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ED 3501

Tracey Driedger

October 20, 2015

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: All Grades Math

Topic: Curriculum Overview

Lesson Duration: 20 min.

Students will:
Recognize the connection between the teaching resources and the Math
Program of Studies
Construct a lesson core connecting a teaching resource to the Program of

Formative & Summative

Observations, Key
Questions & Products
Observations &

Resource #1: Math Makes Sense Pearson

Resource #2: Math Focus Nelson
Resource #3: www.


* The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbably Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligman and LeUyen Pham
* Assorted math manipulatives
* Math Makes Sense/Math Focus Teacher Resources for various grades

Introduction (5 min.):
Attention Grabber: The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbably Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligman and
LeUyen Pham. Read book out loud.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Ask: How could we connect this book to a math lesson? What mathematical
concepts are in this book? (Make list on white board). What kind of tools could we bring into lessons on these
concepts? (Add to list).
Keep this list on display for the duration of the lesson.
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: We will doing hands on exploration today. You will use your computer as
well as some math manipulatives, working both by yourselves and as a group, but we will have to move fast, so
stay with me and feel free to ask questions whenever they come to mind.
Advance Organizer: Hand out the info-graphics and quickly walk through them and what they represent.
Ask: What are the General Learning Outcomes called in your majors curriculum? What are the Specific Learning
Outcomes called in your majors curriculum? Does your subject have a textbook? Have you looked at it?
1. Curriculum and Text Resources
2. Curriculum and Manipulatives
3. Math Games
Transition to Body: For our first activity, you will work in elbow partners. When I say go, choose one choose a unit
out of the Teacher Resource and one partner to get out a paper and writing device. Grab your supplies, but do not
open your unit. Wait for further instruction.
Body (12 min.):

What is the teacher doing?

What are the students doing?

Learning Activity #1: Curriculum and Text Resources (6 min)

Thoroughly explain activity and check for understanding with questions.
Assessment: Observation, Key Questions & Product (Formative)

#1 Partners will choose a lesson

within the unit that they have
selected and match it to a GLO using
the info-graphic. Then they will use

ED 3501

Tracey Driedger

Circulate and encourage peers to consider the comparison between the

math text and Program of Studies to what is available in their subject. Ask:
What are you looking at in the lesson to identify the GLO and SLOs for
your lesson? How do you feel about using this as a resource to create your
math lessons? At the end, each pair will briefly share their lesson, GLO
and SLOs to the group.
Specific Learner Considerations: Some subject areas will be unaccustomed to

October 20, 2015

the appropriate Math Program of

Studies to find one or two applicable
SLOs for the lesson that they have
chosen. They will record their lesson
title, GLO and SLO(s) on their paper
and develop an objective for their

the formatting of the Math Program of Studies. I will make myself available
for individual questions and to give direction.
Transition to Activity #2: When one of the pairs has completed the recording of

their GLO and SLOs, I will call everyones attention back to me. Those who
have not completed can do so as the first pair shares their work. Then the
second pair will share up to where they have finished and I will direct their
attention to the manipulatives that I have brought.
Learning Activity #2: Curriculum and Manipulatives (6 min)
Walk peers through the activity and sponge activity. Ask questions to
confirm understanding.
Assessments: Observation & Product (Formative) Circulate to see how

peers are working with the info-graphics, Programs of Studies and tools. At
the end, each will show their tool and state the GLO it could be used for.
Specific Learner Considerations: Some will still not have a good grasp on the

Math Program of Studies. I will be free to answer questions and help them
work through the task.
Transition to Closure: Call attention back to be. Ask for volunteers to briefly

show their tool and state the GLO it could be used for.
Sponge Activity: Math Games

Specific Learner Considerations: Some peers will not have their internet

connecting device. They can use mine or partner with someone who does.

#2 Each peer will choose a math

manipulative and use the infographic to find a GLO that they think
the tool could be used to teach. They
will then use the Math Program of
Studies to find one or two applicable
SLOs for this hypothetical lesson.
Finally, they will record their
manipulative, GLO and SLO(s) on a
paper and develop an objective for
their lesson.
Sponge When individuals have
finished with their manipulative, they
can log on to
e . And explore the math games
available for grades 3-9 explicitly
connected to the Alberta Program of

Closure (3 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Ask volunteers to briefly present their tool and chosen GLO to the group.
Once volunteers have finished, ask group:
How did you find working with the Math Program of Studies? What was the most challenging part? What are the
strengths of the math curriculum? What aspects of math are you excited to use in your teaching? What was your
favorite manipulative? How do you feel about the text resources?
Feedback From Students: (Hand out the peer feedback sheets) I would appreciate if you noted a few strengths and

ED 3501

Tracey Driedger

October 20, 2015

areas for growth or alternative approaches or methods for me to use in my reflection on this lesson.
Feedback To Students: I hope that you feel more comfortable with the Math Program of Studies and the tools and
supports that are available to you as you go into practicum and teaching at large. Thank you for being willing to

Lesson Reflections

What went well:

What can be improved upon:

Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

Math web games

Learn Alberta grades: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12

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