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Ryne D. Yates


Ms. Lynn Raymond


September 16 2015
The Social Media Impact

Like many others, I received my first cell phone when I was in the sixth grade. At that
time, I had no idea that the cell phone would be as popular and useful as it is now. I was given a
flip phone which was considered fancy back then and now we have come to a time where it is all
about touch screen phones. With the progression of the cellphone, also comes the progression of
the texting language, Texting language refers to the acronyms of words such as, got to go or
abbreviated/as, "Gtg", and so on. Before cell phones, I considered myself a pretty darn good
d did not take any shortcuts except when taking notes. Now, I have found that I have
orne lazier due to the texting language throughout my writing always using the shortcuts.
Social media has also played a huge role in shaping my literacy narrative. It has played
the good and bad role in doing so. When using social media, you have to be very careful in what
you post because everyone in the world can see it. Knowing this, it causes me to be sure and


- Wish


double check everything before I post it to make sure 'there are no mistakes so I do not look


dumb or illiterate. Another example that social media has had a good impact on my literacy
narrative is that it helps expand my knowledge. It does this by giving me up to date news on
Twitter since I use that instead of watching the news on television. If not for Twitter, I would
probably not know what in the world was happening in the world. That is just a couple of many
reasons I could list as to way social media has had a good role in shaping my literacy narrative.

On the contrary, social media has also had a negative effect on my literacy narrative. For

instance, Twitter has a limit of oas httflarea-and forty characters, if you exceed this limit you will
not be able to post what you have written until you hit that mark. Due to this, if you hav
something you want to say but it does not fit in the character limit you must abbreviate words.
While this may not seem like much of a big deal, once you start doing it a lot it becomes more of
a habit and I can see it being reflected in my writing sometimes. Another example of a negative
influence would be apps such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook distracting me from my work.
I often find myself checking these during class when I should really be listening and learning
because I do not know if I am missing something important. These are just a few examples as to
why social media has had a negative effect on my literacy narrative as well.

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