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Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine)

Given orally provides long, sustained contraction of the uterus.

Assess the number of pads used and the amount if it is fully, moderately or minimally soaked.
Instruct the mother to report any deviation from the expected pattern or duration of lochia. A foul
odor often indicates uterine infection for which treatment is necessary. Additional signs include
pelvic or fundal pain, backache, and feelings of pelvic pressure or fullness.
Encourage the patient to ambulate, Massage the uterus with firm circular strokes and ask her to void
to stimulate the uterine muscle to contract.
Allow rest periods and organize work to help her conserve energy.
Encourage intake of fluids and foods high in iron. Such as Organ meat (Liver), Red meat, Nuts
(Cashew, Pine, Hazelnut, Peanut, Almond), Whole Grains, Fortified Cereals, and Bran, and Dark
Leafy Greens (Spinach)
Assist the patient in feeding her newborn.

Murray,S., & McKinney,E.(2014). Postpartum maternal complications: Subinvolution Of The Uterus. 6th
edition.p605. Retrieved from:
Whitbread,D.(No date). Top 10 foods highest in iron. Retrieved from:

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