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Complete homework will contain…

…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the correct process.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
HW#92 Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________
Multiplying KIPP/2014/_________________ Math/Homework
rational Mission: KWBAT apply strategies from fractions to multiply
expressions rational expressions.

Part 1: Open response

Answer each question in a complete sentence.
 What is the procedure for multiplying rational expressions?
 Why is cross-canceling helpful?

Part 2: Simplifying Rational Expressions

 Simplify. Give any restrictions on the variables.

ଵଶ௠ିଵହ௡ ଼௫ି଼௬ ଺௬ାଷ଴

1) 2) 3)
ଽ ଼௫ା଼௬ ௬ మ ିଶହ

ଶ௪ మ ା௪ି଺ ସ௫ିଵଶ ସିଶ௬

4) 5) 6)
ଶ௪ାସ ଺ିଶ௫ ଶ௬ మ ାଵ଴௬ିଶ଼

Part 3: Multiplying Rational Expressions

 Multiply. Write your answer in simplest form.

ସ௫ య ଵସ ௬ା଺ ସ௬ మ ିଶ௡ ଻௡ା଻

7) ∙ 8) ∙ 9) ∙
ଷ௫ ௫ ଶ௬ ௬ା଺ ଻(௡ାଶ) ௡ାଵ

ସ௬ ௬ିଷ ିହ ି଺ ௧ାଷ ௧ାଷ

10) ∙ 11) ∙ 12) ∙
ହ ଶ௬ ଺௬ିସ ହ௬ା଺ ௧ మ ିଶ ௧ మ ିଽ

ସ(௫ାଶ) ଺௫ మ ସିଷ௔ ଷ
13) ∙ 14) ∙
ହ௫ ଶ௫ ଺ ଷ௔ିସ
Complete homework will contain…
…a complete heading.
…questions and correct, boxed answers written in pencil on loose leaf paper.
…questions answered following the correct process.
Failure to follow these guidelines will result in an IHW, regardless of the reason. If you have questions, please call.
Honors Assignment

 Study for the test. Make sure you can do all the types of problems you’ve
seen on homework this week.
 Complete only the even numbered problems from homework #97.
 Complete the problems below.


଼௔మ ା଺௔௕ିହ௕మ
ଵ଺௔మ ିଶହ௕మ

Determine which replacements of x are not acceptable.

2) ௫ య
ିଽ௫ మାଵସ௫

Solve for x.

3) 4‫ ݔ‬− 4 = ܾଶ + 5ܾ − ܾ‫ݔ‬

Multiply. Write your answer in simplest form.

௫ మ ିଷ௫ିଵ଴ ௫ିଶ (௧ିଶ)య ௧ మ ିଶ௧ାଵ

4) ∙ 5) ∙
(௫ିଶ)మ ௫ିହ (௧ିଵ)య ௧ మ ିସ௧ାସ

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