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Discuss where and how big is the safety factor?

In un-inspect able ordinary structural details, the safety factor is 5.
In un-inspect able critical structural details, the safety factor is 10.
A detail is considered critical if its failure will cause the rapid loss of
structural integrity AND this produces an event of unacceptable
consequence (e.g. loss of life; pollution; loss of platform; collision damage
to another structure, facility, or important natural feature). In this context
rapid means that even a very local failure cannot be detected, inspected
and repaired
Before the occurrence of a broader, catastrophic structural failure, or
Before steps can be taken to eliminate any potential unacceptable
An example of un-inspect able ordinary structural detail is the end
connection of Longitudinal stiffeners.
An example of un-inspect able critical structural detail are permanent
submerged external hull attachments.

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