
intermediate lessons. Despite the good things about the software, you will not be able to learn anything if
you don't practice seriously.

Oftentimes, learning to play the piano with the help of a professional teacher is not a very good idea. Aside
from it being extremely expensive, you will have somebody breathing down your neck for every mistake you
make. If you prefer to learn alone, this set up will not work. You must know that there are other ways to learn
to play piano and one is through piano software.

The inventor of the piano learned to play such instrument without taking any lessons from a teacher. You
don't have to hire a teacher if you truly can't afford one because there is a less expensive alternative. Today,
there are a lot of special software out there just waiting for you.

Piano courses offered online makes use of software. It includes video lessons that were designed by
experienced and professional pianists. By opting for this method, you can save lots of money. You get to
choose your most convenient time to learn to play piano and the best thing is that you can learn from home.
You only have to choose a certain room in your house to have the lessons and that's it. Make sure that you
practice everyday for a couple of minutes. Every time you practice, you have to be serious.

When choosing a piano course with piano lesson software, you have to look into the background of the
seller or provider. The provider or seller should be reputable. You can check customer testimonials to make
sure that past clients were satisfied. Every lesson should also be given in complete details. Having video
lessons is also good so that you can see the actual rather than imagining what the theories look like.

You have to be aware that are so many software online and oftentimes, the process of choosing the best
one is a difficult task. You have to get a list of the best software in the market. You can check reviews of the
different software and try to compare the top five. You can compare them in terms of the lessons given, the
extra features, and the price. Evaluate each of the software and then choose the one that you think is best.

Now, you can start to learn to play piano through software. This is a good investment but wait, do you have
your own piano? Get one first before you get a piano lesson software.
The internet is a very powerful tool used by millions of people all over the world. Through the internet, you
can learn many things including how to play the piano. One way to learn how to play the piano is with a mac

There are many software providers online. They provide internet users with a lot of software that aids them
with their various tasks. But what is software? Software is a computer program. It contains instructions to let
your machines work. So if you have plans to take piano lessons, you can do it through a mac software. You
must choose the mac software that will help you in learning to play the piano.

Where can you find such a mac software? That is no longer a problem. If you already have a computer and
internet connection at home, you can search for specific mac software that can provide you with piano
lessons. Professional pianists design special software to teach novice pianists their skills and playing

The software usually includes video lessons so that you can actually see the theories at work. Learning to
play the piano by focusing mainly on the theories is not very effective. If you want to learn in a short time,
you must be able to see how it is done. Through the video lessons incorporated in the mac software, you will
learn faster and easier.

If you want to purchase mac software that will aid you in your piano lessons, you can simply search for them
online. You can make use of various search engines by typing 'mac software" or "piano lesson mac
software". Check the search results and click on the links provided. If you can find several piano lessons
software, you can compare them with each other. You can compare them in terms of features, quality, and

The prices of mac software may vary depending on its features. If you can go for the high end software that
provides great piano lessons, do so. But if you"re budget is limited at this time and you really wanted to learn
to play the piano, find mac software that fits your budget without sacrificing quality. By doing your homework
and research, you can find the right mac software online.

Learning to play the piano is a good investment. You see, piano playing is a continuous process. You will be
learning for many years and you can't do it in a few months. You must purchase your own piano and have
your own computer and internet connection at home. After spending on those things, you"re now ready to
buy DVD piano lessons. You have to spend a great deal of your time studying the different lessons, even
memorizing some of them. You have to know all the chords and notes. Aside from that, you should also
practice frequently especially your music pieces. This is the only way to learn to play the piano.

Remember this - even if you have all the tools you need to learn piano playing (including mac software), you
will not learn fast and easy if you don't have the right attitude. You must be motivated, patient, and hard
working. Log on to the internet now and search for the special mac software that can give you piano
An acoustic guitar is a wooden instrument that's shaped like the number eight and has a hole at its middle
part. Often mistaken as a classical guitar, an acoustic guitar is hollow and is composed of six strings made
of steel. These strings, when struck, produce sound.

Enough of the slight introduction. That just gave you the idea of what an acoustic guitar looks like and what
is its purpose. Enumerated in lessons are steps on how to play an acoustic guitar successfully without the
thought of giving up that easily.

1. Before starting, be sure you have a guitar. Acoustic guitar to be precise. It doesn't matter if its old or new
for as long as its acoustic.

2. Choose the best website that can provide you with all the options on the how and what of handling a
guitar. There are tons of websites designed to offer a great amount of resources and knowledge regarding
instruments. Catching up those sites can also provide free online lessons.

3. Have an idea on whom to patronize. Some musicians play for the sake of popularity while some play for
an artist's sake. Choose someone who plays for good music. Artists like John Mayer are most popular on
this category. Remind yourself that acoustic guitars aren't exclusively for the mellow ones but for all sort of

4. Memorize the physical parts of your guitar. Remember every angle and functions built with it. Understand
how they produce such sounds and how it turns out bad. You might think this isn't vital. But fact is, this is
one of the most important things you should remember when handling and playing an acoustic guitar.

5. Learn the basic chords first. Aside from that, learn the different ways to play those chords. Example, C
has more than 6 different hand positions. This will add more flexibility on your hands when moving from one
fret to another.

6. Master your chords by not looking at them every once in a while. Practice the muscles of your hand while
talking to someone or listening to the radio. The purpose of multitasking is to help you avoid looking more
often on your hands while playing. This is a good strategy for easier retention of the different chords and to
make your hands familiarize itself with the different frets.

7. Practice at least 5 days a week for at least two to three hours. If you"re really itching to be on the
pedestal, learn to be patient. Everyone has to start somewhere. And that somewhere is from the very basic.
Apart from that, practicing daily entails proper body mechanics. Meaning you have to learn to position your
body in a manner that won't strain your muscles and body parts.

8. Build up those callous on the tip of your fingers. This is painful, very. But as you go on with your lesson
you"ll realize that calluses are with good use. Calluses make your fingers numb. Thus, making it easier for
you to play.

9. Upon learning the easy part, put extra effort on learning the hard parts of the chords. Barre chords are
considered the most difficult part of playing an acoustic guitar. Most beginners skip it. Word of advice, don't.

10. Rest. Don't exhaust yourself if you can no longer go on. Do it the next day. Remember, learning doesn't
have to be an obligation but a right. It has to be slow but accurate.
Not everybody is gifted with the art of music. Some can sing with it or dance with it but only a few chosen
ones can actually play a specific musical instrument. It would take all of your endearing overflowing patience
and precious, precious time to create one piece of melody and make it whole. This is one predicament most
beginners have when learning to play something. This article would be discussing how to play one musical
instrument that is pretty considered as the most popular among other instruments for the reason that it is
one of the cheapest and handy instruments you can drag along anytime, anywhere you want – the guitar.

Several professional guitarists admit that they have to give it their all to perfectly master the art of playing the
guitar. It took them a lot of determination and patience to learn which is the finest key to learning, not only a
guitar but any other instrument alike. But if you"re still having second thoughts, and yet you really, really
want to learn, erase the negativity and begin as early as possible. What better time to start than now.

Below are some of the basic steps on how to ease your way through guitar playing.

Step 1. Decide on what type of guitar to play with. There are basically two types – acoustic and electric. To
differentiate, an acoustic is more preferred than the electric although the electric is easier to manipulate.
Either way, never start your lesson without having a guitar. It's like going to school without your books.

Step 2. Be equipped with the right references and materials that you can single-handedly use. Though
having someone around is better than being alone. If you"re lucky enough to pull someone along the way of
learning, be sure he or she knows something about guitars. Let him or her tune your guitar or teach you how
to properly tune a guitar. He or she could also perform some examples and comment on your work. But if
you are alone in this fight, try purchasing manuals or if you have an internet connection in your home, try
searching the net for websites that offer free tutorial and instructions. There are numerous sites that can
teach you step by step on how to execute a chord.

Step 3. Memorize the important basic chords. Not just mentally, but physically. It is not only important that
your mind remembers each note and fret but it is also essential that your fingers and hands create proper
communication in between notes to maintain equilibrium and efficiency. If you"re starting to develop
blisters on the tips of your fingers, that would be an advantage for blisters, in time, can form calluses that
can make your fingers numb and can make you play better without the pain of pressing on the strings.

Step 4. Practice. Make it a daily habit. If possible, be attached to it. Never leave your guitar just lying around
and idle. Always play with it. Be addicted. Never give up on your endearment for you will reap what you sow,
don't give up just yet. Focus. Hard times are for beginners.

Not unless you have the power to master playing the guitar for only a day, practice is always a better way to
enhance your skills.
+Tired of the old and conventional way of learning to play a guitar? Most beginners depend on self study.
Yet they find it hard to create something out of completely nothing. If you really love to play the guitar but
you don't have anyone to guide you, the best advice would be trying an online way of proficiency. | | What
are the things you"ll need to achieve an absolute and efficient way of acquiring the proper strategies and
knowledge through the net?| | You need a connection. Of course this is the most important thing when you
have decided to go for online tutoring. Next on the list is your guitar. Pick the right guitar. There are only two
kinds to choose from – acoustic or electric. | | Then you have to redeem your attitude by thinking on the
positive side. Above all, you need to have a goal. Organize yourself. Remember that you are alone on this
educative process. No teachers. No musical instructors. Nobody is present to comment on your mistakes
and your fingering. So you have to be religious about it.| | After establishing yourself in front of the computer
monitor, you must have all the things needed, especially a guitar. That you know already. But aside from
that you have to make sure that your computer has a fast and powerful online connection. A DSL connection
can also add up to the speed ability.| | Search the web for the most informative and effective sites where you
can focus all your time practicing. If you are using an acoustic guitar, which is preferred on learning
occasions for it is cheaper and highly dependable; go to a site where acoustic lessons are taught. But if you
have the money to purchase an electric guitar, perfect. For electric guitars are easier to manipulate though
there are a lot of contraptions that needs to be attached. | | Read the course descriptions. Never miss a
single line. Understand how to go about the details. Download some important attachments and files. This
would come in handy if you have forgotten a couple of things. Lessons like these can give you a better
foundation to attain acceptable results.| | Follow the instructions. Do a step by step outline, don't rush the
learning process. If you have difficulty with one direction, focus on that weakness and practice it regularly.
You don't have to practice for perfection but for knowledge and adaptability. On the first weeks of tutorial
things might get pretty messy and quite difficult. But as days progress; you"ll start to notice massive
improvements. | | An online teaching session includes information about different sequential courses like
how to read tabs the right way or how to put those fingers on the proper strings. This not only gives out
techniques but also provides songs that are easy to play. And what easier song than that of something you
truly love. | | If you get really lucky, you"ll be seeing yourself strengthening those strumming skills in a matter
of weeks. | | To compare the advantage and disadvantage of choosing an online tutorial, one of the
dearest benefits is that it is readily available. You can download and order a virtual set without the hassle of
being locked up within tons of wannabes making their way through the music store. Another advantage is
that an online learning experience is always updated and more advanced. | | One very typical disadvantage
is the autonomy of learning. You, alone are the teacher and the student. Nobody would tell you how things
are going out of hand.|
Pianos are popular instruments that need no further introduction. Everybody knows that with every tone the
piano makes marks the beginning of a beautiful melody. But not all musicians can be the chosen ones. Not
all can cross the line between a novice and a competitive musician.

For expert musicians, the traditional way is just the start. They need to discover new methods on how to play
the piano no other musician can. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to keep on practicing, it just
doesn't payoff.

Channeling your energy through the language of music is what a lot of people wanted to learn. But to be an
exceptional performer is more than just learning the keys. One basic secret to become more adept is to
actually play and not continue with the boring rituals that most beginners do. The money that you paid for
those private lessons wouldn't be worth the while without you having a different view.

There are only 4 secrets to a successful and quick way to play the piano. Yes, it's not three this time. Just to
be different. Those who are interested, carry on...

Secret # 1

Know the notes efficiently. You could do this in 2 ways. First, you have read the sheets. Play every note as
it's supposed to be. Then follow the chords that were made for music. Choose songs that are easy to
memorize and imitate. Then, if you think that you"re skillful enough, learn the hard ones.

The second way to effectively know the notes is to play it by ear. Familiarize yourself with the notes just by
using your ear. A blind person can do this so why can't you? Sometimes all it takes is dash of creativeness
to be able to play not by eyes or ears but by heart.

Once you have been keen in knowing these, you could try playing without lead sheets.

Secret # 2

Develop a high level of self-esteem and confidence that wouldn't be shrugged by any problem or difficulty.
Learning to play something totally different requires pure patience. It's all about attitude. Maintaining a
positive outlook will definitely help you conquer whatever shortcomings may creep. Playing the piano is a
tedious task. It is also quite boring especially if you"re not just getting there; if you"re not crossing the line.

Aside from the latter, you have to invest a lot of self-confidence to play whatever you want. A sprinkle of self-
confidence make you shine and look good.

Secret # 3

Practice. Even if it's not working out the way you wanted it to be, just do it. The best pianists are made
through the hands of rigid practice. Without practice there would be no professionals pianists. The best trick
to be adept in playing is the long hours spent in front of the piano.

Secret # 4

Get into the rhythm. Jam with it. Play with the music that you hear. Improvise like a professional musician.
The unity of music and the power of song if achieved create a beautiful rhythm that entices listeners.

If you achieve in doing these four, you"re good to go. But you have to remember that even in the event of
impossible times; all you need to have is faith in yourself and the music that you play. Oh and one more
thing, have fun.
It is very important to take piano lessons in order to play the piano. You have to learn to read piano music if
you plan to be a serious piano player.

If you try to look into history, you will notice that most of the great piano players learned to play the
instrument on their own. The reason may be because they were born with the talents of a piano player. But
did you know that not all pianists have born talents and rather they acquired their playing skills by learning
from a good teacher?

Learning to play piano takes a long time. It could take years for you to master advanced piano lessons. But
as a beginner, you have to take lessons one day at a time. Don't rush yourself because if you do, you will
not learn. Haste makes waste, you should always remember that. Even gifted piano students do not learn

So if you just want to learn piano for fun, find another musical instrument. To learn to play piano, you must
be serious about it. If you plan to get a professional piano teacher, make sure that you receive proper
lessons. This way, you can learn the right playing techniques. So when looking for a teacher, you have to
get only the best.

Your piano teacher is not present at all times so you need to practice. If you want additional guidance, you
can get other methods of learning to play the piano like computer software, DVDs, CDs, or even piano
lesson books.

Before anything else, you have to determine the lessons that the teacher focuses on. You have to learn to
read piano music. Reading piano music takes place all throughout the lessons. Piano teachers usually start
by teaching you the easiest musical pieces. The level of difficulty is increased gradually and he or she will
give you advanced assignments.

When you"re given an assignment, you have to do it by heart. Learn all the piano music that you need to
learn. Reading music takes some time so you must concentrate on the lessons and avoid distractions. You
will not be able to learn sight reading if you can't master reading piano music.

Sight reading is carried out by giving piano students with a piece that they don't really know and they have to
play it. If you can't read piano music, then you will not be able to play the new piece. You really need to
study and practice hard. Learning to play piano should be taken seriously but you should always have fun
when playing so that you will be motivated to the end.

Many people give up their piano lessons because they think they've spent a great deal of their time in
practicing and yet they are not learning fast. In today's modern times, people are used to instant and quick
learning. But when it comes to piano lessons, you can't rush things. You can't make it quick.

To learn to read piano music, it requires dedication, time, and effort. You must also have the right learning
attitude so that you can work well with your teacher or even when working alone. Constant practice is
needed so that you will not forget your previous lessons.

Good luck in learning piano music and don't give up easily.

Checklists are the greatest way to get organized for any occasion. Most of us make a grocery list before
going to the store, why not make a list for everything else in life? The benefits greatly outweigh the time that
it may take to make one. The more checklists that you make, the quicker you will get at it. Following is some
general ideas for checklists:

Checklist for everyday. Start your mornings by making a list of all the things that you need to accomplish
each day. Carry it with you and mark each item off when completed. This will give a great feeling of
accomplishment and closure.

Household maintenance. Develop a household maintenance list divided into months Every month may have
a day to change the filter on your furnace or central air unit. Check the list a few months in advance to see if
you need to schedule specific maintenance people to do a job for you.

Weekly cleaning list. A weekly cleaning list should be developed and hung on the wall for everyone to see.
Beside each job include the person's name that is accountable for the job that week. Make sure they mark
off the job when completed.

Car Maintenance checklist. Schedule times when you need to make appointments for an oil change and
general car maintenance.

Developing checklists for your life will go a long way in reducing stress. Having a list will also make it easier
to assign tasks to other people in your household. The great thing about these checklists is they can all be
stored on your computer and printed out as needed. Or if you prefer, create a special binder for all of your
checklists. Once you start making checklists, you will wonder how you ever lived without them.
Reality is about you everywhere you go. When you try to escape reality, you only hinder yourself from
growing. Your qualities within are hindered as well, since you will find it hard to develop new skills, new
ideas and so on that helps you grow. +In the world, we are surrounded by poverty, crime, poor conditions,
war, hate, and so on. The elements of life combine to pull each of us down. It is up to us to defeat these
ongoing battles and obstacles that get in our way. The way we do this is to face reality head on. +It is ok to
fantasize about good things occasionally. It is not ok to sit all day dreaming about things you will never
accomplish. If you have realistic dreams, you will set realistic goals that lead you to success regardless of
the condition around you. +How it works: Each day when you wake, plan to do something different. Plan to
try something new. If you live each day eating junk food, plan to eat healthy food for the day. Each day you
wake up plan to eat healthier. As you learn new habits, you will see a difference in your health. In addition, if
you drink an alcohol beverage in the morning, plan to wait until evening to drink. +You have a wide array of
options. In addition, most of us have the right to make our own choices. Make your choices good. Each day
you wake up think about the consequences of your decisions to see if it is worth a go. If you see that the
consequences will hinder you, take a step back and review your situation further. You can reach for the
moon and find new stars by brainstorming your mind. ++In addition, you can use helpful tools such as role-
playing or self-talk to develop new ideas. The steps you take to open new doors, is the next step to
improving your personal life. ++If you have children and these kids seem to get you, down. For instance, if
the school is calling daily, biting your child for something he/she did, take action now. If you take the steps to
eliminate the problem, it will only make your life better. +Are you in a relationship that seems to go
nowhere? Step back and review your situation. What can you do to make your relationship better? Is your
mate stubborn? Can you do something different to lighten his behaviors? Conduct is a great role model that
inspires others to change. In addition, you can open the line of communication. Discuss issues with your
mate when the mood is right. Try to avoid arguing. Pay attention to your mate and allow him or her to speak
their mind. If you leave the doors to communication open, it will help you and your mate grow. ++Do you
spend more time at work than you should? +If you have a family, kids included and work a 12 hour shift, you
should re-consider your goals. If you are not spending quality time with your family, in time your family will
drift apart. If possible, reconsider your career. Is there another job you can take on that gives you the same
benefits as your current job? You have many job opportunities available.

You can go online to check out the job sites to look for positions. You have opportunities to work at home
nowadays. If you have, writing skills try considering freelance jobs. You have many choices, so spread your
wings to find your options.
Learning time management skills often requires the setting of long, medium and short term goals. When
evaluating the number of goals to be completed, planning when, exactly how you will meet your specific
goals is one of the most important steps in the process.

One example of a long term goal might be to build a home of your own. Simply setting this goal is not nearly
enough. If you really hope to accomplish your goal you must have a detailed plan in place to help you
achieve it.

Effective time management skills include setting deadlines for when you will meet your entire goals, as well
as thinking through all of the small steps that you will need to take along the way. This is the planning
process and it requires that you make commitments to yourself, in order to meet your long term goals.

If your goal is to build a house within the next two years, then the next step is to detail all of things you will
need to do in order to accomplish that goal.

It is also important to set shorter deadlines for each phase of this process. In this case some of the things
you might to need to accomplish in order to fulfill your goal, and the deadlines you might apply could be find
a piece of land on which to build by December; blueprints for the home complete by March; hire contractors
by June; purchase materials by July etc... In this way you break down complicated, long term goals into
smaller, more manageable pieces.
To improve your personal life you have to consider the whole pie. You have to review your liability,
behaviors, actions, emotional responses, and overall standard of living. Once you review the details, you will
find it easier to move ahead and make the necessary changes. To get started begin with a checklist.

How are your behaviors? What are your behaviors? Do you engage in activities that lead toward negative
consequences? Do you drink heavily? Do you drug? Do you smoke? Do you associate with the wrong
crowd? +Once you write down your behaviors that pull down consider the details. If you engage in activities
that lead toward negative consequences, likely you are not looking at the whole pie. Rather you may act
before you speak or do something. What you need to do is to consider consequences before you speak or
act. If you drink heavily, perhaps you have an alcohol problem. There is nothing wrong with admitting you
have a problem. You will need to seek help. There is nothing wrong with seeking help. If you have a drug
problem, you will need to apply the same rules mentioned when handling alcoholism. If you smoke, you
want to consider ways to stop. You will need willpower and the goal to quite. If you associate with the wrong
crowd, you will need to evaluate your situation. What do these people bring to your table? Do they give or
take from you?

How do you handle problems? Every day there is some kind of a problem that has to be thought out and
decided what to do about the issue. What are some things that you can go to help? You should always think
out the problem before you make a decision on the issue. You will make healthier decisions by looking at the
entire picture. If the problem is too big for you to handle alone, ask for help. Talk with friends, family, or

How about paying bills: DO you pay bills on time? Paying bills is a major problem that leads to many
hassles. If you pay your bills on time however, you can reduce some of these hassles. Failing to pay bills
only builds stress. You will need to set a budget that works within your means to pay your bills on time.
Maybe you can get a better paying job, so you make more money. There might be some times that you are
late but you should try to keep up as best as you can this will help take off some stress.

Do you visit your doctor regularly? Keeping your doctor visits and exercising will help relieve stress. Visiting
your doctor regularly will help you keep an eye on your health. Healthy people live a productive life.

What actions do you take to improve your life? As long as you think things out before you make a decision
you will work to improve your personal life. You will also need to take steps to reduce stress, by avoiding
harmful actions, such as smoking, drugs, or alcoholism. You can benefit by paying bills on time, visiting your
doctor, exercise the mind and body daily and so on. +If you have problems quitting on your own, remember
help is available. You have many options, including inpatient services, outpatient services, group support,
one-on-one services and more. To learn more about these services go online. You will also find help at local
government agencies in your area. ++To improve your life you can also volunteer to help someone. You can
wrap a gift this year for a homeless or deprived child. Many things you can do to improve your personal life.
No woman is worthy to be a wife who on the day of her marriage is not lost absolutely and entirely in an
atmosphere of love and perfect trust; the supreme sacredness of the relation is the only thing which, at the
time, should possess her soul.

Women should not "obey" men anymore than men should obey women. There are six requisites in every
happy marriage; the first is Faith, and the remaining five are Confidence. Nothing so compliments a man as
for a woman to believe in him nothing so pleases a woman as for a man to place confidence in her.

Obey? God help me! Yes, if I loved a woman, my whole heart's desire would be to obey her slightest wish.
And how could I love her unless I had perfect confidence that she would only aspire to what was beautiful,
true and right? And to enable her to realize this ideal, her wish would be to me a sacred command; and her
attitude of mind toward me I know would be the same. And the only rivalry between us would be as to who
could love the most; and the desire to obey would be the one controlling impulse of our lives.

We gain freedom by giving it, and he who bestows faith gets it back with interest. To bargain and stipulate in
love is to lose.

Perfect faith implies perfect love; and perfect love casteth out fear. It is always the fear of imposition, and a
lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word it is absence of love, a limitation, an
incapacity. The price of a perfect love is an absolute and complete surrender.

To give a man something for nothing tends to make the individual dissatisfied with himself.

Your enemies are the ones you have helped.

And when an individual is dissatisfied with himself he is dissatisfied with the whole world and with you.

A man's quarrel with the world is only a quarrel with himself. But so strong is this inclination to lay blame
elsewhere and take credit to ourselves, that when we are unhappy we say it is the fault of this woman or that
man. Especially do women attribute their misery to That Man.

And often the trouble is he has given her too much for nothing.

This truth is a reversible, back-action one, well lubricated by use, working both ways as the case may be.

That form of affection which drives sharp bargains and makes demands, gets a check on the bank in which
there is no balance.

There is nothing so costly as something you get for nothing.

Students in different schools are faced with challenges. They are faced with challenges that test their
potential and capabilities to the maximum.

In order for the students to face all these challenges, they must acquire the skills needed that will make
things easier for them. These will ensure that they do not succumb to defeat once the going gets tough. One
of the most important skills they should learn is time management.

Proper time management is the ability to manage time successfully. It includes prioritization, scheduling and
setting of goals, organization and utilization of things available, avoidance, decision making, knowledge and
many others. Time management is quite hard to do because it entails proper preparations and adjustment.

Effective and proper time management of students offers and provides benefits. The following are some of
the benefits they can get from time management.

• Students practicing effective and proper time management can get more of quality time. There are things
that students set aside as unimportant in order to make the most of their time. But they do not know that
these are vital things. Take eating, for example.

Eating is a significant part of everyone. People need to eat properly and on time to maintain their strength. It
is part of the total time spending. With effective and proper time management, you can learn how to
organize your time effectively so that you get to enjoy your meals in their proper time.

• Not setting tasks for later. The undone things that you think you should be doing or should have done
gives you burden because of the subconscious guilt. Incorporating proper and effective time management
teaches you overcome procrastination and it also teaches you how to prioritize things.

You will feel more confident when you know that there are no unfinished task burdening you while you are
doing other things. You can work better and achieve more once your conscience is clear of worries.

• Students with effective and proper time management have less frustrations. Effective planning and
organization techniques are aspects of time management. This will ensure that you will not face anymore
frustrating situations. Overcoming frustration makes it easier to release the full power of creativity and
productivity of a person.

• Time management increases your energy level. Many of your undone things circulates in your mind. The
tendency is for you to think about them when you could have been doing your other tasks. Proper and
effective time management teaches you how to be organized and how to unclutter your mind from the
energy drains of unhandled things or the so- called "unfinished businesses". With this, you can have and
experience a higher energy level that you have never experienced.

• With effective and proper time management, you can get a sense of achievement and piece of mind. If
you are not sure if where you are going, you will feel anxiety and dissatisfactions. One aspect of effective
and proper time management is setting goals smartly. This technique teaches and helps you realize where
you are going and to see the optimal path that you want. And these gives you piece of mind and sense of

Before you can feel the benefits of effective and proper time management, you should practice effective and
proper time management first. The following are some of the things that should be done in time

1. Set your goals. You should determine exactly the things that you really want to accomplish. Set goals
that achievable and realistic.

2. Know when you are most productive. Knowing the time you are most productive attacks you to do more
things and exert more effort.

3. Avoid procrastination. Make use of your time wisely and effectively. Remember the saying 'time is gold".

4. Know how to organize. Knowledge on proper organization help you achieve and attain the goals you
have set in a timely manner.

5. Know how to prioritize. Prioritization of things is very important. It is the key to effective time

Students" dedication in practicing time management is also important. Without dedication, all their time
management skills will result to nothing. It is as if they never had them in the first place.
After the Ch"ing dynasty fell in the early 17th century, it was necessary to come to agreement of a national
language for China for proper dialects and pronunciations. It was until around 1913 however, until the
Ministry of Education actually established the national language. The requirements were for the language to
go beyond local dialects and include prominent properties used universally in the Asian world. Mandarin
Chinese dominated and successfully became the superior and dominant Chinese usage. Starting in 1956, it
is now the mandated language taught in Asia countries. Throughout the country it is still referred to as
"guanya" or "national speech", but in the west we call it Mandarin.

What makes mandarin Chinese different to learn than English, is it's tones assigned to words which vary in
high to low levels, and pitches. It is also a monosyllabic language with little or no modulation. Unlike the
English alphabet, The Chinese language contains over 3000 frequently used characters and over 6500
listed in the Chinese dictionary. The characters denote deep meaning then just surface print. An addition or
subtraction of a brushstroke changes the meaning of the character. As do tones used in pronunciation of
Chinese words.

The writing of the Chinese language is done vertically and is read the same way. There is controversy over
the traditional way of writing Chinese, as opposed to newer forms which make words hard to recognize. The
generalized new way of writing Chinese also gives different meanings to words. As time progresses, you will
see more of the traditional script being used and taught. Written Chinese is in Mandarin is also known as

Methods of learning mandarin Chinese would incorporate using what is referred to as Hanyu Pinyin, a
Romanization system used for teaching Chinese. Pinyin means "phonetic notation" and uses roman
numbers to correspond to sounds in mandarin Chinese.

When you want to begin the study of the Chinese language, decide what method of learning this complex
language will suit your needs best. There are quick learn programs available, as well as free lessons online.
You can study within the walls of a traditional classroom, or sign up for a class online. If you wish to study
the Chinese language independently, consider using a download onto your mp3 player for enhanced
learning and practice. To make practice entertaining, learn the mandarin form of Chinese thru interactive
animations and games.

Flash cards are a great method of memorization, especially for commonly used phrases and characters. If
you run across difficulties, consider a tutor either personally or connect with one online to prevent any
frustration or to keep from giving up entirely. The point is to keep trying. Keep looking for unique ways to
incorporate the language into your daily activities. Possibilities exist even in the smallest of means, for
example stickers with words or phrases on it in the Chinese language placed around your house. Be

Learning about the culture and the Chinese language offers a whole new way of looking at life and with
enough effort and practice, this complex language can be mastered.
Want an enviable memory? Start leading a healthy life fused with exercises that boosts blood circulation to
that area of brain that is responsible for memory. A sedentary lifestyle causes not only a lethargic body but
also a diminishing static brain. While you take a jog make sure that that the exercise regimen also includes
cardio vascular exercises. A lapse is memory can often be an indication of start of Alzheimer disease
especially in elderlies.

With growing awareness of the disease it is more probable that people suspect disease the moment they
identify a small gap in memory. It mostly occurs at the age of 50 or more with ageing and diminishing
nutrition. A lot also depend on the stress level for memory to detoriate before time. However, it is perfectly
normal to forget a thing or two at later stage in life. Besides stress, people deprived of sleep specially those
working odd hours are prone to memory loss. Only a well-rested body and brain can perform well.

There are many over the counter drugs apart from herbal medication to boost memory. Few people believe
that taking Gingko Biloba helps in restoring memory others rely on memory formula enriched with vitamin
and minerals. These herbs and medication expand blood vessels, fight free radicals, boost immune system
and decreases the level of depression and stress. Other naturally occurring substance that helps in ensuring
proper blood circulation to brain are rosemary, ginseng and green tea. Green tea contains plethora of
benefits that surpasses any her from improving blood circulation to weight maintenance. Their antioxidant
helps fight cancer and promotes healing. It is used across skin preparations as it acts as soother and healer.
It is also known for its anti-aging benefits. Other medication promises to increase the concentration level and
boost brainpower by improving oxygen flow to the brain.

While aging people might want to indulge in the above-mentioned supplements and medication the younger
lot can always look for memory building games online or otherwise. There are memory plans on internet
such as, Brain age, Big brain academy that promises to build a phenomenal memory. But the
first and foremost step toward acquiring a great memory is to squash the laziness syndrome and start
feeling active. But surf to these online memory shacks are certainly not as good as visiting your local farmer
market and grabbing a broccoli instead. These powerful veggies are sure to get the cognitive clock ticking.
According to latest research studies broccoli, cauliflowers and other Cruciferous vegetables improves the
memory and reverse the aging process by nothing less than one and half year. Spinach that is high on folate
is proved to reduce the risk of Alzheimer by breaking the homocysteine, an amino acid that is toxic to the
nerve cell. Usage of unsaturated or hydrogenated fats have also proved to reduce the risk of Alzheimer and
memory loss.

However there are other reasons that can be attributed to memory loss called Amnesia its is a symptom that
causes complete memory blackout generally caused by head injury, drug toxicity, stroke, paralysis attack,
emotional shock, and infection. These memories can be recovered through psychotherapy but it few cases it
is observed that the condition prevails for lifetime resulting in subject to live a completely new life.
Success is in the blood. There are men whom fate can never keep down they march forward in a jaunty
manner, and take by divine right the best of everything that the earth affords. But their success is not
attained by means of the Samuel Smiles-Connecticut policy. They do not lie in wait, nor scheme, nor fawn,
nor seek to adapt their sails to catch the breeze of popular favor. Still, they are ever alert and alive to any
good that may come their way, and when it comes they simply appropriate it, and tarrying not, move steadily

Good health! Whenever you go out of doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the
lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every hand-

Do not fear being misunderstood; and never waste a moment thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly
in your own mind what you would like to do, and then without violence of direction you will move straight to
the goal.

Fear is the rock on which we split, and hate the shoal on which many a barque is stranded. When we
become fearful, the judgment is as unreliable as the compass of a ship whose hold is full of iron ore; when
we hate, we have unshipped the rudder; and if ever we stop to meditate on what the gossips say, we have
allowed a hawser to foul the screw.

Keep your mind on the great and splendid thing you would like to do; and then, as the days go gliding by,
you will find yourself unconsciously seizing the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your
desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the elements that it needs. Picture in your mind
the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought that you hold is hourly transforming you
into that particular individual you so admire.

Thought is supreme, and to think is often better than to do.

Preserve a right mental attitude the attitude of courage, frankness and good cheer.

Darwin and Spencer have told us that this is the method of Creation. Each animal has evolved the parts it
needed and desired. The horse is fleet because he wishes to be; the bird flies because it desires to; the
duck has a web foot because it wants to swim. All things come through desire and every sincere prayer is
answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed.

Many people know this, but they do not know it thoroughly enough so that it shapes their lives. We want
friends, so we scheme and chase 'cross lots after strong people, and lie in wait for good folks or alleged
good folks hoping to be able to attach ourselves to them. The only way to secure friends is to be one. And
before you are fit for friendship you must be able to do without it. That is to say, you must have sufficient
self-reliance to take care of yourself, and then out of the surplus of your energy you can do for others.

The individual who craves friendship, and yet desires a self-centered spirit more, will never lack for friends.

If you would have friends, cultivate solitude instead of society. Drink in the ozone; bathe in the sunshine; and
out in the silent night, under the stars, say to yourself again and yet again, "I am a part of all my eyes
behold!" And the feeling then will come to you that you are no mere interloper between earth and heaven;
but you are a necessary part of the whole. No harm can come to you that does not come to all, and if you
shall go down it can only be amid a wreck of worlds.

Like old Job, that which we fear will surely come upon us. By a wrong mental attitude we have set in motion
a train of events that ends in disaster. People who die in middle life from disease, almost without exception,
are those who have been preparing for death. The acute tragic condition is simply the result of a chronic
state of mind a culmination of a series of events.

Character is the result of two things, mental attitude, and the way we spend our time. It is what we think and
what we do that make us what we are.

By laying hold on the forces of the universe, you are strong with them. And when you realize this, all else is
easy, for in your arteries will course red corpuscles, and in your heart the determined resolution is born to do
and to be. Carry your chin in and the crown of your head high. We are gods in the chrysalis.
Your mental health is an amazing part of what makes you as a person. Personal development is a way of
life that effects your mind, actions, and how you treat others around you. It plays a vital role on your over-all
well being and the relationships around you. Often times, we get so caught up in the physical aspects of
what's on the outside and forget to take care of the inside. Exercising our brain consciously and
subconsciously is an important factor when improving one's life and creating a healthy state of mind as we
age. When a person is depressed, stressed, tired, and frustrated it effects everything we do as well as the
people closest to us. I remember someone telling me in a depressed state, that she couldn't even watch
television because she didn't want to watch the living. When I get down, I often think of that comment and it
reminds me of a place I don't ever want to be. Isolating yourself for others could turn into something very
dangerous and unfortunately help will only start with one person. YOU! Although there is a laundry list of
books and professional help, also recommended, but if this article gives you a jump start to just get you
slightly motivated to move forward, then moving an inch is greater than lying still.

Depression and anxiety will use every good power that you have against you. Keep in mind that the most
talented individual wouldn't get anywhere without persistence. Persistence and determination are the first
steps to controlling your thoughts and feelings. Many medications can trigger depression, make sure to
consult with your doctor to see if this has any effects on the way you are feeling.

Studies indicate that the most common reason for depression is the lack of interests and activities. When
improving your personal life, interests and activities are vital in mental health, self esteem and happiness.
Although this does not help much when fighting boredom, or other problems but you can best improve your
mental health by practicing many of them until you do well. When you are depressed it easy to forget all of
the things we liked to do. Motivation can help us overcome trying something new or remembering exactly
what made us happy. Asking friends and family to help motivate me is a tool that I use when I'm in the need
of a little push. Reward yourself when accomplishing tasks, such as getting the laundry done before
watching your favorite television show.

Negative thinking also plays a major role in depression. The happiest of people experience the same pain,
suffering and sorrows, just like a person depressed. To accept troubles gracefully and keeping a positive
attitude is where you"ll find how some people cope with things on a different level. Ask yourself, are your
expectations realistic? Accepting a situation for what it is can eliminate your negative feelings. Taking
action for your own negative ways of thinking and turning those thoughts positive means that you are
motivating yourself to change. Tackle what is bothering you, and take a bad situation and turn it into
something good. A little humor helps my situation from time to time, meaning laughter does a great deal for
our mind and body. Try not to constantly worry about being happy. Developing interests, activities,
friendships and learning how to cope with the emotional pain will conquer your personal problems and
further solve your thinking habits. Doing this will get you on the road of happiness, as long as you put forth
the effort.

Affirmations That Attract Prosperity (508 words)

Do you have a hard time focusing on prosperity? Do you find yourself struggling with negative thought
habits that only seem to attract more lack and difficulty into your life? Affirmations are one simple tool you
can use to turn it around.

Affirmations work by delivering new messages to your subconscious mind. Most often, this involves
replacing old, limiting messages with new, empowering messages.

However, the way you word your affirmations will usually determine how effective they are.

If I asked you to recite this affirmation: "I am a millionaire," how effective do you think it would be? Would
you turn into an overnight millionaire? Would money start falling out of the sky to land in your lap? Probably
not. Why? Simply because you know the statement isn't true. If you try to feed your subconscious mind a
belief that you are a millionaire, it creates a conflict with your current set of beliefs. Your subconscious mind
does not like conflict, and it doesn't like change – so nothing in your life changes either!

In order for affirmations to work, you MUST word them in a way that your subconscious mind won't resist. In
other words, make them believable.

Compare the above affirmation to one like this: "I am becoming more prosperous every day."

That one feels better, doesn't it? Your mind doesn't try to resist it because you can actually imagine it
happening (even if it hasn't begun to happen yet).

Another power-boost for affirmations is to word them in a way that places more responsibility on you. For
example, instead of affirming, "I am becoming more prosperous every day," you could say, "I am open to the
best opportunities to make money quickly and easily." The wording of such an affirmation makes you feel
more in control of your circumstances. Rather than waiting anxiously for money to fall out of the sky, you
send a message to your subconscious mind that you can control how much money you have by being alert
to great opportunities.

Affirmations can vary in the length of time required to firmly 'take root" in your mind. For the most part, it
depends on the intensity of your opposing beliefs and the level of effort you put forth in turning those beliefs
around. If your focus on lack is very strong, you"ll probably have to expend a fair amount of energy and
effort to train your mind to focus on prosperity.

However, it is time and effort well spent because the more you focus on positive thoughts and prosperous
beliefs, the more you"ll find yourself attracting good things into your life.

Here are a few good affirmations to help get you started on the road to prosperity:

• I use my thoughts and emotions to attract abundance effortlessly. • I am becoming more prosperous and
successful every day. • I know I have what it takes to be as successful as I want to be. • I am talented and
resourceful. • I create a better life one positive thought at a time.
Until circa 1960, if you visit major universities in the country, you will see students who are male, young,
white, and full-time and come from a middle-class family. These students are what universities and colleges
identify as traditional students.

During that time there was not much notion of students who work in part-time jobs to support their college
education. College students with learning disabilities were also virtually invisible, even non-existent, then.

As our society continuously evolves, the predominance of traditional students in University student bodies
experiences some changes. Somehow, due to the accommodation of more immigrants who have adopted
our country as their own, the student body summaries for college institutions saw a distinct shift from having
a population of traditional students into non-traditional ones.

Over the last several decades, student population now consists of those who are older, women,
Asian/Hispanic, and are part-time. Meanwhile, traditional students as described slowly decrease in
population. These are based factually from annual summary reports of the Chronicle of Higher Education on
students at two-year and four-year colleges.

Non-traditional students are mostly women enlightened with their gender having equal opportunities in
society today. They are not anymore teenagers fresh from high school. Some are already housewives who
come back in school for a college education degree.

There are all kinds of reasons for adults to come back to school. They may have taken up a college
education to guarantee promotion in their jobs. Various assistance programs to grant others with the
opportunity to gain a college education within a given time limit.

The college institution faculty now confronts quite an interesting mixture of students, more diverse in age,
gender, ethnicity and academic exclusivity in their lives. The notion of 'traditional" students becomes quite
uncommon and unusual. Ideas and tips for effective time management of these non-traditional students are

It is a great challenge for Universities and Colleges to accommodate these non-traditional students. These
students apparently have other responsibilities, aside from fulfilling their projects and attending study

Breaking down their time for responsibilities to their family, their part-time or full-time jobs, their academic
and non-academic activities, could daunt those who are not very much motivated. It is quite a good point
that these non-traditional college students are highly motivated.

Still, it is up to the Universities and college institutions to assist them in coming up with proper time
management methods and strategies so that they will not neglect their college education.

Universities and college institutions must let these non-traditional students feel that they are not alone in
their endeavors. It is important to let them know that their goals are obtainable, and that they can make
significant changes in their lives if they really go the extra mile for it.

Aside from assisting them in achieving confidence, determination, and encouragement to persevere, they
must also know of properly setting up a time management program for themselves.

There is an extensive list of ideas and time management tips for college students, in general. However, non-
traditional students are the ones who need most of these ideas. Here are several of them:

1. Do not fall over the Parkinson's Law trap. Plan the length of time needed to successfully accomplish or
complete a certain task. If it can be finished ahead of time, then it is much better.

2. The Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule of getting 80% of the results from 20% of the work" is a good
method to apply in accomplishing a certain task and getting the most out of the time.

3. No one is perfect so do not strive achieve perfection. It can be a waste of time to go back again and
again just to perfect something. A job or task must be considered "finished" and it is time to move on to
something else.

4. Do important task during the time of day when personal productivity is high.
5. Spend the night before getting ready for the next day.

6. Do not tolerate procrastination. Plan and divide time with efficiency without giving space for long terms of
idleness or inactivity.

7. Do not skip classes just to do another activity or task

8. For every hour of a lecture, schedule two hours to review it.

9. Identify a place which ambiance work well in inspiring work and creativity

10. Tougher assignments or tasks need to be discussed first

11. Do not or if not, stop being a blockhead Blockheads as other people are wont to do.

12. There is a need to stop an activity when you have reached the end of the scheduled time limit and move
on to the next task at hand.

13. Check out the time available for a certain task or project. For large projects, break it up into smaller
assignments to become more attainable and less daunting.

14. Give importance to major course classes

15. Have a list of things to accomplish for a day, a week, a month, even a whole semester and check each
one off once completed or achieved.

16. Set a schedule for exercise and relaxation. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

17. Be an expert in carrying out small and simple tasks during intervals or lull in activities.

Non-traditional college students are flexible and experienced people. They can motivate themselves to
excel, as long as they are guided by a good time management skill.
Nurses do their best to take care and provide sufficient health care services to people who need it. Nursing
is defined as the care for the sick and maintenance of people's health as well. Nursing deals with the tasks
of promoting growth, caring and feeding for infants and toddlers, preventing diseases, promoting good
health, assisting in faster recovery, and promoting good health to their patients.

Nurses can employ several techniques in order to have effective time management. When they have
successfully done that, it saves them from a lot of stress so they can be more productive and efficient. Some
of these techniques are:

1.) Organizing And Planning The Days Ahead

Planning ahead your itinerary for the day and for the days ahead will make life easier for most nurses. The
list is an effective time management tool that they can consult for what set of tasks they are scheduled to
accomplish within a given day. This might seem really simple but it could spell the difference between a
highly stressed day over an efficient one.

However, for the list to be effective it must be very specific. Include time frames for each set of activities or
activity. Therefore, you will know whether you are spending so much time doing one thing instead of moving
on to another task. The length of the list varies according to your preference, whether you want to create a
list for the day or for the entire week.

2.) Avoid Distractions

Everyday, we face several distractions in our daily activities. Nurses are no exceptions. With so many
distractions, it can lead to waste of time since it could be spent on unnecessary activities. Distractions can
come in different forms, whether through taking lots of time on the phone, chatting with fellow nurses or
hospital staffs, or watching television.

These are all unproductive activities that you can do without. And yet, they cause you to loss valuable time
or even neglect your duties to your patients.

3.) Planning Daily Goals

Listing down your daily set of activities is not enough. You also need to have a set of goals that will aim to
motivate you in doing or finishing your tasks. These goals will help nurses do their tasks more efficiently. It is
not just a matter of completing your tasks, but you must also determine whether you have accomplish your

4.) Thinking Positive

Positive thinking will help boost a nurse's performance at work. With it, they can follow their list of activities
with better functionality. It can always be seen that optimism helps achieve better results. A nurse should
teach one's self to strive harder on their task, to always perform better.

Nurses with proper time management skills and have lessen the stress they experience tend to have a more
pleasing personality. Stress indeed can be your biggest adversary. Therefore, when you possess a more
positive vibe, it enables you to communicate and work with your fellow nurses efficiently.
Every successful concern is the result of a One-Man Power. Cooperation, technically, is an iridescent dream
things cooperate because the man makes them. He cements them by his will.

But find this Man, and get his confidence, and his weary eyes will look into yours and the cry of his heart
shall echo in your ears. "O, for some one to help me bear this burden!"

Then he will tell you of his endless search for Ability, and of his continual disappointments and thwartings in
trying to get some one to help himself by helping him.

Ability is the one crying need of the hour. The banks are bulging with money, and everywhere are men
looking for work. The harvest is ripe. But the Ability to captain the unemployed and utilize the capital, is
lacking sadly lacking. Your man of Ability has a place already. Yes, Ability is a rare article.

But there is something that is much scarcer, something finer far, something rarer than this quality of Ability.

It is the ability to recognize Ability.

The sternest comment that ever can be made against employers as a class, lies in the fact that men of
Ability usually succeed in showing their worth in spite of their employer, and not with his assistance and

If you know the lives of men of Ability, you know that they discovered their power, almost without exception,
thru chance or accident. Had the accident not occurred that made the opportunity, the man would have
remained unknown and practically lost to the world. The experience of Tom Potter, telegraph operator at an
obscure little way station, is truth painted large. That fearful night, when most of the wires were down and a
passenger train went through the bridge, gave Tom Potter the opportunity of discovering himself. He took
charge of the dead, cared for the wounded, settled fifty claims drawing drafts on the company burned the
last vestige of the wreck, sunk the waste iron in the river and repaired the bridge before the arrival of the
Superintendent on the spot.

"Who gave you the authority to do all this?" demanded the Superintendent.

"Nobody," replied Tom, "I assumed the authority."

The next month Tom Potter's salary was enhanced, and in three years he was making ten times this, simply
because he could get other men to do things.

Why wait for an accident to discover Tom Potter? Let us set traps for Tom Potter, and lie in wait for him.
Perhaps Tom Potter is just around the corner, across the street, in the next room, or at our elbow. Myriads of
embryonic Tom Potters await discovery and development if we but look for them.

I know a man who roamed the woods and fields for thirty years and never found an Indian arrow. One day
he began to think "arrow," and stepping out of his doorway he picked one up. Since then he has collected a
bushel of them.

Suppose we cease wailing about incompetence, sleepy indifference and slipshod "help" that watches the
clock. These things exist let us dispose of the subject by admitting it, and then emphasize the fact that
freckled farmer boys come out of the West and East and often go to the front and do things in a masterly
way. There is one name that stands out in history like a beacon light after all these twenty-five hundred
years have passed, just because the man had the sublime genius of discovering Ability. That man is
Pericles. Pericles made Athens.

And today the very dust of the streets of Athens is being sifted and searched for relics and remnants of the
things made by people who were captained by men of Ability who were discovered by Pericles.

There is very little competition in this line of discovering Ability. We sit down and wail because Ability does
not come our way. Let us think "Ability," and possibly we can jostle Pericles there on his pedestal, where he
has stood for over a score of centuries the man with a supreme genius for recognizing Ability.
Part of getting organized is remembering to do things. Many of us have problems with memory. It is no
wonder with all the things we must do and remember as we go about our daily lives. Below are a few tricks
that will help you remember people, appointments and tasks that need done each day. Accept the fact that
we cannot rely too much on our memories. Carry a small note pad and a pen with you all the time. The
instant you set an appointment or are asked to attend a meeting, jot it down in the pad. Every time you tell
somebody to do something or when somebody like your boss asks you to do something write it down in your
book along with the date and the time. If you have an electronic pocket organizer be sure to use it. Every
time someone gives you his or her telephone number, directly enter it into your pocket organizer, along with
the person's name. Utilize the backside of business cards to help your memory. Jot down a few points about
the person and probably the reason for meeting him or her and the place as well. This will certainly lessen
the load on your memory. But take never to do it in front of the person. Prepare a to-do list everyday. I
cannot over emphasize the importance of to-do lists in getting yourself organized. It is probably the most
sensible thing that a busy person should do. Have a fixed timetable. It may seem kind of mechanical but it
would be wonderful if you could have a fixed time for everything and try to stick religiously to the time table.
Believe me it really helps because in that way you will have time for everything and everything can be done
in the time for it. .
The longer you exist, the more memories you're going to have. If you're not watchful, you can fill your house
to the rim with your memories, and you won't have room for everything else. Have one or two plastic
containers to store your memorabilia. Decide what you really wish to keep, and what you can do without.
When these containers are filled, the rule is to get rid of, or give away, one thing before you put another item
in. This will guarantee only the most prized memories are stored in your Memory Box(es). While packing
clothing for a trip, lay out all you think you'll require on your bed -- then, put half of it back in your closet.
Most people take way more than is essential and end up hauling needless weight along the way. Chances
are, you'll be able to wear each outfit at least two times, especially if you mix and match different tops with
different bottoms. Organizing your home or office does take a quantity of energy. That's why knowing your
peak energy level is so essential. If you're an early bird and your energy level is very high in the morning,
that's the best time for you to de-clutter. If you have more energy at night, organize during that time instead.
With the quantity of things you have to keep in mind in any given day, why should you try to stuff it all into
your memory bank? When you want to remember something, the very best thing to do is write it down.
Then, when you need to recall it, it will be there for you in an instant. If you're at the office, and you want to
do something when you arrive home, call your answering machine and leave yourself a message. When you
get home, you'll listen to your message and remember exactly what you wanted to do.
If you haven't balanced your checkbook in awhile, lose your received bills before they're paid, or put off filing
your tax returns because it's too complicated to get everything together, then it's most likely time to organize
your money. Below are five quick ideas: 1. Merge your credit cards. Rather than having a lot of different
credit cards, consolidate all of your expenses on one credit card. This can result in less uncertainty over
which card to use, it can give you a better idea of how much debt you're accumulating, it may give you more
back for your dollar, and you'll only have to write out one payment check per month.

2. Employ a bill paying system. As soon as you get bills in the mail, they should instantly be placed into a bill
paying system. Use that same bill paying system to store paid bill summaries, being certain that every
category are in its own folder or envelope. Doing this makes it very easy to look something up when needed.

3. Organize your expenses, while you spend. As you spend, just record that outlay. This can be called your
Expense Summary. A computer program like Quicken or a straightforward spreadsheet is great for this
purpose, or you can do this with paper and pen.

4. Balance your checkbook monthly. In order for you to have an idea of how much money is sitting in your
checking account, which checks have cleared, and any errors that you or your bank may have made, you
have to balance your checking account. It doesn't take that long if you balance your checkbook the same
day your statement and canceled checks arrive back from the bank each month. 5. Keep your tax-related
stuff together. Before tax season, you'll start to receive tax related information from your job, your bank, etc.
Keep all of these tax-related papers in a labeled file folder. This way, when you're ready to do your taxes,
you won't have to search for the papers you need.

Affirmations That Attract Prosperity (508 words)

Do you have a hard time focusing on prosperity? Do you find yourself struggling with negative thought
habits that only seem to attract more lack and difficulty into your life? Affirmations are one simple tool you
can use to turn it around.

Affirmations work by delivering new messages to your subconscious mind. Most often, this involves
replacing old, limiting messages with new, empowering messages.

However, the way you word your affirmations will usually determine how effective they are.

If I asked you to recite this affirmation: "I am a millionaire," how effective do you think it would be? Would
you turn into an overnight millionaire? Would money start falling out of the sky to land in your lap? Probably
not. Why? Simply because you know the statement isn't true. If you try to feed your subconscious mind a
belief that you are a millionaire, it creates a conflict with your current set of beliefs. Your subconscious mind
does not like conflict, and it doesn't like change – so nothing in your life changes either!

In order for affirmations to work, you MUST word them in a way that your subconscious mind won't resist. In
other words, make them believable.

Compare the above affirmation to one like this: "I am becoming more prosperous every day."

That one feels better, doesn't it? Your mind doesn't try to resist it because you can actually imagine it
happening (even if it hasn't begun to happen yet).

Another power-boost for affirmations is to word them in a way that places more responsibility on you. For
example, instead of affirming, "I am becoming more prosperous every day," you could say, "I am open to the
best opportunities to make money quickly and easily." The wording of such an affirmation makes you feel
more in control of your circumstances. Rather than waiting anxiously for money to fall out of the sky, you
send a message to your subconscious mind that you can control how much money you have by being alert
to great opportunities.

Affirmations can vary in the length of time required to firmly 'take root" in your mind. For the most part, it
depends on the intensity of your opposing beliefs and the level of effort you put forth in turning those beliefs
around. If your focus on lack is very strong, you"ll probably have to expend a fair amount of energy and
effort to train your mind to focus on prosperity.

However, it is time and effort well spent because the more you focus on positive thoughts and prosperous
beliefs, the more you"ll find yourself attracting good things into your life.

Here are a few good affirmations to help get you started on the road to prosperity:

• I use my thoughts and emotions to attract abundance effortlessly. • I am becoming more prosperous and
successful every day. • I know I have what it takes to be as successful as I want to be. • I am talented and
resourceful. • I create a better life one positive thought at a time.
Have you ever considered why you may be having trouble getting organized? Below are the top five
reasons. Check and see if you are falling into one of these traps.

1. The 'I'd Rather Do Something Else' Mindset. Let's face it. We'd all rather be doing something fun, correct?
One way to overcome this problem is to schedule your organizing projects for first thing in the morning. Do
your project for an hour or so, and be done with it. Once it's out of the way, your day will be free to do things
that you really enjoy.

2. The 'All or Nothing' Philosophy. You may be unwilling to begin an organizing project because you only like
to start things that you know you can conclude in one session. Waiting until you can do 'the whole thing'
often ends up in nothing getting done. 3. Broad Goals and Priorities Just making the statement, 'I have to
get organized,' is too open. It often results in an overwhelmed, 'I don't know where to start' feeling. Instead of
saying you want to get organized, make a list of the exact things you'd like to organize, such as your
bedroom closet, or your filing cabinet at work, or your schedule. 4. A Sense of Attachment. Sometimes it's
really hard to part with things because you may feel a sense of attachment. It is imperative to decide what
things are 'really' important to you and what things are just taking up space. 5. Fear of Failure. One of the
major reasons for not starting an organizing project is fear of failure. You may feel that since you haven't
been able to get organized for so many years, that it will be impossible for you to get organized now. Or, you
may feel that even if you do manage to get it organized, you might not be able to keep it up. Positive
thinking is a must!! .
Despite the fact that there is no disagreement email has enhanced the way we do business, it has definitely
brought complications with its sheer quantity and potential for interruptions. Below are a few tips in
managing email:

• Allow yourself 15-20 minutes at the beginning of each day to scan your Inbox. Make decisions swiftly on as
many as feasible. Your options consist of: Delete, Forward, Save, File, Schedule an appointment or create a
task for future attention.

• Attempt to limit the amount of times you check your email each day to four to six times. For some, this is
easier said than done. If you check your email 15 times in an average 8-hour day, you are interrupting your
focus every 32 minutes.

• Turn off any sort of instant messaging service or email announcement. The messages that appear in the
lower corner of your computer screen are like toddlers pulling at your pant leg. They keep on begging for
your attention until you stop what you are doing and turn to them. Interruptions lower productivity levels and
email is no exception.

• Set up suitable folders in your email management program. Making swift decisions on email will be easier
once you have the proper folders set up. Since mail stored here a lot of times counts against your storage
quota, look at these files as a place to store emails associated with existing projects only.

• Lay down regulations to presort your email. You can make a decision to sort emails automatically into file
folders instead of allowing them to land in your Inbox. Then when you are prepared to center on a particular
job, that file folder already contains any relevant emails

By following the simple steps above, you will find your day becomes much more productive.
While you are organizing, don't forget to take a look at your garage. Set aside two successive days for
organizing your garage. One day for tearing it apart and putting it back together and the next day for
organizing wall space. You will need to take everything out, boxes, bikes, lawnmowers, snow blowers etc.
Take this time to sweep out bugs, dirt and more! Decluttering is just as essential in this space as any other
in your home. Once you have made decisions about what you are keeping, it is time to define categories for
storage. Don't disregard the storage room above the overhead doors that can be used for long flat things.
Once you have created your categories, put things that you use the most in simple access and things that
are 'sometime' things can go up higher. Utilize wall and ceiling space to maximize your vicinity. Put up
shelves to place boxes on and label them so you can 'look and find'. Garage items can be very weighty and
need extra support, you might want to add extra supports or make them out of wood. Metal shelving units
are fashionable, but don't forget to use the wall space at the top of the wall. Shelving can go up here, be out
of the way and is great for those things you only use once or twice a year. Well-built plastic containers with
lids are an outstanding way to keep bugs and dirt away. Tag everything you have in containers for easy
searching. Being able to actually use your garage and find everything without wasting time hunting for it are
rewards for your hard labor. Do you have any idea how much money you are going to save without having to
go and purchase new items for the things you lost?
It has been projected we make use of twenty percent of our possessions eighty percent of the time. If we
apply this to paper are we in actuality only using twenty percent of the paper fit to bust from our filing
cabinets? Hard to see, but pretty probably correct. Below are a few tips to put into practice in your mission to
better manage the paper found in your office:

Set up a system for receiving, reviewing and storing your daily mail. This may be a simple inbox sitting in
close proximity to or on your desk. The main thing is to have an exact place designated to hold incoming
items. An outbox will add even greater organization.

When it comes to filing, remember the mantra "You file to retrieve. You do not file to store." Files exist to
assist us, not to discourage us. Make sure you are filing stuff in a way that will permit you to recover them
swiftly and only accumulate the papers that are beyond doubt needed.

Take a good look at your current files. Do you know the contents of each and every one of your files? Are
others able to retrieve things in your absence? Are they easy to get to with space for future growth? If you
answered "no" to any of these questions, odds are you could do with spending some time sorting and

Do not be tempted by the copy machine. If you are saving a document by electronic means, you most likely
do not have to salt away a hard duplicate too.

Organized offices and homes compel productivity upward, increase competence and assist you to juggle the
demands of both. As you develop systems to keep you organized, you will be able to transform your life, not
just your space.
Personal growth and development systems exist for those wishing transformation in their lives. There are
individual platforms of self improvement available. Resources such as life coaches and internet personal
growth systems are abundant for those seeking change.

Life planning: This area of expertise provides skills and strategies for encompassing your life through total
awareness. Coaches or mentors outline specific weak areas needed for improvement and help to develop
an individual plan for success. It could involve setting goals, motivation, or time management. The realm of
life planning may also involve physical or mental self-help, or even financial. Also included in life planning
systems is resource management guidance.

Executive or Professional systems: Many companies offer personal growth and development systems
seminars to give their employees better tools for success. They understand the employees need for better
strategies in effective communications and time management. This area specifically focuses on career
potential. It is said that those who attend the seminars have a higher self-esteem and are more confident in
their career interactions.

Financial/Legal systems: Debt consolidation and financial planning companies remain a booming industry.
They are created solely to help people get control of their finances and manage their money better. Debt
reduction and negotiation companies have structured systems to help their clients reduce their debt ratio.

Mental/Medical self-help systems: These systems are more complex, and require educated professionals.
Assessments, evaluations and diagnosis are the defining techniques used in this area. There are often
situations such as depression, or anxiety disorders, which must be handled by professionals. Physical
limitations or problems must also be handled by those trained to do so.

Religious/spiritual systems: Over the two decades, this personal growth and development system has
exploded. People no longer content with what the world means have returned to spiritual ways to feel better.
They seek renewal, cleansing and support from surrendering to a higher source. This is a highly successful
arena for personal change. It becomes a moral and personal responsibility for improving your life. It provides
faith and hope delivered from religious leaders or spiritual content. The message is eternal.

Self improvement/personal transformation systems: Next to religious and spiritual systems, this platform for
life change is undeniably meaningful. Resources exist in numbers for self-improvement. Life coaches,
seminars, and internet sites are just a few ideas to consider when seeking a personal transformation. Any
area of your life you need help on exist in self improvement systems. Tools for successful living can be
learned and a support system can be developed. It is an invigorating and powerful source for self

There are many systems available for those needing help with their lives. No longer does one have to settle
for the hand life dealt. Just by reaching out, comes the answers. Human potential is not limited to
circumstance. Optimism comes back to your life by taking the upper hand on weak areas. Through
diligence and persistence, you can reclaim and recreate your life circumstance. Do not fear asking for help
from any of these personal growth and development systems. They are specifically created with you in mind.
When a person can regulate their sources of spirituality, it brings them great pleasure. Since we all are
different in nature, spirituality differs for most of us as well. The goal behind finding your spirituality is
incurring a need to reach beyond to connect with your spiritual side. Whatever you find should make you feel
good about you. What you find should be utilized in your journey to spirituality, helping you to develop and
grow in your individuality. +We all know that prayers are powerful tools that affect attitudes. Prayers are
often said on one's behalf, or for people we know. According to few philosophers who study spirituality, each
day we pray we should work in accord with that prayer. Meditation is a form of getting in touch with you,
which is similar to prayer. When you pray you often, feel calm. You will feel a soothing touch graze over you.
Like prayer, meditation brings us closer to who we are. You can improve your life through prayer and

How do I meditate? First, keep in mind that mediation is a tool that coordinates our senses, thoughts, body,
and so on. The notion is to help us relax. As we relax and attempt to meditate, we gain control over our
minds, thoughts and so forth. We learn to focus on our goals. We get a sense of spirituality through
meditation. The notion helps us to feel energy. Once our energy is lifted, which helps us to deal with life and
people more calmly. You will need to follow basics steps to learn how you can focus on what you intend to
accomplish from meditation. When you start to meditate, you must realize that at first it will be difficult. At
least for most: Meditation is the process or removing all thoughts from your mind for a short time and then
allowing the mind to focus. Sometimes your mind my wander or ramble on, which you should allow. Once
the thoughts feel a sense of relief, then you can move to meditate. +How to being: +As you begin to
meditate, start by finding a snug position. You want the body to sit upright in your relaxed spot. Your back
should be upright and aligned. Once you are relaxed, use the hands to bear your body weight. Now take a
deep breath and breathe in the air, inhaling it into your lungs. Now hold and release. Relax again continuing
your position. When you learn to focus on your breathing and how to take deep breathes, it helps you to
remove unwarranted stress. +When you learn to meditate, it helps you to find peace within, since your
thoughts will gradually quiet. Meditation helps you to clear up clutter. Once you feel that sense of serenity,
you will have affirmed your mind. This helps you to pay hold firm to what you intend to accomplish. ++One
must practice daily to meditate. Practice helps a person gain control over their thoughts. As you continue
your journey through meditation, you may find areas of disturbance. In some instances, your mind may
wander backwards to memories you do not like. Allow room to accept your discomforts and the thoughts to
freely come forward. Remember, you lived it once, how can it harm you again? While you meditate you, do
not want to force any actions or thoughts on your mind and body. Allow room for freedom. Once you
completed your meditation, say a little prayer for those people suffering in the world. This will make room for
added comfort.
How would you like to live a life with the freedom to think without worrying over everyday problems? Would
you enjoy the integrity to uphold your status, believes, etc by saying no without feeling stress. Would you like
to enjoy a clear goal, which you set based on your understood wants. You know by now how to reach for
those goals. Would you like to boost energy that helps you to focus on you and what your future holds? Do
you see a balance in your life that helps you to clearly see your needs? Do you focus your attention on those
needs? Do you have your rights in perspective, giving you the freedom to make your own decisions based
on your choices? Do you see an exciting future that is well planned to bring you to self-improvement? +You
can achieve each part named in this article by taking a few steps to improve your personal life. You have
many options in life that gives you the chance to make good decisions. The decisions you make make your
life either miserable or brightening. It is up to you to make the necessary changes that bring you rewards.
+When you consider your personal lifestyle, you should take in consideration that this involved you human
overall existence as well as your everyday moves. You have personal decisions and choices that contribute
to your own individuality. You have options to coach, or find coaches that lead you to success, or you have
counsel that will guide you to a successful way of living.

Life is based on survival, which includes nutrition, exercise, and living without addictions. You also need
shelter to uphold survival. Personal improvement also consists of job. It is your personal decision as to what
job you want to seek, yet if you work at a place of employment that does not back your survival needs, and
does not make you happy, you are not improving your personal life. For this reasons you, want to evaluate
your job. +Does your job make you feel happy? Do you produce enough cash flow to stay afloat? Does your
job provide you the survival kit you need to live happily? If you answered no, what can you do to find a job
that gives you advantages? You want to look at the whole pie. If you lack skills to obtain a job that fits your
survival, can you return to school to gain skills to help you grow? +To improve your personal life you will
also need to consider self-awareness. Do you see yourself in many lights, or standing in one position? Use
your self-awareness tool to pull up resources that assist you with improving your life. For instance, if you are
stuck at a job that barely assists you with survival, brainstorm to find new skills or ideas that help you to
make better choices. +What about self-actualization, do you have the ability to act on your own behalf, or
do you rely on others to carry your load?

If you answered yes, then you need to work on acting on your own behalf. It takes you to make the
necessary changes that lead you to improving your personal life. Do you have self-fulfillment? Do you see
yourself as a satisfied person? Do you feel that something is missing in your life? If you said no, then you
need to evaluate your self, using self-awareness tools to find out what empty void inside you is holding you
back. If you discover the void, take steps to find fulfillment.
Let us understand. You cannot reasonably hope to succeed by merely dreaming about success.

You surely cannot achieve success if you plunge blindly through your career.

You cannot really succeed without possessing some degree of personal magnetism.

When you began reading this article, you certainly possessed a measure of magnetic capacity, either
physical or psychic. If you have energetically observed its directions, you have developed both varieties; but,
above that, you have also combined them into one living whole, the magnetic personality.

This result has required at least a year of persistent effort. If you have arrived at this point in less time, you
should go back and begin where haste first retarded your progress.

Magnetism is a natural growth. ------------------------------

No matter how great may be your ability to read and understand books, that growth, that law, require time as
well as intelligent effort. No matter how poor may be your ability in such respect, that growth is absolutely
certain if you put reasonable time and genuine effort into its acquisition.

The giant trees of California were once puny saplings. The slow lapse of time has drawn nature into their
mighty hearts. Magnetism can no more be acquired by the mere reading an article, or by hurried practice of
its directions, than can these giants of the West be produced in the hot-house culture of a northern summer.

Magnetic growth is naturally slow. Its principles, its methods, and the results of its study, have to be deeply
sunk into and absorbed and assimilated by the subjective self before the reaction of magnetism in the
objective life can obtain. If you have read these lines correctly, you have learned that magnetic growth
cannot be hurried. These statements are placed here because, had they appeared at the beginning of our
work, the outlook would have seemed, perhaps, discouraging, but more especially because they would not
have been understood. You now understand them because you have toiled, and you can afford to smile at
such possible discouragement. You have paid an easy price for magnetic power, for the gains discount the

Magnetism and practical life. -----------------------------

The faithful observance of these suggestions has developed many surprises during the time occupied. The
growth of magnetism involves intense and continuous concentration of thought upon the psychic field, and it
is very likely that you may find it necessary to guard against that danger. The method of so guarding is
briefly indicated below.

The sole value of magnetism consists in its practical application to everyday affairs. Success-Magnetism is
not an accomplishment merely; it is a practical power. When rightly developed and used, it controls the
subjective self in the concrete work of the objective. The definition of the goal you have been seeking now

Success-magnetism is personal magnetism intelligently multiplied into actual life.

The first duty of man is practical sanity.

In a fast paced world, learning how to budget your time poses major advantages. Several tools like diaries,
planners, and to-do lists, have been innovated to help assist in better time management efforts. While these
traditional tools are still widely used, the technological advancements of our time has allowed for a more
efficient way to deal with this. Most of us today have access to the computer and the internet. And if these
are used properly, they can be effective personal time manager. You can get several softwares in the
market that you can use.

The following are just a few of the Personal Time Management Softwares that you can use:

Daily Planner Software

Daily Planners are usually bulky and hence can provide quite a discomfort on your part if you had to bring it
with you at all times. Today, PDAs or Personal Digital Assistants help you arrange your schedules since it is
equipped with a Management Software.

Most computers and PDAs nowadays are equipped with management softwares. And with the recent
breakthrough in technology, it has also been made available in cell phones.

The software's task is simple. It is the same as the traditional analog planner, although with additional
amenities. It automatically sorts your appointments according to date, alphabetical or numerical order. For
better organizational procedure, you can even provide color coding techniques to distinguish one project
from another.

Its calendar system is more complicated. You will be able to configure your management software to start a
countdown timer of events or a count-up timer as well. You can post these tools on your desktop for easy

Aside from its basic organizer and calendar system feature, you can also create your to-do list on your
desktop. Simply input them with the software and it will automatically appear on your desktop.

Free Time Management Softwares

Despite the convenience that a digital time management tool can provide, there is also a downside to this.
Most time management softwares can become really expensive. So, if you are looking to save money then
you might just stick with the traditional analog.

Don't despair just yet because the Internet provides the best alternative for you. There are several free time
management softwares online.

If you are subscribed to a free e-mail service from either Google or Yahoo, you can take advantage of their
increasing competition. Hence, they usually update or introduce new services to their subscribers. These
services include online organizers, word readers, and spread sheet makers.

Gmail's online Time Management boasts a lot of features. Aside from the usual Calendar organizer that
most e-mail has, it also has a document writer, reader and photo organizer. These features are already
indispensable at this moment because even if you are not on your own computer you can already create
and modify different documents, perfect for all types of people.

Google's Gmail is earning more popularity by introducing these kinds of services. Aside from the fact that it's
free, the accessibility of creating your own organizer is of great convenience to everyone.

Meanwhile, Gmail also has an online time management software that includes several features. On top of
the calendar organizer, there is also a document writer, reader, and photo organizer.

Those are just a few things that these Time Management Softwares can offer. As technology continue to
offer innovative softwares that respond to the needs of people, you can expect to use effective tools for
better time management.
If you were to ask successful people on how they achieved their status, most of them would cite proper
personal time management. Although this concept is often mentioned in books or television, only a few
realize what this is really all about. What exactly is time management? How you proper time management
deliver the success you aspire?

Definition of Personal Time Management

You can define time management in several ways. It is usually associated with lots of things but the simplest
way to define personal time management is using time to its maximum potential.

Personal time management works like economics. Its main objective is to allocate your scarce resource,
which is time, properly so you can maximize the amount of work you can accomplish within a day. Since you
cannot use the full 24 hours in a day to finish whatever you need to accomplish, proper allocation of time is
critically important.

Problems that Arise With Poor Time Management

One of the biggest indicator of poor time management is last minute cramming to meet a deadline,
rescheduling meetings because you forgot them, or not being able to do anything productive for the day.
This leads to poor performance. Hence, you need to do something to address it.

Over confidence is one factor that can lead to poor time management. Oftentimes, we take too many
workloads thinking that you can manage to do them with less effort. However, this only leads to inefficiency
and waste of time.

With increased responsibility, you need to expand your efforts exponentially as well. If not, problems are
very likely to arise and you have to become more efficient in meeting the demands of your work.

Poor time management results from people's false notion that they can do anything within a short period of
time. However, they fail to foresee other factors that may affect their schedules.

What Does Proper Time Management Allow You to Do?

Practicing proper time management on your schedule is the best way to improve yourself. Eventually, you
will take one step at a time on the ladder. Proper time management allows you to eliminate losses, plan
each day effectively, allocate time for more important tasks, learn to refuse excessive workloads, and ensure
that your long-term goals are not neglected.

These strategies, though not clearly understood by most people, will help you attend to your daily tasks.
Meanwhile, it also improves the quality of your work output for that day. It is of utmost importance in the
corporate world because every little time wasted also translates into waste of money.

Proper Personal Time management is like any other management process. It must be monitored and
reviewed regularly. If you find out that there are flaws within your management process, this must be
immediately addressed in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

Long term objectives are also emphasized in proper time management. Long term objectives are usually
neglected due to the lack of specific deadlines. Plus the fact that it is considered a future goal, there is no
pressure associated with it. However, in order for your Personal time Management to work, you must
consider your long term objectives along with your daily goals.

Proper Time Management needs practice in order to be successfully applied in real life. It's not expected for
you to change everything only in one night. Hence, when you spot discrepancies in your own time
management skills, there is a way to deal with them. Efficient time management cannot be done overnight; it
is a long-term process of learning until you have fully developed the skill of properly using your time.
If you were to ask successful people on how they achieved their status, most of them would cite proper
personal time management. Although this concept is often mentioned in books or television, only a few
realize what this is really all about. What exactly is time management? How you proper time management
deliver the success you aspire?

Definition of Personal Time Management

You can define time management in several ways. It is usually associated with lots of things but the simplest
way to define personal time management is using time to its maximum potential.

Personal time management works like economics. Its main objective is to allocate your scarce resource,
which is time, properly so you can maximize the amount of work you can accomplish within a day. Since you
cannot use the full 24 hours in a day to finish whatever you need to accomplish, proper allocation of time is
critically important.

Problems that Arise With Poor Time Management

One of the biggest indicator of poor time management is last minute cramming to meet a deadline,
rescheduling meetings because you forgot them, or not being able to do anything productive for the day.
This leads to poor performance. Hence, you need to do something to address it.

Over confidence is one factor that can lead to poor time management. Oftentimes, we take too many
workloads thinking that you can manage to do them with less effort. However, this only leads to inefficiency
and waste of time.

With increased responsibility, you need to expand your efforts exponentially as well. If not, problems are
very likely to arise and you have to become more efficient in meeting the demands of your work.

Poor time management results from people's false notion that they can do anything within a short period of
time. However, they fail to foresee other factors that may affect their schedules.

What Does Proper Time Management Allow You to Do?

Practicing proper time management on your schedule is the best way to improve yourself. Eventually, you
will take one step at a time on the ladder. Proper time management allows you to eliminate losses, plan
each day effectively, allocate time for more important tasks, learn to refuse excessive workloads, and ensure
that your long-term goals are not neglected.

These strategies, though not clearly understood by most people, will help you attend to your daily tasks.
Meanwhile, it also improves the quality of your work output for that day. It is of utmost importance in the
corporate world because every little time wasted also translates into waste of money.

Proper Personal Time management is like any other management process. It must be monitored and
reviewed regularly. If you find out that there are flaws within your management process, this must be
immediately addressed in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

Long term objectives are also emphasized in proper time management. Long term objectives are usually
neglected due to the lack of specific deadlines. Plus the fact that it is considered a future goal, there is no
pressure associated with it. However, in order for your Personal time Management to work, you must
consider your long term objectives along with your daily goals.

Proper Time Management needs practice in order to be successfully applied in real life. It's not expected for
you to change everything only in one night. Hence, when you spot discrepancies in your own time
management skills, there is a way to deal with them. Efficient time management cannot be done overnight; it
is a long-term process of learning until you have fully developed the skill of properly using your time.
Taking on the role as personal trainer for business development, especially in a large company or
corporation, can be quite a daunting task. Where most people who involve themselves in personal
development or small business development, those who are meeting with a personal trainer for business
development probably do not really want to be there. These people are only meeting with the personal
trainer because it is being required by the company or corporation.

The challenge in these situations is to make the personal training fun and interesting so that business
development is possible, even when working with unwilling trainees. Ideas for business development
training that are innovative, interesting, and captivating for your reluctant audience is the solution. Here are
some tips for personal trainer ideas for business development that can help you overcome the challenge.

1. Use acronyms. If you do not have an acronym for a phrase, make one up with your imagination. Funny
acronyms are a great way to hold attention and get points across. This is also a great way for the personal
trainer to make business development ideas stick in the memory of the reluctant listener.

2. Use games to break the ice and create a fun atmosphere for learning. This is an old but reliable idea that
the personal trainer for business development could and should take advantage of, especially when working
in groups that are strangers.

3. Keep topics as brief as possible. One website offers an explanation of negotiation techniques in less than
six hundred words. Making complex topics like negotiation into short explanations will keep your audience
interested, and more information and techniques will seep into their memories for application in business

4. Play games to reinforce key points. After explaining a series of techniques, the personal trainer can use
buzz word bingo or a similar game to keep the ideas flowing for business development.

5. Use ridiculous scenarios to prove a point. The personal trainer can use funny hypothetical situations as
demonstrations of what not to do for business development. This is a great idea that will lead to more ideas
and more participation from the members of the group.

6. Use role playing to improve skills. The personal trainer who uses this idea will be very successful in
business development aspects such as management techniques, interviewing processes, and workplace
social issues. By getting your participants to actually participate, you will be more likely to promote actual
business development instead of bored and inactive listeners.

7. Use funny stories to show the importance of time management. There are many funny stories and
analogies available for use for this idea for this aspect of business development. You can find them in
books, articles, and on personal trainer websites.

8. Introduce fun team building games and activities. An important aspect of business development is
learning to work together as a team. The personal trainer can introduce fun games as an idea for team
building as a weekly Friday office ritual. These activities will promote the continuation of business
development after the personal trainer and ideas are long gone.
Are you an individual who just feels as if you can never catch up? Do you feel like you can't get everything
that you need to do done? If so, it is important that you take steps to rectify the problem. Poor time
management is often associated with the workplace, but did you know that your personal life can be
negatively impacted as well? It can be.

As for how poor time management can have a negative impact on your personal life, you may be surprised
just what it can do. For example, if you have a poor sense of time you may find that your relationship with
your spouse, romantic partner, friends, or children suffers. Those who have a poor sense of time are often
stressed, frustrated, and unorganized. This is likely to put a significant strain on otherwise healthy

Despite the fact that time management can have a negative impact on your personal life, there is good
news. That good news is that there are ways that you can prevent your poor use of time from becoming too
much of a problem. The biggest way to prevent this from happening involves learning how to make better
use of your time. To help you get started, a number of personal time management tips are outlined below.

An easy way to learn how to make better use of your time involves creating and relying on to do lists. If you
have everyday tasks that have become a part of your routine, like getting your kids ready for school or going
to work, you do not necessarily have to include these items on your list. With that said, other non-daily tasks
should be added. These tasks may include running an errand before work, attending a child's sporting
event, helping your child with an important school project, going on a date, and so forth.

Learning how to prioritize is another important component of being able to properly manage your time. It is
important to remember that the day and its time is limited. If you have a family and a fulltime job, you may
find it difficult or downright impossible to get everything done. If that is the case, be sure to prioritize. You
can leave the lesser important tasks, such as dusting your house as opposed to doing laundry for later or
the following day.

The use of time management tools is another easy way that you can go about making better use of your
time. There are a number of tools that you can use to your advantage. A to do list was sited as an example
above. Other tools that you may be able to benefit from the use of include alarm clocks and daily or weekly
planners. Since most time management tools are affordable, already in your home, or free to create, you
should use them to your advantage.

One of the many reasons why people end up wasting time is because they are easily distracted. If you feel
this the main source of your time management problems, you will want to determine what your biggest
distractions are. For example, do you spend too much time socializing with coworkers after work or with the
neighbors? If so, you don't have to completely eliminate this contact, but try to limit it. The same can be
said with television and internet use.
Psychics tap into the Akashic records to communicate with the dead. The Akashic records link every living
thing allowing these connections.

Just as libraries have various sections so do the Akashic records each life is like a book and humans are all
one section with other sections including animals, plants, minerals and so forth all the sections encompass
the whole of knowledge past, present and future.

Past life experiences are often explained by having accessed the particular memories and experiences of a
deceased person through the Akashic records.

Many near death experiences involve meeting loved ones either living or deceased who help guide them
back to the physical world. Also may explain the phenomena of an individual's life passing through their
mind during near death experiences.

Out of body experiences are explained by your soul or spirit entering another physical plane and thus enter
the realm where the Akashic records can be read and are often associate with near death experiences.

Edgar Cayse a physic well known for accessing the Akashic records, recorded his experiences he describes
many common feature of near death experiences

"I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me. I find myself oppressed by
darkness and there is a feeling of terrific loneliness. Suddenly, I am conscious of a white beam of light. As
this tiny dot, I move upward following the light, knowing that I must follow it or be lost".
"In the healthy body every cell is polarized in subjection to the Central Will. Perfect health, therefore, is
orderly obedience, government and harmony. Every cell is a living entity, whether of vegetable or animal
potency, and wherever disease is, there are disunion, error, rebellion and insubordination; and the deeper
the seat of the confusion, the more dangerous the malady and the harder to quell it." J. C. Street.

The thought of the above quotation does not mean that the insubordination is necessarily conscious to the
diseased individual, but that it surely obtains within the physical arena of his life. Because it is not the
outcome of his deliberate choice, the case is not hopeless in the nature of things, but is open to better
conditions. The deeper self which has intended no rebellion against the laws of bodily well-being may now
distinctly intend harmony, and so lift the body to a higher plane.

And the last sentence in the quotation does not mean that you are to undertake a vast amount of hard work,
assuming that you are not in perfect physical condition. You are, rather, just to begin and go on thinking
yourself in a real way as in harmony with the Central Will, which is our White Life, and to hold steadfastly in
the deeper self the ideas, Affirmation and Realization of Splendid Personal Tone.

Some of the meanings of these powerful words will be unfolded later, In the meantime, as all things are
subject to law, let us observe a number of the general conditions to three-fold health, that of body, mind and
the inner self, regarding their totality as the atmosphere, so to speak, in which courage most easily and
perfectly thrives.

Fear in man is a result of repeated suggestion, to which low health-tone is a natural invitation. Health is the
primary tonic against fear. Perfect physical health is mere strength. Perfect mental health is mere brain
sanity. Perfect soul-health is the whole of the man at his best. When the body is buoyant, the mind clear and
inspired, the soul harmonic with all existence rightly in the universe, then is the impulse of fear easily
mastered and the habit of fear finds no encouragement. There are, indeed, courageous invalids who have
not come into the secret of right thought so far as health is concerned, and fearing atheltes and scholars
who have neglected the secret of courage, and timorous saints who have failed to possess themselves of
the confidence of goodness. Nevertheless, the eternal law is evident that the one great enemy of fear is The
White Life in Harmonic Mind in Buoyant Body.

A person who affirms and realizes these conditions must, in the nature of things, be possessed of perfect
health. In the tone of such health courage is inevitable.

That you may come to this ideal, you are invited to observe the following instructions. Health is a trinity, and
we may begin our studies with its natural basis:

The general tone op health. ---------------------------

The word 'tone" means, 'sound in relation to volume, quality, duration and pitch," then, "peculiar
characteristic sound as of a voice or instrument," then, "characteristic style or tendency, predominating aim
or character, tenor, strain, spirit."

Hence, in the sense of health, tone signifies 'the state of tension or firmness proper to the tissues of the
body; the state in which all the parts and organs have due tension or are well strung; the strength and
activity of the organs on which healthy functions depend; that state of the body in which all the normal
functions are performed with healthy vigor".

We thus see that health-tone involves the whole personality, physical, mental and moral.

But the truth of the matter hides in a deeper region than that of mere material flesh or organ. Matter is a form
of the Universal Ether, so far as science seems to declare, or, at least, matter presupposes the ether in a
state of vibration. Your body is a "field" in which etheric vibrations are constantly taking place. All its reality
and all its activities involve such vibrations. The brain, regarded as the organ of conscious life, of thought
and feeling, and the entire nervous system, involve such vibrations. And as your thought and feeling
constitute the foundation of your moral character, the latter also becomes a matter of movements in the

In the case of heat, light, electricity, etc., differing kinds of such vibrations determine the kinds of
phenomena. We may say, then, that there is one general kind of ether-movement for matter, and another for
thought and feeling, and another for the moral life. Each individual, however, presents variations of these
general kinds of vibrations, a particular variation for his body, and for his mental person, and for his right or
wrong self-spirit. We individualize the ether, Or, we are individualized as we use the ether.

The tone of a person's health is determined by the state of the etheric movements characteristic to himself.

If the vibrations underlying the body life are full and harmonious according to their individual character for a
person, his organs are all sound and active. He possesses physical tone. If there is a similar fullness and
harmony within his mental life, he must exhibit health of mind. If a corresponding condition obtains in the
moral personality, the highest health of the deeper self prevails.
The truth is what sets you free; yet, when you plan you find the freedom to survive happier. Planning gives
us power. The plans we make liberate us and lift our values and quality of living. When a person plans it,
greaten their outlooks on life. As you plan you, start to use your creative mind.

The creative mind helps you to vision your future as you draw from your energies, passions, wants, etc. It
leads you to excitement, or feeling joyful over your future. When you plan you, reduce tension. Instead of
spending each day sweating tomorrow, you learn how to live one day. Each day you have your seconds,
minutes, hours, and day planned, so that you are working toward completing what you have planned for that
day. Once you accomplish your daily goals, you relax knowing that you achieved your mission. The next day
comes and you follow your plan chart for this day only.

You live well when you set plans. When you set plans, you know that you have the ability to change those
plans as you choose. You realize that you have flexibility with your plans. For instance, if you see something
in your plans that do not lead up to your short and long-term goals, you can change those plans at leisure.
This is part of using your creative mind, especially when you see areas that do not lead toward your goals.

You have freedom when making plans, since you have the option to achieve your goals. When your plans
include your short-term and long-term goals, and you accomplish these goals one-step at a time, you can
look back to visualize your freedom and achievements. +One thing I noticed about setting goals is that often
you achieve goals that you did not plan. Ironically, as you work toward your goals, it seems that other good
things come your way. Look for the rewards as you start to achieve your goals. +When you set plans, you
have opportunities and chances of achieving your goals. Chance, opportunities and efficiency often make a
person feel good about self. This is a part of improving your personal life. When you set plans, it is best to
work in logical steps to reach your goals. By doing so you make the load lighter and the road less traveled.

When a person plans, he or she is not constantly making decisions. This frees up the mind from chaos, or
stress. You set your time wisely for choosing as you draw up schedules to manage your time. For this
reason, you have leisure time. This means you can sit on your free time drawing visual images in your mind
as you choose. +When a person plans that, have the option of adjusting their plans. When you see that
something is not to your likings in your goals and plans, you can adjust them as you choose. You want to
use your mental images and voices to help you adjust plans, just as you did when you first wrote your plan.
+ Mental images will help you to see into your future. Remember though to live for today and not tomorrow.
Only use those images to set the pathway to success by writing your goals. After you finish writing your
plans, time management, goals, etc, you can work toward scheduling your strategies.

Strategy planning should include errand time, fun time, goal time, study time, work time, family time,
flexibility, and so on. You should also consider the unplanned as you outline your strategies that lead you to
improve your personal life as you reach your goals.
There are different levels of play used in the assessment of children's speech and language. These levels
are used to measure children's play skills. However, there are also play levels of social interaction that can
give a general overview of the child's play skills.

In general, there are six play levels of social interaction that children go through respectively. Each level
becomes more complex than the previous one, and requires more communication and language skills than
the other.

Unoccupied Play

The first level of play is unoccupied play. In this kind of play, the child may seem like he is simply sitting
quietly in one corner but actually is finding simple things that he sees around him to be rather amusing. A
typical adult may not notice that what the child is doing is already considered to be play, unless they observe

The child may just be standing and fidgeting at times, but this could already be unoccupied play at work.

Onlooker Play

The second level is onlooker play. In this level, the child watches other children play but doesn't engage in
play himself. This is when children learn to observe others. Such play level can show a child's attention and
awareness skills.

Solitary Play

The third level is solitary play where the child plays by himself and doesn't intend to play with anyone else.
This level shows an outright manifestation that the child do have play skills, only that it is still at a level that
no interaction is required.

A child can be at this level when he is already able to play functionally with an object, can play by himself up
to fifteen minutes, and is able to follow simple play routines.

Parallel Play

The fourth one is parallel play. This level characterizes children who play side by side but don't
communicate with each other. Neither do they share toys. It is said to serve as a transition from solitary play
to group play and is at its peak around the age of four years.

A child is said to be in this stage when he is able to play alone, but the activity he is doing is similar with the
play activity that other children beside him are engaging in. The child also doesn't try to modify or influence
the play of other children around him. Here, the child is playing "beside" rather than "with" the other kids in
the area.

Associative Play

Next is the associative play. This is where the children still don't play with each other but are already sharing
the toys that they are playing with. This level shows the child's awareness of other children, although there is
no direct communication between them, other than the sharing of toys and the occasional asking of

Their play session doesn't involve role taking and has no organizational structure yet. The child still carries
on the way he wants to play, regardless of what the other children around him are doing.

Cooperative Play

The last level is cooperative play. This is the final stage wherein the children are already playing together,
sharing toys and communicating with each other.

This level usually happens at about the age of five or six, where children engage into group games and
other highly structured play activities.

These levels can be utilized by the therapist as a guide when it comes to the interactions that he wishes to
have with the child through play activities.
A lot of want-to-be pianists struggle to learn the basics of piano playing. One major problem that they have is
that they can't play the piano by ear. You have to determine the exact methods needed so that you can
easily cope with your piano lessons. If you don't want to end up like other unsuccessful novice players,
continue reading.

Playing the piano by ear is truly effective. In fact, it has been proven by many people including the piano
teachers and advanced students. It is difficult to learn but ever since you were born, you are continuously
learning. Life means learning and you can't just stop it. Everyday, you learn new things and don't you think
it's time to learn to play the piano?

The piano songs are classified according to grades. For you to be able to play piano songs between grades
5 to 8, it would take 7 or 8 years of piano lessons. So you see, you can't learn to play the piano in a week's
time. If you see some claims online telling you that they can help you learn the piano in a few days, that's
not true. If you want to learn how to play the piano, it requires months and to some, even years, of
dedication and patience.

You can greatly improve your learning abilities if you learn a specific technique called "playing by ear". This
is a great method that is proven very effective. Can you imagine yourself playing a new song in your piano?
That is possible. Once you learn this method or technique, whenever you hear a song over the radio, you
can easily play it on the piano.

If you think that this technique is only suited for the advanced pianists, you"re quite wrong. However, it can
help advanced players a lot but if you"re just starting to take your lessons, this is the best time to learn this
method or technique.

Paying for your piano lessons is quite expensive. You also have to purchase music books. If you can do
without these added costs, you can save a lot of money. If you"re truly serious in learning to play the piano,
you can learn this technique. But if you simply want to have fun, you will have a hard time in coping with the

In playing the piano, you have to have brains. Memorization is also important. If you can't memorize your
lessons and you can't play with your heart in it, the sound will not be very pleasing to the ears. Dedication is
of utmost importance. That's why you also need to invest on a piano. If you practice frequently, you can
improve your skills day by day. Remember, it takes years to learn to play piano gracefully and with life.

Learn to play piano by ear now. This is a technique that every desiring pianist should learn. If you"re piano
teacher already knows about this technique, you can ask him or her to teach you. Always be patient when
having your lessons. Aside from learning about the different chords and notes of the piano, you also have to
study your music pieces.

For you to be able to play gracefully and like the experts, you have to know the technique. If you"re teacher
can't help you, then find another learning option that will be able to teach you what you need to know.
Is it really possible to learn to play piano in a flash? That would be impossible because according to some
expert pianists, it took them years to learn their lessons and play effectively. However, there is one way to
improve your learning process in a flash.

You might be wondering how, right? Well, it is really simple. You have to take note of your posture. This is
very important when playing the piano. Try to observe pianists; they have great postures and they seem to
play with ease at all times. Without proper posture, you will not learn the basic playing techniques and even
if you do, you can't play the instrument comfortably.

Some say that it is easier to teach children when it comes to posture but even if you"re an adult, you can still
improve your posture. If you can do this, you can play comfortably and with flexibility.

1. Try to imagine yourself sitting and you"re about to play the piano. See yourself as a giraffe; feeling as if
your neck and head can reach the ceiling.

2. The next thing that you have to do is to stretch your arms. Try to imagine that the arms are the wings of
an angel. Stretch your arms to the sides until your elbows are horizontally pointed.

3. Now, focus your attention to your hands. Look at your fingers. Move them just like the legs of a spider.
Walk each of your fingers to the piano keys.

4. You have to sit on the bench with ease and confidence. Try to think that you"re the best pianist there is
and that you know all your pieces well.

5. When sitting on the bench, your elbows should be located right in front of the stomach. Stretch your arms
until your fingers touch the piano keys. Never scoot forward. Sit as if you"re glued to the bench.

Did you notice anything on the five posture pointers mentioned? Which word is used many times? The word
"imagine" is used most of the time. This is very effective especially if you"re still a child but it can also work
for adults. Try using your imagination. This way, your body and mind will connect instantly and you can play

The next time you practice on your piano, try follow these pointers. Follow them one by one until you finally
learn. These pointers are truly effective if you can follow properly. Even your piano teacher or instruction
manuals will say the same thing. Here's a question for you – have you ever seen a pianist who slouch? That
would be quite funny and irritating, right?

Start by learning to have a good posture. This is one of the starting points to learn to play the piano in a
flash. But all the other lessons should be taken one step at a time. You have to retain all the lessons. That is
why you have to review your past lessons often to make sure that you still know them. You can't simply
forget past lessons because you will need them in the future lessons that you"re going to have.

The truth is, you can't play piano in a flash. But with a little improvement in terms of your posture, you can go
a long way. Take note of your posture now and check if you have a good one.
People have different reasons in wanting to learn to play piano. Some individuals simply want to learn to
play songs for fun while others dream to become one of the expert pianists. No matter what reasons you
have, you can learn to play this musical instrument and one way to do it is online. Thanks to internet, people
from different races, rich or poor, now have a chance to learn all the basic and advanced techniques of
piano playing online.

There are a great number of piano lessons being offered online. Some lessons are free while others ask for
a certain fee. When searching the internet for piano lessons, it would be a good idea to look at the free
lessons first. There's nothing to lose since the lessons are for free. If you can find good piano lessons on the
free websites, then good for you; you can take advantage of the free lessons. If you feel that the lessons are
still inadequate, that is the time to choose among the paid piano lessons online.

Even if you go for paid piano lessons, it is still much cheaper as compared to hiring a professional piano
teacher. Of course, you will need a credit card to be able to avail of these paid online lessons. Since you've
taken of the free piano lessons, you will only need the paid lessons to fill in some of the missing lessons.

If you want to learn to play the piano online, you will need a computer at home and of course a fast internet
connection. You will also need certain devices so that the lessons are delivered effectively. You will have an
online teacher and you can ask questions if you have queries.

The good thing about online piano lessons is that you can have them at any time of the day or night. If
you"re working, you can have the lessons right after your work or even after dinner. Staying at home also
involves doing a lot of chores, so you can have your lessons after you"re done and when you"re already
relaxed. Another is that you can learn alone or you can have your family join you.

Before anything else, do you have a piano at home? Since you"ll be having your lessons through the
internet, you need to have a piano at home. If you don't have one yet, then get one. Learning to play the
piano can get expensive but if you have the passion for playing this instrument, it's worth every penny.

Don't give up on your dream to learn playing the piano. You see not all people have the capacity and ability
to play this instrument. If you"re determined to learn, pursue your passion. Don't give up on the difficult
lessons, instead strive hard and practice all your lessons.

Learning to play the piano online provides a lot of opportunity for people from different races, rich or poor,
young or old. It's never really too late to learn. If you start now, after several years you will be playing
beautifully. By that time, you can already play many songs.

Learn to play the piano online. You should not let this opportunity pass. Find a reputable website that can
offer you good and effective piano lessons. Log on to the internet and make use of the major search engines
to locate the piano lessons.
In whatever you do, you will always encounter some pros and cons; that is also the same with piano playing.
The piano is a very special musical instrument and almost every individual desire to play it. But before you
can play the piano gracefully, you have to learn how to play it. One way to learn to play the piano is on the

The computer is a must for every home. But the fact is, not all families can afford to buy a computer. You"re
quite lucky if you have a computer at home. If you want to learn to play the piano, it is possible since you
already have a computer. Now, all you need is to purchase a piano. This is an added cost on your part but
you can't really learn to play the piano if you don't have one at home. Most pianos sold in the market are
expensive but once you learn to play piano music, all your problems and anxieties will soon disappear.

You can shop for a piano locally or you can shop online. You have to choose carefully. You can compare the
prices, the quality, and versatility of the instrument. Make sure that you make a good decision. As a
consumer, you should only get the best deal for your money.

After the piano is delivered, you will have to choose a method that you can use to learn all the lessons you
need to know. Memorization is important in playing the piano. Once you learn the basic lessons, you should
not forget about them. Retain all the previous lessons in your memory because you will need them in the
future when you already have your advanced lessons.

Have you seen expert pianists play? They know all the songs, notes, and chords by heart. They can even
play the instrument with their eyes closed and yet, they never go wrong. It seems that they can picture the
piano keys inside their minds and play the songs with ease and comfort.

You can also play like the pros; however, you have to work really hard. Start now by spending quality time
with your computer. There are online piano lessons that you can choose so that you will be able to learn the
basics of piano playing. You can't play the instrument overnight. It could take months or even years.

You have to be very patient so that the lessons you encounter will be easier to learn and memorize. You can
download piano lessons or simply make use of software. All the lessons can now be found in your computer.
So right now, you have to make your computer your best friend.

It is a great advantage to learn playing the piano with the use of a computer because you can have your
lessons in your most convenient time. You will be the one to determine how long you will have your piano
lessons since you will be doing it at home; so this means that you can learn playing the piano at your chosen

Learn to play the piano on the computer now. You have to start as soon as you realize that you want to play
the piano. Have the right attitude and don't give up easily if you find some lessons difficult.
If you want, to change your old habits into new habits you can but you will have to let go of all your old
habits. For some of us it is hard to change, yet if you take steps to learn ways to change you will find positive
reflections. +Many people are brought up lying to self and others. This happens because we are plagued by
a world filled with opinions, philosophy, theories, suspicion, guesses, and conclusions. You have to learn
how to find your own truth before you can improve your life.

What are some of the things I can do to change my bad ways to good ways? This is going to be completely
up to you. We can only offer you helpful tips, but it takes you to try out new tactics that helps you to grow. No
one can change you, but you. when your ready to do this you can do this with out any ones help. You can
learn to build the inner gifts you have within you. The qualities you have include self-esteem, confidence,
trust, self-awareness, self-motivation and so on. each quality you can build to improve your personal life.
You have to figure out what works for you.

For one thing, you need to decide what is making you do what you do and figure out a way to do the right
thing. So if it is the people you hang out with maybe you should find some one else to hang with. Maybe
people from a support group or a group from your church can help you find ways to change your habits. The
first things you have to do however, are stop lying to your self about what ever and make it right with you.
You have to learn how to make good decisions by evaluating the consequences. +It is easier than you
believe. For instance, would you allow a drunk person drive you home? If you would then you made a bad
decision that could cost your life, or have you tossed in jail. If you are sober, why not drive the drunk person

Positive reflections include friends and family. If your family members are dragging you down, or your friends
are holding you back, you have to make a choice. The choice may include removing these people from your
life. We can all live productively and happy without family and friends if need be, but one thing you don't
want is someone holding you back. +To develop new skills that guide you to remove bad habits, try using
your conscious mind. When you observe, listen and hear the things around you, you learn more than you
would reading a book. Observation is the key to achieve. Observation, includes self-awareness. Stand back
and take a hard look at you. Do not persecute or self-judge, rather look for ways to make your life better. +
+Do you smoke? +Smoking is the number one reason that people get lung cancer. Smoking is not good for
you. If you can quite on your own, great, yet if you need help, ask. ++Do you drink excessively? Do you
know the side effects of drinking excessively? If not visit the Internet and learn more about what alcohol can
do to you. On the other hand, if you can control alcohol, drink three drinks per week. Studies has shown that
drinking three alcohol beverages weekly can reduce the risks of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and so
on. If you take drugs, you want to find a way to take control of your life also.
When you practice healthy habits and behaviors, you are improving your personal life. We all need tools to
practice good habits and behaviors, which includes positive influences, reading materials, support,
resources, and so on. ++How to practice healthy habits through reading: +If you enjoy reading you will find it
easy to learn. On the other hand, if you despise reading then you will need to learn how to change your
attitude. Reading is the best thing you can do, since it gives you insight, resources and a healthy mind. The
material you choose should be educational, rather than foul. Reading a Playboy is not healthy, since it is a
defilement of the flesh. ++To get the most out of your reading consider what you want to learn. Do you want
to learn how to manage your money? If so then choose books that help you to set up budgets and manage
your cash. Do you want to learn how to become a better person? If so then pick up books that, guide you to
success. Remember everyone has his or her own ideas as to how to gain success. As you read the
materials, consider your needs and wants.

When you start reading and feel bored, skip through the books until you find a topic that holds your interest.
Reading materials can start out boring, yet if you continue reading you just might find a pot of gold. When
you are reading, if you discover what you learned works, then put it to good use. Practice each day your new
discoveries so that you will never leave them behind.

If you come to areas where you find it difficult to understand, rewrite the information until you grasp its
meaning. Sometimes a word will hinder you from learning. Instead of dwelling on a word, move ahead.
When you read it helps to put yourself in the material. Pretend you are a character acting out the scene. This
helps you to learn, build skills and move ahead.

Sometimes it helps to learn with other people. If you find it difficult to read without interruptions, ask friends
and/or family members to join you. Learning together is a healthy way to improve your personal life.

Once you find out what you want to learn, start reading put your new ideas to work. Take possession of what
you learned. Authors write books to give you clues on bettering your life. Use the information and the author
will thank you. Take notes. When you find areas that help you to improve, take notes. Use the notes to your
benefit. +Taking action: +When you take action you are putting what you learn to good use. When you start
to take action you learn instructions first that move you to improvement. You can learn to take action by
following instructions and practicing what you learn.

If you make mistakes along the way, learn from those mistakes. Do not take a sledge hammer and beat
yourself down. Mistakes are a part of learning. In addition, take control of your emotions. The emotions are
tricky, slimy critters that can be either your friend or your worst enemy. Take control. +Once you learn new
skills, learn to accept your new way of living. As you are learning you can also set visuals up in your mind
that guide you to becoming the new you. Use your critical thinking cap to guide you in the right course.
When those light bulbs come on do not allow them to banish. Allow the lights that click on in your head guide
you to improving your personal life.
Socrates was once asked by a pupil, this question: "What kind of people shall we be when we reach

And the answer was this: "We shall be the same kind of people that we were here."

If there is a life after this, we are preparing for it now, just as I am today preparing for my life tomorrow.

What kind of a man shall I be tomorrow? Oh, about the same kind of a man that I am now. The kind of a
man that I shall be next month depends upon the kind of a man that I have been this month.

If I am miserable today, it is not within the round of probabilities that I shall be supremely happy tomorrow.
Heaven is a habit. And if we are going to Heaven we would better be getting used to it.

Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none.

We are preparing all the time for old age. The two things that make old age beautiful are resignation and a
just consideration for the rights of others.

In the play of Ivan the Terrible, the interest centers around one man, the Czar Ivan. If anybody but Richard
Mansfield played the part, there would be nothing in it. We simply get a glimpse into the life of a tyrant who
has run the full gamut of goosedom, grumpiness, selfishness and grouch. Incidentally this man had the
power to put other men to death, and this he does and has done as his whim and temper might dictate. He
has been vindictive, cruel, quarrelsome, tyrannical and terrible. Now that he feels the approach of death, he
would make his peace with God. But he has delayed that matter too long. He didn't realize in youth and
middle life that he was then preparing for old age.

Man is the result of cause and effect, and the causes are to a degree in our hands. Life is a fluid, and well
has it been called the stream of life we are going, flowing somewhere. Strip Ivan of his robes and crown, and
he might be an old farmer and live in Ebenezer. Every town and village has its Ivan. To be an Ivan, just turn
your temper loose and practise cruelty on any person or thing within your reach, and the result will be a sure
preparation for a querulous, quarrelsome, pickety, snipity, fussy and foolish old age, accented with many
outbursts of wrath that are terrible in their futility and ineffectiveness.

Babyhood has no monopoly on the tantrum. The characters of King Lear and Ivan the Terrible have much in
common. One might almost believe that the writer of Ivan had felt the incompleteness of Lear, and had seen
the absurdity of making a melodramatic bid for sympathy in behalf of this old man thrust out by his

Lear, the troublesome, Lear to whose limber tongue there was constantly leaping words unprintable and
names of tar, deserves no soft pity at our hands. All his life he had been training his three daughters for
exactly the treatment he was to receive. All his life Lear had been lubricating the chute that was to give him
a quick ride out into that black midnight storm.

"Oh, how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child," he cries.

There is something quite as bad as a thankless child, and that is a thankless parent an irate, irascible parent
who possesses an underground vocabulary and a disposition to use it.

The false note in Lear lies in giving to him a daughter like Cordelia. Tolstoy and Mansfield ring true, and Ivan
the Terrible is what he is without apology, excuse or explanation. Take it or leave it if you do not like plays of
this kind, go to see Vaudeville.

Mansfield's Ivan is terrible. The Czar is not old in years not over seventy but you can see that Death is
sniffing close upon his track. Ivan has lost the power of repose. He cannot listen, weigh and decide he has
no thought or consideration for any man or thing this is his habit of life. His bony hands are never still the
fingers open and shut, and pick at things eternally. He fumbles the cross on his breast, adjusts his jewels,
scratches his cosmos, plays the devil's tattoo, gets up nervously and looks behind the throne, holds his
breath to listen. When people address him, he damns them savagely if they kneel, and if they stand upright
he accuses them of lack of respect. He asks that he be relieved from the cares of state, and then trembles
for fear his people will take him at his word. When asked to remain ruler of Russia he proceeds to curse his
councilors and accuses them of loading him with burdens that they themselves would not endeavor to bear.
He is a victim of amor senilis, and right here if Mansfield took one step more his realism would be appalling,
but he stops in time and suggests what he dares not express. This tottering, doddering, slobbering, sniffling
old man is in love he is about to wed a young, beautiful girl. He selects jewels for her he makes remarks
about what would become her beauty, jeers and laughs in cracked falsetto. In the animality of youth there is
something pleasing it is natural but the vices of an old man, when they have become only mental, are most

The people about Ivan are in mortal terror of him, for he is still the absolute monarch he has the power to
promote or disgrace, to take their lives or let them go free. They laugh when he laughs, cry when he does,
and watch his fleeting moods with thumping hearts.

He is intensely religious and affects the robe and cowl of a priest. Around his neck hangs the crucifix. His
fear is that he will die with no opportunity of confession and absolution. He prays to High Heaven every
moment, kisses the cross, and his toothless old mouth interjects prayers to God and curses on man in the
same breath.

If any one is talking to him he looks the other way, slips down until his shoulders occupy the throne,
scratches his leg, and keeps up a running comment of insult "Aye," "Oh," "Of course," "Certainly," "Ugh,"
"Listen to him now!" There is a comedy side to all this which relieves the tragedy and keeps the play from
becoming disgusting.

Glimpses of Ivan's past are given in his jerky confessions he is the most miserable and unhappy of men,
and you behold that he is reaping as he has sown.

All his life he has been preparing for this. Each day has been a preparation for the next. Ivan dies in a fit of
wrath, hurling curses on his family and court dies in a fit of wrath into which he has been purposely taunted
by a man who knows that the outburst is certain to kill the weakened monarch.

Where does Ivan the Terrible go when Death closes his eyes?

I know not. But this I believe: No confessional can absolve him no priest benefit him no God forgive him. He
has damned himself, and he began the work in youth. He was getting ready all his life for this old age, and
this old age was getting ready for the fifth act.

The playwright does not say so, Mansfield does not say so, but this is the lesson: Hate is a poison wrath is a
toxin sensuality leads to death clutching selfishness is a lighting of the fires of hell. It is all a preparation
cause and effect.

If you are ever absolved, you must absolve yourself, for no one else can. And the sooner you begin, the

We often hear of the beauties of old age, but the only old age that is beautiful is the one the man has long
been preparing for by living a beautiful life. Every one of us are right now preparing for old age.

There may be a substitute somewhere in the world for Good Nature, but I do not know where it can be

The secret of salvation is this: Keep Sweet.

How to rest properly

When wanting to improve our life you may want to try to get the proper sleep that you need to maintain your
body functions. The world is filled with people that find it difficult to rest properly. If this is you, you may want
to visit your doctor so that he may provide you with sleep aides. Your doctor has links to a wide array of
sleep aides that will benefit you. Give him time to find the best medications to help you sleep. In some
instances, the first medication causes additional problems, which you should alert, your doctor immediately.

How to find relief: If you think that you need to get help to fall asleep at night then you should go see your
family doctor. You can also find relief by exercising one hour before you go to sleep. When you lie down to
rest and find it hard to sleep, get up and read a book. Do not watch television, unless it helps you to relax
and fall asleep. You can also benefit from meditation.

How to avoid things that keep you awake: Some of the reasons that you may not be able to sleep vary.
Perhaps you have a medical or mental ailment that hinders you. Perhaps you have too much stress. Do you
get excited easily? Do you sleep during the day? If you take naps during the day, try to stay awake instead
so that you can rest at night.

What else can I try to help me sleep at home? Some of the things that you may want to try to do before
going to bed they are maybe talking a hot relaxing bath. Perhaps you will find delight soaking in a bath with
candles dazzling light off the ceiling. Play some soft music. During sleep time, perhaps you will enjoy hot
milk or tea to help you relax. Do not use caffeine before going to bed. ++Melatonin is a great natural
supplement you may benefit from using as well. Melatonin is a natural chemical in the brain, which many
people suffer deficiencies. Some people have Serotonin deficiencies. Perhaps you can seek professional
support to learn if this is part of your problem. You may want to try to exercise daily, which can help you rest
properly also.

How is my body and mind affected by poor sleeping habits? Without the proper rest, many things could
happen to your body and mind. Your body and mind needs healthy living to function properly. If you lack
sleep, you will likely get sick easily. You are apt to get the flu or colds more often. You may also endure
unwarranted headaches or migraines.


What can I do to help relive the stress I have? When it comes to relieving stress, you have many options.
You should always eat right. Eat three meals daily, or five if you eat light. Avoiding substances or chemicals
that stress the nerves: If you rely on caffeine pills sold on the market, stop using them now. You are only
damaging your heart, body and mind.

So eating right will help. Excising will help a lot. When your stress go for a walk and take it out on the way
you walk or maybe you want to ride a bike that's all good but you also need to excise on a regular base as
well take 30 minutes out of your busy day to do something for you will feel better in the long run.

Tip: Laughter is a great way to start feeling better about your self the more you smile and laugh you will find
your self doing it all the time.
It might be a good time to learn Spanish. You may never have thought of learning another language before.
Many people go their whole lives without knowing more than one language. Yet, others like the challenge.
They find plenty of reasons to learn Spanish.

If you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, it helps to know the language. When you learn Spanish before
you go, you can be ready to take care of all your basic needs while staying at your destination.

You will know how to ask for directions and understand the answers. You can be the first of your group to
figure out the menu at a foreign restaurant and help the others to order. If you learn Spanish, your trip will
be pleasurable instead of frustrating. This is because you can communicate well enough to handle
situations as they come up.

Another reason to learn Spanish is to be able to speak to others in this country. For example, a Spanish
speaking person might be sitting next to you at a sporting event. If you don't know Spanish, you will be
reduced to smiling and gesturing. However, if you've taken the time to learn Spanish, you can hold a polite
conversation with the person. You might even make a friend.

You can help out in emergencies in this country if you learn Spanish. Many times, there is a Spanish
speaking person who is in need of assistance. If no one trying to come to their aid can speak their
language, their troubles could get worse. Yet, if you learn Spanish, you can make yourself useful in
situations like this by finding out what the person needs.

All the major cities in the US have significant Latino populations. To fully reach their target customers, most
businesses will do best if some of their employees learn Spanish. These employees can be clerks in stores,
receptionists in office buildings, or anyone who deals with many people. This service will help both the
business and the consumer.

Businesses that deal via the internet, phone, and correspondence with companies or individuals in Spanish
speaking countries often have to bridge a communication gap. Many times the employees, especially in
small companies, just fumble through it without really knowing the language. These business dealings can
go much better if employees will learn Spanish.

It's fun to learn Spanish with your children. It gives them a new skill which they can use later in life. At the
same time, you get to spend quality time with them doing something you can all enjoy. The kids will take to
it quickly because language learning comes easiest to the young. This is a good reason to learn Spanish
with your kids.

If you enjoy the arts, you may have a good reason to learn Spanish. If you know how to read it, you can
read all the works of the great Spanish speaking writers in the original language. You can watch foreign
films from Spain or Latin America without relying on the subtitles. And, you can understand the words of
Spanish songs.

These are just a few of the reasons people have to learn Spanish. Some people's reasons are much more
personal than this. No matter what your reason, you will find that you enjoy learning Spanish as much as
you will enjoy being able to speak it.
There are various ways to recover diminishing memory. Few aids have been discovered to assist them
entire procedure such as Memory Lifter it helps in memorizing vocabulary or language. Hormonal therapy is
used in women to help their retarding memory due to menopausal hormonal change in the body. It has
proved the hormonal therapy has direct and immediate on the critical part of brain that controls memory

It also lowers the risk of Alzheimer in women. However more research is going into this study and few
experts have criticized this therapy. But critics have also criticized Mnemonics and mention that this
technique is not 100 accurate actually no technique is 100% fool proof as there is always room for one to
forget and Mnemonics and its dynamics are complicated for people who are unaware of Esperanto grammar
besides it also carry some costs. There is also this myth that with age memory detoriates but it's not true for
all as few people are less prone to memory loss and Alzheimer because a well trained mind is stronger than
other system of our body and though it does loses some neurons due to ageing but a lot depends on training
and knowledge. Popping pills are considered to be a solution by many but the supplements just makes our
body healthier and thus automatically affecting the activeness of our brain hence no memory pill is a magic
pill to boost memory. But still there are many who believe in consuming memory food to enhance their
memory. Though taking regular vitamins and minerals are good for health and body but excess of anything
is harmful and it goes for the herb Ginkgo Biloba too.

If eaten to excess it can cause bleeding in the brain. Hence the most reliable treatment is consumption of
green fruits and antioxidants rich fruits and vegetables. Monitoring depression and anxiety helps in
recovering from memory loss besides a relaxed brain and body gets the mind in an active frame. Iron is also
a stimulator of neuron transmitter that helps in functioning of memory properly.

In long run our brain is impaired and memory is affected by the usage of drug as the chemicals reacts with
our body the neurons are inflicted and lost. Nicotine and alcohol have been proved to cause memory loss.
Smoking and drinking can cause stroke or other heart ailments that interfere with the flow of neuron to our
body causing memory loss. Stimulants like tea and coffee are good in adequate quantity as they keep us
alert when we want to without causing neurotic damage. Memory loss can also happen if an information or
knowledge has not been used for a considerable amount of time it becomes susceptible to be lost or needs
brushing up. One can also improve their memory by the usage of memory optimizer. A process that uses the
memory effectively. This includes learning and detailing all the information and skills and recalling them.
Information decays and degrades over the period of time and needs to be replenished often. At times one
information supercedes another information and is well retained than the first one. At times it is observed
that people tend to forget information due to stress or pressure for e.g during exams howsoever well read
the student is but gets nervous and forgets the answer. These are short-term memory loss as in most cases
the memory springs back rather than being lost forever.

In women pregnancy also affects their memory due to the hormonal changes that occur in their body. Due to
biological changes in their body women suffer from stress and tension and this leads to the neuron settings
in their brain being disturbed. But they usually overcome that thru the supplements or post pregnancy.
1, Identify the real cause of stress.

2, Events causing stress should be noted down and analyse it once in a month.

3, Your reactions to each stressful events should be recollected and compared with one another.

4, Should not give immediate responce to stressful event ,always take little time to think.

5, If any tension comes ask your inner man(Mind)for a solution,he is more intelligent than you.

6, Past is past always concentrate on future events and gather courage and willpower.

7, Neednot bother about your loss,but findout the reason for it and try to solve it.

8, Face all situations with confidence.

9, Keep faith in god and worship him.

10,Always hope for the best.

11,Always keep a positive approach.

12,Before doing any thing plan a solution to face a negative situation.

13,Should not live only for money.

14,Help the poor people .

15,Visit the sick people and give them moral support.

16,Whenever you are tensed take a deep breath and relax.

17,If you are tensed countdown from 100 to 1.

18,If any stress comes look at the beautiful picture kept on the wall.

19,Keep some flowers in the room and have a look.

20,Practise breathing exercises regularly.

21,Keep little time for yoga and meditation.

22,Aromatherapy is good to relax the mind.

23,If you are tensed make a surprise call to your old friend.

24,When you are tensed think about others who suffer from more serious problems.

25,Keep close contact with your family and share the problems with them.

26,Go for pleasure trips with the family members.

27,Avoid sedentary life,always mingle with others.

28Always approach others with a smile.

29,Laughing and sharing jokes with others will make you relaxed.

30,When you are tensed visit your close friend or relative.

31,If any stressful event comes discuss it with your intimate friend.
32,Spend little time with your kids and join their plays.

33,If you get time go for a healthy discussion on any interesting topic.

34,Always approach the people in a polite manner.

35,Maximun attempt should be made to reduce enemies.

36,Keep a regular routine for your activities.

37,Never postpone the works.

38,Sound sleep is very essential to relax your mind and body.

39,Always prefer room with fresh air.

40,Getup early in the morning.

41,After waking have a nice bath with your favourite shampoo.

42,Use some perfumes and room freshners you like.

43,Have a relaxing body massage.

44,Personal hygiene should be maintained.

45,Your health problems should be discussed with the doctor and follow his instructions.

46,Make a habit of cleaning the home and surroundings.

47,Keep sexual relations with only one partner.

48,Morning and evening walk is good to relax.

49Afternoon sleep is good but should not be a deep sleep with snoring.

50,Listen good music and go for a movie with your intimate friend.

51,Reading interesting books can reduce tension.

52,Gardening is a useful method to relax.

53,Spend little time with pet animals.

54,Engage in some games.

55,Keep some time to engage in your hobbies.

56,When you get time write some literal things like articles,poems and stories.

57,Keep a regular timing for food.

58,Take plenty of fruits and vegetables.

59,Prepare your favourite meal and have it with your family.

60,Having food from restaurants may give you a good mood.

61,Excess of drinking and smoking should be avoided.

Every one of us can use a little less stress in our lives. So often we try to follow the super-human scenario
of trying to be all things to all people, all of the time. What happens is we become burned out both
emotionally and physically. This doesn't have to be the case. Grab a lot of index cards and write a specific
goal on each--anything you think of that you want to do. Arrange the cards so that the goals you MOST want
to attain are on top, and the less essential goals go behind. Then, write deadlines on each of your top three
cards, break each goal down into mini-goals, and schedule time to achieve each of them. Clean a bit each
day. Obtain some index cards and write a cleaning task down on each. Place all of your cards in a box, and
draw one each day--that's your cleaning task. Be sure to include some FREE DAY cards in your box. If you
draw one of them, you don't have to do any cleaning for the day. Traffic delays occur for all sorts of
reasons. If you discover you can't take your original route, you'll have to go another way. Know your
alternate routes, before you leave your home or office. This way, you'll be able to allow for extra time. There
are very few things you can do that will only take 5 minutes or less to complete. For example, you may think
it takes 5 minutes to check your e-mail, but very often, it takes 15 minutes or more. Once you get into your
e-mail program, dial up, read a few letters, perhaps respond to a few, and then close your program, that
original 5 minutes often is long gone. Allow for more time than you think you'll need.
When you are feeling under the whether all the time perhaps it is because you are stressed. Stress alone
can cause major psychological and mental problems. In fact, stress can cause self-induced exaggerated
problems. Stress causes confusion, since it targets your physical, emotional responses, and psychological
aspects while causing you pain. Stress is the leading problem that everyone in the world faces at one time
or another. +What causes stress:+Bills cause stress, especially if you do not have cash flow to pay the bills.
Jobs will cause stress, since you battle to make sure your duties are correctly handled. Children cause
stress. Especially nowadays, since the media, television, etc has polluted and corrupted the minds of our
children by offering them nudity, violence, and other harmful actions on air. A bad relationship can cause
stress. If you are in a bad relationship, it only affects your mind and physical well-being, causing you stress.
There are many reasons a person can feel stressed. The upside is, you have the choice to make stress your
best friend or worst enemy.

What are the different kinds of stress? There are many kinds of stress that can cause you problems like the
acute stress this is a short term stress problem normally, which may last shortly or could carry forward. You
want to avoid overstressing self. One of the common reasons someone develops acute stress is because
they are thinking of how to change things they cannot change. Only change the things you can change and
learn to accept. We all deal with everyday challenges. Take each challenge as a learning experience. We all
have to pay bills, work, and so on. It's a part of life. We all have to face it. Sometimes we do not have the
money to pay bills. Learn to set a budget that relieves you of stress. You may loose your job. Instead of
sweating the problem, do something about it. +Children these days are increasing stress for parents. Many
teenagers these days are difficult to manage. Today our children are plagued with mental illnesses, far more
so than at one time in history. When you feel chronic stress, burned out and do not see hope, it is time to
seek help. Your doctor or mental health expert can help you manage stress emerging from difficulty
teenagers. +How to reduce stress:+You can reduce stress by managing, planning and setting goals. When
you have something to look forward to, it improves your personal life. The first thing you want to consider
while planning and setting goals is truth. The truth is what sets you free. Everything you do in life should
uphold the truth. If you are not sure, research to learn the truth. You can take many steps to reduce stress.
+To improve your life and reduce stress you may want to consider education. If you lack skills, experience or
education you will benefit from returning to school.

You want to avoid setting traps for your memory and intelligence, since the emotions play unhealthy games
if you allow it. What I mean is you want to avoid telling yourself I cannot do it. Life is too hard. Life is easier if
you learn to think positive.

How you can improve, your personal life is up to you. You will need to consult with your inner counselor to
learn what you need, what you are lacking and the steps you can take to improve your personal life. If you
are unsure, seek feedback. Feedback is the key that leads you to success.
How to improve your personal life and relationship

When you are trying to improve your relationship, this can be hard to do if you are not strong enough to do it.
Some of the bad things that make a relationship go wrong do not trust your mate. Perhaps you have a good
reason not to trust your mate but you have to forget and forgive, which can be hard to do. However, it will
not get any easier for you if you do not work on the problem. It s not all your fault or your mates fault, since
involvement is a 50-50 relationship. It takes two to make it work and not only one can do it so you both have
to be in agreement to work on your relationship together, otherwise you are wasting life.

What are some of the things that we can do to make it better? When trying to make a bad relationship work
it can be hard to do at times. There are times when it cannot be saved at all. There has to be a good
communication channel between both of you in order to even try to get along. You have to sit down and find
the real reason why and where you went wrong. Try to figure something out to make it better. If you cannot
communicate then you won't be able to work out your relationship. Failure to communicate is the leading
cause businesses, relationships, and self improvement falters.

Some of the things you might want to do are take time for you and your mate. Try taking a walk together and
talk about the weather, or other topics that reduces stress. You want to avoid stressful subjects until you are
ready to discuss your problems calmly. One of the biggest mistakes people make, is calling shots while
emotions are soaring. This leads to a yelling match and no one wins. +If you learn to communicate without
biting backs, you will learn to relax and control your emotions. Perhaps after you spend time together talking
casual, you may feel in the mood to enjoy a romantic night together. If you have children, perhaps are family
member or friend can watch the children while you and your mate go to a hotel for a romantic night.

How can one person improve a relationship? It's hard for one person to make changes by them self. It takes
two to make a relationship grow and it has to take two to make it work. Nothing is easy. Still, it has been
done and if you are strong enough you can make it though anything. You and your mate have been though
some hard times. The deal is you have to improve your personal life. You cannot change anyone and for this
reasons, the weight is on your shoulders to make your life better. Once you improve your life, your mate may
take interest and start to improve his or her personal life. It is proven that good conduct speaks louder than
any words. +How do I improve my personal life? Improving your life takes action. The first thing you want to
do is to sit down, make a list, plan and set goals to change. DO not bully you. Instead of looking at all the
bad, look at the good since thinking positive is the key to success.

Once you set your goals start taking action to improve your personal life. Again, your mate may take interest
and he/she too will join you in improving your lives together.
There have been many references to the Akashic records in major world religions. In the bible Moses pleads
with God on the Israelites behalf after they worship a golden calf, taking responsibility he asks for his name
to be stricken out of the book that God has written, as a punishment.

Later in Psalm 139 David tells us that in the same book there is nothing that is not known about him good
and bad and even future events.

In David and Revelations it is revealed that this book will be opened for final judgement and those whose
names are not in it will not enter heaven.

Edgar Cayse a Christian when asked during an interview stated that the Akashic record and God's book of
life were one and the same.

Q. [What is meant by] The Book of Life?

A. The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space, through patience - and
is opened when self has attuned to the infinite, and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness...

Q. The Book of God's Remembrances?

A. This is the Book of Life.

Q. The Akashic Records?

A. Those made by the individual, as just indicated.

Of course the Akashic records have the strongest links to Hinduism, which the name and idea arguably
come from. It is impossible as with many religious ideas to determine where and when it originated but likely
goes back far into history.

We do know the Hindu mysticism was taken up by the theosophical movements of the 19th Century.
Organizations such as the Theosophical Society popularized the idea and it survives today in as part of
many new age belief systems.
As the threat of memory based diseases such as Amnesia and Alzheimer is increasing, the medical
fraternity is trying their best to come out with the best of solution. Several researches are being carried on
globally to make difference to such conditions. Some achievement has been made so far but nothing
considerable as come so far. As Alzheimer is being a constant threat to the growing number of elderlies
according to one of the statistics nearly 65% of them are exposed to the disease. Little diagnosis could be
made so far as not too many are aware of the condition and refer it to the aging process. Until they realize
that it's affecting their quality of life. So much so that it has damaging effect on them in various ways such as
psychological, emotional and financial. Especially in a nuclear family setup older folks find themselves
ignored most of the time. Due to ignorance and little awareness the disease is barely diagnosed on time and
leads to death.

Current research on memory loss reveals that Omega 3 fats are helpful in declining such conditions. Folic
acid and folate are also known to help the condition; supplements if taken for 3 years can significantly help
on improving cognitive functions. People who consume fish on a regular basis have lesser chances of
suffering from any form of Dementia. Vegetables also are known to be rich in few minerals and vitamin that
helps in neurons functions. Exercise is however the most important way to keep the brain active as it leads
to better blood circulating throughout body and brain.

According to a study those who exercise three times a week are less prone to develop disease such as
Alzheimer. Brain diet mostly constitutes of low saturated fats, coniferous vegetables, fruit and fish with
omega-3 fatty acids. An active social life enhances our defenses and builds immunity and reduces
inflammation. Green tea also may work as wonder for the brain research have proved that those who have
regular intake of green tea are less likely to suffer from cognitive impairment. Drinking 2 servings of green
tea a day can help keep any cognitive dysfunction at bay. Keeping a check on weight also helps to counter
Dementia. Blood pressure and cholesterol control can lower the risk of Alzheimer. Eating leafy green
vegetables and coniferous veggies also helps in restoring cognitive functions. So one should carefully
include all the green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach in one's diet plan.

Older people who exercise on a regular basis are known to generate more brain cells than their counterparts
who do not exercise and also learn new skills more effectively. Consuming fruits and veggies rich in
antioxidants helps in boosting metabolism and maintain the integrity of nerve cell components. Magnesium
and Zinc intake are also known to improve and maintain brain receptors thus enhancing memory. Research
has also proven blueberries, Ginseng, Gastrodine and Gingko Biloba to help create new neurons and
improve memory functions. Vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E and other nutritional supplements intake helps
restoring memory function and build new cells However justifiable amount of caffeine taken thru tea and
coffee also sharpens brain proven by a recent research. Lowering of cortisol level and stress can help
regenerate its power to remember and learn. Aerobics can protect brain tissue from aging and decline.
These are results of few researches that have been done to check memory loss and brain related disorder.
All the parts of the human body work together, although each one has its especial part to do. The stomach
must have a time to rest between meals. The other parts of the body require rest, too. This they usually get
while we are asleep. We must not be neglectful and fail to give them enough rest, or they will soon get worn
out and give us trouble.

Sometimes, when people are not well or are all tired out, they find they cannot sleep well at night. There are
a number of little things that can be done to induce sleep. A warm bath before retiring, followed by a gentle
massage, especially along the spine, often will, by relaxing the nerves and muscles, produce very good
results. A hot foot bath, which draws the blood away from the brain, frequently will be found beneficial. A
glass of hot milk or cocoa, taken just before retiring, often will have the same effect. If the sleeplessness is a
result of indigestion, a plain diet will relieve. Sleeping upon a hard bed without any pillow sometimes
produces the desired effect. Always have plenty of fresh air in the room. Keep the mind free from the cares
of the day. If they will intrude, crowd them out by repeating something else some soothing sentence or bit of
poetry. One good plan is to close the left nostril by pressing on it with the finger, then take four deep breaths
through the right nostril. Then close the right nostril and take four deep breaths through the left one. Repeat
this about four times. Then breathe slowly through both nostrils, but count your breaths. You seldom will
count very many. Never take any sleeping powders or tablets except upon the advice of a physician, for they
usually contain drugs that will injure the heart.

You will find that you will meet a number of men who are nervous, which means they have not control of
their nerves, but let them run away with them. Sometimes this is shown in palpitation of the heart, headache,
backache, and many other disorders. There may be a tendency to cry at trivial things, or a feeling of having
'the blues." The cause usually can be found in uncongenial surroundings or occupation, loss of friends, or
real or fancied troubles. Whatever the cause, it should be removed, if possible, and measures taken to
restore the worn out nerves that are crying for rest or food. Tonics help, so does nourishing food, such as
eggs and milk; also a change of scene and occupation, if possible. A man who is nervous frequently does
not realize what is the cause of his condition, and considers only the symptoms. So when he has a
headache, resorts to medicine. In taking these she only is deadening the pain and not removing the cause,
so the pain is liable to return.
There are three phases of management for laryngectomy: pre-operative, operative, and post-operative
management. Each phase has its advantage and goals. A speech therapist plays vital roles in the first and
last phase. Consulting a speech therapist during the first phase is equally important with seeing a therapist
during the last phase, which is when voice rehabilitation really begins.

A speech therapist also has different roles in each phase, that's why it is vital for a therapist to know the two
phases he plays a role in.

Pre-operative Management

Pre-operative management includes informing the patient of the anatomical changes, and expectations
regarding swallowing, voice, and the family as a part of the team. The therapist also informs the patient on
the different speech options he has after the operation.

During this phase, the speech therapist should initiate ordering of the hardware or alternative means of
communication. The therapist should also be open to questions that the patient may come up with. This is
also the time for him to establish rapport with the patient.

The therapist can also offer re-assuring consultation with appropriate laryngectomee volunteers. This is also
the time where he assesses the pre-laryngectomy speech and cognition of the patient. The laryngectomee is
also informed with his prognosis, where the potential for recovery and long-term rehabilitation is discussed.

The advantages of this phase would be the evaluation of preoperative speaking skills such as speaking rate,
articulation errors, accent patterns, oral opening degree when speaking, and vocal parameters. Cognition
and hearing is also evaluated, along with oral-peripheral-mouth strength and sensation. The family can also
get emotional support in this phase.

Assessment is done by the use of modified barium swallowing or Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of
Swallowing. The patient's communication needs are also assessed where living situation, occupation, social
requirements and hobbies are looked at.

Postoperative Management

During this phase, the therapist is given an opportunity to help lessen the patient's fears, and depression. He
should also help the patient to accept the loss of voice and swallowing difficulties. The motivation of the
patient should be increased, so that he can easily learn how to use alternative speech. Social implications
are also addressed. Arrangements for voice rehabilitation are also done during the early parts of this phase.

Firs off, the therapist should confirm if the patient is already medically cleared for therapy. Then he should
review the treatment procedure, re-evaluate the patient's swallowing function then give diet
recommendations, and create a treatment plan.

Problems Encountered During Postoperative Management

After the operation some problems may still occur. With regards to Tracheostomy, the patient and therapist
should always be watchful of stoma hygiene, cannula hygiene, stoma covers, excessive mucus in the
trachea, mucus encrustations in the stoma, and stoma safety and first aid.

There could also be problems related to taste, swallowing, smell and digestion. The patient may find it
difficult to trap air within the lungs. This can lead to difficulties in creating internal subglottic pressure,
elimination of body waste and childbirth.

Problems of social adjustment may also be present. The patient may find it hard or embarrassing to use
alaryngeal speech in public. The altered physical appearance of the patient may also be an issue.
Sometimes, the laryngectomee also has unrealistic expectations regarding acquisition of alaryngeal speech.
The salutation, says a French writer, is the touchstone of good breeding. According to circumstances, it
should be respectful, cordial, civil, affectionate or familiar: an inclination of the head, a gesture with the hand,
the touching or doffing of the hat.

If you remove your hat you need not at the same time bend the dorsal vertebr' of your body, unless you wish
to be very reverential, as in saluting a bishop.

If an individual of the lowest rank, or without any rank at all, takes off his hat to you, you should do the same
in return. A bow, says La Fontaine, is a note drawn at sight. If you acknowledge it, you must pay the full
amount. The two best-bred men in England, Charles the Second and George the Fourth, never failed to take
off their hats to the meanest of their subjects.

If you have anything to say to any one in the street however intimate you may be, do not stop the person,
but turn round and walk in company; you can take leave at the end of the street.

If there is any one of your acquaintance, with whom you have a difference, do not avoid looking at him,
unless from the nature of things the quarrel is necessarily for life. It is almost always better to bow with cold
civility, though without speaking.

Good sense and convenience are the foundations of good breeding; and it is assuredly vastly more
reasonable and more agreeable to enjoy a passing gratification, when no sequent evil is to be apprehended,
than to be rendered uncomfortable by an ill-founded pride. It is therefore better to carry on an easy and civil
conversation. A snuff-box, or some polite accommodation rendered, may serve for an opening. Talk only
about generalities, the play, the roads, the weather. Avoid speaking of persons or politics, for, if the
individual is of the opposite party to yourself, you will be engaged in a controversy: if he holds the same
opinions, you will be overwhelmed with a flood of vulgar intelligence, which may soil your mind. Be
reservedly civil while the colloquy lasts, and let the acquaintance cease with the occasion.
Mendacities are the start of our troubles. When we lie, we build on lies, which lead to disaster. To live happy
you have to learn to tell the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts, but in the end you will find that the truth sets
you free. Lies include procrastination.

Avoiding Procrastination to Improve Personal Life +When you procrastinate, you are wasting time, burning
energy, and failing to achieve your goals. Procrastination is the process of putting things off. The more you
put things off the more you get behind. In addition, procrastination makes a person lazy, which is not good
for your health. To help you improve personal life, you need to stop lying to you and tell yourself that you can
do it. If you take measures to do it now you will see that your load gets lighter.

Rediscovering the learner inside of you:+We set ourselves up for disaster. When we fail to see what we can
accomplish, we lie to us. We tell ourselves that it is too hard. What is hard about getting it done? The key to
success is becoming master over our own emotions. Emotions are powerful tools that either make us or
break us. We learn effectively by taking control of these emotions and discovering our inner joys, abilities,
etc. Sometimes you will find areas about you that are disturbing. Don't let it wear you down. Rather take
action to remove this behavior, way of thinking etc. +When you learn you are engaging in an energy-packed
progression. You are involving self in experiments that guide you to success. When you learn you acquire or
build skills. You discover you and what you want. You may break a stone somewhere down the road, but in
the end, you will reach success.

Lies is the course to nowhere. When you say, I know it all, you are saying I do not have the energy to learn.
You are lying because we learn something each day we live. If you want to live happy, stop lying and say, I
am ambitious about learning a new subject, skill, experience, etc today. Use your life challenges and make
them your best friend by learning from these challenges. +Tossing up new ideas:+Tossing up new ideas is
the key to opening doors. If you learn to toss up new ideas, you will discover inner abilities, self, and more. +
+Finding resources: Resources are capital gain. When you dig up resources and use them, you are taking
action to improve your personal life. You can find resources online, at your local library, libraries online, at
schools, colleges and more. Pull up those resources to see how far it takes you to success.

How to prepare to live happier: To live happier you will need to ask questions: Questions: +What do I want
to accomplish in my life? +How do I intend to accomplish what I want? +What are the things I can do to
improve my personal life? +How can I learn the secrets to living successfully? What proven items do I have
that will guide me to success? What can I learn about me and how do I get started? +How can practicing
critical thinking help me? +How can learning my style help improve my personal life? +Once you gather
your questions, toss up new ideas to find your answers. Most of us have the answers within us, yet many fail
to discover these answers. You want to learn self-talk and role-play to pull up your answers. Learning these
helpful tools will guide you to success as well.
"With my four years of existence in the company where I am working now, I commend all the successes that
I achieved with all my college teachers.

Now, I have proven that they are right for always reminding me that self-discipline can bring me to pedestal.
I have witness by myself, that there is really a big world out there, a big world beyond this school only if you
have self-discipline and determination," says the speaker.

People stood up and gave a warm round of applause after the speaker. It was a speech of gratitude given
by a former student of the university during a commencement exercise.

After the program, everybody was inspired as they left the place. The parents are throwing the best smiles
towards their children. After a long time of waiting, their children are able to finish college degree.

Nothing can be compared to the fulfillment that the parents feel after their children finish their study. The
happiness inside their hearts is incomparable. This is what makes them whole as a parent.

Self-discipline for a student is indeed necessary. You should not always go with the flow of the water. One
must able to resists with all the temptations surrounding them. This is most particularly for the college
students who are greatly influence with peer pressure.

The word self-discipline is necessary for two important factors in a college life. First is self-discipline as
equated with the study habit and self-discipline as to time management. Only if you are able to satisfy both,
you will surely achieve a great success.

To have a thorough and a clear distinction for these two factors, check this out!

Studying for most college students is boring. Sometimes, it can even give them so much pressure. However,
studying is not a matter of doing your homework neither it is about comprehending the things that you learn
in your textbooks.

Studying is not also about counting the length of time that you spend in reading all your textbooks. It is about
retention, the process of putting into your long-term memory all the learning that you have.

It is also a matter of putting into practice what you learn, and not by stocking it simply as a theory in your

Self-discipline enters in studying when you are prioritizing things over. This is when you decide to go over
with your lessons because you have an exam the next day or go with your friends for night out.

On the other hand, self-discipline is also a primary agent for time management. This will protect you from
doing unnecessary things that can lead you to cramming. It deals on the manner on how you control

Time management is the proper allocation of your time for your daily activities. You should avoid taking
things for granted. Do all the tasks that you are suppose to do today and do not leave it for tomorrow.

Usually, the main reason for cramming is when you tend to skip your scheduled activity for the day. If it will
continue to happen for about two consecutive days, it will add up to your previous schedules. This will now
come to a point that you are putting pressure to yourself to finish all of that.

Time management is your personal problem, if you just know how to do the right thing you will not worry. Put
in mind that your everyday life is not a gamble, there should be an allocation of time in each of your activity.

It is not also a matter of trial and error that when you fail, you can go back to the time that you wasted for it.

Self-discipline for student study and time management is primarily important for all the college students. This
is particularly the period of preparing yourselves for your own career in the future. A time for you to be
serious on what you are doing.

If there is a person who knows more about you, it is yourself alone. You cannot ask for somebody's help
while tracking your goal.
As much as possible, you try to practice self-discipline at all times, so that despite of the hardships you can
still stand up with your own.
Many school curriculums require students to take a language. The requirement is so popular that not only
does it exist on the college level, but also the middle school and even the elementary school level. It is
assumed that it would be useful to learn another language besides one's native tongue, but many times
young students ask themselves if they should really be required to learn other languages.

For instance, as a student begins to learn Spanish in elementary school, he or she may have a lot of fun
with his or her teacher, doing colorful worksheets and playing nice games. They may win a couple of prizes
for their great amount of participation in the class. However, these elementary students will only get a basic
understanding of the language at most.

Then, as that same student progresses, he may find himself choosing to learn Spanish again to fulfill his or
her middle school language requirement. He or she may perhaps gain a more intermediate understanding of
the language. They may find out that now they can put a few conversations together. As they continue to
learn Spanish for a few more semesters, they may understand how to write a few paragraphs in the
language. However, students at this level will only rise to the medium levels of grasping the language. They
may get all A's in the class and attain some good compliments from the teacher, but there's a good chance
that they will lack fluency in the language.

A student reaching high school may choose to learn Spanish again in order to fulfill a language requirement
there. Of course, this type of student will become more advanced in speaking Spanish. They will learn to say
all kinds of things such as, "where is the bathroom?" They may learn the vocabulary for an entire wardrobe
and the may get down the words that fit with everything they make for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When the
teacher says "good morning" in class, happily they will be able to answer her back. Short verbs such "is"
"are" and "where" will be effortless to them, but will they be fluent in the language? Probably not.

These students usually do not gain fluency as they learn Spanish because the classes are just not that
advanced and they do not last for a long enough time. Often, in high school, a Spanish class can last for a
year, but the class might not be taught daily. Even if the class is taught daily, the lure to take some real time
off from learning Spanish during the summer months is just too enticing. If the process of learning Spanish is
stopped during the three month summer period, it could cause a student to forget the majority of what he or
she learned during class time.

Even in college, students normally will learn Spanish or another language only until they get the requirement
filled. Then they stop all together, never becoming fluent even after investing all of that previous time in
learning the language. Since most students do not become fluent in the language, later in life they find
themselves being grateful for leaning Spanish only because they were in a Spanish restaurant one day and
luckily they remembered how to read the menu.

Therefore, it would seem that it is not that useful to learn Spanish or another language as a school
requirement. If is useful, it may only be to those students who combine learning language in a formal
classroom with outside learning as well. Outside learning might include practicing speaking Spanish with a
friend or attending Spanish cultural events. By combing different methods of learning Spanish, students
might stand a better chance of becoming fluent.
Scientifically there is no objective evidence for the existence of the Akashic records as with most other
supernatural and psychic phenomena all evidence is subjective and thus cannot be scientifically tested or

Ervin Laszlo explores the science of the Akashic records in his 2004 book Science and the Akashic Field:
An Integral Theory of Everything.

In which he claims the theory explains a lot about the structure universe to evolution and marries science
and religion in a solution to the age old debate.

Many especially many of the major world religions are sceptical about the existence of the Akashic records
and they do not form any of the major religion official beliefs.

Though they are part of many smaller religions and denominations official and unofficial beliefs particularly
those of new age and some eastern religions.

Sceptics say that the supporters of the Akashic records claim have been associated with many historical
figures and cultures, societies and religions without any written or archaeological evidence.

It has also been claimed that prominent psychics of the past most notably Nostradamus and the Oracle at
Delphi also consulted the Akashic records for which there is no record.

The term is believed to have started with the theosophical movements movement of the 19th Century and
skeptics say it is an invention of that movement.
Studies have shown that people that are more actively involved with positive influences can live longer.
These people also feel healthier. Studies shows that people who socialize do not get as sick often as those
who do not.

People who are active, do not have time to worry about tomorrow, or yesterday. they live for the day that
they are in now and that's it. Worrying too much is not good for the soul or mind. We have many problems in
life that we cannot change, therefore we need to learn how to change what we can and leave the rest alone.
Depression is one of the leading problems today and mostly because of the reasons named. To live for a
better tomorrow you have to first learn how to live for today.

What are some of the ways I can get active? There are many ways to become active instead of sitting in the
house go out and make new friends. Maybe visit your local coffee shops. You may want to visit old friends
you haven't seen in a while.

there are many ways to get active. We have gyms, which you can find reasonable sales. Visit the gym start
working out and intermingle with people. The idea of socializing is to met new people and do things that you
normally wouldn't do normally.

How would I make new friends? You can go anywhere to met new friends. You can meet new friends at
stores. You can visit a religious sector and make new acquaintances. In time, they may become your best
friend. there you can meet new people get involved with people and then you will have plenty of things to
keep you busy. Perhaps you can volunteer at your library, hospital, or other area around town. Here you will
become actively involved with your community as you meet new people.

How will becoming more actively help me to improve my personal life? When you are more active you
always feel better because your doing something good. You are not wasting time harboring over mistakes,
or other things that stress you. Instead of worrying about tomorrow or yesterday, you are spending your time
wisely. Many people sit around all day sweating bills. If you are late with your bills, set up a budget, get on
track and stop allowing bills take over your life. You will benefit from becoming active, since the bills will not
be on your mind until they arrive in the mail.

The more active that you are you will feel the difference, since you start to feel better about you. You will
notice that you are needed in this day and time for whatever the reason is. No one what's to see anyone be
total alone and just sit and think about the unknown that will make someone sick and feeling hopeless.

So no matter how you are feeling you need to get out and enjoy life while you can. It's easy to pick up the
phone and call a friend.

Call someone and invite him or her to shop with you. Invite them to come have coffee with you. Better yet,
invite them to walk in the park with you. It's your call. You can do anything you want if you put your mind to
it. Sitting down on life is the process of heading to the grave. Take action now and socialize today. Be sure
to keep your social friends on a positive note. In short, only choose people who will build you up instead of
tearing you down.
Organize your workspace for healthy computing, Prioritize tasks which are important, urgent, both or neither,
and energize yourself by getting plenty of rest, eating and drinking all of the right things and exercising
regularly. Plenty of mini breaks, exercise on and off the PC, and staying focused will contribute to a sense of
continual well-being Take some time to block distractions and dangers. Install a firewall to your computer, or
have one installed to make yourself invisible to hackers and intruders. Add mail-filtering software to cut down
on SPAM. Use an online software memo pad. Download freeware that'll let you do a pop up or 'Post-It' note
on your screen. You may find the software will also retain your notes in one folder. Whenever you remember
something that needs to be done, the very best thing to do is write it down. Then, just as you need to recall
it, it will be there for you in an instant Remove clutter. Cleaning gives order and purpose to your life, even if
you only do a bit at a time. Tidy your desk, clean out, store or remove dead or surplus information from your
PC. Get and regularly run software that removes dead links, duplicate files and empty folders. Most of this
can be scheduled to run automatically or when you aren't there. Your computer will work better too! Use
timers and alarms. Take advantage of alarm clocks and timers throughout your day to stay organized at your
work. Have to have a report ready by noon? Set your pop up PC alarm clock as a memory jogger to remind
you. Want to leave for an anniversary meal by 8 p.m.? Set your offline timer to beep a few minutes before it
is time to get ready. With a few simple changes, your work life can be less hectic and much more productive.
+It's easy to learn Spanish if you begin with the basics. Just get down the simple verbs, some foods, and
perhaps a few descriptive terms. Usually people learn Spanish by beginning to say the alphabet and
rehearsing greetings such as "hello" and "goodnight," but studying the facial features will allow you to have a
bit of variety and spice as you learn Spanish.

A very fun basic to begin with while in the process of learning Spanish is the descriptions of the face. The
face is recognized as the front part of the head. It includes the lips, nose, eyes, cheeks, eyebrows, nose,
hair, teeth, lips, and chin. The face functions as a tool of expression and identity, and people's faces are the
body part that is most commonly used to distinguish them. Often caricatures will overemphasize certain
parts of the face in order to make them instantly recognizable to the people who may be familiar with those
memorable features.

If you have a bit of trouble recalling names of others, you may want to become very familiar with the features
of the face. The size of someone's eyes let a mother know instantly which one of your children you are
talking about.

It's good to be able to speak about someone's facial features in Spanish because if you meet someone in a
Spanish-speaking country you may have to describe that person to another person who speaks Spanish.
Also, describing people's facial features in Spanish will help you to learn Spanish in a fun a creative way.

To begin with, if you meet someone who has a thin face, you would say "una cara delgada". Translated into
English, this means "She has a thin face." If you meet someone who has a chubby face, you would say "una
cara regordete." If you meet someone you would like to describe as having had a face lift you would say un
lifting or un "estiramiento facial." If someone has wrinkles you would say "arugas." If someone's face is
happy, you would say "una cara alegre." If someone has a big nose you would say "una nariz grande." If
someone has sunken eyes you would say "ojos hundidos." In the event that you meet someone with shifty
eyes you would say "ojos furtivos."

Those are just some Spanish words that you can you use to describe people's faces as you continue to
learn Spanish. Now, you will not be at a loss for words when you meet people on the street. See how fun it
can be to learn Spanish?

In order to avoid the typical method of beginning to learn Spanish such as getting down the alphabet and,
"What's your name?" you may want to consider learning the physical anatomy in Spanish or learning how to
say the different parts of a typical suburban neighborhood. When you deviate from the norm, it not only can
be fun to learn Spanish, but it also can be very exciting.
It's a very good idea to learn Spanish in today's world. When a person learns Spanish, they gain the ability
to obtain a better cultural understanding. Learning Spanish also creates more job opportunities.

Many people of different cultural origins are constantly migrating to the United States, and the increase of
people of Spanish speaking origin has created a lot of diversity in the country. However, with an increase of
Spanish speaking people comes an increase in the amount of people who do not know English. Therefore, it
is essential that many people entering the work world learn to speak Spanish.

When a person looking for a job knows two more languages, such as English and Spanish, he or she
becomes more valuable to the job market. Only so many people can speak Spanish and English. Therefore,
there is less competition.

Also, a person who has learned to speak Spanish can make an employers life much easier. For instance,
some industries thrive on attracting all members of the community to buy their products, including those who
don't know English. For instance, an industry that needs to get all of the community buying its products is
insurance. Everyone needs car insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. The only way to tell a person
who only speaks Spanish about insurance is to speak Spanish. For this reason, many professionals who
work in the insurance industry in the U.S are discovering that they need to learn Spanish themselves or
employee someone who is willing to learn Spanish.

Furthermore, often people who work generally in sales need to learn some way to increase and enhance
their communication abilities. Sales is all about communicating with people. The best way to communicate is
to make sure that everyone is able to understand one's message. For these reasons, many companies offer
to pay for classes that might help one learn Spanish. These classes can be taken at night, and may be
completed in about a year to two years.

Once a person has learned Spanish, and is able to bring their ability to their place of employment, many
opportunities may open up. For instance, learning Spanish creates job opportunities in the medical and
customer service related fields. Also, management may offer travel opportunities to employees who have
learned to speak Spanish, and a person who has learned Spanish may find themselves getting promoted to
positions that require them to use their new Spanish speaking skill. Employees could become ambassadors
or key speakers at meetings.

To learn Spanish is to gain many opportunities in the world of work. In a nutshell, learning Spanish can be a
way for a person to increase their income and likelihood of having constant opportunities for employment.
With the right amount of tenacity and dedication, it can become easy to learn Spanish. It merely takes
listening skills, attention to detail, patience, and diligence. These are all skills that can be transferred to the
work environment and they can't help but make a successful employee.
There are many people who claim to have had experiences with Akashic Records. C.W. Leadbeater was
one of the best known.

He was a renowned clairvoyant who conducted research into the akashic records, which he states he
inspected at the Theosophical Society headquarters in Adyar, India during the summer of 1910.

C.W. Leadbeater recorded his findings in his book "Man: How, Whence, and Whither?" This book also
records the history of Atlantis and other civilizations as well as a future society of Earth in the twenty-seventh

Another such famous believer who has his own specific accounts of the Akashic Records is Edgar Cayce.
He stated that each person is held to account after life.

They are eventually confronted with their personal Akashic Record of what they have or have not done
karmacilly in life.

The Akashic Records are comparable to the biblical "Book of Life" in which the consulted is judged to see
whether they are admitted into heaven or not.

Ervin Laszlo wrote a book called "Science and the Akashic Field and the Reenactment of the Cosmos".

This book brings the latest science of the A-Field and the function as the source of everything flowing in and
out via the vacuum field.

This field is also known as Zero Point Energy and he equates this to the Akasha, or cosmic mind, universal
consciousness and the field that unifies everything.

The authors of these books all claim to have visited the Akashic Records themselves and write from their
own experience.
Crouzon Syndrome is a condition that would require speech therapy. This is mainly because of the major
features of the syndrome, which affect main physical components used for speech production, such as

Crouzon Syndrome

It is a result of premature closure of some cranial sutures and is also known as branchial arch syndrome as
it specifically affects the first branchial arch where the maxilla and the mandible are developed. It is
transmitted from generation to generation in an autosomal dominant manner.

How Often Does Crouzon Syndrome Occur?

As of year 2000, the demographics of Crouzon syndrome is that approximately one per twenty-five thousand
live births have this condition. Crouzon syndrome also equally affects all kinds of ethnic groups.

Language Characteristics of Individuals with Crouzon Syndrome

The individual's mental capacity dictates his/her ability to comprehend language. Unlike what some people
think, not all individuals with Crouzon Syndrome have cognitive deficits. Usually, their mental capacity is in
the normal range, which tells us that they are capable of acquiring language and using it as a means for

These individuals have language skillswhich are at par with the skills of others of the same age. However,
some still manifest significant mental developmental delay secondary to excessive intracranial pressure. In
other cases, the presence of hearing problems contributes to the language acquisition difficulty.

Still in other cases, inappropriate breathing patterns make speaking difficult which in turn makes
communication a tiring and an unpleasant experience.

Articulation Problems

In some cases, an individual with Crouzon Syndrome may exhibit oral distortions of fricatives and affricatives
especially sibilants and inconsistent distortions in productions of /r/ and /l/. Most of these errors are
attributed to abnormal tongue placement as caused by the defective maxillomandibular relationship.

However, some individuals may display speech problems that are in no way related to their oral structures.
Other speech manifestations are also characterized by denasalization of /m/, /n/. Problems in articulating
bilabials and round vowels may also be present due to reduced skills in lip closure and lip rounding.

Voice Problems

Hypernasal speech is a common characteristic of individuals with Crouzon Syndrome. This is usually due to
velopharyngeal insufficiency. Hyponasal speech may also present itself albeit less common. It is often due
to nasal obstruction, which is surgically correctable.

These unusual resonance and speech patterns may either be a result of a small nose, high arched palate or
the mandibular malocclusion. In terms of vocal quality, hoarseness may be present due to the development
of vocal cord nodules in compensatory laryngeal activity.

Psychosocial-Emotional Problems

One psychosocial problem that individuals with Crouzon Syndrome face is the attractiveness vs.
unattractiveness issue. Because of the prominent cranio-facial deformity these individual are often victims of
bullying, teasing and social isolation.

The visual and hearing impairments often hinder the comfortable flow of communicative exchanges. They
feel restricted and limited in their socializations, with a marked difficulty in socializing with the opposite sex.
Some may even be treated as if they were less capable than their peers.

Most individuals with Crouzon Syndrome feel angry at society for demanding physical attractiveness.
Although some of these issues may be generic, the people's response varies. Some may become painfully
shy and lose confidence.
And yet others may develop a rather strong character and work on proving to their community that they have
worth and are just as good as everybody else.
One of the main categories of speech problems in need for speech therapy are fluency disorders. However,
there are different types of fluency disorders, even though they may all seem the same. Each type has its
own cause, and defining characteristics that make them stand out from one another.

There are basically six main types of fluency disorders, while some are considered to be other conditions
that are related to fluency disorders.

Normal Developmental Disfluency

Normal developmental disfluency, is a fluency disorder that is a lot of times mistaken to be stuttering. This
condition occurs with children from ages 1:6- 6 years old, although the peak of the condition is considered to
be 2-4 years of age.

A lot of parents may be concerned of the way their child speaks, but in reality, this is a normal condition that
every child goes through. Normal developmental disfluency is a normal part of a child's development. So
there is really no need to worry at all.

A child would normally get over this stage as his speech skills develop. However, a proper environment, and
interaction is needed for that to happen. If a child is pressured by his parents or people around him about his
speech, the higher the probability that his disfluency would become a problem in the future and could
develop to stuttering.


Stuttering is a disorder of childhood (developmental) that is characterized by an abnormally high frequency

or duration of stoppages in the forward flow of speech. Although normal developmental disfluency has its
own share of stoppages, stuttering on the other hand has some extra characteristics that normal
developmental disfluency doesn't have.

What makes stuttering different, from normal developmental disfluency, is that stuttering has escape
behaviors, avoidance behaviors, and other secondary behaviors. These so called behaviors are also called
physical concomitants. Some examples are eye blinks, head nods, jaw tremors and total body gyrations.

Neurogenic Disfluency

This kind of disfluency is a result of an identifiable neuropathology in a person that has no history of fluency
problems prior to occurrence of the pathology. People who have accidents that caused brain problems,
which induced their disfluency, fall into this category.

Neurogenic disfluency has similar characteristics as stuttering, including the physical behaviors like eye
blinks and tremors. The thing is that, the main problem in conditions like these is not fluency at all, but the
lesser control of muscles needed in speech production.

Psychogenic Disfluency

A disfluency with no found evidence of neurological dysfunction and no history of developmental stuttering. It
is of sudden onset and attributed to an identifiable emotional crisis. Can be grouped into three categories
namely: emotionally based, manipulative, and malingering disfluencies

An example of this kind of disfluency is when a person starts to stutter when a specific other is around. For
instance, a student who is afraid of her teacher, starts to stutter every time her teacher is around but speaks
fluently when around her friends and family.

Language Bases Disfluency

This is a disfluency that is attributed to the development of linguistic sophistication. The main root of the
problem here would be language problems, which would require language based therapy rather than
fluency-based therapy.

Mixed Fluency Failures

These are fluency failures that are characterized by overlapping causative factors. Speech pattern observed
is the result of a blend of two or more factors/disfluency.


This is a condition that is related to fluency disorders. It is considered to be the extreme of stuttering. It is a
disorder of timing and rhythm of speech where the person speaks too fast that his speech can't be
comprehended. The thing is, a clutterer isn't aware that he is cluttering, while a stutterer is very much aware
that he stutters.
One of the not so noticed areas of rehabilitation medicine is Speech Therapy. In fact, a lot of people may not
even know that something like this existed. It may be the case that this is your first time to encounter the
field or you may have heard it somewhere, but don't fully understand what the practice is all about.

The sad truth about Speech Therapy is that you may not encounter it unless the situation calls for it.
However, getting to know what the practice is can be very beneficial information.

What Is Speech Therapy?

As the name suggests, speech therapy deals with speech problems that an individual may encounter.
However, the field of Speech Pathology doesn't only tackle speech, but also language and other
communication problems that people may already have due to birth, or people acquired due to accidents or
other misfortunes.

Speech therapy is basically a treatment that people of all ages can undergo through, to fix their speech.
Although speech therapy alone would focus on fixing speech related problems like treating one's vocal pitch,
volume, tone, rhythm and articulation.

Goals Of Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy aims for an individual to develop or get back effective communication skills at its optimal
level. Recovery mainly depends on the case and severity of your problem, especially if your speech problem
is acquired, meaning you had normal speech skills before then you had an accident or abrupt incident that
caused your current speech problem; thus, you may or may not get back your old level of speech function.

Speech Problems

Speech problems are mainly categorized into three namely: Articulation Disorders, Resonance or Voice
Disorders and Fluency Disorders. Each disorder deals with a different pathology and uses different
techniques for therapy.

Articulation Disorders

Articulation Disorders are basically problems with physical features used for articulation. These features
include lips, tongue, teeth, hard and soft palate, jaws and inner cheeks. If you have an Articulation Disorder,
then you may have a problem producing words or syllables correctly to the point that people you
communicate to can't understand what you are saying.

Resonance or Voice Disorders

Resonance, more popularly known as, Voice Disorders mainly deal with problems regarding phonation or
the production of the raw sound itself. Most probably, you have a Voice Disorder when the sound that your
larynx or voice box produces comes out to be muffled, nasal, intermittent, weak, too loud or any other
characteristic not pertaining to normal.

Fluency Disorders

Fluency Disorders are speech problems with regard to the fluency of your speech. There are some cases
that you talk too fast, in which people can't understand you, thus, you have a Fluency Disorder of Cluttering.
The most common Fluency Disorder however, is Stuttering, which is a disorder of fluency where your
speech is constantly interrupted by blocks, fillers, stoppages, repetitions or sound prolongations.

Who Gives Speech Therapy?

A highly trained professional, called a SLP or a Speech and Language Pathologist, gives Speech Therapy.
Speech and Language Pathologists are informally more popularly known as Speech Therapists. They are
professionals who have education and training with human communication development and disorders.

Speech and Language pathologists assess, diagnose and treat people with speech, communication and
language disorders. However, they are not doctors, but are considered to be specialists on the field of
medical rehabilitation.
PROLAM-GM is an acronym for the various intervention and transfer strategies used in the management of
stuttering. PROLAM, which stands for physiological adjustments, rate manipulation, operant controls, length
and complexity of utterance, attitude changes, and monitoring, are the intervention strategies. GM, which
stands for generalization and maintenance, are the transfer strategies.

Physiological Adjustments

Physiological adjustment strategies include tactics that manipulate bodily components known or thought to
be involved in the production of stuttered speech. An example of this would be the attempt to use gentle
contact between the articulators when talking.

The rationale behind this approach is that the physiological components necessary for the production of
normal fluent speech are in some way used inappropriately when stuttering occurs. Therefore, the therapy
tactics used will result in a "readjustment" of the disordered component, or in use of compensatory
behaviors and strategies.

Rate of Speech Manipulations

Use of a reduced speech rate to modify stuttering operates in the belief that: (a) reduction of rate results in
simplification of the physiological speech processes, thus allowing easier synchronization or; (b) reduction in
the rate of speech prevents the stutterer from anticipating feared stimuli that result in the production of the
stuttering response.

The rate of the stutterer's speech may be reduced by: prolongation, combining prolongation with continuous
phonation, and using an instructional rate control method.

Operant Controls

Use of operant controls in the management of stuttering believes that if stuttering is an operant behavior
(behaviors whose frequency or probability of occurrence are influenced by the consequences they
generate), then its frequency will increase if it is reinforced, and its frequency of occurrence will decrease if it
is punished.

Two of the most frequently used operant procedures for treating stuttering are positive reinforcement of
fluency and punishment of stuttering.

Length and Complexity of Utterance

Controlling the length and complexity of the stutterer's utterance reduces stuttering and increases fluency.
This technique is often used to increase fluent speech. Most of the approaches utilizing this technique
combine manipulation of length and complexity of the client's language with operant controls (punishment of
stuttering and reinforcement of fluency).


There are two components of stuttering namely: the feelings accompanying it and the speaking behaviors
that are resulted from it. It is believed by some that to have a successful therapy, a balance of treating both
factors should be done. That's why attitude manipulation is done in some approaches while in other
approaches it can be optional depending on the case of the client.


In the science of Speech Pathology, especially in the field of stuttering, there are a lot of meanings for the
term 'monitoring". Some say it's a process in which the PWS becomes aware of what he is doing at the time
he is doing it. Some say it is a specific form of consciousness where the act of speaking is raised from an
automatic level to a purposeful level. Basically, it has three key components: self-awareness, deliberate
control and self-feedback.


The technical term for generalization is 'the occurrence of a relevant behavior under different nontraining
conditions." The term generalization is usually interchanged with 'transfer" or "carryover".

Sometimes, when clients are able to achieve fluency, they think the fight is over. They forget to maintain
their skills and in result they have a relapse with their stuttering. Maintenance refers to different after-
treatment activities to help clients keep the skills they learned from therapy intact.

Some activities to help maintain skills are daily self-monitoring activities, regular clinic contacts, refresher
programs and having self-help groups.
To begin with, the primary cause of aphasia should be stabilized or treated. After doing so, that's the only
time that a therapist can work on the rehabilitation of the patient. To recover a person's language function,
he or she should begin undergoing therapy as soon as possible subsequent the injury.

Speech Therapy: As A Treatment For Aphasia

Since there are no surgical or medical procedures that are currently available to treat Aphasia, conditions
that result from head injury or stroke can be improved through the treatment of speech therapy.

For majority of Aphasic patients though, the main emphasis is placed upon optimizing the use of the
person's retained language skills and being able to learn to use other ways of communication to be able to
compensate for their permanently lost language abilities.

Therapy Activities

The formulation of what activities to use during a speech therapy session is critically done and would highly
depend on the therapists" assessment and diagnosis results on the individual. However, there are some
general activities that are done to treat Aphasia.


Since most types of Aphasia would include right-sided weakness of the body and sensory loss, it is
important for the patient to be able to exercise their body. Regular exercise and practice is needed to
strengthen the weak muscles and prevent it from further degeneration.

The exercise activities do not have to be exhilarating. For the purpose of speech function, the therapist can
exercise the patient's weakened muscles through repetitive speaking of certain words, and projecting facial
expressions, like smiling and frowning.

The use of food too is helpful, since the patient is able to exercise articulators needed for speech production
like the tongue and jaw, which may be weakened due to the condition.

Picture Cards

One of the tools used for therapy are picture cards. Pictures of daily living and everyday objects can be used
to improve and develop word recall skills. Picture cards can act as a visual cue to increase the learning
process of an Aphasic. These can also help increase the vocabulary of the patient.

By showing the picture cards and repetitively saying aloud the names of the objects in the picture, the
patient will be able to exercise weak muscles and practice vocalization.

Picture Boards

Another tool for therapy are picture boards. Since aphasia can bring about difficulty in recalling names of
activities, objects and people, use of material to help recall these names is very helpful. By making use of a
board where the therapist places pictures of different everyday activities and objects, the patient can point to
specific pictures to express ideas and communicate with other people.


The use of workbooks is also important in the treatment of Aphasia. Since reading and writing skills are
affected, this is one way to exercise them. Workbook exercises can be used to sharpen an Aphasic's word
recalling skills and recover reading and writing abilities.

By reading aloud, hearing comprehension can also be exercised and redeveloped through workbook


With the development of technology, there are now computer programs that are used to treat Aphasia. Such
computer programs can be used to improve an Aphasic's reading, speech, recall, and hearing
comprehension. In fact, the use of computers can bring about optimal results, since it can stimulate senses
of vision, and hearing at the same time, helping speed up the learning process.
During the assessment of an individual with suspected fluency disorder, there are some things to remember
to make the assessment more comprehensive and useful. Here are some of those critical points to take note
of during assessment.

Benefits Of Obtaining Both Reading and Conversation Sample

It is more beneficial to obtain both reading and conversation sample from school children and adults
because this would give more reliability and credibility to the samples taken.

Since stuttering varies in different situations, a reading and conversation sample would allow the clinician to
see the behaviors of the person in two different tasks. A conversational speech sample is likely to have more
variability, while a reading passage would likely have less variability.

Information To Assess Motivation

Through interview, a therapist can learn a lot from his client. In fact, insight about the client's motivation
could be seen by asking the following questions like "What do you believe caused you to stutter?", "Has you
stuttering changed or caused you more problems recently?, "Why did you come in for help at the present
time?", " Are there times or situations when you stutter more? Less? What are they?".

Benefits Of Continuing Evaluation

No individual could be understood in an hour or two; that's why continuing of evaluation is recommended.
The clinician might overlook an important element at times and some times a vital clue will not be present in
the samples of behavior taken from the limited time of the evaluation period.

Note The Difference When Assessing Feelings and Attitudes

Assessing a school-age child's feelings and attitudes would require the clinician to establish rapport and to
get to know the child much better after some time, because the clinician's judgment is also a fair
measurement in the case of school-age children.

Talking to the child and observing his behaviors would be necessary. When the clinician has known the child
much better, he could administer the A-19 Scale to the child. Other methods could also be used such as
"Worry Ladder" and "Hands Down" that could be found in the workbook, The School-Age Child Who
Stutters: Working Effectively with Attitudes and Emotions.

For adults and adolescents assessment of feelings and attitudes are usually done by administering tools
such as, the Modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes, the Stutterer's Self-Rating of Reactions to
Speech Situations, the Perceptions of Stuttering Inventory and the Locus of Control of Behavior Scale.

Remember The Role Of The IEP Team

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) team is appointed to a child to be the ones to consider reports by
the clinician and other information. They decide if the child meets the state's eligibility standards and if the
child's stuttering has a negative effect on his education.

If a child is eligible for services measurable, the IEP team sets goals and short-term objectives for the child.
They also provide services needed by the child for improvement in the educational setting.

Goals Of Trial Therapy

Trial therapy for a school-age child is done to understand what approach might work and what might be
difficult for him. This could increase the child's motivation and positive outlook for the treatment. In the case
of adults and adolescents, trial therapy is done for 3 main reasons.

First, is to get an idea of how a client would respond to different therapy approaches. Second, is to make a
differential diagnosis between developmental, neurological or psychological stuttering. Third, it gives a
preview to the client of what to expect during therapy sessions, in effect it would give them motivation to go
on their treatment.
Before a child could undergo speech therapy with the diagnosis of Autism, he should pass a criteria of
characteristics first that is given by the DSM-IV. So here are the criteria for a child to be diagnosed with such

Autistic Disorder Criteria: Social Interaction

First off, a child should have impairment in social interaction. This could be manifested by at least two of the
following behaviors. First is a marked impairment with the use of different non-verbal behaviors like facial
expression, eye-to-eye gaze, and body posture.

Second is the child's failure to develop peer relationship that is appropriate for his developmental level. In
this case the child may seem to have difficulty gaining friends, or even just relating to other children within
his age.

The child may also have the lack of spontaneity to share his emotions and thoughts. He may not share
enjoyment, achievements, or interests to other people. In this case, the child doesn't usually bring or point to
objects that interest him.

The lack of emotional reciprocity is also possible. No matter how hard you try to connect or show your
emotions and feelings to the child, he wouldn't care less.

Autistic Disorder Criteria: Communication

The child also has communication impairment. Having at least one of the following conditions manifests this.

First is having a delay, or even total lack of spoken language development or expressive language. In this
case, the child doesn't even try to use of compensatory strategies to communicate or other means of
communication like gestures.

For children that have adequate speech, the communication impairment is manifested by not being able to
initiate or sustain a conversation with other people.

The child can also have stereotyped and repetitive use of language. This phenomenon is actually called
idiosyncratic language, where what the child keeps on saying seems to me meaningless. He may keep on
saying the word "blue" for countless of times, even for the whole duration of the day.

He can also lack the ability to have varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play that is
appropriate for his developmental level. Play is one of the notable things that differentiate a child with Autism
with normal children. For an Autistic child, play does not exist. The main concern is that play is an important
factor for language development since it is a prerequisite or co-requisite of inner language.

Autistic Disorder Criteria: Repetitive And Stereotype Behavior Patterns

An Autistic child also manifests repetitive behavior. This criteria is judged by having at least one of the
following conditions.

The child may have an encompassing preoccupation with one or more restricted and stereotyped patterns of
interests that may seem abnormal in respect to focus and intensity. For example the child can sit and look at
the ceiling fan for the whole day, and doesn't care what is happening in his environment, all that matters is
the fan.

The child also has fetish with routines and rituals. If he passes by a certain way to school, it has to be the
same way. If you use the main stairs going to his classroom, then taking a different route like the elevator
would definitely agitate him, make him angry and have tantrums.

The child may also have repetitive behaviors or mannerisms. Hand flapping, finger twisting, and complex
body movements are examples of these.

Lastly, he can also be preoccupied with object parts like buttons, screws and other small details.
There is a lot of fluency shaping techniques used in speech therapy for fluency disorders. However, due to
the advancements of technology, a new kind of fluency shaping approach is now available. This is possible
by the use of biofeedback mechanisms.

Fluency Shaping At A Glance

In fluency shaping therapy, motor skills are acquired. But in order to have a successful therapy the client
needs to have feedback. Since it involves physically learned behavior, the client should know if what he is
doing is right or wrong.

For example, a therapist asks his patient to use diaphragmatic breathing. The client and the speech
therapist knows if the client is doing it right or wrong because they could observe it by putting a hand in the
patient's stomach.

On the other hand if the therapist asks the client to execute air with vocal tension, and he does so, and then
therapist asks the client to do it faster; it would be hard to observe and see the difference between the two
actions. That's why biofeedback devices were invented.

Biofeedback Mechanisms

A biofeedback mechanism is an instrument that shows the user's physiological activity's display and
measurement. It is very helpful to increase the awareness of the client. The client has an increased control
of the activity too. It provides real time feedback that is more reliable and precise than human observation. It
is able to measure what can't be seen or heard by human senses.

It is also helpful with to that SLP so that he can concentrate on the other behaviors of the client. If the client
is a visual learner, it would benefit him very much and it may speed up his way to successful fluency
therapy. There are devices that can be used not only in the clinic but at home too, so the client can practice
even at home.

Some examples of this kind of devices are CAFET or the Computer-Aided Fluency Establishment And
Trainer, Dr. Fluency, EMG (Electromyograph) and Vocal Frequency Biofeedback.

The Dr. Fluency and CAFET are computer based biofeedback systems. They make use of a microphone to
monitor the user's vocal fold activity. A chest strap is also used to monitor breathing. The change in vocal
fold activity and breathing is displayed on the computer display. Instructions and error messages are also

The device trains a lot of fluency skill behaviors such as: continuous breathing, relaxed diaphragmatic
breathing, pre-voice and gradual exhalation, gentle onset, continuous phonation, adequate support of
breath, and phrasing.

In a study of CAFET, 197 teenagers and adults used the program reported that just after six months of
finishing the program, eighty-two percent met the fluency criteria. After twelve months, eighty-nine percent
were fluent. Lastly, in two years of post-therapy, ninety-two percent were fluent.

EMG and Vocal Frequency Biofeedback is a device using an EMG working with a DAF (Delayed Auditory
Feedback) mechanism. The EMG monitors muscle activity and if it detects something wrong a red light
would turn on and the DAF would automatically play.

The use of biofeedback mechanisms can be considered to a breakthrough in the realm of speech therapy
and fluency disorders. However, not every one can have access through it, since getting such devices can
be very expensive.

Nonetheless, other fluency shaping approaches are still viable and have been proven effective already from
years of practice.
There are different techniques used for the treatment of intermediate Stuttering. Such techniques are a mix
of fluency shaping and stuttering modification techniques. Here are some of the commonly used techniques
for treating intermediate stuttering.

Flexible Rate

Flexible rate is slowing down the production of a word, especially the first syllable. This technique is thought
to allow more time for language planning and motor execution. In here, only those syllables on which
stuttering is expected are slowed, not the surrounding speech.

Flexible rate is taught by having the clinician model production of words in which the first syllable and the
transition to the second syllable are said in a way that slows all of the sounds equally. Vowels, fricatives,
nasals, sibilants, and glides are lengthened, and plosives and affricates are produced to sound more like
fricatives, without stopping the sound or airflow.

After the clinician's model, the child produces the word with flexible rate, and successive approximations of
the target are reinforced.

Easy Onsets

Easy onsets refer to an easy or gentle onset of voicing. Teaching easy onsets is like teaching flexible rate.
The clinician models the target behavior by the use of a lot of different sounds and then he makes the child
imitate the models. After the child tries to imitate, the therapist should reinforce the child's successive

Some children, particular younger ones, may be helped to get the concept by performing an action, such as
bringing their hands together slowly, as they produce an easy onset.

Light Contacts

Producing consonants with light contacts prevents the stoppage of airlow and/ or voicing that can trigger
stuttering. Light contacts are taught by modeling a style of producing consonants with relaxed articulators
and continuous flow of air or voice, depending on the consonant.

Plosives and affricates should be slightly distorted so that they sound like fricatives but are still intelligible.
Modeling a variety of words with initial consonants and reinforcing the child's successive approximations of
the target accomplish teaching a child to use light contacts. The clinician can use a variety of games to
make the concept of light contact more interesting.


Proprioception refers to sensory feedback from mechanoreceptors in muscles of the lips, jaw, and tongue.
The effectiveness of teaching proprioception may be that it promotes conscious attention to sensory
information from the articulators, perhaps bypassing inefficient automatic sensory monitoring systems and
thereby normalizing sensory-motor control.

Children can be taught to use proprioception by having a child first hold a raisin in his mouth and report on
its taste, shape, size, and other attributes. Children can also learn proprioception by picking a word from a
list and then closing their eyes and silently moving their articulators for this word and being rewarded when
the clinician guesses the word.

Children can be coached to feel the movements of their lips, tongue, and jaw as they say a word.
Proprioceptive awareness can also be enhanced by using masking noise or delayed auditory feedback to
interfere with self-hearing. In this, the clinician must look for slightly exaggerated, slow movements to verify
that a child is trying to feel the movement of his articulators.


It is useful with some children to 'scaffold" their use of superfluency by letting the listener/s know that we are
working on our speech and sometimes by coaching the child in that fluency-friendly environment. This can
be exhibited for example telling a stranger in a mall that the child and the clinician are working on their
speech and would like to ask him some questions, another example would be when the child makes
telephone calls.
Hearing is conversely associated with speech in that initial communication and hence understanding, arises
primarily from learning spoken language through listening and building up symbolic thinking processes. This
is why speech therapy is a must for people with hearing impairment.

Developing Auditory Awareness

Auditory awareness is the ability to be conscious of the fact that sound is present. During this period, the
child is to learn to wear appropriate amplification. Therapy involves playing with toys that make sounds and
listening to music.

Developing Auditory Attention or Listening

Auditory attention is the ability to give some real notice or interest to the sound that is heard.

The clinician focuses the child's attention to the sound by saying two or three times: "Listen, I hear
something. What is that?" The clinician pats his ears, but does not show the source of the sound until the
child is listening. The clinician rewards the child's attention by showing the source of the sound.

Developing Auditory Localization and Distance Hearing

Auditory localization is the ability to recognize the direction from which the sound is coming from. Distance
hearing, on the other hand, is the ability to hear the sound even from afar.

The therapist shows the child how to respond whenever he hears a sound. Some of the activities are
opening the door when someone knocks, dancing to music, clapping to music, building blocks when a sound
is heard, marching to a drum and picking the phone up when it rings.

Developing Vocal Play

Vocal play is the ability to use the speech structures to produce various sounds that are not necessarily
meaningful but are sound productions nonetheless. This stage requires making lots of sounds when playing
with toys, especially animal and vehicle noises: growl for the teddy bear, meow for the cat, or click tongue
for the horse.

Developing Auditory Discrimination

Auditory discrimination is the ability to identify one sound from another. Activities include reviewing vowel
sounds and varying pitch, loudness and rhythm: oo--- vs. oo-oo. For example, the therapist can build a train
with blocks and say oo-oo or oo---, as the train is being pushed on the table. For older infants, they can look
at books, making similar sounds for the pictures.

Developing Auditory Discrimination and Short-Term Memory

Activities include teaching discrimination of noise makers in audition and incorporation of phonemes into
words in use.

Developing Auditory Processing

Auditory processing is the ability to associate sounds with memories of past events. Activities include
naming of abstract ideas like sadness and joy. The therapist also starts to teach the child to call the names
of the people that he has constant contact with.

Developing Auditory Processing of Patterns and Auditory Memory Span

Activities for the child's audition include testing the child's recognition of words and testing of auditory
memory span. Auditory memory span is the ability of the child to remember in sequence the things that he
has heard. An example would be the sequence of the instructions that the therapist gave to him.

Developing Auditory Figure-Ground Discrimination

Auditory figure-ground discrimination is the ability to choose among the sounds that are present in the
environment and to focus on that one sound alone without being distracted by the rest of the surrounding

Activities for the child's auditory skills include clapping or dancing to different rhythms, learning to count from
one to ten, saying the alphabets, days of the week, nursery rhymes, holiday songs, prayers, his own
address or telephone number, and also remembering two or three directions at a time.

Auditory Tracking

Auditory tracking is the act of listening closely to a material to be able to follow what is being stated in the
said material. Auditory tracking using a tape recorder is included in the activities. Also included are reading
aloud, practicing using the telephone, listening for information and using internal repetition.
There are two notable differences when teaching a hearing-impaired child compared to the traditional way of
teaching language. First the choice of vocabulary taught is different. Second, the correctness of word order
is different too.

Teaching at the Vocabulary or One Word Level

First, your choice of vocabulary is important. Customarily, words that are easy to say or lip read are usually
taught first. Words like shoe, bow, tie, boot etc. are commonly taught with an emphasis on lip reading. On
the other hand, children taught through auditory stimulation would likely say button first rather than bow. This
is due to the inflectional pattern of button that is more stimulating to the child's hearing.

Then there is the use for functional words. Auditory approach makes the early vocabulary of functional
words possible. Words that a child uses to communicate everyday experiences but are very far off from the
words said in the vocabulary lists devised for deaf children. Much of these words are not proper names or

Some of the first words are: Bye-bye, More, Oh, All gone, Off, Nice, Rough, Up, Uh-huh, Down, Hi, Ow, Hot,
Cold, Light, No, Yummy, Yah, Pooie, Peeoo, Stop, Cut and Knock-knock.

While the first phrases include: open the door, I heard that, pick it up, bad girl, bye-bye in the car, daddy
shop, I love you, come here, thank you, and peek-a-boo.

Developing First Nouns is the third critical point. When the child is already active in the communication
process, it is recommended that the parents target a word that they perceive that the child would need.
When the child is already able to recognize five to ten sounds associated to toys and a few functional words
the development of symbolic language of the child should be accelerated.

The Circle Of Speech

The child's vocabulary development could be illustrated in circles. The core skills comprise of basic listening
experiences and pre-speech activities; and gestures. If the child possesses these skills, the therapist can
proceed to the next level and teach him names like mommy, daddy, doggie, baby and a few verbs like listen
and push, few adjectives like loud, hot and more and a few nouns like hat, cookie etc.

Fourth is the ability to developing language units. If the therapist would consider the child's interests, it would
be easy to plan language units. A few of these units are derived from the child's everyday environment.

Body parts are one good example of language units. Words like eye, nose, and hair are words that a child
can easily learn due to the association of his body. Family names are another example of language units.
The child easily picks up words such as mama, Dada, and the names of his siblings since these are the
people that he is exposed to most of the time.

Another language unit criteria can be food. Basic food related words like apple, candy and yummy can be
taught. Verbs are also another kind of language unit. The therapist can teach words like cook, stir, drink, and
jump. This can be done by doing the actions themselves so the child can easily pickup the concept.

School related words could also be a unit. Words like teacher, and his classmate's names are a good start.
Animal words, like dog, cat, kitty, can also be one separate unit, coupled with some sounds associated with
Voice training is done to find an appropriate source of sound production that can be articulated for
communication purposes. Criteria for selecting sound source include: degree of tissue loss, esophageal
stenosis, physical limitations of the patient; noise level of the patient's environment; motivation level; and
patient's preference of sound source.

Types Of Sound Source

There are mainly three types of sound source a patient can choose from. These are: external man-made
prosthesis or artificial larynx; sphincter like junction of the pharynx and esophagus or esophageal speech;
and lastly, surgically implanted device or transesophageal puncture and silicon prosthesis.

Artificial Larynx

The principle of artificial larynx is to have an external mechanical sound source that is substituted for the
larynx. Anatomic structures for articulation and resonance are most of the time unaltered.

There are two general types of electrolarynges that are available: neck type and intra oral type. The neck
type is placed flush to the skin on the side of the neck, under the chin, or on the cheek. Sound is conducted
via the oropharynx and is articulated normally.

The intraoral type is used for patients that can't conduct sound through skin adequately. A small tube is
placed toward the posterior oral cavity, and the produced sound is then articulated. The tube has little effect
on articulatory accuracy if the patient is taught properly and learns to use it well.

The advantage of artificial larynx is that voice is restored after surgery immediately and the maintenance of
the hardware is minimal. The disadvantage however, is that the quality of sound may seem mechanical.

Esophageal Speech

The principle behind esophageal speech is that air is of greater pressure in one chamber (oral cavity) will
flow to a chamber containing less pressure (esophagus), if these chambers are connected.

Goals of esophageal speech include: to be able to phonate upon demand, use a rapid method of air intake,
short latency between air intake and phonation, produce four to nine syllables per air charge, achieve a
speaking rate of 85-129 words per minute, and attain good speech intelligibility.

There are mainly three methods of esophageal speech. Injection is a method where air in the mouth/nose is
compressed by lingual or labial movement and is injected into the esophagus. Swallowing method uses air
that enters during oral opening when swallowing. The air is used to produce voice.

Inhalation method maintains a patent airway between the nose, lips and esophagus. The stoma is used for
inhalation. Air enters the esophagus when the pharyngo-esophageal muscle is relaxed during inhalation.

The advantage of this kind of speech includes: no external devices, natural sounding speech, and the
possibility of pitch and loudness control. Disadvantages on the other hand are: there is reduced length of
utterance, is hard to learn and requires good articulation.

Transesophageal Speech

This is another approach to voice restoration. It requires a surgical/prosthesis procedure that makes use of a
man-made device inserted into a surgically created midline transesophageal fistula.

Air is conducted from the trachea to the esophagus through the prosthesis to excite the pharyngo-
esophageal segment for voice production.

Advantages include: rapid restoration, natural sound, normal utterance length, hands-free, minimal
maintenance and intelligible tonal language. Disadvantages are: the need for surgery, puncture stenosis,
candida growth, aspiration of foreign objects, and troubleshooting.
Do you frequently study articles about organizing and they have similar words for helping you get organized;
only they are just rearranged? Make an effort to follow some easy ways to achieve the job and reduce the
stress. It will be worth the effort. * Look at the all-over picture of your home or hire a professional organizer.
Go through every room and make your mind up what it is that you want to do with that room and write it
down. *See if you can find any hidden storage areas in your room. Decide if you want to add another shelf in
the closet, use the storage space on the inside of a door, maybe use under the bed storage. * Choose
organizing products you like and that make you feel good. Do you want to use Rubbermaid or are the items
in a hidden area where a cardboard box will do. Using things that you like will give you a better feeling of a
job-well-done. *Consider daily activities and routines in your home. Place items where they are going to do
you the most good. Something that you use on a daily basis should not be on a high shelf. The vacuum
cleaner should be kept in or near the room you use it the most. * Know why you want to get organized. Are
you doing this for yourself and to make your life easier and time saving, or are you doing it because
someone told you to or your neighbor is doing it? In order to do a job 100% to your liking you need to do the
job right or not at all. By not having your heart into it, you will get stressed, frustrated, waste money and not
have a useable time saving solution to your problem.
Below are several things you can do today to start getting organized. A few simple things and you will
immediately feel more in control of your environment. Everything in your home or office should have a home
-- a regular and suitable place where that article is usually kept. Some items that you use every day, can be
on display and/or readily accessible for everyday use. Other stuff like holiday decorations or out of season
garments, can be stored in an out-of-the-way area in anticipation of being required. When an object strays
from its 'home,' it can easily be lost, therefore causing stress and frustration. Clutter build-up as you would
expect occurs when items are not kept and/or returned to their homes. You do not have to say yes to every
single demand for your aid. Schedule a set quantity of time every week for chance requests. Once that time
window is full, do not take any more requests for your time that week. Do not bring your mail over to your
writing desk or table where it is bound to stack up and take hours to go through later. Open it right over the
recycling bin, and get rid of all uncalled for mail and inserts without more ado. Stop wasting morning time
frenetically running around like a crazy person trying to get things completed in order to get to work on time.
Do whatever you can to get ready the night before. Set the breakfast table. Set out your clothing, and your
kids' clothing. Have the coffeepot launch automatically by using the timer. Stuff that is out-of-date, washed
out, out of order or otherwise unusable can frequently be discarded. If you do not want it, and you do not
know anyone else who wants it, chuck it at the moment. You will be freeing your space--and your mind!
Today's lifestyle is full of constant information and non-stop activity. By getting organized, you will be able to
lessen the stress of every day life and gain more enjoyment, productivity and success in your overall
existence. Below are several things you can do to make your life easier. As you streamline your belongings
and manage your time, you will begin to find more hours in your day to relax and enjoy the fruits of your
labor. * Set long-term and short-term goals. What will you be happy with for now? What would you like it to
look like by the end of the year? Sometimes doing things a little at a time in order to achieve the higher goal
is better. * Develop a system for paper, files and bills. By keeping on top of the paper filing, paying bills and
keeping notes you will eliminate 20% of your stress in keeping up a household. * Keep your organizing
simple. Always remember to WORK SMARTER-NOT HARDER, take things down to the most simplistic
form, it is usually the best way, easiest way and less expensive. * Learn how to throw things away or donate
them. Haven't used it in a year? Get rid of it! Doesn't fit or haven't worn it? Get rid of it! Has needed mending
for over 6 months? Fix it or get rid of it! Get the idea?? * Plan ahead and learn to save time. If you know that
you will need supplies and you already plan on getting them, make a list before you start your project and go
and get everything that you will need. The job will go much faster because you will be so excited to see what
it will look like.

Organizing and planning ahead equal peace of mind and contentment. Don't you deserve that?
I know that if you are a smoker it can be hard to quite. However, if you want to stop you will. You will acquire
the willpower to take control. Smoking is not good for anyone. Second hand, smoke has proven to be worse
than smoking. For those around you, when you smoke you are hurting them too. Many people smoke for
years, which make it difficult to quite. Nevertheless, you have help and hope, especially if you want to quite
bad enough.

Avoiding unhealthy living: Why do people start smoking? Some people start smoking because they think it
is something cool and their friends are impressed. They believe it makes them look mature. Unfortunately,
many people start smoking early in life. Many people unfortunately end up with bronchitis, breathing
problems, cancer, lung disease and so on. As teenagers, we thought it was the cool thing to do, since all of
our friends were doing it. We may have picked up the habit watching parents or grandparents smoke.

How to stop smoking: When you want to stop smoking, there is help. You just have to want to stop. You
have go to want to stop before anyone or anybody can help you. You can go to your family doctor and
he/she will give you something to help you to stop. On the other hand, maybe you want to do it on your own.
Everyone has there own idea for trying to quite smoking. Some think hard candy will help, while others think
that chewing gum will help, then some think chewing on something will help. You have to figure out what you
want to try to go from there. We all have different idea. Prayer is the ultimate answer. When you pray to
improve your life, God will answer your prayers.

How smoking affects you: No one knows what would happen to you if you don't quite until the time comes
for you to know. You can get cancer in your mouth, in your lungs, you could have a hard time breathing, fast
heartbeat, you may have problems walking across the room. Many things could happen to you if you do not
quite. Ironically, however, some people smoke for years and nothing happens to them. Yet, throughout the
years these people feel sluggish, tired, and often get colds more frequently. +The benefits of stopping
smoking: Just think if you quite smoking you won't have to worry about the smell in your house, in your car
or on your clothes. You won't have those nasty ash trays to empty or wash out. You won't have to smell
nothing but the air you breathe. If you quite now you will start to get back your self. You will be able to walk
across the floor or be able to breathe without using oxygen to help you there are a lot of reason to quite I
wish you the best. +Some of the reasons people do not quite smoking are because they believe they will
gain weight.

Contrary to your notions, smoking will make you gain weight as you start to age. To improve personal life
you must take measures to protect your overall health, which includes maintaining weight, stop smoking and
so on. The steps you take will lead you to a healthier future and a successful conclusion. +If you are finding
it difficult to beat the habit, we encourage you to learn about the drugs inside cigarettes. If it isn't enough to
scare you into stopping now, then consider your future, living on life-support or oxygen tanks.
Setting up strategies to improve your personal life is only one step to achieve your goals. You have to create
plans, goals and take the steps to follow through. Once you have your details gathered, you can start to set
up strategies.

How to plan long-term strategies: Strategies are approaches we take to reach our plans. Our line of attack
determines what comes of these plans and goals. When you create long-term goals, you have to provide
descriptions, which leads up to using strategies to achieve.

You also have to state what goals you intend to achieve when you create your plans and set the strategies
to achieve them. Keep in mind that goals are changes you are willing to make to accomplish something. The
goals should be translated so that it develops into a real action. When you take action, you are working
toward the next step to recall your measurements, values, and the difference between each. This helps you
to stay in accord with your goals and plans. ++Sometimes you have to work backwards to accomplish your
goals. Sometimes you have to step back to view your goals, making sure that your strategies are working in
accord with your actions. When you see that your actions are not working in accord, this is when you want to
step back and say, I need to make changes. You will change your strategies to work in harmony with your

You should already have your plans written down on paper. If you haven't started now is the time to write
your plans. Once you have your plans down you can boost your energies so that you have the willingness to
act out on your plans. If your plan is lacking in some areas, do not worry. Take it one step at a time and act
on the plans you have written down. You can add to your plans later.

How to start planning: +If you haven't started the process of planning, speak. Just start talking about what
you want to accomplish in your life. Once you begin, speaking you will develop new ideas, which you can
write down on paper. +During your self-talk arrangement, be sure to take notes. Remembering specific
details is a way to recall what you want to do. Some of us fail to take notes, which information drifts away.
Instead of adding fire to fire, throw some water on the flames and register your plans with paper.

How to write long-term goals: +You want to write you long-term goals focusing on your short-term goals first.
Your short-term goals should work in harmony with your long-term goals. You can write a daily schedule that
builds up to our plans and goals. For instances, this week on Monday through Sunday I intend to do: Write
down each day what you intend to accomplish on your calendar or schedule. +In your plan or calendar not
the things, you intend to make essential first. Then work toward taking down your tasks. For instance, on
Tuesday start working through the large jobs first and break down to the simple tasks as you move along.
On the third day, write yourself an intention declaration. Use 3x5 note cards to tell you what you intend to do.
Once you finish, your duties offer yourself a reward each time you accomplish your intentions. +Next tell
your friends and family what you intend to do for your future. Ask your friends and family if they can give you
a hand from time to time when they see you failing. Tell your friends and family to offer you a pat on the
back, or some reward for each time you accomplish your plans and goals.
+The life of a student evolves on exams, recitations, quizzes, and loads of projects. Life gets busy each and
everyday. Getting enough of sleep is very crucial. Being a student also means picnics, cookouts, sports
events, hanging out with friends and sometimes a job. So many things to do, so little time.

Time management in the case of a student is a very important aspect in this phase of their lives. It will give
them proper steps and ideas on how to make use of their time wisely. Aside from that, time management
can also estimate how much time can be used in a certain activity. This can help them prepare later on in
their lives where their schedules can become more hectic.

Most of the time, a student should have an accurate evaluation of their time. By doing this, the student can
be able to keep track of their activities. It is a vital aspect for the students to have enough time to prepare for
all of their subjects and their extra-curricular activities.

Most of the problems of the students are having enough time in the day to get everything done. Aside from
that, most of them are always running late to go to their classes.

To make things more understandable, here are some tips for taking control of their time and organizing
some basic pace in life.

• It is important for a student to make a 'to do" list everyday. Putting tasks, responsibilities and goals in
writing is very important. The activity must be ranked from the top priority to the lesser priority. This way,
what needs to be done right away is prioritized.

• Make use of spare time intelligently. Every tick of the clock hand is important. A minute lost is gone
forever. Never waste a single minute doing something unproductive. For example, while on the bus get
some reading done. Alternatively, why not try reviewing some of your notes while on recess or a free period.
Make use of your free time always, even if a project is not due yet, you can do it ahead if you have idle time,
you"ll never know when a lot of activities can prevent you from doing so in the future.

• Don't be afraid to use the word no. It is very important to say no sometimes. For instance, a friend asks
you to watch a concert on a school night. This could be time spent studying. Also, a concert can go on to the
wee hours of the morning, you will be sleepy and not fit for learning the next day. Always have the right
decision. Always set your long-term and short-term priorities in mind. Remember that there is always the
right time and place for everything.

• Find the precise time for both work and studies. According to some studies, students can perform well in
his studies more efficiently if they figured out their allotted time for work. For instance, if a student loves
math during early morning better than afternoon, he should work it during that time.

• Having a good night sleep is very important. Lack of enough sleep makes the day seems very long.
Having a short rest can also give extra stress to the body making the task more difficult. With enough sleep,
you can do your daily activities with a refreshed min, allowing you to finish them faster saving more time.

• Be the best 'task holder master". It is very important to shape out how much free time each week has.
Giving oneself an allotted time management and activity planning can settle all time-consuming activities.

• Do not waste time in worrying. Just relax and have a peace of mind. Most of the students spend their time
in worrying doing nothing. It is not worthy. Instead of worrying and agonizing over something, find a solution
and do the action right away. Never procrastinate.

• Maintain your outlook in a very positive point of view. The goals must be set in a very sensible
perspective. Having an unrealistic perception of goals can lead into failures. Your goals and schedule should
be doable.

• It is very important to be flexible. A student must know how to cope up with some troubles during the
weekly planning. Not all of your scheduled tasks can be met, know how to work around them.

These tips can be able to help you organize your schedule. Soon you"ll be able to do all your activities
without being stressed and worked out about them.
Are you a high school or a college student? Are you burnt out or stressed out? Do you often feel about being
run down and tired? Is your life spinning out of a disturbed way? Do you have too many priorities or

Student days are considered to be one of the busiest moments in our lives. Recitations, assignments,
projects, and exams those are the things that make students feel exhausted. Aside from that, most of the
students do not have enough time for their family anymore.

All their socializations, extra curricular activities and community interactions influence their time
management. It seems that they always seem to be needed somewhere and some things are always
needed to be done. If these students do not have any idea about budgeting their time and keeping a
schedule, most probably their goals will not be accomplished in the precise time it is needed.

What are the common time/schedule problems that a student encounters? Most of the high school or college
students find it hard to manage their studies, parties, work and sports. Aside from that, school and family
pressure can also increase the student's anxiety.

With the proper skills and right planning, it is possible to perform schoolwork together with some other things
they need and want to do. Taking a proper control about the time is one of the most priceless skills a student
must have.

There are many ways and helpful suggestions on how to manage a students time proficiently. To further
discuss about time management, here are some list the benefits of time management.

• Time management can increase the students" ability to cope up with their lessons. It can also give them
several ways on how to have a concise schedule of their classes to maximize their study time.

• Aside from that, budgeting the time will allow the student to have enough time to prepare for each class.
Time management can also distribute the time for each subject properly. For example, a student can still
review his course notes before going to his next class. Having a little bit of time difference in between
classes would allow you to move from one class to another without being late.

• Moreover, a student can use time management to make a master list of his plans for the period. Take
note, every second counts. So as much as possible the student should consume their time in the most
intelligent way.

• The time management can help the student to find a suitable time for their term exam. Note that every
quiz, prelims, mid-term, finals, essay and short quizzes must have an allocated time for study and research
to get a high rating.

• Most of the students learn flexibility. Because of concise planning of time, the student can fill in every
allocated blank space of their daily and weekly task. An hour or two in between class can allow a student to
clean his or her room or do some laundry. This way, the tasks don't pile up.

• There are some students that find it hard to create and stick to a weekly schedule. For example, a
schedule created for a certain day is interrupted by an unexpected meeting, as a result, the entire plan for
the week is disrupted. A proper way of time planning and student time management can help students to
cope up with these situations and still egt their tasks done for that week.

• Arrangement and preparation of the time can assist the students to set their personal priorities. The
student will make its own decision regarding their responsibilities and provide a balance over a single area
before proceeding to the next.

• Furthermore, correct time management maintains the student's ability to plan ahead. By doing this, the
student can avoid the rush and cramming in doing research papers, projects and studying for exams.

• Time management method can also increase the level of awareness of the students when it comes to
studying lessons. The students become more responsive when it comes to their subjects and studies.

Most students have a hard time balancing their schedule especially if they work at the same time. One or the
other may be sacrificed. But with a good working student time management, they can get good grades at
school, earn some money and still have some time left to enjoy hanging out with their friends or enjoy a
party or two.
"The most valuable result of education is the ability to make yourself do things that you have to do and
needs to be done, whether you like it or not."

That is the quote from Thomas Huxley, a biologist and "Darwin's bulldog" for being an advocate of Charles
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Who will ever think that someone like Huxley will have a
quote about student time management?

It is quite true. Success in your studies will also depend on the things you have accomplished. To be
successful, you must have self-motivation to complete the tasks that need to be accomplished.

Many students are always fond of saying that they will try to do a particular task (homework, for instance).
Unfortunately, you will find later on that the word 'try" really means forgetting to do that particular task and
never having that enthusiasm to work on it.

Furthermore, when you ask him of his progress, he will just keep saying all the possible excuses in this
world just to cover his failure of doing that particular task. He might say that there are other times to do it.

If you are one of those students with that kind of attitude all year round, what can you attain later on? What
favorable result can you get?

That is why there is time management for everybody, especially for students like you. Employing effective
time management strategies can help you to fix those attitude problems towards time and be successful
throughout your student career. In other words, it leads to overall success. It is just simple as that.

Have you ever wondered if time management is successful? Maybe you are looking for some figures to
prove that claim.

Fortunately, there are organizations, which include time management planners who spend their time
conducting studies on the effects of time management to students. They try to get the percentage of
students whose success is attributed on effective time management.

Here are some of the figures to prove that the success of time management is evident to students.

Rural students in Idaho and Colorado achieve success

Often, you will associate success on being able to study in large schools or universities found in key urban
areas across United States. Almost all successful professionals or graduates so far are product of these
schools in urban areas.

Time management do not choose students whether they are from urban or rural areas. Take for instance the
states of Colorado and Idaho, which are large rural areas with small school districts.

In one rural school district located in southeastern Idaho, 45 percent of the rural students have garnered
honors while 10 percent of it received community recognition.

Studies show school district administrators have included in the curriculum time management subjects. The
students develop their time management skills to cope up with different activities both on and off the school

A student from Idaho Digital Learning Academy took up an online course in English literature and
Composition. Although working as a clerk in a law office at the same time, she managed to earn a grade of
93 in that course.

Asked what her secret on success is, she says that time management skills help her to get through with her
studies. She confessed that it is hard to work as a student and at the same time a part-time worker.
However, she did not let that to be an obstacle in her goal.

Transformation: From Freshman to Successful Student

Change in education level is quite difficult. From your elementary years, you will now be facing your
freshman status in high school. In addition, the same will apply when you go to college.
Placement or entrance tests are usually conducted to screen incoming freshman students (whether high
school or college). Students with deficient study habits and poor time management skills are having difficulty
in passing entrance exams.

That is one of the reasons why there are many students failing the exam, or although passing it, but they are
just on the average rating (between 83-85 percent).

Students who tend to develop good time management skills are keeping up with his studies even though
some of high school or college freshman subjects are not familiar with them. Statistics shows that 54 to 62
percent are performing well in mathematics and science subjects.

Another fact, 56 to 73 percent of total freshman population are engaging themselves to different non-
academic activities despite of tremendous pressure during their first year.

The above-mentioned percentages of success is a proof that time management is indeed a vital factor in
being successful in studies.
When you are still studying either in high school or in college, did you find yourself struggling with your

Did you have group studies cancelled frequently to give way to other appointments? Did you have problems
in attending to your review sessions and your soccer tem practice before?

It is just three of the thousands of queries, which pertain to time management. It is common knowledge to
everybody that scheduling and time managing is important especially on the lives of the students.

Once you encountered problems in your schedule, it can cause complications both to your academic and
social life. You will feel guilty or frustrated when you missed important appointments and deadlines.

This article discusses all the possible tips to an effective student time management. It will show how to set
an effective schedule, priorities, and personalizing your time according to the most and least important
activities. So have a check on the preceding sections to save and enhance the time that you have.

Tip No.1: Have Yourself a Personal Time Survey

Before listing all the stuffs you need to do, it is wise to first determine how you will you use your time. Having
a Personal Time Survey will help you in estimating your time on different activities.

It will also help you to identify what are the most important and garbage stuffs in your schedule.

So how is it works? List all the possible activities that you want to do the whole week. Estimate the amount
of time you spent on each activity and multiply it by seven. It will give you the estimated number of hours of
an activity in a week.

After getting the estimates for other activities, add it all and subtract the sum from 168, the total number of
hours per week.

The remainder that you have obtained is the hours you have allowed yourself to study.

Tip No.2: Construct your Time Schedule

Although there are ready-to-use time schedules, it is better that you make your own one. Personalizing it will
help you to edit your schedule like changing the time you will do this stuff and others.

First entry of your time schedule should be all the necessities. List your classes, meals, and others. Be sure
that the time is exact; avoid getting too late or too advanced.

Enter your study time. It is recommended that you set your study on a time that you are energized. For
instance, it is best to review your class notes soon after class.

You can allot 10 minutes as a study break. You can determine the possible study times using the personal
time survey discussed earlier.

Tip No.3: Never be a Perfectionist

Nobody is perfect—that is the unwritten rule. Always set achievable objectives; do not aim to do something
perfectly. If you did not achieve it, you will be just wasting too much time on it and at the same time
paralyzes you from progress.

Tip No.4: Learn To Say "NO"

It is difficult to turn people down, but you need to if it is for your own welfare. For instance, your friend invited
you for a social gathering later this evening, but you have already planned a group study with your
classmates that night to review for your upcoming examination the next day. Which is important, socializing
or your future?

If you do not know how to say "No" in a polite manner, read the following items.

• It is not the person that you will turn down—it is his proposition. Let him understand that you are not
rejecting them—is just what they want to do.

Tell him the reason why you are not joining him in the social gathering. He will understand it.

• Express your willingness in what he is offering to you. Let us say you are really interested but you can not
make it tonight. Tell him that once you have free time then you will accompany him.

• If possible, give him an alternative. Tell him that he can pay a visit to their other friends and tell them about
the gathering that will happen.

Tip No.5: Learn to Prioritize

Some people do not know how to prioritize. They tend to forget important stuffs and concentrate on other
things and learning their mistake in the end.

How to set your priorities? If you do not have an idea, then you can try the ABC to-do list. It works like this:
Make your list of activities and group them into three, the A, B, and C list.

The contents of A list are those that need to be accomplished on that day. The contents of B list are those
needed within that week. The contents of the C list are the things that are due for that month. You can also
make some innovations from this method.

Tip No.6: Combined Several Activities, if Possible

While on a bus ride to school, you can listen to some pre-recorded lesson on a particular subject. While on
shower, you can have some mental review of the things that you will include in your list. Be creative. If you
can combine other activities, do so.

Tip no.7: Stay Focused

You did not create your to-do list and time schedule just to make it as props to your love interest or crushes.
Stick whatever you have indicated in your schedule.

Reprioritize what you have not finished yesterday. Always stay updated. After all, your task is to finish
whatever you intended to finish on a particular day. There is strictly no excuse for an abandoned or forgotten

Tip No.8: Give Yourself a Break

Remember that you also need some time together with your family and friends. You also need some break
after your studies or reviews. If the weather is fine, you can go fishing with your brother or your best friend in
the nearby lake.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.

You will find it hard to do all of these tips, but with enough determination and discipline, you will find out later
on that you are having a good time with your family and other people around without thinking of other things
to do tomorrow.

Enjoy your student life!

Are you an individual who finds it difficult to manage your time at work or at home or at both places? If you
are, you may be looking for information on how you can make better use of your time. You will likely be
pleased with all of your options, as there are a number of different steps that you can take. A few successful
time management techniques that have worked for others, just like you, are touched on below.

One of the most successful time management techniques is that of goal setting. Goals provide many with
an important source of needed motivation, as they give you something to specifically aim for. Whether you
set a long-term goal, such as improving the management of your time in general, or a short-term goal, such
as showing up for work on time, goals are important. However, make sure that the time management goals
you do set for yourself are realistic.

Creating daily to do lists is another one of the many ways that you can go about making better use of your
time. In fact, after time has passed, you may not even need to use a daily to do list. For the time being, a to
do list can help make sure that you stay focused and on task. It can also help create a new routine for
yourself, one where you are better aware of your time and what must be done.

In addition to creating a simple to do list, you are also urged to prioritize. In fact, prioritizing combined with
daily to do lists is the best form of time management. Whether your to do list is for the home or work, take a
close look at all of the tasks you need to complete. Which tasks are more important? To reduce stress, add
those with the most urgency to the top of your to do list.

Another successful time management technique is one that is very easy, but many people have a hard time
doing it. This time management technique is just saying no. It is important to remember that there are only
a limited number of hours in the day. No matter how much time and effort you put into staying focused and
on task, there are still some things that you may not get accomplished. That is why you should never take
on more than you reasonably believe that you can handle.

If you do find yourself saying yes to completing an extra project at work or taking on too many
responsibilities at home, it is important to remember that you can ask for help. In fact, knowing when to ask
for help is an important component of time management. You can ask your friends, children, or romantic
partner for help around the house. You may also want to call upon the services of a professional
housecleaner. In the workplace, consider outsourcing your work to another employee, if you are able to do
so without getting into trouble.

Staying organized is another easy, yet effective and successful time management technique. In fact, did
you know that time management and organization go hand in hand? They do. If you are organized, you will
spend less time searching for lost or misplaced items or other important work documents. The more
organized you are at both home and work, the easier it will be for you to manage your time.
Suspending bad qualities to improve your personal life is a great start to success. Sometimes we have to
leave bad habits behind to get ahead. Many people wander through life self-judging, failing to recognize
discomforts is a part of life, and failing to see that the truth is the key that sets them free.

How it works: +You want to start by discovering what your want from life. Once you decide what you want,
consider what hinders you. If you discover what hinders you, think of ways that you can remove those
obstacles out of your way. The first thing you want to do is be honest with you and others. If you are honest,
you will find a way around nearly every obstacle you encounter. Remember though people need support.
+Getting on the right track is easy when you discover your needs and wants. Once you discover you, you
want to make sure that you write them down. Recording the details is the start to discovering more about
you and what you want from life. Don't set your expectations beyond your reach.

As you study you, learn to review your visions and voices within. These little critters are designed to help
guide you in life. If you begin to rumble, instead of running from the voices write them down. You may be
amazed at what you discover. The mind is developed to capture pictures faster than any media camera can
produce. These images store secret messages that help us to advance. When pictures emerge views them
carefully and look for your hidden messages. When you write down your images, it gets better since you
develop new ideas. +If you are writing down images, instead of running from negative visions, relate to
them. Write them down describing in detail what you see. Allow room to see why you think like this. Do you
hang around with people that make you feel this way? Do you conform to habits that make you feel this
way? Allow room and find answers to remove those negative emotions. +When your body talks, listen and
stop avoiding what it says. The body tells us what we need. When you avoid your bodies talk, it opens the
door for incurring more problems. The world is full of problems so why keep adding rather start subtracting.
Your body talks in many ways. When your stomach grumbles, it is a clear indication you are hungry. Feast,
satisfy your tummy and you will live happier. If your muscles are sore, it is a sign you lack exercise and
stretches. Stretch those muscles. Work those muscles out. The worst thing that could happen is that you will
feel bad. How bad can that be? +Do you shun discomfort? Discomfort is a part of life. Discomfort may
produce in the form of boredom, fatigue, discomfort, and so on. Your body and mind will tell you when you
feel discomfort. Instead of taking a flying leap to escape, face your discomforts.

Allow your discomforts to open new doors. Open the doors, walk in and face them head on. Most
discomforts come from simple issues that lead to no problem at all. ++Do you run around like a turkey with
its head cut off suspending judgment of self? If you are, you are rolling backwards in a cranky vehicle that
leads you nowhere. Spark up them plugs and put the gears in motion by taking action to stop judging you.
Unless you are the man in the sky with the plan, you have no right to judge.
Sympathy, Knowledge and Poise seem to be the three ingredients that are most needed in forming the
Gentle Man. I place these elements according to their value. No man is great who does not have Sympathy
plus, and the greatness of men can be safely gauged by their sympathies. Sympathy and imagination are
twin sisters. Your heart must go out to all men, the high, the low, the rich, the poor, the learned, the
unlearned, the good, the bad, the wise and the foolish it is necessary to be one with them all, else you can
never comprehend them. Sympathy! it is the touchstone to every secret, the key to all knowledge, the open
sesame of all hearts. Put yourself in the other man's place and then you will know why he thinks certain
things and does certain deeds. Put yourself in his place and your blame will dissolve itself into pity, and your
tears will wipe out the record of his misdeeds. The saviors of the world have simply been men with
wondrous sympathy.

But Knowledge must go with Sympathy, else the emotions will become maudlin and pity may be wasted on
a poodle instead of a child; on a field-mouse instead of a human soul. Knowledge in use is wisdom, and
wisdom implies a sense of values you know a big thing from a little one, a valuable fact from a trivial one.
Tragedy and comedy are simply questions of value: a little misfit in life makes us laugh, a great one is
tragedy and cause for expression of grief.

Poise is the strength of body and strength of mind to control your Sympathy and your Knowledge. Unless
you control your emotions they run over and you stand in the mire. Sympathy must not run riot, or it is
valueless and tokens weakness instead of strength. In every hospital for nervous disorders are to be found
many instances of this loss of control. The individual has Sympathy but not Poise, and therefore his life is
worthless to himself and to the world.

He symbols inefficiency and not helpfulness. Poise reveals itself more in voice than it does in words; more in
thought than in action; more in atmosphere than in conscious life. It is a spiritual quality, and is felt more
than it is seen. It is not a matter of bodily size, nor of bodily attitude, nor attire, nor of personal comeliness: it
is a state of inward being, and of knowing your cause is just. And so you see it is a great and profound
subject after all, great in its ramifications, limitless in extent, implying the entire science of right living. I once
met a man who was deformed in body and little more than a dwarf, but who had such Spiritual Gravity such
Poise that to enter a room where he was, was to feel his presence and acknowledge his superiority. To
allow Sympathy to waste itself on unworthy objects is to deplete one's life forces. To conserve is the part of
wisdom, and reserve is a necessary element in all good literature, as well as in everything else.

Poise being the control of our Sympathy and Knowledge, it implies a possession of these attributes, for
without having Sympathy and Knowledge you have nothing to control but your physical body. To practise
Poise as a mere gymnastic exercise, or study in etiquette, is to be self-conscious, stiff, preposterous and
ridiculous. Those who cut such fantastic tricks before high heaven as make angels weep, are men void of
Sympathy and Knowledge trying to cultivate Poise. Their science is a mere matter of what to do with arms
and legs. Poise is a question of spirit controlling flesh, heart controlling attitude.

Get Knowledge by coming close to Nature. That man is the greatest who best serves his kind. Sympathy
and Knowledge are for use you acquire that you may give out; you accumulate that you may bestow. And as
God has given unto you the sublime blessings of Sympathy and Knowledge, there will come to you the wish
to reveal your gratitude by giving them out again; for the wise man is aware that we retain spiritual qualities
only as we give them away. Let your light shine. To him that hath shall be given. The exercise of wisdom
brings wisdom; and at the last the infinitesimal quantity of man's knowledge, compared with the Infinite, and
the smallness of man's Sympathy when compared with the source from which ours is absorbed, will evolve
an abnegation and a humility that will lend a perfect Poise. The Gentleman is a man with perfect Sympathy,
Knowledge, and Poise.
The entire process of storing, retaining and recalling information is known as memory. Many a times we
have thought about how bad we fare on our mental capacity to remember things but we seldom take it
seriously however recessing memory is a serious health disorder. Action taken early can go a long way in
restoring our mental health.

Experts have designed so many ways to overcome the disorder or improve the condition. One of such tools
is called mnemonics it enhances our capacity to remember things based on similarity. It is the neurons in our
brain that send and receive signals. The stronger neurons connections are the better the memory is. If we
practice ways to strengthen and protect them it can go a long way in ensuring a better memory, which
generally degrades with age and mental disorders such as stress. So one should try reducing stress and
getting involved in leisure activities. Try to experience new experiences and skills and move away from
routine functions. Try new adventures and challenges and give body and mind new environments to
function. Exercise regularly and do include brisk walk and cardiovascular exercises to enhance blood flow to
brain to enhance its growth. Stimulate brain by involving oneself in brainstorming puzzles and quizzes. Read
thru various magazines and books and stay update with newspapers. Try retaining as much information as
possible and recall on a regular basis by referring to them in conversation. Avoid medication such as
antidepressants and sleeping aids, as they tend to dull our mind. One should also try to kick unhealthy
habits such as smoking, drinking and getting involved in drugs/doping. Making sure to get adequate hours of
sleep (minimum 8 hours per day) also ensures to help our brain stay active.

Memory can be long term or short term, few people boast of amazing memory they remember things as old
as 20 years or more. Whereas some people might not even remember last week activities. It typically also
depends on attention paid, it is researched that if one focuses for about 8 seconds or more the information is
stored in the memory center of brain. Undistracted attention and avoiding multitasking also ensures
information retention. Trying to involve as many senses to relate to information and recalling it by relating to
it also helps in strengthening memory. Organizing information in a better way of referring back to when
required for e.g. using address book or appointment diaries. Breaking down complex material into bits and
pieces and interpreting them also helps in boosting memory.

Diseases such as diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases also affect memory. Stress also makes it
difficult to concentrate and remember things. Eating healthy can help in restoring memory and generate
healthy brain cells. It also helps to fight adverse effect of medication. Leafy green vegetables and legumes
help to generate red blood cells that carry oxygen to the brain. Vitamin B, C and beta-carotene also acts as
antioxidants and improve flow of oxygen thru body and brain. These naturally good substances are found in
fruits and vegetables such as sweet potato, blue berries tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, green tea, citrus fruits,
liver and nuts. Omega 3 fatty acids founds in cod liver oil and other fresh water fishes like salmon and tuna
is good for cognitive functions. It is also found in certain vegetarian food such as walnut and flaxseed. On
the other hand there are supplements to overcome deficiencies such as vitamin b and folic acid capsules or
health food fortified with such vitamins. These foods if taken in adequate quantity can help boost heart
functions that in turn supplies blood to brain and will improve neuron functions leading to better memory.
Taking responsibility for your actions is the way to improve overall personal life. When you take control of
your actions, you are putting bad habits behind you and moving forward down a new highway. At the end of
the highway, you will find happiness. Responsibility is a good thing. Sometimes we make mistakes. There is
nothing wrong with this, as long as you learn from these mistakes. You are a human being and will make
mistakes for the rest of your life. Mistakes is a part of life, you will have to face.

Blame:+Too many people in this world blame others for their mistakes. Taking responsibility is the way to
stop blaming others and start putting the blame where it belongs. Once you learn to take blame, you will see
new horizons in your future. Sadly, the law talks about society casting blame, but these people too are
worse at casting blame than anyone else casts. We see this in the media, etc. Unfortunately, we have bad
examples to follow in life, so you will need to learn to become your own best example. No one can guide you
to improve your life better than you can. When a person takes blame they do not dwell on the mistake they
made, rather look at the options to make things right. For instance, if you cause an accident while driving,
you would take the blame and find a way to resolve the problem.

Once you learn to take reasonability for your actions, you will see the road that leads you to success.
Someone taking responsibility for their action is the master of their own mind and body.

In life, you will have risks. You will need to learn to take risks whether you like it or not. Sometimes you will
take risks that cause you harm, or causes harm to other people. To avoid taking risks that cause harm, try
using your critical thinking cap to discover consequences first. Be willing to take chances, as well as
participating even if you feel it is stupid. Many people say, I am probably going to ask another stupid
question. The fact is there are no stupid questions. The point being, don't be afraid to ask questions when in
doubt. In fact, when in doubt don't do it.

When you are willing to join in with others to make your life better, take responsibility for your actions, etc,
you are improving your life. a person willing to improve their life is not sitting on the back burner. This person
is taking the steps, playing the game of life and taking action to achieve his or her goals.

Are you a generalist? Do you take interest in all things around you? Do you keep an open mind when
something good comes your way? Are you willing to learn? If you take action to acquire these skills you will
successfully walk through life without running backwards taking responsibility for bad mistakes you made. +

Do you accept the unknown? The unknown can become your best friend. When you learn to accept the
unknown, it can help you improve your overall personal life. For instance, if you know English are you willing
to learn French. Broaden your horizons and I promise you that you will improve your overall personal life.
+Do you acknowledge your limitations? We all have limits. We must set limits for our self each day. If you
fail to set these limits, you will spend the rest of your life casting blame, since you will live in a chaotic world.
Paper sometimes takes over our lives and is often the worst thing to get organized. Below are a few tips on
how to tame that paper beast in your home or office.

Utilize your filing system effectively. Figure out what system will work best for you - client files versus project
files, color coding, and so on. Once you've worked out your system, make sure to use it. File all relevant
information in the right file. It's also helpful to attach blank sheets of paper to the inside right back flap of file
folders. Then, you can take notes on applicable conversations, memos, and meetings right where you need

Employ a task list for projects. Think through the project step by step. Then, create a list for all these steps,
or tasks, to help you get them completed. Keep your task list stapled to the inside front cover of your project
file. That way you can refer to the list whenever you work on that project.

Avoid paper piles. There are normally two things that happen to information buried in a paper pile - either it
is forgotten or it can't be found when you need it. Paper piles are like the plague - they should be avoided at
all costs. When you acquire a piece of paper, you should do one of three things: file it, write the information
down elsewhere (such as in your scheduler) and toss it, or simply toss it.

Avoid always putting information on sticky notes and other tiny pieces of paper: If you need to write
something down, put it on your Master Plan or on your to-do list. While it's okay to use a reminder such as a
sticky note every once in a while, using such notes all the time will make them less obvious and-as a result-
less helpful.
Teaching language to nonverbal, hearing-impaired children is in fact, a very controversial matter. The
controversy stems from the idea that either of two goals is being targeted. One of which states that after
language is learned, the child will be able to communicate orally; while the other states that the child will be
able to communicate, not verbally, but manually.

Issues With This Approach

Although you may think that the best end goal would be a speaking child, some adult deaf groups would
fiercely disagree. They believe that a hearing-impaired individual does not have to be verbal if only to be
able to communicate with the rest of the population. For them, assimilation is not really a dream.

Although they aim to find some common grounds for communication, these groups do not really think it is
necessary to learn spoken language just to take on the cultural traits of the verbal people.

And in respect to this claim, you have to understand that in some instances, language should be thought in
completely nonverbal ways. The following are some of the means to facilitate language learning in nonverbal

British Sign Language (BSL)

This is a visual communication technique that incorporates the national or regional signs in Britain in a
specified structure and is often taken as a language in its own. This kind of communication does not have a
written form.

Manual English

This refers to all the communication systems that require signs, fingerspelling or gestures, which can appear
separately or in combinations. This system keeps the word order and the correct syntactic form of the
English language.

Signed English

This is the two-handed fingerspelling of the English language as based on British regional and national


This is where the fingers of the hand assume 26 different positions. These 26 positions symbolize the 26
letters of the English alphabet. The combinations of these positions enable the formation of words or

Cued Speech

This is a one-handed supplement to lip-reading and is often used to clarify the nebulous phonemes that
have been detected through lip-reading.

Paget Gorman Systematic Sign Language

This is a system devised by Sir Richard Paget and is used to give a grammatical representation of the
spoken English language. It utilizes constructed signs and hand positions that differ form those used in the
Britain Sign Language.

Signs Supporting English

This is composed of signs for keywords that would assist oral communication and used at appropriate times
during utterances.

Auditory-Verbal Therapy

On the other hand, an even bigger number of people believe that language should be taught to nonverbal
individuals so that they might actually be able to produce their own utterances. One of the most noteworthy
methods in developing spoken language in nonverbal children is through the Auditory-Verbal Therapy.
The primary goal of the Auditory-Verbal Therapy is to maximize the child's residual hearing so that audition
might be fully integrated to his/her personality and that he/she may be able to participate in the hearing
society. Another goal would be to make mainstreaming a reasonable option in the future. Thus, suggesting
that the child is as capable as any hearing child in a normal educational environment.

The general premise of the Auditory-Verbal Therapy is to focus on the Auditory Approach where the
hearing-impaired child would be given instructions to listen and not to lip-read or sign. This way, the child
would be capitalizing on his residual hearing and it would be easy for him to learn auditory skills since he
would not be relying on signed speech.
Teaching time management skills is like any other form of teaching. When you teach a concept, it takes time
before a student or the person is able to learn and fully develop that skill. Teaching the concepts is not
enough, but you also need to follow up on your student to make sure that they regularly use whatever skill
they have learned. That way, they make good use of it and be able to think of ways to enhance that skill.
These are some time management skills that you can focus on when teaching your students.

1.) Prioritizing

Prioritizing is one of the basic concepts you must teach your student with regards to time management. This
is because most people are hampered by too many activities at once. Many could fall into the idea of
finishing a task just for the sake of it, not knowing that there are more important activities to attend to first.
But the more crucial part here is identifying which ones should be top priority, because after all when it is in
your list it should be important. Bottom line us, time management would depend on your own mental state of
the amount of control you have of your time.

2.) Planning For Long-Term Time Management

You can also teach your students how to plan for long-term tasks and projects. Let them create a mindset
that enables them to project their lives 6 months from now. As much as you want to establish the importance
of their day to day activities, setting future goals are what drives your present activities.

Once they have realized the importance of future goals, they will understand the importance of being able to
accomplish their everyday tasks. Hence, setting long-term goals and breaking them into smaller chunks
(such as daily or weekly goals), you would gradually build that skill.

3.) Reviewing Daily Tasks

The third most important skill to master is the daily review of what just transpired within a given day. You
must practice how to review and examine the work you accomplished for a day. Ask your students about
what specific parts of the day were they able to manage their time efficiently, and which part of the day were
they most unproductive. Hence, this will allow them to recognize the flaws in their own time management
skills. Unless your students recognize them, they won't be able to fix them.

4.) Commitment To Higher Learning

Another major skill to teach your students is the ability to strive for learning and commitment to further
improve their time management skill. It should be a continuous process. You can give them advices when it
comes to time management careers, so they would know exactly where to go. As they learn new skills from
time to time, they continue to improve themselves and advance their own time management skills.

Tell you students that their focus everyday should be on gradual and continual improvement of their time
management skills. Once they have done this long enough, they should be able to form good habits that can
lead them into even greater success in their lives.
Time management is setting your priorities, which include all your activities, task and rituals that you do
everyday of your life. It helps people spend the day in organized ease Things are done on proper timing and
proper ways.

It is the proper techniques for planning all your daily activities and work. It maximizes the time available by
making use of it in all the possible ways.

Time management is a strategy used to maximize the time in every daily routine. If you use it properly, you
will be having much time to spend and much time to rest. You will be avoiding stress as you planned for your
daily activities.

People who are using this particular technique usually write down all the activities they need to do. You can
also make use of it. You can make your own checklist of your activities for the day. Put a check on all the
activities you performed for the day. You will notice all the things you have not yet accomplished.

In this way, you will recognize all the things you can do and the things you cannot do for a day. However,
planning time and writing all the things you can do also consumes time, you only have to do the basic so you
need not need to write down all your activities daily.

Time management is also used for setting goals. You have to put a deadline to achieve all your set
activities. By this, you will be focusing your self to the work you are doing other than focusing yourself to
other activities.

Time management can be an easy task to individuals living with a normal life. It is easier to prioritize thing if
you have normal thinking and normal skills. However, have you ever wondered how disabled people
manage their time?

It may be difficult for disabled people specially students to cope up with the norms of the world. They have
difficulties in attaining their goals because of their disabilities. However, you can be a great help to them by
giving your extra time to manage the activities they fail to accomplish.

You have to expect that disabled students are poor when it comes to the learning and skillful activities.
Specific learning disabilities are due to the condition of lacking a portion in the brain necessary for the
deficient function to perform. This particular problem can cause serious developmental deficiency, which
may result to disabilities such as blindness and certain deficiency.

This is where learning disabilities take the place. A student is not able to learn and cope with the pressure
that the normal people can easily deal with. Through out their life, this underlying frustration is one of the
major problems they experience.

Disabled students take time to finish a task since they do not have all the abilities to finish it. This condition
affects the self-esteem, vocation, socialization, education and activities of daily living.

You can be a great help to them by introducing time management to disabled students. You can also do the
following to help them attain success in their learning skills.

• Provide the disabled student with activities that they should accomplish in a day. Do not give them the
same task that normal individuals have, they may find it difficult to finish.

• Specify all the expectations before they begin with their activities. You should keep them aware of all the
things they need to do.

• Speak directly to the disabled students and avoid words that are hard to understand.

• You can also give home assignments to practice their knowledge and skills even at home.

• Provide them with the things they need to learn more. Books and other reading materials can be given to
facilitate faster learning skills.

• Keep a realistic goal; never try to make them do the things that you know they cannot accomplish, but
always give room for improvement of tasks.
• Never expect too much from them, learn to appreciate the things they have accomplished.

You will need to do these things to be able to teach disabled students on how they can handle their time
well. You only need to be patient, as it requires long period for you to accomplish the success of your
1. Set aside one minute per folder and recycle any papers you no longer need. 2. Set a timer for ten
minutes, grab a garbage bag, open the junk drawer, pick through anything no longer needed and toss it in
the garbage. 3. Go through your clothes closet and choose five articles of clothing you never wear. Put them
in a donation bag, to be given to your favorite charity. 4. Walk around your home for ten minutes with a
hamper (or have your kids do this) and put any stray toys into the hamper. Tomorrow, make your 10-minute
organizing project to put all the toys back in their proper homes. 5. Write out all of your birthday, anniversary
and other greeting cards for one month. Address them, stamp them and send them out. 6. If you dread
spending an entire hour each time you have to pay your bills, just take ten minutes each day to do this task
instead. Leave your bill paying supplies out and available, so that you can pay the bills as you get them
without having to take all of your supplies out each time. 7. Whether you've been meaning to make an
appointment with a doctor, your accountant, a repairman or a friend, take 10 minutes at this moment to do
so. 8. Spend 10 minutes deleting any email you no longer need from your inbox. 9. Whether the surface is a
table, a dresser, a desk or an ottoman, remove any clutter so you can actually see the surface again. File
any papers needing filing, return any stray items to their rightful homes and toss any junk. 10. Toss old
makeup you never use, expired prescriptions and anything else you don't need. Save your treasured room
for the belongings you in fact use.
Television and Movies, Literature, Music and Gaming.

Below is a list of the most popular.

In the Ultraseven movies released in 2000, the hero discovers through the Akashic records that humanity
has hit an evolutionary dead end and is headed for extinction.

In the Japanese strategy game Super Robot Wars Alpha 3, the villain's aim is to capture souls in order to
take control of the Akashic records and thus the Universe.

Charmed S2/E7 a man has to protect his knowledge of the location of the Akashic records from Warlocks.

In the role-playing game Mage: The Ascension a group of mages are able to read the Akashic records

In the 2004 movie Illusion the Akashic records appear in the form of an old movie theatre.

In Princes song Family name, people access their family history via the Akashic records.

The Akashic records form a prominent role in the first two seasons of TV Show Eureka shown on Sci fi

In role-playing game Arcana Unearthed Akashic is a class, which can access all knowledge.

In the book 2150 AD the Akashic records can be read via computers.

A similar concept is shown in the film Minority Report where computers are used to show future events.
The Akashic Records is a new age term for what is also known as "The Book of Life." It is comparable to the
universe's super computer system and it acts like the central storehouse for every individual who has ever

The Akashic Records store a reservoir of events, every deed, word, feeling, thought and intent that any
person has ever had in the history of the world.

It is also believed that the Akashic Records are interactive and they have influence upon everyday life,
relationships, feelings and beliefs.

While commonly compared to a super computer system, there is no complex of computer systems and
collective databases that can even come close to the memory or recording capacity of the Akashic Records.

They contain the entire history of every soul since the beginning of creation and continue to record on a daily
basis. Every thought, every deed is recorded.

The Akashic records mold our very consciousness. They are an unbiased judge and jury, which try to guide,
educate and change each individual to become the very best.

Information referring to the Akashic Records can be found in folklore, in myth and throughout the Bible. This
Book of Life can be traced as far back as the Semitics and included the Arabs, Assyrians and the Hebrews.

Among these people there was always the belief that there was some sort of celestial tablets in existence
that contain the history of mankind and spiritual information.

The Akashic Records are more than an account of data, they also have an ongoing creative stimulus.
The grand object for which a gentleman exists, is to excel in company. Conversation is the mean of his
distinction, the drawing-room the scene of his glory.

In company, though none are "free," yet all are "equal." All therefore whom you meet, should be treated with
equal respect, although interest may dictate toward each different degrees of attention. It is disrespectful to
the inviter to shun any of her guests. Those whom she has honoured by asking to her house, you should
sanction by admitting to your acquaintance.

If you meet any one whom you have never heard of before, you may converse with him with entire propriety.
The form of "introduction" is nothing more than a statement by a mutual friend that two gentlemen are by
rank and manners fit acquaintances for one another. All this may be presumed from the fact, that both meet
at a respectable house. This is the theory of the matter. Custom, however, requires that you should take the
earliest opportunity afterwards to be regularly presented to such an one.

The great business in company is conversation. It should be studied as art. Style in conversation is as
important, and as capable of cultivation as style in writing. The manner of saying things is what gives them
their value.

The most important requisite for succeeding here, is constant and unfaltering attention. That which Churchill
has noted as the greatest virtue on the stage, is also the most necessary in company, to be "always
attentive to the business of the scene." Your understanding should, like your person, be armed at all points.
Never go into society with your mind en deshabille. It is fatal to success to be all absent or distrait. The
secret of conversation has been said to consist in building upon the remark of your companion. Men of the
strongest minds, who have solitary habits and bookish dispositions, rarely excel in sprightly colloquy,
because they seize upon the thing itself, the subject abstractly, instead of attending to the language of other
speakers, and do not cultivate verbal pleasantries and refinements. He who does otherwise gains a
reputation for quickness, and pleases by showing that he has regarded the observation of others.

It is an error to suppose that conversation consists in talking. A more important thing is to listen discreetly.
Mirabeau said, that to succeed in the world, it is necessary to submit to be taught many things which you
understand, by persons who know nothing about them. Flattery is the smoothest path to success; and the
most refined and gratifying compliment you can pay, is to listen. "The wit of conversation consists more in
finding it in others," says La Bruy,re, 'than in showing a great deal yourself: he who goes from your
conversation pleased with himself and his own wit, is perfectly well pleased with you. Most men had rather
please than admire you, and seek less to be instructed, nay, delighted, than to be approved and applauded.
The most delicate pleasure is to please another."

It is certainly proper enough to convince others of your merits. But the highest idea which you can give a
man of your own penetration, is to be thoroughly impressed with his.

Patience is a social engine. To listen, to wait, and to he wearied are the certain elements of good fortune.

If there be any foreigner present at a dinner party, or small evening party, who does not understand the
language which is spoken, good breeding requires that the conversation should be carried on entirely in his
language. Even among your most intimate friends, never address any one in a language not understood by
all the others. It is as bad as whispering.

Never speak to any one in company about a private affair which is not understood by others, as asking how
that matter is coming on, &c. In so doing you indicate your opinion that the rest are de trop. If you wish to
make any such inquiries, always explain to others the business about which you inquire, if the subject admit
of it.

If upon the entrance of a visitor you continue a conversation begun before, you should always explain the
subject to the new-comer.

If there is any one in the company whom you do not know, be careful how you let off any epigrams or
pleasant little sarcasms. You might be very witty upon halters to a man whose father had been hanged. The
first requisite for successful conversation is to know your company well.

There is another precept of a kindred nature to be observed, namely, not to talk too well when you do talk.
You do not raise yourself much in the opinion of another, if at the same time that you amuse him, you wound
him in the nicest point, his self-love. Besides irritating vanity, a constant flow of wit is excessively fatiguing to
the listeners. A witty man is an agreeable acquaintance, but a tiresome friend. "The wit of the company, next
to the butt of the company," says Mrs. Montagu, "is the meanest person in it. The great duty of conversation
is to follow suit, as you do at whist: if the eldest hand plays the deuce of diamonds, let not his next neighbour
dash down the king of hearts, because his hand is full of honours. I do not love to see a man of wit win all
the tricks in conversation."

In addressing any one, always look at him; and if there are several present, you will please more by directing
some portion of your conversation, as an anecdote or statement, to each one individually in turn. This was
the great secret of Sheridan's charming manner. His bon-mots were not numerous.

It is indispensable for conversation to be well acquainted with the current news and the historical events of
the last few years. It is not convenient to be quite so far behind the rest of the world in such matters.
The aura a room or workspace gives off helps with organizing. If you feel good in a space, you want to
make it the best possible. In designing and organizing your rooms and workspaces, here are a few elements
that you can work on to get organized. Red, orange and other related hues create an illusion of warmth and
small space, which people usually do not like. So for a cooler and more spacious look, it is preferable to
choose among the hues of blue to green. . While it is generally useful to have a roomy space, having such
amenity may become a burden since it compromises communication among residents of the house or
members of the office. Most importantly, it may command enormous amounts to purchase and maintain.
Meanwhile, small spaces can be organized to create illusions of space. Furthermore, well-placed cabinets
and shelves can serve various purposes such as space dividers, as decorations, and as file organizers. A
clever manipulation of lighting and home decorations is the most important element in providing a good
ambience. Yellow lighting usually contributes to the coziness of a place, as well as a lot of sofas, floor
cushions, candles, native ornaments, smoked glass windows, and light wooden furniture. On the other hand,
white fluorescent bulbs and a lot of plastic and metals (steel chairs, synthetic decors, glass windows and
Formica tabletops) make for a busy-looking office. Meanwhile, pastel colors and cartooned wallpapers
provide for an innocent, child-like look perfect for relaxing. In organizing space, especially for an office, the
other elements may have to be compromised for utility. Excessive decorations are generally not advisable
since they interfere with the workflow. Furniture must be limited to filing cabinets, tables, and chairs. Less is
definitely more when it comes to organization and efficiency at work.
One cause of memory loss is from sleep deprivation. Have you ever gone to school or work in your house
shoes because you were too sleepy to remember to change shoes? Have you locked yourself out of your
home because you were still groggy from lack of restful sleep only to remember (too late) that your house
and car keys were still lying on the kitchen table? Have you put your sunglasses atop your head, then
searched frantically for them because you forgot?

Sometimes memory loss can be funny. It is sure to give you a few silly stories that produce giggles.
Undoubtedly, memory loss will serve to uncover forgotten tales of another person's experiences. Even little
children can recall instances of memory loss resulting from lack of sleep.

Memory loss can also be dangerous. Sometimes it will prove lethal, sometimes just unfortunate. The sleep
deprived will suffer memory loss as though in a brain fog, walking around in a daze, unable to focus,
sometimes with a blank expression. Observe a class of teenagers or college students after a popular festive
weekend. There is sure to be someone in the crowd with a blank stare or head hanging from exhaustion,
possibly with their mouth open as they 'zone out'.

Worse cases of memory loss from sleep deprivation would be to forget medication you'd already taken,
taking it again and suffering severe side effects, possibly becoming hospitalized as a result. If you became
too sleepy to remember to turn off a burner on a stove, it could cause a house fire, possibly injuring some
child you left home alone or an elderly person in your care. Maybe you're a young mother and weren't
prepared to expect the sleep disturbances of a newborn. If you forget to change your baby's diaper, a
horrible diaper rash could result, causing pain and rawness that might take several days to heal. If you get
behind the wheel of your car while sleepy, you might forget to look both ways or forget momentarily which
pedal is the gas or the brake and cause an accident.

Sometimes medications can cause sleep disturbances, which result in memory loss, or the medication itself
may make it harder to concentrate because of its effects. If you suffer memory loss on your job, you could
cause an injury to a co-worker or possibly lose your job simply because of something vital you forgot, such
as an important meeting you needed to have prepared for.

Memory loss is caused by other things besides sleep deprivation, of course. But the most important thing is
to find ways to remedy the problem. Take advantage of a short nap whenever possible. Learn to relax
before its time for bed, instead of waiting on bedtime to begin relaxing. For the chronic work-a-holic, the
new parents, or a college student burning the candle at both ends, learning to get the proper amount of
sleep is essential to avoiding unfortunate events caused by sleep-deprived memory loss. Remember, if you
don't care for your body and mind, it can't continue to function properly.
The desire of pleasing is, of course, the basis of social connexion. Persons who enter society with the
intention of producing an effect, and of being distinguished, however clever they may be, are never
agreeable. They are always tiresome, and often ridiculous. Persons, who enter life with such pretensions,
have no opportunity for improving themselves and profiting by experience. They are not in a proper state to
observe: indeed, they look only for the effect which they produce, and with that they are not often gratified.
They thrust themselves into all conversations, indulge in continual anecdotes, which are varied only by dull
disquisitions, listen to others with impatience and heedlessness, and are angry that they seem to be
attending to themselves. Such men go through scenes of pleasure, enjoying nothing. They are equally
disagreeable to themselves and others. Young men should, therefore, content themselves with being
natural. Let them present themselves with a modest assurance: let them observe, hear, and examine, and
before long they will rival their models.

The quality which a young man should most affect in intercourse with gentlemen, is a decent modesty: but
he must avoid all bashfulness or timidity. His flights must not go too far; but, so far as they go, let them be
marked by perfect assurance.

Among persons who are much your seniors behave with the utmost respectful deference. As they find
themselves sliding out of importance they may be easily conciliated by a little respect.

By far the most important thing to be attended to, is ease of manner. Grace may be added afterwards, or be
omitted altogether: it is of much less moment than is commonly believed. Perfect propriety and entire ease
are sufficient qualifications for standing in society, and abundant prerequisites for distinction.

There is the most delicate shade of difference between civility and intrusiveness, familiarity and common-
place, pleasantry and sharpness, the natural and the rude, gaiety and carelessness; hence the
inconveniences of society, and the errors of its members. To define well in conduct these distinctions, is the
great art of a man of the world. It is easy to know what to do; the difficulty is to know what to avoid.

Long usage a sort of moral magnetism, a tact acquired by frequent and long associating with others alone
give those qualities which keep one always from error, and entitle him to the name of a thorough gentleman.

A young man upon first entering into society should select those persons who are most celebrated for the
propriety and elegance of their manners. He should frequent their company and imitate their conduct. There
is a disposition inherent, in all, which has been noticed by Horace and by Dr. Johnson, to imitate faults,
because they are more readily observed and more easily followed. There are, also, many foibles of manner
and many refinements of affectation, which sit agreeably upon one man, which if adopted by another would
become unpleasant. There are even some excellences of deportment which would not suit another whose
character is different. For successful imitation in anything, good sense is indispensable. It is requisite
correctly to appreciate the natural differences between your model and yourself, and to introduce such
modifications in the copy as may be consistent with it.

Let not any man imagine, that he shall easily acquire these qualities which will constitute him a gentleman. It
is necessary not only to exert the highest degree of art, but to attain also that higher accomplishment of
concealing art. The serene and elevated dignity which mark that character, are the result of untiring and
arduous effort.
How to improve your personal life +The leading thing you can do to improve your personal life is to workout.
Working out helps you to improve life, since you sleep better, lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight, etc.
Exercise will help you fight infections, lower risks of heart disease, cancer, etc. Exercise will even help your
brain to function better.

How to start workout: For those that do not know where to begin, you have to start slow and work up to a
reasonable schedule. Before you decide the time frame you want to work with, you have to get a program
together.++How to choose equipment: When working out, equipment is designed to inspire you. You can
find affordable equipment online, at second hand stores, in garbage cans, and so on. On the market, you will
find a wide array of machines, including Pilate's equipment. Pilate's has proven to sculpt the body, which
improves life. The equipment is designed to do its deeds, such as strengthening the muscles without
overloading the joints. You can also find bargain treadmills. Treadmills work the entire body, muscles etc.
The walking machine will help reduce fat and calories, which improves life. If the weather is bad, a treadmill
can substitute for thirty-minute walks. If you are just starting work out fifteen minutes until you start to get in
the groove. Once you are in the groove, you can work toward your goals.

What are some of the kinds of equipment that I can use? Some of the equipment you can use is the
treadmill this will help you walk. Maybe you like riding a bike. You can purchase indoor or outdoor bikes.
Elliptical machines are affordable equipment, which are less the expense of treadmills. The machine will
work the entire lower region of your body. The equipment works the muscle groups, including the smaller
and larger groups of muscles in your legs. You can find model equipment that builds the upper half.
+Workouts are a great way to improve your personal life. Workouts build self-esteem, confidence, and
overall body and mind. You work to achieve good health.

You just want to remember not to over do it. If you overdo exercise, you will burn out and hurt. Exercise
does not cause pain, only mild soreness when you are not use to working out. You will need to watch what
you eat as well. You will boost energy by watching what you eat and exercising. In addition, you have to
make sure you set goals that are realistic and that you can reach.

How do I find equipment right for me? +You can go online to view images and information that helps you to
understand the different types of equipment.

If you are relying on toning and firming the body, we encourage you to review Pilate's equipment. This man
from Germany designed the top exercise equipment that has helped millions of people worldwide. In fact,
Pilate's equipment impressed so many people that nearly every gym has his equipment or practices his
powerhouse routines. This is not a marketing article however, so it is up to you. Pilate's is only a suggestion.
+Other types of equipment include the stretch machines. Stretching the muscles and joints is one of the best
things you can do to improve personal life. When you stretch the muscles and joints, you are promoting
flexibility and wellness. As you can see, the action improves your personal life tremendously. Even if you do
not exercise, it is wise to stretch daily to keep the muscles and joints from freezing. This only causes stress
and pain, which is not improving personal life.
In life, we have a formula to use that helps us to create goals that assist us in improving our personal life. To
start these goals however, we must use our inner qualities. The inner qualities include skills, ability to
commit, ability to set priorities, ability to accept failure, will to say no, and so on. We have self-awareness,
personality and other details within as well that helps us to find ways to improve our personal life. +Once
you find your qualities, develop them you will find it easy to set goals. To get started consider brainstorming,
long-term goals, short-term goals, evaluation of these goals, brainstorming some more, evaluating, and so
on. You want to consider managing your time as well.

When you brainstorm you, develop new ideas. New ideas is the market that leads you to success.
Brainstorming helps you to learn something new. When you start to brainstorm you, begin seeing things you
didn't see before. When you brainstorm, it is wise to take notes. The notes will help you to remember things
you had forgotten. Use the notes to structure your plans. + As you sit and write be sure to start your plans
with short-term goals. The short-term goals should lead up to your long-term goals. Short-term goals should
include what you want to accomplish in the next few years. Do you plan to open a business? Do you plan to
move? Do you plan to start a new career. Each question will lead you into the right direction as you find
answers. For instance, I plan to open a business in the next few years. How do you plan to open that
business? What business are you considering? How will you get the money to start your business. You have
many options, so check your resources, learn new resources and continue building your dreams to improve
your personal life. +After you layout the plans for your short-term dreams, start working toward your long-
term goals. For instance, in the next ten years what do you see yourself doing? Use your visions and voices
inside to cultivate a plan. Brainstorm your ideas. ++To set up long-term plans keep them realistic. Make sure
that your long-term falls in accord with your short-term goals. For instance, if you plan to start a business in
the next few years, build on this dream and plan to become productive and established in the near future.
Start saving money to back your plans. You will need to set up a budget that allows you money to save.
+How to budget: +Your budget is based on your net income. If make $30,000 per year, set a budget that
works within your means. Set aside money for backup, recovery, and money to save. Perhaps you can also
include in your plans a trip to the Internet. On the Internet and at your local library or colleges you will find
that many grants are available to those starting a new business. ++How to save time: +You will need a time
plan. You will need to plan your time wisely. The more time you plan to save the faster you will reach your
dreams to improve your personal life and reach your goals. Save time by reviewing your daily activities,
entertainment, family time, work time, leisure time and so on. If you spend four hours watching television,
reduce your time to save by viewing television one hour each day, or two if the movie is worth your time.
You have many options so spread your wings and reach for the sky.
The numbers read that over 400 million Spanish speakers are in the world. Therefore, Spanish is the fourth
most commonly spoken language right under English, Chinese and Hindustani. Additionally, now that
Hispanic commerce is booming in North America, it is important for business competitors all over the world
to find some way to keep up.

Most people don't know that over 91% of fortune 500 companies and forbes international 800 companies
cannot meet the needs of people who speak a foreign language because they do not have the ability to
respond correctly to a foreign language.

Since learning Spanish would increase the general ability to communicate with the large amount of
immigrants that come into the country each year, some wonder if requiring Americans to learn Spanish
would be the solution to keeping up with the increasing needs of the Hispanic culture.

There are two different sides to this issue. Some believe that Americans should learn Spanish because if
Americans learn Spanish, they would mostly help themselves in the long run. When people learn Spanish,
they are able to have a more competitive resume when they move into the work force. Such an edge in the
job market would then allow Spanish learners to demand higher pay than other job searchers who can only
speak English. Furthermore, if fortune 500 companies are not able to satisfy the needs of Spanish speakers,
the Americans who learn Spanish will become like precious jewels among these types of companies. Also,
when people learn Spanish, they learn about another culture. Learning about other cultures decreases the
likelihood of discrimination not only in relation to the Spanish culture, but other cultures in general. People
will become more aware that other types of people exist, and that these people have needs and wants that
may be different from their own. An increase in cultural awareness cannot help but be beneficial to the
general mindset of Americans.

On the other hand, many people believe that since the amount of Hispanic immigrants is so large, Hispanics
often get very comfortable when they come to the U.S., and often they don't feel that they have to learn
English. It is not rare for immigrants in the United States to either never learn English or remain in America
for many years without even trying to learn the language.

It seems that if Americans were required to learn Spanish whether by their jobs or schools, Hispanic
immigrants would find even greater comfort and feel that they do not have to learn English. Americans that
learn Spanish would continue to experience all of the benefits of the language. However, Hispanics would
experience many negatives.

A Hispanic living in the US who does not learn to speak English would experience a lack in the number of
jobs they are eligible for. Therefore, such a person may experience high levels of unemployment or poverty
and may only be able to obtain jobs that require manual labor. Other workers will be able to pick and choose
where they would like to be employed.

With the increase in Hispanic businesses many companies may push their employees to learn Spanish.
However, it does not look like it will be a requirement any time in the near future.
Many people wonder why they do not have the success that they want in business. Most of the time, the
reason will be right under their nose; they are just unable to see it. The first thing that someone who is not
successful in business should ask is, "Am I successful in my personal life and relationships?" If the answer
is no, then you now have your answer as to why you are not successful in business. You cannot have a
successful career if you do not have adequate personal and social development.

The business world is not your entire life, as much as it may seem to be. Your career is but one aspect of
your life that also includes friends, family, and personal needs and issues. The only way to have success in
your career is by having success in personal and social development. A balance must be struck. True
success cannot be had in one area of your life and not another. This is how personal development, social
development, and business development are all linked together.

Personal development is about how you handle your life, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and reactions.
Personal development techniques include goal setting, changing to a positive mind set, and learning to deal
with all situations in a positive manner. These skills will transfer to the workplace in business development.
Without goal setting, time management skills, and positive thinking, a successful career is not possible.

Social development is about how you deal with other people. Obviously, people skills and social
development are necessary for business development and a successful career. How you interact with your
co-workers, your boss, and your customers, clients, or prospects is just as important as your actual work
performance. Social development skills include situation management, stress management, problem
solving, dispute resolution, and communication skills. Without proper social development, you cannot have a
successful career.

Besides helping with your business development, personal and social development will help you to realize
how successful you truly are in your career. Through personal development skills such as time management
and organization, you will be able to better manage your finances and household. This will allow you to
better see and enjoy the fruits of your labors. Social development will also help you realize your success as
you develop stronger relationships with your friends and family, and gain more support from these groups
than you ever have before through improved communication skills.

There are some obstacles to personal and social development, just as there are obstacles to business
development. But all in all, by developing your personal, social, and business skills, one will undoubtedly
resolve the others. For example, if your business development is hindered by a lack of support, working on
social development skills like communication can gain you the support you need from friends and family. If
you have trouble developing social skills due to hindrance by past events or criticisms, then you can focus
on personal development by changing your mind set.

Overall, happiness and success in all areas of your life are dependent upon a balance between personal
and social development. Whether your ultimate goal is to become a successful professional or an efficient
housewife, personal and social development will work for you to help you realize your goals and become
successful in every aspect of your life.
For several decades, high schools across the United States have instituted a Career Day for seniors. This is
a day when local area business professionals visit the high school and introduce career options to high
school students. However, these Career Days are not enough to truly assist the high school student in
making plans for the future. This is the reason that many young and middle aged adults are now seeking the
guidance of personal career development coaches.

While personal career development coaches offer a much needed service to those who did not plan for their
future at an early stage, more should be done to assist the younger generations in personal career
development. When high school students have a clear understanding of the best career choices for them,
the end result is better planning, more college enrollments, and a more productive society for the future.

Many high schools now offer a Career Week to address these personal career development issues. The
Career Week is a continuation of the Career Day. One or two days of the week are dedicated to introducing
seniors to career options by seasoned professionals in the community. The rest of the career week is
dedicated to assessments much like those offered by personal career development coaches.

The personal career development assessments allow the high school students to explore their interests,
values, strengths, and weaknesses. These personal career development assessments are then run through
a computer system, which produces a report that outlines the best career choices for that high school
student. The high school students then take the personal career development further by going through the
Occupational Outlook Handbook.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook is one of the best personal career development tools in the high school
arsenal. This publication is put out both in book and electronic form by the United States Department of
Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Occupational Outlook Handbook allows students to explore personal
career development options by providing information about career details, job and industry outlooks for the
future, average salaries, and required education.

Once the high school students have completed the personal career development assessments and explored
career options, each high school student engages in a personal career development interview with a high
school counselor or personal career development coach. This interview allows the student to more fully
explore and discuss career options, and make a decision about the path that they want their career to take.
The counselor or personal career development coach then provides the high school student with several
resources to help them start on their path to personal career development.

Another part of the personal career development activities is a visit by the counselor or the personal career
development coach to senior classrooms. In these sessions, information is provided about the importance of
goal setting in personal career development. The students are given resources for practical goal setting, and
begin to lay out their personal career development plan on paper.

The importance of personal career development for high school students is not a new concept. However,
schools are just now starting to really put the plans for education in personal career development into place.
With these initiatives, more high school students will be prepared to begin education or careers soon after
high school, thereby creating a much more productive society for our future.
Personal development seminars exist for many reasons. Primarily, because in today's world there is such a
calling for them. The world is culpable in draining hope from the human spirit, leaving one gasping for
renewal. What the world takes away, these seminars can restore in better form. They are a place for others
to connect, to receive a universal message through learning.

Knowledge is the key to change. Vital educational tools for advancement in life can be collected by
attending personal development seminars. Strong associations can be established for support in
accomplishing goals. Positive support systems are necessary for feedback. Seminars unify people in ways
most day to day situations cannot. The collective energy found in seminars is amazing. Where else can you
find so many others searching out the same feeding as you are? These seminars for change are meant to
be life altering. For many it is good medicine for the soul. Gaining valuable knowledge you can apply in your
own life is equivalent to being reborn.

Renewed purpose is self-discovery at its best. Personal development seminars are designed to teach you a
new way to see your life. The possibilities for success in areas such as business or personal relationships
become endless. The point of seminars is to empower you. To give you a new vision of life. To help you get
the life you want. To help you restore balance to your life. To change you.

Balance is delicate, unspoken force operating in our world. So much meaning in our lives is dependent on
how balanced our lives are. If one area is weak, it can affect all other areas as well. On top of that, balance
affects mental health and physical health. Poor choices result from a life off kilter. Dysfunctional behavior
can be right behind. Being proactive in restoring balance can begin with attending a personal development
seminar. Identifying the sources of imbalance and creating a self-improvement plan is one of the many
offerings of seminars.

The instructors at these seminars are a well of information. Not enough could be said to applaud the amount
of inspiration they bring to the wanting soul. They are able to transform lives with words. Few people can exit
a personal development seminar without feeling invigorated and blessed by the experience. Between the
knowledge learned and the delivery of it by the instructors, everyone walks away with new aspirations.

Growth is necessary for opportunities to flourish in life. Life balance can be a friend or a foe, and must be
checked through regular maintenance. No one else determines the outcomes in your life but you. Insight
can be found through seminars. So can renewal in life purpose. Passion for one's life can be returned.
Valuable tools for change are gained at personal development seminars. Support systems and lifetime
relationships are created. The world is hungry for what is good insides you. It is when this happens, you
must know how to put the good back in. It is for this, personal development seminars exist.
Have you ever heard someone say an elephant never forgets? Maybe someone you know was compared
to an elephant in a similar way, as in having the memory of an elephant. The mind of an animal can be
substantially large in its learning capacity, using memory to perform amazingly in many ways.

The mind can shut down memory, temporarily or permanently, depending on whether or not what it endured
was a traumatic event that the mind just refuses to access or a scant bump to the head. People have
protected themselves subconsciously by disengaging the memory. The mind sometimes seems to play
tricks on us by confusing one memory with another. Sometimes this causes the person to be unable to
function in society. What seems to be a problem with memory can actually be a problem with the
processing of information going into the mind.

Prescription medicines can sometimes affect the memory, especially if you choose to combine a dangerous
mixture. Even over-the-counter medications have to be closely monitored in their ability to work well with
each other or with certain prescription medications. Prescription medications can also improve your ability
to use your memory, clearing up other health problems that might interfere with your mind's performance.

The mind is complex in its capabilities, but without memory it cannot perform even the simplest of tasks.
The body depends on memory to function. How would we brush our teeth if we couldn't remember the
process of adding the toothpaste, wetting the toothbrush, putting it in our mouths, scrubbing the teeth, and
the rinsing? Such daily tasks are overlooked in importance because they become mundane repetitions in
our memory. A person who is preoccupied may not even recall the task of brushing the teeth.

Animals have a sense that allows them to remember whether or not a person has been cruel to them. They
may store the information in their memory and act upon it at a later time, sometimes unsuspectingly getting
their revenge. A dog being trained for police work has to remember which person in uniform is its master. It
has to retain enough information to perform acceptably in each working, many times dangerous, situation.
The dog has to remember many types of scents and commands.

Miniature horses have been trained to lead the blind around noisy, busy environments. The horse must
have adequate memory to pass the necessary requirements to be a guide animal. The blind person's life
depends upon the memory of the miniature horse every day and night for as long as they are together.

A blind person must have the ability to use other senses besides their eyes. Their memories have to be
capable of helping them function in their own homes. If something is out of place, their routines will suffer,
and possibly an injury will occur.

The memory is the storage capacity of the mind. Often neglected, often unappreciated until something
occurs to help us take notice of just how important it is to our well-being.
The records are said to exist in an alternative plane of existence and so are not readily accessible to human
except in certain states where this alternative or astral plane of existence can be reached usually through

The records permeate every plane of existence and once an idea is brought into existence it is recorded and
remains in existence forever.

Those who claim to have accessed the Akashic records say they pass through a darkness surrounded by
threatening images and beings but follow a light to a Hall where they are able to access the records freely
before returning once they have the information they are looking for.

The Akashic records are sometimes spoken of as being read like pages of a book or a series of images
either static or moving as in a film. As well as visions audio and visual the records may be experienced
through still pictures.

The Records are split in to categories of experience human, animal, plant etc and also into past, present and
future. When viewing the future, several possible future events may be viewed all of which are possible or
one definitive version.

The records are often highly symbolic and cryptic and almost always have to be interpreted once the reader
has returned to this plane of existence.
Pareto was an economist who theorized that 80 percent of all problems result from 20 percent of all causes.
This may seem like a complex theory which is too difficult to apply to such a thing as time management, but
the Pareto 80-20 rule, as it has come to be termed, can be very beneficial when applied to problem solving
in any form.

One of the first steps in learning to effectively utilize time is to identify repeated patterns in your daily
schedule that may be interfering with productivity.

In looking over daily records of your time you may notice certain blocks of time which are not being used to
their fullest. Once having identified these blocks of time, you can begin to make changes in your daily

Pareto's 80-20 rule basically means that if you can identify and change only 20 percent of the causes of
problems in your current time management system, you can subsequently fix 80 percent of those problems.

An example of this would be to identify only two 15 minute blocks of time in your normal day when you find
that you are being the least productive. By changing the way you currently use these 2 small blocks of time,
theoretically you should be able to increase your productivity by up to 80 percent.

Better time management does not mean giving up all free time, or all the time you currently spend relaxing,
or enjoying your life. Instead it helps you set priorities for managing time, eliminate wasted time, and gain
more control over how you use this valuable resource.
The path to personal and professional development is different for everyone. Depending on what your
interests, dreams, and goals have become, your path to personal and professional development will be
different than anyone else. Personal development and professional development are undoubtedly linked.
Without professional development and success, you cannot achieve personal development and your
personal dream. Because of this, there are some typical similarities on the path to personal and professional

The first step on the path to personal and professional development is to decide what exactly you want to do
with your life and your career. To do this, you must examine your strengths, weaknesses, interests, skills,
and talents. Discovering more about yourself and what you want from life will help you to find your way to a
rewarding and fulfilling career that will take you where you most want to go.

Once you have decided what career path you want to take, you have to figure out how to get there, and how
you will obtain your ultimate dream. Most personal and professional development requires some kind of
furthering education beyond high school. If your career can be started without education, you may want to
start your career and continue your education while working.

There are many ways that you can do this. There are part time and nigh classes available through most
community colleges and small universities. One great way to continue your personal and professional
development is through online colleges and universities. These learning institutions allow you to advance in
personal and professional development on a flexible schedule that allows you to work around your career.

Another part of personal and professional development is recognizing your obstacles, and how you need to
overcome them. For example, resources such as Federal Financial Aid or your local community college
financial aid department will be able to assist you in overcoming obstacles such as payment of high tuition
and book costs for college courses. Another example of overcoming obstacles might be surrounding
yourself with a positive and motivating support system, while removing yourself from negative comments of
current family and friends.

A large section of your path to personal and professional development is setting goals and a timeline for
achieving them. Having a dream is great. But that dream will be much easier to achieve if you set
obtainable, periodic goals, rather than focusing on the larger goal of your dream. Setting goals and creating
a timeline for success is a great way to advance your personal and professional development.

Once you have set your goals, created a timeline for success, and made those first steps toward achieving
your first minor goal, you will be well on your way down the path to personal and professional development.
There are many books, websites, and magazines that will help you on your way. For additional help and
information, you may wish to look into hiring a personal and professional development coach, trainer, or
consultant. These professionals can greatly help you in your self assessments, as well as goal setting and
finding resources to help you meet your goals for success.
One popular method of time management that has proven to be effective for many people is the posec
method. Posec stands for "Prioritize by organizing, stream-line, economizing, and contributing."

To prioritize means to put first things first. The Posec method is loosely based around Laslow's theories
regarding the "Heirarchy of Needs". It gives the individual a realistic tool for setting priorities as they pertain
to ones own unique needs and life goals.

Organizing involves making a plan to work on goals that will help the individual feel more stable and secure.
(This is a plan for meeting the individuals most basic needs, including food, clothing, shelter, safety and
especially for love and acceptance.)

Stream-lining applies to those 'dirty" little jobs that no-one wants to do, but everyone must do, such as work
and chores. (This involves managing and maintaining one's stability and security.)

Economizing refers to things that should be done, or things that are enjoyable, but which also may not be
urgently in need of being done. (Lower on the list of priorities.)

Contributing involves social contribution. What you give back to the world (when other goals are met then
this becomes more feasible based on Laslows understanding of the human psyche).

The posec method offers clear guidance for assisting an individual in prioritizing goals. Theoretically this
method should encourage movement upward on the "hierarchy" charts.

Since Laslows theories are intricately related to this method of time management it is helpful if the individual
applying this method is familiar with his research in regards to 'the Heirarchy of Needs."
Traumatic brain injury can cause about a lot of speech and language disorders that would entail the need of
speech therapy. That's why the role of speech therapy in the rehabilitation process of a traumatic brain injury
patient is very vital.

What Speech And Language Problems TBI Brings About

A person may have loss of consciousness after a traumatic brain injury. This loss of consciousness can vary
from seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or even years. The longer you are out of consciousness, the
more severe your injury is. After a traumatic brain injury, you may suffer secondary consequences, which
are considered to be more lethal and dangerous than the primary injury.

Some of these secondary consequences include damage to your brain's meninges, traumatic hematoma,
increased intracranial pressure, herniation, hyperventilation, ischemic brain damage, and cerebral
vasospasm. When these brain damages occur, they tend to affect parts of your brain that are responsible for
speech and language processing and production, thus you get speech and language problems.

Traumatic brain injuries can cause you permanent or temporary memory loss, orientation problems, lesser
cognitive performance or slower processing of thought, attention problems, deterioration of skills in basic
counting, spelling and writing. You can also have Aphasia, where you have a loss of words.

Traumatic brain injury can also cause you difficulty in reading simple and complex information. Your naming
skills, of everyday seen objects, familiar others can also be affected. It can also bring about dysarthria, or
problems with movement, that can cause you to have shaky movements leading to difficulty speaking and

Speech Therapy For Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

Treatment for traumatic brain injury patients can be classified into three categories. There are different
treatments for early, middle and late stages of a traumatic brain injury. There are also compensatory
strategies taught for a TBI patient.

Early Stage Treatment

Treatment during the early stage of a traumatic brain injury would focus more on medical stabilization. A
speech therapist would also deal more on establishing a reliable means of communication between the
patient and the therapist. The patient is also taught how to indicate yes or no, when asked.

Another goal is for the patient to be able to make simple requests through gestures, nods, and eye blinks.
The behavioral and mental condition of the patient is also treated. During the early stage, sensorimotor
stimulation is also done. Where in the therapist would heighten and stimulate the patient's sense of sight,
smell, hearing and touch.

Middle Stage Treatment

The main goal during the middle stage treatment is for the patient to develop an increased control of the
environment and independence. The adequacy of patient's interaction to the environment is also increased.
The therapist should also stimulate the patient to have organized and purposeful thinking. The uses of
environmental prompts are to be diminished during this phase.

A lot of activities focusing on cognitive skills like perception, attention, memory, abstract thinking,
organization and planning, and judgment, are also given.

Late Stage Treatment

During the late stage of treatment, the speech therapists" goal is for the patient to be able to develop
complete independence and functionality. Environment control is eliminated and the patient is taught
compensatory strategies to cope with problems that have become permanent.

Some of these compensatory strategies are the use of visual imagery, writing down main ideas, rehearsal of
spoken/written material, and asking for clarifications or repetitions when in the state of confusion.
There is no cure for Alzheimer but care and cure can go along way in improving the condition as the disease
is considered to be life threatening and has no permanent cure whatsoever. However, alternative medicine
help is being sought in order to help the condition. These includes herbs and dietary supplements. But the
challenges faced by alternative medication are that the safety and effectiveness is unknown. Purity is also
an issue, as FDA has no authority over supplement production. Side effects and reactions are goes
unnoticed and documented in most cases and closes the door to further research. Consumers rarely read
the warnings and in some cases they are not even documented on the product. Most of the supplements are
known to counteract with the prescribed medication and can seriously accelerate one or more adverse

According to a recent study 1 out of 10 elderlies suffer from this disorder and by 2050 14 millions in America
are probable to suffer from this disease. The disease has seven stages and the duration of suffering varies
from three to twenty years. The disease is inherited in most cases. In few cases it is acquired due to
physical illness clubbed with irrational habits such as drugs, drinking and smoking. As the disease is labeled
as the most complex disease any permanent cure has not been reached as of yet. People from Alzheimer
suffer for years, and their sufferings are not limited physically but more so psychologically and emotionally.
Eventually they die after suffering for 6 years after diagnosis however their neurological system is affected
by disease much before that at times even for twenty to twenty five years. The worst experience for the
patients is that they die in midst of strangers as they forget their family and friends and keep tracing their
identity till they are consumed by the disease completely.

But it becomes all the more difficult for the people who take care of the patient, as they have to cope with
stress in all orders from physically, financially and emotionally. Their resources are consumed in the
medication for the illness that can continue for years altogether without any hope of recovery. They can
make it more comfortable for the patient by sticking names on the photograph of family members and keep it
in view of the patient. They can also stick tags on drawers on the basis of its content. Placing a list of phone
number of doctor, friends and relatives also helps the person incase he wants to reach anyone. By keeping
the person involved in favorite activities can keep the stress of recalling at bay. In the late stages of his
disease religious books could be read out to him and music can be played to soothe him. But nothing comes
close to the physical proximity of near and dear ones at such time of distress.

During all this while stress is sure to take a toll on the caregiver so the caregiver must enroll in relevant
forums and community service organizations. All this while many emotions can victimize the caregiver such
as grief, guilt, anger, embarrassment, and loneliness. Discussions with other caregivers help in venting out
feelings and sharing different techniques to further ease their job. As there is nothing as intriguing as to see
the near one suffer and nearing to death. At times it can be physically challenging too. So help should be
sought such as hiring day care or nurses at a later stage.
There has been more than one study on how to improve memory and reasons for memory loss. Let's
review some causes for impaired memory.

Suppose you decide you need help enduring a nerve-racking airplane ride, so you swallow one of the
calming, hypnotic prescription drugs designed for insomniacs and sufferers of panic attacks or anxiety.
These are drugs like alprazolam, triazolam, or zolpidem. (One well-known drug that has become more
popular just in the past few years is Ambien.) Unfortunately, a side effect of such a drug is a condition also
known as 'traveler amnesia'.

Normally, once a person stops the use of the prescription drug that caused the amnesia, memory begins to
improve. Even though you should always be aware of the side effects of any drug, it is possible that
something new will develop that wasn't discovered in the study of the drug. Also, because each person is
unique, a drug may cause a reaction only one person may experience.

Another study done on memory loss involves head trauma. This can lead to transient post concussive
syndrome. Symptoms are mental dullness, poor memory, depressed mood, and headaches. These
symptoms can last a few days or a few weeks. Often after a tragedy such as a vehicle accident that causes
extensive head injury, the resulting concussion brings immediate mental confusion.

Other ways to obtain head trauma include hitting a head during a hard fall, something heavy falling on the
head, or someone hitting your head with a hard object (accidentally, or during a fight).

There have been a large number of studies done regarding memory impairment caused by diseases or
psychological problems. With a disease there is hope of improvement, depending on how far the disease
has progressed before proper help was obtained. Also, science and technology constantly allow more
information to be discovered. As for psychological problems, there is treatment for the underlying problems
through psychiatric care, counseling, and medication. Often the memory can be used as a healing tool
against itself, such as through reliving an event to better understand why memories were blocked. An
important thing to understand in many cases of memory impairment is that repetition may be crucial to
positive progress. We must teach ourselves to do something over and over until we can unconsciously
remember because of habit. Some people are creatures of habit and can only get through their days with
the most success if they stick to their routines. Anything that deviates from their routine can cause anxiety
and throw their mental balance off course significantly. Their routine becomes their mental and emotional
security blanket.

Several types of animals have been used in laboratories as a basis to study memory improvement. Hence
the old mouse in a maze routine! Dogs can be taught to win contests by their abilities to remember and
follow set courses with obstacles. Orangutans have been taught to learn sign language because of their
ability to grasp and remember. Lost cats have found their way home after extensive travel. So, the study of
memory continues to amaze and confound science and the medical world!
Nothing is worse than having a dream for yourself and entities getting in the way to keep you from it. The
sad truth is those barriers to your dreams are usually self-created. Personal development is hindered by
four main thieves operating on a daily basis within your life.

- Attitude - Motivation - Habits - Time

Everything you do is a choice. With you choices is always an outcome. On another level, you could call it
taking a personal responsibility for yourself. If your life isn't flowing in the direction you wish, then perhaps it
is time to dissect these four areas in a self-evaluation.

Attitude: Accomplishing great things in your life is impossible if your thoughts and words are contrary to it.
When you wake in the morning are you happy to have the new day? Has your mind closed down to the
potential each day brings? Doing an attitude self-check is essential to personal growth. Without maintenance
on our attitude daily, it is near impossible to embrace opportunities which bring dreams closer to reality. If
you take a good look around you, you will see people stuck on auto pilot, caught up in stoic repetition. An
indifferent attitude is almost worse than a bad attitude. As you grow older, it becomes even more necessary
to feed your mind, wash your belief systems and do daily maintenance checks on your attitude. Being
unaware of poor thoughts is a poor excuse for not being able to reach out for your dreams. Attitude
accountability is reaching out for resources and self-help tools purposely. By not doing so, this thief surely
will steal your joy of self-discovery.

Motivation: Simply put, motivation is having an "iron will". If you do not mean to do something, you won't.
You might dance around thoughts of doing something while melting away on your couch, but until you
actually initiate your will through actions, it is only fluff. The hard truth is you are the biggest poser in your
own life if you have no motivation to accomplish a wanted dream or goal. No one said finding motivation
would be easy either. Every single person has or has had difficulties with motivation. It remains a number
one challenge in personal development. There will always be the little voice inside you telling you to get
motivated later. Until you make up your mind to exercise your will now, motivation will elude you, keeping it
thief number two in personal growth.

Habits: Habits keep you in your comfort zone. Habits provide security. They feel safe, whether they are
good habits or bad ones. They can also keep you from moving on into new and uncharted areas of growth.
Which habits do you possess? Are they a part of your problem or part of your solution? Sometimes poor
habits become so ingrained into who you are, you don't even notice how they rob your dreams. Developing
new habits that are in sync with your goals, is the key to personal development. You must emit behavior
which supports the results you want. The reason they are called habits is because you do them over and
over and over. To keep this thief robbing your life, you must find ways to eliminate unproductive habits.

Time: The word speaks for itself. It is a universal container for holding all of our life meaning. Finding time,
not enough time, out of time...and to each and every human is a lifetime. This is your food for thought: at the
end of your life, how will you have defined your journey in regards to time? Did you make time work for you
or did you do time? Each moment belongs solely to you, to your choices and to your dreams. Respect the
value of each moment life gives you for all things meaningful.
If you've ever felt like you're losing your mind because you're drawing mental blanks more often it's time to
examine your cause for memory loss. Sometimes there is more than one change to be made for a person
to get back to normal with their ability to remember.

Are you stressing yourself too much by taking on too many projects at once? This will cause you to become
preoccupied, and you may feel as though you can't afford to take the time to relax and recharge your brain.
But to do the best job no matter what the job, one must take care of oneself. Besides the physical damage
of overworking, over-thinking will lead to mental meltdown. Your short-term memory will begin to suffer,
causing you to forget even the simplest of words.

So, first consider if there is anything you can do to ease your burden, like learning to say no when you
already have too much on your agenda. Let someone else take over when possible, delegate
responsibilities, learn to stop giving so much of yourself that you begin to suffer because of it. It's easy to do
too much for your loved ones, especially. Mothers (or fathers) decide that something may be done faster or
done in a more satisfactory way, so they neglect to allow their children to handle things they are really quite
capable of doing. Hence, an overworked and harried mother, who begins to lose her keys or wallet, forgets
to put gas in the car, neglects to put the school gym clothes in the wash, can't remember a neighbor's name
that they have seen and spoken to often, or calls his or her child by their other child's name. Maybe the
children won't do the chore exactly as you do or as quickly as you or as well as you, but the child can't learn
how to perfect their efforts unless they perform trial and error. Give them the benefit of the doubt and accept
their imperfect achievements whenever possible. Gentle guidance and praise are the keys here.

There are health reasons that can cause our words to escape us. Short-term memory loss is one of the
drawbacks to having diabetes. If you struggle with your blood sugar levels, you are sure to have memory
challenges from time to time. Motivation, the proper diet and medication, along with strict self-discipline will
get the situation back under control and the memory should return to normal.

There is an old phrase that goes 'Use it or lose it'. Sometimes we can retain our sanity and our memory loss
just by making the effort to exercise our brains. Besides the benefits of physical exercise, mental exercise is
also essential to overall health. Take up a new activity, something to make you think, some way to present
a challenge to your mind. Of course, you want to avoid having to try too hard or you'll just become
discouraged. Take baby steps if necessary, keeping up with each accomplishment and making each new
challenge a bit harder. Besides improving your ability to recall words, this will boost your self-esteem.
Are you employed? If you are and if you work in an office setting, do you know how to make good use of
your time? If not, it is vital to your success and your financial standings that you start doing so as soon as

Unfortunately, many individuals do not know the many consequences that they may face if they don't
perform their best at work. Even if you have been able to slide under the radar before socializing with
coworkers or surfing the internet, your time of just messing around may soon come to an end. This is
because more employers realize just how much money they are truly losing with employees who don't know
how to manage their time.

As for the dangers of not properly managing your time at work, you are less likely to stay focused and on
task. If you do not understand the importance of managing your time at work, you are more likely to get
distracted, which may delay an important project or prevent you from meeting a deadline. This, in itself, can
have a number of serious consequences. In a professional workplace, you shouldn't miss a deadline unless
you have a good reason for doing so.

Another danger of not managing your time is that you are likely to get unorganized easily. In fact, did you
know that organization and time management go hand in hand? If you do not know how to properly manage
your time, you likely rush to complete simple tasks, such as putting away important files. This will likely
result in errors. However, when you later go to find those important files or documents, they may not be
where you thought. This may result in you wasting time searching for them.

Although you may not necessarily think about this danger, it is still important to take into consideration. That
danger is setting a bad example. Many individuals do not understand the ripple effect that most workplaces
have. If other coworkers see that you are able to waste your time, either by socializing or playing computer
games, they may try to do the same, especially if you are able to get away with this type of behavior. You
may unintentionally endanger a whole office or company.

Perhaps, the biggest danger of not knowing how to properly manage your time at the workplace is putting
your job at risk. As previously stated, many business owners are realizing just how much money they are
losing on poor performing employees; therefore, many are starting to take action. You may receive a
warning first, but there is a good chance that you will lose your job. After all, why should a company pay you
to not work when there are hundreds of other men and women out there who would love to have your job?

If the possibility of losing your job wasn't enough, it is important to take into consideration what can and will
likely happen with your good name. If you are terminated from your job, chances are you will find it difficult
to find a job in a similar position. This is most often the case if you had a good, well paying job, such as that
of an office manager. Many high paying positions require recommendations and job references. If you get
terminated from your position, these will be hard to come by. In fact, instead of not giving any comment at
all, you may end up getting a bad recommendation!

The above mentioned examples are just a few of the many ways that you may end up suffering from poor
productivity at work. The good news, however, is that you may be surprised just how easy it is to change
your ways. Whether you choose to create daily to do lists for yourself, use a computerized day planner, or
learn to better prioritize your responsibilities, get started with doing so as soon as possible.
Are you an individual who knows how to make good use of your time? If you are not, you may want to learn
ways to make improvements. This is because time management can have a negative impact on your
personal life. Unfortunately, many individuals only believe that poor time management hurts those in the
workplace, but this isn't the case. In fact, there are a number of ways that your personal life can suffer from
poor time management.

If you do not know how to manage your time, there is a good chance that you will be stressed out. You may
also feel a wide range of other emotions, including anger, frustration, and fear. With that said, if you know
how to properly manage time you are more likely to live a happy, healthy, productive, and stress free life.

Although we often associate poor time management with missed deadlines and showing up late to work, it is
important to remember that the same can be said with your social life. Do you have friends? How much do
you stay in contact with them? How often do you get together for coffee or lunch? If you do, do you show
up for your meetings with friends late or do you forget to make regular contact with them? If you do, you
may end up putting your friendships at risk.

In addition to having a negative impact on your friendships, poor time management may also have an impact
on your relationship. To have a healthy and happy relationship, time management is important. You need to
know how much time you should devote to your spouse, as opposed to spending it working, watching
television, or hanging out with friends. Time management is also important as you want to make sure that
you arrive home or at dates on time.

If you are a parent, having poor time management may also impact the relationship that you have with your
children. When you are a parent, you have responsibilities to your children. The most common of these
responsibilities is to feed and clothe your children. Depending on their ages, you may also be reasonable
for getting them ready and sent off to school or daycare. If you do not have proper sense of time or if you do
just choose not to use your time wisely, you can end up hurting your children, like by making them late to
school or other important events. All individuals are encouraged to have good sense of time, but it is vital for

In keeping with being a parent, if you are a parent, poor use of your time also sets bad examples for your
children. Whether your children are teenagers, toddlers, or elementary school aged, they will likely make
note of your behaviors. If you want your children to get good grades at school and later get good jobs, it is
important that you teach them all about time management and its importance. One of the best ways to do
so is by setting a good example for your children. The good news is that this is a lot easier than it sounds.
You can set a good example for your children by getting ready for work in the morning on time or by arriving
at scheduled events on time.

Another one of the many ways that having a poor sense of time management can hurt you is with your
credit. Those who have poor time management also often have poor credit. This is because those who are
unable to properly manage their time often pay their bills late. With credit cards, this can result in expensive
minimum payments that just cannot be paid. By knowing when all of your bills are due, you are likely to
have better credit, but time management is important.

As you can see, there are a number of ways that poor time management can negatively impact your
personal life. For that reason, take steps to make sure it doesn't impact yours.
Are you a parent? If you are, do you know the importance of properly managing your time? Since you have
the responsibly of working, getting your children clothed for the day, and sending them off to school or
daycare, there is a good chance that you know the importance of time management alto well. But, do your
children know? If not, you should teach them.

As for why you should teach your children about time management, namely the importance of it and how to
achieve, you will find that there are a number of benefits to doing so. A few of those benefits are highlighted
below for your convenience.

For starters, it is important to know that time management is a lifelong lesson. It is one that your children will
need to learn anyways, so why not get them started now? A head start on important life lessons can never
hurt a child. In fact, poor time management, especially at the high school and college level can hinder your
children's ability to get a good job and make a good living.

Another one of the many reasons why you are encouraged to teach your children about time management,
as well as share time managing tips with your child is because it is easy to do so. One of the best ways to
teach your children how to properly manage their time is to set a good example. For instance, before
leaving for an important event, show your children the clock and tell them what time you need to be ready to
leave by. When you are ready to leave, be sure to make note of the time. If you and your family are able to
beat that time, be sure to congratulate and praise your children, especially those that are young in age.

As sited as an example above, setting goals to be ready to leave the house by is a good way to teach your
children about management. A fun approach for younger children is to rely on a kitchen timer. You can
make a time management game out of brushing teeth, cleaning up a room, and so forth. This is ideal for
toddlers and preschoolers. In addition to showing by example, it is also important to talk to your children
about time management. Around the ages of eight to ten, children are better able to understand the
consequences of running late. These consequences may involve missing a fun activity.

Another reason why you should talk to your children about time management and share important tips with
them is because there are a number of benefits to doing so. These benefits are ones that will help your
child for years to come.

At the elementary school, high school, and college levels, having a good sense of time can help your
children get better grades. When in high school and in college, your children will have more freedom, in
terms of studying and completing homework assignments. Those who have a poor sense of time and those
who do not know how to manage their time are likely to get poor grades on tests and homework

Another one of the many benefits to teaching your child how to improve their time is that you can receive
some additional help at home. As parent, you should be relying on your children, especially teenagers to
complete small tasks. These tasks should depend on their age. For example, toddlers and preschoolers
should be able to clean their rooms and teenagers can help with laundry or dishes. These important skills
are all skills that children should learn anyways, so why not turn them into time management lessons?

Since there are a number of benefits to educating your child on the importance of time management, you
are advised to do so right away. As a reminder, toddlers and preschoolers, although young, can still benefit
from a few important lessons.
Are you a high school student or a college student who finds it difficult to manage your time? If you regularly
find yourself having late night study sessions or if you miss important deadlines to turn in your homework
assignments, you may need to learn how to make better use of your time.

As important as it is to hear that time management is important for all students, including high school and
college students, you may be wondering why. In all honesty, there are an unlimited number of reasons why
proper time management is important for students. A few of those reasons are highlighted below for your

Learning how to properly manage your time will not only allow you to complete your homework assignments
on time, but it will also allow you to stay better organized. In fact, this is great because time management
and organization go hand in hand. When implementing a time management plan, you are likely to get all of
your affairs, including your car, desk, and locker in order. This allows you to easily find your books,
homework, assignments, and other school supplies. Staying organized is key to staying focused and on

Another reason why it is important for all students, like yourself, to learn how to properly manage your time
is because it is a good lifelong lesson. When you leave high school or college, you will likely enter into the
workforce. Do you honestly expect to be paid to sit around and surf the internet or socialize with friends or
coworkers? Jobs that allow you to do so are few and far in between. That is why it is important for you to
learn how to effectively manage your time, as there are serious consequences for not doing so in the future.

From the standpoint of a student, proper time management can also make studying easier. When you are
able to devote a specific period of time to studying, you are more likely to do so. This will also help to
eliminate last minute cram sessions, which may occur in the middle of the night. The elimination of late
night study sessions will not only help to keep you happier and better on your feet, but it will also help to
improve your grades.

Speaking of better grades, that is one of the biggest benefits to learning how to properly manage your time.
One of the many ways that you can better manage your time is by creating a to do list for yourself and by
prioritizing. This should allow you to get all of your homework assignments completed on time and with
ease. This is also likely to translate into better grades, since you should not have to rush.

The elimination of stress is another one of the many benefits to having a time management plan in place if
you are a high school or a college student. It is no secret that college and high school can both be stressful
on their own. After all, your grades may have an impact on your future job and your future income. With
that said, proper time management will allow you to get your homework done and studying done in a timely
fashion, eliminating many stressful and nail biting situations.

Now that you know just how important time management for students is, you may be curious as to how you
can improve yours. There are a number of tools that you can use to your advantage, including to do lists,
day planners, alarm clocks, and computerized calendar programs. Eliminating distractions, such as
socializing with friends, television watching, or internet surfing, is another great way to make sure that you
stay focused and on task, especially when completing a school project or studying.

Since your high school and college grades can have an significant impact on your future, start making better
use of your time. As a reminder, there are a number of helpful time management tools that you can use to
your advantage.
Do you work? If you do, you likely have a number of responsibilities at work. If you do, how well do you
perform those responsibilities? Are you known as an overachiever at work or are you known for your poor
time management skills, which often involves you showing up late to work or missing important deadlines?
If so, you need to make changes right away.

As nice as it is to hear that you must improve your time at work, especially if you have a poor sense of time
management, you may wonder what the importance is. In all honesty, there are a number of ways that
making good use of your time at work can help you. On the same note, there are also a number of ways
that poor time management skills can hurt you in the workplace. For more information on these situations,
please continue reading on.

Poor time management at work is likely to have an impact of your public perception, as well as the public
perception of your company as a whole. This is due in part to organization. If you do not know how to
properly manage your time, you are likely very unorganized. This means that your office desk is a mess and
that you may spend extra time looking for misplaced documents or other important files. A messy desk is
not what you want your clients or your bosses to see.

Poor time management can also have an impact on your ability to receive a promotion or a pay raise at
work. Even if you have what you would call a decent job now, there is a good chance that you do aspire to
climb up the company ladder or to make more money. Your chances of doing so are quite slim if you are
known as the worker who likes to waste company time. Learning how to make good use of your time at
work can prevent that from happening, possibly resulting in your receiving a promotion or a pay raise.

Having a poor sense of time and use of time at work can also put your job at risk. You need to think about it
from the standpoint of a business owner. Why would you continue to pay an employee that performs poorly
and who has a poor since of time management when there are many other workers out there who would
love to have the same opportunity? Don't let your inability to properly manage your time cost you your job.

One aspect of poor time management in the workplace that should be examined is that of your credit. If you
do not receive a needed pay raise, a promotion, or if you lose your job, there is a good chance that you will
enter into financial despair. This may impact your ability to buy a home, get a new car, as well as a new job.

As you can see, time management is important if you want to have a happy, healthy, successful, and
profitable career. For that reason, you are urged to take action right away before it is to late. Whether you
temporarily lessen your job responsibilities, create daily task lists for yourself, learn to prioritize better, or
seek time management training from a professional, you are encouraged to do so. Remember, that your job
can otherwise be put at risk.
How are you at managing your time? Are you good at it? If not, you may want to take steps to improve your
time management. Doing so may involve creating a to do list for yourself, prioritizing your goals, and so

As important as it is to hear that managing your time is important, you may be curious as to how so. Did you
know that there are serious consequences to not managing your time, both at the workplace and in your
personal life? To find out what could happen if you don't know how to manage your time or if you don't care
to start, please continue reading on.

As for your personal life, this is where many individuals stand to lose the most if they have poor time
management. Your romantic relationships and friendships can suffer.

As previously stated, poor time management can have a significant impact on your romantic relationships.
In fact, it may cause your relationship or your marriage to fail. For example, those who don't know how to
properly manage their time often have problems managing their money. Not paying your bills on time and
other similar problems may be more than your relationship can handle.

Also, as previously stated, your friendships may suffer due to poor time management. Those who do not
have a good sense of time often show up late for important events. This means that you may find yourself
showing up late to lunch dates with your friends or parties. Doing so, especially time and after, can have a
negative impact on your friendships. In fact, it may put too much stress on your friends.

In addition to having an impact on your personal life, poor time management can also have an impact on
your ability to hold down a job. In fact, that is just one of the many consequences of not being able to
manage your time at the workplace. For example, you may end up losing your job. When you don't have
the ability to stay focused and stay on task, you are likely to follow behind with work responsibilities. This
can put your job at risk because employers know that if you can't do the job, someone else can.

In addition to putting your job at risk, poor management in the workplace, will also put your good name at
risk. It is no secret that being let go from a job is not good. In fact, you may find it difficult to get another job
in the same field. If you have spent years working, there is a good chance that you will likely aim for the
high paying jobs. Even with a lot of education behind you, work experience and reputation is important.
Unfortunately, if an employer chooses to fire you, you likely will not get a good recommendation. This may
essentially leave you stuck with a low-paying, dead-end job.

Since there are a number of serious consequences to not properly managing your time or at least making
important improvements, it is important for you to take action right away. As for what action you should take.
You will find that you have you have a number of different options, a few of which are outlined below.

One of the best ways to learn how to effectively manage your time to is create a to do list for yourself. When
making your list, be sure to prioritize your tasks in order of importance. If you must, ask for help or rely on
the use of time management tools. These tools come in a number of different formats and may include
something as simple as a daily planner or something as elaborate as an automated alert system for cell
phones and computers.

With a large number of serious consequences and the fact that it is easy to manage your time, there are a
number of reasons why you should take steps to make an improvement. That is why you should get started
on improving your time management today.
Are you a business owner? If you are, time management should be of great importance to you. If your
employees do not know how to make proper use of their time, you could be suffering the consequences. As
for what those consequences are, they may include the loss of profits and a poor public perception.

If and when you determine that your employees are wasting their workday or even just a few minutes here
and there, you will want to take action. In fact, the sooner that you take action, the better it will be for you
and your company. As for what action you should take, you may want to consider time management

Time management training; it sounds professional and effective, but what is it? In all honesty, you will find
that time management training comes in a number of different formats. For starters, you can have you own
time management training run by you and your staff. On the other hand, you can use the assistance of a
professional. There are individuals who specialize in teaching others how to stay organized, focused, and
on task. You can hire one of these individuals to come into your workplace and educate your employees.

Now that you know what your main options are in terms of time management training for your office, you
may be curious as to what the pros and cons are. For starters, the cost can be quite high. Many
professionals charge a set rate, but others charge depending on the number of guests in attendance. One
way that you can keep your cost down is by only requiring your problem workers to seek training. Another
way is by hosting your own training sessions. This should be relatively cost effective for you.

Another con or downside to time management training in the workplace is the time that you must spend
doing the trainings. In a way, it can seem like you are wasting the time of your company. In some instances
it may be a time waste, but it is important for you to remember the end result. Taking an hour or even two
hours to teach your staff the importance of time management, as well as sharing tips on how to be
productive in the workplace is likely worth the time spent.

Although there are a number of cons or downsides to having your staff members sit through time
management training, there are also a number of pros or plus sides to doing so as well. One of those is the
fact that you are able to provide your staff members with a refresher course in the area of time management.
This is a nice alternative to terminating some of your employees. In fact, some of your best performing
employees may have problems managing their time. What this means is that when they actually do choose
to work, they are likely to produce the best results. These are the type of employees that you will want to
work with, not terminate right away.

Another one of the many pros or plus sides to having your staff members undergo time management
training is that they shouldn't have any excuses. When you or a professional lays out specific ways that
your employees can better manage their time at work, they don't have any excuses for not doing so. They
can't claim that they didn't know that there were specific approaches they could take, as they sat through the
meeting or training session. In fact, once your employees go through a training session, they are likely to
know that they are being watched. This alone should reduce the amount of time that is wasted by your
employees and produce better results.

Since there are a number of both pros and cons to offering time management training to your staff member,
you need to decide if it is right for you and your company. If you are noticing a lot of staff members who take
too long to complete their work or if you just see your employees hanging around the office, time
management training is a good idea.
The terminal goal of speech therapy is for the client to spontaneously use the appropriate speech sounds of
his or her linguistic culture in connected speech. In this context, therapy becomes a continuum of short-term
goals designed to meet the terminal goal. And therapy procedures may either use the motor or traditional
approach or the cognitive-linguistic approach.

Motor or Traditional Approach

This approach is structure-based and uses drills more. Drills are activities that have rapid rates of stimulus
presentation and which puts much stress on accuracy of the patient's response to the stimulus and the said
response reaching various set criteria.

Under this approach is auditory training. Its proponent is Charles Van Riper. This procedure uses pictures
and games as motivational events or events that serve as a way of presenting stimuli. Activities are mainly
about speech sound discrimination. It highlights the awareness and detection of sound.

Another procedure is the exercise of the oral motor structures. It is used when an oral motor assessment
shows muscle weakness or spasticity. For children, it should be made fun and functional. It also uses
mirrors for visual feedback.

One other procedure under this approach is phonetic placement. Van Riper was also the proponent of this
procedure. It provides clients with verbal descriptions or instructions regarding articulatory position and
movements for target sound. It is usually used together with visual, auditory, tactile and kinesthetic cues.

Weiner's contribution to this field is his modified sensory motor approach. It is where a word in which the
target sound is correct in the final position is paired with a word in which the same sound is in error in the
initial position. The words are produced without a pause to facilitate assimilation of the incorrectly produced

In this line also is syllabication. It uses the syllable-by-syllable production of words. It is used in addressing
weak syllable deletion or the deletion of the syllable in a word which is the least stressed.

One procedure that is closely related to syllabication is chaining. The client is first asked to say the whole
word. If he says a syllable incorrectly, the therapist instructs the patient to look at his lips while he produces
the word syllable by syllable with the patient following him after every syllable until he produces the word the
same way that the therapist did.

Cognitive-Linguistic Approach

The first procedure under this approach is auditory bombardment, also known as cycles approach. There
are treatment cycles which have their designated phonemes, taught in a span of 2-4 weeks. Auditory
bombardment requires that the patient be bombarded with the phonemes that he needs to learn without him
being aware of it.

Another procedure is auditory bombarding with PACT (Parents and Children Together). Here, production
should not be over-emphasized. It may use funny, perceptually salient make-up words like ker-plunk, boing,
shilly-shally or kaboom. All that matters is that the words contain the phonemes that are being targeted.

Modified cycles approach is also under this group. It requires the clinician to make purposeful and obvious
lexical errors in words that contain target phonemes to make the patient correct the clinician, thus producing
the target sound. Parental involvement is important for explanations of goals, procedures, and assignments.

Minimal contrast therapy, on the other hand, contrasts presence and absence of phonemes, establishing
also the difference between phonemes. This procedure can be utilized in addressing perceptual or
production difficulties when it comes to final sounds of words, establishing the difference between words like
fee and feet.
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself how you can profit from being organized? Below are some little-
known benefits: *You'll be able to relax more. By getting organized, your stress levels will go down, and
you'll be able to live a less chaotic, more relaxed life. *You'll have more time for yourself. By being more
efficient, like getting your projects done quicker, being able to delegate, wasting less time looking for things
and being able to make faster decisions, you'll spend less time 'working' and will have more time for yourself
and the things you love to do. *You'll have more time for your loved ones. An organized person is always
able to fit in time for friends and family members. *You'll feel good about your surroundings. Being
disorganized often results in embarrassment. You may feel anxious when visitors drop by your home or
office and see clutter or stuff out of place. Get organized, and you'll forever feel excellent about your
surroundings--good enough to invite people in without worries. * You'll be healthier. Get organized and
you'll have more than enough time to exercise and cook healthy meals for yourself and your family. *You'll
do better professionally. An organized person gives a much better business impression than someone who
can't find a phone number, has an office piled with cardboard boxes or is always late for appointments.
*You'll save more. Money, that is. When you're organized, you'll always know what you have, before you
buy more. * You'll accomplish more. When you're disorganized, there are always barriers that hold you back
from attaining your goals. However organized people find ways to reduce tasks that aren't required and to
streamline those that are taking too much time. This leaves ample time to work on achieving all of those
goals on your list.
When your life seems out of control and you've got endless demands tugging at you from all directions, it's
easy to feel overwhelmed, fatigued - and just plain stressed!

Believe it or not, balancing your life does not require massive changes. You don't have to quit your job,
abandon your family and escape to a remote retreat in order to feel peaceful and happy. In fact, true
balance is something that starts WITHIN YOU first and foremost - no matter what else is happening in your
outer life circumstances.

Below you'll find three simple ways to begin building a greater sense of inner peace and harmony:

1) Quiet time.

One of the first things we tend to sacrifice when we're busy is our personal time. Instead we devote all of
our energy and attention to caring for others, multi-tasking, meeting responsibilities and "being productive."
Over time this depletes our energy and we begin to feel more and more burdened by our responsibilities.

To live a more balanced life, quiet time to yourself is CRUCIAL. You may believe that you don't have any
time available for yourself, but something amazing happens when you consistently MAKE time; you find
yourself feeling happier and more energetic, your focus improves - and you still get plenty done! Just a few
minutes spent sitting quietly in meditation or reading a book can do wonders in transforming stress into
peace and happiness.

2) Self-care.

Beyond making time for things you enjoy, there are other ways to nurture and love yourself on a daily basis.
Getting a full 8 hours of sleep (or as much as you personally need) is a great start, as well as eating
nutritious food, exercising daily and speaking kindly to yourself.

Have you ever noticed that when you're really tired or stressed, even the smallest problem can seem like a
nightmare? On the other hand, when you're feeling well-rested and centered, you're much better able to
handle upsets. Caring for yourself is one sure way to consistently replenish your energy, inner peace and
joy - which means you'll have the strength to handle whatever comes your way.

3) Flexibility.

Did you know that one of the biggest causes of stress is rigid expectations? We all do it from time to time;
get a mental picture of how our lives 'should be" - and get really annoyed when our outer circumstances
don't cooperate! One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is a flexible state of mind. In other words,
learn how to detach from unrealistic expectations and go with the flow.

When you have a flexible mind-set, you're able to deal with crises and problems much more easily because
you're not working against a preconceived notion of how things 'should be". You're able to tap into your
creative problem-solving skills and move through challenges without all the drama and frustration. Be like
the tree that bends with the breeze - and you're much less likely to break!

These inner changes can make a dramatic difference in your state of well-being, but you may also want to
examine your outer life circumstances and see if there are other small changes you can make to help
support your inner work.

For example, you might choose to let go of certain obligations that are no longer meaningful or enjoyable to
you. Just because you agreed to host weekly meetings for a support group three years ago doesn't mean
you have to keep doing it forever - especially if it's become a drain on your time and energy!

Be willing to let go of activities that no longer complement the lifestyle you desire, and you'll create a space
for greater fulfillment, joy and peace.
Time management can be interpreted in several ways. But it is commonly understood as proper allocation of
time in terms of maximizing it by accomplishing more tasks. It could be applied to a lot of situations, whether
in school, or work, and basically everywhere that requires something to get done within a certain period of

Time Management In Focus

With a lot of things to do in a span of 24 hours, most people have a difficult time setting their priorities and
recognizing what are the things that must be done first. There are a lot of distractions in life that can take our
attention away from far more important things. Eventually, most of us fail to maximize our use of time that
we end up accomplishing nothing for the day. Hence, the big question is: how do you manage your time?

Time management works very much like economics. It is an allocation of scarce resources, which in this
case is time, in order to reap maximum efficiency at the end of the day. However, we don't need to become
good economists in order to efficiently manage our time. All we need is common sense and good sense of
judgment in order to maximize everything we do.

Few Things To Consider To Proper Time Management

In order to properly manage your time, there are a few things that you have to consider. You have to
condition yourself to do the most important or most urgent tasks first. This is what sets responsible people
apart from those who aren't. Knowing what things to prioritize first will help you to overcome all those
distractions along the way. However, recognizing your priorities is just mainly your first step. As the cliche
goes, it is easier said than done. It is best recommended to list down the things you have to do for the day.
When you already have the checklist or to-do list for the day, you have to create a mindset wherein you
must fulfill them. Once you are used to this list, soon you will get used to this that you do not even have to
keep listing them. Instead, you'd create a mental note for what you are set to do for the rest of the day.

By doing this, you are not only able to set your priorities but develops a sense of responsibility that will prove
helpful in the long run.

Knowing what your priorities are is just the first step. Relaxation is also an important factor in our everyday
activities. The best thing to do is to initiate periodic rest times ideally 10 minutes every 2 hours in order to
relax our mind and muscles from the stressful. Relaxing once in a while also improves our concentration in
what we are doing. Hence, it improves your level of productivity. Advantages Of Time Management

There are a lot of advantages when we properly manage our time but we will just discuss a few and most
important ones.

It eliminates cramming – When you have properly set your priorities, you are able to finish your task early.
This cuts time and you'd be more likely to accomplish things in advance. Hence, you avoid cramming. When
you do your work earlier than usual it also follows you to achieve better results because you could allocate
more time to focus on your task.

Eliminates stress – When you keep on beating deadlines, there is the tendency to use up more time. When
this happens, you disrupt your sleeping habits and thus produce more stress. Proper Time management
helps you eliminate the stress because you properly allocate your time for work and rest.

Proper allocation of your time is a hard task, but once you get used to it, you are sure to become more
Time boxing is a system of time management which breaks down a long and complex task into smaller
pieces. Each piece of the task must be accomplished by a specific deadline. In time boxing deadlines are
not flexible, but everything else in the project is.

In time boxing a large task is broken down into several sections. Each section has specific guidelines for its
completion. When the boxes are first "laid out", along with their deadlines, the project may be very detailed.
As each deadline approaches, if the tasks first pinpointed in the time box are not near to completion, certain
aspects of those tasks may be scraped.

One example of this type of time management system might be to consider a script for a motion picture. The
scenes are laid out in boxes, with 5 or 6 scenes to be completed at each deadline. As the deadline
approaches one of scenes may be dropped, in order to finish the completion of that section of the project on

Time boxing does not work in every instance. The key element to this system of time management is the
deadline. In some cases if the deadline is not met, the entire project is scraped as a result.

The system works best when a strict budget must be adhered to, thus preventing the extending of deadlines,
in order to finish the work.
Time management can be done by just about anyone. Most people would like to believe they have full
control of their time. However, most of the time they are consumed by trying to fit in every priority into what
little time they have. There will always be deadlines, whether it is imposed by events such as a flight
schedule that would leave at a certain time, or by other people like your boss that asks you to do a project
and he needs it by the end of the week.

How can you effectively manage your time when you only have control of a meager percentage of your
time? There are techniques that you can do to provide solution to this daunting question.

1.) Note Where You Spend Your Time

Try to have a log book or a "To-do" list where you can note down what you are doing and what else needs to
be done. This will better help you manage your time, so you don't end up repeating tasks. Sometimes it
would take longer for you to do this but this exercise will help you start off in managing your own time by
highlighting where you are spending most of your time. Hence, you will be able to evaluate what you do and
decide whether or not you need to change your time emphasis.

2.) Applying The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule simply means that 80% of the results would come from the 20% of the time and effort that
you use. Analyze and work on what you can do best that can guarantee the best results for your effort.
Then, spend time doing that rather than doing some activities that are unproductive and can lead to delay on
your work.

3.) Leaving Things Unfinished

This may sound like it's the opposite of time management but there are lots of things that can come across
our paths that can be safely ignored and undone. Therefore, you can postpone them some other time. An
example would be checking your e-mails whether or not it will arrive at your recipient or not. If it is really
urgent, then you can ask for someone's help to take your place so you can make sure you still accomplish
whatever needs to get done.

4.) Skipping The News

The daily news on the television will continue to happen whether you watch it for 30 minutes a day or not.
You will find out that cutting out watching the news on the television has a good side effect of automatically
cutting out lots of negativity in your life. This is like killing two birds with one stone as you also gain 30 more
minutes to do your work.

5.) Learn To Say No

Perhaps one of the most effective time management techniques is practicing to say no to less important
tasks and events. When you can say no, you gain an assertion technique that can and should be developed.
When you can do this, you can finish the more important tasks earlier rather than putting them off at a later
time. You will also avoid cramming just to get everything done on time.

6.) Hiring The Services Of Others

When you really need help to finish all the things you need to be done, you can always hire some help. For
instance, you can hire cleaners for your home, or a gardener to look and keep your garden clean while you
do your work. Entrust these less important tasks to the people you hired.
Time management is a useful tool any person can have and apply when leading a stressful lifestyle. With
effective time management skills, you can have more time to finish your work on time, especially when
you're trying to meet deadlines.

Time management courses can be found either online or offline. There are books that can be seen on your
local book shop about effective time management techniques. Or you can read various helpful articles over
the Internet about how to practice useful time management techniques.

When applying and taking these time management courses, you can achieve lots of benefits. Some of these
benefits to learning and practicing these time management courses are:

• Do better with your work output and accomplish them with less effort and time

• Have enough time to focus on other equally valuable aspects of your life

• Leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the effort you put in and the results you got

• Focus more time and energy on the things that are most important to you

• Plan and achieve your short and long-term goals

• Reduce idle time or wasted time so that you will have more productive output by the end of the day

• Get the job done while having reduced stress and anxiety

• Become excellent when it comes to time management in all aspects of your life

The following are tips and techniques that you can use if you want to establish more effective time
management skills. Their success rate vary from one technique to the other but learning how to utilize these
techniques to achieve desirable results would be worth the effort.

1.) How To Make A To-Do List

Most time management courses would teach you how to create an effective a to-do list that you can start
using if you want to learn and practice effective time management. This is because when you have a to-do
list, you do not have to rely on your own memory to remind you of what you need to do. You can consult on
an actual list to keep track of tasks completed and those that you still have to finish.

2.) Learning How To Say No

Another time management course that you may come across is practicing how to say no. What this aims to
teach you is better recognition of more important tasks. It teaches you how to effectively turn down or resist
doing less important things when you are trying to beat a deadline. Aside from that, it also enhances your

3.) Thought Before Action

One of the skills that enhance your ability to manage your time well is learning how to think before acting on
something. Hence, you will be able to avoid unnecessary actions that would slow your work down.

4.) Identifying Bad Habits

A good time management course is one that teaches you how to identify your undesirable habits. When we
say bad habits, it means those activities that waste your time, sabotage your goals, and slow down (if not
utterly block) your success. Thus, you need to break this bad habit by replacing them with healthy and time
efficient ones.
One way that many people can increase their productivity, and thereby improve upon their overall time
management skills is through learning to delegate responsibilities to others. Whether in personal or
professional life "no man is an island unto himself."

When time constraints and looming deadlines threaten, it is not the weak person, but the strong one, that
can assign some of the burden to others.

Many people with time management difficulties simply have taken on too much. In one's personal life it can
be difficult to say "no" and in one's professional life it can be downright impossible. An angry boss or
supervisor is not something anyone wants to deal with. If you find yourself in a crunch that you can't possibly
get out of, this may be the time when you simply must call in the reinforcements.

Whenever possible a team approach to large projects and difficult tasks should be adopted in the
professional world. While some people may have a difficult time trusting others to carry their share of the
load, learning to delegate can be an important step in to more effectively using your time.

Decide upon what skills you have, and which aspects of the project are most suited to your own level of
ability and creativity. Assign smaller tasks, such as running copies, doing research work, to others. This
frees up your time and energy to concentrate on the more important aspects of the job.

At home tasks can be delegated to other family members. Even the youngest child can learn to do some
chores, such as picking up toys, or putting towels on a shelf.

By requiring children to share some of the burden of household chores you are also teaching them to be
responsible, and helping them prepare for adulthood.
A nurse deals and is responsible for a lot of things in a clinic, a hospital, or a place where their services are
needed. They help treat, recover sick people with their acute or severe illnesses, maintain their patient's
good health, and treat life-threatening illnesses and emergencies within a very wide range of health care
practices. This is just among the many responsibilities of nurses, along with other health care professionals.

Indeed, a nurse's task is not only difficult but also complicated. Nurses are their to provide the doctor a
lending hand when it comes to treating sick patients. Not only that, they also have to continually acquire new
and innovative ways to provide the best form of treatment needed according to a patient's case. Some of
these cases include caring for infants, promoting means to assist the growth of toddlers, or ways of
preventing certain diseases. They work is critical because it is their patients' lives on the line, and so there's
no room for error.

Nurses need lo learn a lot of various skills that are important for practicing their profession. With all these
strenuous activities that nurses undertake everyday, they would sometimes be unable to attend to other
tasks at hand.

A nurse needs to prioritize all their activities in order to provide more room for his or her other important daily
activities. One way to be able to succeed in doing that is through effective time management skills.

Some suggested time management techniques that nurses should use include the following:

1.) Organize Your Activities For The Day

First of all when you are a nurse, you should note down the most important things that you should be doing
for the day, and even in the days to come. You have to emphasize your top priorities, in case you need
some things done first before the others. This will help organize your tasks so you can easily attend to them
and finish necessary tasks on time. And with good management of time, you still have enough time left to do
other useful activities.

2.) Focus And Prioritize

Prioritize on the most important tasks that are to be done and focus on them. Don't let yourself be distracted
by things that would delay you and prevent you from finishing your tasks on time. Avoid interruptions such
as taking long chats with fellow nurses or patients so as not to delay the completion of your tasks. You can
attend to less important activities after you are done with your shift or during free time.

3.) Avoid Less Important Activities

Avoid activities that would make you spend a lot of time. Among these things are watching television, taking
long chats, sending e-mails on the internet, or taking too long conversations on the telephone. You may not
realize it but a majority of your time is spent on less important things that you can probably do a day without.
Although you can allot a few time for these, you should not spend substantial or valuable time on them.

Beyond better performance at your job, better time management helps lessen the stress in the life of nurses.
This would then help them to better communicate with the people they are working with. And better
communication at work increases your effectivity and productivity at work.
For new parents, they face a common dilemma of making that much needed transition. If you do have work,
you also need to juggle that along with your priorities in the family. You can probably easily manage the time
at the office but the real challenge lies in organizing your household such as sending or picking the kids up
at school, preparing dinner, or cleaning up the house. If not managed well, these tasks can prove stressful.

When you have kids for the first time, it is only natural to suffer from jitters especially with a new setup.
However, the solution to this is simple. You just have to cope with your situation since it is only through
experience that you'd be able to find a better approach to family life. But here are proven and trusted
solutions that any parent might find useful.

Setting Priorities

Learning how to properly set priorities is among the most important skill that every parent, whether new or
not, must practice especially for the working ones. The key here is to recognize the difference in schedule as
compared to when you were on your own now that you have your kids as your main obligation. Then, you
can make the appropriate changes.

You must be able to determine which is your top priority: is it your kids or your work? You have to remember
that your decisions have trade-offs, therefore you would have to identify which of them has the least trade-

An additional tip that you can employ, you can also try setting up a 'to-do" list for your set of activities within
a day. That way, you can easily update what priorities you need to focus one.

Delegating other Duties

When it comes to work at home, it is usually the wives' responsibility to handle them. However, wives must
not carry the sole burden of looking after the entire house. Instead, you can delegate other duties to your
husband so you can have equal share of the workload at home.

If your husband is not acquainted with domestic chores, this is the best time to get him started. You can
divide the chores at home such as washing the dishes, doing the laundry, or cleaning up the house. If not,
then you can have him take care of the kids while you finish up on some chores. More than being able to
accomplish the chores faster, it forms a bond and creates a healthier working relationship between both of
you as parents.

If your kids are old enough, you can even ask them to help you out with the tasks at home. You can start
with training them to fix their beds or clean up their rooms, as well as putting their dirty clothes into the
laundry basket. Aside from the help they can provide you in maintaining your home, it also teaches them
how to be responsible.

Planning out in Advance what you have to do

For mothers, it is best to plan ahead what you have set out to do for the following day. Among these things
is creating a menu ahead of time. Therefore, when it is time to prepare lunch or dinner for the family, you
already have an idea what to cook for them.

By creating a weekly menu, you increase your efficiency. After all, who has the time and energy to spend
wondering about what to cook for dinner after an exhausting day at the office?

Delegate Proper Time for Shopping

When it comes to going out with your family, you need to also plan ahead your itinerary. This will help you
prepare the things you will bring with you ahead and figure out if you have missed anything. Enough
preparation will ensure that you will have all the things you need for this day off with the family.

As for shopping, there are a few simple tips that any mother would find useful. Shopping at the grocery
usually takes a lot of time. Hence, you need to produce a list of the essential items you need to pick up. Not
only will this help make shopping faster, but will also make sure that you do not forget anything. Or else you
would eat up more time since you have to return to get the items you've missed.

For parents, time management usually entails mere common sense. And when you have properly set your
priorities, you are good to go.
In today's world, we face a lot of distractions every day. The case is especially tough for a typical student
who is struggling to create a balance between school and other societal factors that contribute to becoming
a holistic individual.

Therefore, today's young generation is slowly losing their sense of time management. The dilemma lies in
sifting through all these factors and setting their priorities. Without proper time management, a student could
indeed fall behind and live an imbalanced life.

1.) Balance Between Work, Study, And Life

Contrary to popular belief, time management works simply. However, the hard part is being able to practice
it and implant it within your subconscious to make it seem natural.

For a student, he or she must be able to classify time alloted for classes, working, studying, and partying. If
you do not have a clear sense of what to do with your time, it is easy to go along with the flow and that is
where poor time management all begins.

A student must be able to differentiate the various aspects of your student life, so there is always a separate
time for everything. For instance, you have an upcoming quiz or exam, you must learn to cut down or
eliminate partying from your schedule to allot more time for study. Indeed, for this method to be a success
one must need only common sense. However, some people tend to over estimate their capacity to manage
their time. Hence, they end up consuming more time doing one task that they have none left for the other.

Learn how to adjust your schedule so you won't end up stressing out just trying to make up for lost time. If
you have to, write down your schedule so you can keep track of where you need to be at a certain time.

2.) Time Portioning

Students might initially find doing school assignments and work projects boring and stressful. However, you
can opt to divide the larger tasks into small, more manageable, tasks. That way, you won't find yourself
eating up several hours of your time just trying to complete one task.

Another benefit for doing this is that you'd be able to allocate these smaller tasks into smaller time schedules
that would have a definite start and end. Once you have completed those smaller tasks, you can move on to
other tasks. Hence, it eliminates the boring factor as you continually alter your schedule instead of being
stuck on one for hours.

3.) Reward For Managing Your Time

When you manage your time as a student, you can get some more free time to spare as rewards so you
have more time to go to parties or just have a bit of fun. Remember that all work and no play would make a
student very dull.
Before even attempting to play time management games, you have to bear in mind that it can be addicting.
Hence, it is important to also learn how to manage your playing time. Also, when you download time
management games, make sure they are from a website that you trust and are free of viruses. Therefore,
you have to keep your anti-virus program updated.

There are many time management games online that can be played online or have a downloadable version
of the game. There are many games from different categories but they would still fall on time management.
You can try several of these time management games to find out which one you would like the most. Some
of these games are listed here.

Diner Dash

This is a popular time management game that brings out the entrepreneur in all of us. In this game, you play
as Flo who got tired of her desk job and was forced to start up her own restaurant business. Flo is now
working on her own to get to the top.

The game is not as easy as it looks. Here, your time management skill will be put to the test as you have to
wait on customers, deliver their orders, tell customers to sit down, and many others. As you progress from
one level to the next, the game only gets harder.

Those who have previously played Diner Dash have noticed that it combines a fast paced puzzle action
game with a "build your own restaurant" theme. For the first few levels of the game, you would start off as a
greasy spoon run of the mill diner. And if you succeed, you can end up with Flo in her dream restaurant.

Diner Dash offers over 40 challenging levels to play that would progress you through 4 complete re-models
of your restaurant. It also offers five different types of customers with each of them having specific
behaviors. There is also a high score tracking and an automatic game save function so you can go back to
the level where you left off.

Delicious 2 Deluxe

Another popular time management game is Delicious 2 Deluxe. This time, you take the role of Emily who
needs to help her Uncle Antonio out of a financial fix. You need to help Emily by retrieving her family's
finances in over five all new restaurants. You can use the income that you have earned while playing
through the game to purchase decorations for your restaurant in order to bring in more customers. There are
Emily's friends and family to help you get through with Emily's problem; but it would still take most of your
help in order to retrieve Uncle Antonio's finances.

Delicious 2 Deluxe offers two game modes with over 60 challenging levels, plus five all-new restaurants with
new customers. Plus, you can customize the restaurant's decorations according to your own preference.

These are just a couple of time management games that can be found on the internet. Playing time
management games can help you experience and learn more time management techniques. Always
remember though that these games can be addictive, so take a break once in a while from playing and
return to your everyday work schedules.
Time Management methods most often incorporate some element of the goal setting process, as a key
ingredient for overall effective use of time. Whether in the personal or professional realm, goal setting is an
important aspect in becoming a productive individual, who effectively manages time.

When speaking of "goals" this term will include any number of specific tasks which need to be completed,
from household chores to major business proposals. Tasks to be performed are referred to as either short,
medium, or long term goals, depending on the available time the individual has to complete them.

Short term goals may be thought of as daily goals. These often include everyday chores, as well as projects
which need to be completed immediately. In effective time management a list of short terms goals is
formulated, and each goal on that list is completed, on a daily basis.

Medium term goals are often goals that need to be completed within one week to one month of time.
Depending on the amount of time required to complete the goal, a medium term may be broken up into
smaller pieces, to be accomplished daily. For instance, a project which will take 6 to 7 hours to complete can
be broken into pieces, requiring only 1 hour per day.

Long term goals can reflect major undertakings, such as obtaining a college degree, building a new home,
or any number of other such goals. These goals are broken down into daily, weekly, monthly and even
yearly goals.

For instance, to obtain a college degree in 4 years the individual will need to research financial options,
register for classes, take and pass specific subjects, complete homework assignments etc... Long term
goals are best managed when broken down into small sections, each one a step toward completion of the
final goal.
Ask yourself these questions:

• Am I working effectively?

• Is the work I do efficient?

• Do I have many fruitful hours of work or am I always distracted?

There are a number of time management tips to help you organize your office or workplace time more
effectively and efficiently to get more out of your usual work day.

Workplace Time Management Tips:

1.) Purchase An Answering Machine Or Get A Secretary To Answer Your Phone Messages

Rather than being constantly being distracted by answering your telephone, hire a secretary or get an
answering machine to take your phone messages for you. You can then set them aside at a certain point in
the day to return those calls. Be breaking apart the time you spend doing your work and taking phone calls,
you will be able to focus more clearly on the each task at hand so you can get more out of your time. Having
and practicing effective time management skills would give you focus on the current important tasks. With
this, an important time management tip would be to minimize distractions as much as possible, such as
using the phone and the computer while working for e-mails.

2.) Make A To-Do List For The Days Ahead

You can sometimes see To-Do lists as a usual time management tip. Practicing effective time management
skills and techniques on your workplace means that before you leave for the office or your workplace, you
already have a prepared to-do list for the day. Hence you will easily be able to plan ahead your day. This
way, once you enter your workplace you know exactly what to do in order to focus your attention on that.

3.) Do Things That Would Take 5 Minutes Or Less Immediately

Another time management skill in the workplace is that if you do a task that would only take you 5 minutes or
less you need to that as soon as you receive it. When doing this, you will get the less important things out of
the way immediately and you won't waste time thinking about doing it later.

4.) Keeping Your Workplace Clean And Organized

One of the major causes of ineffective time management, especially in the workplace, is not keeping your
desk or office organized. Keep your office well organized, like keeping in places you have assigned them to
and you won't waste your time searching for things that you need. Doing this also minimizes items from
going missing as you would know exactly where you left them.

5.) Prioritizing

Setting and listing your major priorities is vital. Therefore, an important time management tip would be that
you should and always know both long term and daily basis of what your priorities are.

6.) Dividing Your Workload

You don't have to do everything yourself. You can divide yours with other office personnel. This not only cuts
time in terms of finishing your office workload but also makes it easier on your part. When you know
someone in your workplace that can get the job done faster than you then you can delegate the load to that

7.) Setting Smart Goals

Setting goals that would be achievable, rewarding, specific, and timely would let you know what you are
working towards for. Goals are useful in presenting to you what kind of steps you need to take in order to
fulfill your dreams for the future.
Throughout the course of history mankind has sought to develop new ways to record, track and make better
use of time. From the invention of the sundial to the introduction of the modern calendar, the need to
responsibly understand and manage time has been a concern to individuals, both in their professional and
personal lives, for thousands of years.

Modern methods of time management incorporate various ways of recording time, to help an individual
identify barriers to the effective use of time. Long and short term goal setting is encouraged. The term time
management also applies to any number of methods which may be employed to help an individual organize
and prioritize the goals to be accomplished.

Popular methods of time management practiced in the 21st century include the Parento Analysis, the Posec
method, and Time Boxing, among a myriad of others. Each method proposes its own unique system to help
the individual user manage time in a more orderly and productive fashion.

Tools used in time management may include either traditional or digital resources, such as planners,
organizers, andor calendars. Additionally, goal setting outlines and specific formulas, which include various
methods for prioritizing and organizing goals, are also used to assist in the effective management of time.

Time management techniques may also assist individuals in pinpointing and eliminating habits that interfere
with the productive use of time.

At the same time, many methods provide insight into the development of new and better habits, which
increase the rate of performance, and the ability of the individual to achieve goals on a regular basis.
As we live in a high paced world, there are lots of busy people nowadays. In fact, some of them are multi-
tasking, or holding two jobs at once. But no matter how busy a person may be, there are simple strategies to
employ so you can gain the time you need. Creating an proficient time management technique is
challenging but rewarding in the end. Some suggestions you could ponder on to get you into the right
direction of managing your time effectively are:

1.) Improve Your Computer Literacy

In a world driven by technology, why not use it to improve your own time management skills? There are time
management softwares that can help cut down on your energy and help organize your specific tasks and

It is also advisable to learn some program shortcuts to dramatically save time such as when you are making
a report or presentation. For example, you can use some keyboard hotkeys that you remember in order to
make the report or presentation faster. It is much more efficient as opposed to reaching for the mouse and
then looking for the icon to click on. There are various online beginner tutorials or workshops that can teach
you these things within your desired areas of concern.

2.) Improve Your Creativity

Improve your creativity. This will allow you to build and develop more ingenious and creative ideas on how
you can save time doing your work. Hence, a person becomes more productive and efficient throughout the

3.) Improve Problem Solving And Critical Thinking Aspects

When you improve your problem solving ability as well as critical thinking, you can spend less time on the
thinking process. Instead of wasting your time to process your thoughts, you can use that to focus on
finishing your task.

4.) Improve Delegation Skills

Learning and improving ways to delegate your work can also help you achieve good time management
skills. It is good to have another pair of hands to help you with your tasks and projects. This will dramatically
reduce the time you spend on doing your tasks. Once you learn how to properly delegate tasks, you can
save time that you can use to focus on other pressing matters.

5.) Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

When you tend to become emotional with your work, you lessen your productivity. You lose your focus and
even if you did complete your tasks, it is not of the quality you desire. Emotional intelligence encompasses
the process of taking control of your emotions. Emotions can easily get in the way of your performance; so
the lesser emotional distractions you can get, the better your performance at work is.

6.) Improve Your Multi-Tasking Abilities

By improving your multi-tasking abilities, you will be able to complete tasks in a shorter period of time. You
can work with other people to further improve and develop your multi-tasking ability. You have to remember
though that when you are doing tasks that require much attention and focus, it is best to avoid multi-tasking
since you're at a risk of causing errors or mistakes.

7.) Taking Regular Breaks

Other than working many hours a day in a straightforward manner, always remember to take breaks in
between tasks. This will avoid too much stress exerted on your body. You might notice that by the end of the
day, you feel overly fatigued. When you take regular breaks, you refresh your body and mind. Hence, you
are able to process more information and be more productive.
Every one of us only have 24 hours in a day to work with. Hence, time management strategies allow you to
accomplish more within a few hours, instead of having to extend your work on a single task for days. Here
are a few strategies that you can apply to achieve that:

1.) List Down Your Activities

It need not be overemphasized that you have to learn how to prioritize your work. Meaning, you must set
aside the less important tasks so you can focus on the more urgent ones. When you learn how to do this
effectively, you can easily accomplish whatever it is you need to do within a shorter time. Make it a habit to
write down a list of things to do. If you want to be really specific, break down all that you have to do within a
day and in the order that you want them to get done.

As you list down your set of tasks to do, you have to identify which ones are long or short-term projects.
Hence, you will be able to determine how much time you can allot for them within a day. A short-term task
might be accomplished within, say a couple of hours. Meanwhile, for long-term tasks, you can try allotting 1
or 2 hours each day until when you intend to finish them. Hence, breaking down tasks would make it more
efficient for you as you won't find it too strenuous.

2.) Allocating Time

Once you have your list, you now have to decide on how much time to allocate for each task or project you
have set out to do for the day. Some tasks eat up a lot of time, so you have to be aware which are those. So
as not to end up wasting so much time on one task, you have to provide time limits on each task so you can
easily move on to the next.

When you do tasks in smaller chunks, it becomes a lot easier for you. Hence, you have eased yourself of
the pressure. Instead, you can just focus on what you need to finish.

3.) Know What You Want To Accomplish

Your 'to-do" list will serve as source of information for what your daily goals are. Hence, you can consult it to
know what you have to do once you're through with one task.

There are a few questions that you can ask yourself: How much time are you willing to render for doing
leisure activities? Are you willing to cut on the leisure time and appropriate more of them into your work so it
can be more productive? Once you know what your goals are, you can use that as a motivation in order to
finish the list that you have made.

4.) Don't Make Your List Of Actions Too Long

When making your list, productivity is always on top of your mind. However, you should not try to make your
list too long. Most people have this tendency but that is a common misconception. Doing more work at one
time is not always equal to being productive.

Start off with a short list of the most important things you have to accomplish. That way, you can easily
prioritize them. When you have already completed those on top of the list, you can always add a new set of

When you try to put too many activities on your list, it may become too overwhelming for you. You could
easily end up having to do several unfinished tasks at once. But that is not advisable. If you can or if it is
within the time limits you have indicated for a certain task, try to complete it first before moving on to work on
another one.
In business, every second counts. Therefore, an efficient system must be adopted in your workplace. You
must always ask yourself if you are doing things at maximum efficiency because if not, then maybe its time
to change a few things in your system.

Here are a few tips and techniques to remember for you to effectively maximize the potentials of your

Setting Goals for your Business

Every business should start with a clear and attainable business goal. This will serve as your ultimate
destination and it is your responsibility to control the wheel in order to reach that destination.

Aside from using it as your motivation, the goals you set will also help you in the production process. Set
specific number of quotas for your workforce per day so that you will efficiently meet up your own quota. Just
like with your goals, you have to make your everyday quota realistic enough so you won't be frustrated
because you did not meet them.

Dividing the Workload

Even with starting business, an equal appropriation of the workload to your employees will enable to get all
aspects of the business taken care of. By dividing workload to your employees, you each give them a
specific task in which they can focus on and dedicate their time too. Theory supports that dedicated tasks
improve the speed of efficacy of the entire system.

If you know anyone amongst your employees who you believe is best suited for a specific type of job,
delegate him or her into doing that task. That way, you can ensure that you have the best person taking care
of a particular aspect of your business.

Keeping the Whole Workplace Clean and Organized

Ineffective time management is often the cause of inefficiency in your workplace. More importantly, you also
need to have a working environment that is conducive for work. Hence, you have to keep your workplace
clean and organized to eliminate the time it takes looking for materials or papers you need. The time you
wasted looking for a sheet of paper among thousands of papers could have been spent on more productive

Most businesses, specially the ones in the food industry strategically place their utensils and other materials
needed for food processing in areas where they could easily be accessed. This improves the efficiency on
time with regards to food preparation. The faster they can prepare the food, the more they can cater to their
customers needs. And when they have more satisfied customers, it will produce your much needed income.

Make a Specific List of Activities for the Day

What the List does for you personally also works on your own business or workplace. Setting a list of what to
do for the day will make the work free-flowing. When you have a lot of priorities to think about, it is so easy
to forget some of them. Hence, the list will serve as a little reminder of what other important tasks to attend
to. This tip though only works on businesses that do not involve mass production.

Purchase an Answering Machine or Hire a Secretary

Answering phones usually eats up a lot of your time. Instead of using those precious minutes in propagating
your own business, you waste it on talking to people who might not even had to do with your business.

Hiring a secretary to answer your phone calls can help you to fully focus on your work. The secretary will just
list the names of all those who called and return their call if necessary. Remember that one of the best ways
to proper time management is through reduction of distractions from your surroundings.
Properly allocating your time is never an easy task, especially if you've never been the type to make the
most of your time. However, there are a lot of ways in order for you to start up and slowly integrate your
whole system into practicing effective Time management methods.

Here are a few tips in order for you to successfully initiate your time management skills.

Keys To Successful Time Management

Before you can use some time management strategies in your schedule, there are a few key principles you
have to understand first.

You need to be aware of your goals. Having proper awareness of what your goals are will assist you in
properly prioritizing your activities for the day. It also helps you to get motivated and avoid distractions in
between work.

You also need to develop a flexible schedule for yourself. It must be flexible enough to make sure that if you
need to fill in other things aside from your usual schedule, you can still take care of them when you need to.

Tips To Successfully Utilize Your Time

Here are a few tips to successfully utilize your time

1. Examine your old habits and look for ways to change them. – When you learn that your habits are not
conducive to proper time management, then it's about time that you start changing them. Bad habits are
usually hard to change but when you"re able to overcome it, the results are rewarding.

2. Put up reminders at home and office about your goals. – Usually when you"re trying to pursue long-term
goals, you slowly lose focus on them. Putting reminders everywhere would help you get reoriented with your
goals motivating you to strictly follow your schedule.

3. Maintain a list of specific things to be done each day and set a top priority on that list. – Maintaining a list
of things to be done everyday is a great way to start on successfully allocating your time properly. A
checklist would help you to remember all the things that you need to do for the day and compel you to finish
them at the end of the day.

Furthermore making a checklist would definitely help you to become a more responsible person. It is more
than just a reminder, but is critical in how you follow that list to see if it effective for you. 4. Concentrate on
one thing at a time. – Some people try to do all things at the same time. This happens because people need
to do a lot of things but they do not have the luxury of time. Proper time management allows you to
concentrate on one task at a time. When you feel that this task is more urgent than the other, then you must
first focus on that task before moving on to the next most important task.

When you concentrate only on one task, the time needed to finish the job will significantly lessen giving you
more spare time.

5. Enjoy what you are doing – When you enjoy what you are doing, it creates less stress. When you are not
stressed, you are more likely to accomplish your tasks within a shorter time frame. Consequently, you will be
able to do more in your typical working hours.

6. Continually look at ways of freeing up your time – It is important to try to free your schedule up. Looking
for ways to free up your schedule improves the time spent on finishing up your activities. Remember that if
you save a few minutes from each activity, and then you sum them all up, you'd realize that you have saved
a lot of time.
While technology is at its most advanced state today, there remains to be a lot of things to juggle for a
typical career-oriented individual. For most family-oriented people, there is the burden of juggling work,
career, family and other factors involved in one's social life.

The answer is Time Management. Most successful people are often asked about what their secret to
success is. And more often than not, they have the same response, and that is 'time management".
However, although this is almost an expected response, many are still baffled at how time management
really works.

Time management is simply the proper allocation of time for certain priorities. First, the priorities have to be
arranged in a certain way where it is clustered into sectors and listed according to urgency and importance.
For example, the important parts of your life are career, your son, your home, your art, and your family. You
have to know which one to drop first whenever you need to do something.

After that, you will need help from some time management tools designed to aid you in the correct process
of prioritization AND remembering that order.

Quick-and-Easy Reminders

There are a lot of people who need lots of reminder when it comes to taking care of small businesses. Often,
they are too small that they are disregarded as unimportant. If you are one of them, buy some quick-and-
easy reminders. What's good about technology is you can probably put a reminder just about everywhere!
Cellular phones nowadays have built-in organizers, post-its are available in different variants, and even the
good old refrigerator door magnets have come in a lot of forms.

What is important is that the frequency of the reminding is now being increased. This is good for time
management because it keeps you aware of the things which you have to do especially if they"re urgent.

The Organizer + Watch Tandem

These are staples for just about every busybody – from the college beadle to the corporate leader. The
organizer is something that holds your appointments and it's also a tiny little space for some writing.
Busybodies usually have contact numbers of random people they meet, gifts for a not-so-relevant birthday
party that he has to go to or some sudden brilliant ideas that come to mind. For these and more, you will
need an organizer. It has to be a little notebook, just enough to fit in a handbag, and should be made of
durable material. You must bring your organizer with you every day, in case you need to list something down
as a reminder.

Moreover, the perfect complement to an organizer is a high-quality watch. You may have experienced
running late for an appointment just because your watch didn't work well. What's worse is that the person
you"re meeting wouldn't even believe you. This blunder can easily be avoided. Just get a high quality watch.
Having a good sense of time is practically the first step in time management.

The Perfect Mindset

It's pressuring to know that you have a lot of things in your hand and it seems like you can't even do
anything about it. Don't tip over.

Moreover, keep a "be on your toes" kind of mindset as you maneuver your way into your busy life. Sure,
there are times when you distance yourself from your organizer. For some, it is a painful reminder of the
busy life they lead. It's perfectly alright to feel some form of eternal urgency but take some time off once in a
while. You must never neglect yourself in your list of priorities.
People nowadays need to get a lot of things done especially with regards to their job. However, they tend to
lose track of a lot of events and end up incurring losses in time. The problem is that these losses are
unnecessary and are therefore not advisable if you have a job.

At its core, the problem is in terms of poor time management. How many times have you faced the dilemma
of having too many meetings in one day or trying to beat an impossible deadline? And the worse thing is,
you get too stressed out that it overflows into your personal life. You manage to rub off that stress onto your
family members and that is when it becomes unhealthy.

The key to solving such problems is a proper time management program. With it, you can help yourself
avoid unnecessary risks when it comes to your job. It may even help prevent losses outside of the job.

The program

Although it rests on an simple concept, time management is a lot more complicated than it seem. There are
special training programs that you have to undergo in order to avail of the full benefits of proper time
management. It is not enough that you understand the basic concepts of time management. You also need
to know how to apply them so everything you've planned on doing won't end up a disaster. If not, then you
could easily wind up committing more mistakes as you don't know the limitations of the basic concept.

That is what time management training is for. It allows you to have a better grasp with regards to time
management. Then you will know what kind of timetable you need to have in order to maximize productivity
levels within and outside of your job sphere.

Hence, there are trainings for time management.

The benefits

Most people fail to realize that the major cause of losses in terms of productivity and efficiency at work is
because of stress. On the other hand, stress is a result of the worries over matters related to one's job.
Therefore, stress is your biggest adversary in all of these.

Time management training gives you a chance to know what level of stress you are capable of handling.
Hence, it allows you to determine what type of job should you accept. When you are aware of all these, you
will be able to stay within your optimum productivity and efficiency levels without compromising your work

Time management training helps individuals manage stress. When you are able to manage your level of
stress, you will also be able to lessen whatever losses you might incur during difficult times. This is of utmost
importance because in order to stay competitive, you have to keep your productivity level at a maximum.
This not only applies to your professional life though but also with your personal life.

When you undergo this training, you will have a clearer idea on how to create an effective timetable and time
management program on your own. Hence, you can determine whether to accept or defer calls for help from
your officemates. This will have its own implication in terms of the working relationship within your
workplace. This will allow each member of the team to boost their efficiency levels with their individual tasks.

Focus is one of the most important lessons you will learn with the training program. It allows people to
assess which part of their lives to focus on at different times. This means that it allows individuals to live a
full and healthy life despite being in a stressful, or rather busy, job.

The biggest gain you can take away with you by undergoing this kind of training is the emphasis on
producing efficient work at your job. You cannot be efficient if you do not know your own limitations. You can
easily overwork yourself, but that does not automatically mean you are being productive. Therefore, you
need to practice such a program in order to gain maximum benefit from your job.
When time is viewed as a non-renewable resource it often becomes easier to understand the importance of
managing it wisely. As with any resource, there is a direct relationship between the supply of, and the
demand for, that resource.

When there is an overabundance of time, it is more easily wasted. Likewise, when there is a shortage of the
resource - in this case, of time - it becomes necessary to more effectively manage even the smallest amount
of it.

Beginning to effectively manage time often begins with a change in perspective regarding time. Each day
provides only a specific number of hours, minutes and seconds, in which to accomplish goals, and complete

When working under a deadline, then, every minute or hour is considered a resource which one could
feasibly use to the full extent, in order to meet a specific goal. The resource is non-renewable. Each moment
or hour that is used up is a percentage of a resource which will not be replenished.

When there is a shortage of any resource it becomes important to closely monitor its uses. Consider the
response to a shortage of water. Certain activities are eliminated from use, such as watering plants,
whenever there is a state of draught.

Limited activities make the most use of the resources available. The individual undertaking a time
management program then, will need to learn to identify the ways in which even the smallest amount of time
is wasted, as well as to carefully oversee their own limited supply of this valuable resource.
Are you a parent? If you are, do you know how to manage your time properly? If not, you will want to make
changes right away. All individuals can benefit from being able to properly manage their time, but parents
can often benefit the most. With that said, parents also stand to lose the most.

As nice as it is to hear that all parents should have a proper sense of time and know how to properly
manage it, you may be curious as to why that is so. After all, if you are poor with time management, you
may not think that the situation warrants any changes or improvements, but it does and it should.

Parents who have a proper sense of time management end up setting good examples for their children.
Whether your child is a toddler or a teenager, it is important to know that they do pay close attention to your
actions. In fact, many children end up copying their parents. In these instances, you want your child to
know that their time should be managed properly, as opposed to taken for granted or wasted.

In keeping with setting a good example for your children, parents who have a good understanding of time
management and its importance are better able to educate their children on the subject. Whether your child
is a teenager or a toddler, they can benefit immensely from knowing the importance of proper time
management. Since it is your reasonability, as the parent, to educate your children, you will want to do so.
Remember, be sure to set a good example for your kids.

Parents who have a good sense of time management are also likely to have children with better grades.
Although the effort that your children put forth in school will impact their grades, your role as their parent
may also have an impact as well. This is most often the case during elementary school and junior high
school. Do you help your children with their homework? Do you remember to help them study for tests? If
not, you may be putting your child's future at risk, even unintentionally.

In addition to better grades, parents who have a good sense of time management are also likely to have
children who participate in school related activities, including sports. Many children, especially those at the
elementary school and the middle school level, feel pride when their parents attend their events. Do you
remember to show up on time? In fact, did you even remember to get your child signed up for a school
sponsered event before the deadline?

Although there are much more important things than having a ton of friends, friendship and social interaction
is important to children of all ages. For parents of toddlers and preschoolers, their friendships will likely
depend on your actions. Do you take time to meet other parents and to schedule play dates? For those
play dates, do you make sure that your child arrives on time? If not, you may hinder your child's ability to
make long-lasting friendships.

As you can see, your actions as a parent do have significant impacts on your children. Do not let your poor
time management hamper their growth. If you need assistance, there are a number of resources that you
can use to your advantage to help you improve your time management skills and techniques.
Are you a parent who would like to teach your children about time management? If you are, you may want
to share with them the importance of properly using time, as well as tips on how to go about doing so.
Although you will have a number of different options, in terms of approaches taken, you may want to
examine time management games for kids. For the most part, you will find that time management games for
kids have a number of benefits.

As nice as it is to know that there are time management games for your kids to play, you may be looking for
more information on these games. For starters, you may be curious as to what time management games
are and how they can help your child. It is important to know that time management games for kids come in
a number of different formats. Regardless of format, the gist of all games are to beat the timer. All players
have to complete a certain task or play a game within a specific period of time.

As for time management games that you can have your children play, you will find that you can make up
your own. For many parents and kids, this is fun. Making up a time management game is ideal for toddlers
and preschoolers, as well as young elementary school aged children. What you can do is set a timer for a
specific period of time and have your child complete an easy task during that time frame. The task can be
something as simply as singing the alphabet or something as elaborate as having a treasure hunt.

For older children, you may want to turn to the internet. There are a large number of time management
games available for playing online. If your child knows how to use the computer, which most school aged
children and teenagers know how to do, you may want to find games that they could play online. What you
will find online will vary, but your children may be able to play a timed fishing game or have a timed shopping
spree. Classic arcade games are also popular and many can be considered time management games.

As for how you can find time management games to play online with your child or to let your teenager play
by themselves, you will want to perform a standard internet search. Your search can include the phrases
'time management games," or "free online games." You will likely be directed to websites, including gaming
websites, that have time management games online for playing. Most of these games should be easy and
free for your child or children to play. As an important side note, it is always important to monitor a child's
internet use.

As nice as it is to hear that your children can play time management games, you may be nervous about
letting them do so. After all games are often associated with fun or even the wasting as time. Despite the
fact that this can be true in some cases, there are a number of benefits to playing time management games
with your kids or letting them play their own games. These benefits include the development of proper time
management and the ability to quickly think in stressful or emergency situations.
Are you a business owner or an office manager? If you are, it is your responsibility to make sure that your
company is making money. Unfortunately, a company cannot profit from employees who do not know how to
make good use of their time. Whether you notice an increase in employees socializing on the clock or an
increase in personal computer use, it is important that you put a stop to this behavior right away.

As important as it is to know that employees with poor time management may have a negative impact on
your company and its profits, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. Your first impulse may be
to terminate the employees who are causing the most problems or the most profit loss. Of course, this is
more than possible to do, but there are other time management steps that may prove just as successful. To
help you get started, a few of these steps are highlighted below.

If you notice multiple employees in your office wasting company time, it may be in your best interest to hold
time management training. This training can be put on and organized by you or other well performing
employees or you can use the services of an outside company that specializes in time management and
organization in the workplace. Time management training should involve outlining the importance of proper
time management, tips should be shared on how work time should be spent, and consequences should be
laid out for those who continue to waste their time, company time, and money.

Time management software is another way to reduce the amount of money lost due to employees who just
can't seem to manage their time correctly. Time management software programs come in a number of
different formats, so be sure to find a program that has features that you and your staff members can benefit
from. These features should include automated updates, messages, and reminders on important deadlines,
desktop computer calendars, office wide communication at the click of a button, and so forth.

The use of rewards is another way that you can work to improve the time management of your office
employees. Although we often associate rewards with young children, adults are likely to produce better
results when those results are noticed. Be sure to comment on employees who perform well at the office or
meet all deadlines. You can implement an employee of the month program or offer pay raises to those who
make the best use of their time.

As much as employees who perform well and improve their time management need to be rewarded, those
who don't need to be called out. One of the many reasons why office workers waste time is because many
know or feel that they can get away with the behavior. Be sure to first give warnings if you notice an
employee of yours who is socializing as opposed to working or if an employee of yours regularly turns in
their projects late. Termination can be used as a last resort.

As a recap, employees who waste company time can put your business at risk. As a business owner the
last thing that you want is to see your company fail or lose profits. If you are not a business owner, but rather
an office manager, it is still important that you take action immediately. If you do not, you may end up taking
the fall for the employees who just can't seem to properly manage their time at work.
Are you a business owner? If you are, do you have any idea how much time is wasted by your employees?
Chances are, you will find that quite a bit of time is wasted. In fact, you may be surprised to know just how
much time many of your employees spend time doing something other than working. Remember that even
five minutes here and there of socializing with coworkers or surfing the internet is likely to cost you a
considerable amount of money in the long run.

Since wasted time in the workplace is a problem that should be fixed and right away, there are many
business owners who choose to use time management software to their advantage. Unfortunately, most
time management software programs are costly. With that said, there are a number of instances in which
time management software is more than worth the costs. Will it be for you? It will honestly all depends on a
number of factors, a few of which are highlighted below for your convenience.

The amount of money that your company is losing by employees who don't know how to manage their time
should be taken into consideration. Although it will be difficult to determine an exact figure, closely watch
those in the office for one day or even one hour. How much money do you think was wasted? Times that
amount by one whole year or even just a month. Chances are, time management software will more than
pay for itself. This makes it a good investment. In fact, if you have multiple employees in your office who
just don't seem to be able to manage their time, an office wide software program is advised and well worth
any costs.

Speaking of costs, the amount of money that you will have to spend on time management software for the
office should also help you determine if it is a wise business investment. Of course, you don't want to end
up paying more than you need to, but it is also important to keep quality in mind. Quality software programs
are more than worth the extra cost, as they will likely allow you to see a return on your investment. It may,
however, be in your best interest to take a few minutes or a few hours to research, examine, and compare
time management software programs.

In keeping with time management software programs, you may want to examine those that work on an office
wide basis. Can you access a program and it contents from multiple computers in the office? You should
look for software programs that allow you to do so. This can allow you to checkup on your problem
employees. It is also ideal for projects where team members must work together and share important
information. Another neat future to look for is the ability to send company messages through the software
program, sort of like an alert.

As a reminder, it may be a good idea to first research and compare time management software programs
before purchasing one. This will help you protect your business investment. Since time management
software programs do come in a number of different formats and do have different features, it is important
that you know what to look for in a software program. Most companies find success with tracking features
that allow them to track the progress of problem employees, regular, yet automated updates and reminders
on important deadlines, desktop calendars, and so forth.

As for whether or not your office can benefit from the use of time management software, you should be able
to. If you want to test out a program before purchasing one, see if a free trial period is available. If not, first
search for free programs online and give them a try. If you like what you see, consider investing in a similar
time management software program that gives you more features and better results.
Are you a high school or college student who finds it difficult to manage your time? If you are, there are a
number of steps that you will want to take to improve your time management. After all, having poor time
management in school can have a number of serious consequences, including poor grades.

When looking to improve your time management, it is important to know that there are a number of tools that
you can use to your advantage. As a student, you likely have a computer and a cell phone. Many already
come equipped with time management programs that you just need to start using. These programs can
include calendar alert programs where a special message will appear on your screen or you will receive an
email or a text message. A standard internet search can also help you find and buy additional programs that
can be installed on your computer or even your cell phone.

Another time management tip for students, like yourself, is to stay organized. Organization is key to staying
on task and focused. If your school locker or desk is messy or cluttered, you will likely end up wasting a
considerable amount of time. For many students, a considerable amount of time is wasted looking for lost or
misplaced items, like books or homework assignments. If your locker, home desk or dorm room desk is not
clean and clutter free, take a few minutes to get organized.

Another easy and effective way for you and other students to better manage their time is to prioritize. When
doing so, it is important to take a close look at what you have to do. For example, what homework
assignments, study sessions, and so forth need to be completed first? Simply just creating a to do list isn't
enough for many students. By determining ahead of time which tasks are of more importance, you are
better likely to manage your time and produce the best results.

One of the many reasons why high school and college students have poor time management is because
they find it easy to get distracted. If you find it easy for you to get distracted, it is important to examine the
source of your problems. For example, do you end up surfing the internet when using your computer? If
you try to watch television when doing homework or studying, do you find that most of your focus is placed
on the television? If you do, action should be taken. Temporarily disconnect the internet from your
computer or turn off your television.

It is also important to be flexible. If you are an individual who hates change or the unexpected, you need to
get use to it. Even those who have good time management skills and those who rely on the use of
schedules are often presented with unexpected events, an example of this being coming down with a cold.
That is why it is always important to leave "wiggle room," for yourself. Set aside a little bit of extra time each
day to do with as you please. Whether you use that time to finish a project, study, or socialize with friends, it
is important to have it.

As nice as it is to know that you should be able to effectively manage your time as a high school or college
student, it is also important to know the consequences of not doing so. As previously stated, poor time
management may translate into poor grades. If you do not know how to properly manage your time, you
may find yourself not studying properly or you may be unable to complete important assignments before
they are due. From the standpoint of a student, proper time management may also help to eliminate
stressful late night study sessions.

As highlighted above, there are a number of steps that you can take to improve your time management. As
a student, it is extremely important that you know how to effectively use your time.
Are you a person who finds it difficult to stay focused and to stay on task? Are you regularly late for
important events or do you turn in projects or homework after the deadline? If you do, you may need to
improve your time management. The good news is that there are a number of tips that can help you do so.
A few of these tips are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the first things that you will want to do is create time management goals for yourself. These goals
can be for different things. For example, you can set a main goal of improving your time management in a
specific period of time, like two weeks or a month. You can also set individual goals for yourself, like arriving
to parties, social events, work, or important business meetings on time. No matter what goals you choose to
set for yourself, they are important, as goals work to provide motivation.

Another way to improve your time management is to determine where you have the most problems. What
exactly is it that causes you to waste time? Chances are you already know. If not, do a little test. Walk
though a normal day and record what times you get distracted the most and what you are doing at those
times. Do you find yourself wasting time when socializing with friends, using the internet, or watching
television? If so, reduce or completely eliminate those distractions.

It is also important to note that there a number of time management tools available for your use as well.
These tools should not be relied on daily, but they can be used to help you establish a routine. As for what
time management tools you can use, you may be surprised with all of your options. To do lists, daily
planners, and alarm clocks are all great ideas. Many modern computers and cell phones also come with
time management tools, including alarm clocks, calendars, calendar alerts, and so forth.

As previously stated, a to do list is a time management tool that you can benefit from using. As helpful as a
to do list can be, it is important to also prioritize. You will want to list your items in order of importance. For
example, if your list focuses on tasks to do at home is it more important for you to do laundry, vacuum the
house, or wash dishes? The order of your lists should all depend on importance and urgency.

One of the best ways to properly manage your time is to stay organized. In fact, poor organization is the
leading cause of wasted time. If you are employed, be sure to keep your office desk clean and clutter free.
When doing so, you are able to stay focused and on task better. You should be able to get more work done,
as you should spend less time searching for misplaced or lost documents. Organization is not only
important in the workplace, but other areas that you frequent, such as your home or your car.

The above mentioned time management tips should be able to help you better manage your time on your
own. With that said, it is important to remember that sometimes help is needed. The last thing that you
want to do is be overloaded, whether it be at work or at home. If you need to outsource some of your work
to a coworker or if you need to hire the services of a professional housecleaner, go ahead and do so. Once
you are caught back up, you can begin to properly manage your time. As much as we all want to complete
our responsibilities on our own, it is important to remember that sometimes help is needed.

By taking the above mentioned points into consideration, you may be able to better improve the use of your
time. There are a number of benefits to having effective time management both at home and at the
Are you an office manager or a business owner? If you are, you must know the importance of time
management in the office. Did you know that when your employees don't know how to manage their time,
they likely end up costing your company money? Whether you are a business owner or an office manager,
you do not want to see this happen.

When it comes to poor time management at the office, there are many office managers and business
managers who choose to provide their employees with time management training. If this sounds like a good
idea to you, you may be looking for more information. You may be curious as to exactly what time
management training its, how it works, and what your staff members will learn. If these are all questions that
you have, you will want to continue reading on.

When understanding time management training, it is important to remember that it does come in a number
of different formats. For example, most companies choose to hire outside specialists. These are individuals
or teams of individuals who come in and teach staff members the importance of proper time management,
as well as share tips on how to get the most done through the day. A good example of this is by showing or
helping your staff members get their office desks better organized. This is key, as organization and time
management go hand in hand.

As nice as it is to hire outside help from professional office organizers and time management specialists, the
cost of doing so may be a put off for you. If it is, you may be able to host your own time management
training sessions. Doing so is actually a lot easier than you may originally think. In fact, many business
owners and office managers like this approach as it gives them complete control over what their staff
members learn.

Speaking of what your staff members will likely learn in time management training, it will vary. As previously
stated, you can hire outside help or you can perform your own training sessions. Regardless of which
approach you do take, there are some things that you will want to make sure that your staff members know.
First, make sure that you not only tell them the importance of properly managing their time at the office, but
show them ways that they can improve the use of their time. These ways may involve keeping a clean and
organized office desk, completing a to do list each morning, and so forth.

It is also important that you outline the consequences for employees who continue to waste company time.
After time management training as has been offered to all employees, there is no reason why employees
should be seen standing around, socializing with each other, or using an office computer for personal use.
State that these things are okay for break time, but not during normal work hours. You may want to go as
far to show your staff members just how much their wasted time is costing the company. Let them know that
additional warnings may come, with termination being a possibility.

As a reminder, time management training is not required by many means, but you may find it a relatively
easy and effective approach, especially when compared to terminating and rehiring new employees.
Students are one among the busiest people in the world. As they go to school, they are exposed to many
activities that improve their skills and learning. Usually students belong to adolescence period; this is a
critical stage for them as they try to make their own personality. The battle between building their own
personality and learning from school takes place.

Students can also become exposed to peer pressure, once they start making new friends. You will find
these teenagers having a good time outside. They prefer to jam with their peers compared to sitting down
and listen to the lectures of their teacher.

This is where a problem may arise. Students are given options to choose between the two. Sometimes
students are not able to handle things well because of this confusion. If you are one among them, you
should be alarmed as it can cause major destruction to your life.

Parents do not need to prevent their kids from going out with peers; they only have to do the proper
intervention to avoid misunderstanding. Parents have undergone the same stage where they really need the
attention of other people or friends to enjoy life.

No one lives as an island since everybody needs companion. For you to be able to save your life and still go
to school you need to teach your self the importance of time management. What is time management?

Time management is the most desired skill however mostly does not know how to do it. In this modern world
you need to manage you time to do all the things you need to do in proper time and proper date. This is
essential to be successful in all ways. You need time management to do what ever you want to do and to
achieve success, as it is your ultimate desire.

If you are a student, you also need to manage your time for yourself and time for other people. You just
need to manage yourself with the time for your schooling and time to go out with friends. However, you also
need to prioritize between the two on which one is important.

Education is important. Your friends will always be there for you no matter what but education comes only
once in a lifetime. You have to make it as your priority. For you to be able to attain success, you need to
follow the guidelines below that will teach you how to manage your time:

• You should eliminate the things you do not need in life. Time interrupters are the things you do to spend
time in a useless manner. You will need to eliminate thing useless matters and spend your time in more
productive ways. Examples of these useless activities are:

1. Email – you do not need to cut this matter off your activities but only allow few moments to send emails
and read received emails.

2. Phone – it is never healthy for a student to use the phone all the time, as it can be a cause of your failure.
Telephone conversation need not to exceed to almost hours. You only need to talk of important matter other
than that is never necessary.

3. Television – some programs are really addicting, which can allow you to more than hours of watching. 30
minutes per day is enough for television viewers to watch. Do not make it as your activity in the whole day.

• Prioritize all the things you need to do and jot it down in a piece of paper. Check the things you
accomplished. By this way, you will know what are the activities you accomplished and the thing you need to

• Begin to focus all your attention to managing your time. If you are doing it everyday, you will get used to it
so it will not be hard for you to manage your time everyday. Determine your goals and your priorities in one
day and if you are successful in attaining it, you may now be ready to make your weekly time management.

Time management will be easy with proper determination and willpower. You will soon find it easy to spend
all your day full of activities and you will still have time for your friends. Therefore, you do not need to choose
between the two.
There are really are real courageous stories behind every college students" effort to balance their studies
with a long list of other important responsibilities.

Here is a particular situation of one female student faced with daunting tasks that may easily be given up by
the faint-hearted. She is enrolled in college and is run a small business.

She is also a single mother to a baby and they are living with a roommate who has annoying habits. As she
goes along, day to day with her studies, business, and household and mothering chores, she only reiterates
one thing, time is really essential.

Many other college students like her are doing balancing acts between responsibility to finish their education
and their daily struggle to make a living and continue on "living". Others, while toggling other demands on
their time, like extra-curricular or non-academic tasks and part-time jobs still have to find time for their family
and friends.

Indeed time is gold for these kind of highly motivated students. Proper time management is what they need
in order to achieve lasting results in their endeavors. If a student's day is cramped and limiting, this may
bring on stress.

Stress is often the result of failed or lack of proper time management. A stressful and vexed atmosphere
usually follow once you failed to provide much time in accomplishing or completing certain goals and tasks.

Stressful attitude affects the body and mind immensely. Once stress invades through a student's body, we
might lose the knack to achieving and seeking our goals.

Communication and social skills also suffer a great deal. Once this happen, we might as well be wasting, not
only time but also money. College tuitions do not come cheap. We must make sure that once we commit
ourselves to college and other responsibilities along with it, we had better be prepared to carry out the
demands, otherwise money, time and opportunity for a good future is lost.

As college students, we must not wander far from our ultimate goals. If we are not achieving what we set out
to do in the first place, then it may lead to a disappointing failure.

College does not only require us to get up in the morning and meet class schedules. It also requires us to
meet the set tuition payments and level up with the expectations your professors/instructors set for you.

Many college students still struggle in classes because they still have not the courage to maintain a time
management scheme that will allow them flexibility. There are in fact, general time management measures,
which will give you a chance to level off your abilities, and help you gauge how far you think you should go.

Of course, the common student have full-time courses as part of their effort to achieve a long-term goal as
quickly as possible. However, this is an ideal setting if you have the time and resources.

Before enrolling yourself for a course, check what schedule requires your presence. Considerations must be
done in case you are working either a part-time or a full-time job. Depending on what type of job you are
handling, you can employ different time management methods in order to accommodate your studies.

If you have a part-time job, you can lay out a plan to fit your schedule. Most University and community
colleges already offer calendars, planners and clocks as tools to have you set up a schedule.

You can also negotiate with the administrators to consider your schedule. Applying for classes that work
around your job commitment is also a good move. Meanwhile, those with full-time jobs can still think about
college by wisely taking up online courses.

The good news is that not everyone is struggling with time challenges. Highly productive people effectively
and efficiently handle all the things they set out to do.

They have ample know how on tackling big projects and how to accomplish them without feeling
overwhelmed. They seek for a sense of fulfillment and balance in their life, and are setting and achieving
their most important goals.

Always we must know that being a student in college is a venture that requires indomitable will of the mind
and body. Time management skills may be present, but if there is no proper method or strategy used, that
corresponds to one's specific situation, then it is useless.
Creating a time management is kind of like just the same as setting a budget. Just as the aim of a budget is
to place an organization on your money, your aim in time management is to recover the management of
your time.

To most people, time is money. Businesses have known this for so long. The more time you spend on a
certain task, the more money will be spent or charged depending on the business.

Businesses do not like the idea to compensate employees who waste their time in unimportant matters.
They give importance to people that can present the job done in an appropriate time and manner.

In schools, you are requested to do more tasks, frequently by different teachers or supervisors who do not
care about the other tasks that you are doing. It only depends to you on how you will manage all your works
in order for you to finish them on the time provided to you.

Perhaps, you would also want to some time to enjoy your being youth and lead a fulfilling and complete life.

Here are some tips in which you can use in order for you to beat all of your deadlines and have a
systematized and well managed time table.

1. For the next week, have a printed record of all your activities. Put in your record the time you will
appropriate for each activity, what are the types of activity that you should do and how long you usually take
to get them done. Arrange all these data in any manner you desire, but ensure you put all of your available
time to be budgeted. You should also make sure to put in your record the time when you are not busy or
doing anything.

2. Study how you will organize your time. Then, try to think of the following:

• What have you observed it? • Have you completed all the task given to you before or on the deadlines.
For instance, have you already finished your homework? • Were you able to attend other things that you
like aside from your obligations at school? • Were you able to do all your duties at home? • Do you still
have time for your friends? • What are the things that you like to do but have no time at all to do it?

Once, you have answered the above questions, try to think of the ways on how you can make your time
management more effective.

3. Try to look for more information on the internet. There are many search engines that can help you
improve your time organization.

4. Select or plan your own table to utilize to put a schedule for yourself for the whole week. Be sure that you
spare some time for leisure and work. Be sensible in your anticipations. Try your schedule for one whole
week, have a precise documentation of each activity.

5. Let your classmates know about your timetable. If they too have a timetable, evaluate the differences of
your table if possible. Try to know the good sides of each table and know how the schedules work.

6. Change is the only thing in a person's life that is permanent. What you used to do during your spare time
may not be the same thing that you will do in six months or a year from now. If you have a winter game that
you are joining in, you know that when the winter ends, your schedule will definitely change.

If you are engaged in a school activity or any theatrical presentation, it is expected that you will be busier
before the performance date than you are at the start of the rehearsals.

Take a look at the big picture before doing anything else. What do you think will your schedule for the
following year look like? Choose the dates on that schedule and conjure a calendar that you can follow.

7. Make a timetable for the next five weeks. Make sure to put any alterations you expect due to your leisure
activities and other events that have seasons and peak times. Utilize the schedule and be ready to do
remarks on it when the five weeks is over.

How was it? Do not be negative in going back and ensure that the resources are scheduled or look beyond
for other resources.
For high school students, it is always expected that they will have a busy time for studies and for playtime.
However, no matter how hectic the schedule may be, it is still important that one have an appropriate time
management in order to have a direction.
To all college students, one of the main differences of high school students from them is the eagerness to
successfully handle their own time. If you start educating yourself with time management, you have a great
advantage over other college students.

Parents are not always there to discipline you about being on time and the responsibilities of keeping a
schedule. They are not at all times available to scold when you are about to go to school late.

Remember, college students are not locked up in a room (detention, remember?) when they are late in
class. Actually, there are professors who do not even notice if you are present on their class or not.

There are many social events that are happening in college that students do to fill up their calendar making
them sometimes forget their academic responsibilities. This is a period in our lives that we can live as adults
but sometimes forget to remember that adults have responsibilities to think about.

Obviously, your fresh liberty can be very costly, with failing marks and running expensive college costs
keeping you from achieving your ambitions.

Time management for college students is what you need. It is one of the most important moves in a
successful preparation to lead a better existence after college. It is necessary to organize one's time
properly and the only plan is not to be an incompetent and a perplexed person while in college.

Time management is not only necessary just to create a good name at a future job, but it is as well a
requirement for a disciplined and orderly future.

The answer to successful time management is by being able to become your self's supervisor. Instead of
being dependent on your professors and parents, you have to become independent from now on.

One of the main obstructions to time management is deciding to delay or postpone important things for trivial
matters. But, the simplest means to prevent delay is to being able to determine what you want and what you
want to accomplish each day.

• Keep your lasting objectives within your reach.

Make a plan to reach your objectives. You know where you are. You think of the possible ways that you can
use to take you to your destination.

• List all the things that you know

Use a timetable to record your class schedules, social activities, and pastimes. When a future event is
postponed or is reset for the next month, put it in a blank space in your timetable.

• Decide the things you want to do tomorrow before the day ends.

You can use a to-do record for your everyday activities. Set the planned activities into their proper time and
consider the rest of record.

• Make your plan work

Sometimes, it is simpler to finish a work and directly deal with what we believe is a disruption. Still, there are
times disruption progresses into rich clients. Follow your plan. If some things require your consideration, put
it into your timetable or if you think it is an emergency and needs urgent attention, ensure you reschedule
your present task.

• Do the things that seems to be difficult for you

Once the difficult task is done, the rest of your task will seem easier for you. But, if the difficult task is the
one that stops you from starting, then begin with something simpler to encourage yourself that you can do it

• Break things down to the unreasonable

Separating big homework into tiny parts will make it simpler to include them into your timetable. Also, you
can pick your achievements as you complete each stage. It is more pleasing to think about what you have
finished successfully than it is to worry over the things left for you to finish.

• Rules were made to be changed

Give yourself time to become flexible. Allow yourself to deal with disruptions in your timetable. Also,
designate time to do the task, make some time to enjoy yourself as well. Plan for leisure activities and think
of them as essential ingredients of your day it can provide you with something to work on and study
seriously and with priorities.

• Keep in mind, tomorrow is always there to welcome you

Like other skills and abilities, it takes time to know how to correctly handle your time. Even the most
proficient in time management has days when they do not properly meet their scheduled plans.

If you have failed once, it is not a reason for you to give up on time management. What you can do is to
collect the pieces and begin a new schedule the following day.

Check your timetable at the end of the week to know the things that work for you and did not work.

Just make sure to follow your timetable always to have a great time management in each day of your
college life.
When you get to this stage in life, you will realize that additional tasks, schedules and responsibilities are
laid out for you. If you do not know how to handle these things, you will find yourself stressed and burdened
even before you finish your first year.

That is why it is important that you set up proper time management to help you keep all your sanity intact.

Here are some college time management tips you will find more than helpful.

1. Know what you want to accomplish.

Set some goals for yourself. This can be based on a daily, weekly, semester or an even longer span of time.
Have a definite goal for your academics and extra-curricular activities.

It is important that these two should be thought of separately because you will want to know what should
come first and what will come last in your schedule. Try to accomplish the most important things first before
you decide if you can set aside time for other things that are of less importance.

2. Be systematic. Being systematic and well-organized can help you achieve the goals you have set in an
orderly manner. Consider the tasks that are taking more of your time that need not be. That is why you have
set goals in the first place; to be able to accomplish the necessary things.

Have a proper schedule set up detailing not only your class schedules, but also activities, events and other
things that are important in achieving your goals.

In the schedule, never forget to note deadlines so you would not have any problem keeping up with them.
By putting them on top of everything else, you do not have to go through cramming and rushing off to finish
them in limited time.

Stand by the timely schedule you have created so you can build up a regular routine you can follow in the
process of learning time management.

3. First things first.

Learn to prioritize your tasks. Know which ones you have to finish ahead of time and which ones can be put
on hold. Do not drift from one task to another. You will just end up starting on many things but not really
finishing any of them. You will achieve more when you stay focus on a particular task before starting on

Numbering your tasks according to their importance can be helpful. It does not make sense prioritizing a
task that you like better when the one you dislike is due in a few days time. Like it or not, the project needed
to be done. And you only have yourself to do that.

4. Put spare times into use.

What are spare time? It is when you find yourself just sitting, walking or wandering with nothing to do. While
waiting for your friends on the cafeteria, instead of just looking around every now and then, take out your
notes and browse through them to prepare yourself for the exam next week.

Another example of spare time is when you are waiting for your professor to come into a class. You can
make a draft for your project during those times. You never know. By the time your class started, you may
have finished a layout of your project. Thus minimizing the time you need to set aside for it.

5. Do not be a victim of procrastination.

It can be noted that procrastination is the archenemy of time management skills. Procrastination is simply
putting up for tomorrow what might have been accomplished today.

If you plan on finishing the task set for today, stick to that time schedule. By doing so, you will avoid the
stress of having to ram it into another day that may be full already. It is not easy racing against time because
time always has a way of getting ahead of you.

By setting goals and making yourself determined to accomplish them, procrastination is diminished.
6. Make the most of your most productive time.

In a day, you probably have moment when you are more productive. Make the most of these times and
schedule the most demanding tasks on that particular time. On the other hand, less demanding tasks should
be set for times when you have less energy and enthusiasm.

By following the steps mentioned, you will achieve better time management skills and be a better college
Managing time for college students is such a tough thing to do. College life is full of challenges and burdens
that should be dealt with properly and systematically. There are many things college students must
accomplish for them to reach their dreams.

Every college student should balance all the aspects of his or her life. It is important to give attention to
these aspects of living for if not, the equilibrium of living will change.

Every college student should balance his or her academic and social life. Proper time management is
necessary in order to perform all the responsibilities and tasks that are in their shoulders.

Practicing proper time management is difficult and it entails a lot of adjustments and preparations. It is along

However, with advices and tips on how to make it effective, surely, it would be easy to realize. The following
are some advices and tips on how to make time management effective and proper.

• One of the most important aspects of time management is goal setting. Goal setting is one of the keys to
success. In here, you should determine the things that you really want to accomplish.

These are the things that you want to accomplish for short period and long period of time like things you
want to be done in a day, a week, a month or months, semester or even for years.

In setting goal, it should be remembered that set only those that are realistic and achievable. Do not set
goals that are impossible to realize. This will only make you frustrated.

• Organization is equal to the importance of setting goal in making time management effective. When you
are organized, it ensures and helps you achieve the goals you have set in a timely manner.

Through proper organization of tasks, you are informed constantly about the things, which need to be
accomplished, and when they should be done. One way of organization is by making calendar. Make
calendars that maybe of daily, weekly or monthly basis.

This calendar should include classes, study time, club meetings, social events, and many other things and
activities that should be accomplished and should be done to make the calendar more effective, you should
include assignment due dates so missing a deadline will be impossible.

You should always follow the calendar you have with you. This will help you develop a routine in regular
basis and you are learning how to manage time properly.

• Prioritization is also an important thing in time management. It is important to prioritize the tasks and the
things that you need to accomplish.

Prioritization entails figuring it out if what among the tasks are the most important and the least important
and what tasks should be done first and what should be done later. It necessary to stay focused on the tasks
and things that are most important.

It is also important to accomplish one fist before moving to the next ones. Doing things and tasks together at
one point in time might be more of a burden for you. This kind of tasking will frustrate and make you feel
tired and lazy.

• Avoid procrastination. The main downfall in trying to achieve effective time management is procrastination.
Procrastination is putting off the things that you should be doing or accomplishing now.

The reasons for procrastination is the lack of clear goals, underestimating the difficulty of the tasks,
underestimating the time required to complete the tasks, unclear standards for the task outcomes, feeling as
the tasks are imposed on you from outside, and having indefinite tasks.

This should be avoided in order for you to mange time properly. You can avoid procrastination by setting
predetermined goals and by prioritizing them.

• Utilization of spare minutes is a big thing in effective time management. Spare minutes should be utilized
in things that are worthy and useful.
Do not waste even single minute. For example if you are waiting for your professor for not arriving at time,
instead of waiting and doing nothing, consider reading assignments from other classes and begin thinking
about the topic for other subjects.

When you accomplish small tasks with your spare time, you will notice that you have extra time to complete
the large tasks when you actually start on them.

Following advices and tips on how to make time management effective and proper is quite tough, but
dedication is present, nothing is impossible.
Many students have learned that in order to get though college, you have to be flexible in your college plans
and master some time management. These things will help you survive college with flying colors.

In college, time management skills can save you a lot of trouble and headaches. Some students are
fortunate enough to have teachers teaching them time management. But for some, they have to go through
difficult times and learn it the hard way.

With all the complexities in college lie, you will find that with the proper time management, you can still keep
up extra-curricular activities and activities after school.

How to maintain successful time management is quite simple. You just have to set up for yourself a calendar
of activities at the start of the semester. By the time school starts, you will know which things to mark out as
important and which ones to set aside for other free time.

Let us consider those people who are already working while they are still in college. If you have a family
depending on job, then you would to put your work as your top priority. There are a lot of jobs that offer work
shifts. You can opt for the ones that will give you enough time for school.

Your classes would come in close second in your priorities. You can choose class schedules that will not be
in conflict with your work schedule. Get a number of units you will be able to handle between work times.

Third priority is study time. Allot an hour or two of studying before classes. This has worked for majority of
working students. You can fit this study time between breaks or while you are on the way to your class. If
you have a workplace that is far from school, you can read some notes while waiting for the bus, traveling
and while stuck in traffic.

Your fourth priority would be your family. Schedule times when you are going to help in household duties, bill
payments and other related things. It would be wise to block out interruptions while you are at home and
busy with your tasks. You can take care of these things later.

The last and one of the most important priority is making time for yourself with your busy schedule, this
would be the perfect time to do things you cannot do at all times. These are your personal times. You will be
able to do activities you enjoy, spend time with friends or just relax for a while. You will find that this is very
critical for you since these times will be your breather. A time to let your hair down, so they say.

Another option is to have a work schedule at night and school in the morning or vice versa. This option will
not have you up and running to go to work or class. With proper time management, you will get more time to
do other things. When you have this schedule, you can get involved in school related activities most
especially if one of your schedules do not begin immediately after another.

By being flexible and learning how to make your time management work, you can actually finish a degree,
get an early start in earning some money and increase your chances of a more successful life in the future.

What is the importance of being flexible, time management and having a career while still in college?

Unlike some of the privileged students, there are a lot of college students who do not have enough money
and resources to get through college without working at the same time. That is why they are determined to
finish their studies while working for it in the process.

Having a career while in college can be advantageous also. Early on, you learn how work life would be. Not
only that, you are able to develop a great sense of responsibility with the use of time management.

All this would not be possible if you do not know how to manage your time and stick to it. Time management
in college, with a job, is matter of disciplining yourself to stick to your goals in order to make them all
You finally made it through high school, passed your college entrance exams, and chose the university you
are going to attend. Another great thing is that you have been given the opportunity to avail of scholarship
for athletes.

You are excited, and at the same time nervous upon entering the college campus, you have no idea what to
do next. You first visit your coach and he or she told you that practice starts early in the morning.

After visiting your coach, you now go on to class. As a summary, the first day was not that bad, no
assignments, no formal lectures, just plain introduction of the subject and course outline.

Next day, you wake up early in the morning, refreshed and ready to train. The coach is giving you a hard
time, and you thought that it is only natural for coaches to give newbie's a hard time.

After training, you went to your dorm room to get ready for your class. You were in shock when you entered
your first class, the professor who seemed so nice turned out to be your worst nightmare. The professor
gave each of the students a 1500 word essay with a short deadline, and you thought that you could manage.
On the next class, the situation gets worse.

After finishing the class you then go to the field and made friends with the other athletes, everyone was
talking about party on that night and invited you to go. Of course, since you want to make an impression and
seek their approval, you accepted.

In the party, a thought occurred to you that you still have that 1500 word essay lingering in the back of your
mind. Thinking that you can still manage and the deadline is not that short.

After the party, you"re tired and went to your dorm room, and as if all the things you experienced on that day
wasn't enough, your roommate was also having a small party in your dorm room, the music was loud, you
couldn't study, you couldn't sleep and the place was a complete mess.

You then woke up tired and stressed out, you went to the practice field late, and your performance was the
worst performance in your entire life and adding to your poor performance was the thought of the 1500 word
essay. The coach was angry with you because of your performance, he was giving you a hard time and
telling you to stay and clean the locker room.

At last, you finished cleaning the locker room and you go to your first class of the day quickly but still, ended
up late. Your professor, as punishment does not let you into the class because of your tardiness.

The worst thing is that the professor was giving tips on how to write about the essay. You thought about
failing the class but that would mean your athlete scholarship would be revoked.

All these may seem impossible but this situation truly happens to college athletes. They should have a more
advanced time management skills. Being admitted to college is quite easy. The hard part is effectively
managing your time to accomplish all the activities you involved with, and never neglecting your studies.

Many college students find it hard to effectively manage their time between studies and other extra-curricular
and social activities. All these may seem easy for an athlete compared to how they are going to manage
their time. They go through stressful trainings and could not afford to fail in their academics to enable them
to keep competing and keeping their scholarship.

The sudden increase in responsibility is very shocking for college students, especially freshmen and college
athletes. You just have to study harder and train harder because of the new level of competition.

You may be the track star back in high school, but in college, many competitors can easily match your
record in high school. You have to train harder and study harder to keep competing in your sport.

Here are some time management tips for college athletes:

One of the first things you should include in your time management planning is study time. You have
probably done it before back in high school, but it will be quite different in college. It will be a lot harder
because you have a limited time for studying.

As a college athlete, you may have contradictions on your match schedules and your classes and even
exams. Colleges offer tutors for college athletes to avoid missing their classes and school matches.

Try to talk to your professor about your schedule and he or she might consider transferring you to another
class with the same subject on another time.

Once you develop effective time management skills, you will surely have time for your trainings, matches,
study time, socializing, and your personal life.
In college, do not feel left out if you are unable to manage your time effectively. You are not alone. Majority
of college students are having the same time management problems as you. You just do not know it.

Now that you are aware that time management is one of the most common problems being encountered by
most college students, you probably would want to do something about it. Why? Because you do not want to
be one of those who have not managed their time and found themselves not reaching their goals.

How do you go about having successful time management?

All you need to do is reorganize how you approach your daily activities and change those that are not
working effectively. The changes you have made should become a habit that needed to be done everyday.

You will see that you new habits can change your outlook in life. And if done correctly, you will have more
personal time to do other things and activities in college that you have not done before. You will also gain
more free time to enjoy.

Time management for college student will help you be more productive in anticipation of what lays ahead of
you after college. This early you have to learn these things because they will prove to be very vital for you.

When you set off to working after you degree, your life will take on a new turn. Many of the employers who
will encounter will pressure you to exert full time effort on your job. If you are just a beginner in this aspect,
you will find yourself giving in to the hard work and pressure.

But if you have already learned time management skills as a college student, this would be a piece of cake
to you. You will be more immune to the pressure put on you. You will know you way around it to come out

Below are some of the time-tested tips that will prove vital to your time management skills.

Have an organizer.

Nothing like having an organizer to list things that are needed to be done. Get a hold of one and start
planning your schedule. Do not go overboard. Be realistic in listing out things to do.

Have a short and long-term goals set up.

In college, these goals would be just be term papers and other deadlines you need to meet. Take note of
what will take your time more and what will not. You would want to start out early enough to prevent
cramming when deadlines are nearly up.

Take note also of what will you need to achieve your tasks. Have you own planner and put all these
important details there. You may want to update them regularly to see how far you are going. You can cross
out what are finished.

Have difficult subjects studied first.

College subjects are not the same. Some are more difficult than others. You may find some of these are
easier for you while you are having a difficult on another.

Try to give more time in studying the ones you find difficult. Unlike the easier subjects, you will need more
time in catching up on things and understanding those subjects more.

Have a break.

There will be times when you need to get off your study table and relax for awhile. Go out and get some
fresh air. Unwind with friends.

Studying too hard is not also healthy for a person. You have to have enough time to set aside studies to
relax your mind from the pressure and stress. You will notice that once you get back to studying, you will
have a clearer and fresh mind ready to tackle anything.

Have the time to help others.

If you find yourself in difficult situations, it is always a blessing when someone helps you get past that. Do
your share and help others.

Oftentimes, these are times when you get to share ideas about college and about studying. Be open to all
possibilities that are being presented to you.

For college student, time management need not be a difficult task. You just have to know how to manipulate
time and be its master, not the other way around.
Perhaps, there is no one else busier than the people who make up the academic community. No, of course
not the teachers, but their college students.

Among the many member of academic community in a certain University or community college, there is no
doubting the fact that college students of the past years and decades differ are not anymore the young,
single, white, middle-class males with presumably nothing more to do than attend classes and hobnob with
others. Today, there is a wide diversity of students concerning age, sex, racial orientation, ethnicity and
academic exclusivity. And are they such busy people!

Most college students now have their own homes or apartments to maintain. A majority of them are also
working either a full-time or a part-time job. There are those who already have children to take care of.

In such teeming diversity of academic community, it is but important for University and colleges to stress out
the need for time management skills. Time management is a necessity for every student down to the last
busy one.

Each student, of course, has his or her own situation. Learning time management skills will assist them into
making up a time management system or method that is effective exclusively for their particular situation.

Applying time management in every aspect of a college student life as he/she goes through it is quite crucial
for success. Many college students already learned the hard lesson that failure to manage their time well,
lead to negative outcome.

Here are basic principles in time management proven effective through time:

- Avoid and fight rampant procrastination. Each of us has their own procrastination habits. Only by
identifying them and admitting that you succumb to procrastination is the way to break them.

- A time management calendar is needed where you must write all-important dates from birthdays and other
social events to more important, never-should-be-forgotten classroom schedules.

- Set deadlines that you can achieve realistically.

- Identify your most productive time of day where your level of energy is high. Once identified, set out to
develop study habits.

- Of course, you must not let your priorities go awry. Every minute is precious for a college student. By
knowing what your priority goals and activities are, you can have balance enough time for everything you
have to do.

- No one learned without committing a mistake.

- From time to time, learn to say No to family and friends

- Remember that you are not that perfect and learn to live with that fact, so as to avoid becoming a

- Always find time for rest and relaxation. This will allow you to unwind and free yourself from stress and

Here are some more time management tips for the college student:

1. Just like any other large projects, large homework or assignments should be broken down into
manageable size. Instead of only, you will have smaller ones, but to be finished at different schedules in
manageable intervals.

2. Even if you are on campus, during intervals between classes, and precious few hours of break time,
devour your lecture notes and books. Studying on campus is certainly a good habit to develop, especially
since you are left with little time to study once you are in your job or attending to your kids/other

3. Reward yourself for coming up with efficient and effective time management methods as you mature in

4. Sleep is important for everyone. Do not deprive yourself from a well deserved sleep. Do not think that you
waste precious time sleeping. You are wasting precious time when you still stick to work even when it is your

5. Once you feel pressure and stress closing in around you, sought the advice, administrators, or faculty
you trust. A word of advice or a refreshing thought can be just the thing to lift back your spirits

Busy persons must always take time to properly schedule their time in order to maximize each precious
minute as best as possible. College students must also know how to effectively schedule their time.

Working out an applicable schedule is quite a challenge. Just make sure that you do not have conflicting
activities everyday. Take note of each important date or hour for everything you do.

Do not worry of having little time for yourself, as of now. Once you have completed your assignments and
study, you will soon have more time to for other responsibilities and tasks you would like to take on. Figure
out a way to squeeze into your busy schedule precious few hours or minutes for your family, friends, and
your self.

Make sure to juggle well all your tasks in a fine equation and do not over-commit yourself. .

Amidst your busy life as a college student, it is most rewarding to know that you managed your time well and
keep on reorganizing for a more successful time management as you achieve your goals, one by one.
High school student are one of the busiest people in the world. This people study, takes classes, join school
activities, and socialize. They have a lot of work in school and at home.

Being organized is essential in high school students. If you are a high school student, it may seem like you
never have enough time to finish all your work in a day. You may feel that you are always running out of time
and all you do is study and never get enough time with your friends and family.

You often wish that there should be more time in one day to enable you to finish all your work with extra time
to hang out with your family and friends and start again tomorrow.

However, everything you need to accomplish in one day is possible if you are organized and plan everything
you do in a day.

Here are some tips for you to follow to make high school life easier and have extra time for you are your
friends and family:

Set goals everyday – Before you sleep, list down all the things you want to accomplish on the next day. This
will help you to know what you are going to do and avoid doing unimportant tasks. With a 'to do" list, you will
get everything done more efficiently and faster.

Prioritize your list of goals – After you made your 'to do" list, try to prioritize the goals you want to achieve.
Put your most important goal in life on top of your priority and your least important goals to down below on
the list.

It is also important that you should be realistic on your list, try to base your list on what you need to achieve
and not on what you want to achieve. If you have a long-term priority, it is probably best that you put it on the
bottom of your list; you can always work on that tomorrow.

Use your spare time – You may not notice it but you have lots of spare time as a high school student. Try to
add up the minutes of the school bus ride to school and the school bus ride back home.

You can use these times to study and do your homework. By doing this, you will get an idea on what you
need to do on your homework when you get home. This allows you to finish your homework faster and have
extra time for other things.

Working student – If you are a high school student and have a part time job, you can use your rest periods
to do your homework or study. It is also ok to say no if your boss asks you to work on a school night and you
have an important exam the next day. Tell him or her that you have to study for the exam.

Remember, work is not your number one priority as of now, it is only a part time job and the most important
thing for a high school student is studying and passing the exams.

Finding the right time – Students have the "right time" to study. Students have specific time to study more
efficiently. For example, you solved your math problems well on afternoons; do not wait until nighttime to it,
then. When your mood shifts immediately start solving math problems as much as you can before you lose

Taking notes – Writing down important notes is an effective way to study. It is much better than just plain
reading. Writing down notes has an effect on your mind. You can understand the topic more effectively and
memorize it more effectively than by just reading.

It is also important that you review your notes as your teacher might give a pop quiz on the next day.
Reviewing your notes will help you be more prepared for the pop quizzes that your teacher may suddenly

Get enough sleep – Trying to stress yourself out studying when you are supposed to be sleeping can bring
ineffective results and unwelcome health problems.

If you need to sleep you have to sleep, do not force yourself to study if you cannot effectively study. If you try
to study in this situation, you will most likely waste your time.

Keep your goals realistic – Trying to accomplish unrealistic goals can often result in failure and frustration.
Set goals that is difficult but achievable. Setting realistic goals that is difficult and achieving it can give you
self-worth and be proud on your achievements.
Denise is a senior nursing student from a certain medical school in Illinois. After almost four years of nursing
study, at first glance you can say that she surpassed everything, from accomplishing all the requirements of
her academic subjects up to practical affiliations in the hospital. You will say that she is now ready to face
the real world of nursing other people's health.

Just like other baccalaureate degree students, nursing students also find similar problems especially when it
comes to time management. They are also having difficulty in studying for their examination; moreover, they
also tend to cram up during their on-duty training at the hospital. Although our country produces a large
population of nursing graduates it does not suffice to the large number of nursing workforce required.

Nursing Shortage

As previously mentioned, time management problems tends other nursing students to shift to other
baccalaureate degree courses. They cannot cope with the time pressure in their studies. As a result, there is
nursing shortage in the country.

Although several demographic factors affect the nursing population, nursing students are still the bottom line
—they are the future nurses. The lesser the population of a certain country, the lesser the need for nursing
work force is in that country.

According to the National Student Nurses" Association, there are different keys that a nursing student must
have in order to succeed in their profession. They must have

• The academic ability to pass all the required subjects; • Deep sense of responsibility to their chosen
profession; • Acceptance and caring; • Eagerness to learn; • Enough confidence and determination to
pursue their nursing career; and • Proper time management skills

Maybe it is the last key, but it is a top priority among nursing students and must include it in their studies.
That is why college counselors and nursing faculties formulate time management strategies to help their
nursing students—both regular and the distant learners—cope up with the possible pressures of nursing

Professional Nursing Program

All students taking up nursing degree courses undergoes professional nursing program. It includes
extensive clinical practice component that demands more energy and time from students.

One important thing that time counselors remind to their students is to undertake a work schedule that will
not jeopardize the completion of the program. Stick to the schedule they have formulated. If an unavoidable
circumstance comes within their schedule, it is better that they can make it up to avoid further delay on other

Effective Time Management Skills

What are the skills that you, as a nursing student needs in order to complete your professional nursing
program and at the same time being successful in your chosen career? Look on the following items:

• Be organized. o Organize your activities according to your priorities. Use timesaving tools to keep track of
your activities. Time calendars, appointment notes and file folders are some of the timesaving tools you can
utilized. o An organized workplace will also help in using your time efficiently.

• Plan Ahead: Make a Realistic Schedule o Early in the semester, study and clinical duty schedules are
already planned by your college administrators. It will be your basis on planning your other activities. Making
a realistic schedule will help you to complete the necessary programs without bumping into other activities
as well.

• Avoid Overloading. o Nursing is a serious degree course. You also need to have a break in the midst of
your school activities. You can include breaks of at least 10 to 15 minutes. Unwind yourself occasionally.

• Practice Effective Study Techniques o It is better to be prepared rather than to lose in a fight. Consider
your nursing classes as a battle: have your complete battle arsenal by being prepared on unannounced
examinations and recitals. Develop your study habits especially before sleeping.
• Always be Flexible. o Expect the unexpected. In case you are sick, (especially on those times that you
need to be on duty in the hospital), you must know how to rearrange your schedules according to necessity.

It is difficult to be a nursing student. With the keys of success and proper time management skills and
strategies, you cannot regret the decision of taking a nursing college degree.
Time management is one of the most challenging aspects of our life. It is considered a unique element of
our life. Everybody in this world has the time, but we cannot lend or borrow it to others.

All we can do is to change the way we are using it. It is a challenging task to manage your own time.

As a student, you know how time plays a role in your life.

There must be a particular time for everything. You must give importance to your: - Philosophy and algebra
subjects - Submission of your school projects - Football team's practice - taking your final examination.

In other words, time controls your day-to-day school activities. Proper time management will help you to use
the allotted time for a specific activity efficiently.

It also enables you to make effective decisions as to how to make the best out of your time.

Two basic steps will lead you to managing your time efficiently. First is developing a clear statement of your
long-term objectives. You have two semesters every year. What are the things you want to fulfill in a
particular semester?

You want to top the class. Then set it as your long-term objective. How can you top the class? It means you
need to develop effective studying habits. You have your fixed class schedule with vacant periods, and then
utilize it.

After you have set your top priorities, it will now be easy for you to set your short-term objectives. At this
point, you have already utilized you time by setting your long-term objectives.

Second is to schedule and manage your time based on the objectives you have set in the previous step.
This is the essence of time management, especially for students like you.

If you did not fulfill this step, your objectives will not be fulfilled. It will also cause you to feel anxious,
frustrated, guilty, and other nasty feelings.

Now, it is time to discuss the reality that students are facing. Primarily, you are already a student. You do not
need to tell your mom or dad that they must wake you up on this particular time. Non-academic activities are
just around the corner.

Many students are engaging in such activities, without knowing that they are investing too much time and
almost neglecting their studies.

The aforementioned circumstances are the reason why there are students who are failing in their respective
classes. Instead of studying for their examination the following day, they hang out together with their other
classmates and spending the rest of the night dancing.

As result, they failed in the subject. The worst, if they will be kicked-out from the school just because of
improper time management.

Here are the basic things to keep in your mind in efficiently managing your time. Remember that after you
have determined your long-term and short-term goals, you need to manage your time according to these
priorities you have determined.

1. Schedule your time. Early before the start of the semester, you have now your class schedule. From
there, you will now create your own calendar for your activities.

How much time will you allot for your studying sessions? How much time will you allot for your voice choir
practice? How much time will you allot in accomplishing your project? From these questions, you can derive
an effective schedule.

2. Apart from this schedule, plan upcoming days by using a daily to-do list. Place scheduled events into
their appropriate time slots and prioritize everything that needs to be prioritized.

3. Follow your schedule religiously. Avoid interruptions. If there are instances in which it is avoidable, make
sure that you can make it up on your next schedule. If possible, write a note for yourself to remind you of
such adjustment.

4. You will maximize your time if you will do the tough stuffs first. Although in case it keeps you from getting
started, then skip to it and accomplish easy tasks. It will develop you the confidence on finishing tough stuffs
later on.

5. Give yourself time to rest. Include in your schedules rest times. If possible, free yourself of any school
stuffs during Sundays.

There you are. These are the time management skills students like you should be developed. Follow it and
time will be a useful ally in your student life.
For students to have a more successful time management, they do not have to work hard for it. They need
to work smart.

Some students may have realized that no matter how much effort they put in managing their time and
studies, they always end up defeated in attaining the goals they set. Instead of getting more results, they
end up with nothing. This is the result of working hard in managing their time.

Be smart in your time management. You do not have to increase your efforts. You only have to work twice
as hard the first time so you do not need a second or third attempt.

You just have to be ahead of your plans and double the effort needed. This is how smart time management.
If students learn how to make this work, they will be able to keep up and survive the demanding academic
life that they are facing.

Oftentimes, students encounter some mistakes in their time management skills that can hinder and even
stop them from making their way smoothly towards the attainment of their goals. What are the common
mistakes students make in time management?

1. Starting the day without an action plan.

The most important thing in time management is doing things right and not doing it fast. The latter just
results to not achieving anything. It is best to have a specific goal for the day. What do you want to
accomplish? How will you go about accomplishing those things?

Begin doing when the day begins so you can attain your tasks by the end of the day.

2. No stability in life.

It is said that life is comprised of seven important areas. These are family, health, intellectual, financial,
professional, social and spiritual. As a student, you cannot spend equal amounts of time to all these things.
There may be some areas where you need to focus more on a certain day. And another areas for a different

All these areas are related to each other. One cannot work properly without being dependent on some. That
is why you need to balance your time in these different areas to be more stable and at peace.

If you have the proper time management, you are able to set enough time for all these areas. The process
may not instantaneous but once you gotten into the rhythm of things, it will not be that difficult. Learn to

3. Untidy and chaotic study area.

Ever noticed that when there are a lot of things around you, you get distracted easily? You can quickly lose
your concentration when your eyes and mind start drifting on whatever things lying around.

Compare this to a clean and arranged area. You will not feel buried among the mess and you can focus on
the task at hand.

This is the same reason that office workers are effective. You do not see any mess lying around their work
station much. They maintain a clean and cluster free environment so it will be easy to move around without
any distractions. This same principle should be applied to your study area.

3. Not enough sleep.

According to studies, almost 75% of most students are constantly complaining of being tired easily. Some
even get tired even before the day is finished. It is not that they lack any sleep. A few are even disciplined
enough to get the 8-10 hours sleep that is needed. What is lacking in them is quantity and quality sleep.

It seems that students are so stressed out throughout the day; studying hard and sometimes getting out of
control, that they find it difficult to get a full night's sleep.

Try to think about all your worries and problems before going to bed. You will notice that you can sleep
easily. In the morning, you will then feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day with a clear and focused

This way, you can plan carefully, think more and have less stress compared to the times when sleep is not
sufficient. At the end of that day, you will see that you have actually accomplished more things. All this
because you slept right.

Being a student should not stop you from having the right time management skills. It is better to start early
than later on.
In every game each second is very important. Anything can happen. A team can win or lose a crucial match
within a matter of a few ticks of the clock.

Just as well as for a student athlete, time is very critical. Each day should be productive. Being a student
athlete is difficult. Their mind is divided into several goals. Their attention is also separated by other
conditions like practice, championship games, curricular activities, examination date, and maintaining a good
GPA (General Periodical Average).

Learning time management can help the student athletes to become more efficient. Practices, classes,
games must have an allocated time. For most of the student athletes, time commitment must be viewed on
different aspects.

Student athletes should know and realize that they have extra responsibilities. The student athletes should
excel not only in sports but in their course programs as well. The academic progression is being monitored
by the school administration and counselors. So, if the students fail to maintain their GPA, the school will
automatically remove them from the team.

Setting goals and managing time can help the student athletes in adjusting their time and schedule. It can
also increase the level of self-esteem.

To further discuss about time management for athletes. Here are some of the important insights that will
give idea about the significance of time management.

• The athletes must divide its time properly to maintain their progress academic report. The academic report
is a very important basis. By having a falling grade on the academic report the coach can recommend the
student for further evaluation. • Time management can also assist athlete students on how to have a
solution about poor attendance. Poor attendance can affect the status of the student's academic level. • As
a tool, time management can boost up the intensity of the students in academic excellence.

There are several schools and universities that have specialized curriculum to help student athletes. In
normal ways, the school have different program in order to encourage athletes to develop their talent. Even
though the student athletes are very busy, the school should assist them in managing their school hours and
goal setting.

For example, there are some universities that offer a peer student athlete-tutoring program. The selected co-
athletes balance their time to become mentors of other athletes.

Aside from that, in the United States, student athletes have a typical form of time management record. The
school administration keeps a continuous observation about their academic and athletic environment and
schedule. If the student needs assistance, the school can give an academic trainer.

Issues on time management is not an easy "immediate repair" or a one minute solution. The student must
undergo a long intense procedure. The proper skill and techniques must change a student athlete's life for
the better. Here are some basic ways on how to balance the time of the athlete students.

• Where does all the time go? The student athletes should monitor the time properly. There should be
enough time for practice, classes and games. • Picture out goal and life objectives. As an athlete and a
student as well, the individual should know what he really want in life. Is it to become a professional player,
or the other way around? By asking this question the student will know what particular field he will
concentrate on. • Make use of the word "no". The student should have the ability to be more responsible. If
the coach wants them to practice on Saturday and an exam was also scheduled the same day, he must
make his own prerogatives.

The learning process of time management

As a student athlete, one of the major responsibilities is to recognize the strength and weaknesses of goal
setting. Having enough of motivation techniques and skills can accomplish those set of goals.

Here are some essential directions in order to improve goal establishment and time motivation.

• The very first thing that a student should do is to analyze the time control style. Time must be spent wisely.
The athlete must discover some skills in achieving their goals. • Learn the basic time development issues.
The student must know how to practice motivation. Aside from that, managing stress and conflict can also
increase development strategy. • Decision making is very important in learning the methods of time
management. Through decision making, the student can evaluate strategy and essential setting standards.

A student should know the proper way of time management. Successful time management does not mean
that every minute must be monitored. It only means one thing, use time wisely.
Some students always think that there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. They feel like
they are always running late. These students try to keep themselves sane when they are overloaded with
courses, research, teaching, and a life.

A great solution for this problem is by the use of time management techniques to get organized. Time
management simply involves considering your obligations and making choices about how to use your time.
Scheduling and managing time wisely are important for a student.

If you miss important appointments and deadline it will likely cause further complication to both your
academic and social life

This causes anxiety, frustration, guilt, and other nasty feelings. This is not going to tell you to study more
and socialize less, although in some cases you might want to think about it.

Instead, it will suggest how to make the most of your time and personalize it to fit your tastes and activities.

Review you notes everyday. You will reinforce what you have learned, so you need less time to study. You
will also be ready if your teacher calls on you or gives a pop quiz.

Use a school planner or calendar with plenty of space to record assignments, lists, and appointments. Put
things that are most important at the top and do them first.

If it is easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks. Do not forget to reward yourself for your

It is ok to say "No." For example, an acquaintance of yours would like you to see a movie with him tonight.
You made social plans for tomorrow with your friends and tonight you were going to study and do laundry.
You really are not interested.

You want to say no, but you hate turning people down. Politely saying no should become a habit. Saying no
frees up time for the things that are most important.

If your boss asks you to work on a Thursday night and you have to take final examinations the next morning,
make sure to say a polite refusal. Keep your short- and long-term priorities in mind.

Get a good rest. Running on empty makes the day seems longer and your tasks seem more difficult.
Sleeping right will make you healthy and will help you to be energized for the day.

Communicate your schedules to others. If phone calls are proving to be a distraction, tell your friends that
you take social calls from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. It may sound silly, but it helps.

Do not waste time agonizing. Have you ever wasted an entire evening by worrying about something that you
are supposed to be doing? Was it worth it? Instead of agonizing and procrastinating, just do it.

You do not have to be a perfectionist. Trying to be a perfect person sets you up for defeat. Nobody can be
perfect. Difficult tasks usually result in avoidance and procrastination.

You need to set achievable goals, but they should also be challenging. There will always be people both
weaker and stronger than you will.

Learn to prioritize. Prioritizing your responsibilities and engagements is very important. Some people do not
know how to prioritize and become procrastinators. A 'to do list" places items in order of importance. One
method is the ABC list.

This list is divided into three sections - a, b, or c. The items placed in the A section are those needed to be
done that day. The items placed in the B section need completion within the week. The C-section items are
those things that need to be done within the month.

As the B, C items become more pertinent they are bumped up to the A or B list. Try it or come up with your
own method, but do it. Take the "big-picture" approach.

Look over all that you need to complete and decide what is most important. Which assignment is due first?
Which is the most difficult?

Combine several activities. Another suggestion is to combine several activities into one time spot. While
commuting to school, listen to taped notes.

This allows up to an hour or two a day of good study review. Make a mental list of the things that need to be
done. When you watch a sit-com, laugh as you pay your bills.

These are just suggestions of what you can do to combine your time, but there are many others, above all
be creative, and let it work for you.

Break large assignments and tasks into their component parts. For example, break a term paper into many
smaller and more manageable tasks such as finding a topic, conducting literature searches, gathering
articles and books, reading and taking notes, writing an outline, writing the first draft, and revising.

Make a list of all tasks required to complete a major assignment. You will find that crossing items off the list
is quite rewarding!

Go with your flow. In here, you should think about the biological peaks of yourself and your lows.

For example, think if you are a morning person or you are at your best at night. You should plan the day
accordingly. It is better to save the difficult tasks for the times when you are at your best.

Make use of wasted time. Have you ever noticed how much time you spend commuting, standing in lines,
and waiting (for doctors, advisors, etc.)? Carry pocket work to make use of that time that would otherwise be

Carry a short reading assignment or flash cards for studying. Alternatively, use the time to write in your
planner and organize yourself. Ten minutes here, fifteen minutes later, it all adds up and you will find that
you can be more done.

After scheduling becomes a habit, then you can adjust it. It is better to be precise at first. Pull some strings
and be strict with your time management.

It is easier to find something to do with extra time then to find extra time to do something. Most importantly,
make it work for you. A time schedule that is not personalized and honest is not a time schedule at all.
At last, you finally made the cut in the university and everything will be smooth sailing from now on. All the
hard work back in high school paid off, you thought.

Yes, all of your hard work back in high school really paid off. However, you should not assume that
everything would be easy as a university student. Be prepared that it is going to be more hectic and stressful
than what you went through in high school.

Many students assume that they can now take it easy once they reached college. They think like these
because of what they heard from many university students about great parties and many friends to meet.
This is a common misconception of many new university students.

Being a university student means a lot more work and dedication to your studies, but it does not mean you
should not have fun like what you heard about what other university students talk about.

So how can you mix studies and socialization?

The answer to that would be time management.

Planning to manage your time is not that easy, many university students often fail on achieving their goals
and resulting in frustration because many of them set unrealistic goals. It is important that you should set
goals that are both difficult to achieve but achievable.

There are many factors that you should consider when doing a time management plan. You should not only
set specific goals, but also set time on when you will be working on it.

As you can imagine, there are many things to do as a university students. Your parents are not there to help
you, you have to do every little thing and some of them may be time consuming.

Always remember that you will be living in the university campus or nearer and this means that all the
amenities of home will not always be there. You have to drive to the laundry, do your groceries and cook
your own food. It can be very difficult to adjust being a university student, especially if you are a freshman.

It is your responsibility to take care of yourself and at the same time study. There will be no parents telling
you to do your homework. There will also be no one to assign what time you should go home.

You might think that all these are very good that there are no nagging parents to tell you what to do.
Nevertheless, this is to train you to become responsible for yourself.

You will be tempted to go to parties on study night since no one will tell you that you are not allowed and you
have all the time you have.

While it is true you can do whatever you want with your time while in the university, passing every exam
should be one of your long-term goal. In order to achieve this, you have to study hard and know how to
manage your time.

Here are some tips on how to manage your time:

Set a number of goals that you can achieve. Having too little will give you no satisfaction and often does not
give the desired results and having too much will often result in failure and frustration. Achieve this by
thinking of different goals and writing them down, always remember to be realistic.

After you wrote it down, the next step would be to determine the most important goals you have to achieve.
Pick on how many you can achieve in a specific period.

The next step would be prioritizing your goals. Try to think of what is the most important goal you want to
achieve and prioritize them.

Next would be planning it. Set an everyday schedule of task, it is important to follow everything you listed
down. Always welcome the free time in your class, for example, the professor is late for 15 minutes. Use this
free time to study or review your notes to get ready for exams that your professor might give.

Since this is just your first day of time management, it will not always be perfect. If you see something wrong
or seem to have miscalculated the time, change it. Do not force yourself on work you can no longer do just
to achieve it. This kind of attitude will only be stressful for you.

Always include in your daily schedule on what time you should sleep. Always welcome a break. You must
know that sleep is an important factor in time management. If you study too hard and rest too little, expect
failure on goals. You will not study effectively without sleep.

Lastly, always remember to have fun. After you achieved your first goal, get some time for yourself. Go to
parties, or any other recreational activities that lets you socialize and relax.
The kind of time management you had in high school will not work once you get to college. If you are used
to procrastination backing those days, you will realize that this is not possible in college. For your college
career to work successfully, you need good time management.

Unlike high school, college classes do not always meet everyday. So you probably just set your projects for
later. You are probably thinking that there is no rush and that you have all the time in the world to do that.

You should know that if this keeps up, you would have tons of homework, reading and projects to catch up
to. When this happens, you will be put into so much pressure that you do not know what hits you.

If you want to make the most out of your college lie, then take these time management tips into
consideration. They will assure that you get the quality time to ensure other college activities.

Know what is the most important thing needed to be accomplished. Be certain about things that should be
your top priority. You could drop subjects that you think is not important during that semester. Create an
ordered list of these important things. Then you can try and make them your top priority before anything

Ignore distractions. It is when you are in your most concentrated moments that your friends dropped by and
asked you to go out with them. If you are like most people, then you do not have to be pushed into going.

But if you want to maintain the time management you set upon yourself, you will stay and continue on with
what you are doing. There are a lot of things you can do so as not to be bothered. You can lock your door
and hang up a 'do not disturb" sign outside. You can also turn off telephone ringers and let the machine take
all calls for the meantime. Do not skip breakfast. It is true; breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
The right breakfast will give you the sugars and carbohydrates to keep you energized throughout the day.

For the body conscious ones out there, skipping breakfast is not really a slimming option. You should know
that the breakfast calories are burned fast during the day. They do not stay long in the body. By not eating
breakfast, you will not only feel tired immediately, you also will not have the drive to perform your best.

Make the most of your classes. Do not take your classes for granted. You will see their importance once you
get into the real world and has began work.

Avoid being late and skipping classes. Try to do some advance reading into the topics written on the class
syllabus. There is nothing wrong being a step ahead of your peers. Besides, you will feel very much a
genius once the professor talks about something you already know about.

Learn to say no. This is one of the best things to do to be able to manage your time well. You have to learn
to say "no" to your friends asking you out. Say "no" when someone asks you to do something for them when
you are busy studying or reading notes.

Just try to suggest that you will come with them or help them another time. You do not have to add more
pressure to pressure; just say no when you do not feel like it. This is one way of taking priorities.

If these people really liked for you to come or you help, they are likely to agree with your suggestion and ask
again when you are free.

Keep in mind that there is a time for everything. There is a time for studying. There is also a time to give
yourself a break. A nap or two is one way of refreshing your mind and recovering some of your lost energy.
Going outside, talking with friends or playing a game or two is also another relaxing activity.

Not all college student have the same time management needs. Each one has their own time management
skills they needed to improve on to make it through their college career.
Are you one among the people who suffering from cramming over the tasks of life? You may think to end life
because of mishandling all your tasks. If you look towards the positive side of life, dealing with these tasks
can be so easy.

If you want to learn more about it, continue reading this article and you will learn more how to handle these

Adult students are given so many tasks in school, as they are the most capable of handling it well. Adult
students need to do all these tasks to continue their education.

Usually, the major contributing factors that influence the difficulty in handling the tasks are the worthless
activities. Adult people may find it hard to deal with all these tasks, which is why they need to learn how to
use time management.

Time management is a strategy to handle your time well. There are many time management methods and
strategy, which can help you accommodate multiply tasks even with a little time in your hands.

Time management is a systematic approach of organizing your activities. It is also a way to help you
categorize your tasks according to the topmost priority and the least priority. This is a very effective
technique used by most of the successful businesspersons today.

The list of following techniques is of great help in managing the time for adult. Adults face insurmountable
tasks and the following techniques can help them in accomplishing their tasks with positive results. These
are the following:

• As an adult student, you should know how to prioritize your different activities. Start from the tasks that are
of most important. Make sure to accomplish first the most important aspect in every task.

You should also learn how to manage your activities well and to do the different procedures properly to
avoid repetitions and to attain good outcome. Never take on an unattainable task. Always stay within the
bounds of reality when listing off your tasks.

• Avoid entertaining useless activities such as watching televisions, talking in long hours on phone,
worthless talk and many more. These things are not productive and consume most of your time. You will jus
be spending all your time without gaining anything from it. You can do all these things after managing to
perform all your priorities.

• Make a checklist of all the things you must do. This is the most important task under time management,
where in you will identify the things you can do in a day. Put a mark on the task you performed, by this
means you will be organizing your activities in an easier manner. Answer the following questions properly
and this will help to set your goals:

1. What are the activities you want to accomplish?

2. Do I need to set frames to accomplish its items?

3. What are the most important things in your life?

4. Will I organize using the prioritization?

5. Do I need to create a game plan for achieving each goal settings?

• Put a deadline on every task you need to perform, this will pursue you to focus your attention more on the
task you must do. You will never entertain other activities other than the task you are working with. Thus,
you will save much time and you can spend it on other activities not included in your list.

• Be able to know your priorities well and put objective or goals. You will never stray on any activities you
are performing. The Goal will serve as your path heading to your objective.

Avoid setting unattainable, even impossible objectives, as this will only make you feel worthless when you
are unable to finish it. Setting an attainable goal will make you feel fulfilled if attained with success.
You as an adult students needs to do these following techniques to attain positive outcome in your life at
school. Always remember to keep your feet firmly on the ground to avoid disappointments. With all your
activities organized in priorities, your tasks will be easier to attain.

Time management is in fact, a great help for every adult with a busy lifestyle. With it, you will be entertaining
other activities that are less productive but useful as well. Learn to use the time management and stay in
tranquility all your life.
You are already an adult. You have a family, a decent job, and a home of your own. However, you want to
finish your college education. You have enough money for it and your wife is supporting you to continue your

It might be for unfinished college courses or for a degree. Anyhow, the biggest problem you will encounter is
time, it may seem like there is not enough time to do everything at once.

Juggling work hours and family time is stressful enough, adding school is unimaginable. The first thing you
have to do is choose a university or college that is near your home.

You need easy access to work, home and school for this to work. Ask your boss that you will be attending
school and that you need time adjustment for your shifts.

Going to college when you already have a decent work and family to take care of can be very hard. What
you need to do is time management. You need to work, take care of your family and go to school on time.

It will take you many adjustments to be familiar with the routine of working and taking care of your family
once you have entered college.

Before entering college, learn how you spend your time on a daily basis. List down the number of hours for
each activity you do at work, home and your personal leisure activity.

Here are some examples of what you should list down:

• At Work Total number of hours each day Driving time to work and going home Time spent working at
home Other activities such as breaks

• Leisure Activities Number of hours spent watching TV or Movies Reading Socializing Hobbies Outdoor

• Your Everyday Life Eating Personal Grooming Housework Attending your children's activities Cooking
Shopping Home maintenance

Find out what you need time on and keep them then find out what are time wasters and scratch them off the
list. All people waste time, you spend too much on TV, playing computer games taking care of the garden, or
just napping.

If you are planning to go to college, spending too much time on these activities will just spell failure. Learn to
sacrifice a little of your leisure activities.

Instead of watching TV or reading fiction novels, it is better to use these time wasters for studying. You have
to make room for your college education. Try to determine which of these activities are time wasters and
scratch them off the list.

Learn to do two things at once. If it is possible to do this then do it. Remember 15 minutes time is already
valuable since you will be entering college education. It is important that you save much time as possible.
Instead of making two trips to do two things, try to do one trip and accomplish the two things you needed

You can ask your wife or husband to take care of the little things like doing the laundry or washing the
dishes. Remember that time is important and since you are entering college, it is important that both of you
as a parent should support each other.

Small things, which are not too essential for your home, now can be scratched off your list or priorities, like
tending your lawn or polishing your car. You can use these extra times to study.

Effectively organize your activities by buying an organizer or scheduler. A written form of schedules is very
effective in time management. List down things to do and priorities, by doing this you will not easily forget
what you need to do.

You can buy an organizer in office supplies store and will have different varieties. You can also buy the
electronic version to organize more effectively that the manual version.
The key to success as an adult college student is to write or store everything down in your organizer. You
have to take everything down from class schedules, library research, exams, due dates for essays or
projects, class meeting, work schedules, family time and more.

As an adult student, time management is one of the most important skills you have to master. Mixing school
or study in your already busy life is very challenging but can work.

All you need is a little patience and time. It is just a matter of how you plan your life as an adult student.
The high school students may or may not be the next batch of college students. The tradition of sending
high school graduates immediately to college right after the year they graduated has already been

Nowadays, it is up to the student if they still want to continue on a college education right after graduating or
if they opt to occupy themselves with work first. It is quite important that high school students already know
how to effectively budget their time and make use of each minute of their lives doing valuable things
necessary for a successful future.

In as much that high school authorities would like to have high school students enjoy their leisure years,
indeed they would do well to emulate the examples of college students in proper time management.

High school students are not entirely devoid of a whirlwind of activities. Nevertheless, the students do not
have much heavy responsibilities yet, even in their homes. Heavy-duty time management practices might be
beyond their league yet.

Still it is a great help to introduce, early on the simplest simulations of time management practices, that is
applicable enough for high school students.

Here are some simulations of time management tips for high school students designed according to the
pattern of activities by high school. This will help hone high school students" reliable organizing talents.

The time management simulations are presented as advices for controlling time and organizing high school
life. The time management simulations will also give high school students an idea on how to handle classes,
homework, projects, and extra-curricular activities while still managing to squeeze in a boyfriend/girlfriend
and spend time with them and their family.

1. Having a list of things "To Do" daily – Making this should be quite easy. The things considered as very
important must be on the top of the list. Next are the least important ones. Aside from a "To Do" list, one can
also maintain a planner or a calendar of activities. Using planners will help keep track of all tasks to

Check off every item accomplished or completed, everyday, too. Rewarding or indulging oneself to relax,
relaxation or other types of entertainment is a great thing to reward yourself of accomplishments.

2. Precious spare time are rare, use them wisely. Get small but profound tasks finished during intervals
between classes, or while waiting in the bus stop.

3. Do not give in to peer pressure. Learn to say no, quickly and politely. Turn down friendly invitations for
social activities, which you do not want to attend because it will get in the way of your more important tasks.

4. Know the best time of day when your energy level is at its highest and you are bound to be more
productive. This is the perfect time to accomplish or finish important projects. However, you can still perform
small tasks of lesser importance during the time of day when your energy level is not at its best. This way,
you will not waste any time.

5. As a student it is necessary to take down lecture notes and review them every day. This practice will
further advance and reinforce what you have already learned and may even help in adding new knowledge.
You will also be ready for any surprise quizzes your teacher might give.

6. You deserve a good night's rest, every night. The maximum hours required for a good sleep is eight
hours. Having a good night's sleep and rest will keep you bright and fresh in each day you face.

7. Set up a schedule you can open to others so that they can avoid disturbing you unintentionally. Set a
time on when you will allow yourself the distraction of social calls from friends. Set a daily schedule for your
everyday routine.

8. Plan other projects by identifying the free time you have each week. Manage this free time well by using it
to do other activities and projects you have failed to finish before or have just recently took on.

9. Stop worrying and instead get on with living. Worrying only cause serious health implications, stress and
lack of appetite. Nothing can be gained from worrying. Instead of spending your time agonizing and
procrastinating, you can accomplish more productive activities.

10. Finally, always keep a good perspective of things. Do not set unrealistic goals that will just lead to failure.
You can identify your ultimate goals in life early on. Set possible ones.

This is but a form of time management simulation for high school students. By considering the tips,
instructions and profound irrevocable knowledge in this simulation, you can personalize them according to
your habits and character.

These time management simulations will greatly help in improving high school students" lifestyle and outlook
in life and assist them in reaching their goals in life.
Based on some studies, 40 percent of secondary stage students drop their focus, effectiveness and self-
esteem at this period of their educational life. Most of the time, the student finds it hard to organize their
work during hectic schedules. It is very normal; many of the secondary stage students experience the same
problems, although some of them could handle it better than the others.

Aside from that, most of the secondary stage students work too hard about their lessons. Having enough
time is one of the basic problems. As a result of this, they feel very busy, exhausted, stressed out and

Having time control and organized goals is certainly a hard job. Fortunately there is a better way. By using
time management skills a student can cope up with those difficulties and troubles.

A time management skill is necessary for secondary stage students. By using time management skills,
students can be able to gain practical techniques. Most of these techniques can assist them in their
homework, projects, sports, and other form of activities. According to some psychiatrist and guidance
counselors of different schools, time management skills can be the pillars of student's success.

As a matter of fact, the student can use the time skills and techniques to overcome the overloaded feeling.
Having this kind of feeling is normal anyway for most of the students. But through some time skills and
techniques students can gain self-confidence to overcome their burden.

Not only that, there was a study conducted on several universities in United States. That study exposed that
time management is the most effective tool to having a worry-free and well organized secondary education.
It also becomes one of the biggest advantages in order for the students to set up an impressive track record
for achievement. Aside from that, the students also learn how to set goals for their careers.

Generally speaking, skills tackled in this article will serve as a guide for most of the secondary level
students. Here are some basic importances of time management skills.

• The student will learn how to become a highly effective individual. • Time management skills will also
show the students how to identify and focus on the activities. The goal must be set based on the priority.
The activity which will give greatest return must be given the top priority. • Goal setting is the best lesson
a student can find trough management skills. Furthermore, goal setting is also vital and important features
for deciding life goals and achievements. • Secondary stage students can also maintain a good quality of
work. By using time management skills, the students can easily make themselves more creative.

Secondary stage students must enjoy their life. While time works against them, they should have the
capability to turn time as their biggest assets. Managing time properly can find ways to boost up their

Skills and techniques for managing time is just a simple strategy. On the other hand, if the students spend
time poorly, a domino effect can take place. For example, if a day was spent unwisely the next day will be a
tendency to an overload of work. The tendency is the students must work harder. They get more stressed
and exhausted.

There are several course outlines that are involved in time management skills. Here are some of the topics
that are specially made for many students. It gives the students an idea about budgeting time and planning
some goals.

• Realistic Planning. The goal of the students must be set for the next few weeks. By doing this, the student
can have a preview about their plans. It will also help the students to accomplish some objectives
exclusively within that particular week. • Stress and pressure absorption. Stress and pressures are one of
the worst enemies of students especially during examination week. Having this kind of skills can help the
students in managing their attention and focus. • Be the task master. Most of the basic skills and
techniques can help the students to be more responsible. Most of the course outline involving in this topic
must teach the students how to handle themselves. • Objective Picture. The student must be flexible
enough to switch from immediate task to another. The time management skills teach the students to learn
the importance of objective planning.

The importance of time management is by knowing the value of goal setting. Time is very influential
attributes in achieving objectives. Above all, time management skills can increase the personal efficiency of
the students.
Does it always feel like you are running against time? There are seemingly a lot of homework to do, projects
to finish, school activities to attend to, etc. If you are always late or has tons of pending things to do, then it
is time to rethink your time management strategy. Maybe what you have is not working effectively.

Below are some suggestions on how best you can manage your time and start organizing your messy and
hectic life.

1. Make it a point to list things you need to do.

Priority is the keyword. Your list should not note down the most important to the least important. Having a
planner can make this easier for you. After each task is finish, then go on the next. Before you know it, you
have accomplished everything on your list.

Try to reward yourself after finishing your tasks. It will serve as your boost to go on and start with the next.
Nothing like the anticipation of finishing a task to get a reward in return. These rewards can also serve as
the diversion you need after the hard work.

2. Make every second count.

Even if you find yourself buried deep in things to do, you will notice that there are moments when you seem
to be not doing anything at all. These spare times can prove vital if you want to manage your time well.

For example, in the process of resting, why not look over some notes just to familiarize yourself with them.
You do not have to memorize or understand deeper, just scan through. In the process of scanning, you mind
takes in the details to be recovered later on.

3. Notes should be reviewed everyday. When you look at your notes everyday, less time will be spent in
studying especially when examination time comes. There will be no need to cram or memorize too many
information at the shortest time.

Reviewing them regularly will make you prepared whenever your teachers decide to give you unexpected
quizzes or tests. Some teachers test their students this way. They serve as a constant check up on how
students are managing their subjects. The results of these quizzes give them an idea who are taking some
time to read notes and who are waiting to be told to study.

4. Be a taskmaster. Figure out how much of your time are spent on studying and other school-related
activities. Then check how much free time is left for you. You can budget your time better if you know how
much time are spending on a particular task.

It is also important that you give yourself some free time so you will not find yourself losing your sanity
altogether. 5. Do not waste time over nothing. Have you ever encountered a time when you used up all you
time just thinking and driving yourself crazy with bad thoughts? When you have overcome that stage, did
any good result from it?

Why not just spend these times being more productive? Even if you do not feel like doing anything
demanding, you can always find a task that is less tiring. By starting on that to pass your time, you have
moved a bit from the position you were in earlier.

6. Keep everything in perspective. In your goal setting stage, you may have included goals that you think
you can achieve but are too difficult to do so in reality. While it is okay to set seemingly high goals, do not try
to overdo them. Try to set realistic and reachable goals.

7. No one is perfect. Trying to have a perfect time management will only disappoint you in the end. Like all
time management plans, these things should be open to change when the situation calls for it.

Nearly perfect goals are not that easy to achieve. And with you not being perfect also, do not expect things
to turn out as you have anticipated.

After you have gotten into the feel of your time management skills, you will see that it is not really difficult
maintaining them. You just have to make them work for you. This way, you will get more free time to do
other things you want.
Never seen the importance of time management? Try being a student in a university.

Getting the most out of your studies in a university is the same as giving up one thing for another. You need
to be prepared to manage your time and taking many considerations in mind. This is what most students are

The best thing to do is to start work as early as possible. It is not wise to leave things to the last minute.
Never settle to do things at the wrong times. Even though you have the perfect time management set up, the
result will not be favorable.

By planning ahead and with lots of time to spare, you have the advantage of looking over work in advance.
You can discover problems you have missed. You can also ask for help about things you do not understand.
This can be done by making appointments with tutors for help. Lastly, you can have a discussion with other
students that are experiencing the same problems. Answers usually come up when more heads are used.

Make yourself do the following:

Decide on a degree you are very much interested in rather than taking one for the sake of having a degree.
You can learn more if you find that you enjoy every minute of it. Trying to like something is like trying to
swallow food that makes you throw up every time.

When assignments seem too difficult, consider it a challenge. Thinking a task is too hard will eventually slow
down your efforts. It can even stop them dead on their tracks. But when you think of it like a challenge to
undertake, your views can undergo changes for the better.

Keep up with your work. Do not set aside for later what you can do today. Create a timetable that should be
followed religiously to make sure that you do not fall way behind of schedule.

Do not forget deadlines, assignments and submissions. As early as possible, you should be aware of these
things. You will be spared being surprised at how time flies and you have not done anything at all. It is also
best to position them in places where they will be visible to you. This way, once you see them you are
reminded that there are deadlines to meet.

Below are some tips to improve your study and the time needed for them.

Avoid doing your tasks at the last minute. When this happens, you will find that what you have done is not of
quality. It will be too late to realize that you could done better and would probably get higher marks if you
have done it sooner.

Once you have gotten hold of your task, start doing something about it. Simple things like scanning and
reading through can make a lot of difference. This is called leverage. They make you one step closer to

Do not leave the classroom until you are certain you understand what was taught. Do not be afraid to ask
questions regarding things you do not comprehend. Having your questions answered is better than being left
groping in the dark. Seminars and lectures also have their advantages. Choose ones that you think will be
useful to your and your studies.

It is during these gatherings that you can learn some things not taught in classes. Other people's ideas are
always a valuable addition to yours.

Try working with others. If you think you can accomplish your task easier, try doing it with other people. You
will see that it gets more easier done that way. Other persons may have ideas that you have not thought of.
Likewise, your ideas may provide them with answers.

To stop yourself from getting pressured and work overloaded, try to arrange time for your study in and
around others demands on your life. Create a healthy balance on all of them.

Students need good time management and self discipline. This will ensure that you not meet your deadlines
but to make sure that you will not study many things at the same times.

Just remember to take breaks, plenty of them. Try to chill out once in a while to stay focused on your time
management skills.
Nowadays, students" preference on working part-time keeps on rising. Many students work during their
vacant time to accumulate extra income that will help them support their studies at a college or a university.

Working students keep on increasing in number in the United States. For these students, working while
studying is never unusual.

However, being a working student is not as easy as it seems. One must be able to overcome the pressures
brought upon by studies. All the projects, home works, examinations and other school requirements will
surely leave one a headache.

In addition, the stress you may feel while working may not be that good. Whatever work one may choose, it
will require him of extra effort and time.

In some other cases, there are full time college students that are involved in voluntary charity works or
community extension programs. They too are spending more time over their usual time spent on studying
alone. Extra time for other activities other than studying would mean lower grades if not managed well.

For these working students, their time can only be divided into two. First, they must allot time for studying
and second, they must work. It is never hard to handle especially if one already managed his time properly.

However, on the part of those spending their vacant time at home, attitude is somewhat the problem why
achieving time management is hard.

Here are some time killers that one should be aware of for avoidance:

• The Boob Tube Television is one of the time consumers and time wasters.
Spending too much time watching television programs is not a good habit. You can do other worthwhile
chores or works rather than just sitting on a corner and let time pass by.

Recent studies show that most American teenagers are hooked up by television. They would spend a
maximum of 10 hours in front of a boob tube. • E-mail Teens these days are very much IT oriented.
They would rather spend in front of their PC rather than do some productive works. These virtual innovations
are very helpful for a student, but not all things in excess are beneficial. One may limit the use of their e-mail
for important businesses only. • Telephone Using your telephone, more than five times a day outside your
rest time is not a good time management. Telephones should be used solely for important transactions and

One may decline a call if it is not important. Mobile phones alike are time wasters. Many students spend too
much time for SMS and other features on heir mobile phones rather than for their work or studies. Students
must always remember that these gadgets are for important purposes only.

Knowing these time killers would be a great help for building up your time management skill. One must
always take heed and avoid these time wasters.

Always bear in mind that whatever or whoever takes your attention during your working or studying time may
be a time waster.

Therefore, to make sure that your time is used constructively you may continue reading and find out the
simplest thing to do in order to master your time management skills.

One may apply these three basic to-dos in time management. These are very simple but quite hard to
follow. Read on to find out why.

Things one must do in order to double his time management ability:

1) Avoid and eliminate time wasters in your life. All the time wasters listed above and whatever that seems
to you is a time waster must be eradicated. Ever since, spending time on unnecessary things is not
beneficial. In addition to that, time wasters can also be money wasters.

Resting must not mean jeopardizing your allotted time for study and work. Your time must fall exactly on the
important things you must do. You may allot a little time for television, telephone, etc to be able to
accommodate necessary things to do.
In allotting time, prioritize your studies and work than any of things you have to do.

2) Organize your activities by making a list for it. Before doing anything, plan it and write it down so that you
may be guided accordingly without wasting time. In making a list, prioritize what you have to do first
according to its importance.

Distractions are widely creeping around you, but whatever happens; do not allow these distractions to
become your priority. Here are some things you have to make a list for:

• Write down the things you need to accomplish

• Every item written on your list must be given a period

• Organize every item written according to its importance.

• Make a plan on how to achieve your goals exactly in tune with the period.

3) Focus. This will help you accomplish every little thing you have to do for a day. Do not ever loose your
focus or else your goals will be destroyed.

Do not ever allow interruptions ruin your goals. Focus is your key in accomplishing your goals.
Students can have the benefit of having the proper time management with the use of graphic organizers.
These graphic organizers are efficient learning tools because they allow students to envision and sort out
information. When students" tasks are made easy, they can therefore budget their time to other activities.

Many schoolteachers are finding graphic organizers helpful in motivating and organizing thinking of primary
and secondary age children. Teachers use the structure of graphic organizers as a cognitive approach to
visually demonstrate to students how ideas and information in a specific problem, passage, text or unit of
study are related and organized.

Graphic organizers help keep students on track and make their thought process precise. There are ways in
which graphic organizers can be used.

Some of them are are: webbing, concept mapping, matrix, flow chart, and Venn diagram. Graphic organizers
can be used to illustrate describing, comparing and contrasting, classifying, sequencing, causal relationship
and decision-making.

But one of the more effective uses of graphic organizers is in the classroom. That is, helping students get on
with their studies without the usual laziness and stubbornness that is known of them.

One of the most effective ways is when teachers create the graphic organizer themselves. They will then
give it to the students with specified instructions of how to look for materials to complete it.

Not to be ignored, underachiever students are assisted by teachers using graphic organizers. They give
them partially completed organizers. All the students have to do is finish them.

Graphic organizers are designed to help each student reach their full to the extent. This is together with
learning their academics and managing their time from what is needed of them. Using these things, they are
disciplined and taught to make use of their time well and submit what they have done on time.

For example, early childhood teachers use Venn Diagrams to instruct comparing and contrasting objects.
Adult workers also utilize this in their job. Engineers use complex organizers to build up new development
and simulations.

How do teachers go about educating students with the use of graphic organizers?

Since teachers want to instill time management in their students, they would want to try and cover one
chapter in the shortest amount of time.

To be able to accomplish this, classes can be divided into groups of three or four. Each student in the group
is assigned a part of the chapter to read. It is also best that teachers provide students with an instruction
material that is divided in three or four sections. This way, students will know where they will focus on.

After reading their assigned sections, students are then required to create a graphic organizer that will best
describe their assigned text. When this is completed, they are enticed to use it to teach what they have
learned to the other students in their group.

This concept works quite well with social studies or survey classes wherein there are bulks of information for
a certain topic contained in a single book. Just think the amount of time needed to read through all that
information just to find what your topic is about. A lot of time wasted which could have been spent on other

Time management is not the only thing being taught to students using graphic organizers. They are also
taught to come up with creative ideas that will make the learning process easier.

As early as elementary, students already have an idea on things they can do with their graphic organizers.
Coming up with different names are one of them. This is one of the freedom they get from this kind of

According to experts on students and time management, the creativity with which graphic organizers are
created is one way of developing the students" insight and ability to come up with plans, solutions and
conclusions that work.
As of today, not many schools are using these graphic organizers in teaching their students. But for those
who have tried and used them, they can attest that these things can work quite effectively. Students have
been known to enjoy learning their tasks. They are even more enthusiastic and ready to take in whatever
their teachers have assigned to them.
Are you one among the people who have trouble in dealing with all your daily activities? Are you tired
because you fail to manage all these activities?

Keep that frown away. You can manage your time in ways that are more useful in many ways. Read this
article and learn how to deal with time management

Typical person got many activities to do everyday. These things should be done to facilitate living. People
however need to work to survive life. Earning for living is one among the major task of every individual. It is
never easy to gain money; everyone should work hard for it.

It is not only the working people who experience busy lives, but almost all people including the ones that
lives at home, they are the ones who do all the house hold shores. Students as well, they also live busy
lives. You, as a student, know how busy a student life is. Schools have so many activities and task to be

Sometimes these activities are even brought home. Students are pre-occupied with these activities almost
everyday of their lives. If they will not manage it well, they may neglect some of their activities that also need

These activities are also worthy to our life, like bonding with family members, spending time with friends and
mingling with other people. A student may need to know how to handle all their tasks well to be able to
manage it properly. How are they going to manage all these task well?

Being a nursing student is also a hard task. Nursing students deals with study of care to the people who
need it. Nursing is the care for the sick and healthy people as well. It deals with activities such as feeding
and caring for infants, promoting growth and development, promoting prevention to all the diseases, to
preserve injuries and promote health faster wound healing and promoting good health to the entire citizen.

A student nurse should learn these tasks. These students are learning how to deal with diseases that are
not easy to learn. As you know, science is never an easy subject but most of the subjects in nursing course
are under the curriculum.

In nursing course, students need to learn many skills that are important for practicing the nurse profession.
With all these activities, student nurses are not able to do some of their tasks other than learning nursing

Student nurses may need to prioritize all their activities to provide more room for other activities that are
important as well. Time management maybe the best tool for student nurses.

Time managements are one of the most important techniques that everyone needs to learn. This is a
technique used by many people to facilitate better management of time. Activities are done in an organized
manner. With the use of time management, these nursing students will be given the chance to perform other
useful activities other than the nursing course itself.

These are the suggested techniques that should be followed by the student nurses to manage time in a
systematize manner.

First thing to do is to organize all the activities to do. Make a checklist of the tasks with proper prioritization.
After the end of the day, check off the completed or accomplished tasks. This is a great help in the
identification of the tasks not yet done over a day.

Begin to focus on the activities giving less priority to the things you do not need to do. Before venturing in to
the activities that are not included in the list, your priority tasks must be done first. Avoid interruptions such
as chatting with classmates and doing unnecessary activities. You can entertain these activities after your
tasks are done.

Avoid the activities that will suck all your time. There are many activities that needs so much attention but
with less productive outcome. Things like watching televisions, sending emails, chat on internet and
telephone conversations are just some of the less important things you need to do for a day. Never give so
much time on these activities.

With proper time management, student nurses will be able to do other activities that also enhance their
personality. Things like dealing with other people and establishing rapport during meeting other people.

It is also healthy that people like student nurses give themselves a break from all of their activities for the
day. This will be a great help to manage the precious time.
During the first months in the graduate school, you feel so excited about the level of your studies. But later
on, you seem to be discouraged and very much stressed. Graduate Students will always complain that they
have plenty of things to do but very little time to accomplish them. How are you going to keep your sanity if
you are full of course requirements, teaching, researches and the demands of your life?

In order to be free from being burned out and drained from your energies, you should do something in
managing your time, that is, you will have to note down your days and make a progress report of your goals.
It has been said that time is gold. Time is one of the most valuable resources of man. You are supposed to
use it wisely. When you lose it, it will never come back again. Make the most of it. This is where time
management will apply.

Time management will have a key role for your success in the graduate school. When you use time
management, it does not mean you will be able to slow down or speed up the time. The success of time
management lies on you. It is actually how you manage yourself.

Moreover, you will be using techniques of time management in order to be organized. If you are not
organized, then everything will be in disarray. It is then necessary to put things in order so as to achieve
efficient and effective performance. And this will encourage you to be more productive and contented. Time
management simply pertains to your responsibilities and the choices you have made in using your time.

We have the following time management tips for graduate students.

1. You will have to make use of a calendar and school planner. Put some space where you will record your
appointments, lists to do and assignments. Make use of a yearly, monthly, and weekly calendar.

You are required by the graduate school on long term perspective of time. Formulate a plan at least two
years ahead with a yearly calendar which will be divided into months.

2. Take your time in planning and organizing. Everyday make it a point to check your calendar, take note of
your future assignments, and your lists must be updated.

3. Divide the tasks and assignments into smaller parts. It will be manageable and easier to accomplish.

4. You should be able to identify your set of goals and the deadlines to achieve them. An example for this
is when you set deadlines which are realistic for every phase of finishing a large assignment like the term

5. You must classify your tasks and lists according to priority. The total picture must be taken into account.
You decide which is the most important among your tasks and lists. Which assignment will be due this
week? Which assignment is not easy?

6. You must be flexible all the time. Be aware that there will always be distractions and interruptions which
will hinder your daily schedule. Make room for necessary adjustments of your time.

7. You should be able to know the time wherein you are very productive. Identify your biological highs and
lows. Are you at your best in the morning? Or are you an afternoon person? Plan your whole day properly.
You must reserve the most difficult task during the time when you are at your best to do something.

8. Do not be ashamed to say no to a person if you unable to do it. It is something that you are honest with
him. There are occasions wherein you will be given additional courses, responsibilities of job, activities
which outside your schedule. Try to examine carefully how relevant they are to you, before you decide to
accept them.

9. The time wasted must be used properly for productive purposes. Are you aware that you spend so much
time while commuting, standing in lines waiting for your turn, and waiting for your doctor, adviser or a friend.

Always bring a pocketbook so as to utilize the time which will be wasted. Take with you a minor assignment
which could be done easily. You could use the time to make some changes in your planner and for self
organization. With the additional number of minutes, you will be able to achieve more.
How many times have you had the exact word you needed on the tip of your tongue only to have it tease
and evade your memory? Who hasn't written a list to remember and then forgotten the list! Or perhaps you
asked someone to help you remember and they forgot. Maybe you hid something from yourself in a special
place you were sure to recall and spent weeks searching for the item because you forgot where you hid it.
How many Easter eggs have been hidden, only to rot several days later because the person who hid the
eggs forgot where they put them? What about that person you spent weeks secretly adoring, finally got the
perfect chance to make their acquaintance, and then suffered a mental freeze?

Was a bill paid late because you forgot to make a note on your calendar, notes you try to remember to
transfer from each month previous? Did you forget someone's birthday, someone like your child or parent
or, Heaven forbid, your spouse? Did you forget to feed your dog, and then get angry because he's
persistently trying to get your attention while you're busy with an important call? Was that you who were
asked by your loving wife or husband to bring a drink on a hot day of yard work, while your loved one tolls
away with their chores as you relax in the air conditioning? Oops! Sorry, honey. By the way, that silly
doctor's office called, you missed your appointment you were adamant they squeeze into their busy
schedule. Oh, dear, was that today?

Sometimes it seems that no matter what we do to try to jog our memories, they betray us at the worst
possible moments. Children are forgotten at school, standing in the car pick-up line. The groceries are left
to ruin in the back seat of the car because the phone rang just as you opened the front door. A bag is left at
the store holding something you bought that shows on your receipt, but got lost because of the many bags
you had to maneuver into the buggy while holding the crying baby. A cup is balanced on top of a vehicle,
only to topple off as the driver pulls away.

Every day people somewhere complain about memory loss, mostly temporary and short-term memory loss.
Many times it is simply a result of preoccupation and jammed, hectic schedules. Sometimes it is from lack
of sleep due to illness of one's self or one's child, or a night spent in a hospital by a loved one's side.

Proper rest and relaxation are important for normal mental function. Harried families often neglect to even
allow themselves relief on a vacation, often times returning more tired and mentally stressed than before
their trip. Yet, the solution can be so simple as to be overlooked. What is the answer? Take care of
yourself. Learn how much is too much and start saying no, whether to yourself or to someone needing just
a tiny little favor that throws your whole schedule out of whack when you are already stressed enough.
There are a variety of tools and materials, which are designed for speech therapy in the market right now,
thus giving the therapist much more options when it comes to choosing the equipments that could best
maximize his services. One variety of materials are toys. And there are various reasons for the rise in its

The Toys and Their Functions

Before the therapy starts, an evaluation of the patient's oral motor structures is usually done. This is where
the therapist inspects the various structures that are inside and around the patient's mouth that are used for
speech. Some of these are the lips, tongue, teeth, jaw and cheeks.

For the structures to be seen more accurately, a penlight is usually used. The only problem with it is that the
child may not find it very pleasant to have a flashlight in his mouth. This is now why there already is the
colorful and jelly-like oral light system, which gives the same amount of light minus the metallic appearance.

The examination of these muscles also usually requires gloves and tongue depressors; in which kids do not
appreciate both of whose smell and taste. This is now the reason why colorful and fruit flavored gloves and
tongue depressors are already available.

After the said oral motor examination has been performed, the therapist may find a weakening in one or
some of the structures. Some seemingly ordinary materials and toys may aid the strengthening of these
muscles. One of them is the straw, which can come in all colors and designs. It serves two purposes.

The first purpose is for the rounding of the lips. This activity is important for the articulation of vowels and the
semi-vowel /w/. Another function is the act of sipping. In this activity, the velum, the muscle right above the
throat is exercised. This muscle is used when producing vowels and back consonants like /k/ and /g/.

Another commonly used material is a toy, which has to be blown. An example would be the whistle. The
whistle is considered a difficult blow toy. It means that among the toys that work when blown, it is one of
those, which requires more effort for it to perform its function.

The whistle, like the straw, aids in the exercise of the muscles of the lips. Another structure, which it
strengthens, is the cheeks. It maximizes the capacity of the cheeks to hold in air and to gradually blow it out.

Other materials that are more commonly used are picture cards and interactive books. They usually contain
pictures of words, which represent all the speech sounds. When these cards are used, all the therapist has
to do is to show the picture and have the child produce the word together with the speech sound within the

Why Play?

If the patient sees the materials they have for therapy are colorful and fun toys, he will come to think that the
reason he is in the clinic is to play and have fun. And having the child thinking this, will allow the child to
cooperate with the therapist.

Play is a universal activity that blends social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional, and motor components. It is an
integration of the many aspects of a child. Play serves as a representation of the thoughts and abilities of a
child. Through play, the therapist will be able to know how to approach the concerns of his patient.
Its seems like everyone is searching for secrets to health, wealth and happiness. The catch is if you
understand yourself, then you would have the knowledge to be both successful in personal relationships and
in business relationships. Like everything, this starts with a plan. Whether your looking to improve your
relationship with your spouse or family member, or move up the corporate ladder, this is all a result of
personal growth. Personal growth starts with doing your best at every moment, in your job, home, or day to
day activities. Setting goals, no matter how small enables us to soar to new heights and give us the
confidence to achieve more.

Understanding what is important

Many times, people stay hung up on other peoples expectations on what it is to be successful. Each of us
has a different idea of what makes us content. It is important to acknowledge that if we spend most of our
time and effort trying to reach someone else's goals, then we find ourselves constantly searching for
meaning and continue to be unhappy. Realizing what is important is the first step to improving personal life.


Balance is the key to success. Some people do not see the concept of success beyond their own needs.
Often times we are caught up in serving a dominant function, which overshadows our natural strengths.
This results in stress and imbalance in ones life. Learning to do things for yourself and your own needs are
vital to improving your personal life. If you are always doing for others, and seldom take time out for you,
then you are building stress rather than improving life. Your happiness should come first. Finding it hard to
say no to others becomes common and we find ourselves so inundated by the needs of other people. Learn
to have an even balance in your life with everything you do and focus on what you want is another way to
improve your personal life.

Self Esteem

Putting yourself down constantly, finding it hard to accept compliments and wishing you are someone else
are easy examples that you may be sabotaging your own life. Encourage positive self talk with yourself and
to others, do not speak negative about yourself and others are vital to great self esteem. Understanding that
no matter what, you are ok. Improving your self-confidence is extremely important when improving your
personal life. This will take putting your positive beliefs in the front of your mind, and day by day taking away
the negative thoughts. Believing in you is another key to success.

If you feel like your on the road to stress and anxiety, and want more out of life, slow down and take a step
back to evaluate what is important. Remember that other peoples goals are not always our own, learn to
balance your everyday and lifestyle decisions, and most importantly, think positive.

Surround yourself around encouraging, not discouraging people. If you just make small steps to do these
things, you will already be improving your personal life without realizing it. The key to success is moving
forward. You will need to learn steps to move ahead and stop looking back. Of course, history is important,
yet you want to avoid dwelling on past mistakes. Your mistakes are learning tools. Use them, learn from the
mistakes, and move ahead.

When you surround your self with positive influences, it helps you to gain the power of processing your life.
You have control over conversation and your community. Take back your control and you will improve your
overall personal life.
Learning the Chinese language can be a difficult task to embark on. Unlike other foreign languages, or the
English language, the Chinese language embraces different layers of tones, phonetics, and over 3000
characters. However, the grammar and syntax of sentence structure remains simple in comparison to the
English language. With the increasing demand to learn the Chinese language, many teachers have
developed new instruction tools to help their students learn better and learn faster. Declan's Flashcards
used to teach Chinese are an effective resource for learning Chinese.

What are Flash Cards?

Flash cards are quite simply a series of cards which have a word or image printed on them. Declan's
Flashcards are different because they use audio lessons along with the flashcards, so the pronunciation of
each word is stressed and understood.

Why use Flash Cards to learn Chinese?

In the world of learning, different levels of learning are used for all abilities. Not everyone learns the same.
Visual learning, such as Declan's Flashcards enable to student to create a mental picture and memorization
from repetition. It is a more gentle, fun way to learn Chinese. Used along with the audio lessons and
exercise practices, identification and application of words come with more ease.

Declan's FlashCards is a proven system of quickly commanding the Chinese language. The audio word files
contain over 4,000 words used commonly and frequently in the Chinese language. The flash cards use the
Mandarin form of the Chinese language, the most spoken form of Chinese used today. This flashcard
system is user friendly with dialogue and pop up screen to show the written form of the word, as well as it's
pronunciation and the meaning of the word. The student has the option to customize the files, such as
creating a new word file, or working with the learning list master. The learning exercises are multi choice
which include connection, meaning, and listening.

There are many ways to learn Chinese. And there are many outcomes possible given the method used to
acquire the skill. Learning resources and tools are developed constantly to make the study of the language
more desirable and accessible for those interested in Chinese. Using Declan's Chinese Flashcards makes
learning Chinese interesting, and takes away the aggravation and frustration involved in learning a second

Learning the Chinese language should not feel like a chore. Nor should it deter you away from learning it
when you have encountered plateaus not easy to work through. This can be avoided completely and
encourage learning if the right tools are used to learn Chinese. Traditional methods of instruction have been
improved and the flash cards that were originally designed for grade school students now exist as a
successful tool for teaching and learning in the adult world. Take advantage of these new methods, like
Declan's FlashCards, to effectively and quickly take you to the next level of the Chinese language
successfully. It can be done faster with access to proven methods such as these.
Using your mind to improve personal life is a great start to achieving. When you use your mind, you set out
to gain qualities that guide you in the right direction. +To use your mind to improve your life consider:
+Commitments: Skills: Priorities: Failure: Saying no: Rules: Trial rides:

Commitments:+We all have commitments. Commitments is a part of life. When you have commitments, you
enter into promises that you will get something done. Start making commitments to you. I commit to change
habits that hinder me from achieving my goals, or improving my personal life. +Skills: +Evaluate your skills
to see how you can use them to better your life. While you are evaluating your skills, look for new skills.
Reach deep inside you, accept the discomforts, fears, or things you do not like, look past them and find new
skills. +Priorities: +Do you have your priorities straight? Do you have all your plans in perspective. Re-
evaluate your plans to make sure that you are on the right path to improve your personal life. If you notice
areas you can improve, don't be afraid to take action. Taking action is the last step you will take in anything
you do that helps to improve your life.

Failure: +How do you view failure? Failure upside down is achievement. Failure is common and happens to
all us daily. Failure helps us to learn how to develop and grow into a better person. If you sit around
stressing failure, then you are heading nowhere quick. Failure is a part of life. You have failure around you,
in you, and in your future. Learn from your failures, accept your blame and move to make things better for
you. +Saying no: +People hear the word no and fear it. No is not a rejection, rather no is a positive action
you take to spare your future. When you say no I am not going to the bar, you are saying I have better things
to do than waste my time in a building filled with drunks. Sometimes you have to tell someone you love no.
For instance, you may have to tell your mate no when he or she asks you to watch television when you
know you have to study. Don't let your mate hold you back. It is ok to say no. +Rules: We all follow rules.
Rules is a part of life, which sometimes the rules are hard to digest. You have to learn to open up your
passageway and digest them anyway unless you are willing to stand up and protest in a positive way.
People complaining about rules they don't like and not taking action is wasting everyone's time. You have
the power, yet it takes you to use that power.

Trial rides:+Life is filled with trial rides. Everyday we walk out our door we are on a trial ride. Each day we
have good trials and bad trials. How do you handle trials? If you are willing to take risks in life, likely you
handle trials well. On the other hand, if you fear changes, then you will need to find a way to deal with the
trials in life. Unfortunately, too many people deal with these trials by drinking excessively or drugging. Don't
be one of these people.

You have many options in life. Good options and bad options will come your very each day. Sometimes you
will choose bad options, yet when you make mistakes, don't dwell rather pull up your resources to see how
you could have done things different, and do it different the next time.
For most people, news is a part of life. They listen to the evening news to get the upcoming weather or to
find out what is going on in their area that day. They buy newspapers to get a handle on local politics. You
can also use the news media to learn Spanish better.

One way to get news to learn Spanish better is to subscribe to a Spanish language newspaper. You can get
the information on how to do that through your local library. They will have the contact information for the
newspapers, so that all you have to do is get in touch with them and place your order.

Once you get the paper, you can try reading the articles. You might have problems at first, but continue on.
Use a translation dictionary. Whenever possible, find out about the story through other sources as well.

See if what you understand as you try to learn Spanish matches what you find out in your own language.
Sometimes, the perspective is different, causing a discrepancy between the two stories. This only makes
the reading more interesting. It helps you learn Spanish on a whole different level.

If you have trouble obtaining a Spanish language newspaper, you can find articles from Spanish
newspapers online. Search under "Spanish language newspaper" and you will find several choices of online
newspapers from all over the Spanish speaking world.

You can treat these in the same way you treat the newspapers that arrive in the mail. Translate them and
work at understanding their meanings. Another way to learn Spanish through the news is to look up an
English language newspaper.

Print off a page. Next, if you have the option, request a translation into Spanish. Print this off and you can
compare them to learn Spanish better. You will have a clear understanding of the story and of the way the
words are used to tell it.

Another form of news media you can use to learn Spanish is television news. In times past, few people in
the US had access to Spanish television stations. Now, there is a variety of Spanish language stations to
choose from. Besides that, there is news on virtually every one of them.

To learn Spanish by watching the news, you have two choices. First, you can put yourself to the test by
watching it in real time. This gives you practice in adjusting to the cadence of the spoken word. You will be
surprised at how much you will get out of the broadcast if you listen closely.

The second option is to record it and watch it a little at a time. You can learn Spanish in more depth this
way by translating every word. It will take more time, but you will learn Spanish vocabulary that is up-to-
date. You will also know about current events in Spanish speaking countries.

Using the news media to learn Spanish better is a good choice for a busy person. It doesn't require a lot of
time, even if you translate. Furthermore, you stay in the loop while you learn Spanish better than ever
The rush of everyday life lends to time constraints on the things we want to do or even the things we need to
do. MP3 players originally were designed to give us a mobile soundtrack of our lives, allowing us
opportunity to carry our favorite tunes wherever we went. With the technology of MP3 thrust upon us, it
wouldn't be long until the multiple capabilities for the player were enhanced, allowing us other possibilities of
use for the mini system.

Now available for download on the MP3 player are programs to learn Chinese. This makes it possible to
acquire a second language skill while caught in the rush of life. Whether walking to and from your job, sitting
in your car, or even in the can learn Chinese. It's productive. And it's an accomplishment. For
people who's time is limited who have always wanted to master being bilingual or for those who absolutely
must learn it quick before a trip to the Asian world, this is resolution. The Chinese language can be
accomplished simply by reaching out to resources you already have.

Depending on what method you use, there are valuable resources available for download. Some lessons
include almost everything--audio which has pronunciations, vocabulary, reading, plus added bonuses for
practice. The software available for MP3 players is unlimited these days even in just the subject of learning
Chinese. Some internet sites also offer daily MP3 broadcasts in Chinese. You are able to listen to new
lessons everyday and practice them and it costs absolutely nothing. Other MP3 downloads for your Chinese
language instruction offers conversations done two way and then broken down, explained and repeated for
practices exercises. There is a talking dictionary available, containing over 81,000 entries. These talking
dictionaries have over 2000 phrases and commonly used words in China. The downloads are designed to
have playbacks at two different speeds.

If reading or speaking Chinese isn't your focus and you wish just to listen to Chinese music, that of course,
is always possible with the MP3 player. The internet is chocked full of willing places allowing you the access
to Chinese music. Some include flash imagery of peaceful Chinese scenery for more relaxation and
entertainment. There is also shareware which permit's the user to download and burn information to a cd.
The prices vary as much as the attractiveness of the software package or shareware package.

So, next time your stuck in traffic and your feeling tense, over or under stimulated. Consider the use of a
MP3 player for your attention. Wouldn't it be better to use down time to better yourself? If just for self-
enrichment, for your career positioning, or even a new friend, using a MP3 player as a tool to learn Chinese
can be easy, rewarding and entertaining. Relax through it all with something else, something worthwhile,
capturing your attention. Your MP3 player can just about do it all these days, and that's kind of like
us...always trying to do it all.
So you have forgotten where have you kept your spectacles once again. You have tried finding it
everywhere only to realize there it is dangling on your head. These circumstances not only make you feel a
butt of jokes but starts questioning your state of mind. If this continues to happen on a daily basis it can
disgust not you alone but everyone around you. Far too many people suffer memory loss but it typically
depends on the frequency of forgetting. Today's lifestyle is so demanding that we have barely anytime for
ourselves this often leads to important information or at times generic information slipping thru our brain. To
add to the woes the diet that we take barely does anything to replenish our brain Unhealthy habit sans
exercises has left us living a robotic life. But unfortunately unlike robots our brains are not fitted with
computers and it depends on healthy habits, right diet and proper exercise to improve memory.

Following are the various ways to improve memory:

One should exercise regularly to keep the mind and body active and attentive. As they say healthy body
houses healthy brain. One can also improve memory by keeping the brain active by actively participating in
brainteasers and games. One such easy and good game is "Memory" that can be played with a pack of
playing cards. The best part about this game is that it can be played alone and with as many as four people.
All one has to do is to spread the card evenly on a surface and lift and match the characters. If the
characters do not match place the card back to where it was picked up from and wait until after a few
chances a match is available and remember where the previous character was laid in the entire bunch of
cards. The one who matches more cards wins. Or if you like to play with words try playing scrabble another
word game that can challenge your memory and will shake up your vocabulary treasure trove.

These games help improve memory and physiological functioning. Learning new skills also helps the motor
capacity of brain by challenging it. Joining a language school to learn a new language can be quite helpful
other than this learning to play new instruments can also be more involving and mentally stressing. Taking
the help of technology is also not a bad idea. As more and more computer games are developed one can try
to play games that is refreshing and challenging. The coordination it develops between the mind and hand is
also great for motor development. Exercise and Yoga helps to keep mind fresh by helping its concentration
power to develop thru meditation. It helps our body in two days, first by relaxing our body and second by
developing our alert system. The better circulation of blood helps to bring tandem to our brain thereby
improving its efficiency.

Relaxation is equally an important element of physical well being for body and brain. As stress causes
remembering to become difficult and lose focus. Serious stress related problems calls for a physical
examination by a doctor as it can lead to other problem such as insomnia that detoriates mental health and
makes memorizing miserable. Our busy schedule barely allows us to keep sync with our body and brain and
leads to serious illness leading to destabilize our memory functions. If our brain is involved in various things
the same time it can barely concentrate on one thing and makes for a terrible memory. So in order to
improve memory we first need to alter our lifestyle and indulge in good health practices such as regular
exercising and healthy eating.
Most people do not like to take any kind of medicines on a daily basis. They do not care that the medications
will help them or not. They just do not like to take even an aspirin for a headache. So why would these
people want to take vitamins. Well taking vitamins well help you in the long run. You get some of the
vitamins you need in the foods you eat yet some people need more then others. That is why you can buy
one vitamin and it covers all the vitamins you need in one pill. Therefore, you do not have to take a hand full
of pills.

How will vitamins help me? Taking vitamins will help you with many things like your vision, blood pressure,
your moods swings, if you have diabetes vitamins can help, your nervous system, etc. If you think you might
feel better is it not worth taking a vitamin. Vitamins will also help to strengthen your heart, immune system
and boost your metabolism. The metabolite vitamins are available if you feel energy-less.

How do I know if I need a vitamin? Your body gives you clear indications when something is wrong. If your
body is telling you that something is wrong, you should visit your doctor. In fact, before you take a vitamin
you should talk to your doctor first. Your doctor will know what nutrients you are missing. Our body has a
natural mechanism that alerts us when something is wrong. Learn to pay attention to your body and mind.
Unfortunately, this world desensitizes us to the point we fail to listen to our body. +About Vitamins: Vitamin
B1 is a water-soluble vitamin. The vitamin works to control sweat, urine, and solid waste. The vitamin affects
the nervous system as well as your mental attitude. It can keep your heart work properly and helps with your
nervous system. If you feel fatigue, experience muscle tenderness, or have difficulty sleeping, B1 is for you.
You can get this vitamin from foods also, such as oatmeal, corn breads, beans, pork chops, etc. +Vitamins
will help boost your energy also. If you lack sufficient vitamins, you will start to have problems. The problems
may include dry skin. Your skin may feel rough, or you may see thick corneal about the eyes. You may
experience joint pain also. Vitamin deficiency can cause many complications. +Vitamins are a great source
of nutrients and energy, yet you want the FDA approved supplements. You can also choose foods, such as
crab meats, watermelon, fish oils, and so forth to get the vitamins you need. Veggies and fruits provide us a
great source of natural vitamins. If you have skin and scalp problems, you may want to consider Biotin.
Biotin is great for restoring hair, treating scalp conditions, or enhancing skin. The vitamin is said to slow
balding or thinning of hair.

Why do I need to see a doctor before taking a vitamin? Before you, start taking any kind of a daily vitamin
you should talk to your doctor first. Some of the things that you are seeing you may think that they are from
not having the right vitamin in your diet but it could also mean something else are wrong with you. Your
condition may need attention from a doctor.

So just to make sure it is ok, you should take a trip to your family doctor and have a talk with him or her. You
can buy your vitamins at the local stores in your town once your doctor gives you approval.
We all have responsibilities and obligations to accomplish in life. Sometimes life gets us down when
demands and obstacles get in our way. Most of the time, it seems as though life is about other people. We
often wonder how much of our life is truly your own? When life gets you down, you have to take a step back
to look over the areas that cause you stress. Wouldn't it be fantastic if you were doing what your loved?
Perhaps you can acquire assertive skills. Do you need to build your self-esteem? Do you hang around
positive influences? Do you live to produce new ideas that help you to improve your personal life? Do you
develop great relationships? +If you have issues or problems with improving your life, perhaps you can visit
a therapist or hypnotherapies. These questions all lead up to improving personal life. For this reason, if you
need help you may want to seek advice of professionals. A therapist can help you deal with the problems
you may have. Some of us have hidden keys that lead us to success. Inside the hidden messages are keys
that open the door that helps one to deal with life changes and challenges, which ordinarily discourages one
from taking the right course in life. +How does hypnotherapy work? +Hypnotherapy assists one with dealing
with many life discouragements by helping us to find the hidden notes the mind. Inside the mind, you have
many natural elements that help you to lose weight, quite smoking, manage pain, etc. You have the ability to
build self-esteem, confidence, etc as well as counseling yourself to live happier. Hypnotherapy will also help
you grow in your personal relationships. The therapeutic method will help you to balance and to live one day
at a time. +Hypnotherapy is a formula used to put people in trance-like states. The person is sort of
sleeping. In some instances, a patient may be highly aware. It depends on the person. The therapeutic tactic
is designed to bring you to relaxation whilst altering the conscious mind. We all have the ability to induce
hypnotherapy. We can do this through meditation. When we meditate, we go into a deep focused state of
mind, which usually takes us to responsive ideas or images. We can learn to control the mind, yet when a
hypnotherapy process takes place, only the person has the right to control his/her mind. Hypnotherapy is
designed to teach one how to master his/her state of mind, including awareness. The goal is to build faith,
as well as a good attitude toward life. +Each time something happens to us, we develop a different attitude
or behavior. Each time this occurs, our emotional responds and physical attaches to the memory. This
memory is often repeated. Sometimes we develop unhealthy and inappropriate behaviors and attitudes
when something happens to us. We develop bad habits that hold us back. A therapist can work with you to
re-direct your way of thinking, actions, etc to start thinking positive. You will acquire healthier ways to handle
problems. During the trance, you will feel relaxed. You will also feel awaken to new ideas. As you mind
wakens, you will be willing to participate in new and healthier ideas. Before you participate in hypnosis
however, make sure that you consult with a qualified doctor and psychiatrist.

Hypnosis can intensify some symptoms, especially when inappropriate diagnoses are made. If you have
mental complications, such as Multiple Personality Disorder, (MPD), currently noted as Disassociate Identity
Disorder, (DID), then I recommend you avoid hypnosis. These people self-induce trance-like states and it
could cause serious complications if you allow someone unqualified to hypnotize you.
Many people with anger issues try the best to ignore them. By neglecting to talk about it or sweeping it under
the rug so-to-speak, some individuals assume their problem will disappear. Families function daily living with
a person who has problems with controlling their temper. Fathers, mothers, even children can disrupt the
entire household due to uncontrollable fits of rage. Keeping it a secret is the key to dealing with it, for some
people. Denying the problem and refusing to deal with the anger issue solves absolutely nothing. In fact if
ignoring the anger problem for too long, it can eventually become violent and even deadly.

It is definitely better to lay the cards on the table, accept there's a problem and set out to find the solution.
Finding the right course of treatment will depend on the individual or family involved. Some may choose a
one on one counseling session with a counselor or psychiatrist. Others may feel comfortable in a small
support group. What about anger management classes? This might be an option a person with serious
behavioral problems may consider.

Anger management classes, overseen by a professional in the field of anger management, provides an
opportunity for people to learn techniques and strategies for controlling their anger. Teaching how to deal
with their anger through practices such as letting go of unwanted or harmful feelings and emotions is one
mission or anger management classes. Explaining exercises such as deep breathing, meditation and other
means of relaxation would likely be on the lesson plan. Helping people to find positive and constructive ways
to work through their problems with anger is the main objective of anger management classes.

Some individuals, especially those who are new to anger management, may feel intimidated by the thought
of a class setting. It is essential to help these people understand that these classes are not meant to be
threatening or demeaning. In fact they are supposed to be the exact opposite. Anger management classes
ought to be relaxing and informal without any feelings of embarrassment or intimidation. Anger management
classes are intended to help people work through their behavioral issues which may be difficult but they offer
support and encouragement.

Where would an interested person enroll for anger management classes? For those who are thinking about
enrolling in an anger management class, their first contact might be a government supported social program
in the area. Social workers should be able to provide information regarding any upcoming anger
management classes in the local area. If this doesn't work, the Internet is always a great resource for details
about anger management including anger management classes. Searches via Google or Yahoo, any search
engine really, will provide plenty of information to the individual requiring details about anger management
classes. Offering contact information, dates, times and locations for various anger management classes, the
Internet is an exceptional source. The Internet also gives the interested person options including online
anger management classes as well as the opportunity to study at home. There is absolutely no need for
anybody to struggle with uncontrollable feelings of anger and misplaced emotions. Today there is plenty of
help available in these situations. A person simply needs to ask for it.
Having trouble controlling anger is a major issue in many individual's lives. Addressing this issue can be
difficult if the person is unwilling to admit to their problem and seek help. It is imperative that people be
supportive and encouraging to those with anger issues. At times it may seem impossible since these people
can be hurtful and even violent. Helping them to realize they need help would be the initial step to controlling
their anger.

Once an individual is willing to work on their anger problem and turn to anger management, there are anger
management techniques which will be taught to help them. There are many techniques which are beneficial
regarding anger management. It might be necessary for the individual to try them all in order to find anger
management techniques that work best for them.

One technique recommended for anger management is relaxation. Angry feelings and emotions can be
calmed by relaxing exercises such as deep breathing, relaxing imagery and slow nonstrenuous exercise
similar to yoga. When a person becomes irritated and headed for a fit of anger, it is suggested they breathe
deeply. This technique recommends that the person breathe from their diaphragm in order to relax. Using
relaxing imagery may work for some people. Allowing their mind and thoughts to go to a happy place, a
relaxing experience may help to calm them down. This imagery may be of a past experience or the
individual could use their imagination. The yoga-like exercises used as an anger management technique are
meant to relax the muscles which in turn will help the individual feel much calmer.

Problem solving is used as an anger management technique. It is important for an individual to discover the
reason for their anger. Anger is a natural response to certain situations and at times it is an acceptable
reaction but there are other incidents when the anger is not appropriate. There is a reason for the anger and
to every problem there is said to be a solution. When a situation arises, the individual is taught not to focus
on the solution but rather the problem. Finding ways to handle the problem and confront it is the main
objective in this anger management technique. It may take awhile to conform to this plan. It is important to
stick to it, eventually the answers will come.

People with anger issues are taught through anger management techniques to practice better
communication skills. Often a fit of anger arises because an individual misunderstood a conversation. Before
giving it any thought, they become enraged and filled with anger. Anger management teaches the individual
to slow down their thinking, think before they speak or react. The easily angered person needs to listen to
the underlying message and try not to jump to conclusions. When feeling on the defensive side, the
individual should learn not to fight back. Listening rationally to what the other person has to say might make
a huge difference in a reaction.

These are just a few anger management techniques. There are many others which may be helpful to an
individual requiring help. There are many books, movies and website on the Internet which can provide
information regarding anger management techniques.
The Akashic records are the sum of all knowledge past, present and future and more stored in the ether on
a spiritual plane.

Every thought, experience and emotion of every living thing from humans to plants is kept in this cosmic
library, which can be accessed by going into a state of unconsciousness through dreams, trance or
meditation, though also near death experiences.

Akashic is often interpreted from the Sanskrit as meaning ether, sky or cosmos. And has formed a part of
many ancient belief systems and cultures.

In Hindu mysticism Akasha, the substance, which the events are recorded on, is what the basic elements of
nature earth air fire and water are made of.

The Akashic records have many different names and have been adopted in many different forms by various
religious groups.

Alternative names for the Akashic records include collective unconscious collective subconscious the cosmic
mind and many believe this is what psychics tap into in order to read others minds, talk to the dead and
know about events which they couldn't other wise know about past and future.

Many believe that it is the Akashic record of our life that is used to judge us, or by which we judge ourselves,
when we die and which determines our eternal fate.

This is often associated with the idea of karma and we need to have accumulated more positive than
negative karma during lifetime.
There are several outside forces that can affect one's memory. As has been found in many other areas, diet
is one link to impairing memory. Another well-known affecter of our memory is lack of physical exercise. Of
course, there are foreign substances we put into our unsuspecting bodies, such as drugs or alcohol, even
prescription drugs can have a negative effect. Injuries or traumatic events can affect memories, as can
diseases. Inadequate mental and indeed even spiritual stimulation has long been known to damage our
minds, bodies and emotions.

Let's explore the life stressors in connection with memory impairment. If you have a life that is in turmoil on
a daily basis, unorganized and over packed with activities, never allowing yourself adequate care, your
memory is certain to develop some degree of suffering. It is surely something that will require some thought
and time to repair. You must first take stock of your priorities. How well do you care for your mind and
body? Maybe you think a quick rush to the gym will do the trick. The key here is 'rush'.

Rushing around is one area where we cause our mental health to suffer. Long-term turmoil is not our friend,
and rushing is something that can become an unwelcome habit. Some people who crave a smoother, more
relaxing routine have to actually be taught how to achieve it because they have become so accustomed to
rushing through their day.

There may be more than one area you'll have to change in your life to obtain memory improvement. One
important step to healthy memory function is to get more oxygen to your brain. Proper blood flow and plenty
of oxygen are two factors that must not be overlooked. You can achieve these by learning breathing
exercises. This can help clear your mind, give it a boost, and relieve stress. Even if it is only temporary, it is
still an important step in beginning your journey to memory improvement.

Another important step to improvement is eating properly. A well-rounded diet can benefit in many ways,
and often the benefits to memory function are overlooked. The diet can affect the physical health, obviously.
But if you aren't in good physical health, how can you also be in the best health mentally? The mind
depends on the body to work at its best for the mind to work well.

What about the living environment? Can a dirty home affect your memory? Maybe it sounds absurd, but
yes, it can. If your senses are constantly subjected to anything negative, it will begin to affect your brain
health. A clean home doesn't just look better, it can increase your happiness and sense of peace, which will
in turn calm you and allow your mind and memory to focus on more productive thoughts.

Not only does the sight of your clean home allow improvement in your life, the smell of a clean home can be
uplifting as well. So, bring out those candles or potpourri, room sprays, and cleaning supplies!
There has been a story written about a lady who suffered a traumatic experience. She went into a coma,
never expected to return to reality as we know it. Her reality became a recollection of stories written by a
well-known author of many years past. Her mind lived in the stories she had read. This was discovered
because she did occasionally speak, but not in conversation or in response. She spoke sentences from the
stories, never more, never less.

The memory is complex, often misunderstood and underrated. People who suffer from coma, psychological
complexities, children with learning disabilities, and people who get amnesia are often a mental mystery.
Amnesia confounds those who watch a friend or loved one who suffers from it.

No one can ever really know how much someone in a coma can hear, understand, and remember. Children
are often misunderstood before being diagnosed with a particular learning disability. Someone with a brain
tumor may have plenty of information stored in their memories that eventually becomes too muddled to
process. They lose their ability to make sense of the memories they contain.

Social phobia is another crippler of memory. When put in the spotlight, a person can become physically
distressed, sometimes severely suffering by having anxiety or panic attacks. It is embarrassing to say the
least. The confidence level drops dramatically, making it extremely hard to overcome this fear. But it is an
irrational fear, and there is hope. A determined person can be taught to overcome a phobia such as this by
putting themselves in situations that allow for gradual building of confidence. Each small step towards
recovery is a step towards a stronger self-esteem and opens the door to endless opportunities. Thus, the
memory loss connected to such can eventually become something the person is able to joke about. This, in
turn, can put others at ease, who have suffered the same set-backs, and give them hope and courage to
laugh at their fear.

Anytime a person is put on the spot, it can cause temporary memory loss. Singing in front of a church
congregation, however small, can make a person feel as though the whole world is watching and waiting for
them to make a mistake. Giving an oral book report in class can terrify young children. Stage fright can
cripple a potential acting career. It is possible that a person can overcome such paranoia with coaching and
the willpower to succeed.

If you are faced with making an impression in a work environment, the embarrassment of forgetting a name
could become the basis for teasing at your expense. Try some helpful word association. Learn to choose
words that describe new people you meet to help you recall their names. An example would be "Silly Sally"
or "Hyper Henry". All it takes is some effort and tricks to strengthen your ability to remember. Practice and
dedication are the keys. Eventually, what goes in will find it much easier to make its way back out!
A personal development consultant is basically a coach that helps you help yourself. The personal
development consultant will guide you through a process that will help you to develop an action plan for
personal development, whether it be in your career, starting a business, or just picking up the pieces of your
life after a major event such as divorce.

While you can certainly handle these activities on your own, a personal development consultant can assist
you in many ways. The personal development consultant can help you by walking you through a step by
step process of discovering your strengths, weaknesses, talents, skills, interests, and personality type. The
personal development consultant can also help you to identify your obstacles and determine ways to
overcome those obstacles. Finally, the personal development consultant can help you by providing you with
additional information and resources that you may not have realized existed.

Typically, the first step that your personal development consultant will take you through is assessments.
These assessments will tell both your consultant and you a lot about you-your strengths, hopes, dreams,
fears, weaknesses, talents, skills, interests, and needs. All of these things are important when determining
the proper path for personal development. While you may think that you know the answers to all of these
questions, you may be surprised at what you learn about yourself.

After this important step, your personal development consultant will walk you through the processes of
deciding what you want in the way of personal or career growth, and how you will get there. This will involve
setting goals, deciding what needs to be done to meet those goals, identifying obstacles, and identifying
ways to remove those obstacles. Once you have your goals, timeline, and resources in hand, your personal
development consultant will be there to support you and help you every step of the way to your ultimate

Everything that you do with a personal development consultant will be about setting goals, determining how
to meet them, and setting a timeline for success. Your consultant will also be there to help you achieve
those goals through support and resources. One of the most important roles of the personal development
consultant is as a support system. Especially for those with no family or little contact with family, the support
and motivation offered by the consultant can drastically effect the amount of success you have in obtaining
personal growth.

When you work with a personal development consultant, you will meet with your consultant for coaching,
homework, discussion, and/or assessments. These meeting can take place in an office, over the telephone,
through email, in a chat room, or through an instant messenger. The meetings will typically be two to four
times per week, lasting around an hour. If additional help is needed, however, the personal development
consultant is usually available by phone or email for immediate needs that cannot wait until the next

Again, you could do all of these things without a personal development consultant. But is it not easier to
accomplish great things when you have someone to assist you? Of course it is! That is the purpose of the
personal development consultant. The consultant is your partner, and works for you. He, or she, is there to
help you realize your dreams, and for no other reason or purpose. With no hidden agendas, there is not a
better way to get the help and support you need to succeed.
Society today has many problems; one of them is the growing issues surrounding anger management.
Professionals in various departments, agencies and practices are deciding to incorporate anger
management programs in the work environment. The need for anger management appears to be growing
rapidly and people are taking a serious interest. The need has actually created employment since more and
more professional anger management counselors are required.

In areas such as mental health, substance abuse, law enforcement, pastoral care, corrections and domestic
violence, the need for certified anger management personal is increasing. Various training institutes have
been set up to specifically provide anger management certification. Anyone who works with individuals
experiencing angry or aggressive behavior, now have the option to receive professional training through
anger management certification.

Anger management certification provides people with the necessary skills to work with different groups who
suffer from issues relating to anger. The population of people with anger issues is large. From home
environments to schools, from mental health institutes to prisons, there are many people who could benefit
greatly from an individual with anger management certification. These certification programs provide
education regarding intense anger and repercussions when a person unleashes that anger. These programs
teach individuals various forms of self-discipline to be used if a situation gets out of hand. Anger
management certification equips a person to work with those with anger related issues, helping them make
positive changes in their lives. Teaching them techniques and strategies for anger management, these
certified professionals are trained to help the affected people use these techniques and strategies to control
their anger and increase their quality of life.

There are many people who are striving daily to work through their anger issues on their own. No doubt
failing often, falling back into regular outbursts. Anger is an emotion which is difficult to work on without the
right information and tools. Working through anger-related issues requires hard work, anger management
skills, encouragement and support. Unfortunately without these essentials, dealing with anger problems is
extremely challenging.

If seeking a professional with anger management certification, a doctor or medical personal ought to be able
to provide contact information or perhaps even set up an appointment. If an individual works at a business
which offers anger management support, they should take advantage of it. Many schools now have
counselors with anger management certification who are available to help students with individual anger
problems or instruct them, regarding issues at home. There are online anger counselors who are available
to offer advice and instruct people regarding anger management.

Anger management certification is likely needed to be employed at many places which deal with individuals
who experience fits of anger and aggression. If this area of work is something a person might be interested
in, it would be a wise plan to enroll at a school which offers anger management certification. This anger
management training is not only helpful to others but it will also teach an individual protection for
themselves, in case they have a confrontation with an angry person.
Anger is an emotion experienced by kids and adults alike. When something or someone interferes with an
individual in a negative manner, it can cause them to become angry. Anger is a normal response to such a
situation. However anger can be classed as a mild or intense irritation. Depending on the individual, the
circumstance and their emotions, anger may cause a person to become enraged or even furious. People
who become angry behave in different ways. Some lash out or become extremely defensive. Other people
tend to keep their anger to themselves, bottling up their negative emotions and hurt. While some people
become reckless and even abusive. Anger can be a terribly harmful emotion if it isn't controlled.

Controlling anger is considered anger management. The first step to controlling anger issues it to admit
there is a problem. Some people have major anger issues but cannot see it. Naturally something happens to
set a person off making them angry. Individuals, who have trouble admitting to their anger and accepting
responsibility for their actions, often play the blame game. They have difficulty seeing the situation as being
their fault. There's always something or someone to blame. Their fits of anger are always blamed on
something else. These people could really use a few lessons in anger management. However they need to
accept their actions and reactions for what they are, anger.

Many people who have anger issues find it demeaning when anger management is suggested. Unable to
accept their problem prevents them from seeking the help they require. If a person continues down a path
where they are constantly angry and acting out, it will eventually cause major problems. Without anger
management this individual will likely experience loss, loss of their family, loss of their job and loss of their
own identity.

It is essential to convince the person with anger problems, anger management is not meant to be a
punishment but rather to help them have a better quality of life. Anger management is designed to help the
individual work out their problems, help them figure out why they become so angry. It also teaches the
person not to be enslaved by their emotions, their anger. Anger management is meant to teach the person
techniques which prevent them from getting angry as often or for very long.

There are all sorts of anger management strategies. There are programs created specifically to help those
with anger issues. These programs are broken down to address different people, kids, teens, adults, couples
and families. These anger management programs are in place to teach or help people to work on their
anger. Teaching people strategies for working out their problems and controlling their anger are important in
anger management.

Anger may be a healthy, normal emotion but when the anger takes over an individual's life making them
destructive and violent, it's a big problem. Not only does the anger destroy the individual but it also impacts
everyone and everything around them. Anger management could change this individual and ensure a
healthy, normal life.
To understand what a personal development coach does, you must first understand what personal
development means. Personal development is a path towards well being through behavior modification and
self improvement techniques. Simply put, it is being able to enjoy your life in a conscious way by improving
yourself and circumstances. It can be improving yourself in one area or a complete overhaul of your life.
Typically, personal growth is a consistent intention done purposely daily. For many people, self improvement
is a continual necessary process. By improving ourselves, we dramatically improve our outcomes and
opportunities. But for many wishing to change, they lack the knowledge or tools to do so. This is where
personal development coaches came aboard.

Personal development coaching was created especially to educate and motivate individuals who desired a
positive vision for their life. Called "Life Coaches", these teachers embrace powerful strategies for self
management and personal growth. There are different categories of life coaches. Each life coach has his
specialty area and unique approach. Some teach how to change habits, while some embrace more spiritual
design platforms. Personal development coaching can include anything from how to improve your
relationships to overcoming public speaking. Whatever weak areas exist in your life, a life coach can be
called in to strengthen and encourage.

A life coach can help you redefine your purpose for living. They have the skill and resources needed to re-
direct your life into a more meaningful existence. Everybody needs a strong support system and reinforcing
positive feedback. It is the food necessary for good mental health, and for personal growth. Not everybody
has access to a quality support system. Just as a personal body trainer whips a person into physical shape,
a life coach whips a person's life into shape.

Life can layer setbacks easily. Confidence can wash in and out in a moment. There are those stuck patterns
in living which make it seem near impossible to move forward. In personal development coaching these
patterns are tackled head on.

It is with the help of a life coach self-actualization happens. The right life coach will teach you how to be an
over-comer. The message is delivered through positive tools you can use to restructure problem areas.
Many large companies schedule professional and executive seminars to help their employees with career
objectives. Motivational speakers and life coaches aim hard with their messages. The seminars are said to
increase productivity and round out the work environments.

Not everybody needs a life coach. Ascertaining whether or not you need one depends on your needs. If you
just cannot work through the setbacks, or if you need to learn new behaviors, then you probably want to
consider seeking out a life coach. Everybody is doing it, so never feel you have to struggle alone. You owe
it to yourself to maximize your human potential. The first step to self improvement is acknowledging your
weaknesses. The second step is to find the help you need. A life coach could be your saving grace.
There are many people in our society today that are very unhappy with their lives for one reason or another.
Whatever reason they have for being unhappy, there is undoubtedly a way to change it. Sometimes it
requires a change in career, or situation. Other times it is simply a change in the way that people think.
Sometimes, it is both. This is what personal development is all about.

Personal development is a path that you take to better your family situation, career, spirituality, emotional
health, and every other aspect of your life. Essentially, personal development is about making conscious
decisions about everything that you do, the way that you think, and the way that you react to situations.
Personal development can help you obtain everything that you always dreamed of, and more, with the
simple application of a few simple mind sets and tools.

One of the biggest steps toward personal development is a change of mind set. If you think that you can do
better, you will. If you think that you are stuck in a dead end job, without family or friends to support you, and
no prospects of a better future, you will ultimately be very unhappy. When you change your mind set to
positive thinking, you will find that you put forth more effort into everything that you do, and you will have
much better results.

Another one of the important steps toward personal development is to set obtainable goals. This is not to
say that your dream is not obtainable. But if you constantly think about the goal of being a millionaire with a
successful family, you will feel pretty hopeless as that goal seems so far out of reach. Setting obtainable
goals simply means that you set goals that lead to the ultimate goal.

It is really about taking steps. When you decide that you need food in your refrigerator, it does not
automatically appear. You must make a grocery list, go to the grocery store, shop for items, purchase them,
bring them home, and put them in the fridge. Obtaining a large goal is much the same way. You will not get
there overnight. It takes going through a series of steps, or smaller goals, to find your way.

Smaller goals also help you to see the bigger picture. Instead of thinking that you are never going to reach
your final goal, you will see the progress that you are making as you complete each smaller, more
obtainable goal. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, as well as help you to change your thinking
to a more positive mind set.

For some, personal development is also a matter of moving beyond past failures and misfortune to see what
is possible in the future. Often the negative comments made by friends and family over a life time can be
difficult to overcome. Past failures, or just the feeling that one is a failure, are another major obstacle. There
are ways to move beyond these obstacles.

Personal development is really about making changes. Finding resources to make changes, move past
obstacles, set goals, and find happiness is not always easy. But with all of the personal development books,
articles, websites, and other resources available, personal development and happiness can be obtained. For
those who need additional help moving past obstacles and making those changes, a counselor or personal
development coach can also be of great worth.
Have you done a personal growth checklist on your life lately? Many goals are never reached due to lack of
self-assessments. It is frightening and overwhelming to sit down and have to face yourself. Yet, in order for
personal development to happen, it is exactly what you must do.

Get yourself a small notebook to be used for all thoughts concerning you. Inside these pages you will keep
notes, to-do lists, inspirations and basically, everything about you. When you put yourself on paper
consistently, it becomes a life management bible. Seeing who we are in written form is magic to personal
growth. There is value contained here about your purpose in living. By privately writing down your daily to-
do's, aspirations, or even 5 year plans, these pages outline where your life is going. Where your life has
been. The notebook becomes your intimate novel to personal development growth. It makes you self-aware
of your behaviors and habits. It puts your dreams in your face to encourage self-actualization. No matter
how terrifying the pen gets, you have opportunity to change your life on the very next page.

Getting your personal development growth I.Q. involves mastering the pages you've written about yourself
into new pages of re-inventing yourself and your circumstances. It is through doing a consistent assessment
of your life, and bravely finding new ways to approach setbacks. Questions about who you are and where
you are going are constant within these pages. You have made yourself accountable for your life by writing
everything down. It is easier to take personal responsibility for what happens to you if you acknowledge it
with a pen. You cannot grow if you do not know. So much happens to us in the course of a day and can
easily be missed as an opportunity for growth. By keeping notes, it can be measured and evaluated. Days
can melt into months, and years, leaving us in the exact same spot as we began. And then the moment
comes where we wonder why our life didn't turn out the way we planned. It is because time moves forward,
and so should we.

Consider this self bible your life instructions. Critique yourself honestly. Applaud the little successes you see,
because had you not wrote them down you probably would have missed them entirely. Life is a continual
process of renewal and opportunity. To measure your personal development growth I.Q., look back on the
pages of yesterday and see if you have climbed ladders or fell steps down. What can be learned? What is
within your power to change? How will you recreate yourself in small ways tomorrow? Even one step
different than the one before begins a new path. By writing all of you down on paper you have made yourself
aware of you. Awareness acknowledges our existence in this world.

An added bonus to purging your thoughts on paper is the release. What is inside you should come out to
keep a healthy mind and attitude. This is why journals exist. This is a reason people have day timers and
diaries. Humans can take in so much information daily, and then swirl it around into a feeling or opinion,
even a stressor. It is imperative to good mental health to release all this somewhere else--preferably to
paper and not another person.

Encourage good things to happen in your life. Help the process through timely self-assessments. Re-invent
yourself through writing. Face the written words and change them.
This intense old world language is often interpreted as complex and impossible to master. It can become a
frustrating experience instead of an exhilarating adventure. It is a myth that the language is too difficult to
learn. You can learn the Chinese language well enough to suit your purpose or focus.

If you are soon to visit China, then you probably would want to know at least minimal amount of the
language to be able to communicate your needs while in their country. This would require a little more in
depth teachings, because speaking Chinese is a lot more difficult than the English language. The phonetics,
and tonal components require a little practice. However, many schools have separated from the traditional
methods of learning, bypassing all the complexities involved. They teach the most frequent phrases and
words commonly used. Recognition naturally occurs after continuous repetition and application. There are a
variety of online programs available with unique and modern teaching tools to ease the learning process.
The different tools used are anything from animation repetitions to flashcards. If you are in a hurry to learn
the basics, plenty of sites exist to help you learn the Chinese language. Mastering the simple sentences to
hold a basic conversation in Chinese is done easy with these new techniques.

Perhaps you seen much in the Chinese characters and have a desire to learn more about this form of
Chinese language. This is a beautiful art form and in demand today in media, arts, culture, even home
decorations. If this is what you wish to learn in the Chinese language, then first begin with the Chinese
character dictionary. The information on those pages will keep you entertained, and most likely, provoke a
desire to know more. Chinese characters are reflected in much of the art you see today. Each character has
a deep meaning attached and how the character is written is equally important.

What to learn in the Chinese language is all up to you. If you are just seeking soul meaning for your next
tattoo, then exploration into Chinese characters is where to begin. If amusement is your calling, there is a
fun online site called mandarin tools which takes your name and applies the mandarin form of your name,
meaning included. Seeing your name have such a deep essence is push enough to want to continue
learning even more of the Chinese language. Other entertainment revolving around the Chinese language is
also aplenty online. It becomes more like a learn-while-you-play without even realizing it. Even if you just
wish to learn how to ask for your favorite foods from your local Chinese cuisine, resources exist to do just

No matter what you want to learn in the Chinese language, whatever your reason, you can easily and
successfully master command of the Chinese language. The Chinese language is not of old days, when you
had to be brilliant just to understand it. New techniques, new tools, and a multitude of lessons and
instructors available, you can gently embark on a learning adventure, and save the frustration.
There are many different ways to learn Spanish. One of the most popular and fun ways to learn Spanish is
to use a friend who speaks both Spanish and English. A Spanish speaking friend can really help you to
rapidly progress through the challenges you may face.

There are many important qualities that need be looked for when seeking out a partner to help you learn
Spanish. These are patience, skill, and availability. Without these qualities, your partner may not be the best.
There are many reasons why these qualities are important.

Patience is important because a patient Spanish-speaking partner will help you learn Spanish peacefully so
to speak. A patient partner will not mind if you stumble over your words as you learn Spanish. If you take a
little more time than normal to get the language down, a patient partner will let you have all of the time that
you need to learn Spanish. They will not pressure you or make you feel bad when you are facing some

Another quality, skill is essential for your partner to have because without it, you may feel that you are not
properly learning the language. Your Spanish speaking partner should be skilled in writing the language,
speaking it formally, and speaking the language conversationally. As an added bonus, you may want to
consider getting a partner who has teaching skills. Such a person may be more likely to have the qualities
patience and skill, and such a person may already be practiced in using these skills with other people. You
may also want to consider getting a partner who is practiced in counseling or maybe has some kind of
experience in caring for other people. Such a person may make the experience of learning Spanish fun as
well as nurturing.

Lastly, a key attribute of the partner you find that will help you learn Spanish is availability. Availability starts
with you. First you have to make yourself available to learn Spanish well. Making yourself available might
require you to take time off from work or school. You may have to take a break from some of your hobbies to
learn Spanish. Finally, when your schedule makes you available to learn Spanish well, you must choose a
partner is who is either just as available as or more available than you are. They must be willing to make
some of the same sacrifices you are making in order to help you learn Spanish. If you find someone who is
open to making changes in their schedule for your benefit, you may have found yourself a good Spanish-
speaking partner.

However, before you decide to commit yourself to a relationship with a person who should help you learn
Spanish; remember that you must look at the bigger picture. Neither of these qualities is more important
than the other. Only all three of them will create the ideal partner. Before long you will really enjoy learning
Spanish because not only will you be able to practice conversing with another person, but you will also be
able to get constant feed back on your progress.
There are many different ways to learn Spanish. One of the most popular and fun ways to learn Spanish is
to use a friend who speaks both Spanish and English. A Spanish speaking friend can really help you to
rapidly progress through the challenges you may face.

There are many important qualities that need be looked for when seeking out a partner to help you learn
Spanish. These are patience, skill, and availability. Without these qualities, your partner may not be the best.
There are many reasons why these qualities are important.

Patience is important because a patient Spanish-speaking partner will help you learn Spanish peacefully so
to speak. A patient partner will not mind if you stumble over your words as you learn Spanish. If you take a
little more time than normal to get the language down, a patient partner will let you have all of the time that
you need to learn Spanish. They will not pressure you or make you feel bad when you are facing some

Another quality, skill is essential for your partner to have because without it, you may feel that you are not
properly learning the language. Your Spanish speaking partner should be skilled in writing the language,
speaking it formally, and speaking the language conversationally. As an added bonus, you may want to
consider getting a partner who has teaching skills. Such a person may be more likely to have the qualities
patience and skill, and such a person may already be practiced in using these skills with other people. You
may also want to consider getting a partner who is practiced in counseling or maybe has some kind of
experience in caring for other people. Such a person may make the experience of learning Spanish fun as
well as nurturing.

Lastly, a key attribute of the partner you find that will help you learn Spanish is availability. Availability starts
with you. First you have to make yourself available to learn Spanish well. Making yourself available might
require you to take time off from work or school. You may have to take a break from some of your hobbies to
learn Spanish. Finally, when your schedule makes you available to learn Spanish well, you must choose a
partner is who is either just as available as or more available than you are. They must be willing to make
some of the same sacrifices you are making in order to help you learn Spanish. If you find someone who is
open to making changes in their schedule for your benefit, you may have found yourself a good Spanish-
speaking partner.

However, before you decide to commit yourself to a relationship with a person who should help you learn
Spanish; remember that you must look at the bigger picture. Neither of these qualities is more important
than the other. Only all three of them will create the ideal partner. Before long you will really enjoy learning
Spanish because not only will you be able to practice conversing with another person, but you will also be
able to get constant feed back on your progress.
Are you a business owner? If you are, there is a good chance that you have employees in your staff who do
not now how to manage their time. What do you do with these employees? If you are unsure as to how you
should proceed, please continue reading on.

First, it is important to do something. The last thing that you will want to do is let an employee who has bad
time management fly under the radar. Many business owners do not think about this at the time, but there
are a serious consequences for not calling out poor performing workers.

One of the many consequences to allowing one of your employees to keep on wasting their time and yours,
is that others are likely to follow suit. Even some of your best performing employees are likely to waste time
socially or by surfing the internet when they see that others are able to do the same and get away with it.

Your business profits will also likely be put at risk. When an employee spends too much time surfing the
internet or wasting time in general, it will likely take much longer for you to get projects completed. This can
have an impact on your business profits. For example, you may later end up paying your employee
overtime to complete a task that they should have finished during normal work hours.

If your business deals directly with the general public, an employee who does not know how to mange their
time can also have a negative impact on your company's public perception. Deadlines should not be
missed, but proper time management is vital when working with clients. Did you agree to have forms drawn
up on time for a client of yours? If you did, they should be ready when expected. If not, your client may look
elsewhere. Also, places that have employees just hanging around the office and socializing tends to look
unprofessional in nature.

So, you now know the consequences of letting an employee with poor time management slide, but what
should you do?

It is important to bring a lack of time management to the attention of your employee or employees. Let them
know that wasting time on the clock is not acceptable, especially when there are other tasks or projects that
they could be working on. Clearly state that socializing is for break times only.

Next, be sure not to let the same behavior continue. Workers who have been warned about wasting their
time and the time of the company should not have any excuse for doing so. Give one more final warning
before taking evasive action. This action may include terminating your employee's position with the

Despite the fact that termination is an option, you may have what you believe to be an otherwise good
employee. If that is the case, you may want to opt for time management training. This can be done yourself
or with the services of a third party. In fact, if you have a large number of employees who seem to not know
how to manage their time, you may want to opt for company wide training.

Should you decide to host your own time management training seminar, as opposed to using outside help,
be sure to share tips with your employees, outline the importance of making good use of their time at the
workplace, as well as the consequences of not doing so. This leaves no room for exceptions and you
should see a significant improvement in productivity in your workplace.

As a recap, if you are a business owner or even just an office manager, it is important to make sure that all
of your employees are working to the best of their ability. Your company and your own personal reputation
may end up taking the fall for those who do not perform to the best of their ability.
So you ask, what would be the most appropriate and best type of guitar to use and prove your skills on
being an artist someday? Would that be the bass or electric? The answer is within you. Try to ask yourself
what suits your taste for music. Are you the moody type? An alternative type perhaps? Are you more on the
jazzier side or just plainly characterized by the Spanish feel? Choosing depends on the kind of music you
listen to or appreciate.

Every beginner has some confusion in selecting the finest guitar they could posses. The difficulty in
purchasing a guitar is as difficult as deciding who is hotter, Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba? To get over with
the hassle, below are some tips on picking the best type of guitar that would fit your desire for melody and

1. Reflect on your music. This matters a lot. This is all that matters. In fact, it is the music that we listen to
that influences us to play something. When you hear the strumming of a guitar, do you consider yourself
listening to the lighter side of things or more on the hard core part? The music that you listen to is the very
basis of your choice.

2. Check your budget. How much would it cost? Is it worth the savings? Try to question your better judgment
on how to determine a cheap yet good guitar. If you have a limited amount on your hand, go with the one
that matches your money. Don't settle with something you love yet the price isn't that friendly. But if you saw
something that made your heart melt, and you'd really, really, really like to have it, ask someone who works
inside, a saleslady, perhaps, who could help you work out on something, like paying for it on an installment
basis. Good communication results in better understanding.

3. Decide on the type of features that your guitar would have. Once you have gathered your resources,
specifically financial resources, it's time for you to get your hands on that guitar you've set your eyes for
months. With a wide variety of guitars nowadays it's hard to determine whether you have made a good
choice, from electric to bass, acoustic to classical, and so much more to choose from. Most beginners
elaborate more on the tune, while others side with the style.

Still, if you can't decide between two great choices, have a friend who is adept on playing a guitar
accompany you and let him determine which one would be more appropriate. Never be secluded on your

4. Choose between acoustic or electric. There are two sides when choosing which is which. The pros and
the cons are oftentimes weighed. Compared to an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar is easier to operate but
is more complicated with all those strings attached and buttons to push. Once you play an electric guitar,
you need to buy other equipments like an amplifier, cable and pick.

The only disadvantage with an acoustic guitar is that it is harder to manipulate than that of the electric guitar.
Aside from that, it is the most advisable type of guitar to play with. No picks needed. You can play with it just
by strumming the tip of your fingers on its strings. And, it's cheaper than an electric guitar.

Now that you have your options, start deciding on what you think will suite you. Choosing is not difficult but
you have to consider a lot of principles.
When you want to improve your personal life, your health is an important issue, since you have to be healthy
to have a good life. There are a lot of good doctors that can make you feel better about your self as well as
make you feel healthy. It is very important to go see your local doctor once a year for your yearly exams.
This will help your doctor keep an eye on your general health like your blood pressure, cholesterol, aces and
pains. If your happy inside and out side you will feel, better and you will be able to change your personal life
all together.

About doctor visits: No one can make you go see a doctor that is your right. However, you need to know
that if you are not healthy your life forces will pull you down. I don think anyone likes to go see the doctor,
old or young but its something we have to do in order to live a healthy life. Going to see a doctor you feel
comfortable around is a start. Some people don't feel comfortable with doctors and that's why they won't go
see a doctor and others may just be scared of going and finding out the unknown. This is a serious mistake.
Doctors have discovered that if Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, or other conditions are noted earlier,
there are cures. Yet, many people allow their diseases to elevate until it is too late, you have no cure. If you
don't go you will never know and it could be something that can be taken care of, but if you wait, you could
be facing deadly cancerous diseases. Why not go since it could save your life. You will be able to enjoy the
rest or your life as a happier and healthy person inside and out.

How can I find a good doctor? There are many ways to find a good doctor. Not every doctor is good. You
want to look for caring doctors. If a doctor cares about his or her patients, it is likely you will have the right
care you deserve. If you feel uncomfortable at a doctors visit, you will need to evaluate you and the doctor. If
the doctor is presenting characteristics that make you feel uncomfortable, perhaps you want to consider his
expertise. Is the doctor providing you excellent care? If so, perhaps you may learn how to deal with your

Some of the ways you can find a doctors is make a appointment with a few that you think you may like and
go talk to them get the feeling of them see if its feels right you may not feel comfortable so you won't want to
go on a regular basis. Maybe you can talk to friends and family and try it that way you will never know if you
do not try.

Just remember many doctors are good people. They can't help you if you don't go to them and tell them
what is wrong with you. You have to be honesty with them in order for the doctor to help you. If you feel
better inside you will feel better outside, so in that case you have improved your personal life.

About Healthcare and coverage: +Perhaps you do not have healthcare coverage, which hinders you from
seeking medical care and continuing care. If this is true, we encourage you to consider Medicaid, Medicare,
HMO, or other policies. You have many options available to you online as well. You will find healthcare
coverage for all age groups, as well as for those with special needs, such as budgets.
One of the easiest ways to learn Spanish is to find someone else who speaks Spanish. This person can be
someone who is a native Spanish speaker or it can be someone who is also learning Spanish. Speaking
Spanish with a friend will really increase how much fun you have as you learn Spanish, and it will also make
the process much easier.

Most people know that it's a great idea to learn Spanish with a friend, but many people don't know where to
find people to speak Spanish with. There are many resources that can be used to find people. They include
internet and college resources. Word of mouth is good as well.

If you are in college, you may want to check out the English as a Second Language program. There, you will
be able to find many native Spanish speakers who are eager to improve their English skills by having
conversations with you.

You also can research different groups on campus and locate those that are about Spanish culture. These
groups are sure to have some native Spanish speakers in them.

Not only can people who speak Spanish be found at colleges, but they also can be found at high schools in
your area. Many Spanish-speaking students attend high schools. If you go to one, you may be able to find a
student who wouldn't mind helping you learn Spanish. Also, high schools might have foreign-exchange

If you are not able to find any students that might be able to help you, Spanish teachers can be found in
elementary, junior high, and high schools. They may be able to offer you suggestions on other resources
you can use to locate a person that you can have conversations with as you learn Spanish.

In some large cities, there are what are called international friendship associations. These associations
encourage networking among different cultures. Contact these associations to get more information.

You may also want to try your local church. Many of the members there may be able to speak Spanish.

Another thing you can do is put an ad in the classified section of the newspaper. You can use the online
classified section as well. Just be careful. If you put an ad online, you may attract all kinds of people who
may have nothing to do with helping you learn Spanish.

As a last resort, you may want to search for chat rooms that attract Spanish speakers. If you get to know
someone well enough, they may not mind logging on with you every now and again to type some
conversations in Spanish.

With enough research and tenacity, you can easily find someone who will speak Spanish with you for hours
at a time. You just can't give up on your search. Once you find that person you will find that you will learn
Spanish quicker than if you strictly studied on your own. Conversing with another person will help to
challenge your memory and use of the Spanish language in everyday situations. That's something you don't
always get in a textbook.
Anger management is a concern all over the world. Most areas have support groups and outreach programs
for people who struggle with anger issues. Realizing how many problems anger can cause, abuse, violence
and recklessness being a few, organizations and government programs are designing anger management
programs to help rectify the problem.

Connecticut provides many programs for those dealing with anger problems, individually or in a family
setting. Finding anger management support groups in Connecticut shouldn't be too difficult since this area
has many terrific programs designed to help people of all ages with anger management issues. The Child &
Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut has a website on the Internet which provides plenty of
information about anger management programs such as support groups. A quick search for their site
through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo would produce valuable details for an individual coping
with anger problems.

Connecticut appears to have a big concern for youth in the area with anger issues. There are many anger
management support groups in Connecticut for young people in the form of camps and special schools.
These support groups are broken down into different groups. Some of these programs are for boys and girls,
for boys only, for girls only and of course different age groups. One such anger management support group
in Connecticut is Bonneville Canyon Retreat. This program is designed for young males aged eighteen
years of age and over. This anger management program offers an environment which is supervised as well
as controlled. Bonneville Canyon Retreat provides counseling and teaches positive reinforcement,
independent living and goal setting. It also prepares young males for the work through schooling and
teaching them job skills. This retreat has been in place for quite some time and has been successful in the
treatment of behavioral and psychological issues, as well as social problems.

Another great form of anger management support group in Connecticut is the Falcon Ridge Ranch. Located
at Virgin, Utah, this program is a treatment facility for adolescent females, ages twelve to seventeen. This
program provides supervision of the girls twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This program is
designed to help these young females with behavioral and emotional problems. If looking for information on
Falcon Ridge Ranch, the Internet provides plenty of detailed information regarding the program and location.

These are just two anger management support groups in Connecticut for young people. There are many
others such as Buxmont Academy for youth, ages 12-18, Cedar Breaks Academy for girls, ages 12-17, Colt
Schools for boys and girls, ages 12-18, Eagle Valley Ranch for girls, ages 12-17, Future Men for your men,
ages 16-19, Meadowlark Academy for girls, ages 12-17, Red Rock Canyon School for boys and girls, ages
12 -17 and Tipton Academy for boys ages 12-17. These are all forms of anger management support groups
in Connecticut. Some are school, others are camps and retreats but each of them offers anger management
support for young boys and girls and young men and women. There is information regarding all of these
programs on the Internet. When searching for anger management support groups in Connecticut, the
Internet is a great resource.
Coping daily with anger issues individually or in a family environment is stressful. Anger brings out the worst
in people and causes them to act recklessly and often violently. Families break up because of anger. People
are abused by individuals who have problems controlling their anger. It is unfortunate when bad things
happen because of anger. There is plenty of help for people experiencing behavioral problems arising from
anger. There is free anger management advice available for those who are seeking solutions to their

When a person realizes the time has arrived to seek anger management advice, a doctor ought to be able to
provide information regarding free anger management advice. Normally, in every area there are government
and medical organizations which are trained to deal with behavioral issues. Offering free anger management
advice is likely one of their services to the general public. Making an appointment with or contacting a social
worker in the area should help an individual to obtain free anger management.

For a school-age child, there ought to be free anger management advice offered at school. A guidance
counselor or school nurse would be able to help a child with anger issues. If the problem was serious or
involved the child's family, it may be passed on to a professional counselor who would access the situation
and provide free anger management advice regarding support groups, techniques and other helpful details
about anger management.

Sometimes a person may come across free anger management advice in a magazine or some other family
publication. Since this issue seems to be a hot topic in society today, often it is touched on or discussed in
family oriented material. Obtaining copies of this material may be a means of individual awareness and free
anger management advice.

The Internet is perhaps one of the best sources for free anger management advice. There are countless
sites dedicated to anger management and coping mechanisms. Prepared by government, social programs
and other concerned individuals and groups, these sites offer people plenty detailed information and advice
about anger management. Finding these sites is quite easy. A simple search for free anger management will
produce many links to useful sites. There's free anger management sites designed solely for children and or
teenagers. There are sites hosted for couples and families. There are many sites which are loaded with free
anger management advice to be used by anyone.

It is a wonderful opportunity to have access to free anger management. This information is meant to help
people deal with their issues with anger. However if people find free anger management advice and
information, it is useless if they don't apply it to their situations. Obviously many people have realized how
much anger issues effect society. This is why they've spent their time, energy and money, to provide free
anger management. It is disappointing to know that people are not taking advantage of these opportunities
to control or eliminate their feelings of rage and anger. Free anger management is an invitation for people to
realize and work on their problems controlling their anger.
I wanted to learn Chinese online and this is what I found. Well, before I found the cool lessons, I discovered
first off there was a plethora of information available to learn about the Chinese culture. I dove into their rich
history, the origin or their language, and where the language stood today in the western world. I was taken
back by the results. Did you know the Chinese language is the most used language, second to English,
used in the world? It is the most highly demanded language to learn, more so than Spanish. With eyes on
the future, and the merging of the world economy, it is now a recommended second language. Who knew?
More children in primary schools are being taught Chinese. More employers are paying to have their
employees learn Chinese. More people are actively seeking out for their own personal goals, a way to learn
Chinese. One of the best ways is to learn Chinese online.

So, where to start? Probably the easiest way to begin, is to explore your search engine's offerings. One of
the coolest sites was the Chinese character dictionary sites. Each intricate word with the explanation of what
it means next to it. I spent a few hours caught up in this because, well, I suddenly thought I would like a
tattoo of one of these characters...they were speaking to me. I could not decide on one, each one more
significant to me than the other. Forget the moment when my ego kicked in boasting I could be a Chinese
character artist. I quickly put that idea to rest. Of the other helpful sites, was the one offering Chinese
character software in animation. It just looked easy and user friendly (maybe I could be a rising artist).
Among the sites, there were games and flash cards incorporated into the learning process, designed for
people just like me who need that little extra flair to keep their attention. But if you are really feeling your
china, you can embark on one of the many schools in China offered online.

These schools range from one month to one year, inviting you to throw yourself into the culture while
learning the language. I was amazed by all the schools offered to teach you Chinese. I found sites offering
to help you learn Chinese online for as little as ten dollars a year. Not only can you learn Chinese online, you
can learn other aspects of the language, like ancient poetry. The internet offers so much in information on
this rich culture, plan to spend an afternoon or evening researching your options. If you are curious about
the eastern culture, you will be amassed with opportunities to continue that passion further.

Whatever your focus or reason is to further your life with the addition of a second language, you can learn
Chinese online. In the privacy of your own home. Or connect further with the available classrooms offered
online to experience the language applied in real world applications. Remember, the demand for the
Chinese language is stronger than ever, and the future looks absolutely necessary for the skill. Anything you
do to improve your odds in your career objectives, such as learning Chinese, will make you a strong asset to
your employer. If your reasons are more personal, like mine, well, maybe you are the next rising artist.
Once you decide to learn Spanish, your next step is to decide where you will study. Time and money will
play a part in your decision. Before you decide, though, you should look at all the options of where to learn

The most obvious answer is: in school. However, there are all kinds of schools that teach all kinds of
Spanish courses. The traditional High School Spanish course is still available for those who are enrolled as
students in the schools.

If you are beyond the age of secondary school, the school might still offer classes to learn Spanish in
community education classes for you. The teachers can be the same ones that teach the High School
courses, or they are sometimes retired professors. They can even be any people who have demonstrated
fluency in both Spanish and English through any means.

Many colleges have dropped their foreign language requirement as the emphasis is moving away from
Liberal Arts. Even if your school has done this, you will still find a full course of language studies. These
classes often include conversational classes. If you're going to college, there's no reason why you can't
learn Spanish.

Community colleges have popped up all over the nation, meeting the demand for low cost post-secondary
education and community service. These small colleges give classes for those who want to learn Spanish.
They are cheaper than a university, but they still have respectable programs.

In some of the larger cities, there are schools that make a business of teaching paying customers who want
to learn Spanish. Most of these schools focus on conversation before they get into grammar and other
written work. Some of the schools are set up for the businessman or -woman to learn Spanish for work.

Having a person locally who can tutor you is an effective way to learn Spanish. The tutor can tailor the
teaching to meet your needs. If certain words are needed for your job, such as the names of tools for
instance, the tutor can supply them. A tutor gives more personal attention than you will get anywhere else.

A great place to learn Spanish is in a Spanish speaking country. This is called immersion learning. You
surround yourself with Spanish speaking people. You put yourself in situations where you have to do
business with people who only speak Spanish. This is a powerful way to learn Spanish quickly.

If you are in a Spanish speaking country, you will learn Spanish even faster if you go to a school. You can
go to a class that teaches Spanish to foreigners. These classes are taught by residents of the country or
people who have emigrated from the US. Sometimes these classes are given in community centers and
sometimes they are a private business.

You can also learn Spanish from your own home. You can do this through distance learning. You can take
correspondence courses, or you can take courses over the internet. Some of these courses even allow you
to learn Spanish better by speaking it to others over the phone.

All in all, it shouldn't be difficult to find a place to learn Spanish if you decide to do it. What you have to do is
decide how much time, effort, and expense you are willing to give to it. Then, make it happen.
The most extensive information on the Akashic records arguably comes from Edgar Cayce a Psychic (1877-
1945) who would simply fall asleep or go into a trance to access information from the records. And could
access them as easily as reading a book.

As I move along this path of light I gradually become conscious of various levels upon which there is

Upon the first levels there are vague, horrible shapes, grotesque forms such as one sees in nightmares.

Passing on, there begin to appear on either side, misshapen forms of human beings with some part of the
body magnified.

Again there is change and I become conscious of gray-hooded forms moving downward. Gradually, these
become lighter in color.

Then the direction changes and these forms move upward and the color of the robes grows rapidly lighter.

Next, there begin to appear on either side vague outlines of houses, walls, trees, etc., but everything is

As I pass on, there is more light and movement in what appear to be normal cities and towns.

With the growth of movement I become conscious of sounds, at first indistinct rumblings, then music,
laughter, and singing of birds.

There is more and more light, the colors become very beautiful, and there is the sound of wonderful music.

The houses are left behind, ahead there is only a blending of sound and color.

Quite suddenly I come upon a hall of records.

It is a hall without walls, without ceiling, but I am conscious of seeing an old man who hands me a large
book, a record of the individual for whom I seek information.
Helena Patrovena Blavatsky (1831-1891) born in Russia and was most noted as the founder of the
Theosophical Society in 1875, and believed the Akashic records were much more than simply that, they
actively have an influence on our daily lives particularly creativity:

"Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in
its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic, or spiritual; and
contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine

Alchemy and the Secret Doctrine

She was a huge figure in the theosophy movement of the 19th Century and many of her ideas and beliefs
are now are associated with new age religions.

Theosophy is the study of religious philosophy and maintains that each world religion has a portion of the

She travelled widely particularly to India and Tibet as well as America and Europe and helped to introduce
many Eastern religious ideas and teachings to the West.

She also published two hugely popular books Isis Revealed in 1877 and The Secret Doctrine in 1888 as well
as many other smaller works before dying in the Flu epidemic of 1891.

More information can be found at

Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925) founder of the Anthroposophical Society believed the Akashic records to be
just as real as reality itself. can penetrate to the eternal origins of the things which vanish with time. A man broadens his power
of cognition in this way if he is no longer limited to external evidence where knowledge of the past is

Then he can see in events what is not perceptible to the senses, that part which time cannot destroy. He
penetrates from transitory to non-transitory history.

It is a fact that this history is written in other characters than is ordinary history.

In gnosis and in theosophy it is called the "Akasha Chronicle"...

To the uninitiated, who cannot yet convince himself of the reality of a separate spiritual world through his
own experience, the initiate easily appears to be a visionary, if not something worse.

The one who has acquired the ability to perceive in the spiritual world comes to know past events in their
eternal character.

They do not stand before him like the dead testimony of history, but appear in full life.

In a certain sense, what has happened takes place before him.

Cosmic Memory

His description of Anthroposophy is as "a path of knowledge, to guide the spiritual in the human being to the
spiritual in the universe".
Anger is an emotion experience by everybody, kids included. It's unfortunate that children need to deal with
the negative aspects if anger issues, however if realizing a child has problems controlling their anger, it is
imperative to work with them and get them actively involved in an anger management program. An inability
to resolve anger issues in children will likely encourage a pattern of anger throughout their teenage years
and into adulthood. It is essential when noticing behavioral changes in a child, especially anger, to advise
them and seek anger management help.

It's unfortunate that anger issues are such a huge problem in today's society. It's even sadder to realize that
children and adolescents are forced to deal with this issue. Fortunately people such as doctors and
professional anger management counselors are taking an interest in children experiencing difficulties with
anger. Because of this interest there are many support groups and anger management programs designed
to specifically reach this age group.

Aside from the support groups and programs, there are other resources for kids with anger issues. The
Internet has a wealth of information regarding anger management for kids. One tool which seems to help is
anger management worksheets for kids. Through anger management worksheets, kids are encouraged to
work through their anger issues. Offering situations and incidents involving anger, these anger management
worksheets for kids, provide children with opportunities to read about problems similar to theirs and learn to
work through them. Kids seem to relate well to coloring sheets and various sorts of problem solving such as
puzzles. Providing anger management worksheets for kids is a wise move and no doubt well accepted by
the children involved.

Kids who are dealing with anger issues may not actually realize they have a problem. Children are
constantly learning as they grow and in their innocence they are not expected to understand every situation,
even their own individual feelings and experiences. Depending on the age of the child, finding methods of
effectively treating anger problems could be challenging. Anger management worksheets for kids are tools
which most children would respond to. Children are normally eager to learn and explore new situations.
Anger management worksheets for kids could be implemented into a child's program without actually
emphasizing the reason behind them. A child could be working through their problems without actually
knowing their anger issues are being targeted.

Children of all ages respond well to fun and games. Using fun and interesting anger management
worksheets for kids, children would likely respond much better to the underlying anger management than if
they were forced to sit down with a counselor and talk about their problems. Children may not always be
capable of explaining what they feel but through worksheets they may be unconscientiously be dealing with
their anger issues. If looking for anger management worksheets for kids, an individual might inquire at a
local community health center. The Internet is useful in providing sources such as anger management
worksheets for kids. A great site which offers children various game and exercise options is . Recognizing a child has a problem with anger is the first step. Helping them to deal with
their anger is the next and most important step to anger management in kids.
Dealing with children who have anger problems may be challenging and require thought and imagination. A
child's mind is normally not developed enough to deal with intense feelings of anger. They cope with these
emotions in their own childlike manner which usually involves acting out or throwing a tantrum. Unaware of
the specifics which cause these behavioral actions, children are not prepared to explain or share their
feelings. Finding programs and resources for effective anger management in children will likely require
planning and well thought out programs.

A person who is developing an anger management program for children needs to consider activities and
exercises that may interest children. Sticking a child in a support group setting or arranging an appointment
with a psychiatrist will not likely produce positive results. Since the child doesn't understand their feelings of
anger themselves, it would be difficult to share or talk about them with others. Children would benefit from
anger management worksheets and activities designed specifically to address their problems.

Children are familiar with worksheets, coloring pages and puzzles. These sorts of activities are used daily in
the school setting. Incorporating anger management lessons into these activities would make sense. Anger
management worksheets could be disguised as fun and interesting. These anger management worksheets
could teach techniques and strategies for controlling anger in such a way that children would understand
and respond to. Using familiar situations in coloring pages or related words in puzzles may help a child to
deal with anger issues without making the situation complicated.

Children love to play games and have fun. Besides using anger management worksheets, it might be
beneficial to incorporate games into a children's anger management program. Many issues regarding anger
in children arise from jealousy and competition. Playing games which teach children healthy interaction with
other children as well as fair play would make a difference in their behavior. Teaching children that it's alright
to play games and not always be the winner would be beneficial to a child's behavioral development.
Designing activities which include role-playing might help children to realize that they can't always be the
center of attention. Anger management for children can be taught in all sorts of ways which will be both
productive as well as enjoyable.

When children display signs of anger and upset, anger management worksheets could be used to uncover
the underlying problem. Listing different possibilities for their anger and having them read over them to see
which statements apply to them might be beneficial in treating kids with anger issues. Simple sentences,
using everyday dilemmas that a child might encounter could be used in these anger management
worksheets. Children may not even realize the reason for these worksheets yet they may be providing
relevant information which could help in treatment of their problem. In order to create anger management
worksheet that will benefit children, the individual needs to understand how a child's mind works, as well as
what interests them and use this knowledge to develop an effective anger management program for
Time management is a common problem faced by most of us. Oftentimes, when you are swarmed with
multiple tasks at once, it becomes extremely difficult to identify which ones you must complete first. Too
often, people eat up what is supposed to be their free time to be able to accomplish all pending tasks in

It takes a considerate amount of skill in order to manage your time properly. If you are one of these people,
you are usually able to control your time efficiently that you can even finish tasks ahead of time.

Let's try to analyze the importance of Time management in different fields.

Time Management in School

Due to more freedom merited to college students, it can become quite challenging for new (freshman)
students to cope with time management. The liberty to choose your own schedule readily creates a false
notion that they can do whatever the want. On the other hand, it reflects one's priorities and how you are
able to properly appropriate them into your schedule.

With lack of proper time management, a student will have trouble coping up with deadlines set by
professors. Most students would tend to slack off during vacant hours that they end up accomplishing

If a student has prepared his or her own list of work for the day, he or she will be able to properly allocate
the time spent for extra curricular activities and assignments.

Time Management at work

When it comes to your job, proper usage of your time is more particular. This is because you are paid for the
hours of service you render to the firm. Hence, companies will try to ensure that each hour you spend at the
office is utilized effectively for work. Despite of this, employees still seek out ways to have a break.

If time is not properly managed, employees could easily eat up more time for their "breaks" than what is
actually spend on actual work. Hence, the company ends up requiring the employee to do overtime work just
to finish a project. If the overtime rendered is reflected on your paycheck, then good for you. But if not, then
you reap the unpleasant effects of poor time management.

The Essence of Time Management

With the varying scenarios presented, it all comes down to one thing – proper time management. It allows
you to achieve more in less time as compared to doing things without following a suitable system.

By properly allocating your time, you will be able to finish your tasks much faster. Also, you are able to avoid
overlapping tasks that tend to slow you down.

How is efficiency linked to proper time management? Listing your intended work for the day is more than just
there for reminder. Instead, they also remind you in terms of importance and urgency. When you make a list,
it is important that you also create a time table for each corresponding task. This way, you are compelled to
follow them in the time frame that was indicated to increase efficiency.

Aside from becoming more efficient, you also become more responsible when you learn how to properly
manage your time. You can not only set your priorities, but also provide equal time for both work and leisure.
Being responsible with your time will work effectively whether in school or work.

Probably the biggest benefit you can get from proper time management is that it improves the quality of your
work. When you have ample time to work on a certain task, you will have enough time to determine any
mistake and have enough time to correct or improve on it. When you are cramming, you do not have this
luxury of revision and hence mostly settle for what you can accomplish under the allowed time frame.

To those who fail to manage their time well, most of them work under pressure or hours before the deadline.
Hence, they do not get the chance to check the quality of their work.

These are just a few of the practical reasons why Time Management must be practiced by anyone who
wants to become more effective in their field.
If you are up on the world economy, then you will know that China is the fastest growing economy in the
world. In fact, the Chinese language is becoming so commonly used in business, the demand for resources
teaching the Chinese language has more than tripled in the last half decade. Furthermore, if you check out
the curriculum being offered in primary and secondary schools, you will see the Chinese language offered
as a course. Looking up ahead in to the future, it is estimated that a command of the Chinese language will
be ahead of the demand for Spanish. Half of Asia already speaks some form of Chinese, or incorporates
styles of Chinese into their native language.

Why learn Chinese? Because today's world almost insists on it. With our increasing love for the Chinese
culture, like the martial arts, or media (Who can forget Jacki Chan), or even Chinese food...we are quickly
merging cultures together today then we ever did in past. Great inspirations have come out of the eastern
ways of life, and in a hungry way to consume them, and learn all about them, the need to learn Chinese has
surfaced. The Chinese culture itself, represents a solidarity in balance, peacefulness, and serenity. In the
western world, the fast paced, time pressed crunches have taken their toll, and now we actively seek solace
from other cultures, who we think, hold the key. It is through understanding, learning and appreciation of
other cultures in which we often find what we seek. To learn Chinese...whether it be the arts, the words, the
ways, is often found tools to enrich our own daily lives and restore balance. Once again, by doing so, we are
merging another culture's layers and sewn them in as our own. The influence of the Chinese culture is

Why learn Chinese? Because you truly want to. You have the focus and goal to integrate the cultural know
how for goals of your own. Perhaps for an upcoming trip to China, or a hobby, or maybe just for simple
understanding of a new friend, whatever the reason behind the spark, know it will be more than beneficial for
you to acquire this knowledge and skill. And exhilarating to learn. There is a sense of accomplishment
behind learning Chinese, even if it's not for a job in china, or you cannot take a vacation there...having the
richness of absorbing another's culture into your world view is a step to a better and higher understanding of
life itself.

Learn Chinese to have an experience culturally. Learn Chinese for application in your job. Learn Chinese for
knowledge, for wisdom and balance in your life. Learn Chinese to be ahead of everyone else in business
and careers. Learn Chinese to step into the future now. Learn Chinese for your upcoming vacation to china.
But mostly, learn Chinese for yourself. Because it is something you always wanted to do. The impact of
eastern culture is growing everyday, and will continue as our ways and cultures merge.
Since anger management seems to be a huge problem in society today, there have been many programs
developed, books written, Internet websites created and anger management movies filmed. Although all of
this help is in place an available for anyone, not all people with anger issues benefit from the same source.
For some people attending an anger mangement program may be effective and cause major changes in
their behaviour. Being able to steal away alone with a book may be helpful to a person with anger issues.
Seeing their problems in print and being able to sort throught it in their mind might be a great anger
management tool. The Internet is a great source regarding anger mangement and some may find it helpful
to view the different sites and read stories about individuals with anger mangement issues. However for
many people who have difficulties controlling their anger, watching an anger mangement movie might be
what it takes to break them out of their pattern of angry outbursts.

Watching an anger management movie would make the individual actually see, with their own eyes and
hear with their own ears, just what anger does to a person and those around them. An anger management
movie would likely provide illustrations and situations where individuals act on their anger. The movie may
apply exactly to an individual's current circumstance. It may hit home - so to speak. Watching the actors play
out their life and their behaviour may be an eye-opener. It may take watching a husband abuse a child or
wife, a mother attacking her kid, a child bullying another child, to realize that anger is a significant problem.

When an angry person is in their situation, they are likely blaming it on whoever gets in the way. Being in the
picture they are incapable of watching their performance. If given the chance to see it on the big screen,
they might be surprised and even devestated by their actions. Watching an anger manageent movie would
probably be like watching yourself in a similar situation. This may be the tool that works best for some

An anger management movie will not only give illustrations of the actual situations involving anger. The
movie will likely provide information regarding anger management techniques. Using these techniques and
the characters in the movie, likely there would be illustrations of people being introduced to anger
management techniques and programs. The movie would explain the steps to dealing with anger issues.
This type of anger mangement movie might be the answer to many people's problems. It would be fitting if
the anger mangement movie showed the person in the same situation as the first scene, as a changed
individual. Showing how the individual was able to receive help through anger management and turn their
lives around, may just be the incentive needed.

No doubt there are all sorts of anger management movies available. The Internet is a great source of
information regarding anger management and anger management resources such as books and anger
mangagement movies. If you think you or someone you know would benefit from watching an anger
management movie, it would be a wise idea to get your hands on one.
Learning Spanish can be fun and interesting. It can make you comfortable in situations where you would be
lost without knowing the language. Yet, not everyone has the desire to learn Spanish. These people have
several reasons for their reluctance.

Some people feel that they are too old to learn Spanish. They realize that children learn language faster
than anyone else. This makes them hesitant to even try. They think it's a lost cause, so why even try?

Actually, people of all ages can learn Spanish. It is true that the young are better language learners.
However, as has been said, "There's always someone better than you and someone worse." Just because
you can't be the best, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Maybe you will learn Spanish better than most
adults if you only try.

People often decline to learn Spanish because they think that they won't be traveling to any Spanish
speaking countries in their lifetimes. First of all, you never know what's around the corner. You could even
win a trip to such a country. You never know what might take you there.

Second, there are reasons to learn Spanish even if you never speak a word of it. You can enjoy Spanish
literature and movies. You can take pride in knowing the words to songs that others can only stumble
through. You can watch Spanish language news and learn Spanish politics and culture. It can be a fun

For some, it seems like a monumental task to learn Spanish. They believe it will be one of the hardest
things they ever do. They don't want to work so hard at something voluntarily. They feel that Spanish is a
hard language to learn.

This couldn't be further from the truth. Spanish is one of the easiest languages. In Spanish, if you know
what a word sounds like, you almost always know how it's spelled. If you know how it's spelled, you can
pronounce it easily.

Some of the words of Spanish are in common use in the vocabulary of most Americans. Others are just
slight variations. Of course, you will have to deal with gender of nouns, which is actually easy. Verb
conjugations are harder, but still are easy to understand if taught properly. If you want to learn Spanish, you
probably can.

Money is a stumbling block for some people. They feel that to learn Spanish they must shell out a huge
amount of money to schools and teachers. They know they aren't that well off, so they give up.

Although there are expensive ways to learn Spanish, there are less expensive ways as well. Some
community classes are very nearly free. If you like, you can check out books to learn Spanish from your
local library. Some libraries even carry language learning CD's as well.

If you're negative, you can always find a reason not to do something. However, if you're positive minded,
you can learn Spanish without a lot of difficulty or expense. You only have to make up your mind that you
want to do it.
Learning to control anger is a huge task for some individuals. Wanting to and being able to do it are two
entirely different things. A person with anger issues may be committed to making changes in their behavioral
patterns in the heart and mind but without setting these intentions in motion, there won't be any positive
results. People like this require encouragement and support. They need to realize that they are not unique in
their problem but in fact there are thousands more just like them. Singling out an individual with anger
management issues is not a good move. However encouraging them and letting them know they are not
alone in this fight may make a difference in their decision to seek help.

An anger management course may be suggested to an individual seeking help for their problem. These
courses are designed to help people, in a group setting, to learn about anger management. These courses
may take a day and sometimes anger management courses are turned into a retreat. Throughout these
courses, people are taught useful lessons in anger management such as techniques and strategies for
controlling their anger. They are taught to deal with their feelings and emotions, discover what it is that
brings out the fits of rage. Some courses focus specifically on one topic, like letting go of negative emotions,
releasing bad energy and transforming it into success and freedom. There are many lessons to be learned
through attending an anger management course.

Anger management courses are not only targeted at adults. There are programs such as retreats and
camps for children, adolescents and teenagers as well. Teenagers might take in an anger management
course that is provided at a beautiful camp. Besides sitting in on classes and lectures with regards to the
anger management course, there would also be opportunities to interact with other teenagers, to take part in
fun activities and form friendships. An anger management course for a teenager may result in a person
forming their own support system, people to call on when they are overwhelmed by challenging situations.
An anger management course can provide so much more than information.

An anger management course may be the most powerful tool an individual may use to combat their anger
issues. For people who a trying daily to fight their negative emotions and deal with their anger, it is important
to be involved in programs which offer support and understanding. Attending an anger management course
would prove to an individual that there are people who care, who understand and who are committed to
helping them with their problem. In a group setting, an individual would not feel singled out and may not feel
intimidated or humiliated. Because the entire group is experiencing similar problems, there would be a
general sense of understanding.

If an individual is interested in attending an anger management course, perhaps they should check with local
resources such as a doctor or medical professional. There is also likely to be a mental health organization or
program in the area, they would definitely have details about upcoming anger management courses. The
Internet is also a great resource when seeking information about anger management related services, such
as an anger management course. It is imperative to explore all possible avenues of support when seeking
anger management help.
The English language is a complex language in the way that it makes words sound different from the way
they are spelled. The meanings can vary greatly as well, but the spelling can be a bigger challenge.

The word memory has several different words associated with it, such as memories, memorization,
memorize, memo, memorandum, memorized, memorizing. Then you have words like mnemonic, which is of
or helping the memory. The word remember, means recall, which is to bring back to the memory. Recollect
means remember.

But the spelling itself may confuse someone. Some people mistakenly spell the word memorize with an s,
as in 'memorise'. They both sound similar. After all, the word sunrise is spelled with an s. Then you have
the saying, 'rise and shine'. The word horizon is spelled with a z. Confused yet? It's completely
understandable! There's the word arouse, spelled with an s. Mesozoic is spelled with both the s and the z,
as is mesmerize. Magazine uses the z. So, if you misspell the word and use 'memorise' instead, don't
worry. Many people confuse the spelling.

No wonder it is hard for some children (and adults who speak another language) to memorize spelling! It is
a wonder a search engine can find the words you want in the correct spelling. But the wonderful thing about
search engines is, even if you spell the word memorise instead of the correct way, the wonderfully
knowledgeable computer can work its magic and send you in the right direction!

The brain has to process a ton of information just in the early phases of learning. To exercise and improve
the memory is one of the most beneficial processes of getting to the next phases of life, education, and
business (later on, of course). Some say that a babe in the womb can exercise its memory by the mother's
use of classical music during its development. It stimulates the mind, which stimulates the learning process,
and memory is the key to the learning process. Some mothers-to-be will play educational tapes or cds to
their unborn children.

Some people encourage the memory process by listening to recordings while they sleep. There have been
students who listen to their studies while they sleep. Some attempt to learn another language this way.

Hypnosis can help in this way as well, to those who are susceptible to such. There are programs that use
hypnosis to help people stop smoking and lose weight, and gain self-confidence. It embeds the information
in the self-conscious, so the mind will remember and use it when necessary.

Beepers are invented to help find lost keys, tape recorders are used in class to help recall important
information for passing tests, memo pads sell every day in office supply stores. So, don't despair if you
have a little trouble remembering how to spell.

Try using a recording while you sleep to get your memory in top shape and enhance your spelling abilities.
Try taking a seminar on memory, reading books on the subject, watching videos, or grab a friend and take a
class together. The memory is the key to success.
You hear it all the time: 'success is a state of mind." There are people who would argue that success is a
natural result of proper planning, preparation and focused action, and that viewpoint certainly holds a grain
of truth - but there are also many exceptions to disprove that "rule." Have you ever wondered how two
people can attempt the same objective in the same way and only one of them succeed? Is it sheer luck?
Timing? Tenacity? More often than not, it's a person's mind-set that determines whether they fail or

What is a mind-set, anyway? Typically a mind-set refers to your predominant state of mind day to day. It's
what you think about, focus on, and expect from your daily experiences. Think negatively, expect the worst,
feel pessimistic about your options and that's exactly what you'll seem to draw into your life. Likewise, think
positively, expect the best and focus on a successful outcome and you get it most of the time.

Makes sense, right? But how exactly does this work? Why is a success mind-set so important? There are
three big reasons:

1) A success mind-set boosts your confidence and self-belief.

A lack of belief in yourself usually comes along with a sense of powerlessness and futility, which is the exact
opposite of a success mind-set. Lack of confidence means you see no point in trying to be successful
because it won't happen anyway. Obviously, this type of mind-set is a recipe for failure in any endeavor.

Having a true success mind-set, on the other hand, means you believe in yourself and your capabilities.
You believe you can succeed at nearly anything you try, and you're willing to give it your best shot. Even
better, the more you do try, the more confidence and self-belief you build - until you're virtually unstoppable!

2) A success mind-set strengthens your determination.

Without a success mind-set, one failure is enough to convince you that pursuing your goals is a waste of
time. Tenacity and determination don't exist in your world. If you don't become a raging success the first
time you try, you surmise that it simply wasn't meant to be. Unfortunately, few things worth having are
obtained so easily!

A success mind-set, however, strengthens your awareness that a failure is not the end of the story - it's just
one more way that didn't work out the way you planned. In fact, a true success mind-set makes it obvious
that the only true failure occurs when you stop trying.

3) A success mind-set encourages fruitful actions.

Have you ever found yourself wandering in circles because you didn't know the best way to approach a
specific goal? Perhaps you had an idea of the best course of action but you felt intimidated by some of the
action steps required. As a result, you may have kept sabotaging your efforts as you searched in vain for an
easier or less frightening way to your goal.

With a true success mind-set, you'll always know the most effective action steps that will lead directly to your
goal. As already discussed, you'll also have the inner confidence and determination to pursue them - which
is a sure recipe for . . . you guessed it; success!

If I had to sum up how to develop a success mind-set into as few words as possible, I'd say this:

- Go for your dreams. - Think positively. - Believe in yourself. - Believe you can do better. - Learn, grow and
develop yourself. - Be willing to take chances. - Give it your all. - Expect the best in every situation. - Be
willing to fail. - When you fall down, get back up and try again.

Keep doing that and you can't help but become successful, from the inside out.
Today, more and more people are being drawn to the healing of the Akashic Records. In fact, there are
more people seeking out this sort of healing than at any other time in history.

People seem to be ready and eager to achieve that which their souls long to accomplish. People no longer
wish to wait to see what the future holds in store for them.

They would rather see in advance and therefore better prepare themselves for what is to come. Most people
cannot get in touch with the Akashic Records, so they seek out a reader to help.

This reader is able to read the Akashic Records and in turn empower you to take control of your life.

You are given insights to behaviors you may have including self-defeating, addictiveness and negative
habits. With an Akashic reader you are able to release blocks to your purpose, path, health and growth,
often immediately.

Depending on the person doing the reading, the Akashic Records can be accessed in many ways. Some are
able to access the records while in a sleep-like trance, telling they are not able to channel accurate
information at a conscious level.

Others claim to have accessed the Records through methods derived from Greek Oracles, Christian
mysticism and the Kabbalah.

Today, the methods are expanding rapidly since more and more people are granted access to the Akashic

These people are finding access through sacred prayer and other imparted rituals. It is even reported that
people are able to access information without any effort at all. They are actually born with the connection.
The Chinese language is illusive to English speaking world, almost seems to be a complex mystery
intimidating to unravel and to understand. If you wish to learn Chinese, then approach it delicately and
thoroughly as a bridge to not only communication with this beautiful culture, but learn Chinese to harvest the
history and ways of their world as well.

Historically, the Chinese language evolved from Proto-Sino-Tibetan and has ascended into modern day with
most Chinese communities speaking either Mandarin or Cantonese forms of the Chinese language. There
are different varieties on both of these depending on the geographical localities. The linguistics of the
Chinese language are easier to trace back in time than are the characters used for Chinese alphabet, as
there is rare documentation found to support the origins.

For those wishing to learn Chinese worldwide has tripled in the last decade, making it an increasingly
popular language to learn. With that, a standard form of Chinese instruction used these days is called
"Hanyu Pinyin", or simply, Standard Mandarin. It is a universal form of teaching used worldwide to help
people learn Chinese. Without it, learning this language might seem to difficult to commit to. The Chinese
language is undoubtedly a intricate and diverse language to comprehend, with characters, phonics, tones,
meanings and speaking so different from the language native to each of us. However, with the proper
teaching tools and discipline, learning Chinese can be a eloquent and beneficial goal. Today's world
demands multi cultural merging in communications, especially with business and now, internet as well. Your
value doubles if you have successfully picked up a second language, more career doors open as a result.
And with the world becoming so much smaller in business and communications, thanks to the internet,
learning Chinese as your second language may be exactly to your advantage.

There are numerous methods of learning the Chinese language and endless resources available to teach
you. If you keep an eye opened around your community, you may find classes scheduled for you to learn
Chinese. There are classes given at universities and schools, as well as shorter courses available with adult
continuing education classes which costs less than traditional avenues of learning. If you wish the more
private, unscheduled form of learning, then optimally the online courses are designed for you. This
articulate language is easier understood by listening to someone who is native to the Chinese language. By
hearing the phonetics and tone involved, may make learning Chinese easier. Tutors and private instructors
can be hired to teach you proper speaking of Chinese. Also available are online courses which include
lessons that let you hear how words are put together or spoken. The most difficult part to master when you
learn Chinese language is all the characters, but the grammar aspect will be a cinch for most as it is not
nearly as complex as is the grammar used in English language.

The Chinese language is without a doubt a striking art form as well as it is a language and we are hungry to
understand what it all means when we look at the characters written on a page or on art hanging on a wall
next to us. Our curious nature draws us that much closer to discovery of the Chinese culture and deepens
our appreciation for it when we finally choose to teach ourselves more and more about it. To learn Chinese
is another journey began.
When an individual accepts they have anger issues, normally the next phase includes steps to anger
management. There are many people and programs available to help people with difficulties controlling their
temper. Besides visiting a psychiatrist, there are options such as support groups, anger management
seminars, retreats and many techniques that are beneficial for anger management. An option which
provides the individual with a step-by-step approach is an anger management lesson plan.

Anger management lesson plans are developed to offer a person a plan of action when a stressful or
confrontational situation arises. When the individual experiences signs of negative emotions and angry
thoughts, an anger management lesson plan is meant to provide tools to decrease or control their temper.
Anger management lesson plans can be designed to be individual, once a person finds techniques or
adopts skills which work for them. Working through these anger management lesson plans ought to greatly
increase their chances of success regarding keeping their angry behavior at bay.

Anger management lesson plans are meant to give the individual a guideline to problem-solving. Helping the
person to discover things about themselves through a series of questions and practices, anger management
lesson plans can make positive changes. When an irritating encounter arises, they ought to tune into their
feelings. Becoming self-aware of what makes the person angry is the first step. Writing down these feelings
may help a person to determine how to act in a positive manner rather than lash out.

The second step required in working through this anger management lesson plan would be to practice self-
control. When opposition arises it is essential to stop, take a minute and think the situation through. This
gives the individual a chance to consider their normal reaction without actually acting on it. It offers the
angered person a chance to manage their anger.

Thinking through the possible reactions is important when working through anger management lesson plans.
After the person considers their possible reactions, it is then necessary to think about the possible results
from each reaction. Thinking things through may allow the individual to consider sensible ways of dealing
with the situation besides becoming hot-tempered.

The fourth step in this anger management lesson plan is the decision making step. Considering the options
for reactions, now the individual must decide which one that is likely to work or be effective. Of course then
it's time to act on this decision.

When the individual has followed through with these four steps, it is then necessary to evaluate their
process. This step in the anger management lesson plan allows time to think over the entire situation to
discern whether the result was a positive one.

Working through anger management lessons plans such as this one or any other may be easy to carry out
when an individual is in a calm state of mind. The true test comes when these steps are put into action when
the individual is angry and experiencing negative thoughts and emotions. The only way to ensure these
anger management lesson plans work is to practice them over and over again.
When you work you normally, feel better about yourself in all areas. When you are working, your self-esteem
will boast and that is always a good thing. Those who do not work hurt their body and mind. On the other
hand, someone working a hard job because you know all the hard work you just did is going to pay off when
in the long run you will be paid for your hard work. Still, you want to balance your workflow, since
overworking is the course to reversing life improvement. Greed gets you nowhere.

How work improves personal life: Working will do a lot for you, it will make you feel like your going
somewhere in life and that is always a good feeling. Your self-stem is going to soar and that is a good thing.
Working is your security blanket. When you work, you feel good, since when the bills come in you will have
the cash to pay. The downside is, many people work at jobs they do not enjoy. For this reason, you should
consider a job you do not like as temporary and work to achieve the job you will love.

How do those that can't work improve their personal life? If you are not able to work for some reason, like
health issues or what ever reason there is still something that you can do to help. Maybe you can't get out.
You might want to make something for the homeless like a scarf or a blanket. If you can get out maybe you
will want to go voluntary your time at your local hospital or maybe the schools in the area, the library is a
good place to work. Disability is not a complete wipeout. Rather, people on disability can still work; only they
have to lighten the load more so than others do.

How to find a job: You have many options. You can find jobs on the Internet, around your area, or go to the
local newspaper stands. Each week, purchase a new paper and keep your eyes open. You might want to
talk to people and friends that you know and tell them what you are looking for and they might know
something or someone who can send you in the right direction. Before you start to look for your new job, you
need to decide what kind of job you want, that is always a good thing to do before you start to look for
something. In some places, it's going to be hard than others to find a job due to the fact that there aren't
many jobs out there anymore. If you get a job and you like it, you may want to stay at it. Looking for a job
can be stressful at times especially when you do not have sufficient resources. Speaking of resources, you
have the Worldwide Net that will offer you superb resources. Research the market to learn more about these

If you lack skills, education, etc, you may want to attend online schools or a school in your local area.
College is one of the best things the world has to offer you. When you attend college, you learn, feel good,
acquire skills, etc. College will open many doors for you, including helping you to learn yourself. One of the
prime reasons that many people have problems in this life is because they do not know themselves. +
+Online you will find a wide array of job services and schools available to you. The sky is the limit
nowadays, so take your rocket to reach the sky.
When you are helping others, you feel better about yourself. Its is good to help others in time of need. Not
too many people like to help others that are why there is much demand in the nursing field today. This is
why there are high demands over the world. People are to there self and don't care about there neighbor.
However, there are many ways that you can help people without them being a burden on you. I will give you
a few ideas to get your bran rambling, since helping others is very rewarding.

What are some ways I can work with people? Many options are available for helping other people. It
depends on what you like to do. Perhaps you would enjoy working with troubled children. This may be a
way that you can enjoy living. You can call centers that specialize in helping troubled kids to see if
volunteers are needed. Perhaps you can join schools that specialize in helping troubled children. You will
also find hospitals that have high demands for people to help them deal with troubled children. Hospitals are
available also that request volunteers to visit the elderly. Imaging how a person would feel if you come to
visit and this person has no visitors at all. You can also find employment for nurses aides if you qualify.
Doctors are always searching for new receptionists.

How will working with people help me to improve my life? When you work with others, helping them in life
you improve your own life. You will feel better about you. You will feel like a new person. Helping others is a
reward. You will notice that you feel healthier each time you help someone else. +How do I develop
qualities to help other people? Helping others takes little skills. You will find qualities inside you that help
you develop skills. For instance, we all have the ability to use self-awareness, or observational tools to
observe others. When you take the time to study other people you will see their needs and wants. When you
start to see their needs and wants you can move to help them. For instance, if you notice someone
struggling to carry grocery bags to their car, you are observing a person in need. Why not give them a hand.
+You can also help elderly people up stairs, in stores, or help them with their grocery shopping. Elderly
people may have a problem reaching high on the shelves. If you are passing by, why not lend a hand. The
hand you lend will come back and bite you in your time of need. In other words, someday someone will help
you too when you start to grow older.

Helping others can include giving an ear. Many people struggle in life searching for answers to his or her
problems. Perhaps if you lend an ear you may be able to help them find answers. In addition, you may find
answers to your own problems. Many times answers are in front of us, yet we fail to see them too often.
When you help others, those answers come to light.

In life, we all have to be willing to take risks. No, you are not going to play in a major highway, challenging
your maker. Rather taking risks means trying new things in life. One of those new things in life involves
helping others. ++Now that you have an idea how to help others why not uproot your trunk and head out the
door to find someone to help.
How yoga builds self-esteem, awareness and more

Yoga is a way to escape from everything and go into your own little world it will help you to forget all the
things that are stressing you for a short while. Yoga will help make a positive change in your life. There are
many things that yoga can help you with like depression, many medical problems etc. Yoga is an on going
treatment you have to stay with it to get anything out of it. You cannot do it today and accelerate to get the
full benefits out of it.

What are some of the things yoga will help me with? Yoga can and will help you with many things. You have
to get with it and do it in order to get the full benefits out of yoga however. Yoga can help with breathing, so
if your not breathing right, yoga will teach you how to get in control of your breathing. Yoga will help you
learn how to control your mind as well as your breathing, of you have asthma it can help, carpal tunnel,
depression, lower back pain, multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis of the knees, memory problems, heat disease,
high blood pressure, will help you lose weight, will also help the elderly or someone that has balance trouble
keep balance. So see it will help in many ways. This will make you feel a lot better inside and outside.

How would I learn how to do yoga? You can go to your family doctor they should be able to tell you how you
can be enrolled in a program. If they cant do nothing then you might want to try to go to your local library
they may have some information on how to get enrolled as well, or you may want to go on line and see what
you can find out. They have classes all over so you should be able to be enrolled but there are films and
books to teach yourself as well.

Can yoga hurt me? Yoga can hurt you if you don't know what your doing or you do too much of it at once
that is why you need to talk to your family doctor before you start anything new that is stressful to your body.
You have to take these kinds of things slow it's just like exercising you have to build yourself up. You can't
run right into it and expect full benefits from it. It does not work that way. It takes time and obligation before
you will see any changes in your body or mind.

When learning to do yoga just take your time and be conscious to it learn all you can learn cause it will help
you deal with many health issues. You may have just don't try to do it all at once and make sure you call
your family doctor to make sure it ok to do it. Then try to find a good group. Groups are always easier for
some one that way you have some support to turn to if you have any problems. If you can't afford gym
payments, then try asking family and friends to join you. You can start your own home gym at home. At local
dollar stores, you will find videos for one buck. Use the videos to gain skills in exercise and yoga. +Yoga is
an interesting exercise, since it helps you to build muscles and reduce stress. Yoga will help you loose
weight; feel better, and so on. Yoga gives you many options in improving your overall personal life.

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