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Logan Sampaio
Mrs. Crist
English IV
24th November, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Chen, Michelle. Fit for Citizenship? The Eugenics Movement and Immigration Policy. Dissent
(00123846) 62.2 (2015): 73. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 15 Sept. 2015
The article Fit for Citizenship? The Eugenics Movement and Immigration Policy by
Michelle Chen discusses the policies and laws of the United States of America concerning
Immigration in the early 20th century. The author states that eugenics was claimed to be backed
with scientific evidence in order to promote white superiority under the guise of intellectualism.
Also claimed is that those considered to be mentally deficient were categorized and excluded
from Americas shores in order to preserve society as a whole. This included policies to keep
those of inferior stock out based upon physical traits. Reasoning for selection of this article is
meant to give examples of eugenic practices in early 20th century America to view how it was
attempted to preserve the American stock.

Gavaler, Chris. The Well-Born Superhero. Journal of American Culture 37.2 (2014): 182-197.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Sept. 2015

Sampaio 2

The article The Well-Born Superhero by Chris Gavaler describes the eugenic concept
of the superman and how it has been implemented into literature. Discussed is the concept of the
idle aristocracy whose potential is tarnished by their indulgences and how hybridization with the
diligent of the lower classes is often prescribed to remedy. In much of the literature reviewed it is
explained that the superman would appear first in the form of a hybrid between the classes,
though often this hybrid is created through fictional means rather than how would it would
naturally occur for the sake of story-telling. Selection of this article espouses the idea that it shall
flesh out the concept of the superman and how the idea has seeded itself into modern literature.

Martinez, Lee Anne, PhD. Eugenics. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health (2014): Research
Starters. Web. 14 Sept. 2015
In the work Eugenics by Lee Anne Martinez, the history of the subject and its early
concepts are brought to light. The author explains both positive and negative eugenics. The
former being the promotion of breeding superior traits while the latter is the reduction of
reproduction of inferior traits. Also contained in work is information on the eugenics movement
of England and Nazi Germanys methods of negative eugenics. The ultimate reasoning for the
selection of this source was to help elaborate the origins of eugenics and its subsequent
movements as well provide additional information on the key concepts concerning the topic.

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