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Trip To The
Tim Wilson

The purpose of the backpacking trip is to take
my group of 10 high school students and
another leader on a trip to expose them to the
high peaks region of the Adirondack

Give them basic backpacking skills
Learn how to camp without the ameni@es of
running water and ushing toilets
Give them the opportunity to learn how to
cook with backpacking stoves

To have complete the trip without injuries
To complete the trip as planed
For every on to have FUN!!

We will have two leaders on this trip. Myself
and one other, we will both be trained in C.P.R
rst aid and we both have plenty of
experience in backpacking.

Rentals Needed
We will have to rent a few things that we need
will need 5 tents
a water purier
We will need a second backpacking stove
We will need two bear canisters for are garbage
We will need to rent a 15 passenger van with a small
U-Haul trailer for all of are gear
We also have to get 3 hotel rooms for the drive back
Also we will need to rent a camp site for the rst night
we are there

Permits needed
We will have to get a permit from the forest
ranger in the Adirondack area to meet the
standards set by New York state law.

Grocery list
We will buy 20 bags of freeze dried food for us
to eat for dinner-$135
We will buy 5 boxes of oatmeal for breakfasts-
We will need 5 boxes of granola bars for
snacks well we are on the trail-$15
I will bring my pot to boil water

Cost per person

To be able to make this trip happen we are
going to have to charge each person traveling
on the trip a total of $62.

DAY 1- we will leave from the high school at 6:00
am and drive in a 15 passenger van to Sharp
bridge campsite wear we will stay in a state run
campground for the night
DAY 2- we will drive the van to the parking area
in the mount van Hoevenbuerg sports facility and
take the 8 mile hike in to wanika falls tent sites
which are primi@ve sites which is just spots along
the trail that is ok to camp at

DAY 3- We will get up at sunrise and con@nue
hiking as we plan to hike along the trail for 12
miles @ll we get to the cold river camp site
another primi@ve camp site
DAY 4- we will again get a early start as we
will hike another 8 miles to the Newcomb lake
camp site

DAY 5- We will hike for 8 miles @ll we get to
the Blue ridge road camp site
DAY 6- We again get an early start and hike for
12 miles arriving at the lake Colden east shore
DAY 7- This will be the groups easiest day on
the trail as we only hike for 6 miles back to the
wanika falls tent sites

DAY 8- We get a early start back to the van as
it is an 8 mile hike back to the mount van
Hoevenbuerg sports facility we will then drive
to Allentown Pennsylvania where will stop at
a hotel for the night
DAY 9- We will leave Allentown around 10:00
and drive the rest of the way back to Jeerson
High School which we plan on arriving at 1:00
in the acernoon

Travel map

Map of Hike


Equipment List For Adirondack Backpacking Trip

An external or internal Framed backpack
A sleeping bag (the lighter in weight the beger)
A foam sleeping pad (not required but highly recommended)
Water proof hiking boots
A water bogle
Non cogon clothing (performance materiel like under amour)
Thick boot socks (mul@ple pare)
Rain jacket
Fleece jacket
Light weight shoes to wear around the campsite
A set of plas@c utensils
A backpack cover for rain
First aid kit
Any prescrip@on medicine that is prescribed to you
Tooth brush, deodorant, toilet paper
Things Not to Bring

Expensive electronics (Cell phones, iPads, laptops, iPods these things can be lec in the van as it will be locked
Illegal Drugs, Tabaco products, alcohol
Any personal belonging that you dont want to possibly lose of get damaged

Waiver form

Wavier Form For Backpacking Trip To The Adirondacks

There is a inherent risk in Backpacking and camping. There is a chance that you may get hurt par@cipa@ng in these ac@vi@es, these injuries could be serious or could lead to death. They
could consist of broken limbs, disloca@on of limbs, burns, heat stroke, frostbite or possible death. Also the decisions made well in the wilderness by the leaders are made with their best
judgment and all hope to keep their par@cipants safe. With reading these risks that are involved with backpacking and camping you are signing that you understand the above risks.

I, understand the risks that come with backpacking and camping

Par@cipants name (printed): ____________________________________________________________

Parent or Guardian (if par@cipant is under 18): __________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _______________

Address: _____________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip:

______________________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ In case of emergency please contact:

______________________________________ Phone: _______________________

(Y/N) I carry medical insurance. Provider: _______________________________________ Group No._________________ (Y/N) I do not have any medical condi@on that would prevent
our par@cipa@on in this ac@vity.

Do you have any allergies we need to know about:

Do you have any prescrip@on medicine that you will be taking with you:

Works Cited

ADK Trail Map. (2014). Interac(ve map. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

Expedia. (2014). Hotel. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from hgp://

Lower gear. (2014). Browse rental gear. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

New York State Department of Environmental Conserva@on. (2014). Camp. Retrieved November
17, 2014, from hgp://

Next Car Rental. (2014). Reserva(ons. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

Peak Adventures. (2014). Acknowledgement OF Risk For Backpacking, Camping, and Hiking.
Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

U haul. (2014). Trailers and Towing. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from

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