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Timeline of space

3 October 1942
In 1942 the German V2 was the first rocket to reach 100km from the Earths surface
(the boundary of space).
The rocket was designed by Wernher Von Braun, who later worked with NASA as
the creator of the rockets that went to the moon.

20 February 1947
First animal in space (Fruit Flies) to study effects of space

4 October 1957
Russia launched the first satellite into space; Sputnik 1, and the space age
had properly begun!

3 November 1957
A dog named Laika was the first to orbit earth. She helped scientists to see if
humans can live in space

13 September 1959
Both American and Russian scientists were in a race to get spacecraft to the Moon;
The Russians won

2 June 1966

NASA sent a robotic spacecraft to to the Moon, the spacecraft landed softly
As soon as it landed it took photographs of the Moons terrain and sent it to the
scientists so they could see
how people can land on the

20 July 1969
Neil Armstrong, and then Buzz landed on the Moon and the first word they said were
the Eagle has landed

3 December 1973
Russian space probe Mars 2 explored Mars

12 February 2001
First landing on an asteroid(433 Eros)

10 August 2015
Lettuce was the first food eaten that was grown in space

New goals were set such as sending humans to an asteroid by 2025 and to the
planet Mars by 2030s

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