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Name: Stephanie Rush

Inquiry Based Science Lesson Topic: Light Energy and Color

Presentation Week: Week 11

Grade Level: Third Grade

Reflection: Inquiry Based Science Lesson

After viewing the recording of your Inquiry Based science lesson presentation, evaluate your performance in the following sections.
Write a brief narrative in each of the comment boxes and then submit.



-Does your Inquiry

Based Science Lesson
content align with the
CCSS for the
appropriate grade level?
-Is your Inquiry Based
Science lesson content
and experiment
appropriate for grade
level stated?


-Does your Inquiry

Based Science Lesson
fully demonstrate
connection to topic

Narrative (e.g. areas of strength, areas needing improvement, etc.)

-Yes, our Inquiry Based Science Lesson content did align with the CCSS for the appropriate grade level
with light energy and color. Our lesson and experiment was also developmentally appropriate for the
grade level stated which was third grade. Our experiment was for the kids to move into centers and
complete worksheets based on their activity. The only critique I have is that the worksheets could have
been less wordy. It seemed to be a grade level above where their reading may be at this point but in all I
thought the rest of the lesson, as well as the experiment, was done according to grade level.

-Our Inquiry Based Science Lesson Plan fully demonstrated connection to the topic taught. We provided
a prezi, smartboard lesson and worksheets to explain the vocabulary needed to understand our topic. We
also provided a video that was appropriate for grade level that simplified what light energy is and how it
applied to their daily lives. I thought the combination of the prezi, smartboard lesson, the video and the
worksheets all made it easier for the students to understand what light energy and color was. I also think
the centers tied in and provided examples for the students to understand fully what the lesson was about
and was able to apply it through a hands on experiment.

Name: Stephanie Rush

Inquiry Based Science Lesson Topic: Light Energy and Color


Do you deliver the

lesson clearly, at a good
rate, volume and speed?
Do you hear yourself
continually saying:
Um? Like? Gonna?


-Do you show a deep

understanding and
working knowledge of
the presentation topic or
is more
reading/research needed
on your part?

Presentation Week: Week 11

Grade Level: Third Grade

I think Angela and I did clearly speak loudly and at a good speed. I know I heard myself a few times
saying um and gonna but I caught and corrected myself. I did not hear Angela say any of those
words, which I found extremely impressive. Its difficult to get ourselves out of the habit of saying those
phrases. I thought the lesson in general was delivered at the speed and clarity needed for third graders to

When we first began the topic, I remembered learning it in elementary school but could hardly
remember what it was about. After reading more about it and finding information regarding our lesson it
became a lot easier and the information I learned slowly came back to me. After researching, Angela
and I understood the topic and felt confident enough to teach it. Angela and I during the lesson caught
ourselves a few times with getting tongue tied and confusing ourselves but we picked it up and got back
on track.

Name: Stephanie Rush

Inquiry Based Science Lesson Topic: Light Energy and Color

Does your experiment

completely follow the
6E Model by allowing
students to Engage,
Explore, Explain,
Elaborate, and Evaluate
throughout the hands
on activity?


-Does your Inquiry

Based Science Lesson
engage all types of
learners (i.e.
kinesthetic, auditory,
and visual learners?)
-Do your classmates
appear interested and
motivated in your
Inquiry Based Science
Lesson and its
Were your classmates
peer review
submissions similar to
how well you believed
you did when
presenting your Inquiry
based lesson and

Self/Peer Review

Was there something

that your classmates
pointed out, that you
did not know you were
doing, throughout the

Presentation Week: Week 11

Grade Level: Third Grade

I thought our lesson did incorporate the 6E model. Our lesson incorporated E-Learning through the
video, the smartboard lesson and use of the prezi PowerPoint. We engaged our students through
anticipatory set and also the video. The children explored and explained through the centers and the
questions they needed to complete in order to move on to the next center. We elaborated by reviewing
our statement of learning and also re-explaining what they previously had learned. The students would
have also elaborated if we had enough time over their answers and why they got the answers they did.
We evaluated the students through their worksheet answers and walking around and checking for
-I thought our lesson did engage all types of learners. I know I am a visual learner so Angela and I
thought it was important to incorporate a video and smartboard lesson to have the students be able to see
what we are explaining. Auditory learners could have also benefited from the video but also with
Angela and I verbally explaining each topic that was covered in the video. With our kinesthetic learners
we provided hands on activities and experiments for our students.
-Yes I believe that our students seemed engaged and really enjoyed our experiments, especially the
creating of their own rainbow. Angela and I really enjoyed our centers and thought they were grade
appropriate and we were really happy they all went according to plan.

-I thought our classmates feedback was very similar to how I thought we did presenting our lesson. If
anything I thought they were a little more positive than I thought it went. I thought our lesson went well
but I wasnt sure to what extent. I was nervous, especially since we were the first to go, but overall I
knew we were well prepared and put a lot of time and effort into creating our lesson. I thought all
feedback was helpful and correct and I know Angela and I took everything in and will better ourselves
for our future lessons.
-I thought everything that was pointed out I was aware of. The only one that I was unaware of was when
Professor Pesavento mentioned I said gonna and um a few times. I was aware of some and corrected
myself but there was some that was said and I didnt even realize. I thought her mentioned of this was
helpful because in my future classrooms and lessons I want to be professional in all aspects.

Name: Stephanie Rush

Inquiry Based Science Lesson Topic: Light Energy and Color

Presentation Week: Week 11

Grade Level: Third Grade

If delivering the lesson
again, what would you
do differently?
How will you grow
from this experiment?

-If delivering the lesson again, I would make the worksheets more grade appropriate. It was a lot of
reading and a bit wordy for the students. I think with simpler worksheets, the lesson would have gone
smoother and maybe a little more enjoyable.
-I will grow from this experiment through the use and practice of the 6E model. Learning about the 6E
model and then applying it was extremely helpful. We saw our mistakes and where we can improve and
now we can fix those errors and grow as teachers in our future classrooms. Also we grew from this
lesson because it is always helpful to perform in front of your peers and have them critique you. We are
all in the same position and need the critique that we maybe we did not think of or we did not see. Its so
helpful to hear and relate to other future teachers. I will take everything that everyone has said and
apply what I have learned in my future classroom.

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