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Root: / the top of the directory

/bin : executable files or Binary files( machine readable files)

/etc: configuration files( how applications files behave)
/home: user home directory( documnet etc)
/opt: 3rd party softwares are installed here
/temp: temporary files
/usr: user related programes
----------------------------------------------/var: Variable data( which changes often: log files)
/boot: files neede to boot the OS
/cdrom: mount point for CD-ROMs
/cgroup: COntrol group Hierarchy
/dev: Device files, typically controlled by the operating system and sy-admins
/export: shared file systems
/lib: system liabraries
/lib64: 64 bit, system liabraries
/lost+found: used by the system to store recovered files after file system check
has been performed
/media : in some linux systems( same as /cdrom)
/mnt: used to mount external files
/proc: Provides info about running processes
/sbin: system admin binary files
/selinux: Used to display information SELinux.
/srv: contains data that is served by the linux system
/srv/www: Web server Files
/srv/ftp: FTP files
/sys: used to display and sometimes configure devices known to Linux Kernal
/usr/bin: binaries and other executeable programs
/usr/lib: Liabraries
/usr/local: locally installed softwares that is not part of base OS
/usr/sbin: System admin binary files
/var/log : Log FIles
FOr the softwares that are not bundeled with OS
/usr/local/Software name/bin
/usr/local/Software name/etc
congiure how software behaves
/usr/local/Software name/lib
/usr/local/Software name/log


-----------------------------------------------------[asif@linuxsvr ~]$ : indicates normal user

[asif@linuxsvr: ~]# : indicates Super User ~ tells is its home directory of us
er or program
Basic Linux Commands:
ls : Lists directory content
cd: chnages the current directory
pwd : Displays the present working directory
cat : COncatenates and displays files
echo : Displays arguments to the screen
man: displays the online manual

exit : exits the shell

clear: sclears the screen
ls -l : long listing
mkdir : creats new directory
rmdir: will remove empty directory
rm -rf: will recursivley remove directory and its contents

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