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Test limba romn

1. Translate the following sentences into Romanian:

My name is John.
I am from Greece.
Romanian language is not difficult.
See you soon!
I don't speak Romanian very well.
The hotel is not far from here.
2. Write the following verbs in the Present:
El (a vrea) o bere.
Noi (a merge) acas.
Noi (a vorbi) limba romn.
Voi (a locui) departe de aici.
3. Write the correct form of the words between brakets:
Casa mea este (rou).
Dicionarul meu este (albastr).
Ziua (meu) de natere este pe 19 aprilie.
Camera mea este (frumos).
Cartea de gramatic este (interesant).
4. Write sentences with the following phrases: dicionar bun, carte de gramatic,
limba romn, prinii mei.
5. Write a short presentation of your friends (6-8 sentences).
6. Write the following nouns in the plural: carte, camer, dicionar, sticl, hotel, pix.

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