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The foregoing are only basic architectural plan and design

features of the building that should ideally form part of an

architectural permit application to be prepared by RLAs, an
ancillary permit to the building permit. Should the separate
DPWH IRR on sustainable building design be promulgated,
the RLA shall also be responsible for a number of sustainable
building features, as well as features that address issues and
concerns pertaining to climate change adaptation and disaster
resilience. The RLA's description of the proposed buildings
sustainable design features must necessarily include
descriptions of the embodied energy levels of construction and
finishing materials proposed for use in the building, carbon
footprint calculation for the building and its users over a
certain period of time, energy and water conservation features
(to include rainwater harvesting if possible), solid waste
management provisions (collection, storage, recycling, reuse,
disposal), etc.

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