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The New Deal

a) What was the Tennessee Valley Authority?
b) Explain why Roosevelt introduced the Second New Deal in 1935.
c) The New deal was a failure. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

2. Life in the 1920s

a) Who were the dries and what did they believe in?
b )Why was America considered intolerant in the 1920s?
c) Have a look at the following source and explain how it links to prohibition and its failure.

Source A
Prohibition is a business. All I do is supply a public demand. I do it in the best and least harmful
way I can.
Al Capone

3. Write a 160-200 word essay answering one of the following questions. You can use the
information at page 319 of the book to help you.
How far were the Republican State Policies responsible for the Great Depression?
How important was corruption in causing Prohibition to fail in the USA?
4. Have a look at the source at page 310. What is the message of this cartoon?

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