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remoting Aboriginal eacers, and manag lag ction. Sport Canada inreases ig ton and interaction among Ab nd other Sport and goveinmenta ents feral, rovncia, and local oval nab ; 3s; and n Canadian government recognizes that for Creda at , a, 0 be successful all people MUS have abcess fo < en oppertunty to achieve encoders. Spa : Ss policies ave aimed at driving “the actons ney re . er ‘eate rd maintain an inclusive Canadian sport nk fe 1 ; ts Aboriginal participation in sport fom youn to podium ye aogshpoaeer geal" om 8 vehicle for creating aecial change? Explaia. ‘anada? Are there any you feel might be espectaly that could be implemented to ‘ease the clspantios = where sport has been used le for promoting charge TTT the Diversity Challenge illustrates, a organizasions or governmental ends ic initiatives aimed at diversity and inclusion Ss strategies sought to (1) decrease the negative OuleOmeS associated with pre nd discrimination in a particular context bp improv a fuaiy lif of certain group of people, and (2) capris at a Fenny ram ltt Abstiginal peoples and chic cporty oy Ht ng to the overall {abc of Canadian spor. These strategies ees the spenre ea a ‘create diverse, oe Sporting environments, ; . cofthischperk ene, Pesci un ee tau Reco levee ill ofeen implement serar sues. Here, Sport Cana The parpo idean overview of strategies that ean be usd work environments The focus here RHP "Gwill consider the top leaders within the organization atid the eee oe sence 13 deals with micra- sve ues ete a sete eae ePtn wih ancremeg aie et Peg vpans followed by dicanion hor gee ives and seh oo ine locus on specif late ule levels of analysis. In he final ecb "cles that Facilitate workplace felts and inclusive igh a foces on mu iP compe

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