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la historia de Rin Van Wikle , empieza en la villa de catskill, donde se

encuentran unas montaas que cambian de color dependiendo del tiempo, en

la villa era conocido por ser muy colaborador con sus vecinos y con las
mujeres, era muy amado por todos, sobre todo por los nios. Rin preferia
trabajar en las granjas de sus vecinos que en la suya propia, cosa que ponia de
mal humor a su esposa, un dia se fue a las montaas y se encontro con un
anciano de baja estatura que vestia igual que el, con ropas viejas, le pidio que
le ayudara a llevar un barril, rin lo hizo y llegaron a un lugar donde habia mas
de estos hombres, estos le ofrecieron de beber y Rin se embriago hasta el
punto de dormirse, cuando desperto ya era un anciano cubierto por malesa,
Rin de inmediato se dirigio a la villa y vio que el pueblo habia cambiado y que
sus dos hijos ya eran grandes, su hija tenia un nieto al que le puso el mismo
nombre de su abuelo, despues de esto Rin Van Wikle se pasa contando la
historia del suceso que le paso a cuanto turista se encuentra, mientras
comparte unos tragos con estos.
the story of Rin Van Wikle, begins in the village of catskill, where there are
some mountains that change color depending on the time in the village was
known for being very cooperative with its neighbors and with women, was
loved by all, especially by children. Rin preferred to work on the farms of their
neighbors than his own, which he sulked his wife, one day went to the
mountains and met up with an old man of stature who wore Like, old clothes ,
asked him to help him carry a barrel rin did and came to a place where there
were more of these men, they offered him a drink and Rin intoxicated to the
point of sleep, when I woke up it was an old covered by malesa Rin
immediately headed to the village and saw that the people had changed and
her two children were already large, her daughter had a grandson who gave
him the name of his grandfather, after this passes Wikle Van Rin counting
Event history happened to terms tourist is, while sharing a few drinks with

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