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Design for Learning

Activity Plan- Math

Instructor: C. Bowden

Grade Level: K

Lesson Title: Counting Apples

Curriculum Area: Math

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Standards Connection:
3.) Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with
0 representing a count of no objects). [K-CC3]

Learning Objective(s):
Students will complete an activity where they will count to a given number between 1 and 10
using an apple themed activity with no errors.

Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:

Today boys and girls, we are going to read Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss. I want you all to
listen carefully as I read about counting apples. Once I have finished reading, we will get into
groups and apply what we have heard in the story to an activity. Each of you will receive
materials at your group to complete the activity and show me that you understand how to count
to a number between 1 and 10. Once you have finished, I will collet each students work and
display in the classroom.

Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):

After I have read the story, Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss, the class and I will discuss the
book and go over any questions the students have before moving on to the activity. Each student
will be given a number once they are at their table, sitting quietly. Once each student has been

given a number, they will count and cut out the correct number of apples and glue them onto
their worksheet. The teacher will circulate the classroom as the students are working on their
activity, by simply watching as the students complete the counting apple activity. This worksheet
will be collected at the end of the activity, as an EXIT slip as proof of meeting the learning
objective. This activity (apple worksheet) will provide the teacher with information about which
students need further assistance in counting numbers one through ten.

Prior to reading the story, the teacher will gage students prior knowledge on counting and
counting objects. The teacher will read Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss and ask the students
questions following the reading, so they can recall important information for the following
activity. Okay, boys and girls today we will be reading Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss. Can
anyone guess what this story is about? Those are some great guesses! As anyone ever seen an
apple tree before? I havent, but I bet it is cool. Can you please point to the title of the story
class? Great job. Now, I am going to read Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss. Teacher reads the
story to the class. Okay boys and girls, so can anyone tell me about the story? Thank you! Those
are great responses. I want you now to turn and talk with you elbow partner about one thing you
learned from the story. Ready, set, go! Students chat about what they learned from the story.
Okay, turn back forward and face me please! I need to see your eyes and know that you are
listening! So can someone please share with the class what they learned from the story?
Awesome! Counting is a great answer! Today, we are going to be learning about counting and
how important it is to know how to count. Can someone give me an example of when counting is
important? Thats right counting money is important. Learning how to count is important
because we do it everyday, boys and girls! Today, we will be counting apples with an activity
related to the story we just read. Boys and girls, I would like for you to turn and talk with your
elbow partner again and talk about something you count everyday? It can be at school, home, on
the playground, etc. Ready, turn and talk! Students discuss what they count everyday. Teacher
makes sure conversations are appropriate. Wow, I heard some good conversations about
counting. Can someone please sure with the class what they count everyday? Thank you! You see
boys and girls we count everyday, so knowing how to count is important. Today we are going to
focus on counting to a given number, which will be written on an index card. It is important that
you listen to all the directions and count your apples correctly. (Transition to Activity Procedure)

Learning Design: (Activity)

Activity Procedures: Teacher gives students initial directions and provides the materials to begin
activity. Boys and girls, when I call your table name I would like for you to quietly return to your
seat and sit quietly as I give further instructions for the apple activity. Blue table, green table,
red table, and yellow table. Thank you all for returning to your sits so quietly. The teacher will

explain the numbered index card to the students. She will hand out index cards once she has
explained there purpose. Okay boys and girls, so do you remember me telling you about how you
will count to a certain number today, based on a numbered index card I will give you? Well I am
first going to hand you an index card with a number on it and I want you to lay it flat on the
table and leave it alone. This card it just so you know what number of apples you will be cutting
out from the worksheet. The teacher goes around and hands each students an index card labeled
with a number between one and ten. Please try your best to only look at your card and count
what number I gave you, not your friends number. I want to see how much you know! The
teacher transitions to giving directions about the handouts and there purpose. Friends, I will be
giving each of you two-pieces of paper today for your activity. Please make sure you keep up
with all the parts. The first piece of paper I will give you is call Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr.
Seuss and at the bottom of the page it has a little boy or little girl (you will get the little boy if
you are a boy, little girl if you are a girl) with the following statement,
red apples up on top. This piece of paper is where you will glue your apples that will be
cut out from the other piece of paper I will give you. Teacher moves to talk about the next piece
of paper. The next piece of paper I am handing you has the apples on it that you will cut out and
glue on top of the head of the little boy or little girl, depending on the number that is on your
index card I already gave you. Please make sure that the number of apples and number on your
index card match. I will be collecting this at the end, to see who understands and followed
directions correctly. Boys and girls, lets review what materials you will need today. Two
worksheets, a numbered index card, scissors, and a pencil to fill in the question at the bottom of
the first worksheet I handed out to you. Are there any questions? Okay, great. Teacher walks
around and makes sure all the students have the materials they need before starting the activity.
Well I think you are all ready to get started. I will be walking around to make sure you are on
task and following the directions. Remember to ask me if you have any questions. Please focus
on your own activity because I want to see how much you know, not your friend. Thank you, now
go ahead and get started. The teacher will circulate the room and make sure students are
following directions, she will ask them questions has she walks around to gage understanding of
counting. Can you please tell me what number is on your index card? Great. Can you please
count to seven? Awesome job. The teacher will move through the room and continue to ask
students questions about there activity and even ask questions about general counting. Everyone
is doing a great job today; I can tell you are all really understanding counting and especially
counting with apples. Teacher makes sure students understand completely and watches
(formative assessment) for those struggling learners. Boys and girls, remember when you are
done to sit quietly and read, while we wait for everyone to finish and line up. I will collect this
activity as an EXIT slip to leave the room. Thank you. Teacher continues to watch students as
they work and wrap up the activity. (Transition to closing)

Students will be assessed based on a formative assessment checks. The teacher will walk around
the room while the students are working and answer any questions, also observing who is
struggling with counting the apples for their worksheet. Okay boys and girls, at the end of the
activity, I am going to collect your apple activity as an EXIT slip. I want to see that all of you

understand how to count from one to ten, given any number on an index card. Please work hard
and do your best! I can see lots of busy bees working hard to complete their apple trees!

Once, students have completed their apple activity they will listen quietly for further instructions
from the teacher. Okay boys and girls, once I have collected your apple worksheet I would like
you to all sit quietly at your table until I call your table to join me on the carpet. WOW! You all
are being so well behaved today! Can I please have the blue table join me on the carpet? Red
Table? Yellow Table? And Green table, please? Okay, so before we wrap up this activity for the
day, can I have a volunteer to show the class their work? Thank you, that was great. I can see
you really understand counting. Can someone please tell me how our class activity relates to the
story, Ten Apples Up On Top? Thats right! Can someone else tell me what happens in the story?
Awesome, thank you! You must have all turned on your listening ears today! As you see counting
is important for us to know, friends! Boys and girls, counting is the basic foundation for
mathematics. You all did a great job and Im very pleased with everyones effort today! Before
you leave the classroom, please make sure I have collected your apple activity as your EXIT slip!
Thank You! (End of Lesson)

Materials and Resources: Include Templates


Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss Worksheet Template (cut out)
Little Boy/Girl Question Template
Index Cards (number on each #1-10)


Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss (Book)

Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss

______________ has __________ red apples up on top.

Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss

______________ has __________ red apples up on top.

Completed Example

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